How to open a box of dental floss. Which dental floss is better and what types exist?

Among oral care products, dental floss or special threads have appeared recently. The need for their use is often questioned by ordinary people. Why do you need dental floss at all if you already brush your teeth several times every day with a good brush and expensive toothpaste? Moreover, you use a high-quality rinse aid for complete cleaning... It turns out that there is a need. And dentists regularly remind us of it.

Is dental floss necessary?

When brushing your teeth with a brush, you can remove soft plaque from three sides of each molar - the front and back surfaces, as well as the top. But the interdental spaces remain inaccessible to you. When food gets stuck in them, you can somehow deal with it with a toothpick (by the way, dentists strongly do not recommend using them due to the risk of damage to the gums and enamel). But what to do with the plaque?

No rinse aid can cope with soft deposits, as mechanical action is required. A definite way out of the situation is an irrigator - a device that supplies water under pressure. But its effectiveness is largely exaggerated, and a stream of water simply will not penetrate into the narrowest interdental space. Therefore, the only true solution to cleaning the hidden surfaces of teeth is flossing - that is, cleaning them with dental floss.

Types of floss

There are various types of floss on the market, both of decent and questionable quality. We recommend purchasing only those offered by reputable manufacturers. High-quality dental floss is made from thin synthetic threads - usually nylon or Teflon. The structure of one thread can contain many fibers, which reduces the likelihood of injury to the gums, or one dense fiber.

Flosses come in flat and round shapes. The former may even appear “flattened” - this is what dental tape looks like, that is, a floss designed to clean a very narrow interdental space. Additionally, flosses are treated with special impregnations, and their surface is waxed. This ensures, firstly, ease of thread sliding in the interdental space. And secondly, it brings an additional therapeutic effect. For example, leading manufacturers apply a fluoride compound to the surface of floss. It further strengthens the enamel.

In addition to the usual thread, there are “improved” ones. These include a flossstick (or flossette) - a thread on an individual plastic holder, thanks to which there is no need to wrap it around your fingers. Holding it by the handle, you can quickly clean all interdental spaces.

There are also special threads for people wearing braces, dentures or implants. To remove food debris from under the elements of their structures, the floss is equipped with a rigid tip, which allows you to lead it where necessary.

Features of use

The question of how to use dental floss correctly is no less important than the fact of its use itself. The point is that if used incorrectly, the accessory will not only not provide the expected effect, but will also cause injury to the gums. Therefore, you should not make significant efforts when using floss, and if blood appears from the gums, be sure to stop the procedure, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and continue only after the bleeding has stopped.

The technique for properly brushing your teeth with dental floss is as follows.

  1. Take a thread approximately 40 cm long. Why so much? - you ask? Because this procedure is hygienic, and to clean each interdental space you must use a clean piece of floss. To clean the entire oral cavity, a thread 40 cm long is enough.
  2. Make two turns of the thread on the middle finger of your right hand. Leave your index finger free to make it easier to control the process. Wind the thread around your left hand so that the central piece is 8-10 cm long.
  3. Start cleaning with the upper teeth: carefully insert the floss into the interdental space of the front molars. Pass it all the way to the gum, but do not press. Press the thread onto the surface of one tooth and draw it down and up 5-7 times. Now press it against the surface of the other tooth and make the same number of careful movements.
  4. Remove the floss from this dental space and roll the used section onto the finger of your right hand.
  5. Insert a clean thread into the next gap and repeat the movements again.

This is a rough technique on how to floss. Photos from our review will demonstrate the technology clearly.

How often should I floss? See the RULES for use above and then you will always have your teeth clean and tidy. Ideally, this should be done after every meal, especially if you feel bits of food between your teeth. If this is not possible, be sure to perform a complete cleansing in the evening before going to bed. It is convenient to first brush your teeth, then floss, and only then rinse with a special balm.

Dental floss appeared back in 1815, it was invented by dentist Levi Farmley, who advised his patients to use silk floss to clean their teeth. The modern market offers a wide selection of floss: with and without impregnation, waxed and unwaxed, with menthol, antiseptics. What is dental floss, and what benefits or harm can you get from using it?

Pros and cons

Dental floss is a great addition to your toothbrush.

The use of dental floss has such advantages:

  • complete cleaning of interdental spaces, which cannot be done with a toothbrush,
  • floss is easy to use,
  • affordable price,
  • the ability to use floss in any place and conditions.

