Ultrasonic liposuction: invasive and non-invasive techniques. Cavitation-non-surgical liposuction Invasive and non-surgical liposuction

Liposuction is a method of removing excess fat tissue in problem areas in order to correct the silhouette. This method is not suitable for the treatment of general obesity. Liposuction is the final stage in the fight against figure imperfections, advisable when the total body weight is within the normal range. There are several ways to destroy fat cells during liposuction: mechanical, radiofrequency, laser and ultrasound. Ultrasonic liposuction has become widespread, especially the non-surgical method of performing this procedure.

How does ultrasound destroy fat cells?

The process of death of fat cells (adipocytes) under the influence of ultrasound is called cavitation. Ultrasound destabilizes the contents of adipocytes, causing the formation of tiny vacuum bubbles in them, bursting and thus causing water hammer, which destroys the cell membrane. The contents of the cells enter the intercellular space, where 90% of it is neutralized by lymph cells as a foreign body and excreted by the liver. The remaining 10% is used by the body as a source of energy.

Fat cells are voluminous and have a stretched membrane, which is why they are vulnerable to ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound does not have a destructive effect on muscle cells, skin cells, blood vessels, and nerve endings. And the internal organs and joints remain outside the zone of its influence.

Surgical ultrasonic liposuction can be performed under both general and local anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia depends on the extent of the operation. Subcutaneous fat tissue is treated with ultrasound, and the destroyed fat cells in the form of an emulsion are removed through small punctures in the skin using a hollow titanium tube connected to a vacuum pump. Ultrasound from the inside has a lifting effect on the skin, which allows, in the case of small fatty deposits, to do without additional methods of tightening the skin in the treated area.

This method allows you to avoid large blood losses when removing a significant amount of fat (up to 2 liters per procedure). Ultrasonic liposuction removes fat deposits evenly, without scars, pits and bumps.

Non-surgical liposuction began to be used relatively recently; it became possible after the invention of special devices. The main difference between this technique and surgical liposuction is the preservation of the integrity of the skin. This technique does not require pain relief and does not leave bruises. Fat cells destroyed by ultrasound are excreted naturally through the body’s venous and lymphatic systems, breaking down into metabolites (less complex substances) in the liver.

Since the natural process of removing metabolites from the body is not designed for their huge amount, no more than 500 ml of fat can be destroyed in one session of non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction. As a rule, 2-3 sessions are required to correct the problem area.

This method allows not only to remove excess fatty tissue in the treated area, but also to remove skin unevenness. The devices currently used for non-invasive ultrasonic liposuction are so “smart” that they themselves strictly control the entire process. In particular, if the ultrasonic wave is repeatedly directed to the same place, the device simply will not turn on. This avoids uneven removal of fat deposits and the “washboard” effect.

To enhance the effect, the method is often complemented by other techniques such as massage and lymphatic drainage.

The results of the procedure should be judged no earlier than a month later, since all this time the adipose tissue continues to be excreted from the body.

Contraindications to ultrasonic liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is a fairly serious effect on the body, and it has its contraindications:

  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​intended treatment (scars, rashes, cuts, abrasions, etc.);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • decreased immunity due to diseases or any effects on the body;
  • divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, abdominal hernia;
  • hip and knee joint prostheses;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

This should be remembered

Adipose tissue in the treated areas is not re-deposited, or is deposited as a last resort. But if you do not adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, limit physical activity and lead an unhealthy lifestyle, fat will accumulate in areas where liposuction was not performed. Any liposuction is only a method of local silhouette correction, nothing more.

Liposuction without surgery at an affordable price!

If you are very bothered by fat deposits on the hips, abdomen, cervical or scapular areas, and you understand that plastic surgery is not your option, cosmetologists advise you to take a close look at the procedure called cavitation, in Podolsk, has been practiced by specialists of the Unimed+ Cosmetology Clinic for many years with good results.

Used in cavitation, studied and repeatedly properties of ultrasound that have proven their harmlessness and effectiveness. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, without requiring any incisions or injections.

