Exercise therapy in gynecology. Kegel exercises for beginners: to strengthen the pelvic muscles, for urinary incontinence, for hemorrhoids, for women and men

Exercises for the pelvis for women will help maintain the tone of the perineal muscles, since the health of the genitourinary system directly depends on how reliably it is protected from the influence of the external environment. In addition, they help prevent:

  • the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis;
  • prolapse of the uterus and vagina later in life;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis.

In addition, training helps maintain vaginal muscles in good shape after pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to gymnastics, you need to strictly observe personal hygiene and regularly visit a gynecologist.

Almost all exercises for the small pelvis for women can be performed at home on your own, without the use of complex devices and exercise machines. Firmness and elasticity in the intimate area is quite difficult to achieve, but regular training will definitely give the desired result.

When starting a set of exercises, you must follow certain rules and requirements that will help you achieve a very good result, which is why:

  • training should be regular;
  • you cannot eat an hour before they take place;
  • You need to exercise when your intestines and urinary tract are empty;
  • you need to breathe correctly.

Before you start performing exercises for the small pelvis for women, you must first warm up the body and do some stretching. It is best to choose a specific time for training and exercise at the same time.

Who needs to do gymnastics

Exercises for the female pelvic organs help maintain muscles:

  • uterus;
  • bladder;
  • small intestine;
  • rectum.

This training will help you prepare for pregnancy and easy childbirth without pain. Gymnastics will help you learn to relax the muscles that often interfere with the birth of a child. In addition, classes are useful for the prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence problems.

Exercises will help much faster restore tissues that are stretched during childbirth, and they are also suitable for maintaining intimate health and preventing inflammatory processes in the genital area.

General rules for performing exercises

It is imperative to observe the rules of personal hygiene and visit the examination room. When performing pelvic floor exercises for women, you do not need any special equipment at all. The training set can be performed at any convenient time, but at least 2 times a week. It is very important that exercise is regular.

Exercise technique

Exercises for the small organs will help strengthen the muscles of the perineum. To perform them you need to be in the most comfortable position. You need to tightly squeeze the anus and vaginal muscles so that you can feel how they are pulled inward. At the point of maximum tension, linger for a few seconds, and then slowly relax the muscles.

To do an exercise for blood flow in a woman's pelvis, there must be a hard bed. You need to sit cross-legged, and then tense the muscles of the vagina and buttocks as much as possible. At the same time, you need to pull in your stomach. This exercise also helps strengthen the vaginal walls.

Basic exercises

When there is stagnation in the pelvis in women, exercises will help normalize the functioning of the genital organs and strengthen the muscles. Carrying out gymnastics is very simple, but it is worth remembering that you should not expect instant results, since it may take quite a lot of time to normalize your well-being.

The “lift” exercise for the pelvic muscles for women is considered very effective. To do this, you need to imagine that there is an elevator car in the crotch area. It is necessary to alternately squeeze and relax the muscles of the perineum, each time increasing the intensity of the effect.

To strengthen your pelvic muscles, you need to lie on your back, tense the muscles in the vaginal area and stay in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times. In addition, this muscle group can be trained by alternately squeezing and unclenching the muscles at the fastest possible pace. This complex should be performed initially in 5 approaches, and then gradually increase the load as the muscles get used to the load.

To train the pelvic muscles, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them slightly to the sides. Place your hands on your lower abdomen so that one is located above the other. Periodically you need to tense your muscles, holding this position for about a minute, and then relax.

While kneeling, you need to periodically arch and retract your spine, lowering and raising your head. The effect is that you need to tense your abdominal muscles, involving the perineal area in this process. This requires proper breathing. The number of repetitions must be approximately 5-10 approaches.

The bridge gives a good result, as this exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, you need to lie on your back and try to raise your pelvic area as high as possible, trying to reach your heels with your fingers. In this case, it is important to draw in the stomach as much as possible in order to use the vaginal muscles. This exercise also helps to pump up your legs and abs, as well as get rid of excess fat accumulation on the buttocks and thighs.

Use of simulators

Special devices for gymnastics will help make it most effective. Quite often they are used for this purpose, which make the exercises more effective. In addition, there are several other types of similar devices.

A device made of special medical silicone - Magic Kegel Master - is widely used. This is a special exercise machine for the intimate area, equipped with sensitive sensors that help measure pressure.

In addition, there is a Kegel exerciser that helps determine the strength of the tension. This device allows you to increase the load each time, while forming stronger and more elastic perineal muscles. Its operation is based on the action of special springs, which can be changed as the applied load increases.

Jade balls are widely used, which help increase muscle tone and restore firmness and elasticity. In addition, this stone has antibacterial properties. You can start using exercise equipment only after completing a complex of gymnastics.

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

Kegel exercises for the pelvis for women help prevent the occurrence of complex diseases of the genital organs. They are also used for prolapse of the uterus. Increasing muscle tone will help normalize the functioning of the intestines. The abdominals help maintain the correct position of the pelvic organs, which is very important for maintaining the position of the uterus and other organs. Competent gymnastics for cervical prolapse promotes:

  • strengthening the muscular system;
  • increasing the tone of the muscular layer of the vagina;
  • strengthening the abdominal press.

In case of complete or incomplete uterine prolapse, gymnastics is selected exclusively by the attending doctor in order to prevent injury and infringement of tissues. Body position is not important, but some women find it much easier to do the exercises while sitting.

It is advisable to synchronize the contraction of the vaginal muscles with your breathing, and also be sure to control the tone of the buttocks and abdominal muscles. The stomach should be relaxed and the navel should remain motionless at all times. The buttocks and leg muscles should also not be strained.

