What breeds of dogs are there that look like a bear cub? Dogs that look like bears What kind of dog looks like a bear?

The bear type is one of the most popular animals.

Miniature dogs that, as a result of painstaking selection work, have become like small bear cubs.

But they have retained their watchdog instinct and cannot go unnoticed and win the hearts of dog breeders around the world.

In the article you will find a comprehensive description of this breed and the characteristics of its maintenance.

The history of the breed dates back to the Middle Ages. At that time, almost all European countries were actively breeding guard dogs, which outwardly resembled modern Spitz dogs, but differed from them in their larger size.

Selection work was also carried out in Pomerania. The greatest success has been achieved by dog ​​breeders in its western part, which is part of modern Germany. They selected and crossed with each other the smallest puppies from the litters, which became the ancestors of the Pomeranian Spitz.

In the 19th century Representatives of this breed were brought to England, where they found themselves at the peak of popularity. The spectacular and pretty exterior and excellent character of these dogs pleased Queen Victoria, who gave the order to use the smallest individuals, weighing no more than 3.5 kg, in breeding work.

Over time, 3 intra-breed types of oranges were developed:

  • bearish;

The last two differ only in the length of the muzzle.

Description and standard

Bear-type Pomeranians are born in the same litter with puppies that have an elongated muzzle shape. It is almost impossible to predict or plan their appearance, since mating, especially by amateurs, of two individuals of this type can lead to the birth of weak or sick puppies.

  • square body;
  • the back is straight, short;
  • The chest is wide, the croup is straight;
  • medium length tail;
  • paws straight, spaced wide apart, pads small, collected;
  • straight or scissor bite, absence of premolars is acceptable;
  • the eyes are small, almond-shaped, dark brown;
  • The ears are triangular in shape and pointed.

The “cubs” have a rounded head, a flattened muzzle, and a nose with a black lobe located slightly higher than that of other Pomeranians. The main difference between bear-type Spitz and other miniature dogs is the presence of plump cheeks, which are formed by thick hair on the cheekbones.

Character Traits

Miniature, bear-like Spitz dogs are proud, intelligent and energetic dogs that quickly become attached to their owners. In just a few days, they master the basic rules of behavior, remember the place for the toilet, and know where the bowls of food and water are.

Representatives of this breed are inquisitive and active, love activity, walks and games in the fresh air, but spend time lying on the sofa with no less pleasure. The main thing for them is to be close to the owner.

These dogs get along well with children and pets who grew up with them, but due to their rather cocky character and jealous attitude towards the owner, they have difficulty getting along with animals that appeared in the house after them, and often start fights with other dogs.

Spitz are freedom-loving and independent, they strive for dominance, so it is necessary to show them who is boss in the house as early as possible.

The growing popularity of “bear cubs” has a negative impact on the breed. The problem is that many unscrupulous breeders strive to get puppies with extremely short muzzles, without thinking that such an anatomical feature negatively affects the dog’s health. In general, bear-type Pomeranians are no different from other types of this breed - they have the same temperament and the same character traits.

Pros and cons

In addition to their unusual and, of course, attractive appearance, bear-type Pomeranians have a number of other advantages:

  • devotion;
  • the ability to adapt to the owner’s mood;
  • courage and fearlessness;
  • friendliness and sociability;
  • ability to get along with other pets and children;
  • ability to learn;
  • guard instinct;
  • opportunity .

Along with positive qualities, these dogs also have some disadvantages:

  • increased excitability and loud barking;
  • aggression towards strangers and other dogs is possible;
  • heavy shedding;
  • tendency to dominate;
  • the need for careful grooming;
  • health problems caused by exterior features;
  • fragile skeleton.

Character defects can be eliminated through proper education, training and socialization.

Photos of color options

According to the standard adopted by the American Kennel Club, Pomeranians have 12 coat colors.

Sable, brown, red, blue, cream, zone gray, black and tan, party color, brindle and spotted - among such a variety of shades, anyone can choose a pet to their liking.


White is the most ancient color. Today there are few such dogs, since it is difficult to obtain snow-white Spitz dogs - absolutely all ancestors must have this coat color. The presence of inclusions of other colors is unacceptable.


The chocolate or brown color can vary in intensity, be solid or tan due to the light hairs on the undercoat. The standard allows only a dark brown shade of the coat, without spots or stripes of other colors.


The coat can be cream, gray, orange and red in varying intensities. The peculiarity of the sable color is that the roots of the hairs are lighter than the tips.

Most often there are individuals with red fur and black tips, less often - gray and cream and black representatives of the breed.


Red is the most common and well-known color. The coat is a solid red color; a lighter shade is acceptable on the face, ears, “pants” and the tip of the tail.


Black orange looks very impressive.

Black Pomeranians must have dark skin, a black nose and undercoat; the presence of light spots is considered a defect.

Before shedding, the undercoat may fade a little and take on a brown tint, but as density increases, it becomes black again.


Cream color can be rich or cool, but it is not easy to define. At birth, the coat of puppies is white, beige or white with yellow markings, and only after molting can you understand what the coat will be like.

Life expectancy and health

Spitz dogs have fairly good health, but they are not immune to all diseases.

