Ultrasound of the legs and their normal vascular parameters deciphered. Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities - preparation and procedure

Despite the developing level of medical literacy, blood vessel diseases still remain terra incognita for many people. Everyone has heard at least once about “plaques” in blood vessels, but the range of pathologies is actually very wide. The condition of the veins and arteries of the legs deserves special attention, which must be regularly monitored to avoid an unfavorable scenario.

The mention of vascular diagnostics, including ultrasound of the veins of the extremities, causes unpleasant associations in most patients, but in fact the most effective way to assess their condition is a fairly simple and painless method - ultrasound or ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities, in other words.

  • Blood circulation system in the lower extremities

    The heart directs arterial blood to tissues in the periphery through contractions of the heart muscle. This blood continues to circulate through the lower extremities through arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels.

    From the lower extremities, blood flows back to the heart through the veins. Most of the venous blood returns through the deep veins, the rest through the superficial veins.

    Vascular system of the lower extremities

    The branches of the veins of the lower extremities form a dense network that allows venous blood flow. Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities in combination with ultrasound of the veins and blood vessels allows us to obtain the necessary information about the state of this complex and incredibly important system of the body.

    At what age should you consider doing this research?

    People over 40 years of age are at risk; they should get into the habit of doing an ultrasound of the vessels and veins of the legs at least once a year. However, experts note the “rejuvenation” of many diseases; atherosclerosis is clear evidence of this. In this regard, any suspicion of diseases of the blood vessels of the lower extremities should be examined as soon as possible, regardless of age.


    Unfavorable environment, unhealthy lifestyle, heredity, hormonal disorders and some chronic diseases do not affect the condition of the blood vessels of the pelvis and lower extremities in the best way, so ultrasound is a natural and easy way to protect yourself from problems in the future or to identify emerging pathology at an early stage.

    Of course, not only age and vigilance should serve as a reason to visit a specialist. The following indications are an undeniable argument that an ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities and vessels is necessary and as soon as possible:

    • Diabetes mellitus
    • High blood pressure,
    • Pain in the legs both when walking and in a relaxed position,
    • Excess weight
    • Smoking,
    • Increased blood cholesterol levels,
    • History of vascular surgery of the lower extremities,
    • Edema of the lower extremities,
    • Periodic leg cramps
    • Pathologically dilated veins,
    • Trophic ulcers,
    • Unnatural skin color on legs,
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Previous myocardial infarction or stroke,
    • Increased sensitivity to cold,
    • Constant heaviness and tingling in the legs.

    Types of ultrasound of blood vessels of the lower extremities

    Experts differentiate ultrasound of veins and ultrasound of the arteries of the pelvis and legs into the following types.

    Two-dimensional Dopplerography of the vessels of the lower extremities

    A slightly outdated type, however, medicine still uses it to diagnose veins (their patency and the condition of the valves). The ultrasound sensor is also equipped with a Doppler. Thus, the Doppler device allows the doctor to see not only the vessels themselves, but also to obtain information about the blood flow (such an ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities with Dopplerography allows you to measure the reflection of sound waves from moving objects). Doppler helps to obtain a two-dimensional image in which you can determine the speed of blood flow through the vessels. Doppler is also indispensable when detecting obstructed blood flow.

    Duplex angioscanning

    The most common type of ultrasound of the blood vessels of the legs and the most advanced. Duplex ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities is interesting because sections of the veins and arteries glow on the screen in different colors depending on the speed of blood movement. This scan allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis. Using duplex scanning, you can evaluate the condition of the venous and arterial walls, the patency of deep and superficial veins, the type of any lesion, and the presence of blood clots. Duplex scanning can provide a diagnostician with a tremendous amount of information about the patient’s vascular system.

    Triplex scanning

    It is based on the latest 3D technologies, but ultrasound of the blood vessels of the legs is not yet widespread. It is advisable to use this scan before surgery in order to clearly plan its course, since this ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities allows you to design a three-dimensional model of the arteries and veins of the patient’s legs. There is an opinion that this scanning is superior to duplex scanning in terms of the amount of information received.

    How is this research conducted?