During training, you need to perform consistent wave-like movements. The most important stage of this exercise is considered to be tonic tension of the upper parts of the vagina. All this allows you to maintain the tone of the uterus.

Exercises for urinary incontinence

Exercises for blood flow in a woman’s pelvis become a real salvation for many. They can be performed while sitting on a chair. There are several different exercises, including:

  • slow compressions;
  • reductions;
  • pushing out.

You need to squeeze the muscles that could interfere with urination, stay in this position for a few seconds, and then relax. In addition, there is another way to perform the exercise. To do this, you need to squeeze the muscles a little, but just a little at first. Without unclenching the muscles, you need to increase the degree of compression to the maximum level, remain in this position for several seconds, and then relax.

In addition, you need to quickly squeeze and relax the muscles that are responsible for the process of urination. When performing expulsion exercises, you should imagine the process of urination and try to imagine the maximum increase in urine pressure. All of these exercises will help strengthen your bladder.

Complex for pregnant women

Exercises for pelvic blood circulation for women will help maintain intimate muscles and muscle fibers located in the area in tone. In this case, protrusion is performed. To do this, you need to stand in one of the birth positions and pretend to give birth. This allows you to train your muscles and will have a good effect on the birth process.

Another type of exercise is stretching the Achilles tendons. To do this, you need to sit down with your legs spread wide apart. If the feet turn inward or sitting is completely uncomfortable, it means that the tendons are not stretched at all, so you need to do such training regularly.

Kegel exercises after childbirth

Exercises after childbirth are very important so that you can quickly return to your previous shape. In addition, they help prevent the occurrence of various diseases of the pelvic organs. You need to alternately contract and relax the vaginal muscles, holding in this position for ten seconds. In addition, you can do other exercises, devoting about five minutes a day to each of them.

It is best to start doing exercises after one or two weeks if there are no stitches or other contraindications. Before performing gymnastics, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Workout to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic area

After two to three weeks of regular training, you can notice a significant improvement, as many people have problems with urinary incontinence, the process of treating the pelvic organs is much more effective, and their intimate life becomes much brighter.

To do this, it is recommended to perform such exercises as “birch tree”, “bicycle”, “swallow”, “boat”. However, it is necessary to tense the muscles of the perineum. Keeping your legs straight and elevated while lying on your back, squeezing a gymnastic ball with your hips and knees, and walking in a semi-squat will also be helpful. The training regimen largely depends on the woman’s general physical fitness.

Other exercises

Neumyvakin training is considered quite popular. In particular, the exercise “walking on the buttocks” will be very effective. It’s easy to do, you just need to sit on the floor or bend your knees and move around the apartment in this position. This is a very good exercise for urinary incontinence. It is also used as a prophylactic against stagnation of urine in the pelvic area.

By regularly performing such a complex of gymnastics, you can achieve very good results and strengthen your muscles.

Gymnastics to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle, once developed by gynecologist Kegel (USA), is actively used in the treatment of various medical problems in women and men at any age. Effectively solving the problems of preventing ruptures and prolapses, as well as urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, impotence, these exercises improve the quality of life and increase libido.

Determining where the pelvic floor muscles are located is the first step to starting exercises. To detect them, you should pause the stream while urinating, and then relax, restoring it. The muscles that were involved during this manipulation are precisely the pelvic floor muscles.

Its fibers, depending on their location, can be called:

  • pubovaginal (PV);
  • pubo-urethral (PU);
  • puboprostatic (LP);
  • puborectal (LR).

It is designed to support the rectum, internal genital organs, urethra. In addition, it ensures the normal functioning of the prostate, sphincters of the urethra and anus, participates in the process of childbirth, and provides pleasure during sex. It needs to be trained in everyday life. You should not try to combine training with the process of urination, as this can cause dysfunction of the urethra.
To understand more precisely which muscles need to be used during training, you can insert a clean finger into the vagina and make a squeezing movement with the pelvis, and then relax. Thus, it is best to feel how the pelvic floor rises and falls, which muscles are involved.
Squeezing and releasing movements of the pelvic floor muscles are the basis of Kegel gymnastics. When performing them, you should concentrate and use only the muscles of the perineum, leaving the abdominal and gluteal muscles inactive. Kegel exercises are done while the bladder and intestines are empty. Correct execution of the exercises is indicated by the complete absence of any discomfort or pain.

To learn the basic exercise, it is recommended to lie on your back, pull up your legs, and relax your stomach. If desired, you can place your hands on your stomach. While inhaling, squeeze the pubococcygeus muscle, as if drawing it inward for up to 5 seconds and exhale, relaxing it, and as if pushing it out. Repeat the exercise up to 5 times in 1 session; in total, it is recommended to perform 3-4 sessions during the day.

The Kegel technique is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pelvic pathologies or inflammation;
  • neoplasms and bleeding;
  • hyperthermia;
  • venous insufficiency and other vascular diseases;
  • recent surgery;
  • risks and threats to pregnancy

Before starting exercises, you should consult your doctor to determine the presence of contraindications and restrictions.

Kegel exercises for men

Initially, Kegel exercises were developed to solve typically female medical problems:

  • stress urinary incontinence;
  • weakening of pelvic tissues and genital prolapse;
  • ruptures during delivery.

Over time, medical practice has shown that this complex copes well with some male, as well as medical problems common to both sexes.
The main direction of application of the Kegel technique for men is the prevention and treatment of prostate pathologies and the prevention of hemorrhoids.
The technique for performing Kegel exercises for men is no different from that for women. Like women, they can feel where the muscle being worked is located when urinating, interrupting and then releasing a stream of urine again. In addition, they can also determine the necessary muscle during an erection by twitching the penis.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women

The use of the Kegel technique during pregnancy allows you to learn how to control the pubovaginal muscles in order to:

  • facilitate the process of childbirth;
  • prevent the appearance of tears during pushing;
  • speed up recovery in the postpartum period.

