Ultrasonic teeth cleaning at home. What you didn’t know about ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, but wanted to hear

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning allows you to remove deposits and microbial plaque, which provokes the development of caries and gingivitis. Professional cleaning at the Zub.ru clinic is very effective due to the fact that mechanical action is combined with the influence of ultrasonic vibrations, which affect plaque and destroy it.

Indications and consequences

The advantages of this method of professional hygiene are its relative simplicity and low cost.

  • Before oral surgery
  • Before implantation
  • Before prosthetics
  • Before installing braces


Ultrasound is not always effective enough against tartar. Sometimes several scrubbing sessions or another method of removing deposits are required to combat hard deposits.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity and thinned enamel.

Many people worry about how often they can do ultrasonic cleansing. The standard recommendation is to repeat the procedure every 3-6 months (you can get more specific instructions from your doctor or hygienist.

Daily oral care procedures help cleanse the enamel of bacterial plaque, but do not prevent the formation of hard deposits.

It is impossible to get rid of such tartar at home; this requires the intervention of a dentist.

Among the variety of methods of professional teeth cleaning in a dental office, a procedure using ultrasound is distinguished. It is highly effective and safe for enamel.

However, this procedure has many contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before deciding to undergo it.

For professional teeth cleaning, a special device is used that activates high-frequency ultrasonic waves - a scaler. Thanks to the adjustable frequency range, damage to the enamel is absolutely eliminated.

At the same time, vibrating vibrations contribute to the loosening of soft and hard dental plaque and its complete elimination both from the surface of the enamel and from the area of ​​periodontal pockets.

In addition to removing deposits, ultrasonic teeth cleaning effectively removes pigmented areas of dentin, resulting in lightening of crowns by 1-2 tones.


Despite the safety of the ultrasonic cleaning procedure, its implementation has a significant list of contraindications. Some of them can be eliminated with certain treatments, but there are a number of reasons why patients will have to choose a different method of plaque removal.

Relative contraindications include patient conditions in which the procedure is undesirable, but can be performed with the permission of the attending physician or after eliminating pathologies that do not allow the procedure.

Relative contraindications to ultrasonic teeth cleaning:

  1. Presence of acute respiratory viral infections. A weakened immune system of the body during colds can lead to infection of periodontal tissues in the presence of damaged areas.
  2. Inflammatory processes on the oral mucosa. Ultrasonic vibrations produced by the device increase bleeding and swelling of the gums.
  3. Diabetes mellitus in the acute phase. During this period, there is a possibility of injury to the gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, which will last for a long time. Therefore, in order to prevent the risk of complications, ultrasonic teeth cleaning should be postponed until the glucose level returns to normal.
  4. Neoplasms in the oral cavity. Exposure to ultrasonic vibrations can lead to rapid growth of tumor cells and the possibility of their modification.
  5. Stomatitis. Additional intervention during the course of the disease contributes to the formation of new aphthae and the transition of stomatitis to the chronic stage of its course.
  6. High sensitivity of enamel. Ultrasonic waves help not only remove plaque from the enamel surface, but also eliminate pigmented areas and pathogenic microorganisms from the pores. This can lead to increased soreness and sensitivity to temperatures.
  7. Undergoing immunosuppressive therapy using corticosteroid and immunosuppressive drugs.


Absolute contraindications include circumstances in which a certain procedure is strictly prohibited.

The absolute limitations for ultrasonic teeth cleaning include the following:

  1. Childhood and adolescence. In patients with mixed dentition, the enamel is not sufficiently formed, so cleaning with a device that generates ultrasonic waves can damage it.

    To remove soft and hard deposits, dentists recommend using a mechanical cleaning method for children. Ultrasonic plaque removal is permitted two years after the eruption of the last permanent crown.

  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. The ultrasonic waves generated by the scaler can cause short-term disturbances in heart rhythm.
  3. An installed device for stabilizing heart rhythm. Ultrasonic waves used to remove plaque can cause vibrations that are transmitted throughout the body. As a result, the pacemaker may break or malfunction.
  4. Bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis. When brushing your teeth with an ultrasonic scaler, vasoconstriction occurs, which can lead to spasms and attacks of asphyxia.
  5. Severe tuberculosis and hepatitis, the presence of HIV infection. These diseases are characterized by a severe decrease in the immune system and the possibility of infecting other people, so the use of ultrasonic cleaning is unacceptable.
  6. Blood clotting disorder. With this pathology, minor damage to the integrity of the gums can lead to severe bleeding, which will be difficult to stop.
  7. Pathologies of nasal breathing. If a person cannot breathe fully through his nose, he needs to consult a dentist and find another way to remove plaque from the surface of the teeth.
  8. Epilepsy. Ultrasound waves can provoke an epileptic attack in people suffering from this disease.
  9. Malignant tumors. Ultrasonic vibrations can lead to progressive growth and changes in the cells of such neoplasms.

