Treatment - we treat kidney prolapse. Stages of development of nephroptosis of the right kidney: symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease Nephroptosis of the left kidney treatment

The organ of the urinary system has great compensatory capabilities. Kidney prolapse may not bother a person for a long time, although it is often accompanied by serious irreversible processes. At best, this is inflammation, the worst case is pyelonephritis or the formation of stones. A serious condition can be saved by transplanting a donor organ.

What is kidney nephroptosis

The kidneys are relatively mobile organs, fixed in the bed intended for them by nature. They are held in place by intra-abdominal pressure and the ligamentous apparatus. When breathing and changing body position, they shift by 1-2 cm. This property is their physiological norm.

Nephroptosis of the kidney is a condition when the movements of the organ become chaotic and it goes beyond its natural limits. The blood vessels and the outgoing ureter sometimes stretch, narrow, or twist, and the kidney itself descends into the abdominal cavity or pelvic area.

Such anatomical changes create physiological consequences that are not immediately apparent, but over time affect a person's health. The kidney tissue begins to be poorly supplied with blood, its nutrition, energy production, and urine outflow are disrupted, and inflammation occurs. The wandering bud returns to its place, but only for a while. Its long stay in a new area is determined by adhesions. In three out of 4 cases this occurs on the right, 15% - on both sides.

Pathology, ICD 10 code N28.8, is more common among women (1.54%). The reasons arise from the characteristics of the body: more extensible connective tissue from which ligaments are formed, weakness of the abdominal muscles, and peculiarities of the anatomy of the fat capsule. In men, the incidence is 0.1%.

Degrees and symptoms of nephroptosis

Kidney prolapse is a gradual process. There is a conditional gradation of its stages:

  1. The organ is palpable when inhaling, although it is not completely palpable. In a vertical position, nausea is possible, as well as pain radiating to the lower abdomen; in a horizontal position, the condition improves.
  2. Nephroptosis of the second degree is spoken of if the unpleasant sensations become intense and involve the abdomen. The organ easily leaves the hypochondrium and then returns.

The kidney ends up in the retroperitoneal space, regardless of whether the person is standing or lying down. The pathology is accompanied by persistent paroxysmal debilitating pain. Physical effort provokes macro- and microhematuria.

Symptoms of nephroptosis may include intestinal disorders and heaviness in the stomach. Over time, the clinical picture is complemented by nervousness and suspiciousness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness. If young people diagnosed with stage 1 or 2 nephroptosis of the right kidney have normal urine composition, they are drafted into the army. But with restrictions on the choice of troops.

Causes of the disease

The etiology of a prolapsed kidney is based on:

  • Constitutional changes that occur after multiple pregnancies and prolonged labor.
  • Injuries with damage to the ligamentous-supporting apparatus (due to severe shaking of the body during a fall from a height or the formation of a perinephric hematoma, displacing the organ from its natural place).
  • Sharp weight loss as a result of an infectious process or starvation, which causes the properties of the mesenchyme to deteriorate and the volume of perinephric fiber to decrease.
  • Congenital inferiority of ligaments.

The risk group includes representatives of different professions:

  • Surgeons, hairdressers who stand on their feet for a long time.
  • Drivers due to a bumpy ride and vibrations.
  • Loaders lifting weights.

The etiology of nephroptosis is sometimes associated with myopia, hypermobile joints, and systemic weakness of connective tissue formations. Growth during puberty can also serve as a trigger for a wandering bud.

Accurate diagnosis

The pathology goes undetected for a long time, masquerading as acute appendicitis, chronic forms of adnexitis, colitis or cholecystitis, the unsuccessful treatment of which causes neuroses and asthenia in the patient. Although the average patient with this diagnosis is a slender girl.

If prolapse is suspected, an analysis of the patient's history of complaints and life, examination and palpation of the abdominal area is carried out. At stage 1, nephroptosis is difficult to determine. In subsequent stages, it may be mistaken for appendicitis. Therefore, strict adherence to doctor’s orders aimed at clarifying the nature of the patient’s condition is required.

Laboratory examination of urine and blood helps to identify inflammation, ultrasound in different positions confirms the diagnosis. The doctor prescribes urography with the introduction of contrast to identify complications. And also, undergoing scintigraphy or radioisotope scanning to determine the position of the organ and renography to assess its functional state.

Treatment of kidney nephroptosis

Returning an organ to its anatomical place is not an easy task. If there are no manifestations of the disease: no pain, no pyelonephritis, normal blood pressure, then diet and monitoring the patient is sufficient. When kidney prolapse limits a person’s activity and ability to work, then they begin to choose treatment methods.


Conservative therapy is only 13% effective. Medicines help with complications. Antibiotics are used for exacerbation of pyelonephritis, antihypertensive drugs for increased blood pressure. Sometimes analgesics, antiseptics, and anti-inflammatory compounds are prescribed.


The essence of orthopedic treatment is to wear a bandage. It is put on while exhaling while lying down. For unilateral nephroptosis, a belt or corset with a complication on the corresponding part is worn.

In the initial stages, massage and physical therapy are effective. Running, jumping and other activities that cause sprains are prohibited.

The exercises are performed lying down. Here are some of them:

  • Retraction and protrusion of the abdomen.
  • Alternately raising straight legs.
  • Press your legs bent at the knees to the abdominal wall.
  • Exercise "bicycle".
  • Squeezing a rubber ball placed between the legs.

Walking in the fresh air is beneficial. You can stroke the lumbar area yourself and knead the skin.

Traditional medicine

Remedies used at home reduce pain and prevent complications. They can be taken only after the approval of a urologist. He recommends starting with one diuretic herb, then observing how the body reacts to its effects. If the swelling decreases and the lower back pain subsides, then treatment can be continued. When there is no effect, you should use other plants, including:

  • Knotweed herb.
  • Flowers of cornflower or black elderberry.
  • Juniper fruits.
  • Parsley.
  • Horsetail.
  • Birch buds.

The course of treatment is selected by a nephrologist and lasts up to 2 months with repetitions 2-3 times a year.


  • Eating six meals a day.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (at least 1.5 liters per day).
  • Limiting carbonated water, sweets, smoked foods, and canned foods.
  • Including plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood in your diet.

When diagnosed with renal failure, the daily protein intake should not exceed 25 g in order to exclude a high level of slagging in the body and, as a consequence, its poisoning. It is necessary to limit salt intake in order to prevent its accumulation in tissues and the resulting swelling.

In the postoperative period, or more precisely, the next day, you can eat fermented milk products and broth. On the second day, the diet is replenished with soup and steamed minced chicken cutlets. Gradually the menu expands and the person switches to his usual diet.


Surgical intervention for nephroptosis is performed if:

  • The mobility of the organ has been objectively proven.
  • The patient is experiencing severe pain that deprives or limits his ability to work.
  • I developed pyelonephritis, which is not amenable to drug treatment, as well as kidney stone disease, hypertension with bleeding.

