What does a black mole mean? Causes of black moles

Very often, when a black mole is discovered on the body, a person panics because he may think that he has melanoma, a very dangerous form of skin cancer. Indeed, this dangerous disease often develops from degenerated moles. But a mole does not always pose such a threat. You just need to know what signs indicate an urgent need to see a doctor.

Why moles appear

There are rarely moles on the body of a newborn; they usually appear a little later with age. The older a person is, the more moles he has, and the higher his risk of cancer. To prevent this from happening, you need to be careful about your health. Regular examination of your body and a quick visit to a dermatologist if any suspicious changes are detected can save you from painful illness and premature death.

Moles on the human body are benign neoplasms, which are accumulations of melanin - the main coloring substance of our body. Healthy moles do not pose any threat, being essentially just a cosmetic defect. In some cases, moles add a certain piquancy and unusual appearance, such as the mole above Marilyn Monroe's lip.

Moles can have different colors, sizes, shapes and degrees of convexity. They usually come in all shades of brown, from the lightest to the darkest, but there are also moles that are flesh-colored or slightly different in tone from the main body color. They can be completely flat or slightly convex, as well as very voluminous, with a smooth, embossed, folded texture. Single hairs may grow from a mole or it may be completely covered with them. It is believed that a mole with a hair does not degenerate into cancer, but, unfortunately, although rare, such cases have been noted.

However, a black mole in a child or an adult requires increased attention, since it is precisely such formations that most often show a tendency to degenerate. A high melanin content, a mole larger than 10 mm in diameter, and frequent trauma increase the risk of change. But this does not mean that any black will necessarily be reborn - this requires special conditions. There are a number of signs by which you can “calculate” a mole that poses a potential threat to health.

Important! You should never try to get rid of a mole on your own. Even such a seemingly harmless action as cauterization with iodine can lead to very sad consequences.

Are black moles dangerous and their ability to degenerate?

Any mole carries a potential threat of modification and transformation into melanoma if it is subjected to severe or regular trauma, thermal, chemical or radiation exposure. Dark moles carry as much threat as other lighter ones, but black ones contain more melanin, so they can degenerate faster than others.

There are a number of signs by which one can suspect the beginning of a mutation process:

  • Suddenly the mole turned black. Typically, such a neoplasm stands out sharply against the background of other brown or light moles. You need to react specifically to the unexpected blackening of a mole. If it was originally like this or you were in the sun, sunbathing, then a change in its color may be caused by increased pigmentation under the rays of the sun. But it's still worth checking.
  • Its color has changed. If a mole, which has always been the same color, suddenly begins to darken, turn red, and a colored halo appears around it, this is a reason to go to the doctor.
  • It began to grow or change its shape. The “creeping”, curvilinear outlines of what was recently a round or oval nevus should cause particular concern.
  • The mole has become heterogeneous in color and texture, its outline is curvilinear and shapeless. The appearance of dark and light inclusions, heterogeneous color or texture of the formation may have nothing to do with oncological formations, but still require verification.
  • A new mole has appeared, unlike all the others.
  • Black dots appeared on the body, similar to moles. There may be several reasons for their appearance, but it is still very important to exclude oncology.
  • Instead of the usual one, a mole with a black dot in the center appeared. This is often a sign of infection with the human papilloma virus, but it can also indicate the beginning of the process of cell mutation. Sometimes such a symptom is just a sign of increased melanin, that is, tanning.

Such changes are not always indicators of skin cancer, but they require an immediate visit to the doctor to conduct the necessary tests and rule out cancer.

Important! The appearance of new unusual moles or changes in existing old ones should cause alarm. If your moles initially had the same shape and color, have not changed, do not hurt, do not bleed, or cause itching, then they only require regular visits for a preventive examination by a dermatologist.

Consult your doctor immediately if you notice the changes you see in the photo.

