How to make your own cat house. How to build a house for a cat from wood or plywood

A cat house is a must if you are the owner of a furry animal. Everyone knows that cats have a wayward character and make their own decisions about when to spend time with their owner and when to retire. If your apartment does not have a cat house, then the animal will rest in inappropriate places.

A cat house is necessary if you are the owner of a furry animal.

The pet must have its own secluded corner, where it is guaranteed that no one will touch it, stroke it, wake it up, clean its ears or trim its claws. It is best if it is not just a house for a cat, but a whole complex containing scratching posts, toys, shelters and ladders. In the absence of these devices, your pet will sharpen its claws on furniture, wallpaper or curtains.

Housing for cats comes in different types: from beds with sides to play complexes that occupy an entire room. Depending on the size of your apartment, you can choose any option. A complex made of plywood or wood is ideal, as it is durable and environmentally friendly. Cats, although domestic, are still animals, so they will like natural material. In addition, they have a well-developed sense of smell.

The natural activity and mobility of cats is due to the fact that these animals are predators, so to maintain health they need to run, jump and hunt a lot.

Moreover, modern food is overly filled with minerals, vitamins and nutrients, which the animal must use up in a city apartment. The wooden complex will also allow you to sharpen your claws on it or chew it if necessary.

If your apartment does not have a cat house, then the animal will rest in inappropriate places

Simple house options

The simplest houses for cats are secluded places where the animal can rest from the care of the owner. These can be hammocks, beds and bedding located in the far corners of the apartment. A hammock, for example, can be attached to the legs of a chair, where no one will disturb the cat. This will not only bring joy to your pet, but will also save space in the house.

Beds are another simple and cheap way of arranging space for a cat. They should be soft, warm and natural, as synthetic materials are electrified, and cats do not like this. Having received an electric shock once, your pet will not approach the object a second time, because these animals are very smart. Beds can be in the form of baskets and mattresses, heart-shaped or simply round, regular or with sides. If your cat has become a mother, then such sides will initially allow you to keep the kittens near the cat so as not to irritate her.

Cardboard houses, closed on all sides and having one or more openings for entry and exit, will become a personal space for the cat, which a person will not be able to invade. Such houses allow air to pass through well and at the same time protect the cat from light and prying eyes, creating the illusion of an enclosed space. As practice shows, this option is the most favorite among furry pets. What cat hasn't climbed into a box as soon as a shoe, coffee machine, or other purchase has been taken out of it?

The only disadvantage of such a house is its fragility. Most often, the guests themselves break or chew their house.

DIY cat house from a T-shirt (video)

Wooden or plywood houses

Beautiful houses for cats are usually made in the form of a booth with a roof, stairs, a window and a door. If the apartment has a lot of space, you can arrange a whole complex for your pet to play and sleep. Upholstered inside with soft fabric, cat houses sometimes become the envy of the owner. But in this case, it is important to remember that the interior upholstery will need to be cleaned of animal hair, so there are 2 options: a folding roof of the house or a removable interior lining.

Such a house can be located on a tree or on a shelf so that the cat would be interested in climbing into it. It’s a good idea to place a scratching post at the entrance to the house. If you hang toys above the window or door, the owner of the house can play to relieve stress.

Cat cares are varied, so the complex must include bowls of water so that the cat does not have to go far from the house to drink.

You can hang hammocks and beds in such a way that the animal jumps from one to another, simultaneously training its skills in overcoming obstacles. If you want your cat to be in great shape, you will have to play with it every day or come up with mechanisms where it will develop without your participation. This can be a rotating wheel, with a toy suspended inside it that the cat will catch while running around the installation.

A cat complex can be multi-level, consisting of several rooms, hammocks and beds, equipped with scratching posts, toys, tunnels and ladders.

Such a structure will allow your pet to stay in good shape, train its muscles, sharpen its claws and hide from prying eyes. And for you, such a complex will be a sure guarantee of the integrity of curtains, furniture, carpets and flower pots.

Gallery: cat house (25 photos)

Furniture built-in cat houses

A cat in a house should feel protected, so both the breeder and the pet will like the idea of ​​disguising the pet’s home as an interior. One of the options for such a house could be the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers, which you free for the cat and put there a bed and 2-3 toys. You need to make a hole on the front panel for the door so that your pet does not get trapped. You can organize space for an animal in any furniture, but it is necessary to think through the pet’s safety issues down to the smallest detail.

You can create a cozy place for your cat in a flower stand, a coffee table and an armchair with a linen drawer. The main thing is that the animal has free entry and exit. A hammock for an animal can be pulled under the seat of a chair, under a coffee or dining table, in a doorway, between two radiators and in other places where it is warm and there are at least 2 supports.

Choosing a house for your pet

How to choose a house for a cat? There are cats that are terrified of confined spaces. For such pets, it is better to choose a house with several entrances, otherwise the animal will not even enter there. Others love warmth and prefer a house with plush upholstery inside. The dimensions of the cat house must correspond not only to the dimensions of the animal, but also to the characteristics of the breed. Big cats love small spaces. Some people like open beds, so animals rarely enter closed houses.

Before equipping a complex for your pet, observe its habits and preferences. You can start by placing some improvised materials that resemble your future home and see if your pet likes it. You can make a bed from a soft blanket and place a shoebox in order to find out what the animal likes, and only then choose a house for the cat.

If your kitty is playful and energetic, choose a complex with plenty of toys and activities for the animal, so that when you return home, you will find your home just as you left it.

The height of the complex can be any, but remember that the cat likes to climb higher. The fact is that warm air moves upward according to the laws of physics, and your pet settles down where it is warmer. Therefore, the complex must have a bench at the very top.

Some domestic cats can be so large that it is impossible to buy a ready-made home for them. For example, a representative of the Maine Coon breed will need a booth no less than for a shepherd dog. Such a house cannot be hung on the wall, and not everyone can put it in a room. Therefore, you can make simple beds or build a house for your Maine Coon with your own hands.

DIY cat house from a box (video)

Making your own cat house

If you decide to make furniture for your cat with your own hands, then you can come up with many convenient, practical and stylish options. Nailing a few ladder-style shelves to the wall will bring a lot of fun to your furry friend. A homemade house mounted on the wall at the end of this staircase will look like a shelf for books, and at the same time the living space of the room will not be reduced. You can also make several beds in the form of shelves. And if you can secure them near the battery, you will always find your pet there.

A cat house can be made from plywood or chipboard. And so that it doesn’t look like a homemade product, you can cover it with the same wallpaper as the walls of the room, or cover it with the same fabric as the furniture in the room. These materials are not only natural, but also do not have an artificial odor that repels animals. The inside of the house can be upholstered with plush or any other soft natural material. To make the bottom of the home soft, place several layers of soft filler under the upholstery.

When building a pet complex, do not forget to build scratching posts and ladders. You can beat this moment by placing a dummy tree and wrapping its trunk with hemp or jute rope. Any connecting elements of the complexes, such as posts, crossbars or columns, can be made into scratching posts, then when entering its house the animal will sharpen its claws and stretch its back. The device can be flat; for this you can build a slide from the house to the floor and stretch a carpet, a piece of carpet or rug over it.

If you are building a cat's home into a wall or furniture, provide large openings for the animal to easily enter and exit. Several holes will create the illusion of freedom and safety for your pet. The cat will be sure that at any moment it can hide in its home.

Attention, TODAY only!

A special atmosphere reigns in the house where a cat lives. Pets may have different personalities, but they all add variety to a previously regular life.

