Nutrition according to blood type read. Diet according to blood types from a scientific point of view

Peter D'Adamo, a naturopathic doctor from America, wrote a book about proper nutrition in the 1990s called “4 Blood Types - 4 Paths to Health.” According to the author, the decisive factor determining whether foods are beneficial or harmful to humans is the blood type. Peter D'Adamo justifies his theory by the fact that every person should adhere to the principles of nutrition based on the blood type of his ancestors. Otherwise, according to the naturopathic doctor, a person harms his body with foods that he cannot fully digest.

Nutrition according to blood type - general principles

The basis of blood type nutrition is the theory that the human body with a particular blood group is tuned to a certain diet. The D'Adamo diet is designed for long-term adherence. In fact, a person must follow the proposed diet throughout his life. For each group there are 3 product groups:

  1. Harmful.
  2. Medicinal.
  3. Neutral.

Nutrition according to blood group I (0) - diet for “hunters”

The diet for blood group I (0) is based on the diet of “hunters” - the most ancient people with the first blood group. It is believed that hunters are the most resilient, capable of physical labor and strong people. Their body is adapted to digest animal proteins, and the acidity of the stomach is increased. Hunters are also distinguished by strong immune and digestive systems.

More details in the picture.

Nutrition according to blood group II (A) - menu for “farmers”

The diet according to the blood type of farmers takes into account the low acidity of their gastric juice, so the creator of the diet recommends predominantly plant foods for such people.

More details in the picture.

Nutrition according to blood group III (B) - menu for “nomads”

For nutrition according to the blood type of nomads who have good immunity, a nervous system and the ability to adapt, they are characterized by “omnivorousness”. According to D’Adamo, a slowdown in metabolism in such people is caused by:

  • wheat;
  • buckwheat;
  • lentils;
  • peanut.

More details in the picture.

Nutrition according to blood group IV (AB) - which is typical for “new people”

Mixed type IV blood group combines the features of the first and second groups. Reduced stomach acidity and a focus on animal products, mainly meat, complicate nutrition according to blood group IV.

According to D’Adamo, weight gain in people with blood type IV is initiated by the following foods:

  • red meat;
  • corn;
  • beans and lentils;
  • wheat;
  • buckwheat.

More details in the picture.

The effectiveness and disadvantages of nutrition by blood type - where D’Adamo missed the mark

Many doctors, due to the individuality of each person’s body, believe that it is wrong to assign the same diets to just four groups of people. Some call the diet developed by D'Adamo pseudoscientific and based on fiction, others note that, despite the pseudoscientific approach, nutrition according to blood types is balanced, and each group of people receives the necessary amounts of nutrients.

The attitude of traditional medicine towards D’Adamo’s theories can be called cautious. For example, it is now known that there are many more blood groups than 4. And in the future it is expected that their number will be much greater.

Although strict adherence to the rules proposed by D'Adamo ultimately leads to gradual weight loss, eating according to blood type is not intended primarily for weight loss. The main goal of this diet is to improve the functioning of the body, improve health and cleanse harmful substances.

In any case, before switching to any diet, you must consult with qualified specialists who will identify possible contraindications and give recommendations based on the individual characteristics of your body.

A universal diet that takes into account the individual characteristics of everyone - the blood type diet of James and Peter D'Adamo. The system is based on the fact that the body itself tells us which foods to include in the diet and which not. By following the simple rules of the blood type diet, you will adjust your weight, and also cleanse your body of harmful substances and toxins, restore and improve your metabolism. It is a pleasure to be on such a diet, because it is selected specifically for your blood type, so the products offered to you are easily absorbed by the body.

To start this diet, you just need to know your blood type, regardless of whether you have a Rh factor: positive or negative. What are the specifics of each group?

Blood type I – hunters

It is considered the most ancient group, from which the rest came. Code name: hunters. Already from the name it is clear that these are strong, strong people with a strong immune system and good metabolism. Hunters need physical activity. Despite the large number of advantages, this group also has negative properties. Such people are mostly conservative, therefore, it is difficult for them to adapt to new conditions and change their diet. The body reacts poorly to new foods and is predisposed to allergies. Increased stomach acidity contributes to the development of ulcers. Therefore, you need to be careful when creating a menu.

