Asthenic neurosis treatment. What is asthenic neurosis? Astheno neurotic behavior

The term neurosis hides a whole group of diseases caused by a disorder of the nervous system. One of these disorders is asthenic neurosis, or neurasthenia. This psychoneurological disease is considered the result of prolonged exposure to stress factors or general overstrain of the body.

Classification of neurasthenia

There are two types of classification of this mental disorder. In the first, the basis for the division is the etiology of the pathological condition, and the second takes into account the characteristic clinical symptoms.

Types of neurasthenia due to its occurrence:

  1. Reactive neurasthenia occurs after a person finds himself in a situation of a psychotraumatic nature. Predisposing factors in this case may be sleep problems, fatigue or somatic illnesses.
  2. Exhaustion neurasthenia appears as a result of excessive intellectual stress.

Types of neurasthenia according to clinical manifestations:

  1. Hypersthenic neurasthenia is characterized by an increased level of irritability, emotional instability, and a tendency to react inadequately to external stimuli.
  2. The hyposthenic type of neurosis is manifested by constant lethargy, fatigue, and drowsiness. In this case, short-term rest does not bring relief or reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Important! In some cases, the hypersthenic type of neurosis can turn into hyposthenic and vice versa.

The pathogenesis of this disease is based on a disorder of the higher nervous activity of the human brain with overstrain of the conditioned inhibition system, which is responsible for the normal reaction to external irritating factors.

Clinical symptoms and signs

Neurosis of this type is characterized by the following manifestations, which can be of both a psychological and general somatic nature:

  • increased level of irritability;
  • fainting;
  • pathological fluctuations in the body's hormonal levels (impotence in men, menstrual irregularities in women);
  • rapid fatigue, with long-term illness – drowsiness and indifference to the outside world (asthenic syndrome);
  • disorders of the digestive tract (loss of appetite, pain in the stomach, intestines, constipation, diarrhea);
  • development of edema leading to weight gain;
  • weight loss, up to severe exhaustion of the body;
  • neuralgia and headaches;
  • frequent urination;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • worsening of hearing, negative reaction to loud sounds.

Important! Most often, neurasthenia occurs in stages. First, a state of excitement occurs, then weakness, which has a very negative effect on the sick person. And in the end, the resources of the nervous system are depleted, and a stage of inhibition occurs.

Asthenic neurosis in children

According to statistics, boys are more susceptible to neurasthenia than girls. Also at risk are children of primary school age who may suffer from this disease due to problems with adaptation at school.

In addition, predisposing factors to the development of neurasthenia in childhood may be:

  • immaturity of the central nervous system;
  • maternal imbalance during pregnancy;
  • chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Manifestations of neurasthenia in children are mental or physical fatigue. It is expressed by excessive excitement, depressed mood and tearfulness. Children experience sleep disturbances and decreased attention. Somatic signs include abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea.

Important! The symptoms of neurasthenia in childhood are very easy to confuse with other diseases. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the condition of their children. This illness does not mean that the child has a mental illness and needs specialized help. An ordinary pediatrician can alleviate the condition.

Treatment of asthenic neurosis

Therapy for neurasthenia is based on correcting the causes that led to the occurrence of this condition. Reducing the level of mental and physical stress will significantly speed up the healing process. In order for brain activity to recover, it is necessary to follow a daily routine, eat a balanced diet and spend a lot of time in the fresh air. Taking warm baths before bed has a good effect.

Drug therapy includes medications that have a sedative and nootropic effect. These include:

  • Piracetam;
  • Biotropil;
  • Pramistar;
  • Noofen;
  • Phenibut.

An additional method of treatment is psychotherapy, which should be carried out by a competent specialist. At the same time, you can restore the body with the help of acupuncture and sanatorium-resort treatment. A light, relaxing massage and listening to quiet music can also help with recovery.


There are a number of measures that can prevent the development of neurasthenia:

  • maintaining the correct daily routine;
  • sufficient sleep duration;
  • balanced diet;
  • adequate level of intellectual and physical activity;
  • regular rest;
  • change of scenery;
  • sports, active lifestyle;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • taking complex vitamin preparations, especially those containing B vitamins.

The recovery period lasts from one to four weeks, depending on the severity of the condition.

Asthenic neurosis can significantly worsen a person’s quality of life. That is why it is important to begin treatment for this disease when its first signs appear. Therapy should be comprehensive and correspond to the severity of clinical manifestations.

