The cat wheezes when he breathes. Hoarse breathing in cats and dogs

Modern owners treat their pets with love and care. Respiratory diseases in mustachioed pets are quite rare. For this reason, if a cat is coughing and wheezing, then such symptoms should not be ignored. The reasons for this condition of the animal may lie not only in a cold, but also in the development of various pathologies. Information about the main factors leading to coughing in cats will help in providing assistance.

Main reasons

You can understand the reason why a cat wheezes and coughs, and whether this symptom should be treated or not, if you correctly assess the condition of the pet. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence or absence of accompanying symptoms, record the duration of attacks and the time of day at which they most often occur.

Cough is a companion to many diseases. In cats, as a rule, it does not act as an independent disease, but manifests itself as a symptom of any illness:

  1. If you had to observe how an animal stretches its neck, coughs heavily and at the same time breathes heavily, then we can talk about asthma. Most often it affects animals older than two years. At first the attacks are rare, but later they become more frequent and intensify.
  2. Similar symptoms can develop in the event of an allergic reaction to dust or odors from human food. In this case, the pet sneezes and coughs a lot. You should not self-medicate. It is better to show the furry animal to a veterinarian, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.
  3. Pinworms and other worms, which almost every animal has, can cause painful coughing and wheezing.
  4. A reflex spasm can also be triggered by the entry of a foreign object into the respiratory tract. This happens when the pet's owner allows him to eat food with bones or play with small toys that the pet may accidentally swallow. In such a situation, you cannot do without urgent contact with a specialist, since an independent attempt to remove a foreign object can harm the cat.
  5. The kitten may choke on its own fur in its throat. This is completely harmless; subsequently, the pet will vomit the lump on its own. A similar phenomenon is most often observed in representatives of long-haired breeds.
  6. Pneumonia is difficult for pets and causes severe coughing. The animal's body temperature rises and vital energy noticeably decreases. Pneumonia usually results from hypothermia.
  7. In case of cardiovascular diseases, wheezing in the chest is observed, and treatment at home is contraindicated.
  8. Oncology in the respiratory tract provokes severe coughing attacks.
  9. Acute respiratory illness, viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract also causes this reflex.

There are also a large number of reasons that provoke coughing. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Foreign object

It is necessary to learn to distinguish between situations when a cat coughs and wheezes a lot not because of any illness, but because he is simply choking and thus trying to get rid of a foreign object stuck in the pharynx or esophagus. Signs of cough due to mechanical damage are as follows:

  1. Such a condition in a pet usually does not arise out of nowhere. It is preceded by playing with small objects or eating. An insect, toilet filler, particles from plastic bags, ropes, threads and much more can also get into the mouth of a mustachioed animal. There are even more serious situations when you cannot do without qualified help. For example, if a kitten swallows a sharp bone, which, stuck in the throat, interferes with normal breathing, then it may suffocate or die as a result of bleeding resulting from damage to soft tissues.
  2. There is coughing, wheezing, wheezing and increasing vomiting.
  3. The cat often rubs its muzzle with its paw, as if it is trying to independently remove a stuck object, while it tries to stretch its neck.
  4. The pet opens its mouth wide and sticks out its tongue tensely, as if it is suffocating.
  5. Profuse salivation begins. The animal is not able to swallow the secretion, for this reason saliva flows out of the mouth.

If you suspect that an animal has choked, you first need to carefully examine its throat. If you are unable to detect a foreign body in your pet’s mouth on your own, you should visit a doctor who will try to push the object through or, if necessary, perform surgery.

Respiratory diseases

A common cold can easily provoke coughing, sneezing, swelling of the mucous membranes, and discharge of pus from the nasal passages and eyes. During this period, it is difficult for the pet to swallow, which is why he stops eating and even drinking. Inflamed airways, fortunately, are easy to treat.

The disease is eliminated with the help of antiviral, antibacterial medications, as well as expectorants or antitussives, which are prescribed depending on the type of cough. To restore and subsequently strengthen the animal’s immunity, the veterinarian prescribes a vitamin complex. As a preventive measure should you take your cat for vaccination? which will reduce the risk of serious illness.

Helminths or allergies

A large number of worms can provoke a similar condition in pets. Helminth larvae irritate the mucous membrane of the throat, which causes wheezing and coughing. You can suspect a helminthic infestation in a cat based on the following signs:

  • weight loss with good appetite;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • dull coat;
  • presence of dandruff.

Once the diagnosis is established, the cat is prescribed antihelminthic drugs in the form of a suspension or tablets. After a week, a second course of therapy should be carried out if the invasion was severe. It is not recommended to delay treatment, since a large number of worms can cause intoxication of the body, cause damage to the kidneys, liver, or cause the death of the animal.

Allergies are another reason that causes coughing. It is necessary to identify the allergen and protect the furry animal from it. In advanced cases, drug therapy is used, which is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Asthma attacks

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract. It is allergic in nature and is not associated with bacterial growth. The nature of development is most often genetic, but sometimes acquired pathologies occur. The signs of the disease are as follows:

  • severe coughing attack;
  • dyspnea;
  • restless state;
  • hoarse breathing;
  • pronounced cyanosis is visible on the mucous membranes;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • refusal of food;
  • the pet takes a forced position - lowers its head and stretches its neck, trying to cough up phlegm;
  • in severe cases, eye rolling and loss of consciousness may occur.

To accurately establish a diagnosis, tests are taken from the animal, a hardware examination of the abdominal and chest cavity is performed, and then treatment is prescribed. It includes taking antispasmodics, antibacterial drugs, as well as vitamin complexes, especially vitamins C and E, which are natural antioxidants. It is also recommended to purchase an inhaler that will help relieve the attack and prevent your pet from suffocating.

Heart problems

Many people do not know what to do if a cat coughs and wheezes, for what reason this reflex occurs. A serious reason to see a doctor is the occurrence of heart problems. Most often, this disease occurs in old and overweight animals. At first, coughing rarely bothers the animal, but later it inevitably becomes more frequent.

The disease is diagnosed by tactile and visual examination. The pet's blood pressure is measured, electrocardiography and radiography are performed. Such a disease requires lifelong care for the animal and maintenance therapy. Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian based on the research results obtained. Giving medications at your own discretion is strictly prohibited.

The cat must be provided with rest, proper nutrition and follow the doctor's instructions. For animals with this pathology, special dietary foods are sold in pharmacies.


This disease most often affects individuals who are weakened due to a recent respiratory tract infection, as well as elderly, malnourished pets. Pneumonia usually becomes a complication of acute bronchitis. The symptoms of this disease coincide with the symptoms of other respiratory diseases. For this reason, correct diagnosis is extremely important.

Signs of pneumonia are as follows:

  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • wheezing;
  • heavy breathing;
  • increase in temperature;
  • purulent discharge from the nasal passages;
  • cyanosis of mucous membranes;
  • swelling of the dewlap and supporting parts of the paws.

Immediate treatment is required, which includes vitamin therapy to better combat the disease, and antibiotics, expectorants, and immunoglobulins are also prescribed.

