DIY cigarette holder made of wood. Do-it-yourself cigarette holder made of wood Homemade cigarette holders

A little history

Modern mouthpiece

  • tubes;
  • hookah;
  • electronic cigarettes;
  • regular cigarettes and cigarillos.

Step by step instructions

Don't forget about care




  • File;
  • Vise;
  • Joiner's machine.

2 Working with the workpiece

4 Mouthpiece bell

Over its thousand-year history, smoking has acquired a huge number of admirers. Those people who managed to get captured by tobacco products, from where it is not so easy to get out. They are actively fighting tobacco addiction, introducing laws prohibiting smoking in public places, and holding mass events and promotions. And these actions are slowly bearing fruit, helping many smokers, if not quit, then think about breaking up with their deadly attachment.

But there remains a part of people for whom smoking has become a real cult, tradition and even an entire art. While traveling through the world of smoking accessories that complement this age-old hobby, it is worth paying attention to those devices that not only create aesthetics, but also make smoking safer. For example, the mouthpiece is a hollow tube that first appeared in the 19th century. It can be easily purchased in specialized stores, but let's talk about how to make a cigarette holder with your own hands.

A little history

The mouthpiece came to us from Germany; it was in this country that an original accessory was created, a separate long tube into which a cigarette was inserted. Initially, the purpose of such an item was to preserve the tobacco mass to the last crumb and not allow even a grain of this dust to go to waste. The mouthpiece was invented at a time when hand-rolled cigarettes and primitive rolled cigars were in use.

Tobacco was a valuable and expensive product in 19th-century Europe. Therefore, we spent it very sparingly, trying not to lose a single grain from the tobacco mass.

In those days, the smoking process was not particularly pleasant, the paper where the tobacco was wrapped became wet, bitter tobacco grains got into the mouth, and the smoke was acrid and irritating. And the moment came when someone named Charles Peterson came up with a wonderful device from a small hollow tube. A rolled-up cigarette was inserted into the pipe, and the smoker received long-awaited pleasure.

Modern mouthpiece

This device among modern smokers no longer fulfills its original purpose. After all, filter cigarettes appeared on the shelves, and tobacco had ceased to be valuable and expensive, so modern mouthpieces became accessories. But not simple ones, but endowed with useful functions. In particular, they:

  • protect fingers from yellowing;
  • inhibit the darkening of tooth enamel;
  • reduce the strength and bitter perception of tobacco;
  • trap some of the harmful compounds of tobacco smoke;
  • They give a special charm to the entire smoking process; they look especially beautiful in thin female hands.

Mouthpieces are made from various materials, including glass, plastic, porcelain, metal, wood, ebonite, and acrylic. Modern mouthpieces also differ in their shape.. It depends on the ultimate purpose of using such accessories. For example, mouthpieces can be designed to:

  • tubes;
  • hookah;
  • electronic cigarettes;
  • regular cigarettes and cigarillos.

The types of mouthpieces differ only in the diameter of the hole, appearance and size. Their functioning and purpose are the same.

If we talk about the differences between mouthpieces intended for use in different smoking devices, we can highlight the following nuances:

  1. Technology (stamped, machine-made, hand-made).
  2. Design (various in thickness, length, hole diameter).
  3. Concept (devices with a built-in cooling capsule, with a filter).
  4. Material of manufacture (plastic, glass, ebonite, acrylic, natural bone, porcelain, amber, acrylic, wood, briar).

The main requirements for a modern mouthpiece are an attractive appearance, resistance to temperature changes, smoke, and aggressive external factors. But handmade smoking accessories are especially valued for their exclusivity and special appeal.

We create our own exclusive

How to make a cigarette holder with your own hands so that it becomes a truly perfect and unique thing? The first thing to do is to determine the purpose of the future accessory, that is, what device it will be intended for. This will affect its future shape and size. Then you should decide on the material.

When making a homemade mouthpiece, certain skills and special equipment may be required (if the material for this accessory is clay, stone, glass or metal).

Therefore, wood remains the most convenient and familiar texture for work - a universal material that is easy to make and process. But working with it also requires certain skills and experience and the necessary tools. Remember about safety precautions! But in any case, wood remains the simplest material from which even a beginner in wooden art can independently make the mouthpiece he needs.

Step by step instructions

So, to make your first wooden mouthpiece, you should use the following instructions. And even if the smoking accessory doesn’t work out the first time, you learn from your mistakes and everything will work out the next time. So it's worth a try. So, check out the easiest way to make a mouthpiece:

  1. We select the material. You should know that the material used must be quite hard and not resinous. Wood varieties such as willow and birch are ideal in this regard.
  2. We prepare the workpiece. We cut it out of a rectangular wooden block. The workpiece should be slightly larger than the length and width of the planned final product.
  3. We drill a hole of the required diameter - it is drilled from the end of the wooden workpiece.
  4. We give the final shape. All available means are used: knives, files, sandpaper.

The finished accessory is simple and simple. A homemade mouthpiece can be additionally decorated with carvings and painted with suitable paints that are not dangerous to humans. Or use burning, varnish and fire. Or you can simply use stain and highlight the natural beauty of the wood. The main thing is that the intended mouthpiece fully meets the taste and desires of the owner.

When making a homemade smoking accessory, remember that it consists of three parts:

  1. Core (central part).
  2. Tip (a cigarette is attached to it).
  3. The "nipple" or sleeve (through which the smoker inhales the smoke).

When making a mouthpiece from wood, all three parts are initially made as one piece. But if other materials are used, you can make such an accessory collapsible. For example:

  • for the tip (it should have a cone shape) you can take bronze;
  • the sleeve looks good if it is made of organizational material or textolite;
  • Any other materials that are in harmony with the tip are suitable for the core.

The corresponding holes are drilled in the pre-prepared parts of the mouthpiece and then fastened together. And never try to make such a smoking accessory from some handy items. For example, some try to adapt a pen or felt-tip pen for these purposes, after first removing the filling from them. Such a product is not suitable as a mouthpiece and can be harmful to health; remember that cheap plastic will produce toxic fumes when heated.

