Why do we see prophetic dreams? Prophetic dreams - when do you see harbingers or how to see the signs of Fate

A prophetic dream is a night vision that warns a person about what may happen to him in the future. This kind of vision most likely comes to every person, but not everyone understands and perceives their meaning.

The results of the studies showed that approximately 13-38% of people had at least one prophetic dream.

A real prophetic dream should directly, and not indirectly, predict future events. For example, a girl saw her own wedding in a dream, and after a while she actually receives a marriage proposal. Prophecies can concern not only the personal life of an individual person, but entire states. For example, before the tragedy in New York on September 11, many people subsequently admitted that in their dreams they had already seen the disaster in great detail.

A person can see from 4 to 7 dreams per night. The average dream period is between an hour and two each night.

There are several types of prophetic dreams:

Pseudo-prophetic dreams. When a person himself adjusts events. For example, a snake. The dream book says that this means trouble. A person, being under the impression and in a bad mood, runs into conflict himself. As a result, trouble happens. It turns out that, but he was not prophetic.

Twin dreams. A phenomenon that often occurs among creative people or scientists who devote all their time to solving one problem. It is well known that D. Mendeleev dreamed of his periodic system in all its details.

Truly prophetic dreams. The situation in a dream is completely repeated in life. In 1741, Mikhail Lomonosov had a dream. The body of his father, washed up on an island in the White Sea. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Mikhail learns from his brother that there has been no news of his father for four months. He, as usual, went fishing and disappeared. He knew the island that Lomonosov saw in his dream - he and his father had been there during his childhood. Mikhail sends a letter to the local fishing crew with details of where to look for the body of his missing father, and in fact the fishermen find it.

How should you treat prophetic dreams?

Under no circumstances should you take dreams to heart, much less model your life situations around them, but you shouldn’t simply ignore them.

Human life is multifaceted and there is no specific program that everything should happen exactly this way and not otherwise. You shouldn’t take dreams as a final verdict and start preparing for the worst. Perhaps this is just a signal or a warning, and whether to listen to it or not is a personal matter for everyone.


Zarnitsa 1K

I decided to answer your question too. Despite the fact that there are already many answers here. The topic just interested me.

I think that most people have had prophetic dreams at least once in their lives. I think that many people have prophetic dreams to one degree or another. It’s just that not everyone remembers them or pays attention. Basically, prophetic dreams occur before any serious and important events in a person’s life. These dreams are like a sign, like a warning about something. It is important to be able to understand this in time. Sometimes prophetic dreams can be symbolic. If these symbols are interpreted correctly, the dream can reveal the future. But not always

Yes, I had prophetic dreams. Sometimes it just scared me when they came true

→Last time, I had a dream that my tooth fell out with blood. It was very painful and I cried a lot. I looked at the dream book and read that this could mean the loss of a blood relative. The next day, a person close to me ended up in intensive care, after which he died

→Before my grandfather died, I dreamed of my great-grandfather. That we are sitting in the kitchen with him. Although I didn’t have time to catch him. And I never saw it. Then he takes out a photo of my grandfather, looks at it and says, “You’re a good man, good. But it’s time.” He nods his head. Then he looks at his watch, turns away and I wake up. About a week later, my grandfather died of a heart attack.

→Once, I had to travel to another city at the invitation of a distant relative. I've never been there. Imagine my surprise when everything I saw in my dream at night began to come true. You may not believe it, but everything came together just incredibly. Even the people I saw in my dreams were the same. For example, the woman with whom I happened to be next door in the compartment. She was even dressed the same. Along the way I came across the houses I saw. To be honest, I felt like I was literally going crazy. And it even seemed to me that I was sleeping again and seeing the same dream. But I understood that I was still in real life. The feeling was very unpleasant. I started to panic and didn’t understand what was happening. Fortunately, this never happened again. And to be honest, I don't want to.

→As a child, I had a dream that I was looking into a black swamp, then falling into it and drowning. After some time, I actually drowned on the lake. It’s good that my mother came to her senses in time and managed to pump the water out of me. I didn't dive well then

I could go on and on, but there’s not enough space. Mostly they dream about everyday topics. Or before any serious event. Sometimes I see people in dreams whom I later meet in real life. For example, at a bus stop. Sometimes there are some small moments that then happen in real life.