Most often, representatives of this breed are diagnosed with:

  • goggle-eyedness.
  • ophthalmological diseases: cataracts, entropion, retinal dysplasia and atrophy;
  • inguinal and umbilical hernias;
  • heart disease;
  • breathing problems;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: necrosis of the femoral head, dislocation of joints and patella;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • deafness;
  • endocarditis;
  • pulmonary stenosis;
  • dermatosis;
  • seborrheic adenitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • glycogenosis;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • non-closure of the fontanel.

In addition, bitches often experience complications during childbirth.


Most of the pathologies of Spitz cubs are caused by their exterior.

With proper care, representatives of this breed 12-15 years old, with the exception of genetically weak individuals, up to 18 cm in height.

Dimensions and weight

Standards determined by 3 clubs.

So, in accordance with the parameters of the American Kennel Club, the weight of an adult dog should be from 1.36 to 3.175 kg, according to the standard of the English Kennel Club, the weight of a male should be 1.8-2.0 kg, and that of a female – 1.8-2, 5 kg. FCI members evaluate representatives of the breed not by weight, but by height: an adult Spitz at the withers should reach 18-22 cm.

The optimal parameters for a “bear cub” are a height of at least 18 cm and a weight of 2.2 kg.

A dwarf or mini, and even more so a micro Spitz (with much lower indicators) is not a standard, is not allowed to participate in exhibitions and breeding, and may also have health problems.

Rules of care

Caring for these dogs is a set of hygiene procedures that must be carried out regularly in order to maintain the health and appearance of the pet at the proper level.

Wool and bathing

The fur of the cubs should be brushed with a brush with natural bristles 2-3 times a week, and daily during molting. This will help avoid the formation of tangles and get rid of dead hair.

Before combing, the coat should be sprayed with water and conditioner or anti-tangle spray.

After each walk, especially in wet weather, you need to wash your dog's paws and belly, and you should give him a full bath about once a quarter, using shampoo and conditioner appropriate for his coat type.

After washing, you need to dry your pet completely, otherwise the undercoat will tangle, preventing air from reaching the skin.


Teeth are the weak point of Pomeranians. Representatives of this breed are prone to the formation of plaque and tartar, leading to periodontal disease and other oral diseases.

It is necessary to brush your pet’s teeth daily with a special paste and brush and at least once every six months to contact a veterinarian, who, if necessary, will remove tartar.


The claws of “bear cubs” almost never grind down on their own, so twice a month they need to be trimmed with a guillotine claw clipper so as not to touch the blood vessels.


Inspect and clean weekly from accumulated wax, dust and dirt using a special lotion and cotton swabs and pads.

If you notice an unpleasant odor or discharge from your ears, you should contact your veterinarian.


Wipe daily with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or chamomile infusion. Increased lacrimation, redness, and the appearance of pus are reasons to show the dog to a specialist.


Pomeranians can be trained to a tray or diaper, which eliminates the urgent need for daily walking. However, we should not forget that representatives of this breed are active animals that need active games, so you should walk with them for at least 1 hour a day.

Do you need a haircut?

The main care for the coat of representatives of this breed consists of thorough combing. not necessary, this is only necessary to give the dog a more tidy appearance.

A bear cut involves trimming stray guard hairs, giving the paw pads a “cat-like” shape, and trimming the ears to make them round. A Spitz cut this way looks neater.


It is forbidden to shave or cut short Pomeranians - due to the tendency of these dogs to alopecia, their hair may not grow back after such a haircut.

How to feed?

You can use both natural products and industrial feeds. The main thing is to keep your diet balanced and not mix both types of nutrition.

The number of daily feedings depends on the age of the dog:

  • up to 2 months – 5 times;
  • 3-5 months – 4 times;
  • 6-9 months – 3 times;
  • 10 months and older – 2 times.

Natural feeding allows the owner to independently choose products and control their quality, but preparing food for a pet takes quite a lot of time and effort. In addition, it is impossible to create a balanced, nutritious diet without having certain knowledge in the field of veterinary nutrition.

When eating natural foods, your diet should include:

  • boiled lean meat;
  • offal;
  • rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs (maximum 2 pieces per week);
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • vegetables, fruits and herbs.

It is forbidden to feed your pet:

  • sweets, pickles, marinades;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • spicy, smoked, fried foods;
  • legumes;
  • semolina, pearl barley and millet porridge;
  • fatty meat;
  • river fish;
  • potatoes, onions, cabbage;
  • tubular bones.

As a treat, you can give your orange a piece of cheese, fruit, or vegetable. It is also necessary to include a vitamin-mineral complex in the diet.

The main advantage of industrial feeds is that they have a balanced composition enriched with vitamins and minerals. Plus, they are easy to use and store and require no cooking. But you need to choose them very carefully, because if an allergy occurs to one of the components of the food, you will have to change your pet’s entire diet.

The composition should not contain dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers and other chemicals.

For bear-type Pomeranians, food of at least premium class is suitable, ideally super-premium or holistic. Popular foods are Hills, Natural Holistic, Purina Pro Plan, GO!, Almo Nature Holistic, NOW, Origen, Acana, Barking Heads.

Features of training

First of all, the puppy must be taught its name. To do this, you need to call him by name more often, especially before feeding, in order to reinforce positive associations. Over time, you should move on to teaching your pet basic commands.

