Alexander III ascended the throne c. Alexander III

Alexander III ruled the Russian Empire since 1881. Alexander belongs to the Romanov family. Initially, Alexander was not prepared for accession to the throne, because he had an older brother, Nikolai, who was supposed to take the place of the All-Russian Emperor.

Accordingly, Alexander did not receive proper education and upbringing. After the death of his brother, Alexander filled the gaps in knowledge of law, history and economics.

Alexander III, the emperor who gave the country a reign full of peace and quiet. He did everything to ensure that Russia lived without wars and recovered after many years of strife.

His every decree and action was aimed at peace and quiet, for which the emperor was called a “peacemaker.” For other states, Russia has become a respected and leading example country.

There were no problems in foreign policy under Alexander III. All agreements on establishing borders and strengthening influence were obtained peacefully through well-structured negotiations.

On March 1, 1881, Emperor Alexander II Nikolaevich died at the hands of the Narodnaya Volya, and his second son Alexander ascended the throne. At first he was preparing for a military career, because... the heir to power was his elder brother Nikolai, but in 1865 he died.

In 1868, during a severe crop failure, Alexander Alexandrovich was appointed chairman of the committee for the collection and distribution of benefits to the hungry. Before he ascended the throne, he was the ataman of the Cossack troops and the chancellor of the University of Helsingfors. In 1877 he took part in the Russian-Turkish war as a detachment commander.

The historical portrait of Alexander III was more reminiscent of a mighty Russian peasant than the sovereign of an empire. He had heroic strength, but was not distinguished by mental abilities. Despite this characteristic, Alexander III was very fond of theater, music, painting, and studied Russian history.

In 1866 he married the Danish princess Dagmara, in Orthodoxy Maria Feodorovna. She was smart, educated, and in many ways complemented her husband. Alexander and Maria Fedorovna had 5 children.

Domestic policy of Alexander III

The beginning of the reign of Alexander III occurred during a period of struggle between two parties: liberal (wanting the reforms begun by Alexander II) and monarchical. Alexander III abolished the idea of ​​Russian constitutionality and set a course for strengthening autocracy.

On August 14, 1881, the government adopted a special law “Regulations on measures to protect state order and public peace.” To combat unrest and terror, states of emergency were introduced, punitive measures were used, and in 1882 the secret police appeared.

Alexander III believed that all the troubles in the country came from the freethinking of his subjects and the excessive education of the lower class, which was caused by his father’s reforms. Therefore, he began a policy of counter-reforms.

Universities were considered the main source of terror. The new university charter of 1884 sharply limited their autonomy, student associations and the student court were banned, access to education for representatives of the lower classes and Jews was limited, and strict censorship was introduced in the country.

changes in zemstvo reform under Alexander III:

In April 1881, the Manifesto on the independence of the autocracy was published, compiled by K.M. Pobedonostsev. The rights of zemstvos were severely curtailed, and their work was brought under the strict control of governors. Merchants and officials sat in the City Dumas, and only rich local nobles sat in the zemstvos. Peasants lost the right to participate in elections.

Changes in judicial reform under Alexander III:

In 1890, a new regulation on zemstvos was adopted. Judges became dependent on the authorities, the competence of the jury was reduced, and magistrates' courts were practically eliminated.

Changes in peasant reform under Alexander III:

The poll tax and communal land use were abolished, compulsory land purchases were introduced, but redemption payments were reduced. In 1882, the Peasant Bank was established, designed to issue loans to peasants for the purchase of land and private property.

Changes in military reform under Alexander III:

The defense capability of border districts and fortresses was strengthened.

Alexander III knew the importance of army reserves, so infantry battalions were created and reserve regiments were formed. A cavalry division was created, capable of fighting both on horseback and on foot.

To conduct combat in mountainous areas, mountain artillery batteries were created, mortar regiments and siege artillery battalions were formed. A special railway brigade was created to deliver troops and army reserves.

In 1892, river mine companies, fortress telegraphs, aeronautical detachments, and military dovecotes appeared.

Military gymnasiums were transformed into cadet corps, and non-commissioned officer training battalions were created for the first time to train junior commanders.

A new three-line rifle was adopted for service, and a smokeless type of gunpowder was invented. The military uniform has been replaced with a more comfortable one. The procedure for appointment to command positions in the army was changed: only by seniority.

Social policy of Alexander III

“Russia for Russians” is the emperor’s favorite slogan. Only the Orthodox Church is considered truly Russian; all other religions were officially defined as “other faiths.”

The policy of anti-Semitism was officially proclaimed, and the persecution of Jews began.

Foreign policy of Alexander III

The reign of Emperor Alexander III was the most peaceful. Only once did Russian troops clash with Afghan troops on the Kushka River. Alexander III protected his country from wars, and also helped to extinguish hostility between other countries, for which he received the nickname “Peacemaker.”

