Antiviral for children under 1 year. The best antiviral drug for children

Antiviral drugs are medicines designed to fight viral diseases. They can be used to treat the following diseases: influenza, HIV, herpes virus. Antiviral drugs have a beneficial effect on the human body only if they were used in the first hours of the onset of an infectious disease. According to the principle of action, medicines are divided into 2 groups:

  • stimulating the immune system to attack;
  • directly affecting viruses.

Antiviral drugs for children actively destroy viruses in the human body without negatively affecting the immune system and health.

Antiviral agents for children under 1 year of age

The use of antiviral drugs is recommended for children with congenital immunodeficiency, as well as for those children whose immune system is very weak. This often applies to premature babies. Protracted viral diseases also need to be treated with the medications presented. Babies whose age has not yet crossed the border of 12 months need to select a drug together with a pediatrician. The most effective and safe antiviral drugs for infants are presented in the table:

Name Purpose Release form
anaferon for children domestic preparation of homeopathic action, which has an antiviral nature lozenges; for young children, pediatricians recommend diluting the tablets in cool water
aflubin homeopathic antiviral remedy tablets, drops,

for children, the most convenient form of application is drops

Viferon an antiviral drug belonging to the group of drugs containing interferon rectal suppositories, many consumers choose this medication because of its convenient release form
interferon antiviral drug nasal drops, tablets
immunoflazid antiviral medication syrup
oxolinic ointment the drug is used to prevent influenza and ARVI ointment

Medicines for children under 3 years of age

For children under 3 years of age, certain types of medications must be used. The presented medications are not capable of harming the small human body:

  • Relenza is a medicine that actively fights various forms of influenza and is effective when taken no later than 2 days after the first symptoms appear;
  • Ribarin - a medication effective for pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • gryprinosin - this medication is used in the event of viral diseases;
  • Vitaferon is a drug that has an antiviral effect. Effectively fights hepatitis, smallpox, measles, influenza, rubella, runny nose and cough.

Medicines for children over 3 years old

The main task of antiviral products from pharmaceutical companies for children aged 3 years and older is to destroy viruses inside the human body. The safety of such products is their most important characteristic feature.

Rating of the most popular medications that destroy viruses for 3-year-old children:

  1. aflubin;
  2. influenza;
  3. derinat;
  4. Oscillococcinum;
  5. acyclovir;
  6. anaferon;
  7. viburkol;
  8. kipferon;
  9. imupred.

This list of antiviral drugs includes the most popular and harmless drugs.

Antiviral drugs for children 5 years old

For older children, it is much easier to choose the appropriate drug. A child of 5 years old can be given all the medications listed earlier, as well as those presented in the list:

  • Alpizarin is one of the famous drugs that destroy viruses. It is recommended to be used by dermatologists in case of chickenpox, lichen and other diseases. It is available in the form of ointments and tablets;
  • cytovir-3 is a drug intended to combat viral diseases such as influenza. Pharmaceutical companies produce it in the form of powder, capsules and syrup;
  • immunal - the medicine is intended to strengthen the immune system and fight the influenza virus. The drug is available in the form of a solution and tablets;
  • orvirem is a syrup that helps strengthen the immune system.

Antiviral drugs from 7 years

For 7-year-old children, choosing the right medicine is much easier than for infants. Children of this age have an established immune system, which allows them to use stronger pharmacological products. The list of such medicines is extensive:

  • Kagocel is a development of a domestic pharmaceutical company that has an antiviral effect;
  • algirem – syrup for the treatment and prevention of influenza;
  • Ingavirin 90 is an active antiviral agent;
  • Amixin is a drug that eliminates viral infections and prevents their occurrence;
  • Lavomax is an antiviral medicine;
  • Engistol is a homeopathic medicine that has an immunostimulating effect.

Important! Do not self-medicate your child. This can lead to irreparable consequences. Before using even the most harmless medicine, it is better to seek help from your child’s doctor. The pediatrician, taking into account all the characteristics of your child’s body, will help you make a choice in favor of the most effective and safe one.

Drugs for viral infections for 12 years old

12-year-old children can take all of the previously listed medications. You can achieve high effectiveness from such drugs by taking them in a certain daily dose. In this case, it is necessary to increase the dosage of the drug several times, usually threefold. For adolescents of the older age category, over 12 years old, it is recommended to use the following types of medicines:

  • Tamiflu;
  • oseltamiar;
  • laferobion;
  • bioaron S.

The presented drugs have a number of side effects, so pediatricians do not recommend using them to treat children.

Rating of the 10 best children's antiviral drugs

Choosing a high-quality, effective and harmless medicine is a very difficult matter. Many people, when selecting a suitable medicine, try to correlate two concepts such as price and quality. However, as practice shows, a high price does not always guarantee impeccable quality of the product. You should also pay attention to the fact that all medications must be selected on a strictly individual basis. Based on reviews from patients and pediatricians, a list was created that included the most popular drugs aimed at destroying viruses.