A smoking accessory made of ebonite looks very original. Ebonite is ebony that has been turned into highly vulcanized rubber. This material bends easily under heat, and finished products made from it look magnificent and noble. When working with ebonite, you should use the following tips:

  1. To heat ebonite, it is better to use a hair dryer or a candle; an open flame can set fire to the wood itself.
  2. To bend the ebonite at the required angle, a soft wire is inserted into the made channel. After the product is bent, it is carefully pulled out.
  3. The hole of the ebonite mouthpiece can be easily adjusted to a more precise size. To do this, heat the material in boiling water and gently squeeze it on a hard surface.
  4. To polish and add shine, the finished product (ebonite) can be cleaned with tooth powder (if you couldn’t get a special paste). To do this, squeeze a little toothpaste into a plate, wait until it dries completely and grind it to a powder.

Don't forget about care

A mouthpiece, especially one made with your own hands, is a fashionable and original accessory that adds a special zest and chic to the smoking process. But in order for such a device to last as long as possible, you should not forget about the rules of proper care for it. Indeed, during the operation of such a device, sooty and resinous compounds gradually settle and accumulate on its walls.

Their excessive accumulation can lead to an unpleasant bitterness when smoking. You can clean a mouthpiece (including one you made yourself) using a special care product. After use (after approximately 10–12 cigarettes smoked), the smoking accessory should be cleaned as deeply as possible. For these purposes, you can also use ready-made smoking pipe care products.

For the cleaning process you will also need special brushes. They are sold in smoking shops (you can choose brushes based on the diameter of the hole in your mouthpiece). When cleaning, make sure that the smoking accessory is thoroughly cleaned on both sides. The used brush can be thrown away (if it is disposable) or washed with warm running water.


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You need to take a ready-made block and a standard acrylic mouthpiece; this will make the task much easier. You can order these elements in specialized online stores or on ad sites. In order for the elements to fit together according to the connectors, they must be purchased from the same seller: then there will be no need to sharpen the parts, adjusting them to the desired size.

In order to make a smoking pipe, you will need a minimum set of tools:

  • File;
  • Sanding paper of varying degrees of grain;
  • A set of drills of various diameters and lengths;
  • Vise;
  • Joiner's machine.

2 Working with the workpiece

A carpenter's vice is used to work with workpieces: they increase the accuracy and quality of work. Holding the block in a vice, use a pencil to trace the outline of the future tube. The excess is cut off with a hacksaw, but then you will have to process it with a file.

When turning out the desired shape, they also use a sanding cloth. At this point this stage is completed. Next, a drilling machine is used to quickly and accurately make a hole in the tobacco chamber. To make a hole in the channel, you need several drills with a diameter of 3-4 mm.

In addition, it must be elongated - finding such a drill will not be easy, you will have to search. Or a long drill is changed by sharpening it to a curved shape. For mortise you will need a drill with a diameter of 7-10 mm.

The drills are specially wrapped in soft material. In order not to make the hole larger than necessary, the depth of the holes is measured: the drill, lying at an angle, should not move to the side. The edge of the briar is carefully cut so that the contour is perpendicular to the smoke channel.

It is important to respect the marked axes. If the drill in the channel goes to the side when drilling, you can correct the axes by changing the shape of the tube. When the hole is ready, the edge of the mortise is ground off with a file.

Having finished this stage, drill a hole for the tobacco chamber. To do this, use an already prepared curved drill. The workpiece is removed from the vice so that you can ensure that the axes are installed correctly.

Sanding paper is required for sanding. It is best to use a sanding disc. It will ensure a quick and smooth sanded surface, whereas hand sanding will take much longer.

If you use a disc, it is inserted into the drilling machine and carefully lubricated with a special polishing paste. This will give the workpiece the desired smoothness and avoid damage during grinding.

Once you've finished sanding the outside, you need to sand the inside holes of the tube. To process the smoke channel, use thin wooden sticks tightly wrapped in fine-grained sanding paper. Do not use grinding paste in the mouthpiece, as it may remain on the walls of the canal.

Now the tube is almost finished and just needs to be painted to give it a finished look. To give color to a smoking pipe, stains are used. They come in several types: water-based, chemical and alcohol-based.

When painting the tube is finished, it needs to be allowed to dry. Then the areas that need to be given a specific color or shade are painted. When the tube is completely dry, it is ready for use. Having filled the tobacco and lit it, you can feel the pleasant taste of a unique homemade pipe made at home.

4 Mouthpiece bell

For manufacturing, you will need an ebonite beam of the required length. Imported material is used more often, since its quality is higher than domestic. Having drilled a place for the Teflon pin, take out the workpiece and check the correctness of the hole made.

The required hole depth is strictly observed. Then the mouthpiece is connected to the first workpiece by gluing. To do this, drop epoxy glue onto the bottom of the trunnion and, without changing its position on the machine, insert the trunnion into the briar. Excess glue is removed before it dries.

Now you need to connect the mouthpiece to the briar by drilling a smoke channel in the first. You need to drill sequentially, gradually increasing the depth. The drill bits must be small in diameter to reach the end of the channel.

After connecting both parts of the tube, all that remains is to make the bell of the mouthpiece. This is the part of the tube that is directly held in the mouth, so it must have the correct diameter and be neither too narrow nor wide.

A special needle is used for this. Carefully insert the needle into the channel and rock the workpiece until a gap of the desired diameter is formed. From this moment on, the blank ceases to be a raw product and takes on the appearance of a real smoking pipe. To make it look truly beautiful, you need to do some sanding and polishing.

Now many smokers are beginning to think about their health, many are quitting this habit, while others are switching from cigarettes to regular tobacco, which contains much less impurities. However, it requires a tube. The retail chain offers a wide selection of them, but really high-quality copies are very expensive. And now we will discuss how to make a smoking pipe yourself.

Material for making a smoking pipe

Masters make smoking pipes from briar. It is a growth at the root of a tree called heather. It is ideal for creating such a specific product. After all, heather grows in the rocky soil of the Mediterranean climate, and briar absorbs moisture and minerals, which subsequently give all the necessary qualities to the tree, which is so valued by the craftsmen who make smoking pipes from it.

