How to treat erythema annulare. L53.1 Erythema annular centrifugal

Unexplained spots on the skin are a reason to seek help from a dermatologist. After all, even if the disease does not cause noticeable discomfort, it can be the body’s reaction to various problems. So, one of the possible causes of this symptom is annular erythema.

Causes of ring-shaped spots on the skin

Ring-shaped spots on the skin may be erythema annulare, which is also called persistent or anular erythema. This disease can be caused by various factors and is prone to relapse. It is most often diagnosed in children, adolescents and young men.

To date, the exact reasons for the development of erythema annulare are not yet known to scientists. However, experts make some assumptions about the connection between its occurrence and the impact of certain factors - viruses, infections and other health problems.

Darrieus centrifugal spot

The origin of Daria's annular erythema raises especially many questions among scientists, since it has not yet been possible to identify the causes of the appearance of such a malaise.

Some experts suggest that the development of this type of disease may be associated with fungal infections of the skin. There is also a theory that skin symptoms are based on autoimmune processes or genetic predisposition. Darier's erythema can also occur under the influence of certain medications.

What diseases is it typical for?

The development of annular erythema can be provoked by a number of ailments, including:

Since today the mechanism of development of annular erythema remains not fully understood, it is not yet possible to find out what factors can trigger its progression. This makes therapy somewhat more difficult and reduces its effectiveness.

Annular redness due to rheumatism

The appearance of ring-shaped erythema can sometimes be a specific manifestation of rheumatism in the active phase. This pathology is most often diagnosed in childhood and adolescence, as well as in adult patients under 30 years of age. Red spots on the skin can appear in various phases of the rheumatic process; they can be observed with polyarthritis or rheumatic carditis, and sometimes become apparent before other symptoms of rheumatism appear. With the current rheumatic process, erythema can warn of another attack of the disease or its exacerbation.

Ring spot for viral infections

Some viral infections can lead to changes in the body's functioning and trigger the appearance of erythema migrans. This is a chronic disease, which is similar in its characteristics to dermatosis. Most often it is diagnosed in middle-aged men, and doctors assure that this form of the disease is easier to treat than other types of annular erythema. Erythema migrans may appear after bites from ticks and other insects.


Classic ring-shaped erythema of Darier is characterized by an acute onset:

  • The skin becomes covered with coin-shaped spots of red or pinkish-yellow color. They can grow up to 15 cm in diameter.
  • The spots do not itch or itch, and there is no peeling. Sometimes the edging peels off or becomes covered with vesicles - superficial cavities filled with exudate.
  • The patient may experience some malaise, an increase in temperature, and a headache.
  • The skin may become swollen.
  • The spots are localized mostly on the torso, in the chest area, on the skin of the abdomen and back, and also on the surface of the limbs. It is possible to place circles on the face and in the buttock area.

Rings with annular erythema often grow and merge, sometimes they form arcs or garlands. It is possible to form openwork elements. The central part of such spots is covered with smooth and pale skin, and the outer edge rises somewhat above the surrounding skin and has a bright red or purple-violet color. With rheumatic erythema, the color of the edging is most often not very pronounced - it appears pale pink.

The rings usually remain on the skin for a couple of weeks, then disappear, leaving behind areas with stagnant pigmentation.

Sometimes spots appear on the skin in just half an hour, for example, when exposed to the sun or cold, and then disappear just as quickly. It is possible to develop a chronic form of the disease, which worsens during the off-season, as well as in the summer.

Features in children

In children, ring-shaped erythema of rheumatic origin is most often diagnosed; it can occur with the development of polyarthritis, rheumatic carditis or rheumatism. Experts call this disease a special term - Leiner's annular erythema. The disease has a number of specific symptoms:

  • Bright red spots, about the size of a five-kopeck coin, appear on the skin of the baby’s body. They tend to expand and merge with each other.
  • They do not cause any discomfort to the child and do not cause the desire to scratch.
  • The spots are present on the body for quite a long time and disappear after successful treatment of the underlying rheumatological disease.

