Never say never: interview with Alla Akperova. Brother of Rasim Akperov: “I am sure that I will be elected as a deputy” Rasim Akperov biography

Rasim Akperov and Alla Belyak-co-owners of FIF Group. Married for 5 years. We met at the Podium store, where we worked together. “I immediately liked Rasim, but I carefully feigned complete indifference.” On the first date, Rasim was waiting for her with a rose on the street in thirty-degree frost. Alla was an hour late. Then Rasim and Rosa warmed up at Coffeemania on Kudrinskaya.

They started living together six months later. The young man is younger than his chosen one, Rasim’s birthday is August 30, 1980, but this did not stop the couple from officially registering their relationship and investing money in a common business.

Rasim values ​​kindness and honesty in people, his favorite game is football, he is Orthodox and has a negative attitude towards smoking.

Alla is 38 years old. Likes to dress fashionably and stylishly. He actively uses online stores, prefers European shopping to American shopping and loves Moscow for its large selection of conceptual monobrands.

I love cropped coats. Every time I buy things, I really want them to be worn for more than one season, but time passes and I can no longer wear the same thing, I want something new. But I can wear my favorite things for ten years.Stella McCartney is one of my favorite brands. Since I fly a lot for work, I always combine business with pleasure and bring back something new from business trips.I won’t name any super original places, because now there is the Internet and there are almost no secrets left. The only thing is that I know several good vintage stores where I buy bags and jewelry.

The couple is expecting a child.

Alla Akperova (Belyak) flew to Australia with her husband to personally offer cooperation to the legendary brand for the production of sheepskin shoes, since sometimes it is difficult for foreign brands to choose their intermediary in Russia:

- If we are talking about luxury brands, then it is difficult for them to navigate themselves. They have a hard time documenting the stores. And often this product ends up on the markets. And after that, not a single self-respecting store will carry it on the shelf. And thus the brand simply dies.

We brought Emu felt boots and Hunter rubber boots to Moscow. Before agreeing to the marriage, Alla demanded the Graff ring, and Rasim had no choice. Their quarrels often happen in public, so great is their passion. One of the disagreements happened in Australia, and Rasim chased the angry Alla all over Sydney like an emu. Sometimes their quarrels become the loudest event at a social event. However, Alla Akperova received a Graff ring as a gift from her husband in honor of the engagement, and their company FIF Group won the Fashion Olympus award in the Best fashion show-room category in 2010.

Despite the frantic temperament of both, they manage to run a business, and a very successful one.

Both do not shine with culinary talents, so they dine in restaurants.

WITH son from his first marriage

Alla's Instagram

Rasim's Instagram

Rasim Akperov is a regular on gossip columns. Together with his wife Alla, they created a common business and opened the popular Brow&Beauty Bar, which is visited by a good half of the capital. It would seem that there is no place for religion in his world - such issues are usually not discussed in secular circles. Therefore, meeting a religious person in a “party” is a rarity, but we were lucky. We asked Rasim for Patriarch Kirill’s call for a ban on abortion and IVF, and we found his point of view so interesting that we present it in full.

“The most important thing to understand is that I am against prohibitions in principle. A person must decide for himself what to do and answer for it before his conscience, God, society - who believes in what. We live in a secular state and therefore abortion cannot be legally prohibited. But the patriarch can appeal to his flock, call on believers to abandon abortion, and resort to artificial insemination only in extreme cases. Condemning the patriarch for wanting to save the lives of unborn children is also wrong. What should the state do? In addition to educating children about family planning and sexuality, additional programs are needed. For example, women who refused an abortion and then gave up their unwanted child to the care of the state can be paid compensation. Here, of course, the question of morality arises: someone will think that this is similar to child trafficking and will provoke childbirth for the sake of earning money, but a life saved is better than a ruined one. I emphasize that in both cases, from a moral point of view, this is terrible. But we still really need population growth. Morality is morality, and the facts speak for themselves: girls still give birth, sell, give away, throw out, have abortions, destroy themselves. But it is better to atone for sins with a living child than with a dead one.

Regarding IVF: I know children born this way. I don’t know how to deprive people of the happiness of becoming parents if they refuse it. But I know cases where people trusted in IVF, and not in God, and nothing worked out for them, and after repentance they had a child. The question here is not how the baby was born, but that some embryos were frozen. Some were rejected due to a genetic failure - in short, there are many options. Imagine that you already have five children and they have been returned to an embryonic state. Now choose two from these five that should be born.

I argue with myself, I am my own opponent, and for every point of view I have pros and cons. I don’t know how people can talk about such things with confidence, much less decide the fate of others. But I will say a few words in God’s defense. Imagine: a woman is unable to give birth, she is in despair. There is a way out - IVF, but God says it’s impossible. She turns her pleas to heaven: “How is this possible? Why did You deprive me of the opportunity to give birth and at the same time forbid me to become pregnant by medical means?” What can the Lord say to her about this? “Did I forbid you to drink, smoke, take drugs? I told you, get married, give birth, don’t think about tomorrow, do according to my law and I will give everything to you? You said, what about my career, I still have time. I sent you love, a young, handsome, strong guy, and you said he doesn’t earn money, and you married an old man whom you don’t love. And now I’m also to blame?!”

