Groups of children with cerebral palsy. What is due to a child with cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy groups

Cerebral palsy is traditionally divided into three main groups.

The first group is true cerebral palsy. This is the most complex form of the disease, which is characterized by the presence of hereditary factors and genetic disorders in the embryonic development of the fetus.

A fetus with such lesions is underdeveloped, its cerebral convolutions are weakly expressed, the cerebral cortex is also underdeveloped, and there is no clear differentiation of the gray and white matter of the brain. At the time of birth, such a fetus turns out to be intellectually and biologically defective; it has a number of other quite serious anatomical and functional lesions of the brain.

There are several reasons for the development of primary infantile paralysis, these include genetic disorders and the impact of various unfavorable factors on the fetal brain. In most of these cases, the severity of brain damage is incompatible with life. If such a child can be saved, it is impossible to restore the normal functioning of his brain and spinal cord. According to official statistics, children with such a severe diagnosis account for no more than 10% of the total number of patients with cerebral palsy.

The second group of cerebral palsy. This group includes cases of acquired true cerebral palsy. There are also several reasons for the development of this serious disease:

Severe birth injuries with cerebral hemorrhage;
- the traumatic effect of toxic substances on the fetal brain, including the effect of anesthesia;
- severe infectious brain damage in late pregnancy or during childbirth.

All these conditions can have a traumatic effect on brain cells, cause their death and form a severe picture of the disease.

The main distinguishing feature of type 2 cerebral palsy from the first group is the absence of a hereditary nature of the lesion. With active rehabilitation therapy, such patients can be more or less adapted to life in society, so that in adult life they can take care of themselves independently and move independently. Statistics show that the number of patients with this form of cerebral palsy also does not exceed 10%.

The third group of the disease is non-acquired, non-true cerebral palsy. In most cases, this disease can be considered a secondary cerebral palsy syndrome. This group is the most numerous - about 80% of patients suffer from this particular form of cerebral palsy. Such children at the time of birth have a fully formed, intellectually and biologically complete brain. The cause of various dysfunctions in the functioning of parts of the brain is birth trauma, which leads to disruption of individual functions.

The main difference between these children and the first two groups is that they retain their intelligence and have good opportunities to restore impaired functions. The main causes of the development of cerebral palsy of the third group are oxygen deprivation of the fetal brain during the period of perinatal development, exposure to toxic substances or incorrect delivery techniques.

More information about the disease and its treatment

Causes of cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy groups
Forms of cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy statistics
Exercise therapy for cerebral palsy
Symptoms and signs of cerebral palsy in children
Treatment methods for cerebral palsy
Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy
Features of the development of children with cerebral palsy
Mental development of children with cerebral palsy
Speech development of children with cerebral palsy
Mental development of children with cerebral palsy
Physical development of children with cerebral palsy
Massage for cerebral palsy
Exercises for children with cerebral palsy
Treatment of cerebral palsy in China
Treatment of cerebral palsy in Israel
Treatment of cerebral palsy in Hungary
Treatment of cerebral palsy in Germany
Treatment of cerebral palsy in the Czech Republic

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Probably, few people have not heard of such an increasingly common congenital disease as cerebral palsy or cerebral palsy. Usually, such a diagnosis is made during pregnancy to an unborn baby, but this does not mean for him and his parents that they have signed a death sentence. It is known that people suffering from cerebral palsy often become successful programmers, lawyers, psychologists, and so on; cerebral palsy is only a physical deviation from the norm that can be dealt with. Of course, it can be very difficult to overcome cerebral palsy on your own, which is why the most important place in the process of caring for and treating such a child is occupied by state assistance.

The diagnosis of cerebral palsy belongs to the list of diseases that require registration of disability. Many parents are afraid of this status and do not want to legitimize it, which becomes a rather serious mistake on their part. It is known that constant and competent care, complex therapy, massages, medications, special exercise equipment - all this can help a child achieve greater mobility of the limbs, and the sooner the child begins to receive such help, the greater the chance that he will walk almost like any other person .