Elimination of pathologies for carrying out

Most of the relative contraindications to ultrasonic teeth cleaning from plaque are short-term in nature. Thus, various viral and colds that occur in the body contribute to a decrease in immunity and create additional cardiac stress.

In severe cases, they take no more than two weeks, after which the body’s strength is restored and the procedure is allowed to be carried out.

Quickly removable contraindications also include mechanical damage to the oral mucosa and most inflammatory processes affecting the gums. As a result of the examination, the dentist will prescribe medications for local treatment, which will quickly get rid of inflammation and restore the microflora of the oral cavity.

In case of diabetes mellitus, in order to avoid complications of the patient’s condition, it is recommended to monitor sugar levels and carry out the procedure when this indicator does not exceed 9 units.

Compatibility of pregnancy with the method

Pregnancy is a relative contraindication for most dental procedures, including ultrasonic teeth cleaning. According to scientific research, the sound waves of the device affect metabolic processes in a woman’s body.

If there is an objective need for ultrasonic cleaning, it is permissible from 4 to 8 months of pregnancy. It should be understood that during this period it is possible to increase the sensitivity of the woman’s body to various external stimuli.

Pregnant women often have problems with loose and soft gums, so cleaning with an ultrasonic scaler can lead to bleeding and soreness.

If a pregnant woman’s diet requires the mandatory consumption of juices, vegetables and fruits with a high content of dyes, ultrasonic cleaning may not be advisable.

The fact is that upon completion, the patient must adhere to a fairly strict white diet for several days.

Therefore, the expectant mother should think about whether it is possible to postpone the procedure for a period when it will not bring additional discomfort.

To learn how ultrasonic teeth cleaning is carried out, its advantages and disadvantages, watch the video.

Cleaning the enamel from plaque and hard deposits, called tartar, is the basis for the prevention of most dental diseases.

In most cases, the usual hygiene procedures using a brush and paste at home are not enough, so it is recommended to carry out professional cleaning from time to time. One method is ultrasonic cleaning.

Despite the undoubted advantages of this technique, it, like many other medical procedures, has a number of contraindications.

For most people, ultrasound exposure to teeth is completely safe and even beneficial., however, some categories of patients should not resort to using ultrasound units with scalers - special tips.

How the procedure is carried out is briefly explained in the following video:


It should be mentioned that the entire list of contraindications can be divided into two large groups, which are associated with the probable possibility of such cleaning of the surface of the teeth. Among them there are some absolute and relative ones.

The difference is that relative ones are temporary, that is, they relate to processes that can be eliminated or stopped. But the absolute ones completely prohibit this procedure, and then the doctor may suggest the use of other methods.


  • Presence of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Exacerbations of diabetes mellitus.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • The presence of neoplasms of any etiology in the mouth, for example, a dental cyst.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Erosion and ulcers on the mucous membrane, not associated with the development of stomatitis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Period of corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy.


All problems associated with disturbances in the functioning of the heart can worsen, because ultrasonic vibrations affect the blood. The work of delicate assistant devices - pacemakers and the like - can also completely go wrong.

Severe viral and infectious diseases themselves negatively affect the functioning of the entire body, so the condition may worsen, which is associated with the acceleration of cell metabolism under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations.

At an age when the dentition is not fully formed - this means the mixed and primary dentition - ultrasound can disrupt the process of bone growth and negatively affect metabolism.

Elimination of relative prohibitions on the procedure

First of all, it is worth saying that during pregnancy, the procedure is included in the list only because of the possible increase in the body’s sensitivity to any influences. There is no direct data on the negative impact of ultrasonic cleaning, however You should still refrain from this procedure in the first trimester.

Next come viral diseases. This creates an additional load on the heart, so you should first undergo a course of treatment, and after complete recovery, visit the dentist. ARVI and acute respiratory infections usually, even in complex forms, do not last more than two weeks.

The same can be said about any damage to the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. This includes both mechanical injuries and stomatitis, as well as inflammatory processes occurring in the gums during periodontitis and gingivitis. All these diseases can be treated in a fairly short time.