The surgeon’s goal is to fix the kidney in a position in which its hemo- and urodynamics are normalized. There are 200 surgical techniques. Laparoscopic nephropexy has its advantages:

  • The operation lasts 30-50 minutes.
  • It is low-traumatic.
  • Low risk of intraoperative bleeding.
  • The kidney retains its characteristic physiological mobility.
  • Short rehabilitation period (up to 5 days). After 2-3 weeks you can play sports.

Today, with a diagnosis of “nephroptosis on the right or left,” 20-centimeter incisions and ugly scars are no longer needed, but it is enough to make 3 punctures of 5 mm each. Laparoscopy requires a mesh implant made of inert polypropylene. After the operation, you will have to follow a diet, avoid overheating or hypothermia, as well as anxiety and stress, in order to prevent relapses of the disease.


Complications of nephroptosis arise due to impaired blood supply and urination. The prolapsed organ hangs on the artery and stretches the vessel. Its diameter decreases and the kidney receives less nutrients. In an attempt to get its share of energy, it releases renin, which increases blood pressure.

Other complications are associated with bending of the ureter, the formation of a kind of “knee”, due to which stagnation occurs, allowing microorganisms to multiply. As a result, an acute form of pyelonephritis develops and stones form. The urine becomes cloudy, has an unusual odor, fever appears, and frequent urination is accompanied by pain. Bilateral nephroptosis leads to renal failure. In severe cases, hemodialysis or a donor organ transplant is required.

A fairly common kidney pathology is nephroptosis - active mobility of the kidneys (one or both). Under normal conditions, these organs can shift from their normal location (during movement, due to breathing, during exercise), but this displacement is usually no more than 1.5–2 cm. Nephroptosis includes a displacement of 5 or more centimeters.

This disease is much more common in women. In this case, pain is felt in the lumbar region (often in the hypochondrium). The disease is dangerous because (due to the circular movement of the kidney) stretching or pinching of the vessels feeding the organ can occur, which can lead to inflammatory processes and stone formation. However, quite often pain does not appear (only 15% of patients feel it), and therefore the presence of nephroptosis is often detected by chance during ultrasound or other examinations.

folk remedies for kidney prolapse

Cause and factors of the disease

The cause of the disease is a weakening of the ligamentous apparatus of the organ, loss of the ability to stably hold it in the right place. Factors that contribute to the weakening of ligaments are not congenital, they are, as a rule, acquired:

  • significant thinning of the fatty membrane of the kidney due to rapid loss of body weight caused by a strict diet or some disease;
  • traumatic or surgical damage to the tissues supporting the organ;
  • weakening of the ligaments and muscles of the body with age;
  • in women - frequent pregnancies and simultaneous gestation of several fetuses;
  • excessive stress on the body (hard work, certain sports);
  • regular and long-lasting hazardous effects (vibration, shaking).

Treatment of the disease

Nephroptosis is detected using x-ray, ultrasound, radioisotope or tomography. Sometimes one of these studies is enough, but often (in order to obtain more accurate data) several are used.

In cases of significant organ prolapse, urologists sometimes suggest surgery. However, this is not always justified, since folk methods have been curing kidney prolapse for quite a long time and quite effectively.

The author of the article is familiar with this disease firsthand: at the age of thirty (due to heavy lifting during the construction of a house), one kidney “sank” by 5 centimeters, which was accompanied by pain and the presence of blood in the urine. The young (by age) urologist began to insist on surgery. By chance (during his illness with the flu), an elderly urologist arrived, who had gone through the thorns of the war (the Great Patriotic War), who categorically prohibited the operation, showing several traditional methods of organ restoration. Within two months, the prolapsed kidney took its rightful place.

An effective method for treating prolapse

Lie on your side (opposite to your lowered kidney), bend your knees. In this position, the intestine moves down, and a “void” is formed between the posterior and anterior walls of the peritoneum, where the kidney is located.

As a child, everyone shot beans, squeezing the flaps. When the kidney rises, the same principle appears. Move the front wall of the peritoneum towards the back, and at the same time, using massage movements along the peritoneum on both sides, push the kidney from the pelvis towards the head. In the same way, you can revive a weakened kidney.

In this case, you need to take into account:

  • if the stomach is lowered, then it is capable of displacing the kidney;
  • if the liver is dirty, then it is enlarged and can similarly move the kidney;
  • if the spine is curved, then the kidney is also at risk of displacement.

Eliminate these negative factors.

There is a lymph flow along the inside of the spine on both sides, and there are many lymph nodes on it. Even with a cleansed liver, they can be painful. These pains are often mistaken for kidney pain. Tense lymph nodes prevent the kidney from rising. Massage of the lateral lumbar region (while lying on your side) is very important to relieve tension. And since it is carried out from the bottom up, the kidney rises simultaneously with the release of tension.

Treat the iliac crest, or the inner part of the pelvic wing, in the same lateral position. The life support system of the pelvic organs runs through the soft tissues inside the pelvic bone. And since in this position the intestines have dropped down, it is easy to work on the inner part of the ilium - the one on top. Press the pads of your fingers against the inside and sand. Do the same with the pelvic diaphragm - treat the inside of the pelvic bone from the anus.

This massage is very important for eliminating pelvic congestion. However, follow the rule: “The deeper the organ is, the slower the massage movements should be, and with mandatory monitoring of well-being.”

Treatment with physical exercise “candle”

The “candle” exercise (its other names are “candle”, “birch”, “shoulder stand”) is an excellent treatment. Unfortunately, not everyone can do it, and it depends on the person’s physical condition, his health, age and capabilities.

It is better to perform the “candle” exercise with the help of another person, and someone who is not physically weak, since you need to maintain a vertical body position with your legs raised for several minutes (sometimes up to five). In this case, it is advisable to keep them so high that they form one line with the back. You usually feel the kidney begin to move and gradually take its place. Movement is accompanied by pain: at first strong, then subsiding. If necessary, the exercise can be repeated.

By the way, they help remove kidney stones.

Recently, there has been a definite upward trend in nephroptosis. Doctors explain this by the development of physical inactivity and, accordingly, increased interest in various diets, which especially applies to women. Therefore, the treatment of this disease is becoming increasingly urgent. Therefore, you must definitely know that kidney prolapse is cured by traditional methods and is very effective. As a result, do not rush to agree to surgery to restore the normal position of the prolapsed kidney.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Don't self-medicate!

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– abnormal mobility of the kidney when it leaves its bed and descends into the abdominal cavity. This disease is accompanied by pain in the lower back or hypochondrium, most often on the right side. Nephroptosis is dangerous because the kidney can twist around its axis. At the same time, the blood vessels feeding the organ are pinched and stretched. This leads to inflammation and the formation of kidney stones. Normally, the kidneys are immobile. They can shift by 1-1.5 cm when breathing and during movements. If the kidney moves more than 5 cm, then this is already considered a pathology. Kidney prolapse of varying degrees is a fairly common phenomenon. Nephroptosis occurs in 1.5% of women and 0.1% of men. Most often it is accidentally diagnosed during an ultrasound. Nephroptosis causes pain in only 15% of people. The average age of patients is 30-50 years, but the disease also occurs in childhood. Women are 5-10 times more likely to suffer from nephroptosis. This ratio is associated with the characteristics of the female body, repeated pregnancies and addiction to diets.

