Euthanasia of animals Warsaw. Euthanasia of animals at home exhibition

Put a Warsaw dog to sleep

Put a dog to sleep at home on Varshavskaya

Euthanasia of a dog

In nature, a suffering animal dies naturally. Often, the owners, without knowing it, act more cruelly with their pet - prolonging its torment.

If you decide euthanize a dog at home

We can also euthanize the dog in the clinic.

Of course, if a dog can be cured, it is necessary to fight for its life!

But there are a number of indications when you should think about euthanizing a dog:

  • constant cramps;
  • coma;
  • dog aggression towards family members;
  • pain that cannot be relieved with medications - associated with chronic diseases and age.
  • the dog is unable to move, defecation occurs "under itself"

Veterinary clinic on Varshavskaya

Put a dog to sleep price from 1500 rubles.

Putting a Warsaw cat to sleep

Put a cat to sleep at home on Varshavskaya

Euthanasia of a cat- a humane measure to get rid of the suffering of your four-legged friend.

In nature, a suffering animal dies naturally. Often, owners, without knowing it, act more cruelly to their pet - prolonging its suffering.

If you decide euthanize a cat at home - now there is no need to take the animal to the veterinary clinic for this procedure. You can call a veterinarian at home and our specialist will come to you as soon as possible.

We can also euthanize the cat in the clinic.

But there are a number of indications when you should think about euthanizing a cat:

  • constant cramps;
  • coma;
  • pet aggression on family members;
  • pain that cannot be relieved with medications - associated with chronic diseases or age.
  • the cat is unable to move, defecation occurs "under itself"

Veterinary clinic on Varshavskaya works around the clock, 24 hours

To euthanize a cat price from 1000 rubles.

Put a rat to sleep Varshavskaya

Put a rat to sleep at home on Varshavskaya

Putting a rat to sleep- a humane measure to relieve your pet from suffering.

In nature, suffering rats die naturally. Often, the owners, without knowing it, act more cruelly with their pet - prolonging its torment.

If you decide euthanize a rat at home - now there is no need to take the animal to the veterinary clinic for this procedure. You can call a veterinarian at home and our specialist will come to you as soon as possible.

We can also euthanize a rat in a clinic.

Of course, if an animal can be cured, it is necessary to fight for its life!

But there are a number of indications when you should think about euthanizing a rat:

  • the rat suffers from constant convulsions;
  • the rat is in a comatose state;
  • rat aggression towards family members;
  • pain that cannot be relieved with medications - associated with chronic diseases or age.
  • the rat is unable to move, defecation occurs "under itself"

Veterinary hospital on Varshavskaya works around the clock, 24 hours

Put a rat to sleep price from 800 rubles.

Veterinary Clinic Exhibition

Euthanasia of dogs and cats at home

Euthanasia - humane relief from suffering

It can be very difficult for owners to decide to euthanize a pet, but the reality is that most pets are not long-lived - rodents live no more than 6 years, and for dogs and cats, life expectancy varies from 7.5 to 20-25 years. Owners worry about their pets, and those who love animals cannot escape the inevitable loss of a close four-legged friend.

All living creatures experience old age with difficulty; diseases arise, sometimes very severe ones, causing terrible pain to the animal. When the future life of a pet turns into unbearable torment, it is worth thinking about euthanasia, which will save the unfortunate person from suffering. Modern medicine has developed new ways to euthanize animals at home; they are highly effective, act instantly, and preliminary anesthesia of the animal will prevent pain.

When should you resort to euthanasia? It is recommended to euthanize an animal if:

  • multiple severe burns;
  • congenital developmental pathologies, severe physical suffering for the pet.
  • irreversible significant loss of muscle mass;
  • the animal refuses to eat;
  • the pet is no longer able to eat or drink;
  • paralysis of limbs or multiple severe fractures;
  • the animal has a disease that cannot be treated;

Sometimes euthanasia can be resorted to when an animal shows increased aggressiveness towards family members, its behavior cannot be corrected, or under other special circumstances.

Euthanasia of pets is available in every district of Moscow - in the North-East Administrative District, South-Eastern Administrative District, North-East Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District, Central Administrative District, Southern Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District, ZAO, Northern Administrative District, North-Western Administrative District and North-Western Administrative District.

Services of the Veterinary Clinic Vystavochnaya

  • Sterilization of cats
  • Castration of a cat
  • Calling a veterinarian to your home
  • Euthanasia of animals at home
  • Dog sterilization
  • Animal cremation
  • Veterinary clinic for a parrot
  • Gastroscopy in dogs
  • Ratologist around the clock
  • Veterinarian consultations
  • Putting an old cat to sleep
  • Euthanasia of dogs at home with removal
  • Veterinary care at home
  • Individual pet cremation
  • Overexposure at the veterinary clinic
  • Dental prosthetics for dogs
  • Biochemical analysis in dogs
  • Euthanasia of an animal at home

Vaccination of cats and dogs Warsaw

Vaccination livelytnykh Varshavskaya preventive measure to protect your pet from the most common diseases ( rabies, leptospirosis, chlamydia).