Often cats become attached to one place, spending a lot of time there. Accordingly, they leave scraps of fur, sharpen their claws, and play. In such cases, the question arises of creating a separate sleeping place for the cat, its own house.

You can buy one like this at a pet store. In this case you will have to spend money. Or you can make your own cat house from a cardboard box.

Types of cat houses

Here is a gallery of ideas from home craftsmen:

You can explore the range of cat houses on the market and choose the best design for your pet.

Most often, cat owners choose the following models:

  • Various beds. Suitable for calm animals that spend most of their time observing.
  • Booth house. Suitable for pets who like to spend time in solitude. It's easy to make from a cardboard box.
  • Hammock bed. Can be located in any free place - under a chair, stairs, etc.
  • Game complexes. Suitable for families with two or more cats. They may consist of several houses, passages, scratching posts and hammocks. Their parameters and content depend on the desires and capabilities of the owner.

We create a house for a cat. What do you need to know?

Dimensions. Cardboard houses must correspond to the parameters of the animals. For a pet of average parameters, a cubic design will be suitable, the width of which will be about 40 centimeters. A hole 15–20 centimeters wide is sufficient for entry. If the entrance is very wide, the animal will feel unprotected. The basic rule is that the pet must fit freely in the house, lying on its side.

Important! Siamese and Bengal cats love to sit on their hind legs. It is better for them to make a cardboard house with their own hands in the form of a wigwam. Its height should be at least 60 - 70 centimeters.

Benefits of a self-made cardboard house:

  • Saving money.
  • A self-created product will be in harmony with the interior of the room.
  • An additional reason to please your pet.
  • Minimum investment of time and effort.
  • There is no need to throw away empty boxes.

Materials and tools for creating a cardboard house:

  • Carton. This could be packaging from household appliances, a box, etc.
  • Soft and dense upholstery material. Carpet is best.
  • Water-repellent interior lining.
  • Wide tape.
  • Glue without foreign odors.
  • Stationery knife, pencil, ruler.

Owners don’t always understand how to make a house for a cat out of a box. There are no big difficulties in this. It is necessary to select materials and strictly follow the instructions.

We create a house for the cat ourselves. Step by step instructions

Option No 1

  • We cut a hole of the required size in one of the walls of the cardboard box. This will be the entrance to the house. You should not make a very large hole, otherwise the cat will feel uncomfortable being inside.
  • We fix the folding sides of the box with tape.
  • We cut out parts from waterproofing material to finish each wall of the box. Glue it.
  • We cut out an additional waterproofing piece for the bottom. The house must be reliably insulated from below.
  • We cover the outside of the cardboard house for cats with carpet. You can use thick fabric, wallpaper, fur. But practice shows that cats get used to a carpet house faster. In addition, the animal can sharpen its claws on the carpet and be discouraged from furniture.
  • Leave the house for several days until the glue dries completely and is ventilated.
  • Cover the inside of the structure with a blanket or place a small pillow.

Option No 2

  • We cut out padding from padding polyester to the bottom according to the dimensions.
  • We cover the bottom with synthetic padding. Can be replaced with foam rubber.
  • On the side of the cardboard box we cut out a round or oval entrance in accordance with the cat’s parameters.
  • On the other side we cut out a small hole in the form of a window. We cover it with an insect net (if the house will be used outside). A window is necessary to ensure air circulation in the house.
  • We close the foldable flaps of the cardboard box and attach them with tape.
  • We decorate the top of the house with thick fabric or wallpaper.

Option No 3

  • We cut out rectangles from a cardboard box measuring 50 x 40 centimeters. For Siamese and Bengal cats, cut out pieces measuring 50 x 60 cm. A total of three rectangles are needed. This will be the base and two side parts.
  • We cover the rectangles inside and outside with upholstery fabric.
  • We connect the two parts to each other at an angle of 60 degrees. We attach the third part to them. We fasten the entire structure with PVA glue. We get a house in the form of a triangular prism.
  • We cover the bottom of the house with padding polyester or other soft bedding.
  • We install the house near the radiator to make the cat warm and cozy.

Another variation:

Option No. 4

House made of cardboard rings.

We cut out rings from cardboard with a gradual decrease in diameter, as shown in the photo. Then we glue them together. It turns out to be a creative house - a cocoon. Judging by the video, the cat likes it)

Features of house decor

We decorate self-made homes for pets like this:

  • We cover it with fabric, which we select in accordance with the overall style of the interior.
  • Cover with white paper. Then we decorate it to our liking.
  • We wallpaper it to match the walls of the apartment.
  • We decorate the house with soft toys in the form of mice, birds, other animals and insects.

You can install a scratching post next to the house so that your pet can sharpen its claws. This way you will protect your furniture from damage.


  • It is prohibited to use a stapler as a fixing material. Cats sometimes chew cardboard. A pet may accidentally swallow a stapler or injure its mucous membrane.
  • Do not use adhesives with a strong odor. PVA glue is optimal. It does not emit strong odors and dries quickly.
  • It is forbidden to use boxes found on the street. Stray cats and dogs could live in them. There is no guarantee that they were healthy.
  • Tight boxes should not be used. The cat will want to stay awake in a place where it is uncomfortable.
  • It is forbidden to hang a cardboard cat house. The product may fall and the animal may be injured.

A self-built cardboard house for a cat will save money on the family budget and the nerves of the owners. After all, a pet will not look for a place to lie in the wrong place.

It’s better to start with a paraphrase of Mark Twain: “Rumors about the harmfulness of cats have been greatly exaggerated.” Even the generally accepted standard of eccentricity - the Siamese - can be quite understanding and accommodating. The only thing that owners need to understand is that a cat in the house is not a pet, not a meaningless amusement. She doesn't look down on you, as Winston Churchill thought, and if for no apparent reason someone throws a boot at you, like in Kipling's fairy tale, then what can you do but walk around on your own? The cat is a member of your family, and it must be accepted into the family on mutually acceptable terms. The best way to do this is to build a cat house. Then she won’t crawl under the sink behind the trash can, and after that into the drawer with bed linen, and won’t tear up the wallpaper, and won’t tear at her wife’s slippers. And in general there will be no hassle with her, but there will be comfort and warmth.

There are many cat houses on sale, for every taste and budget. But, firstly, they are designed for the average representative of a particular breed, and a cat, as we will see below, is an embodied individuality. Secondly, fashion is fashion - prices for almost all models are clearly inflated. And finally, there is nothing complicated in their design; it is preferable to use used materials in all respects, therefore A cat house is one of the household items that makes complete sense to make with your own hands. In the literal sense: although a cat’s nose is not a dog’s, and certainly not a bear’s, it can smell the smell of a master’s hands from the outside, and he may not like it, and the housewarming party will be ruined. Well, what can you do, it’s not a pet, a cat. Personality from mustache to tail tip.

It’s not difficult to make a home for a cat, but exactly how to do it is full of subtleties. For example, once upon a time Vasek and Murki were dressed in old felt boots and felt hats, and they were simply thrilled there. As it turned out, the problem is in the felt - it does not accumulate static electricity at all, allows evaporation to pass through freely and does not rot. Felt cat sleeping bags are still in use today, see figure, but natural felt is now expensive and not very accessible, and cats do not recognize synthetic felt. Therefore, when planning to build a house for a cat, you should thoroughly understand: what is it? How and how do domestic felines live, what should be in the house, what should not be, what is acceptable and permissible? And for this, in turn, you will have to delve into the peculiarities of cat biology.