Ways to remove black moles

Not all nevi need to be removed, but if they look suspicious, cause aesthetic discomfort or are in the way, and are often injured by underwear or clothing, they must be removed. If it is discovered that a mole has turned black, increased in size, become uneven in shape and uneven in texture, it must also be removed.

The following methods are used for this:

  1. Cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen). Do not use if there are black moles on the face or if the formations are large, as marks may remain or secondary intervention will be required.
  2. Radio wave interference. Typically used to remove single large and medium-sized tumors.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Can be used on any part of the body, effective if there is a black mole on the back, chest, or limbs. Leaves virtually no traces.
  4. Laser. The most modern, fast and almost painless and traceless way to get rid of unwanted moles.
  5. Surgery. The most radical method, most often used to remove injured, inflamed or suspicious moles, as well as those in which malignant cells have been identified. In the latter case, the mole is removed along with a section of healthy tissue, and radiation and chemotherapy are prescribed. A small scar may remain after the operation.

Moles require careful treatment and increased attention. If changes are detected in existing tumors or new ones appear, there is no need to panic. In most cases, these are normal processes, but only visiting a doctor will guarantee that you are not at risk of developing cancer.

Important! If you accidentally injured your mole, it bleeds, hurts, is inflamed, part of it is “hanging by a thread,” do not take any unprofessional actions. Cover the mole with a sterile gauze pad and seek help from a medical facility. Most likely, you will be offered to remove the tumor. This is the most reasonable way out of the situation.

Prevention of degeneration of moles

Any neoplasm requires constant monitoring and increased attention. However, changes are not always a symptom of cancer. For example, if a black dot appears on a mole, this may indicate infection with human papillomavirus. But this does not exclude the need to treat the disease.

To avoid any health problems, including in the case of a mole with black dots, you need to follow simple preventive rules:

  • Carefully protect moles, especially large and black ones, from excessive exposure to sunlight. It is necessary to use sunscreen, try to wear closed clothing and spend less time in the open sun during its active period.
  • Do not visit the solarium. Intense irradiation stimulates the growth of tumors, including moles.
  • Try to injure the formation as little as possible. We are talking not only about physical impact, but also about the influence of heat, various chemicals, including cosmetics.
  • At the first suspicion, especially after an injury or the appearance of itching or inflammation, immediately seek medical help.
  • Do not engage in amateur activities and do not try to get rid of moles on your own, at home.

Only a very careful attitude to your health can keep it intact and protect yourself from such dangerous melanoma and other forms of cancer.

Moles on the human body can be of different shades: from light brown to deep black. Color depends on the amount of melanin(pigment substance) - the more of it, the darker the moles.

Photo 1. The color of a mole tells about its character. A black mole itself is not dangerous, but if it changes color, you should consult a doctor. Source: Flickr (Anastasia Catherine).

Causes of a black mole

The darkening of a mole to black is caused by the following factors:

  • Ultraviolet. Exposure to direct sunlight causes an increase in melanin levels. Moles that are constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation change color to a darker color;
  • Hormonal changes. The restructuring that occurs in the body during adolescence, during pregnancy, during menopause, and endocrine disorders can contribute to a significant darkening of moles;
  • Damage. Mechanical impact on the mole, scratching, washing with a hard washcloth, and even simple friction with tight clothing can damage the formation, which will begin to darken due to subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Pay attention! If the mole is not completely blackened, but partially, this may indicate its degeneration. You should immediately consult a doctor, preferably an oncologist.

Are black moles dangerous?

Mole - benign formation. In both adults and children it comes in several types:

  • Flat dark nevus. The most common type of moles. If the spot turns black or a red rim appears around it, this is a signal that can inform about an incipient pathology;
  • Convex black mole. A black spot slightly raised above the surface of the skin alarms the owner, so such moles are usually closely monitored, noticing the slightest changes;
  • Red-black nevus. It is less common than others and causes concern due to its appearance. Inhomogeneous color does not mean pathology. It is dangerous if a mole suddenly begins to change color: for example, it was reddish and became half black;
  • Hanging black moles. shouldn't be black. If the hanging nevus darkens, it means that it has been injured and blood has stopped flowing to it. The mole will gradually dry out and fall off. Experts advise removing dying moles in advance to avoid complications.

