Purchasing vouchers to military sanatoriums. Sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners: list of the best

Any military pensioner who has health problems can undergo treatment in a specialized medical facility. But what documents are needed for this? And what sanatoriums exist under the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners? Below you will find the answers to these questions.

Who is eligible to receive a voucher?

All military pensioners who need specialized treatment have the right to receive a voucher to the sanatorium of the Russian Armed Forces. The indication for obtaining a trip to a particular place is the presence of an illness, which is confirmed by a special certificate. Together with the pensioner, his children, grandchildren and spouse (if these persons need treatment) can undergo treatment.

All military pensioners are provided with a discount on the cost of travel. The benefit amount is 75% (that is, a person must pay only a quarter of the cost of a tourist voucher to a boarding house). Also, various benefits are provided to family members of a military pensioner: children (under 3 years old) can rest for free, children (from 3 to 6 years old) pay only 30% of the cost of the trip, spouse and children (from 6 to 18 years old) pay 50% of the cost vouchers.

The following military pensioners can receive free trips (according to the general rules):

  • Family members of fallen servicemen.
  • Pensioners of some law enforcement agencies.
  • A disabled person or a WWII veteran can apply for a discounted voucher.
  • Some other persons.

How to apply for a trip

To relax at the resort, you need to collect the following documents:

  • Passport.
  • Military ID.
  • Medical certificate in form No. 070/U-04, which confirms the fact that the pensioner needs treatment. This certificate can be obtained at the hospital or from your local doctor.
  • If the pensioner is disabled, then he needs to provide an ITU conclusion.
  • If a pensioner does not go on vacation alone, then it is necessary to provide documents for children and spouse.

These documents must be submitted to the regional department for sanatorium provision under the Russian Ministry of Defense (RF Ministry of Defense). After this, you need to write an application in your name; if a relative wants to travel with a pensioner, the pensioner must reflect this fact in the application. After this, the application is submitted for consideration. It must be answered within 10 days. The pensioner will be notified of the results of the application review.

If approved, the pensioner must go to the sanatorium to buy a voucher. It should also be remembered that the application must be submitted at least 30 days before the planned vacation. Information about treatment and prices for vouchers can be found on the website of the sanatorium or in the treatment department of the Ministry of Defense (you can also book a voucher using the official website).

Fare payment

To travel to a vacation spot, a pensioner must use some kind of transport. It should be understood that delivery is carried out at the expense of the state. There are two ways in which a pensioner can obtain the right to free travel to a vacation spot:

  • When registering a voucher, a military pensioner receives a travel ticket.
  • Reimbursement of money spent by a pensioner from the state (that is, in this case, a person spends money on travel to a vacation spot, and then the state returns this money spent to him). Compensation is carried out in the following cases - the cost of a ticket on general buses; if a person comes to the sanatorium by water and river transport, then the state will compensate only the money that was spent on paying for a place in cabins of groups 3 and 4.

It should also be remembered that in order to receive monetary compensation, a person must confirm the fact that he traveled at his own expense. In order for a pensioner to receive travel insurance, he needs to provide the following documents:

  • A certificate or any other document that confirms the fact of stay in the sanatorium.
  • Receipts, tickets or any other documents that confirm payment for travel.
  • If a person traveled with members of his family and wants to receive compensation for this, then he must also provide documents for his children and spouse.

Main representatives

Let's now look at the main sanatoriums where you can get treatment.

Black Sea coast

List of sanatoriums:

  • "Yalta". This sanatorium for military pensioners under the Moscow Region is located in Crimea. Diseases of the respiratory, digestive and circulatory system are treated here. Also, a military serviceman with spinal diseases can be admitted to a medical facility if his service life is 25 years or more. To restore health, the following methods are used - taking medications, physiotherapy, and so on. This sanatorium enjoys well-deserved respect due to the beautiful Crimean nature and effective treatment.
  • Military sanatorium "Divnomorskoe" and recreation center "Paramour". These sanatoriums for military retirees are located on the territory of Anapa. Stomach and liver diseases are treated here. Treatment methods include medication, therapeutic rest, physical therapy, diet therapy, and so on.
  • A complex of military sanatoriums located in Gelendzhik. The main recreation areas are “Barguzin”, the recreation center at the Russian Defense Ministry “Betta” and so on. Stomach and musculoskeletal system disorders are treated here. Methods – physiotherapy, therapeutic walks, medication, herbal medicine and some others.
  • Sochi sanatoriums. The main ones are “Adler”, “Cote d'Azur” and many others. Diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and so on are treated here. Methods - therapeutic walks, climatotherapy, physical therapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy and so on.