What is nephroptosis, or wandering kidney?

Nephroptosis is a violation of the normal position of the kidney - vertical prolapse. The organs are located in the renal bed, formed by fascia (membranes) and ligaments. Thanks to the renal bed, fat capsule, renal pedicle and intra-abdominal pressure created by muscle contractions of the abdominal press, the organs remain in place.

Our kidneys are relatively mobile organs. A downward displacement of 2 cm is allowed, this is normal. If the figure increases to 3 cm or more, pathological mobility is diagnosed.

Bilateral nephroptosis is rare. When one of the organs is omitted, this does not mean that there is a pathology. In healthy people, one kidney is located lower than the other. The symmetry is broken by the right organ, which is always located below the left. At the same time, nephroptosis on the right is detected almost 5 times more often.

For every 50 reported cases in women, there are an average of 5 men. The reasons are structural features (pelvic width), weak abdominal muscles. Nephroptosis is often diagnosed during pregnancy, immediately after childbirth due to insufficient tone of the abdominal wall.

Anatomy of the kidney and renal ligaments

Kidneys– the most important paired organs of the urinary system, which ensure blood purification and maintain chemical balance in the body. The buds are bean-shaped. The average length of the organ is 12 cm, width 5-6 cm, thickness 3.5 cm. The weight of the organ is 130-200 g. Moreover, the left kidney is usually slightly larger than the right. The kidneys are located in the abdominal cavity and are adjacent to its posterior wall at the level of 11-12 thoracic and 1-2 lumbar vertebrae. The kidneys are almost completely covered by the lower ribs. Normally, the right kidney is located slightly lower than the left, and its upper edge is adjacent to the liver. In this regard, in 80% of cases the right kidney is displaced. Kidney structure. Each kidney consists of a system for the formation and excretion of urine. The outside of the kidney is covered with a dense capsule of fat and connective tissue. With their help, the kidney is secured inside the abdominal cavity. The following are responsible for fixing the kidney:

  • Vascular pedicle consists of the renal artery and renal vein. However, the vessels can stretch and therefore do not provide reliable fixation.
  • Fat capsule, consisting of fatty tissue, protects the organ from hypothermia and injury. In women, it is wider and shorter, so it fixes the kidney weaker.
  • Renal fascia. 2 sheets of fascia made of strong connective tissue are located on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the kidney. They grow together at the upper pole of the kidney and pass into the fascia of the diaphragm. Thus, the kidney is in limbo. The fascia bears the main burden of fixing the organ.
  • Abdominal ligaments. The inside of the abdominal cavity is lined with a thin membrane of connective tissue - the peritoneum. Its folds form ribbons - ligaments that secure the organs in the abdominal cavity. The right kidney is supported by the hepatorenal and duodenal ligaments. The left kidney is fixed by the pancreatic-renal and spleno-renal ligaments.
  • Kidney bed, formed by the diaphragm, the muscles of the abdominal wall, the intestinal mesenteries and fascia.

If one of the components of this fixing apparatus weakens, then the kidney moves downward under its own weight.

Causes of kidney prolapse

Often the culprits of the anomaly are weakness of the ligaments, muscles of the peritoneum and its wall. When the supporting elements do not cope with the job, excessive mobility of the kidney is almost always a matter of time.

Reasons why organs prolapse:

  • Abuse of diets, diseases that provoke sudden weight loss. The consequence is thinning of the fat capsule, leading either to prolapse of the kidney or to rotation (turning around its axis). Rotation is not considered a pathology. If there is no pain and tests do not show any abnormalities, you only need to be examined regularly for 12 months.
  • Weakness of the ligaments, especially on the right side, where the upper “neighbor” of the kidney is the liver.
  • Severely stretched abdominal muscles, including during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Intense sports, heavy stress on the abdominal muscles, work associated with constant lifting of weights.
  • Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, damaging the ligamentous apparatus in the kidney area.
  • Congenital or acquired diseases of these organs and connective tissue.
  • Rapid weight gain, resulting in obesity.

Adults with asthenic physique (weak abdominal muscle tone, deficiency of fatty tissue) and adolescents whose body weight is low, pregnant women and women who often give birth are at greater risk of acquiring nephroptosis.

Causes and risk factors

The main risk factors for the development of nephroptosis include:

  • congenital anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body;
  • significant weight loss over a short period of time (due to illness or diet);
  • pregnancy (especially with a large fetus) and childbirth;
  • injuries to the abdomen and lower back (both single and long-term or regularly repeated injuries);
  • excessive physical activity.

Often a combination of several causes simultaneously leads to the disease.

At risk are representatives of such professions as loaders, drivers, hairdressers, surgeons, etc. - those whose activities are associated with prolonged static load.

In children, nephroptosis can occur during periods of intense growth; incorrect posture and curvature of the spine are of no small importance in the occurrence of pathology. In addition, the development of the disease is facilitated by whooping cough, rickets, as well as frequent bronchitis and colitis.

Classification by stages

Kidney prolapse is classified by stage. There are 3 degrees:

  1. First. The kidneys, one or both, are palpated during inhalation through the peritoneum, but during exhalation the organ returns to its place - in the hypochondrium. At this stage, they are displaced by at least 1.5 vertebrae.
  2. Second. The lower part of the kidneys descends by 2 vertebrae. They can be felt below the hypochondrium when a person is standing. However, if the patient lies down, the kidneys invariably migrate to their usual place.
  3. Third. The lower part of the organ is already displaced by 3 or more vertebrae. Below the hypochondrium, the kidneys are determined regardless of position, but in severe cases they are palpated in the pelvic area.

The asymptomatic course of the first stage of nephroptosis is the cause of ignorance; the person has no idea about the changes that have begun. Seeing a doctor occurs at the second stage, when the displacement, like the symptoms, is already noticeable. The kidneys migrate 5-6 cm below the normal position. Nephroptosis at 7 cm or 8 cm is indicated by dull pain.

Sometimes a displacement of 10 cm is recorded, and the most complex and undesirable nephroptosis is 12 cm.

General characteristics

Bilateral nephroptosis is diagnosed infrequently and involves the kidneys leaving their designated bed and dropping below the physiological line. In this case, severe pain appears, and sometimes twisting around its axis is detected. An organ such as the kidneys is a paired organ; its functions are to remove waste products from the body in the form of urine. They also control metabolic processes in the body. The organs are located in the peritoneal cavity on both sides along the posterior surface of the spine. If they are located normally, then in every person the left kidney is always lower than the right. This is due to pressure on the liver. The kidneys are surrounded by a layer of fat that keeps them in position. If certain factors influence, this layer can become thinner, and the kidneys gradually descend.

Signs of nephroptosis

A distinctive feature of stage 1 is that there are almost always no symptoms. There is only one single symptom - dull short-term pain in the lower back as a result of physical exertion or a painful cough. When a person takes a different position, lies on his back or sore side, they go away.

In the second degree of nephroptosis, the kidney sinks lower and lower, where it provokes intense pain, especially in an upright position. The frequency of attacks increases. Pain starting in different parts of the abdomen radiates to the back, groin, and genitals.

