Children's cream for the intimate area against itching. Intimate hygiene cream: types, instructions for use, reviews

Itching always causes discomfort and annoying sensations, especially when it appears in an intimate place. This specific skin reaction is often accompanied by irritation and a terrible burning sensation. An ointment against itching and irritation of the skin in intimate places helps to get rid of such scabies, but still the sore spot requires more careful attention and treatment. Because such a sign often indicates various diseases that need to be treated first.

Women are at greater risk of experiencing irritation in the intimate area, but this does not mean that men are not subject to itching. Just itching can be a symptom of various diseases to which the fair half of humanity is susceptible. There are not so many exclusively male ailments that cause a rather unpleasant burning sensation.

When faced with such uncomfortable sensations, you must first find out their true root. Itching can be caused by poor personal hygiene, as well as serious gynecological diseases. The doctor can accurately determine the source after a thorough examination of the patient. After the main factor is clarified, it is necessary to begin to eliminate it, due to which the annoying symptom will also disappear.

During the treatment of a specific disease, to avoid annoying burning, you can use various ointments against itching, creams, and it is forbidden to ignore the rules of hygiene.

Causes of itching

Common factors that provoke genital irritation and itching:

Thus, the itchy symptom can be caused by various factors. And it appears due to the development of inflammatory processes, which are caused by changes in the biocenosis (disturbance of the microflora).

A common cause of genital itching in men is prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) or balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis). Women also feel like itching in the genital area because of inflammation. Only in their case, the burning sensation is caused by colpitis or vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina), vulvitis (inflammation of the labia and clitoris) or vulvovaginitis (a disease combining vulvitis and vaginitis).

All causes of genital itching can be divided into four groups:

  1. Local external influences.
  2. Pathologies of the genital organs.
  3. Diseases of internal organs and systems.
  4. Diseases from the mental component.

The fourth group of diseases that cause itching in the intimate area includes irritation during menstruation, during pregnancy, after childbirth, with hormonal imbalance, including menopause, etc.

Diagnosis of genital itching

With genital itching, the skin becomes dry and red. In addition, there may be abrasions and scratches on it, and in the worst case, weeping wounds.

Already during the examination, any specialist can establish a preliminary diagnosis, but in order to confirm it, it is still necessary to undergo tests. Herpes, candida, trichomonas, etc. are mainly found in lubricants.

In case of infections, as well as inflammations, the skin in the intimate area is always moist, swelling of the labia is also observed and they acquire a more intense color, and they become quite rough. There is also often a nasty smell.

Candidiasis has the following manifestations:

  • swelling;
  • itching and burning;
  • curdled discharge;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

Treatment of genital itching

It is important to know that when itching of the intimate area, it is simply stupid to specifically treat the itching with any ointment. You need to clearly understand that the terrible burning sensation will not go away unless you try to eliminate its source. But at the same time, you can relieve the annoying symptom with the help of various procedures, some kind of antipruritic cream or ointment.

Genital itching causes a lot of troubles associated with irritation due to rubbing of the thin tissues of the genital organs. You can completely get rid of this burning sensation only by visiting a clinic. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of treatment. But there are a number of rules that can be used to alleviate the patient’s condition:

  1. It is necessary to increase the number of washes.
  2. It is worth sticking to a hypoallergenic diet.
  3. Get more rest.
  4. Spend less time in the heat.
  5. Replace synthetic underwear with natural ones.
  6. Do not use panty liners during itching.
  7. Once you have used a razor, you should throw it away and use a new razor for the next shaving process.
  8. Avoid sexual intercourse for the entire course of treatment.
  9. Use baby powder, anti-itch creams and ointments.

Folk remedies

There are various folk methods to help get rid of genital itching:

  • At home, propolis ointment is made for itching in intimate places; it is easy to prepare and effective in practice.
  • Washing with boiled water and laundry soap is appropriate in cases where itching is caused by poor hygiene.
  • Various douchings: with milk and garlic, soda or carrot juice.
  • Baths with potassium permanganate.
  • Various herbal infusions: decoctions of chamomile, celandine, string.
  • Fir ointment together with douching with soda.

You can try to overcome the itching at home, but it is still better to be a supporter of professional treatment. Since the doctor will not deal with eliminating the symptom, but with the treatment of a specific disease, manifested in the form of burning and irritation.

