Prosthetic treatment of missing teeth. Which dentures are best to choose in case of complete absence of teeth: options for jaw prosthetics

Adentia is a pathological condition in which all teeth are missing in the oral cavity. The loss can be primary (congenital) or secondary.

In the first case, the cause is deviations in embryonic development (genetic disorders), in the second - complex injuries and complications of dental diseases. Risk factor is old age (after 60 years).

This clinical diagnosis affects both the health of the body and the aesthetic appearance of the face. Today, in medical centers, a professional doctor can provide assistance and provide good prosthetics for both an individual tooth and the entire jaw.

Complete dental prosthetics in modern dentistry are divided into two main types:

  1. Fixed. The implant is permanently attached with cementing materials, and the patient wears it constantly.
  2. Removable. The system is a structure that can be removed at any time without professional equipment.

The patient himself decides which option is preferable for him. In order to evaluate which prosthetic treatment is a priority in the case of complete absence of teeth, it is necessary to consider the entire range of proposed alternatives.

Fixed dentures

They are divided into several subspecies:

  • Implantation. A special rod is inserted into the jaw bone - an artificial root of the tooth being installed.

This procedure is rarely used, since certain conditions are necessary for its implementation: firstly, a sufficient amount of bone tissue (basal layer), and secondly, a course of nerves that does not interfere with the installation of the rod.

  • Complete denture fixed on implants (bridge). Several (4 or more) metal-ceramic implants are installed in the jawbone, to which the prosthesis is attached.
  • Basal implantation. The orthopedic structure is fixed in the deep part of the bone, which allows the procedure to be carried out in atrophied tissues.

Read also:

Types of glue for fixing dentures

They are attached due to the suction force of their base to the tissues of the oral cavity. In the lower jaw, conditions for fixation are worse, and therefore the use of such structures there is inconvenient.

The most common prostheses are:

  • Made from acrylic plastics.
  • Nylon.
  • Supported by a dental implant (push-button or beam fastening).
  • New generation (without palate).
  • "Sandwich"

Plastic dentures

A simple and inexpensive way to restore a full smile if you are edentulous. The design is an imitation of the dentition.

Soft designs

Diverse composition:

  • Nylon.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Heat treated plastic.

The most common type is nylon.

Implant-supported dentures

The above orthopedic structures come into contact with the oral mucosa, which leads to its irritation, causing discomfort to the patient. A more rational way is to install a prosthesis on an implant. This can be done in two ways:

The prosthesis, which contains a silicone matrix (retainer), is supported by 2-4 mini-implants. Locators are screwed into them (ball-shaped fastening).

  • With beam type mounting

The body of the prosthesis, containing a plastic matrix, is installed between 2-3 titanium structures.

Clasp dentures

This is an orthopedic design in which the chewing load is distributed onto a support implanted in advance and onto the mucous membrane of the palate using an arch. Clasp dentures are installed with one of the types of fastening:

  • Clasp (use metal hooks).
  • Using attachments (micro-locks).
  • Installation on a telescopic crown.

Layer structure: implant, primary crown, prosthesis, secondary crown.

New generation dentures (without palate)

The main disadvantage of the above orthopedic structures is irritation of the oral mucosa.

Today, dentistry offers the following innovative dentures for complete absence of teeth:

  1. Acrylic.
  2. Nylon.
  3. Bugelny.

The first three are similar to the above-mentioned prostheses. The only difference is the absence of pressure on the palatal surface.

The system is made of nylon-based plastic, processed at high temperatures.

Quattro Ti develops both removable and non-removable modifications.

Artificial implants and gums should be fixed to your own or newly created teeth with soft transparent hooks.

  1. "Sandwich"

Variation of conditionally removable prosthetics. The structure is securely attached to two natural teeth or implants using snap fasteners.

Does this mean that innovative ones are the best dentures? Let's weigh all the pros and cons.