Black mole not dangerous, If:

  • its diameter does not exceed 5 mm;
  • it has clear outlines of an oval, a circle;
  • the surface is smooth, repeating the skin pattern;
  • the edges are clearly defined and not blurred.

Dangerous are:

  • . A black mole localized to any part of the body. Significantly increases the risk of developing melanoma. Signs: a flat mole larger than 5 mm in size, with unclear contours, asymmetrical, has several shades, the central part is raised;
  • . An ordinary mole that began to change: black, red, blue or white dots appeared, the formation began to resemble a hard lump. The nevus may become discolored, dry, rough, and painful.

We should be wary And nevi, formed after 35 years. Especially black ones, fast growing ones, with jagged edges. You need to undergo examination to avoid complications:

  • bleeding moles;
  • formation of nodules;
  • dysfunction of internal organs: liver, kidneys;
  • growth of metastases.

Treatment of a black mole

To understand whether a black mole needs treatment, you need to contact an oncologist.

Pay attention! You should not trust the treatment of moles to a cosmetologist: only an oncologist can decide whether the formation is dangerous and whether it needs to be removed.

  • dermatoscopy;
  • laboratory tests;
  • histological analysis.

If there are more than 40 nevi on the human body, it is advisable to draw up mole map. Based on it, it is easier for the doctor to guide the patient and monitor the growth and development of formations in the future.

Self-diagnosis is also useful - studying moles. Those on the back can be photographed with the help of relatives in order to notice changes in time.

If the oncologist insists on removing the nevus, then the diagnosis has shown possible degeneration. You can’t delay the operation: melanoma is one of the fastest growing forms of cancer.

A malignant black mole can only be removed surgically, using a scalpel. The method guarantees the complete elimination of pathological cells: tissues close to the nevus and those located in the deep layers of the epidermis are cut out. Other methods - cryodestruction (exposure to cold), laser and radio wave removal - are only suitable for eliminating benign moles.

After surgical removal, a wound remains at the site of the mole that needs to be treated to avoid infection:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • later - with external agents that prevent the formation of scars (contractubex).

There are also folk methods - cauterization with apple cider vinegar, celandine juice, milkweed, treatment with castor oil. Before using them, you should first consult with an experienced dermatologist.

Photo 2. Sunscreens are a necessity of today. It is dangerous to be in the sun without them during the daytime.

In recent years, according to oncologists, the number of different oncological diseases. Experts associate this with natural disasters: a decrease in the ozone layer and an increase in ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to hide all moles from direct sunlight. Problems may arise from light moles and black. The whole point is that it mainly depends on the number of all melanoma cells that are in it. The higher this indicator, the more danger of various diseases that are associated with oncology. People, for the most part, pay not enough attention on newly formed moles and do not turn to specialists to provide professional assistance with removal or consult on this issue.

Dangerous black moles (Probability of malignant degeneration into melanoma)

There is a risk of malignancy dangerous degeneration of a black mole into melanoma, skin cancer. That's why people who have very important Constantly monitor any changes occurring with these formations. Need to pay attention for any color changes black mole. In the structure of the mole, additional inclusions of various personal shades may appear, for example, gray or. It rather says about troubles that unfavorable processes occur in the black mole.

About troubles it comes when black mole begins to acquire any asymmetrical . If everything is in order with the mole, then it can be conditionally divided into two identical halves.

Surface and edges black mole should be smooth, even, without roughness and growth, as well as any pathological formations on the surface.

You need to follow the dynamics all the changes that occur. If it happens sometimes then urgently needed. It has been proven that it is big black mole may degenerate into malignancy. Large black moles are considered to be formations that have a diameter of more than six millimeters. Behind these formations needs to be closely monitored.