Local tree species to create a smoking pipe

However, this tree does not grow in our area, and if you buy it, it will not be cheap. You can do it yourself, materials for which can easily be found in local gardens. Fruit trees with dense wood are suitable for making a pipe: apple, pear, plum. But it is best to choose cherry; its fibers are the densest of the listed species, so it will not burn out for a long time. All the others are also good, but they char a little faster. It is advisable to use the root part for harvesting, but branch or stem material is suitable. Fruit trees have a great flavor when smoked. Some people like the taste of cherry, others like apple, it all depends on your own preferences. This is also why it is better to make a smoking pipe with your own hands.

Preparation of material

Having decided on the type of wood, you also need to find out how to properly dry a suitable piece. You cannot cut a living branch or part of a root and immediately make a tube out of it. The cuts on the material are painted over or sealed so that moisture cannot quickly evaporate through them. It should gradually come out through the bark, which in no case should be removed immediately. And so the tree should lie until next year - then the fibers will gradually dry out, and there will be no cracks in their structure. And only after this time will it be possible to remove the bark and carve out the shape of the smoking pipe.

You can also make a smoking pipe from a dried log. To do this, you need to cut the workpiece from its center. Of course, if it was in a dry place. The extreme places with cracks are cut off, after which there is solid wood that has no flaws. After this, the bark is removed and the required size of the workpiece is cut out, but with a margin of five centimeters. Then the wood is put aside for a week, because it must completely dry out, after which microcracks may well appear. If you immediately start grinding out the shape of the smoking pipe, then the revealed flaws will ruin everything. And after a week, even if small cracks open, they will be in the remaining stock, and after cutting it off there will be an ideal surface for carving.

Manufacturing process

To begin, cut out a simple angular blank resembling a square or diamond. Its surface must be sanded in order to clearly see the structure of the wood and determine whether there are any defects on it. If everything is good, we mark the future shape in more detail so that we know where the smoking chamber will be, and where the shank is - this is the part where the mouthpiece is attached. You need to mark all the details and holes with a pencil. It is also worth drawing directions to make it easier to maintain angles when drilling.

When making smoking pipes with their own hands, craftsmen first drill a hole for the chamber into which tobacco will be poured. First, you should do this with a thin drill, and then select a thicker one until the hole reaches the desired diameter. But you shouldn’t immediately bring it to the final size; you need to leave an allowance of a few millimeters and then sand it with sandpaper. After all, the drill leaves an uneven surface, but it should be smooth.

After this, a smoke channel hole is drilled on the side in the place where the chibouk is intended. This must be done carefully, because making smoking pipes with your own hands is a very precise and labor-intensive process. The hole for smoke exhaust must be strictly at the bottom of the tobacco chamber. This is a very important point, because if you make it a little higher, the tobacco inside will not burn completely, which can lead to souring, and this will worsen the taste of the pipe and the smoke. This channel can be from 3 to 4 mm. The wider it is, the drier the tube will be. By the way, it is better to equip it with a filter to prevent ash from getting into the middle. In addition, the wide smoke channel makes it easy to clean the pipe with a brush. Once the holes are ready and accurately connected, you can begin to create the external shape.

Of course, it is better to make smoking pipes with your own hands on a machine; it will be much easier and faster. But if you don’t have such equipment, you can still make a good copy by hand.

Next (when working on a machine) you need to make circles that are possible; all other parts are cut out by hand with a well-sharpened cutter. It is important to make the edge of the motiz narrower than the entire width of the shank. This is necessary so that the mouthpiece can be put on and the two parts are on the same plane. After this, the surface is sanded outside and inside with sandpaper. First, the large one removes all the bumps left by the knife, and then the fine one removes scratches from a flat surface. However, you can leave the outer parts unprocessed - here everything is done to the taste of the master.

Choosing a mouthpiece material

We continue to talk about how to make a smoking pipe, and now we will create a mouthpiece. It can be made of ebonite or acrylic. The first material is softer, but polishing remains on it for a very short time. It is better to choose it for those who hold the pipe in their teeth when smoking. Acrylic is harder and more durable, and therefore it is suitable for holding the product in your hands during the process.

Manufacturing process

You need to take a stick of ebonite or acrylic with a length of 10 to 15 cm. To ensure that the smoke has time to cool when smoking, make your own smoking pipes no shorter than 10 cm. Taking this into account, we choose the size of the mouthpiece. A hole is made in it along the entire length with a drill, the diameter of which is 3 mm. They start from the part where there will be a connection with the chibouk. After this, the hole is expanded by half the length to the diameter of the smoke channel. Then this step that forms needs to be smoothed out. To do this, you need to cut a triangular tip on a wire with a diameter of 4 mm. It needs to be pushed in all the way and carefully turned several times.

After this, the channel is sanded using a thin wire with sandpaper glued to it. The place where the mouthpiece will be is expanded horizontally to create an oval of 5-6 mm. This will make it easier for the smoker to absorb the smoke. On the other hand, the hole in the mouthpiece is widened so that it fits tightly onto the shank, but without much effort.

External molding of the mouthpiece

Mouthpieces, like smoking pipes, are processed with your own hands. You can grind it on a machine or use improvised tools. The form is also arbitrary. After this, you need to sand the surface first with fine sandpaper, and then with felt with GOI paste. If you make an ebonite mouthpiece, you can bend it and give it a different shape. To do this, it is heated over a gas stove or candle and then bent.

Do-it-yourself wooden smoking pipes can be waxed or etched - this way their surface will look elite, and will be much clearer and, of course, this is an excellent protection for the surface of the wood.

Tube etching

An excellent mordant can be potassium dichromium, ground in water, and after the reaction with the release of gases stops, this indicates that the mixture is ready for etching the wood. The more concentrated it is, the richer the color and contrast of the wood fiber pattern. The tube is immersed in the composition until it reaches the desired tone. You can store this mordant as long as you like in an airtight glass container.