Economic policy of Alexander III

Under Alexander III, cities, factories and factories grew, domestic and foreign trade grew, the length of railways increased, and construction of the great Siberian Railway began. In order to develop new lands, peasant families were resettled to Siberia and Central Asia.

At the end of the 80s, the state budget deficit was overcome; revenues exceeded expenses.

Results of the reign of Alexander III

Emperor Alexander III was called “the most Russian Tsar.” He defended the Russian population with all his might, especially on the outskirts, which contributed to the strengthening of state unity.

As a result of the measures taken in Russia, there was a rapid industrial boom, the exchange rate of the Russian ruble grew and strengthened, and the well-being of the population improved.

Alexander III and his counter-reforms provided Russia with a peaceful and calm era without wars and internal unrest, but also gave birth to a revolutionary spirit in the Russians, which would break out under his son Nicholas II.

All-Russian Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov was born on February 26 (old style) 1845 in St. Petersburg in the Anichkov Palace. His father was a reforming emperor, and his mother was a queen. The boy was the third child in a family that later had five more children. His older brother Nicholas was preparing to become king, and Alexander was destined for the fate of a military man.

As a child, the Tsarevich studied without much zeal, and the teachers were undemanding to him. In the memoirs of his contemporaries, young Alexander was not very smart, but he had a sound mind and the gift of reasoning.

Alexander was kind-hearted and a little shy, although he had a distinguished figure: with a height of 193 cm, his weight reached 120 kg. Despite his stern appearance, the young man loved art. He took painting lessons from Professor Tikhobrazov and studied music. Alexander mastered playing brass and woodwind instruments. Subsequently, he will support Russian art in every possible way and, with sufficient unpretentiousness in everyday life, will collect a good collection of works by Russian artists. And in opera houses, with his light hand, Russian operas and ballets will begin to be staged much more often than European ones.

Tsarevichs Nicholas and Alexander were very close to each other. The younger brother even claimed that there was no one closer and more beloved to him except Nikolai. Therefore, when in 1865, the heir to the throne, while traveling in Italy, suddenly felt ill and died suddenly from spinal tuberculosis, Alexander could not accept this loss for a long time. In addition, it turned out that it was he who became a contender for the throne, for which Alexander was completely unprepared.

The young man’s teachers were horrified for a moment. The young man was urgently assigned a course of special lectures, which were read to him by his mentor Konstantin Pobedonostsev. After his accession to the kingdom, Alexander will make his teacher an adviser and will turn to him for the rest of his life. Nikolai Alexandrovich Kachalov was appointed another assistant to the Tsarevich, with whom the young man traveled around Russia.


In early March 1881, after another assassination attempt, Emperor Alexander II died from his wounds, and his son immediately ascended the throne. Two months later, the new emperor published the “Manifesto on the Inviolability of Autocracy,” which stopped all liberal changes in the structure of the state established by his father.

The sacrament of royal coronation took place later - on May 15, 1883 in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. During his reign, the royal family moved to the palace in Gatchina.

Domestic policy of Alexander III

Alexander III adhered to pronounced monarchical and nationalist principles; his actions in domestic politics could be called a counter-reformation. The first thing the emperor did was sign decrees with which he sent liberal ministers to retire. Among them were Prince Konstantin Nikolaevich, M. T. Loris-Melikova, D. A. Milyutin, A. A. Abaza. He made K. P. Pobedonostsev, N. Ignatiev, D. A. Tolstoy, M. N. Katkov the key figures in his circle.

In 1889, a talented politician and financier S. Yu. Witte appeared at court, whom Alexander Alexandrovich soon appointed Minister of Finance and Minister of Transport. Sergei Yulievich did a lot for Great Russia. He introduced the backing of the ruble with the country's gold reserves, which contributed to the strengthening of the Russian currency on the international market. This led to the fact that the flow of foreign capital into the Russian Empire increased, and the economy began to develop at an accelerated pace. In addition, he did a lot for the development and construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which is still the only road connecting Vladivostok with Moscow.

Despite the fact that Alexander III tightened the right for peasants to receive education and vote in zemstvo elections, he gave them the opportunity to take out loans at low interest rates in order to expand their farms and strengthen their position on the land. The emperor also introduced restrictions for the nobles. Already in the first year of his reign, he canceled all additional payments from the royal treasury to those close to him, and also did a lot to eradicate corruption.

Alexander III strengthened control over students, set a limit on the number of Jewish students in all educational institutions, and tightened censorship. His slogan was the phrase: “Russia for Russians.” On the outskirts of the Empire, he proclaimed active Russification.