Team Education
"Ugh" It is important not to confuse it with the prohibitive word “No”. After the command “Fu,” the pet should get scared and immediately throw what it took into its mouth. You can master the command while walking, pronouncing it strictly, and then pulling the leash quite firmly
"To me" On a walk, when the dog is not interested in anything, you need to say “Come to me” and gently pull the leash toward you. When the pet approaches, he needs to be given a treat and praised
"Near" You need to give a command and pull the leash so that the pet is close, and then start moving, carefully pulling the leash and holding the dog near your left leg. If the pet tries to overtake or go to the side, you need to strictly repeat the command and pull the leash again
"Place" You need to put the dog on the bed, say “Place” and leave, making sure that the pet remains in place, and then praise the dog
"Sit" It is necessary to place the pet at your side on a short leash and, lightly pressing on the dog’s sacrum and moving the leash up, say the name and the command “Sit”

Important! It is necessary to start training your dog from a very early age.

Price range

The cost of the bear type depends on their color, age, gender and other factors. On average, such puppies cost 25-40 thousand rubles.

You can buy a dog cheaper from your hands, through an advertisement or on the market, but in this case there is a high risk of acquiring a non-purebred individual or one with health problems.

How to choose your future pet?

It is better to purchase a dog from a specialized nursery. It is necessary to inspect the living conditions of the dogs, meet the parents of the future pet, find out about their health, and ask the breeder for a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and deworming.

Watch the puppy. A healthy baby should be active, cheerful, and inquisitive. He should have a shiny coat without dandruff or bald patches, clean skin without rashes or irritations. The baby should not have any discharge from the eyes or ears.

You should buy a dog only after it is 4-5 months old - only at this age can you determine its color and whether it belongs to a certain type.

A small, very cute dog that looks like a little bear is a Pomeranian Spitz. Thanks to its unique appearance and interesting color of thick fur, this mini-bear is one of the most popular breeds among amateur dog breeders. Photos of this animal with its childishly naive eyes and touching muzzle cannot but evoke tenderness even in those people who are not particularly fond of dogs.

The first representatives of the breed

The ancestors of the miniature bear-type Spitz were also Spitz, but German. The breed originated in England by crossing small breeds. According to some sources, the ancestors of these dogs lived in Pomerania. It was from there that they were brought to the shores of Foggy Albion. And it was the name of this province that became their family name.

Despite the fact that the popularity of the breed gained momentum just a few years ago, Pomeranians were bred a long time ago. The name was given to them by the province where these kids are from.

The funny appearance of the dog attracted the attention of the aristocracy and the rich, who always want to be on the crest of the wave of fashion trends and are greedy for new items. As a result of this interest, breeders bred miniature “bear cubs” - descendants of German Spitz dogs. Finally, the breed called the Pomeranian Spitz with the prefix “bear type” appeared in the late 80s of the 20th century (1986).

Attractive appearance

While dog breeders were experimenting with the breed, they fought to reduce the animal’s height and weight. But then they decided that this was not enough - aristocracy and good looks wouldn’t hurt either. In the process of breed selection, attention was paid to 2 points:

  • miniaturization;
  • imparting “bearness”, that is, fluffiness of the coat and sophistication of colors.

The result was a cute descendant of the German Spitz - a little “bear” with a very lively character. His round-eyed face is full of charm. Small ears on a rounded head and a flattened muzzle make the animal look extremely teddy-bear-like. The Pomeranian has a strong body, the hair literally stands on end, which makes the paws look very fluffy. The coat looks in such a way that the dog seems surrounded by a certain aura. Height and weight indicators of the bear-type Spitz:

  • height 22 cm (at the withers);
  • weight 3.5 kg.

There are representatives of the breed with slightly larger dimensions. But mostly these are miniature dogs, and they “gain” size due to their rich fur. According to external data (the structure of the muzzle), three types of Pomeranian Spitz are distinguished:

  • bearish type;
  • fox type;
  • toy type.

Bear-type Spitz bears are very reminiscent of miniature bear cubs, both in the thickness of their fur and the shape of their heads, paws, and ears. They are extremely cute - funny and serious at the same time

In terms of structure, the “adult” state is achieved by “bears” by one year. At this age, you can determine the type of Pomeranian Spitz. The “bear cubs” have eyes close to the nose. Plump cheeks, densely covered with fluffy fur, form the “bear” appearance. “Fox cubs” have a correspondingly more elongated muzzle. Toy Pomeranian dogs have a flattened face and wide-set eyes. The color scheme of the fur of animals is very diverse:

  • two-flowered;
  • sable color;
  • pure black or with tan marks;
  • bluish fawn;
  • pure white;
  • cream;
  • orange;
  • chocolate.

Character of the orange

Pomeranian cubs, becoming attached to the owner, become his friend, not his subordinate. With prolonged communication, some dogs adopt the owner’s character traits, usually the most noticeable ones.

The Pomeranian Spitz itself is a very playful and cheerful animal. The dwarf descendants of the German Spitz have exquisite hearing; it is extremely difficult to take them by surprise. They are able to quickly navigate almost any situation. This is a very active and mobile dog.