Regular implementation of this complex for several months helps to activate the blood supply to the pelvic tissues, and accordingly increase their tone and elasticity, and good health. It can be performed anywhere and at any time.

Since performing the Kegel complex is not recommended if there is a threat of premature birth, miscarriage or the presence of hemorrhoids, you should start studying it only after consultation with a gynecologist.

It is recommended to start exercising while preparing for pregnancy or in its early stages. At the initial stage, it is enough to perform each exercise 5 times. Over time, provided you feel well, the load can be increased, bringing it to 20-30 repetitions.

The main thing is to do this daily. Until the 16th week of pregnancy, Kegel exercises are performed in any position - standing upright or on all fours, sitting or lying down; after this period, it is recommended to do gymnastics exclusively while standing or sitting.

  1. Exercise 1. While in a sitting or lying position, bend your legs and spread them. Squeeze the pubococcygeus muscle as if stopping urination. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax her.
  2. Exercise 2. While sitting or lying down with your legs bent and spread apart, alternately squeeze and unclench the pubococcygeus muscle for 10 seconds.
  3. Exercise 3. Being in the same starting position, gradually squeeze the vaginal muscles for 3-5 seconds, moving from bottom to top. Having reached the very top, continue moving back to the bottom, also alternately squeezing the vaginal muscles, for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Exercise 4. Quickly squeeze and unclench your intimate muscles, as if rolling a wave from the vagina to the anus and back.
  5. Exercise 5. While lying down or sitting with your legs spread apart, push, simulating a bowel movement.

If you put your hand on the perineum while performing these exercises, you can feel how the pubococcygeus muscles move.

Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence

Women most often face this problem after childbirth or during menopause.

However, the cause of the pathology can also be a weakening of the pelvic muscles, surgery on the pelvic organs, trauma or other reasons. Without posing a threat to health, however, such a condition significantly affects the quality of a woman, giving her a lot of unpleasant moments.

The treatment regimen for incontinence necessarily includes gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Using the Kegel technique for this purpose is an easy and affordable way to train the pubo-urethral muscle.
The Kegel complex against urinary incontinence includes exercises for alternating contraction and relaxation of the pubo-urethral muscle. The exercises can be performed on their own or with vaginal exercise equipment - PelvicToner, Kegel balls, vaginal egg. Before starting classes, you should definitely empty your bladder. The following video demonstrates how these exercises are performed correctly.

Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor

The muscles located between the pubic bone and the tailbone are the pelvic floor muscles. Their loss of elasticity leads to:

  • to problems of uncontrolled urine output caused by a fit of coughing or laughter, sneezing, or heavy lifting;
  • to a decrease in the brightness of sensations during sex, loss of orgasm;
  • to genital prolapse;
  • to the appearance of inflammation and pain in the perineal area.

Kegel exercises strengthen intimate muscles and allow them to regain lost elasticity.

Exercises to strengthen them are based on alternately squeezing and relaxing the pubococcygeus muscles.

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your side with your legs bent and your hand on your crotch. Slowly tense your intimate muscles, hold them for up to 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5-15 times. Having mastered this exercise, you can perform it throughout the day in various positions - standing on all fours or standing tall, sitting cross-legged, lying on your back and other positions.

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

As an effective way to prevent the progression of uterine prolapse, the Kegel training complex is used in medical practice. To increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to perform basic exercises using vaginal simulators - special silicone balls and cones of different weights, muscle stimulators.

For those who have just begun to master the exercises, it is recommended to use the lightest balls and cones - they are painted in light shades.

Before inserting the selected exercise machine into the vagina, you should treat it with an antiseptic. If necessary, you can also apply a little lubricant or lubricant to its surface to facilitate the insertion process.
You can perform Kegel exercises in a variety of positions.

It is most convenient for beginners to do them in the following position:

  • lying or reclining on your back;
  • sitting, propping up a cushion or leaning back;
  • lying on your stomach with your knees pulled up and your pelvis raised.

Having taken a position lying on your back, for convenience you can place a small cushion under your back. Then, spreading your legs apart, insert the exercise machine into the vagina. Holding it with the muscles of the perineum, lightly pull the loop for 10 seconds. Perform 5 to 15 repetitions in 1 approach. The purpose of the exercise is to strain the pubovaginal muscle and try to hold the exercise machine inside yourself. Thanks to regular training, this simple exercise will quickly bring the muscle tone of the pelvic floor tissue back to normal. Having achieved certain results, the exercise can be complicated by performing it standing or squatting, after placing a cushion under your knees, using exercise machines with different weights for training.

Kegel exercises for prostatitis

Complex therapy used in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, identified at the initial stage, gives an effective result. Therapeutic gymnastics performed using the Kegel technique is an effective tool that allows you to eliminate congestion in the genitourinary organs and strengthen the puboprostatic muscle. It is recommended for men with a sedentary lifestyle to prevent prostate problems.

Exercise 1. Take a comfortable position - lying, sitting or standing, for 10 seconds. simultaneously squeeze the muscles of the anus and urethra, performing movements that simulate interruption of the process of urination and defecation, relax.
Exercise 2. While in the same position, alternately strain, as if rolling a wave, the anus and urethra.
Each exercise should be done up to 15 times three times a day. When performing exercises, you need to monitor your breathing, inhaling when squeezing and exhaling when relaxing the muscles.

With regular exercise, the results from using Kegel exercises can be observed within a month.

Kegel exercises after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth often lead to the pubovaginal muscles losing their elasticity and stretching, creating the preconditions for the prolapse of the uterus.

