What vitamins are best to take when hair is falling out? Vitamins for hair loss in women

In order to get rid of alopecia or strengthen and accelerate hair growth, it is recommended to take vitamins. You can start treatment by using the drugs separately, but a better solution would be to use a balanced multivitamin complex. For treatment, drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes Pantovigar, Revalid, Perfectil, Vitrum, Complivit Radiance, Alerana and others are used.

Causes of hair loss

Many people believe that alopecia is a problem that mainly affects men, but women also suffer from this disease. Hair loss is not a pathology if no more than one hundred hairs fall out per day. This is considered a physiological norm. You can do a simple test at home. If there is a bulb at the end of the fallen hair, then you should not wash your hair for three days, and then pull the hair at the temples and crown. If more than five hairs have fallen out, then you should consult a doctor - a trichologist. Only a doctor can answer whether there is cause for concern or whether this is a natural process.

Severe baldness may indicate the presence of diseases or malfunctions of the body. There are two types of alopecia:

  1. 1. Anagen effluvium. This is sudden hair loss. It can be caused by exposure to radiation, chemicals and drugs. People experience this type of baldness during treatment of cancer with chemotherapy. Hair follicles will resume their activity after chemotherapy drugs are stopped. There is no treatment for this type of hair loss. They begin to grow only after exposure to harmful substances ceases.
  2. 2. Telogen effluvium. This type can have two forms - acute and chronic. In the first case, alopecia lasts about six months and then gradually goes away. In the chronic form, hair loss can last more than six months and not go away for several years. Complete baldness does not occur with this type of alopecia.

Before you try to deal with the problem, you should find out the reasons for its occurrence. Once it is eliminated, the hair loss will also disappear.

Causes of telogen effluvium:

  1. 1. Hormonal imbalance. This problem is faced by women after childbirth. Hair begins to fall out rapidly approximately thirty days after the birth of the child. This process may take several months. Recovery occurs a year after birth. Hair loss can also begin in adolescence, during menopause and in case of discontinuation of oral contraceptives.
  2. 2. Diseases. Baldness can begin when there is an infection in the body, or due to heavy loss of blood as a result of injury or surgery.
  3. 3. Taking antibiotics. A side effect of some antibacterial drugs is partial hair loss, which goes away with drug withdrawal.
  4. 4. Chemotherapy. Medicines for the treatment of cancer negatively affect the hair follicle, causing baldness.
  5. 5. Problems with the thyroid gland. Thyroid dysfunction can weaken hair roots and cause subsequent hair loss.
  6. 6. Stress. Depressive conditions negatively affect the health of hair follicles. After suffering stress, hair growth is restored.
  7. 7. Exposure to high or low temperatures. Frequent use of a curling iron, hair dryer, straightener or lack of a hat in winter causes thinning hair. They split and fall out.
  8. 8. Seasonal vitamin deficiency. During the cold season, the body lacks useful elements.
  9. 9. Unbalanced diet. Eating unhealthy or monotonous food leads to a lack of zinc, iron, and B vitamins, which affects the condition of the hair follicles.

There are focal, diffuse and androgenetic alopecia. With the first type of alopecia, baldness occurs in a certain area of ​​the head. It is also called alopecia areata. This type is characterized by changes in the structure of the hair that grows near the area of ​​baldness. With diffuse baldness, hair falls out evenly throughout the entire head, becomes thinner and thinner. It is typical primarily for women. Androgenetic alopecia is the process of thinning and hair loss in men. Most often they fall out in the frontoparietal part of the head. Occurs in men over 50 years of age. Recently, women have also begun to experience this type of baldness, since many of them have a large amount of male hormones in their hormonal background.

Dermatologists also cite poor-quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics as one of the reasons for hair loss. Many manufacturers add components to their shampoos such as mineral oils, animal fats, parabens, sulfates (SLS, SLES) and other ingredients that harm the scalp and hair follicles. Therefore, you should choose only natural hair care products. Such as those produced by the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. Its shampoos contain only natural ingredients, which is confirmed by a shelf life that does not exceed 10 months. We recommend visiting the website mulsan.ru, where you can choose a cosmetic product that is ideal for you and will help maintain the beauty and health of your hair.

How to deal with the problem

Treatment of alopecia should begin with diagnosis. The doctor will ask you to take the following tests:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • general blood test;
  • trichogramma;
  • blood test to determine amino acid, vitamin and mineral status;
  • determination of the values ​​of sex and thyroid hormones;
  • spectral analysis of hair;
  • analysis for hidden infections.

Based on the research results, you may need to consult specialists such as a therapist, dermatologist or endocrinologist. They can confirm or deny the presence of the disease, and if necessary, prescribe treatment for baldness.

To strengthen hair, you may need to take vitamin-mineral complexes, drugs to treat anemia, sprays and shampoos that help restore local blood circulation, cosmetic procedures, head massage or folk remedies.

If hair loss is associated with a deficiency of vitamins in the body, then you will need to take them for a certain amount of time.