But my mother (now all schoolchildren will envy) once dreamed of how she solved a problem that she could not solve for a long time. That she stands at the board and solves this problem and gets five. She remembered the solution from the dream and was actually called to the board that day. The most interesting thing is that she solved the problem and indeed the solution turned out to be correct.. The solution to the problem came to her precisely in a dream. And she remembered him. No one from her class could solve the problem anymore.

So there you go.

I am sure that prophetic dreams are not only dreamed by a select few. Every person has intuition and the ability to foresee certain events. Some have it to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but everyone has it. Therefore, everyone has prophetic dreams. People just don't always remember them or pay attention to them. Or they ignore them, internally afraid to find out the truth. And seeing such dreams does not happen very often for most people.

I wish you sweet dreams♠

Can of Raccoons

ded pihto


(¯`" .¸(¯`Fairy ´¯)¸. "´¯) *

Several times in my life, it’s vaguely similar to what should happen, but it’s cool in my opinion! You will be a fortune teller.))))



Yes, quite recently - I remember very vividly... it happened... after 3 days...
I even remember when it happened for the first time - I was 5 years old - I woke up at night from a terrible dream - I was screaming and couldn’t sleep for a long time... the next morning they brought a telegram - our relative died, but I didn’t see him and he me too... my beloved grandmother's brother... he was 42 years old..

Penelope Cruz

There were no prophetic dreams.
But there are elements of sleep that speak of trouble.
I try not to bother myself.
There is plenty of anxiety in real life.

Daughter of a CHECHEN *)

Natalia Khomenko

Happened a couple of times.


I dream about it quarterly and monthly.
but not often about me - more about children

Natasha Rostova

Lately very often. In general, I have very developed intuition.

✿ӓLilyok Flower✿ӓ

It was a dream, as if in reality.

vfhbz kscbrjdf

Well, if so then I wish you to have good dreams

Alice. M

At one time I often dreamed about them, now much less often, and it’s good, I’m afraid of them too

Elena Turchaninova

happened several times


one of the most vividly remembered: 10th grade before an exam in the morning \dreaming that I couldn’t answer a question, I woke up, looked for a ticket, repeat - I pulled out this 13th ticket. That year I had three exams and three 13th tickets....
Secondly, I haven’t had a delay yet, I had a dream that someone was telling me that I was about to have a boy and then another one. There they are crawling, both of them... One is almost 6 years old, the second is almost a year old.


not often, but I dream about it.

I'm lazy

One of the most vividly remembered: we were planning to fly home the next day from abroad. And at night I dreamed that my bag was lost during the flight and a couple of bottles in a beautiful package broke in the bag.
In the morning I was not lazy and repacked everything and wrapped the bottles in rags.
But my bag was actually lost and returned only a week later. The bottle packaging was crushed into dust, but the bottles themselves are intact :)


Sometimes yes, I remember how I even dreamed about who I took the exam and for what grade!

Valentin Svidnitsky

yes, I dreamed about it, but I couldn’t understand them right away, then I learned to understand everything very simply, that’s all

I always have prophetic dreams. Is this a gift or is it like this for everyone?



I don't agree with the previous comments. People often dream about real nonsense. For example, like me, if I work too hard or play too hard.
However, there are also those who only dream prophetic dreams, and when they don’t, they don’t dream anything. You are one of them. I agree with the interpretation - not many can explain what they dreamed.

But now closer to the point. . Sleep is already a kind of gift. In a dream, we are transported from the corporeal shell to the astral world, and therefore prophetic dreams are what we see by chance or deliberately running a couple of life moments ahead. I had a friend who saw the whole day in advance, and then no matter how hard he tried to change the course of the dream in reality, nothing worked)

You have not so much a gift as a strong spiritual development, which opens up the opportunity for you to look into your near future. It’s the same for me. . I sometimes see what will happen in a year, or even two.)

[email protected]

For everyone, some don’t attach any importance to this. It takes many years for them to realize it.

Heating of cars in Tomsk 94-22-66

everyone has prophetic things, but not everyone can interpret them.

Ildar Makhmudov

It's just that intuition is highly developed....