The pain of ultrasonic liposuction is comparable to the effect of this sound on nociceptors during an ultrasound of any organ. And provided that the cycle of procedures is carried out professionally and certain rules are followed, after its completion, cavitation does not require repetition.

Physical concept of cavitation

Physicists use the term “cavitation” call the formation in a separate section of a liquid medium (not in its entire thickness, as happens during boiling) of bubbles filled with liquid vapor.

This phenomenon can develop when the movement of one of the water layers accelerates - at the boundary between layers, or when the properties of a separate section of the liquid change, which can occur under the influence of high-frequency sound passed through it (such a wave will transfer its energy to the water).

The latter phenomenon is called acoustic cavitation and is used to correct localized fat deposits.

Gas-filled cavities in a liquid medium treated with ultrasound appear locally - in the zone where it reached a level above the pressure exerted by saturated steam.

Then, due to a decrease in the average hydrostatic pressure, the gases that are contained in any liquid medium of our body begin to form bubbles by diffusion.

Gas cavities grow until the pressure at the place of their formation drops to a certain critical value, which is below saturated vapor pressure. If the pressure in this area increases sharply, or the cavitation bubble enters an area of ​​high hydrostatic pressure, it will collapse, forming a shock wave.

And since bubbles tend to expand and contract, while heating inside to a fairly high temperature, when they collapse, an exothermic reaction occurs.

Cavitation non-surgical liposuction

If on the subcutaneous layer of fat
If a person is exposed to sound with a frequency of 37-45 KHz (but less than 70 KHz) and a pressure of about 0.6 kiloPascal, gas-filled bubbles will form in it.

By reducing the sound frequency, you can achieve an increase in cavitation cavities. Expanding in the interadipocyte tissue, they will compress fat cells from the outside, and forming directly in the fat, liquefy it.

When the threshold pressure is reached, the gas spheres burst, and the resulting hydrodynamic shock damages the adipocyte membranes. The most filled cells “burst” first, because the tension of their membranes is maximum.

Triglyceride fats released from cells with damaged membranes enter the intracellular intercellular space. Next, about 90% of them enter the blood, and less than 10% are absorbed by the lymph. Lipids pass through the liver, from their particles glucose molecules are formed, which are spent on the needs of the body.

Low-frequency ultrasound does not damage epidermal cells, myofibrils, or vascular walls due to their different properties from adipocyte tissue. The sound of the above characteristics does not reach the internal organs.

According to mechanical, thermal and cavitation effects such non-surgical liposuction is recognized as safe by the American FDA Association. They also proved that ultrasonic waves also benefit the organs surrounding the fat layer:

  • perform a kind of cell massage
  • due to thermal effects, they accelerate metabolic processes and oxygenation
  • revascularization of treated tissues is activated
  • increase the flow rate of interstitial fluid and lymph
  • mobilize fibroblasts necessary for the synthesis of the dermal framework.

In terms of its effect, the technique can be comparable to surgical liposuction.. Besides this:

  • the procedure is painless
  • you can work on several distant zones
  • no invasiveness required
  • there is no need for anesthesia or local anesthesia - side effects of local and systemic drugs are eliminated
  • there is no “washboard” feeling under the skin, as with classic surgical liposuction
  • results can be seen after 2-3 procedures
  • absence of hematomas, swelling, scars or redness in the cavitation area
  • there will be no scarring
  • no lengthy or complex preparation required
  • no sagging skin after cavitation (ultrasound provides a skin lifting effect)
  • convenient schedule of procedures: weekly, 5-8 times
  • In addition to removing fat, a lifting effect is achieved and improves skin tone and texture
  • the price of cavitation is many times lower than surgical correction
  • there is no need to limit your usual schedule of attending other procedures or wearing devices after treating fat deposits with ultrasound –

These are the positive properties
which a well-executed cavitation possesses
. Podolsk is a regional center where cosmetology clinics have opened and continue to open, but please note: ultrasonic liposuction manipulation must be carried out by a qualified specialist who:

  • knows how to absolutely accurately select the operating parameters of an ultrasonic device
  • knows the topographic anatomy of blood vessels, endocrine and internal organs and will not influence them with ultrasound of the same characteristics as for treating the subcutaneous layer of adipocytes
  • taking into account contraindications to the procedure
  • will be able to help with the development of complications of cavitation
  • will definitely complement acoustic liposuction with the necessary procedures, having previously discussed this with the patient.