Vitamins for hair

Deficiency of vitamins A, B5, B6, C, E, F can cause hair loss. Most often, hair falls out due to a lack of several at once. The human body needs all 13 vitamins. However, some of them are especially important, as they support the vital activity of the hair. They are called “vitamins for hair loss.” These include:

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2). It supports active blood flow to the hair follicles. This will ensure a flow of nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots. From there they will penetrate into all the cells of the hair, making it beautiful and durable. If the hair follicle is nourished, alopecia can be prevented. In addition, with a deficiency of this vitamin, increased oiliness of the roots and dry ends of the hair are observed.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It improves nutrition of hair follicles, normalizing metabolic processes. This prevents and stops hair loss. With a deficiency of this vitamin, slow growth and dryness of the hair shaft are observed.
  • Panthenol (vitamin B5). It penetrates the hair follicle, improves blood circulation, nourishes all hair cells, and normalizes metabolism in them. Pantothenic acid helps strengthen hair and roots from the inside, makes them shiny and beautiful, and stops hair loss. It also actively restores their normal structure. With a deficiency of vitamin B5, hair grows slowly and turns gray quickly.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It is a powerful metabolism stimulant. As a result of its influence, dandruff and itching disappear, and hair loss also stops. With a deficiency of this vitamin, hair becomes dull and begins to fall out quickly.
  • Biotin (vitamin H). ABOUT n maintains optimal metabolic rate, thereby ensuring the strength and beauty of hair. It regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. When it is deficient, a person's hair quickly becomes greasy and then begins to fall out.
  • Folic acid. It can enhance the effect of vitamin B5. If taken together, hair growth will significantly accelerate and hair loss will stop. This occurs due to the fact that folic acid triggers the process of synthesis of new cells, which actively replace old ones. With a lack of this element, hair begins to turn gray quickly and this happens at an early age.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Capillary tone is normalized, blood actively flows to the roots. If the capillary tone is normal, microcirculation will therefore improve. This will increase blood flow to the hair follicles and improve nutrition. It is as a result of proper nutrition of the hair follicles that hair loss stops. Vitamin C deficiency causes moderate hair loss.
  • Retinol (vitamin A). It maintains normal hair thickness. Improves metabolic processes in the roots, increases elasticity. Curls become less brittle and their growth accelerates. When consuming this vitamin, sebum production is normalized, excess fat and dandruff disappear. With a deficiency of this vitamin, hair grows and becomes dull and brittle.
  • Vitamin E. It normalizes the nutrition of the hair follicle and regulates the secretion of sebum. Nourishes hair shaft cells that are in a sluggish state and supplies the roots with oxygen. With its deficiency, baldness develops and seborrhea appears.
  • Vitamin F. Able to give hair strength and make it resistant to negative influences. By strengthening hair follicles, it stops their loss.

To stop alopecia or reduce its rate, you should take the following vitamins in daily dosage. Balanced vitamin and mineral complexes are best suited for this purpose. If for some reason there is no desire or opportunity to take them, you can start taking “important” vitamins separately. These include vitamins A, E, C, panthenol and biotin, B vitamins. Vitamins H and B5 are considered the most effective in stopping baldness.

To stop hair loss in men, “male” vitamin complexes or “female” vitamin complexes designed to strengthen and grow hair and nails are suitable. Please note that the composition must contain vitamin H in a dosage of at least 20 mcg.

Women need to take vitamins that strengthen the structure of their hair and improve their nutrition. The following vitamins have these properties: vitamin E; biotin, vitamin C, retinol, vitamin F and B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12). They can be taken individually or as part of vitamin and mineral complexes. The best combinations of vitamins that can stop alopecia are present in specialized complexes that are designed to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Hair loss remedies


The drug stops hair loss. Used to prevent atrophy of hair follicles due to the negative effects of dyes, curling irons and hair dryers and excessive ultraviolet radiation. The product prevents and stops hair loss. Reviews about the drug are positive, since vitamins almost always have a visible effect. After finishing taking the drug, hair becomes stronger, grows faster, and hair loss stops. In isolated cases, hair may not stop falling out completely, but the amount of hair lost is reduced by three times. Most often, after a course of taking vitamins (for three months), alopecia completely stops. In addition to positive reviews about the drug, there are also negative ones. The drug causes unwanted body hair growth, nausea, and weight gain. These negative effects are extremely rare. Cost: from 1400 rubles.


The product belongs to specialized complexes for stopping baldness, reduces fragility, and improves hair structure. In most cases, the drug received positive reviews. Depending on the condition, one patient may need a three-month course of treatment, while others may need three weeks to cope with the problem. This is a complex preparation that includes B vitamins, as well as vitamins D, A, E. The product improves the structure of the hair follicle and hair, eliminates dandruff and itching of the scalp. The advantage is the relatively low cost (300-350 rubles).


A special complex was created to strengthen skin, hair and nails. Vitamins stop hair loss and improve the appearance of hair. According to reviews from people who have used the drug, the product stops hair loss quickly enough. It has 70% positive reviews.

Perfectil is an inexpensive drug, but the effect of taking it is like an expensive drug. The disadvantages of this drug include quite strong side effects. These include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and headache. Many patients were forced to stop taking it due to side effects. The cost of Perfectil is about 500 rubles per package.


Special Dragee Merz is a combination drug containing the following components:

  • Vitamins A, C and E slow down the aging process and renew skin cells.
  • Biotin is essential for improving the structure of weak and brittle nails.
  • B vitamins, beta-carotene and L-cystine strengthen hair follicles and promote growth.
  • Cystine plays a major role in the growth of hair and nails.
  • Vitamin E has a pronounced antioxidant effect.
  • Vitamin C reduces the permeability of vascular walls.
  • Yeast extract (a natural source of B vitamins, minerals and amino acids) maintains the normal condition of the skin, hair, nails and epithelium of the mucous membranes.

The price of the drug reaches 600 rubles.


Designed to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Used to nourish hair follicles. The drug has two formulas: “Day” and “Night”. They ensure the compatibility of the components and exert their effect taking into account the daily rhythm of the hair. Intensively nourishes hair follicles. The complex supplies the roots with substances necessary for hair growth and development. Reduces alopecia, improves the condition of the scalp, and has a general strengthening effect.