Alexander III did a lot for the metallurgical industry and the development of oil and gas production. Under him, a real boom began in improving the well-being of the people, and terrorist threats completely ceased. The autocrat did a lot for Orthodoxy. Under his reign, the number of dioceses increased, new monasteries and churches were built. In 1883, one of the most majestic buildings was erected - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Alexander III left a country with a strong economy as a legacy after his reign.

Foreign policy of Alexander III

Emperor Alexander III, with his wisdom in foreign policy actions and avoidance of wars, went down in history as the Tsar-Peacemaker. But at the same time, he did not forget to strengthen the power of the army. Under Alexander III, the Russian fleet became third after the flotillas of France and Great Britain.

The emperor managed to maintain calm relations with all his main rivals. He signed peace agreements with Germany and England, and also significantly strengthened Franco-Russian friendship on the world stage.

During his reign, the practice of open negotiations was established, and the rulers of the European powers began to trust the Russian Tsar as a wise arbiter in resolving all controversial issues between states.

Personal life

After the death of his heir Nicholas, he was left with a fiancée, the Danish princess Maria Dagmar. Unexpectedly, it turned out that young Alexander was also in love with her. And even despite the fact that for some time he courted his maid of honor, Princess Maria Meshcherskaya, Alexander, at the age of 21, proposed to Maria Sofia Frederica. Thus, in a short period of time, Alexander’s personal life changed, which he never regretted later.

After the wedding sacrament, which took place in the large church of the Winter Palace, the young couple moved to the Anichkov Palace, where they lived until Alexander ascended the throne.

In the family of Alexander Alexandrovich and his wife Maria Fedorovna, who, like all overseas princesses, converted to Orthodoxy before marriage, six children were born, five of whom lived to adulthood.

The elder Nicholas would become the last Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty. Of the younger children - Alexander, Georgy, Ksenia, Mikhail, Olga - only sisters will live to old age. Alexander will die at the age of one year, Georgy will die in his youth from tuberculosis, and Mikhail will share the fate of his brother - he will be shot by the Bolsheviks.

The emperor raised his children in strictness. Their clothing and food were very simple. The royal offspring engaged in physical exercises and received a good education. Peace and harmony reigned in the family; spouses and children often traveled to Denmark to visit relatives.

Failed assassination attempt

On March 1, 1887, an unsuccessful attempt was made on the life of the emperor. Participants in the conspiracy were students Vasily Osipanov, Vasily Generalov, Pakhomiy Andreyushkin and Alexander Ulyanov. Despite months of preparation for the terrorist attack under the leadership of Pyotr Shevyrev, the young people were unable to carry out their plan to the end. All four were captured by the police and two months after the trial were executed by hanging in the Shlisselburg fortress.

Several members of the revolutionary circle, who were also arrested after the terrorists, were sent into long-term exile.


A year after the assassination attempt, an unpleasant event occurred in the life of the royal family: the train in which Alexander and his relatives were traveling crashed near Kharkov. Part of the train overturned, killing people. The mighty emperor held the roof of the carriage in which the royal persons were located for a long time with his own strength for 30 minutes. With this he saved everyone around him. But such overexertion undermined the king’s health. Alexander Alexandrovich developed kidney disease, which slowly progressed.

In the first winter months of 1894, the emperor caught a bad cold and six months later he felt very ill. A professor of medicine from Germany, Ernst Leiden, was called and diagnosed Alexander Alexandrovich with nephropathy. On the recommendation of a doctor, the emperor was sent to Greece, but on the way he became worse, and his family decided to stop in Livadia in Crimea.

Within a month, the king’s heroic physique faded away before everyone’s eyes and died on November 1, 1894 due to complete kidney failure. Over the past month, his confessor John (Yanyshev), as well as Archpriest John Sergiev, in the future John of Kronstadt, was constantly next to him.

An hour and a half after the death of Alexander III, his son Nicholas swore allegiance to the kingdom. The coffin with the emperor's body was delivered to St. Petersburg and solemnly buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

The image of the emperor in art

Not as many books have been written about Alexander III as about other conquering emperors. This happened because of his peacefulness and non-conflict nature. His person is mentioned in some historical books dedicated to the Romanov family.

In documentaries, information about him is presented in several feeds of journalists and. Feature films in which the character of Alexander III was present began to appear in 1925. A total of 5 films were published, including “The Shore of Life,” in which Lev Zolotukhin played the peacemaker emperor, as well as “The Barber of Siberia,” where he played this role.

The last film in which the hero of Alexander III appears was the 2017 film “Matilda”. He played the king in it.

How to evaluate a statesman? It’s very simple - if a civil war began under him, this is a bad politician. If under his rule the state was defeated in an external conflict and lost territory, this is the one whose mistakes need to be studied, but there is no need to take it as an example.