Sanatorium and resort treatment for military personnel is also carried out in the Caucasus. The main recreation centers are the following places – Kislovodsk sanatorium, “Volga” and so on. Diseases of the lungs, stomach, reproductive system, and so on are treated here. Treatment methods - taking medications, herbal medicine, climatotherapy, hydrotherapy and so on.

Central Russia

There are also rest houses and sanatoriums in the Moscow region. People with diseases of the kidneys, heart, bones, and so on can get here. The main places are “Arkhangelskoye”, the recreation center “Bobrovoye” and so on. Treatment methods - taking medications, therapeutic walks, herbal medicine and so on.

Some other sanatoriums

Specialized treatment can be obtained in other sanatoriums:

  • Siberian sanatorium “Eltsovka”. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and spine are treated here. Rehabilitation after stroke, heart attack and major operations is carried out here. Treatment methods - taking medications, physical therapy, climatotherapy, herbal medicine and so on.
  • Kuldur sanatorium. This recreation center is located in the Far East. Heart and lung diseases are treated here. Methods - taking medications, herbal medicine, physical therapy, climatotherapy, massage and so on.
  • Lepel military sanatorium. Located in Belarus on the territory of the Vitebsk region. Diseases of the stomach, intestines, lungs, nervous system and so on are treated here. Treatment methods V Lepel military sanatorium - taking medications, hydrotherapy, climatotherapy, massage, physical therapy, and so on.


Let's summarize. Any pensioner who has health problems can undergo treatment in a specialized sanatorium. To receive a voucher, a person must collect all the necessary documents and write an application to the department for sanatorium provision and treatment under the Russian Ministry of Defense. A 75% discount is provided on the purchase of a voucher. The main recreation centers are “Yalta”, “Desantnik”, recreation center “Volga”, “Eltsovka” and so on.

The state provides support and applies preferential social programs for military pensioners.

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Such persons and members of their families have the right to receive appropriate medical care and rehabilitation in specialized structures.

Basic information

To understand the topic in more detail, let's look at some concepts:

Initial Concepts

A military pensioner is a citizen who has reached a certain age or has sufficient length of military service and receives monthly pension payments from the state budget.

Veterans of military service include the following persons:

  • WWII participants;
  • participants in military operations on the territory of the former Union, the Russian Federation and other states;
  • having military service experience;
  • labor veterans.

How to check availability

Applications for discounted or free travel vouchers are generated for the next year from the first days of November of the previous calendar year. You can apply for a voucher to a military sanatorium.

To obtain information about available vacancies at the resort (health) institution of interest, you can obtain information on the official websites of such health resorts, as well as the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

If you do not have access to the Internet, information can be obtained by calling a health resort or the voucher sales department of the Ministry of Defense.

Legal basis

In order to implement legal regulation of the support provided to military and equivalent pensioners, government bodies have adopted regulatory documents, the main of which are:

  1. Federal law No. 5, adopted in 1994 and in force since January 1995. This legislative act regulates the legal status of veterans, social support measures, benefits and medical care applied by the state.
  2. Law No. 76 of 1998 defines the status of military personnel, their rights and obligations, state guarantees, and types of social support for this category of persons.
  3. Legislative Act No. 178, adopted in 1999, defines issues of state compensation, social assistance in the form of organizing medical procedures for military and military retirees, members of their families, and outlines a list of persons entitled to receive benefits.
  4. The issue of treatment in specialized sanatoriums and resort holidays for this category of persons is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 333 of 2011.

List of sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners

There are sanatoriums of various types in 7 regions of the Russian Federation. Each applicant has the opportunity to obtain a travel permit to one of the following places of health, regardless of his place of permanent residence:

  • Zvenigorod sanatorium;
  • Sanatorium Slobodka;
  • Marfinsky sanatorium;
  • Solnechnogorsk sanatorium;
  • Sanatorium Arkhangelsk.
  • Chebarkul sanatorium;
  • Sanatorium Eltsovka;
  • Sanatorium Volga.
  • Svetlogorsk sanatorium;
  • Tarkhovsky sanatorium;
  • Priozersky sanatorium.
West Primorsky
  • Priozersky sanatorium;
  • Svetlogorsk sanatorium;
  • Tarkhovsky sanatorium.
North Caucasian
  • Kislovodsk sanatorium;
  • Pyatigorsk sanatorium;
  • Essentuki sanatorium;
  • Children's central sanatorium.
  • Sanatorium Cote d'Azur;
  • Sanatorium Yantar;
  • Sanatorium Aurora;
  • Sanatorium Chemitokvadzhe;
  • Sochi sanatorium.
  • Sanatorium Gold Coast;
  • Sanatorium Paratrooper;
  • Sanatorium Divnomorskoe.
Far Eastern
  • Khabarovsk sanatorium;
  • Shmakovsky sanatorium;
  • Molokovsky sanatorium;
  • Kuldur sanatorium;
  • Ocean Sanatorium;
  • Darasun sanatorium;
  • Sanatorium Paratunka.

List of treatment site characteristics

The structural divisions of the Ministry of Defense include more than 30 sanatoriums, about 8 rest houses and about 7 recreation centers located in various regions of the country.

Types of resorts (health resorts):

  1. With a balneological direction - procedures using various natural sources.
  2. With a climatic bias - treatment takes place in certain climatic zones of Russia (mountainous areas, beach holidays, and so on).
  3. Treatment with mud.
  4. Mixed type - the use of all of the above types of treatment.

Recreation centers aim to improve health through physical activity - walking, river rafting, cycling or skiing trips, and so on.

A distinctive feature of all these complexes is the profile of treatment. North Caucasus - for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Photo: structure of morbidity among military personnel

Rest and treatment in the Moscow region will have a beneficial effect on citizens with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Who can write a statement (who is supposed to)

According to Law No. 178, applicants for the use of public services are:

  • war veterans;
  • persons with disabilities due to the performance of their duties;
  • citizens who have a certificate confirming their status as a survivor of the siege of Leningrad;
  • close relatives of those military personnel who died as a result of hostilities in Afghanistan, pensioners participating in this war.

Registration procedure

To apply for a voucher, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. Receiving a medical referral regarding the need for health improvement or treatment in a specialized institution. A medical certificate for adults in the form "" or for children from military families "" is issued at the place of permanent registration by the local attending physician. Its validity period is 6 months.
  2. Preparation of the main package of documents.
  3. Submit an application and a package of documents to the Ministry of Defense, which reviews the provided documentation and makes a decision in the form of a resolution. A notification is sent to the candidate.

The registration of the referral and its payment are made by the applicant at the place of arrival. The arrival is required to provide:

  • passport and military document;
  • conclusion of a military medical commission;
  • extract from the medical card;
  • food direction, if the candidate is a person undergoing military service.

Relatives present:

  • passports;
  • children - birth certificate;
  • certificates from the clinic.

Dismissed officers:

  • pensioner's certificate;
  • medical policy.

If arriving relatives are included in the passport, then a certificate confirming family ties with the military man is not required to be presented.

You can submit your application electronically on the Ministry of Defense website. The period and procedure for consideration is carried out by employees of this institution in a general manner no more than 30 days.

If the trip is not possible for a valid reason, it can be canceled upon application and the money for travel tickets will be returned.

What documents are required

The list of required documents includes:

  • passport;
  • military ID;
  • a certificate confirming the status of a pensioner (to be presented in case of registration of a preferential referral);
  • medical certificate (referral);
  • citizen's personal account (SNILS);
  • in case of disability - the corresponding conclusion of the medical commission;
  • medical certificates of relatives, jointly arrange their travel vouchers;
  • marriage certificate, in case of traveling with a spouse.

If you are traveling with relatives, then these persons must be reflected in the pension certificate.

Payment Features

The state provides methods of monetary compensation, and travel to places of recreation and treatment:

  1. The candidate is provided with travel documents before the start of the trip.
  2. Reimbursement of personal funds spent by the vacationer during the trip.

Payment from budget funds is made for tickets of the following class of service:

What to provide for payment:

  • travel card and check;
  • documents confirming the relationship if tickets were purchased for family members.

Prices for discounted vouchers are regulated by order of the Ministry of Defense. Preferential funding for applicants is provided no more than once a year. Categories of military beneficiaries:

They pay significant attention to sanatorium and resort provision for military pensioners. Vouchers are distributed by pre-booking.

To improve their health, there are specialized sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners.

Conditions for purchasing a voucher

Referral to sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners is carried out subject to three main conditions:

  • Medical indications.
  • No contraindications.
  • The voucher can be obtained once a year.