The Unimed+ Cosmetology Clinic in Podolsk meets all these requirements.

Cosmetologists have not only passed the necessary certification to carry out ultrasonic lipolysis, but also always discuss with each patient the effect that is possible for him, achieved by cavitation, and those actions that will help strengthen and fix it.

Who needs ultrasonic cavitation

If you notice at least one of the following symptoms, non-surgical liposuction is what you need:

  1. deposits that you don't like on your stomach
  2. cellulite
  3. local accumulations of adipocyte tissue of any location
  4. Irregularities, tubercles, and lumps appeared under the skin as a complication of surgical liposuction.

Using cavitation
Ultrasound can remove lipomas (“fat”) on the body without performing anesthesia or scalpel incisions.

Cavitation will be effective if the thickness of the skin-subcutaneous fold exceeds 2 cm, if the person has at least 10 kg of excess weight.

This is an ideal method to get rid of fat for those who, due to general diseases, are contraindicated for invasive liposuction, and who, caring about their health, are ready to follow a maintenance diet (it incorporates the principles of a healthy diet).

Contraindications to cavitation

Although non-surgical liposuction is considered a well-proven procedure, the complications of which the Unimed+ Clinic has not recorded in 5 years of working with it, the technique has a number of contraindications:

  1. diseases of the hepatobiliary zone (most of the fat will pass through the liver)
  2. excess body weight of 100% or more
  3. pregnancy
  4. When using cavitation for lipolysis on the abdomen, contraindications are umbilical hernias
  5. cardiological pathology
  6. lactation period
  7. diabetes mellitus
  8. Cavitation cannot be performed in the area of ​​unhealed wounds.

Execution method

Ultrasonic cavitation in Podolsk at the Unimed+ center will be performed after a person has visited a preliminary consultation, where he will be examined by a specialist, questioned and, if necessary, prescribed examinations for possible contraindications to manipulation.

3 days before the chosen date, you need to give up lipid-rich foods, but drink 1.5 or more liters of liquid per day. No other preparation is required.

The cavitation procedure itself is performed as follows:

  • you need to free the problem area from clothes and lie down on the couch
  • the doctor selects the required area
  • in this localization mechanical actions are performed aimed at accelerating the movement of lymph here
  • this area is treated with gel, as a result, the transducer (attachment) moves easily over the skin, and ultrasound breaks down fat
  • the area where an excessive number of adipocytes is localized is treated by a cosmetologist with an ultrasonic transducer, which is not similar to an ultrasound sensor, but there is no difference in sensations
  • The phenomenon of cavitation in the treated adipocytes is produced by moving the handpiece in the direction of the regional lymph nodes along the massage lines. The scanning system controls the uniformity of the distribution of ultrasonic vibrations in the hypodermis
  • The procedure is painless - the most you will feel is a slight warmth in the treated area.

Ultrasonic cavitation as a procedure lasts 30-45 minutes, and after it lymphatic drainage massage or myostimulation is recommended, which will help facilitate the drainage of adipocyte breakdown products.

The total duration of the entire manipulation in combination with myostimulation or lymphatic drainage massage lasts just over an hour, maximum 90 minutes. The frequency with which cavitation should be repeated is once a week or 5 days (this will be determined by our specialist who has sufficient experience in this).

You need to keep in mind: due to the extensive fatty load on the liver, Unimed+ Clinic specialists will not treat more than 2 areas in one visit.

One acoustic cavitation procedure can trigger the breakdown of up to 500 g of triglycerides enclosed in the membrane, and in a course of 5-10 sessions you can lose a maximum of 10-12 cm of waist or hip volume. The effect will occur the sooner and will last longer, the shorter the period of time that has passed from the formation of fat accumulations to the visit to the doctor.