Vitamins are taken daily, 1 tablet of the "Day" formula - in the morning or afternoon, 1 tablet of the "Night" formula - in the evening. Course duration is 1 month. In some cases, it is possible to repeat the course up to three times a year. According to consumer reviews, the effect will be greater if the vitamin-mineral complex is used together with other products from this series. These include shampoo, conditioner, serums, sprays and masks. All of them are enriched with vitamins and help strengthen and protect curls. The approximate cost is 700-1000 rubles.


To stop alopecia, the following complexes are most often used:

  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Vitrum Prenatal;
  • Vitrum Classic.

Vitrum is a balanced vitamin-mineral complex that contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and horsetail. The product actively improves the condition of hair shafts, scalp and nails.

Acting from the inside, the drug restores them, replenishes the lack of vitamins during stress and diets. Horsetail is a source of silicon that promotes collagen production. It actively helps restore the structure of not only hair, but also nails.

The active components of the drug are an integral part of enzymatic systems that participate in basic metabolic processes. The drug contains amino acids that are necessary for the formation of collagen and proteins. They significantly improve the condition of the skin, nail plate and hair. While taking Vitrum, metabolism is normalized and it has an antioxidant effect.

All three types of vitamin complexes stop the process of baldness in 2/3 of cases. Thanks to this, this drug can be considered quite effective in the fight against alopecia. Price - from 400 rubles.


Aevit is a combination drug, the effect of which depends on the fat-soluble vitamins A and E it contains. It is available in the form of capsules. To get rid of alopecia, the drug is taken orally. The drug quickly stops the process of baldness in women and men within a month. Aevit is an inexpensive product (costs from 50 rubles), and this is its undoubted advantage. The second advantage is its high efficiency.

Complivit Radiance

Complivit Radiance improves the structure of the skin, nails and hair shaft. The product helps to cope with baldness in a short time or reduce the amount of hair loss, especially if the problem is associated with a seasonal lack of vitamins or stress. There are few negative reviews. Unlike other drugs, Complivit has a minimum of side effects.

The drug is used to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins A, C, E, group B (B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, calcium pantothenate), biotin, nicotinamide, mineral elements (copper, selenium, zinc, silicon, iron, cobalt), lipoic acid and catechins, contains calcium and magnesium. Green tea extract, which is part of the complex, normalizes metabolism and reduces weight. The average cost is 400 rubles.

Alphabet Cosmetics

The drug is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. Recommended for use in cases of vitamin deficiency. Effective for problems with hair, nails or skin associated with a lack of nutrients. The medicine contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, as well as coenzyme Q10, which has a rejuvenating effect.

Additionally, the drug includes plant extracts with anti-inflammatory effects. You need to take vitamins three times a day, since each tablet contains only compatible vitamins and minerals. This method allows you to achieve maximum absorption of substances. The drug is suitable for maintaining healthy curly hair. The price at the pharmacy is about 500 rubles.

Vita Sharm

Vita Charm is a vitamin complex for women. It is used to care for hair, nails and skin. The drug contains B vitamins and vitamin A, and a small amount of calcium pantothenate. Vita Charm improves blood supply to the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity, and protects the skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation. Helps maintain the normal condition of hair and nails. Vita Charm has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect and slows down the aging process. Vit Charm is prescribed:

  • to improve the structure of nails, scalp and curls;
  • to strengthen hair follicles and nails;
  • to prevent disorders that occur in the skin due to vitamin deficiency;
  • for skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis).

While taking the complex, vitamins are actively absorbed and their deficiency in the body is compensated. The blood supply to the hair follicles and scalp improves, they are filled with useful substances. Vita Charm regulates fat metabolism and increases the absorption of microelements.

Retinol restores the hair shaft and bulb, protects hair from fading.


Another effective drug, it is most often prescribed for various neuralgia. A pleasant bonus from taking it is accelerated growth of hair and nails. This is due to the composition of the drug. It contains three vitamins: B1, B6 and B12 in therapeutic dosages. If alopecia is associated precisely with a lack of these vitamins, then the problem can be solved in a short time. The course of admission is one month. The result will be visible after the end of the treatment and will last about a year.

The drug is available in ampoules for injection and in tablet form. Vitamins should be injected once a day for thirty days. Next, you should stop taking it for at least three months. The disadvantage of the drug is its high price. Recently the price has risen greatly. In some pharmacies it reaches 900 rubles. The course will require 2 packages.

This drug can be replaced without losing the desired effect. Instead, it is advised to take Combilipen, Milgamma and Pentovit. The first two products are available in the form of tablets and injections, the latter - only in tablet form. Their price is much lower, but the effect is the same.

Inneov Hair Density

The drug is available as a food supplement. Made in France. It is used as a remedy to treat seasonal hair loss and prevent this problem by strengthening the hair follicles. Curls become thicker and a healthy shine appears. The cost can be more than 1,500 rubles.

Almost every self-respecting woman has at least read or heard about it. From all sides, manufacturers tell us that their product is the best, most effective and most popular. And how can you resist and not try?

Hair vitamins: general

The most important thing is that they act from within the body and have a fairly wide spectrum of action. This means that they help improve the health of not only hair, but also all vital systems of the human body.


Such assistance works effectively and immediately. Drink vitamins and look better before your eyes! However, you don’t need to do this all the time. Because the substances our beauty needs accumulate and will stay with us for some time.

Here women are divided into two extremes. While some people eat kilograms of carrots (vitamin A), onion (nicotinic acid), green apples (WITH) and other gifts of nature, preferring everything natural, others try not to test the strength of their stomach and buy ready-made ones, each of which contains everything necessary in a balanced combination.

