What oil to use for eyebrow growth. Find out which oils will help make your eyebrows thicker faster

Natural beauty is the main weapon of women. Well-groomed hair, eyebrows and eyelashes attract more attention than a ton of cosmetics and intricate hairstyles. Natural oils will help restore health to hair, effectively strengthen it and increase growth rate. The products can be used at home without spending a lot of time and effort on the procedures.

Useful properties of oils

Natural helpers contain a lot of useful substances. Vitamins A, B, C, E, F actively nourish eyelashes and eyebrows, making them soft, strong and elastic. The substances also contain microelements such as iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, and calcium. The components support the health of the integument. Polyunsaturated fatty acids cope well with signs of age-related changes, preserve youth and elasticity of the hair. Antioxidants are responsible for protecting eyelashes and eyebrows from negative factors, eliminating fragility and damage.

How to use oils for eyebrows and eyelashes

Use useful products on a clean surface. Experts do not recommend using waterproof cosmetic products, since particles of the substance are difficult to wash off. Before use, the oils are heated in a water bath.
Apply the product to the eyelashes with a cotton swab or an old brush. Distribute a small amount of the substance along the entire length of the hairs, avoiding getting the product into the eyes. We perform the procedure once a day. Leave the product on the eyelashes for several hours.
Apply the product to the eyebrows using gentle massage movements and comb the hairs to achieve the best result. We carry out manipulations 2 times a day, morning and evening.
The number of procedures depends on the reasons for their implementation. To treat eyebrows and eyelashes, the product is used in courses consisting of 15 procedures. Break – 1 month. For preventive and general strengthening purposes, apply the oil 2 times in 7 days.

The best oils for eyelashes and eyebrows

  • Castor oil is a faithful assistant in any situation. The substance is filled with a huge amount of useful ingredients that penetrate into the deep layers of the hair and saturate it. Castor oil makes the hairs wake up and invigorate, increases their volume and thickness. After using the product, eyelashes and eyebrows look smooth and well-groomed, reliably protected from external irritants.

  • Coconut oil is a natural product that gives the fairer sex confidence in their attractiveness. The anti-aging product is used for skin and hair care, and is actively used for the rapid growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. The substance contains active fatty acids, which contribute to the regeneration of the normal state of hairs, the return of elasticity and strength. The component actively protects the integument, increases the volume and length of eyelashes.

  • Almond oil is a storehouse of micro- and macroelements, vitamins and antioxidants. The product strengthens eyebrows and eyelashes well and increases their growth rate. After regular use, the eyelashes lengthen significantly, and the eyebrows shine with a healthy shine.

  • Peach oil is obtained from the seeds of the fruit by cold pressing. The product consists of vitamins A, E, B, acids and microelements (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium). The soft composition is suitable for all skin types and does not irritate sensitive skin. The substance has a general strengthening and restorative effect, actively nourishes the hairs.

  • Flaxseed oil has a strengthening effect, gives eyelashes and eyebrows thickness, fluffiness and elasticity. The component restores the structure of hairs, making them soft, smooth and elastic. The desired effect can be achieved after 2-4 weeks of continuous use of the product.

  • Olive oil restores thickness and volume to eyelashes and eyebrows, filling them with freshness and shine. The product copes well with hair loss, gently nourishes it and gives it a well-groomed appearance. The substance can be used alone or supplemented with other herbal ingredients.

  • Sunflower oil is an affordable and healthy product that can bring weakened eyelashes and eyebrows back to life. The substance gently envelops the skin, saturates it and protects it from harmful influences.

  • A large number of useful components are contained in the unrefined substance, which was obtained by cold pressing.
  • You need to buy ingredients for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes at a pharmacy.
  • Before use, the product must be tested for reactions with the skin. Redness and itching indicate an allergy.
  • When purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date.
  • To maintain the effectiveness of the product, it must be stored correctly. Storage conditions are specified in the instructions; they may be different for certain types of products.
  • The substances should be stored in a tightly closed container.

