Plan of events for the board game club. Extracurricular activity program "board games"

Department of Education of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee
Educational institution "Grodno State Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity"


order of the director of the educational institution "GGODTDM"

from "____" ___________ 2012

protocol No. __________


Educational program



Student age: 12-30 years

for testing at the meeting

methodological advice

from "_ 21 _» ___ September _______ 2012

Protocol No. ___ 12 __________

Grodno 2012
Explanatory note
In the modern world, most students devote their free time to computer games. This negatively affects both their health, physical and mental development, and their socialization in society. Sitting at a computer for a long time and motionless causes problems with blood circulation, deterioration of vision and posture. The loneliness and monotony of such leisure are prerequisites for the manifestation of depression and neuroses.

Is there an alternative to satisfying the human "thirst" for games that is not burdened with such serious disadvantages? Today we can safely say that there is. And the solution should be sought in the board games industry.

Over the past decades, board games have experienced rapid growth in popularity and development, especially abroad. In recent years, this trend has also been typical for the CIS countries.

Nowadays, board games have evolved into complex logical, tactical and strategic models with elements of economics, management and story roles.

In addition, they contribute to the socialization of young people, the development of communication skills and interaction in society. There are different approaches to the classification of board games, among which the group of military-tactical games is distinguished. These games are designed to reconstruct real or fictitious battles, and serve as a means for personal expression of the younger generation. They involve the creation of three-dimensional scenery, as well as the assembly and painting of many miniatures, and are an excellent means for developing creative skills. And in the case of games based on real battles, they contribute to the education of patriotism.

The implementation of board games as a leading means and component of the education of children and youth is the basis of the circle’s activities. The organization of its educational process contributes not only to reducing the degree of computer addiction of young people, but also to the education of logically thinking, creative, socially active and patriotic representatives of society.
Goals and objectives of the program

  • stimulating interest in studying history and developing a sense of patriotism in children and youth through mastering the technologies of conducting military-tactical and other board games by reconstructing the battles of the Great Patriotic War.


    • train students in the technology of conducting military-tactical and other board games;

    • promote the manifestation of students’ creative skills in the process of painting miniatures and making decorations;

    • to develop in young people, through tactical games, an analytical mindset and logical thinking;

  • create a real alternative to computer games as a pastime for students, provide assistance in solving the problem of computer addiction among young people;

  • create a culture of communication and behavior in the team;

  • use information resources on military-tactical and board games to establish connections between players and build a community.

Timing and stages of program implementation
Training at the club is carried out in two groups of 8 people. The age of the participants is from 12 to 30 years. Students are recruited into the circle on a general basis, the class form is group.

The educational course of the program is designed for 144/180 hours (4/5 weekly hours). The first year club program is an introduction to board games. Depending on the level of preparation, the student may be enrolled in the second year of study based on the results of the interview.

The program of the second-year study group is designed to further develop students’ sculptural and artistic skills, improve the skills of logical analysis, collect and compare information, and is also devoted to training strategies and tactics of action in a simulated game situation.

Principles of program construction
Availability – when presenting the material, the age characteristics of students and subjective experience are taken into account. The content component is built from simple to complex. If necessary, it is allowed to repeat part of the material after some time.

Visibility – both visual materials and training programs are used in classes.

Consciousness and activity – to enhance students’ activities, such forms of learning as games, competitions, tournaments, joint discussions of posed questions and individual work for free creativity are used.
Curriculum for the first year of study



Theory, hour

Practice, hour

Total, hour






Excursion into the game "Warhammer 40,000"





Studying the system of rules of the game "Warhammer 40,000"





Educational games in "Warhammer 40,000"





Assembling miniatures for a board game.





Making scenery for games from scrap materials.





Compiling army rosters for “Warhammer 40,000”





Painting miniatures.





Learning the rules of the game "Carcassonne"





Educational games in Carcassonne





Learning the rules of the game "Potions"





Educational games in "Potions"





Learning the rules of the game "Evolution"





Educational games in "Evolution"





Learning the rules of the game "GOSU"





Educational games in "GOSU"





Final lesson








Program content

  1. Introductory lesson. Safety precautions . Group formation. Safety precautions when working with glue and paints.

  2. Excursion into the universe of the game " Warhammer 40 000 " Introduction to the fictional universe of the world "Warhammer 40,000".

