Manufacturers of air filters for ventilation. Air filters for ventilation

This section of our website presents the products of one of the leading enterprises in the industry. This is a Russian company that produces consumables for climate control and other engineering systems under its own brand.

Product range « Air filters M» allows us to meet the growing needs of the domestic market to the maximum extent. The company's line of equipment includes filter elements intended for use in centralized ventilation and air conditioning systems. These are products that are successfully used in the installation of climate and ventilation systems for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes.

Advantages air filters M are obvious and not questioned by market experts. These products are manufactured using modern, high-tech equipment and are certified to comply with the Őkotex 100 Class I standard. Filter elements meet high environmental standards and are manufactured using materials from well-known brands.

The cost of products and prices for “M Air Filters” deserve special attention. Considering that they are produced at the facilities of a Russian enterprise, the price of the equipment is more affordable for domestic consumers.

The company regularly takes part in specialized exhibitions, invests in the development of its own technologies and learns from leading industry enterprises around the world. We hope you will appreciate the high technical characteristics and effectiveness of the products of the Air Filters M company.

Among the various air filters presented on our website, everyone can choose and order the right one to ensure the reliability of their ventilation system. Choose solutions of any class and type of cleaning in the catalog. Available products:

  • cassette, panel, grease-catching, pocket, compact, for fan coils;
  • absolute, fine or coarse cleaning.

Types of air filters and their purpose

Air filters are divided into several groups:

  • mechanical filters are more often used to protect other elements of the ventilation system;
  • HEPA filters are highly efficient, as they remove over 90% of particles;
  • coal absorb gas molecules, eliminate the problem of unpleasant air;
  • chemisorption contain chemisorbents that decompose many substances, for example, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, etc.

In public places - in offices, hypermarkets, business centers - or in manufacturing enterprises, ventilation systems are installed not only so that they exchange exhaust air for fresh air, but also so that the “fresh” air is truly safe and clean. Ventilation systems filter it.

In domestic conditions, air filters are indispensable if there are people suffering from allergies. Dust contains textile fibers, mold and fungal spores, skin particles, pollen, bacteria, street soot, saprophyte mites and their waste products. Most of these impurities in the air are the causative agents of severe allergies.

The air is also polluted as a result of production processes, during which various gas compounds harmful to humans and tiny drops of soot and fat are released, causing an unpleasant odor. Another air pollutant is tobacco smoke, which is extremely difficult and takes a long time to dissipate. Since the air circulating in such conditions is not clean, it must be humidified and purified. Air filters are used for these purposes.

Cleaning classes

Filter class Designation What does it cleanse from? Application
Coarse cleaning G1-G4 Coarse dust, soot, wool, fluff, pollen Premises with low requirements for air purity; air pre-purification
Fine cleaning F5-F9 Fine dust and pollen, mold spores, bacteria Air conditioning and ventilation systems; production of medicines, food, etc.; second stage of air purification
High efficiency H10-H14 Tiny dust particles, viruses, bacteria Premises with high requirements for air purity; electronics and pharmaceutical industry; hospitals (operating rooms)
Ultra high efficiency U15-U17 Particularly small polluting particles Ultra-clean production premises; final air purification

Devices with dust filters

Modern technologies make it possible to effectively take care of human health and the quality of the environment and air. To eliminate the problem of indoor dust pollution, it is enough to purchase and install air cleaning filters and devices equipped with filters. These could be:

  • Devices with electrostatic filters. They attract dust under the influence of an electric charge. It is permissible to wash filters. They do not need to be constantly replaced with a new one, which is their important advantage. But the devices are not able to completely purify the air. Therefore, their effectiveness is low in apartments where people with allergies or asthma live.
  • Purifiers with NEPA filters are considered the most effective in comparison with other types of purifiers. Dust particles, even the smallest ones, cannot fly past the filter thanks to a continuous barrier in the air path. NEPA filters are easy to use and easy to care for. It is enough to clean the filters once a month, change them once every 6 or 12 months.
  • Ionizers. Dust collects in the device on horizontal surfaces. After using the device, you need to clean it with a vacuum cleaner or a wet cloth. The convenience of the ionizer is that it does not require regular maintenance.
  • Cleaners-moisturizers. Inside such devices there is clean water or an evaporation filter, which allows you to collect dust and saturate the air with moisture. Devices of this type should be chosen by those who have allergies. In this case, the cleaning efficiency reaches 90%.

How to choose a filter?

Air filters are special devices that allow air to pass through and trap harmful substances. Filters have different characteristics and design. You should choose a specific model based on its operating conditions and technical capabilities.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room where you plan to install the filter. Each product is capable of serving a specific area. If air purification filters will be used in different rooms, you need to focus on the dimensions of the largest one among them.

Devices with filters are considered the most effective because they help collect almost all the dust. They have only one drawback - additional maintenance costs. Filters need to be changed as they are used. Additionally, most air filters require regular maintenance. In air washers, you need to monitor the water level daily and change it every three days. The electrostatic cleaner plates should be washed once a week. The most convenient filters to maintain are HEPA filters. Contamination from them must be removed once a month.

Air filters differ in their power. For frequent use, models with low power consumption are preferable. There are filters that make noise during operation. If extraneous sounds and noise are a problem for those in the room with a filter, this factor must be taken into account.

Why is it worth buying air filters from us?

PromElVent specialists can produce air filters for ventilation and to order - any size you need. Our products act as a barrier against dust and dirt. They help in creating comfortable and safe living conditions.

We not only supply components for ventilation systems, but also manufacture them in our own production. This allows us to set competitive prices for air filters for air purification and other products.