There is a great and simple way. Wax required. 100 g of it needs to be finely chopped, then add mastic (12 g), instead of it you can crushed rosin (25 g). The selected mixture is put on fire until everything becomes liquid. Then remove it from it and immediately pour in 50 g of warm turpentine. After this, the mixture must be thoroughly stirred and poured into the required container. The composition is stored in it until it is needed to be used. Take the mixture, apply it to wool or cotton fabric and thoroughly rub it into the wood.

Cleaning a smoking pipe

This should be done when the tube has completely cooled down. You must carefully disconnect the mouthpiece by unscrewing it clockwise. If you pull it out using extraordinary force, you can damage both parts of the tube. The mouthpiece is cleaned with special brushes, starting from the side of the mouthpiece. It is better to have several of them for a more convenient process.

It is necessary to clean the chibouk after each smoking session. The brush is started from the side where the mouthpiece was. After everything is cleaned, the brush is left inside the pipe until it is time to fill the pipe with tobacco. Cleaning of the product is completed by wiping all its external surfaces. The tube is then purged to remove any carbon or debris that may have remained inside.

For general cleaning of the tube, wax, alcohol, and various other liquids are used; it is carried out as it becomes dirty. And only the owner himself knows when simple maintenance is not enough.

Nowadays a pipe is more of a decorative element; it is rarely smoked because it needs to be looked after. Now they are like fine wine, which is only savored from time to time. There are also many accessories for such a delicacy (stands for smoking pipes, for example), which can come in different shapes and sizes.

How do the most expensive and collectible pipes differ from ordinary ones?

First of all, this is an ideal material - briar. In the most expensive collectible pieces, the fibers of this wonderful tree are visible, woven randomly, but the master presents them as if they were grown specifically for this smoking pipe. They, like rays that envelop the smoking chamber, pass into the chibouk. Such an object of art as a collectible smoking pipe always receives enthusiastic reviews not only from knowledgeable people, but also from ordinary people. After all, a masterpiece always has a special aura and, of course, appearance. And looking at it, you cannot catch yourself thinking that you can change its shape or appearance. This is precisely where the master’s talent lies.

The cigarette holder has come back into fashion. Who invented it? What is a mouthpiece for? How to make it? This will be discussed in the article. So.

What is a mouthpiece?

If we translate the word “mouthpiece” from German, we get two roots: mund (i.e., “mouth”) and stück (“part”). It turns out that we are talking about part of the mouth? Yes. Today it is the part of the cigarette that is called the filter. However, previously the mouthpiece was a hollow thin tube made of wood. A cigarette was inserted into it.

When and by whom was the mouthpiece invented?

Tobacco was brought to Europe in 1496 from the island of Tobago. They only smoked cigars back then. Soon tubes appeared. Tobacco was quite expensive, so the unsmoked remains were crumbled and wrapped in paper. These roll-your-own cigarettes were the prototype of modern cigarettes. They became especially widespread during the First World War (tobacco was included in rations).

In 1865, two emigrant brothers named Capp opened a small pipe shop in Dublin. For ten years, things went calmly and smoothly, until a certain Charles Peterson appeared in the town. Soon he asked to be a partner with his brothers, and things went up: Peterson invented a cigarette holder, which was appreciated at the World Exhibition, noting the invention with a gold medal. Amazingly beautiful products marked “Capp&Peterson” are now sold all over the world. I wonder if Charles Peterson had any idea that an invention that was only supposed to prevent tobacco from getting into the mouth would become so widespread?

Requirements and differences

When the harm of smoking was assessed, it turned out that a cigarette mouthpiece reduces (albeit slightly, but still) the volume and activity of harmful substances inhaled when smoking. It turned out that the smoke, passing through the air corridor, cooled, and some of the resins remained on the walls of the tube. Some devices began to be equipped with filters that further retained harmful substances.

A cigarette holder can be made of various materials. The main thing is that it is indifferent, resistant to temperature, smoke and attractive in appearance.

Today there are many types of mouthpieces (for cigarettes and cigars). They are distinguished by the following parameters:

  • concepts (with filter, cooler);
  • designs (taking into account length, thickness);
  • material (ebony, acrylic, wood, amber, animal bone, Mediterranean briar);
  • technologies (handmade, machine-made, stamped).

Mouthpieces for men and women

And now - a little about the details. How is a man's cigarette holder different from a women's? It must be said that this device became an element of sophistication during the introduction of fashion for women smoking (19th century). Rough and thick cigarette holders clearly did not suit elegant and sophisticated ladies with manicured fingers. In addition, the smoke permeated the gloves, leaving an unpleasant odor and yellow stains. The long cigarette holder was designed to protect against these troubles. And it looked much prettier on a woman’s thin fingers than on a man’s. The cigarette holder for women turned into an accessory for fashionistas of that time. It was made from quite expensive materials - amber, mahogany. Mouthpieces with inlay were especially valued. Men were more practical by nature. That’s why their mouthpieces were simpler and smaller. Firstly, they were more convenient to store, and secondly, they were not as fragile as women's ones.

With the advent of filter cigarettes, mouthpieces began to fall out of use and remained in use only among a few smokers. Today they are coming back into fashion. The greatest demand is for cigarette filter mouthpieces. Prices are suitable for any budget: from cheap (from 10 USD for men and from 15-20 USD for women) to quite expensive.

How to make a cigarette holder?

The product usually consists of three parts: a core, a so-called nipple and a tip. Don't try to make a mouthpiece from scrap materials. Sometimes it is advised to remove the “innards” from a pen or felt-tip pen and use a hollow tube. No way! Firstly, the tip must be conical. To make it you will need bronze. The core can be made of any other material. And for the nipple sleeve, textolite or organizational material is suitable. Holes of the appropriate size are drilled in the parts and then connected. If the ebonite mouthpiece slips out of the shank or stays loose in it, heat the bushing in boiling water and press it onto a hard surface. The diameter will become larger and it will hold much tighter.

Special pastes are used for cleaning. However, not everyone has them. An alternative option is tooth powder. If you have trouble finding it on sale, squeeze some toothpaste onto a plate and wait for it to dry, then grind it into a powder.

