Sequence of meals. Sequence of meals Sequence of meals

The action of the drugs is aimed at self-regulation of the body and self-healing, by normalizing the immune system and awakening its defenses. The object of influence is a CELL, any and every cell of the body. The goal is to normalize metabolic and nutritional processes in the cell, remove toxins from the cell - improve metabolic processes. Treatment of any disease of any human organ is treatment of the cell that makes up the organ.

This is a universal treatment, therefore it is recommended for self-medication without fear of overdose and harm. With sufficient dosage (appropriate for age and health status) the effect is felt immediately in the first episode(Regulations). Already at the regulation stage, many symptoms will go away (therefore, it is recommended to make a list of them, and then observe and cross them out). To carefully monitor recovery, you can do tests (for the diseases you are interested in) “before”, “during” and “after” treatment with Phoenix drugs .

If you are taking any pharmaceutical drug constantly, monitor yourself and, as your health and objective indicators in the tests improve, reduce its dose. Perhaps in the future you will even be able to completely abandon your medication, even if you have been with it for more than one year.

From the very beginning of treatment - unless necessary, you should not start with the main doses; the dose should be increased from a small one, over 3-7 days, so as not to “wake up” the organs abruptly.

The preparations are completely natural and, since they are manufactured using new world nano-technologies, synthetic preservatives are not used in them, there is no need for them.

FOHOW preparations are not dietary supplements. This is a new generation of drugs: fast-acting bio-nano-immuno-regulators. The FOHOW Corporation began exporting them worldwide in 1992 (now to 32 countries); in Russia they were certified in 2007. The main consumer is Japan, because there they are used as drugs that remove radionuclides from the body’s cells, which is important for the Japanese.

All 9 drugs have no contraindications, side effects, overdose effects, addiction, dose depletion effects with long-term use, or age restrictions.

The sequence of administration is not strict, however, the manufacturer recommends:

Elixir Phoenix + Lingzhi Capsules

Then the CLEANING series:

  • 1. Liuwei (Pu'er) tea (20 actions)
  • 2. Elixir Sanqing (cleansing blood, lymph, skin, kidneys, liver, intestines)
  • 3. Fruit paste Rose Phoenix (bifidofactor)
  • 4. Xueqingfu capsules (clean vessels)
  • 5. Gaosen nutritional lozenges (removal of fats and sugar) - improvement of the gastrointestinal tract and weight loss

Third consecutive series - RESTORATION

Mineral complex from algae Hai Cao Gai

Elixir Three Jewels

At the same time, it is desirable and very effective to use faradotherapy belts, especially multifunctional lumbar belts. They do not use electricity. The belts have no contraindications, with the exception of pregnancy and stage 3 and 4 cancer

Attend lectures, meetings, training programs, Health Days at your FOHOW representative office. There you will learn the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine for free, communicate with doctors and other knowledgeable and enthusiastic people.

Cereals, whole grain bread and pasta (not to be confused with pasta made from durum wheat), pine nuts, dark chocolate - available until 15.00

Fruits, legumes, fatty fish - eat until 18.00

Vegetables, mushrooms and low-fat protein foods do not have a time limit for consumption.

The sample and lazy menus take this sequence into account.

Well, one more time to consolidate J Chew your food thoroughly and for a long time, do not rush to “memorize” everything in one sitting!!!

This is a very important point. Compliance with this point could be ranked first in importance.

Walk (not run) at an aerobic (fast) pace every day or at least 6 days a week for at least 60 minutes!!!.

If it’s difficult, the pace can be increased gradually.

Pulse while walking is 110-120 beats/min.

The pace is chosen correctly if you can carry on a conversation without shortness of breath while walking.

It’s easy to measure your pulse by setting a timer on your phone for 10 seconds, counting the number of beats on your wrist, and then multiplying the calculated number by 6.

Walking is advisable in the morning on an empty stomach . 1-1.5 hours after walking - breakfast!

If you already get up at 4 am and getting up at 3 am and walking for an hour is the only sad prospect, then in this case you are allowed to walk during the day or in the evening, but then the walking time is at least 90 minutes.

Do not eat anything an hour before walking and 1.5 hours after it.