In order to prevent the development of such a situation and quickly recover after childbirth, it is recommended to do Kegel exercises daily, starting from 30-40 days after birth. You can start exercising only after consulting a gynecologist.
The exercises performed involve alternating slow and fast squeezing and unclenching movements of the vaginal muscles, performed at different intervals. The frequency of approaches is 3-4 times throughout the day.

Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids

Therapeutic gymnastics performed using the Kegel technique strengthens the puborectal (PR) muscle, activates blood flow in the groin area, preventing the formation of hemorrhoids. Its implementation involves 5 approaches during the day of 10-30 exercises, including slow or fast compression and then relaxation of the pubococcygeus muscles.
Exercise 1. IP - lying on your back, pulling up your bent legs. When you inhale, tense your left shoulder muscle, and when you exhale, relax it.
Exercise 2. Without changing the IP, raise your hips and squeeze the muscles of the perineum, maintaining this position for several seconds. Get down on the floor and relax the PR muscle.
Exercise 3. Without changing the IP, raise your legs and tense your internal muscles. Then spread your legs apart, relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. Bring your legs together again, tensing your muscles, then spread them again, relaxing your pelvic muscles.
Exercise 4. Without changing the IP, slowly raise your legs, tense the PR muscle, and then relax it, lowering your legs to the floor.
Exercise 5. IP standing on all fours. Inhale, tensing the LR muscle, and exhale, relaxing it.
Completing this complex will improve blood circulation and prevent congestion. Exercise 1. IP - lying on your back, with emphasis on bent legs. While inhaling, raise your pelvis and tense your pubovaginal muscle. As you exhale, lowering your pelvis, relax it.
Exercise 2. Without changing the IP, bring your feet together, push your knees apart, as if opening up. Inhale and bring your knees together, squeezing your pubovaginal muscle. Then, exhaling, spread your knees to the sides, relaxing it.

Exercise 3. Without changing the IP, inhale, raising one leg and tensing the pubovaginal muscle. As you exhale, lower your leg and relax it. Repeat the same, but with the second leg.
Exercise 4.
IP sitting on the floor, spread your legs stretched out in front of you and rest your hands behind you. Inhale and bring your legs together without lifting them off the floor, simultaneously squeezing the pubovaginal muscle. As you exhale, relax it, spreading your legs.

Exercise 5. Standing, stretch your arms in front of you, inhale and perform a half-squat, squeezing the pubovaginal muscle. Exhaling, rise up, relaxing it.

A set of exercises for men

A set of 4 Kegel exercises will tone the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle in men, improving erection. You can perform the exercises standing or in another position, repeating each exercise 10 times.
Exercise 1. Squeeze the PC muscle as much as possible, straining it while inhaling. As you exhale, sharply relax.
Exercise 2. As you inhale, tense your PC muscle, holding it for a few seconds, then slowly relax it while exhaling.
Exercise 3. While inhaling, slowly squeeze the PC muscle, and then slowly relax it, exhaling air.
Exercise 4. Inhale and exhale quickly, simultaneously straining and relaxing the PC muscle, achieving the effect of twitching the penis.

Do Kegel exercises help?

Data presented by the National Institutes of Health (USA) confirm the effectiveness of the Kegel technique. Its positive effect is noted by gynecologists, urologists and even sexologists. The following figures indicate the results of regular Kegel exercises for 6 months:

  • 100% of women say there are no ruptures during childbirth or problems with the uterus in the postpartum period;
  • 85% of women indicate an improvement in their condition if they have problems with urinary incontinence;
  • 75% of men note an improvement in their prostate condition;
  • 75% of men and women indicate increased sensations during sex.

The Kegel technique is in demand all over the world and, when used correctly, is absolutely safe. This is evidenced by the fact that on its basis a complex of therapeutic exercises for children was created.

The most famous set of exercises for the pelvic muscles is, without a doubt, the exercises of Dr. Arnold Kegel. They serve to support female organs such as the uterus, bladder, rectum and small intestine. The doctor’s technique was first described in half of the last century, and the purpose of these exercises is to strengthen and strengthen the pelvic muscles, prevent diseases, and also simplify the process of childbirth. These muscles are rarely subjected to stress, which can cause them to weaken, so this simple set of exercises is recommended. You will find all the useful information on how to “pump up” your pelvic muscles below.

What are these trainings for?

The main reasons to start practicing:

  1. Kegel exercises prepare a woman's muscles for future pregnancy and easy, pain-free childbirth.
  2. Gymnastics will help pregnant women learn to relax the muscles that usually prevent the baby from coming out during childbirth.
  3. Classes are also useful for the prevention and treatment of incontinence problems.
  4. For better regeneration of tissues that are stretched during childbirth.
  5. For long-term maintenance of intimate health and prevention of inflammation of the genital organs.

Now you can move on to the Kegel workout itself. The first thing you need to start doing gymnastics is to determine the location of the muscles we need. There are two simple methods for identifying the target pelvic muscles.

First method: when going to the toilet, try to stop the process of urination, but without using the leg muscles. The muscles that interest us are responsible for this.

Second method: insert your finger into your vagina and try to squeeze it. Just as with the first, you cannot move or strain your back or stomach. The desired muscles should be right next to your finger, try to feel them. When you manage to find these muscles, you can go straight to gymnastics.

Main set of classes

There are two types of Kegel exercises for women, let's talk about the first one first. By the way, exercises of this type are done in stages, and each in itself is a small complex.

  • Exercise 1:

The starting position is almost irrelevant, since the pelvic muscles are small and located slightly differently than others.

The first stage: your task is to perform muscle contractions for a short period of time (let’s take 10 seconds). Do this quickly, you need to squeeze and unclench them as often as possible. Then rest for the same amount of time and repeat the cycle again. Three approaches will be enough.