Eyebrow and eyelash masks

The simplest recipe is to mix your favorite ingredients in equal quantities and apply to your hair. The components can also be used in the form of lotions.
The ideal product can be obtained by combining oils and vitamins. Take 4 drops of castor oil and 1 drop of vitamins A, E, F, D. You can use the mixture several times a week.
The main ingredient will give your eyelashes and eyebrows even more strength when combined with healthy aloe and parsley juices. We take the substances in equal proportions, dip a cotton pad into the mixture and apply it to the eyes.

In addition to juices, herbal infusions are often used. Chamomile, cornflower, sage or calendula will do. Add a few drops of oil to the composition and apply the mixture to the surface. The composition is suitable for washing and will bring your facial skin to ideal condition.
A combination of castor oil and rum will help strengthen your eyebrows and eyelashes. Leave the product on the hairs for half an hour. Store in a dark and cool place.

What society says

You can find many reviews online about the use of natural and healthy ingredients. Castor oil occupies the leading position in terms of the number of positive responses. Regular use of the product for two weeks gives a noticeable result: eyebrows lengthen and give a shiny appearance, eyelashes become thicker and darker. Soft and silky covers fill the female appearance with vivacity and naturalness.

Every woman dreams of long thick eyelashes and beautifully defined eyebrows. Decorative cosmetics can help with this. But long-term use of it harms the hairs, the condition of which worsens over time: they begin to break and fall out. This problem can be solved by using oils for eyebrows and eyelashes.

Natural natural complex

Natural oils are one of the important components of cosmetic products. They do not contain any preservatives or chemical additives. This is a powerful source of natural vitamins, fatty acids, and many biologically active substances. The oil is used both in its pure form and can be included in creams, balms, and shampoos.

Oils for eyelashes and eyebrows are a very valuable product that, thanks to their unique properties, copes very well with problems such as fragility and hair loss. With regular, proper use of the product, the condition of the skin will improve, the eyelashes will become thicker and gain shine, and the eyebrows will be beautiful and well-groomed.

In cosmetology, various oils are widely used to strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. For these purposes it is widely used:

Any oil for eyelashes and eyebrows can be bought at a pharmacy for a reasonable price.

Effect of oils

The structure of eyelashes and eyebrows is the same as that of hair. Therefore, you need to take care of them so that they do not break or fall out.

Oil for eyelash and eyebrow growth can cope with these problems and give good results. Its therapeutic effect is that the chemical composition has a strengthening effect on the bulb, that is, it prevents loss. By strengthening capillaries, oils provide the bulbs with the necessary nutrition. Also, due to their active chemical components, the structure of the hair and its growth improves. As a result, the eyelashes acquire volume and length, the eyebrows gain the thickness necessary to give the correct shape, and you become the owner of a mysterious look.

Also, cosmetic oils for eyelashes and eyebrows are used to treat and prevent diseases that may appear after frequent coloring or eyelash extension procedures. In this case, it is enough to lubricate your hair once or twice a week with pure castor oil.

To get the maximum benefit from oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, you need to use it correctly.

The technique for correct use of this cosmetic product is as follows:

  • eyelashes and eyebrows must be clean, so you must first completely remove all makeup;
  • The product is applied with a brush, first to the middle of the eyelashes, then to the tips, eyebrows and skin under them;
  • This mask is applied for 20-40 minutes;
  • The procedure should be carried out before bedtime, carefully removing all excess after finishing;
  • The optimal course of masks, which uses a mixture of oils for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, is one month, then you must take a break.

For growth and lengthening

Oil for eyelash and eyebrow growth is best used in a cocktail: add vitamins E, A, F, D (1 drop each) to castor oil (4 drops). Use as a mask up to two times a week.

You can also apply a drop of castor, olive or almond oil to your fingers, rub and lightly massage the skin of your eyelids. This procedure will improve blood circulation, which promotes active eyelash growth. You can do it three times a week, but no more.