Don't forget to drink water while walking! Approximately every 15 minutes, 4-6 sips.

If it is not possible to walk in bad weather, walking can be replaced with exercise equipment:

· exercise bike (if there are no diseases of the spine, especially in the lumbar region),

· treadmill (if there are no ankle problems)

· or an elliptical trainer (also called an orbitrack).

Heart rate is the same.

There is no need to do strength training on the weight loss program, it will be on the consolidation program

If you have been walking for more than one week, change your tactics - walk for 10 minutes at a fast pace, and jog for 1 minute.

It is very important about breathing: inhale only through your nose, exhale only through your mouth. If you work out at home on exercise machines, open the window, to burn fat you need a good flow oxygen.

Fat disappears much more easily in places where there is a good blood supply. It can be restored with heat and massage.

I recommend before walking to lubricate problem areas with regular cheap camphor ointment or any massage anti-cellulite cream and massage these problem areas before walking until slight redness appears.

Related information:

  1. II. Organization of admission to Makeevka Medical School
  2. II. Reception and departure of trains. 3. Before accepting the train at the DNC railway station, making sure by the indications on the control device that the receiving track and switches are clear
  3. II. Reception and departure of trains. 9. Before the arrival of the train, the station’s air traffic control system prepares the route for its reception in advance and opens the input signal

    Consistent eating and proper food combinations

    Excerpts from Ideal Health through Sequential Eating by Dr. Stanley Bass

    ..... based on my extensive experience as a nutrition consultant in the Natural Hygiene style (I began studying nutrition in 1936), I will say that consistent nutrition is the best option for the correct combination of foods.
    This concept has been tested and retested thousands of times by myself and others, Dr. Cursio, his family, his patients, and also other Natural Hygiene doctors - Dr. John Mega, Dr. Marvin Telmar, Dr. Anthony Penepent, etc.

    Food Combination
    Any fast-digesting food must wait for slow-digesting foods to leave the stomach, a process that takes 6 to 8 hours. During the waiting period, fruits, cooked and raw vegetables, as well as some starches decompose and ferment, creating gases, acids and even alcohol, which contribute to digestive disorders......

    A completely new concept of digestion:
    ..... if there are 5 different foods in the stomach, eaten at one time, but separately from each other and sequentially one after the other, 5 different digestive processes will occur, and in each layer the product will be broken down by the enzymes corresponding to it.
    But if 5 products are eaten at one time, and each piece contains different products, then the entire stomach will be filled with a mixture of these products....

    Benefits of eating foods in the correct order:
    One of my early patients absolutely refused to change his habitual low-quality diet. I had no other options but to let him have his way. The only change was a change in the sequence of food consumption. And to my surprise, all his problems disappeared in three days.

    Sequential Power Basis
    ......Dr. Frank Grutzner fed rats food of three different colors. At first the food is white, then black, then red. A little later, the animals were killed, their stomachs were frozen and cut up. Food of different colors lay in separate layers......
    ...... There was a famous case during the American Civil War, described by gastroenterologist William Beaumont, about a wounded soldier who had a large hole in his stomach. The doctors present could observe all of his digestive processes, and they also observed that digestion occurred in separate layers. *Based on these observations, Beaumont published a work on digestion.

    A simple test for everyone
    I did one simple test on myself and ate successively different foods, one type at a time, over several meals. After bowel evacuation, the stool contained layers of different colors. The pumpkin was a reddish color, then there was a dark brown layer of lettuce, and the last was a light layer of cheese. Everything came out in the same order as it was eaten.

    The basic rule is the more watery food goes first!
    Such combinations should be avoided
    1. Mixing sweet dried fruits, honey, bananas with nuts or seeds
    2. Mixing starchy foods with fresh, acidic foods or fruits
    3. Mixing dried fruits with sour fruits.
    4. Never eat dried fruits with or after concentrated proteins.
    5. Do not eat raw, fresh or dry fruits after any cooked food.
    6. Avoid drinking any drinks or water during or after meals
    Chew everything until liquid!
    Eat mindfully!

    Time to digest some foods, e.g. How long does it take for it to leave the stomach?