Second stage: the goal is the same - compression and decompression, but now it is better to reduce the time by half, and increase the number of approaches three times compared to the first stage.

Third stage: now you need to squeeze your muscles and hold them for half a minute, then break for the same time and rest, and then repeat two more times. At the end, all that remains is to do the first stage again, and the exercise can be considered complete.

  • Exercise 2:

First stage: strain and hold the muscles for 5 seconds, then relax, and repeat the cycle 8 times.

Second stage: perform quick compressions up to 10 repetitions, do three approaches.

Third stage: we strain and squeeze the muscles for the maximum time possible, but no more than two minutes. Then we rest for a couple of minutes and do the exercise one more time.

  • Exercise 3:

First stage: in this Kegel exercise, increase the number of contractions to 30, perform them at a moderate pace. Next we move on to the second stage, and in the first stage we gradually need to achieve one hundred repetitions.

Stage two: Tighten your muscles very tightly, holding them in this state for 15 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. We perform five approaches.

  • Exercise 4:

The final one is in the first form and simpler than the others. The intensity can be reduced: simply squeeze your pelvic muscles and then relax. Total execution time: 2-3 minutes, gradually stretching their execution to 10, 15, and then up to 20 minutes. It is recommended to do it 2-3 times a day. This exercise is quite simple, and you can do it like all the others - in absolutely any place, so it won’t be difficult.

Second type of training

Its peculiarity is that, unlike the first, it includes not only compression, but also a kind of “pushing”.

  • Exercise 1:

Remember the first method of identifying the muscles of the lower pelvis - you will need to perform the same actions as then. As you inhale, slowly tense your muscles, hold them for 3 seconds, then relax and exhale.

  • Exercise 2:

We alternate between tension and relaxation and do it as quickly as possible.

  • Exercise 3:

Now you need to push with moderate intensity. The process is similar to childbirth.

We do all exercises 10 times per approach, and the total number of approaches should reach five per day. After a week, you can increase the number of repetitions for each exercise by 5, the total number of approaches remains the same. Thus, you should increase the number of repetitions to 30 without changing the number of sets. The result is 150 repetitions of Kegel exercises in one day. The number of repetitions is small, such exercises are quite easy to perform, and you will quickly get used to it. If you want to check whether the muscles have increased, then try plunging your finger into the vagina while doing one of the exercises.

These simple tips will undoubtedly ensure good strengthening of the women's pelvic muscles, which is very beneficial for the intimate organs. By the way, there is also one special simulator that Kegel invented; he recommended combining exercises with its use. In fact, it is not at all necessary to have it, but it cannot be ignored. The simulator itself is a kind of “measurement” of the perineum. Its advantages are that it makes the muscle resistance stronger, which reduces the time it takes to tone the muscles. This means that the exercises become more effective and sufficient load appears. This simulator is also good because it shows a woman the degree of her progress after completing a set of exercises. Of course, all women would be interested to know what results she got, because awareness of progress increases motivation and provokes a desire to improve.

As was said earlier, it is not at all necessary to have a simulator; you can get all the results on your own, and excellent results are available without any equipment.

Fertility of a woman's body determined the peculiarities of the structure of her body and the functional activity of most of her organs and systems at different periods of life, as well as the presence of certain diseases that occur only in women. The pelvis in women is wider, shorter and has a significantly larger capacity than in men. Mobility in the sacroiliac, hip, and spinal joints due to better tissue extensibility is also better than in men. A short and wide chest ensures relatively full breathing even in the 2nd half of pregnancy with a high position of the uterus, when the movements of the diaphragm are significantly limited. In obstetrics and gynecological diseases, physical therapy is used for the purpose of: 1) providing a positive effect on the central mechanisms of nervous regulation - helping to balance the processes of excitation and inhibition, often disturbed during pregnancy and especially in women's diseases; 2) increasing the strength and endurance of the muscles of the trunk and lower extremity girdle, which are directly involved in childbirth; 3) increasing the general tone of a pregnant or sick woman: therapeutic exercises create positive emotions, improve blood circulation and breathing, and this increases metabolism, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body; 4) having a positive effect on the course of gynecological diseases: the use of special physical exercises improves local blood and lymph circulation, thereby promoting the resorption of infiltrates, adhesions and other consequences of the inflammatory process of the pelvic organs; 5) correction of unadvanced cases of deviation-retroflexion (bends) and uterine prolapse, and in cases of severe deviation in preparation for surgical treatment - in order to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and the lower extremity girdle.

Physiotherapy exercises in the complex treatment of gynecological patients have found wide application in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in the phase of reverse development of the disease and in its chronic course (endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis, etc.), menstrual disorders (amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea), infertility, retroflexions and uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, as well as for diseases requiring surgical treatment (ovarian tumors, ectopic pregnancy, etc.), in which therapeutic exercises are carried out in the same way as for other operations on the abdominal organs.

In the acute period of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, therapeutic exercises are contraindicated. But then, in the phase of reverse development, with the limitation, compaction, stabilization and subsidence of the inflammatory process, with a decrease in body temperature, improvement in general condition and painlessness of elementary control and diagnostic exercises - alternately raising straight legs to a right angle, pulling the hips to the stomach, turning on the side and on the stomach, abdominal breathing, etc., you should start doing therapeutic exercises. Classes are carried out individually, daily, for 10-15 minutes, all movements should not cause pain, and if they occur, this movement should be excluded from the gymnastics complex. As the general condition improves and laboratory test data normalizes, patients who are not yet on bed rest are transferred to group classes, held for 20-30 minutes, in the PI lying on their back, on their side, on their stomach, sitting on the bed, knee-elbow . They give exercises for attention, play and coordination of movements. The pace of exercise is slow and medium. The number of repetitions of individual exercises is from 3-4 to 15-16. Class density is 50-60%.