Pomeranians are smart, they are well brought up and are able to adapt to the rhythm of life and the behavior of the owner. For these dwarf “cubs” the truth is the following statement: a calm owner is a quiet dog, an active owner is a reactive dog. If you raise a puppy from its “young claws,” you can instill in it the desired qualities or develop those traits that seem more acceptable to the owner.

When raising a descendant of a German Spitz, one must not be rude or incontinent. Firmness does not mean anger at the dog or assault. The Pomeranian "bear cub" - although dwarf, is a predator. He must recognize the leadership of a person, love and respect the owner, and not be afraid of him. Of course, a timely reward for a job well done will please this emotional animal.

The Spitz is a very emotional, playful and active dog. You need to raise it based on the method of encouragement and praise, however, when forming bad habits, you can be strict - show that the animal’s behavior has upset you

Who is the Pomeranian “bear” good for?

The Pomeranian Spitz is a very friendly dog. If he was raised with other pets, he will not conflict. This dog is good for people leading an active lifestyle, and also for those who need an incentive to go for a walk, since these miniature descendants of German Spitz are extremely active and love to walk in both winter and summer.

The Dwarf Pomeranian is a very friendly animal, gets along well with children of any age, loves communication and needs human company almost constantly. It is suitable for those families in which someone is always at home. In this case, he will become a faithful companion and friend to both children and adult family members.

Who shouldn't have a dwarf Pomeranian?

  • for those who love silence;
  • those who are rarely at home;
  • for those who are not ready to regularly remove wool;
  • for those who do not want to raise a dog.

The Miniature Spitz is a very sweet, but very vocal dog. They can bark both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the temperament of dwarf “bear cubs” is very cocky; they tend to bully serious large dogs. This should not be allowed, since large dogs are not obliged to be kind to their small brother.

Dogs of this breed become very attached to their owner and feel sad in his absence. Therefore, a dog left alone can turn into a constantly howling and yapping lump. Firstly, this can cause a nervous breakdown in the dog and lead to his illness, and secondly, it is unlikely to please the neighbors.

Before you get a Spitz, you need to really assess your strengths: can you give the dog enough attention and love? Since the animal is very active and inquisitive, it will suffer greatly if the owner is absent from him for a long time.

The fur of these dogs is thick, beautiful, and requires care, sometimes falling out in whole clumps. Wool needs to be brushed constantly, just like cleaning carpets or mopping floors. The character of the miniature dog is not at all weak and pliable. These kids can show powerful qualities and claim leadership. When raising an animal you need firmness and patience. These dogs need to be looked after.

Basics of care and maintenance

Triad of care for Pomeranians:

  • bathing;
  • combing;
  • walks.

There is no need to bathe your baby too often - just 5 times a year is quite enough. However, if the “bear cub” gets dirty from head to toe while walking along slushy paths, you should not refuse to swim. Specialized products are used for washing.

They are easy to purchase at any pet store. After bathing, you need to allow the dog to shake off its thick fur, and then dry the fur as much as possible with a towel.

Pomeranians are combed frequently and very carefully, as the hair can roll up, form tangles, and cause pain to the animal when moving. Just 15 minutes a day will save this handsome guy from this trouble.

Pomeranian Spitz, or Pomeranian, is the smallest representative of the Spitz, which appeared in Pomerania, a historical region in Germany. This small and very touching dog has a light character and a cheerful, playful disposition. She is very energetic and active, loves to walk and communicate with people. Without requiring intensive care or a special diet, a Spitz can give a lot of joy to both children and adults.

Recently, this dog, which looks like a soft toy, has become very popular: more and more people around the world are trying to get just such a breed. And some of its representatives have turned into real Internet stars! Let's get acquainted.

Today, the funny-haired Boo has more than 1.3 million fans and is already actively working to promote the book “Boo: The Life of the Cutest Dog in the World,” which contains a unique collection of his most striking and interesting photographs.

This is not the only Pomeranian who has made his breed famous on the Internet. 9 year old Shunsuke also became a real star and earned the title Japan's cutest dog. This cute dog has his own account on Twitter, which has already collected 60 thousand subscribers.

Popularity came to Shunsuke when he appeared in a television show, after which soft toys, books and calendars with the image of the Spitz began to be sold in stores. Shunsuke is also very popular in China, where a real boom in this breed began and its average price increased from 700 to 1000 yuan.

Features of bear-type Pomeranians and their standards. What health features do these dogs have and how long do they live? Advantages and disadvantages of the breed, and how to choose a puppy when buying.

In Germany, Spitz dogs have been known for a long time, and for a long time they were the dogs of the poor population. They had a relatively small size, good sense of smell and a clear voice, which made the dog a watchdog.

The attractive appearance and intelligence of this breed became the reason that it gradually began to appear in the homes of wealthy people. Since small decorative dogs that would accompany their owners everywhere were valued, the selection of medium-sized Spitz gradually began in order to reduce the size of the breed.

The first work in this direction was carried out in Pomerania. This was later reflected in the name of the resulting decorative variety of German Spitz. Already significantly reduced, these German dogs earned the attention and love of Queen Victoria of England in the 19th century.

Thanks to this, the Pomeranian became popular in the UK. Individuals weighing no more than 3.5 kilograms were in particular demand, which gave a new impetus to the continuation of work to reduce the size of the Spitz.