The following mask will also help with rapid hair growth: mix 7 drops of castor oil and 3 drops of peach oil well; apply 2-3 times a week.

Eyelashes will grow well if you use the following composition: 1 drop of castor oil and 1 drop of camphor oil. Lubricate eyelashes carefully so as not to get on the mucous membranes of the eyes. Use twice a week.

To strengthen

Oils for eyelashes and eyebrows cope very well with the problem of hair loss. To do this, you can make your own homemade balm, which will include castor and burdock oils (1 drop each), vitamin E (2 drops) and aloe juice (2 drops). Apply this mixture to your eyelashes for a month.

The following composition is also very effective: castor, almond, burdock/olive oils (1 drop each), vitamin E in oil (3 drops) and fish oil (3 drops). The course of treatment is no more than a month; it can be used four to five times a year.

To prevent eyelash loss, you can use the following mask: mix castor and burdock oils in equal parts (1 tablespoon each), add 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed dried rose hips; Leave the mixture for a week and a half in a dark place, strain and lubricate your eyelashes and eyebrows with it.

The following mask is very good for strengthening hair follicles: mix castor, almond, flaxseed, rose, oil and grape seed oil in equal proportions (1 drop each). Apply the mixture for 10 minutes. This mask can be easily washed off with water. Use two to three times a week.

DNC oil

Oil for eyelashes and eyebrows DNC is a special complex for hair growth. It contains castor and sea buckthorn oils, an oil solution of vitamin A, provitamin B5 and flavoring.

The texture of the product is thick, transparent, oily with a very characteristic odor of castor oil. Easy to apply with a brush.

The oil in this series is:

  • strengthening;
  • nutritious;
  • toning;
  • growth stimulator;
  • against loss;
  • against fragility.

The spectrum of action of the oil is very wide: it nourishes, moisturizes, gives shape and rich color, promotes hair growth, prevents dryness, fragility and hair loss.

In addition, the product can be applied to the skin of the eyelids: this also helps improve the condition of eyelashes and eyebrows.

According to customer reviews, the oil begins to act after one to two months of use. The product strengthens and nourishes. Eyelashes become thicker. A shine and healthy appearance appears. The color becomes richer due to the fact that the ends of the hairs darken. Castor oil, which is one of the components, is practically not felt in this composition. That is why many users note the absence of an unpleasant odor. There is no irritation or redness of the eyelids.

Luxurious eyebrows with a beautiful bend are the dream of many girls. They are the ones who give expressiveness to the look and emphasize the advantages of appearance. But not every lady can boast of beautiful eyebrows. If their shape leaves much to be desired, girls resort to decorative cosmetics. And for treatment and restoration, natural oils are used. Burdock oil for eyebrows is an absolutely safe and effective remedy for strengthening, growing and nourishing hairs. Regular use of this product allows you to achieve positive results and give your eyebrows the desired shape and volume.

Burdock oil is a natural product that is extracted from burdock rhizomes. This composition is of a natural nature and contains a whole complex of biologically active substances necessary to maintain the beauty and health of skin and hair.

The essence of burdock oil production comes down to infusion of finely grated burdock roots in vegetable oils (sunflower, almond or olive) in the proportion of 40g of vegetable raw materials per 100ml of oil substance. The roots must be pre-dried and crushed to ensure maximum release of nutrients.

In industrial conditions, burdock oil is obtained using hot and cold methods. The cold method, in which the oil is obtained not by heating in a special reactor, but by infusion, is considered a priority, since the finished product preserves the entire range of unique natural substances, which have a therapeutic and preventive effect on our skin and hair.

In addition, you can make burdock oil yourself at home. There are many recipes for making cosmetics, however, the most popular are the following.