Often, irritation in the intimate area is caused by fungal diseases. It is the intimate zone that is a favorable environment for the occurrence and proliferation of fungal infections. This is facilitated by the constant tightness of clothing, humidity in this area, as well as mechanical friction. As a result, the penetration of infection into the mentioned area is greatly facilitated, and fungal diseases can easily develop.

Irritation can also be caused by exposure to herpes viruses and papillomaviruses, which are present in every inhabitant of the Earth. They can affect both sexes equally. Infection occurs easily and is common.

Allergic reactions are one of the most common causes of this problem. They can be caused by the following reasons:

  • underwear or clothing made from synthetic materials;
  • constant use for personal hygiene of products that have a strong odor and bright color;
  • use of low-quality contraception and lubricants.

Often, there is damage to the genital organs in the groin area. The main symptoms are itching and redness, as well as irritation of this area. In addition, this may be noted when exposed to yeast infections.

Irritation in the mentioned area can occur due to sexually transmitted diseases. Some studies have clearly established a connection between human exposure to stress and the development of yeast infections. Overstrain of a person’s mental system contributes to the development of additional vulnerability of his body, and also causes a weakening of his immune system.

Irritation in the intimate area after shaving

The reasons may be:

  • dull razor blade;
  • improper shaving;
  • high skin sensitivity.

Painful, unpleasant sensations when shaving can bring discomfort to women, and in some cases even cause the development of inflammatory diseases. At the same time, you can shave again only in cases where the irritation from the previous shave has completely gone away. If irritation after shaving in the bikini area occurs due to too sensitive skin, it is best to start removing hair with wax or depilator.

Irritation in the intimate area after hair removal

Irritation after hair removal is quite common. The reason is that each hair has follicles that are attached to the fatty ducts, to the endings of the nerves. When hair is pulled out, irritation occurs on the skin; the process is stimulated by the fat released on the skin. Most often, such irritation occurs in the bikini area, where the skin is more delicate. In such cases, you should not shave every day; it is best to choose another way to solve the problem.

Irritation in the intimate area after depilation

In order to avoid irritation of the skin after depilation, the procedure should be carried out correctly. To do this, a number of precautions should be observed:

  • Depilation should be performed only on previously prepared, steamed skin;
  • after the procedure, the skin should be disinfected, for which purpose various means are used, such as alcohol with a concentration of 70%, thermal water and hydrogen peroxide;
  • it is recommended to carry out the next procedure no earlier than three days after the previous one is completed;
  • you should not drive the machine in the same place if the procedure is performed with a razor;
  • You should not save on depilation; it is better to go to an appointment with a cosmetologist than to risk getting skin irritation by performing the procedure yourself.

Irritation in the intimate area after sex

Irritation after sex is a common problem that affects many people of both sexes. Some are silent about it, others try to solve it by turning to doctors for help. You should not ignore such a problem, since the reason for what is happening may be hidden in pathologies of the intimate sphere, which should be solved the sooner, the better.

This can happen due to the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with the rules of individual hygiene of the intimate area;
  • causing, through sexual intercourse, irritation of the skin that has just undergone depilation;
  • allergic reactions caused by synthetic lubricants.

Inflammation can be caused by Candida fungi. Similar symptoms can affect the mucous membrane of the genital organs after sex due to these fungi getting on the male penis and introducing them into the vagina. In such cases, in addition to discomfort, a woman may notice the appearance of cheesy vaginal discharge.

Irritation in the intimate area after antibiotics

Antibiotics can cause irritation and itching. Such symptoms are not the only ones that women encounter when they have vaginal dysbiosis that occurs due to taking antibiotics.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the antibiotic inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Bacteria normal to the human body cause irritation and inflammation in the body when the human immune system is weakened. Thus, it happens that the action of antibiotics causes irritation of the intimate area, acting not only on harmful, but also on beneficial bacteria.

The whole range of reasons that cause irritation of the intimate area after taking antibiotics can be included in the following list:

  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • a drop in the level of immune defense after taking antibiotics;
  • the flow of antibiotics to the mucous membranes when they enter the blood.

If you know the reasons for what is happening, you can carry out timely diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Preventative measures will help avoid irritation in the future.

Other causes of irritation in the intimate area

In addition to various diseases and their improper treatment, there are many reasons for the appearance of irritation in the described area.