If you do not agree to let the lipolysis process take its course and wait for the disease to recur, follow these recommendations:

  1. have a preventive consultation with a doctor at least annually
  2. follow a low carb diet
  3. drink sufficient (30-40 ml per kilogram of your own weight) amount of liquid
  4. eliminate physical inactivity
  5. watch your weight.

Healthy eating
in the post- and inter-procedural period consists of limiting the intake of foods rich in fats and carbohydrates, mandatory inclusion in the menu of fresh gifts of nature, seafood, dairy products, lean meats, fish and poultry. Be sure to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

The optimal anti-relapse measure would be lipolytic mesotherapy. This is an injection technique that uses a special line of drugs.

Doctors at the Unimed+ Clinic have proven their competence in performing ultrasonic cavitation. We carefully examine patients before performing this manipulation, and also warn them what sensations during and after the procedure they should pay attention to and tell the doctor performing it.

We emphasize that ultrasonic cavitation will be especially effective if you combine the efforts of the doctor and the patient in the common cause of combating local fat deposits.

Come to the Unimed+ Clinic and see for yourself!

Price for cavitation in Podolsk at the Unimed+ Clinicfrom 1000 to 2000 rubles 1 zone(price for one body zone - hips + buttocks or stomach + sides)

Correcting figure imperfections by removing local fat deposits (liposuction) has already become a routine and well-established operation with a minimum of complications. The constant improvement of medical technologies and the increasing demands of patients have led to the development of a separate minimally invasive direction in this area. Currently, it is being used more and more widely and is gradually replacing traditional methods.

Relevance of the issue

Excess body weight creates an increased load on almost all organs and systems, leads to the appearance of serious diseases (including diabetes mellitus, fatty liver, coronary heart disease), causes discomfort in everyday life and negatively affects a person’s appearance. Being overweight can lead to awkwardness in communicating with other people and create difficulties in your professional and personal life.

Ultrasonic liposuction

In this case, the effect of cavitation is used - the destruction of fat cells under the influence of ultrasonic pulses. The method does not require pain relief and has a positive side effect - it stimulates skin contraction, which is important for accelerating the recovery process.


The active factor is high-frequency alternating current, which causes the breakdown of adipocytes (fat cells). The procedure is low-traumatic, highly effective, does not require anesthesia and also has a tightening effect on the skin.


The method is intended for treating local areas (stomach and sides, thighs). The working attachment of the device lowers the temperature of the tissues in the desired zone to approximately +25 C and compresses them. Fat cells are exposed to hypoxia and disintegrate. In this case, there are no skin punctures at all.

Read more about cryolipolysis

Injection liposuction

A complex of drugs (it includes bile acids, enzymes, vitamins and plant extracts) is injected under the skin by injection, causing active breakdown of fat. The method is safe and low cost compared to other liposuction options.

Patients often ask the question: where does the adipose tissue destroyed using non-surgical liposuction go? It is excreted naturally. First, it breaks down into fatty acids and triglycerides, is absorbed into the blood and lymph, then is finally “burned” in the liver. Naturally, in the postoperative period the load on the liver increases sharply, so the technique is contraindicated in patients with liver failure. To facilitate the breakdown and utilization of fat, it is necessary to consume a large amount of fluid and follow the prescribed diet.

Read more about chemical lipolysis

Non-surgical liposuction is also contraindicated in case of severe systemic pathologies, bleeding disorders, infections, cancer processes, diabetes mellitus, pustular skin diseases in the area of ​​intervention, and pregnancy.

Can eliminate many figure imperfections with minimal impact. Most of her methods do not require pain relief and are not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin; they are safe and allow the patient to quickly return to a full life.

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Modern norms of the human body are based on the refinement of forms. This pushes people to constantly take measures to eliminate those extra pounds. One of the means of such opposition is liposuction. This procedure is endowed with advantages, has negative aspects, is varied in practicing methods, and is not always approved by patients.

Invasive or surgical types of liposuction - advantages and disadvantages, when used?

A considerable number of people opt for non-surgical methods of combating excess fat. One of the possible reasons is the lack of information among the population about what equipment is used during surgery, what is the algorithm for the procedure itself, what are the positive aspects and disadvantages in the extensive list of subtypes of liposuction.