The most common animal vaccines are:

  • Eurikan - vaccine for dogs
  • Quadricat - vaccine for cats

Animal Clinic Veterinary HospitalsA provides services for Vaccination of cats and dogs at home.

Vaccination of cats price from 800 rub.

Ultrasound of cats and dogs Varshavskaya

Ultrasound of an animal Warsaw- used to identify diseases of the animal's internal organs using ultrasonic waves.

Using ultrasound you can diagnose:

  • animal pregnancy
  • abdominal tumors
  • chronic diseases
  • heart diseases, etc.

Animal Clinic Veterinary Hospital provides a service Ultrasound for cats and dogs at home.

Ultrasound for a cat price from 500 rubles.

Biochemical blood test for cats and dogs Varshavskaya

Biochemical blood test of an animal Varshavskaya

- This is a research method that reflects the functional state of organs and systems of the body.

A biochemical blood test allows:

  • make a final diagnosis
  • identify the disease at a pre-clinical stage
  • determine the prognosis and course, as well as the further development of the disease.

And other diseases of your pet

Animal Clinic Veterinary Hospital carries out cat blood test at home

Cat blood test from 600 rub.

General clinical analysis Varshavskaya

General blood test of the animal Varshavskaya

- a research method that can tell about the state of health of an animal and can identify diseases of a cat or dog that occur hidden.

A general blood test of an animal allows:

  • determine the severity of the current disease
  • adjust treatment
  • predict the outcome of the pathology.

Animal Clinic Veterinary HospitalsA provides a service General blood test for cats and dogs at home

General blood test for a cat from 500 rub.

Castration of an animal Warsaw veterinary surgery for removing genital organs from an animal:

  • oophorectomy- removal of ovaries
  • ovariohysterectomy- removal of the ovaries and uterus

In castrated cats, sexual symptoms end.

Animal Clinic Veterinary Hospital provides services for castration of cats and dogs at home.

Castration of cats price from 1200 rub.

Sterilization of cats and dogs Warsaw

Animal sterilization Warsaw surgical manipulation as a result of which animals lose the ability to reproduce. After sterilization, the pet still has normal sexual desire and the ability to mate, but it cannot bear offspring.

Animal Clinic Veterinary Hospital provides services for sterilization of cats and dogs at home.

Sterilization of cats price from 1900 rub.

Ear cleaning for cats and dogs Warsaw

Animal ear cleaning Warsaw

The accumulation of sulfuric matter with dust in the auricle creates a favorable environment for the development of otitis media, mite infestation and other unpleasant diseases.

Animal Clinic Veterinary Hospital provides a service cleaning cats and dogs ears at home.

Ear cleaning price from 350 rub.

Nail trimming for cats and dogs Warsaw

Trimming the claws of cats and dogs Warsaw

Animals with long claws spoil the interior decoration of the apartment and furniture, and the claws can grow into the pads of their paws

Animal Clinic Veterinary Hospital provides a serviceTrimming nails of cats and dogs at home.

Euthanasia or euthanasia of an animal - This is a painless end to the life of an animal suffering from an incurable disease and experiencing unbearable suffering.

This is always a painful and difficult decision for any owner. Pets are full members of the family, and when their condition leaves no other choice, the decision to end their life falls on the shoulders of the owners.

The veterinarian cannot make this decision for the animal owner, but can help by explaining the severity and prognosis of the animal's disease, talking about all possible treatment options. It is important to weigh the pros and cons and understand that such a measure is really necessary.

In what cases is euthanasia necessary?

  • Incurable diseases that cause suffering to the animal that cannot be alleviated, with no prospect of recovery. These are the last stages of cancer, metastases that do not make it possible to alleviate the pet’s existence in any other way, chronic pathologies that cause intoxication.
  • Injuries or congenital pathologies incompatible with life. A fall from a great height, an accident, injuries received in fights with other animals, all of this can cause injuries that are incompatible with life. You need to understand that, even with very serious injuries, in some situations it remains possible to help your pet. Your four-legged pet, even if it remains disabled, will still bring you joy.
  • Severe infectious diseases that are incurable or threaten the health and life of family members.
  • Uncontrollable aggressive behavior of a pet that threatens the lives of others and cannot be trained. This is especially true in situations where the animal has caused severe damage to its owner or other people.

How does euthanasia occur?

The key point in euthanasia is the painless end of life. All drugs and the sequence of their administration are based on allowing the animal to die without pain and suffering, in its sleep. In our clinic, you can be sure that the animal will be euthanized according to modern protocols, using modern drugs.

The process consists of two stages: Putting you to sleep using anesthesia, and then injecting a drug that stops the heart.

  1. First, the doctor administers anesthesia. The central nervous system turns off, and within a couple of minutes the pet falls asleep. The veterinarian makes sure that there are no basic reflexes and reports that the owner can say goodbye to the pet.
  2. The doctor then injects the drug, after which the heart stops. The doctor declares biological death.

After the pet's suffering is over, the owners and the veterinarian decide to cremate the animal's body. The owner also has the right to take the body of his pet with him, but it is worth remembering that burying animals outside special burial grounds is legally illegal in our state.