Fortune telling with a brownie using milk. The most powerful wax fortune telling - lift the veil of secrecy about the future

Fortune telling is a very exciting process. Everyone, without exception, really wants to try to lift the veil of mystery over the future a little. This brings an element of intrigue and mystery into everyday life.

Fortune telling with milk has a long history. In ancient Rus', the cow was loved and revered in the family as a wet nurse, and milk was considered endowed with magical properties.

Milk was used to determine the likelihood of recovery from a serious illness. To get a prediction, milk was poured into a clean container and the patient was given half to drink, the rest was placed under the bed and after a day they looked at these remains to determine the meaning of fortune telling. If the milk has already turned sour, then recovery is problematic, but if it is fresh, then the patient should have recovered soon.

Milk is revered by many nations as a divine gift. Milk from a recently calved cow is considered especially valuable. If you bring it to a boil and blow on it, you can use the circles to determine whether your wish will come true. An even number of circles means it will come true, an odd number means it won’t.

The milk of a calving cow is also used for fortune telling. The milk is boiled, but always on Wednesday evening, and placed in a vessel to cool. In order to find out your future, you need to blow on milk. Based on the type of foam being blown away, answers to the following questions are obtained:

  • the foam did not deflate up to three times - there will be plenty of everything in the house;
  • the edges of the foam do not come off the walls of the dishes - children will not leave their father’s house for a long time;
  • foam torn into several pieces means moving or a business trip;
  • if the foam turns out to be dense, then in difficult times you can always expect help.

In second place in terms of magical properties after the milk of a calving cow is fresh milk. On Christmastide, girls used fresh milk to tell fortunes about their grooms. Having gathered in a group, they placed pots of fresh milk in a warm place. The milk turns sour, the owner of the pot where the sour milk rose higher than the others will be the first to get married. And there is another sign. If you wash your hair with that yogurt, your children will be born healthy and beautiful.

In the warm season, you can tell fortunes about love. At dawn before the new moon, you had to wash your face with fresh milk, dry yourself with a linen towel and hang it out the window. If there are drops on the towel that look like milk, then the groom is about to knock on the door.

Since the vast majority of the population does not have their own cows, fortune telling can be done using the milk that is available. Even if in a weakened form, there is a certain magical power in it. Although, if you have reliable friends who sell milk from their cows, then it is better to take it from them - fortune telling will be more effective.

Brownies live in some houses. These representatives of the other world get along quite well with their owners if they are treated with respect. Usually the owners leave some kind of treat for the brownie at night. They love brownies and milk. If you suspect that there is a brownie in your house, then you can tell fortunes using milk and this mysterious creature.

After leaving a cup of milk in the evening, inspect it carefully in the morning:

  • there is no milk in the cup - this is a very good sign that peace and prosperity will reign in the house;
  • milk left is a bad sign; someone might get sick, or you might get robbed;
  • there is a crack on the cup - get ready for unexpected expenses;
  • many cracks - good news from loved ones.

Whether we believe in fortune telling or not, but, in any case, if many years of popular observations have revealed a certain pattern, it means there is something in it.

Fortune telling is a very exciting process. Everyone, without exception, really wants to try to lift the veil of mystery over the future a little. This brings an element of intrigue and mystery into everyday life.

Fortune telling with milk has a long history. In ancient Rus', the cow was loved and revered in the family as a wet nurse, and milk was considered endowed with magical properties.

Milk was used to determine the likelihood of recovery from a serious illness. To get a prediction, milk was poured into a clean container and the patient was given half to drink, the rest was placed under the bed and after a day they looked at these remains to determine the meaning of fortune telling. If the milk has already turned sour, then recovery is problematic, but if it is fresh, then the patient should have recovered soon.

Milk is revered by many nations as a divine gift. Milk from a recently calved cow is considered especially valuable. If you bring it to a boil and blow on it, you can use the circles to determine whether your wish will come true. An even number of circles means it will come true, an odd number means it won’t.

The milk of a calving cow is also used for fortune telling. The milk is boiled, but always on Wednesday evening, and placed in a vessel to cool. In order to find out your future, you need to blow on milk. Based on the type of foam being blown away, answers to the following questions are obtained:

  • the foam did not deflate up to three times - there will be plenty of everything in the house;
  • the edges of the foam do not come off the walls of the dishes - the children will not leave their father’s house for a long time;
  • foam torn into several pieces means moving or a business trip;
  • if the foam turns out to be dense, then in difficult times you can always expect help.