If the underlying disease becomes chronic, erythema annulare in children often recurs. Doctors are confident that this development of events is associated with severe complications in the heart and blood vessels.


Even experienced doctors may encounter some difficulties when diagnosing ring-shaped erythema, because its manifestations resemble many dermatological ailments, ranging from seborrheic eczema and lichen to syphilis. Therefore, to make an accurate diagnosis you may need:

  • Microscopic examination of skin scrapings.
  • Performing various blood tests.
  • Histology of biopsy (material from the affected area).
  • Carrying out a complex of mycological tests.

To find out the exact reasons for the appearance of erythema, consultation with other specialized specialists, for example, a rheumatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and oncologist, is sometimes required.


Therapy for annular erythema should be exclusively comprehensive and may include:

  • Treatment of conditions suspected of causing skin spots. In particular, chronic foci of infection are sanitized, the functioning of the digestive tract and other organs and systems of the body is stabilized.
  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • Taking hormonal medications.
  • Treatment of lesions.
  • Using traditional medicine techniques.
  • Organization of dietary meals.

Therapy methods are selected individually by an experienced doctor.


Medicines in the treatment of annular erythema perform different functions:

  • To reduce unpleasant symptoms - redness and swelling of the skin, burning and spreading erythema, doctors often prescribe antihistamines. The choice is given to drugs of the latest generations, which need to be taken only once a day, and which do not give a feeling of drowsiness - Loratadine, Cetirizine, etc.
  • To suppress pathogenic microflora, antimycotic drugs or antibacterial agents are used, in particular azithromycin, doxycycline, penicillins and fluoroquinolones.
  • In severe cases of the disease, you may need to take hormonal pills for a short time - they very quickly stop inflammatory processes, but are not suitable for long-term use.

Children are usually also prescribed homeopathic medicines, for example, Celia or Barium muriaticum. The dosage is selected individually.

Skin spots require systematic local treatment using:

  • Antiseptics - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, etc.
  • Antihistamine gels, for example, Fenistil.
  • Antibacterial ointments.
  • Hormonal ointments that contain small amounts of corticosteroids.
  • Combined medications. In particular, quite often patients with this problem are prescribed Polcortolone TS spray, which contains an antibiotic and a corticosteroid hormone.
  • Reparative ointments or creams that stimulate regeneration processes. For this purpose, the drugs Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Actovegin, etc. can be used.

Treatment of erythema rheumatica in children consists only of eliminating the underlying disease. Stains on the skin can be treated with antiseptics and reparative ointments.


In principle, when treating ring erythema, patients do not need to adhere to any special diet. The diet should be nutritious and healthy. Most doctors strongly recommend eliminating frankly harmful and highly allergenic foods:

  • Fatty meat and broths based on it.
  • Fatty fish, soups with it.
  • Canned food, smoked meats, pickles, marinades.
  • Seafood, caviar.
  • Sweets, chocolate products, as well as beekeeping products.
  • Coffee, strong tea and cocoa.
  • Soda.
  • Allergenic vegetables and fruits.
  • Nuts with mushrooms.

Of course, alcohol is prohibited. It is best to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet until the spots completely disappear from the skin.

Folk remedies

Most doctors have a fairly positive attitude towards the use of traditional medicine, but insist on prior approval of such therapy with the treating specialist. When treating ring-shaped erythema, the following can be used:

  • Arnica. 2 tbsp. l. of the foliage of this plant, brew 400 ml of boiling water and seal in a thermos for a day. Strain and drink 1 tsp. five times a day. Keep the finished medicine in the refrigerator.