Food table for a group of hunters

It will not be difficult to create a menu for every day using healthy and neutral products. Here's a sample menu to help you navigate.

  • A glass of pineapple juice;
  • Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, dressed with olive oil.
  • Pumpkin soup;
  • Beef meat, fried with broccoli in olive oil;
  • Green tea.
  • Mackerel baked with onions and sweet peppers;
  • A glass of red wine.

No weight loss system will be effective if you neglect physical activity, this is especially important for a group of hunters. It is recommended to go jogging, skiing, cycling, and you can engage in extreme sports - hunters have adrenaline in their blood. It's good to take up wrestling - the most hunting sport!

Blood group II – farmers

This type developed later, but more people have it than the others. People of this type are called farmers. Calm, friendly people are able to find a common language with almost everyone and work well in a team. The main difference between farmers and hunters is mobility, the ability to constantly change, so they get used to new things well. The immune system and digestive tract are quite weak, so you need to follow the correct diet. Weak nervous system, so the menu will include those products that will strengthen it. For a negative blood group, the products are the same.

Table of products for a group of farmers

The emphasis in products is on those that are grown with your own hands. From such a set it is easy to create a menu for every day. For example, this:

  • Fruit salad seasoned with low-fat cottage cheese;
  • A glass of carrot juice.
  • Celery soup;
  • Buckwheat with carrots and onions;
  • Green tea with blueberries.
  • Rice with fried cod;
  • A glass of white wine.

As for physical activity, team sports (volleyball, basketball, football), swimming, dancing are suitable. All this will have a positive effect on your overall health and appearance. The body will become athletic and fit, and the extra pounds will be gone forever.

III blood group – nomads

The next type is nomads. These are hardy people who are accustomed to walking, moving, and changes. They are calm, dexterous, smart. Moreover, the positive group is stronger than the negative one. Nomads have a strong immune and nervous system, they are practically omnivores, however, this group also has bans on foods that disrupt metabolism. The Nomads menu is an example of diversity.

Food table for nomads

You can experiment with this list of products as much as you like, this is the menu we ended up with for the day:

  • Grated carrots and apple mixed with sour cream;
  • A cup of green tea.
  • Mushroom plant;
  • Pasta with Bolognese sauce;
  • Juice from freshly squeezed oranges.
  • Boiled rice;
  • Liver stewed with vegetables;
  • A glass of red wine.

A king would envy such a list of dishes, and for people of this type it will be useful and protect against diseases. Don't forget about sports! Hiking, slow running, and swimming are suitable for nomads. Reinforce your body with lecithin and magnesium - these vitamins are good for immunity.

IV blood group - new people

Last on the list, but not the least important, is the mysterious, mysterious blood type. People of this type have bright charisma and a surprisingly strong character, but they have a weak digestive tract, increased sensitivity and nervous irritability, and a tender heart. A positive blood type is more unpretentious than a negative one, but everyone needs to take care of their health. The blood type diet is perfect!

Food Chart for New People

The list of products is combined taking into account the characteristics of this particular blood type, therefore, by creating a menu of possible products, you will get an amazing result. The menu could be as follows:

  • with apple;
  • A cup of coffee (these are the lucky ones who are recommended coffee).
  • Fish soup;
  • Tomato and cucumber salad;
  • Cherry juice.
  • Rolls;
  • Green tea.

For physical exercise, it is better to choose calm types: swimming, walking, Pilates. Choose a vitamin complex aimed at maintaining the circulatory system and immunity. Your body will thank you.

It cannot be said that the blood type diet is a panacea for all ills. Ideally, a nutritionist should select a nutritional system for everyone. If a person has a severely impaired metabolism or hormonal imbalance in the body, then the help of a doctor is necessary. But if you don’t have any major health problems other than weight problems, a blood type diet will help put your body in order, cleanse your body and improve your metabolism.