Time passes, but these two wonderful “armies” are still arguing about which is better and safer. And so far no one in this beauty war didn't lose, but didn't win either.

Vitamins are a kind of internal armor against external influences. Scientists have been working on their creation since the time of the beautiful Cleopatra. And she was born in 69 BC. After so much time, however, now it is no longer alchemists, but pharmacists who provide us with such assortment of beauty vitamins, that it’s time to get confused.


If you are a fan of healthy eating, then carefully study the table.

Vitamins How does it help? What does it contain? How much to eat, in grams per day?
Group B – protection against fragility,

– preserves natural hair color


potatoes (especially young ones);

all types of nuts;

all legumes

from 1600 g and more
Vitamin A – strengthens the roots, broccoli;

fresh spinach;

bell pepper

Vitamin C – prevents

– nourishes the follicles


green apples;

sea ​​​​buckthorn

Nicotinic acid - slows down the appearance of gray hair,

– creates the correct water balance


onions and garlic;


Vitamin E nourishes hair with oxygen all types of seeds;

fresh herbs

The complete opposite of kilograms of vegetables and herbs - ready-made pills. Where in one capsule - everything in the right quantities.

Remember, completely different vitamins help men and women against hair loss.

Vitamins for women:

  • Centrum,
  • Complements the “shine”
  • Pantovigar,
  • Duovit,
  • Vita Charm.

For women after childbirth (that is, at the very time when hair loss is off the charts, hence the complaints of hair loss!) the following are more suitable:

  • Alphabet "Mom's Health"
  • Elevit Prental,
  • Materna,
  • Vitaspectrum,
  • Supradin.

Help for men to prevent premature baldness the following drugs:

  • Duovit (especially for men),
  • Centrum "silver"
  • ABC Spectrum,
  • Merz.


They may be individual intolerance to one or more elements that make up the vitamins. For example, if your body does not accept lactose, then when you see it in the annotation, think about another remedy. Fortunately, the modern pharmacy market can now meet the requirements of even the most fastidious consumer.

ATTENTION! Vitamins can be used without a doctor's prescription.


This factor depends entirely on the brand of the vitamin. That is, the more expensive, the wider the spectrum, time and quality of the effect on the body. This means greater and better healing power.

This does not mean at all that inexpensive (for example!) Aevit will work poorly. No. It’s just that the spectrum of his influence is much narrower and weaker than the same “Pantovigar”. And the price difference between them is more than noticeable: 1664 rubles versus 28!

Do you take vitamins?

YesNot yet

Let's meet in person!

Now we present the very TOP 5 vitamins for hair loss. The rating is based on customer reviews and medical research.


Vitamins No. 1. And this has been proven by millions of owners of beautiful hair!
This is a multivitamin complex with all kinds of natural additives. They are in the compartment and create such a stunning effect.

Pantovigar is not suitable for men. His stronger half is prescribed only as a last resort. Since their hair loss has a completely different nature, different from women’s.

What is it struggling with? With diffuse hair loss. This is the name for intense baldness, which occurs evenly over the entire surface of the head. All people on Earth are susceptible to the disease. And, very rarely, even children!


  1. L-cysteine ​​– 20 mg.
  2. Vitamin B1 – 60 mg.
  3. Vitamin B5 – 60 mg.
  4. Medical yeast – 100 mg.
  5. Keratin – 20 mg.
  6. Para-aminobenzoic acid – 20 mg.

Pantovigar price varies from 900 rubles to 1300. But it has cheaper analogues.

  • Wellman (Austria),
  • Vitrum Beauty (USA),
  • Gerimaks (Austria),
  • Livolin Forte (India),
  • perfectil,
  • Revalid.


This is also not a cheap pleasure. Price from 800 rubles for 60 capsules. But it's worth it! A complex of antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E - slow down aging and accelerate skin renewal. The drug works at the cellular level, which gives accurate and fast results.

What does “fast” mean in relation to hair growth? Fully hairy the bulb is renewed in 3 – 6 months. This is exactly the minimum time required for the regeneration of new bulbs and the awakening of long-dormant ones. Therefore, hair treatment cannot last a week, or even a month. This is a much longer process.

Biotin helps you grow not only hair, but also nails.

Beta-carotene, B vitamins and L-cystine promote the growth and strengthening of each hair. Yeast extract has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.


These vitamins, in completely different variations and for a variety of purposes, are the most common in our pharmacies. Moreover, everyone can find Complivit that they can afford. Its price range from 185 to 800 rubles.

He begins to treat hair from the healing of the scalp, directly taking part in all human metabolic processes. And its antioxidant properties are noticeable accelerate cell regeneration.

A healthy scalp gives birth to healthy follicles, which in turn give rise to beautiful, thick, healthy hair. At the same time, those hairs that exist do not fall out, are restored along the entire length, and look strong and elastic.

What causes this effect? And all thanks unique composition.

  • Calcium phosphate 2-substituted anhydrous,
  • inositol,
  • dry extract of saw palmetto fruit,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • amorphous silicon dioxide,
  • zinc oxide,
  • alpha tocopherol acetate,
  • retinol palmitate,
  • manganese sulfate 1-water,
  • D-pantothenate,
  • copper citrate 2.5 aqueous,
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride,
  • biotin,
  • magnesium stearate,
  • medium molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone K-25.


Often the cause of sudden hair loss is lack of zinc. Zinc in general is very important for our body! And we're not just talking about hair here. In simple terms, it is this element that performs the functions of an amplifier in our body.