  1. Viferon
  2. anaferon
  3. nazoferon
  4. arbidol
  5. oseltamivir
  6. groprinosin
  7. remantadine
  8. cytovir-3
  9. release

Antiviral medications are quite effective in treating children from viral diseases. Therapy will give positive results only if the medications are used correctly. Any medication should be used as prescribed by a doctor and in recommended doses. If side effects occur, you must immediately show the child to the pediatrician.

Acute respiratory viral infections (colds, acute respiratory viral infections) are the most common group of morbidity among all people. The main symptoms are intoxication (lethargy, drowsiness, poor appetite), fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat and sore throat. Everyone needs to treat a cold, especially an infant, because in the first year of life the disease is more difficult and complications develop more often. It is no secret that premature and bottle-fed babies are more susceptible to colds.

We begin to fight every symptom


Unsealing a newborn is an important point in the treatment of any viral infection. Milk consists of 75% water, so to reduce intoxication, put your baby to the breast more often than usual. It makes sense to do this every 10 minutes while you are awake. The mother produces antibodies to the virus faster, the baby receives them through breast milk and recovers faster. During the period of illness, the child can be supplemented with boiled water, especially if he is bottle-fed.

Runny nose

If it is liquid discharge, then the nose should be rinsed with a saline solution. It is better to buy expensive drugs from purified ocean water. They spare the mucous membrane, do not dry it out, and reliably clean the nasal passages. You cannot use saline solution, especially one prepared at home, to rinse the nose of small children. It will dry out the mucous membrane.

With a prolonged runny nose, when nasal discharge becomes thick and difficult to separate, freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice helps a lot. You need to instill 2 drops up to 5 times a day. You can try one percent protargol. These are drops containing iodine, which the pharmacy prepares itself. They have a short shelf life and remove thick secretions well.

Special medications are used to treat a runny nose in infants.

Liquid discharge must be sucked out with a syringe (small bulb), thick discharge must be twisted out using a thin cotton swab. It should be soaked in vegetable oil, since the child has a very delicate and thin mucous membrane, which can easily be damaged.

If you have nasal congestion after treatment with a saline solution, you can instill vasoconstrictor drops (0.025% xylometazoline). Use no more than 3 days.


A cough may be due to excessive secretion of mucus from the nose, which irritates the receptors located in the upper respiratory tract. It can go away without a trace if you remove the runny nose.

Among expectorants, it is better to give preference to herbal preparations (Gedelix, Gelisal, Linkas, Doctor Mom, Tussamag, etc.). The full age dosage should be given. If you reduce the dosage of the drug without authorization, for example, with a slight cough, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced and the recovery process is delayed.

Due to the high likelihood of developing side effects, it is not advisable for children under 2 years of age to use drugs based on ambroxol, carbocisteine, and acetylcysteine.

Interesting to know! In France, these drugs have been prohibited for children under 2 years of age since 2010, but they come to us with instructions that do not contain this age limit.

Red throat

All preparations for treating the throat have strict age restrictions and are prohibited for use in newborns. It is strictly contraindicated to treat the throat with sprays - they can cause spasm of the upper respiratory tract.

A safe and proven drug for treating a sore throat is regular iodinol. There is no need to dilute it, just soak a cotton swab on a stick with it and treat your tonsils. The healing oil of chlorophyllipt has proven itself well. It is diluted 1:1 with sunflower oil. Chlorophyllipt oil can be applied to the tonsils, or it can be dropped into the nose. As it flows, it lubricates the back wall of the throat. You can also give your baby a chamomile decoction (antiseptic) after feeding, 2-3 tsp is enough. in a day.

Antiviral drugs

Treatment with drugs at an early age should be carried out with great caution. Only drugs with proven safety and effectiveness are allowed to be used. In infants, interferon suppositories (genferon, viferon and others), which are inserted into the butt, have proven themselves to be the best. But, as a pediatrician, I do not recommend inserting suppositories at the first symptoms of a mild cold, if this is the first case of a cold and the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees. The baby’s body can easily cope with a mild illness on its own, and the use of antiviral drugs will not allow the baby’s immune system to fully utilize all its defenses.

The use of antiviral drugs is justified in the following cases:

  • temperature about 40 degrees;
  • fever lasts more than 3 days;
  • the disease has a severe course with severe intoxication;
  • This is not the first case of a viral infection, and previously treatment was carried out only with the use of these drugs.

Antiviral drugs for a child should only be prescribed by a pediatrician

Treatment with antibiotics

Prescribed in the following cases:

  1. The disease is severe and a bacterial infection is suspected.
  2. There are bacterial complications (otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia).

Attention! Treating colds with antibiotics on your own is prohibited; only a pediatrician can prescribe them.

Antipyretic drugs

In the first 2 months of life, antipyretic drugs should be used in infants at a temperature of 38 degrees and above. If there are severe heart diseases, then at 37.8 degrees and above. From the 3rd month of life, the temperature below 38.5 degrees can not be reduced.