Technologies for installing prostheses

The main methods of fixing dentures on toothless jaws are divided into:

  • Mechanical. The oldest fastening method. Initially, wire was used (in Ancient Egypt) or gold plate and spiral springs of Fauchard (19-20 centuries). They have a number of disadvantages, so today they are rarely used (for jaw defects due to trauma or after extensive surgery).
  • Physical. Includes two main ones:
  1. Based on adhesion (sticking of the surfaces of two contacting objects) and cohesion (intermolecular attraction within a physical body). A custom-made partial or complete denture is placed on the jaw so that there is a gap filled with saliva between it and the mucosa. Adhesion and cohesion ensure that the structure is firmly attached.
  2. Magnetic method:
  3. a) With surgical access: one magnet is inserted under the periosteum of the jaw, the second - into the prosthesis.
  4. b) Without surgical intervention: two magnets of the same name are built into the dentures of each jaw. During the act of chewing, the upper and lower teeth come into contact, the magnets are repelled and the system is pressed against its bed.
  • Biophysical. The essence of the method: a valve is placed between the prosthesis and the movable mucosa; when the structure is put on, air comes out from under its base, the resulting vacuum helps the system “suction” to the surface of the oral cavity.

There are additional methods that serve as auxiliaries for greater efficiency of the main methods of fixing prostheses; they are also used during the preparation of the oral cavity for orthopedic treatment:

  • Biomechanical. They imply fastening using subperiosteal and intraosseous implants or anatomical retention.

REFERENCE! Anatomical retention is a way of holding the prosthesis by natural formations: the arch of the hard palate, alveolar ridges, teeth, maxillary tuberosities.

Cost and service life

The choice of any service also depends on how much a person can pay for it. To summarize which prostheses are better, it is necessary to compare the price indicator and guaranteed service life.

Types of prosthetics for complete loss of teeth.Average prices (in rubles).Service life.
Implantation One implant 10-15 thousand.About 25-30 years
Complete dentures fixed on implants (bridges). From 100 thousandSee above
Basal implantation. See above
Made from acrylic plastics. 12-20 thousand2-5 years
Nylon (soft). 30-45 thousand3-3.5 years.
Supported by an implant (push-button or beam fastening). 80-150 thousand3 years
About 200 thousand3 years
New generation (no palate). From 40 thousand2-3 years.
"Sandwich" From 60 thousand3-3.5 years

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages, the cost of materials and work, it is not difficult to choose your type of prosthetics.

When restoring chewing function and installing dentures, the presence of natural teeth in the mouth plays an important role. Today, with complete edentia, the choice of prosthetic methods is quite wide. Before deciding on the material and type of products, it is worth finding out all the advantages and disadvantages of the available methods for restoring teeth.

The nuances of prosthetics in the absence of teeth

All possible solutions to the problem of complete absence of teeth can be divided into two main groups - removable dentures and implantation. The first and second options have several execution methods. To finally make a choice, it is important to understand what problems dentures are designed to solve, as well as take into account lifestyle, financial capabilities, etc.

Fixed prosthetics

To solve the problem of missing teeth once and for all and make your smile as natural as possible, you should consider implantation. The advantages of the procedure are the aesthetic appearance of artificial teeth, comfort while eating, no need to remove the structure for cleaning, etc. The implants “sit” firmly in the bone tissue, so there is no danger that the jaw will fall out of the mouth.


Often, a completely edentulous patient wishes to have all teeth implanted. To do this, an artificial root is implanted into the upper and lower jaw in place of each missing tooth, then an abutment is put on it and a crown is fixed. This procedure is fraught with some difficulties:

  • If tooth loss does not occur suddenly, but over time, a lack of bone tissue may be observed in areas of the jaw. Long absence of a tooth leads to resorption (atrophy) of the bone on which it rested. This problem is solved using sinus lift procedures and bone tissue augmentation. However, after this event, at least 6 months must pass before implantation.
  • The implantation procedure is quite complex and involves risks: bleeding, poor engraftment, infection, etc. Installing 28 implants is more traumatic than 2-3.
  • A large number of implants will not be cheap. Often patients, in an effort to reduce costs, ask for 24 rather than 28 teeth.

Before proceeding with dental implantation in the upper jaw, it is recommended not only to take an x-ray, but also to consult an otolaryngologist. This is due to the anatomically close location of the paranasal and infraorbital sinuses with the bone tissue of the jaw. If there is a high probability of septal perforation, it is worth abandoning implants in this area and thinking about other methods of restoring the row.