    Water - when the stomach is empty, it leaves immediately
    *if there is food in the stomach, then water and other liquids only dilute the gastric juice, slowing down digestion

    Fruit, vegetable: 15 - 20 min.
    Semi-liquid vegetable or fruit salads (ground in a blender): 20-30 min.
    Melon – 20 min.
    Oranges, grapefruit, grapes: 30 min.
    Apples, peaches, pears, cherries: 40 min.

    Raw chopped salad vegetables: tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, celery, bell pepper, other juicy vegetables: 30-40 min.
    Stewed and cooked vegetables
    Leafy - spinach, kale, etc.: 40 min., Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, corn: 45 min.
    Root vegetables: carrots, beets: 50 min.

    Non-concentrated carbohydrates - starches:
    Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes, corn: 60 min.

    Concentrated carbohydrates - grains:
    Natural brown rice, millet, buckwheat, corn flour, oats - 90 min.

    Pulses and beans - (concentrated carbohydrates and proteins):
    Lentils, peas, beans: 90 min
    Soy: 120 min

    Seeds – sunflower, pumpkin, sesame: about 2 hours
    Nuts: almonds, peanuts, cashews, brazil, walnuts: 2 1/2 - 3 hours.

    Low-fat milk, cottage cheese or low-fat cheese or ricotta: approx. 90 min
    Whole milk cottage cheese: 120 min
    Hard cheeses: 4-5 hours

    Animal protein:
    Yolk – 30 min, whole egg; 45 min
    Fish: 30 -60 min
    Skinless chicken: 1½ - 2 hours

    (From the editor
    Note 1: Raw animal proteins digest much faster than the above-mentioned cooked/heated animal proteins.
    Note 2: the digestion time given is under ideal conditions, when only one food is eaten, the food is chewed well, and the digestive system works well. This is the time of digestive processes for an optimally healthy person with good eating habits.)
    The fragment was translated by user Agnus Dei from the forum

    Hiring involves a number of actions, the sequence of which must be followed. It is especially important to correctly and competently document the fact of concluding a remunerative relationship between an employee and an employer.

    First step: when applying for a job, it consists of the employer reviewing the documents presented and making decisions about hiring an employee.

    At the first stage, it is necessary to find out whether the candidate has restrictions on engaging in certain types of activities (Article 351.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Perhaps he has restrictions on the job you are going to accept him for.

    Documents presented by the employee when concluding an employment contract:
    — passport or other identity document;
    — work record book, with the exception of cases when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or the employee starts working on a part-time basis;
    — insurance certificate of state pension insurance SNILS;
    — military registration documents – for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;
    - a document on education and (or) qualifications or the presence of special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training;
    - a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution on rehabilitative grounds, issued in the manner and in the form established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal norms regulation in the field of internal affairs - when applying for a job related to activities, the implementation of which, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, is not allowed to persons who have or have had a criminal record, are or have been subject to criminal prosecution.

    In some cases, in the step-by-step hiring procedure, taking into account the specifics of the work, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation may require the presentation of additional documents when concluding an employment contract.

    1. Medical examination of the employee in cases provided for by law.

    Mandatory preliminary medical examination when concluding an employment contract, in accordance with Art. 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are subject to:
    - persons under 18 years of age;
    - other persons in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    - other persons in cases provided for by federal laws.

    1. Providing the employer with mandatory information.

    According to Art. 64.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, citizens who have filled positions, the list of which is established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, after dismissal from state or municipal service for two years, are obliged, when concluding employment contracts, to inform the employer about their last place of service.

    Second step: receive a job application from the employee.
    Application – a document addressed to an organization or official, with a request for admission, dismissal, transfer, leave, consideration of a complaint, etc.

    The application must be completed either by hand in any form or on a stencil form. The application includes the following details: addressee (to whom it is addressed); addressee (from whom it is written); address details of the addressee (where he lives, phone number, passport details upon request); type of document; text; signature; date.

    The application is not an essential document, because the law does not require this application, but it may be useful.

    Firstly, in the application you can enter the information necessary for the employer to issue a personal card for inclusion in your personal file.

    Secondly, in cases of disputes about working conditions agreed upon by the parties. Disputes may arise regarding working hours, working hours, etc. Mostly, disputes occur when, after an application, the employment contract is not drawn up or is drawn up, but does not contain all the conditions agreed upon by the parties.