Until six months of age, the safest drug is paracetamol. Less commonly, ibuprofen may be used.

Since this group of drugs has a bad effect on the gastric mucosa, it is safer to use them in the form of suppositories that are inserted into the anus. You can use a candle no more than 3 times a day with a break of at least 4 hours, since in a small child anti-inflammatory drugs often cause undesirable effects. The consequences of an overdose can be severe. Additionally, if you have a fever, you can wipe your child with diluted vinegar and make wraps from a diaper soaked in warm water. The effect lasts for 30 minutes.

Other treatments

  1. Finely chopped garlic placed around the rooms is a good remedy for colds. Its phytoncides will spread throughout the house and help cope with the virus. We cannot recommend that a nursing mother eat garlic. Although this is an effective remedy, garlic changes the smell of milk and can cause reactions in a small child.
  2. A nursing mother can drink a decoction of rose hips; it does not cause allergies and supplies the body with vitamin C, which will be passed on to the baby through the milk. You can try cranberry juice if it does not cause colic or allergic reactions in the child.
  3. An important point in treating colds is warming the lower extremities. Put warm socks on your child. At night, it is very good to put terry socks with mustard powder on your feet. This method will quickly relieve the child of a runny nose and can prevent fever.

If your baby has cold symptoms, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

When to sound the alarm and call a doctor urgently

  • If the child does not eat.
  • After eating, vomiting occurs.
  • The child is sleepy and has difficulty waking up.
  • Persistent fever (temperature above 38.5 degrees) or persistent hypothermia (temperature 35.5 degrees or below).
  • Difficult, noisy, rapid breathing (up to 60 or more times per minute).
  • A rash appeared.
  • Purulent discharge appeared from the ear.
  • Cramps.
  • A sharp deterioration in the baby's well-being.

To prevent your children from getting sick, breastfeed them longer and strengthen them: take daily walks in the fresh air, starting from the 10th day of life, if it is not possible to walk outside (rain, frost -15 degrees and above), leave the baby to sleep on a glass balcony Arrange air baths every day, do light stroking massage, and gymnastics. An important point in hardening is bathing. If you conscientiously follow these recommendations, your baby's good health is guaranteed!

Timely prevention and treatment of ARVI and other diseases caused by viruses is the key to a child’s successful recovery, especially for newborns and infants. They only remove the symptoms, and in order to overcome the activity of the pathogens of the virus, you need to use antiviral drugs for infants.

Means for combating viral pathogens differ in their origin and type of effect; their main groups can be distinguished:

Homeopathic remedies

They have a mild effect due to their natural origin and act slowly. The most common:

  • Aflubin;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Viburcol;
  • Influcid.

If a homeopathic remedy as an antiviral drug for children over 1 year of age does not bring relief within 24 hours after its use, it should be changed to another medicine.

Children under one year old are allowed to use Aflubin with plant extracts of gentian and aconite in its composition; it relieves inflammation and reduces fever.

Oscillococcinum is an effective homeopathy drug, has a pleasant taste, and is good as a means of preventing viral infections.

Interferons (suppositories, tablets and nasal drops)

They significantly alleviate the child’s condition, the results of their use are visible within three days. This:

  1. Interferon;
  2. Grippferon;
  3. Viferon candles;
  4. Pills ;
  5. Ergoferon.

Recommended as antiviral drugs for children under 1 year of age; they have a good effect on viral pathogens, inhibiting their activity. Good results of use and the absence of side effects recommend the use of interferon drugs even for newborn children.

Effective against influenza viruses, adenoviruses Grippferon, is not addictive, reduces the likelihood of complications.

Anaferon has a special dosage for children and has no contraindications other than lactose intolerance.

It is important to know that viral diseases in infants are treated only under the supervision of a pediatrician; if convulsions, a sharp increase in temperature and vomiting occur, the baby is hospitalized with his mother in the hospital to monitor his condition.

Immunostimulating agents

These include:

  • Immunal;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Imudon;
  • Groprinosin;

They are used both to prevent infection and to fight the disease and restore the body’s defenses after an illness. They are used as medicines as effective antiviral drugs for children from 1 year of age, as well as antiviral drugs for children from 6 years of age. The products increase local immunity and help quickly cope with a viral disease, preventing the spread of bacterial infection and deterioration of the child’s general condition.

Derinat drops actively fight viruses on the mucous membrane, treat sinusitis, (sore throat), improve natural immunity, showing good results and accelerating the child’s recovery process.

Antiviral drugs of chemical origin

They are prescribed by a doctor during the acute course of the disease and to prevent relapses; they act in a targeted manner, destroying the virus and destroying its structure. These drugs include:

  • Rimantadine;
  • Arbidol;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Ribavirin;
  • Tamiflu.

Recommended as antiviral drugs for children over 3 years of age, who can more easily tolerate influenza and ARVI, so chemically synthesized substances can be used. Thanks to its composition and dosage, it will speed up the healing process and disappearance of symptoms of the disease in 5 days.