  • Lingonberry, lemon balm or mint. Each of these plants is excellent for making medicinal tea. To brew it use 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink throughout the day.
  • Rose hip. Such bright fruits wonderfully strengthen the immune system. 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 12 hours. Drink throughout the day.
  • Aloe. Keep the old leaf of such a plant in the refrigerator, wrapped in paper, for five days. Afterwards, rinse it, dry it and grind it with a blender. Add to 200 gr. of the resulting raw materials 20 ml of tea tree oil, 100 ml of pharmaceutical glycerin, 100 ml of honey and 10 ampoules of liquid vitamin E. The resulting mixture must be brought to homogeneity, stored in the refrigerator and used to lubricate the affected areas several times a day.
  • Chamomile or calendula. These herbs are great for making herbal baths. Boil a liter jar of dried flowers in a pan of water and leave until cool. Strain the finished extract and add to the prepared bath. Swim for about 20 minutes. Carry out such procedures once every three days, complete ten procedures in total.

It is worth considering that each of the folk remedies can provoke reactions of individual intolerance. Therefore, before using different herbs, it would be useful to conduct an allergy test on the delicate skin of the elbow.

The first to describe this skin lesion was the French dermatologist Jean Darrier, although similar rashes were known long before him. The different forms of erythema and the similarity of symptoms with other dermatoses explain the many synonyms of the disease found in the literature.


Ring-shaped persistent erythema is not an independent pathology, but only indicates the presence of a serious disorder in the body. The reasons for its occurrence are still unclear. The development of a pathological process can be caused by helminthic infestations, autoimmune and oncological diseases, focal infections, and heredity. And this is not a complete list of provoking conditions.

Ferdinand-Jean Darrier once formulated a list of factors that could, to one degree or another, trigger the appearance of annular erythema:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • rheumatism;
  • candidiasis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • foci of low-grade inflammation (sinusitis, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, sinusitis);
  • chronic appendicitis;
  • medications that can cause allergies (Amitriptyline, Penicillin, Estrogen, Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine).

Ring-shaped erythema can accompany many conditions, including pregnancy, onychomycosis, viral and bacterial infections, benign neoplasia, osteomyelitis, cholecystitis.

The causes of Darier's annular erythema raise the most questions. This form of dermatosis often occurs unexpectedly and inexplicably, against the background of complete health.


Erythema begins with the appearance of small pink skin spots. Due to constant peripheral growth, they quickly turn into rounded elements with raised edges and a sunken center. When palpated, a sensation of a flat cord passing under the skin is created.

Each single redness increases at a rate of 3–5 millimeters per day until it reaches 7–8 cm in diameter. Sometimes the lesions do not form closed circles, but grow in the form of arcs with scalloped edges.

Centrifugal annular erythema of Darier has a clear localization - these are the abdomen, back, chest and forearms, upper thighs, i.e. areas not exposed to solar irradiation. There is often no discomfort, but in rare cases itching or burning is a concern.

The duration of existence of ring erythema can vary - from 2–3 weeks to several months or years. There is a known case where the disease recurred for 33 years. The chronic form is characterized by a tendency to exacerbations in the autumn-winter period.


In medical practice, there are several forms of ring-shaped redness:

  • rheumatic erythema. Occurs against the background of chronic rheumatism. Characterized by unexpressed pale pink round spots without itching. More often diagnosed in children and adolescents;
  • centrifugal erythema of Daria. It is considered idiopathic and manifests as many ring-shaped spots with raised edges. Has a tendency to grow and change shape;
  • erythema migrans. Chronic damage to the skin of a viral or, rather, bacterial nature. Transmitted by the bite of an ixodid tick. It can reach 20 cm in diameter and disappears on its own after a few weeks.

According to clinical signs, ring-shaped erythema is divided into:

  • flaky - accompanied by active peeling of the skin along the edges of the spots;
  • vesicular - the erythematous border is covered with small blisters filled with fluid;
  • garland-shaped - the mildest type of erythema. The spots last from several hours to 2–3 days;
  • microgarland-shaped - persistent and severe disease. Manifested by keratinization of the affected area.

In the literature, there are sometimes descriptions of other forms of annular erythema - purpuric, indurated or telangiectatic. Due to their low prevalence, they are not taken into account and are often considered a diagnostic error.

