Nikolai Oleinikov, poetry. Fisheye Capture panoramic landscapes with a fisheye lens, but without distortion

Shooting with a fisheye lens is one of the best ways to create creative images because it is also relatively inexpensive (approximately $650), making it accessible to a wide range of amateur photographers. And the idea of ​​using such a lens has its own history.

It was originally used in meteorology to study the sky and cloud formations, and was called the “all sky” lens. This optic has rapidly gained popularity in the field of general photography as it creates unique effects due to its unusual line distortion. It can be used for various purposes, both professional and for entertainment, with the latter being more common. Now let's move on to fisheye lens tips that you can easily implement.

1. Radial blur

Shooting a wedding with a fisheye lens can be a blast. Typically, the action takes place in low light conditions, so this is a challenge for the photographer. Try standing right in the center of the dance floor and take pictures. To get a radial blur effect, slow your shutter speed to about 1/25th of a second. Then you need to rotate the camera 90 degrees counterclockwise. To do this, hold the lens with your left hand and rotate the camera body with your right. Not all shots will be successful, but you will almost always get interesting, unusual images.

2. Exaggeration of the curvature of the Earth

Here the use of a fisheye lens is this: the closer to the edge of the frame you place an object or line, the more his/her curvature will be. For example, if you place the horizon in the middle of the photo, it will appear completely straight in the image. But if it is at the top of the frame, the distortion will increase sharply. Just be careful, because when you get home, you may find your feet at the bottom of the frame.

3. Capture panoramic landscapes with a fisheye lens, but without distortion

Sometimes, a fisheye can be used simply to capture everything you see in a scene. We don't always want distorted lines, but a super wide angle can be very useful. If you have a landscape that does not have straight lines, such as buildings, trees, telegraph poles, etc., then you can use this lens as a wide-angle lens. Make sure the horizon is in the middle of the frame. You'll be able to capture an almost 180-degree view of the scene, but without the crazy distortion of a fisheye lens.

4. Capture the entire ceiling

With no ordinary lens you would be able to capture as much of the ceiling as shown in the image above. This massive ceiling with symmetrical architecture was photographed in Dallas, Texas. The photographer fumbled a lot, trying to mark the exact middle with a marker on the floor. When looking at this vault, the only thing that came to his mind was to use a fisheye lens.

5. Change your viewing angle

A fisheye is a fixed focal length lens, which means you have to move around to zoom. Experiment with different angles and lines, get low and shoot off the ground, even if that means lying on your stomach in railroad gravel. Lean against a wall and use lens distortion to wrap the wall around your frame. The most important thing is to do it in a good mood, whether you are shooting for yourself or for clients, have fun.




It happened beyond the cold pole, in the midnight region, beyond the icy waters.

Look how beautiful she is! - the midwife’s first, routine compliment was interrupted by the superstitious murmur of the woman in labor: “The child is like a child...” - And what is that white thing on the back?

“Probably the cream stuck, I ate dry cream for heartburn.”

Shirt... She was born in a shirt!

At home, much later, the jubilant young parents will discover two crowns on the heavy infant head.

A slimy cloak of constant luck or two crowns - another mark of the benevolence of otherworldly forces - helped the girl out more than once. And also the ability of the polar fox to escape intact, without destroying the whitest long hair, from any trap, any trap, from the most cunning snares set by fate.

Here is an infant adventure that is still remembered with some chills.

So, it was in Ultima Tula, in winter, where Blok’s line is inverted: white wind, black snow. The cold that day was quite moderate for our latitudes, minus 40-42. The mother rushed off to the dentist for torture, to tear out a sore fang from the scurvy gum, ordering the father - too young and careless - to “look after Lelka,” but he soon got bored and turned on a “cartoon” for his four-year-old daughter, ordering him to sit quietly, quietly, he would soon will return. I dragged my friends and I to the pub to drink beer, grabbing dried caviar bream suspended on a fishing line between the legs of the kitchen table among the shriveled relatives. And the severe frost does not matter to the cheerful fool: “demand that beer be topped up after it settles - the slogans of stagnation.”