Procedure for obtaining a voucher

The application must be submitted 60 calendar days before the start of your stay in the institution.

In addition to the application, a military pensioner must also obtain a certificate from the medical organization where he is provided with medical care (form No. 070/u-04).

The decision to satisfy or refuse the request is made within 20 working days from the date of submission of the application and documents.

If the decision is positive under Russian law, the citizen will be sent a corresponding notification by mail.

Receipt of the voucher is carried out in the order of priority.

Locations for submitting original certificates and applications for vouchers to sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners

  • Territorial receptions.
  • Main Military Medical Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry. Documents are submitted in accordance with the established procedure by mail.
  • In the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners and rest homes by mail.
  • Using the website of the State Military Medical University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by sending documents by e-mail.

Before applying for a voucher, it is imperative to check the availability of unreserved places in the selected health institution.


To obtain a voucher you must provide the following documents:

  • Statement.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of retirement.
  • SNILS.
  • Document confirming the benefit.
  • Certificate of form No. 070/у-04.
  • A medical examination may also be required. This condition applies to disabled people who may have any contraindications to the treatment methods used in the institution.

How often can you go on vacation on preferential terms?

In accordance with the law “On State Social Assistance,” military pensioners can rest once a year. If there are certain medical indications, a voucher may be provided more often.

Fringe benefits

In addition to the voucher, the state pays for travel to the recreation center in both directions using railway transport.

Disabled people of the first group can go to the sanatorium for free a second time, and also receive a train ticket for the person who will accompany them and provide care during treatment.

Cost of the trip

For military pensioners, a preferential procedure for paying for vouchers is provided: 25% of the total cost.

Children of military pensioners under the age of 3 can rest for free, 3-6 years without treatment pay 30% of the price, 6-18 years, as well as full-time students up to 23 years without treatment must pay 50% of the cost.

The spouse of a military pensioner also belongs to the preferential category. For them the price will be 50% of the price.

Right to vouchers

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia.
  • Full holders of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory.
  • To the heroes of socialist labor.

Widows of military pensioners who were Heroes and holders of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory can relax at a price of 25% of the total cost of the tour.

List of sanatoriums

  • Gulf of Finland and Karelian Isthmus: "Zelenogorsk", "Priozersky" and "Tarkhovsky" sanatoriums.

These institutions are located near St. Petersburg. They specialize in diseases of the respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal and nervous systems of the body. The main methods of therapy are: climatic, hydro- and physiotherapy, exercise therapy, a special diet, and in the Tarkhovsky sanatorium - mud therapy.

  • Baltics. Svetlogorsk military sanatorium.

Military pensioners with diseases of the nervous, circulatory, endocrine, musculoskeletal systems, respiratory organs, as well as gynecological diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract are sent here. The main methods by which treatment is carried out are climatic and peloid therapy, exercise therapy, and a special diet. There are two mineral springs on the territory of the institution. Not far from the sanatorium is the Curonian Spit - a unique natural reserve. The air here is unusually clean thanks to the pine forest, which is adjacent to the Baltic Sea and the Curonian freshwater Lagoon.

Moscow region and the center of the European part of Russia

  • Sanatorium "Arkhangelskoe".

Specialization: diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, and skeletal systems. There is a department for recovery after a heart attack and severe operations on the heart and other organs.

  • "Borovoye", a recreation center for military personnel, is an excellent place for lovers of excursions and active recreation.
  • Zvenigorod sanatorium, which treats the circulatory system, central nervous system, and breathing.
  • "Cosmodrome", holiday home. Rehabilitation methods: massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic baths.
  • "Marfinsky".

The institution offers the same treatment methods as other sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners. "Marfinsky" (sanatorium) deals with rehabilitation for diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, endocrine and urinary systems, as well as for problems with the spine and skeletal system.

  • Mozhaisk holiday home, where a relaxing holiday is combined with active events.
  • Moscow region, a holiday home, where you can also undergo a treatment course, including physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, massage, speleotherapy and other procedures.
  • Sanatorium "Slobodka", where they treat the circulatory, digestive, respiratory organs, as well as the endocrine, musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
  • Solnechnogorsk military sanatorium.

Indications include diseases of the heart and blood vessels, digestive and nervous systems, and respiratory organs.

Black Sea coast

  • South Coast, sanatorium "Yalta" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners.