  1. There are 200 oils per 100 g of burdock roots. If there is no vegetable one, you can add olive, sunflower or almond. Mix the resulting composition and let it brew for 24 hours, then cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting mixture, cool and refrigerate. The most favorable months for harvesting burdock root are April, September, October.
  2. For half a liter of oil (any kind) take 5 tbsp. burdock root. The finer the root is chopped, the better. An ideal option if you can purchase the powder. Infusion time is 21 days. In this case, the oil is not filtered.
  3. This preparation option involves the use of both fresh and dry roots. Take a ceramic bowl, put burdock roots in it, pour in olive oil in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. fresh roots per 250 ml of oil. If the roots are dried, then you will need 1 tbsp. l. powder. Cover the pot with dough and place in the oven for 4 hours. The temperature should be 60 degrees. Remove the mixture from the oven, strain and use as intended.

Making burdock oil yourself increases confidence in the product, since it contains no chemical components. The shelf life of homemade oil is no more than 2 months.

Burdock or burdock belongs to the family Asteraceae and is well recognized by its peculiar inflorescences - baskets. The plant contains a whole complex of vitamins, microelements and other organic substances beneficial to the human body. It is not for nothing that in some countries burdock is eaten.

The roots and leaves of burdock are rich in natural polysaccharides, in particular inulin, as well as tannins and minerals, carotene, organic acids, and flavonoids. Burdock oil contains a rich set of minerals: iron, zinc, strontium, manganese, copper, vanadium and others. In addition, it contains vitamins A, B, E, PP, which are necessary to maintain youth and beauty.

Burdock oil is used in various fields: medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology. The natural product is used to treat and strengthen hair, and also acts as a remedy against hair loss.

Burdock has a wide range of healing properties. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, burdock is used in folk medicine to treat burns, boils, dermatitis, eczema, radiculitis, and mastopathy.

Burdock oil is used in cosmetology as a drug whose action is aimed at treating scalp problems, restoring and strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows. Regular use of the remedy prevents hair loss and makes it thick and healthy.

In cosmetology, preparations based on burdock oil are widely used to care for the face, nails, hair and skin of the hands. Burdock oil can be used as a single product, or combined with other natural products and prepared masks based on it. The best illustration of how helpful burdock oil is for eyebrows is a photo before and after its use.

Burdock oil can be added to creams, shampoos, gels and other cosmetics intended for daily care. Since regular use of the drug has a beneficial effect on the hair structure, it is often used as a cosmetic for eyebrows.

Burdock oil is most often used to grow eyebrows and activate metabolic processes in hair follicles. The drug provides the following positive effects:

  • Thanks to a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, hairs receive the necessary nutrition.
  • The structure and strength of hair improves.
  • The hairs are enveloped in a protective film, protecting them from harmful environmental influences.
  • Thanks to the presence of stearic and palmitic acid in the oil, shine and elasticity appear, and hair loss is reduced.
  • Fragility is reduced and damage to the hair shaft disappears.
  • A complex of antioxidants promotes healthy hair growth and rapid growth.
  • The effect of using burdock oil remains for a long time.

There are some tricks that reveal how to use burdock oil for eyebrows so that the effect is maximum. Let us list some of the nuances of using a natural drug:

Daily use of oil promotes a longer and more pronounced effect.

For ease of application, you should use cotton swabs or cotton swabs.

There are no obvious contraindications to the use of burdock oil, but there is a possibility of individual intolerance. It is better to conduct a skin test before using the oil for the first time. A small amount of the drug should be applied to the skin of the wrist.

If redness or itching appears, you should not use this remedy. If the skin is sensitive and prone to redness, it is recommended to add aloe juice to the masks, which has an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The best recipes based on burdock oil

Warming mask

Purpose of use: stimulating blood circulation, improving nutrition of the hair follicle. To prepare the mask, mix mustard powder with slightly warmed burdock oil. Add the egg yolk and mix again. Apply to hair and leave for 15 minutes. The mask must be washed off with cold water.