Surgical liposuction involves making incisions on the patient's body through which fat is removed using suction equipment. The fundamental point of this treatment is the fragmentation of fat cells into molecules. The type of liposuction under consideration is divided into several subtypes, which were created based on the historical component:

  • dry– traditional liposuction option. Excess fatty tissue is removed mechanically. For these purposes, cannulas with a large diameter are used, which are connected to an aspirator. Impregnation of body materials with saline solution is not carried out. This subtype of classic liposuction is relevant if you need to work with tiny areas of the body, where the amount of excess fat is not so large; to neutralize the mistakes of previous liposuction. Negative factors include a large loss of blood by the patient and severe trauma. The fundamental aspects of the procedure under consideration are accuracy and complexity, which eliminates the inexperience and unprofessionalism of the operator. This subtype of liposuction is not so popular among those who have problems with deposits of fat mass, but on average its price ranges from $300-400 for 1 zone;
  • wet– practiced frequently, characterized by low trauma. Before inserting the cannula into the area with which they plan to work, a certain amount of a substance is released, which includes an anesthetic and adrenaline. The first favors the liquefaction of fatty matter - the process of extracting fatty emulsion is greatly facilitated. Through adrenaline, blood vessels decrease in diameter, which means blood loss will be minimal. The tiny presence of blood in the equipment used helps to extract a larger volume of fatty matter from the body (maximum 5 thousand ml of emulsion). This procedure will be more fruitful if combined with non-surgical liposuction;
  • tumescent– is possible with a special solution, which will include an anesthetic, soda, saline, and adrenaline. After introducing a large volume of this solution into the patient’s body, the vessels regress in their diameter, which provides them with protection from ruptures. Fat cells are fixed in the solution, making their removal much easier. This subtype of surgical liposuction allows you to eliminate up to 10 thousand ml. emulsions.

If a person decides to undergo this type of liposuction, then one must be prepared for prolonged pain in the areas that were treated. You can forget about the smoothness of the skin in these areas, so cosmetic manipulations are additionally indicated. It is important to perform maneuvers during surgical liposuction in the forearms and on the inner thighs.

It is impossible to answer the exact question of how much surgical liposuction costs, since it will depend on how many problem areas the patient has, which clinic and in which country was chosen for treatment. The average price for 1 zone (palm size) within the Russian Federation starts from 400-500 dollars.

Comment by Yaroslav Igorevich Sukhodolov, plastic surgeon:

You need to understand that liposuction is not a method of losing weight.

Chemical liposuction is used by cosmetologists, it works on very small volumes of fat (such as the chin, knee area) - it is extremely ineffective.

Dry liposuction is not used at all.

Tumescent is the most popular and working option (a regular cannula for liposuction is performed).

Laser and ultrasound are the same as tumescent, only special devices are used (advantages: the skin contracts more strongly than after classic liposuction).

After any liposuction, you need to wear compression garments for 1-2 months.

Non-invasive or non-surgical liposuction methods – pros and cons, how do they work?

By definition, it would be wrong to initiate liposuction as a non-surgical intervention, since the surgical aspect is an immediate component of the procedure in question. It would be more appropriate to call this phenomenon lipolysis: the elimination of fat cells is carried out thanks to the circulatory and lymphatic systems. There are several subtypes of this procedure:

  • radiofrequency liposuction. Elimination of the integrity of a minimal particle of fat is carried out thanks to 2 electrodes and a generator. The electric current pumped in this way collides with the cell and destroys it. At the start of this procedure, you need to connect 1 of the electrodes to the fatty tissue, which means piercing the skin. The second electrode should be fixed on the outside of the skin opposite the first. Destruction is carried out in a balanced manner, problems with skin unevenness are excluded, but it is possible. The procedure under consideration is fraught with disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and impaired blood flow.

The cost of radio wave liposuction varies depending on the problem
site, clinic. On average, you need to have 1200-1500 dollars to perform 1 session in 1 zone. But there is no 100% guarantee that radiofrequency liposuction will be successful, so it is advisable to consider alternative options;

  • chemical– elimination of fat deposits with the assistance of a specific chemical. Relevant for small areas: chin, knees, etc. The negative point is the likelihood of allergies, weak visual effect. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with just one injection, but even in this case the procedure will have to be updated regularly. The price for 1 injection will depend on the substance used, on average it will be 50-150 dollars.