The TV set of the Zorka brand is decorated around the frame with my mother’s scarce mother-of-pearl lipstick (someone’s secret morning art). But the cartoon in the black and white window turned out to be bad: about the exploits of Perseus. The girl did not like the Gorgon Medusa, her look was petrifying, and the severed head was more terrible than the entire monster: and the dead woman was looking, “the cunning Mitrius: he died, but he looked.” And the Graia sisters with magical gifts and transient sighted eyes also frightened with ugliness: what unpleasant grandmothers they are; and the dragon, the beast emerging from the sea for the Andromeda maiden flesh, did not arouse any sympathy at all. Medusa, of course, turned out to be the worst of all: she was staring from all the dark corners of the apartment, the snakes were hissing and curling on the titanide’s head. Her frightening appearance was described by Apollodorus and Ovid, Xenophanes and Lucian; here is a girl with two tops of her head in the same place.

The door shook: it was locked from the outside. Trouble: you have to escape into the sky! Oh, if only there was a large round mirror in a bronze frame at home...

“The river below suddenly rustled loudly, as if wanting to warn: “Come down to me!” Hide! I hear the frightened whisper of the trees: “Bride of the wind with the hands of the strangler! Centaurs Medusa, wild hunt! Lower your heads, a horseman with a scythe is coming!” *.

The girl reached the window easily, having thought to put it on the pop A Father's tape recorder "Spring".

“Yes, mom, I’m coming!” Somewhere a window opened from the wind and the glass shattered on the pavement with a rattling sound - this is the mortal horror of things created by human hands.

I stuck my head into the window up to my shoulders, not being afraid of the clouds of cold air, pushed off with my bare foot - and we were in the Heavenly Fatherland! And then her legs fell between the two frames (the skinned knee felt bo-bo), her hands clasped, and the girl frozein the position of Crucified on the cross of the window, the outer glass is in a thick layer of ice.

The feeling of an icy skeleton inside a fragile infant body is memorable. Still, there was a wild cold that day, the weather forecasters lied.

The lantern far below looked glassy, ​​like a fish eye, staring with the eyes of those terrible sisters.

Then a blinding light appeared from above, descending and flooding the consciousness.

“... Its light, dazzling, like a white hot sun, burns my eyes. For one moment my figure is illuminated by such a bright light that I clearly see her image even with closed eyelashes, and it is deeply imprinted in my consciousness.

“Can you see me at last, Medusa?”

“Yes, I see you, damn it!”

The merciful palm of the invisible Virgil (wasn’t it you, dear Alexander Alexandrovich?) covered the eyes of the child in the icy hell.

I woke up from the vile stench of vodka and a sharp, knife-like pain: a mustachioed stranger was diligently rubbing his blue body with vodka; around the bed there is a crowd of sheepskin coats: strangers with expressions of sympathy and horror, and a neighbor, Aunt Klava, from the top floor (they themselves lived on the fourth). The front door was ripped off its hinges. “Alive! Alive! I woke up! Crying! - the good Russian people, God-bearer and savior, joyfully murmured.

To complete the practice tummo Having returned without a tooth (“tear it, there is no time to treat, the child is at home, but the heart is not in the place!”), the mother immediately subjected the child to scourging, because part of the difficult tests for an adept is not omitted. She beat me in a frenzy of anger and fear - with a green hose from a Siberia washing machine. Then she gave her kefir to drink, wiping the sobbing Lelka with her hem, in a rustic way.

Although you, the Soviet fools, should have been beaten, dear parents!

Nothing, nothing, in a few years you will howl loudly: “What kind of a child is this: he jumps from the roof into a snowdrift, jumps out naked into the street in the bitter cold, dances on ice floes in the ice, puts hairpins in a socket, worse than any boy!” Drying wet sheets - like a cocoon on a naked body in winter, in the snows of Tibet, due to internal heat - is a piece of cake for those who have looked into the pupils of a jellyfish.