Filters for ventilation in Moscow are not difficult to find. But among the manufacturers and suppliers of ventilation equipment in the capital, the PromElVent company stands out for its affordable prices and excellent quality products. By contacting us, you can purchase any filter to solve the required problem and save 10-20% of the allocated budget on the installation of ventilation systems. products are available throughout Russia.

Replacing filters

The service life of filters varies individually. It depends on the location of the object, wind rose, season and other factors. Filter contamination is monitored by monitoring pressure drops across the filter (product resistance to air flow).
Recommended final resistance:

  • 250 Pa for coarse air filters;
  • 450 Pa for fine air cleaning products;
  • 600 Pa for absolute air cleaning products.

But it is more correct and more rational to change filters as planned. By carrying out a planned replacement of products, you can eliminate the possibility of filter rupture or dust being pressed through the filter material.

  • rough cleaning - panel and cassette filters - 2 times a month in summer, 1 time a month in winter;
  • pocket items 4 times annually;
  • fine air purification - pocket filters 4 times annually;
  • compact models twice a year.

Regeneration (cleaning) of filters

It is possible to carry out partial dry regeneration of coarse air cleaning products (up to 3 times). But you need to remember: no matter how dust particles are removed from the filter material, the fiber structure is damaged. Because of this, its filtering properties become worse. In this case, the service life of the filter is approximately halved.

For fine cleaning products and higher levels, regeneration is NOT ACCEPTABLE, as it leads to damage to the filter material.

Due to the fact that dust accumulates on heaters, the effective heat exchange area becomes smaller, energy costs increase, heat exchange efficiency is significantly reduced, and subsequently the likelihood that the heat exchanger may fail increases. Also, if the filters are used incorrectly, dust settles in the air ducts and flies out of the ceiling diffusers. Therefore, there is a need to clean the air ducts, which in itself is not cheap.

Do not save your budget on filters - change products on time. Use only quality products. Do not bring operating conditions to extremes. This approach is the key to saving your time, money and nerves.

Filters for ventilation are used to delay the entry of pollutant fractions into the air. This allows you to:

  • protect people's health,
  • create conditions for the manufacture of quality products in various industries,
  • ensure sterility in medical and industrial premises.

Air purification filters are actively used in multi-stage filtration and air conditioning systems. If they are designed correctly, dust, pollen, and various types of bacteria will not enter the room. In addition, the systems help keep contaminants indoors. A striking example of such use is installation in painting booths.

Types of Air Filters

We supply several types of ventilation filters.

  • Pocket FVK. So named because of the pocket-like design of the filter element. They provide a large cleaning area and protect the space well from various contaminants.
  • Cassette FVKas. Provide cleaning class from G3 to F5. They are a metal frame with a mesh fixed in it and a material that retains dirt.
  • Compact FVKom. Provides cleaning class F6, F7, F8, F9. They are mounted in a polystyrene housing, and corrugated paper is used as a filter material.
  • Panel FVP, FYAP. Models of classes G2, G3, G4, made using a U-shaped galvanized profile protected from corrosion.
  • Absolute purification of PVA and HEPA. Capable of retaining the smallest fractions of contaminants. We supply EPA and HEPA (grades E10, E11, E12, H13, H1)4 and ULPA (grades U15, U16, U17).
  • FVF fan coil units. Small elements in a wire frame, used as the first stage in filtration systems.

What characteristics should you pay attention to when choosing

We supply many models. To choose the best one, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Cleaning class.

Indicates the size of the contaminants being captured. Can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • rough (G3-G4),
  • medium (M5, M6),
  • thin (F7-F9).
  • Material of manufacture.

The frame must be made of impact-resistant, stainless material. The main filter element must withstand humidity, high temperatures and bacterial attack. Models with special properties are available for sale - for example, with air purification from unpleasant odors.

  • Size and shape.

Selected in accordance with the dimensions of the air duct.

Air filters at affordable prices

We set low prices for air filters for ventilation, since we are the manufacturer of these products. Thanks to our own production facilities, we can produce goods according to individual drawings.

General purpose air purification filters

Final pressure drop during testing, Pa

Average dust retention capacity Am for synthetic dust, %

Average efficiency Em for particles with a size of 0.4 µm, %

Minimum efficiency for particles with a size of 0.4 microns, %

50 ≤ Am< 65

65 ≤ Am< 80

80 ≤ Am< 90

Medium cleaning

40 ≤ Em< 60

60 ≤ Em< 80

80 ≤ Em< 90

90 ≤ Em< 95

Highly efficient air purification filters

Integral value, percentage

Local value of a, b in percent



Additional activities of the company:

  • — Production of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment;
  • — Providing services for installation, repair and maintenance of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment;

Company information

The company was registered on April 6, 2007, the registrar is Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for MOSCOW. The company "AIR FILTERS M" LLC is located at: 105425, MOSCOW, st. 3rd PARKOVAYA, 41A, building 2. The main activity is: "Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of machinery, equipment, ships and aircraft." The organization also operates in the following non-core areas: “Production of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment”, “Provision of services for installation, repair and maintenance of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment”. The head of the company is Pavel Vladimirovich Leontyev. Organizational and legal form - limited liability companies. Type of property - private property.

Address and telephone numbers + directions

General Director of LLC "AIR FILTERS M" - Leontyev Pavel Vladimirovich

April 6, 2007
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for MOSCOW
Limited Liability Companies
Private property
10,000.00 rub.

Also, Pavel Vladimirovich Leontyev may be the head of the following companies.