If we talk about diabetes, the procedure is contraindicated only for those whose sugar level is above 9 units. It makes sense to postpone cleaning with ultrasound only until the condition and sugar level are stabilized to normal.

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  • Irina

    November 20, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    I love doing ultrasonic teeth cleaning! It’s good that I don’t have any contraindications to it, otherwise I don’t know how I would live without it. I love the feeling of cleanliness in my mouth, when all my teeth are smooth, without plaque. I do it regularly, once every six months, everything as it should be. I recommend this procedure to everyone. It is not only aimed at aesthetics, but also prevents caries, because it cleans better than just a paste and brush.

  • December 3, 2015 at 3:56 am

    I do ultrasonic teeth cleaning from time to time when I visit the dentist. After examining the oral cavity, she herself offers me such cleaning, according to indications. I can't say that I'm delighted with the procedure. It is painful in places, but quite tolerable, and it doesn’t take long at all! But after cleaning, the gums seem to “breathe.” No toothbrush can give you this feeling of freshness and cleanliness!

  • Irina Semenova

    April 7, 2016 at 11:32 pm

    I recently tried ultrasonic cleaning of my teeth, and was very pleased, the sensations during the procedure were not pleasant, but the way my teeth felt after the procedure cannot be expressed in words, the freshness in my mouth remains throughout the whole day. I’ll be honest, I used to carry a small bottle of mouthwash with me in my purse; I don’t like chewing gum, but three weeks have passed since the procedure and I completely forgot about the mouthwash. I advise you to try it, it’s unlikely that anyone will be dissatisfied, the only thing you need to do is consult with a specialist.

  • Evgeniy

    October 23, 2016 at 4:10 pm

    Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is a vital procedure because... Tartar leads to the formation of caries and other troubles. Personally, this was my first time cleaning before a wedding, for aesthetics! Then I realized the importance of this procedure and use it periodically, especially since I love coffee and smoke, so plaque forms quickly. I feel sorry for people for whom there are restrictions.

  • Lena

    December 27, 2016 at 04:19 pm

    I try to take good care of my teeth, I clean them once a year, I have never had any contraindications to brushing. This year I went to the dentist and it turned out that there were some ulcers, most likely due to a weakened immune system after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection. All the ulcers healed within two weeks and after that I had a cleaning, so there are no big problems here.

It is known that it is necessary to brush and floss your teeth at least 2 times a day, watch your diet and visit the dentist regularly. Ideally, all these measures should ensure the health of our smile, but sometimes they are not enough. Experts note that even if all the rules of oral hygiene are followed, fossilized dental plaque occurs. The most effective method of removing them is ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from tartar.

What is ultrasonic teeth cleaning

No matter how diligently you take care of your teeth, sooner or later you will have to deal with tartar. It is an old deposit on the surface of the enamel, which consists of food debris, dead cells and minerals. First of all tartar forms in the spaces between teeth and under the gums– where deposits are most difficult to remove with a regular brush. But they can be easily removed by ultrasonic brushing of teeth.

Plaque develops much faster in the presence of additional factors:

  • Using a low-quality brush or paste.
  • The predominance of soft food in the diet.
  • Chewing food with only one side of the jaw.
  • Violation of the body's salt metabolism.
  • Improper or irregular brushing of teeth.
  • Congenital predisposition in the form of a rougher enamel surface.

There is no doubt which cleaning of teeth from stone is better, because the ultrasonic method has long supplanted the others. It is carried out using a special device called an ultrasonic scaler. The device supplies a directed stream of water to the enamel surface, and a special nozzle creates vibrations in the ultrasonic range. In just a minute, it makes about 100 thousand movements in different directions, thanks to which it carefully removes plaque even in the most difficult to reach areas.

Ultrasonic cleaning of tartar and plaque has given rise to other areas and research in aesthetic dentistry. Largely thanks to her, gentle teeth whitening Air Flow appeared and became popular, which in its action resembles ultrasonic plaque removal.

Benefits of ultrasonic teeth cleaning from tartar

Ultrasonic cleaning appeared in dentistry as a replacement for more dangerous methods of removing tartar. Previously, mechanical cleaning was widely used, during which deposits were scraped off the teeth with a special instrument. It is easy to imagine how harmful and dangerous this procedure is. The damage to the enamel was noticeable.