The diet of Dr. Peter D'Adamo is based on the fact that people with different blood groups should eat different foods. The four blood groups did not arise at the same time - new antibodies appeared in people's blood in those eras when human culture was changing, and along with culture the way of life. Thus, the work of “new” organisms turned out to be focused on recently emerging nutritional standards. That is why blood groups reflect what “breed” its owner comes from - hunters (group I, or 0), farmers (group II,). or A), from nomads (group III, or B) or from a mysterious rare group of unclear origin (group IV, or AB).

Anyone who intends to follow the "most ancient" diet must have their blood tested and then receive three lists - one listing desirable foods, the other undesirable, and the third neutral. There are general approximate preferences for each group: you can include some sources of protein, fat and carbohydrates in your diet, but it is advisable to limit or exclude others.

Group I (0)

Meat and poultry. You can consume large amounts of animal proteins. Poultry is in second place after dark meat (lean, natural, without cholesterol and hormones).

Dairy products and eggs. Dairy products can be consumed every week, but in small quantities. Eggs can be eaten 3-4 times a week.

Vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are the most important part of the diet. Only tomatoes should be limited and corn should be avoided. Fruits can be a great substitute for bread and pasta, although not all are healthy. It is better not to eat melon, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, and coconut.

Bread and cereals. Wheat should be completely avoided. There are no healthy grains or cereals for this group at all.

Drinks Mineral water and tea are quite harmless, you can drink beer in moderation - if there are no problems with weight. A little wine is allowed. It is better to give up coffee and replace it with green tea containing caffeine.

Group II (A)

Meat and poultry. It is poorly absorbed and causes fat deposition. It is preferable to get protein from seafood.

Dairy products and eggs. Almost all dairy products are not recommended. It is better to limit eggs. Therefore, it is advisable to take calcium supplements or consume soy milk and soy cheeses.

Vegetables and fruits. It is better to eat vegetables raw or steamed. Tomatoes are bad, but garlic, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, and cabbage are good. Fruits should be eaten 3 times a day, preferably berries and plums. Tropical fruits are poorly digestible, although pineapple helps digestion.

Bread and cereals. You can eat grains one or more times a day. Fruits help normalize the acid-base balance.

Group III (B)

Meat and poultry. Different types of meat are well digested. The best are lamb, venison, and rabbit. Avoid chicken.

Dairy products and eggs. All dairy products, as well as eggs, are very well digested - for nomads this is the natural and most familiar food.

Vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are the main product. But skip the tomatoes. Eat plenty of leafy vegetables, which contain magnesium, a natural antiviral agent. Almost all fruits can be eaten, with the exception of persimmons, pomegranates and prickly pears. Try to consume the fruit 2-3 times a day.

Bread and cereals. Rice and oats are well digested. But it is better to limit wheat and avoid rye, corn, and buckwheat.

Drinks Herbal and green tea, water and juice are well received. Coffee, black tea and wine are neutral foods.

Group IV (AB)

Meat and poultry. It is better to eat meat in small portions, and eat the same types of meat as for groups A and B.

Dairy products and eggs. You can safely eat almost all dairy products and eggs, but yoghurt, kefir, and low-fat sour cream are better digested.

Vegetables and fruits. You can eat not only all vegetables that are suitable for groups A and B, but even tomatoes. Fruits should be consumed the same as for group A.

Bread and cereals. It is better to make a menu of rice, oats, rye, and you can eat wheat 1-2 times a week. You should not consume corn and buckwheat.

Drinks Coffee and green tea are healthy, as is red wine. Beer has neither harmful nor positive effects; you can afford it in moderation.

Of course, not only the blood type is important, but also the general state of health. The diet of Dr. Peter D" Adamo is intended not so much for weight loss as for improving the functioning of all vital systems. It makes joints bend better, skin defects disappear, tone increases, but weight loss is not guaranteed by this method. Weight loss is not one of the main goals diets.

This happens because food for D "Adamo is not just a supplier of energy, but a health-improving agent. But before you begin the healing process, you need to find out where it hurts and why. And you also need to find out what the patient’s habits are so as not to make drastic " jumps" from one diet to another. That is why, before using Dr. Peter D'Adamo's method, you should definitely visit a dermatologist and gastroenterologist, and not limit yourself to just finding out your blood type.