Note: By the way, it turns out that gender differences also need to be taken into account. More precisely, the following are features of behavior in various situations. From which it follows that a house for a cat is structurally not quite the same as for a cat, see below. However, cats are generally unpretentious creatures, and in terms of labor intensity, both houses are equivalent - it is minimal. As is the consumption of materials.

What does nature say?

The cat has been domesticated since time immemorial, and it has outlived many of the habits of its wild ancestors, and has developed others in its place. But this does not apply to the most powerful instincts: survival and procreation. It is necessary to take them into account, so let us first turn to the primitive feline savagery.


Wild forest cat Felis silvestris

Zoologists classify the domestic cat as a special species, Felis catus. Its most likely ancestor is considered to be the European forest cat Felis silvestris, which is still in small numbers, but quite happily living in the forests from Scotland to the Caucasus. The following arguments are given in favor of the “paternity” of the Euroforest, such as, firstly, the similarity of size and exterior: the gray-striped Felis silvestris can only be distinguished from a feral garbage dump by an experienced specialist, by the blunt thickened end of the tail and other small features, see Fig. Secondly, the Euroforest does not shy away from housing and sometimes settles in the attics of inhabited houses. Thirdly, it easily mates with domestic cats, producing viable, fertile offspring.

Supporters of the South Asian origin of Felis catus object: the Euroforest settles near humans, but who was able to tame it where and when? Temper is the devil in the flesh. Spring concerts can frighten a tyrannosaurus, and fatal fights for a female are common. Small cats of South Asia do not put so many decibels into their serenades, and their mating tournaments are not as recklessly bloody as those of the European forest cat. This is understandable: in the jungle you won’t get hold of anyone with wild screams, but in the tropical forest, where everyone eats each other as best they can, the smell of blood can bring more serious predators to the love list.

Note: small African wild cats are excluded from questions of feline genealogy; against them the Euroforest is a kitten. The African forest cat, in the words of one of J. Darrell’s native companions, “can tear apart a person in the shortest possible time,” see “The Hounds of Bafut.”

One way or another, such representatives of the genus Felis of temperate latitudes as the house, manul or caracal clearly did not contribute to the gene pool of Felis catus. In the same way, for example, like the Indo-Malayan fish cat, whose habits are more reminiscent of a beaver, otter or seal than of their own kind. And the likely contenders have a lot in common, which is significant specifically for the house.


All possible ancestors of the domestic cat are small solitary predators. In this case, nature offers 3 options for survival tactics: dig a hole and become an omnivore, like a fox or a badger, form a pack and chase large prey until exhaustion, like wolves, or switch to a twilight-night lifestyle and become a stealther: it doesn’t take long to steal pursue, look out, wait, quietly creep up; then - several lightning-fast jumps, and, if the prey is gone, switch to another object.

Note: pure ambushers, waiting for the meat to climb into the mouth on its own, in an air environment that does not compensate for body weight and poorly transmits pressure waves, are rare and are found mainly among cold-blooded animals; It is difficult for a warm-blooded animal to catch enough biomass in this way to support life in the air.

It follows: a cat is a full-fledged individual. If the personal character of, say, a wolf is his own business only as long as it does not contradict the interests of the pack, then a cat, if compared with human psychology, is a congenital introvert. There's nothing wrong with that; An introvert can be a sociable, sympathetic person. But he definitely needs some kind of nook where he can be himself. Living, for example, in a hostel is torture for an introvert; he would rather deny himself many things, but rent an apartment. That is, a house for a cat is necessary. Otherwise she will arrange it for herself. Perhaps, where you are not at all happy.

The hunting territory of small cats is large, up to 2-3 square meters. km near Eurolesny. But they use it differently. Cats patrol during the day, looking for places to go out for prey in the evening. As a rule, the den is made permanent and, if there are no disturbance factors, they can spend the night in it all their lives. Only spend the night: guarding the territory takes up all your free time. And in order to sleep peacefully, they choose a place for the den that is, if possible, inaccessible, and certainly inaccessible to large animals. They prefer places at height, for viewing before leaving, and with a reserve in case of escape.

Cats have the added responsibility of bearing and giving birth to offspring. In the last days of pregnancy and with the brood, she can no longer be away for a long time. Small kittens cannot climb trees yet, so the den should be low, and it needs to be changed with each litter so as not to be identified. But you need more than one food, and you can’t go far. This means you need to look from above, and higher. If a cat needs visibility for safety, then a cat also needs it for food, and the cat’s lair, in addition to being hidden, should be located near a good viewing platform.

About color vision in cats

In the retina of a cat's eye there are many rod cells that react to the intensity of light; this is necessary at night and in twilight. There are no cones that perceive color that are sensitive to red, and there are very few green- and blue-sensitive cones. That is, a cat, like all animals except primates, practically does not distinguish colors. She sees approximately the same as a person suffering from a special type of color blindness - nyctalopia. Hence the conclusion about the house: design delights are the owner’s business. The cat will still only see the functionality.

Biology and ethology (the science of behavior) of cats are very interesting things; cats are the most highly specialized predators. However, to properly make a home for a cat with your own hands, the above is enough. That’s why we’ll take care of the house; it and the cat in it, if you’re interested, will then provide material for observations and conclusions.

Furnishings and arrangement of the house

Cat muscles are designed to work in an instantaneous manner. If hormones have spilled into the blood for any reason, force must be applied immediately and immediately. A cat is not biologically suited to wait until you are taken out to a walk or area where you can systematically swing. Therefore, the cat's house should be equipped with exercise equipment. Let's see what they are next.

What is Vaska and what is Murka

The second factor influencing home equipment is gender differences in behavior. A cat, for example, feels quite comfortable if he has to jump into the house; The instinct of self-preservation gives a signal that the home is sufficiently safe. The cat needs an overview, as already said, to make sure the surroundings are safe. Therefore, a cat can live peacefully in a simple house-sleeve, as long as it is raised (on the left in the figure), or in a combined house with a bed, on the right there.

Houses for cats

The cat is more concerned about the safety of the den, and the instinct of reproduction prohibits revealing its accessibility with its presence. Combining a bed with a house is no longer comfortable for her, firstly. Secondly, the observation deck itself needs several (minimum 2) levels: from the top one, the surroundings are inspected for the presence of prey/enemy and the possibility of bringing out a grown brood, and on the lower ones, the cat either hides before jumping on prey, or distracts the attention of an unwanted the alien and leads him away from the brood, remaining in relative safety. Therefore, the cat bed should be at least two-level and not located directly on the house.

Back door

Having an emergency exit leading to the beds is highly desirable and mandatory for cats. The cat can still, relying on its dexterity, courage and ferocity, rush straight at the enemy, and while he is taken aback, hide, and then find another shelter. In case of a direct attack on the den, the cat is always ready to first let the kittens escape; if necessary, at the cost of his life.

General layout and dimensions

The diagram of a cat house that satisfies all the specified requirements and is suitable for both sexes is shown in Fig. right. Its features:

Scheme of a universal cat house

  • Beds of different heights are quite suitable for a cat, and it’s no worse for him.
  • A cat will not perceive a post with a platform on the roof as an integral part of the structure, especially if the post is made of a tree limb, see below. Cats, like all animals except primates, do not even have the rudiments of imaginative thinking and spatial imagination.
  • Posts with beds provide ample opportunity for both exercise and claw points.