Which doctor treats erythema annulare?

If you notice dense redness on the skin with a characteristic clear edge, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. If there is no doctor of such specialization in the local clinic, it is recommended to postpone the voucher to the local physician or consult with a general specialist.

You should not delay going to the doctor - the sooner treatment begins, the greater the patient’s chances of getting rid of the disease forever.


The definition of classic erythema annulare is based on typical symptoms. But even with a clear clinical picture, the diagnosis cannot be made without conducting a minimum set of studies:

  • complete medical history (previous infections, existing chronic pathologies, internal and external medications used);
  • skin fungus analysis;
  • biopsy and microscopic examination of erythema cells;
  • clinical blood test.

Tests are also carried out to exclude treponematosis and oncology.

Differential diagnosis allows you to distinguish erythema from diseases with similar symptoms - lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, mycosis.


Treatment of annular centrifugal erythema begins with eliminating the root cause of the skin lesion. After assessing the risk/benefit ratio, medications that cause rashes should be discontinued. It is also necessary to carry out appropriate therapy for neoplasms and infections.

Drug treatment of erythema annulare is usually symptomatic, since the cause of the skin disease in most cases remains unknown or the pathological process resolves on its own.

In this case, the patient must be warned about the likely activation of erythema in the next 2–3 months. Relapses develop in half of the patients, and their frequency increases if the disease is idiopathic.

Local remedies

External therapy for annular erythema includes:

  • zinc-based ointments that have an antiseptic and regenerating effect - Boro Plus, Sudocrem, Glutamol, Desitin, Tsindol mash;
  • local agents with corticosteroids that block the activity of T cells - Lorinden, Beloderm, Sinaflan, Celestoderm B, Elokom;
  • antihistamines to eliminate swelling and discomfort - Gistan, Soventol, Fenistil.

In addition to ointments and creams, for annular erythema, compresses with a 2% amidopyrine solution and skin treatment with aerosols of triamcinolone acetonide (Polcortolone) can be prescribed.

Systemic drugs

If the provoking factor is known, therapy may be prescribed to eliminate it:

When starting treatment for erythema annulare, there is no need to expect a quick recovery. There is a long and difficult path ahead, requiring patience and strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions.


Proper nutrition for annular erythema is no less important than drug therapy. All foods that can cause allergies should be removed from the diet:

  • pickles and smoked meats;
  • citrus;
  • sweets, baked goods and sugar;
  • sparkling waters;
  • nuts;
  • fatty foods, canned food and semi-finished products.

During the treatment of annular erythema, it is recommended to give preference to products that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, reduce allergic manifestations and do not burden the body. These are fermented milk products, fresh vegetables, cereals, legumes, herbs, pomegranate and cranberry juices, herbal infusions.

Traditional methods

Ring-shaped centrifugal erythema is a complex and severe pathological process, so treatment must be carried out with medications. But if official methods are supplemented with alternative medicine recipes, the effect will be better.

The following herbs are used to reduce skin erythema:

  • mountain arnica;
  • mistletoe;
  • red elderberry

Infusions are prepared from plants for oral administration and washing of affected areas of the body. If you ate a lot of raw materials, you can take a healing bath by immersing yourself in warm water with a decoction of herbs for 20–30 minutes.

Arnica root is especially good for treating ring-shaped erythema. It is ground to a powder and mixed with the same amount of unsalted lard or goose fat. The mixture is simmered in a water bath for 3 hours, poured into a glass container and cooled. Apply to erythema three times a day.


Due to the polyetiological nature of erythema, it is very difficult to recommend any preventive measures. Therefore, the patient should adhere to the general principles of a healthy lifestyle:

  • promptly treat gastrointestinal diseases;
  • eliminate foci of infection and inflammation;
  • treat damaged skin with antiseptics;
  • increase immunity;
  • observe the rules of hygiene.

Despite long-term treatment and recurrent nature, the prognosis of erythema annulare is almost always favorable. But this does not mean that the disease can be treated negligently.