There have been many leaders in the history of our country. But future generations need to be raised with the best examples. Not forgetting the worst examples, such as Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The best leader of the Soviet period is undoubtedly Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

The best emperor in the history of the Russian Empire was Alexander III. He is one of the most unknown kings. There are two reasons for this: Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov was a peacemaker king. Under him, Russia did not fight, there were no loud victories, but our influence in the world did not decrease at all, and peace gave the opportunity to develop industry and the entire economy. The second reason is the collapse of the country in 1917 (the tsar died in 1894), before they had time to realize his greatness and wisdom. Due to its unknown nature, it is necessary to give a “hint”. Alexander III was the son of the sovereign liberator killed by terrorists Alexandra II and father of Nicholas II, who, due to the tragedy of the royal family and all of Russia, is known to everyone in our country.

“On November 1, 1894, a man named Alexander died in Crimea. He was called the Third. But in his deeds he was worthy of being called the First. And maybe even the only one.

It is precisely such kings that today’s monarchists sigh about. Perhaps they are right. Alexander III was truly great. Both a man and an emperor.

However, some dissidents of that time, including Vladimir Lenin, made rather nasty jokes about the emperor. In particular, they nicknamed him “Pineapple”. True, Alexander himself gave the reason for this. In the manifesto “On Our Accession to the Throne” dated April 29, 1881, it was clearly stated: “And the Sacred Duty is entrusted to Us.” So, when the document was read out, the king inevitably turned into an exotic fruit.

Reception of volost elders by Alexander III in the courtyard of the Petrovsky Palace in Moscow. Painting by I. Repin (1885-1886)

In fact, it is unfair and dishonest. Alexander was distinguished by amazing strength. He could easily break a horseshoe. He could easily bend silver coins in his palms. He could lift a horse on his shoulders. And even force him to sit like a dog - this is recorded in the memoirs of his contemporaries.

At a dinner in the Winter Palace, when the Austrian ambassador started talking about how his country was ready to form three corps of soldiers against Russia, he bent and tied a fork. He threw it towards the ambassador. And he said: “This is what I will do with your buildings.”

Height - 193 cm. Weight - more than 120 kg. It is not surprising that a peasant who accidentally saw the emperor at the railway station exclaimed: “This is the king, the king, damn me!” The wicked man was immediately seized for “uttering indecent words in the presence of the sovereign.” However, Alexander ordered the foul-mouthed man to be released. Moreover, he awarded him a ruble with his own image: “Here’s my portrait for you!”

And his look? Beard? Crown? Remember the cartoon "The Magic Ring"? “I’m drinking tea.” Damn samovar! Each device has three pounds of sieve bread!” It's all about him. He really could eat 3 pounds of sieve bread at tea, that is, about 1.5 kg.

At home he liked to wear a simple Russian shirt. But definitely with sewing on the sleeves. He tucked his pants into his boots, like a soldier. Even at official receptions he allowed himself to wear worn trousers, a jacket or a sheepskin coat.

Alexander III on the hunt. Spala (Kingdom of Poland). Late 1880s - early 1890s Photographer K. Bekh. RGAKFD. Al. 958. Sn. 19.

His phrase is often repeated: “While the Russian Tsar is fishing, Europe can wait.” In reality it was like this. Alexander was very correct. But he really loved fishing and hunting. Therefore, when the German ambassador demanded an immediate meeting, Alexander said: “He’s biting!” It's biting me! Germany can wait. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon.”

In an audience with the British ambassador, Alexander said:

- I will not allow attacks on our people and our territory.

The ambassador replied:

- This could cause an armed clash with England!

The king calmly remarked:

- Well... We'll probably manage.

And he mobilized the Baltic Fleet. It was 5 times smaller than the forces that the British had at sea. And yet the war did not happen. The British calmed down and gave up their positions in Central Asia.

After this, the British Minister of the Interior, Disraeli, called Russia “a huge, monstrous, terrible bear that hangs over Afghanistan and India. And our interests in the world."

In order to list the affairs of Alexander III, you need not a newspaper page, but a scroll 25 m long. It provided a real way out to the Pacific Ocean - the Trans-Siberian Railway. Gave civil liberties to the Old Believers. He gave real freedom to the peasants - former serfs under him were given the opportunity to take out substantial loans and buy back their lands and farms. He made it clear that everyone is equal before the supreme power - he deprived some of the grand dukes of their privileges and reduced their payments from the treasury. By the way, each of them was entitled to an “allowance” in the amount of 250 thousand rubles. gold.

One can indeed yearn for such a sovereign. Alexander's older brother Nikolai(he died without ascending the throne) said about the future emperor: “A pure, truthful, crystal soul. There's something wrong with the rest of us, foxes. Alexander alone is truthful and correct in soul.”

In Europe, they talked about his death in much the same way: “We are losing an arbiter who was always guided by the idea of ​​justice.”

Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia Alexander III Alexandrovich Romanov

The greatest deeds of Alexander III

The emperor is credited, and, apparently, with good reason, with the invention of the flat flask. And not just flat, but bent, the so-called “booter”. Alexander loved to drink, but did not want others to know about his addictions. A flask of this shape is ideal for secret use.

It is he who owns the slogan, for which today one can seriously pay: “Russia is for Russians.” Nevertheless, his nationalism was not aimed at bullying national minorities. In any case, the Jewish deputation led by Baron Gunzburg expressed to the emperor “infinite gratitude for the measures taken to protect the Jewish population in these difficult times.”

Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway has begun - so far this is almost the only transport artery that somehow connects the whole of Russia. The Emperor also established Railway Worker's Day. Even the Soviet government did not cancel it, despite the fact that Alexander set the date of the holiday on the birthday of his grandfather Nicholas I, during whom the construction of railways began in our country.

Actively fought corruption. Not in words, but in deeds. Minister of Railways Krivoshein and Minister of Finance Abaza were sent into dishonorable resignation for taking bribes. He did not bypass his relatives either - due to corruption, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich and Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich were deprived of their posts.

Emperor Alexander III with his family in the Own Garden of the Great Gatchina Palace.

The story of the patch

Despite his more than noble position, which favored luxury, extravagance and a cheerful lifestyle, which, for example, Catherine II managed to combine with reforms and decrees, Emperor Alexander III was so modest that this trait of his character became a favorite topic of conversation among his subjects .

For example, there was an incident that one of the king’s close associates wrote down in his diary. One day he happened to be next to the emperor, and then some object suddenly fell from the table. Alexander III bent down to the floor to pick it up, and the courtier, with horror and shame, from which even the top of his head acquires a beetroot color, notices that in a place that is not customary to be named in society, the king has a rough patch!

It should be noted here that the tsar did not wear trousers made of expensive materials, preferring rough, military cut ones, not at all because he wanted to save money, as did the future wife of his son, Alexandra Fedorovna, who gave her daughters’ dresses to junk dealers for sale, after disputes were expensive. buttons. The emperor was simple and undemanding in his everyday life; he wore out his uniform, which should have been thrown away long ago, and gave torn clothes to his orderly so that he could repair and mend where necessary.

Non-royal preferences

Alexander III was a categorical man and it was not for nothing that he was called a monarchist and an ardent defender of autocracy. He never allowed his subjects to contradict him. However, there were plenty of reasons for this: the emperor significantly reduced the staff of the court ministry, and reduced the balls that were given regularly in St. Petersburg to four per year.

Emperor Alexander III with his wife Maria Feodorovna 1892

The emperor not only demonstrated indifference to secular fun, but also showed a rare disregard for what brought pleasure to many and served as an object of cult. For example, food. According to the memoirs of his contemporaries, he preferred simple Russian food: cabbage soup, fish soup and fried fish, which he caught himself when he and his family went on vacation to the Finnish skerries.

One of Alexander’s favorite delicacies was “Guryevskaya” porridge, invented by the serf cook of the retired major Yurisovsky, Zakhar Kuzmin. The porridge was prepared simply: boil semolina in milk and add nuts - walnuts, almonds, hazel, then pour in creamy foam and generously sprinkle with dried fruits.

The tsar always preferred this simple dish to exquisite French desserts and Italian delicacies, which he ate over tea in his Annichkov Palace. The tsar did not like the Winter Palace with its pompous luxury. However, given the background of mended pants and porridge, this is not surprising.

The power that saved the family

The emperor had one destructive passion, which, although he struggled with it, sometimes prevailed. Alexander III loved to drink vodka or strong Georgian or Crimean wine - it was with them that he replaced expensive foreign varieties. In order not to injure the tender feelings of his beloved wife Maria Feodorovna, he secretly put a flask with a strong drink in the top of his wide tarpaulin boots and drank it when the empress could not see it.

Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna. Petersburg. 1886

Speaking about the relationship between spouses, it should be noted that they can serve as an example of reverent treatment and mutual understanding. For thirty years they lived in good spirits - the timid emperor, who did not like crowded gatherings, and the cheerful, cheerful Danish princess Maria Sophia Friederike Dagmar.

It was rumored that in her youth she loved to do gymnastics and performed masterly somersaults in front of the future emperor. However, the tsar also loved physical activity and was famous throughout the state as a heroic man. 193 centimeters tall, with a large figure and broad shoulders, he bent coins and bent horseshoes with his fingers. His amazing strength even once saved the lives of him and his family.

In the fall of 1888, the royal train crashed at the Borki station, 50 kilometers from Kharkov. Seven carriages were destroyed, there were seriously wounded and dead among the servants, but members of the royal family remained unharmed: at that time they were in the dining carriage. However, the roof of the carriage still collapsed, and, according to eyewitnesses, Alexander held it on his shoulders until help arrived. Investigators who found out the causes of the crash summed up that the family was miraculously saved, and if the royal train continues to travel at such speed, then a miracle may not happen a second time.