Irritation in the intimate area in women

Irritation in the intimate area in women can be caused by an inadequate reaction of their nerve endings. In this way, the female body gives a signal about a possible malfunction in its functioning, the symptoms of which may be more serious. Itching may occur in women of any age, both elderly and girls.

Arising from a state of some discomfort in the intimate area, itching gradually develops into a sometimes irresistible desire to scratch. At the same time, the woman becomes nervous, loses attention at work, often fidgets while sitting and generally feels unwell. Often the consequence of such an unpleasant state for a woman is insomnia. It often happens that irritation in the intimate area and itching in it are mild, occur only occasionally, and if a woman suffers from such irritation for years, she begins to consider this normal.

Irritation in the intimate area during pregnancy

Irritation of the intimate area during pregnancy is a skin reaction to the action of irritants, mechanical, bacterial and chemical. Such sensations that occur during pregnancy most often worsen at night, after taking water procedures or having sexual intercourse. They can be caused by both external and internal factors. External factors include the following:

  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • poorly selected hygiene products;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • violation of the normal, habitual thermal regime;
  • use of scented pads.

Among the internal factors the following can be identified:

  • diseases of the uterus and appendages, accompanied by inflammatory processes;
  • allergic reactions to food;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • vaginal dysbiosis caused by taking antibiotics or changes in a woman’s hormonal levels during pregnancy;
  • lack of iron in the female body;
  • reasons associated with changes in a woman’s psychological background, such as anxiety, stress, mental overstrain.

Irritation in the intimate area of ​​a pregnant woman is possible due to a combination of several symptoms.

Symptoms of irritation in the intimate area in men

The causes of irritation in this area in men can be different. The mere appearance of irritation on the skin of a man’s intimate area should be alarming. Men in most cases turn to a doctor for help in cases where it is already difficult to do anything.

Symptoms of irritation in the intimate area in men may be as follows:

  • redness of the skin in the intimate area of ​​a man;
  • severe, incessant itching in the intimate area;
  • increased body temperature in some cases;
  • periodic pain while walking.

The main reasons for this state of affairs are exposure to infection on the skin in intimate places or failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. In addition, the cause may be due to a viral infection.

Irritation in the intimate area in children

The main cause of irritation in the intimate area of ​​a child may be poor care of the child, which manifests itself in the contact of its integument with masses of feces and urine over a long period of time. The so-called “diaper dermatitis” can be the result of an incorrectly selected, tight diaper for a child. This makes the skin very moisturized and the pores are unable to pass large amounts of moisture. The result is clogging of the sebaceous glands and disruption of their normal functioning, a focus of redness appears, after which the irritation becomes constant, pathogenic fungi and bacteria actively multiply on the skin, which causes concern to the child.

How to get rid of irritation in the intimate area?

Irritation in the intimate area after shaving can be eliminated by using the prevention cream Bepanten, coconut oil and ordinary powder. After completing the procedure of shaving the intimate area, it is recommended to treat the areas where the hair was shaved with cotton wool soaked in an alcohol solution. With sensitive skin, additional irritation and itching may occur, but the use of a special skin moisturizing cream after shaving has a greater effect. In addition, the use of special after-shave creams that moisturize the skin, as well as antiseptics, gives good results.

How to relieve irritation in the intimate area?

Skin irritation in the intimate area can be relieved using tar soap. The skin should be thoroughly washed before and after shaving. After using soap, you should use powders and creams. You should wash your skin with this soap for three days after shaving. It is necessary to take into account the fact that tar soap is poorly tolerated by those with dry skin. In such cases, it is recommended to use skin moisturizing creams.

Irritation in the intimate area: treatment

Treatment of irritation in the intimate area should be carried out in accordance with the nature of the irritation and its intensity. The treatments used may vary.

Cream for irritation in the intimate area

Bepanten aftershave cream is widely used to treat irritation in the intimate area. Its main active substance is dexapanthenol. Through the use of this drug, the regeneration of skin cells is enhanced, irritation is relieved and the top layer of skin is moisturized. The cream can be used on almost all areas of the skin.