David Beckham and Victoria Beckham

In psychology there is such a wonderful term “Michelangelo effect”. It can be explained using a simple example: once upon a time there lived Vasya, an unremarkable guy, and then he met Masha, who found something in him, they got married, and Vasya became a man. He suddenly developed a sense of humor, his business took off, he started a good company, where he is considered an intelligent and respected person. What actually happened, where did such changes come from? The reason is Masha, who, like a sculptor, sculpted a masterpiece from a piece of clay (hence the artistic term). Both win. Masha is with an enviable husband, and Vasya’s life has completely turned 180 degrees. All this once again confirms someone’s golden words that behind every successful man there is a wise woman. But let men not be offended, because sometimes (according to our observations, extremely rarely) it works in the opposite direction.

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton

Where would Bill Clinton be now if not for his wife Hillary? Without her, he would not have become not only the president of America, but even the governor of Arkansas (in 1978 he became the youngest governor in the history of the country). In the 70s, Hillary introduced him to all the right people, gave him powerful PR, and then forced him to run for president. But Hillary, as a smart woman, did not put herself on the altar of her husband and did something all the time: she worked as a lawyer, defended the rights of children, worked in healthcare, and almost became president herself. Family friends say they trust only each other and no one else. Even after this disgusting story with Monica Lewinsky. After all, in a situation where the US presidency is at stake (for Bill or for Hillary), who can be unsettled by such a trifle as oral sex? The couple played this card smartly - and made a political career out of it for Hillary. It seems that no one will be surprised if Hillary becomes President of the United States sooner or later. Well, it’s not so bad - a family contract.

Ozzy Osbourne and Sherri Osbourne

For many years, Ozzy Osbourne's wife Sherri was also the main brains of the family. She is her husband’s producer and, in general, one of the largest music managers in the UK, a business shark, and Ozzy is her best project, which also gave her two healthy (this is important, given Ozzy’s hectic lifestyle) children - a son and a daughter. It’s just that, probably immersed in business, Sharon forgot about her family - Ozzy, in gratitude for his successful career, decided to go to the left. The result: the wife threw the musician out of the door for having an affair with the hairdresser and was even planning to file for divorce. However, in the end she changed her anger to mercy and took the unfaithful Ozzy back.

Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova

Some people give their husbands a career, others their image. Presenting your chosen one in a favorable light is also not an easy task. And Dasha Zhukova only confirms this with her example. Since 2007, Roman Abramovich is not just a billionaire, politician and football fan, but also a socialite. Whether he likes it or not, the tenth question is that for the sake of Dasha, who had already given Abramovich two children, he was ready to smile at the cameras and go to parties, which, by the way, he does with obvious pleasure even after separating from his wife in 2017.

Vyacheslav Doronin and Naomi Campbell

A businessman can be super successful, but only his office employees and business partners will know about him. And when you have money and power, it is logical to spend some of it on personal glory. And for this you need a secular woman - not a housewife. She will introduce you to fashionable bohemians and other influential people, your photos with her will appear in all magazines, and for a photo of you together in underpants, someone will receive a fee of a million dollars. Vyacheslav Doronin was an exemplary businessman and family man (his marriage to his wife Ekaterina lasted 21 years), until fate (or the right people) brought him together at the Cannes Film Festival in 2008 with Naomi Campbell. They said a lot of bad things about her, but she could offer Doronin something else besides her beauty - Naomi created his reputation in the USA and Great Britain. As a result, the couple broke up, but the acquired secular reputation remains with Doronin to this day.

Stephen Webster and Asya Webster

Stephen Webster is a great jeweler, but like any artist, he needs support. Remember the same Salvador Dali, who is unknown who he would have become if not for his wife, muse and support Gala. Stephen was also lucky to have a Russian wife - Asya Webster made a star out of an ordinary jeweler and introduced her to the powers that be, in particular in Russia, where she has a million acquaintances and girlfriends who immediately fell in love with the shocking rings, bracelets and earrings of the talented craftsman. Not a single piece of jewelry made by her husband comes out without Asya’s approval.

There's no arguing that David Beckham is a great footballer, but not all of his colleagues become showbiz superstars like him. Because they don't have a strong-willed wife like Victoria Beckham on hand. She brought him from boring England to America, and what difference does it make that football there is a third-rate game - the main thing is that now David is friends with the entire Hollywood elite, earns millions from advertising contracts and has become the most stylish dad (he and Victoria have four children) in Hollywood.