Zn enhances:

  1. metabolism,
  2. biochemical reactions,
  3. cell regeneration,
  4. transmission of nerve impulses,
  5. action of insulin
  6. cortisol synthesis.

And if suddenly you have an acute lack of zinc, then these pink-purple tablets will come to the rescue.

Zincteral cures even serious forms of alopecia and malignant alopecia.

It is still better to take this drug as prescribed or at least in consultation with a doctor. So it has serious contraindications, and an overdose is especially dangerous, which can lead to bloody diarrhea and pulmonary edema.


Good old Aevit closes the top five. He slowly but surely leads us to victory over hair loss.

10 capsules – 25 rubles. He is available to everyone and is always ready to help. Did you know that Aevit is even dropped into flower pots? And this helps the wild flowering and rapid growth. You can experiment at your leisure!

The problem of hair loss and slow hair growth is familiar to almost every woman. The pharmacological market offers many means to solve this issue: sprays, masks, dietary supplements and medications. Vitamins against hair loss in women will help stop the development of alopecia and accelerate hair growth. But which drug should you choose? In this article, you will get acquainted with an overview of the most effective remedies, learn about their effectiveness, contraindications, and reviews from people who have already experienced their effects.

Common causes of illness

Alopecia is the medical name for the problem of hair loss. There are several varieties of this diagnosis. Depending on them, the treatment and prescribed drugs will differ from each other:

  1. Androgenetic alopecia. This diagnosis is characterized by gradual thinning of hairs followed by complete loss and atrophy of the hair follicle. This process is irreversible and has hormonal causes. Androgenetic alopecia develops in both men and women. This diagnosis is characterized by the formation of bald patches on the forehead or crown. You can verify the presence of this diagnosis at an appointment with a trichologist after performing a special study - a trichogram. It will allow you to scan the state of activity of hair follicles using special equipment. Treatment for androgenetic alopecia is hormonal; no other drugs will help solve the problem radically. The most effective medications are based on finasteride (for men) and minoxidil (for women). Vitamins for hair loss for women are most often powerless against androgenetic alopecia.
  2. Diffuse alopecia characterized by severe hair loss over the entire surface of the head. As a result, the volume of hair is reduced by 30-60%, which often leads girls to panic. For diffuse alopecia, the use of therapeutic masks and vitamins for hair loss for women is effective.
  3. Alopecia areata. Such The diagnosis is made if hairless areas with a diameter of one to three centimeters form on the scalp. The reasons for this phenomenon are hormonal. Micronutrient deficiency in alopecia areata is a catalyst for increasing the diameter of such areas. So with this diagnosis, vitamins for hair loss for women can significantly improve the condition of the hair.
  4. Scarring alopecia occurs when there is physical damage to the scalp. These are burns, cuts, blows. Most often, hair will never grow on the affected area of ​​the skin, since the burn affects the deep layers of the dermis, in which the follicles responsible for hair growth are located. For cicatricial alopecia, only surgery will help, in which healthy functioning follicles will be transplanted. This operation is called a transplant.

"Pantovigar" in the fight against alopecia

The drug is constantly in the news thanks to massive television and radio advertising. "Pantovigar" is a truly excellent solution for the treatment of alopecia. But remember: this is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement. In the case of androgenetic or alopecia areata, this remedy will not help at all, and the money will be wasted. Manufacturers position Pantovigar as vitamins for severe hair loss in women. The effect becomes possible by replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body. The operating principle of "Pantovigar" is based on the following components:

  • Thiamine monohydrate (60 mg per tablet) nourishes hair follicles. Vitamin B1 also strengthens the nervous system and improves overall immunity. This action has a positive effect not only on the condition of the hair, but also on well-being in general.
  • Keratin contained in one capsule in the amount of 20 mg. This component is an amino acid that directly affects the appearance of hair. They look fuller and thicker. Also, keratin, when consumed internally, promotes hair shine and prevents hair loss.
  • Medical yeast in an amount of 100 mg in one tablet helps to nourish the hair follicles, which strengthens and stimulates them to work.
  • Cystine- a constituent element of proteins, an aliphatic acid. Participates in the regeneration of tissues, nails, hair. Has antioxidant properties and prevents early aging. Promotes rapid hair growth and strengthening.

The cost of "Pantovigar" is higher than its analogues. A package of 90 tablets (enough for a month) costs almost two thousand rubles. But this product has an undeniable advantage: it contains keratin, cystine and para-aminobenzoic acid. This set of components acts directly on the hair follicles, preventing hair loss. Reviews of vitamins for hair loss in women are positive: tens of thousands of women managed to stop alopecia thanks to Pantovigar. There are also dissatisfied customers whose hair loss continued with the same intensity.

"Revalid" for thick and strong hair

This vitamin complex was developed specifically to strengthen hair with diffuse alopecia (that is, with uniform hair loss from the entire surface of the scalp). Revalid, an effective vitamin against hair loss in women, is not advertised in the media, but this did not stop the drug from earning the love and recognition of women with alopecia.

The main active components of "Revalid":

  • Zinc in an amount of 2 mg in one tablet directly affects the hair follicles, since its metabolites can inhibit the action of androgens. Of course, to a much lesser extent than hormonal medications can do. But the fact is undeniable: if you have hair loss, taking zinc is necessary.
  • Iron in an amount of 2 mg per tablet helps prevent anemia and improve performance.
  • Wheat germ extract and its simple composition help to improve the external appearance of skin and hair.
  • B vitamins in the composition (thiamine, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine) improve blood circulation in the scalp, saturate the follicles with useful components necessary for growth and strengthening.