Flaws floss:

  • If you use dental floss incorrectly, you can damage the gum mucosa and cause infection,
  • Overuse of floss can damage the special interdental protective barriers.

Can dental floss cause harm? No, but provided that you use it correctly.

The whole truth about floss

There are many myths regarding the benefits of flossing. Let's figure out where the truth is and where the myth is:

  • Floss injures your gums.

Expert opinion. Dentist Voinitsky A.Yu.: “Yes, dental floss can injure the delicate mucous membrane of the gums and introduce infection there, in which case there will be no benefit, but you will do a lot of harm to your gums. But if used correctly, this risk is minimal. The gums can also be scratched by a toothbrush if not used carefully.”

  • Long-term use of floss leads to thinning of the enamel.

This is not true, since the material from which dental floss is made does not wear down the enamel.

  • Floss helps eliminate bad breath.

If it is caused by food debris that decomposes between the teeth, then with the help of floss you can get rid of them, and therefore of the unpleasant odor.

  • Floss can only be used once a day.

If you follow safety precautions, floss can be used more often, as needed.

Read also:

What types of dental floss are there?

A wide selection of different types of dental floss makes it possible to choose the ideal option for yourself, based on your tastes and preferences. Types of floss:

Criterion Species
Material for production · Natural (silk).

· Artificial (nylon, nylon, acetate).

Form · Flat.

· Tape (for cleaning trema and diastemas).

· Round (for large interdental spaces).

Waxed and unwaxed · Waxed is suitable for those who have just started using this device. The thread is impregnated with special wax, which allows it to glide and protects the mucous membrane from injury.

· Unwaxed toothpaste is more effective in cleaning teeth from plaque; during the cleaning process, it is divided into fibers and cleans the entire surface of the tooth.

With and without impregnation · With sodium fluoride they provide caries prevention.

· With menthol they freshen breath.

· With chlorhexidine they effectively destroy the infection.


Dental floss should not be used in the following cases:

  • (in this case, floss can cause injury to the mucous membrane and only worsen the situation).
  • Caries (if the carious process progresses in the teeth, the device can cause a piece of enamel to break off).
  • Crowns require the use of threads specially designed for these types of structures, which the dentist will recommend.

How to use it correctly?

For beginners, it is better to use waxed thread.

The flossing technique is as important as the choice of floss itself. For flossing to be beneficial and not harmful, follow these recommendations:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before using floss,
  • don’t skimp – for effective cleaning you will need to use at least 40 cm of floss,
  • wind the thread around 2 fingers of your left and right hand, leave about 4 cm between them,
  • change the gap for each tooth, otherwise you will transfer plaque and infection from one tooth to the second,
  • you need to move the floss between the teeth extremely carefully, try not to touch the gums,
  • repeat all steps for each interdental space.

How to brush teeth with braces?

Many people think that floss and berekets are incompatible. And this is a big misconception, since teeth with braces require careful and regular care. you need to clean it like this:

  1. Choose wax floss so that it doesn't get stuck in your braces.
  2. For cleaning you need to take at least 25 cm of floss.
  3. First, clean the area under the base of the braces, and then proceed to the interdental spaces.

Unpleasant odor after cleaning

It happens that people experience an unpleasant odor from floss after brushing their teeth. This is normal if you have just started using it. This means that a lot of plaque and bacteria have accumulated between the teeth, which cannot be cleaned with a regular brush. They cause bad odor.

The unpleasant odor will disappear gradually if floss is used correctly and regularly. If the situation does not change after about two weeks, you should consult a dentist.

Which model should you choose?

The most popular floss models:

  • Oral B

The latest models of dental floss from Oral B are a monostructure of 145 nylon microfibers united by a polymer shell. This floss does not break during the cleaning process. There are models with different impregnations.

  • Dontodent

This is a set for brushing your teeth, in which the floss is fixed on a special stick, which allows you to use it without wrapping it around your fingers.

  • Glister

Model with mint impregnation, not treated with wax.

  • Lacalut

Nylon model impregnated with mint flavored wax.

Cleaning the interdental space is no less important in oral hygiene than removing plaque from the front and back surfaces of incisors and molars.

To ensure the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, it is worth understanding what dental floss is and how to use it correctly.