Rice. 3. Clip with lock: 1 - flat spring; 2 - pin, 3 - shell box; 4 - drawer

The use of brass and copper makes it possible to obtain strong soldered seam connections and fixation of staples, but requires coating the outside of the clip with durable varnish or synthetic self-adhesive film so that the clip does not oxidize. The height of the sides enclosing the grater is approximately equal to half the length of the match. From the end of the clip, visible in Figure 1 on the right, the box is inserted with friction until it stops into petal 2 bent at a right angle, shown in the same figure. Semicircular recesses 3 in the walls allow you to easily push the box out of the holder in order to turn it with a fresh grater outward or replace it with a new one. Staples 1 keep the box from tipping over when a match is drawn across the grater.

A small addition to the holder in the form of a spring plate with a pin (Fig. 3) will make using the device more convenient. A pin 2 attached to a spring 1, piercing the box 3, will reliably keep both the shell of the box and its drawer 4 with matches from falling out. The spring is attached to the wall with small rivets with a countersunk head. The place for the pin (short wallpaper nail) and the hole for it in the wall should be chosen so that the back side of the drawer catches on it when

extending approximately 2/3 of the length. To ensure that the pin does not stick into the matches, but fits into the gap between them, the end of the pin should be rounded, and the volume of the box should not be completely filled.

Mouthpiece for smoking filterless cigarettes

To save money on filterless cigarettes, smokers use a mouthpiece. As a rule, the mouthpiece is made of organizational materials, for example, wood, plexiglass, ebonite, etc. The main disadvantage of such mouthpieces is that the cigarette butt remaining in the mouthpiece does not always fall out freely and sometimes has to be removed with a match or some other object. Often, removing a cigarette butt in this way leads to clogging of the smoke hole. In addition, smoking a cigarette to a small butt leads to the melting of plexiglass, PCB or burning wood.

In order to eliminate these shortcomings, I offer a universal mouthpiece for smokers, the design of which is shown in the attached figure.

The mouthpiece consists of three parts - a tip (Fig. 1, c), a core (Fig. 1, 6) and a nipple (Fig. 1, a). The tip is made, for example, of bronze and has a conical entrance to seal the cigarette. The core is made of any metal. The nipple sleeve is made of organizational materials, for example, textolite. The core is inserted into the tip and secured to the nipple sleeve using a threaded connection, for which a slot for a screwdriver blade is made at the end of the core. To seal the connection between the core and the tip, an annular groove is made in the core body, into which a rubber ring of the appropriate diameter and thickness is inserted, and in the absence of a ring, sealing can be done by winding sewing threads into the groove (Fig. 1, e). The bronze tip is mounted on the core using a sliding fit and can move on it within 10 mm. This movement


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    Namesake, I experimented with pipes in every way in order to obtain the ideal smoking instrument. And these are the results I have here. Of course, many things are important in a trumpet, but the mouthpiece comes first. Trees later. The wood must be free of defects and have correctly drilled holes. Dryness (seasoning of the briar) is also important. Fresh briar smokes wet, even if it is dry. I don't know why. Plus, fresh briar wanders around and problems arise with the trunnion; steps can come out at the junction of the shank and the munsch. By and large, that’s all.

    There's a lot more to the munsch. Taste, snotty, cold smoking - this is basically the munsch. How it's made. Plus its length. Length is very important as it turns out. I always try to improve the insides of the munsch, no matter how funny it may seem. At this stage I do this option:
    Taper of the channel is required, and taper with a certain difference in diameters. The bell of the mouthpiece expands in height from the slit of the mouthpiece into the mouth. This is a fundamental thing that gives a very good effect. The length of the socket is at least 15 mm. You can go up to 20mm, but it doesn’t matter much. There should be a step at the junction of the channel cone and the socket of the slot. This is also an important thing that affects the flow of smoke. The cone must be polished to a mirror finish. Bell too. Under these conditions the smoking is dry, not snotty and cool. Provided the tobacco has normal humidity, no additional cooling chambers, smoke flow bends, condensate collectors, or filters are needed.

    Do a simple experiment, you have a lot of tubes. Take the empty pipes and blow smoke into the bowl. Cup to your lips and blow with the force with which you usually draw smoke when you smoke. Everything will immediately fall into place. In some pipes the smoke will come out of the munsch in a thin stream, while in others it will be distributed in a wider flat stream. The most pleasant smoking is when the smoke comes out of the mouthpiece as if it were a wide cone with a slight wavy edge. I showed this experiment to some of our friends and you know it was interesting. Why this happens (the influence of certain changes in the design of the munsch on the flow of smoke and the sensations when smoking) - I don’t know, it’s all from practical experiments. But it really works. And smoking is changing a lot, and tobacco is smoked differently. To feel this, choose two pipes with the same chamber parameters and the most different shape of the smoke cone from the mouthpiece. Place one tobacco in both pipes and smoke at the same time. With a thin stream the taste will be sharper and sharper, with a wide stream it will be softer and subtler.

    ABOUT! This is not the voice of a carver, but of a master!
    How long has this bike been gone? I’m not joking or being sarcastic; it took me many years to understand this simple fact.

    I do almost all of this now on all edited tubes. Excluding filter ones, I either don’t change anything, or install an adapter (at the client’s request), or cone the ledge in the mouthpiece. In filterless ones, a cone is required; it improves the performance of the device very noticeably.
    The only case when it is not needed is when joining the trunnion and mortise “at close range”, without a gap or with a gap of no more than 1-2 mm. If the cross-section of the smoke channels of the chimney and mouthpiece is the same, and they are completely coaxial, a cone in the trunnion is not needed. But this doesn't happen on every handset, so.
    I also redo the bell - I bore it both in depth and in breadth. At least one and a half centimeters, exactly as you indicated. Except for the step in the area where the smoke duct transitions into the bell - by the way, what is that for? Condensation will form on any steps.
    The quality of polishing does not affect the formation of condensation - it just flows easier over smooth walls, and that’s all.