    The application form can be arbitrary, but must comply with all the requirements of GOST R6.30-2003. For example,

    To the Director of the Scientific Research Institute AK
    I. V. Ivanov
    Petrov Ivan Ivanovich,
    residing at:
    st. Mira, 1, apt. 1,


    I ask you to accept me as a senior researcher at the laboratory of chemical synthesis from 08/24/20014.

    Personal signature I. I. Petrov

    If the application from the employee has been accepted, it should be registered in the appropriate Application log.

    Third step: familiarize the employee with the documents.

    According to Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with a number of documents against signature:
    — job description;
    — internal labor regulations;
    — a collective agreement, if concluded, as well as other local regulations directly related to the employee’s work activity.

    We recommend that the employee familiarize himself, in particular, with the labor protection instructions, regulations on departments, regulations on certification, regulations on trade secrets, regulations on wages and bonuses, job descriptions, as well as work schedules and shift schedules.

    Fourth step: conclusion of a written employment contract with the employee and if there are grounds for an agreement on full financial liability.

    According to Art. 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties. When concluding employment contracts with certain categories of workers, labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms may provide for the need to agree on the possibility of concluding employment contracts or their terms with the relevant persons or bodies that are not employers under these contracts, or to draw up employment contracts in more copies. Employment contracts are registered in the Employment Contracts Registration Book.

    Please note that concluding an agreement on full financial liability is not a mandatory step. However, at this stage it can also be very useful. Let’s assume that an agreement on full financial responsibility is not immediately concluded with the employee. And after being hired, he refuses to enter into this contract. The law does not directly indicate how to resolve this situation: whether it is possible to force an employee to enter into an agreement on full financial responsibility, whether it is possible to punish or fire those who are disobedient. There are different points of view on this matter among lawyers, judges, and inspectors. And in order not to prove your position to someone in an unpleasant case and to avoid unnecessary problems, it is better to conclude an agreement on full financial responsibility not long after, but at the same time as deciding on the issue of hiring and applying for a job. At the same time, do not forget that the conclusion of such agreements is possible only with a circle of employees strictly defined by the legislator.

    If the enterprise is conducting Book of registration of agreements on full liability, then the concluded agreement should be registered.

    Fifth step:give the employee his copy of the employment contract.

    Ensure that the employee affixes a signature on the copy of the employment contract submitted to the employer confirming that the employee has received his copy of the contract. We recommend that you put the phrase “I have received a copy of the employment contract” before your signature. According to Art. 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one copy of the employment contract is given to the employee, the other is kept by the employer. The employee's receipt of a copy of the employment contract must be confirmed by the employee's signature on the copy of the employment contract kept by the employer.

    Sixth step: issuance of an employment order.

    An order (instruction) on hiring is issued in the form T-1 (on hiring an employee) or T-1a (on hiring workers), approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 01/05/2004. on the basis of a concluded employment contract, and its content must strictly comply with the terms of the concluded employment contract.

    Note: The unified form applies “to organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation” (clause 2 of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 01/05/2004).

    When developing an “amateur” form, there is a risk of not specifying any of the mandatory details or conditions, for example, whether the work is main or part-time, whether a probationary period has been established, and payment conditions. And this will lead to negative consequences if a dispute arises with the employee in the future.

    Seventh step: register an order (instruction) on hiring an employee to work in Order log(orders).

    Eighth step: familiarize the employee with the order(order) on hiring against signature. According to Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer’s order (instruction) on hiring is announced to the employee against signature within three days from the date of actual start of work.

    Ninth step: make a record of employment in the work book.

    According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer (with the exception of employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs) maintains work books for each employee who has worked for him for more than five days, in the case where work for this employer is the main one for the employee. If the employee does not have a work book, the employer will issue one. At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is entered into the work book at the place of main work on the basis of a document confirming part-time work.

    Tenth step: it is necessary to make an entry in the Book of registration of the movement of work books and inserts for them.
    The forms of the Book for recording the movement of work books and inserts for them and the Receipt and Expenditure Book for recording forms of work books and inserts for them are approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

    Eleventh step: issue a personal card for an employee, familiarize him, against signature in the personal card, with the entry made in the work book, with the information entered in the personal card. The form of the personal card T-2 is approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 01/05/2004. The rules for issuing a personal card are discussed in the lecture “Personal Card”.