Prophetic Olg

"incessantly crazy girl
screamed clearly I see Troy's fallen ashes"
(Vysotsky). .
and you probably warned the Japanese embassy about Fukushima...

Man of Peace

This is for those who are interested in the future and prospects, and not for those who are already well.


Many people do.

Hermes of Alexandria

It’s always nonsense, and it has no value.. if there was something specific, then yes... but this is the nonsense of a sandbox girl.... don’t go delirious... reality is better..


It happens that I don’t just have dreams, but a vision seems to flash in my brain, and then everything comes true

Sonya Ivanova

I’ve never had this happen, but if this is so and you’re telling the truth, then don’t waste your gift on trifles :)

Ekaterina Aksenova

Nothing is given for FREE... apparently in past lives, you developed spiritually, and now you are “reaping” the consequences... after all, you have such opportunities to change something, knowing in advance about future events... simply replay bad events... mentally changing the dream to a good ending... without getting out of bed...

Vika Razumova

If the soul has reached a certain level, when it begins to travel into the future, and fragments of these journeys do not remain in memory for long, as usual after sleep. When, over time, you find yourself in the places where the soul arrives in the future, you get a burst of memory in the form of an insight-déjà vu!

אֵ- Lynx Winged

a dream is a type of clairvoyance, you receive information from subtle planes, that is, you can say you are clairvoyant

This is not the case for everyone, of course.

But once in a lifetime I think everyone sees a prophetic dream

There are dreams that come true within a year, that is, in one night you receive a very large amount of information.
sometimes in such dreams you participate in the formation of reality, sometimes you just listen...for example, fortune tellers (most likely in a dream these are spirits in the form of fortune tellers, I think so...) they tell you what will happen and show you something...

There are dreams where the everyday future is dreamed of little things, such as a haircut (as you write)))

Sometimes in a dream you get information about other people. it can be given by departed relatives... although when I dream about them, I don’t always remember what they say, but I remember the places they show... for example, I dreamed about my grandmother and took me to another city in a dream, showed me a certain place and said something about a relative... didn’t attach any importance, but it’s a pity she could have saved a person from trouble and told her not to go there, because the next day in this very city and in this place that they showed me, an unpleasant story happened to her

You can write more, but you’ve already rolled up the sheets. By the way, write down your dreams, keep a diary

Why do I often have prophetic dreams? Why do people even dream about them?



They dream in order to warn about future events.

Marina R

warning from above

#"Erika #

I agree with Marina, they warn about an event that is about to happen...
Rarely for me too, but apt...


Dreams are not considered prophetic revelations that can reveal the future or the unknown. Dreams (guess, intuition) are explained by the fact that during the dream the dreamer plays out his role.
You are probably trying to approach the problems you have from the angle that allows you to fulfill your individual desire and cope with the upcoming predicament

I often have prophetic dreams, what does this mean?



I, too, have been having prophetic dreams lately, this is how it should be in reality, I see it in my dreams, great..:)


Nothing. Just live with it, predict events. For example, sometimes life is easier for me because I know what will happen, because psychologically I am already ready for this or that event.


my grandmother dreams for a reason too

Svetlana Petrushina

perhaps you have a gift. It all depends on how the dreams are, their symbolism and interpretation. Or a dream. which is completely repeated in life... Observe, record, develop!

Olya Barankina

I also sometimes have prophetic dreams about complete strangers. But I myself don’t understand what this means.

prophetic dreams.) I constantly have prophetic dreams! what does this mean!?)


Alena Moshkina

This means that you are one of the unique people and that's all.


Well, don't make things up...

Tom Beckett

can mean a lot of things...
as in that saying that sometimes the interpretation of information often has nothing to do with the information
if prophetic dreams, so to speak, are in a specific case, then this may be a hint or a hint from the conscience that something does not suit her, for example
but it is also possible that your opinion that the dream is prophetic... guides you through action or inaction to realize the possible development of the situation


Prophetic dreams must be treated with caution.


there is a connection with that light!

What causes prophetic dreams?



You have abilities that should not be abandoned and that need to be developed. They are given for a reason.

Prophetic dreams exist, but they are very rare. The idea of ​​such dreams is very old. In ancient times, strange and bizarre images that appeared in dreams excited the imagination of people.