Everything is enlarged, slightly distorted by the lens of memory, frozen in crystal - in glass - in ice - shake the children's nursery rhyme: snow is always falling there.

Red corals - gorgonians - vegetated from drops of Medusa's blood that fell to the bottom of the sea, wear them willingly, child and old woman: there is no better remedy for the evil eye. But the Versace buttons are still unpleasant.

With witch's eyes, reflecting the gaze of the Titanide, the girl now looked at the world, and everything that fussed under the sun and moon - tiny, momentary, fleeting, fragile, fragile and shaky, in vain - froze forever - with words.

*Gustav Meyrink. Quotes from the novel “The White Dominican”

Fisheye: Fisheye is a type of projection. Fisheye (lens) is an ultra-wide-angle photographic lens that has an image angle close to or greater than 180°. Fisheye (optical system) (“Maxwell’s fisheye”) ... ... Wikipedia

Fisheye "Fisheye". (1) An area on a steel fracture surface that has a characteristic white crystalline appearance. (2) Welding defect. (Source: “Metals and alloys. Directory.” Edited by Yu.P. Solntsev; NPO Professional, NPO Mir and Family... Dictionary of metallurgical terms

fish eye- beer... Dictionary of Russian argot

This term has other meanings, see Fisheye ... Wikipedia

An absolute optical system representing an inhomogeneous spherically symmetrical medium, characterized by a refractive index n(r)= frac(n 0)(1+(r/a)^2), where r is the distance to the center of the system O, n 0 and a parameters. Each ray represents... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Fisheye. Emblem of the film festival Fisheye international festival of amateur films. Participating countries: Russia, Mongolia, South Korea, Japan. Organized by the television company "AIST" (city... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Fisheye. Camera "Kyiv 60 TTL" with lens "Arsat" 3.5/30 (Zodiac 8) ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Fisheye. Beam path and image construction in Maxwell's fisheye "Fisheye" ... Wikipedia

Beam path and image construction in Maxwell's fisheye Maxwell's fisheye (1854) is an absolute optical system representing an inhomogeneous spherically symmetrical medium characterized by a refractive index, where r is the distance to ... Wikipedia

"fish eye" in paintwork- 69 “fish eyes” in the paintwork: The presence of craters on the surface of the paintwork, in the center of each of which there are foreign particles. Source: GOST 28246 2006: Paint and varnish materials. Terms and definitions original... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation


  • DIY Collection of Amazing Devices and Inventions 264 Stunning Projects, Pirozhkova L. (trans.). Turn on the soldering iron, take the drill - and get to work! From a tiny electric musical instrument, the theremin, to a “beer barrel” made from a large watermelon; from an automatic feeder for...
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Find of the day: we read aloud the poems of the oberiut poet Nikolai Oleinikov at work. Until now I only knew his famous “fried crucian carp”, “siskins” and “anti-Semitic beetle”, but there was a wonderful selection of other poems.

N.S. Boldyreva

Fried fish,
Dear crucian carp,
Where is your smile?
What happened yesterday?

Fried fish,
My poor crucian carp,
You could live
If it weren't for passion.

What ruined you?
Thrown here
Where it's not so nice
Where is the frying pan?

I remember you as a child:

You laughed
They laughed loudly
Under the wave of the Neva.

Ladies of crucian carp
Adored you -
Scales and dimples,
Yes, your fish eye.

Busts of fish -
Simply beautiful!
It's hard without smiles
Look at those places.

But one morning
I met you
In the shine of mother-of-pearl
Marvelous madam.

The lady lured
you to your house,
But that lady's
The weak one was smart.

Who is he dealing with?
Oh, I didn’t understand -
Seduced, boldly
She kicked me out of the house.

And the unfortunate man decided
Die immediately.
He rushed forward, passionate.
He rushed into the net.