The dimensions of the living part of a house for a medium-sized cat are approximately 40x40 cm in plan and the same in height. The diameter of the entrances is 15-20 cm; The animal will not like an entrance that is too wide (safety!); however, you need to look at the hairiness and fatness of your pet. It is clear that the collected, lean Briton will duck into a smaller opening than the arrogant Persian, who seems twice as big as he actually is.

The dimensions of the beds are the same as the house in plan. The height relative to the ground, roof and each other is such that the occupant of the house, standing on his hind legs, can reach the overlying platform with his front legs. Of course, all sizes are relative: for example, cats of the American tiger breed can exceed 1 m in length with a tail; the Guinness book records 117 cm.

Note: Generally speaking, the translation of tiger cat as “tiger” is not entirely correct. In American colloquialism, this expression roughly corresponds to the Russian “kotofey” - a hefty, cunning, hardened and blown cat. Not necessarily a stray, he, if he is a convinced renegade, will be a honky cat, but simply a homeless person who does not mind being picked up and sheltered - an alley cat.

Wigwam house for a smooth-haired cat

About wigwam houses

Southern shorthair cats - Abyssinian, Bengal, Siamese - often stand on their tiptoes in houses. This may be due to the fact that their supposed ancestors willingly settle in tree hollows. In this case, a wigwam house (see figure on the right) with a height of about 60 cm is better suited. The technology of its manufacture is, in principle, no different from that of a cube house. For such a cat, in order to have offspring, it is better to make the house in the form of an imitation of a hollow: a round pipe, a spare hole is higher than the main one and goes out onto a platform enclosing the pole, see fig. further, in the section on materials.

Place for a house

Having decided on the size of the house, you need to choose a place for the cat and its home. Cats love to bask, and this is not a whim. Due to external heating, their muscle tone decreases, the food eaten lasts longer and is better absorbed; Simply put, the body switches from afterburner to energy saving. Hence the first condition - closer to the battery.

Secondly, cats, as territorial animals, have a developed instinct of observation. Without “cleverness” - well, it’s boring to stare at the same sofa and wardrobe all the time. Therefore, it is highly desirable that you can jump from the roof of the house or one of the platforms to the windowsill; Let's warm up at the same time. Conclusion: the best place for a cat's house is a corner near the window with central heating, and with a stove - between the window and the stove. Most often, a scratching post is also placed here without any problems; however, this most necessary device for cats requires a separate discussion.

Maybe in the bedroom?

Cat bed

It's nice when a cat comes to bed in the morning. But when it doesn’t let you sleep or interferes with adults, then it’s already annoying. Meanwhile, from the cat’s point of view, it is simply either colder at night, or does not seem as safe as in its daytime habitat. There, maybe the street light is annoying, your eyes are sensitive.

In this case, the best solution is to sew a bed for a cat, see fig. This matter requires a separate discussion; Here we will only say that the best preparation is a sleeve of unusable fur clothing, saturated with the owner’s smell. And the most suitable place for it is under a stool or chair. And instinct tells the cat: there is a strong roof over its head, and they won’t step on it in the dark.

Cat house bed made from an old T-shirt

Another interesting option is a bed made from an old T-shirt on a rigid frame, it’s almost like a house, see fig. left; you can climb into the sleeves. The frame is best made from bamboo slats, wrapping the joints crosswise with thread and gluing with PVA. It is possible from steel wire, but then you need to put propylene sheaths on the steel; The heat-shrinkable tube used for electrical installation work (HERE) is suitable. Fiberglass, for example, the ends of rods, will not cause a protest from the cat, but they are more difficult to connect; PVA fiberglass does not hold well.

About complexes and kennels

As you know, there are entire breeds of cats that are playful and lazy. And many people keep not one, but several. In any case, if it is not a cat, then there will be offspring. What kind of house do you need then?

If you count on kittens that will then go into good hands, a kennel house like a doghouse, see Fig., with all the necessary additional equipment is enough. They make it longer, about 0.5 m for an average cat: alone in the house she curls up into a ball, but kittens need to be fed milk. For them, the long walls are made sloping, and with a shelf under the pitched roof - this way it will be more convenient for the brood, without disappearing from the parent’s eye, to train in climbing and claw point.

Kennel house for a cat with a litter

It is also possible to have an entire cat family at home: although cats do not form prides like lions, the rudiments of social behavior among domestic animals have nevertheless developed over centuries of evolution alongside humans. However, remember: since there is a community of animals, there will be a hierarchy in it. Moreover, cats will remain individualists: if they have centuries of cohabitation with a person, then the festivities themselves are geological epochs. Therefore, it is better not to try to house at least a couple of mature cats in one house: a residential complex with a separate dwelling for each individual is needed, see fig. right.

Complex for two cats living together

The technology for its construction is generally the same as for one house (see below), but there are specific requirements:

  • Houses are on different levels; who gets what - the cats will distribute it themselves.
  • For a subordinate individual (its house is the lower one), it is necessary to provide a covered (in the form of a pipe, for example) lounger on the same level as the house; in exchange for a subordinate position, she receives increased security, because The dominant one takes over the functions of the observer, and the subordinate no longer needs the upper observation platform.
  • A third, connecting platform is needed, located approximately in the middle between the houses.

Note: There is no need to accustom cats to consumer democracy - in natural communities, connections are based on the laws of nature and are organized in such a way that the team as a whole benefits.

All in one

Small-sized scratching post house for cats

In small apartments, finding space for even the simplest cat corner is not easy. The problem of peace of mind in a minimally occupied area is solved with the help of a bed, see above, but what about claws? They are growing. A scratching post house with sides adapted for this procedure will help out. In fact, the point of claws for a cat is a serious matter and requires a separate discussion, but one of the simplest ways to implement such a house is shown in Fig. It differs from those described below in that it can only be made of wood: other material will not withstand the loads from claws.


If you read about what and how they recommend making cat houses, you often think: your own cottage was simpler and required a smaller set of tools. It would be unethical to reproach people who want to provide the best care for their pets with trying too hard out of love for them. So let's just see how to make something that the cat needs and will last her all her life, without extra costs and hassle. There is no point in making a house designed for more than several generations: a self-respecting cat will not live in a secondary apartment, it would be better then for a trash can, and then in a linen chest of drawers.


Materials for the house can be either natural or synthetic, but the smell does not repel cats. The best ones are used ones, smelling like home and owners. New ones with a noticeable human smell are eliminated unconditionally, while others must first be ventilated for a week or two on the balcony or in the country, but not in the garage or outbuildings with living creatures, and then kept in the apartment for the same amount of time. This does not apply to parts made of massive plastic: they can emit odors for years.

We definitely cannot recommend metals, especially visible metal fasteners - furniture corners, etc. Firstly, there may be cracks there that are invisible to humans and can catch a hair from the fur. Secondly, any metal part is a current collector, and the cat will have to endure pinches from static electricity from time to time.

Materials for building a cat house

In addition, if there is no padding polyester, you will need lining fabric (satin or twill); it can be very successfully replaced with leatherette, if available. If you want to give the house additional strength, use small, up to 20 mm, nails. To attach the post - 3-4 wood screws 4.2 x (60-100). For soft houses and partly for wooden ones - cotton threads No. 10-No. 20 or harsh, the thickest that can be threaded into your sewing machine. For the simplest temporary houses (for example, if you took a cat with you to the dacha), glue and tape are sufficient.

Note: Silk fabrics and threads are excluded - a cat’s house made from them will seem like an electric chair to her. Wool is undesirable in terms of sanitation and hygiene; it quickly gets dirty and rots from cat grease. Synthetics can be used antistatic.