In the 20th century, miniature dogs received breed standards and were divided into 3 types: bear, fox and toy. It is the first type that is especially popular. This Spitz bear has a very attractive appearance, which makes him look like a charming toy, and at the same time he has quite good health.

The hereditary factor determines which variety the puppy will belong to, and 3 types of Pomeranians can appear in one litter.

Description of the breed with photos

The bear-type Pomeranian is a miniature breed. Its build is similar to that of Spitz dogs. The same applies to character. A distinctive feature of the dog is its head, which is more round than that of other Spitz dogs. The nose of the orange is 3 to 5 cm long, flattened and somewhat reminiscent of a pug.

This, together with the fluffy hair that emphasizes the shape of the head, gives the bears’ faces a special charm. Animals with a nose shorter than 3 cm, although they look more decorative and toy-like, are not recommended for the establishment, as they have serious health problems associated with disorders of the respiratory system.

Important! Dogs with excessively short muzzles are bred by breeders who, in order to make a quick and significant profit, breed dogs paying attention only to their appearance. Such individuals have a low quality of health.

The remaining characteristics of the bear-type Pomeranian are as follows:

  • strong body;
  • round head;
  • flattened muzzle;.
  • ears are small and round;
  • round eyes, close to the nose;
  • the chin is slightly raised;
  • the tip of the nose is slightly turned up;
  • wool is abundant;
  • tail lying on the back.

The breed is very different from all other dogs of the dwarf category: Pomeranians have good health and the character characteristic of varieties belonging to the working category. The intelligence of the mini Spitz is high.

Size and weight

The height of the dog at the withers from 18 to 22 cm. The standard weight should be from 2 to 3 kilograms. Males are slightly larger than females. If an animal does not meet the canine standards of the breed in terms of height or weight, then at exhibitions it receives reduced marks when the deviation from the norm is insignificant, or is rejected and not allowed for breeding if the defect is severe.

Color and coat type

The dog's coat is long, but straight, with a well-developed thick undercoat. The colors of orange Spitz are varied - 12 types are officially approved. There are also unregistered options. The most popular are fiery colors: red and red. Others are not inferior to them in attractiveness: white, sand, chocolate ( brown), black, gray, beige. Also, according to the standard, a doll Spitz can have two-color wool.

Spitz bear or fox - what's the difference?

Dogs belonging to the Dwarf Pomeranian breed can be of the fox or bear type. Their differences are in the shape of the head and ears. The fox has an elongated muzzle. The profile of a dog of this type is indeed very reminiscent of a fox. The animal’s nose is not flattened, but has a classic elongated shape. The eyes are usually almond-shaped, but the standard also allows a round shape. The ears are triangular in shape, erect, set close to each other.

Bear-like dogs have a round head shape, a flattened nose and small round ears that are set far apart. The muzzle of such a dog resembles that of plush toys. The eyes are only round, set quite close.

In size and weight, both types of Spitz are identical to each other. They also have the same characteristics in terms of body type, coat quality and color. If representatives of the bear type have a muzzle that is not too flattened, then the health of both varieties will be the same. There are no differences in character.

Health and illness

Pomeranians are fairly strong dogs despite the fact that they are miniature. This feature of the breed makes them very attractive. Noticeable health problems occur only in dogs whose muzzle length is less than 3 cm.

Such pets are not capable of normal breathing, which is why they gradually develop pathologies of the heart and trachea, which greatly reduces their life expectancy. Also, bears with a shortened nose develop syringomyelia, which initially damages only the nervous system, and then the entire body.

Some individuals have defects in the structure of bones and cartilage, which is associated with dwarfism in animals. Typically, this phenomenon occurs in dogs with minimal growth. Sometimes some representatives of the breed may experience epilepsy and eye diseases, mainly inflammation. To reduce the risk of purchasing an animal with congenital diseases, you should carefully study the documents of the parents of the future pet.


The lifespan of a dog largely depends on its exterior. If an unscrupulous breeder breeds dogs with muzzle length less than 3 cm and height less than 18 cm at the withers, then such pets, even with proper care, get sick and rarely live to be 8 years old.

These animals are commercial goods, which are in high demand due to their decorative appearance, but due to their short lifespan, they are quickly replaced. Such micro-Spitz Pomeranians, predominantly of the bear type, are especially expensive due to their doll-like appearance.

In cases where the dog is not allowed to be bred, castration or sterilization is required to increase its life expectancy, depending on the sex of the animal. It is recommended to perform such an operation on a young pet, without waiting until it is necessary for medical reasons.

This will provide the dog with a stable hormonal background and will not cause disturbances in the general condition due to the desire to mate, which, if it cannot be satisfied, has a destructive effect on the body.

Character and intelligence

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their devotion and affection for their owner. The dwarf Spitz is even capable of adopting a number of human character traits. Having such a dog, you will not have to change your rhythm of life, since the pet will follow a routine that is convenient for the person. This feature makes Pomeranians one of the most comfortable companion dogs.

Cheerful and cheerful bears, who always have a smiling expression on their faces, love games and can spend several hours playing them. The pet willingly comes up with fun for itself, bringing joy to the name of its owner. The dog's intellectual qualities make its behavior very interesting.