Without proper therapy, the pathological process can become chronic and worsen over the years in the summer or autumn-winter. The disease can last a lifetime, and treatment may become ineffective. In addition, perennial erythema fades away, leaving behind brightly pigmented ulcers.

Useful video about Daria's annular erythema

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Erythema annulare is a disease that appears on the surface of the skin as a red spot with a characteristic ring-shaped structure. Most often, this disease affects young men, as well as children and adolescent males.

In many respects, ring-shaped erythema is a pathological reaction to irritants of an immune and allergic nature. Thus, the impetus for the onset of the disease can be either an external irritant or the human body itself.

Another name for ring-shaped erythema is Darier's erythema. The disease received this name in honor of its researcher Daria. The scientist accurately described and indicated the possible causes of pathological skin rashes.

Darier's erythema is a large number of pinkish (with yellowish) or red spots. The spots resemble coins, do not peel, and when touched there is slight swelling.

The spots can grow very quickly and even merge into large formations. Darier's erythema can form various shapes: rings, garlands, specific polycyclic formations, round spots with “rollers” inside. With large-sized formations, rings may appear not only at the base of the spot, but also inside.

The disease has several types:

  1. Ring-shaped rheumatic erythema. This type of pathological skin rash is not an independent disease, but accompanies rheumatism. Most often, these signs of the disease appear in children and adolescents. Rheumatic annular erythema differs from other types of the disease in the pinkish tint of the spots.
  2. Erythema migrans. It is a chronic skin disease. This type of disease is very difficult to cure, since its causative agent is a viral and, less commonly, bacterial infection. The disease is infectious, but is transmitted exclusively through insect bites or during childbirth by a sick mother.
  3. Erythema annular centrifugal Daria. This type of disease has been well studied, it develops quickly, and the disease can last for years. However, the exact causes have not been identified. The disease is characterized by large formations on the skin with specific ridges.

Ring-shaped erythema can occur in several forms:

  1. Flaky. There is slight peeling of the skin at the edges of the spots.
  2. Vesicular. This form is characterized by the appearance of not only spots, but also small vesicles - formations in the form of bubbles with a light liquid. They appear and after a certain time disappear at the edges of the spots.
  3. Simple garland-shaped. A fairly common form of the disease. With garland-shaped erythema, spots appear and disappear after a while, then the disease returns at irregular intervals.
  4. Long-lasting micro-garland-shaped. This form of the disease differs from a simple garland-shaped form only in that the spots are usually not large in size - their diameter does not exceed 1 cm.

The forms of the disease may vary. The cause and type of disease rarely affects the form. The spots can appear on any part of the body, but they can most easily be diagnosed on large areas: the back, abdomen and thighs.

Etiology of the disease

The causes of the disease are various factors. Scientists have not come to an exact conclusion about what process in the body gives impetus to the development of such a chronic pathology.

It is known that there are many factors that pose a risk for the disease, but are not its exact cause:

  1. Heredity. In any skin pathology, heredity plays an important role. If you have ring-shaped erythema or any other skin disease, the risk of pathology is very high.
  2. Intoxication of the body. Scientists are inclined to believe that the disease is often caused by the ingestion of a poison or toxin into the body, which causes an allergic reaction.
  3. Foci of bacterial infection. One type of erythema annulare is caused by bacteria. Therefore, foci of focal infection can become the impetus for the development of the disease. This can be osteomyelitis, tonsillitis, purulent diseases of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes.
  4. Candida fungi. Many people experience a combination of candidiasis or mycosis of the feet with ring-shaped erythema.
  5. Immune system disorders. In some cases, the causes of the disease are associated with autoimmune disorders.
  6. Disturbances in the metabolic system.
  7. Rheumatism.
  8. Bites from ticks infected with a viral infection.
  9. Side effects or symptoms of overdose of certain types of medications.
  10. The appearance of ring-shaped erythema may indicate the development of a malignant neoplasm in the body.
  11. Any disturbances in the quantitative composition and metabolism of proteins in the blood.