If coughing attacks occur repeatedly and are simultaneously accompanied by other alarming symptoms, then you must definitely visit a veterinarian who will prescribe adequate treatment and help restore the health of your beloved animal.

A cat's wheezing breathing may indicate that the animal has a disease, and it urgently needs to be seen by a doctor. It would be in vain to assume that wheezing when breathing in a cat is the norm for a common cold and that the cat will soon heal on its own.

Breathing disturbances (and wheezing is always a disturbance) never go away on their own in cats and without timely treatment they provoke the development of more severe pathologies that entail serious consequences, even the death of the animal.

Wheezing in itself is not a disease. They always represent a concomitant symptom of any disease. There are crepitating rales, blistering and dry. All of them are characteristic of certain diseases.

So, for example, crepitating wheezing (in other words, crackling) appears with pneumonia, atelectasis; vesicular (wet) are observed in patients with bronchitis and pulmonary edema; dry wheezing is characteristic of diseases of bronchospasm and bronchitis. You can also distinguish a separate type of wheezing - the so-called whistling. It is usually distinguished by paralysis of the glottis and foreign particles entering the trachea.

What to do if your cat is wheezing

Only a doctor can tell you what to do if your cat is wheezing. When presenting to the clinic with a problem, the animal will undergo the necessary diagnostic tests to identify the problem and establish a diagnosis for sure. To do this, the cat will be examined with an X-ray machine, listened to with a bronchoscope, and the necessary tests will be taken.

The main advice in this matter for cat owners is not to procrastinate and not to act. It is better to treat the disease in the early stages, while the treatment is as effective as possible.

How to treat wheezing breathing

Breathing with wheezing in a cat is treated in various ways and means. Depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Laryngeal edema is treated with medications that relieve swelling;

Brachiocephalic syndrome is usually eliminated;

Pulmonary edema is relieved by intensive therapy, and artificial ventilation is often required;

Bronchitis is treated with antitussives;

Name of veterinary services

Unit of measurement

Cost of service, rub.

Initial appointment

Repeated appointment

One animal

One animal

Veterinarian consultation

Consultation with a doctor based on test results

Doctor's consultation, without pet

- Neoplasms and tumors are eliminated by chemotherapy (if amenable);

Foreign bodies are usually removed using an endoscope;

Laryngeal paralysis is corrected through surgery.

The results of treatment if you go to the clinic in a timely manner are mostly positive.

A cough with wheezing is a situation when you should worry about the health of your pet. The attack is often accompanied by the release of sputum and mucus, the sound when the pet coughs and wheezes is low and muffled, and the duration can be different each time. No wheezing is heard during coughing, since this symptom accompanies the cat almost the entire remaining time.

Wheezing in the sternum area can be easily heard, because it is the respiratory tract that is affected by a disease that causes coughing and wheezing.

Wheezing can be heard when your cat is panting, eating or drinking. They do not stop during sleep, but more often turn into snoring or snoring. Loud snoring during sleep indicates a severe problem in the respiratory tract. Snoring is often accompanied by discharge from the nose, eyes, and swelling. These are all serious symptoms.

Cough is a companion to many diseases, but the presence of snoring makes diagnosis easier. Pedigree cats with flattened faces often snore for no reason. The structure of their nasopharynx does not allow them to take deep breaths, and snoring is a constant symptom that does not interfere with their lives. If your cat is coughing and wheezing, it is most likely due to:

  • Respiratory disease;
  • A foreign object stuck in the larynx;
  • Throat injury;
  • Laryngeal paralysis.

It is quite simple to distinguish the reasons why a cat coughs and wheezes, since they differ in external manifestation.

Respiratory diseases

All respiratory diseases are accompanied not only by the fact that the animal is coughing and wheezing. Cats begin to sneeze, their eyes water, and nasal discharge appears. The first few days the cough is dry and piercing, but after a few days a large amount of mucus forms in the larynx, which comes out along with the cough.

During the exacerbation season, it becomes difficult for the cat to breathe, so coughing and wheezing are observed periodically. Also during this period, you can experience a sore throat. The disease is chronic and should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. But for ordinary respiratory diseases, you can rely on the choice of the seller at the veterinary pharmacy.

Foreign body in the larynx

Cats do not swallow foreign objects very often, but this possibility should not be ruled out. The cat may cough and wheeze, as if he was choking. The cough reflex tries to push out a stuck object. Wheezing occurs due to the fact that air cannot pass freely through the respiratory tract. Wheezing is especially audible when exhaling. During sleep, the animal does not snore, but excessively loud snoring and even whistling can be heard.

It is necessary to remove the foreign object from the larynx as quickly as possible, after which the symptom will disappear. Sometimes a bezoar made from the animal’s own fur can become a foreign object.


Internal injuries occur due to poor nutrition. Often this is the presence of bones in the diet, but in some cases the reason is the lack of free access to water, which is why the cat cannot chew food properly.

Cats get external throat injuries in fights among themselves, as well as due to poor treatment by people. The injury does not have to be in the area of ​​the sternum and throat; the animal often begins to cough and wheeze due to the poor condition of the internal organs after an unsuccessful fall. For example, a short cough can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

In the case of internal microtraumas of the larynx, you can simply change the diet to a more gentle one. And after a fight, you may have to apply a tight bandage and take cough suppressants.

Laryngeal paralysis is not self-diagnosed. At this time, the cat seems to wheeze and sneeze, but these processes are implicit and drawn out. This requires a comprehensive analysis and observation by a veterinarian for several days. Accordingly, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after determining why the cat is coughing and wheezing.

Normally, adult cats take about 20-40 breaths per minute. In kittens this indicator is different. The number reaches 50-60. If the baby breathes more often, this may be due to the following situations:

  • the kitten is scared, surprised, angry about something;
  • he ran and jumped for a long time, was very active, which made his breathing difficult;
  • the animal is very hot.

You can often notice how a kitten’s belly shakes, how often the baby swallows air when he is being transported. Other reasons - they were moved to a new place, torn away from their mother, taken out of their familiar environment. Naturally, the baby is worried and excited. That's why he breathes often. A little time will pass and everything will return to normal. However, you definitely need to watch your pet for some time.

They say that a cat is suffocating if the animal sits in an unnatural position, the breathing movements are short, intermittent, frequent, and sometimes the cat sticks out its tongue. Choking develops if the airways are mechanically blocked by swollen tissue, liquid or a foreign object.

A cough is a natural defense reaction of the body. The reaction occurs when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract. In this way, the body tries to push unwanted elements away. When you hear your cat breathing and coughing as if he's choking, the cause may not be a stuck bone. Coughing and wheezing indicate colds.

Mechanism of mouth breathing

Cats, like people, unlike dogs, do not breathe with their mouths open. They must draw in air and release it through their nose. If otherwise, the animal is most likely experiencing hypoxia - a lack of oxygen, which can be expressed to varying degrees. The body suffers greatly from such a deficiency. The functioning of systems and organs is disrupted, and the cat’s condition worsens.

