Drug poisoning ICD code 10. Drug poisoning

Naphthyzine poisoning in children is a common occurrence due to non-compliance with the instructions for use, in particular overdose and lack of prior consultation with a pediatrician. Drops may be dangerous for a child.

“Naphthyzin” is a medication that has a rapid vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous effect. The main active ingredient included in the drug is Naphazolin. The principle of action of the drops is to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and inflamed tissues, which leads to a significant reduction in the amount of nasal discharge. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, giving the erroneous impression that it is absolutely safe. In order not to harm the child, the dosage must be strictly observed. Intoxication has code T48 in ICD-10.

Parents choose treatment with Naphthyzin if they have cold symptoms. A medicinal solution that has a vasoconstrictor effect, when used correctly, can solve a number of problems:

  • elimination of mucous secretions that accumulate in the passages during inflammatory diseases;
  • eliminating nasal congestion in babies during teething;
  • runny nose due to other reasons.

Relief from using the medicine occurs instantly, but even a single use can cause intoxication. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the instructions for using the drug and the recommendations of a doctor, whose examination is a mandatory procedure even with minor and mildly expressed symptoms of colds.

Causes and symptoms of poisoning

The medicinal vasoconstrictor Naphthyzin has two forms of release: a solution with a concentration of the active substance of 0.1% for adults and 0.05% for children. Failure to take into account concentrations often causes poisoning. The reason could be:

  1. Overdose. "Naphthyzin" can be used in the treatment of children no more than once every 7 hours. In this case, the dosage is prescribed by the attending physician.
  2. Excessive duration of therapy. The medication can be used to treat children for no more than five days in a row.
  3. Treatment of children under one year old with Naphthyzin. At such an early age, therapy with this drug is prohibited. The consequences can be dire.

Poisoning with vasoconstrictor drugs in young children, in particular Naphthyzin, is possible due to the expiration date of the drug and individual intolerance to its components. Hospital treatment may be required.

The main symptoms of Naphthyzin poisoning in children are:

  • acute or moderate abdominal pain accompanied by nausea or vomiting;
  • decreased body temperature and increased sweating;
  • general weakness of the body, drowsiness, loss of appetite;
  • slow heartbeat and irregular heart rhythm;
  • breathing disorder.

If two or more symptoms are present, you should immediately call an ambulance at home.

Degrees of Naphthyzin poisoning

There are three degrees of Naphthyzin poisoning in children:

  1. I degree – mild. Blood pressure is within normal limits, drowsiness and a slight decrease in appetite are observed.
  2. II degree – moderate severity. Lack of appetite, apathy, pale skin, nausea, vomiting and irregular heart rhythm.
  3. III degree – severe. The patient falls into a coma, severe depression of the central nervous system is observed. High probability of death.

The first degree of poisoning is not dangerous. The drug must be discontinued. When diagnosing degrees II and III, the help of a doctor is required. In severe cases of intoxication, the patient is placed in intensive care.

Review of antidotes

There is no such thing as an antidote for Naphthyzin in official medicine. Treatment of intoxication is carried out in accordance with the symptoms. Unofficially, Atropine and its analogues are considered such; they can be considered antidotes at this stage. With their help, bradycardia caused by poisoning is eliminated.

In case of a serious threat of death, Dopamine can be used as an antidote. Hormonal drugs are not recommended for the treatment of children; this is an extreme measure aimed at saving the patient’s life.

If the poisoning is not very severe, the following medications can be used:

  • "Enterosgel". This drug is used to treat adults and children as a detoxification agent. The daily dose for children is 22.5 grams;
  • "Polysorb". The medicine is intended for the treatment of intoxications of various etiologies.

The choice of medication and the period of therapy remains with the attending physician, who bases the choice on the test results.

First aid rules

If you suspect that a child has been poisoned with Naphthyzin, you should call an ambulance and, while waiting for doctors to arrive, take the following actions:

  1. Put the child to bed and calm him down.
  2. Avoid loss of consciousness and do not let you fall asleep.
  3. Give plenty of fluids. Consumption of dairy products is unacceptable. They can accelerate the absorption of toxic substances into the blood.
  4. Periodically check your breathing and pulse rates.
  5. Rinse the stomach using activated carbon or another sorbent.