In the third degree, painful sensations in the hypochondrium become constant companions, they spread to the part of the abdomen where the problem kidney is located. The pain in the abdomen intensifies, it does not subside even in a lying position. Other manifestations of nephroptosis:

  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • cloudy urine;
  • lack of appetite;
  • attacks of renal colic;
  • dizziness, weakness, insomnia, depression;
  • increased blood pressure complicated by hypertensive crises.

The initial stages are dangerous because they are difficult to diagnose. Manifestations of right-sided nephroptosis resemble signs of appendicitis, while left-sided ones resemble colitis or cholecystitis.


Due to nephroptosis, the patient may develop serious complications. Often develops as a complication of kidney prolapse arterial hypertension. This phenomenon is associated with kinking of the vessels that feed the kidney. Sometimes a person exhibits arterial crises.

Due to disruption of the normal outflow of urine from the ureters and renal pelvis, urinary tract infection. Due to the fact that urine is retained in them, bacteria actively spread. This leads to frequent and painful urination, as well as abdominal pain and chills, fever.

Stagnation of urine and a reduced rate of its outflow into the bladder contributes to the development of urinary stones. Kidney stones and urinary stones can also form as a consequence of impaired urate or purine metabolism.

If a person has a prolapsed kidney or a wandering kidney, then this pathological condition significantly increases the risk of injury when receiving injuries to the abdomen and pelvis. A kidney displaced down the abdomen or into the pelvis is more susceptible to any trauma or injury.

Renal colic– the most common complication of nephroptosis. When the kidney prolapses, colic manifests itself as severe pain in the lumbar region in the side. In addition, the patient experiences chills, nausea, oliguria, and protein and blood appear in the urine.

What are the risks of kidney prolapse?

Although nephroptosis is not fatal, this condition of kinking and stretching of blood vessels often leads to dangerous consequences. Among them:

  • Arterial hypertension. It occurs due to kinking of blood vessels and provokes an increase in pressure in the renal vein and impaired outflow of urine. This means there is a high risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • Hydronephrosis. The inability to pass urine due to kinks or torsions of the ureter leads to expansion of the cup and pelvis. As a result, the kidney parenchyma atrophies.
  • Pyelonephritis. It is caused by problems with urination. The inability to evacuate urine from the kidneys, stagnation in them is the cause of the proliferation of pathogens and inflammation.
  • Urolithiasis. Insufficient blood circulation in the organs is a consequence of inflammation of the pelvis and the optimal condition for the formation of stones.

Vertical ptosis of 5 cm is not considered a serious abnormality on either the left or right side.

However, if suspicions and some symptoms arise, an urgent visit to a doctor is necessary. No one can guarantee that the prolapse of the kidney will not continue.

Clinical picture

The initial stage of the appearance of bilateral nephroptosis is quite difficult to determine, since the symptoms are not specific. Initially, a nagging painful sensation occurs, which is localized in the lumbar region and manifests itself during physical activity. However, at rest they disappear. At the first stage, the pain is a reflex, the cause of its appearance is irritation of the nerve endings due to renal pressure. The symptoms of bilateral nephroptosis are quite unpleasant.

The second stage is characterized by the appearance of constant pain that occurs in the lumbar region and radiates to the back. It becomes difficult for patients to stand. In addition, the composition of urine changes. Laboratory examination of urine shows that the number of protein compounds and red blood cells increases.

The third stage is characterized by worsening symptoms; the vessels of the organ can become twisted, which causes circulatory defects and serious consequences for the person. The painful sensations are unbearable and do not go away when changing body position. There is also a decrease in appetite and work ability and sleep disturbances.

How is the diagnosis made?

First, a history is taken. Correctly describing symptoms to patients is very helpful. This is especially true for those who are subsequently diagnosed with right-sided nephroptosis. Among the signs of this anomaly are always digestive disorders. The doctor begins the examination with palpation of the kidney. The man first lies on the couch, then stands.

  • blood and urine tests - biochemical, general;
  • urine according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, its daily volume for protein;
  • kidney test for glomerular filtration rate;
  • blood pressure control with changes in body position;
  • ultrasound examination - lying down, standing;
  • excretory urography;
  • sometimes - CT, MRI.

In severe cases of nephroptosis, subsequent diagnosis and treatment are carried out on the basis of an inpatient examination.

Diagnostic methods and contacting a specialist

If signs of nephroptosis occur, you should consult a nephrologist. Based on the clinical manifestations, the specialist will conduct an examination. The doctor primarily performs palpation examination and external examination. In addition, the following procedures are prescribed: urine and blood analysis; X-ray examination; angiography of renal vessels; Ultrasound; scintigraphy. Thanks to the indicators of these studies, the diagnosis of bilateral nephroptosis, the degree of disease development and the therapeutic course are determined.

Treatment of kidney prolapse

Uncomplicated nephroptosis responds well to conservative treatment methods, but only if there is only one kidney with a slight anomaly. When other diseases have developed (hypertension, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis), not only medications, but also other measures are necessary. Sometimes hospitalization is required.

Wearing corsets

The first method is fixation of the wandering kidney using a bandage. It is worn after sleep while lying in bed. This must be done while exhaling, otherwise the treatment is ineffective. Remove the orthopedic device before going to bed.

It is better to purchase a custom-tailored product that will be adjusted to your figure by a doctor. Purchasing a bandage on your own is not possible; there are contraindications. One of them is fixed nephroptosis, when, due to prolonged prolapse, the kidney is firmly held in a non-physiological place. It is held together by adhesions, adhesions and scars.


The futility of conservative methods and severe complications require surgical intervention. The operation is called nephropexy. It represents fixation of the kidney. Among the indications:

  • severe and constant pain leading to disability;
  • severe cases of hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis;
  • high blood pressure.

Nephroptosis of the kidney is eliminated using laparoscopy. The descended organ is returned to its place and fixed there using a mesh polypropylene implant.
The very next day a person can get up and eat liquid food, but full working capacity is restored after 2 weeks.

Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset

Physical therapy is indicated at stage 1 of nephroptosis, when the right or left kidney is slightly drooping. Exercise therapy must be performed daily, otherwise the effectiveness will tend to zero. All exercises are done lying down.

  1. The legs are bent at the knees, followed by a series of breaths - from 10 to 20. During them, the stomach is strongly protruded, and when exhaling, it is drawn in.
  2. Raise and slowly lower straight legs.
  3. Do exercises for a few minutes - “bicycle”, “scissors”.
  4. Pull the bent legs towards the stomach, first together, then alternately.
  5. They “walk” along the wall, lying next to it.

A set of exercises, despite its apparent ease, should always be agreed with your doctor.


Medicines cannot cure the abnormal position of a displaced organ. This therapy is used for stage 2 and 3 nephroptosis, if a person suffers from severe pain and to prevent further complications.

A stage 1 mobile kidney does not require medication. If the inflammation is minor, herbal remedies are prescribed - Canephron, Uronephron, Cystophyte. In some cases, the following is required:

  • anti-inflammatory - Hydrocortisone, Diclofenac, Nimesulide;
  • painkillers and antispasmodics - Analgin, Baralgin, No-shpa;
  • diuretics - Lasix, Furosemide;
  • immunostimulating - Timalin, Thymogen.