In normal condition, the animal's lungs are surrounded by a vacuum, which allows them to fully open. If any malfunctions occur and air gets in, the organ cannot function as before.

An acute lack of oxygen occurs, and to compensate, the animal breathes deeply, trying to capture more air. That's why he opens his mouth. This type of breathing is called abdominal breathing. It involves the abdominal muscles, which is easy to notice with the naked eye.

Coughing in humans and animals is a protective reflex caused by irritation of sensitive areas in the upper respiratory tract.

In this case, irritants can be very diverse: mechanical (dust), chemical (acids, alkalis), biological (viruses, bacteria, fungi). By coughing, the airways are cleared of mucus, inflammatory products, and foreign particles.

When watching cats cough, owners note that this phenomenon is a bit similar to a normal human cough. However, the animals take a specific pose: the animal stretches its neck forward, and the characteristic sounds produced cause the feeling that vomiting will follow.

The cough mechanism is associated with the development of irritation on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract: bronchi, lungs. Inflammatory processes often lead to this phenomenon.
Inflammation provokes the accumulation of mucus in the lumen of the larynx. Irritation of the receptors provokes the body to get rid of exudate.

The cough center is located in the brain, according to a signal from which the nerve impulse reaches the sensitive receptors located in the larynx. The muscles of the upper respiratory tract contract reflexively; when inhaling, the open glottis causes the sound characteristic of coughing.

Like humans, coughing in animals occurs due to irritation of the upper respiratory tract. The body launches a protective reflex in an attempt to push out the irritating factor. These factors can be divided into three groups:

  1. Biological (associated with viruses, bacteria and fungi).
  2. Mechanical (dust, mucus, foreign body).
  3. Chemical (acid, alkali).

When an animal coughs, its airways are cleared, pushing out foreign particles, cellular breakdown products due to inflammation, or mucus. Despite the fact that the sound and general picture of a cat’s cough will be similar to that of a human, unlike humans, animals take a characteristic position - they pull their neck forward, freeze, and twist their head. Sometimes it seems that the animal will continue to vomit.

Cough has the following development mechanism: the brain cough center sends an impulse to receptors located in the laryngeal region. Receiving this signal, in the respiratory tract, in the upper compartment, the smooth muscles contract, the mucous membrane is irritated, and on inhalation a characteristic sound is heard associated with the reflex compression of the glottis.

Therefore, the owner who hears coughing sounds from his pet should be wary. If the cough happened once and does not recur, we can assume that the cat simply inhaled dust or choked slightly. If the cough has a recurring tendency, you need to carefully monitor the animal, trying to understand from its behavior what specific cough is bothering it.

Causes of cat cough

Wheezing and coughing in cats appear under the influence of various factors. They do not develop respiratory diseases or influenza. There are several other reasons, whether viral, allergic or traumatic, why a cat wheezes or coughs when he breathes.

Pathological conditions of the respiratory system:

  1. Inflammatory process in pneumonia. Lobar disease is especially difficult when the area of ​​fibrotic inflammation is localized in several lobes of the lung.
  2. Viral rhinotracheitis, which is called feline herpes.
  3. Viral calcivirus - its manifestations are similar to those observed in humans with the flu.
  4. Involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx (laryngospasm) due to an acute allergic reaction.
  5. The presence of a neoplasm in the bronchi.
  6. Aspiration or trauma to the airways if a foreign body that is stuck in the larynx or pharynx damages them.
  7. Bronchial asthma in a cat.

The development of these ailments is accompanied by similar symptoms:

  • severe coughing, during which the animal stretches its neck, bends its paws and presses itself to the floor;
  • shortness of breath is observed;
  • the cat is breathing with wheezing;
  • cyanosis (blue color) of the mucous membranes appears due to oxygen starvation of the cells.

Fear or severe stress can cause the animal to take a tense position, breathe frequently and nervously, and lick its lips. This phenomenon is short-lived and usually passes without consequences for the animal.

Cats usually have very multiple pregnancies; at the end of gestation, the animal's uterus is so large that it puts pressure on the diaphragm. Shortness of breath appears, the cat moves with difficulty.

If a cat is at high altitude, it experiences a lack of oxygen and may pant rapidly.

Various pathological conditions can lead to a cat suffocating. They are usually accompanied by additional symptoms. For example, shortness of breath, cough, vomiting or diarrhea, lethargy, blueness of visible mucous membranes, extreme thirst and loss of appetite, increased urination. The cat's heart rhythm changes (fast or weak), and fluid may be released from the mouth or nose.

Nervous system diseases

A pathology of the brain that affects the respiratory center can manifest itself in impaired breathing of the animal. A cat may choke after a head injury or as a tumor grows. This condition may be accompanied by vomiting, unsteadiness when walking, and other neurological signs.

Respiratory diseases

A cat can breathe through its mouth if its nasal passages are blocked. With the growth of polyps or neoplasms in the nasal cavity or pharynx, the animal may breathe frequently and shallowly. This is usually accompanied by loss of appetite because the cat cannot smell the food. With the growth of tumors in the pharynx area, the cat may have difficulty swallowing and may choke when eating or choke.

With pulmonary edema, bronchospasm and an asthmatic attack, the animal may suffocate to the point of suffocation. At the same time, the cat’s breathing is hoarse, gurgling sounds are heard, and a cough develops. The cat takes a forced pose. Without assistance, he may die.

Blood pathology

In severe anemia, the animal's body suffers from hypoxia. This causes him to increase his breathing. At the same time, the cat feels weak. He often licks his lips because he feels nauseous, he may vomit, and the visible mucous membranes are pale. The cat is apathetic.

Breathing problems up to and including suffocation can develop as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. In this case, the carbon monoxide molecule binds to the hemoglobin of red blood cells, instead of oxygen. A very stable compound is formed - carboxyhemoglobin. As a result, the tissues and organs of the cat’s body experience severe oxygen starvation. The cat reflexively begins to breathe rapidly, inhaling even more carbon monoxide, and ultimately dies.

Abdominal ascites

The accumulation of fluid in the animal's abdominal cavity leads to pressure on the cat's diaphragm, and the animal's breathing becomes more rapid. In this case, the cat’s belly is bloated and the general condition is depressed.

Heart pathology

When helminths enter the myocardial ventricles, heart failure and pulmonary embolism, the cat begins to suffocate. The animal may be in a forced position. There is no talk of motor activity, the cat is apathetic, her psyche is depressed. Possible refusal of food.

Other reasons

With an increase in intra-abdominal pressure or poisoning with certain medications, excitation of the respiratory center may occur. When a foreign body enters, the cat takes a forced position, wheezes and breathes frequently. There may be other reasons.

If a cat begins to breathe heavily, then some kind of disease has probably begun to progress in her body. Here are examples of the most common ones:

  • Hypoxia.
  • Inhalation of food particles or toys.
  • Heart failure.
  • Joy.
  • Heat.
  • Allergy.
  • Injuries.
  • Fever.
  • Poisoning.
  • Tumor.
  • Hydrothorax.
  • Pneumothorax.