Using an implant-supported bridge

Today, there is a more affordable method of permanent prosthetics than complete implantation (we recommend reading: how is dental prosthetics carried out in the absence of a large number of teeth?). We are talking about installing a bridge or beam structure supported by implants. This means that much fewer artificial teeth will have to be implanted - from 8 to 14. Bridges and artificial teeth can be made of metal-plastic, metal-plastic or ceramic. There are several execution methods:

  • installation of 8 implants on the upper and lower jaws, which serve as a support for the bridge prosthesis and help to correctly distribute the chewing load;
  • implantation of 4 implants when it is impossible to use more supports.

Removable prosthetics

Today, the level of performance of removable prosthetics allows it to compete with the highest quality fixed prostheses. The main disadvantage of wearing removable appliances is the likelihood of them falling out of your mouth while talking or eating. However, this problem can be solved with high-quality materials, an ideal fit of the prosthesis, and the use of special creams to fix the device.

Acrylic plastic structures

The most affordable and simplest are plate dentures made of acrylic plastic. They are a base that is attached to the gums using a vacuum method, with artificial teeth fixed on it. Such designs can rub soft tissues and do not always stay in place well, since their base is quite hard. In addition, for some people, wearing an upper jaw can cause a gag reflex, since the plastic arch affects the soft palate.

Soft nylon dentures

Soft nylon prostheses, which are comfortable to use and aesthetically pleasing in appearance, are popular. They do not rub the gums and cause almost no discomfort. Nylon products are made of hypoallergenic material that does not contribute to the settling and proliferation of microorganisms. However, due to their softness and significant flexibility, such dentures unevenly distribute the chewing load; the gums take it upon themselves. In this regard, nylon products are not often used: only in patients who are allergic to acrylic, as well as in children for temporary prosthetics.

Structures supported by implanted implants

Removable structures can be used with support from implants. This option is used for severe atrophy of the alveolar processes, when the removable denture is not held on the jaw using the vacuum effect.

You will need few implants - only 4 pieces for both jaws. Sometimes mini-implants are used, the diameter of which is 4 times smaller than usual, and the protruding part has a spherical shape. Such supports are installed relatively quickly, and due to their small diameter they take root better.

Clasp prosthetics

To install clasp structures, which are a metal frame with artificial teeth fixed on it, support is required. It can be represented by natural teeth or implants, to which the product is attached. The metal base is covered with a material that imitates gum, and the teeth are made of ceramic or composite.

Clasp dentures are considered one of the best and most physiological, and also have an excellent appearance. They are fixed in the oral cavity using several types of fastenings:

Is it possible to use dentures without a palate?

Most removable dentures for the upper jaw cover the palate. This is a significant drawback, it is fraught with the following inconveniences:

  • violation of diction;
  • blocking a large number of taste buds, which leads to a change in taste and loss of pleasure from food;
  • in some people, a foreign body affecting the soft palate causes a gag reflex;
  • sometimes salivation is impaired;
  • the tongue lacks space, causing chafing and microtraumas to appear.

Many new generation designs are made without a sky. Among them are clasp ones, as well as nylon ones (Quadrotti). Such devices have a connecting plane between the two sides of the row - metal or nylon, but it is thin and does not overlap the main part of the arch. Both types of prostheses without a palate are not budget-friendly, but their cost is quite justified.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of prosthetics

Before finally choosing a prosthetic method, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. It is important to determine what the main purpose of tooth replacement is - aesthetics, good functionality, ease of use, and also to assess your financial capabilities. It is difficult to definitively answer the question of which prostheses are better. Almost any type of structure has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them using a table.

Type of prostheticsAdvantagesFlaws
Full implantationAesthetics, comfort during conversation, eating. Implants do not rub soft tissues and do not tend to fall out of the mouth. They do not require special care.High cost, the need for preliminary bone tissue augmentation, and traumatic.
Implant-supported bridgesRelatively aesthetic appearance, do not require regular relining, dentures are firmly held in place.High cost, although lower than full implantation.
Removable nylon denturesThe translucent and flexible material is comfortable to use and has a natural appearance. There are new generation designs without a sky.They are short-lived and quite expensive. The chewing load is unevenly distributed. More often used as a temporary option.
Clasp designsThey are the most physiological, easy to use, and distribute the load correctly.They are not budget-friendly and require prior implantation.
Lamellar denturesAffordable, they cope with the main task.They cover the palate and rub due to inelasticity. They may fall out of the mouth and require regular relining.