Hugh Jackman and Doborra-Lee Furness

Actor Hugh Jackman is also one of those lucky ones for whom the second half has become a ticket to a happy life. Hugh and Deborah-Lee Furness met on the set of the Australian TV series Corelli back in 1995. The then unknown young actor was immediately struck by the beauty of the famous Australian actress Deborah and four months later proposed marriage to her. Deborra, who, by the way, is thirteen years older than her husband, agreed without hesitation. From the very moment the lovers officially registered their union, Hugh’s career went uphill, either thanks to the fame of his wife, or her efforts, or both. Today the whole world knows him, and he claims that he owes absolutely everything to his beloved wife. Alas, despite the outward idyll, rumors about Jackman’s gayness have been happily picked up and developed by journalists for quite some time now. But the couple are in no hurry to pay attention to idle gossip - they have been happy together for more than twenty years, raising two adopted children, and Deborah is still ready to pave the way for her husband into the world of cinema and great fame.

Amancio Ortega with his wife Rosalia

Amancio Ortega, without receiving a full education, for a long time was forced to work as an ordinary messenger in a garment factory, from where he was later fired. The loss of his only job plunged the Spaniard into a deep depression, from which Rosalia, the wife of the future billionaire, pulled him out. She, also not having much knowledge, suggested that her husband sew clothes to order, and the couple opened a joint production at home. True, this way of earning money was at first under threat - one after another, large clients refused already completed orders. But the resourceful Rosalia was not at a loss here either: the Spaniard persuaded her husband to sell knitwear on his own. So they opened a Zorba store in 1975; Amancio was 40 years old at the time. And in 2012, Bloomberg recognized Ortega as the richest man in Europe - his holding owns the textile brands Zara, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Oysho, Pull & Bear, Zara Home, Stradivarius.

For the benefit of the family

The wives of large businessmen and politicians often begin to engage in charity work - they throw parties, collect donations and head all kinds of foundations. They do this not only because they are very kind and have access to a lot of money. A wife who is a philanthropist – ten points in favor of her husband, who, as a rule, is listed as the founder, co-chairman and sponsor of the foundation. Charity is an important matter for the image, but painstaking. Any mistake by an accountant and you are accused of money laundering, after which you go to prison. Understanding this, a rich person will never entrust such a matter to a stranger. Only to the wife, who no longer sits idle in her ten-bedroom palace, but brings tangible benefits to society and her husband.

Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki

Billionaire developer and Google co-founder Sergey Brin helped his ex-wife Anna Wojcicki open a business, investing about four million dollars in it. Anna's company 23andMe is engaged in research of the human genome (saliva is taken as research material), identifying predisposition to various diseases. A few years ago, Sergei also wanted to be examined, and he was found to have genes associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease. After this, Brin transferred a large sum to the Michael Fox Foundation, which is engaged in clinical research on this problem. Good advertising for your wife's business or a good deed? More likely, the second one.

Bill Gates and Melinda Gates

Computer magnates generally willingly give away the billions they earn for good deeds. Bill Gates has no competition here. Rumor has it that it was his wife Melinda who turned him on to charity. Bill blows away the dust from her and almost prays for his chosen one, with whom he has been married for 25 years. And it’s clear why - she cares so much about his business and reputation that in a restaurant or other public place, when she sees the paparazzi, she covers her husband’s back so that he gets less camera flashes and attention from onlookers. Bill himself came up with an interesting rule: he is sure that a woman’s intelligence directly depends on the height of her heels. The lower, the smarter. He was led to this conclusion by observations of his beloved wife: from their first meetings (they met in 1987), she wore (and still wears) flat shoes, like moccasins, and no one doubted her mental abilities during this time. They have three children, but there is a funny clause in their prenuptial agreement - Bill agreed to pay his wife $10 million for each child. They now have the world's largest private charitable foundation, which invests in health and education.

Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni

The wife of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, top model Carla Bruni, regularly donates the money she receives for working in magazines and films to charity. Ms. Bruni-Sarkozy has become the face of the Tommy Hilfiger brand, which donates money to the Breast Health Institute Foundation, patronizes an organization that provides meals to the homeless, and collaborates with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Alla is wearing a Simone Rocha dress, Vera is wearing a Fendi dress, Golden Goose sneakers

Once upon a time we already filmed Alla and Verochka, the little girl didn’t speak yet and was at that age when you just want to look at children and be touched. Now Vera has grown up and you can even have conversations with her! She attracts glances and attention on her page on the social network Instagram, which is run by her parents with care and love, posting fashionable looks and simply positive and beautiful photos of Verochka online. We met with the family at Patriarch's Ponds, where Rasim and Alla have one of the salons of their Moskvichka chain, had a fun time, took pictures and interviewed Alla.

5. What does Rasim do to cultivate the Faith, and what do you do?

Dad can talk to her for hours, explain, teach her about life. In general, we still don’t have a nanny, and grandmothers don’t help either, so upbringing is entirely up to us. Both Rasim and I give her the same amount.

8. Top 5 of your cosmetics:

– Lancome makeup base;
– Lierac ampoules for barnacles on the skin;
– Nashi Argan shampoo and hair mask;
– San Barth coconut oil;
– Nuxe body oil with shimmer.

Vera is wearing dress No. 21 Kids and Golden Goose sneakers. Alla is wearing a Simone Rocha dress.