The man did not know how to explain these pictures, and everything inexplicable was always associated with the supernatural. So for the interpretation of dreams, a person’s faith in all kinds of mysticism has become the starting point. For example, those dreams in which the human soul met the spirits of animals and plants were considered the key to the mysteries of the future, which made it possible to know the will of the gods in advance. In addition, they tried to predict from dreams whether the hunt would be successful, whether it was worth starting a battle with enemies, and whether the new place chosen for living would be favorable.
Predictions and fortune telling from dreams were very popular in India and Egypt, Rome and ancient Greece, but belief in dreams became especially widespread in the Middle Ages. All rulers had fortune tellers in their service who could interpret dreams. But the role of the predictor was not only honorable, but also very dangerous, since if the dream was incorrectly deciphered, the interpreter faced death. Nevertheless, not only predictors, but also philosophers and artists undertook to interpret dreams.
The first experiments in interpreting prophetic dreams belong to the philosophers of Ancient Greece, in particular Plato and Aristotle.
In the Middle Ages, dreams were interpreted primarily in a religious and moralistic vein, and in the Renaissance, the interpretation of dreams was closely intertwined with the occult. Later everything changed. In the 19th century in Europe, dream books became very popular, the authors of which explained this or that dream from the point of view of the stereotypes that had developed in society. But at the same time, many did not believe in the plausibility of such interpretations.
In addition, psychologists have become seriously interested in dreams and have suggested that sleep is an indication of those things that most worry the human subconscious. But here, too, opinions are divided. According to some scientists, all the images that appear in a dream are chaotic, while another part of the scientists said that they are subject to certain laws. The most famous dream interpreters were Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud.
Currently, science has made a big step forward towards unraveling the nature of dreams. But at the same time, dream books are still very popular.
But what is a prophetic dream? According to traditional opinion, a prophetic dream is what definitely awaits a person in the future, what his life will lead to, what will definitely happen as a result of prevailing circumstances and reasons. Prophetic dreams seem to warn a person and force him to prepare for the future.
If you do not perceive your life as some kind of program, then a prophetic dream is a signal about the approach of a certain important event, knowing about which you can correct the future in the right direction.
It is impossible to explain prophetic dreams with rational arguments. Sometimes a person in a dream can see events that occur thousands of kilometers away from him. According to skeptics, you should not pay attention to dreams at all, since they have no meaning, they are a simple set of certain pictures that reflect real events. But in history there are many examples that prophetic dreams really exist, and even moreover, they became the starting point of great scientific discoveries. A striking example of this is the periodic table of chemical elements, which D. Mendeleev dreamed about in a dream.
If we talk about the scientific explanation of the nature of prophetic dreams, it sounds something like this: throughout the day a person experiences a large number of different events, but at the same time his consciousness will not notice all the details, but only those that seem the most important. At the same time, the subconscious records absolutely everything. Based on the information collected during the day, at night the brain tries to make a forecast for the future. People often see such forecasts in their dreams, and they are considered prophetic dreams. Thus, there is absolutely nothing mystical in foreseeing the future, it is only the work of the human subconscious.
It is often very difficult for people to separate a prophetic dream from an ordinary one, since they are practically no different. Therefore, in order to determine whether you had a prophetic dream or an ordinary one, they go from the opposite, that is, they discard those dreams that obviously cannot be prophetic. For example, if a hungry person dreams of food, then such a dream, of course, cannot be considered prophetic. In addition, those dreams that were dreamed under the influence of alcohol, tobacco or drugs cannot be considered prophetic. Various types of pain, ailments, temperature, as well as prolonged sexual abstinence have a great influence on sleep. Cold and heat, too loud sounds, and other irritants can have a negative impact on sleep.