    It is very important to know how vein ultrasound is performed. The patient needs to remove clothing below the waist and lie back on the couch. Next, the specialist lubricates the skin with a special gel and places the sensor according to the anatomical course of the artery and examines it, thus performing an ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities. Based on the image on the screen, the doctor determines the general condition of the arteries and vessels, their patency, and also necessarily measures their diameter, cross-sectional area and length. The detection of atherosclerotic plaque and occlusion deserves special attention; in this case, the diagnostician evaluates the following:

    • echostructure,
    • echogenicity,
    • localization
    • the presence of ulcerations and hemorrhage.

    When examining the veins, the doctor places the sensor on the inferior vena cava and then guides it along the entire venous system up to the veins of the foot. The veins of the back of the legs are scanned while lying on the stomach or side.

    This ultrasound examination makes it possible to perform a Valsalva test, which makes it possible to test the functionality of the valves of the veins of the thigh and popliteal region (the patient holds his breath, and the doctor at this moment assesses the blood flow), and a proximal compression test (muscle compression further from the location point) allows us to determine the consistency of the valve apparatus peripheral veins. Ultrasound of deep veins requires greater concentration from the specialist, since Doppler ultrasound must be used here.

    Finally, the specialist, based on the data received, deciphers them and draws up a conclusion on the basis of which a diagnosis is made. In total, ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities takes only about 15-20 minutes. It should also be noted that ultrasound of the veins is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort .

    Is any specific preparation needed?

    No, no preparatory measures are required for ultrasound of arteries and ultrasound of veins. In particular, before diagnosis you do not need to follow any diets, and if the patient takes any medications, this will still not affect the results of the study.

    What do arteries and veins look like normally?

    Ideally, the arteries of the lower extremities have an even contour, thin walls, free lumen and distinct pulsation. Nothing can provide a clearer picture than an ultrasound of the arteries.

    The veins must also have a clear contour, smooth thin walls, and semilunar valves.

    What does such a study show?

    Ultrasound of the lower veins limbs allows you to diagnose the following pathologies:

    • arterial insufficiency,
    • hypoplasia and aplasia of blood vessels,
    • thrombosis,
    • extravasal compression,
    • atherosclerosis,
    • diabetic angiopathy,
    • traumatic injuries,
    • thromboangiitis,
    • specific arteritis,
    • aneurysms.

    Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities can detect the following diseases:

    • venous insufficiency,
    • varicose veins,
    • thrombosis,
    • postthrombophlebitic disease.

    Thus, ultrasound of blood vessels, as well as ultrasound of veins, is able to show a wide range of pathologies and is simply an indispensable assistant for modern doctors.

    Vein thrombosis study

    The vessels of the lower extremities are subject to blockage - obstruction. This phenomenon can lead to inflammation and thrombosis of the vein. This pathology is referred to by various names, for example, phlebitis or thrombophlebitis.

    Doppler does not recognize the flow of blood in a thrombosed vein. Also, such a vein does not “stick together” if you press on it with an ultrasound probe.

    It is extremely important to assess the condition of the saphenous veins if a diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis is made: due to the saphenous veins, the general blood flow is compensated. If the blood flow in the saphenous veins is increased, an indirect conclusion can be drawn about thrombosis of the deep main veins and difficulty in the outflow of blood through them.

    Postthrombotic disease

    Quite often, vein thrombosis leads to post-thrombotic disease (complete or partial dysfunction of the venous apparatus, resulting in congestion and trophic phenomena of the skin).

    In order to diagnose this symptom complex, the ultrasound diagnostician focuses on the lumen of the veins and assessing their patency and the valve apparatus.

    Via the veins in the muscles, one can diagnose a strong bypass blood flow, which shows little effect during the Valsalva maneuver. In this case, the leaflets of the venous valves “stick” to the walls of the vessels and become almost invisible. The absence of the valve apparatus, in turn, leads to the reverse flow of blood, which has an extremely adverse effect on the quality of the blood supply.

    Thus, it becomes obvious that ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is very indicative, which, coupled with non-invasiveness, accessibility and the ability to carry out the study any required number of times, makes it advantageous in diagnosing the veins and arteries of the pelvis and legs. Add to this the capabilities provided by Doppler, as well as duplex and triplex examination, and you will get a truly unique diagnostic method. Ultrasound of veins - guards the health of your legs!

> Duplex scanning (ultrasound) of the veins of the lower extremities

This information cannot be used for self-medication!
Consultation with a specialist is required!