The Russian antiviral drug effectively treats symptoms of colds and flu; you just need to strictly follow its dosage; for children it will be minimal. The drug is used in children from 7 years of age.

- a drug with a synthesized interferon inducer, recommended for children over 7 years old, does not cause allergies or side effects.

How to use antiviral drugs correctly?

Before choosing an antiviral drug for your baby, be sure to consult with your pediatrician and carefully read the instructions. Specify the dosage and frequency of use, the general course of treatment. The child’s body may react inadequately to chemical components, and allergic reactions to the components of the drugs may occur.

There is no need to rush to use antiviral drugs for children over 5 years old and lower the temperature to , because the body produces its own interferon, resisting the attack of viruses. It is enough to provide plenty of warm drinks; in the absence of allergies, you can give the child decoctions of herbs, rose hips, and prevent the child’s body from overheating.

Antiviral agents for disease prevention

Contacts with a large number of people during viral epidemics, visiting a kindergarten, school, or hospital can be a threatening factor for contracting colds. What medications can be used? The ideal “flu pill”, the best antiviral drug is difficult to find; for prevention, the same drugs are used as for treatment, only in a lower dosage. For young children these are Aflubin drops, Viferon suppositories, Grippferon drops in the nose before visiting crowded places. Antiviral drugs for children over 7 years of age are almost the same as for adults, their list is long - Rimantadine, Immunal, Anaferon and Ergoferon. Lubricating the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment before going outside helps a lot. Inexpensive echinacea tincture and eleutherococcus extract, used in the form of drops in an age-appropriate dosage, will help boost immunity.

The most effective remedy against viruses is a healthy lifestyle, hardening, physical activity, and fresh air. A healthy body develops its own defenses against any viral attacks and actively resists the effects of viruses.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis; do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

Despite the fact that antiviral drugs used to treat children are most often inexpensive, they effectively fight harmful organisms, relieve symptoms of diseases and alleviate the child’s condition. To get quick results, parents need to study their dosage regimen, selection method and list of the most effective means.

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of children, in addition to their classification into inexpensive and expensive, are also divided into:

Type of drug Description
Anti-fluThey directly affect viruses that provoke disease in the child’s body, destroying their cells. They are considered the most effective in quickly relieving the symptoms of the disease.
AntiherpeticMeans that are more gentle in their action, the main purpose of which is to slow down the process of bacterial growth. The composition of antiherpetic drugs is as safe as possible for the child’s body, since their components help the immune system cope with viruses on its own, and do not destroy them for it.
Broad-spectrum agentsUniversal assistants in the fight against viruses. They are used not only to eliminate influenza diseases, but also intestinal infections, as well as lesions of the child’s skin. Due to their complex purpose, broad-spectrum drugs require more time to remove pathogens of viral diseases.
AntiretroviralAntiviral drugs used to prevent and treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). They contain aggressive active substances that can harm the baby’s body if the treatment regimen or dosage of the drug is prescribed incorrectly.
How do antiviral drugs work for children and adults?

In addition to dividing according to the type of virus that the agents in question act on, they can also be classified into groups depending on the age of the child.

How to choose a product based on the child’s age

Medicines that are properly selected taking into account the child’s age will not only relieve him of his illness in the shortest possible time, but will also not harm his health.

Medicines for children under 1 year of age

An antiviral drug for children (inexpensive medicine is usually an analogue of a more popular brand) is prescribed by a pediatrician for up to a year if the child does not have vomiting, convulsions or fever. Otherwise, the child is sent to the infectious diseases department for treatment with heavy antibiotics.

The difference between the drugs prescribed for patients of this age category is their natural composition. In most cases, there is only one active component – ​​interferon, which can not only quickly destroy viruses in a child’s body, but also minimize the risk of complications, for example, the addition of a bacterial infection.

More often than others, pediatricians prescribe:

Antiviral from one year to 3 years

If, at the initial stage of a childhood disease, parents took appropriate measures to prevent its progression (drinking plenty of fluids, rinsing the nasal passages, isolating from large crowds of people), the body of a two-year-old child is able to overcome the virus on its own.

To help the immune system, pediatric doctors usually prescribe homeopathic medicines, as well as those that contain interferon and immunomodulatory components.

For example:

  • Aflubin;
  • Viburcol;
  • Laferobion;
  • Gropyrinosine;
  • Flavoside.

The best antiviral drugs for children over 3 years old

Doctors most often treat young patients over 3 years of age for viral diseases:

  • Anaferon;
  • Aflubin;
  • Arbidol;
  • Kagocel;
  • Viburcol.

An antiviral drug for children (inexpensive medicine is often no less effective than expensive analogues) aged 3 years and older differs in that it can also be used in the treatment of adults. This becomes possible, given that by this age the microflora of the children's intestines is fully formed, and the first hormonal changes are already behind them.