Since the skin does not look attractive in appearance, the effect is minimal, and the need for duplication is obvious, chemical liposuction cannot boast of a lot of positive reviews;

  • ultrasonic liposuction. Among all the subtypes of non-surgical liposuction, this one has gained the greatest popularity. To eliminate extra pounds, they use special “tube in tube” equipment, when the problem area is exposed to ultrasonic waves. Fat cells are divided into microparticles, converted into a liquid state, and removed from the body. Such treatment will cost about $600/1 problem area.

The advantages of liposuction under consideration include:

  • balanced separation of fat cells;
  • no need for rehabilitation after surgery;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • solving the problem in terms of excess weight;
  • no pain is detected during the procedure;
  • the ability to correct hard-to-reach areas.

There are many negative effects in this procedure:

  • dehydration of materials;
  • likelihood of inflammation of the gastric/pancreatic mucosa. This is explained by the destructive effect of low-frequency ultrasound waves on the pancreas. May be limited to loose stools;
  • maintaining the unity of the skin is problematic. Often an external/internal burn is recorded.

Only a professional should carry out such a procedure. Otherwise, dysfunction of internal organs/systems may occur.

Minimally invasive method of laser liposuction - advantages and disadvantages, possible side effects

This can be done by influencing fat cells, which are divided into microparticles and removed from the body. Through this procedure, you can get rid of excess fat and make the skin more toned. Anyone who wants to try this procedure on themselves needs to have at least $700 in their wallet. This is exactly the average amount for work with 1 problem area.

There are many advantages to this procedure:

  • minimal injury. Explained by the characteristics of the laser device that is used during the procedure. The radius of the cannulas is 0.25 mm, the breakdown of fat particles is due to thermal effects;
  • Skin tightness is achieved by the ability to control the strength of the thermal effect. If there is a need for a strong tightening, the doctor can change the wavelength of the laser, which will provoke more thorough heating of the tissue;
  • ability to eliminate errors in hard-to-reach areas. This can include the armpits, the area above the knees, the chin, etc. During surgical liposuction, the patient will suffer pain for a long time - the consequences of the laser procedure are fleeting;

There are several negative points:

After finishing the procedure, there is a need to use compression garments. At first, it must be worn regularly (up to 21 days), after that - as prescribed by the doctor;
for inelastic skin, duplication of the procedure is required, since one-time laser therapy will not be fruitful;
The peak effectiveness of the procedure will occur only after 3 months. It is then that the processes of skin contraction will be completed.

Real reviews about liposuction

Six months ago I had vacuum liposuction. At that time, I knew only superficially about this procedure; I learned about all the nuances later, including from personal experience. The procedure itself is very complicated, my recovery period lasted a month and a half. During this time there was such a thing that I lost consciousness. The skin at the suction site looks terrible: uneven, inelastic. You must definitely watch what you eat, when you eat, and exercise. If you don’t do this, then the most unexpected areas of your body will become overgrown with fat. The paradox of the situation is that only 400 grams of fat was removed. I heard that up to 5 liters can be removed from very obese people. To avoid incidents, consult with normal doctors, find out all the details and errors of the procedure.

If you need to solve the problem of a bulging belly + tighten the skin, then I advise you to perform radio wave liposuction using the BodyTite device. A little expensive, of course: I paid 1200 dollars (face), but I don’t regret it

For as long as I know myself, I have been regularly involved in sports dancing. The figurine is beautiful. But the “ears” on the sides spoil the whole picture, especially if I wear low-waisted trousers! I tried to get rid of them using different methods: gymnastics, massages, saunas - but I just wasted my money. I decided to take a more serious step - radio wave liposuction. I liked that they included local anesthesia, that it didn’t take much time to recover, and they did a lift on my “ears.” I took a lot of tests. The procedure took me an hour of time. I wore the compression garment for a little over a month, and the results were worth it!