Here you can improve your health with diseases of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Methods of therapy: climatic, hydro, physiotherapy, mud therapy, special diet, exercise therapy. The Yalta sanatorium of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners has been particularly popular in recent years due to the unique climate and the unusually beautiful area in which it is located.

  • Anapa: "Paratrooper" and "Gold Coast".

Here they treat diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous systems, and problems with the spine. The Zolotoy Bereg sanatorium also treats patients with gastrointestinal problems. Rehabilitation methods: climatotherapy, mud therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, special diet.

  • Gelendzhik: military rest houses "Barguzin" and "Betta", military sanatorium Divnomorskoye.

In the latter, special attention is paid to the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lungs and nervous system. "Barguzin" is located in an incredibly picturesque place: the low chain of mountains surrounding the village of Divnomorsk, in which it is located, provides a unique mild climate. There are many vineyards and orchards here.

  • Sochi sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners.

"Aurora" is a place with extraordinary nature, where the main methods of treatment are: climatic, hydro and physiotherapy, exercise therapy, proper nutrition, hydrogen sulfide baths.

Sanatorium "Adler" is recognized as one of the best recreation facilities in Moscow Region.

At the Cote d'Azur sanatorium you can take advantage of such procedures as thalasso-, balneo-, hydro-, peloid- and physiotherapy, exercise therapy and proper nutrition.

The Sochi sanatorium of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners practices, among other things, mud therapy and Matsesta sulfide baths.

The Chemitokvadzhe sanatorium has a pump room for dispensing healthy drinking mineral water provided by the Lazarevsky spring.

The Yantar sanatorium is distinguished by its location in a beautiful park.

In Sochi sanatoriums, attention is paid to the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory, nervous and skeletal systems. The Sochi sanatorium also treats gynecological and skin diseases. And the specialization of the Aurora sanatorium includes urology. Excursions are regularly held in all of these institutions.

  • Sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners (Abkhazia): “Gagra”, “Gudauta”, “Sukhum”.

The treatment program of "Gagra" and "Sukhum" involves the treatment of diseases of the circulatory, musculoskeletal, nervous and digestive systems. The Gudauta military sanatorium specializes in diseases of the central nervous system and circulatory system. In the city of Gagra you can admire a subtropical park with many fountains and ponds.

Caucasian mineral waters

  • Kislovodsk sanatorium, dealing with the treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.

Main methods: climatic, balneo-, hydro-, physiotherapy, exercise therapy.

  • Essentuki and Pyatigorsk central military sanatoriums.

Specialization: diseases of the nervous, endocrine, digestive, musculoskeletal systems, gynecology and urology.

  • Volga region and Ural: "Volga" and Chebarkul sanatorium, which specialize in diseases of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.

Pensioners with spinal diseases, skin, urological and gynecological problems can also improve their health at the Volga sanatorium.


  • "Eltsovka"

The sanatorium is located on the banks of the Ob River. Military retirees with diseases of the spine, heart and blood vessels, respiratory and nervous systems can improve their health here. Rehabilitation is carried out after a heart attack and major operations.

  • Darasunsky and Molokovsky military sanatoriums

The institutions are located in Eastern Siberia and specialize in the treatment of circulatory, respiratory, digestive and endocrine systems, gynecological and skin diseases.

Far East

  • Primorsky region.

The Kuldur sanatorium is located in the valley of the Kuldur River. The mountains are covered with deciduous and coniferous forests. The Ocean Sanatorium is located in a beautifully landscaped park. The area covered with mixed forest, where the Khabarovsk sanatorium is located, has a particularly beneficial effect on health. From the bank of the Amur River there is a beautiful view of the Amur-Ussuri floodplain.

The Shmakovsky sanatorium is surrounded by the Sikhote-Alin ridge.

The Sokol holiday home will be especially interesting for lovers of active recreation. There is a sports complex here, and various excursions are constantly organized.

  • Military sanatorium "Paratunka", Kamchatka.

The main specialization is diseases of the spine and central nervous system, skin and gynecological problems. "Paratunka" is surrounded on all sides by hills. The main healing factor is thermal springs.

Thus, before applying for a vacation, it is imperative to study the proposed list. The sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners is selected in each specific case based on the availability of places, specialization, methods of therapy and the personal wishes of each patient. Relaxing in picturesque places with a pleasant climate and clean air will help enrich the body with vital energy for the whole year, and various therapy options will restore health. In addition, a varied excursion program will help you acquire new knowledge and visit the most beautiful places in Russia. All military sanatoriums provide a specially designed diet, as well as physical therapy courses, which will help keep the body in shape.