    Completely and entirely. That's right. And that’s why I never liked Peterson’s mouthpieces - they drive the smoke too precisely and aggressively, and the taste is excessive. And if the tobacco already has a strong taste, it turns out to be too much.
    For the same reason, there is an urge to waste many old mouthpieces that are “buttons”. I'm holding back for now, but someday I'll try. Interesting!

    Over its thousand-year history, smoking has acquired a huge number of admirers. Those people who managed to get captured by tobacco products, from where it is not so easy to get out. They are actively fighting tobacco addiction, introducing laws prohibiting smoking in public places, and holding mass events and promotions. And these actions are slowly bearing fruit, helping many smokers, if not quit, then think about breaking up with their deadly attachment.

    But there remains a part of people for whom smoking has become a real cult, tradition and even an entire art. While traveling through the world of smoking accessories that complement this age-old hobby, it is worth paying attention to those devices that not only create aesthetics, but also make smoking safer. For example, the mouthpiece is a hollow tube that first appeared in the 19th century. It can be easily purchased in specialized stores, but let's talk about how to make a cigarette holder with your own hands.

    You can easily make a homemade mouthpiece with your own hands

    The mouthpiece came to us from Germany; it was in this country that an original accessory was created, a separate long tube into which a cigarette was inserted. Initially, the purpose of such an item was to preserve the tobacco mass to the last crumb and not allow even a grain of this dust to go to waste. The mouthpiece was invented at a time when hand-rolled cigarettes and primitive rolled cigars were in use.

    Tobacco was a valuable and expensive product in 19th-century Europe. Therefore, we spent it very sparingly, trying not to lose a single grain from the tobacco mass.

    In those days, the smoking process was not particularly pleasant, the paper where the tobacco was wrapped became wet, bitter tobacco grains got into the mouth, and the smoke was acrid and irritating. And the moment came when someone named Charles Peterson came up with a wonderful device from a small hollow tube. A rolled-up cigarette was inserted into the pipe, and the smoker received long-awaited pleasure.

    Modern mouthpiece

    This device among modern smokers no longer fulfills its original purpose. After all, filter cigarettes appeared on the shelves, and tobacco had ceased to be valuable and expensive, so modern mouthpieces became accessories. But not simple ones, but endowed with useful functions. In particular, they:

    • protect fingers from yellowing;
    • inhibit the darkening of tooth enamel;
    • reduce the strength and bitter perception of tobacco;
    • trap some of the harmful compounds of tobacco smoke;
    • They give a special charm to the entire smoking process; they look especially beautiful in thin female hands.

    Mouthpieces are made from various materials, including glass, plastic, porcelain, metal, wood, ebonite, and acrylic. Modern mouthpieces also differ in their shape.. It depends on the ultimate purpose of using such accessories. For example, mouthpieces can be designed to:

    • tubes;
    • hookah;
    • electronic cigarettes;
    • regular cigarettes and cigarillos.

    The types of mouthpieces differ only in the diameter of the hole, appearance and size. Their functioning and purpose are the same.

    The easiest way to make a wooden mouthpiece

    If we talk about the differences between mouthpieces intended for use in different smoking devices, we can highlight the following nuances:

    1. Technology (stamped, machine-made, hand-made).
    2. Design (various in thickness, length, hole diameter).
    3. Concept (devices with a built-in cooling capsule, with a filter).
    4. Material of manufacture (plastic, glass, ebonite, acrylic, natural bone, porcelain, amber, acrylic, wood, briar).

    The main requirements for a modern mouthpiece are an attractive appearance, resistance to temperature changes, smoke, and aggressive external factors. But handmade smoking accessories are especially valued for their exclusivity and special appeal.

    We create our own exclusive

    How to make a cigarette holder with your own hands so that it becomes a truly perfect and unique thing? The first thing to do is to determine the purpose of the future accessory, that is, what device it will be intended for. This will affect its future shape and size. Then you should decide on the material.

    When making a homemade mouthpiece, certain skills and special equipment may be required (if the material for this accessory is clay, stone, glass or metal).

    Therefore, wood remains the most convenient and familiar texture for work - a universal material that is easy to make and process. But working with it also requires certain skills and experience and the necessary tools. Remember about safety precautions! But in any case, wood remains the simplest material from which even a beginner in wooden art can independently make the mouthpiece he needs.

    Step by step instructions

    So, to make your first wooden mouthpiece, you should use the following instructions. And even if the smoking accessory doesn’t work out the first time, you learn from your mistakes and everything will work out the next time. So it's worth a try. So, check out the easiest way to make a mouthpiece:

    1. We select the material. You should know that the material used must be quite hard and not resinous. Wood varieties such as willow and birch are ideal in this regard.
    2. We prepare the workpiece. We cut it out of a rectangular wooden block. The workpiece should be slightly larger than the length and width of the planned final product.
    3. We drill a hole of the required diameter - it is drilled from the end of the wooden workpiece.
    4. We give the final shape. All available means are used: knives, files, sandpaper.

    The finished accessory is simple and simple. A homemade mouthpiece can be additionally decorated with carvings and painted with suitable paints that are not dangerous to humans. Or use burning, varnish and fire. Or you can simply use stain and highlight the natural beauty of the wood. The main thing is that the intended mouthpiece fully meets the taste and desires of the owner.

    The finished product can be covered with stain, burned or painted, or decorated at your discretion

    When making a homemade smoking accessory, remember that it consists of three parts:

    1. Core (central part).
    2. Tip (a cigarette is attached to it).
    3. The "nipple" or sleeve (through which the smoker inhales the smoke).

    When making a mouthpiece from wood, all three parts are initially made as one piece. But if other materials are used, you can make such an accessory collapsible. For example:

    • for the tip (it should have a cone shape) you can take bronze;
    • the sleeve looks good if it is made of organizational material or textolite;
    • Any other materials that are in harmony with the tip are suitable for the core.

    The corresponding holes are drilled in the pre-prepared parts of the mouthpiece and then fastened together. And never try to make such a smoking accessory from some handy items. For example, some try to adapt a pen or felt-tip pen for these purposes, after first removing the filling from them. Such a product is not suitable as a mouthpiece and can be harmful to health; remember that cheap plastic will produce toxic fumes when heated.