In second place in terms of magical properties after the milk of a calving cow is fresh milk. On Christmastide, girls used fresh milk to tell fortunes about their grooms. Having gathered in a group, they placed pots of fresh milk in a warm place. The milk turns sour, the owner of the pot where the sour milk rose higher than the others will be the first to get married. And there is another sign. If you wash your hair with that yogurt, your children will be born healthy and beautiful.

Whether we believe in fortune telling or not, but, in any case, if many years of popular observations have revealed a certain pattern, it means there is something in it. Remember the folk wisdom and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.12.2013 13:17

Fortune telling on cards will help you find out the truth about your lover and the future of the relationship. Simple and...

People are curious creatures. Along with our physiological needs, we need to understand the environment, search for answers to our questions, starting from children's “why?” and eternal philosophical paradoxes and dilemmas. But people are also selfish, and sometimes many of us are interested in our personal future: love, work, date and cause of death.

These things excite us, and with the desire to look into the eyes of our future selves, we turn to fortune tellers and soothsayers. The article will discuss one of the most interesting methods of fortune telling - using wax figures.

Reference. Fortune telling is different from prediction. If fortune tellers simply predict some event in the future, then fortune tellers can offer a way to avoid a problem or speed up the arrival of happiness. You can do the method discussed below yourself, even without the participation of a sorcerer.

Any type of such spiritualistic seances requires a careful attitude. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the ritual will be successful, or at all.

To tune in to it, you need to:

  • Do not allow sick, skeptical, or foul-minded people into the session;
  • Be in good health yourself, clear your thoughts of dirty, evil thoughts;
  • Before a fortune telling session, you can read your favorite prayer in order to become more confident;
  • It is advisable to refuse fortune telling for those people and individuals who evoke negative emotions and disgust. Neither they will predict anything good, nor you to them;
  • Naturally, purchase the materials necessary for fortune telling. Specifically for wax figures - milk and candles.

Seance process

When all the members of fortune telling are ready, you need to pour milk into a plate and melt the candles (remove the wicks first!). Place milk at room temperature near the front door and say the cherished phrase:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

Afterwards, start slowly pouring the wax into the plate. When finished, carefully monitor the formation of a new wax figure. Do not allow those present during the fortune-telling to stand up, shout, talk or walk at this moment. This will scare away the brownie once and for all. Experienced fortune tellers identify the following shapes and silhouettes:

  1. Elephant.
  2. Dog.
  3. Owl.
  4. Dragon.
  5. Dwarf.
  6. Angel.
  7. Man/woman.
  8. Child.
  9. Cross.
  10. Blooming flower.
  11. Star.
  12. Scorpio/spider/other animal.
  13. Trees.
  14. Knot/loose weave.
  15. Cup/glass.
  16. Candle.
  17. Heart.
  18. Ring.
  19. A pancake that has settled to the bottom.

Then you need to leave the saucer until the morning so that the Brownie eats. If the wax painting turns out to be too vague, blurry, and none of the above is visible within its boundaries, then there is no need to be upset - there is fortune telling by coffee grounds, and the symbols there turn out to be exactly the same with the same meaning. Or, simply repeat the session on the second night, trying not to make the mistakes of the previous one.

The meaning of the figures

Despite the variety of forms of wax in milk, each of them is not accidental and has its own meaning.


A powerful, gigantic, but peaceful and calm animal. And it manifests its qualities here too: an elephant appearing in milk means wisdom, knowledge, and peace. In most cases, it predicts both a long and peaceful life in the near future, and parting words not to take risks or get into trouble. A good figure to listen to.


A friend of man, a truly devoted creature, ready to go through fire, water and copper pipes with his owner, ready to die for him, just to help. It means the early appearance in life of a companion, a comrade, with whom any business will be completed to the end. You should not miss the opportunity, cherish such a gift.


Despite the image of omniscience in popular culture, this figure signifies illness, difficulty, and failure. The path will be dark and thorny. Prepare for the difficulty ahead. Since the brownie informed about this, it means it is really important.


A ferocious and strong beast, famous in the epics and legends of different nations both as a sworn enemy and as a symbol of strength. In the field of fortune telling, these two meanings are mixed and mean great difficulties on the road ahead, the solution of which will require considerable willpower. The figure can be interpreted in another way: your strength will not be thrown to the wind. If you try hard enough, everything will work out!


a direct symbol of faith. A person who saw this character can consider himself blessed, because no matter what difficult situation he is in, he can hope for sudden help and support from above. The main thing is to believe and ask from the bottom of your heart. Also, we should not forget that “God protects those who are careful!”


A funny and friendly creature that predicts forgiveness, a new round of relationships with a stranger or unfamiliar person. It's time to show him your good attitude. The gnome may also warn you that there is a situation in life that can take you to a whole new level.