  3. Studying the system of game rules " Warhammer 40,000.” Studying the characteristics of units. Turn order. Movement phase. Shooting phase. Melee phase.

  4. Educational games in " W arhammer 40,000.” Introducing the process of playing Warhammer 40,000. Studying the strengths and weaknesses of various units. Studying the features of urban battles. Tactics of various armies.

  5. Assembling miniatures for a board game. Familiarization with the range of miniatures available in the game. Studying ways to order and deliver game miniatures from abroad. Separating parts from sprues. Fitting and sanding. The final stage of assembly. Choosing a pose.

  6. Making scenery for the game from scrap materials . Forests and fields. Barriers. Hills. Roads. City ruins. Fortifications. Control objects. Special facilities. Snow and ice.

  7. Drawing up army rosters " W arhammer 40 000". Army organization diagram. Troop selection strategy. Features of various armies.

  8. Painting miniatures. Preparatory work. Base coat (primer). Choosing a color scheme. Miniature painting technique. Features of the “metallic” color.

  9. Learning the rules of the game "Carcassonne". Rules for displaying hunters, gatherers and fishermen. Rules for collecting resources. Scoring.

  10. Educational games in Carcassonne. Training games.

  11. Learning the rules of the game "Potion Making". Rules for creating potions. Resetting components to the “cabinet”. Using other people's potions. Game tactics.

  12. Educational games in "Potions". Training games.

  13. Learning the rules of the game "Evolution". Rules for creating animals. Animal development. Feeding phase. Extinction. Scoring.

  14. Educational games in "Evolution". Training games.

  15. Learning the rules of the game " GOSU ». Rules for fielding goblins. Goblin clans. Activation tokens and benefits. The goal of the game, options for winning combinations.

  16. Educational games in " GOSU ». Training games.

  17. Final lesson.
Predicted results
By the end of the first year of study


  • rules of various well-known board games;

  • a basic diagram of the organization of the armed forces (what is the headquarters and main combat units, why artillery support and mechanized units are needed);

  • algorithm for assembling models of equipment from paper, cardboard and plastic.

be able to:

  • interact with the team, while satisfying both your personal and general needs;

  • navigate difficult circumstances and look for a way out of them;

  • make miniatures and decorations for board games.

Curriculum for the second year of study



Theory, hour

Practice, hour

Total, hour


Introductory lesson. Safety precautions.





Conversion of models using model plastic.





Making models of equipment from cardboard.





Design of miniature bases.





Preparing for the Warhammer 40,000 tournament.





Studying the rules of the game “memoir’44”.





Educational games in “memoir’44”.





Reconstruction of key battles of the Great Patriotic War.





Preparing for the “memoir’44” tournament.





Studying the rules of the game "Colonizers".





Educational games in "Colonizers".





Learning the rules of the Citadel game.





Educational games in the Citadel.





Preparation for the mini-tournament on “Citadels”.





Learning the rules of the game "Arkham Horror".





Arkham Horror educational games.





Final lesson.








Program content
1. Introductory lesson. Safety precautions . Introduction to the club program. Interview with students to determine their level of preparation. Safety precautions when working with glue and paints. Fire safety and road rules.

  1. Conversion of models using model plastic .Introduction to the types of model plastic. Safety precautions when working with model plastic. Familiarization with basic technical techniques for working with plastic. Introduction to sculpting tools.

  2. Making models of equipment from cardboard. Studying the basics of techniques for making equipment from cardboard. Familiarization with the method of searching for ready-made drawings of equipment on the Internet. Symbols in drawings. Optimal arrangement of parts on the sheet. Cardboard cutting. Gluing.

  3. Design of miniature bases. General concept of army bases. Selection of materials for bases. Various types of terrain. Specific decoration elements. Mini dioramas.

  4. Preparing for the tournament warhammer 40 000 " General strategy for the tournament. Study of typical opponents. Drawing up rosters. Tactics of specific armies.

  5. Learning the rules of the game " memoir '44". Introduction. Introduction to the basics of the game. Study of terrain features and deployment of troops. Studying the characteristics of various units.

  6. Educational games in " memoir ’44 " General tactical aspects of the game. Using order cards. Taking advantage of tactical advantages. Flank attack. Training mission.

  7. Reconstruction of key battles of the Great Patriotic War. Reconstruction of Operation Barbarossa - Center (defense near the Bug River). Reconstruction of Operation Barbarossa - North (defense of Lithuania). Reconstruction of Operation Barbarossa - South (battle for Ukraine). Reconstruction of the Battle of Kursk. Reconstruction of the Battle of Stalingrad. Reconstruction of the storming of the Reichstag.