Elements of the dentition consist of five surfaces, each of which needs regular and thorough cleansing from the smallest particles of food and plaque, which serves as a place for the accumulation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Using a brush, either manual or electric, it is possible to remove deposits from the cutting, as well as the front and back parts of the tooth.

Even the thinnest bristles cannot penetrate into the interdental spaces and the cervical area, so in these areas there is an increased formation of bacterial plaque, which hardens over time, turning into stone.

Changes in acidity caused by the activity of bacteria entail a deterioration in the quality of enamel, the development of caries and inflammation of the gum tissue.

A large assortment of these devices makes it possible to select a thread of a shape and thickness that is convenient for a particular user, which eliminates the possibility of injury to even sensitive gums.


There are several types of floss. Each of them is designed to perform a specific task, taking into account the width of the interdental spaces, the condition of the gums and enamel.

When deciding which floss to purchase, first of all, you need to understand for what purposes it is needed - preventive or therapeutic:

  1. Prophylactic threads are not impregnated and are intended for daily use to eliminate plaque in the absence of enamel and gum diseases.
  2. Special impregnation is used in medicinal threads, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Depending on the goal that needs to be achieved, you can select flosses treated with special compounds based on mint, menthol, chlorhexidine and other drugs.

An equally important factor is the material from which the floss is made. All commercially available dental flosses are divided into three groups:

  1. Silk. They have a small thickness and high cleaning properties. However, due to the heterogeneous fibrous structure, such products are not recommended for use by people with orthodontic structures, fillings or various prostheses. The thread may touch the protruding parts of the devices and delaminate.
  2. Nylon. Flosses are made from many synthetic fibers woven into one thread. Such products are very durable and can be used with installed orthodontic structures. Also, people with small interdental spaces should pay attention to nylon threads.
  3. Teflon. Threads made from this material have high strength due to the fusion of several fibers into a single whole, therefore they are often used in the presence of orthodontic or orthopedic systems.

Some manufacturers offer threads that increase in volume under the influence of saliva. Such products efficiently remove plaque in a small space between the molars, without damaging the gums.

By shape

Considering the anatomical structure of the dentition, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the thread. There are two common varieties:

  1. Round thread has a standard cross-section and is designed to remove plaque from people with medium-width interdental spaces. Dentists often recommend using this particular floss due to its high contact with the surface being treated.
  2. Flat floss It has minimal thickness, as a result of which it can be used in cases of high crowding of teeth and small space between them. The large width of the product ensures maximum coverage of the molar area and high-quality removal of bacteria.

By surface type

When choosing floss for the first use, it is important to decide on the type of its surface:

  1. Waxed products covered with special wax, due to which they do not delaminate and glide easily, preventing damage to the gums. Such threads are intended for teaching hygiene procedures using threads.
  2. Unwaxed floss during use, they are separated into small fibers, providing maximum contact with the tooth surface. By increasing the friction force, plaque is removed more quickly and efficiently. Dentists recommend wax-free products when you already have the skills to use floss.

Detailed instructions

Dental floss is quite easy to use, so it can be used by both adults and children over 8 years old.

The technology for their use is as follows:

  1. Before touching the thread, wash and dry your hands thoroughly. After this, about 30 cm of fiber is cut using the built-in knife. In the future, this length can be adjusted up or down, based on need.
  2. The thread is wound around the middle fingers of both hands as follows: most of the thread should be fixed on one hand, so it is wrapped around the finger several times. The tip of the product is secured to the finger of the second hand with one turn. The free space between the arms should be about 6-7 cm.
  3. Using the thumb and index fingers of both hands, a 2-3 cm piece is fixed and carefully inserted into the interdental space to the gum line.

    Smooth sweeping movements remove plaque from the neck of the tooth. Then, moving the fiber back and forth, the entire height of the molar is processed, from the base to the cutting part. To effectively remove plaque, you need to floss the tooth at least 5 times from bottom to top.

  4. After processing the first section of the row, proceed to the next ones. Each time the piece of thread is changed to the unused one by one turn of the thread on the middle finger of both hands.
  5. It is advisable to start flossing your teeth with the most distant molars, paying attention to both the space between the teeth and their front surface.

While flossing your teeth, you need to monitor the condition of your gum tissue. If it is painful and bleeding, you should refuse the procedure.

We present detailed video instructions on using dental floss.

