The Lost Ghost: Where is Jon Snow's wolf? Direwolves of the Starks - an amazing connection between the characters and their pets (8 photos) Where did the “Ghost” go?

If you know by heart the names of all the actors who starred in Game of Thrones, we invite you to go further and find out who played the direwolves - the formidable beasts of the legendarium who became the Starks' loyal friends. The direwolves from the series quickly fell in love with viewers for their fierce spirit, loyalty and courage. Children and adults around the globe now dream of a dog whose appearance, character and habits would be reminiscent of the Stark wolves. What breed of dog was featured in the acclaimed series?

What breed of dog was featured in Game of Thrones?

Those who carefully watched the series remember that in the first season, Ned Stark with his sons and Theon find a dead wolf in the forest, and with her six puppies. Since the direwolf is one of the symbols of the North and the coat of arms of the House of Stark, the puppies remain with Ned’s children and in many ways share their fate.

It would have been too difficult and dangerous to use real predators for filming, so the directors chose a similar domesticated species - the northern Inuit dog, bred by mixing Siberian huskies with other breeds.

The adorable puppies we see at the beginning of the series were provided by a canine kennel.

Since the second season, not only dogs have been used, tamed wolves have been partially used, and computer graphics have also been used. Let's see what the Starks' pets looked like in the series.

This is the formidable direwolf of Rob, the “King of the North” - Gray Wind.

Graceful Lady, given to Sansa Stark. Actress Sophie Turner kept the dog.

A touching scene of Arya's parting with the direwolf Nymeria.

The cutest name went to Rickon's pet. Looking at this beast, it is difficult to imagine that it was called Shaggy Dog.

The popularity of Game of Thrones has led to sales of huskies and Inuit dogs in Europe and North America increasing severalfold. Unfortunately, many of them end up on the streets and in shelters. If you dream of such a pet, be prepared to care for it, tame the wayward nature of the animal, and pay due attention to training and walks. Then he will become your devoted friend and protector.

My world is a fantasy

Tyrent, Most likely for John, if he wasn’t completely killed
he will outlive us, his book literally promises eternity, omens are pouring down on him so confidently, he still has to visit the crypt, find out why he sees something there, find out why the armor of Azor Ahai glowed on him and in general help your aunt clear the way to the throne. I also think that she loved Rhaegar; without this, the vision of the prince by other people, not all of whom were inclined towards the Targaryens, would not have been so glorious. Well, Lianna herself, frankly speaking, does not look like a prisoner who dutifully served as someone’s litter for a year and a half. I don’t want to say that fighting women can’t be kidnapped, but it was he who had to chain her somewhere in the dungeons so that she wouldn’t end up like her niece, who looks so much like her, and she, if Ned’s sense of smell hadn’t failed her, would be showered with roses .

Well, what Rhaegar had with Lyanna from the realm of guesses (so obvious), it seems that there is no doubt that Lyanna did not love her fiancé, she very practically reasoned how many times he would cheat on her in the future, instead of counting how many times He had his eye on another lady there, what she would undoubtedly do if she were in love. Well, throughout the entire story it has been said so many times how much Robert loves Lianna and not once, even in Eddard’s memories, there is nothing about her feelings. Considering what kind of poem Martin wrote around her abduction, how could it be without such a component as Lianna's broken love? Well... she was so moved at the feast, she even cried looking at the hopelessly married guy. My conclusion is that I also looked at the lists.

As for Arya and Gendry, I want to say heavenly retribution, it didn’t work out for Robert and Lyanna, maybe it will work out for these.
I can’t imagine where to place Sansa, I can’t see her yet. I fear that Littlefinger intended her for himself =(
I don’t even doubt it, they say the first chapter about Sansa promises to be tense, who thinks what, but I think that Mezinets will do something serious, after which Sansa will need to make some decision. In general, she stayed too long in the Nest, even with her lack of adventurism, even they would bother her. I wonder how long it will take her to understand that Petyr wants her for himself?

And Gray Wind and the Ghost?
To be honest, I’m not ready, I need to re-read the chapters about these two. For some reason, I don’t like Caitlin’s chapters most of all, they always reek of tragedy, as if all this was determined from the very beginning, their terrible end.
For me, Arya is very, very adequate, since she survived in such unfavorable conditions, and by cruelty I mean something completely different.
But I think cruelty is a property of human nature. There are people who are round, and there are others with sharp corners, depending on how he turns to you, this person. I don’t want to say that she likes to be cruel, like the darkness of the darkening examples from the same saga, She empathizes and she is a right person, like her father taught her, this quality attracts people to her. But at a certain point in her life, she may find something in herself that protects her like armor, for example, her obsession with killing her enemies. Tyrion Lannister is not endowed with cruelty. Although he is a man and much older than Arya, I do not see this quality in him. He even committed the murder of his father in a state of passion. But now all day long he assures himself that he has done a good deed for humanity, and at night dad returns again.