What pathology of the veins of the lower extremities is detected during duplex scanning?

Duplex scanning (Dopplerography) is one of the most informative methods for diagnosing the condition of the venous system of the legs. This ultrasound evaluates the patency of the veins, the speed and nature of blood flow in them, and the condition of the venous valves. Identifies possible obstacles in the lumen of the veins that interfere with the normal flow of venous blood, determines their type and location. These could be, for example, wall or floating thrombi. Using ultrasound, you can evaluate the diameter of the veins and the structure of their walls. Both superficial and deep veins are examined. Vertical reflux is revealed - the reverse reflux of venous blood, which is the main cause of venous insufficiency.

Who sends for ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities, and where can it be done?

Duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities is a rather complex and labor-intensive ultrasound procedure for a doctor and requires him to have some experience. Dopplerography of veins is usually prescribed by phlebologists or vascular surgeons. In the referral, as a rule, they indicate a presumptive diagnosis, as well as nuances that the ultrasound doctor should pay special attention to. Therefore, patients who wish to undergo the procedure on their own initiative are still advised to first consult a phlebologist. This will increase the information content of the ultrasound examination. You can undergo Doppler ultrasound in any medical institution equipped with an ultrasound machine with the necessary technical characteristics.

Indications for ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities

The indication for Doppler ultrasound is almost any pathology of the veins of the lower extremities. The study is prescribed for varicose veins, suspected venous and lymphovenous insufficiency, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis. It is indicated for diabetes mellitus, as well as for increased blood viscosity detected using laboratory methods.

The main symptoms of venous disease of the lower extremities are heaviness, swelling, nagging pain and cramps in the legs. Visually, you can detect dilated veins of the subcutaneous venous network, spider veins, and in severe cases, a change in the color of the skin of the legs and the appearance of trophic ulcers on them. Early detection of pathology in the venous circulatory system allows timely treatment to begin and many complications to be avoided.

Methodology for Dopplerography of the veins of the lower extremities

Typically, an ultrasound scanner will examine the patient before starting the procedure, palpating the visible veins and identifying those that need special attention during the scan. The examination is carried out with the patient lying or standing. This is due to the fact that the diameter of the superficial veins normally increases in a vertical position. To assess the function of the vein valves, special tests are used - veins are scanned before and after the patient performs certain actions, for example, squats, as well as inhalation and exhalation. The veins of the foot must be examined.

A detailed duplex scan takes about an hour. A screening examination that reveals the presence of venous pathology without detailed clarification of the nature of the detected changes is sometimes carried out in just 10 minutes.

Interpretation of ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities

Immediately after the procedure, the ultrasound doctor makes a conclusion about the speed and nature of blood flow, the diameter of the lumen of the veins, the condition of the venous wall, the reaction of the veins to functional tests (the presence or absence of venous reflux). When identifying blood clots and other obstacles to normal blood flow, their size, structure, and mobility are described.

The conclusion about the condition of the veins obtained as a result of the ultrasound examination must be shown to the phlebologist or doctor who referred for this examination.

Ultrasound diagnostics has gained great popularity due to its safety and relative ease of implementation. This is explained by the fact that high-frequency sound waves are not capable of causing harm to tissues or causing negative reactions in the human body.

Ultrasound has found application in the following areas of medicine:

  • gynecology and obstetrics (transvaginal or transabdominal examination);
  • gastroenterology (study of the abdominal organs);
  • urology (examination of the pelvic organs in men, the urinary system);
  • endocrinology (ultrasound of the thyroid, parathyroid, thymus glands);
  • pediatrics (brain, hip joints);
  • angiology, phlebology, neurology (and limbs);
  • rheumatology, arthrology (ultrasound of joints and adjacent tissues);
  • oncology (detection of primary tumors).

No matter which doctor sends them for such a diagnosis, patients are always interested in deciphering the ultrasound.