Inesa Tsiporkina
"Perfect Appearance"

Cosmetic problems: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment,

Greetings, friends! One of my dear readers today asked a question about nutrition based on blood type; she was interested in a weekly diet for blood type 2. By the way, I also have blood type 2, which is negative, but I decided to write about nutrition for all 4 groups, so that everyone has something to learn from this article.

Nutrition based on blood type became extremely popular about 20 years ago after the publication of Peter D’Adamo’s bestseller “4 Blood Types - 4 Paths to Health.” According to the author (he, by the way, is a naturopathic doctor), if you eat foods that are beneficial for your particular blood type, you can achieve an ideal weight, strengthen your immune system and live longer - in my opinion, these are the usual values ​​that new innovators are now appealing to in the field of dietetics.

The author of the book states that if a person does not follow the nutritional method according to the blood type inherent to him, he provokes metabolic disorders, which gradually leads to excess weight gain. Although you should not consider the D’Adamo method as a diet that helps you lose weight, and even more so, use it in a situation if you are trying to lose weight quickly.

If you start eating, taking your blood type as a guide, your body will begin to cleanse itself of toxins and waste, your joints will function better, you will look and feel better, your body will be completely rebuilt. However, this is not a quick process, so don’t get your hopes up for instant results.

The method of dividing nutrition by blood type causes a lot of controversy, which is not surprising: there are many simplifications, inaccuracies and restrictions in it, in addition, the diet looks like ordinary manipulation and the desire to make money.

If you want to get acquainted with all the nuances (at what time, in what quantity and what specific products can be consumed, that is, get a “ready-made menu”), you will need to purchase a book or pay at least for the same “ready-made menu” on a paid website. Only a list of harmful and healthy products is available. Something like this...

And the first discrepancy is that, as it turned out, there are far from 4 blood groups, but several dozen more...

Well, be that as it may, let's get down to business and look at what the nutritional features are according to different blood types.

1st blood group

This is the blood of descendants "hunters". Almost a third of humanity belongs to this blood group. “Hunters,” as Peter D’Adamo states, have increased gastric acidity, which is why they can digest animal proteins remarkably well. In addition, “hunters” have good immunity and a well-functioning digestive system.

Now compare whether this information is about you: a “hunter” is a strong personality, self-confident, and by nature a leader. However, it is difficult for him to adapt to any changes, excessive activity of the immune system can lead to allergies, they have a tendency to various inflammatory processes, especially in the joints - arthritis, peptic ulcers (due to high acidity) and poor blood clotting. Is this about you?

I present to your attention a table according to which you can navigate which products for this group are especially useful (they will be indicated by a plus “+”), which are frankly harmful according to D’Adamo (they will be indicated by a minus “-”) and neutral (the number zero “ 0"):

2nd blood group

This is the blood of descendants "farmers". 37.8% of people belong to this group. Among “farmers,” as D’Adamo states, the acidity of gastric juice is most often low, therefore strict vegetarianism is recommended for them, since their digestive system does not digest food containing proteins well enough.

A characteristic feature of the “farmer” according to D’Adamo is his high adaptability to change. This type is organized, constant, flexible with any changes in diet, and adapts well to team work. However, his immune system (provided that a vegetarian diet is not followed) is very weak, which makes the “farmer” susceptible to various infections, in addition, an individual with blood type 2 has an overly sensitive nervous system.

Well, as a person who has exactly the 2nd blood group, I can admit that there is something in these statements about the characteristic features of the 2nd blood group. However, they are so general that they cannot in any way speak of the 100% truth of nutrition based on blood type.

To be honest, life is not good for me without protein foods. Judge for yourself, the food that D’Adamo offers for the largest group of the world’s population does not contain the most complete protein, the source of essential amino acids is animal.

As for vegetarianism, it is generally undesirable for children, since animal protein is an essential necessity for the normal development of a child.