If a child has a black mole, it is necessary to constantly monitor it. If significant changes in its shape or surface occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Methods for preventing and preventing malignancy

To warn malignancy of black moles everything must be observed preventive measures, preventing the formation melanoma. On vacation at sea you can't cover a mole anything. This can lead to occurrence as well as infection due to "greenhouse effect".

Need to choose for relaxation suitable climate depending on your skin type. People who have a lot of moles and fair skin should choose a vacation in a place where there will be the most minimal exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is better for them to relax not in hot countries, but in wooded areas.

Don't sunbathe excessively. Sunbathing must be approached very carefully. It is better to sunbathe in the shade in the morning or evening. The most safe time- this is before 10 o'clock in the morning and after 18 o'clock in the evening. Important dress appropriately when visiting the beach. You need a hat and clothing made of linen or cotton fabrics. And you need to apply it to the skin protective equipment.

Small black mole, like , can vary greatly in color. Black moles are able to characterize the fate of a person. It is believed that the lighter a child’s black mole, the better his character and his future will be. From a medical point of view, if the color of a mole is very dark, it means it life-threatening.

Removing black moles

Black mole is considered “suspicious” if it appears in adulthood, its size exceeds 1 cm, it changes over time. We recommend First of all, you should monitor the condition of black moles. If one of the moles differs from the others in appearance - consult a doctor immediately.

Also a reason to contact a specialist are the following changes in a black mole:

  • the skin pattern on the surface of the mole has disappeared;
  • the surface of the nevus became shiny and smooth;
  • asymmetry, “scalloping” of outlines and changes in shape appeared;
  • or decreased in size;
  • there was a burning sensation and ;
  • the surface of the mole began to peel off and dry crusts formed;
  • moles have fallen out on the surface;
  • additional nodules appeared on the surface of the mole;
  • bleeding occurred.

The main factors in the transition of moles to melanoma-hazardous ones are:

  • Radiation
  • Chemical exposure
  • Cauterization or other cosmetic procedures

A biopsy, a partial removal of tissue from a mole, can lead to a transition to melanoma. As a result of friction and injury, it may transform into a formation.

Causes of moles and spots

The reasons for the formation of black moles can be different. Nevi can occur in humans under the influence of hormones called melatropins. They can be found in certain quantities in different parts of the body.

They begin to develop in the lower parts of the epidermis, and flat ones form in the upper layers. Moles can most often arise due to a person’s genetic predisposition. Birthmarks in infants appeared in the same places where the mother's black moles appeared. They can appear both in infancy and adolescence.

Also, one of the common factors in the occurrence of moles is considered to be a hormonal imbalance in the body. Changes in hormones can cause moles. Some factors causing stains cannot be influenced by humans. Many people lead an unhealthy lifestyle, which can cause complications.

Frequent exposure to sunlight or tanning beds can lead to melanoma. Ultraviolet rays stimulate the formation of moles and tumors. The sun's rays are the most dangerous, especially for people with fair skin and people with many moles.

Treatment of moles involves eliminating them using modern methods. After they are removed, they may appear again, so doctors do not recommend eliminating them. There are some factors in which you should consult a doctor: Damage to tissue integrity.

  • Spots change their size, shape, color, structure, density
  • Painful sensations
  • Discharge or fluid

If the nevi are very small or there are many of them on the face and body, then they are not touched. For any specific case, only a professional specialist can give advice.

Treatment of spots

First, a person must undergo tests, after which the doctor will be able to prescribe medications to remove moles and spots. Most often, a mole is removed surgically and locally.

Many people have moles on their bodies, but this is not a cause for concern. In many cases, subject to certain rules and a correct lifestyle, these formations will not lead to serious consequences.

But, if a person experiences one of the above factors of change in formation, it is recommended to urgently consult a doctor who will recommend a specific method of removal.

With a large accumulation of pigment substance, the mole turns out to be dark-black. Benign formations include those whose size is more than 4 mm, its appearance is usually round in shape, and the surface is smooth.