About pipe pillars

For some reason, many recipes for building cat houses advise making poles from metal or PVC pipes. What is called, contrary to the obvious:

  • More expensive than a piece of wood, which can be completely free.
  • More difficult to process.
  • To attach it to the site, you need a socket, which costs money, and additional fasteners for it and the pole.
  • The rope winding holds much worse than the wooden one.


To make a variety of houses using the methods described below, all you need is the most common household tool: a hammer, a knife, scissors, a screwdriver, an awl, pliers, a flat glue brush. An electric drill with a set of drills wouldn't hurt. If the house is made of wood and its parts are connected at an angle other than a straight one, a jigsaw will come in handy: the support shoe of most models rotates to the sides and the end cut can be made at any angle. For a soft house, it is highly desirable to have a sewing machine, but if you have time, they can be sewn by hand; cutting is the simplest. Then they sew with a simple sail stitch, threading the purl branch of the thread into the loop formed by the front one.

About gluing and gluing

As you probably already guessed, we will either sew or glue the houses. Wooden ones can be strengthened during the assembly process by nailing them into the end, see below. But in order for the adhesive joints to be strong and reliable, you need to glue PVA as follows:

  • A thin layer of glue is applied to both surfaces to be glued with a brush.
  • Wait for the glue to gelatinize until its layer becomes translucent or with individual small yellowish-whitish spots. This takes 3-20 minutes depending on external conditions.
  • The parts are pressed tightly against each other and secured with nails, strapping, a clamp, etc. You can remove the bandage and continue assembly after 40-60 minutes.

Note: so that when assembling with glue and nails they do not come out askew, the places for them must be marked in advance (step - 30-70 mm), and the end of the counter part should be pricked with an awl in the middle of the thickness to a depth of 3-6 mm. You will be surprised how easy and neat the assembly will be.

The pillar is attached to the lower platform, or the upper platforms to it, with glue in the same way, but immediately after compressing the parts, they are fixed with self-tapping screws, 3-4 per end. For self-tapping screws, you need to pre-drill holes with a diameter of the body of the self-tapping screw without thread (for 4.2 mm - 2.2-2.5 mm) and a depth of 3/4 of the length of the threaded part.

Scheme for applying glue for gluing with fabric

When gluing and pasting wooden parts with fabric, carpet and leatherette, glue is applied only to the wood with rays from the center and traced around the outline, not reaching 10-20 mm to the edge, see fig. The soft material is applied as soon as gelatinization begins, i.e. when the glue begins to turn yellow, pull it together from the inside with threads. You can't put pressure on your face! After an hour and a half, the face is ironed with a medium-hot iron using a barely damp cloth, and you can consider it forever.

Note: If foam rubber is placed under the fabric, then, of course, you cannot iron it. Then the foam rubber is glued first; As soon as it sticks, the fabric is on top, and everything is pulled together from the inside with threads until it dries.

The easiest way to cover a tree with synthetic padding is to apply strokes or drops of glue on it in increments of 30-60 mm in both coordinates, and wait for gelatinization to begin. Immediately place it on wood or cardboard; You can move it slightly, adjusting it along the contour. Then press with your palm, and after 10-20 minutes you can continue working.

Note: and the most important rule is - do not tear off the “left” part. If this happens, the connection needs to be separated, dried completely, the previous glue removed and re-glued.

The simplest cat house is cardboard. Most often, the packaging cardboard used is from boxes of household appliances that are out of warranty. A cardboard house can also be capital and permanent. So that packaging cardboard for a cat house can replace plywood and wood in general, it is glued in half, orienting the inner corrugations of the layers mutually perpendicular. The glue is applied in a fan, as described above, on both surfaces. Fold without pressing too hard until gelatinization begins. If such a cake is then impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion (this is, in fact, the same PVA, very diluted), you will get almost like plywood.

But the simplest of the simplest is a cat house made from a box of a suitable size. Here, apart from adhesive tape, scissors and 5-10 minutes of time, you don’t need anything at all, on the left in Fig. Bedding - a piece of padding polyester, an old grandmother's warmer, foam rubber wrapped in jacquard or carpet, secured from the inside with threads, etc. If you find a piece of felt - mo-rr-m-r-r-bark! Meow! This house will come in handy, as already mentioned, when traveling, or if the cat has given birth to offspring, and its permanent house is too cramped. Then, when the kittens grow up, the swaying tips of the pediments will quite pass for a worthless mouse. And the very gables will be used as ramps for climbing and for the point of claws that are not yet fully strong.

Cardboard cat houses

The Japanese, masters of making useful crafts out of nothing, came up with cardboard hive houses for cats, in the middle in Fig. The technology is quite painstaking, but simple: rings are cut and glued together with PVA. Cats like it without additional decoration, as long as there is bedding. The beehive house is very durable: if the base is made of plywood, it will last the cat for the rest of its life, as long as an inattentive guest does not inadvertently sit down.

The next option for using cardboard is beds for older kittens. It’s still too early for them to separate, but everyone already needs their own corner. Cardboard spools or tubes made from sheet materials will come in handy here. From them you can literally build a whole town for cat stuff in an hour, on the right in Fig.

Finally, a cat house made of cardboard can be permanent, on a plywood base and attached to a pole with a lounger. The cutting of parts for it is shown in Fig. Assembly - completely on glue; To secure the connection, you can quilt it with thread by hand. Decorative design and interior upholstery are optional. Preferable for smooth-haired southern breeds, and not only because it is made like a hollow. Southern cats (remember, their supposed ancestors lived in hollows) often sharpen their claws on the inside of the house. Here, no tree with fabric will last long, and it’s a pity for the labor. And the cardboard house is easily replaced with the same new one.

Cutting out parts for a cardboard cat house


A wooden cat house is necessary for large and strong breeds: Persian, Siberian, American brindle, as well as for all breeds of clearly Euro-forest origin, for example. Norwegian. For a cat, the most important thing here is height, good visibility in all directions and a large upper bed from which you can jump. A drawing of a house for a cat of this type is shown in Fig. For smaller breeds, the size can be reduced to suit your pet, but keep in mind: placing the bed under the tail is necessary. Cats don’t like it when their tail hangs down; a larger predator can pull it off.

House drawing for a big cat

A house with a standard design would be more suitable for a cat, see above. In general, the assembly sequence is as follows:

  • The base is prepared, a pillar(s) with a sunbed(s) are installed on it.
  • The details of the house are cut out to size minus 1 mm along the contour for the internal upholstery made of fabric with foam rubber, or exactly to size when upholstered with padding polyester.
  • If the upholstery is fabric, the inner sides of the parts are pre-covered with twill or satin on 15-20 mm foam rubber, as described above; foam pads should not reach 15-20 mm to the edges; the fabric is glued to the ends of the parts.
  • The house is assembled with glue and nails, as described.
  • If the upholstery is synthetic padding, the house is covered with it from the inside; The joints of the layers are also glued together with sausages of glue.
  • Excess interior upholstery is cut off from the outside.
  • The outside of the house and sun loungers are covered with decorative fabric, without foam rubber.
  • The jacquard is also glued to the ends of the sunbeds and entrance/exit openings; in addition, a fold inward of 20-25 mm is given with sizing.
  • The house is installed on the base using glue; Once dry (1-2 days), you can celebrate your housewarming.

Note: We remind you that when gluing with fabric, the glue is applied to the wood with a brush, and the fabric is applied at the beginning of gelatinization. The ends are pasted over after the planes, pulling the fabric tightly.