Missing teeth is a serious problem that requires an immediate, competent solution. It doesn’t matter why you lost your teeth: due to injury or illness, the function of the jaws needs to be restored, and as quickly as possible, as this can lead to many complications. How is dental prosthetics performed in the upper jaw with complete edentia?

Removable products for the upper jaw have the following peculiarities:

  • thanks to the additional support point (palate), the prosthesis is firmly fixed in the oral cavity,
  • in the process of choosing a prosthetic method and manufacturing the structure, usually no difficulties arise, since the upper jaw has a large area for placing and fixing the product,
  • easy to use,
  • the product does not move while eating,
  • the prosthesis is invisible to others,
  • partial dentures evenly distribute the load without damaging the supporting teeth,
  • even if the patient does not have a single tooth left in the upper jaw, removable structures can fully restore the chewing function of the jaw.

Suction cup dentures

Suction cup dentures are a popular method of prosthetics for completely edentulous patients.

Prosthetics of the upper jaw can be carried out using conditionally removable structures. A complete removable denture is fixed in the mouth, supported by the gum line and palate. Often prosthetics of the upper jaw are carried out using suction cup dentures, which come in several types:

  • Acrylic products

The prosthesis has a special silicone insert, which is located between the base and the gums. It acts as a shock absorber - it distributes the load when chewing food. But acrylic tends to accumulate plaque and absorb odors, since it is a porous material. In addition, specialists try to rarely use it, since with prolonged use, many patients develop allergies and prosthetic stomatitis.

Nylon is an elastic material, it does not absorb moisture and is not prone to plaque accumulation if properly cared for. Such dentures are very flexible, adhere well to the palate and are able to withstand fairly high chewing loads.

  • Polyurethane structures

This is also a good material, it is non-hygroscopic, holds well and is affordable.

Expert opinion. Dentist Zubritsky O.A.: “The basis of this design completely follows the shape of the sky, all its irregularities and curves, the color of the material is natural with a pinkish tint. The product is attached to the mucous membrane due to the vacuum effect, as if sticking to it. Over the history of their existence, suction cup prostheses have gone through a large number of changes; new flexible materials began to be used for their manufacture. All this made the design as convenient and comfortable to wear as possible.”

But it should also be taken into account flaws these prostheses:

Clasp dentures

A clasp denture can be used to restore the upper jaw in the absence of teeth. This is a modern design consisting of a metal arch to which artificial teeth are attached. To restore the dentition in the complete absence of teeth, implantation of implants is necessary to fix the clasp structure (read more about prosthetics on implants). There are several methods fixation of clasp products in the oral cavity:

  • clasp type fastening,
  • fixation with micro-locks,
  • using telescopic crowns.

When making a structure for the upper jaw, a special bridge is provided in it, which connects the side parts and makes the chewing load more physiological and natural. There are several types of arch for clasp dentures:

  • Ring

This is a fairly rigid structure; it consists of two narrow strips adjacent to the anterior and posterior sections of the palate. The use of a ring arch is possible only if there are no changes in the bone tissue.

It is used for prosthetics for patients with an increased gag reflex, a flat palate and weakly defined alveolar processes. This arch shape ensures even distribution of the load during chewing.

  • Reminiscent in shape cross stripe.

Clasp dentures have many benefits:

  • the base of the product does not completely cover the palate (this is important, since the palate contains a large number of taste buds),
  • there is no distortion of diction,
  • uniform distribution of load on the gums,
  • do not cause the development of prosthetic stomatitis,
  • do not provoke a gag reflex, like complete plate dentures.

Fixation of products on implants

The most reliable method of restoring dentition in the absence of teeth is fixing dentures on pre-implanted implants. This method has a large number advantages:

An implant is implanted for life; it is the most reliable method of restoring dentition.

  • implants are permanently implanted into the bone, they firmly hold the prosthesis on themselves, so it is impossible for it to fall out of the oral cavity,
  • implantation is a method that preserves the shape of the patient’s face, which cannot be said about conventional removable structures,
  • implanted artificial roots work almost the same as real ones. This provides physiological pressure on the jaw bones, which reduces the risk of jaw atrophy.