Evil people took
Fish from nets,
Sent to the stove
Simple, no fuss.

They ripped open with a knife,
Guts ripped out
Salted with salt
They poured flour...

But life is beautiful
I was picturing myself for you.
You were considered passionate
I'll give you some in between...

White currant,
Black trouble!
Don't walk the crucian carp
Never with my dear.

Don't go to the crucian carp
Warm water
Don't look at the clock
Hurrying to the other.

He doesn't move.
Your love< корюшкою>
He won't name it.

So make some noise, you muddy one
Neva water.
Don't swim for crucian carp
Nowhere else.


(Before Andronikov, the editorial secretary was Henrietta Davydovna, a woman of extraordinary beauty, about whom there were many disputes)

I'm in love with Henrietta Davydovna,
But she doesn’t seem to like me -
She issued a receipt to Schwartz,
I don't think there is a receipt.

I hate the damned Schwartz,
For which she suffers!
For him, for the poor mind,
She wants to get married like a fish.

Dear, beautiful Grunya,
Stop loving him, boar!
The fact is that Schwartz has nothing in his goiter.
Doesn't shorten your breath like I do.

He is a scoundrel, a seducer, a scoundrel -
He just wants to love women...
And Oleinikov, a modest handsome man,
Continues to be out of favor.

I'm handsome, I'm squeamish, I'm sassy,
I have a lot of different ideas.
I don’t have any scorch marks in my mind,
How does this Indian have them!

Love me, love me!
Stop loving him, stop loving him!

If it weren't for Natasha -
I would have run home.
If it weren't for Natasha -
I would waste my life with vodka.

The day I don't see you
It's a lost day for me.
What then is the bloom of a rose,
What is lily of the valley and lilac to me!

But when with you
I'm among your chains
I love plantain too
I also like burdock.


Mare wife -
To satisfy the ardor.

Cow wife -
For a quiet family home.

Bitch wife -
For nerve irritation.

Baby wife -
A little bit of everything.

The sun disappeared behind the mountain.
A sycophant digs a hole in the darkness of the night.
Maybe it will dig, maybe it won’t.
There is still no happiness in the world.

Once upon a time, beautiful Vera,
Throwing away the clothes,
Together with my boyfriend
I laughed until I cried all night.

It was really fun!
It really was funny!
And the blizzard howled outside the window,
And the wind knocked on the window.

I lost sleep
Stopped eating -
I'm very much in love
Into a gentle creature.

That creature sits
It's hot on the window.
For him my passionate look
Doesn't mean anything.

This creature
There is no sweeter or more beautiful
No more versatile
Our dear Lida.

The first time I've seen you
I just saw
All the beauties at the same hour
I hated it.
Except you.

I felt a burning sensation
I noticed in my chest,
And since then the genius
The heart is crippled.

Something burst in my heart,
Something broke
The wine cork popped,
There was an echo in my ear.

And since then I've been suffering
Remembering you,
Mighty beauty
The power of your eyes.

Your eyebrows are black
Gloomy as clouds
Moles - currants,
Hands are kisses.

In wild lust
I spend the night -
Carry on in patience
I can't stand it anymore.

Have pity, Lydia,
New Ovid.
To my atrium
Drop some mercy!

So that your consciousness
Suddenly it would become clearer
So that my food
Recovered again.


Without clothes and with clothes
I saw you yesterday
Feeling like before
Never felt it.

Above the circulatory system,
Branched out like a bush
Vorobyov is faster than lightning
A flock of feelings rushed by

No doubt - no malice,
Poisonous blood
And the unfortunate one, to the grave
Unbreakable love.

And other feelings too
The name of these feelings is passion!
- Lisa! Artist!
Let me come to you!


(A poem castigating debauchery)

I came to visit, drank vodka,
The owner is holding back his ardor.

But the vodka was drunk.
The hostess captivated me.

She seduced me like this:
“We’ll set up a bivouac with you,
Believe me, I'll make you laugh:
I'm as good as a tarantass."