Attitude towards children and others

Pomeranians are friendly and easily build relationships with all family members, even small children. The pet will not use its teeth, even if the younger ones in the house bother him. The dog will simply show that it is unhappy with what is happening and will try to leave so that it will be left alone. The Spitz willingly communicates with other pets. The dog easily gets used to them, even if they appear in the house when the bear is already an adult.

Spitz dogs treat strangers with caution: they either completely ignore them or begin to bark. He shows sympathy for those whom the Pomeranian knows well, inviting them to play or pet him.

Since the character of Spitz is quite independent, during walks the dog will choose with whom to communicate and with whom not. If she doesn't like one of the people or animals, she will simply ignore them, even if she knows them well. It is impossible to impose anyone's company on a Pomeranian, since he himself determines his circle of contacts.

Training and education

Representatives of the breed are highly trainable, and training is easy despite the fact that the dog is quite restless. Quite quickly, a small pet living in a family memorizes the basic vocabulary of its owners and begins to understand not only words, but also ordinary speech, which sometimes seems like something supernatural.

When a dog appears in the house as a puppy, it must be taught to several commands before the age of one year, which are necessary because they ensure the safety of the pet. The dog must reliably approach the owner upon hearing the command “come” and stop the unwanted action on the command “fu”.

The pet must react to them, even if it is very passionate about something. Until such results are achieved when walking the dog, you cannot let it go on a long leash. It is highly not recommended to let your pet off the leash unless this happens in a securely fenced area from where the dog cannot escape.

When teaching, classes should be short - up to 15 minutes. For a correctly completed task, the dog should receive a small piece of treat, which will stimulate it to further master the commands. Scolding a bear cub, much less hitting it if it does something wrong, is unacceptable. Rudeness will not speed up learning, but it will seriously damage the dog's psyche.

Important! If a puppy is severely frightened even just once during training, this can cause him to develop hysteria and inappropriate behavior, which makes keeping a dog in an apartment problematic.

Pros and cons of the breed

Keeping bear oranges is quite simple. However, this does not mean that dogs do not require any care. The right living conditions for a pet need to be organized even before it appears in the house. Before buying a puppy, you need to put the premises in a safe condition for him. There should be no cracks in which the puppy could get stuck, as well as slippery floors and drafts.

It is important that any chemicals are not available to the animal. It is worth paying attention to objects that are dangerous for a playing puppy. These include fringe on bedspreads ( the puppy can get entangled in it and choke), lying electrical wires ( the pet is able to chew them), plastic bag ( Once inside, the dog may suffocate).

From the first day, the dog should have its own place in the apartment, where it will have a lounger and can rest. If you do not plan to let your pet into the bed, then you cannot do this even once, since after that he will refuse to sleep in his place.

When choosing where to place the sunbed, you should remember that it should not be located on the aisle, next to heating devices, or in places where there are drafts. It is also necessary that the dog, while resting on the lounger, has a sufficiently large view.

Despite the abundance of fur, caring for your pet is not difficult. If the owners do not participate in exhibitions with him, a haircut is quite acceptable. It will be more comfortable for the dog, since excessive pubescence is somewhat disturbing to the dog. You should brush your Spitz twice a week, and when she sheds, every day.

If the dog is a show dog, then professional grooming is required 1-2 times a year, during which a specialist only slightly shortens the hair on certain areas of the body to give the animal a very neat appearance. The type of haircut does not depend on what kind of pet you are cutting, black, white or red.

Important! When using clippers on your Pomeranian, you should remember that there is always a risk that the coat may not grow back the same as before.

It is not necessary to bathe your dog often. Water treatments are carried out as needed. It is impossible to dry the hair of this breed naturally, since due to the abundance of undercoat it will not dry out, but will remain damp. As a result, mold will appear in it, which can negatively affect the health of the skin. Also, natural drying significantly increases the risk of skin lesions. You need to dry your dog with a hairdryer, which is what he is taught to do from childhood.

Nails are trimmed as needed if they become sufficiently worn during walks. Eyes and ears are wiped once a week, using cotton swabs soaked in chlorhexidine for the ears, and in chamomile or calendula infusion for the eyes. If suspicious discharge appears, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Walking is a must for your Pomeranian. They begin as soon as the puppy has completed the full course of vaccinations. Any representative of this breed is active, so for good health he needs to spend at least 2 hours a day in the fresh air. Ideally, walk your dog three times a day, otherwise he will have to endure it for a long time if he does not use the indoor toilet.

Pomeranians are unpretentious in their diet, unless they have allergies. Their diet consists of lean meat, dairy products, cereals, as well as fruits and vegetables. It is impossible to give the animal sweets, confectionery, fatty, smoked and salty foods, as this is extremely harmful for him. If the dog is allergic, then it should be fed a ready-made diet, which may include both wet and dry food.

Important! There should be clean water in the drinking bowl at all times.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing a Pomeranian puppy is a responsible matter that requires some knowledge. Experienced dog breeders can easily identify the best individual in a litter, while those who will have a dog for the first time can make a very serious mistake when choosing, succumbing to pity and buying the smallest puppy, which seems crowded among more active and larger brothers and sisters.