To attach the prosthesis to the implants, a beam or push-button fastening method can be used. In addition, implantation can be carried out using one of two methods:

  1. Basal implantation

This method is gentle, as it is carried out relatively quickly, and the recovery period is easier than after the classical method. How long does basal method prosthetics take? All manipulations and implantation of the prostheses take about a week. A significant advantage of basal implantation is that it can be performed even with bone tissue atrophy.

This method of prosthetics is used in the following cases:

  • for diseases of periodontal tissues,
  • if bone tissue atrophy has occurred,
  • it is not possible to perform bone grafting surgery (this is an artificial increase in the missing volume of bone tissue),
  • Due to health reasons, the patient is contraindicated to undergo alternative prosthetic methods.

2. Classic implantation

An artificial root is implanted into the jaw bone. This is followed by a period of its engraftment, this period of time is called osseointegration. Most often, implants are made from titanium; this is a biocompatible material that in 99% of cases takes root in bone tissue without being rejected by the body.

Implantation is a complex operation, for which it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications in the patient (the list of which is quite large). In addition, for implantation of an artificial root in the oral cavity there must be a sufficient volume of bone tissue. Otherwise, bone grafting surgery is performed.

Are fixed dentures made on implants for the upper jaw? Yes, but rarely, and there are several serious reasons for this reasons:

  1. To do this, you need to implant a fairly large number of implants, and this is not a cheap pleasure.
  2. Implantation has a large list of contraindications.
  3. To restore the entire upper jaw, a long horseshoe-shaped prosthesis will have to be made. If it breaks in one place, you will have to remove the whole thing from the oral cavity.

A person who is forced to resort to installing dentures in the absence of teeth imagines that he will have to wear a terrible “false jaw” that will need to be placed in a glass of water on the bedside shelf at night.

All these are baseless misconceptions that come from Soviet dentistry, when things were bad with prosthetics. Now, even with complete absence of teeth, you can get a high-quality, comfortable and realistic prosthesis.

Complete absence of teeth

Briefly about prosthetics in the absence of teeth

Complete loss of teeth, or a large number of them, is by no means uncommon. There can be many reasons for such an illness and, unfortunately, due to the current environmental situation and standard of living, there are more and more of them. Most often, a patient loses all his teeth for one of the following reasons:

  • Advanced diseases of gingival tissue and periodontium.
  • Untimely treatment of caries or complete lack of therapy.
  • Natural wear and tear of tooth enamel.
  • Increased fabric abrasion.
  • Severe injuries to a large number of teeth or the entire jaw.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Diseases of internal organs.

Even if only a few teeth are missing, this is already felt and affects the chewing functions of the jaw. What can adentia lead to? If the situation is not corrected in a timely manner with the help of dentures, you may encounter irreversible consequences:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. A person without teeth is unable to fully survive hard food, and therefore his diet is poor and limited to soft foods. Monotony leads to nutritional deficiencies and poor digestion of food.
  • Distortion of the facial oval - sunken cheeks, protruding chin, pronounced nasolabial folds and thinned lips.
  • Distortion of speech due to the fact that in the absence of teeth, the ability to pronounce many letters and sounds is lost.
  • Atrophy of bone tissue, thinning of the alveolar processes, as a result of which subsequent implantation becomes simply impossible.

The complete absence of teeth significantly reduces the quality of life and gives rise to a lot of complexes. Only complete prosthetics can solve the problem.

This procedure does not have many contraindications, however, for patients with the following diseases, complete prosthetics will not be available:

  • Intolerance to any type of anesthesia (relevant when installing implants).
  • Infectious diseases, mucous membranes and oral cavity in particular. Initially, you need to cure the disease and only then proceed with prosthetics.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Oncology.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Anemia or anorexia, as well as any other diseases indicating exhaustion of the body.

What dentures can compensate for the complete or almost complete absence of dental units?



Dentures made of nylon are elastic and look very realistic, however, they do not restore chewing function. In addition, this type of denture does not fit securely enough in the mouth.