In the fall of 1888, the royal train crashed at Borki station. Photo:

Tsar-artist and art lover

Despite the fact that in everyday life he was simple and unpretentious, thrifty and even thrifty, huge amounts of money were spent on purchasing objects of art. Even in his youth, the future emperor was fond of painting and even studied drawing with the famous professor Tikhobrazov. However, the royal chores took a lot of time and effort, and the emperor was forced to leave his studies. But he retained his love for the elegant until his last days and transferred it to collecting. It is not for nothing that his son Nicholas II, after the death of his parent, founded the Russian Museum in his honor.

The emperor provided patronage to artists, and even such a seditious painting as “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581” by Repin, although it caused discontent, did not become the reason for the persecution of the Wanderers. Also, the tsar, who was devoid of external gloss and aristocracy, unexpectedly had a good understanding of music, loved the works of Tchaikovsky and contributed to the fact that not Italian opera and ballets, but works of domestic composers, were performed on the theater stage. Until his death, he supported Russian opera and Russian ballet, which received worldwide recognition and veneration.

Son Nicholas II, after the death of his parent, founded the Russian Museum in his honor.

Emperor's Legacy

During the reign of Alexander III, Russia was not drawn into any serious political conflict, and the revolutionary movement became a dead end, which was nonsense, since the murder of the previous tsar was seen as a sure reason to start a new round of terrorist acts and a change in state order.

The emperor introduced a number of measures that made life easier for the common people. He gradually abolished the poll tax, paid special attention to the Orthodox Church and influenced the completion of the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Alexander III loved Russia and, wanting to fence it off from an unexpected invasion, strengthened the army. His expression “Russia has only two allies: the army and the navy” became popular.

The emperor also has another phrase: “Russia for Russians.” However, there is no reason to blame the tsar for nationalism: Minister Witte, whose wife was of Jewish origin, recalled that Alexander’s activities were never aimed at bullying national minorities, which, by the way, changed during the reign of Nicholas II, when the Black Hundred movement found support in the government level.

About forty monuments were erected in honor of Emperor Alexander III in the Russian Empire

Fate gave this autocrat only 49 years. The memory of him is alive in the name of the bridge in Paris, in the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in the village of Alexandrovsky, which laid the foundation for the city of Novosibirsk. And in these troubled days, Russia remembers the catchphrase of Alexander III: “In the whole world we have only two faithful allies - the army and the navy. “Everyone else, at the first opportunity, will take up arms against us.”

Next, we offer you to look at the rarest photographs of Emperor Alexander III

Grand Dukes Vladimir Alexandrovich (standing), Alexander Alexandrovich (second from right) and others. Koenigsberg (Germany). 1862
Photographer G. Gessau. Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich. Petersburg. Mid 1860s Photographer S. Levitsky.
Alexander III on the deck of the yacht. Finnish skerries. Late 1880s
Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna with their children George, Ksenia and Mikhail and others on the deck of the yacht. Finnish skerries. Late 1880s...
Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna with children Ksenia and Mikhail on the porch of the house. Livadia. Late 1880s
Alexander III, Empress Maria Feodorovna, their children George, Mikhail, Alexander and Ksenia, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and others at a tea table in the forest. Khalila. Early 1890s
Alexander III and his children water the trees in the garden. Late 1880s Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich and Tsarevna Maria Fedorovna with their eldest son Nikolai. Petersburg. 1870
Photographer S. Levitsky. Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna with her son Mikhail (on horseback) and Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich on a walk in the forest. Mid 1880s Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich in the uniform of the Life Guards Rifle Battalion of the Imperial Family. 1865
Photographer I. Nostits. Alexander III with Empress Maria Feodorovna and her sister, Princess Alexandra of Wales. London. 1880s
Photo studio "Maul and Co."
On the veranda - Alexander III with Empress Maria Feodorovna and children Georgy, Ksenia and Mikhail, Count I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov, Countess E. A. Vorontsova-Dashkova and others. Krasnoe Selo. Late 1880s Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich with Tsarevna Maria Feodorovna, her sister, Princess Alexandra of Wales (second from right), their brother, Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark (far right), and others. Denmark. Mid 1870s Photography studio "Russell and Sons".

On March 10 (February 26, old style), 1845 - exactly 165 years ago - the following message was published in the Gazette of the St. Petersburg City Police: " On February 26, Her Imperial Highness the Empress Tsesarevna and Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna was safely delivered of the burden of the Grand Duke, named Alexander. This happy event was announced to the residents of the capital at three o'clock in the afternoon by three hundred and one cannon shots from the bastions of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and in the evening the capital was illuminated". Thus, the second son of Emperor Alexander II, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, entered into life, who, by the will of fate, was destined to become Emperor of Russia Alexander III.