Breathing heavily from passion,
I undress, rustling.

Entering a dangerous game
I thought: “What if I die?”

Indeed, not a minute has passed,
How something left me.

This something was soul.
I died. The work of the organs stopped.

And so, throwing away the burden of life,
I'm lying cool as a watermelon.

The watermelon is cut. He was rolling
He lived - and suddenly stopped.

A flea bone sleeps quietly in it,
And his ear drips.

But it never dripped!
These are the consequences of debauchery.


In the halls of red currant
One hundred and seventeen beetles live,
Beautiful green grasshopper
Four fleas and fifteen crickets.
What kind of air do they breathe?
How nourishing and clean the food is!
How magnificently it sways over them
Currant your grapes!



Small caliber bird
It's called a hummingbird.


Shakes his legs
Butts with horns,
It buzzes with its wing:

Zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi-khid! -
The anti-Semitic beetle.

Beetle talking to Ladybug

There was no more urine in the forest,
We lost our lives:
Abram under every bump!

- Yes, sir... A lot of liquid!

Grasshopper's autumn complaint

And the sun does not warm,
And the birds don't whistle.
Only Jews
They sit on branches.

Grasshopper's winter complaint

Oh, these little girls!
Oh, these scoundrels!
Their wives and daughters
They wear only dokhas.

Their dohas keep them warm,
Doha and caress,
Who are not Jews?
They all die.

Conversation between a Beetle and a Butterfly

- Butterfly, butterfly, where is your daddy?

- Our daddy drowned.

- Butterfly, butterfly, where is your mommy?

- Mommy was eaten by the Jews.

Death of the Beetle

Beetle (disappointed).

Sparrow - Jews,
Canary is Jewish
Ladybug is a Jew,
Termite is a Semite,
Rook - grach!

Lived in an apartment
Forty four
Forty four
Frail siskins:

Paranoid siskin,
Simulating siskin.

Syphilitic siskin
Senile siskin,
Siskin is an idiot.


Roop -
For soup
Three rubles -
For potatoes
Five -
On the grouse
Ten -
To the partridge
Sotka -
For vodka
And a thousand rubles -
To satisfy passions

Nikolai Makarovich Oleinikov (1898-1937) is one of the most original and prominent representatives of the Russian poetic avant-garde of the 1920-1930s. A subtle lyricist and parodist, satirist poet, philosopher, and original stylist.
Together with D. Kharms, A. Vvedensky, N. Zabolotsky, D. Levin and others, he was a member of the group “OBERIU” (Association of Real Art). Created the children's magazine "Hedgehog" (Daily Magazine). He edited two children's magazines: “Hedgehog” and “Chizh” (an Extremely interesting magazine), worked together with Marshak and Schwartz. Andronikov, Chukovsky, Zhitkov, Bianki.
Under the pseudonym Makar the Fierce, he published a “Map with Adventures” in “Hedgehog” for a long time.
In 1937 Oleinikov was arrested, after his arrest the NKVD destroyed the entire editorial office of children's literature. Oleinikov and his “minions” were accused of creating “a counter-revolutionary sabotage gang that deliberately set a course for sabotage in children’s literature.”
Oleinikov was shot on November 24, 1937 in Leningrad as an “enemy of the people.” Rehabilitated posthumously in 1957.
During his life, only three of his “adult” poems were published, and he was excluded from the history of literature for decades. His works were not published; most of them remained in manuscripts and lists preserved by the poet's family and friends.

I am glad to welcome you again, subscribers and guests of my blog. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. On the blog pages you could already read an article about, as well as about. It talks quite well about their types, features and purpose. Today’s article will tell you what a fisheye lens is or, as it is called in the West, fisheye.

To begin with, it’s worth identifying what this wonderful set of lenses is, and why it’s called that. To be precise, it is one that has a viewing angle close to 180 degrees. In the general classification, it can be designated as ultra-wide-angle. Where did the name come from? It's simple: the principle of its operation is similar to the structure of the eye of fish.