  8. Preparing for the tournament memoir '44". Practicing battle tactics.

  9. Studying the rules of the game "Colonizers". Purpose of the game. Turn order. Types of resources and buildings. Using ports. Trade. Qualitative assessment of territories.

  10. Educational games in "Colonizers". Training games.

  11. Learning the rules of the Citadel game. Purpose of the game. Character selection. Character abilities. Set of neighborhood maps. Construction of neighborhoods. Features of the neighborhoods (colors, special rules). Game strategy. Tactical nuances.

  12. Educational games in the Citadel. Training games.

  13. Preparation for the mini-tournament on “Citadels”. Tournament strategy. Studying opponents' tactics.

  14. Learning the rules of the game "Arkham Horror". Purpose of the game. Preparation phase. Movement phase. Event phase. Phase of events in other worlds. Myth phase. Conditions for awakening the Ancient One / victory for players.

  15. Arkham Horror educational games. Training games.

  16. Final lesson. Review of the material covered. Plans and wishes for next year.

Predicted results
By the end of the second year of study


  • military history of your state;

  • the simplest types of military tactical techniques and maneuvers;

  • advanced techniques for painting models.

be able to:

  • analyze the situation, make informed decisions and calculate your actions and their possible consequences in the future;

  • see your shortcomings and advantages in specific circumstances and, based on this, form your own successful strategy of action.

Methodology of conducting classes


Teaching method

Form of the lesson

Statement of the problem, assessment of its significance.



Studying theoretical material according to the circle plan.

Explanatory, playful, visual demonstration.

Group, individual.

A practical solution to the problem.



Developing skills by independently solving problems set by the teacher.




  1. How to make wargames terrain, London, 1996.

  2. How to paint Citadel tanks, London, 2009.

  3. Warhammer 40,000 codex - Cities of Death, London, 2006.

  4. Warhammer 40,000 Fifth Edition Rulebook, 2008.

  5. How to paint miniatures “Citadel”, 1st edition (2003, London), Russian translation, M.: 2006.

  6. Pidkasisty, P.I. “Game technology in teaching” - M.: Education, 1992.

  7. Shmalov, S.A. “Students’ games are a cultural phenomenon” - M.: New School, 1994.

Club of board game lovers “Learn to think boldly!” (room 403)


In the Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. I. S. Nikitin, on the basis of the department of natural science and technical literature, begins the work of the club of lovers of board intellectual games “UMS”. This is an excellent occasion for parents and children, friends, classmates, and work colleagues to gather for live communication. We invite everyone who wants to have a fun and useful time and, of course, play board games!
You will find many games interesting for both adults and children: Monopoly, Answer in 5 Seconds, Activity, Jenga, Ubongo, Elias, Andor, Cow 006 and many others. Anyone can come and play the board games available in our department’s collection completely free of charge. Opening hours: from 12-00 to 19-00 daily, Friday is a day off.

We are waiting for everyone at pl. Lenina 2, 4th floor, room. 403

Sign up by phone. 255-45-72 – department of natural science and technical literature.


January 28, 2017
Today the club members played the most interesting and fun board game “Tik Tak Boom: Party” and the no less interesting “Ubongo”. It was fun, no one wanted to leave.
If you want to spend time among players who are equally passionate about their hobby or get acquainted with this or that game, we will be very glad to see you.
You can play daily with your team! Or on the first and fourth Saturday of every month from 17.00 to 19.00 in the ranks of our cozy club!

Post release prepared
sector of special types of technical documentation

T. 255-45-72


Board games are a wonderful hobby. What could be better than spending a weekend with friends around a table with interesting games in our cozy library?
On Saturday January 14, 2017 year at 17 o'clock in the Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. I.S. Nikitin, the next meeting of the club of lovers of board intellectual games “UMS” took place.
Club members played board games “Answer in 5 seconds”, “Activity”, “Crazy Maze” and others. They showed logic, imagination, ingenuity and resourcefulness. It was fun, the players got a charge of positive emotions for the whole week!

Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. I.S. Nikitina
T. 255-45-72


December 17, 2016 year in the Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. I.S. Nikitin, the next meeting of the club of lovers of board intellectual games “UMS” was held.