Now let's look at each of them in more detail.

Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen in organs and tissues. This disease has acute and chronic forms. Acute occurs with large blood losses. The chronic form appears as a result of diseases of the respiratory system, liver, and blood.

If heavy breathing is accompanied by wheezing, this may indicate that there is a foreign body in the nasopharynx.

Heart failure makes itself felt after the pet finishes its active games. At the same time, you can notice not only heavy breathing, but also a cyanosis of the tongue, which soon disappears.

If an animal experiences shock, its blood circulation is disrupted, resulting in a lack of oxygen.

A pet that has damage to the ribs, chest and spine will breathe from the stomach, while the ribs are practically motionless.

When a cat experiences joy, its breathing quickens, but this is a temporary phenomenon.

Hydrothorax very rarely occurs as an independent disease. As a rule, this disease appears in parallel with heart failure, anemia, or kidney and liver diseases. This disease often leads to lymph outflow, stagnation in the veins, and decreased functionality of the heart muscle. All this can lead to the death of the animal.

  1. There are 3 types of pneumothorax: open, closed and valve.
  2. Open pneumothorax occurs during injury when a hole is created and air enters and exits during inhalation and exhalation.
  3. Closed pneumothorax also occurs as a result of injury, only air remains in place. The passage to it is closed by a blood clot.
  4. And the most dangerous form is valve pneumothorax, since air enters with every breath, but cannot escape because it is closed by a valve.

The more complex the injury during pneumothorax, the less likely the animal is to survive. If the injury is not severe, then the animal will live. If a large amount of air penetrates, the organs in the chest become cold, the volume of the lungs decreases, and respiratory distress occurs. In addition, infection can enter the lungs and chest through the wound.

The animal may become frightened by this condition and begin to breathe rapidly, resulting in suffocation.

Rapid breathing occurs in cats immediately after the birth of kittens. The animal’s body returns to normal after the stress of childbirth. Breathing gradually stabilizes. Usually the cat does not need help.

Increased breathing in an animal can occur as a result of normal overheating. Since cats, unlike humans, do not have such an abundance of sweat glands, the animal tries to cool down by breathing quickly and briefly, sticking out its tongue. The animal can breathe frequently after active physical activity.

After surgery, including sterilization, the animal’s body recovers gradually after the medications administered. The depth and frequency of breathing may be affected. If breathing gradually levels out, the cat does not need help. If the situation worsens, the animal’s gums, nose and lips become bluish; this may indicate a complication affecting the cardiovascular or respiratory system. You should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Emotional experiences of the animal associated with severe fear or stress can lead to increased breathing. At the same time, the cat presses its ears and looks frightened. Can hide or attack. Tachypnea can be caused by severe pain.

Pathologies of the heart, lungs, endocrine disorders, blood diseases, diseases of internal organs associated with an increase in these organs in size, ascites, and increased abdominal pressure lead to increased breathing.

Diseases of the respiratory system can be obstructive. That is, increased breathing can be caused by a foreign object entering the trachea or bronchi, or narrowing of the airways due to spasm or compression by a tumor.

Diseases can also be restrictive in nature, that is, they are associated with impaired expansion of the lungs.

Respiratory failure may be associated with helminths entering the myocardium, lungs and bronchi. Fluid accumulation in the lungs, swelling, and inflammatory processes can cause increased breathing. In this case, the general condition of the animal is disturbed, the cat becomes inactive, body temperature may rise, and appetite may decrease. There is no talk about the possibility of active games.

The inability of the blood to carry the required amount of oxygen due to anemia can cause the animal to hyperventilate. In this case, the cat experiences weakness, apathy, and loss of appetite. Vomiting may occur.

Increased breathing may occur due to injury, disruption of the pectoral and diaphragmatic muscles. The accumulation of blood or air (gases) in the pleural cavity leads to frequent shallow breathing and the appearance of foam mixed with blood on the animal’s lips. In this case, tachypnea disorders are not limited. The animal takes a forced position, severe shortness of breath develops, and if help is not provided, the cat may die.

The cat is coughing because it just has a cold

Types of cough in cats

Veterinary experts distinguish the following categories of cough in couch potatoes:

  • Duration: acute or chronic
    . Acute cough is characterized by sudden onset and duration from 1 to 7 days. Chronic can drag on for a long time - up to several months.
  • By sound - ringing or muffled.
  • Depending on the type of discharge (or lack thereof) – dry or wet.
    A dry cough is characterized by a hacking sound. When wet, the owner may notice wheezing and gurgling. The cough may be accompanied by the release of mucus, sputum, and blood.
  • By time of appearance: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
  • By strength: weak, noted as coughing and strong
    , while the cat coughs as if he wants to vomit.

The owner of the animal should pay attention to these features. Detailed information about the type of cough will allow the veterinarian to correctly suggest the cause, prescribe diagnostic procedures and determine treatment.

In addition to the above categories, veterinary specialists also note the respiratory and cardiac forms.
When the cough is respiratory, it is usually loud.

At the first stages of the inflammatory process, no discharge is observed in the respiratory organs; accompanying symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, fever) do not appear immediately.

A cardiac or cardiac cough is the cause and is accompanied by a dull sound.
No mucus or sputum secretion is observed. The reason for such a reflex act is either a pathological thickening of the walls of the heart, or the accumulation of exudate in the lungs due to circulatory disorders in the pulmonary circle.

Veterinarians distinguish several types of cough in cats, depending on the duration, nature of occurrence, sound, strength and presence of discharge. So, a cat’s cough can be chronic, long-lasting, or acute, starting suddenly. A cat may cough muffledly or loudly. Just like in humans, cats' cough can be dry, hacking, without secretions, or wet, when phlegm literally flies out of the cat's mouth.

Cough in cats is characterized by the time of its occurrence (morning, evening, night), strength (coughing or severe, almost reaching vomiting). All these points must be remembered or written down and described in as much detail as possible at the appointment with a veterinary specialist. Since a veterinarian cannot monitor a cat 24/7, the owner's words will be extremely valuable in making a correct diagnosis.

Table 2. Cough in a cat: features

  • constantly;
  • often;
  • occasionally.
  • exhausting;
  • hysterical;
  • easy.
  • distinct and sonorous;
  • hoarse, dull, hissing.
  • bloody;
  • purulent;
  • slimy;
  • dry.
  • acute (one to two weeks);
  • chronic (longer than a month).
  • by season (spring, summer);
  • by time of day (morning, afternoon, evening or night).
  • Signs Characteristic
    Frequency of occurrence
    Cough force
    Presence of sputum
    Appearance time

    How does pathology develop?

    All reasons that a cat breathes with its mouth open are divided into physiological and pathological. Each group has its own characteristics.

    Physiological factors

    The reasons, called physiological, are not associated with any diseases of the cat. These include:

    • the cat breathes through its mouth due to the high air temperature (especially affects cats of long-haired breeds);
    • the animal breathes abnormally after significant physical exertion (fast running, active games);
    • severe stress experienced by a cat can lead to breathing problems;
    • the female breathes through her mouth during or immediately after childbirth.