Can fisheyes differ from each other?

Certainly. Moreover, there are several types of them.

  • The first and most common is circular. Its peculiarity is that it does not cover the entire area of ​​the frame, but only shows an inscribed circle. Why is it needed? For interesting panoramas or a 360-degree panorama effect. It will also do an excellent job of capturing the sky.
  • The second type is diagonal. Why diagonal? The 180-degree viewing angle is distributed horizontally across the frame, resulting in it being completely filled. This time, the full frame fits into the maximum viewing angle of the lenses, and not vice versa, as in the previous case.
  • The last type is mechanisms with a viewing angle of more than 180 degrees. There are very few such lenses, but they exist, and you shouldn’t forget about them either.

Why were such lenses invented?

In general, they have been used for quite a long time: approximately since the beginning of the last century. But fisheye was used extremely rarely: photos of small streets, narrow corridors, cramped rooms. Now it is actively used by athletes, most often representatives of street disciplines, for example, BMX. Why Fisheye?

It's simple: it allows you to capture a large space around the athlete, which allows you to better convey the atmosphere of performing a trick, capturing the architectural structures that served as a support for a bicycle, roller skates or the soles of sneakers. In addition, this solution is relevant for both photo and video shooting.

In addition to sports, fisheyes are used in architectural photography, as before, as well as to create 3D panoramas of any objects. By the way, to create the Goolgle Earth service, the corporation used Fisheye.

Fisheye lens design

Due to the location of the lenses in the mechanism, images taken with it will have several disadvantages. The first, most obvious one is barrel-shaped. The image will be greatly stretched forward, and the background will seem too far away. In other words, this is something that manufacturers consciously undertake.

Yes, this distorts straight lines, “distances” the background from the foreground, and enlarges the latter, but this allows you to get rid of the limitation of the viewing angle, which is what most of the target audience of such lenses needs.

Another drawback relates to the Fisheye hood. As a rule, their fastenings are extremely small. They may not be suitable for both Canon and Nikon, and adapters that increase its size will also make the lens hood part of the frame, so manufacturers usually install them during production.

This can be called the reason for the impossibility of installing different filters on the lens. In addition, they will be of little use if installed in front of convex glass. Because of this, gelatin filters are usually installed behind the last lens, making them impossible to quickly replace. To correct the problem, manufacturers began to equip the Fisheye with a rotating filter system consisting of a standard set of colors.

What can such a lens be mounted on?

There are many variations of the fish eye. The most common is the fisheye version for the phone. These are sold in almost every mobile store and cost pennies, which is why they are very easy to buy. There is a huge selection on Aliexpress. This is what a search on Aliexpress gives for the request: fisheye lens for phones.

There are also models for iPhone, and they are well equipped. Sometimes doubt arises that the photo was taken on an iPhone. They can also be found by searching on Aliexpress, fisheye lens for iPhone. They cost mere pennies, but the results are obvious.

To avoid buying a fisheye lens for your phone, some craftsmen manage to create them with their own hands. Sometimes the result exceeds all expectations, but more often than not, such crafts are not successful.

Don’t forget about cleaning your lenses, whether it’s on your phone or your camera. Fingerprints, dust and other debris, better clean up special pencil, and you can also use special cloths for cleaning. I have both. I also bought these on Aliexpress.

Want to understand your DSLR camera? Want to take amazing photos? Do you want to finally understand which button on the camera does what? Then the video courses below will help you. The best video courses for beginners!

My first MIRROR— who has a CANON SLR camera.

Digital SLR for a beginner 2.0— who has a NIKON SLR camera.

In general, the article can be finished. I told you everything I knew about Fisheye in its general understanding. If you were interested in the article, tell your friends about it, subscribe to my blog if you haven’t already, and continue reading my articles. They will tell you about many photography techniques, its technical and practical aspects. See you soon!

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.