Today the club members played two cool board games “Activity” and “Munchkin”. It was fun, everyone present received a lot of positive emotions.

The post-release was prepared by the sector of special types of technical documentation
Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. I.S. Nikitina
T. 255-45-72


November 19, 2016 in the Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. I.S. Nikitin, the next meeting of the club of lovers of board intellectual games “UMS” was held.

Explanatory note.

This program provides an opportunity to expand and deepen practical skills, improves the level of language culture, and creates conditions for the development of logical thinking and spatial concepts of students.

A board game forces you to think, test and develop your abilities, and involves the child in competition with others. Children's participation in the game contributes to their self-affirmation, develops perseverance, desire for success and other useful motivational qualities.

Purpose of the program: expansion of the child’s zone of proximal development and its consistent transfer into a direct asset, that is, into the zone of actual development.

Main objectives of the program:

    development of thinking in the process of forming the basic techniques of mental activity: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, the ability to highlight the main thing, prove and disprove, draw simple conclusions;

    development of mental cognitive processes: various types of memory, attention, visual perception, imagination;

    development of language culture and the formation of speech skills: clearly and clearly express your thoughts, define concepts, draw conclusions, argue your point of view;

    formation of creative thinking skills and development of the ability to solve non-standard problems;

    development of cognitive activity and independent mental activity of students;

    formation and development of communication skills: the ability to communicate and interact in a team, work in pairs, groups, respect the opinions of others, objectively evaluate one’s work and the activities of classmates;

    developing skills in applying acquired knowledge and skills in the process of studying school disciplines and in practical activities.

Distinctive features of the program: practical gaming orientation, design technologies.

Organizational principles: classes involve group work. The program is intended for 5th grade students, designed for 1 hour per week, for a total of 34 hours (34 school weeks).

Features of the organization of the educational process.

During classes, the child develops developed forms of self-awareness, self-control and self-esteem. The absence of grades reduces anxiety and unreasonable worry among students, and the fear of wrong answers disappears. As a result, children develop an attitude towards these activities as a means of developing their personality. This program consists of a system of didactic and educational games. The classes use entertaining and easy-to-understand association games, logical and educational games, puzzles, lotto and dominoes, backgammon, and checkers.

Children spend most of their time making their own decisions search tasks. Thanks to this, children develop the ability to act independently, make decisions, and manage themselves in difficult situations.

At each lesson there is brainstorming solving a problem of a certain type. At this stage, children develop such important qualities as awareness of their own actions, self-control, and the ability to give an account of the steps taken when solving problems of any difficulty.

At each lesson, after independent work, collective verification of problem solving. This form of work creates conditions for normalizing self-esteem in all children, namely: increasing self-esteem in children whose thought processes are well developed, but educational material is poorly absorbed in the classroom due to a lack of attention, for example. Other children may experience a decrease in self-esteem because their academic success is dictated mainly by diligence and diligence.

In these classes, the child evaluates his own progress. This creates a special positive emotional background: relaxedness, interest, desire to learn how to perform the proposed tasks.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the program

Personal results studying the program is to develop the following skills:

    Define And express under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of behavior in cooperation common to all people (ethical standards).

    In situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on simple rules of behavior common to everyone, make a choice, with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

Meta-subject results studying this program are the formation of the following universal learning activities (ULAs).

Regulatory UUD:

    Define And formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of the teacher.

    pronounce sequence of actions.

    Study express your guess (version) based on working with a particular game.

    Study work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

    Study differ a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

    Learn together with the teacher and other students give emotional assessment activities of comrades.

Cognitive UUD:

    Navigate your knowledge system: differ new from what is already known with the help of a teacher.

    Make a preliminary selection of information sources: navigate in the rules of a particular game.

    Gain new knowledge: find answers answer questions using diagrams, tables, game rules and other sources, your life experience and information received from the teacher.

    draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the whole class.

    Process the information received: compare And group objects and objects by class, type, purpose.

    Convert information from one form to another: compose stories based on simple models (subject models, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams).

Communicative UUD:

    Communicate your position to others: draw up your thought in oral speech (at the level of one sentence or small text).

    Listen And understand speech of others.

    Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

    Learn to perform different roles in a group (leader, performer, critic).