Medicines for older children

To treat viral diseases in older children, it is necessary to use stronger drugs.

Among them:

Pediatricians prescribe antiviral drugs to schoolchildren only as a last resort. This is due to the fact that the body of children of this age independently produces interferon in large quantities, even at a body temperature above 38 degrees.

How often can you give your child antiviral drugs?

Children's immunity is formed by remembering viruses and bacteria that they had to fight previously. Despite the constant mutation of harmful organisms, the immune system recognizes the original pathogen and independently destroys its cells.

That is why pediatricians do not recommend frequently giving a child antiviral drugs. When used indiscriminately, they artificially suppress the source of the disease, not giving the child’s body the opportunity to recover on its own.

This causes the formation of weakened immunity, frequent illnesses of the child, as well as a slowdown in the overall pace of his development (physical and mental).

Antiviral drugs can be given to children only taking into account the basic recommendations of doctors:

  1. Preventive use of drugs from this segment during epidemics is permissible only if there is already a sick person in the child’s immediate environment.
  2. Follow a 7-day cycle: for 2 days the baby is given medicine as a prophylaxis, while reducing its age-appropriate therapeutic dosage by half; 5 days – break. The duration of taking antiviral drugs according to this regimen is from 2 weeks to 2 months.

If it is necessary to use such drugs in drug treatment, the duration of the course is usually no more than 7 days (in the first days a loading dose is required).

Inexpensive but effective drugs in tablets

An antiviral drug for children (inexpensive, available in tablet form) is convenient to use for treating children aged 2-3 years. Despite the manufacturer's recommendations allowing the use of some medications at an earlier age, parents note that it is inconvenient to dissolve the tablets several times a day to give them to a baby.


Characteristic Description
It consists 100% of the active ingredient of the same name - acyclovir (1 tablet contains at least 200 mg)
Mechanism of operationDisrupting viral DNA synthesis to prevent disease progression
PropertiesEffective fight against herpes virus types 1 and 2, which causes lichen, smallpox, genital herpes and viral diseases of the skin and mucous membranes
Possible side effectsStomach pain, gastrointestinal dysfunction, weakness, drowsiness, headaches, fever, tremor, skin rash.
average price50 rubles for 1 package (20 tablets)

According to the instructions, Acyclovir is approved for use in the treatment of children over 2 years of age.

Anaferon Children's

Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceA homeopathic remedy whose active ingredients are antibodies to gamma interferon.
Mechanism of operationAffects the immune system by stimulating the production of interferon; increases the number of cells - killers and helpers that destroy the virus
PropertiesEffectively fights acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, herpes, intestinal and bacterial infections
Possible side effectsSkin rash, usually accompanied by itching and other allergic reactions of the body
average price250 rubles for 1 package (20 tablets)

The manufacturer of Anaferon allows children over 4 weeks of age to take their drug.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceActive ingredient – ​​arbidol; by-products - starch, sugar, calcium stearate, magnesium carbonate and so on
Mechanism of operationAn immunomodulator that can reduce intoxication, prevent complications of the disease and increase cellular immunity. Stimulates the activity of macrophage cells and disrupts the synthesis of influenza A and B viruses.
PropertiesUsed in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, and intestinal infections. Also effective in treating infectious complications that arise in a small patient after surgery
Possible side effectsAllergic reactions
average price280 rubles for 1 package (20 tablets)

Arbidol can be used in the treatment of children over 2 years of age.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceAlong with the main active ingredients (ascorbic acid, bendazole and sodium thymogen), the composition includes sugar and calcium stearate
Mechanism of operationActive components affect key components of the immune system, normalize blood circulation in capillaries, stimulate the production of interferon
PropertiesEffective as a preventive and therapeutic agent for influenza of various strains, as well as other viral diseases
Possible side effectsAllergic rashes, changes in blood pressure
average price330 rubles for 1 package (12 capsules)

The drug, according to the instructions, should not be given to children under 6 years of age.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceThe tablets consist 100% of the main active component - meglumine acridone acetate, the concentration of which reaches 150 mg
Mechanism of operationIncreases the number of macrophages, lymphocytes, fibroblasts and epithelial cells. It not only stimulates the production of interferon, but also activates the work of brain stem cells.
PropertiesOften used in the treatment of influenza and ARVI, hepatitis, HIV and intestinal infections.
Possible side effectsNone
average price370 rubles for 1 package (20 tablets)

It is permissible to start treating a child with Cycloferon no earlier than when he or she reaches 4 years of age.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceThe preparation contains no minor components. The active ingredient, reaching a concentration of 50 mg in 1 tablet, is remantadine.
Mechanism of operationPrevention of viral DNA synthesis at an early stage
PropertiesAn effective preventive and therapeutic agent used in the fight against various strains of influenza and tick-borne encephalitis
Possible side effectsHeadaches, neurotic conditions, stomach pain, gastrointestinal dysfunction, decreased performance
average price100 rubles for 1 package (20 tablets)

Remantadine is prohibited for use in children under 7 years of age.