Examination of pregnant women

Women especially want to know normal ultrasound indicators during pregnancy. In this case, two specialists decipher the ultrasound readings - a diagnostician involved in ultrasound examination, and a gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

Knowledge of the norms of fetal development at different periods will help you understand the interpretation of ultrasound data:

  • Primary screening. Particular attention is paid to the collar area of ​​the fetus. Its value should not exceed 2.7 mm. Normally, the nasal bone should be visualized. The coccygeal-parietal size (CPR) of the fetus should be 45–80 mm. The distance from one temple of the head to the other should not exceed 28 mm. From the frontal to the occipital bone - up to 31 mm.
  • Second scheduled ultrasound. At this stage, biometric indicators are measured, as well as the structure, thickness, location and degree of maturity of the placenta. The results obtained are compared with tables that indicate the norms by week.
  • Third planned ultrasound. A study at this stage gives a complete picture of the position and presentation of the fetus (for natural childbirth, cephalic presentation is considered normal). In addition, at this stage the size and weight of the child are assessed. They also carefully study the placenta and evaluate the amniotic fluid.

Normally, the length of a pregnant woman’s cervix should be at least 3 cm, and only closer to delivery does it begin to shorten and smooth out.

Amniotic fluid should normally be clear

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

During an ultrasound, the structure and size of the reproductive organs and urinary tract in women are determined and the results are compared with normal values. During the process, neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature can be detected. When interpreting a pelvic ultrasound in women, it is determined how the gynecological organs are located and what their volume is, malformations, various diseases (cancer pathology, proliferation of connective tissue with the appearance of scar changes, proliferation of the inner layer of the uterine wall beyond its boundaries), whether conception occurred, how long ago and is everything okay with the development of the fetus?


A healthy uterus has clear and even myometrial lines. If during the examination blurred boundaries were detected, then most likely there is an inflammatory process in adjacent tissues. The shape of the uterus resembles a pear and has the following healthy indicators:

  • linear size can vary from 4.5 to 6.7 cm;
  • length in diameter - from 4.6 to 6.4 cm;
  • the cross section should not exceed 3–4 cm.

For women who are already beyond childbearing age, these indicators change significantly. During this period, the following, more reduced, indicators are considered the norm:

  • the length of the uterus can reach a maximum of 4.2 cm;
  • in width - up to 4.4 cm;
  • cross section does not exceed 3 cm.

With the advent of menopause, the main female organ changes for another 20 years. By the age of 70, the uterus significantly decreases in size.


The organs responsible for the ability to conceive are no less of interest to doctors and women during ultrasound examinations. In the absence of pathologies, they regularly produce eggs capable of fertilization. Against this background, the walls of the ovaries may be lumpy and uneven, but their outlines should remain clear. The ovaries have the following indicators:

  • linear size - 30–41 mm;
  • extension in diameter - 20–31 mm;
  • cross section - 14–22 mm;
  • the volume of each ovary is about 12 mm³.

The density of the ovaries is normally uniform, with small segments of connective tissue growth. A decrease in the echo density of the ovaries indicates the development of an inflammatory process in them.


When examining the pelvic organs, special attention is also paid to the cervix, which closes the entrance to the uterine body. The cervical canal, which is endowed with the cervix, serves as an opening for the entry of male germ cells and the release of blood during menstruation. The normal length of this component of the reproductive system reaches 3.5–4 cm.

The mucous membrane that covers the inside of the cervical opening should not exceed 3 mm. Exceeding the norm by this indicator may be a sign of endometriosis or malignancy. After the first birth, the size of the cervix increases by a maximum of 1 cm, and after repeated births by another 3 mm.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs

Ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs is carried out to study the following organs: pancreas, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys. Human internal organs are of such dimensions that it is not difficult to visualize them using an ultrasound sensor and carefully study their structure, wall thickness and tissue density.


In the absence of pathologies, the shape of the gland is S-shaped. Ultrasound standards in the process of diagnosing the pancreas: weight does not exceed 70–80 g, the total length of the gland is 14–22 cm, the head with the process has a linear size of 2.5–3 cm, the body is from 1.5 to 1.7 cm, tail - 1–2 cm. Permissible deviations from the norm for adults are 2–3 mm. In pediatrics, there are other indicators that are compared with the baby’s growth. The outlines of this large gland should normally be clear, even and without any features.

Increased echogenicity of the liver indicates the presence of fatty hepatosis


The liver is the largest gland in the human body. In the absence of anomalies, it is divided into 4 lobes. Dominant in size - right and left. Normal indicators of the liver lobes: the cross section of the left lobe is 5–8 cm, and its linear size is 8–10 cm, the linear size of the right lobe reaches 8–13 cm, and the cross section is 9–12 cm, the lobe located posterior to the hilum liver, has a linear size of up to 7 cm, and a diameter of 2 cm.