The necessary medications and complexes of various therapies are quite expensive, and registration of disability eliminates some of the problems. A disabled child with cerebral palsy has the right to receive from the state not only a special pension, but he is also entitled to a certain list of other guarantees.

Benefits and pensions for a child with cerebral palsy

The average amount of benefits that a family raising a disabled child receives every month is about 20 thousand rubles. This amount includes not only the pension directly due to a disabled person (about nine thousand rubles), but also some social payments, such as a monthly payment, which can be replaced by a free sanatorium or medicine, travel expenses, etc., as well as social payments to parents who do not work in order to provide care for a sick child with cerebral palsy and other types of social benefits.

For a family with a special child, such a monthly amount cannot be excessive, because the child needs medicine, special shoes, clothing, and special exercise equipment for home exercises. Therefore, parents should not refuse to register their child’s disability in his own interests, especially since, in addition to cash payments, the state offers families of children with cerebral palsy other types of assistance.

Guarantees for disabled children with cerebral palsy

Of course, like any other child with a disability, such special children have the right to free education, higher education on preferential terms, free books, travel, and so on. But up to a certain point, the most important remains the medical care that the state will provide to such a baby.

First of all, a child with cerebral palsy has the right to participate in a rehabilitation program. It includes not only free medicines, but also much more. For example, a child with cerebral palsy has the right to undergo annual treatment in a sanatorium, undergo free courses of physiotherapy, massage, and also take a course of physical therapy on specially designed exercise equipment every few months.

Also, as part of the program to help children with cerebral palsy, the families of such children can receive free from the state special shoes, mobility aids if the child cannot walk independently, home exercise equipment and other orthopedic aids necessary for the child.

All these types of government assistance, subject to the recommendations of doctors and the boundless love of parents for their child, can help the baby quickly adapt to life, learn to walk and live a full, albeit not so active, life.

We are glad to welcome regular and new visitors to our portal. In the current material we will discuss the question of whether disability is given for cerebral palsy and whether it is always possible to get at least the third group. We will tell you what gives a child a special status, what benefits a person with disabilities and his parents receive with him.

Cerebral palsy manifests itself from childhood; the sick child needs outside help and support from an adult. Assigned disability implies some concessions. It is important for the applicant and his representatives to know their rights in order to protect them if necessary. To do this, you should study the reasons and the order itself.

General concepts

Which group is determined for cerebral palsy?

Which disability group will be assigned to a child with a disability when he reaches the age of 18 will depend on the degree of his disability. With minimal deviations, a person can successfully attend a group, get a job in simple jobs, and take care of himself in everyday life. At ITU, certain criteria and factors are assessed.

First group

It is prescribed to persons who are unable to care for themselves independently. We are talking about eating, changing clothes, going to the toilet, walking and other household needs. The patient's ability to communicate with people around him and to navigate in space is impaired. Requires outside care and control.

Cerebral palsy - this abbreviation scares all parents and often sounds like a death sentence. However, upon receiving such a diagnosis, the child’s parents should not give up, but simply must sound the alarm. This terrible diagnosis should be questioned and the true causes leading to impaired motor functions of the child should be identified. The fact is that pediatric neurologists tend to make this diagnosis, which is familiar to them, from the first year of a child’s life - when the first signs of paralysis and paresis appear. However, after in-depth scientific and practical research, it turned out that the diagnosis of “cerebral palsy” is a very conditional and imprecise diagnosis. As Anatoly Petrovich Efimov, traumatologist-orthopedist-neurorehabilitologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, general director of the Interregional Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation in Nizhny Novgorod notes, “Cerebral palsy is not a death sentence, since 80% of cases can be cured before full recovery child. If this is done in a timely manner, as my medical practice shows, children under 5 years of age are cured in 90% of cases and go to school along with ordinary children.”

Cerebral palsy does not exist without a cause. If there is any talk from doctors about the threat of cerebral palsy or about cerebral palsy, parents should do the following.
Firstly, parents need to find out the causes of cerebral palsy together with the doctor if the doctor insists on this diagnosis. But these reasons are few, and in any hospital they can be identified in one or two weeks. There are only six causes that lead to cerebral palsy.