Amiksin for children

Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceIn addition to the only active ingredient - tilorone, the composition of 1 tablet of Amiksin includes gelatin, beeswax, sugar, talc, calcium stearate and a number of other minor components
Mechanism of operationStimulates the production of interferon of all types, reduces immunosuppression and blocks the reproduction of viral cells
PropertiesEffectively fights known strains of influenza, as well as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections
Possible side effectsAllergic rash, usually accompanied by itching
average price600 rub. for 1 package (10 pcs.)

According to the instructions, the drug is not recommended for use under 7 years of age.

Antiviral suppositories

An antiviral agent for children (inexpensive and effective) is also available in the form of rectal suppositories. In this form, the drugs are most convenient in the treatment of young children who do not want to take medications in the traditional way.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceThe composition of 1 suppository includes 150,000 IU of the active ingredient - interferon alpha, and minor substances, including ascorbic acid, fat, cocoa butter and sodium ascorbate
Mechanism of operationA non-toxic immunomodulator that suppresses the reproduction of DNA of viral cells, stimulates the production of macrophages and improves the functioning of lymphocytes
PropertiesEffectively fights influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, intestinal infections, meningitis, sepsis and various types of hepatitis.
Possible side effectsShort-term allergic reactions, usually expressed as a skin rash
average price280 rubles for 1 package (10 pcs)

Viferon can be taken by children from birth.

Genferon Light

Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substance1 suppository contains interferon alpha, taurine, anesthesin, citric acid, fat and an emulsifier.
Mechanism of operationThe active components of the drug simulate the functioning of macrophages, helper and killer cells, prevent the spread of viral DNA throughout the child’s body, and also suppress pain impulses
PropertiesUsed in the drug treatment of influenza infections, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, as well as in their prevention
Possible side effectsAllergies, headache, discomfort in the stomach, muscles, joints
average price350 rub. for 1 package (10 suppositories)

In order to avoid unforeseen consequences of taking Genferon Light, its use in the treatment of children is permissible only after they reach 7 years of age.

Suspensions and syrups

Suspensions and syrups prescribed by pediatricians to young patients as antiviral agents often cause vomiting. The child's body, being in a wounded state, thus rejects the dyes, sweeteners and flavors contained in these preparations.

When ingested, suspensions and syrups are absorbed into the circulatory system faster than their analogues and provide visible improvement in the shortest possible time.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceAntibodies to gamma interferon, glycerol, water, citric acid, maltitol
Mechanism of operationStimulates the immune response to interaction with virus cells, prevents their reproduction and spread in the body
PropertiesEffective in treating respiratory diseases
Possible side effectsNone
average price250 rub. for 25 ml

The drug is most effective in relieving symptoms of illness in children aged 1 to 3 years.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceThe active ingredient is rimantadine hydrochloride; minor: sugar, dye, water
Mechanism of operationPrevents the spread of viral genetic material into a healthy cell
PropertiesUsed to treat influenza type A
Possible side effectsGastrointestinal disturbances, allergies, headache, drowsiness
average price290 rub. for 100 ml


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceAscorbic acid, bendazole, sodium thymogen
Mechanism of operationAffects the immune system, stimulates the production of interferon, prevents the reproduction of viral DNA
PropertiesUsed in the treatment of influenza and ARVI
Possible side effectsAllergies, blood pressure surges
average price390 rub. for 50 ml

Tsitovir-3 in suspension is prescribed by pediatricians to children over 1 year of age.

Remedies for runny nose

Antiviral drugs for the common cold, through their effect on the mucous membrane, not only support the immune system in the fight against pathogenic cells, but also protect the child’s body from the possible addition of other viruses through the respiratory tract.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceLeukocyte interferon alpha
Mechanism of operationStimulates the work of leukocytes, increasing the concentration of proteins - interferonogens
Possible side effectsAllergies, fever, gastrointestinal disorders, loss of appetite, headaches, hepatitis, arrhythmia, decreased quality of vision
average price100 rub. for 10 ml

The drug is approved for the treatment of children from birth.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceInterferon alpha
Mechanism of operationBy imitating the work of immune cells on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it prevents the penetration and multiplication of viruses inside the body
PropertiesUsed in the treatment of influenza of all strains, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections
Possible side effectsAllergy
average price290 rub. for 10 ml

According to the instructions, Grippferon is approved for instillation into the nose of children from the first days of life.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceInterferon gamma
Mechanism of operation
Blocks the synthesis of viral cells, stimulates the work of macrophages, neutrophils and killer cells, improves the recognition of viruses by lymphocytes
PropertiesUsed in the treatment of influenza of all strains, including avian influenza
Possible side effectsHeadaches, blood pressure surges, allergies
average price320 rub. for 10 ml