The linear size of this main hepatobiliary organ can be 13–18 cm, and its thickness can have a diameter of up to 25 mm. The weight of the liver in a healthy man is about 1.6 kg, and in the fairer sex - 1.2 kg. In addition, during the examination, the sources of blood supply to this organ are measured. The normal size of the venous trunk, which collects blood from all unpaired organs of the abdominal cavity, is 15 mm.

Ultrasound can detect liver hematomas that appear after injury or surgery.


Using ultrasound equipment, it is possible to visualize the common bile duct (common bile duct) and gallbladder. Other structures of the hepatobiliary region are rarely accessible for inspection. As a rule, diseases of the biliary tract are more common in the fairer sex than in men. The normal shape of the gallbladder is pear-shaped, but as it fills with bile, it can become oval or cylindrical. The ultrasound signal does not pass through the filled structures that remove bile.

Basic parameters: the walls of the gallbladder and common bile duct should be smooth and uniform, the linear size of the gallbladder from the narrow part to the bottom can be from 8 to 14 cm, the diameter of the common hepatic duct should not exceed 3–5 mm, and the diameter of the common bile duct – 4– 6 mm, the cross-section of the gallbladder wall should not exceed 2 mm. Only bile can be found inside these organs. A serious pathology may be the presence of stones in the cavity.


The shape of the spleen resembles a crescent with an outer convex side. It is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity - bordering the diaphragm and stomach. In a healthy person, it weighs about 150 g. The normal size of the spleen is:

  • the linear size of the spleen can vary depending on height - from 55 to 110 mm;
  • the organ can reach 7–9 cm in width;
  • thickness should not exceed 4–6 cm;
  • the diameter of the portal vein varies from 3.2 to 9.5 mm, and the splenic vein - from 3.27 to 6.9 mm.

The spleen should be of medium density and may also have a small vascular network.


The shape of the buds resembles a bean. In the absence of pathologies, the kidneys are located on different straight lines. The left one is usually located slightly higher than the right one. They should have smooth and clear contours.
A healthy adult has the following kidney indicators: sectional section – 40–50 mm, length – 100–120 mm, width – 50–60 mm, sectional section of the functional part – 15–25 mm, thickness of the tissue formation that lines the kidney outside - 1.7–2.2 cm.

As a rule, the adrenal glands are also checked during an ultrasound examination. In some cases, if they are not visualized, this is considered an acceptable option. As a rule, the right-sided adrenal gland resembles a triangle, and the left-sided one has a crescent shape.

Ultrasound of the heart

In representatives of the stronger sex, the mass of the myocardium is 135 g, and in women - 95 g. During one contraction, the left ventricle ejects 60-100 ml of blood. Normal cardiac ultrasound findings:

  • aortic diameter – 2–3.8 cm;
  • pulmonary artery – 3.1 cm;
  • mouth diameter – 1.7–2.4 cm;
  • aortic valve size – 1.5–2.6 cm;
  • the size of the left atrium is 1.9–4.0 cm, the right one is 2.7–4.5 cm;
  • the size of the right ventricle in a relaxed state is 1–2.6 cm, the left one is 3.5–5.8 cm;
  • the volume of the cavity of the left ventricle at the end of systole is 40–65 ml;
  • the average ejection fraction is 50–60%;
  • The blood flow speed in the mitral and bicuspid valves should normally be 0.6–1.3 m/sec.

A healthy heart does not have bulging cusps (prolapse) of the mitral valve. During systole they should not bend into the left atrium by more than 2 mm. The aortic valve must have identical leaflets.

In a typical ultrasound protocol of extracranial vessels of the neck, they describe: whether the examined vessels are passable or not (if the lumen is disturbed, the size of the stenosis and its effect on blood flow is described in detail), the thickness of the intima-media complex (IMC), the condition of the vascular wall, the course and deformation of the vessels, the diameter of the spinal arteries , type of blood flow in the artery, speed indicators and resistance indices.