    If one of these occurs, soon after it is eliminated, the cat will breathe normally again. In such cases, you don’t have to worry, but just watch your pet. However, physiology much more often has nothing to do with it.

    Pathological factors

    Some of these diseases can cause severe dysfunction such as acute respiratory failure. It poses a serious threat to life, and time can literally pass by minutes. Therefore, if you notice that the cat is breathing heavily and opens its mouth, you need to urgently take it to the clinic. Especially if there are other alarming symptoms.

    Rapid breathing in a cat develops as a result of gas exchange disturbances. In the blood of an animal, for one reason or another, the content of carbon dioxide increases and the level of oxygen decreases. As a result of such a violation, the threshold for irritation of the neuro-reflex apparatus in the alveoli of the lungs is reduced.

    The alveoli do not fully straighten, inhalation is inhibited, and the amplitude of respiratory movements decreases. The frequency of inhalations increases as a compensatory reaction; the animal’s body tries to eliminate the oxygen deficiency associated with a decrease in the depth of breathing. But this mechanism is not capable of completely replenishing the lack of oxygen.

    Dangerous signs - cough and wheezing

    However, changes in breathing are not always a harmless symptom. If the cat's health is poor, the frequency and depth of breathing is often impaired, and symptoms such as wheezing or coughing may appear. A young kitten is as susceptible to this as adults.

    Wheezing is a noisy wheezing sound that occurs when a narrowing of the respiratory tract blocks the passage of air into the bronchi or lungs. This pathological condition is called obstruction. Also, wheezing appears due to pneumothorax, the accumulation of large quantities of air, or hydrothorax - when fluid accumulates.

    With obstruction, narrowing of the respiratory lumen, wheezing is dry and whistling. They become moist, gurgling when fluid or mucus accumulates in the respiratory organs.

    Coughing is a protective reaction of the body. It helps clear the respiratory system from mucus and pus. But its cause is not always a common cold. It occurs because the cough zones, which are located in the bronchi, react to irritants - mechanical or chemical. For example, when a cat coughs as if she's choking, it could be an object stuck in her airway.

    As malignant formations near the respiratory tract grow, they begin to make breathing difficult, causing hoarseness and wheezing. It becomes difficult for the cat to swallow and may cough up blood.

    Wheezing or coughing are always only symptoms of a particular health problem, and not an independent disease. For them to disappear, it is necessary to examine and treat the pet for the specific disease that causes them.

    Rapid breathing as an alarming symptom

    If several hours, or even a day, pass, and the kitten continues to breathe frequently, you need to take action. Under no circumstances should the situation be ignored. In adults, rapid breathing is often a sign of cardiovascular pathologies, but in kittens this is a rather rare occurrence.

    After all, he is a young body, and his heart is still strong. However, there are plenty of other serious factors that cause disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system. Among them:

    1. Poisoning. Ignorant babies put everything in their mouths, and there is a risk of swallowing something toxic. In addition, the baby can be poisoned by spoiled food. If this happens, the kitten breathes heavily and frequently, in addition, he is apathetic, lethargic, loses his appetite, and does not want to play. Vomiting and loose stools are often present. These symptoms are especially dangerous, because a small body quickly becomes dehydrated, which can be fatal. The kitten should be given water and not hesitate to contact a veterinary clinic.
    2. ARZ, ARVI. These sores cling not only to human cubs, but also to felines. The airways become clogged with mucus. As a result, the kitten breathes rapidly, trying to take in more air, which is difficult to reach the lungs. Usually with the mouth open, since the nasal passages are blocked. These ailments are accompanied by nasal discharge, cough, and increased body temperature.
    3. Bronchitis. With it, the kitten also breathes frequently and very noisily. There is a cough and it is usually dry. You can hear wheezing in your chest. Temperatures rise to high levels.
    4. Allergy. It causes swelling of the larynx, which prevents normal air flow. Therefore, the kitten breathes frequently.
    5. Inflammation of the nasopharynx. It may be caused by some viruses or bacteria. The kitten's rapid breathing is accompanied by whistling sounds and noisy snoring.
    6. Foreign object in the respiratory tract. This is a very common reason, especially for those babies who are just learning to eat on their own. A fluffy who does not calculate his strength and grabs too large a piece can easily and simply choke. The kitten needs to be saved: open its mouth as wide as possible and try to get the foreign body out. If this does not help, turn the animal upside down and, holding the hind legs, press on the stomach in the area of ​​the diaphragm. Usually after such manipulations everything pops up.
    7. Rib or muscle injuries. Sometimes their consequences are not visible to the naked eye. The fact that the kitten often breathes with its stomach in its sleep may be the only symptom. You need to carefully examine the baby's body. If there is an injury, he will not allow himself to be touched, as it hurts. He can also take unnatural positions, sleep in only one position, etc. The animal needs immediate medical attention.

    There are other, more rare reasons for a kitten to breathe heavily and frequently. If time passes and the baby does not get better, you should not try to look for them yourself and risk your pet. It is better to show the baby to the doctor, find out the diagnosis and take adequate therapeutic measures.

    If the pet is healthy and breathes through its mouth after play, stress or during extreme heat, no other alarming symptoms will appear. Dilated pupils, tousled fur, a pipe tail and a protruding tongue do not count. This only confirms that the cat is agitated, tired, etc. Soon she will be breathing normally again.

    In cases where pathology is involved, there are usually accompanying symptoms. For example, cardiovascular diseases, as well as dysfunction of the respiratory system, usually begin:

    • decreased motor activity of the cat;
    • loss of appetite;
    • apathy.

    The owner may notice that the pet refuses its usual games and lies down more and more. The oral mucosa often takes on a bluish tint, which indicates hypoxia. You can hear wheezing in the chest. Tachycardia is observed. If at the same time the cat is breathing heavily with its mouth open, you cannot hesitate. Most likely, the pet is seriously ill and may fall into a coma, which can lead to death.

    Having noticed that the animal is breathing abnormally, you need to examine its oral cavity. Perhaps this is the reason. Any ulcers, redness, rashes, swelling of the mucous membrane should not be ignored.

    Before starting treatment, you need to urgently go to the doctor. You cannot postpone the visit or completely give up on breathing problems; you should carefully analyze the situation. Could it be provoked by active games, what is the temperature in the room where the animal is, are there any accompanying symptoms and what exactly? All this plays a huge role when the animal breathes through its mouth.

    Diagnosis of the condition

    The variety of diagnostic methods and techniques indicates the complexity of diagnosing the causes of such a phenomenon as coughing in a cat.

    If you are sure that the animal has not choked, you need to visit a veterinarian, but not so urgently. Perhaps it makes sense to observe the pet for a couple of days (if the condition is stable and does not cause concern) in order to report important diagnostic data to the veterinary clinic. You cannot make an independent diagnosis, since the factors that cause cough are very multifaceted, and only a qualified doctor will be able to identify the true cause.