Folk remedies

What to do when a kidney prolapses should be decided only by a doctor. Self-activity is unacceptable. It is the doctor who can recommend this or that folk remedy as an addition to the main therapy. Usually these are diuretic herbs and fruits:

  • St. John's wort;
  • dill seeds, parsley;
  • juniper berries;
  • birch buds;
  • knotweed;
  • horsetail.

Brew as standard: 1 tbsp. dry raw materials per glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain.

A course consisting of one component is prescribed by a nephrologist or urologist. Its duration is from a month to two. If there is no result, treatment is stopped, but therapy with another herbal preparation is continued.

Nutritional Features

Diet correction has two goals:

  • unloading of the urinary system;
  • accumulation of adipose tissue, if its deficiency led to nephroptosis.

Impaired kidney function dictates a sharp and complete rejection of excessively salty and spicy foods - canned foods, smoked meats, marinades, fatty meat and fish dishes, fast food.

The list of prohibited foods for nephroptosis includes sweets, carbonated water, strong tea, cocoa, and coffee. Meals should be six times a day, but small portions are recommended. The daily volume of liquid consumed is at least 1.5 liters. Diluted freshly prepared juices are welcome. A large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables is a must, but sorrel is contraindicated.

When exhausted, a high-calorie diet is necessary.


A person with nephroptosis is required to make significant adjustments to his usual existence:

  • If the doctor recommends wearing a bandage, then this should be done daily.
  • Therapeutic exercises that strengthen muscles will not be effective if you miss classes.
  • Hypothermia of the body, which can lead to increased infection, should not be allowed.
  • All bad habits (smoking, alcohol) must be left in the past.

To prevent bilateral nephroptosis, you need to form correct posture from childhood and perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall. Injuries, heavy loads, and prolonged vibrations should not be allowed. Pregnant women need to wear a prenatal bandage.

Bilateral nephroptosis does not have serious consequences for the body. But in the absence of treatment of grades 2 and 3, pyelonephritis may develop, followed by renal failure. The condition of kidney prolapse from the second degree is accompanied by pain, which significantly reduces the quality of life, so it is better to seek help as early as possible.


Nephroptosis is a disease whose outcome is usually favorable if all medical recommendations are strictly followed. Nephropexy, carried out on time, guarantees the disappearance of pain and rapid normalization of blood pressure. Late treatment, on the contrary, is fraught with chronic diseases - hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis.

If a person constantly works to strengthen his abdominal muscles, this dangerous condition will not return. You need to avoid trauma to the kidneys, heavy physical activity, and sudden weight loss. During pregnancy, wearing a bandage is recommended. Timely consultation with a doctor at the slightest symptoms will reduce the risk of relapse.

Why does it occur?

The development of bilateral nephroptosis can be triggered by several factors. A particularly common cause of thinning fat around the kidneys is sudden weight loss. This can occur during dieting or during severe illness. As a result, the organs become mobile and painful symptoms appear. The causes of nephroptosis are also:

Do people with nephroptosis join the army?

The answer to this question is within the competence of the medical commission:

  • if increased mobility of the right or left kidney is detected in stage 1, then doctors, having assessed the condition, more often allow the conscript to undergo military service;
  • at stage II of nephroptosis, not burdened by complications, there is a high probability that you will still have to join the army;
  • Pathology of the 3rd degree is a compelling argument for exemption from military service, but enlistment in the reserve.

Timely detection of nephroptosis is the key to successful treatment, therefore, if nagging pain appears, an immediate visit to a nephrologist or urologist is necessary.


The most effective procedure is nephropexy. This manipulation involves reattaching the drooping buds and restoring their location. Preparation time for surgery takes approximately two weeks. Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the spread of infection. During surgery, the specialist sutures the organ as it is physiologically located. For this purpose, a special implant is used. The operation can only be performed using the laparoscopic method, which reduces the likelihood of complications and also shortens the rehabilitation period.

What types of nephroptosis occur?

According to localization they distinguish:

  • nephroptosis of the right kidney;
  • nephroptosis of the left kidney;
  • bilateral nephroptosis.

The following degrees of nephroptosis are distinguished:

  • nephroptosis of the 1st degree (displacement of the lower pole of the kidney by a distance of more than 1.5 lumbar vertebrae);
  • nephroptosis of the 2nd degree (displacement of the lower pole of the kidney by a distance of more than 2 lumbar vertebrae);
  • nephroptosis of the 3rd degree (displacement of the lower pole of the kidney by a distance of more than 3 lumbar vertebrae).

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of the disease, and if it occurs, to prevent the progression and formation of dangerous complications, it is necessary to carry out primary or secondary prevention.

Primary prevention includes:

  • maintaining a constant normal weight;
  • avoid heavy lifting, prolonged stay in a horizontal position, prolonged vibration, injuries;
  • during pregnancy, in the postpartum and postoperative periods, temporarily use a bandage, corset or belt.

Secondary prevention involves:

  • regular examination and examination by the attending physician;
  • gaining optimal body weight during exhaustion;
  • carrying out timely treatment (conservative or surgical);
  • avoiding heavy lifting, prolonged stay in a horizontal position, prolonged vibration, and injuries.


Both exogenous and endogenous factors can provoke nephroptosis. Pathology occurs in patients with weak ligaments that are unable to hold organs in the correct position.


Among the factors that can lead to nephroptosis are:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth. These processes entail overstretching of the abdominal muscles, which causes the kidneys to lose support. A significant increase in the abdomen and repeated pregnancies increase the chances of the disease.
  • Congenital pathology of the ligamentous apparatus due to genetic defects.
  • Natural aging of the body. With age, the muscles of the pelvis and lower back become weak and lose their elasticity.
  • The presence of serious diseases that are accompanied by the development of dystrophy (for example, cancer) or too rapid weight loss as a result of following strict diets. In this case, the fat capsule becomes thinner, and the kidney, having lost its support, changes its location.
  • Damage to the fat capsule and/or ligaments during surgery.
  • Frequent exposure to vibration and shaking. Drivers usually encounter this problem.
  • Unfavorable heredity. If close relatives have nephroptosis, the likelihood of pathology also increases.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Neglecting exercise leads to decreased pressure in the peritoneum and weakening of muscles. As a result, the kidneys drop and the fascia stretches.
  • Injuries, bruises. They can cause damage to the ligamentous apparatus and/or the appearance of large hematomas, which subsequently begin to put pressure on the organs.
  • Lifting weights. This can cause an increase in pressure inside the peritoneum, stretching the fascia and ligaments.
  • Severe chronic cough. With it, the diaphragmatic muscles actively act on the internal organs of the peritoneum and shift them down.

Basic diagnostic methods to confirm the diagnosis

Instrumental and laboratory diagnostics

  1. General urine analysis. When conducting a study, the following pathological changes can be determined: the appearance of protein, red blood cells, casts, and leukocytes in the urine.
  2. Excretory urography. The most informative diagnostic method that allows you to determine nephroptosis of any degree.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys. This method is recommended to be carried out in a horizontal and vertical position of the patient, since with the usual implementation, nephroptosis of the 1st and 2nd degrees is often not detected.
  4. Angiography of renal vessels. It is carried out to assess the condition of the renal vessels.
  5. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys.