If the child is in serious condition, the emergency ambulance team will take him to the nearest intensive care unit. Refusal to hospitalize is unacceptable.

After the baby is hospitalized in the hospital, his blood will be taken for a biochemical analysis to determine the degree of poisoning. Monitoring the patient’s heart rate is mandatory; bradycardia is the most common symptom of Naphthyzin intoxication.

Treatment of intoxication is symptomatic. Treatment of Naphthyzin poisoning is prescribed by a doctor. Atropine is often used. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the damage to the body. Before discharge, a repeat biochemical blood test is required. It allows you to determine how effective the treatment was.

Prevention and possible complications

The basic principle of preventing drug poisoning in children is that all medications, each tablet, should be stored out of reach of the child. If you decide to use any drug to treat your baby, you must first consult with your pediatrician. Even completely reading the instructions and following the specified rules does not guarantee one hundred percent safety. The baby may be allergic to the active substance.

A huge number of cases of Naphthyzin intoxication are due to the low cost of the drug. The product is available from pharmacies without a prescription, and buyers automatically consider it safe. Such a judgment is incorrect. All medications are potentially hazardous to health if overdosed or incorrectly combined.

If a child is poisoned by Naphthyzin, he should be treated immediately. This will reduce the possibility of complications to zero.

Naphthyzin is a very effective drug that, within a short period of time, relieves such an uncomfortable condition as a runny nose. But if used incorrectly, like any other medicine, it can cause serious harm to the body. This is especially true for young children.

Poisoning can occur not only in a situation of long-term use of the product, but also with a one-time use. Let's figure out why, at first glance, such simple and ordinary drops can be dangerous.

The drug naphthyzin is a vasoconstrictor in the form of a solution. Naphazoline plays the main role in it. This substance for local use has an effective but short-term vasoconstrictor effect.

Regardless of the cause, it quickly relieves congestion, swelling and softens the airways. Boric acid and specially purified water help reduce the volume of mucus secreted and restore a person’s ability to breathe normally.

The dosage form of the drug is a solution, so its dosage is presented in the form of a certain number of drops for each age of the patient. It should not be exceeded, as this can lead to serious consequences.

Before using naphthyzine, the nose should be cleared of mucus as much as possible. The solution itself should not be cold, this will cause discomfort. Therefore, if you store the drug in the refrigerator, put it out 15 minutes before use and leave it to warm up at room temperature. But if help is needed immediately, then warm the drug with the warmth of your hands for a few minutes.

The main cause of drug intoxication is overdose. It occurs if you do not follow the number of drops prescribed in the instructions or use the drug too often. This trouble can happen to anyone, both to a careless adult and to a foolish child. But still, local pediatricians often face this problem.

Young parents, due to inexperience or excessive zeal, may exceed the prescribed number of drops. This can also happen by accident. The drug is available in a soft plastic bottle, so it is not always possible to control the number of drops squeezed out. This is especially difficult when the baby resists treatment and actively spins.

You can also make a mistake with the concentration of the active substance. A solution of 0.05% is intended for children of primary and preschool age, and 0.1% for schoolchildren and adolescents.

Do not neglect the frequency of instillation:

  • for children from 1 year to 14 years – twice a day (every 6-8 hours);
  • for persons 14 years of age and older, as well as adults - three, maximum four times a day (the interval between instillations should not be less than 3 hours).

The period of daily use of naphthyzine should not exceed 5-7 days. Longer use may cause addiction. Even with the correct dosage, a person develops chronic rhinitis, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

The use of several vasoconstrictor drugs can also cause poisoning. There is no need to rush and try different medications with similar effects. Wait a few hours, naphthyzin can take effect either in half an hour or in 1.5-2. The reason for this may be the peculiarity of the disease, which resulted in the flow from the nose, as well as its severity.