And yet, if you are interested in and find the nutrition table for the second blood group useful, here it is. Please note that “+” are extremely healthy products, “-” are, on the contrary, extremely harmful, and “0” are products that D’Adamo calls neutral:

3rd blood group

This is the blood of descendants "nomads". It includes just over 20% of the world's people. Features of a “nomad”: wide bones; in appearance, a “nomad” is most often long-legged, muscular, and has red hair or green eyes. He is distinguished by calmness, intelligence, distrust and, at the same time, optimism. Has a strong immune system and a stable nervous system. Well, is this description about you?

The “nomad” is well adapted to digesting any product, therefore it is considered an omnivore. So, the food diet menu for blood group 3 (if you haven’t read the explanation of the designations above, I’ll tell you: “+” - very healthy foods, “-” - foods that are very unhealthy for your type, “0” – foods that are neutral to your type):

4th blood group

This is blood "new people". 7-8% of people are “new people”, that is, a mixed type. The difficulty is that the “new person” has absorbed all the characteristics of groups 1 and 2. Despite the fact that the “new person” is focused on meat, protein foods (like blood type 1), if he has low acidity (which is usually characteristic of group 2), he will have problems with the absorption of such food.

The “new person” has a vulnerable digestive tract and easily picks up any microbial infection. It combines all the advantages of blood types 1 and 2, as well as all their disadvantages (lucky you!..).

The nutrition menu for type 4 blood group is especially complex if you take into account all the features of this type:


What I would like to say in conclusion about nutrition according to blood type: if you decide to use this system, take your time, change your diet gradually so that the body does not experience stress when new foods appear. Take this method as a guideline, approach it creatively. If you want to eat some fruit that is forbidden to your group, eat it; if meat is prohibited for you according to the table (like me, for example), but you really want it, eat it too. Just eat a smaller portion.

By the way, many people, having read these nutritional recommendations while adhering to their blood type, noted that they intuitively wanted to eat exactly those foods that were recommended to them. The body itself knows what it needs, it is wiser than us, listen to it and

Be healthy!

P.S. In my next article, I will write about another mega-popular nutrition method, which was developed by one person, but hundreds of nutritionists around the world attribute the authorship to themselves. So don't miss any posts. It's easy to do: just subscribe to article updates and you won't miss anything.

Peter D'Adamo is a famous American doctor who has been involved in research in the field of healthy nutrition for 20 years. While studying the relationship between blood type, nutrition and health, he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a diet based on blood type. This idea found support among his colleagues - doctors of medicine and naturopathy.

D'Adamo's theory takes into account human genetic roots and individual differences, which is why many consider his diet more effective than universal healthy eating systems.

The diet based on blood type has already been tested by hundreds of thousands of people and has proven itself well - 9 out of 10 people, after switching to a new nutritional system, very quickly notice an improvement in their health. Many, having changed their diet, almost immediately got rid of allergies, digestive problems, lost some chronic diseases, and lost weight. The consequence of switching to a diet based on blood groups is often the normalization of insulin production.

In the absence of serious illnesses, D’Adamo’s healthy eating system serves to prevent cardiovascular diseases, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins, slow down the aging process and improve cell health.

Blood carries nutrients throughout the body, saturating cells with them and simultaneously cleansing them of metabolic products, and participates in maintaining acid-base balance in the body. These and other processes involve different blood cells, each of which performs its own functions. Thus, red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients. On their surface there are long chains of sugar molecules that look like “antennas”. The structure of red blood cells in different people differs in the different number and structure of these “antennas”. This factor determines a person’s blood type.

There are 4 blood groups:

Group 0 (first group) - the red blood cells of this group have only one such chain - the “antenna”.

Group A (second group) - blood cells of this group have two chains, and the second is a molecule of a different sugar.

Group B (third group) is also two “antennas”, but the sugar molecule in the second chain is different than that of group A.

Group AB (fourth group) - red blood cells of this group have three chains, each of which is a type of sugar characteristic of the first three groups.

These sugars are called antigens and are capable of inducing the formation of antibodies. The sugars that appeared in the second and third blood groups are antigens A and B; they are absent in the first group.