Features of application

Despite the relative ease of use, insufficiently careful handling of dental floss can lead to injury to soft gum tissue.

Therefore, when brushing your teeth, you must be extremely careful and not make sudden movements.

The following points must also be taken into account:

  • there are no restrictions on the frequency of flossing - this procedure can be performed after every meal or 1-2 times a day;
  • Dentists recommend using floss before cleaning your teeth with a brush and paste;
  • soreness and bleeding of the gums may indicate incorrect selection of the thickness of the thread or a violation of the technique of performing the procedure;
  • Dental floss can also be used when wearing orthodontic systems. It is better to give preference to a special superfloss, the structure of which is more designed for such structures;
  • Each interdental space must be treated with a new piece of thread to avoid infection in microcracks on the gum surface.


Using floss allows you to achieve the following results:

  • get rid of plaque and food residues that accumulate in hard-to-reach areas of the dentition;
  • reduce the risk of developing caries;
  • eliminate unpleasant odor from the oral cavity resulting from insufficiently thorough cleaning of teeth;
  • maintain acid-base balance thanks to a variety of impregnations.

These points do not mean that you should abandon your toothbrush in favor of floss. Only a combination of these hygiene products can provide the most effective oral care.


Despite many positive aspects, failure to follow the rules for using floss can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • bleeding, inflammation and soreness of the gums due to excessive pressure on them with floss;
  • spread of infection as a result of the formation of microcracks;
  • failure of parts and elements of orthodontic structures.


Some people find flossing inconvenient, especially outside the home. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to special devices that simplify this procedure - flossers.

There are two types of flossers on sale, differing in design and principle of operation:

  1. Manual flosser It is a plastic holder with a synthetic thread stretched between the edges.

    This device can be either disposable or with replaceable fiber. Despite the fact that such a device can always be carried with you and used after every meal, it has several disadvantages.

    The standard thickness of the floss can cause discomfort for people with small interdental spaces. In addition, the design of the flosser does not allow plaque to be removed from the cervical area.

  2. Electromechanical flosser consists of two elements - a plastic case in which the motor mechanism is located, and a special bleaching tip.

    When the device is turned on, the removable head makes up to 10 thousand rotations per minute, delicately removing bacterial plaque from the gum pockets and interdental space.

    In addition, the vibrations produced by the device help strengthen the gums and improve their trophism. The electric flosser operates on batteries and has up to 15 nozzles included.

For information on what types of dental floss there are and for what purposes each type is used, see the video.

First, let's figure out what arguments dentists use when operating. Dentists assure that only dental floss is able to penetrate into the interdental spaces and remove food debris from there, due to which our teeth deteriorate (caries, gingivitis and other diseases develop). Allegedly, a regular brush is not capable of this.

British scientists absolutely agree with this. As a result of their research, it was proven that flossing is absolutely necessary, since it reduces the risk of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). According to English experts, bacteria penetrate into the blood through a diseased gum, forming clots in the blood that can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases. However, as you have probably already seen for yourself, the purpose of this study was not so much to study the effectiveness of threads, but rather the effect of all kinds of bacilli that collect in the oral cavity on the human circulatory system.

Nevertheless, quite a lot of scientists from all over the world have conducted experiments comparing the effectiveness of dental floss with an ordinary brush. As a result of their research, it turned out that the bristles of the brush are able to penetrate into hard-to-reach places only 35% of what floss is capable of. Meanwhile, American experts went even further. They did not compare floss with a brush, but found out the difference between floss and other means for cleaning interdental spaces. Surprisingly, the thread proved to be ineffective. At least compared to brushes and irrigators. The latter turned out to be much more productive.

Mothers teach us to brush our teeth in the morning from early childhood, but not everyone practices oral hygiene even before bed, let alone using dental floss. It’s much more common to take a toothpick and try to clean your teeth with it after every meal. Aesthetics and culture of health consist of many little things. Dental floss, also known as floss, is becoming increasingly popular among people trying to minimize dental problems.

What is dental floss used for?

Just don’t think that you can use a piece of ordinary sewing thread as dental floss. Modern science does not stand still; one of its latest inventions is dental floss, which is called floss and is intended for the hygiene of molars. It is this that will help get rid of the main pathology - caries, which affects more than half of adults and many children.