Ultrasound has been used in dentistry recently, but cleaning has already replaced older methods, because it has a large number of advantages:

  • The scaler and its attachment do not come into contact with the enamel, but act at a distance, which prevents mechanical damage.
  • Brushing not only removes plaque, but also makes teeth whiter.
  • The effect of the procedure is long-term: Cleaning should be repeated no more than 1-2 times a year.
  • It is possible to remove plaque even in the most difficult to reach areas.
  • During the cleaning process, oxygen is released, and it has an antiseptic effect.
  • The procedure lasts no more than one hour.
  • Ultrasonic teeth cleaning has contraindications, but not as many as mechanical removal of fossilized plaque.
  • After the procedure there is no recovery period during which other dental interventions are prohibited.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic teeth cleaning

The list of advantages turned out to be impressive, but still this procedure is not ideal. The method also has its disadvantages:

  • Despite the general painlessness, many patients report discomfort due to the strong pressure of the water.
  • The cost of the procedure is not the most affordable.
  • If cleaning is done incorrectly, serious harm can be caused to your gums.
  • Cleaning should not be repeated more often than once every 6 months, otherwise the sensitivity of the soft tissues will increase.

In defense of professional ultrasonic teeth cleaning, it is worth adding that many disadvantages apply not only to this procedure, but also to many other aesthetic dentistry services. All of them should be performed only by specialists and should not be abused. Judging by reviews on various resources, The only serious disadvantage of ultrasonic cleaning is its high price.

How to carry out the ultrasonic cleaning procedure

Few people fully understand what ultrasonic teeth cleaning is and how it happens. Usually it is not carried out when you first visit the dentist. First, the dentist will do a full examination of the oral cavity and conduct a survey, during which it may turn out that the procedure is completely contraindicated for you.

If everything is in order, cleaning can be done on the first day of treatment. First, if the patient so desires, an anesthetic injection is given in the gum area. In most cases, this is not at all necessary, because the procedure is not very painful. Anesthesia is required only for people with increased sensitivity or special indications for it.

Then the preparation begins. The patient is given safety glasses. A latch is inserted into the mouth, which holds it in the open position for a long time. Then a “saliva ejector” tube is installed, which will also remove excess water.

The teeth are treated one by one with a scaler, each one taking at least one minute. The spaces between the teeth are given more time; sometimes strips or cavities covered with an abrasive material are used to clean them.

When all the teeth are cleaned with a scaler, the procedure can be considered complete, but in a good clinic they additionally do enamel polishing and fluoridation, which are already included in the full price of the service. All this allows you to repeat professional cleaning less often.

Contraindications to ultrasonic teeth cleaning

Like any other dental procedure, ultrasonic cleaning has its contraindications:

  • All diseases of internal organs, especially the cardiovascular system.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Inflammatory processes and damage to teeth or gums.
  • Increased sensitivity of enamel and mucous membranes.
  • The presence of removable or fixed dentures, since ultrasound cleaning of teeth can damage them.
  • Serious infectious or viral diseases.
  • Respiratory diseases such as asthma or bronchitis.
  • Return of a patient under 18 years of age.
  • Pregnancy and the first six months of breastfeeding.

Some of these contraindications, for example, exacerbations of diseases, are not considered absolute. It is enough to simply reschedule the procedure for a more appropriate time when you feel better.

Is ultrasonic teeth cleaning harmful, how often can it be done?

Even ultrasonic teeth cleaning can be harmful if it is overused. It is worth cleaning the enamel at least once a year. An interval between procedures of 6 months is simply ideal; it is no longer worth doing it more often.

Too frequent ultrasound cleaning leads to increased sensitivity and inflammation of the gums. Another repeated procedure causes more discomfort if the correct interval between visits to the dentist was not observed.

To prolong the effect of ultrasound and use it less often, you should include more solid foods, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, brush your teeth after every meal, use not only a brush and toothpaste, but also floss and mouthwash. It's even better if all of these methods are included in your daily oral care routine.

Polishing and fluoridation of enamel will also allow you to return to the dentist’s office less often for specialized enamel cleaning. Polishing should be done every time, and it is better to skip fluoridation sometimes.

How much does ultrasonic teeth cleaning cost?

The main disadvantage of ultrasonic teeth cleaning is the price. It is usually calculated based on the number of teeth that require cleaning. If we are talking about a preventive procedure, then its cost is already fixed: in Moscow and St. Petersburg the service costs at least 4–5 thousand rubles, in smaller cities it costs much less, but in them it is more difficult to find a suitable clinic.

If you care about your dental health, you should include this service in your regular dental procedures. You can do ultrasonic teeth cleaning not very often: only once a year – but this will be enough to protect yourself in the future from a number of problems with your smile and the costs of their treatment.