Pole wrapping

Wrapping a pole with rope

The pole is wrapped with rope until the base is pasted, for which you will then have to cut a circle in the fabric. In general, it is better to leave the base and roof of the house as is, wooden. The cat doesn't need softness there.

When winding, first make several flat turns on the base using glue, see fig. Then, already on the post, also 5-6 glued turns. They wind it all the way to the top, pulling it tight. The sliding coils are knocked out with light blows of a hammer. At the top, the procedure is repeated in the reverse order: the last 5-6 turns on the post are glued, then also several glued on the bottom of the platform. Finally, when the post is completely dry, add glue to the ends of the rope so that they do not become shaggy.

Note: If you are familiar with sailing/rigging, then it is better to measure the rope with a test winding and make the so-called at its ends. ogons; This is the surest way to avoid marking.

It seems that a good half of the cats still prefer a soft house, even without pillars with loungers. These are probably already domesticated. And here the question arises: how to arrange materials, which are basically shapeless, so that the entire product holds its shape? Not a sleeping sleeve though.

Cat people, I must say, solved this problem a long time ago. Intuitively or “scientifically”, who knows. But the principle has also been known for a long time: to fold materials with different indicators of flexibility in different directions, so that the overall shape is maintained. To do this, the house is sewn from foam rubber, sandwiched between 2 layers of fabric: the softer one goes on the inside, and the rougher, but more attractive one goes on the face. Sintepon is not suitable as a gasket, it is too soft.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows, see Fig. First, the bottom and blind sides are quilted with an envelope, pos. 1. Then, without overlaying the face, mark its outline on the wall with the entrance and quilt it with a zigzag, pos. 2. In this case, you need to place a newspaper under the foam rubber, because... It sticks to both the platform and the machine’s foot, and the pushers tear it. Next, the entrance is cut out, the face of the wall with the entrance is covered with facial tissue, tucking it inward, pos. 3, and quilt along the inner and outer contours. Finally, the house is finally sewn together, pos. 4, and turn it out through the entrance - the home is ready, pos. 5.

Sewing a cat house from foam rubber and fabric

Note: whoever knows how to sew will tailor it according to his favorite. However, there are special cases. For example, in Fig. on the right is a pattern for a house for a cat with offspring or for a large one; dimensions - in cm. In the latter case, the height of the entrance opening can be increased to 30 cm by choosing more material in the dome, the structure will withstand this. But in the bottom tape, so to speak, the base, you need to leave the same 10 cm.

In fact, for a cat family in a soft house, it is preferable to make the interior upholstery from leatherette. Firstly, for the sake of sanitation and hygiene: by turning the house inside out, you can wash it. Secondly, kittens do not yet control their claws as perfectly as adults, and they can become entangled in the fabric. Therefore, the video below offers step-by-step instructions on how to make a soft house for a cat and kittens from fabric and leatherette.

Video: DIY cat house made of artificial leather

Multi-level cat house made of mesh

A kind of soft house for a whole collection of cats is made of mesh, and the partitions between the compartments are made of fabric with foam padding. Rigidity is provided by a propylene rod sewn along the contour. Cat people in Canada came up with these, and even foldable ones, and several companies successfully sell them, see fig. However, it also shows that something similar can be done independently. Distribution of levels according to hierarchy, jumping, review - everything is under the paw without unnecessary details, and can be hung on the wall in any suitable place. At least at the dacha or on vacation, if the administration or owners allow you to take cats with you.

And most importantly

Namely: before you take up the tool, take a closer look at the cat. Where she goes, why she goes, what she does where, what she likes and what she doesn’t. Affectionate and firm characters are quite compatible in one creature. For example, Pantyukha, who lives with the author of the article, completely fell in love with a flat avocado box under the kitchen stool. The battery is right behind the back. He jumps from the stool onto the table, and from there onto the windowsill. Either he is intoxicated by the remnants of the smell of fruit, or by the wood of the box itself, but he has grown firmly into his rookery and greets with hysteria any attempts to move him from his beloved slum to a more decent property. And if you give away another new building to your acquaintances, they, you know, Felis Katus, immediately settle in and are beside themselves with delight. That's it.

07/30/2017 1,862 Views

A cardboard house can have any shape and fit organically into any interior

A person is as cultured as he can understand a cat.

Bernard Shaw

And it’s hard to disagree with this, isn’t it? Along with understanding your pet is also awareness and understanding of its needs. A cat’s house is a place where your pet can fully relax or just spend time, active or not. By the way, making it yourself is not at all difficult, you just need to decide on the materials.

Want to know more? Then let's get started!

  • Making a scratching post house
  • Selection of materials
  • Sleeping place made of fabric
  • Cardboard options
  • Aviary made of chipboard or MDF
  • A cat wigwam is an easy way to decorate a room and give your cat its own corner

    Before you start looking for free boxes and fabric, you need to decide on a few important points:

      • How to determine the height of the house? Keep in mind: the more the better;
      • Viewing area.
    • Fact! Cats love to watch what is happening around them, so it’s great if the house is located opposite the front door, and the viewing area will be maximum;

      • The house must have a scratching post - this will prevent damage to the furniture.
      • Cute crafts using wool felting technique

        Round cat bed with wooden legs

        Stylish terry beds in the shape of a burger

        Making a scratching post house

        There are these types of houses for cats that you can easily make with your own hands:

      • Hammocks– soft loungers, the models of which vary depending on the method of fastening. They can be hung in different places, but in any case they are attached on four sides. Some hammocks have a rigid base, which allows them to be attached between the slats of a chair or table.
      • Beds- a simple option for creating housing for your beloved pet. They can be made in the form of boxes, baskets, rectangles, etc. The simplest bed consists of a small stand and a mattress.
      • Booth– a house made in this form can be upholstered with soft fabrics. A scratching post must be installed in it.
      • Cardboard house– this option is original, but its functionality is reduced to a minimum. It quickly becomes unusable, but can be made in the form of a palace, an ordinary house or a hut.

      • Built-in houses– here you will need a free bedside table. This option is functional, since the owner can place personal belongings upstairs, and the cat will live inside. The inside of the house can be upholstered with soft material and supplemented with a special bed.
      • Wooden bridges under the ceiling

        Cozy toothy cave for your pet

        House in the shape of a crystal. Inside there is a soft pet bed

        Wooden suspended structures on several floors are suitable for houses where several cats live

        Bathroom cabinet designed to resemble a cat's abode

        Curious, but true!Miniature furniture designed specifically for animals is becoming increasingly popular. As a rule, this is a small sofa or chair in which the cat will feel comfortable. Make themwith your own handsIt’s not easy, but in stores they are presented in a wide range.

        Selection of materials

        All materials that can be used to make houses with your own hands are divided into several categories:

      • To make the frame, you can use plywood or chipboard. The main condition for the material used is the absence of a pungent odor - this will scare away the pet. To make a base for a bed, you can use straw or regular plastic.
      • For upholstery, you can use soft plush or carpet. These materials can be used to sew bedding or pillows for cats. It is recommended to use padding polyester or foam rubber as a filler. Artificial fillers are available for sale - they are found in the form of granules that retain heat.
      • Connecting fasteners can be made of metal pipes. They will not only increase the period of operation of the house, but will also make it much more sustainable. Glue, but odorless, or nails can be used as fastenings. A stapler is often used. For softer designs, you can use weaving from newspaper tubes.

      • Advice!When choosing materials, do not limit yourself to those listed above. Velor, suede, even synthetic fabrics will be great options! The main condition is that the materials should not be electrified.