Eye drops

Pediatricians prescribe eye drops not only in case of viruses affecting the mucous membrane of the visual organs, but also to prevent the development of complications of the current disease.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceInterferon alpha, diphenhydramine, boric acid
Mechanism of operationStimulates the production of interferon, suppresses pain receptors, minimizes the risk of bacterial infection
PropertiesEffective in the treatment of conjunctivitis, uveitis, keratitis
Possible side effectsAllergy
average price310 rub. for 10 ml

Oftalmoferon is approved for use by children from birth.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substancePara-aminobenzoic acid, water, sterile saline solution
Mechanism of operationRapidly absorbed active components stimulate the regenerative processes of the visual organs and the production of natural interferon
PropertiesEffective in the treatment of all viral eye diseases
Possible side effectsAllergy
average price290 rub. for 5 ml

Aktipol can be used in the treatment of children aged 1 month.

Ointments, gels, creams

Antiviral ointments are most often used as preventive measures. Due to their composition, they trap germs, preventing the virus from spreading to the mucous membranes. They are usually applied to the area in front of the child's nose, parallel to its border.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceInterferon alpha, Vaseline, peach oil, water
Mechanism of operationStrengthens the resistance of the immune system, thanks to the artificial increase in interferon
PropertiesEffective for treating influenza and ARVI
Possible side effectsIrritation of the mucous membrane
average price200 rub. for 12 g

Viferon in this form is not recommended for use in the treatment of children under one year of age.

Oxolinic ointment

Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceThe active ingredient is oxolin; auxiliary – Vaseline
Mechanism of operationDisturbs the reproduction of viral cells, blocks the affected areas of the mucous membranes to minimize the risk of the spread of harmful organisms
PropertiesUsed to prevent influenza infections and treat rhinitis caused by viruses
Possible side effectsLocal staining of the mucous membrane, most often blue
average price60 rub. for 10 g

Oxolinic ointment can be applied to the mucous membranes of children from birth.


Characteristic Description
Composition of the drug, including the main active substanceAcyclovir in concentrations up to 50 mg
Mechanism of operationThe active substance penetrates cells affected by the virus and suppresses the inflammatory process
PropertiesUsed in the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as smallpox and lichen
Possible side effectsIrritation of mucous membranes, allergic rash
average price50 rub. for 10 g

According to the instructions, the use of acyclovir is permitted for children over 3 months of age.

What antiviral drugs should not be given to children and why?

  1. Bromhexine and drugs similar in composition to it. Their active components are quite aggressive and can cause an unpredictable reaction in the child’s body.
  2. Tylaxin and its analogues. Such products should be avoided due to their proven high toxicity.
  3. Drugs with unproven effectiveness, e.g. Cycloferon or Thymogen. Not only will they not improve the child’s well-being, but they may also cause side effects.

When choosing antiviral drugs to treat a child, you should not rely on their popularity. Often, an inexpensive and unknown drug can both relieve the symptoms of an incipient disease and stimulate the functioning of the child’s immune system.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about antivirals

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about antiviral drugs:

They cause a lot of anxiety for both young and experienced mothers. All children are at risk for ARVI, but they are especially susceptible to colds and suffer them most severely children under 3 years old. If preschoolers and schoolchildren, according to statistics, get sick on average 3-6 times annually, then For children of the first years, the average incidence is already 4-12 times a year. Today, these figures are considered the norm by pediatricians, for whom acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections are the most common diagnosis in their practice.


Choosing a safe and effective antiviral drug for the baby, You can, of course, completely trust your pediatrician or, after trying a dozen remedies, find your best option. But this is a risky path, and it may well have a negative impact on the well-being of the little patient. The best solution is to carefully read the instructions for the medications, immediately putting aside those that are in doubt. Let us dwell on some important points that will help responsible parents thoroughly understand the issue and make the right choice.

Caution - allergies! Special requirements for drugs for children

Unfortunately, there are very few antiviral drugs that are ideal for children. Such medications are usually subject to increased requirements: In addition to effectiveness in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, the absence of side effects, safety of use in childhood, compatibility with other medications, these drugs must have another important quality - have a minimum of additives and components that can provoke an allergic reaction , i.e. be hypoallergenic.

Allergies to new foods in young children are common. This is due to the fact that in the first years of life, the child’s immunity is just developing and, by mistake, may not recognize an unknown substance. In this case, he perceives it as a “foreign agent” and begins to fight it, spending a lot of effort and resources that are so necessary to fight the virus. Externally, this manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction: nausea, itching and redness, runny nose, loose stools, etc.

Let's look at the composition. Thickeners, leavening agents, emulsifiers...

It is important to understand that the fewer auxiliary ingredients (not to be confused with), the better for the child’s body. The table below shows the most popular additives in children's antiviral drugs.

Among the pharmacies presented on the shelves Tsitovir-3 powder has the smallest composition of excipients. Fructose (a noble form of sugar) is added to it to give it a sweetish taste. Also, some of its types contain flavoring (orange, strawberry, cranberry). However, the neutral taste of Cytovir-3 powder today remains almost the only hypoallergenic antiviral drug developed specifically for atopic children. Another undoubted advantage of this medicine is its compatibility with all symptomatic drugs. However, some other drugs can boast of this (Anaferon, Anaflubin, Viferon and others).