Indications for use of "Revalid":

  • reducing hair fragility, preventing split ends;
  • strengthening and accelerating growth;
  • improvement of trophism of nails and hair follicles;
  • reducing the influence of external factors on hair quality (curling, dyeing).

The cost of one package of Revalid is about six hundred rubles. This is almost two times cheaper than Pantovigar, but the composition of Revalid is poorer and does not contain keratin. Reviews of vitamins against hair loss in women confirm that Revalid is effective in cases where alopecia is just developing and has not yet become reactive.

"Alphabet Cosmetic" - domestically produced vitamins for alopecia

Alphabet vitamins have long captivated consumers with their low cost and effectiveness. The manufacturer has also created many varieties of "Alphabet", among which there are vitamins against hair loss in women. The cost of one package is about four hundred rubles. It contains three blisters, twenty tablets each. You need to take three tablets a day. In the morning - green, at lunch - yellow, for dinner - red. The manufacturer specially came up with a “trick” with tablets of different colors to make it easier for the patient to navigate the appointment of each dose.

Composition of the green tablet:

  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) improves cell respiration and prevents oxygen starvation.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) nourishes hair follicles and promotes faster hair growth throughout the body. In addition, cyanocobalamin restores metabolism, helps lose weight and improve blood composition.
  • Chromium, calcium and silicon are elements necessary for healthy hair appearance. In addition, calcium heals bone tissue and strengthens nails (prevents them from splitting).
  • Vitamin K belongs to the group of lipophilic (fat-soluble). Necessary for the synthesis of proteins and amino acids, without which a healthy appearance and normal hair growth are impossible.

Composition of the yellow tablet:

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - the most important component for the beauty of skin and hair, is a polyunsaturated acid. Heals the female body by influencing the production of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone).
  • Vitamin A (retinol) is famous for its effect on vision clarity.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - helps restore blood circulation, stimulates blood flow to the head (and, accordingly, to the hair follicles).
  • Zinc has an effect on hair follicles, as its metabolites can inhibit the action of androgens. Of course, to a much lesser extent than hormonal medications can do. But the fact is undeniable: if you have hair loss, taking zinc is necessary.
  • Selenium improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Iodine is necessary for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland (with its pathologies, diffuse alopecia and reactive hair loss often develop).
  • Coenzyme Q10, proanthocyanidins and curcumin are special components of the Alphabet Cosmetic product that make these vitamins unique for the treatment of hair loss in women. Curcumin has a powerful antioxidant effect, heals and rejuvenates the body. In combination with coenzyme Q10, this effect is especially pronounced.

Composition of the red tablet:

  • Iron in combination with copper is completely absorbed, preventing the development of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to external infections and viruses.
  • improves cellular respiration, skin and hair condition.

"Perfectil" - a drug for beautiful hair and healthy skin

It is a natural antioxidant and reliable immunostimulant. Today, "Perfectil" is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of alopecia for women. Trichologists often prescribe this particular complex because of its affordable price (about five hundred rubles per package for a month of daily use) and high efficiency.

The composition of "Perfectil" includes the following components:

  • Iron chromate - 40 mg (prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia, which in most cases is the cause of reactive hair loss).
  • Biotin in an amount of 0.045 g is effective for strengthening follicles, significantly accelerating hair growth (not only on the head, but throughout the body).
  • Echinacea extract in the amount of 80 mg per tablet. Burdock, or burdock, has long been famous for its unique properties for the healthy appearance of hair. With constant use, it makes curls thick, dense, and changes their structure.
  • Echinacea extract in the amount of 195 mg per tablet improves immunity, gives energy and vigor.

In addition to these components, “Perfekil” also includes selenium, iodine, silicon, magnesium, manganese, and B vitamins. Such a rich composition makes “Perfekil” the best hair loss vitamins for women in its price category. In addition to its effect on hair, the complex has a general healing effect, increases performance, reduces anxiety, gives energy and vigor.

"Vitrum Beauty" in the fight against alopecia

The drug is available in the form of tablets of 30, 60, 75, 90 and 100 pieces per package. Manufacturer of the drug - Unipharm, Inc. Depending on the number of capsules, the cost varies: from five hundred to one and a half thousand rubles.

Vitamins for hair loss for women "Vitrum Beauty" not only strengthen the follicles, but also have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and nails. The composition includes magnesium, selenium, iron, calcium, iodine, zinc - these microelements have an excellent strengthening effect on hair roots, prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia, improve blood composition, and normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system. The drug also contains the entire complex of B vitamins and nicotinic acid, which restores blood circulation to the scalp.

"Vitrum Beauty" contains the amino acids L-cysteine ​​and L-methionine, which improve the appearance of hair, making it shiny. In this respect, the drug is similar to Pantovigar. When taken for longer than two months, the structure changes: the hair becomes thicker, which ensures a thicker appearance.

"Pentovit" and "Nagipol"

This is one of the most effective remedies for hair loss in women. "Pentovit" contains large quantities of pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, cyanocobalamin, but does not include trace elements and amino acids. This is its main disadvantage. In addition, B vitamins are less easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. If the patient’s goal is to compensate for the deficiency of these substances, then it is better to prefer the intramuscular injection form.

"Nagipol" and other preparations containing brewer's yeast have an excellent effect on the appearance of hair and effectively strengthen the roots. The cost of preparations based on brewer's yeast is encouraging: from one hundred to three hundred rubles per package. But they have a serious disadvantage: the main component is quite high in calories. Reviews from hundreds of girls confirm the sad fact that medications containing brewer's yeast contribute to excess weight gain and in some cases, with prolonged use, can lead to first-degree obesity.