Differential diagnosis

Right-sided nephroptosis(nephroptosis on the right) should be distinguished from diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and head of the pancreas.

Left-sided nephroptosis(nephroptosis on the left) may resemble diseases of the spleen and tail of the pancreas.

Nephroptosis of any localization is often similar in clinical manifestations to diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands, intestines, and peritoneum.


For the common man, nephroptosis of the kidney is commonly called “wandering kidney.”
More often, displacement of the right kidney is observed, less often - of the left; in exceptional cases, bilateral nephroptosis occurs.

The disease can occur at any age - both in a child and an adult. Among all patients with nephroptosis, females predominate.

Not every kidney displacement is considered nephroptosis and is a pathology. During respiratory movements, the kidney moves, in amplitude, not exceeding the height of the body of one lumbar vertebra. This displacement is called physiological.

Video about right-sided nephroptosis

Treatment of nephroptosis in the early stages will help avoid ending up on the operating table and causing severe consequences. How to prevent it and how to treat it? Video consultations with experienced doctors will help you learn more about nephroptosis and take the first necessary steps in treatment. The significant benefits of wearing an orthopedic bandage and the use of herbal remedies with the right approach will increase the prospects for recovery.

How to treat kidneys

Nephroptosis - wandering kidney

Diagnosis of pathology includes assessment of the patient’s complaints, examination, and palpation of the kidneys. If the doctor suspects nephroptosis, then additional research methods are prescribed.


  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood biochemistry.


  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • IV excretory urography.

Only after assessing the test results will the doctor be able to prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Level of danger to the body

The patient, having learned about his diagnosis, immediately wonders whether kidney prolapse is dangerous? Each kidney contains large blood vessels - an artery and a vein: anatomically they are wide and shortened. When the kidney is displaced from the physiological niche in which it is supposed to be, the blood vessels are forced to stretch, narrowing the width of their lumen. This causes circulatory problems within this paired organ.

Also, displacement of the kidney becomes a factor predisposing to bending of the ureter, which is fraught with the development of acute urinary retention. These deviations from the normal state create favorable conditions for the occurrence and progression of the inflammatory process of renal tissue. The pathology is defined as “pyelonephritis” and, on an ongoing basis, can cause serious complications in the form of chronic renal failure.

Therapeutic gymnastics

The most effective exercises for nephroptosis are at the first and second stages of its development. But it is important to remember that the patient will have to perform the exercises constantly to maintain the achieved effect. This method of treatment is widely used by specialists. Before performing the exercises, it is recommended to give yourself a light massage.

  • lying on your back, pull your bent legs to your chest;
  • lying on your back, raise your straight legs one at a time;
  • in the same position, raise 2 straight legs at once;
  • You should lie in the same position near the wall. Take a couple of steps along it to straighten your legs (raise your pelvis). Stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position.


There are many ways to eliminate nephroptosis. The choice of method depends on the stage of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Using bandages

Using a bandage, you can increase intra-abdominal pressure and reduce the mobility of organs, fixing them in the correct position.

The main purpose of using a bandage is to strengthen the supporting apparatus of the organ, as well as to prevent torsion of blood vessels.

You need to wear the bandage throughout the day. You can only take it off before going to bed and before doing gymnastics.

The bandage is put on in the morning, after waking up. In order for the kidneys to stand correctly, the patient needs to take a deep breath and raise the pelvis. It is at this moment that you need to fasten the structure. It is recommended to put the bandage on top of your underwear. This will help avoid scuffs while wearing.

The duration of treatment is determined individually. Usually it does not exceed 12 months. At the end of therapy, the patient’s ligaments will be strengthened and the organs will be securely fixed. However, it is important to understand that achieving a therapeutic effect is possible only in one case - if the patient strengthens the abdominal muscles. Otherwise, due to inactivity, the muscles under the bandage will weaken even more, which will significantly slow down the healing process.

You can buy a bandage at a pharmacy. It comes in 4 sizes. To choose the right one, you need to be guided by your waist size. Since the design is equipped with Velcro and fasteners, this allows you to fix it exactly according to your figure.


A diet for nephroptosis is needed to normalize the amount of fat surrounding the kidneys and reduce the load on the urinary organs.

If the kidneys are functioning normally, the first task is a priority. Patients with pathologically low weight must consume large amounts of calories, fat and carbohydrates daily. This is the only way to increase the fat layer in the body in the shortest possible time.

Internal fat will refill the kidney bed and increase the elasticity of nearby tissues.

Slightly different treatment is required for patients who have concomitant pathologies of the urinary system. In this case, when creating a diet, it is very important to take into account the associated problems. Usually, in case of kidney disease, doctors advise reducing the consumption of salt, spices, proteins and acids. In especially difficult situations, you may have to give up fried, smoked and canned foods.

Undesirable foods include legumes, fish, meat, fatty cheeses, and vegetables containing oxalic acid.

Patients should adhere to a drinking regime and consume predominantly vegetarian foods. If there is a need to gain weight, the diet should also be high in calories.


In the early stages, hydrotherapy can be very effective.

Alternative medicine

Treatment with traditional methods is used in the initial stages of nephroptosis. It will perfectly complement other methods of conservative therapy.

For diseased kidneys, symptoms when they prolapse are extremely unpleasant. With proper and regular use of folk remedies, you can reduce the intensity of pain and prevent various complications. Unfortunately, they are unable to return the organ to its physiologically correct position.

The most popular recipes in this case are:

  1. Flax seeds are irrigated with clean water, then sprinkled with powdered sugar and fried in a frying pan without using oil. You need to take the product 1 tsp. three times a day. It is important to chew the seeds well. It is also useful for nephroptosis to eat pumpkin and sunflower seeds and all kinds of nuts.
  2. Stems of broom kochia (chopped) in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. you need to pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place for 12 hours. After the specified time, the medicine is filtered and consumed 5 ml three times a day.
  3. 50 g of liquid honey is mixed with the same amount of butter. Next, add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. (heaped) acorn and almond coffee, 2 egg yolks. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The medicinal liquid is consumed 1-2 tsp. every time after a meal.
  4. Need 3 tsp. grated onion peel, pour 2 cups of boiling water, then leave in a warm place for half an hour. The finished medicine is filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. four times a day.
  5. 1 kg of oat straw is poured into two buckets of water, brought to a boil and cooked for an hour. After this, the product is infused for several hours and used for sitz baths in the morning and evening. The duration of the procedure in each case should be about half an hour. Take sitz baths every other day. If desired, the patient may not prepare a new decoction each time, but rather reheat the old one.
  6. You need to mix sage, chicory, horsetail, mint, wormwood and St. John's wort in equal quantities, and then 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the resulting raw material and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. The finished medicine is filtered and taken a glass three times a day.


The use of medications is necessary when the consequences of nephroptosis appear. For each patient, medications are selected individually. Thus, for pyelonephritis, antibacterial agents (Ofloxacin, Suprax), as well as plant-based uroantiseptics (Canephron, Zhuravit) are usually recommended.