Blood groups arose during the formation of the human race. In connection with changes in climatic conditions and nutritional conditions, the necessary transformations took place in the blood to adapt to these changes. The appearance of each blood type was due to changes in human living conditions, new circumstances, therefore each blood type has its own characteristics.

Having one blood type or another means being predisposed to certain foods. If you take your blood type into account when choosing food, you can avoid many health problems and restore already impaired functioning of organs and systems.

D’Adamo came to the conclusion that for each person, depending on his blood type, some foods can be useful and have an extremely beneficial effect on health, while others can be harmful, similar in nature to poisons. There is another group of products that are considered neutral. They should form the basis of the diet, since they are the main sources of nutrition for the body.

Characteristics of blood groups
Group 0 (first group)

The blood of the first group is the most ancient: it flowed in the veins of the Cro-Magnons. To survive, they learned to hunt and make fire. And meat became the main food for them. Their gastrointestinal tract produced a lot of stomach acid, which made it possible to extract maximum nutrients from meat and cope with large volumes of protein. In addition, they moved a lot: in search of food, these people constantly changed their territory of residence.

Now the first blood group is the most common in the world, and its carriers have the same features of the immune and digestive systems that were characteristic of their ancestors.

The list of useful, neutral and harmful products is presented in Table 5.

Group A (second group)

People with the second blood group appeared 25,000–15,000 BC. e. The lifestyle of these people was radically different from that led by the “hunters”. If they wandered from place to place, then people with the second blood group began to live in a certain territory and engage in farming in order to have food in reserve.

These people, whom we can call “farmers,” learned to adapt to proteins obtained from food of plant origin (plants, grains), as well as from other, previously inaccessible food products - sea and river inhabitants.

The list of useful, neutral and harmful products is presented in Table 6.

Group B (third group)

The appearance of the third blood group in human history was also associated with changes in living conditions. Around 15,000–10,000 BC. e. Tribes arose and began to travel, again regularly changing their place of residence. But, unlike the “hunters,” they did not eat prey, but the meat and milk of cows, sheep, goats, which they led, grazed and fed, as well as what grew in a particular area. People with the third blood group are called “nomads”.

The list of useful, neutral and harmful products is presented in Table 7.

Group AB (fourth group)

For most of human history, there were only three blood types. Only 10-15 centuries ago a new group appeared, and the reason for its appearance still remains a mystery. The human body with the fourth blood group combines a significant part of the strengths and weaknesses of the second and third groups, that is, it has a more complex structure and functioning. This circumstance, on the one hand, offers a wider range of opportunities for adaptation, but on the other hand, it increases vulnerability.

The list of useful, neutral and harmful products is presented in Table 8.

Table 5

Useful, neutral and undesirable foods for people with blood type 0 (first)

Table 6

Useful, neutral and undesirable foods for people with blood type A (second)

Table 7

Useful, neutral and undesirable foods for people with blood type B (third)

Table 8

Useful, neutral and undesirable foods for people with blood type AB (fourth)

1. The transition to eating according to your blood type should be gradual. Take your time - give yourself time to get used to the new diet.

2. The food you choose for yourself should bring a feeling of comfort and awareness of the correctness of your actions.

3. Don't think that if you go off your diet, you'll do something terrible. If you feel quite healthy, you can allow yourself to behave flexibly, but still try not to overindulge in foods that are not recommended for you.

In addition, do not forget about the rules that are universal for all power systems:

Do not drink while eating;

You should not talk while eating;

Food must be chewed well.

To switch to a new diet as easily and quickly as possible, use the advice of its creator:

1. First, supplement your diet with foods that are healthy for your blood type.

2. Exercise. People with the first group are best suited for intensive exercises - running, shaping; on the second - calming, anti-stress, such as walking, yoga. People with the third group are more susceptible to moderate activity - hiking, cycling, and with the fourth - the same types of activity as for the first group.

3. Having become accustomed to some healthy foods, continue to gradually expand their range, while eliminating undesirable foods and replacing them with similar healthy and neutral ones.

4. You should avoid recipes that require frying, smoking, canning and pickling foods. The most acceptable way of cooking is baking, boiling and steaming. When cooking meat, remove the skin and fat.