“I am a military retiree. In 2013, he was dismissed due to organizational and staffing measures with the rank of lieutenant colonel. The length of service on the day of dismissal in calendar terms was 26 years. This year I want to go on vacation to a sanatorium for the first time. Can I choose a boarding house myself? If not, what is the procedure for obtaining a voucher? Will the benefit apply to the wife and children?”


You can choose a sanatorium only from among the health institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Now there are more than 40 of them. Each has its own health profile and treatment program.

In order to use the voucher, you need to apply to the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Department) at your place of residence. The application must be accompanied by a certificate for obtaining a voucher in form N 070/у-0421. It must be registered in advance at a military hospital (or other medical institution where you are registered).

The following must be submitted to the Department along with the application:

  • passport;
  • pension certificate. Be sure to indicate in the special notes section that you and your family members have the right to social guarantees for the provision of medical care and sanatorium treatment through the Ministry of Defense;
  • sanatorium-resort card in form N 072/u-04 27 or a certificate of health when sent to a rest home or recreation center;
  • Your wife and children (under the age of 18, and up to 23 if they are studying full-time at a secondary or higher educational institution) can use the voucher with you. They must also provide certificates for future leave.

List of documents for the spouse:

  • passport;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • a certificate in the prescribed form certifying your relationship. It must be obtained from the military commissariat.

List of documents for children:

  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • a certificate in the prescribed form certifying your relationship. It must be obtained from the military commissariat;
  • students aged 18 to 23 years must provide a certificate from the place of study confirming full-time study;
  • disabled since childhood - the conclusion of a medical and social examination on the establishment of a disability group and a sanatorium-resort card in form N 076/u-04 29. You can get by with a certificate of health when sending to a rest home;
  • Schoolchildren under 14 years of age must provide an analysis for enterobiasis, a dermatologist’s conclusion about the absence of infectious skin diseases, a certificate from a pediatrician or epidemiologist about the child’s absence of contact with infectious patients at the place of residence, kindergarten or school.

You must submit the listed documents to the Department no less than 30 days before arriving at the sanatorium. The Department reviews applications for vouchers within 10 days. You will then be notified that your trip has been confirmed.

As for payment, taking into account your total duration of military service (26 years), you will need to pay 25% of the cost of the voucher. Your wife and children - 50% of the cost of the trip for each family member.

Payment is made on the day of arrival at the sanatorium.


To prepare the publication, we used the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 N 333 Moscow “On the procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, Federal Law dated May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel "

All military personnel, regardless of rank and position, are legally given the opportunity to receive a ticket to any sanatorium and resort institution of the Ministry of Defense. But after the monetization of benefits, this type of recreational recreation for most of them acquired full value.

Today, getting a free ticket to a departmental sanatorium for active military personnel, unfortunately, means only one thing - getting there through a referral by decision of the military medical commission (MMC) “to continue hospital treatment.” The IHC makes this decision after inpatient treatment of serious illnesses, for example, myocardial infarction. And this is the only free option. For a serviceman, but not for his family, who can go to the sanatorium along with the full price in agreement with the military health resort.

Another option - on personal initiative, on a voucher, on the basis of a sanatorium-resort card in the absence of contraindications - is paid. For active military personnel, payment is full, 100%. Thus, this can probably only be beneficial for retired officers, midshipmen and warrant officers (25% of the full cost), and members of their families, since only they retained the right to preferential payment for sanatorium treatment. The total cost of staying in sanatoriums is high and does not tolerate competition with market prices of private holiday homes in the resort area. This can also be beneficial for civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense, who also receive preferential vouchers (for 30% of the cost) “through the trade union.” About five percent of the total number of places in the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense are annually allocated for members of the Trade Union of Workers and Employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. But for those who are still “in the ranks”, prices remain “biting”.

Mechanisms for obtaining travel vouchers for different groups of citizens

Today, the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is responsible for sanatorium and resort provision. The legal procedure for obtaining a voucher for treatment in institutions of the Ministry of Defense for any applicant is subject to a single algorithm, which can be described as a 3-step instruction.

Step 1. Medical examination at the place of residence.