Man or woman

The figures are complex and contradictory. They always mean something good (girlfriend, boyfriend, groom, bride, etc.) if a person of the opposite sex tells you fortune. If it’s your own, it will always be an enemy, a rival, a competitor. Be vigilant, but remember: any prediction can always be turned to your advantage.


The same ambiguous form. For girls and pregnant women, she predicts an early pregnancy or successful childbirth, for everyone else - some new business, hobby, hobby that can radically change their style and lifestyle.


Minor illnesses, failures, quarrels and disagreements in relationships. You should not be afraid of this symbol, since it cannot determine how long your failures will last. If there is a quarrel - strengthen the relationship, failures - learn a lesson from them, illnesses - consult a doctor more often.

Blooming Flower

A herald of new life, a symbol of Spring. Definitely a wonderful symbol, promising an upcoming wedding or the appearance of a soulmate. In other matters, it can also mean a successful deal, investment, or revenge on your enemy. It doesn’t matter what exactly happens - the main thing is that it will be beautiful and delightful.

Spider, scorpion or other animal

The appearance of an enemy, painful betrayal on the part of people from the inner circle. You should treat their words and actions with extreme caution, because the dirty tricks will be sudden. Get ready.


The body is straight from astrology. As you know, the stars give a person at birth certain qualities, key events of fate. The appearance of these whimsical drawings bestows minor luck in any endeavor, a slow but sure fulfillment of all cherished desires. A piece that should not be thrown away. Place it in a linen bag and hide it in your home.


Polar sign. Shapeless ruins mean an inevitable collapse or a severe material blow, from which it will be difficult to recover. A whole structure on a solid foundation will mean the acquisition of a new home, a new stage in adult life.


The value depends on the location and density of the branches. The higher and denser they are, the more successes and joys, the fewer and lower they are, the stronger the illnesses, the more unsuccessful the undertakings, the longer the depression.

Knot or loose braid

Dark, evil corruption. Disease. Don't despair, go to a fortune teller or sorcerer. It's important not to hesitate as things like this can go on for years!


A pleasant surprise, a sudden fulfillment of dreams. Gather your will into a fist, believe me, there is very little left.

Cup or glass

Calmness in relationships, reliability and stability. This drawing will never be empty, it will always mean that the cup that appears is filled to the brim, which also speaks of prosperity and fulfillment of life.


For women it marks a long and joyful marriage, for men it means sorrow, an unpleasant loss. Alas, nothing can save you from such troubles.


Unambiguous and one hundred percent love. The figure speaks about this to both women and men. You shouldn't miss such a chance.

Pancake that has sunk to the bottom

Excruciatingly long loneliness. Start “raking up” the palaces of your mind, improve your life, starting with small things: make your bed, get a haircut, cook something unusual.

You need to listen to lucky signs and not miss your chance. Wait and notice the details of what is happening around you, and then everything will come true. There is no need to worry about bad signs - if you were wondering for yourself, you can turn to a person experienced in this craft and ask for advice.

As has already been said, fortune tellers are more reliable people, because they can offer a solution in trouble, they know how to be in control of their own and others’ destinies. But if this doesn’t scare you at all, just try not to think about this silhouette, because thoughts are material and have the ability to come true. A strong spirit and thoughts can reverse any machinations of the future.

Watch a video that explains how to tell fortunes with water and wax:

It is important to understand the difference between fortune telling and magic. Magic works on the principle of “give and take.” Fortune telling is a simple way to find out what is needed. We strongly do not recommend practicing magic.

When there is nothing left to take, she will take away your vital juices (ether), including: health, success, positivity, the desire to live. Fortune telling is perhaps the only type of witchcraft in which nothing is taken away or taken in return (well, except milk and wax).

There are a great many types of fortune telling, and among these we can highlight Tarot cards, where the essence comes down to mixing the cards, revealing them in a certain sequence with further interpretation of what was received.

Everyone chooses their own method that is interesting to them, but the one described in the article is one of the most fascinating, having more specific forms, ideas and messages. We wish everyone a bright future and happy clues of fate!

G ordeal on wax- a very ancient ritual that has come down to our time from our ancestors. There are several technologies fortune telling with a candle and water or milk, which you need to know if you decide to resort to this particular method of divination.

Selection of candles for fortune telling with wax

Since ancient times, fortune telling with wax has been one of the most common. Most often, such methods of divination were adopted on special, special days. For this purpose, fortune telling at Christmas or Christmas time is best suited.

However, today it is believed that if a person is experienced enough, energetically strong, and really wants to find out the answer to an important question, then he can undertake such a ritual at any time of the year.