If the kidney has prolapsed, symptomatic treatment may include the use of ACE inhibitors (Enalapril, Lisinopril) and AP2 blockers (for example, Telmisartan).

If a prolapsed kidney hurts, what should you do? To relieve unpleasant symptoms in such situations, doctors prescribe painkillers and antispasmodics.

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy can only help with mild nephroptosis. It is recommended to do the exercises in the morning, after waking up for half an hour. Classes are held lying on your back. For maximum convenience, you can place a rolled towel under the belt.

Urologists say that the following exercises are most effective for nephroptosis:

  1. The patient bends his limbs at the knees and makes 10 breathing movements, using the diaphragm. As you inhale, experts advise strongly blowing out your stomach, and as you exhale, drawing it in.
  2. Straighten your lower limbs and stretch them forward, and then lift them up one by one. Similar actions should be repeated 8 times with each leg.
  3. The legs are stretched lengthwise, the arms are placed behind the head, the shoulders are slightly raised. The lower back should be pressed tightly to the floor. Next, you need to make movements with your legs similar to those made while riding a bicycle. You should try to touch the elbow on your left hand with your right knee and vice versa. These actions should last 2 minutes.
  4. Pull the limb bent at the knee towards the stomach. Do 7 times on each side.
  5. Place a small ball between your knees and squeeze it for 8 seconds. Repeat in 5 approaches.
  6. Stretch your legs along the body. At the same time, as you inhale, you need to lift them up, and as you exhale, return them to their original position. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Raise your legs up, keeping your knees and ankles together. As you inhale, you need to move your limbs apart, and as you exhale, you need to cross them. Repeat 6 times.

With nephroptosis, preference should be given to not too active games and walking on a flat surface. Stretching, running and jumping should be avoided.

To eliminate nephroptosis symptoms in women, it is recommended to sleep with the lower limbs slightly elevated and take baths filled with warm liquid.


If the patient has signs of kidney prolapse, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies, medications does not help, and the pathological process progresses, the urologist may prescribe surgery.

Surgical intervention for patients with nephroptosis is usually prescribed if:

  • persistent severe pain;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • chronic, often recurrent pyelonephritis;
  • hypertension;
  • hydronephrosis.

The essence of the procedure itself is that the doctor fixes the filtration organ in a physiologically correct position. The effect achieved in this way lasts for a long time.

Today, this operation is performed predominantly laparoscopically. With it, a specialist, in order to gain access to the internal organs, instead of a cavity incision, makes several small punctures. He watches his actions on the monitor screen.

Thus, the patient’s body is less injured, and the risk of bleeding and other complications is reduced. Recovery after laparoscopy occurs as quickly and easily as possible, and as a result, rough scars and scars are not left on the skin.


It is estimated that about 20% of women may have bilateral nephroptosis, but only a minority of patients have symptoms. Although this condition is usually discovered during some diagnostic tests, it is not often a cause for concern unless a person has symptoms. It affects the right kidney more often than the left. Although this physiological condition is rare in some people, symptoms may or may not occur. Sometimes the symptoms are obvious, usually:

  • Noticeable discomfort.
  • nausea, chills;
  • pain during urination.

Symptoms of nephroptosis of the right kidney do not appear immediately, but the disease itself is quite dangerous. It threatens to reduce the functionality of the organ. In advanced cases, a person constantly experiences severe pain, nausea, and rapidly loses weight. This article talks about the causes of the disease and the necessary treatment at each stage.

The diagnosis of “nephroptosis of the right kidney” is made when studies demonstrate its excessive mobility. At the same time, the organ begins to fall down relative to its normal position. Nephroptosis of the left kidney is rare; nephroptosis of the right kidney occurs more often. This phenomenon is associated with physiological characteristics.

Inside the human body, the kidneys are fixed by ligaments. They are formed from three parts:

  • diaphragms;
  • connective tissue;
  • abdominal muscles.

The kidney itself is located inside a fibrous capsule, behind it is a capsule of fat, and behind it is connective tissue. When exposed to endogenous or exogenous factors, the ligaments weaken. The kidney begins to move, sink under its own weight, and right-sided nephroptosis develops. Left-sided is much less common, but some people also encounter this pathology.

This disease can be called female, which is associated with the characteristics of the weaker sex. The most common causes of nephroptosis are complicated pregnancy and postpartum changes, as a result of which the elasticity of the renal ligaments increases and the tone of the abdominal muscles decreases. The main signs of the disease are pain under the ribs, in the side of the back, sometimes radiating to the lower abdomen. As the pathology progresses, the kidney begins to be palpated.


The physiological norm is the location of the right kidney 1-1.5 cm below the level of the left. Nephroptosis on the right is diagnosed when the organ prolapses by 5 cm or more.

The main causes of the disease are the following:

  • low pressure in the peritoneum;
  • pathology of the renal ligaments;
  • sudden depletion of the fat capsule;
  • injury to the back and abdomen.

Intra-abdominal pressure decreases due to a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. This is often caused by multiple pregnancies.

Thinning of the fat capsule in which the kidney is located occurs due to infectious diseases, as well as with rapid weight loss due to poor nutrition.

Often, renal ligaments are torn due to severe injuries to the abdomen and back. At the same time, hemangiomas appear near the kidney, displacing the organ downwards.

However, all these reasons are conditional. Until now, medicine cannot always explain the appearance of nephroptosis. In such cases, doctors suspect the influence of a hereditary factor.

Classification of the disease

The international classification of nephroptosis is based on the difference in kidney prolapse. There are only 3 degrees of the disease, but it is often not possible to accurately determine the stage of the disease. This is directly related to a person's physique. If the patient is thin, the doctor may palpate the kidney. However, if there is a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the organ will not be palpable.

In the first degree of nephroptosis, the displaced kidney can be felt only when the patient inhales, and during exhalation, the organ returns to its normal position and disappears under the ribs. Difficulties for diagnosis at this stage are mild symptoms. Plus, not all patients have an asthenic physique.

Kidney displacement in most cases is diagnosed with the onset of the second stage of the disease. By this time, the organ comes out of the hypochondrium and can be felt when the person is standing. If he lies down, the kidney is hidden, but sometimes it needs to be corrected by hand.

In the third degree of the disease, the kidney is constantly in a displaced position, both in the vertical and horizontal position of the body. During this period, the risks of negative consequences increase.


Symptoms of right-sided nephroptosis are expressed depending on the degree of the disease and increase in the following order:

  • discomfort in the right side;
  • nagging and aching pain;
  • paroxysmal pain.

When the right kidney is prolapsed, at first there are pains of a pulling and aching nature in the right side, but they soon disappear. After 1-2 years, pain occurs in the hypochondrium on the right, becoming pronounced and constant. In other cases, it becomes paroxysmal: its intensity either increases or decreases again. Pain occurs regardless of the position a person takes.

Also, with nephroptosis, constipation and diarrhea are often present. Sometimes cold sweats and a pale pink tint to the skin are added to the symptoms. The patient's body temperature rises, and appetite completely disappears.