Thus, we can conclude that a prophetic dream is one that occurs in a healthy, cozy atmosphere. Scientists talk about the existence of purifying and fulfilling prophetic dreams. So, if such a dream occurs during a waning moon, then it indicates that something will become unnecessary in a person’s life and will leave it. That is, if a person has an unpleasant or scary dream, then, on the contrary, it is very good, since all the bad things will go away from his life. Such dreams are called cleansing dreams.
Dreams that occur during the waxing moon indicate that something new will appear in a person’s life. These are fulfilling dreams. The plots of such dreams can be both real and fantastic, but both of them can soon come true.
Dreams that a person sees on a full moon indicate situations in which a person shows excessive emotionality. At the same time, such dreams are simply a statement of fact, but in reality nothing can be changed.
It should be noted that prophetic dreams were of great help not only to Mendeleev. The famous Russian poet M. Lermontov loved to solve mathematical problems in his spare time. But one day he failed to solve one of these problems, and the poet went to bed. And in a dream he saw a stranger who suggested a solution to him. When Lermontov woke up, he immediately wrote down the solution he had received in his dream and drew a portrait of the stranger. After the poet’s death, it was established that the drawing depicted the creator of logarithms, John Napier, who lived several centuries earlier than Lermontov.
Paul McCartney dreamed of a beautiful melody in a dream. When the musician woke up, he went to the piano and began to play. The artist himself noted that he had never written anything like this. Later this melody became the well-known song “Yesterday”.
There are many more such examples that can be given. But very often it happens that prophetic dreams are not good. Often they foreshadow all sorts of misfortunes and even death. So, for example, Queen Hecuba of Troy, while pregnant with Paris, had a dream in which she imagined that she was giving birth to a torch. The soothsayer explained the dream to the queen, and the baby was abandoned in the mountains. Many years later, however, when young Paris came to Troy, he was accepted as one of their own, forgetting about the prophetic dream. And later the dream came true; through the fault of Paris, Troy was burned by enemies.
In his youth, Mikhail Lomonosov had a dream in which he saw the death of his father on the sharp shore of the White Sea. The most amazing thing is that his father died at this time. This example is more often attributed to telepathy than to prophetic dreams.
The sixteenth President of America, Abraham Lincoln, had a dream in which he went down to one of the halls of the White House and saw a coffin covered with the national flag. He asked who was being buried and was told the president. Ten years later, Lincoln himself was shot at the opera.
However, not only privileged people have prophetic dreams; very often ordinary people also see them. So, for example, a woman named Valentina talked about how, at the age of nine, she had a terrible dream. The girl and her mother were walking not far from the house and saw white figures approaching them. When the figures came closer, one of them began to strangle the woman, the girl got very scared and hit her on the head. Valentina remembers that she was sure that there was nothing she could do to help her mother, because she was sure that the white figures were ghosts and her hand would simply pass through them. But suddenly the girl’s hand came into contact with something hard, and the girl woke up. After some time, the girl’s mother suffered a severe attack of asthmatic bronchitis, and the woman was saved with great difficulty.
And there are many such examples. Currently, scientists cannot answer the question of why prophetic dreams occur. Sometimes they can be dreamed for no apparent reason, and clearly show a picture from the future that has no meaning for the person. Sometimes prophetic dreams show those moments in a person’s life that are key and help to avoid troubles or make the right decision. The mechanism by which a prophetic dream appears in a person’s life is also unknown.
One thing is certain: if at least one of a person’s dreams begins to come true, this must be taken extremely seriously, because this is a real chance to change your life. It must be remembered that Mexican shamans believed that dreams are a second reality, and that all people have prophetic dreams, but not everyone can understand them. And when asked when they have prophetic dreams, they answered - always. It is quite possible that the shamans were right. And, in fact, why not?..