The method of preparing the medicinal composition is simple. You need to combine 2 tsp. burdock oil with 1 tsp. bitter pepper tinctures. Mix the resulting mixture and hold it over steam until it warms up slightly. The mask must be kept on for up to 5 minutes. A slight burning sensation should be felt. If severe discomfort occurs, it is better to wash off the mask immediately, otherwise severe irritation will occur. The composition must be applied and removed very carefully to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Vitamin compress

The purpose of using such a mask is to saturate and nourish the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. To prepare the composition, combine almond and burdock in a 1:1 ratio (1/2 tsp of each component). Add 1 capsule of vitamin A and E to the oil mixture. The capsules must be pierced and the liquid squeezed out. Apply to hair with massage movements and leave overnight.

It is an alternative to the previous recipe, with the only difference being that instead of vitamins A and E purchased at the pharmacy, a few drops of fresh carrot juice should be added to the oil mixture.

Peel and grate the carrots, then squeeze, leaving only the juice. Mix olive oil and burdock oil, add carrot juice. Apply the resulting composition to the eyebrows using a cotton swab and leave for 10 minutes. You can diversify the mask with peach or sea buckthorn oil.

Burdock oil for eyebrow growth

Burdock oil actively stimulates hair growth, so it is especially popular in cases where eyebrows are too sparse and thin. To make hair grow faster, the drug can be used in different ways:

  • Option 1. Mix almond, burdock and castor oils in proportions 1:1:1 and apply with a cotton swab according to hair growth. Sometimes this option is used to treat eyelashes, but you need to remember that you cannot leave this composition for a long time, especially at night. This threatens inflammation of the skin of the eyelids.
  • Option 2. Mix burdock oil (3 drops) with the same amount of alcohol. It's better to take rum or cognac. Apply the resulting composition to the hairs. Since the mask contains alcohol, it is necessary to avoid getting the medicinal composition into the eyes.
Eyebrow cosmetics based on burdock oil

Many well-known cosmetics brands produce a whole arsenal of cosmetics designed to restore and treat eyebrows, which include burdock oil.

Among imported cosmetics, eyebrow serums made in the USA and Italy are especially popular. Eyebrow growth stimulator from Alerana and oil serums from CreamWell show excellent effectiveness. They are absolutely safe and do not cause allergies. In addition to burdock oil, such products include almond or olive oils, vitamin complexes and plant extracts. You can use eyebrow serums daily for 3 weeks.

Special cosmetic gels for eyebrow growth

In addition to the main function of strengthening and stimulating growth, they make light hairs a little darker. It is better not to combine the use of such cosmetics with decorative cosmetics. Gels are applied exclusively to clean skin after removing makeup. This method of eyebrow care is very effective due to the specific composition of cosmetics. In addition to the main active components of natural oils, the products contain plant extracts.

The use of a cosmetic product is aimed at overall improvement of hair condition. The balm has a wide spectrum of action due to its specific composition. It contains extracts of medicinal plants, algae, oils, as well as natural biocomplexes.

Foreign manufacturers offer a variety of options for caring balms. They can be combined with decorative cosmetics. The balm should be applied morning and evening. In addition to the general strengthening effect, the product contains substances that stimulate and restore the hair structure. Such a wide spectrum of action is explained by the presence in cosmetics of unique active ingredients isolated from plant raw materials and oils, including burdock.

Cosmetic oils for eyebrows and eyelashes

Such products often include burdock oil with a vitamin complex (C+E). Regular use of the drugs helps nourish and strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. In addition, the product fights dullness and hair loss. The drug stimulates hair growth, gives it shine and elasticity. It is recommended to apply the product before bed on clean, dry skin. As a rule, the kit includes a special brush, which greatly facilitates the application process. Whether burdock oil helps eyebrows can be judged by numerous positive reviews, as well as photographs on the Internet.

Most women, while carefully taking care of their hair and skin, completely forget that eyelashes and eyebrows also need care. Moreover, they take it for granted that their eyelashes are not particularly thick and long, and simply mask the problem with mascara.