Using a toothbrush, you can only clean the outer surfaces of the tooth, but it cannot reach the interdental area. The teeth touch each other very tightly, so no bristles, no matter how thin they are, can thoroughly clean and remove food debris from the internal contacting surfaces. And food that gets stuck between the teeth not only creates an unpleasant odor in the mouth, but also, when rotting, creates an excellent environment for harmful microorganisms.

Types of dental floss

Dental floss has many varieties, each person can choose the most suitable option, it all depends on the width of the distance between the teeth, the presence of dentures, tactile sensations and simply personal preferences. Prevention of caries does not depend at all on what kind of thread you use, the main thing is to use it. How flosses are divided:

  1. Dental floss can be round, intended for those with wide spaces between teeth, or flat, for people with very close contact between adjacent teeth.
  2. The impregnating composition of the thread may contain therapeutic or prophylactic substances - fluoride or chlorhexidine. Sometimes components are added that create a pleasant aroma to give the cleaning procedure aesthetic pleasure.
  3. There are flosses waxed and unwaxed. The first ones are smoother, glide between teeth more easily, and are suitable for beginners to gradually learn how to use floss without damaging the gums. Non-waxed ones clean the spaces between teeth more intensively and more effectively remove plaque and harmful bacteria. Gradually you need to move from waxed to such threads.
  4. The main material for dental floss is natural silk or synthetic fibers such as nylon or Teflon. Everything natural is better, but silk thread wears out and breaks faster. Synthetic threads are more expensive, but they last longer. Nylon flosses remain the most popular due to the price-quality ratio.

How often to floss

Dental floss can be used as needed, but experts recommend flossing every day before bed or at least twice a week. Only with its help can you effectively get rid of plaque.

Opinions differ on what to do first, brush your teeth first and then floss, or vice versa. Some people think that floss can introduce bacteria under the gums, others think that after flossing it is easier to carry out final dental hygiene. Everyone agrees on one thing - the use of floss is very useful.

Remember! Before using dental floss, be sure to wash your hands. Don't buy floss for yourself without talking to your dentist, especially if you have braces or dentures.

How to use dental floss correctly

To effectively clean plaque from your teeth and prevent germs from getting under your gums, you need to use dental floss correctly. Read the important rules that will help you avoid caries and periodontal disease. Perform the procedures in the following order:

  1. Prepare 40-50 cm of floss by unwinding the required length from the spool, wind the thread around your middle fingers so that 5-10 cm of thread forms between them, with which you will brush your teeth.
  2. Holding the dental floss firmly with your thumb and forefinger, move it gently up and down between two teeth, repeating these movements several times. Gradually move from one tooth to another, while moving the floss to a clean area.
  3. Then you can wrap the floss around the base of one tooth so that it goes just under the gum. When cleaning the tooth, you can perform circular movements. Do not use any sudden force, otherwise you may injure the soft gum tissue. This requires special care and slowness.
  4. Remember to use clean sections of the floss for each new tooth, otherwise you will spread bacteria between healthy and not-so-clean teeth.
  5. You need to remove dental floss from the space between the teeth using smooth movements forward and backward. Naturally, you won’t be able to do without a mirror at first.
  6. Don't worry that you won't be able to learn how to floss, just get started and you'll get the hang of it quickly. Further procedures will be performed automatically.
  7. Never use a used thread a second time, otherwise the whole cleansing process will be completely meaningless.
  8. After finishing flossing, it would be a good idea to brush your teeth with a toothbrush; you can use a mouth rinse for additional disinfection.

Contraindications for using dental floss

Some medical observations show that sometimes improper use of dental floss can lead to inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, and sometimes unexpected tooth loss. All this happens for only one reason - non-compliance with the technique of flossing teeth. Constantly touching the gums with floss leads to the fact that they become sensitive, the soft tissue is damaged, and then infections easily penetrate into the accessible environment.

Be careful that your gums do not bleed after flossing, as this may be a consequence of periodontal disease. In this case, you must immediately contact your dentist. The use of floss is also not recommended for large carious lesions with the appearance of cavities. In such a situation, the thread can only aggravate the picture, causing additional destruction.

If you understand everything perfectly, don’t wait and don’t hesitate, take care of the condition of your teeth. The cleaning procedure using dental floss is not complicated and quite effective. After all, a snow-white smile is not only an element of a charming image, but also an indicator of good human health.

Video: how to use dental floss