Very often, ring-shaped erythema accompanies such serious diseases as leukemia and lupus erythematosus.

Symptomatic manifestations

The main symptom of the disease is characteristic red spots. Symptoms may be confused with other skin conditions that have similar symptoms, such as ringworm. But erythema annulare has a number of distinctive symptoms:

  • the edges of red or pink spots have clear outlines and borders that are usually brighter: dark red or purple;
  • Vesicles or slight peeling may appear at the edges;
  • the center of the spot is much lighter than its borders, it is smooth, without signs of peeling and often swelling;
  • spots can grow quite quickly, forming garlands and typical arcs, growth depends on the progress of the disease and the location of the spots;
  • stains do not remain on the skin for long.

After some time, usually 2 weeks, the spots gradually disappear, and a slight pigmentation remains in their place. This does not mean that the skin has been cured, but only that the disease has entered a regression phase. Usually, after some time, the spots appear again; they may be localized in a different place.

Absolutely all areas of human skin can be affected by red spots of ring-shaped erythema. But most often, large garland-shaped formations appear on large areas of the skin: back, chest, abdomen, thighs, etc. The most rare lesions of ring-shaped erythema are the skin of the face and neck, buttocks, as well as mucous membranes and lips.

When the disease occurs, the spots do not peel off inside and do not cause itching. Typically, the only symptom of the disease is a typical skin rash. In some cases, patients may complain of increased headaches, swelling, fever up to 37.5°C, as well as general malaise. These symptoms may be related to the causes or consequences of erythema annulare.


Diagnostics and treatment measures

Diagnosis is aimed not only at establishing the disease and its causes, but mainly at excluding other diseases that have a similar symptom: red rashes on the skin. Among them are syphilis, seborrhea, lichen, roseola, other types of erythema, dermatitis, urticaria, granuloma, etc.

During diagnosis, the patient is examined for the possibility of fungal infection and the presence of a malignant tumor. A mandatory analysis is a detailed study of the patient’s blood composition. A scraping from the site where the spots formed and a skin biopsy help make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of the disease is aimed primarily at identifying and eliminating possible causes of the disease.

For erythema migrans, antiviral therapy is mandatory.

For it, as for other types of disease, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to eliminate possible bacterial and fungal flora.

Local treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating the symptom of the disease - red spots. They can be eliminated more quickly by taking antihistamines and using corticosteroid ointments and creams.


A large number of traditional medicines are used to treat the disease. Infusions and ointments with herbal ingredients help eliminate the cause and reduce the risk of stains. In addition, most of these products have disinfectant properties, thereby reducing the risk of skin infection.

With proper and timely treatment, the prognosis is quite favorable. Such a chronic disease is practically incurable, but many drugs help to avoid complications in the form of pigmentation and malignant degeneration of the skin in the future.

Ring-shaped erythema refers to skin pathologies of the erythematous type. The range of such diseases is very extensive and includes changes in skin color with the manifestation of additional symptoms due to infection or disruption of internal processes in the body. It is believed that erythema is equally common in people of any gender and age.


The disease is classified into several types depending on clinical manifestations, treatment methods and the nature of its occurrence. In medical practice, it is customary to divide diseases into two large groups: infectious and non-infectious.

There are several types of erythema annulare:

  • Rheumatic - manifested by the formation of light pink rings on the skin (age category of patients - up to 18 years).
  • Migratory - spreads due to infection with a viral or bacterial infection. Clinical signs resemble those of dermatosis.
  • Centrifugal erythema of Daria - is characterized by the appearance of large foci of pathology in large numbers. Spots can change location and shape.

In addition to classification according to general characteristics, several categories of the disease are distinguished depending on the symptoms.

Clinical forms:

Depending on the speed of development of the disease, the following forms occur:

  • paroxysmal;
  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • recurrent.