    First of all, the veterinarian will ask the owner about the nature of the pet’s cough, then he will look at the cat, listen with a phonendoscope to the bronchi, lungs, trachea, and conduct a visual assessment of the oral cavity and pharynx.

    Cat cough: how to treat?

    If the cat is pregnant or has just taken a ride on public transport, its breathing disorder is temporary. In this case, she does not require treatment. In other cases, the animal needs medical attention. Doctors provide symptomatic and supportive therapy, oxygen therapy until an accurate diagnosis is established and treatment is prescribed.

    If the animal is wheezing and breathing through its mouth, you can try to independently examine its nasopharynx. Perhaps a foreign object got there. It should be removed. Some experienced cat owners can do this, but it is better to take your pet to a veterinarian. In case of any breathing problems, it is better to take the cat to the clinic as quickly as possible, because if you develop swelling of the larynx or an attack of bronchial asthma, you may not have time to help the animal.

    If the cat is not breathing, it is recommended to perform closed cardiac massage and perform artificial respiration. To do this, the cat is placed on its back and fixed so that the neck and spine are in line. The animal's mouth should be closed and air should be blown through the nose. To do this, the palm is folded into a tube, placed against the nose and air is blown in at a frequency of 20 blows per minute.

    Since the causes of the disease are different, the methods of treating your pet are completely different. Breathing on its own can return to normal only after experiencing emotions of joy and shock. In other cases, only a veterinarian can help.

    Hypoxia in a cat can be cured with the help of pharmacological drugs that reduce oxygen consumption by tissues.

    If pieces of food or particles of a toy get into the animal’s nasopharynx, then you should not try to pull them out yourself. Only a doctor can do this.

    In the case when heavy breathing is accompanied by fever and cough, this may indicate that the animal has bronchitis or laryngeal edema.

    Wheezing breathing can be characteristic not only of diseases such as hydrothorax and pneumothorax, but also with edema, pneumonia and heart disease.

    It is imperative to examine the cat's body; if scratches and bruises are visible on it, it may have injuries. An animal with serious bruises loses its appetite and is constantly thirsty. It needs to be shown to a specialist, possibly an ultrasound or x-ray.

    To cure hydrothorax, you first need to determine the cause of the disease. Treatment is carried out with a course of antibiotics and vitamins, as well as cardiac and diuretics. You should also limit your pet's intake of water and liquid food. The cat is punctured and the fluid is partially removed, no more than 300 ml.

    Treatment of hydrothorax is ineffective, therefore they mainly treat expensive purebred animals.

    In any case, no matter how severe the animal’s condition, there is no need to abandon it to its fate. Let a specialist examine the cat and decide its fate himself. If there is even a small chance of salvation, you must seize it.

    The animal's rapid breathing is usually easily noticed by the owner. In this case, they say that the cat “breathes like a dog.” You shouldn’t be afraid of this; the animal needs to be laid on a bedding. If the cat is overheated, it should be taken to a cool place; if the animal is nervous, try to calm it down. If the animal’s condition is satisfactory, breathing is restored, nothing serious has happened to the cat.

    If additional symptoms appear: the cat refuses food or water, its mucous membranes turn blue, it tries to take a forced position, sleeps a lot, urinates often, refuses to play, the animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian. The progression of tachypnea to shortness of breath is a sign of serious pathology.

    Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of increased breathing. If necessary, the animal is allowed to breathe humidified oxygen. Surgery may be necessary.

    When a cat with rapid and heavy breathing enters the clinic, a team of doctors immediately diagnoses the cause of the pathology and takes all necessary measures to stabilize the animal’s condition. The owner must provide all the necessary medical history data, so it is better if the cat is brought to the hospital by a person who can answer all the doctor’s questions. Subsequently, the animal is examined and the necessary diagnostic tests are carried out, including blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound, and ECG.

    First of all, intensive therapy is aimed at saturating the body with oxygen. In addition, surgery may be necessary. If there is a large accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity, thoracentesis is performed, which is a puncture of the chest with a thin needle to remove the accumulated fluid. If respiratory failure is caused by injuries, the cause is also promptly eliminated.

    1. Surgery (for oncology, trauma, etc.).

    – Orally (through the oral cavity). Drugs can be in the form of tablets, solutions, capsules, powders, etc.

    – Rectally (through the anus). Suppositories administered in this way allow the animal to receive the drug without a high load on the liver.

    – Subcutaneously (the needle is inserted into the fold resulting from pulling back the skin). Most medications are administered in this way under the withers. In case of an emergency, this method is not very effective, as it takes time for the medication to be absorbed.

    – Intramuscularly (in cats, most often into the thigh muscle). This injection can be quite painful. The volume of the drug that can be administered in this way is limited to not too large doses.

    – Intravenously (using a syringe or intravenous catheter). In emergency situations, this is the most effective method of therapy, because the drug immediately enters the bloodstream.

    Having the information presented, the pet owner has the opportunity to determine with relative accuracy whether the kitten’s intense breathing is normal or more like a pathological condition. Based on this, it is much easier to decide what to do if the kitten is breathing heavily: should you wait or should you urgently go to a veterinary hospital.

    Effective treatment of cough in a cat is only possible if the cause of the cough is determined. When coughing is caused by helminthic infestation, treatment begins with the administration of anthelmintic drugs. If the cough is caused by bronchial asthma, treatment should be prescribed by a veterinary clinic doctor. In the treatment of bronchial asthma, hormonal and antihistamine drugs and corticosteroids are used.

    If a cat's cough is caused by one or another respiratory infectious disease, the owners must urgently contact a veterinary clinic, where they will make a specific diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment using antibiotics and expectorants. In order to strengthen the animal's immunity, certain immunomodulators are prescribed.

    Prevention of cough in cats.
    Prevention of cough in cats should be based on preventing the causes that cause coughing in cats. It is necessary to regularly vaccinate your pets at a veterinary clinic against the most common respiratory infectious diseases in the region. Deworm for helminthic infestations twice a year. Provide adequate feeding and create normal living conditions.

    Cats, like many other pets, catch colds quite often. When a cat coughs and wheezes, it becomes clear that the problem is in the respiratory system. Many owners, especially inexperienced ones, have no idea what to do when a coughing cat appears in the house. Initially, it would be correct to find out the cause of coughing and wheezing.

    If a person has enough experience, then in most cases treatment can be carried out directly at home. It is often not difficult for an experienced pet owner to clear the airways of a foreign object, such as a stuck fish bone.

    If the cough is a consequence of an allergic reaction, think about what new item has appeared in the house, because it could have triggered the reaction. In this case, it is enough to simply get rid of the dangerous object.

    In the case of worms in an animal, buy an effective remedy, follow the instructions and you can remove them without problems at home, without the help of a veterinarian. Having killed the worms, the symptoms should stop soon.

    If all of the above actions do not correct the situation, and your pet continues to wheeze, cough and sneeze, you should immediately visit the veterinary clinic with him. Only a professional can diagnose, take tests and examine the internal organs of the animal.