    Twelfth step: draw up the employee’s personal file, if in relation to his position the employer has established the obligation to maintain a personal file. A personal file involves the preparation and acceptance of various types of documents. We will look at the rules for compiling and maintaining personal files in the lecture “Personal Files”

    Thirteenth step: include the new employee in the time sheet and other documents.

    Proper nutrition! What is it like? What are the principles of proper nutrition?

    There is still no clear opinion on this matter. The theories of separate nutrition, vegetarianism, raw food diet, fractional meals, low-carbohydrate diet, and even Kwasniewski’s fat diet, among many others, are widely known.

    And recently I came across a lesser-known, although already having a considerable history, approach called “consistent nutrition”.

    I must say that this approach to catering seemed convincing to me and, importantly, convenient and practical. I learned about it from Peter Kelder’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth.”

    So, the food eaten is not mixed in the stomach, but is located in it in layers in the order in which we ate it. And it is digested accordingly layer by layer!

    From the evidence given in the book of precisely this principle of operation of the digestive system, I remember Dr. Grützner’s experiment: rats were successively fed pieces of food of different colors. Subsequently, after trephination of the animals, it turned out that food of different colors lay in their stomachs in layers of different colors.

    Consistent nutrition and food combinations

    It turns out that if we eat foods sequentially, then in the digestive tract they are located sequentially, in monolayers, otherwise such layering will not be detected.

    If we mix different types of food and simultaneously take different types of foods, then such layered arrangement and movement of food cannot be used for the purpose of maintaining health. This is due to the fact that the absorption of different foods requires different times for their processing and the release of different enzymes in the digestive tract.

    As a result of the simultaneous processing of different foods in one food bolus (layer), their absorption is disrupted, digestion is ineffective, and we are faced with indigestion, gas, belching and other troubles.

    If during one meal you consume more than one product, but eat each product without mixing with others and observing a certain order, adhering to the principles of proper nutrition - sequential nutrition, then the digestive processes begin to proceed much more efficiently, the digestion and absorption of products improves.

    Consistent nutrition, facilitating digestive processes, reduces the body's energy consumption necessary for processing food, and ensures the acceleration of metabolic processes.

    As a result of applying such a principle of proper nutrition as consistent nutrition, weight is normalized and the processes of restoring health are launched.

    Sequential Power Principles

    For those who have decided to try out the principles of healthy sequential nutrition for themselves and who prefer to eat more than one dish at one meal, a short guide that I have compiled based on the study of relevant materials will be useful.

    Basic rules:

    • do not start eating the next dish until you have finished the previous one;
    • adhere to a certain rational meal plan;
    • Always start a meal with liquid food and end the meal with a dish containing more solid and concentrated food.

    The best sequence of meals for sequential eating is as follows:

    First, vegetable juices - then vegetable salads - then fruits or fruit juice - finally nuts, seeds, a dish of legumes or cereals for vegetarians, or a fish, dairy or meat dish for non-vegetarians. It is clear that any links can be eliminated from this sequence, but the intake of available dishes must correspond precisely to this scheme.

    The proposed scheme is based on the time required to digest various foods in the human stomach. Vegetable juices spend the shortest time in the stomach - about 15 minutes, salads - about 20 minutes. Fruits and fruit juices can take up to 30 minutes, while the last part of the scheme (nuts, seeds, cheese, fish, meat) takes much longer to process: this food can stay in the stomach for up to 2-3 hours!

    It is advisable to include animal food in your diet no more than 3 to 5 times a week.

    Like many other diet systems, sequential nutrition excludes drinks other than juices from the meal plan. Water and other drinks can be taken between meals, otherwise they wash away beneficial enzymes and make digestion difficult.

    Eating according to this scheme allows you to sufficiently saturate the body with all the nutrients it needs due to the raw components of food (the first 3 links) and the presence of complete protein products in it (the last 4 link).

    Digestion with consistent nutrition will be able to proceed more physiologically and economically, providing the body with the required resources and releasing energy to perform more significant functions.

    Elena Alekseevna