Take online health tests. Whether you are healthy or not: Simple tests to check your health

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Sometimes people avoid preventive examinations due to lack of time or fear of doctors. But there are ways to get information about the state of your body without leaving home. With their help, you will understand that it is time to turn to specialists. Or make sure your health is fine.

website I have collected several simple and quick tests that you can take right now.

1. Endocrine system

One of the most important indicators of health is waist size. Take a measuring tape and measure your waist (2-3 cm above the navel). Normally, it should not exceed 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men.

People who exceed these levels are 5 times more at risk of type II diabetes. In Japan, they even fight for a thin waist at the state level: since 2008, there has been a law according to which those with a large belly undergo special slimming courses.

2. Brain

You will need a blank sheet of paper, a marker or pencil, and the help of a friend. Draw a clock face on a sheet of paper and ask another person to tell the time in hours and minutes format, such as 10 hours 10 minutes. After this, add arrows to your drawing so that they indicate the indicated time.

This test involves a fairly large number of processes in the brain. The work includes those departments that are responsible for hand movements, spatial and visual perception. Therefore, the inability to draw a clock face or position the hands correctly may indicate incipient dementia.

3. Spine

For this test you will need two scales. Place them parallel to each other and stand with one foot on the first scale and the other on the second. The numbers should turn out, if not exactly, then at least approximately equal. If the values ​​are very different, this indicates that your hip bones, spine or head are off-center. It’s time for you to see a therapist, who, depending on the nature of the deviation, will refer you to a specialist.

4. Respiratory system

Take a look at your nails - they can say a lot about your health. If recently your nails have begun to peel and crumble more, and white stripes have appeared on them - this is not only a cosmetic problem. This condition may indicate a lack of B vitamins, iron, and even impending osteoporosis.

6. Vision

The familiar table in the ophthalmologist’s office is far from the only way to check visual acuity. Stare at the window frame for 30 seconds, then close your eyes. And then alternately open your left and right eyes. If the picture you see with one eye is blurred and the lines are no longer parallel, you may be at risk of macular degeneration, a dangerous disease that leads to vision loss.

Take the second test near the parking lot. Move 20 meters away from any car and try to distinguish its license plate; if, no matter how hard you try, you can’t make out the numbers and letters on the license plates, it’s time to see an ophthalmologist.

7. Hearing

Healthy lifestyle - myth or reality? Is it feasible in the realities of our lives? Can our daily diet really contain sufficient amounts of all useful elements, and can jogging in a park next to a highway or an industrial plant provide us with the necessary physical activity? Do fruits and berries bought at the market really contain only vitamins, and not representatives of distant corners of the periodic table? And if there is a vital need to introduce vitamin-mineral complexes into the diet, then where to start?

We present to your attention the NSP analytical test, created to help you assess the state of your body's systems. An analytical health test allows you to identify those loose screws that urgently need to be fixed first in order to prevent devastating consequences.

Possible analytical test results:

"Unsatisfactory"- shows that the system is already affected or will soon lead to illness.
"Satisfactorily"- this system is a risk factor and can lead to disease.
"Fine"- the system began to malfunction and should be restored.
"Very good"- this body system works without failures, you need to work on maintaining it.

How to work with an analytical health test?

Note the states that you experience. For example, if you are experiencing a lack of energy, you should answer “Yes” to the item “Lack of energy, loss of strength,” etc. And be honest with yourself. Good luck!


Good health is the basis of our well-being, it helps us resist many diseases, supports the immune system and metabolism.

A healthy lifestyle includes good sleep, proper nutrition and physical activity.

However, no matter how healthy you are, from time to time almost everyone experiences minor health problems arise that we may not notice.

There are several simple tests you can use to check your health at home.

1. Test for fluid retention in the body

To find out if you are retaining fluid in your body, firmly squeeze 3-4 places on the top and bottom of the leg with your thumb. If the area where you squeezed remains white for a few seconds after you remove your finger, you are retaining fluid.

It can also be noticed by swelling in the knees or ankles. In this case, it is recommended to eat less salt and exclude processed foods from your diet. Try to drink more water.

2. Taste test

For this test, you will need some blue food coloring, which you apply to your tongue using a Q-tip.

Then using a magnifying glass count the number of taste buds on the front of your tongue. If you count 20 or more blue dots, you have a good sense of taste and can be called a "super taster."

Supertasters are sensitive to certain foods, such as broccoli and cabbage, that contain bitter components that may cause them to find them unpalatable. At the same time, these vegetables contain antioxidants and vitamins that protect against cancer, and a lack of these substances may increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

3. Anemia test

Lack of iron in the diet can cause anemia. To check if you are suffering from anemia, extend your arm with your palm facing up and clasp your fingers together..

If after a few seconds your hand looks pale, especially in the folds, you can say that you have this problem. It is best to see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. If you suffer from anemia, include meat and green vegetables in your diet.

4. Food tolerance test

Add a spoonful of baking soda to a glass of water, stir and drink. If you burp after drinking soda water, this is a good sign.

The alkaline substance in the stomach creates gas. If you don't belch, it may be a sign that your stomach acid levels are low and you're not absorbing all the nutrients you need from foods.