It is strictly not recommended to do this, since this dog, at best, will be weak and prone to developing pathologies, and at worst, it will already be sick and require urgent treatment, which, unfortunately, is not always successful. It is also unlikely that this pet will live a long life due to its weakness and health problems.

A good puppy should not be the largest and smallest in the litter. He has clean eyes, nose and ears. He is well-fed, but his stomach is not bloated. A healthy puppy is mobile and active.

The bear-type Pomeranian is an attractive pet that has a charming appearance and is able to get along with owners at any pace of life. Contact and sociable, he quickly finds a language with others, including small children. Such a pet will be an ideal companion both for people who prefer an active lifestyle, and for those who mainly spend time in the apartment, taking walks around the house.

Dogs that look like bear cubs are especially attractive in the eyes of people. Often, when buying a pet, future owners do not give preference to any specific breed, but choose solely based on external characteristics.

Based on such parameters, dogs with one common characteristic can be divided into a separate group - visual resemblance to a bear.

Basic breed qualities

Many dogs have unique features that make them resemble various wild animals - wolves, foxes, lions and even horses. But pets that evoke teddy bears are endowed with a special charm.

Large and medium-sized bear-like breeds usually have an ancient history of origin. Most of them are difficult to keep in an apartment (due to their size or the difficulty of creating optimal conditions), but in a private house with a plot of land such a dog will be very comfortable.

Rich fur, which provides the main resemblance to a clubfooted wild animal, will protect the animals from any cold weather.

If in puppyhood large dogs are the spitting image of teddy bears, then over time they acquire a menacing and intimidating appearance. Representatives of small breeds evoke affection throughout their lives and are more reminiscent of soft toys than live bears.

Such dogs have acquired miniature sizes thanks to selection. If in past centuries their ancestors were watchmen, hunters or shepherds, now they are exclusively decorative pets, and also wonderful companions.


The sizes, temperaments and external characteristics of breeds that resemble bear cubs are very different from each other, but all dogs have similar features:

  • devotion to the owner and family;
  • intelligence, intelligence and good memory;
  • a fair amount of stubbornness;
  • tendency to dominate.

Due to the abundant fur, the movements of most animals seem clumsy, which further emphasizes their resemblance to bears.

Popular breeds of bear dogs

All bear-like breeds have different characteristics and require certain conditions of detention, and each of them is charming in its own way. But dogs that look especially like bear cubs are worthy of special mention.


Representatives of one of the largest and most ancient breeds are distinguished by their intimidating appearance, impressive size, but kind character. At the withers they reach 66-71 cm and weigh 70 kg.

The resemblance to a bear is given not only by the abundant fur and dimensions, but also by the shape of the dog’s ears - they are small and fit tightly to the head. The skull is large, rounded and wide, the muzzle is short. The coat is abundant and coarse, with a thick and soft undercoat. Dark colors (black, brown, etc.).

The build of the Newfoundland breed is balanced, massive, and strong. The huge advantages of a dog are its friendliness, calmness, intelligence, and patience. But caring for it is somewhat problematic: its considerable dimensions require a lot of space, and the fur requires close attention.

Molting continues all year round. Obvious disadvantages include excessive salivation and a short lifespan (on average 10 years).

Due to passivity, such dogs often suffer from obesity, so they need at least a little activity and a strict diet.

Alaskan Malamute

Hardy and strong sled dogs have a good disposition. Their modern purpose is as companions and family pets. However, to this day, the working qualities of Malamutes are manifested in extraordinary assertiveness and stubbornness.

If the dog's build is more like a wolf, then the lush fur adds a resemblance to a bear, especially in puppyhood. The animal's thick fur is designed for the harsh arctic climate, so owners have to use a brush often, especially during the molting period.

The similarity is added by the large head and wide muzzle. And the large paws, which prevent the animal from drowning in the snow, are similar in structure to those of a bear.

The height of an adult Malamute is 58-64 cm, weight is 34-38 kg. The color is quite varied - from plain white to gray and two-tone (usually white in combination with grey, brown, black or red).

The plush appearance makes people want to buy a pet, but stubbornness and some difficulties in keeping, unfortunately, sometimes make owners regret their choice.

Chow chow

In relation to this breed, epithets about the bear are used most often. Although the Chinese call the dog a shaggy lion (this is how the name Chow Chow is translated), its appearance is more like a bear.

The working purpose of the breed is indicated by a strong and powerful build, strong limbs, and a wide chest. The dog's weight reaches 20-32 kg (males are noticeably larger), height 46-56 cm. The standard allows several colors: black, blue, red, reddish, cinnamon.

The main feature of the Chow Chow is that behind its charming appearance lies a domineering, proud and stubborn disposition. Initially, the breed was intended for fighting and baiting, hence its complex character.

The dog's fur is rough and long, with abundant soft undercoat. On the neck and paws, the fur forms the collar and pants. The skin on the head is quite loose, so small folds form on the muzzle.

This is the only breed with a blue or purple tongue. Scientific hypothesis - dogs originated either from now extinct wolves with similar mouth pigmentation, or from an animal that is an intermediate link between a dog and a bear (the latter have a black mouth). However, the Chinese have a legend that a dog licked a piece of heaven that fell to the ground.