When you inhale, the blood flow in the veins of the neck decreases, and when you exhale, it increases

Healthy vessels must be completely passable and have a straight direction. The inner and middle layers of the vascular wall should be clearly visible. The paired venous vessels of the neck are normally oval in cross section, and with slight pressure they are easily compressed.

Brain research

Mandatory criteria for decoding an ultrasound of the brain in an infant: all brain structures must be located symmetrically, all convolutions must be clearly visualized, the cisterns of the brain must have a homogeneous structure, the thalamus and basal ganglia have moderate echogenicity, the length of the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle is 1–2 mm, depth cavities with cerebrospinal fluid – 4 mm.

The following indicators: dilatation of the hemispheres does not exceed 2 mm, the vascular plexuses are hyperechoic, the slit-like cavity limited by the visual tubercles of the thalamus is 2–4 mm, there are no displacements of the stem structures. Without fail, the diagnostician evaluates the parameters of the ventricles to exclude rickets (disturbance of normal bone formation), hydrocele and other serious pathologies. And then a study of the vascular system is carried out, which helps to exclude hemorrhages and the presence of cysts.

Diagnosis of the thyroid gland

The normal thyroid gland on ultrasound suggests that the gland should be located in the lower or middle part of the neck. A healthy gland consists of 2 sections that are connected by a small isthmus. In shape, this organ vaguely resembles a butterfly. Normal indicators: the length of the lobes is 2.5–6 cm, the width of the lobes is 1.0–1.8 cm, the sectional cross-section of the lobes is 1.5–2.0 cm, the cross-section of the isthmus is from 4 to 8 mm.

Normal endocrine gland volume in adult patients:

  • for women – up to 20 cm³;
  • for men – up to 25 cm³.

The volume does not always correspond to generally accepted indicators, since the patient’s weight category is also taken into account. In pediatrics, the volume of the thyroid gland should not exceed 15 cm³. Calculations for children are based on age and weight. A conclusion is always written based on the results of ultrasound diagnostics. But ultrasound indicators alone are not enough to make a diagnosis, regardless of which organ was examined. No matter how well the patient understands the norms and deviations from them, it is necessary to contact a specialized specialist with the diagnostic results so that he can select adequate treatment.

Ultrasound diagnostic methods are used in every medical center. Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities is no exception. If the patient feels discomfort, heaviness in the legs when walking, pain, or varicose veins appear in the legs, the doctor prescribes diagnostic procedures.

If you need to determine the cause of a leg disease, then a specialist has several ways to do this. Among them are ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities, ultrasound of the knee joint, and x-rays. When, after examining the patient, the doctor identifies problems in the veins and arteries of the lower extremities, the patient may be scheduled for surgery.

Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities reveals abnormalities in the local blood circulation when there are problems with the walls of the vessels. A timely examination allows you to identify the disease and begin treatment. Using ultrasound of the vessels of the legs, it is possible to determine existing disorders with a high degree of accuracy, since the parameters studied during the examination paint a real picture of the condition of the vessels.

Indications for diagnosis:

  1. Weakness in the legs with exertion and at rest.
  2. Tingling in the legs, especially in the calves.
  3. Tired legs, inability to fully move not only in the evening, but also during the day.
  4. Visual deviations when bruises appear on the legs, an unpleasant blue network of veins.
  5. Feeling of extreme cold in the legs, especially the feet.
  6. Development of trophic ulcers.

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities makes it possible to identify the causes of pathologies, establish a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Thanks to the procedure, doctors can identify negative changes in the early stages when deposits appear in the lumens of blood vessels, interfering with proper blood flow. They can be blood clots, cholesterol plaques, or dissections. Ultrasound of the vessels of the legs will help to assess the scale of the problem, see the location, characteristics and structure of pathological changes.

In addition, this diagnostic method reveals:

  • presence of varicose veins;
  • pathologies associated with blood circulation in the veins;
  • vascular obstruction;
  • thrombosis;
  • atherosclerosis of the extremities;
  • inflammatory processes in the arteries of the extremities.

Indications for examination may not be directly related to the veins of the extremities, but still be a reason for diagnosis.

Among them:

  1. Dizziness, loss of consciousness, weakness of arms and legs.
  2. Asymmetrical pulse.
  3. High or low blood pressure.
  4. High cholesterol (determined by blood test).
  5. Overweight.
  6. Previous heart attack.
  7. Early surgical interventions to eliminate pathologies of the vascular system (not on the legs).