A rare, but quite likely cause of naphthyzine intoxication may be accidental ingestion of the drug. This is especially true for babies who strive to put everything they see in their mouths.

Naphthyzin, like other medications, should be stored out of the reach of children.

If during treatment the dose recommended in the instructions (single or daily) was exceeded for some reason, manifestations of intoxication will not take long to appear. They are the same for both children and adults. But a child’s body is still quite weak and susceptible, so poisoning and its consequences are more dangerous for him.

The first thing parents should pay attention to is the change in the child’s behavior. In case of an overdose of naphthyzine, the following clinical picture is typical:

  • apathy, decreased overall tone and mood;
  • dizziness;
  • abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • refusal of food, even the most favorite;
  • pale, skin cold and damp to the touch;
  • blood pressure and cardiac activity are significantly reduced (pulse is rare and weak).

Depending on the concentration of the drug in the blood, the severity of poisoning is determined:

  1. Moderate. The above symptoms are mild. Blood pressure and pulse are within normal limits. When the drug is discontinued, the condition quickly normalizes. No medical intervention is required.
  2. Average. Characterized by significant hairiness and drowsiness. The person is inert, completely refuses food and any entertainment. Body temperature and blood pressure are reduced. Bradycardia. Does not require hospitalization. When the medication is discontinued, the condition may return to normal. The patient must be under constant supervision.
  3. High. All symptoms are acute. Severe vomiting. Cardiac activity is significantly impaired - from tachycardia to bradycardia. Immediate hospitalization is necessary as the person may fall into a coma.

For children under 2 years of age, a lethal dose of naphthyzine10 mg.

Most often, the first two stages do not require hospitalization. The main thing to do is to stop the drug and carefully monitor the patient’s condition. This is especially true for children. If the condition does not improve for a long time or becomes more severe, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

The victim should not be left alone until the doctors arrive. Make sure he is conscious. Monitor his cardiac and respiratory activity. He's cold - warm him up.

If poisoning occurs due to the solution being accidentally drunk, perform a gentle gastric lavage. Give 1-1.5 liters of liquid (preferably clean water) warm or room temperature to drink, and then induce vomiting.

Under no circumstances should a child be given a solution of potassium permanganate, even a very weak one. This can lead to burns of the esophagus and stomach mucosa.

How to prevent poisoning

If you decide to use naphthyzin to treat a runny nose for yourself or your family members, then you should take into account the following precautions:

  • use a solution in a percentage concentration that must strictly correspond to the age of the child;
  • Read the instructions carefully and try in no case to exceed the dose and frequency recommended therein;
  • to accurately measure the required number of drops, use a separate pipette;
  • ensure that the shelf life of the drug does not expire during the period of its active use;
  • if after 5-7 days, nasal congestion does not go away, you should look for more serious causes of a prolonged runny nose or use other options for its treatment;
  • keep out of the reach of children;
  • at the first signs of intoxication, stop the drug and consult a pediatrician;
  • In case of severe poisoning, immediately call an ambulance.

If you use naphthyzin responsibly, observing all precautions and dosage, it will quickly and effectively relieve you and your child from a bothersome runny nose.

If you are afraid of provoking an overdose or addiction, use safer analogues based on sea water. They often have no contraindications and can even be used to treat runny nose in infants. Their only drawback is the price.

Naphthyzin is a medication that creates an anti-edematous and vasoconstrictor effect. The active substance is naphazoline. Widely used for acute respiratory viral infections, otitis, rhinitis, runny nose. The toxicity of naphthyzine lies in the fact that it is an adrenergic drug. The vasomotor center is stimulated and the flow of impulses from the central nervous system decreases.

Is naphthyzin harmful to children's bodies?

Adults are less sensitive to the drug than children. If two drops of the solution are dropped into the nose of an infant, he may get naphthyzine poisoning. Intoxication is possible not only when instilled into the nasal cavity, but also when drops enter the gastrointestinal tract.

When choosing naphthyzine for the treatment of diseases in children, the dosage must be observed. It is 1 drop every 7 hours. Naphthyzin is strictly contraindicated for children of the first year of life.