When transferring to ward and free modes, and then to outpatient treatment, the intensity and time of therapeutic exercises are gradually increased. Exercises are used to promote the resorption of residual exudate and infiltrate, the prevention of adhesions, and when they form, stretching and possible resorption.

An approximate set of some special exercises used for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women on extended bed rest

IP - lying on your back.

1. Alternately pulling the thighs towards the stomach.

2. Raising straight legs to a right angle.
3. Alternately abducting the legs to the sides.

4. Simulation of cycling.

5. Horizontal “scissors” without lifting and with leg lifting.

6. Vertical scissors.

7. Transition to a sitting position using your hands.

8. Roll onto the right and left side using the opposite leg bent at the knee joint.

9. Raising the pelvis with support on the feet and elbows.

10. Abdominal breathing.

IP - lying on the right side.

1. Raising the “upper” leg up, moving it forward and back.

2. Bringing the “upper” thigh to the stomach.

3. Circular movements of the “upper” leg in the hip joint.

IP - lying on stomach.

1. Alternately raising straight legs.

2. Imitation of crawling on your belly.

3. Transition to the knee-elbow and knee-wrist positions.

4. Alternate circular movements of raised straight legs in the hip joint.

5. Simultaneously raising straight legs.

6. Paperweight exercise (simultaneous lifting of the legs and torso).

7. Exercise “swallow”.

IP - on all fours(knee-elbow and knee-wrist positions).

1. Exercise "cat's back".

2. Alternately raising your legs up and to the side.
3. Alternately raising the right arm and left leg, left arm and right leg at the same time.

4. Touch your right knee to your left elbow, and your left knee to your right elbow.

Upon discharge from the hospital, therapeutic exercises should be carried out in the physical therapy rooms of antenatal clinics for 30-45 minutes daily or every other day, the density of classes is increased to 70-80%. Exercises are used in various IPs: simple and complicated walking, games.

To resolve scars and adhesions, various exercises are used that cause changes in the positions of the abdominal and pelvic organs and intra-abdominal pressure

1. Transition from a supine position to a sitting position without the help of hands, without support from the legs.

2. Hand push-ups in IP lying on your stomach while simultaneously raising your straight legs alternately.

3. IP - standing. Bends, turns and rotations of the body, exercises with a skipping rope, squats, exercises in throwing and catching various balls, relay races, outdoor games. Rhythmic gymnastics classes are advisable.

Various exercises are also used to improve the outflow of lymph and blood from the organs and muscles of the pelvic cavity and lower extremities.

1. IP - lying on your stomach. Push-ups on hands, legs resting on the 3-4th rail of the gymnastic wall.

2. IP - lying on your back, pelvis on a gymnastic bench. Slowly extend and flex your hips as far as possible.

3. Slow hip rotation.

These movements are simultaneously combined with intense repeated push-ups on the hands, energetic movements of the hands to the sides, up, back, behind the head, transition with the help of the hands and support with the legs to a sitting position on a gymnastic bench. These exercises provide relatively greater physical activity and are not recommended for older women.

The use of physical therapy for menstrual disorders is very effective in the complex treatment of this disease. Usually the course of treatment is 4 months. The basis for the use of physical therapy for menstrual disorders is general physical training. In addition to the previously mentioned exercises for the muscles of the lower limbs and the anterior abdominal wall, exercises for absolutely all muscles are included in the classes. Classes are held daily, preferably in the morning, for 30-35 minutes. On premenstrual and menstrual days - 2-3 times a day for 20-25 minutes.

Physical therapy for infertility indicated in combination with physiotherapy, drug treatment, gynecological massage, and spa treatments. Since a woman’s infertility is most often caused by previously suffered inflammatory diseases of the uterus or fallopian tubes, the task of therapeutic exercises is: improvement of trophic processes in the organs and tissues of the pelvis, processes of exchange and resorption of decay products from the source of former inflammation, stretching and dissection of the abdominal adhesions. To do this, gymnastic exercises are carried out in a variety of IPs, at a fast pace, with sharp fluctuations in intra-abdominal pressure (selectively in case of uterine retroflexion). Classes should be interesting, evoke positive emotions, and for this it is necessary to include games in the lessons and perform some exercises with musical accompaniment. Rhythmic gymnastics classes are advisable.

Therapeutic physical training for retroflexions and displacement of the uterus posteriorly and to the side is of great importance and is used in combination with gynecological massage and physiotherapy. For fixed retroflexions and displacements of the uterus, the main treatment is gynecological massage, and for non-fixed ones - therapeutic exercises, which should have a general strengthening effect on the entire body and especially strengthen the muscles of the lower limbs of the pelvic floor and the anterior abdominal wall, which in turn strengthens the ligamentous and supporting the uterine apparatus improves blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs, normalizes trophic processes in them. The previously mentioned special exercises for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are also special exercises for uterine retroflexions, but exercises lying on the back are contraindicated. The best IP: lying on your stomach, on all fours. It can be included in therapeutic gymnastics classes and exercises in IP while standing; tilting the torso forward and down should be done sharply, quickly, and straightening up should be done slowly; bending backwards is contraindicated.

Therapeutic physical training for prolapse of the internal genital organs and functional urinary incontinence in women has gained recognition, its use gives good therapeutic results. Pelvic floor incompetence, prolapse of the internal genital organs and functional urinary incontinence are the result of a combination of poor physical development and birth injuries.

Distinguish 5 degrees of prolapse of the internal genital organs: I - gaping of the genital slit, when straining - a slight prolapse of the vaginal walls; II - significant prolapse of the vaginal walls, with straining - some prolapse of the uterus; III - prolapse of the uterus until the cervix touches the pelvic floor; IV - incomplete uterine prolapse; V - complete prolapse of the uterus.