Wax is a special magical attribute that is used for fortune telling, for diagnosing and removing damage.

Before you start making predictions on wax, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules. It is not recommended to undertake fortune telling if you are very sick. In this case, it is better to turn to another person so that he can charm you, for example, if you want to find out the cause of the disease, how soon you will recover.

You should not guess if you are angry or irritated. Women are not recommended to undertake the ritual if they are on their menstrual days. It is believed that at this time women are very weak energetically and can become an easy target for evil spirits from the other world, which, sensing the smell of magic, will try to break into this world.

There is an opinion that for such a ritual you can use not only wax, but also paraffin candles. Such a replacement is unacceptable and is not used during serious rituals.

As for the use of wax church or non-church candles, opinions differ. It remains only to note that the person himself decides which attribute to use in this case.

During manipulations, you can use not only ordinary candles, but also multi-colored ones. If your question concerns love or relationships, then you can choose red or pink candles; regarding money and finances, green candles.

Prepare carefully for the ceremony. It doesn’t matter whether the ritual is performed independently or in company with someone, only those who are directly related to the manipulations should be in the room. Pets and strangers should not disturb you. It is advisable to turn off mobile phones during the spell so that a sudden call cannot disturb you.

Fortune telling with wax and milk

Pour milk into a saucer and place it on the threshold. Take the stubs of wax candles, put them in a metal bowl and melt them over the fire, saying: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”
After pronouncing the last word of the spell, pour the wax into the milk and carefully examine the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

  • Cross - illness; if its outlines are unclear, then you should soon prepare for a series of minor troubles that will affect all aspects of life.
  • A blossoming flower - a wedding in a year.
  • Animal - an ill-wisher has appeared in your close circle.
  • A scattering of small stars means good luck in business.
  • Stripes with blurred edges - trip, business trip, relocation, journey.
  • A human figure means the imminent appearance of a new friend.

Fortune telling with candles and water

If you have settled on fortune telling with wax and water, then remember that you should not take just any water. It must be either consecrated, or thawed, or collected in advance from a spring.

Many fortune tellers still prefer melt water. There is a logical explanation for this. It is this liquid that is believed to have special magical properties. Rain water is useful for various ailments: headaches, eye diseases, warts. The most healing water is that collected near your home.

The manipulations are very simple. If you decide to guess on your own, then you need to light a candle and carefully, asking your question to higher powers, pour the wax onto the surface of the water. After this, you can begin to interpret the wax figures

If manipulations are carried out by a group of people, then you can use one container of water. In this case, each person has his own candle. The individual asks the question, pour out the wax and, after deciphering the signs, remove this person’s wax. Next, using his own candle, the second participant in the ritual pours wax into the same water. In addition, each participant can use their own bowl.

As for wax, you can drip directly from the candle itself. Or you can first heat a little wax in a spoon over a candle flame and pour it into a container.

Most often, fortune tellers interpret signs that immediately appear on the surface. However, when diagnosing using this magical attribute, some magicians take out the resulting layer, turn it over and decipher the symbols that appear on the reverse side.

Water is the beginning of life. Many legends have been preserved that the first piece of land was mined from the bottom of the World Ocean. In the rite of baptism, water acts as a font in which a person finds a second birth. Water and milk are the most common ritual offerings. Sprinkling with water is an indispensable part of many sacred rites, ranging from Orthodox services to pagan rituals, including fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on water is considered one of the most ancient. Peering intently into the mirror-like surface of the water, the soothsayers learned the secrets of the future. It can be argued that a vessel with water was the first magic mirror, which was used long before the advent of mirrors made of polished metals.

A fragment of an appeal to the spirits of water, which was pronounced during the consecration of water, has been preserved: “Terrible ruler of the sea! You who hold the springs of the heavenly streams and hold back the underground waters in the caves; king of the flood and spring rains, opening the sources of rivers and springs, you command the moisture, which is the blood of the earth, to turn into the juice of plants. We worship you and call upon you. Speak to us during sea storms, and we will tremble before you! Speak to us through the murmur of springs, and we will thirst for your love!”

It should be remembered that only water from natural sources is suitable for fortune telling (for serious cases, water is taken at dawn from three different sources). For divination, you can also use melt water or rainwater collected outside of a thunderstorm. Water intended for fortune telling should only be stored in ceramic or crystal vessels.

Fortune telling with milk is no less interesting. Many peoples considered milk to be a divine gift, and tried to use it to guess the will of the gods and the future. Many African tribes, for fear of angering the gods, do not even boil milk. For fortune telling, only homemade milk that has not been subjected to heat treatment is used. It is believed that milk first taken from a cow after calving has special properties (the calf’s umbilical cord should have fallen off by this time).