Many people wonder what asthenic neurosis is, the symptoms of which are directly related to disorders of the nervous system.

Neurasthenia, or asthenic neurosis, is a psychogenic disease.

The cause of asthenic neurosis is prolonged exposure to traumatic factors and overwork. In the clinical picture of the disease, asthenic syndrome comes to the fore, which is characterized by increased fatigue and hypersensitivity to external stimuli, deterioration of mood, tearfulness and loss of the ability to endure prolonged intellectual and physical stress, decreased ability to remember and decreased attention. Asthenia is a consequence of exposure to stressful situations on the body.

Signs of the development of neurasthenia and stages of the disease

The main signs of the disease are as follows:

  • increased fatigue;
  • impatience;
  • constant fatigue;
  • the appearance of weakness in the limbs;
  • headaches;
  • having difficulty trying to concentrate or engage in intellectual activities;
  • “fog” in the head;
  • the appearance of increased sensitivity to external stimuli;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the emergence of anxieties and fears;
  • decreased sexual activity.

The disease has three stages of development. The stages of the disease differ in severity of manifestation.

  1. The first stage is called hypersthenic. It is characterized by increased irritability and the appearance of fussiness; during the development of the disease at this stage, a person may often lose control of himself. A person also has difficulty falling asleep and frequent pain in the head area, which is of a pressing nature. A characteristic feature of this stage of development of the disease is the appearance of pain in the spinal column, weakness and constant fatigue in the body.
  2. The second stage of the disease is characterized as irritable weakness. When the disease reaches this stage, the patient develops a high degree of irritability. A person “flares up” very quickly, but also “cools down” very quickly. At this stage, the ability to concentrate is lost, and productivity drops sharply. A person experiences a feeling of fear and anxiety, low self-esteem occurs, and constant pain appears in the head area. Additionally, there is pain in the heart, shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract occurs and the degree of sweating increases.
  3. The third stage is called hyposthenic. This stage of the disease is characterized by a decrease in the level of fussiness and a sharp drop in performance. During this period of development of the disease, sleep disturbance is observed, which becomes superficial, fear of death and increased tearfulness appear. A condition develops in the body that resembles depression in its external manifestations.

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Treatment of asthenic neurosis

The process of treating the disorder must begin with the elimination of stress and adherence to the daily routine; in addition, it is necessary to adjust the diet. Treatment of the disease requires elimination of the traumatic situation; it is recommended to introduce general strengthening and health procedures into the daily routine.

For successful treatment, doctors recommend using various types of relaxation, such as relaxation, meditation and emotional release sessions. Very useful during the recovery period are sports, water treatments and long walks in the fresh air. To normalize the emotional state, the use of plant-based sedatives is recommended. The basis of such drugs are:

  • blue cyanosis;
  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm.

Extracts of these plants have a beneficial effect on the autonomic and central parts of the nervous system of the body. It is recommended to take a course of vitamins, especially vitamin C, which helps increase the body's resistance to stress. It is also useful to take preparations based on St. John's wort. Medicines made on this plant basis are good antidepressants.

The disease should be comprehensively treated using products made from adaptogen herbs, such as Eleutherococcus. These medications help with recovery and performance enhancement. They contain a large number of microelements, enzymes and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body. Particularly effective are drugs that contain vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant.

If a patient has an advanced form of the disorder, recovery of the body occurs over a long period of time and very slowly. If symptoms develop rapidly, you should seek help from a neurologist, who will select a course of treatment that includes neurotropic medications. If necessary, you should seek help from a psychotherapist.

According to experts, asthenic neurosis is a psychogenic disease of a neurotic level, which can be caused by both overwork and prolonged exposure to traumatic factors. In particular, an unfavorable situation in the family or at work, constant emotional or physical stress, and incessant anxiety have an impact. The clinical picture is represented by the leading asthenic syndrome, which occupies a leading position in this case. What does this mean? A person experiences increased fatigue, he becomes hypersensitive to various external stimuli, such as light, loud sounds, temperature changes, etc.

Mood can also be reduced, and asthenic neurosis is often accompanied by depressive states, when the patient is prone to whims and tearfulness, experiences affective lability, in addition, the ability for longer mental stress is weakened, attention and memory decrease, will weakens, and in general there is a decline strength The symptoms of this disorder are very diverse, and doctors often name among the first signs irritability and extreme fatigue, which are combined with irritability, impatience, and the person has a constant desire for activity. Moreover, this happens even if there are favorable conditions for relaxation.