        The simplest and most affordable option for a house is cardboard. Decorating such a product will not be difficult - just buy paper for wrapping gifts, which can be found in any souvenir shop

        Plywood ideas - simple and tasteful

        To make a simple cat house from fabric and plywood, we advise you to use the following materials:

      • Plywood figures;
      • Angular profile;
      • Screws;
      • Carpet (the house must be soft).
      • "Catosphere" made of plywood

        Scheme-drawing of a whole complex for a cat with a house, shelves, pipes

        Making a home for a pet from plywood and carpet is not difficult.

        And now step by step:

      • It is necessary to fasten different parts of the future cat house with your own hands using an angular profile by drilling holes.
      • Cover the structure with carpet on each side using glue (to make the house soft on the inside, you can use foam rubber).
      • If the walls are installed in a continuous row, then it is necessary to make a hole so that the cat can go inside.
      • We draw out the entire structure on plywood and cut out the details. The edges need to be filed

        We cover the parts with carpet and install fasteners

        We screw the legs of our house

        The base should be a little longer to be able to create a step. You can put a pillow or foam inside the house for the animal’s comfort.

        We attach the top shelf to the beam

        We put a roof on the house and wrap the beam with rope

        Sleeping place made of fabric

        To make a fabric cat bed with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

      • Various fabrics (it is recommended to choose those on which the puffs will not be visible, for example, cotton);
      • Threads for sewing fabrics;
      • Small rubber bands.

      • Fabric lounger made of foam rubber, faux fur and fabric. The photo shows the template, mounting method and fabric decoration option

        Advice! A super simple solution would be to choose a fabric lounger.

        Here's what you'll need:

      • Use sewing scissors to cut out the required piece of fabric. Its length and width are calculated taking into account the parameters of the cat and its weight, as well as taking into account the place in which the bed will be located.c
      • If you want the house to be soft, you need to use foam rubber. To do this, you will need two pieces of fabric equal to each other - the sides between which the foam rubber will be located. To make a lounger, they will need to be tightly sewn together.
      • From each corner you can sew small rubber bands, with which the lounger will be tied to the legs of a table or chair (photos and videos of how to do this and sew it can be viewed on the Internet).
      • Option 1. Fabric lounger in the shape of a wigwam

        Option 2. A fabric lounger can be created using an old knitted sweater, padding polyester, scissors, needles and threads

        Sew the neckline and sleeves using thread. Use an embroidery needle and knitting threads for greater strength of the product.

        We form the sides of the sunbed. To do this, fill the sleeves and upper part of the sweater with padding polyester. In the upper part of the sweater between the sleeves, you need to sew the lower part of the border as shown in the photo

        Now we sew the bottom of the sweater to the sides. First the sleeves, then the lower part. Don't forget to fill the base with padding polyester as well.

        Fabric cat bed is ready

        Cardboard options: let's do it together

        To make a cardboard cat house with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following materials:

        • Boxes;
        • Fabrics.
        • Design solution – BoxKitty. Modular apartment for a cat made of cardboard

          Toothed fish will highlight your creativity

          Even cats will like decorative holes

          DIY cat corner made of cardboard

        • Choose a box that suits all parameters: the pet should fit freely in it and feel comfortable.
        • Place it inside the fabric to make it soft for the cat.
        • If necessary, such a house can be decorated with colored paper, painted with paints or cut out windows.
        • Step 1: prepare the details. Cut out the top and bottom of the first box, but leave the frame. The leftovers and the second box will be used for the roof of the cardboard house.

          We also paint the interior walls of the house. You can choose any color you like

          Step 3: making windows in the house. To do this, we apply saucers and trace with a pencil the places where the opening will be located

          Once the openings are drawn, you can start cutting. The main part of the house is ready

          Step 4: Let's start creating the roof. To do this, connect the parts using tape

          We attach the roof to the base of the house using tape. You should get a house like this

          Glue our multi-colored tiles onto the roof of the house

          We use leftover cardboard to make a decorative chimney for the home.

          Step 6: let the cat into your house. If necessary, you can lay a piece of fabric on the floor of the house for the coziness and comfort of your pet.

          Advice! If you decide to make a cardboard house, then the sheets must be firmly fastened together. To do this, you can use glue or a stapler. Housing for a cat made of cardboard can be decorated if desired, and then placed anywhere in the room.

          House made of polystyrene foam

          Making an abode for a cat from this material is quite simple. For this you will not need anything other than fabrics and a large piece of material. It is necessary to cut out the inner part from foam plastic using special scissors. It is recommended to line the inside with a cloth or blanket so that the cat and kittens feel comfortable.

          Aviary made of chipboard or MDF

          Making a complex for cats with your own hands requires special skills in carpentry. If you own them, then you need to prepare:

          • Metal pipes;
          • Fabrics;
          • Chipboard or MDF;
          • Nails.
          • Summer house for a furry pet

            Cat hole in your kitchen

            Neat hammock tent

            We are making a residential complex for a pet:

          • It is necessary to cut out a circle-shaped base from chipboard or MDF, corresponding to the parameters of the cat, so that it can lie on it.
          • Attach a metal pipe to the bottom center. It must be installed on a base made of lumber.
          • To the base on which the metal pipe is located, you need to nail several planks on each side - the walls, then build a roof (do not forget about the hole for the metal pipe!).
          • So that the cat can climb to the top (round base), you can attach a small staircase with wide steps to the wall of the house, with metal pipes serving as supports.

          • The back wall is solid. Therefore, we just need to draw a truncated circle. In the lower corner we draw a circle, which will become the entrance to the house, and on the side we draw several small circles. The template shows a diagram with dimensions for a typical house. Did you guess that the holes resemble a cat's paw?

            Cut out the holes and the shape of the house using a jigsaw

            We place the cut out parts on top of each other and mark the fastening points of the slats. To do this, simply drill holes on both parts with a thin drill.

            We prepare the slats. It is necessary to cut off all sharp corners and edges

            The slats will help hold the house parts together

            The next step is gluing the fabric to the wooden base. Choose glue without a strong odor so as not to scare off the animal.

            It is necessary to carefully work out the edges of the hole. To do this, use another strip of fabric

            Glue the fabric to the base of the house

            The roof of the house also needs to be covered with fabric.

            The bottom slats that hold the base of the house together must also be covered with fabric.

            The next stage is attaching the house to the base using self-tapping screws and covering the slats with fabric

            We fasten the roof of the house using a furniture stapler

            Nail scissors will help straighten the fabric under the staples.

            We continue to cover the house with fabric. Particular attention must be paid to those parts that are visible from the outside.

            View of the finished house. You can use two types of fabric when working to make your home even more beautiful.

            The next stage is creating a scratching post. To do this, take a plastic pipe (height 60 cm, diameter 11 cm) and two bars to strengthen it

            We insert the bars into the tube

            Cut out two semicircular bases. The first is for the bed, the second is to cover the glued part

            Cut a hole in one of the semicircles and insert a tube into it

            The next stage is screwing the bed to a block inserted into the tube

            We glue the lower part of the pipe with fabric. This part will not be used as a scratching post.

            The next stage is gluing the foam rubber to the bed

            Cover the bed with fabric. The pipe must be wrapped with rope, the upper part of which is best glued

            Ready-made mini-complex for cats

            So, anyone can experiment with cat apartments, the main thing is that your pet feels comfortable and comfortable. If you have your own ideas or already completed cat house projects, share them with us and all our readers in the comments!