"In the whole world we have only two true allies - our army and navy. Everyone else, at the first opportunity, will take up arms against us."

"Russia - for Russians and in Russian"

Alexander III

By God's hastening grace, Alexander the Third, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Tauride Chersonis, Tsar of Georgia; Sovereign of Pskov and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volyn, Podolsk and Finland; Prince of Estland, Livonia, Courland and Semigal, Samogit, Bialystok, Korel, Tver, Yugorsk, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgarian and others; Sovereign and Grand Duke of Novagorod of the Nizovsky lands, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozersky, Udora, Obdorsky, Kondiysky, Vitebsk, Mstislavsky and all Northern countries Lord and Sovereign of Iversk, Kartalinsky and Kabardinsky lands and Armenian regions, Cherkassy and Mountain Princes and other hereditary Sovereign and Possessor, Sovereign of Turkestan, Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstin, Stormarn, Ditmarsen and Oldenburg and so on, and so on, and so on

Later, contemporaries and descendants would call Alexander III Tsar the Peacemaker: this is due to the fact that during his reign Russia did not wage a single war. But this is not his only merit; during the 13 years of his reign, he managed to do a lot for Russia, for which the Russian people were grateful to him and considered him truly one of their own. The enemies of Russia still fear and hate this Russian Tsar.

Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich in childhood

Zaryanko S.K. Portrait of Grand Duke Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich 1867
(State Russian Museum)

Family... family from early childhood until the end of his life was the basis for Emperor Alexander III. " If there is anything good, good and honest in Me, then I owe this solely to our dear dear Mother... Thanks to Mom, we, all the brothers and Mary, became and remained true Christians and fell in love with both the faith and the Church...”(from a letter from Emperor Alexander III to his wife Maria Feodorovna). Empress Maria Alexandrovna raised Alexander to be a deeply religious and decent person with strong moral principles. He also owes her love for art, Russian nature, and history. Alexander's education began at the age of eight and lasted twelve years. The required list of lessons was as follows: the Law of God, general history, Russian history, mathematics, geography, Russian language, gymnastics, fencing, languages, etc. The teachers were the best people of Russia: historian Professor S. M. Solovyov, philologist - Slavist Professor F. I. Buslaev, creator of Russian classical orthography Academician Y. K. Grot, General M. I. Dragomirov, Professor K. P. Pobedonostsev. Alexander considered M. Yu. Lermontov to be his favorite poet; he knew German, French and English well, but used only Russian in communication.

Jokers... the famous Romanov pyramid

In the photo: Prince Albert of Altenburg, Grand Duke Alexander, his brother Vladimir and Prince Nicholas of Leuchtenberg

But still, the boy was mainly prepared for a military career and it was not expected that he would rule the state. On his birthday, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich was enlisted by the Highest Order into the Life Guards Hussar, Preobrazhensky and Pavlovsk regiments and appointed chief of the Astrakhan Carabinieri of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich regiment. But... in April 1865, in Nice, the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, dies of a serious illness and the eternal prince Alexander Alexandrovich, according to the will of Emperor Alexander II, becomes the heir to the throne.

Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna and Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich

Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich Photo 1873

Khudoyarov V.P. Portrait of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich

Unknown artist Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna 1880

Mihai Zichy Wedding of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Maria Feodorovna

On October 28, 1865, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich entered into marriage with the former bride of his older brother Nikolai Alexandrovich, the daughter of the Danish king Christian IX, Dagmara, who took the name Maria Feodorovna in Orthodoxy. This marriage was happy, six children were born in love, although the fate of some was very tragic.

Sverchkov N. Alexander III 1881

(State Palace-Museum Tsarskoe Selo)

Communion of the Holy Mysteries by Sovereign Emperor Alexander III during the coronation 1883

Alexander Alexandrovich ascended the throne on March 14 (March 1, old style) 1881 at the age of 36, after the villainous murder of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya. The coronation took place on May 28 (May 15, old style) 1883 after the end of mourning for his father. And immediately it was necessary to solve important state affairs, and one of them was one that his father did not have time to complete. The Dane Besgorn, author of the book "Allexandre III et Nicolas II" says: "...Not a single monarch ascended the throne under such circumstances as Emperor Alexander III. Before he had time to recover from the first horror, he immediately had to resolve the most important, most urgent matter - the project presented by Count Loris-Melikov constitution, approved in principle by Emperor Alexander II. According to the first impression, Emperor Alexander III wanted to fulfill the last will of his parent, but his inherent prudence stopped him.".