However, there is a simple, affordable, and at the same time very effective means with which eyelashes and eyebrows will become beautiful and well-groomed. This product is oil for eyelashes and eyebrows.


The main components are vitamins A, E, B, C and F, as well as trace elements (iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, calcium). This complex is considered the best for hair growth and strengthening.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are an excellent “anti-aging” agent that helps skin and hair cells prolong their youth;

Antioxidants play the role of protectors. They protect hair from damage. In addition, these are natural preservatives that help the oil not to spoil for a long time.

Rules for selection and storage

Since vegetable oil is, first of all, a healing agent, you need to buy it at the pharmacy. This will make it less likely that you will buy a surrogate.

If you are allergic, then to reduce the risk of unwanted reactions, try to buy eyelash strengthening oils without additives.

Pay attention to the expiration date.

When it comes to storage, each oil requires different conditions. Therefore, you need to carefully study the instructions and store it correctly so that it does not lose its beneficial properties ahead of time.

Preference should be given to unrefined oils that are obtained by cold pressing.

Rules of application

Before applying the mask to the eyebrows and eyelashes, they must be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics. In addition, it is best to avoid waterproof cosmetics. It washes off worse and there is a risk that you will not clean your hair properly.

If you are using any product for the first time, then first do an allergy test for this remedy. Apply a little on your hand and wait. There should be no itching or irritation at the application site.

It is necessary to apply it to the eyelashes carefully, carefully avoiding contact with the mucous membrane. This is best done with a cotton swab or mascara brush. As for the quantity, it is better to apply a little less. Excessive amounts may get into the eyes and also cause redness and swelling of the eyelids.

For eyebrow growth, oils are used as follows: apply a small amount and rub in with massaging movements. This massage can be supplemented by combing the eyebrows in different directions.

The prepared oil for eyebrows and eyelashes must be stored in a well-closed container.

To strengthen eyelashes, the prepared product is used in the evening, and for eyebrows, it is better to repeat the procedure twice a day.

It is not recommended to leave the composition on the eyelashes for more than two hours; only in rare exceptions it is applied overnight.

The frequency of use depends only on the condition of the eyebrows and eyelashes. If you are going to use growth oil or treatment, it is best to do it in courses. Each course consists of 10-15 procedures with a break of a month. If you need to provide nutrition to the hairs, then applying it 2-3 times a week will be enough.

If during use the eyelids become red and swollen and discharge appears from the eyes, you should immediately stop using the product and consult a doctor.

Which oil to choose

If you don’t know which oil to choose for eyelash and eyebrow growth, here are the most popular and effective ones:

  • Castor or ricin is the most famous assistant for women in the fight for gorgeous eyelashes, especially if the eyelashes are severely damaged. Cheap, accessible, but effective.
  • Burdock is the main rival of castor. In addition to treating damaged hair, it also gives it a well-groomed appearance.
  • Almond - according to cosmetologists, this is the best thing you can come up with for the restoration, nutrition and rapid growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • Olive – returns lost strength and shine to hairs
  • Jojoba oil. Although almond, burdock and castor oil are considered the most popular, jojoba oil has also found many fans. At the same time, lovers of this particular product note that only it does not cause the feeling of a greasy film and is completely unnoticeable when applied.
  • Flaxseed is a champion in the content of vitamins, microelements, and polyunsaturated acids, so it is especially recommended for increased hair loss in eyebrows and eyelashes. For better effect, you can take it orally.
  • Camphor oil is also suitable for eyebrows and eyelashes, but unlike the others it is essential and not vegetable. Therefore, it cannot be used in its pure form. But it is suitable as an additional component for masks and lotions.
  • Sea buckthorn – strengthens hair follicles and makes eyelashes more elastic.
  • Wheat germ oil – has a tonic and rejuvenating effect.
  • Coconut – its main advantage is the normalization of the pH of the skin and hair, as well as the activation of the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen.
  • Usma oil is often used for baldness, so it is not surprising that this oil for eyelashes will also be very effective.
  • Grapeseed oil is one of the products that are suitable for masks and lotions on eyelashes and eyelids.
  • Apricot - like peach, it is suitable not only for eyelashes and eyebrows, but also for the skin around them. Has a calming and rejuvenating effect.
  • Walnut oil is an excellent oil for eyelashes that are subject to severe hair loss.
  • Argan oil is suitable for both basic hair care and as a treatment. In addition, it makes the eyelashes darker.
  • Tea tree oil is an essential oil, which means that to use it, it must be added to the base oil.
  • Rosehip oil - it can be used in its pure form, or added to creams and tonics.
  • Macadamia oil – saturates with nutrients, gives eyelashes shine and strength. It is recommended to combine with other vegetable oils.
  • Avocado oil is another very effective oil for eyebrows. Well rejuvenates the skin, nourishes and moisturizes the hair.