Removable Nylon Dentures


The design is made of acrylic plastic - a fairly durable material that is compatible with mucous tissues and looks as natural as possible.

With the right approach, a specialist can produce and deliver a completely realistic structure that imitates the color of gums and enamel.

The base can cover either part of the gum or cover it all, depending on the size of the structure.

This design is ideal for constant wearing, and upon completion of the adaptation period it practically does not feel like something foreign.

The acrylic denture can be left in the mouth overnight!

Based on beam fixation

This type of structure is based on a beam that takes on the entire vertical load.

In order for the pressure on the implants to be distributed evenly, they are connected by a horizontal beam, in which there are places for attaching the orthopedic structure.

Prostheses based on beam fixation

In the prosthesis itself, recesses are made to fit the shape of this beam, and when connecting the two parts, special locks are snapped into place, which ensure reliable fixation.

With the help of a bar prosthesis, you can restore both the entire dentition and part of it.

The beam prosthesis is only conditionally classified as removable, however, it should be removed only when cleaning or replacement is necessary.



In order to make a permanent denture in the absence of teeth in the mouth, it is necessary to initially install 4 dental implants on which the denture will be based.

A fixed structure made of high-quality metal-ceramics will be much more convenient than a removable denture, since it serves as an imitation of a full-fledged dentition.

The gum deficiency will be filled with ceramics, which are painted in the color of the oral mucosa.

Fixed denture

Based on zirconium dioxide

This type of prosthetics is considered the highest quality and most modern, due to the fact that the material itself is highly durable and light. The weight of a zirconium dioxide prosthesis is several times less than the weight of a metal structure.

This material has a translucency that is identical in depth to natural tooth enamel, making dentures indistinguishable from real teeth.

Clasp prosthetics

Most orthopedists agree that clasp dentures are a successful combination of reliability, durability and beauty. Before installing a prosthesis of this type, supports are implanted into the patient. Clasp dentures of the new generation have 3 types of fixation:

  1. Fixation with metal hooks or fastening with clasps.
  2. Fastening a removable denture using micro-locks installed on the implant.
  3. Fixation of the structure on telescopic crowns - after implantation of the implant into the bone, a primary crown is placed on it, and a secondary crown is placed on the removable denture itself. It is put on the implants and securely attached to the oral cavity.

Clasp prosthesis

Are there any differences between complete dentures of the upper and lower teeth?

Upper jaw teeth

Making a prosthesis for the upper jaw is somewhat easier than for the lower jaw. Because the upper jaw has more base support points, for example, the palate.

Thanks to the large valve area, the prosthesis can be securely attached to the gum, and the chewing load can be distributed much more evenly.

Even in the complete absence of dentition, the upper jaw prosthesis will not move during eating and cause discomfort to the owner. For its manufacture, both flexible nylon and rigid acrylic can be used.

Teeth of the lower jaw

The need to compensate for the complete absence of teeth in the lower jaw presents certain difficulties for the prosthetist, since the area for the base is extremely small. Due to the abundance of folds of mucous tissue and the lingual frenulum, the prosthesis cannot be fixed using valve mechanisms. Located near the tongue and cheeks, they can push and displace the structure, causing discomfort for the patient.

Therefore, if at least one healthy tooth remains in the lower jaw, the best solution would be to install a conditionally removable denture. The peculiarity of structures of this kind is as follows:

  • The prosthesis is securely fixed in the oral cavity using titanium screws implanted into the bone tissue.
  • There is no need to implant all the roots of the dentition - a few supporting ones are enough.
  • The denture can be removed at the dentist's office for quick cleaning.

If teeth are missing on the upper and lower jaws at the same time, the doctor may offer 2 different dentures. The opinion that you need to use only structures made of the same material is wrong.

How to perform prosthetics in the absence of teeth

Before proceeding with prosthetics, the patient must undergo a complete health examination, check the condition of the oral cavity and prosthetic bed.

Impression of teeth

The specialist first of all pays attention to how atrophied the alveolar processes and the mucous membranes are. All this allows us to determine the nuances in the design of the future prosthesis. The main stages of making a prosthesis are approximately the following:

  • Taking impressions of the jaw for subsequent work by dental technicians.
  • Outflow of the prosthesis.
  • Making the base.
  • Determination of central occlusion using impressions.
  • Relief modeling.
  • Finishing processing.
  • Handing over the resulting prosthesis to the patient and first fitting.