I think there is no special connection in the series, because the creators themselves admitted that, for example, the Phantom was shown or not in the last season mainly for financial reasons.
Gray Wind - Robb was a simple guy, he chose the name of the direwolf without much thought, you can of course find symbolism that the fate of the Young Wolf is similar to the wind that rushed swiftly and menacingly over Westeros, but in my opinion this is too deep research...
Summer - Bran, as we remember, was looking for a name for his wolf cub for a long time, and could not find a suitable one (in childhood, we were so looking for a name for our cat, in the end he was left without a name at all), he even envied that John thought of the Ghost before him. But only after waking up from a coma did he call him Summer, and of course there is more than enough symbolism here. Summer is what Bran lived for, as the Three-Eyed Raven told him, summer must come after winter, and Bran is one of those who must prevent eternal winter. Summer is a symbol of hope not only for all humanity, but also for Bran himself. Summer is Bran's other self; the wolf means more to him than to any of his siblings. Well, in general, here you can spend a long time in your thoughts...
Shaggy Dog is a stupid name in Bran's opinion, but in my opinion Rickon, on a whim, named his wolf a very appropriate name.
Lady - well, I wouldn’t look for double meaning here either. A lady is a lady, it is symbolic that the lady dies after the trial in Darry, where Sansa first faces the situation when it turns out that being a lady and behaving like a true lady is not as simple and pleasant as it seemed to her until that moment. This is Sansa's first encounter with real life, and her first serious compromise with her conscience. The lady dies as a symbol of Sansa's former ideals...
Nymeria - Arya called the she-wolf after the "witch queen", which caused a domestic scandal, well, Arya is actually a girl - a scandal. To be honest, I know little about historical Nymeria, and I’m not ready to draw analogies, but all this is in Arya’s spirit. Fate separated Arya and her wolf, this is certainly symbolic, and perhaps the main intrigue is when and how they will meet again...
Ghost - well, everything about John the wolf has already been said and retold. I don't see any point in adding. For me the following things are unconditional. The fact that John found the wolf cub later than the others and after, largely thanks to his resourcefulness and self-sacrifice, it was possible to defend the previously saved wolf cubs is certainly not just like that, I’m not inclined to believe that this is a direct reward for John from the Old Gods, but he passed a certain test already then. Also, of course, the Phantom personifies the special fate of John, this can be considered a direct hint at the mystery of his origin, you can build a more complex chain of reasoning, but John’s wolf is not like everyone else...
And a little about the names of dragons:
Drogon - perhaps the simplest thing here is the dragon Dany, strong, powerful, cunning, and so far knowing more than his mistress about some of the secrets of these magical animals...
Rhaegal is the first thing that comes to mind about a dragon named after Rhaegar - is this a dragon for his son? But perhaps everything is even more complicated, like all the secrets associated with Denis’s older brother.
Viserion - to be honest, I didn’t expect at all what happened in the series, but the only thing I’m not surprised by is that it happened to a dragon named after Viserys, whatever you call the dragon - that’s how it will fly, I fully assumed that it was Viserion who would be “weak” link" and Dany should expect trouble from him, although it seemed to me more that he might choose the wrong rider who would please Dany - Tyrion, for example.

It's no secret that there is some kind of connection between the children of Ned and Catelyn Stark and their pets. For starters, the direwolf is featured on the House Stark crest, making this ferocious animal the totem of them all. And when Ned and his children found the cubs of a killed direwolf, there were so many animals. how many young starks, and each chose a wolf cub that he liked.

Later, similar parallels became more and more numerous. The father and then the mother of the family were killed, leaving their children alone, just as the dire wolf mother left her offspring. And in general, the fates of the puppies and the younger starks became more and more similar.

The Lady, who belonged to Sansa, is killed first. Ned Stark himself carried out the sentence, since the she-wolf was a resident of the North and had to die with dignity. The lady dies at the behest of the Lannisters, and very soon Sansa becomes a toy in their hands, tormented by her tormentors.

Gray Wind Roba participated with him in the War of the 5 Kings, just like his master, killing his enemies.
But the direwolf died at the same time as Rob. Their lives ended almost simultaneously, and they both resisted death to the end.

If we talk about the rest. For example, Arya banishes Nymeria, excommunicating her from the pack. And very soon Arya becomes a wanderer, far from home and family. And the fate of the shaggy dog ​​was as sad as that of Rickon himself. They were both overtaken by the enemies of House Stark, first killing the direwolf, and then Rickon, who died before the start of the Battle of the Bastards.