Fortune telling on a moonlit night

On a moonlit night, place a cup of clean spring water on the table so that the moon is reflected in it. Look without stopping at the image in the water.

If the image of the moon is:

located in the cup near the handle- a new romance awaits you, which can develop into quite deep feelings;

located on the opposite side of the cup handle- this year you are threatened with separation from your loved one;

at the bottom of the cup— a profitable trip awaits you;

covered with clouds or streaks- minor problems may soon arise;

very fuzzy- a large number of problems, minor quarrels and grievances are expected;

clear- in the near future, no matter what you undertake, you will be blessed with good luck and good fortune.

Fortune telling by salt water

For this fortune telling you will need a sheet of black paper. Spring water intended for fortune telling should stand in your room for 3-5 days.

At midnight, add a pinch of salt to a glass of spring water, stir thoroughly and place the glass on a sheet of black paper.

Then mentally imagine a situation that raises questions in your mind and look carefully at the water in the glass.

Based on the images and visions that appear on the water, one can judge the further development of events of interest.

Fortune telling "Dam"

You need to tell fortunes near a stream or small river.

Use a piece of wood to create a small dam and see how the water behaves in your little “dam.”

If water:

It started to come together immediately and doesn’t smudge.- you are destined to get married in the coming year;

went around the dam in the river- this year, no matter how much you want, don’t get married.

Fortune telling by circles on the water

Choose any stone for fortune telling. Ask a question or mentally formulate a problem to which you would like to hear an answer. Throw a stone into a pond or river and count how many circles are formed in the water.

If formed:

5 laps- the wish will come true;

4 laps- the wish will come true, but it will take a lot of effort to make it come true;

3 laps— there is very little chance that the wish will come true, but it’s worth a try;

2 laps- if you are lazy, your wish will not come true;

1 lap- no matter how hard you try, your wish will still not come true.

Fortune telling by milk for a wish

Boil milk from a recently calved cow and, making a wish, blow on it.

If the number of circles formed on the surface is:

even- the answer is positive;

odd- negative.

Fortune telling by milk for the future

For this fortune telling, milk is used that is milked for the first time after calving.

On Wednesday evening, boil the milk and cool it until foam appears. Place the pot of cooled milk on the table and blow on the foam:

If foam:

deflates milk only on the third try- there will always be prosperity in the house;

does not leave the edge for a long time- children will not leave their parents' home soon;

the foam will split into several parts— a business trip is coming soon;

dense and with wide edges- the patronage of a rich friend will support you in difficult times.

Fortune telling by milk and beans

Dip the bean into the milk and stir it with a wooden spoon, ask a question regarding your future.

If the bean:

will make a sound as it hits the edges of the cup- the answer is positive;

does not touch the edges of the cup- the answer is negative.

Fortune telling using mother's milk for a child's future

If your child prefers milk:

from the right breast- he has an aptitude for the exact sciences, especially mathematics; he will be in good health, but he needs to take care of his gall bladder; in the family he will be the leader;

from the left breast- he has a penchant for art, perhaps he will become a musician or artist, but family life may not work out. As a child, you need to be wary of injuries and bruises.

Fortune telling about the upcoming birth

If a woman has milk before giving birth, using this fortune telling you can find out whether the birth will be easy or difficult.

If milk:

bluish in color and has a film on it- the birth will be protracted, but successful;

will be white, without film- birth will be very fast;

sickly sweet taste- in the next 5 years, only girls will be born to mothers;

will be bland- Only boys will be born.

Fortune telling by milk for future mother-in-law

Take milk, preferably from your own cow, and set it to boil.

you keep track of the milk- your mother-in-law will take pity on you and help you in everything;

the milk will run away- your mother-in-law will be greedy and grumpy, you will constantly quarrel and scold her;

the milk will run off and pour on the fire- you will not find a common language with your mother-in-law.

Fortune telling for the groom

Wash your face on the new moon with fresh milk and dry with a linen towel. Hang the towel out the window at night.

If in the morning there are wet drops on it that look like milk, it means the groom is hurrying into the house.

Fortune telling “Milk for the Brownie”

Pour fresh milk into a clay bowl, place it in the right corner of the house, saying: “Master, drink the milk, do not spare the truth for the owners.” Leave the bowl of milk overnight.

If the next morning:

the milk will be drunk to the bottom- there will be prosperity and peace in the house;

the milk will remain and the bottom of the bowl will not be visible- children in the house will be sick or there will be an unexpected loss;

a crack will appear on the bowl- unexpected expenses are coming;

there will be several cracks in the bowl- pleasant news is expected from family or friends.