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The fact that people have prophetic dreams from time to time is usually believed either by housewives, illiterate workers (and in general women with poor education, poor earnings, living in villages and villages), or elderly people. This is the opinion of sociologists, formed as a result of a survey of more than one and a half thousand Russian citizens. I do not consider myself to be one of the above groups of people, but at the same time I have no doubt about the existence of prophetic dreams.

Once, a very long time ago, I had a prophetic dream. I don’t really want to describe it in detail for several reasons: firstly, the dream was quite disgusting, and secondly, it’s not that important. The main thing is that the next morning I was completely convinced: my grandmother had died in Leningrad. It really was like that.

Categorically rejecting the presence of prophetic dreams is stupid and pointless. By the way, many researchers seriously believe that something similar still takes place, since in the history of mankind there have been more than once incidents pointing to prophetic dreams. Experts working in the field of dreams like the following example of a prophetic dream: Ryleev fell seriously ill in infancy, a little more and he would have had to be buried. Suddenly, the mother had a dream: a mysterious voice urgently recommended that she not pray for the recovery of her little son, because otherwise a difficult fate awaits him, and a terrible death. In a dream, the mother saw the future of a child whose life would end in execution. But the woman, of course, thought only about healing the child. Soon, she noticed that the baby was starting to get better. Now the fate of the Decembrist Ryleev is familiar to everyone - he was executed by hanging in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Also well known is the prophetic dream of M. Lermontov, who loved to practice mathematics in his free time. Once Lermontov was unable to solve a difficult problem, he fell asleep and in a dream met a man unknown to him who helped solve the problem. The poet woke up, recorded what he was told during his sleep, and along the way he sketched a portrait of the stranger. After many years, this portrait was finally seen by experts, who immediately said - this is John Napier, the author of logarithms. Lermontov’s comrades assured that he had no idea who this Napier was and what he was doing. It is worth noting an interesting feature: Napier was a Scot, while the roots of the Lermontov family itself are intertwined with G. Lermont, a native of the same Scotland.

They say how Abraham Lincoln had a prophetic dream before his death: the White House and in it a coffin covered with a white cloth. Lincoln asked the private guarding near the coffin: “Who is being buried?” They answered him: “The President.” Exactly 10 days later, Lincoln was assassinated.

L. Vertinskaya reported that immediately after the death of her husband she had a dream: “I see we are standing on the platform, I am seeing him off. He says: “Remember - I have the 5th carriage, 6th place.” In the afternoon I went to get a pass to the cemetery, where lies my dead husband. The pass said: 5th precinct, 6th place.”

There is information about other prophetic dreams, which often deliver certain good news. It is noteworthy to mention the discovery of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Then the Mother of God herself came to a certain girl in a dream and told her exactly where her icon was hidden. She ordered the girl to announce the news so that the icon would be found and taken out of the ground. The Mother of God came for more than one night, until the girl herself went to the said place and unearthed the hiding place where the holy icon actually lay.

And a more modern example of a prophetic dream, which was told by A. Murashev: “Oleg P. dreamed that on the way from the airport he approached an intersection on Sadovaya Street. Here Oleg observed in detail an accident between two cars. There were glass shards and blood everywhere... Oleg stopped, and the policeman gave him a sign to go around. All this left an indelible impression. Oleg got up, made coffee, he felt a strange heaviness. Then Oleg went to the airport on business, and a little later he witnessed the incident. the accident itself. Only in reality. Two broken cars, broken glass... but this time it was not covered in blood. From shock, Oleg slowed down, and the policeman waved irritably, forcing Oleg to drive around and turn off the engine in order to catch his breath a little." .

There are thousands of similar prophetic dreams. But the story will not be complete without the official opinion of experts on this matter. They have more than one hypothesis in stock. In particular, bioenergeticists believe that people borrow data for the realization of prophetic dreams from the global information field called the noosphere. A person disconnected from reality seems to become a radio receiver tuned to a fixed radio frequency. The radio receiver “listens” to the noosphere and receives the necessary information. But not everyone has such a gift.

Neurologist D. Vinson, together with several researchers, characterizing the activity of the brain during sleep, compares it with an electronic computer. Vinson states that the brain reinterprets information received while awake and connects it with what is in memory (from past days, months, years). The result of the information received is what we take to be a prophetic dream.

This assumption is rejected by a domestic specialist, bioradiologist Yu. Redchenko, who believes that the theory about the mind working during our sleep, processing all probable sequences of events, considering various circumstances and ultimately finding the only correct solution, has a lot of shortcomings. Because often what is seen in a prophetic dream only at first resembles future events, but in fact it may be someone’s past.

“As an example, I can give a story,” says Redchenko, “when a mother had a dream where her son went on a trip in a car. It was a little strange, because her son didn’t have a car. The young man was sitting behind the wheel not too confidently and As a result, he drove into a nearby tree. There was not a scratch on the unfortunate driver, only the car was scrambled. The mother dreamed about the events from May 6 to 7, soon news came from her son that on the fifth of this month he had an accident in a friend’s car and now he needs to find 500. dollars for repairs. The dream told about what happened even before his son’s letter. Does the dream belong to the class of prophetic things? After all, he just described what happened several hundred kilometers away a few days earlier. Time parameters, - Redchenko ends the story, - have no meaning here. meanings."