Former and current military personnel are in military medical institutions.
Civilians - in medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
A sanatorium-resort card is issued in form N 072/u-04, or a certificate of health when sent to a rest home.
For children - according to form N 076/u-04.

Step 2. Submitting an Application

To the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, or a sanatorium and resort organization (30 days before arrival at the sanatorium):

  • military personnel serving under contract and members of their families;
  • military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription;
  • family members of retired military personnel (officers);
  • cadets;
  • civilian personnel of the Armed Forces;

To the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, or a sanatorium and resort organization (60 days before arrival at the sanatorium):

  • officers (with length of service in preferential terms of more than 25, regardless of the reason for dismissal, or 20 years + general education, health status, age limit), members of their families. Warrant officers and midshipmen discharged from military service (with more than 20 years of service, discharged due to general education, age limit, health status);
  • family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner;
  • spouses and parents of military personnel who died in the line of duty;
  • parents of dead or deceased officers;
  • widows (widowers) of killed or deceased military personnel - until remarriage;
  • Heroes from among military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Defense and members of their families;
  • spouses and parents of deceased or deceased Heroes;

The already received sanatorium-resort card is attached to the Application.
You can apply directly or send an Application by mail, fax or electronically. Moreover, applications submitted in the form of an electronic document are considered on a general basis, within 10 days.
There is also an electronic booking mechanism. A personalized accounting system makes the procedure for distributing vouchers transparent.
Statement: Appendix 1

Step 3. Receiving a Notification of a voucher to a sanatorium-resort institution

The notification is sent to the email address specified earlier in the Application,
Notice: Appendix 2
That's it! Registration, payment and issuance of the Voucher are carried out already at the sanatorium - on the day of admission, upon presentation of the Notification.

Civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense prepare documents for obtaining a voucher to a military sanatorium in the manner determined by the agreement between the trade unions of the Civil Defense and the Ministry of Defense. In any case, you will have to start with a medical examination and a sincere conversation with the chairman of the trade union committee.

For military personnel who are hospitalized and want to continue rehabilitation free of charge in a sanatorium-resort setting after treatment, it is a good idea to make friends with the attending physician. If there are indications and a positive decision by the IHC, all relevant documents will be properly processed by the medical institution where the treatment was carried out.

Necessary documents to be submitted to the sanatorium upon arrival

First of all, to issue a Voucher, the previously received Notification must be presented.
In addition to this, patients transferred to sanatoriums to continue hospital treatment must also have in their hands:

  1. passport (identity card or military ID)
  2. conclusion of the military medical commission of the hospital
  3. extract from the medical history
  4. food certificate (for military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription)

All other potential patients of the sanatorium, along with the notification of the voucher, must present:

  • Identity document (passport, birth certificate, military ID)
  • Sanatorium and resort card in form N 072/u (for children - sanatorium and resort card in form N 076/u)

Officers dismissed from military service:

  • pension certificate
  • compulsory health insurance policy

If a family member of a serviceman or a pensioner of the Ministry of Defense arrived at a sanatorium-resort institution together with him and is included in his identity card, then presenting a certificate of relationship is not required.
When you take a child who is not yours with you, you must have the notarized consent of his parents.
If the patient requires individual care, then his accompanying person is also provided with a place to sleep and food. More information about documents for various contingents

Military sanatoriums are a way to relax in Russia that is 3 times cheaper for discounted contingents.

Obviously, it is not so difficult to get a ticket to a military sanatorium. But the prices of holidays in the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the non-discounted contingent are not competitive with private holiday homes in resort areas.
The website of the Ministry of Defense provides approximate calculations of the cost of staying in a departmental sanatorium for a family of three military personnel. In one case, a three-week joint vacation for a family of 3 people will cost 50,041.45 rubles, in the other - 124,233 rubles (excluding travel costs). If the institution is the same, the family composition is similar and the prices for vouchers are the same (48,300 for parents, and 27,633 rubles for a child), then what’s the “catch”?
In the first case, this is a settlement for the family of an officer dismissed from service due to
having reached the age limit, who enjoys the preferential right to pay only a quarter of the cost of a trip for a former military personnel and only half for members of his family:

Pensioner of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (48,300 rubles * 25%) + Wife (48,300 rubles * 50%) + Child (27,633 rubles * 50%) = 50,041.45 rubles.