The cream should be applied directly to the affected area of ​​skin. In this case, the severity of the skin damage process determines the course of application of the cream. Using the cream does not have any negative consequences. Only in very rare cases is the development of an allergic reaction observed after its application to the skin. You may also experience some itching or hives. Before using this cream, it is recommended to take an allergy test. A certain amount of cream is applied to the skin and then you should wait for some time. If no allergic reaction occurs, you can use the cream. The safe composition of the product makes it possible to successfully use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Ointment for irritation in the intimate area

Ointments containing hormones help relieve irritation in this area. However, before using them, it is recommended to consult a specialist. If you use such ointments without following the instructions for use, an allergic reaction in the form of skin ulcers may occur.

Zinc ointment has good effectiveness in eliminating irritation in the intimate area. It is capable of qualitatively eliminating skin irritation not only in the intimate area, but also on the face and other parts of the body. Also, before shaving the intimate area of ​​the body, in order to prevent skin irritation, it is recommended to use aspirin. To do this, you need to take several tablets, crush them and add water. This product is used for peeling. After completing the session, wipe the skin with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Irritation in the intimate area: treatment with folk remedies

There are a number of traditional methods for treating irritation of the intimate area. At home, you can prepare an ointment using propolis. This requires approximately 15 grams of dry propolis, to which 100 grams of pharmaceutical glycerin is added, after which both ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is heated in a water jar and then placed in the refrigerator. After the mixture has hardened, cut a piece from it and use it to rub irritated areas of skin in the intimate area.

Internal use of herbal infusion gives good results. It should be used three times a day, 200 grams half an hour before meals. To prepare, take a mixture of herbs in a volume of four tablespoons: hop cones, birch leaves, St. John's wort, chicory, string, calendula flowers and pour one liter of boiled water over everything. It is best to take water at a temperature of 90°C rather than 100°C. Infusion should be carried out for several hours.

One of the reasons for the discomfort of a man or woman is itching in the intimate area. Its appearance does not always indicate the presence of any inflammatory process or infectious disease.

Antipruritic ointments for the intimate area will help quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Even specialists, before receiving all the patient’s tests, can prescribe medications that will not cause harm, but will be aimed at alleviating the condition.

To choose a cream for itching in intimate places without the advice of a specialist, you must adhere to the principle: the components should not cause further harm.
Accordingly, when choosing ointments among various antiallergic and antihistamine agents, it is necessary to remember the individual characteristics of the body.

Ointment for irritation in intimate places

Before prescribing treatment, a specialist must determine the source of the disease. Itching can be caused by both infectious and non-infectious causes. In the first case, the appearance of a rash and itching can be caused by shaving, irritation after depilation, improper hygiene during menstruation, or wearing tight and uncomfortable underwear.

In this case, to eliminate discomfort in intimate places, ointments for itching and skin irritation, for example, Sinaflan, are recommended. This anti-itch cream has an anti-inflammatory effect. Must be applied to clean skin. To reduce burning in intimate places and quickly achieve the desired effect when using the ointment, it is recommended to abandon various cosmetics. It is recommended to maintain hygiene simply by washing frequently and using a clean towel.

If itching occurs due to microcracks, then it is necessary to use a wound-healing gel designed specifically for the intimate area.

If the disease is infectious, drugs of appropriate action are needed, which are prescribed based on the tests obtained. One of the frequently prescribed drugs is the antifungal cream Pimafucin, which effectively copes with most fungi.

Cream for vaginal itching

One of the delicate women's problems is vaginal itching. In this case, any disease can be diagnosed only after laboratory tests. If, in addition to itching, discharge also appears, then it is impossible to get by with just a female anti-inflammatory cream for the intimate area. In addition to the itching of the perineum, there may be a burning sensation in the intimate area during urination.

Depending on the symptoms that caused the disease, the specialist may prescribe:

  • Vagisil is a complex of drugs that is effective in eliminating the symptoms of thrush. It is an excellent tool for maintaining proper hygiene of the intimate area;
  • Gynocomfort - prescribed during the recovery period after antibiotic treatment, helps normalize the vaginal microflora;
  • Ginovofort - is an antifungal agent, prescribed for candidiasis;
  • Dalatsin is an antibacterial drug that is available both in the form of suppositories and cream. It is recommended to use both types of drug simultaneously;
  • Candida - this drug is effective in the treatment of candidiasis and dermatitis, which was provoked by yeast fungi;
  • Metragyl is an antibacterial and antimicrobial drug that has demonstrated excellent effectiveness in the treatment of various infections;
  • Clindacin and Clindamycin - if bacterial vaginosis is detected, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is prescribed.