To cause death, 10 mg of the drug is enough, regardless of how it entered the body.

The main causes of poisoning with naphthyzine drops include:

  • low price of naphthyzine, which attracts buyers;
  • wrong choice of medicine. Instead of a 0.05% naphthyzine solution, parents purchase 0.1% at the pharmacy;
  • accidental ingestion of naphthyzine, which is in an easily accessible place;
  • drops cause persistent addiction;
  • production of drops in small plastic containers with a volume of 15 ml. Such packaging causes an overdose, since excessive pressure on the vial will lead to instillation of an excess dosage;
  • use of the drug in children as self-medication. Drops should be prescribed by a pediatrician, taking into account individual characteristics and compatibility with other medications taken for recovery;
  • Often adults do not read the instructions before instilling the drug into their baby. The insert states that the use of the drug in children under 12 months is prohibited. Ignoring this recommendation will provoke naphthyzine poisoning in children: treatment, the antidote of which will be difficult to find;
  • using drops that have expired;
  • allergy to the drug.

Symptoms of poisoning and degree of overdose

Getting intoxicated with vasoconstrictor drops is quite simple. To do this, you should exceed the recommended dosage prescribed by your doctor. The signs are the same for all age categories of people. However, it is worth considering that a small body is not as strong as that of an adult. Therefore, it is not able to fully resist the additional loads that drops can exert. This means that poisoning is more dangerous for children than for adults.

If for any reason an overdose occurs, the symptoms of naphthyzine poisoning in children will be as follows:

  • nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • tearfulness and bad mood;
  • body temperature decreases;
  • drowsiness;
  • deterioration of appetite, up to complete disappearance;
  • pale skin;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • the skin becomes cool and moist;
  • abdominal pain;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • coma.

If several symptoms are detected, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Self-medication threatens to increase the intensity of signs of poisoning.

All symptoms of overdose are divided into three degrees, each of which directly depends on the amount of the drug that has entered the body and the frequency of instillation. Namely:

First, or mild degree. It is characterized by: drowsiness, poor appetite, and a slight increase in heart rate. After stopping the use of naphthyzine, the condition returns to normal after a few hours.

Average degree. The intensity of signs of poisoning increases. The pressure drops, the temperature drops to 36 degrees, and the heart rhythm changes. For this stage, it is recommended to seek medical help, as there is a risk of worsening the condition.

Difficult stage. Blood pressure drops to critical levels. The risk of coma increases.

How to help a child

If there is an assumption that naphthyzine poisoning has occurred, you should call an ambulance. In the meantime, try to improve the condition of the victim. To do this you will need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • put the child on the bed and cover with a warm blanket;
  • closely monitor your breathing and heart rate;
  • regularly count your pulse and write down the calculations on paper to provide them later to the doctor;
  • ensure that the poisoned person is conscious;
  • offer to drink constantly. Clean boiled water, cooled to room temperature, is suitable for drinking.

If naphthyzine gets into the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. To do this, the child needs to drink about a liter of clean water in large sips. If there is no vomiting after this, induce it yourself. Rinse several times to remove as much of the drug from the stomach as possible. It is forbidden to add potassium permanganate, salt, etc. to the water for gastric lavage.

After completing the washing procedure, give the child activated charcoal. To do this, you need to know the child’s weight, since the dosage is calculated in the proportion of 1 tablet for every 10 kilograms of body weight. To make it easier for a child to take the medicine, it must be crushed and mixed with 100 ml of clean water. To avoid dehydration, give the child the rehydron solution often and in small portions.

The washing procedure cannot be carried out if the child has not reached 12 months or if the child’s consciousness is clouded after poisoning. Also, do not use milk during the steaming process. It promotes the rapid absorption of naphthisin into the bloodstream.