Inexpensive vitamins for hair loss in women “Nagipol with sulfur” are enriched with sulfur metabolites, which are perfectly absorbed by the body. This is an excellent choice for those who are not afraid to gain weight. Or you will have to pay double attention to your diet so as not to gain extra pounds while taking Nagipol. Some girls like the effect of brewer's yeast, as they want to gain weight and get rid of excessive thinness.

"Evisent" is another popular dietary supplement based on brewer's yeast and sulfur. Reviews indicate that hair loss is reduced by approximately half in the second week of use. Evisent has the same side effect as all drugs based on brewer's yeast - weight gain.

How to properly take vitamins for hair beauty to get maximum benefit from them?

Here are a number of simple rules, following which, you can make taking vitamin-mineral complexes much more effective:

  • You should never combine taking vitamins with alcohol - this will negate all the benefits, most of the microelements simply will not be absorbed;
  • the combination of caffeine and vitamins is also undesirable, absorption will be reduced by 60-70% (it is better to drink coffee in the morning, and take pills after lunch);
  • hair loss will not stop if the girl is on a constant diet and does not eat meat, dairy products, quail and chicken eggs;
  • there is no point in taking several dietary supplements at once: you should give preference to one remedy, and if the effect is minimal, try another;
  • taking vitamins simultaneously with certain hormonal medications can reduce the percentage of microelements absorption;
  • You should not take the vitamin with milk, calcium will not allow magnesium to be absorbed (this is the basis of the principle of operation of Alphabet Cosmetic, in which all substances that antagonize each other are divided into separate tablets).

It is important to understand that with malnutrition, hunger strikes, and strict diets, hair will never be thick and healthy. Iron deficiency anemia, which inevitably develops during hunger, has a devastating effect on the hair: it begins to fall out, splits, and looks dull and brittle.

The causes of hair loss can be associated with both the internal state of the body and external factors affecting a person. You can restore the structure of your hair and return it to its former strength and beauty by “nourishing” it with the right amount of healthy vitamins.

Vitamins against hair loss

Let's take a closer look at the 6 most effective vitamin complexes that help strengthening hair And stopping hair loss.


A whole complex of vitamins presented in this drug will help in the fight against hair loss. Taking just 2 peas a day for a two-month period, you can say goodbye to the constant sadness that accompanies hair loss.

One pill contains several vitamins that improve skin blood circulation in the scalp, change for the better the activity of cells throughout the body in general, and hair structures in particular.

The antioxidant properties of the constituent components will help increase hair resistance to external adverse factors, “feed” the hair, and therefore reduce hair loss.

Hair strengthening vitamins contained in Merz (A, E, C, etc.) have virtually no contraindications for use, with the exception of individual intolerance, pregnancy and the lactation period in women.

To treat hair with this drug you do not need a prescription; you can buy the complex in pharmacies and freely access it. One package (60 tablets) is enough for a month's use. The price of the drug ranges from 500 to 800 rubles.


Taking vitamins with different compositions in the morning and evening hours is what the method of fighting hair loss with the help of the Alerana complex is based on. By swallowing a morning dose of vitamins to strengthen hair, you will improve the circular flow of blood, enrich the hair roots with oxygen, speed up the processes of cell division, and also help the rapid delivery of nutrition to the hair roots and their entire structure.

The evening tablet contains components, the use of which will increase the resistance of the scalp to various diseases, stimulate hair renewal at the cellular level, and strengthen it.

"Alerana" - complex vitamins for hair loss, which not only solves the already existing problem of thinning, but also helps to become an excellent preventive measure. Contraindications for use: pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This drug is produced with vitamin components “day”/“night” in a package of 60 tablets, i.e. for a monthly course. The price range for Alerana hair strengthening vitamins is insignificant, around 470 rubles.


This pharmaceutical product is intended for those whose hair literally “falls out” from their heads. Excessive hair loss, weakened structure, resulting from chemical or increased ultraviolet exposure, can be corrected with hair vitamins contained in the preparation.

Taking three capsules a day with meals for a fairly long period (from three to six months) can restore your hair to its former beauty and stop the process of hair loss.

After 3-4 weeks of absorbing beneficial vitamins to strengthen hair, positive results in the condition of the hair are already noticeable.

The greatest effect can be obtained with long-term use. The positive effect of this product is enhanced by the presence of medical yeast, thiamine, keratin and other components beneficial for hair.

This product is not indicated for children, breastfeeding mothers, and women preparing to become mothers. When taking the drug, manifestations of allergic rashes (urticaria, itching), excessive sweating, rapid pulse and some problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. You can buy Pantovigar in a network of various pharmacies without a prescription at a price of 1,600 to 2,000 rubles.


Vitrum Beauty is a product containing vitamins to strengthen hair, is on the lips of many.

Results of taking Vitrum:

  • increased growth of new hair;
  • restoration and strengthening of old structural hair “structures”;
  • increasing hair density.

Vitamins against hair loss, amino acids, which form the basis of this product, act on the cellular structure of the hair by changing the metabolic process throughout the body. The metabolic mechanism returns to normal, collagen is formed, antioxidant properties increase - all this has a beneficial effect on the hair.

Two tablets per day (after meals) is the usual norm; if necessary, the dose can be increased to three tablets. The course of taking the drug is 1 month. Vitrum for hair is produced in two dosed bottles - 30 and 60 tablets. There are no contraindications for use, but there may be an individual reaction in the form of an allergy.


A powerful dose of vitamins contained in just one capsule will help against hair loss. Convenient one-time daily dosage, greater effectiveness of the drug, absence of side effects, over-the-counter availability, not too high a price - these are the main positive aspects of Perfectil.

You should take Perfectil after a good portion of food, with plenty of water to avoid stomach problems.