Pomeranian Spitz

These small dogs have several within-breed varieties, of which the Teddy Bear type resembles the bear type. The charming animal has ancient roots, but its current appearance is the result of the painstaking work of breeders.

The standard allows 12 colors, the rarest of which are black and white. Dogs need professional grooming, as a bad haircut can ruin the animal’s coat and even the health of the animal.

Active and sociable Pomeranians love the company of people, but strive to lead among animals. Plush fur is not prone to shedding, but requires especially careful care, details.

Dog lovers should remember that Pomeranians love to bark at every opportunity, and this causes a lot of trouble when training.


Representatives of the breed have an elegant appearance and a lean but strong build, but the shaggy coat allows the animals to look like a bear.

The origin of poodles is not known for certain. Originally, the hunting dog was incredibly popular for several centuries as a companion. The main reason for this is the lush coat, which allows pets to have glamorous hairstyles and original haircuts.

Poodles are equally good for apartments and private homes. They are among the smartest dogs. 4 in-breed sizes (large, small, dwarf and toy) have been selectively bred and adopted to the standard. However, the proportions of all species are the same, only the dimensions differ.

By nature, poodles are mischievous, playful, but a little vulnerable. The coat is long and can have a curly or cord-like structure. There are several colors: apricot, black, white; silver, tan, harlequin, etc.


This is a very fluffy breed of dog that looks like a bear. It reaches a height of 33-61 cm and a weight of 11-21 kg. Goldendoodles come in 2 sizes – standard or mini.

According to the norms, the fur should be single-layered, lush, pleasant to the touch and curly. Sheds moderately. Not only are these dogs soft in their fur, but also in their character. They are sociable and friendly, calm, playful.


These large white dogs spent their entire history in polar climates, so their coat is very abundant and dense, two-layered (soft undercoat and hard guard hair).

The weight of an adult is 17-30 kg, height 46-56 cm (females are smaller). The fur color is only white, but a light cream shade is possible.

The sled and working dog is of medium size, strong build and stable, widely spaced limbs. By nature, they are sociable, brave and devoid of aggression animals.

Tireless and hardy Samoyeds perfectly adapt to any conditions. They have good health and are loyal to people and other pets. The dog will fight back if attacked, but it will not make a guard or watchman.

Tibetan Mastiff

Representatives of the breed have an impressive appearance: impressive size, shaggy long hair with a mane, a large head with a square, shortened muzzle. When alert, folds form on the forehead.

The fur is very luxurious, thick and straight, with abundant undercoat. Different colors: black, gray coffee, gold, sable, tan is allowed.

The dog's build is balanced, massive, and muscular. The minimum height for females is 61 cm, for males – 66. Weight is not less than 60 kg.

Giant dogs are peaceful and very easy-going with their owners. In relation to strangers and animals they are adequate, but wary. By nature, they are self-sufficient, self-confident, and not without stubbornness.

The breed is expensive and rare. The dogs were bred in harsh and cold conditions, and the remoteness from mass human settlements ensured the preservation of a pure line over the centuries. The Tibetan Mastiff is a case of bear cub puppies growing into big bears as they age.

Caucasian Shepherd

This large and fluffy dog ​​looks massive not only due to its fur. Its height according to the standard reaches 75 cm, weight - 50-70 kg, but other individuals reach a truly incredible size - up to 110 kg.

The breed has several coat lengths (short, medium and long). The most common colors are gray, brown, fawn, and variegated.

Shepherds have a difficult temperament: they are persistent, wayward and brave. They show a wary attitude towards strangers, so training is important for such a giant dog.

The purpose of Caucasians is a guard and fighting breed. Since ancient times, the ancestors of modern dogs successfully protected flocks of sheep from wolves (this is where ear cropping came from). Dogs seek to dominate people and other animals. Their physique is massive and muscular.

Akita Inu

This Japanese dog breed is not shaggy, but still looks a lot like a bear cub. Animals have been known since ancient times: for several thousand years, dogs were bred by ordinary people, but over time, the Akita Inu received the attention of the nobility and emperors.

The dogs have strong bones and large size - 61-71 cm.

Their wool gives them a special charm. It is not long (5 cm), but thick, fluffy, coarse and double-layered (with a soft undercoat). The color is pure or with a clear pattern, without streaks. Different colors are possible - red, white, piebald, brindle, etc.

The temperament of the representatives of the breed is quite oriental - they are characterized by restraint with strangers, calmness, and some wariness. The dog is always friendly with its owners.

The breed gained popularity after the world learned about the devoted Akita Inu dog nicknamed Hachiko.

The main feature that gives dogs a visual resemblance to bears is fluffy fur, the care of which will be the main concern of the owners. The thick hair requires combing and cutting, as it is prone to tangles, and the animal’s appearance quickly becomes unkempt.

The main concerns of bear dog owners:

  • balanced feeding to keep the fur thick and healthy;
  • combing out fluff;
  • skin care (problems often arise due to the abundance of hair);
  • adding special multivitamin supplements to the diet.

The exterior of bear dog breeds is often assessed by the condition of their coat. Show animals will need the services of a professional groomer.

The resemblance to a teddy bear makes dogs unusual and attractive, which is why they are in demand among dog breeders and delight others. You can purchase a pet “bear” of large, medium or small size, depending on the availability of suitable housing conditions.