Let's look at the composition. Synthetic interferons – benefit or harm?

Allergies can be triggered not only by the excipient, but also by the active substance. For example, so beloved in Russia interferon-containing drugs(Viferon, Grippferon, Kipferon - see yellow table) contain special artificial proteins, analogues of molecules that the body produces for protection - α, β, γ interferons.

This is a very serious weapon in the fight against viruses. However, according to experts, introduced into the child’s body synthetic interferons, are a strong allergen. And, under certain conditions, they are capable of damaging not only foreign antigens, in particular viruses, but also healthy cells.

In general, it is better to leave such potent drugs as a last resort and not to take them without consulting a pediatrician. Also, when taking them for the first time, we recommend that you monitor the baby’s condition very carefully due to the possible and unpredictable reaction of the child’s body.

Let's look at the composition. Homeopathy or NON-medicines

Some other drugs ( see gray table), both registered as a medicine (Anaferon, Aflubin) and dietary supplements (Otsilokoklioum), belong to the category of homeopathic. Worldwide homeopathy is recognized as ineffective and insufficiently scientifically substantiated. Indeed, it is difficult to call a drug a drug that consists almost 100% of sugar and additives, with a proportion of the active substance of 1/10 15 or less.

Scientists explain some of the improvements that patients sometimes note when using such “medicines” by self-hypnosis or, scientifically, by the “placebo” effect. However, it is impossible to observe this effect in children, due to the lack of opportunities to influence their own perception of reality. Therefore, we recommend that you do not experiment on your own children and do not waste money, but immediately "sweep" everything aside homeopathic remedies.

Age restrictions. It’s impossible - it means it’s impossible!

Some antiviral drugs available in pharmacies are simply not suitable for young children - they it is forbidden to prescribe to children under the age of 2, 3 and even 4 years (see red table). Why? Most often - due to security reasons. Children's metabolism is accelerated, babies react much stronger and more sharply to medications. Perhaps the drugs contain an exceeded dose of the active substance permissible for this age, or their effect on the child’s body has not been sufficiently studied.

Another possible reason is the form of the drug, tablets, that is unsuitable for the child. Due to their anatomy, children have a narrow larynx, and with ARVI, swelling is added to this. Children from 1 to 3 years old find it difficult to swallow tablets and capsules and even thick syrups. When taking them, a gag reflex and cough often occur. In addition, tablets, for the sake of their shape and consistency, use many fixing additives and emulsifiers.

Antiviral drugs. Looking for the ideal candidate...

There are only four drugs left on our list ( see green table). Two of them (Tamiflu, Orvirem) act exclusively on the influenza virus,Imunal, and the previously mentioned Cytovir-3 powder is used for any ARVI, because stimulate the baby’s immunity, helping the body cope with various viruses on its own. A little information about each of the drugs.

Unfortunately, it was once very popular Remantadine(the first on our list is an exclusively anti-influenza drug - Orvirem) for several years now cannot cope with new mutated strains of the virus. Today, both experts and many parents question its effectiveness.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) fights the flu virus well. It has been proven that when used, the duration of the disease is reduced by half a day (from 7 to 6.3 days). However, due to frequent and quite serious “side effects” (nausea, vomiting, headache, renal and psychiatric disorders), doctors recommend being as careful as possible when prescribing it to small children.

Echinacea preparations (Immunal) widely used in North America and Europe for the prevention and treatment of colds. Three main components have also been well studied and have long been used in medicine: Cytovir-3 powder (sodium thymogen, bendazole and ascorbic acid). It is their combination in a certain dosage that ensures the effective complex therapeutic effect of this medicine for any ARVI.

Interestingly, in 2013, scientists conducted a comparative randomized study of the effectiveness and safety of drugs Tsitovir-3 And Immunal with ARVI in children. It turned out that both drugs can effectively stop a viral infection within 2-3 days. At the same time, the results of dynamic monitoring of the infectious process indicate the advantage of Cytovir-3 powder. The scientists’ conclusions are quite consistent with the opinion of the majority of practicing pediatricians, based on the results of the professional Russian Pharma Awards 2016 (open voting by doctors on the Doctor at Work portal).

Antiviral drugs. The choice of responsible parents!

Often parents do not pay attention to another important aspect - the duration of taking the antiviral drug. But some of them cope with the disease in 3-4 days, while others need to be taken for 7 or even 10-14 days. You should always strive minimize the drug load on the baby’s body. Remember, the faster the medicine gets the child back on his feet, the less we will “stuff” him with both antiviral and symptomatic drugs.

  • age and dosage restrictions,
  • possible allergenicity of the drug,
  • compatibility with other drugs,
  • recommended period of admission,
  • quantity and composition of excipients.