Each of the drugs has its own characteristics and contraindications. Self-administration can lead to aggravation of the disease and its transition to a chronic form.

Ointment for itching in the groin in men

Discomfort in the groin area, redness and burning is a very common phenomenon that men have to deal with. The cause may be diaper rash, an allergic reaction, insufficient hygiene, visiting a sauna or swimming pool. There are many reasons why itching may occur, as well as the manifestations of this symptom.

When you see a doctor, he will prescribe special ointments for itching in intimate places, for example Clotrimazole or Pimafucin. Treatment is prescribed based on the source of the problem and the tests obtained.

Anti-itch cream for children

If a child develops thrush, diaper rash or an allergic reaction, the pediatrician will ask to undergo a series of laboratory tests and prescribe complex therapy. If thrush is detected, Clotrimazole may be prescribed, a drug that will relieve the child of the desire to itch.

This intimate itching cream will soothe the skin and also help quickly combat most types of yeast that attack the delicate mucous membrane of your baby's skin, causing redness and itching.

Storage conditions, shelf life and cost

Almost all ointments for itching in intimate places are recommended to be stored in a cool place out of the reach of children. The expiration date of the drug is indicated on the packaging and must be observed. If you have symptoms that you have previously encountered, this is not a reason to use a drug that was once prescribed, since the symptoms may be the same for different diseases.

It is strictly forbidden to use ointments that have expired.

All creams and ointments differ in composition and spectrum of action. The price also varies depending on the manufacturer. The cost of ointments can range from 20 to 700 rubles on average.

Name of medicinePrice on the Internet
SinaflanFrom 20r
PimafucinFrom 300r
VagisilFrom 400r
GynocomfortFrom 450r
GinovofortFrom 700r
DalatsinFrom 650r
CandideFrom 130r
MetagilFrom 200r
ClindacinFrom 250r
ClindamycinFrom 400r
ClotrimazoleFrom 100r
When choosing a drug, you need to focus on the composition and take into account first of all the doctor’s recommendations.

Contraindications for use and side effects of anti-itch creams

When choosing a cream for the intimate area, carefully read the list of side effects. Discomfort and itching may increase if you are intolerant to some components. At an appointment with a specialist, you must tell about the allergies that were previously noticed. If even greater discomfort, redness and burning occurs, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist.

Accompanied by a whole bunch of specific symptoms, one of which is vaginal dryness. Undoubtedly, menopause is an inevitable natural period in the life of every mature woman.

However, this does not mean that a woman should put up with all its manifestations and endure the dryness of the intimate area during menopause. Today, many special products have been developed to moisturize this area: vaginal gels, creams, suppositories. These are exactly what will be discussed in this publication.

As you know, the functioning of the female body is influenced by hormones. The most important female hormone affects the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Including the production of special lubricant for the vaginal mucosa and cervix.

What women are silent about...

This specific mucous fluid performs several very important functions:

  • moisturizes the vaginal mucosa;
  • protects it from pathogenic bacteria;
  • provides a woman with a feeling of comfort in the intimate area, both during sexual intercourse and at rest.

As pregnancy progresses, the ovaries begin to synthesize less estrogen. Hormone deficiency leads to the fact that during menopause lubricant is produced in smaller quantities and the woman begins to feel vaginal dryness.

With this condition of the organ, sexual intercourse becomes difficult. After intimacy, women may feel irritation or itching. Such unpleasant manifestations contribute to a decrease in a woman’s sexual activity or a complete renunciation of intimate life.

What are the possible consequences

Many women are embarrassed to address the problem of discomfort in the vagina to the doctor and endure unpleasant sensations. This is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, dryness in the intimate area is a typical manifestation of menopause that every woman, without exception, faces.

Secondly, this symptom not only reduces sexual activity, but also reduces the woman’s overall immunity.

There are many options for intimate hygiene gels and creams on the market today.

Thirdly, if you do nothing about dryness in the intimate area, then the following serious consequences are possible:

  • microcracks form on the mucous membrane, which will subsequently grow;
  • possible occurrence of candidiasis;
  • the risk of developing infectious diseases increases, which over time can affect neighboring organs.

Thus, if a woman experiences a feeling of vaginal dryness, she needs to visit her gynecologist in order to get advice on which moisturizers are best to choose, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

What do you pay attention to when choosing a product for the intimate area?