These are approximate steps in making a prosthesis. The exact sequence depends on the specific type of orthopedic structure.


Of course, complete loss of teeth is a difficult and painful situation for the person who had to deal with it. However, a high-quality and professionally made denture can be outwardly indistinguishable from real teeth, restoring not only the aesthetic appearance of the smile, but also chewing functions.

Older people are more likely to experience partial or complete edentia. Prosthetics in the absence of teeth, the price and features of the procedure apply to them everywhere. Which option to prefer, what the advantage of each of them is - you need to figure it out before starting the process of complete restoration of the dentition.

Modern dentistry can offer several methods of prosthetics. There is no universal or ideal solution among them. Each option has pros, cons and contraindications for use. We will try to make a full description of all the methods so that you can navigate the final choice.

Features of prosthetics in the absence of teeth

The loss of dental units has a lot of reasons, which become more and more common with age:

  • Gum and periodontal diseases.
  • Caries and untimely treatment.
  • Wear of enamel and dentin, natural abrasion of tissues.
  • Lack of regular
  • Injuries and mechanical damage to teeth or the entire jaw.
  • Various diseases of internal organs, impaired metabolism.

Even with the loss of a few units, tangible difficulties arise in daily life. What can we say about the complete one, which leads to serious problems? If the situation is not corrected in a timely manner and a suitable prosthesis is not installed, the consequences may become irreversible. And this:

  1. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, poor absorption of food, lack of variety, forced refusal of most foods.
  2. Characteristic changes in appearance are distortion of the oval of the face, sunken cheeks, protruding chin, hidden lips, especially noticeable nasolabial folds, etc.
  3. Since teeth are an integral part of articulation, in their absence speech is completely distorted. She becomes incompetent and slurred, and the ability to pronounce many sounds is lost.
  4. The bone tissue atrophies, the alveolar processes become thinner, which makes further implantation impossible.

And all of this together leads to restrictions in daily life, creates a lot of complexes for a person and practically reduces communication to a minimum. And the only way to restore quality of life is complete prosthetics.

Only in the rarest cases may this be unavailable. Contraindications to it are related problems:

  • Allergic reactions to materials used in prosthetics. Although this issue can be resolved with the help of hypoallergenic structures, for example, nylon prostheses.
  • Intolerance to anesthetic drugs. But this is only relevant for implantation.
  • Any infection of the body, especially the oral cavity, in the acute stage. Initially, it will be necessary to treat it and only then proceed to prosthetics.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.
  • Oncology.
  • Any mental disorder or neurological disease.
  • Problems with blood clotting, which plays a role during implantation.
  • Severe forms of anemia, as well as anorexia, which indicate complete exhaustion of the body.

Most contraindications are just temporary difficulties that are easy to get rid of. Some of them make only implantation inaccessible, while all other types are quite applicable. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor about which method is best to use in each specific situation.

It is very important to understand the features of complete prosthetics, when not a single supporting tooth is available on the jaw:

  • The entire chewing load will occur on the artificial structure, so choosing a high-quality and durable material is one of the most important parts of prosthetics.
  • Loss of teeth most often occurs unevenly throughout life. Therefore, the bone tissue partially or completely atrophies, which makes the implantation process inaccessible. But modern medicine has achieved the ability to increase it. This procedure is called a sinus lift and can be performed before prosthetics.
  • There are also difficulties in the adaptation period. And in the case of removable structures, patients do not always withstand it, refusing to endure pain and other difficulties. As a result, they only use the plates when they go out, which only makes the problem worse.
  • Unreliable fixation of removable dentures in case of complete loss of teeth often becomes a serious obstacle to comfortable use, which can only be solved by implantation.

And although the choice of available dentures for complete edentia is small, it still exists and in almost every case you can choose the appropriate option.

Denture Techniques

Complete prosthetics can be of two types -. The first include acrylic structures, which, in the absence of all dental units, are attached using suction to the gums or with a special temporary glue.

Fixed prostheses – implants – provide more reliable fixation. Depending on the depth of implantation of the rod, classical implantation and . In any case, the procedure involves surgical intervention, which not everyone will agree to.