    Treatment depends on the diagnosis. One of the worst options can be bronchial asthma, as it sometimes has to be treated throughout the animal's life. Asthma manifests itself in a certain season - most often in summer and autumn. In such cases, medications should be given before possible symptoms occur, so that the cat does not lie on the floor, stretch its neck or cough.

    Antibiotics are prescribed if the doctor discovers a respiratory disease in the pet. All antibiotics, as well as drugs that help expectorate sputum, are prescribed only by a veterinarian. Do not forget that it is impossible to treat a dry cough with products for a wet one - and vice versa. There are also frequent cases when the use of such products is not recommended at all. Sometimes it is better if all the phlegm comes out on its own as quickly as possible with a cough.

    Therapy and treatment of cough in cats

    In severe cases of object jams, surgical intervention is required.

    Respiratory diseases
    involve the use of relatively general therapy. In case of pneumonia, the first step is to use drugs that help remove the substance accumulated in the alveoli and bronchi. For this purpose, mucolytic and expectorant medications are used. For edema, diuretics are indicated. Cardiac medications are recommended to reduce the strain on the heart. Antibiotic therapy, probiotics and vitamins are provided. The presence of pain is eliminated with painkillers and antispasmodics.

    Worm infestation
    is treated by using anthelmintics. Basically, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed: drontal, profender, stronghold, pyrantel, canikquantel, prosit, prazicide, pratel.


    For asthma in cats, it is necessary to relieve asthma attacks.

    It will not be possible to completely cure such an ailment, as it is most often a genetic pathology and has an allergic origin. It is important to prevent the presence of allergens, both in food and in the pet’s environment.


    For tracheitis, the cat is prescribed antibiotics.

    In addition to eliminating dangerous foods or other substances that provoke an allergic reaction, the use of steroids is recommended. The drug cortisone is also acceptable. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use antihistamines.

    Heart diseases

    Heart disease is such a rare occurrence in cats. Such animals need, first of all, peace and comfortable living conditions. It is recommended to prescribe beta blockers: atenolol, propranolol. Calcium channel blockers, diltiazem, are indicated. The following drugs are also prescribed: benazepril, ramipril, enalapril, pimobendan. Diuretics in the form of furosemed are acceptable for use.

    The drug Ramipril is prescribed for heart diseases.

    Cough in cats: prevention

    If we are talking about such a cause of cough as respiratory diseases, then the best means of prevention would be timely vaccination. Having developed the necessary antibodies in advance, the animal’s immunity will effectively destroy the infection that enters the body and prevent it from developing. In addition, it will not be superfluous to regularly visit the veterinarian.

    In the process of communicating with furry pets, owners often notice that the cat is coughing, as if it was choking. This condition cannot be left to chance, since the causes of cough can be very diverse: from a simple cold to the development of a severe form of asthmatic disease.

    You can determine some of the reasons for changes in an animal’s health yourself by carefully observing its behavior. Knowledge of the main factors leading to coughing in cats will help to timely diagnose the pathological condition and provide assistance.

    • Keeping your pet in a clean and ventilated area. Regular wet cleaning, the use of air humidifiers, and the absence of tobacco smoke reduce the risk of developing a reflex cough in pets.
    • Prevention of hypothermia - keep in a warm room, without drafts.
    • Regular treatment of the animal against helminths. Excluding raw meat and fish from your pet’s diet.
    • Vaccination against viral infections such as rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis, etc.
    • Strengthening the pet's immunity: feeding with nutritious food, vitamin and mineral prophylaxis.

    The owner of a furry couch potato should not ignore a cough. The cause of the reflex act can be serious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs and even the heart. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate your pet. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on correct and timely diagnosis.

    Felines rarely suffer from coughing. The presence of such a symptom indicates not only the presence of foreign substances and objects in the esophagus or on the mucous membranes of the mouth. And other irritants are also possible.

    The most reliable way to prevent infectious cough is timely and regular vaccination against viral diseases.

    Modern vaccines reliably protect cats not only from rhinotracheitis, but also from calcivirus, viral leukemia, and rabies.

    The use of special food additives and regular brushing of the pet will help to avoid coughing due to hairballs in shaggy cats.

    Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to eliminate it for a long time, wasting time and money on treatment, as well as risking the health and even the life of the animal. In order to protect your cat from both symptomatic cough and reflex cough (caused by external factors), you just need to provide the pet with decent living conditions.

    In the room where the cat lives, you need to do regular cleaning, ventilation, and also limit the penetration of tobacco smoke, chemical fumes and other substances that irritate the delicate cat’s body. The animal should not catch a cold, be in a draft, or in a cold or damp place.

    It is also necessary to regularly, once every four months, carry out anthelmintic treatment for the cat, do not give it raw river fish, and exclude meat from unverified sources from the diet. Nutrition should be balanced, contain vitamins and microelements. Every year your cat should receive a vaccine against major diseases.

    It is important to understand that a cat’s cough will not go away on its own unless the owner intervenes. But you can’t make a decision on treating your pet yourself either - effective therapy can only be prescribed by a pet doctor, after diagnosis and identification of the root cause of the symptom.

    We are accustomed to the fact that cough is caused and treated accordingly. However, in cats, everything is much more complicated.

    The reason why a cat coughs is not only due to a cold. Along with respiratory diseases, factors in the occurrence of this symptom can be in the development of various pathologies:

    • asthma;
    • helminthic infestation;
    • entry of foreign objects into the respiratory tract;
    • heart disease;
    • respiratory diseases - pneumonia;
    • hydrothorax;
    • pneumothorax;
    • diaphragmatic hernia;

    Cat asthma is very serious.

    It should be noted that cough is a protective reaction of the body to various irritants of a mechanical or chemical nature. Promotes accelerated removal of mucus, pus, and foreign substances from the respiratory system, facilitating recovery.

    Why does a cat cough and wheeze while stretching out and pressing against the floor?

    The reasons for a cat clinging to the floor and coughing are varied.

    Speaking about this symptom and behavior when a cat coughs and wheezes while pressing its head to the floor, it should be noted that the cough zones located in the trachea and bronchi react to irritants from both the respiratory system and the outer surface. Due to this feature, there are quite a lot of factors for the appearance.


    Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract.

    Not associated with the development of bacteria, it is allergic in nature. It is expressed by attacks of suffocation due to bronchial spasms and swelling of the mucous membrane. Like many allergic reactions, it has a genetic basis; less commonly, it is an acquired pathology.

    Symptoms of asthma are expressed in coughing, in which the animal presses its head to the floor on bent legs.

    The cat wheezes. He cranes his neck and coughs violently. This is an asthma attack.

    Breathing is difficult, wheezing and shortness of breath are heard. , refuses food, non-contact. In severe cases, the animal lies on its stomach, opens its mouth, and breathes heavily. Pronounced cyanosis is visible on the mucous membranes.

    Bronchodilators and inhalers

    During acute attacks, bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroids are used. Corticosteroids are prescribed - Dexafot, or in tablets - prednisolone. For inhalation of the respiratory tract, a spacer with a mask is used. Aerocat inhalers are in demand. Medicines used for inhalation: Salbutamol, Ventolin, Fluticasone, Flixotide. In severe cases, hormonal therapy is required.