For degrees I and II of prolapse, therapeutic exercises are effective, and in most cases, after 5-6 months of regular exercise, recovery occurs. For prolapses of the third degree, therapeutic gymnastics improves the functional state, but is not able to influence anatomical and morphological changes, and for degrees IV and V of prolapse, the effect of using therapeutic gymnastics is insignificant. In cases of III IV and V degrees of prolapse, surgical treatment is mandatory, and the use of therapeutic exercises should be considered as preoperative preparation.

For functional urinary incontinence Therapeutic gymnastics is extremely important. As a result of therapeutic exercises, the overall tone of the body significantly increases, including the tone of the sphincter of the bladder, lymph and blood circulation in the organs and tissues of the pelvis improves, trophism in them is normalized, and impaired conditioned reflex connections are restored. When doing therapeutic exercises, special attention is paid to strengthening the adductor muscles of the thigh, muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum. Tension exercises for 3-5 seconds and relaxation of the perineal muscles should be performed 20-25 times during the day, repeating it 3-5 times. To develop the strength of the adductor muscles of the thigh, they use walking in a cross step, walking while holding a medicine ball between the knees, cross scissors, exercises with resistance, etc. When treating patients with prolapse of the internal genital organs and urinary incontinence, all previously given exercises can be fully used; preference is given to exercises in the IP lying down with the pelvic end of the body raised and exercises to develop strength. Classes are held daily or every other day for 40-50 minutes, their density is 60-80%. The course of treatment is 4-6 months, but after 1-2 months patients notice significant improvements - nagging pain disappears, urinary incontinence rarely occurs.

Uterine prolapse is a downward displacement of an organ due to weakening of the muscles and ligaments that support it in its normal position.

These are the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor that need to be strengthened through special exercises. Exercise therapy for uterine prolapse is the main part of non-surgical treatment and a good method of prevention.

About 30% of women experience uterine prolapse, and everyone should know about the symptoms and causes of the disease in order to begin preventive measures and treatment on time.

Causes of uterine prolapse:

  • regularly undergoing intense physical activity;
  • age-related atrophy of the perineal muscles;
  • multiple births or their severe course;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure due to constipation, obesity, tumors;
  • previous surgeries on the genitals that caused injuries;
  • pathological processes in the development of the uterus and other pelvic organs;
  • disruption of the production of sex hormones.

There are four stages in the development of the disease:

  1. The prolapse of the organ is below the normal level, but the cervix does not leave the vagina when the woman strains or is in her normal state.
  2. In case of muscle tension (coughing, defecation), the uterus peeks out from the vagina, but is normally hidden. At this stage, the woman can already notice the pathology visually.
  3. Incomplete prolapse of the organ - the cervix and the body of the uterus partially protrude from the vagina even without straining.
  4. Complete prolapse of the uterus along with the walls of the vagina from the genital slit.

In order not to bring uterine problems to the fourth stage, you need to know the first signs of the disease that appear during its latent course:

  • feeling of heaviness, fullness in the vagina;
  • menstrual disorder, increased amount of blood released;
  • frequent urge to defecate, urinate;
  • urinary incontinence due to stress - coughing, laughing, sneezing;
  • vaginal discharge mixed with blood;
  • discomfort during intimacy.

Important! If no measures are taken, the disease will progress. Infringement of the uterus, formation of bedsores, and ascending infection of other pelvic organs may occur.

The positive impact of exercise therapy

A well-chosen set of exercises and their correct and systematic implementation will help strengthen the tone of the pelvic muscles and prevent the development of complications. If the disease has not progressed far, then surgery can be avoided.

You need to strengthen the muscles of the vagina, pelvis, and abdominals. Abdominal training helps normalize intra-abdominal pressure and balance intestinal function. Strong muscles that support the spine together with the abdominals ensure optimal position of the pelvis, which affects the position of the internal organs.

Physical therapy for uterine prolapse is designed with the following goals:

  • strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor, which automatically helps to increase the muscle tone of the vagina, sphincter of the rectum and urethra;
  • strengthening the circular, longitudinal bundles of the vaginal muscle layer;
  • strengthening the muscles of the torso corset - paravertebral muscles, abdominal muscles.

Physical activity can also be used to achieve other goals:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • revive enzyme activity;
  • balance the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • accelerate metabolic processes and the removal of cell waste products.

Important! In the case of the third and fourth stages of the disease associated with uterine prolapse, you can use a set of physical exercises, taking into account the technique of their implementation, only after consulting a doctor in order to prevent injury to organs.

Kegel exercises

The goal of Kegel exercises is to train the lower vaginal muscles. One of them loops around the vaginal opening and urethra. By straining this bulbocavernosus muscle, you can contract the perineal wall and tighten the urethral sphincter. The second muscle, when contracted, compresses the anus and vaginal walls. This muscle is larger, so it puts more strain on the back wall of the uterus.

Kegel exercise therapy is performed in any location. It is very effective, since you can practice several times a day without special conditions and devices.