In addition, in different cases additional symptoms may be present:

  1. Increased heart rate.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Neuroses.
  4. Apathy.
  5. Night sleep disturbances.
  6. Nausea.

All manifestations of nephroptosis are not specific, so at the initial stage it can be difficult for a person to suspect the disease. These symptoms are difficult to diagnose even for a doctor, and therefore the patient needs to undergo research:

  • biochemical blood test;
  • X-ray;
  • general blood test;
  • general urine examination;
  • computed tomography.

At first, symptoms are very mild or completely absent. The patient may complain of dull aching pain in the back on the side; they usually appear after physical activity or a bout of severe coughing. When a person lies down, the pain disappears. With the onset of the second stage, the signs of the disease increase, and in the third stage the pain becomes very severe, with the addition of nausea and vomiting.

Treatment methods

Treatment for nephroptosis is selected individually, taking into account the nature of the disease and the prognosis given by doctors. In the first and second stages, therapy with conservative methods is possible, the most common of which are:

Healing exercises are a mandatory element that accompanies the treatment of nephroptosis. It helps strengthen the muscles of the lower back so that the organ does not become displaced. It is necessary to do physical exercises without overexertion, devoting half an hour to them a day. It is useful to spread and close your arms while lying down, lift your straight legs one at a time, and draw circles with straight, outstretched legs.

Hydrotherapy is also indicated for nephroptosis. It is useful for the patient to take a cold shower and apply healing compresses. In addition, it is recommended to massage the abdomen.

Treatment with a special diet is prescribed to stimulate the formation of a fat layer that will support the kidney. Patients are recommended to have a nutritious and varied diet, which must include milk, cottage cheese and fermented milk products. Sour cream and cream should be excluded from the diet. There is also a taboo on soda, sweets, pickles, smoked foods, canned food and legumes.

During the treatment period, you need to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions, drinking 1 liter of liquid. Salt consumption should be limited to 5 g per day. To improve the taste of food, it is allowed to use citric acid, cinnamon, and cumin.

The drugs are prescribed in the presence of concomitant chronic diseases - for example, arterial hypertension, kidney failure, pyelonephritis.

If the third stage of the disease is diagnosed, when the organ prolapses below three vertebrae, conservative therapy is ineffective. The patient is recommended to undergo surgery - only this method will help strengthen the kidney and prevent its prolapse in the future. A common method now is laparoscopy. This operation is performed using three miniature 5 mm punctures. The kidney is strengthened by a mesh that holds it in its normal position.

Treatment with laparoscopic surgery is low-traumatic, and the recovery process takes only a couple of days. After this, the patient returns to his usual lifestyle, and after a month he is allowed to play sports. Cases of relapse of nephroptosis are rare.

With nephroptosis of the right kidney, symptoms appear only with the onset of the second stage of the disease. This makes diagnosis difficult, as a result of which treatment begins already at an advanced stage. However, serious consequences can often be avoided by taking medications and following a diet. In advanced cases, surgery is indicated to restore the normal position of the kidney.

Nephroptosis, or kidney prolapse, is quite common.

The peculiarity of this disease is that, and left-sided nephroptosis is a very rare phenomenon.

The wandering of the kidney within normal limits has a positive effect on the outflow of urine.

But if the distance of displacement exceeds the norm, the development of nephroptosis begins.

Basic information

Left-sided is the pathological mobility of the left kidney. is expressed in the organ leaving its natural boundaries and changing its location.

At the initial stage, the pathology does not create any discomfort. A person begins to feel a significant displacement only with the appearance of painful symptoms.

Diagnostic measures

Even the most minimal manifestations of symptoms of the disease are a signal to immediately seek medical help. Nephroptosis is diagnosed in the following ways:

  • entering data on past injuries and illnesses;
  • examination of the patient by palpation of the abdomen;
  • general radiograph, ;
  • Ultrasound examination of the kidneys in different positions;
  • clarification of the location of the affected organ using radioisotope scanning;
  • to determine kidney functionality;
  • urine and blood tests to identify existing complications.

Methods of therapy

Conservative treatment

Used in the absence of complications. This type of treatment includes:

  • orthopedic therapy;
  • abdominal massage;
  • treatment in health resorts.

Orthopedic treatment involves wearing one individually designed for the patient. You need to put on a medical corset or belt in the morning, without getting out of bed.

He puts it on while exhaling, otherwise the bandage will not bring any benefit. Remove the bandage before going to bed at the end of the day. With fixed nephroptosis, wearing a bandage is prohibited.

Nephropexy is done in two ways:

  1. The method is performed using a laparoscope. All manipulations are carried out through four small holes, which then tighten themselves.
  2. Cavitary surgery - the tissue is cut, and after the operation it is sutured with surgical sutures.

The surgeon chooses the method of surgery independently, based on the patient’s condition and existing complications.

In case of an inflammatory process, a course of anti-inflammatory treatment is initially carried out, then surgery is started.

Traditional medicine

Folk remedies are used as a complement to traditional methods of treatment. Popular traditional medicine recipes are:

  1. The dry one is steamed with boiling water and left to infuse. Take in small portions.
  2. Equal volumes of lemon balm, sage, catnip, St. John's wort, and cloves are poured with boiling water, left for two hours and drunk three times.
  3. Brew a kilogram in 20 liters of water and boil for one hour. The decoction is used for bathing.

Therapeutic diet

If you have nephroptosis, you need to eat a varied diet. It is necessary to remove extractive substances from the diet that can irritate the diseased kidney.

Carbonated drinks, rich broths, cakes, salty, smoked and canned foods, legumes are not necessary. Seafood salads will be healthy.

Rehabilitation period

After the operation, the patient must wear a bandage for at least three months. Also during this period you should refrain from physical activity and eat right.

After three months, the patient undergoes a follow-up examination, at which specialists decide on the possibility of special exercises to restore health.

If there is prolonged inflammation, a urine test is also prescribed, the results of which will show whether the course of treatment needs to be repeated.

Possible complications

With nephroptosis, significant kinking of the ureter can occur.

The result of this phenomenon is impaired urine flow or vesicoureteral reflux. In this case, urine from the bladder enters the kidney.

If urine stagnates, a huge number of bacteria will begin to multiply in it, which can lead to the development of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. The risk of developing kidney stones also increases.

The most dangerous complication of nephroptosis is.

This is a pathological expansion of the calyces and pelvis of the kidney, which is accompanied by tissue atrophy and serious organ dysfunction. The kidneys begin to struggle to clear excess fluid and harmful elements from the blood, which will subsequently lead to kidney failure.

Prevention and prognosis

Complete treatment can completely rid a person of kidney problems. But if time is lost, the disease is not treated and kidney failure occurs, then the patient will depend on the hemodialysis procedure for life.

It is necessary to prevent the appearance of nephroptosis from childhood. This is especially true for people with a hereditary predisposition or congenital kidney diseases.

As a preventive measure it is necessary:

  • accustom your body to physical exercise;
  • monitor your own weight;
  • undergo an annual examination.

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later. But if the first symptoms have already appeared, there is no need to waste time. You should immediately seek help from a therapist or. For effective treatment, you will need not only the qualifications of the doctor, but also the participation of the patient himself.