5. Vision test

If you want to have your eyesight checked, walk 20 steps away from the parked car and look at the car's license plate.

Can you see numbers and letters clearly? If any distortion or blurriness appears, it may be time for you to see an eye doctor.

6. Cholesterol test

If you want to know if your cholesterol levels are high, look at the skin above and below the eye. Did you notice the yellow dots there? These fatty deposits may indicate high cholesterol levels.

If this happens, it is best to consult a doctor to have the appropriate tests done.

Small fat spots appear only if high cholesterol levels persist for a long time.

7. Allergy test

Often, when digesting certain foods, we quickly become full and experience bloating or heaviness. If you want to know if this is due to a food intolerance, do the following.

Before eating a food that causes stomach upset, take your pulse.

Then eat a medium or large portion of this food and measure your pulse again. If you notice that your heart rate has increased by more than 10 beats per minute, this may be due to an allergy to the product.

8. Pulmonary function test

If you want to check the functioning of your lungs and possible problems associated with them, stand at a distance of about 30 cm from a burning candle, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth, trying to blow out the candle.

Count how many attempts it took you to blow out the candle. If it takes you many attempts, it may be due to poor fitness, weight problems, smoking or chronic lung disease.

If you make an unusual sound when you exhale, this could be a warning sign of asthma, especially if you cough at night.

9. Heart function test

First you need to relax. Sit quietly in the room for 5 minutes, or you can lie down or close your eyes if you wish.

After a while place two fingers on the inside of your hand to check your pulse. Count the number of beats per minute. The recommended number of strokes is from 60 to 100.

If your heart rate is significantly different from normal, it may be due to high blood pressure. It is worth consulting a doctor to get rid of doubts.

10. Blood circulation test

Fill a small container with ice water and place your fingers in it for 30 seconds, but not longer.

If your fingers turn white or blue, your circulation is different from normal.

The body reacts to a drop in temperature by spasming the veins, sending blood to those parts of the body that are in contact with the cold. For this reason, a person's nose and hands turn pink or red when it is cold.

It is impossible to avoid the natural aging of the body, but you can delay it as much as possible and meet old age in good physical condition and sound mind. It is impossible to deny the factor of heredity, but a lot depends on lifestyle and habits.

All nutritionists in the world agree on the main thing: a person’s health largely depends on his diet. World-famous publications are creating ratings of healthy products, as more and more people are showing interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Food additives are the general name for natural or synthetic chemicals that improve the taste, smell and appearance of products, extend their shelf life, etc. Of the 500 existing additives, half are allowed in Russia. You only need to know those that can harm your health.

The average energy requirement of an adult man is 2,500 kcal per day; women need 1,800 kcal. With increased physical activity, these numbers increase, and to lose excess weight, calories must be reduced.

The ancient names of diseases seem funny today, but these funny words have their own history and interesting etymology. Doctors will easily answer the test questions, and others will find it useful to broaden their horizons with near-medical terminology.

If you want to quit smoking, adjust your menu and lifestyle for a while. Alcohol, red meat and coffee make you want to smoke a cigarette, while vegetables, fruits and dairy products distort the taste of tobacco smoke and discourage the desire to smoke.

A healthy lifestyle includes an optimal mode of physical activity and rest, hardening, proper nutrition, a rational lifestyle, the absence of bad habits, etc. A healthy lifestyle should take into account psychophysiological characteristics, age, gender and social situation, etc.

The importance of diet has long been proven by physiologists: the habit of eating regularly at a set time develops a conditioned reflex. The body begins to prepare for food intake in advance - gastric juice and other substances are produced, intestinal motility increases, etc.

Our well-being, health, activity and full longevity directly depend on the quality and balance of the diet. The habit of monitoring the content of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates is no less important than the ability to cook deliciously.

We go to the doctor with complaints about a nervous system disorder when it becomes difficult to ignore the condition. The nature of nervous disorders can range from irritability and reduced emotional background to obsessive states and autonomic dysfunction.

The blues have many synonyms - melancholy, apathy, despondency, etc. An unpleasant state when life is not a joy can happen to anyone. The reasons include bad weather, going back to work after vacation, a strict diet, troubles, and monotony.

A healthy lifestyle seems boring until health problems force you to reconsider your ideas about what is pleasant and useful. A balanced diet, physical activity, and giving up bad habits are justified and do not require superhuman efforts.

Health is not only the absence of disease, but also a state of the body in which all organs function normally, as well as a feeling of mental well-being. The state of health can be judged by certain parameters - anthropometric, physical, biochemical, biological, etc. Normal health is said to be when the indicators fall within a certain range. Any deviation from the norm may be a sign of deteriorating health. The external manifestations of the disease consist of changes in the functions and structures of the body that can be measured, as well as poor health. Every person is interested in maintaining health, because good health allows you to live fully and long, achieve your goals, overcome difficulties and solve life problems.

According to WHO, 50% of health depends on lifestyle and nutrition, 20% is due to the influence of external conditions and heredity, and 10% is the responsibility of the health care system. Stress, alcohol and tobacco abuse, drugs, and environmental pollution negatively affect health.