Now, let's think and try to summarize all of the above. How many direwolves are left in the series? Two, the ghost of Jon Snow and Nymeria Arya. By the way, the ghost was the only one who was an albino and different from the rest of the pack. Well, this is very similar to Jon Snow, who, although he grew up with everyone else, was always different from his brothers and sisters. Besides, the name Snow and a white direwolf are hardly a coincidence.


After Arya decided to abandon her plan to kill Cersei in King's Landing once she learned that Jon Snow was now the King in the North, she met Nymeria and her flight in the forest. She asks Nymeria to return to Winterfell with her, but instead Nymeria leaves and Arya says, "It's not you."

Did she really mean that this was not Nymeria in the flesh? No, of course, it was one of the remaining two Stark direwolves. Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss explained that these words are a reference to Season 1.

"It's not you" is a direct reference to what Arya herself said to her father when he described the future life she could have as a lady of the castle, i.e. marrying some lord and wearing beautiful frilly dresses " Weiss said. “Arya is not a home girl, and her wolf is no longer home either. When the wolf leaves, she is sad, and then she realizes that the wolf is doing exactly what she would do if she were in his place.”

Benioff: This scene takes us back to Season 1. When Arya finally finds Nymeria, or Nymeria finds her, and Arya, of course, wants the wolf to come home with her and be her faithful companion again, but Nymeria has found her own life."

Where did the Phantom go?

Indeed, with the release of the new season of Game of Thrones, many are wondering: where could Ghost, Jon Snow’s direwolf, have gone?
It's worth noting that Game of Thrones Season 7 already featured Arya Stark's direwolf, Nymeria. And Daenerys' Dragons were often used in many scenes. So why didn't they show the Phantom? What happened to him?
The last time the direwolf was shown was in the first episode of the sixth season, since then his fate has been unknown. I doubt that he was killed, we would definitely have been shown his death, as they showed the death of other direwolves - Summer, Shaggy, Lady, Gray Wind.
Most likely, the creators of the series did not have enough budget to draw this direwolf, or the role of the Phantom seemed insignificant to them in the development of the events of the seventh season. Therefore, most likely, we will see the direwolf Jon Snow in the eighth season.

But let's return to our calculations. So we have 2 direwolves and 4 starks, including Jon. And here there is a discrepancy. Sansa and Bran's direwolves are already dead. And I must remember that Leto died in the cave of the 3-eyed raven, protecting his companions. So, should we be worried about Sansa and Bran?
Based on the words of George R. R. Martin, Bran must survive to the end. I'm not sure about Sansa.
It seems to me that we may lose her in one of the final seasons, which is confirmed by the direwolf theory.

Direwolves are one of the central characters in the television series “Game of Thrones”. Direwolves are much larger than normal wolves and more ferocious. They reach the size of a small horse and can easily bite off a person’s hand. These animals are a hallmark of House Stark. The head of a direwolf on a white background is the coat of arms of the Stark family.

In the story, Ned Strack, while walking with his children in the forest, discovered a dead wolf and six puppies that were still alive. A huge she-wolf died in a fight with a deer. The children persuaded the elder Stark to take her cubs into his care. Ironically, each of the children received a puppy. They were named: Ghost, Lady, Gray Wind, Nymeria, Shaggy Dog and Summer.

The Ghost was taken in by Jon Snow, Gray Wind is Robb Stark's direwolf, who took part in many battles with his master and killed many opponents. In one of the episodes, Robb launched his direwolf into a corral with Lannister horses, which in turn went berserk, broke out of the stall and began to trample their riders, who at that time were sleeping peacefully in tents. Horses and dogs are very afraid of dire wolves and panic. The lady took Sansa Stark into her care, but the she-wolf died by order of the king. Ned Stark himself carried out the sentence, since the she-wolf was a resident of the North and had to die with dignity.

Summer went to Bran Stark. When the boy was thrown from the tower and became crippled, the direwolf sat next to his bed and even saved his life during an attack by an assassin. Nymeria is Arya Stark's wolf. She, defending her mistress, bit Prince Joffrey on the hand. Arya was afraid for the future fate of her favorite and ordered her to run into the forest. Shaggy Dog went to the youngest of the Stark children, Rickon. Contrary to its cute name, this direwolf was the most pugnacious and playful of all the others.

At the very beginning, when direwolves appear before television viewers as puppies, puppies of the northern Inuit breed performed their role perfectly. These dogs have a peaceful nature, but in appearance they are very similar to wolves. When the direwolves grew up in the story, they were played by adult wolves, who were filmed against a green background and then slightly enlarged. In the third season, when the animals were supposed to become truly huge and ferocious, they were drawn using computer graphics, like the dragons. Very soon, fans of the television series “Game of Thrones” will be able to see its continuation: .

After filming, the little puppies who played the direwolves were offered to be kept by the child actors. The puppy who played Lady was adopted by actress Sophie Turner and has now turned into a beautiful adult dog.