  1. The beginning will be squeezing the anus and pulling it slightly upward. You should not perform the exercise until you become very tired, because the prolapse of the uterus may intensify. It is necessary to master the correct breathing technique: inhale smoothly through the nose, then exhale slowly. It is not necessary to synchronize the breathing rhythm with muscle contractions. The main thing is not to hold your breath. The abdominal press is relaxed and participates in breathing movements. The first exercises should not be too long. Gradually the time and number of repetitions increases.
  2. Interrupts. To clearly feel which muscles need to be tensed, you need to try to interrupt the process of urination. The stream of urine is stopped by the contraction of the bulbocavernosus muscle. You should try not to strain your gluteal and thigh muscles. Repeat stopping the jet 4 times. When the sensation of the desired muscle is established, contractions can be carried out without interrupting urination. Another muscle is determined by the contraction of the anus.
  3. Slow compressions. It is more convenient to perform lying down. Tighten and relax these same muscles. The duration of contractions only increases. There are several options:
  • hold in a tense state for 20 seconds (10 times);
  • squeeze, counting to 3, relax for the same time, etc. (15 times);
  • squeeze for 5 seconds, relax for 10 seconds. (7 times), squeeze for 5 seconds, relax for 5 seconds. (7 times), squeeze for 30 seconds, relax for 30 seconds. (3 times), repeat the first step.

Next complex:

  1. Floors. Tension of all layers of muscles, starting with the superficial and gradually moving to deeper ones. Start by slightly tensing the muscles, hold for 3 seconds, squeeze harder for another 3 seconds, and finally, tighten tightly for another 5 seconds. Relaxation is also done in three stages.
  2. Frequent contractions. Alternate tension with relaxation at the highest possible pace. As you inhale, tense, as you exhale, relax. It is allowed to do the opposite.
  3. Popping and flashing. It can be done while sitting, but for patients with uterine prolapse it is better to do it while lying on the floor. Having taken the starting position, you need to start pushing with medium effort. Repeat 10 times. Blinking is alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the vagina and anus.

There are video lessons online showing and explaining how to perform Kegel exercises and other therapeutic exercises for prolapsed uterus.

Exercise therapy according to Atabekov

Kegel exercises are not the only exercise therapy technique developed to treat uterine prolapse. One of the most effective is Atabekov’s set of exercises. The complex is divided into two parts, differing in the position of performing the exercises - standing or lying down.

Gymnastics from a standing position:

  1. Close your straight legs tightly until your thigh muscles are tense. Hold for 10 seconds. After relaxing, after a short period, repeat. Do 8 times. For greater effect, place a stick between your legs.
  2. Stretching out, raise your pelvis, tighten your buttocks, sphincter, and thighs as much as possible. Hold for 1 minute, relax. 2 reps.
  3. The same exercise with closed feet. It will be more difficult to do.
  4. Without closing your legs, alternately strain and relax the perineum, loading the onion-cavernosus muscle. Gradually increase the tension strength from time to time.
  5. Swing your legs while simultaneously tensing your abdominals and perineum.
  6. Classic “swallow” with holding the position for 0.5-1 minutes.
  7. Stretch your right leg forward and perform circular rotations up to 15 revolutions. The same with the left leg.

Exercises in a lying position:

  1. "Bike". Rotate your legs forward and backward. The lower back should be close to the floor, straining only the hips. Duration – about 5 minutes.
  2. Lean on your slightly bent and spread legs, lift and lower your pelvis. In the raised position, strain the perineum, holding for 5 seconds.
  3. Turn on your side, rest your elbow on the floor. Stretch your upper leg forward, bending at the knee. Slowly lift the straight lower leg upward with tension in the perineum. Maintain the position for a count of 10, then relax. Repeat – 15 times.
  4. Lie on your stomach. Stretch out, raising your arms and legs. Try to hold it for 30 seconds and then relax. Do it 2 times.
  5. Lying on your back, raise your legs straight until you feel tension in your abdominals. The pelvis lies on the floor. Perform rotational movements with one leg extended to the side. Repeat with the other leg.
  6. Get into the “birch” position, placing your hands on your lower back. Pull your stomach in, cross your legs in scissors and spread them, lie down again. Repeat several times.
  7. Get on all fours, bend up, head down. Then bend in the opposite direction, head up. The muscles are maximally tense. Repeat up to 20 times.
  8. Place a cushion under your lower back while lying on your back. Raise your right leg until a right angle is formed with the body, hold for 20 seconds. Change legs. Do it 7 times.
  9. The same without a roller, only with both legs at the same time. Hold in the raised position for 10 seconds.
  10. Raise your legs straight, try to tilt them as much as possible towards the body, touching your toes with your hands, and return to the original position.
  11. Create a cushion under your stomach. Stretch out, raising your arms and legs. Do 8 times.
  12. From a position on all fours, take your right leg straight back, then your left. Repeat 7 times.

Important! Bubnovsky's physical therapy exercises are not recommended for women with uterine prolapse. These exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles of the musculoskeletal system and joints.


Yoga is an effective addition to Kegel and Atabekov exercises. It pursues the same goals and strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor. Yoga classes will help improve the functioning of the reproductive and urinary systems and increase blood flow.

Types of poses used:

  1. Viparita karani. The point of using this practice is to position the body so that the uterus takes its natural place. Lie on the floor with a bolster or pillow to slightly elevate your pelvis. Place your outstretched legs against the wall at right angles to your torso. Stay in this position for 5 minutes. Repeat 3 times during the day. As the number of sessions increases, the supports are gradually removed.
  2. Boat. Sitting on the floor, lean your back so that it forms an angle with the floor of approximately 60 degrees, and raise your straight legs to the same angle. Stretch your arms forward. Maintain the position for 0.5 minutes, gradually increasing to 1 minute. It is important not to hold your breath, taking slow deep breaths and exhales. First, to simplify, you can use half the boat - legs bent at the knees.

Classes must be carried out patiently and regularly. The first results will not come instantly. The use of yoga at stages 1 and 2 of the disease and for prevention is justified.

Important! If a diagnosis of uterine prolapse is made, physical activity should be limited. You should not engage in jogging or fitness training to avoid worsening the situation.

In conclusion

Systematic exercise therapy will certainly bring benefits to women suffering from uterine prolapse if you perform the exercises correctly and follow other doctor’s recommendations.