Gradually, it happens that the reaction of irritability is replaced by rapid exhaustion, fatigue and rapid weakness are present. Patients find it difficult to concentrate their attention and are constantly distracted from the work they are doing. Against this background, dissatisfaction with oneself arises, a tearful state is observed, and again, there is pronounced anxiety. Often asthenic neurosis is accompanied by headaches and sleep disturbances. Moreover, it can be either obvious insomnia or, conversely, extreme drowsiness, which is difficult to combat. Autonomic dysfunctions occur in the form of tachycardia, disruption of the genitourinary system, and digestive system. If vegetative symptoms are severe, then patients experience anxiety, trying to “hear” the work of the internal organs.

Features of asthenic neurosis

It is known that in some cases there is a dependence of the patient’s condition on changes in atmospheric pressure, which contributes to the occurrence of symptoms of the disease. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and get help from a qualified specialist, since a neurasthenic complex of symptoms occurs with various endocrine and mental diseases, and is also a consequence of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis to distinguish this disease from other, more severe ones that require immediate treatment.

It is now known that there are significantly more people who are at risk for various psycho-emotional disorders. This situation is due to the fact that the rhythm of life of a modern person is constantly accelerating, the flow of various information that a person must have time to perceive and assimilate is increasing. It is asthenic neurosis that often causes chronic fatigue syndrome. That is, a person complains that he cannot rest even over the weekend, fatigue does not leave him. In addition, sometimes such a patient does not even have enough vacation to return to normal health.

In addition, children also suffer. This is facilitated by physical and mental overload. Sometimes this disorder affects children who attend different schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, or children who attend several schools at the same time. At the same time, it is known that the presence of physical overstrain when visiting various sports clubs and sections does not lead to neurosis. In this case, lethargy, fatigue, and increased weakness, which is not typical for children, may occur. But after rest, such phenomena disappear. The mental stress that children receive while studying is also not the cause of neurosis. Thus, it is known that it occurs in children if there is concomitant traumatic exposure. For example, excessive demands are placed on the child, significantly higher than their capabilities.

Treatment of asthenic neurosis

When prescribing treatment, the doctor begins by recommending cessation of stress, and this applies not only to physical activities and work, but also to heavy mental stress. In this case, it is necessary to optimize the daily routine and ensure a balanced diet. If the patient has ordinary neurasthenia, that is, asthenic neurosis, then treatment can be successful in eliminating the traumatic situation, when it is enough to carry out restorative health measures. But there are also more complex cases in which it is necessary to use modern neurotropic drugs. Specialists always use an integrated approach, which includes psychotherapeutic sessions.

It should be noted that the treatment program, composed of a psychotherapeutic and medication course, is not a standard that is applicable for every patient. The doctor selects treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular patient, based on the history of his disease. When treating children, the initial start of treatment is that the specialist identifies the presence of possible somatic diseases, since children with asthenic neurosis also complain of various pains, for example, pain in the heart area. Such disturbances are identified by children as tingling, discomfort, and palpitations. There may be nausea, indigestion, and other symptoms. The doctor must understand the reasons and prescribe adequate treatment.

Asthenic neurosis is a disease that was first described by the American physician Beard in 1880. Asthenic neurosis is one of the most common forms of neurosis. It is characterized by increased excitability and increased exhaustion. Its causes are the same as those of other types of neurosis - psychological shocks against the background of acute and extremely negative emotions. However, the following points should be emphasized, which serve as additional unfavorable factors: lack of consistency, planning and rhythm in work; negative emotions related to work; irregular alternation of work and rest. Large overloads (both mental and physical) can be harmful, especially for people of an asthenic type. Poorly organized family life and daily routine often contribute to the detection of neurasthenia.

Asthenic neurosis develops as if in stages. Initially, external psychogenic trauma causes a painful reaction with massive vegetative symptoms in the form of various unpleasant sensations in the heart, breathing, “nervous” shortness of breath develops, and unstable blood pressure is detected. As a result of this, a depressed mood appears and, finally, “mental processing” of everything that happened to the person, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease is formed.

The asthenic symptom complex is very polymorphic (multiple). Polymorphism depends on the initial state of the body, on the cause that caused the disease, on the individual’s responses.