Black moles are not considered a pathology, even if there are many of these spots on the body. The appearance of a nevus at an older age, or if they change color - turn red, turn black, grow - all these are symptoms of melanoma. A slight impact by squeezing, rubbing or breaking the integrity of cuts can lead to complications.

A black mole must be constantly observed; if it has dried up and fallen off, this does not mean that the danger no longer exists. Once a mole has formed in a person, it should not change in the future.

While watching the video you will learn about which moles are dangerous.

If you have questions or complications, you should consult your doctor for advice! The spot or spot that appears from birth should change in size according to the development of the child.

People have nevi of various colors. If a person has a black mole, this indicates an excessive accumulation of melanin, which is responsible for the brightness and color of the pigmented neoplasm. The danger of this phenomenon lies in the possible initiation of the process of degeneration of a mole into a malignant tumor. Therefore, the formation of a dark birthmark in a person is a reason to undergo a thorough examination.

The color of a mole can be different, even black, but the danger lies not in the color, but in the likelihood of complications of this neoplasm.

Reasons for appearance

A black mole does not always indicate cancer. The appearance of a dark birthmark and the change in color of the nevus to black occurs due to the following reasons:

Causes of dark moles
UV exposureUncontrolled exposure to sunlight is harmful to the human body. Ultraviolet light can provoke the formation of new nevi and start the process of transforming them into a malignant tumor. As a rule, people develop small birthmarks after active tanning. Black spots are considered dangerous due to the large accumulation of melanocytes (cells that degenerate into melanoma) in them.
Hormonal changesHormonal imbalance entails a failure in all systems in the human body. As a result of such changes, metabolism changes, which entails the appearance of new moles or a change in the color of old ones. Often a large or small black mole appears during adolescence or pregnancy.
Damage to skin formationThe mole turns black due to intracellular changes and external influences in the form of injuries due to squeezing, friction, cuts, etc. Therefore, you need to be careful with skin formations that grow in the risk zone - dark nevus on the labia, on the cheek, armpits and in other places.

Types of pathology

Red and black mole

Red-black nevus is not often found on the skin of an adult or a child. Despite its unsightly appearance, a red mole does not mean that cancer is developing. Red-black moles on the body come in different types, differing from each other: location on the body, reasons for their appearance and other factors.

Black raised nevus

Convex nevi of black color are similar in characteristics to flat ones. Such a growth should be regularly inspected and its dynamics scrupulously monitored due to the high risk of injury. According to doctors, a black convex mole is less likely to transform into a malignant formation, and this is due to a person’s more attentive attitude towards them. Statistics show that 40% of cases of degeneration into melanoma occur due to trauma to a convex neoplasm.

A black flat mole is not dangerous, but it is worth periodically monitoring its possible changes.

Often people do not pay attention to flat black moles. However, this does not mean that you should avoid regularly examining them with a doctor, which is especially important in cases where such moles come into contact with clothing. Do not forget that a smooth mole can darken for various reasons. If such a phenomenon is detected in a flat mole, a person should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Black hanging birthmarks

Hanging-type birthmarks turn black after injury, so you need to be especially careful and careful if you have such nevi on the skin. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the edge of the mole stops receiving blood due to damage to the formation. After some time, as a rule, the growths dry out and fall off on their own. However, doctors recommend removing such nevi before they die (dark mole on the lip, shoulder, stomach, etc.).

Is there any danger?

A black mole on the back or in any other place with the following manifestations is considered dangerous:

  • Blurry outline.
  • The edges of the nevus turned black.
  • Asymmetrical sides.
  • A sharp increase with the growth of the nevus in width or above the skin.
  • Change in the color of a skin formation or the appearance of inclusions on it:
    • white or black dots appeared on the mole;
    • the mole has become darker or lighter;
    • a shiny stripe has formed at the top of the formation and other color changes.

Additional medical examination is recommended if a person has any of the above manifestations. When diagnosing melanoma, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapeutic measures. It is important to remember that at an early stage, skin tumors can be completely removed, unlike in the advanced phase.