    A smoking accessory made of ebonite looks very original. Ebonite is ebony that has been turned into highly vulcanized rubber. This material bends easily under heat, and finished products made from it look magnificent and noble. When working with ebonite, you should use the following tips:

    1. To heat ebonite, it is better to use a hair dryer or a candle; an open flame can set fire to the wood itself.
    2. To bend the ebonite at the required angle, a soft wire is inserted into the made channel. After the product is bent, it is carefully pulled out.
    3. The hole of the ebonite mouthpiece can be easily adjusted to a more precise size. To do this, heat the material in boiling water and gently squeeze it on a hard surface.
    4. To polish and add shine, the finished product (ebonite) can be cleaned with tooth powder (if you couldn’t get a special paste). To do this, squeeze a little toothpaste into a plate, wait until it dries completely and grind it to a powder.

    Don't forget about care

    A mouthpiece, especially one made with your own hands, is a fashionable and original accessory that adds a special zest and chic to the smoking process. But in order for such a device to last as long as possible, you should not forget about the rules of proper care for it. Indeed, during the operation of such a device, sooty and resinous compounds gradually settle and accumulate on its walls.

    Their excessive accumulation can lead to an unpleasant bitterness when smoking. You can clean a mouthpiece (including one you made yourself) using a special care product. After use (after approximately 10–12 cigarettes smoked), the smoking accessory should be cleaned as deeply as possible. For these purposes, you can also use ready-made smoking pipe care products.

    For the cleaning process you will also need special brushes. They are sold in smoking shops (you can choose brushes based on the diameter of the hole in your mouthpiece). When cleaning, make sure that the smoking accessory is thoroughly cleaned on both sides. The used brush can be thrown away (if it is disposable) or washed with warm running water.

    A lazy person is not always a bad worker. Often, such a person does not make unnecessary efforts and does everything as rationally as possible.

    In this post you will see how to make a smoking pipe with your own hands without much difficulty (you will only need to find a branch of a suitable type and diameter and small tools).

    To work we need the following:

    1) A branch from suitable wood (alder or one of the following fruit trees - apple tree, which is used in this case as a material, pear, plum or cherry. Oak requires special preparation, conifers are too resinous and spoil the aroma of tobacco with resins, and birch and aspen wrap on the drill seems to be on a spindle, destroying all efforts);

    2) A sharp narrow knife (the narrower the blade, the easier it will be to work, but don’t go to the point of absurdity - 1–1.5 cm is just right);

    3) Drills 3-4 mm for the smoke channel and 8-10 cm for the tobacco chamber;

    If you have a drilling machine, then points 4 and 5 are not required.

    We take a suitable branch and mentally determine the location of the tobacco chamber and the smoke channel. Since our tube is “lazy”, we will drill both in the body of the same branch.

    We remove the pieces of the “tops” and get the following.

    The tobacco chamber will be located at the site of the knot, and the smoke channel, respectively, at the right end of the workpiece (the left end is left “under the vice”).

    Place the workpiece vertically

    We try it on and drill below the center (so that there is somewhere to place the tobacco chamber of our homemade pipe).

    We change the drill to 8 mm and drill a cavity for the neck of the mouthpiece (literally 1.5 cm deep).

    After this, we begin to create a “tobacco container”. We try on where the smoke channel ends and drill vertically (in no case through!!).

    We feel for the channel and...

    The light has dawned))) (the indescribable feeling that the workpiece had not been ruined).

    Carefully cut off the bark in a circle, freeing up the entire area of ​​the future bowl and drill out the diameter. At the same time, do not forget to check that the exit of the smoke channel into the tobacco chamber must be strictly in the center.

    We finish the tobacco chamber and cut off the “rags” with a knife. In the end, we saw off the piece that was left “under the vice”, freeing our brainchild from the terrible scars

    And in the end we get a finished pipe (without a mouthpiece).

    I told you how to make a mouthpiece for a smoking pipe in one of my previous posts (clickable link:

    Summary statistics for this handset:

    1) The depth of the tobacco chamber and its diameter are 20 mm;

    2) The length of the smoke channel is 40 mm;

    3) Branch diameter - 40 mm;

    4) The depth of the cavity under the neck of the mouthpiece is 15 mm;

    And this is a bonus for my subscribers - the final version of the handset discussed in previous posts:

    DIY drip tip made of wood. Mouthpiece for electronic cigarette

    What to do if you lost (broke) your drip tip? life hack for vapers

    Electronic cigarette. Electric cigarettes. Mouthpiece for electronic cigarettes / Electronic Cigarette. No. 12

    How to make an electronic steam starter using your phone


    project "Cat mouthpiece"

    Mouthpiece with a secret

    how to make a mouthpiece from plexiglass

    Elongated metal mouthpieces (drip tips) for electronic cigarettes

    A little history

    The mouthpiece came to us from Germany; it was in this country that an original accessory was created, a separate long tube into which a cigarette was inserted. Initially, the purpose of such an item was to preserve the tobacco mass to the last crumb and not let even a grain of this dust go to waste.

    In those days, the smoking process was not particularly pleasant, the paper where the tobacco was wrapped became wet, bitter tobacco grains got into the mouth, and the smoke was acrid and irritating. And the moment came when someone named Charles Peterson came up with a wonderful device from a small hollow tube. A rolled-up cigarette was inserted into the pipe, and the smoker received long-awaited pleasure.

    Types of mouthpieces

    A mouthpiece is a miniature accessory used when smoking cigarettes to improve the quality of smoke and reduce the influence of harmful substances. Its structure can be made of wood, glass, plastic, bone, precious metal and other heat-resistant material. The model range of mouthpieces is presented with and without a cooler, with a filter, and inhaler type.

    The shape of the product is round and flat; The size should be selected based on what type of cigarette the owner smokes most often - super slims, slims, standard. Incorrect selection of cigarette diameter - 4.5 mm (super slims), 6 mm (slims), 8 mm (standard) - causes inconvenience when smoking and an unaesthetic appearance.