When to see a doctor

If the first symptoms of naphthyzine poisoning occur in a small child, you should immediately seek help. Treatment at home is possible only with a mild degree of intoxication, and after permission from a doctor. After transporting the child to the hospital, he is shown the following treatment:

  • To eliminate a slow heartbeat, subcutaneous administration of atropine is prescribed, which, in turn, serves as a specific antidote to naphthyzine.
  • taking sorbents that will stop the absorption of the vasoconstrictor into the blood.
  • To prevent dehydration, frequent and abundant fluid intake is recommended.
  • if the poisoning occurs in a severe stage, the doctor will prescribe the administration of prednisolone or dopamine. They are able to restore normal blood pressure.
  • If drops get into the stomach, the stomach is washed again and sorbents are taken.

If treatment of naphthyzine poisoning in children is provided promptly and fully, negative consequences for the child’s body can be avoided, and the symptoms of poisoning will disappear after a few days.

Can a child be poisoned by Naphthyzin? Yes, it can. Even the simplest and safest-looking nasal drops can lead to serious consequences and harm the child’s health. Drug poisoning in children is not uncommon. Poisoning with vasoconstrictor drugs occurs especially often, due to the selection and use of medications by parents independently without a doctor’s prescription, also due to an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug and its incorrect storage.

During colds, runny nose, allergies, teething, there is a need to give drops to children. Parents use Naphthyzin because the drug has a quick effect, removes swelling of the nasal mucosa, and clears the respiratory passages.

In recent years, the number of Naphthyzin poisonings has increased. Mothers are increasingly going to the hospital with similar poisonings in their children.

Naphthyzin, like other drugs, has side effects not only with long-term use, but also with short-term use. Sometimes symptoms of poisoning occur even with a single use.

The main reasons why there is an increase in drug poisoning:

  • Naphthyzin is produced in plastic bottles up to 20 ml. Due to such packaging, it is possible to make a mistake and take the wrong dosage, because during one press on the bottle the dose can increase up to ten times;
  • Parents often make a mistake and buy a 0.1% solution of the drug, but they should use a 0.05% solution;
  • Failure to follow the instructions for using the medicine. Let’s say the instructions indicate that naphthyzine can be used for children older than one year, but in practice it turns out that parents have been using it since the baby’s birth.
  • Price for the drug. The cost of the drug is very insignificant, compared to other drops, the price is very meager, about 10 rubles, which is why the medicine is popular, but the price may increase in the future, then you will have to fight for the health and life of the child.


Poisoning with drugs for the common cold is quite common in children. However, in order to accurately determine whether it is poisoning or not, you should monitor the baby’s well-being. Main symptoms of poisoning:

  • General weakness of the body;
  • Bad mood;
  • Dizziness and headache;
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • Nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • Reduced body temperature;
  • Slow heart rate;
  • Decreased pressure;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Slight constriction of the pupils;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • The skin is damp and cold.

If you notice symptoms of poisoning in a child, you should urgently call an ambulance., which will provide professional assistance and eliminate the symptoms of overdose. Carrying out treatment at home is unsafe for the child’s health.


Treatment of poisoning consists of eliminating symptoms. If symptoms of naphthyzine poisoning are detected in children, the first thing to do is stop taking the medicine and call a doctor. The doctor should tell you how the drug was taken and in what dosage.

It happens that the baby took the medicine himself; such cases occur if the medicines are in full view of the children's eyes. Therefore, it is advisable to place all medications out of the reach of children.

First aid

While you are waiting for an ambulance, the main thing is not to panic and not to pass on your panic state to your child. First of all, you should monitor the child’s condition, provide him with a comfortable position, move him to the bed and calm him down.


  • Ensure that the child remains conscious;
  • Provide your child with plenty of fluids. Cooled boiled water with a volume of up to a liter or more is suitable for this;
  • In case of poisoning, it is forbidden to give milk to children, as this promotes rapid absorption of the medicine into the blood;
  • Check your breathing and monitor your heart rate;
  • Wrap the baby in a blanket or blanket to keep him warm;
  • Monitor your pulse.

Naphthyzine poisoning is increasingly occurring, the main reasons being incorrect administration or use of medications that have expired. It is necessary to monitor the expiration date and throw away all drugs that are already spoiled and buy new ones. Otherwise, much larger sums will be required for treatment than for new drops.