Recipes for masks and lotions

The simplest recipe for the growth and nutrition of eyelashes and eyebrows is to mix your favorite oils in equal parts and apply to hairs. If they are suitable for application to the skin, then you can make lotions from the prepared mixture.

A tablespoon of any oil should be mixed with one capsule of vitamin Aevit and a few drops of aloe juice. Depending on the chosen oil, use this mixture as a mask or simply smear your hair with it.

Mix equal amounts of parsley juice, aloe and oil, moisten a swab, and place on the eyes for 20-30 minutes.

Mix almond, peach or apricot oil with the same amount of chamomile, cornflower, coltsfoot, sage or calendula decoction. Do 15-minute compresses. The same mixture can also be used for washing.

To apply to eyelashes, you can take rum and castor oil in a 1:1 ratio and apply every night for 30 minutes. This mixture must be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a dark place.

Day after day we moisturize and nourish our skin and hair, but eyebrows and eyelashes are often left unattended. Although they are the key to the expressiveness of our look and makeup in general. Make it a rule to apply special caring oils to your eyebrows and eyelashes every day to maintain their beauty. It is especially important to use nourishing oils if you regularly use eyebrow and eyelash dye, as well as waterproof mascara.

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What are the benefits of oil for eyebrows and eyelashes?

Often in cosmetics stores you can find a product called “Oil for eyebrows and eyelashes.” Of course, there is no separate type of oil that is designed specifically for eyelash or eyebrow care; As a rule, inside the bottle there is a complex of several oils that have a beneficial effect on hair growth, strengthen it and nourish it. Among the oils that have similar properties are castor, olive, almond and others. These oils contain various valuable components, nutrients, antioxidants, B vitamins, vitamins C and E, zinc, and fatty acids.

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The combined use of different oils will be more effective, but it is not necessary to buy a special product; you can easily get by with what you have in your kitchen. We will talk more about the benefits of different oils in the next section.

Which eyelash oil to choose?

The most common oils for eyebrows and eyelashes are:

  • castor oil (accelerates hair growth and promotes thickening);
  • olive (nourishes weakened hairs and awakens dormant hair follicles);
  • almond (contains a large amount of vitamin E, necessary for hair growth);
  • peach (strengthens eyelashes, adds smoothness and shine to them).

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When choosing oil, give preference to virgin and cold-pressed oils stored in a dark bottle. You can significantly increase the effectiveness of the oil by adding ampoules of vitamins A and E to it - key vitamins for hair growth and skin renewal.

How to use eyelash oil?

As a nourishing mask

As a makeup remover

  • Heat the oil between your palms.

When can I expect results?

Mascaras with oils: review

Many beauty brands produce mascaras that contain nourishing and beneficial oils. You shouldn’t expect the same effect from them as from “pure” oils, but they will definitely bring additional benefits to your eyelashes. We present the most successful options, in our opinion.