    Modern mouthpiece

    This device among modern smokers no longer fulfills its original purpose. After all, filter cigarettes appeared on the shelves, and tobacco had ceased to be valuable and expensive, so modern mouthpieces became accessories. But not simple ones, but endowed with useful functions. In particular, they:

    • protect fingers from yellowing;
    • inhibit the darkening of tooth enamel;
    • reduce the strength and bitter perception of tobacco;
    • trap some of the harmful compounds of tobacco smoke;
    • They give a special charm to the entire smoking process; they look especially beautiful in thin female hands.

    Mouthpieces are made from various materials, including glass, plastic, porcelain, metal, wood, ebonite, and acrylic. Modern mouthpieces also differ in their shape. It depends on the ultimate purpose of using such accessories. For example, mouthpieces can be designed to:

    • tubes;
    • hookah;
    • electronic cigarettes;
    • regular cigarettes and cigarillos.

    If we talk about the differences between mouthpieces intended for use in different smoking devices, we can highlight the following nuances:

    1. Technology (stamped, machine-made, hand-made).
    2. Design (various in thickness, length, hole diameter).
    3. Concept (devices with a built-in cooling capsule, with a filter).
    4. Material of manufacture (plastic, glass, ebonite, acrylic, natural bone, porcelain, amber, acrylic, wood, briar).

    The main requirements for a modern mouthpiece are an attractive appearance, resistance to temperature changes, smoke, and aggressive external factors. But handmade smoking accessories are especially valued for their exclusivity and special appeal.

    We create our own exclusive

    How to make a cigarette holder with your own hands so that it becomes a truly perfect and unique thing? The first thing to do is to determine the purpose of the future accessory, that is, what device it will be intended for. This will affect its future shape and size. Then you should decide on the material.

    Therefore, wood remains the most convenient and familiar texture for work - a universal material that is easy to make and process. But working with it also requires certain skills and experience and the necessary tools.

    Remember about safety precautions! But in any case, wood remains the simplest material from which even a beginner in wooden art can independently make the mouthpiece he needs.

    Step by step instructions

    So, to make your first wooden mouthpiece, you should use the following instructions. And even if the smoking accessory doesn’t work out the first time, you learn from your mistakes and everything will work out the next time. So it's worth a try. So, check out the easiest way to make a mouthpiece:

    1. We select the material. You should know that the material used must be quite hard and not resinous. Wood varieties such as willow and birch are ideal in this regard.
    2. We prepare the workpiece. We cut it out of a rectangular wooden block. The workpiece should be slightly larger than the length and width of the planned final product.
    3. We drill a hole of the required diameter - it is drilled from the end of the wooden workpiece.
    4. We give the final shape. All available means are used: knives, files, sandpaper.

    The finished accessory is simple and simple. A homemade mouthpiece can be additionally decorated with carvings and painted with suitable paints that are not dangerous to humans. Or use burning, varnish and fire.

    When making a homemade smoking accessory, remember that it consists of three parts:

    1. Core (central part).
    2. Tip (a cigarette is attached to it).
    3. The "nipple" or sleeve (through which the smoker inhales the smoke).

    When making a mouthpiece from wood, all three parts are initially made as one piece. But if other materials are used, you can make such an accessory collapsible. For example:

    • for the tip (it should have a cone shape) you can take bronze;
    • the sleeve looks good if it is made of organizational material or textolite;
    • Any other materials that are in harmony with the tip are suitable for the core.

    The corresponding holes are drilled in the pre-prepared parts of the mouthpiece and then fastened together. And never try to make such a smoking accessory from some handy items.

    For example, some try to adapt a pen or felt-tip pen for these purposes, after first removing the filling from them. Such a product is not suitable as a mouthpiece and can be harmful to health; remember that cheap plastic will produce toxic fumes when heated.

    A smoking accessory made of ebonite looks very original. Ebonite is ebony that has been turned into highly vulcanized rubber. This material bends easily under heat, and finished products made from it look magnificent and noble. When working with ebonite, you should use the following tips:

    1. To heat ebonite, it is better to use a hair dryer or a candle; an open flame can set fire to the wood itself.
    2. To bend the ebonite at the required angle, a soft wire is inserted into the made channel. After the product is bent, it is carefully pulled out.
    3. The hole of the ebonite mouthpiece can be easily adjusted to a more precise size. To do this, heat the material in boiling water and gently squeeze it on a hard surface.
    4. To polish and add shine, the finished product (ebonite) can be cleaned with tooth powder (if you couldn’t get a special paste). To do this, squeeze a little toothpaste into a plate, wait until it dries completely and grind it to a powder.

    Convenience of the mouthpiece

    The undoubted advantage of a miniature object is its ability to protect the smoker’s body from a significant number of tars contained in a cigarette. With the use of a mouthpiece, harmful particles remain on its walls; when a cooler is introduced, the smoke becomes at a temperature at which the smoker’s airways do not burn.

    The aesthetic side of smoking with a mouthpiece is important, since a small detail prevents the appearance of a yellow tint on the smoker’s fingers and eliminates bad breath. The mouthpiece is suitable for both men and women.

    For male representatives, it creates the image of a sophisticated tobacco connoisseur, and for beautiful ladies, the elegant accessory adds charm and is a common attribute at photo shoots in retro style.

    Don't forget about care

    A mouthpiece, especially one made with your own hands, is a fashionable and original accessory that adds a special zest and chic to the smoking process. But in order for such a device to last as long as possible, you should not forget about the rules of proper care for it.

    Their excessive accumulation can lead to an unpleasant bitterness when smoking. You can clean a mouthpiece (including one you made yourself) using a special care product. After use (after approximately 10–12 cigarettes smoked), the smoking accessory should be cleaned as deeply as possible. For these purposes, you can also use ready-made smoking pipe care products.

    For the cleaning process you will also need special brushes. They are sold in smoking shops (you can choose brushes based on the diameter of the hole in your mouthpiece). When cleaning, make sure that the smoking accessory is thoroughly cleaned on both sides. The used brush can be thrown away (if it is disposable) or washed with warm running water.