Degrees of overdose

The presence of various symptoms depends on the dosage in which the drug was taken. Naphthyzine overdose has three degrees of severity.

  1. In the first degree of overdose, there is no need to hospitalize the patient and call an ambulance. Symptoms disappear after stopping the medication. This degree is called mild.
  2. With moderate severity, there is no need to hospitalize the child either. Parents can independently help the baby, stop taking the medication and monitor the patient’s condition. If the symptoms go away, then there is no need to call a doctor.
  3. The most dangerous degree is severe. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance and put the child in the hands of specialists. In this case, hospitalization is mandatory.

Treatment of poisoning should first begin with eliminating the symptoms and stopping the drug.

Can Naphthyzin be used for children?

Naphthyzin is an effective drug that constricts blood vessels in a short time, belongs to the group of selective adrenergic agonists.

Parents often ask whether children are allowed to use the drug? It is allowed, provided that the correct concentration of the solution is selected and the dosage is observed. The drug for children is produced in the form of a 0.05% solution, a 0.1% solution is contraindicated for children; such a dose causes poisoning in children.


The drug should not be used by children under one year of age. After a year, naphthyzine is prescribed by a doctor, subject to strict adherence to the dosage. The dose of the drug for children is 1-2 drops of 0.05 naphthyzine solution in each nasal passage, this dosage helps clear the airways and makes breathing easier.

Naphthyzin causes the body to become addicted to the drug and the medicine stops working. Increasing the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but, on the contrary, increases the risk of naphthyzine poisoning (in children this process occurs much faster than in adults, since the body is still quite weak and cannot fight poisoning).

Due to rapid addiction, children can use the medicine no more than once every 7 hours. The effect of the drug begins within thirty minutes.

Since a plastic bottle causes errors in the dosage of the drug and leads to an overdose and subsequently to poisoning, the use of a pipette to maintain the exact dose is considered effective. This way you can see how much of the drug you have taken.

In order not to cause addiction in the child, you should alternate the use of naphthyzine with other similar medications, for example.

When a cold occurs, adults often prefer to treat their child themselves, forgetting that medications can pose a serious threat. For example, when treating a runny nose, Naphthyzine poisoning in children is likely (ICD code 10-T48.5.), if you do not follow the instructions and first consult a doctor.

Causes of poisoning

A vasoconstrictor drug (not to be confused with Naftifine, a remedy for pyoderma) is often prescribed for acute and chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx that are viral or bacterial in nature. Can be used to treat a runny nose caused by poisoning with naphthalene and other toxic substances or drugs. Application helps to quickly relieve swelling of the passages, ease breathing, and reduce the risk of nasal bleeding.

However, sometimes intoxication occurs, provoked by several factors:

  1. Overdose This may occur if adults do not follow the instructions, or if Naphthyzine is accidentally ingested by a child if the drug is left in an accessible place.
  2. Duration of treatment. Poisoning develops when therapy does not end after 5 days.
  3. Failure to comply with recommendations for the percentage of solution. Dangerous for young patients is 0.1%. Indicated for use 0.025–0.05% - depends on the condition and age.
  4. Therapy of newborns and infants. Use prohibited under 1 year!
  5. Inconvenient packaging form. They are released in plastic bottles, which makes it difficult to determine the exact volume of the medicine.
  6. Over-the-counter sale. Naphthyzin is considered quite safe, therefore, even without visiting a doctor, a person can purchase it at a pharmacy kiosk.
  7. Frequent instillation. The positive effect is short-lived. To relieve the patient of a runny nose, parents perform the procedure several times a day, without thinking about the risk of overdose.
  8. Expiration date of the medicine.
  9. Individual intolerance. In this case, the symptoms occur against the background of an allergic reaction.

If you follow the instructions and use Naphthyzin only after a doctor’s recommendation, poisoning is practically excluded.

Symptoms of intoxication

An overdose of Naphthyzine in children develops with characteristic signs that make it possible to quickly identify the severity and provide first aid.