Kramskoy I. N. Portrait of Alexander III 1886

The reign of Alexander III was tough, but tough on those who wanted to destroy Russia. At the very beginning of the reign of Emperor Alexander III, it was announced: " The Voice of God commands us to stand vigorously in the work of government, trusting in the Divine Thought, with faith in the power and truth of autocratic power, which we are called upon to affirm and protect for the good of the people from any encroachments on it"By the mid-1880s, the government, through repression, managed to suppress the revolutionary movement, primarily the People's Will. At the same time, a number of measures were taken to ease the financial situation of the people and mitigate social tension in society (the introduction of compulsory ransom and the reduction of ransom payments , the establishment of the Peasant Land Bank, the introduction of factory inspection, the gradual abolition of the poll tax, etc.). Under Alexander III, Russia received the right to maintain a fleet on the Black Sea, but the fleet did not exist; it appeared there only after the death of Emperor Alexander III.

Dmitriev-Orenburgsky N. Portrait of Emperor Alexander III 1896

Family of Emperor Alexander III

Alexander III was a connoisseur of art, very well versed in painting and had his own good collection of works of Russian and foreign art. On the initiative of the Emperor, the Russian Museum was opened in St. Petersburg. Officially it was called "Russian Museum of Emperor Alexander III". The Tsar transferred his collection, as well as the collection of Russian paintings of the Imperial Hermitage, to the new museum. The Museum of Fine Arts (now the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow) was also named in honor of Emperor Alexander III. Alexander III loved music, played the horn, patronized P. I. Tchaikovsky, and himself participated in home concerts. Under him, the first university in Siberia was opened - in Tomsk, a project was prepared for the creation of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople, and the famous Historical Museum was founded in Moscow.

Serov V.A. Emperor Alexander III in the uniform of the Royal Danish Life Guards Regiment against the background of the northern facade of Fredensborg Castle 1899

(Meeting of the officer corps of the Royal Danish Life Guards)

As a person, Alexander III was simple, modest and unpretentious in everyday life; he did not like small talk and receptions. He was distinguished by his thriftiness. The Emperor was distinguished by his enormous physical strength. Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, the emperor's daughter, recalled: " Father had the strength of Hercules, but he never showed it in the presence of strangers. He said that he could bend a horseshoe and tie a spoon in a knot, but he did not dare to do this, so as not to anger his mother. One day in his office he bent and then straightened an iron poker. I remember how he looked at the door, fearing that someone would come in.".

Makarov I.K. Sermon on the Mount 1889

(the painting depicts the family of Alexander III and was painted after the tragedy in Borki)

During the tragic events at the Borki station in the Zmievsky district of the Kharkov province on October 30 (17 old style), 1888, the Emperor held the roof of the carriage on his shoulders while his entire family and other victims climbed out from under the rubble.

The family of Emperor Alexander III and the court retinue after the hunt 1886

Alexander III with his family hunting

Alexander III on the hunt

But the disease did not spare him. Emperor Alexander III did not like to be treated or talk about his illness. In the summer of 1894, hunting in Spala, among the swamps, weakened the Emperor even more. On the advice of doctors, he immediately left from there for Livadia and here he began to quickly fade away, surrounded by the care of the best Russian foreign doctors and closest relatives. Emperor Alexander III died on October 20, 1894, at the age of 50, having reigned for 13 years, 7 months and 19 days... remaining in memory as the most Russian Tsar of Russia.

Mihai Zichy Memorial service for Alexander III in his bedroom in the Small Palace in Livadia 1895

(State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg)

Emperor Alexander III on his deathbed Photo 1894

Brozh K.O. Funeral of Alexander III in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg 1894

(State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg)

At the grave of Emperor Alexander III

With a soul imbued with love and humility,
With the seal of goodness and peace on the forehead,
He was a God-sent incarnation
Greatness, goodness and truth on earth.
In days of unrest, in dark, joyless times
Rebellious plans, lack of faith and threats
He lifted the burden of the Tsar's power
And with faith to the end he bore God’s burden.
But not by pride and the power of formidable power,
Not with vain glitter, not with blood and sword -
He is lies, and hostility, and flattery, and evil passions
He humbled and conquered only with truth and goodness.
He exalted Rus', his feat was not a single
Without overshadowing with enmity, without demanding praise;
And - a quiet righteous man - before his righteous death,
Like the sun in the sky, it shone over the world!
Human glory is smoke, and earthly life is mortal.
Greatness, noise and brilliance - everything will be silent, everything will pass!
But the glory of God is immortal and incorruptible:
According to native legends, the righteous king will not die.
He is alive - and will live! And to the mountain monastery
Exalted from the throne, before the King of kings
He prays - our King, our bright patron -
For the Son, for the Family, for Rus'... for all people.

A. L. Golenishchev-Kutuzov

P.S. Most of the paintings and photographs are clickable and enlarge to a large size.

Facts from articles used

“In everything, always, everywhere, He was a Christian...” A. Rozhintsev

"Emperor Alexander III. Tsar-Peacemaker" by V.A. Teplov