Complete dentures

Complete dentures consist of a removable base, which is held on the gums by suction, and artificial teeth that restore the entire dentition. This type of prosthesis, no matter what material it is made from, has a number of features:

  • Lack of fastening, which often causes the structure to shift and sometimes fall out. This problem can be partially solved with the help of a special glue, but it is not able to fix the prosthesis for a long time. Its maximum impact is 6-8 hours.
  • Difficult and long period of adaptation. On the upper jaw the palate is almost completely closed, and on the lower jaw there is little room for tongue movements. This complicates articulation and affects taste sensations. There may be pain when chewing in the first months after prosthetics.
  • The impossibility of maintaining an ideal balance in the issue of price and quality. Although the structures are made of good and expensive materials, they still have many disadvantages in operation.
  • Some patients refuse to wear such prostheses, since the removable plates cause a gag reflex in them. It appears from irritation in the larynx when the structure is pressed during use.

Despite the listed features and a number of disadvantages, such prostheses are quite popular and in demand. The materials from which they are made are mainly nylon and acrylic.
  1. Acrylic dentures are considered more reliable and durable, as they are made from high-quality new generation plastic. But due to the hardness of the material, the fabrics rub more and are also more difficult to adapt to. The porosity of the base causes additional inconvenience when the plate absorbs odors and is stained by food. Acrylic structures are more difficult to care for, and their appearance is far from natural. Nevertheless, these prostheses are the cheapest and most accessible for most patients.
  2. The nylon base is made of a special material that is flexible, ductile and soft. Due to this, such a prosthesis feels more comfortable in the oral cavity and is easier to get used to. The appearance is more natural and improves the aesthetic qualities of the structure. These prostheses are the choice of those who are prone to allergic reactions to other materials.

But a number of disadvantages, such as high cost, changes in shape during use, less strength and poor fixation, do not allow nylon prostheses to become an ideal solution.


Implants are considered more reliable and durable. Due to the fact that the rod is implanted into the bone tissue, the structure becomes virtually indestructible. If the doctor did everything correctly, then such prostheses can last up to 25 years. Only the outer parts of the artificial crowns themselves are susceptible to breakage, which are easy to replace if necessary.

The big disadvantage is that it is impossible to install such a prosthesis without surgery. And this leads to an increase in the cost of the procedure, the presence of a large number of contraindications, and also significantly lengthens the healing and adaptation period.

For reliable fixation, two to four implants on the jaw are sufficient. There is no need to use them to replace every lost unit. The structures themselves, which are installed on implanted rods, can be push-button or beam.

The former are considered more convenient for removal, since even if desired, the patient himself can disconnect the crown from the rod, for example, in order to completely clean the structure. But beam implants are as durable and reliable as possible, increasing their service life several times over.

It is important that all diagnostic and preparatory measures are carried out before implantation. The quality of the design and the possibility of adverse reactions after surgery largely depend on this.

Video: prosthetics with complete absence of teeth.


The price of prosthetics for complete absence of teeth largely depends on the chosen method. And although each clinic sets its own pricing policy, it is still possible to distinguish an average range for various types of removable dentures and implants.

Thus, nylon plates for one jaw are estimated at approximately $350-400. Acrylic structures can be cheaper - from $200 per piece. But implantation is considered the most expensive procedure, and its cost will also depend on the number of rods used.

One implant costs approximately 20,000-40,000 rubles. And the entire implantation procedure will cost 2000-4000 dollars in the case of a beam system, and a little cheaper, about 2000 dollars, with a push-button fastening.

Bottom line: what is the best dental prosthetics for complete loss of teeth?

It is impossible to single out one universal method that would suit absolutely all patients. The doctor makes a decision based on the health of the mouth, especially the gums. It is also necessary to take into account all contraindications and requirements of the patient himself. In addition, the material side of the issue remains important.

And yet, beam implants are considered the most durable, reliable and durable. In addition, their operation causes minimal inconvenience. Having gone through the difficult period of surgery and subsequent tissue healing, you don’t have to worry about breakages, care features, side effects and aesthetics. After completing all the procedures, the dentition is able to perform the necessary functions, and the smile will become snow-white and radiant.