To normalize the condition of the vaginal mucosa during menopause and prevent the consequences described above, various moisturizers have been developed: gels, creams, suppositories and others. They are both hormonal and non-hormonal. Therefore, if dryness appears in the intimate area, it is important to see a doctor who can choose the right remedy.

When buying a product for the intimate area against irritation or dryness, you need to carefully study its composition. What should you pay attention to first?

The following conditional list of required components can be identified:

  • lactic acid – allows you to maintain an optimal balance of microflora;
  • panthenol – moisturizes the skin well;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • high fat content.

It is important that the product for the intimate area has a neutral acid-base balance. It should not contain fragrances, dyes, or aromatic components.

The normal acid-base balance of a woman's skin is 5.5 pH units. The vagina is an acidic environment, for which a healthy balance is between 3.8 and 4.5 pH units. That is why shower products or toilet soap are not suitable for intimate hygiene.

What are the types of gels for dryness in the intimate area?

Moisturizing gel is a soft emulsion that has a runny consistency. They are very easy to use and efficiently moisturize the entire intimate area of ​​a woman during menopause.

Let's look at what types of gels there are and what their general instructions for use are:

  1. Intimate hygiene gel – contains lactic acid and herbal ingredients.
    There is no soap in it, and therefore it does not lather much. It is produced in bottles with a dispenser. Used for hygienic procedures, which are performed at least 2 times a day during menopause. To do this, squeeze a small amount of gel onto your hand and, after diluting it with water, apply it with gentle movements to the intimate area. The product is thoroughly washed off.
  2. The gel for dryness during menopause is intended for application both to the surface of the genitals and to the internal genital tract, using a special applicator that is included with the drug.
    Such gels are hormonal and non-hormonal. The latter contain plant components that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Gel lubricants are products that imitate natural lubrication during sexual intercourse.
    Some gels for dryness simultaneously act as lubricants.

I would like to note that all non-hormonal gels do not eliminate the cause of dry mucous membranes, but they significantly increase comfort in a woman’s intimate area. The only obstacle to their use is intolerance to some of the constituent components.

Hormonal drugs can eliminate the symptom completely, but they absolutely cannot be used independently. This gel is prescribed only by a doctor and always after a comprehensive examination in order to exclude all contraindications for use.

Creams and suppositories for moisturizing the vaginal mucosa during menopause

Cream-based moisturizers or vaginal suppositories should only be prescribed by a doctor. An ointment or cream for dryness in the intimate area is usually prescribed to a woman for constant use. By lubricating the surface of intimate places with cream, a lady not only manages to remove the feeling of discomfort, but also stimulates the natural processes of producing natural lubricant. Thus, improve your sex life.

In addition, the use of vaginal suppositories during menopause will help a woman not only get rid of vaginal dryness, burning and itching. They reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases such as bacterial vaginosis or prolapse of the vaginal walls.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Yurievna

General practitioner, associate professor, teacher of obstetrics, work experience 11 years.

Women note that regular use of the cream eliminates mild forms of urinary incontinence. The instructions for using the cream for the intimate area state that it is a good moisturizer before and after bathing.

Therefore, apply anti-dryness cream before swimming in the pool or sea. A lady who uses such a remedy feels very comfortable on vacation.

Products worth paying attention to

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of products that are aimed at eliminating dryness in the intimate area in menopausal women.

We will focus only on a few drugs from each category we reviewed, which are popular among women.

Non-hormonal gels

Vagisan Gel is a product for everyday intimate hygiene. The gel is based on lactic acid, which maintains the natural level of acid-base balance for the vagina. This preserves healthy vaginal microflora. The gel relieves mild sensations of discomfort, dryness, burning and itching.

Let's take a look at the gels popular among women:

  1. Gynocomfort - the manufacturer offers two products that have different effects due to the herbal component in their composition.
    Gynocomfort moisturizing intimate gel has the following composition: mallow extract, as well as chamomile extract, lactic acid, panthenol and bisabolol. The use of the gel permanently eliminates the feeling of dryness in intimate areas. Gynocomfort restoring intimate gel instead of mallow extract contains tea tree oil, which has a good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The product not only promotes the regeneration of the vaginal mucosa, but also effectively moisturizes it, eliminates burning and itching, and also prevents damage. Gynocomfort gels can be used as lubricants. Both products are inserted into the vagina using an applicator 1-2 times a day.
  2. Bliss is a product for moisturizing the intimate area, which effectively eliminates the uncomfortable sensations of dry vaginal mucosa.
    Due to the fact that the gel contains oil extracts of chamomile and calendula, it promotes the healing of microcracks in the mucous membrane. Its use prevents the appearance of new epithelial damage. It is recommended to take courses as prescribed by a doctor or as needed (after visiting the pool, before sexual intercourse, during climate change, etc.). A small amount of gel is applied to the genital area. Can be used together with condoms.
  3. Gynofit is a vaginal gel that effectively eliminates the sensations of vaginal dryness, burning and itching.
    The product has a hydrating effect (abundant moisture). Made on the basis of glycerin and hydroxyethylcellulose. Glycerin not only moisturizes the mucous membrane, but is able to retain moisture in the epithelium for a long time. The gel replaces natural mucus better than other products during the postmenopausal period. It is recommended to use after visiting the pool, before sexual intercourse or to eliminate discomfort. Can be used in courses as prescribed by a doctor. It is administered using a special applicator.

All of the gels discussed will effectively moisturize the vaginal mucosa during pregnancy. Ladies prefer these products because of their good hydrating effect.

Hormonal agents

Gels can be used by women who are prescribed combination replacement therapy. If a woman has indications for continuous use of hormones, then the combined two-phase drug Femoston is very often prescribed for this purpose.

It contains two female hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Femoston effectively eliminates many menopausal symptoms, including vaginal dryness, itching, burning and discomfort.

At the stage of menopause, Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 2/10 is prescribed. At the premenopausal stage, the following drugs may be prescribed: Pauzogest, Cliogest or Femoston 1/5. But a woman can use monotherapy - she takes pills that contain only the synthetic hormone estrogen, and receives progesterone locally - using a hormonal gel.

The new hormonal drug Ovipol Clio deserves special attention. Its active substance is the hormone estriol, which selectively affects the tissues of the vagina, uterus, bladder, etc. Ovipol Clio is a vaginal suppository that has a beneficial effect on the vaginal mucosa. They are used to treat the genitourinary system. Ovipol Clio suppositories effectively eliminate dryness and itching in the intimate area.

Bottom line

Women's health always requires careful attention, and especially during menopause. At the premenopausal stage, the use of a special hygienic gel helps eliminate discomfort in the intimate area. Moisturizing gel during menopause relieves a woman of vaginal dryness and its accompanying manifestations. We wish you good health!

What moisturizing gels do you use?

Itching in the intimate area is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that creates constant discomfort in both women and men. Sometimes it appears without any diseases, and the reason can be quite banal and harmless - for example, incorrectly selected underwear or detergents.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a whole list of high-quality drugs to eliminate itching, including gels, creams, ointments and rinses. They all differ in composition, are designed for different skin types and neutralize different problems in intimate places. Products are selected individually, and to avoid mistakes, carefully study the instructions for use.


Gel "Vagilak" is a medical product intended for daily hygiene in women and girls in order to prevent and treat problems with the vaginal mucosa and external intimate area.

It is recommended to use in courses starting from the first menstruation to avoid dryness and itching due to hormonal changes during egg maturation. The gel helps maintain a constant level of lactobacilli in a woman’s intimate area, preventing vaginal bacteriosis and other diseases.

The main active ingredient in the gel is lactic acid. It is responsible for maintaining a constant level of acidity and local immunity in the vagina. Lactobacilli of lactic acid colonize the mucous membrane in the intimate area, thereby regulating its moisture and protection, promoting its rapid recovery from irritation and itching.

With proper use of the gel, the following improvements are observed:

  • Moisturizing the epithelium of the inner and outer membranes in the intimate area;
  • Elimination of irritation and itching;
  • Strengthening immunity in the genital area;
  • Quick recovery from damage and irritation;
  • Improving the quality of sexual life.

Vagilak vaginal gel can be used for the following indications:

  • Dryness and itching of the mucous membrane in the intimate area and vagina;
  • Changes in acidity associated with menopause;
  • Dysbacteriosis during treatment with antibiotics;
  • Use of oral contraceptives;
  • Damage to the mucous membrane after medical examinations;
  • Colpitis.

The use of the gel during treatment is reduced to applying to well-cleaned areas in the intimate area using palms pre-lubricated with a small amount of the product during daily hygiene. After treating the genitals, it is recommended to dry the skin areas for 10 minutes.