Clinical picture:

  1. Weakness, lethargic behavior, drowsiness.
  2. Dizziness and cephalalgia.
  3. The temperature drops sharply. Often the indicators reach 35 degrees and even overcome this mark.
  4. Blood pressure decreases.
  5. Heart rate decreases.
  6. The skin is cold and damp and sweats profusely.
  7. Lips turn blue, breathing becomes heavy.
  8. The child refuses to eat.

If such symptoms appear, immediately call an emergency team.

Degrees of overdose

There are 3 characteristic stages in Naphthyzin poisoning in children:

  1. Easy. Lethargy, drowsiness, loss of appetite, pale skin and slight bradycardia are noted. After discontinuation of the drug, the condition returns to normal, so treatment can be carried out at home.
  2. Average. Significant heartbeat disturbances, decreased blood pressure and temperature, but the pupils react to light. Ambulance is needed as there are risks of deterioration.
  3. Heavy. The pressure drops to critical values. Coma is likely.

Even with the first degree of poisoning, it is advisable to show the child to a doctor to eliminate negative consequences.

Lethal dose

The use of 10 ml of 0.1% solution leads to tragedy. A fatal outcome is often stated if the baby drank a bottle of Naphthyzin.

First aid

When it is suspected that a child may have been poisoned by a drug, they must call the emergency room. After this, they try to alleviate the victim’s condition at home:

  1. The little patient is put to bed and calmed down.
  2. It is advisable to prevent loss of consciousness or falling asleep.
  3. You need to drink plenty of warm water. Milk should not be used, as it increases the absorption of toxic components.
  4. Breathing and pulse are checked periodically.
  5. using sorbents - activated carbon, Enterosgel.

If the child is in serious condition, doctors quickly transport him to the nearest intensive care unit.

Treatment methods

Inpatient therapy is aimed at reducing the symptoms of Naphthyzin poisoning and preventing the consequences:

  1. Pathogenesis is studied and diagnostics are performed at the same time.
  2. Cleanses the stomach.
  3. For bradycardia, atropine sulfate and Prednisolone are prescribed.
  4. If there is concern for the patient's life, Dopamine is used.

As a rule, improvement and almost complete disappearance of the clinical picture in children occurs within 1–3 days.

Is there an antidote to Naphthyzin?

Unfortunately, there is no antidote. Therefore, therapy is symptomatic.

Possible complications

Naphazoline, the active substance of the nasal remedy, when poisoned, penetrates into the brain tissue and affects the nervous system. In some cases, it can dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and negatively affect the functioning of the heart muscle.

If children are treated promptly for Naphthyzin intoxication, the risks seem insignificant. The components of the drug are quickly eliminated from the body, and along with this the symptoms disappear.

How to prevent poisoning?

To prevent excessive inhalation of droplets, as well as to reduce the likelihood of accidental ingestion, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. When purchasing a medicine, warn the pharmacist that it is intended for a child. In this case, the risk of poisoning resulting from an overdose is reduced.
  2. Instill Naphthyzin after 6–8 hours. If you use the drug more often, the active substance will accumulate.
  3. It is better not to use a plastic bottle during the procedure, but to arm yourself with a pipette.
  4. Do not use for a long time. When there is no positive effect, buy another vasoconstrictor. Doctors recommend analogues that contain naphazoline, for example, Sanorin.
  5. Do not treat infants with these drops. Contraindicated under the age of 1 year.
  6. Be sure to examine the packaging. If Naphthyzin is expired, throw it away without regret.
  7. Before using, consult a doctor. Self-prescription can lead to dire consequences.
  8. At the first sign of allergy or intoxication, discontinue immediately. There are many safer products, for example, Aquamaris.
  9. Do not store in places accessible to children.
  10. If a severe picture develops, immediately call the emergency room. Home methods will not help cope with a strong clinic.

Parents often prefer to use Naphthyzin in the treatment of runny nose in children due to its low cost. But inexpensive does not mean the best. If the doctor has not given approval for the course, you should not tempt fate by using the drug uncontrollably. Otherwise, the small patient will have to be treated for nasopharyngeal infection and poisoning.