In the second example, the family of a soldier serving under a contract. In accordance with the law, payment for a stay at the resort for all its members is made in full (however, according to information on the websites of Sochi military health resorts, a small discount is still given for “our own” ones - about 10-20%). And after all, even if they decide to shorten their “journey to the warm sea” to two weeks, they will still have to pay more than the family of a military pensioner for a full period of recovery:

Soldier with wife and child

(48,300 rubles * 2 + 27,633 rubles)/21 * 14 (days) = 82,822.

Conclusion: Using military resort organizations for recreation and treatment is beneficial for the following groups:

  • Officers dismissed from military service with 20 years of service (preferential), dismissed due to general medical conditions, health conditions, or age limits. Or 25 years of service, regardless of the reason for dismissal ;
  • Warrant officers and midshipmen dismissed from military service with 20 years of service, dismissed due to general medical conditions, health conditions, or the age limit for service ;
  • Family members of the officers mentioned in the first paragraph. As well as all persons dependent on him and living with him. (The right is retained even after the death of a reserve officer for persons who enjoyed this right during his lifetime);
  • Widows and widowers of the officers mentioned in the first paragraph enjoy the right until remarriage;
  • Spouses and parents of those killed on the Kursk nuclear submarine, who died in the North Caucasus after August 1999, in connection with the performance of official duties;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, full holders of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory from among military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Defense;
  • family members (spouses, parents, children under the age of 18 and children under the age of 23 studying full-time in educational institutions) of Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, full holders of the Order of Glory from among military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Defense;
  • spouses and parents of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, full holders of the Order of Glory from among military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Defense;
  • persons of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces (if an industry agreement between trade unions of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense establishes such obligations for the corresponding period in the manner and on the terms determined by this agreement).

Discussion: 10 comments

    I am the mother (inscribed in my personal file as a family member) of a military officer, why can’t I get a trip to a military sanatorium for 50% of the cost?


    I am a retired colonel, my wife is a major. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get to a sanatorium by the sea in the summer! I submitted an application both 3 months and six months in advance to all sanatoriums on the Black Sea coast. The answer is no, there are no places. Where are the vouchers? The answer is simple, they sold out at commercial prices. And all the sanatoriums of the RF Ministry of Defense are maintained using budgetary funds, and they bring in profits for themselves. Active officers pay 100% of the cost, so it will be cheaper for them to go abroad.


    Why is it interesting in order 333 p.b where it is stated that there is NO reference to a preferential voucher for family members of reserve officers (military pensioners), wives and children under 23 years of age studying full-time, except for children studying at higher military educational institutions! My cadet son, who came with me as a member of the family of a military pensioner, was accepted at the commercial price of the sanatorium!


    1. Active military personnel pay full price at resorts. I think this is how the sanatorium interprets the law. However, your son is also a full-time student (but it is not a fact that cadets fall into this category). An interesting question for the court, but it’s not a fact that you will win.


    I sent an application to the Saki sanatorium on November 1, 2017 at 00 hours 15 minutes, a month later the answer came - a lot of applications, a LIMITED number of PREFERENTIAL vouchers, the order of different groups of vacationers (I am the widow of a colonel), etc. They suggested January, February, December 2018. I am sure that with commercial vouchers there is complete order, any time, any comfort, any treatment. We are entitled to 3 free procedures - walks around the territory, gymnastics in the room, air baths on a bench. Extremely valuable service...! Why do the Ministry of Defense maintain these sanatoriums? Let them switch to full commerce! But who will go there for these prices?


    1. I agree with you. The sanatoriums of the Russian Defense Ministry are extremely ineffective, but the federal budget supports them)))
      This is a general problem in the Russian Federation, and sanatoriums are only a small part of it.

      1. Everything is stated correctly, BUT you must send documents to receive a voucher for 2018 on November 1, 2017. I sent to the Aurora sanatorium on November 2, 2016 for September 1, 2017 and received an answer in December 2016 that the earliest check-in time was October 24, 2017, I called the sanatorium to find out how this happened? the answer was simple: “in one day on November 1, two thousand applications were received!! If you don’t like the date, you can refuse.” We arrived two days ago, yesterday we managed to swim in the sea, water + 16, air +25. Today it started to rain, +18, so we will breathe sea air for 46 thousand rubles for two) by the way, the promised pool with sea water is still under repair)) all procedures until 12:00)) Greetings from Khosta!!


    2. The author described everything well, but forgot to indicate a small detail (the most important) - booking tours for 2018 begins on November 1, 2017. “Submitting an application 30 days before arrival at the sanatorium” is a clear failure.