"Vagilak-gel" has no contraindications, except for particularly sensitive skin with intolerance to the components of the drug. If any signs of allergy appear, you should stop using it. No additional treatment is required.


The pharmacological agent is developed for the treatment of various problems in the intimate area. A whole line of drugs with this name is produced in the form of gels, rinses, creams, etc. To reduce itching and redness you need to choose a gel "Lactacid Soting". It is universal. You can use it at any convenient time, it will give you a feeling of cleanliness and comfort every day. At the same time, the gel will relieve you of itching, unpleasant odor and many other problems associated with dysbacteriosis in the intimate area.

The composition includes natural lactic acid, which supports natural microflora, as well as rice protein and arnica extract, which promote the healing of damage to the skin. The gel can be used not only when itching occurs, but also for daily care of the intimate area.

The gel is available with an easy-to-use dispenser. Specially designed for very sensitive skin "Lactacid Sensitive", containing cotton extract, which soothes the delicate skin of the genitals and helps it resist the influence of environmental factors.

"Lactacid" can be used by pregnant, breastfeeding and adolescents for daily hygiene in the intimate area. The drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition. All gels have a high concentration of medicinal components, therefore, according to the instructions, they must be diluted with water immediately before use.


Cream for inflammation in the intimate area "Pimafucin" intended for the treatment of fungal infections of the genital organs in both men and women.

The active ingredient of the drug is natamycin. The cream can soothe the itching at first, if intimate gels do not help, and then you need to consult a doctor and continue treatment under supervision. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate for a long time; this complicates further therapy.

Contraindications exist for people with intolerance to the constituent components "Pimafutsina". Side effects from using the cream are very rare.


"Clotrimazole"– antimycotic cream for vaginal itching. This is an antifungal agent with the active ingredient clotrimazole. The cream inhibits the division and growth of microorganisms in a woman’s body, thereby reducing itching.

The drug has serious side effects such as fainting, shortness of breath, allergies, discomfort and is not recommended for self-medication.


Cream "Vagisil" is prescribed for redness and irritation of the genitals after wearing too tight clothes, tampons, pads or using low-quality detergents.

The main active ingredients of the cream are surfactant and laureth. Additionally, the composition includes vitamins A, D and E.

The light formula protects a woman’s genitals from external irritants, relieves discomfort, redness and irritation, eliminates odors and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. Can be used by pregnant women and adolescents over 12 years of age.

Use is contraindicated if you are intolerant to the components of the cream.


"Actovegin"- the cream is successfully used to relieve burning and redness, dry skin and ulcers.

The main active substance is a deproteinized hemoderivative obtained from the blood of calves. Excipients: glyceryl, water, benzalkonium hydrochloride, monostearate, macrogol, cetyl alcohol. The drug improves and significantly accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, and also stimulates their restoration.

The duration of treatment is 10-14 days. After the cracks heal, there are no scars left on the skin.

The cream is contraindicated for use by persons with intolerance to the main substance. The use of the cream during pregnancy should only be done under the supervision of a physician.

The drug should be stored in the refrigerator with the cap tightly screwed on.

Ointments for the treatment of itching in intimate places


The ointment is "distracting" a product containing menthol; After application to problem areas, they cool down and itching is reduced. The ointment also contains boric acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is used for menopause and itching due to dermatitis.


Ointment "Nezulin" used for itching due to increased dryness of the mucous membrane during menopause, irritation, allergies and other unpleasant ailments of the genital organs.

The ointment contains essential oils of the following plants: basil, mint and lavender. In addition, the ointment contains extracts of celandine and chamomile, as well as panthenol.

It has no contraindications.


Ointment "Gistan" contains an antihistamine, plant extracts and essential oils.

The drug has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. The ointment has a detrimental effect on fungi and allergens. Contraindicated for persons with allergies to the constituent components.


Ointment "Fenistil" eliminates any allergic reactions and discomfort in a matter of minutes. Has no restrictions for use.

As you can see, there is a wide selection of drugs against this disease. If you wish, you can carefully study the instructions and choose the medicine yourself that suits your skin type and problem.

But any mistake can lead to more serious consequences. For this reason, the most reasonable option would be to consult a specialist. This way you will get rid of the cause of the problem quickly and without risk to health.