In addition, Redchenko rejects the very popular judgment that the similarity of a prophetic dream with reality is an accident. The chance of such an accident is no more than one millionth of a percent, so there is nothing to talk about.

And yet, today the question of why prophetic dreams occur remains unanswered. On average, a person can have a prophetic dream only a few times in his entire life. Or maybe you won’t see it at all.

Dreams are considered to be prophetic, the events of which in the near future become reality. Of course, no one sees prophetic dreams every evening, and most often they are the result of strong experiences, stress, emotional events, fears and fixation on a specific problem.

As a rule, prophetic dreams are seen by people who have the gift of clairvoyance.

Types of prophetic dreams

A person can dream about symbolic and literal events. The first are dreams that completely come true after a certain period of time.

For example, if you dreamed of a broken cup, then on the second or third day someone might break it.

A symbolic good or bad dream is more complicated, since it predicts the future not literally, but with the help of symbols and symbols. It is very difficult to interpret them on your own, and it is not necessary, because in nature there are many dream books.

How to “order” a prophetic dream?

If you have learned to often remember what you see in a dream, then you have already taken the first step towards clairvoyance. Next, you will simply need to mentally tune in, and imagine an object from your dreams, or concentrate on a problem for which a solution urgently needs to be found.

It is best to train on days when the Moon is in its waxing phase. It is then that you are able to maintain a completely relaxed and calm state. Additionally, you can pronounce spells and prayers, which contribute to the development of prophetic abilities.

Night fortune telling by day

A person who is far from all this mysticism and clairvoyance simply wants to know those days of the week when prophetic dreams most often occur.

They have been known for a long time, and are described below:

  • Most often, prophetic dreams come true on Monday, especially if they were dreamed by a person born on this day of the week;
  • Those dreams you had on Tuesday can become reality in 10 days, or have no meaning at all;
  • Dreams that come in sleep on Wednesday very rarely become reality;
  • On Thursday night you should not expect anything that would foretell the future. Most likely, all dreams will be related to work and the end of the work week;
  • Prophetic dreams a priori occur from Thursday to Friday, and nothing can be done about it, all that remains is to remember what you see and wait for it in reality;
  • Saturday is another day on which truly prophetic dreams occur. Be prepared that the events from the dream will take place in just a few days
  • On Sunday night, visions associated with family and positive emotions usually come. They are easy, but generally don't make any difference.

Who's lucky?

Why do only a few people have prophetic dreams? After all, we all walk under the same Moon, sleep almost an equal number of hours, breathe the same air, worry, fear and worry. It turns out that you can be born with this gift, or discover it by accident, train it on your own initiative, or not even notice it at all.

In ancient times, the talent of clairvoyance was usually "awarded" priests and simply everyone who was somehow connected with religion and gods. Current Orthodox ministers completely reject this belief, considering sacrilege to be a matter associated with evil spirits.

It is believed that scientists also belong to the category of people who wonder why they have prophetic dreams so often. This can be explained by their subtle mental organization and analytical mindset, which compares facts and produces a conclusion in the form of a dream.

And, finally, developed intuition is a direct path to clairvoyance, especially if a person develops and tries in every possible way to master the science of dreams "to order" .

Want to try it?

Are you dreaming of a prophetic dream this coming Friday?

Then try following the instructions:

  • Believe that tonight you will definitely have a dream that will soon become reality;
  • Take a short evening walk, ventilate the bedroom and read a book, giving up watching TV;
  • Reduce daytime communication with colleagues and friends to a minimum, otherwise you risk seeing conversations, problems and experiences reflected in your dreams;
  • Take a warm and relaxing bath;
  • Think about what worries you most, relax your body, protect yourself from the hustle and bustle of the day and sleep peacefully.

Don't despair if you don't have the gift of clairvoyance. Dreams do not always promise only good things, and sometimes it is better to live your life in ignorance than to be afraid of the future, not even knowing that it will definitely happen.