Not very long ago I had ultrasound liposuction of my thighs (outer side) using the OMNIKA device. The doctor prescribed me to undergo 7 procedures, I followed his recommendations. The good thing about this device is that it comes with attachments, thanks to which you can tighten the skin in the problem area. Between each procedure I paused for 7 days so that the melted cells could be completely removed from my body. There was no pain during liposuction, but the whistling sound of the operating device was present. After completing the procedure, I did not have to stay in the clinic - I left the building in a matter of minutes. As a result, my hips decreased by 6 cm.

I really liked radiofrequency liposuction using a special device (BodyTite, if I’m not mistaken). Before the treatment, my waist was 74 cm, after – 69 cm. Nothing happens for the first 6-7 days after the procedure, but then the result is amazing.

I had tumescent liposuction a year and a half ago in Moscow, it cost me $800. They gave me general anesthesia and I fell asleep. When I came to my senses, the doctors were stitching me up. There is no need to be afraid - the body’s sensitivity is zero due to painkillers, and you will not see this process. Elastic bandages for wounds, underwear put on top and that’s it. A friend came to pick me up, we went together to a sushi bar, then to a supermarket and home. While I was under the influence of the painkiller, I felt better than satisfactory. As soon as the medications stopped working, the pain overtook me. She was saved by ketanov. Three days later I started working, but I came to the clinic every day to get a dressing done. I thought that these terrible bruises would stay with me forever, but they went away within a few days. I also want to do laser liposuction - I’m looking for a normal clinic.

Two years ago I had laser liposuction in Minsk. I needed to adjust my waist, tighten my sides, and reduce my hips. I paid a lot of money, but the effect is only noticeable under a microscope. I regret that I didn’t have regular liposuction, and would have saved money and enjoyed the results.

I’m 54 years old, I decided to get rid of my belly, correct my figure around the hips, knees, and waist. My stomach especially bothered me: after menopause it increased even more. I visited many clinics, talked with many surgeons, until I finally found an adequate specialist. Initially I was set for laser liposuction, but the doctor dissuaded me. As he said, the laser procedure will cost twice as much as regular (junescent) liposuction, and it’s unlikely that laser lipo will help me in any way. I decided to undergo regular liposuction, spent 1 day in the clinic, they removed 870 ml of pure fat, and I paid a little more than 1 thousand dollars for all this.

I was always skinny, but with age I got a belly. Hula hoop, abdominal pumping, and hunger strike were not successful, so I decided to have liposuction. Since I am terribly afraid of pain, I decided on laser correction. Its essence lies in the fact that the stomach is pierced with small cannulas. The mark remained, but within a year everything disappeared. It is imperative to monitor your diet and lifestyle after this procedure, otherwise the eliminated fat will return very quickly.

About two weeks ago I had wet liposuction on my stomach and sides. I'm not complaining about the result. I’m especially happy with my sides. But during the procedure the pain was severe. It was possible to endure it, but I wouldn’t risk going through it again. They used local anesthesia and were allowed to go home the same day. A day later it was already working. Bruises and swelling are decreasing every day, and the result is visible.

Four months ago I had laser liposuction on my chin in Kyiv. I can’t say that it was too distinct for me, but it still spoiled my mood. I paid 650 dollars for this procedure. The effect made itself felt after 2 months. There is no sagging skin on the chin. In general, I am pleased with the result, despite the fact that the price is steep.

I had wet liposuction last summer. I turned to a trusted specialist (a friend recommended it) and he prescribed this procedure for me. I wanted to remove excess from the thighs - the outer side. The operation was performed under anesthesia, so I slept soundly while my fat was removed. When I woke up, I went to the toilet, got dressed and went home. The hematomas remained, but did not last long. The swelling also subsided quickly. You can’t go sunbathing for more than a month, but start working – at least the next day. The result was pleasing, but six months passed and wave-like irregularities began to appear on the legs. As the doctor explained to me over the phone, this is due to an unbalanced diet. They performed liposuction on me, but I didn’t eat less, which is what caused this effect. Now I’m on a kefir diet, and my legs seem to be returning to normal.