In addition, there are a number of direct indications: severe pain in the legs when walking and at rest, diabetes, heredity (if close relatives suffered from diseases of the limbs, especially vascular ones, it is important to pay attention to your cardiovascular system), thrombophlebitis.

Despite the fact that this procedure shows different parameters regarding the condition of the arteries and veins, the main purpose of the manipulation is to check whether there are fatty (cholesterol) deposits on the walls of the vessels.

The procedure itself for ultrasound examination of the vessels of the lower extremities is not too complicated and does not require special preparation from the patient. There is no need to adhere to special diets or deny yourself any foods. The time required for the examination ranges from 15 to 25 minutes. It depends on the degree of complexity of the manipulation itself.

For the procedure, the patient will need to remove clothing covering their legs to free up the areas to be examined by ultrasound. For a full examination, areas of the legs are treated with a special gel. Thanks to such a guide, it is easier for the doctor to recognize the pathological processes that occur in the veins and arteries of the legs. The doctor observes all this on the monitor.

Ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities is performed from different angles. The patient will have to take both a horizontal position and do the ultrasound while standing. The procedure begins with an examination of the lower veins, while the doctor determines the patency of the arteries and veins. The external parts and structures of the veins are then examined. The femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, and small tibial veins are not ignored. They are carefully scanned from all sides.

Manipulation using an ultrasound device allows you to determine:

  • current state of blood vessels;
  • the degree of damage to the walls of blood vessels;
  • blood circulation intensity.

When asked where such a procedure can be done, there are several possible answers. This is often done by specialized diagnostic centers and medical institutes. It is not difficult to find a doctor specializing in ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities in a district clinic.

Ultrasound waves indicate to the doctor the condition of certain structures in a graphical order. In this case, blood flow is analyzed using a special property of the wave that is reflected from moving blood cells. This method of examination is called Dopplerography. It is safe and, depending on the indications for ultrasound of the lower extremities, can be quite effective. The examination is carried out in real time.

Modern techniques make it possible to diagnose narrowed vessels, assess the degree of valvular insufficiency of the veins, and the size of blood clots up to millimeters. There are several types of leg examinations using various ultrasound machines. Previously, two-dimensional Doppler ultrasound was often used to assess venous patency. But today other types of ultrasound examinations with more accurate parameters have appeared, so Doppler ultrasound is rarely used.

The duplex angioscanning method involves highlighting different areas of the blood flow with different colors. This is the most modern technology. Only on the basis of this type of ultrasound can a doctor make an accurate diagnosis by assessing the condition of the arteries and veins and the thickness of their walls. When using this method, they are clearly visible for narrowing.

3D volumetric research is often called triplex. The manipulation is usually carried out before surgery in order to draw up a detailed surgical plan. The method allows you to avoid complications and relapses of the disease in the future.

Doctors select the frequency of ultrasound radiation manually. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the depth of his veins. This is also influenced by the need for a detailed examination. To examine deep veins, low frequency probes are used. An important indicator of the results obtained is the intensity of blood flow through the veins and arteries. There are maximum and minimum speed parameters.

Over the past few decades, more and more patients have undergone ultrasound examination of the arteries of the lower extremities. People over 45 years of age are referred for the procedure. Experts note a shift in the age threshold, that is, there are now enough indications for manipulation in young people (from 30 years old).

The development of diseases of the arteries and veins is accompanied by:

  • poor nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis.

The development of diseases of the cardiovascular system directly depends on the loss of vascular elasticity. The situation is aggravated by the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques. This is facilitated by the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body. Patency is impaired, venous insufficiency and varicose veins develop. According to statistics, it is mainly men who suffer from such diseases.

People who spend almost all their working time on their feet are at risk. The development of varicose veins is also provoked by pregnancy, diabetes, and taking hormonal medications. Therefore, people predisposed to this disease need to carefully monitor the condition of their blood vessels.

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is prescribed if a person’s legs swell, discomfort is felt in the lower and upper extremities, numbness and cramps occur, spider veins and nodules appear in the calves. Each of these symptoms may be a reason for an ultrasound.

This diagnostic method is quite accurate and will allow the doctor not only to make a correct diagnosis, but also to identify specific characteristics of abnormalities. The choice of therapy or the decision to undergo surgery largely depends on this.