First reason These are hereditary genetic factors. All disorders that exist in the genetic apparatus of the parents can actually manifest themselves in the form of cerebral palsy in the child.

Second reason– this is ischemia (impaired blood supply) or hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetal brain. This is the oxygen factor, a lack of oxygen to the child’s brain. Both can occur during pregnancy or during childbirth as a result of various vascular disorders and hemorrhages.

Third reason– this is an infectious factor, that is, microbial. The presence in the child in the first days and first weeks or months of life of such diseases as meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis, occurring with high fever, severe general condition of the child, with poor blood tests or cerebrospinal fluid, with the detection of specific microbes that cause infectious diseases .

Fourth reason– these are the effects of toxic (poisonous) factors, poisonous drugs on the body of the future person. This most often occurs when a woman takes potent medications during pregnancy, or when a pregnant woman works in hazardous production conditions, in chemical plants, or in contact with radiation or chemical substances.

Fifth reason– physical factor. Exposure of the fetus to high-frequency electromagnetic fields. Exposure, including x-rays, radiation and other physical hazards.

Sixth reason– this is a mechanical factor - birth trauma, trauma before childbirth or shortly after it.

In each clinic, in one or two weeks it is possible to fully assess the root causes of paralysis of brain functions. Practice shows that pediatric neurologists are keen on diagnosing and searching only for infectious or ischemic causes of brain damage in a child. A diagnosis of viral or infectious brain damage is often made. Doctors also pay attention to the lack of oxygen due to vascular disorders, although most vascular disorders and hemorrhages are traumatic, because young blood vessels in newborns cannot burst on their own, like in old people 80-90 years old, so a typical stroke does not occur in children. Vessels in newborns and children are soft, elastic, pliable, adaptive, therefore it is deeply wrong to explain the causes of cerebral palsy by vascular disorders. Most often there are traumatic reasons behind them. The importance of identifying the root cause of the disease is that the entire program of further treatment and the life prognosis for the child depend on it.

There are three groups of cerebral palsy.

First group– Cerebral palsy is true, not acquired. The disease is hereditary, congenital, primary, when at the time of birth a child’s brain is truly deeply affected by genetic disorders or disorders of embryonic development. It is underdeveloped, smaller in size and volume, the convolutions of the brain are less pronounced, the cerebral cortex is underdeveloped, there is no clear differentiation of gray and white matter, and there are a number of other anatomical and functional disorders of the brain. This is primary, i.e. true cerebral palsy. The brain at the time of birth is biologically and intellectually defective and paralyzed.

Primary cerebral palsy is formed due to:
1) hereditary reasons;
2) the effects of various unfavorable factors during the embryonic (intrauterine) development of a child;
3) severe birth injury, often incompatible with life.
But if such a child is miraculously revived and saved, a state of the brain or spinal cord remains incompatible with normal development.
There are about 10% of such children.

Second group– Cerebral palsy is true, but acquired. There are also about 10% of children with this diagnosis. These are children with acquired disorders. Among the reasons are severe birth trauma, for example, deep hemorrhage during childbirth with the death of parts of the brain, or the traumatic effects of toxic substances, especially anesthesia, as well as severe infectious damage to the brain with purulent meningoencephalitis, etc. such serious causes, affecting the brain and nervous system of the child, form a severe picture of cerebral palsy, but they are no longer hereditary and embryonic in nature, unlike the first group of patients with cerebral palsy, but acquired. Despite the severity of the lesion, children can be adapted to independent movement and independent walking so that they can subsequently take care of themselves. It is possible for them to be rehabilitated at home so that they can move independently, so that they do not need to be carried in their arms, since this is impossible for aging parents to do, and a child’s body grows to the considerable weight of a man or woman.