Subject results studying the program are the formation of the following skills:

Describe the characteristics of objects and recognize objects by their characteristics;

Identify essential features of objects;

Compare objects and phenomena with each other;

Summarize, draw conclusions;

Classify phenomena, objects;

Determine the sequence of events;

Judge opposing phenomena;

Give definitions to certain concepts;

Identify functional relationships between concepts;

Identify patterns and draw analogies.


n/ n

Section topic

Number of hours

Duration of study

Association games

Logic games

Dominoes, lotto

Backgammon, checkers

Modern board games

Project activities


Lesson topic


Association games - 4 hours


The land of games invites you. What types of games are there? Introduction to games and their origins. Focus on team building. Rules of the association game

Games and rules. From the history of games

Rules of the game. Are they required for everyone? Focus on team building.

Association games “Patterns”, “Wildlife”,

Rules of the game. Game. Drawing up the tournament table. Summing up. On the topic “Association Games”.

Crossword game

Rules of the game. Establishment and continuation of a pattern. Discussion of the scoring scheme.

Logic games -7 h

Game "Word Maker"

Russian game "Baklushi"

Game "Tic Tac Toe".

Rules of the game. Game. Continuation of the logical series. Organization and holding of a gaming tournament.

"Battleship", types of games

Rules of the game. Game. Continuation of the logical series. Organization and holding of a gaming tournament

Internet Games

Rules for safe Internet use, games on the Internet, how to play safely

Dominoes, lotto – 6 hours

Domino classic

Rules of the game. A variety of rules. Game. Resolving controversial issues that arise during the game. Summing up.

Lotto "Russian".

Rules of the game. Game. Discussion of the scoring scheme. Drawing up the tournament table. Summing up.

Backgammon, checkers -5 hours.

Classic game of backgammon (backgammon)

The history of the game "backgammon". Rules of the game in Russia. Initial draw. Explanation of the game algorithm. Movement of checkers. How to throw checkers out of the game. How to hammer and load a checker. Carrying out the game. Determining the time to think about a move. The concept of "timer". Additional rules. Organization and holding of a gaming tournament.

Classic checkers game.

Rules of the game. Field designation. Characteristics of moves. Checkers terms. Explanation of the game algorithm. Determining the time to think about a move. The concept of "timer". Discussion of the scoring scheme. Drawing up the tournament table. Distribution into pairs of players by lot. Organization and holding of a gaming tournament.

Game "Collect four"

Rules of the game. Establishment and continuation of a pattern. Organization and holding of a gaming tournament.

Modern board games – 6 hours.

Modern games

Types, purpose, presentation of games, characteristics and rules


Rules of the game. Field designation. Characteristics of moves. Explanation of the game algorithm. Discussion of the rules. Organization and holding of a gaming tournament.

Table football

Rules of the game. Dividing into pairs of players by lot, determining the order of participants. Drawing up the tournament table. Resolving controversial issues that arise during the game. Organization and holding of the tournament. Summing up.

My family's favorite games

Presentations of your games, rules, features

Constructor (student).

Design: according to a model, according to conditions, according to plan. Creating something whole from individual elements: houses, cars, bridges. Three main types of design. Search for new forms and ideas. Getting a certain result. Purposefulness of one's own actions.

Project activity – 6 hours.

Where do games start?

Choosing a game direction for project activities, organizing further work, setting goals and objectives

Our game project

Preparing and creating the game.

Search for new forms and ideas. Getting a certain result.

Presentation of the game project

Purposefulness of one's own actions.

Organization and holding of a gaming tournament.


Creating conditions for the development of new forms of intellectual leisure for teenagers and youth of the city of Chernogorsk who find themselves in difficult life situations through the work of the Board Games Club “Your Move!”

Project Description


The project to create a board game club “Your move!” opened on the basis of the Central City Library named after A. S. Pushkin with the aim of organizing conditions for the development of new forms of intellectual leisure for teenagers and youth of the city of Chernogorsk who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The board game club has become an open playground, a place for free time and informal communication for young people. Library specialists and volunteers from the All-Russian public organization “Young Guard of United Russia” were involved in the implementation of the project. work, will develop their dexterity, resourcefulness, and positive thinking.

The project was designed for young people aged 14 to 30 years. The project has been implemented from 2016 to the present day.

More than 1,100 people took part in the project, including more than 800 youth. 42 troubled teenagers visiting the library became members of the Club.

12 library specialists and 14 volunteer volunteers took part in the project. During the period of the club's work, 58 meetings of the Board Games Club were held, in which more than 900 people took part. There is an increase in library attendance by 4.5%.