    The term "cardiomyopathy" includes heart diseases that are most common in cats. This category includes: myocarditis, myocardosis, cardiac arrhythmia.

    A photo of a cat suffering from heart disease.

    The symptoms of the listed pathologies are very similar, since they have a common root of development. Pets experience shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation, fainting, and severe cough syndrome. A characteristic symptom is also ascites - the filling of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Decreased temperature, fatigue, weakness.

    Diagnosis of heart disease

    Having your cat checked by your veterinarian for heart disease, which can cause a severe cough.

    Heart disease is diagnosed by collecting anamnesis, visual examination, and tactile examination. Blood pressure is measured, electrocardiography, radiography, and echocardiography are performed.

    Heart disease in cats requires lifelong care and supportive care. Treatment is prescribed based on the results of research and the correct diagnosis, according to each identified pathology. In any case, this is done by a doctor; it is strictly forbidden to give the animal any medications on your own to relieve symptoms.

    All that is required of the owner is to provide rest for the sick animal and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. It is necessary to provide the cat with proper nutrition, with sufficient taurine and protein. For such patients, veterinary pharmacies offer a ready-made cat diet.


    Inflammation of the lungs – pneumonia – is an inflammatory reaction of the body to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the lung parenchyma.

    Older individuals, weakened due to other infections, are most susceptible to the disease. exhausted animals. The etiology of pneumonia lies in acute bronchitis, as it is often its complication. Based on the degree of damage, lobar and lobular disease are distinguished. Lobar - the focus of inflammation is localized throughout the entire lobe of the lung. Lobular pneumonia - individual parts of the lobe are inflamed.

    Cough and wheezing due to pneumonia

    The symptoms of pneumonia are quite similar to other respiratory diseases, so an accurate diagnosis is very important in order to avoid errors in treatment and not provoke complications.

    X-ray for pneumonia. In the photo there is a 5 year old cat.

    Animals with pneumonia are depressed, refuse food, and are thirsty. There is shortness of breath and wheezing is heard. The animal coughs, bending low to the floor, wheezes, breathes heavily, shallowly. The cough is heard as a dull sound, in short bursts, with visible pain.

    Body temperature rises by one and a half or two degrees, serous or purulent discharge is visible from the nose. If the disease is ignored for a long time, cyanosis of the mucous membranes is visible, the dewlap and supporting parts of the paws swell.

    Treatment of pneumonia

    The first step in treating pneumonia is improved feeding and maintenance of the cat.

    When treating with antibiotics, your veterinarian may order tests to determine the antibiotic sensitivity of the strains of microorganisms in your cat's body.

    Drugs used: antibiotics – Benzylpenicillin potassium and sodium salt, Ampicillin, Levomycetin, Streptomycin, Oletetrin, Erythromycin. Sulfanilamide - Nosulfazole, Sulfacyl, Sulfalene. Salicylic groups are also shown. Diuretics - bearberry herb, birch buds, parsley fruits, Mercuzal, Hexamethylenetetramine.

    It is customary to give vitamins to better fight the disease and use immunoglobulins. Expectorants - Apomorphine, emetic root syrup, thermopsis decoction, marshmallow root extract, plantain juice, decoction of coltsfoot leaves, ammonia-anise drops.


    To prevent the occurrence of pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, it is necessary to take precautions. Avoid drafts in the animal’s habitat, protect from inhalation of dampness, smoke, and dust. Eliminate the presence of the cat in places where the action of alkaline vapors, acids, and paint is possible.

    A cat wheezes when breathing for various reasons, many of them are related to diseases. You need to be able to distinguish dangerous signs in order to save an animal in a difficult situation.

    Sometimes cats wheeze for a long time. Occasionally, wheezing occurs in the form of an attack, but then after a few minutes breathing returns to normal. It is important to distinguish the difference between wheezing and choking.

    Brachycephalic cat breeds: when shortness of breath is a consequence of illness

    In some cat breeds, shortness of breath is very common. These are breeds with skulls affected by brachycephaly.

    Brachycephaly is a genetic disorder that causes difficulty breathing, snoring, snoring, snoring, and other related conditions such as watery eyes. Brachycephalic cat breeds are artificially bred, and many owners believe that the flattened face is an attractive feature, despite the negative health consequences.

    There are 5 common breeds of flat-faced cats:

    • Persian cat;
    • exotic cat;
    • Scottish;
    • British Shorthair;
    • manul

    All the negative components of brachycephalic syndrome are aggravated by stress, obesity, respiratory infections, physical activity and overheating. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect the animal from these factors whenever possible.

    Due to the structural features of the trachea and larynx, such cats develop respiratory failure and, as a result, fainting. All breeds with a shortened muzzle require increased attention from the owner, regular examinations and constant monitoring by a veterinarian.

    Feline viral rhinotracheitis

    An infectious disease that affects not only the respiratory system, but also the eyes. It is one of the most important diseases to consider when caring for a cat.

    Symptoms of rhinotracheitis include:

    • purulent discharge from the eyes;
    • runny nose and cough;
    • wheezing and sneezing;
    • increase in temperature;
    • lack of appetite;
    • dyspnea;
    • mouth ulcers;
    • pain when swallowing;
    • open mouth breathing
    • general weakness.

    The cat stops eating and drinking, which causes weakness and dehydration. The eye problem leads to corneal ulcers and blindness. As soon as viral rhinotracheitis in cats is suspected, you should consult a veterinarian.

    The disease is mainly caused by the herpes virus and calicivirus infection. Feline herpes causes severe illness, especially in young cats, and is a major threat to kittens.

    To treat rhinotracheitis, your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics, injections, and painkillers. Since a weakened immune system causes loss of appetite, it is advisable to find ways to encourage your cat to eat.

    There will be no complete recovery. Symptoms of rhinotracheitis appear due to stress, weakened immunity, poor living conditions, and contact with a sick animal.

    Feline asthma

    Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. But if in bronchitis the respiratory tract infection is bacterial in nature, then in asthma the narrowing of the bronchi is based primarily on the allergic mechanism, and the infection is secondary.

    Cats with asthma breathe hoarsely and wheeze. If breathing is difficult, the pet sits up, stretching its neck, and takes quick breaths in and out with its mouth open.

    No one knows what causes feline asthma. However, it is better to minimize the animal’s contact with irritants, dust, smoke, and aerosols.


    Pleurisy is the accumulation of fluid in the space between a cat's lungs and the chest wall. Occurs mainly due to heart failure, infectious peritonitis, neoplasia. The latter involves the accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity. In these cases, the animal has severe breathing problems and a wheezing sound occurs due to the inability of the lungs to expand properly.

    In addition to wheezing and coughing, the cat may experience restlessness and blue mucous membranes of the tongue. Treatment of pleurisy should begin immediately, immediately after detecting any of the clinical signs and confirming the diagnosis.