The action of the medicinal product is aimed at accelerating regenerative processes both in the scalp and in the cellular structure of the hair, and at improving blood microcirculation. The components of Perfectil - vitamins for strengthening hair, minerals, etc. - can change the appearance of your hair, add shine, beauty, and most importantly, health within one month's course.

You should not be alarmed by the black color after bowel movements or the bright yellow color of urine; this is due to the presence of iron and riboflamin in Perfectil. You can buy one jar with 30 capsules for 480 rubles.

Read more about Perfectil vitamins in.

Hair expert

Many people prefer Evalar products for the naturalness of the components included in the preparations. “Hair Expert” is no exception, which contains natural minerals and vitamins against hair loss. Negative symptoms in the form of hair loss, itching, dandruff, etc. will become a thing of the past, and, most importantly, will not return.

Hair Expert's nutrients will work wonders on your hair. By taking 1 tablet with meals twice a day, you can get a lasting positive result. One package is enough for one month; to consolidate the result, it is advisable to drink 2-3 packages. “Expert Hair” is inexpensive - from 250 to 450 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain.

Hair loss is a very common problem among women and has many causes. Aggressive cosmetics, frost and wind, sun, poor nutrition - all this leads to increased hair loss.

One of the main reasons is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. But we cannot be sure of the excellent quality of fruits and vegetables sold in supermarkets.

How does deficiency and excess affect

Hypovitaminosis(deficiency of a certain group of vitamins) leads to impaired blood circulation in the scalp, weakening the flow of nutrients to the roots.

This contributes to increased hair loss, loss of shine and density, and a general deterioration in the condition of the curls.

Hypervitaminosis(excess) provokes peeling of the skin, its dryness, the appearance of seborrhea, and dehydration of the body. Exceeding the intake of vitamin complexes will not stop hair loss, but may even worsen it.

An excess of vitamins A, D and C is especially dangerous in this regard.

What is important to know about hair loss for women: how much hair is considered normal, analyzed by.

Which ones are needed?

Essential vitamins for hair loss in women, their effect:

  • biotin supplies nutrients to the tissues of the scalp, affects the functioning of hair follicles, and is responsible for regeneration;
  • thiamine provides cells with oxygen;
  • retinol stimulates increased follicle activity, strengthens roots, protects against UV rays, promotes collagen synthesis;
  • vitamin C improves blood flow to the skin, increases immunity;
  • tocopherol fights cell aging, triggers their regeneration, and is responsible for the durability of pigment;
  • B vitamins prevent hair loss, strengthen roots, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • folic acid responsible for cell renewal, normalization of metabolic processes;
  • vitamin F protects against free radicals, eliminates the effects of frequent stress.

The video will tell you which vitamins you need to choose for hair loss in women:

Rating of vitamin complexes

How to choose the best vitamins for women for hair loss based on her needs?


A complex for alopecia in women, which contains biotin, vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc, silicon, plant extracts of burdock and echinacea. Thanks to such a rich composition Perfectil has a regenerating, antioxidant effect.

Perfectil has a positive effect on the quality and length of nails, skin condition, slowing down the aging process, improving blood circulation.


This is a pill that is created to strengthen hair and nails.

Biotin, L-cystine, beta-carotene, vitamins A, E and C ensure renewal of epithelial cells, their regeneration, good supply of oxygen to the blood, normalize carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, which helps to significantly reduce hair loss.

The dragee contains a plant component - yeast extract, which accelerates the growth of new hair follicles.

Directions for use: morning and evening, 1 tablet after meals.

Inneov Hair Density

This is a complex with a unique composition that organically combines biotin, retinol, zinc, taurine, grape seed and green tea extracts.

He helps increase the production of keratin, which is responsible for the good structure of curls, increase blood supply to the scalp, restore water balance, protect cells from dehydration, even increase volume.

Inneov should be used 3 times a day after meals.

Vitrum Beauty

A balanced biological supplement containing beta-carotene, folic and ascorbic acids, B vitamins, nicotinamide, calcium, iodine, iron and manganese.

They eliminate the lack of macronutrients in the body, restore metabolism, improve blood circulation, strengthen hair follicles.

Vitrum Beauty should be consumed 2 times a day with meals.


Vitamins in capsules against baldness for women with a high content of yeast, cystine, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, zinc, iron. Their action is aimed exclusively at hair.

They help normalize microcirculation and strengthen roots, improve structure, provide length with useful macronutrients.

Directions for use: 1 capsule per day.


A biological supplement that combines yeast, cystine, keratin, calcium and thiamine.

These substances aimed at combating diffuse hair loss, changes in hair structure due to frequent dyeing or exposure to UV rays.

Pantovigar is taken 3 times a day after meals.

Complivit Radiance

A complex that contains biotin, folic acid, nicotinamide, calcium, minerals, catechins.

He has a general strengthening effect on the body, helps improve hair condition, skin and nails, normalizes metabolism, oxygen exchange, blood circulation.

Complivit should be taken once a day with meals.

Now all you have to do is choose the best vitamins for women that will fill the missing elements.

How to choose the right drug

Which anti-hair loss vitamin complex would be ideal?

To choose a dietary supplement for yourself, read their composition and side effects.

To improve the appearance of hair, nails and skin, complexes that work in each of these areas will help.

If your goal is only hair, choose vitamins with this effect.

When hair loss has been tormenting you for more than one month and does not stop even after taking dietary supplements, be sure to consult a doctor.

Before taking a vitamin complex for the first time, it is also advisable to consult with a specialist, for example, a trichologist or endocrinologist, who will tell you what substances your body lacks.