Ultrasound, the indications for which were vascular diseases, will determine the elasticity of these structures, their actual age and condition. In this case, during the examination of the arteries of the lower extremities, the doctor determines:

  • connections between blood flow in the veins and the patient’s breathing;
  • the thickness of the walls of all main vessels;
  • the presence of blood clots, even barely noticeable ones.
  • valve functioning ability;
  • the presence of abnormal refluxes and pathologies.

If blood clots were detected during an ultrasound scan of the leg veins, the specialist will definitely evaluate the lumen that remains in the vein and carefully examine the structure of the blood clot. The fact is that this formation can either be mobile or firmly attached to the wall of the vessel. Ultrasound allows you to assess the density of the blood clot and its reaction to the sensor.

Decoding the results of an ultrasound scan of the arteries of the lower extremities is a matter for a specialist. He gives a conclusion according to which the attending physician will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Lower extremities allows you to properly diagnose the condition of the veins, timely detect possible violations in the width of the lumen of the vessel, the presence of nodules or blood clots. Ultrasound examination allows you to get an informative answer about the condition of the blood vessels and gives the doctor the opportunity to prescribe appropriate effective treatment.

Characteristics of the diagnostic method

Ultrasound is a diagnosis based on the reflection of low-frequency waves from moving objects. Specialized computer programs make it possible to transform the received ultrasonic signals into a graphic image. Thus, the condition of the vessels and the characteristics of the blood flow are easily visible.

You can also hear the pulse filling of the vessels with blood. Depending on the vessel being examined (vein or artery), this sound can be smooth or pulsating. Abnormal noise also indicates problems with blood flow or pathologies occurring in the blood vessels. Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities provides a complete picture of the functioning of the circulatory system in a certain area of ​​the body.

Symptoms requiring ultrasound examination of the blood vessels of the legs

The presence of the following complaints in a patient requires immediate contact with a specialist who will diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment that eliminates the cause of the development of the pathological or inflammatory process:

A referral for an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the lower extremities should be given by a doctor who will make a preliminary diagnosis. Despite the harmlessness of ultrasound, you should not try to eliminate unpleasant symptoms on your own. It will be much more effective to obtain a treatment prescription from a specialist who can correctly compare the disturbing symptoms with the resulting graphic image of the condition of the blood vessels.

Ultrasound methods

Ultrasound of the blood vessels of the lower extremities is called Dopplerography. It may have specific additional definitions that not every patient is familiar with. There are several Doppler sonography techniques:

Ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities is the simplest and most complete way to diagnose the structural features of blood vessels and blood flow in them.

What results does ultrasound show?

Standard Doppler ultrasound only indicates blood flow disturbances; it cannot be used to determine the location of the pathology and see the structure of the vessel. Therefore, it is possible to judge the cause of blood flow disorders only indirectly.

With the help of angioscanning, it is possible to determine the structural features of blood vessels, the location of changes in the lumen of the vessel and determine why the pathology has developed. The causes of impaired blood supply to the lower extremities can be a migrating blood clot, cholesterol plaques, spasm, or compression of blood vessels by a developing tumor. Thanks to the advent of modern devices, ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities can provide the most complete information about the processes occurring in them.

For what venous diseases is ultrasound effective?

Ultrasound examination allows us to analyze the following diseases and their causes:

Thanks to ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities, it is possible to mark the vessels before surgery.

The effectiveness of ultrasound in arterial diseases

Using Doppler sonography, the causes of circulatory pathologies in the arteries of the lower extremities are determined. Ultrasound is effective:

Duplex ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities is the second most informative method for studying the arteries. Arteriography provides the most complete information, but due to its invasiveness and difficulties in performing, ultrasound is more justified.

Decoding ultrasound protocols

In the medical field, there are generally accepted standards for filling out protocol forms that contain all the necessary information about the operation of the circulatory system. Ultrasound protocols of the vessels of the lower extremities will allow the doctor to monitor the effectiveness of treatment in order to correct it in time if necessary. To decipher them you need to know the basic meanings:

An ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities should be performed in case of any discomfort in the legs in order to eliminate the disease at an early stage or prevent the development of pathology by adjusting diet and lifestyle, in particular by adding active activities for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.