Third group– Cerebral palsy is not true acquired. This is false, pseudo-cerebral palsy, or secondary, acquired cerebral palsy syndrome, a much larger group. At the time of birth in this case, the brain of the children was biologically and intellectually complete, but as a result of, first of all, birth injuries, disturbances appeared in various parts of the brain, leading to subsequent paralysis of individual functions. 80% of children suffer from acquired cerebral palsy. Outwardly, such children differ little from children with true cerebral palsy, except for one thing - their intelligence is preserved. Therefore, it can be argued that all children with a smart head, with intact intelligence, are never children with true cerebral palsy. That is why all these children are very promising for recovery, since the cause of cerebral palsy-like syndrome in them was mainly birth trauma - severe or moderate.
In addition to birth injuries, the cause of secondary (acquired) cerebral palsy is oxygen deprivation of the brain during pregnancy, mild hemorrhages in the brain, exposure to toxic substances, and physical adverse factors.

In addition to the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, it is worth focusing on the diagnosis of “threat of cerebral palsy.” It is placed mainly in the first year of a child’s life. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account: until the main causes of paralysis of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system have been identified, until a modern comprehensive examination of the child has been carried out and until normal, natural periods for the appearance of walking have arrived, it is impossible to prematurely make a diagnosis of “threat of cerebral palsy.” About such children under one year old, it is necessary to take a lot of trouble, first of all, for parents, to consult them in the best centers, with the best doctors in order to finally understand the prospects for the development of such a disease in the child.

An important and large group of patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy are children with so-called secondary cerebral palsy, that is, initially at the time of birth these children had no reason to be diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Nature does not create such diseases. Where do they come from? It turns out that all these children only have cerebral palsy-like diseases, with consequences of birth injuries or exposure to other pathological factors. But due to improper treatment, by the age of 7-10 they become children with secondary cerebral palsy - absolutely unpromising, with irreversible functional impairments, with medical and biological consequences, that is, profoundly disabled. This group of children is entirely the responsibility of the doctors. For various reasons, a treatment regimen for cerebral palsy was applied to them for years, without finding out the true reasons for the development of movement disorders and other disorders. As for the treatment of cerebral palsy, they used potent drugs that affect the brain, prescribed inadequate physiotherapy, primarily electrical procedures, used manual therapy without justification, prescribed active massage to those parts of the body where it is undesirable, used piercing methods, as in the treatment of true cerebral palsy, methods electrical stimulation, prescribed hormonal drugs, etc. Thus, improper treatment carried out for years (5, 7, 10 years) forms a large group of disabled people with secondary infantile paralysis. This group of children is a great sin of modern medicine. First of all, child neurology. Parents need to know about this in order to prevent the formation in our society of such a group of patients as children with cerebral palsy of a false, acquired, secondary nature. With correct modern diagnostics and proper rehabilitation treatment, all these children can recover to a normal state, i.e. they can master a certain working specialty depending on their age and the date of commencement of adequate rehabilitation.

How should the parents of a child behave when diagnosed with “threat of cerebral palsy” or “cerebral palsy”?

First of all, don't give up. They should know that in addition to traditional neurological treatment regimens for cerebral palsy, in Russia it has become possible to accurately diagnose the true causes of cerebral palsy. And also to distinguish true cerebral palsy from acquired, the true causes leading to brain paralysis from causes that temporarily paralyze, i.e. so that paralyzing disorders are reversible. Particularly effective is the group of children who have developed cerebral palsy as a result of birth injuries, since many of the consequences of injuries are reversible. And reversibility means treatability. Therefore, cerebral palsy caused by birth trauma is treated in such a way that the child has prospects for recovery at any age. Although it should be noted that the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is. The best cure rate is observed in children under 5 years of age - in 90% of cases, up to 10 years of age - about 60%. After 10 years, due to the fact that children are neglected, that is, by this time many physiological disorders appear in their body, and not only in the brain, but also in bones, joints, muscles and other organs, they are already recovering worse. But they must be restored to the level of independent movement and self-service. These patients should apply and actively engage in all methods of family rehabilitation at home until a positive final result appears. Of course, the older the child, the longer it takes to recover. But in any case, you cannot stop and to achieve the necessary results you need to practice at home. All ages are susceptible to rehabilitation.

Ekaterina SERGEEVA