I.P. Pavlov divided this neurosis into two clinical forms: hypersthenic and hyposthenic. A mixed form was subsequently described. Neurasthenia can begin with one form and change during its course. It should be noted that with neurasthenia, regardless of its form, there are common (they are also called “end-to-end”) symptoms: headaches, sleep disturbances, various unpleasant sensations throughout the body and various somatic and autonomic disorders. Headaches are an almost obligatory symptom of neurasthenia, they can be periodic or constant. The whole head or specific areas hurt. With neuroses in general and, in particular, with neurasthenia, sleep disturbance syndrome occupies a special place. The nature of the sleep disorder is heterogeneous. The most common disorder is sleep disturbance. Sleep occurs several hours after the patient goes to bed. Falling asleep is prevented by an influx of thoughts related to past events of the day. “Fragmented sleep” is often observed, in which the patient wakes up after a short time and then falls asleep again. And so on throughout the night. As a result, the patient sleeps only a few hours. Sometimes patients note that their sleep is superficial, shallow and accompanied by difficult dreams. And finally, the most unpleasant thing, according to patients, is that sleep does not bring a feeling of vigor and relaxation.

Somato-vegetative disorders occupy a significant place in the clinical picture of neurasthenia. The most prominent complaints are from the cardiac and vascular system. There is a tendency to spasms of the heart vessels, which is why unpleasant functional sensations appear in the heart area (without organic lesions). Unstable blood pressure is observed, sweating increases, and there may also be functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Reflexes are increased. There is a sensitivity disorder. For some, this manifests itself in the fact that they cannot tolerate bright light, they perceive noise acutely, ordinary sound seems very loud, and any touch to the body feels painful. For others, the perception of the outside world is dull. This indicates a decrease in sensitivity. Such people experience a feeling of constant fatigue and weakness. In some patients, a decrease in performance is observed in the evening, while in others this phenomenon is observed throughout the working day.

A very significant sign of an asthenic state with neurosis is the loss of interest in many things that previously occupied a person, and especially in his favorite activity.

Patients are restless motorly. They find it difficult to stay still. The wait is painful. Irritability over trifles is expressed. There is increased sleepiness during the day due to poor night sleep, the clinical picture reveals absent-mindedness, and it is difficult to concentrate on any one subject. Due to the narrowing of attention span, patients complain of poor memory. During recovery, attention and memory are quickly restored.

The mood is depressive, tearful. People with feeling; duty and responsibility are worried about the fact that they are not coping with the task. They stay after work and take papers home, all of which aggravate their condition. Temporary sexual disorders are noted.

Despite the similarity of signs of fatigue with an asthenic state, there are significant differences. If the decrease in performance due to fatigue is completely relieved after active rest and a good night's sleep, then in an asthenic state treatment is also required. The asthenic state is closer to the concept of “overwork.” When overwork changes; are more persistent in nature and acquire a certain inertia. Overfatigue should be considered as a transitional state to asthenia. Discomfort due to overwork is colored by negative emotions. Only a specialist in a neurosis clinic or in a specialized dispensary can cope with asthenic neurosis and choose the right treatment.

The following observation can serve as an illustration of asthenic neurosis with astheno-depressive syndrome.

Patient M. is 31 years old, works as a translator, has a higher education. As a child, I grew up as a weak, frail child. She suffered from chicken pox and rubella. I often caught colds. Then she got stronger. She graduated well from high school. She did rhythmic gymnastics. After graduating from school, she entered the Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Foreign Languages. She graduated successfully and worked all the time as a translator. She was sociable, balanced, cheerful by nature and loved company. She married the man she loved. Has a 7 year old daughter and a 6 month old son. She lived well and amicably with her husband.

The illness began after her husband arrived from the resort, when he announced to her that he was leaving for another woman. For the patient, it was “a bomb exploding at her feet.” At first I didn’t believe my husband’s message. When I came to my senses, I began to feel bad.

She developed weakness, lost her appetite, and lost noticeable weight. Trifles irritated me. I practically couldn’t work. On the one hand, indifference appeared, they even stopped being interested in children. On the other hand, she thought a lot about how her future life would turn out. In this condition she was sent to the hospital.

On examination: fragile physique, mournful facial expressions; complexion pale. Blood pressure is low. Unpleasant sensations in the heart area. Extremely exhausted both mentally and physically. In the hospital, despite outwardly correct behavior, she is somewhat fussy, cries, and cannot occupy herself with anything. The attitude towards the events that took place is correct and adequate. Against the background of massive psychotherapy in combination with medication and physiotherapeutic treatment, an established regimen, the patient’s condition leveled out, asthenic neurosis and its manifestations disappeared. The patient returned to her previous job.