When a cat appears in the house, you need to allocate a place for it. Many owners can’t get by with a simple bed from the store. They want to make an original house with their own hands. This task may seem daunting. But if you understand all the details of production, then the structure can be made without difficulty! You can also build a house that matches the color of the interior style. And in regular stores it’s difficult to find something like this. Everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

There are a number of rules that will help you prepare for work on arranging a hut for a cat.

First, learn the most basic ones:

  • Before you start building a house for an animal, think about what materials you will use. It is better to use fabric made from natural fibers and natural wood in such work. These materials are the safest for cats. But in any store they are expensive. And Chinese analogues, as a rule, consist of synthetics and plastic.
  • You need to clearly understand what kind of house you want to make. To do this, draw it on a piece of paper in advance. Such a sketch will help you not to forget anything. You will also properly plan the purchase of materials and prepare the means at hand.
  • This is a fun activity for parents with children. After all, participation in the creative process always brings joy.

Houses for cats step by step: main recipes

Making a cat house with your own hands is more fun with your children. Just give preference to safe materials. So, the simplest and cheapest option for arranging a hut is the following:

  • You need to take a large corrugated cardboard box. It is better that the box has parameters of at least 35 by 50 cm in width and up to 50 cm in height.
  • Now you need to prepare the available tools: scissors, glue, a stationery knife, fine sandpaper, tape, pencil, colored paper, upholstery material and more.
  • For the internal frame (laying on the floor), you can use foam rubber. But if it is not available, an unnecessary blouse or a piece of an old blanket will do. For the exterior decoration of the house, you can use colored paper. But it is more relevant to use bouclé fabric or fur.
  • Now let's start preparing the box itself. To do this, remove the stickers from it, glue the places where there are cracks with tape, cut off the burrs, and sand the roughness with sandpaper.
  • Draw a hole on the end of the box. To do this, place a saucer with a diameter of at least 20 cm on it and circle it around the edges. Then we cut out a hole using a stationery knife. Gently sand the edges with sandpaper.
  • Once again we seal all the joints with tape or glue. The house should be durable so that the cat feels comfortable and calm in it. Dry the product before starting exterior finishing.
  • Now we cover the house with colored paper or textiles. For the second option, silicone quick-drying glue is suitable. In this case, you cannot use a furniture stapler, as the cat may be injured from the inside by the staples.
  • To match the size of the floor in the house, sew a small pad made of foam rubber and upholstery fabric.

Now the house is ready for use. And you can let your pet into this cozy nest. It can be supplemented with glued toys, hanging threads, and sparkles.

Popular options

The cat building may have a non-standard shape. You can make it from available materials. It may also not have a scratching post at all. Let's consider several of these options:

  • Wigwam. The structure is made of metal rods in the shape of a tent. Then it is covered on all sides (except one) with fabric. Foam rubber and bedding are laid on the floor of such a house.
  • Ottoman house. A standard square ottoman usually consists of a wooden or MDF structure. Therefore, we remove the fabric from the bottom of the pouf and cut out a hole with a jigsaw. Then the wooden part can be covered with latex paint, and a soft lining can be placed inside.
  • Hammock house. Any cat is interested in new places. Making a hammock for her to relax is very simple. To do this, you can use: a small coffee table, an armchair or a chair. But these pieces of furniture must have 4 legs. So, at the level between the floor and the tabletop/seat, the canvas is stretched. On its sides two fabric strips should be sewn to each. Then the canvas is attached to the legs using ties. And voila!
  • Triangle house. This is the simplest type of pet hut. To make it you will need 3 small pieces of OSB. They can be cut from a thin board, 6 ml thick. The pieces should be equal in size and rectangular in shape. Then we place the first piece on the floor, and on top of it we make a dome from the remaining two. We fix the parts together using nails or screws. Additionally, you can use metal triangles. Using a glue gun or a furniture stapler, we frame the outside of the house with fabric. We put a soft lining inside.
  • Shelf house. From available materials (osb boards, boards, laminate or chipboard) you can prepare shelves of various levels. But its main task will be to become a place for the cat to relax. So, you will need to cover the resulting piece of furniture with fabric and place it on the floor.

Houses with scratching post

Every cat needs to sharpen its claws. If your pet is indoors and it is not possible for him to go outside regularly, then he will have to do this at home. Without the claw grinding procedure, the owner will have to trim them.

And if there is no scratching post in the house, the pet will begin to sharpen its claws on the furniture.

Therefore, it is better to make a house for a cat with a scratching post, which will fully perform its intended function.


First decide on the construction site. Then you need to measure the allotted “angle” in height and width. Now prepare the materials most convenient for sharpening the animal’s claws. This:

  • carpet;
  • tapestry;
  • jute rope;
  • tree.

Carpet is a fairly durable and soft material. The cat will sit comfortably on it and also comfortably sharpen its claws on it.

In addition, you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • wooden beams;
  • plastic pipes as support pillars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • corners;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw

But these tools may not be found in the house. Therefore, it is worth taking care of their availability in advance.

What and where to buy?

To build a hut with a scratching post for an animal, buy a whole sheet of plywood at once - 1.5 by 1.5 cm. Then cut it into pieces: 0.50 by 0.75 cm.

For the support (post), you can use a regular beam, which will need to be divided into several parts. Choose timber up to 2.5 m long.

It is advisable to choose plywood sheets with a thickness of at least 10 mm. Since the cat will often jump on them in the future. And this material must be strong.


You shouldn't buy the most expensive carpet. Give preference to the cheap option. You can also ask the seller to sell you scraps of this material.

Jute rope can be found in every hardware store or market. The difficulty is that it is sold in bulk. You'll have to buy a whole skein or look for a store that sells rope by the meter. But the price of a cut product is much higher. Take a rope at least 1 cm thick.

Safety fastening elements are purchased for the building: corners and triangles for better fixation of structures.

Manufacturing process

When the design of the hut is completed and all materials are at hand, you can begin to work. The basic frame can be one-, two-, or even three-tiered. The number of platforms also depends on the number of cats in the house. So, if two pets live in an apartment, then each of them should have its own seat.

So let's get started:

  • A wooden beam is attached to the plywood base.
  • You can put a plastic pipe on it that is suitable in size (so that the pipe fits tightly to the walls of the beam and does not twist).
  • If we make several platforms, then at some distance from each other on a single base we fix 1-2 more beams.
  • Each of them has its own platform (at different heights). We fix them on top with self-tapping screws and metal corners on the sides.
  • The first shelf must be fixed not only to its beam, but also be connected to the second. Therefore, a hole for the second beam is prepared in advance in the plywood. He will have to go on the board. The second shelf is attached to the third in the same way.
  • Now you can begin framing the plywood surfaces with carpet. Here you can use a stapler or use regular nails and a hammer. If you decorate the house with ordinary fabric, then soon the structure will need its replacement. Most likely the animal will want to sharpen its claws on the fabric too.
  • Tie all the pillars from beginning to end with rope. Try to keep their rings tightly adjacent to each other.

Now the scratching post structure for your pet is ready! Additionally, you can decorate it with colored felt, threads with buttons, sparkles, and foil.

Scratching post options

In addition to the most common scratching posts for cats, you can make simple but original analogues. So, it is permissible to make a scratching post in the form of a picture. To do this you will need a simple piece of plywood (rectangular) and carpet.

The carpet is fixed to the board using nails and a hammer. The corners of the fabric should be hidden on the back. They even attach a mini hanger. Then the finished painting is hung on the wall in the corridor or room. It should hang at the height of the pet. This refers to the cat's height at the withers, and not from the floor to the tips of his ears.