The causes of ring-shaped erythema include:

  • the presence of intoxication (penetration and accumulation of toxins in the body);
  • diseases associated with hereditary changes;
  • infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths;
  • focal infections (osteomyelitis, tonsillitis, dental granuloma);
  • chronic form of sinusitis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • development of rheumatism;
  • disruption of the endocrine glands;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • side effects after or during a course of medications;
  • Lyme disease;
  • acute allergic reaction;
  • tuberculosis infection;
  • development of neoplasms.

In the case of Darier's erythema, the cause of the disease remains in question.

It is known that erythema in childhood most often coincides with rheumatic diseases, disorders of the immune system, or infection with helminths.


General signs of the onset of the disease:

  • formation of red spots on the surface of the skin;
  • localization of the lesion in the cheeks, abdomen, shoulders, on the sides of the chest;
  • spots quickly increase in size (sometimes up to 20 cm in diameter);
  • redness located close to each other merges;
  • the skin in the area of ​​the rash is above the level of healthy epithelium;
  • formation of a “lace pattern” on the body;
  • itching and burning sensation;
  • in children, the skin inside the reddened spots turns pale or has a natural color;
  • rashes appear and disappear.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the cause of its occurrence and the general condition of the body at the time of the manifestation of the pathology.


In most cases, treatment for erythema depends on the cause and severity of the symptoms of the disease.

To cure a pathology, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that provoke it. During therapy, the patient is under the supervision of a dermatologist and a doctor whose specialization is related to the underlying disease. Sometimes hospitalization and treatment in a hospital are required.

External means

Local preparations include gels and ointments for external use.

The following remedies are effective:

To avoid serious complications, the form and dosage of the medications used should be selected by a doctor.

Systemic drugs

In addition to local remedies, a dermatologist may prescribe medications in a different form of release. These include:

The choice of drugs is determined by clinical indicators and the cause of the disease. When self-medicating, a person can make a mistake and use drugs that are not effective in a particular case..

Unconventional methods

Folk remedies help relieve mild manifestations of the disease and complement the main therapy.

Ring-shaped erythema is only a sign of pathology developing in the human body.

For treatment it is necessary to conduct appropriate medical research. After identifying the cause of the erythema, the dermatologist prescribes a course of therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms and the provoking factor.

Ring-shaped erythema refers to skin diseases that occur with relapses. The pathology is manifested by redness and swelling of the skin. They occur against the background of stagnation of blood in the dilated vessels of the dermis. The disease has several causes and very often young men are at risk.

Characteristics of the disease

Erythema annulare is also called centrifugal erythema and is a chronic disease. A distinctive feature of the pathology is the appearance of spots that form ring-like lesions. Skin lesions may appear and disappear within a few hours.

The disease most often appears against the background of chronic infection and has a flaky, pale pink surface. While the annular erythema increases, its shape remains the same. In this case, the spot has a slight depression in the center and raised edges. The size of the formation can reach 10 centimeters. Spots appear in the following places:

  • in the shoulder area;
  • shins;
  • face;
  • hips;

Treatment of annular erythema is based on excluding factors that cause the disease. Ring-shaped erythema in children in 10% of cases manifests itself as a specific symptom of rheumatism.

Erythema is a pathological reaction of blood vessels. Skin capillaries dilate, blood flow becomes slow, and pressure in the lumen increases. All this leads to the fact that the plasma begins to enter the tissue area and edema forms.

For what reasons does the disease occur?

The causes of ring-shaped erythema can be the following malfunctions of the body and pathology:

  • autoimmune disorders;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • intoxication;
  • Lyme disease developed as a result of a tick bite;
  • rheumatism;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • allergy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • focal infection;
  • fungus;
  • heredity;
  • violation of the protein ratio in the body;
  • mycosis of the skin;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the immune system;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system.

There are cases of idiopathic annular erythema of Darier, which has no clearly defined causes. Erythema annular centrifugal manifests itself only in the form of an acute reaction to strong toxins.

Therefore, during the treatment of annular erythema, the causes of which cannot be immediately identified, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the spots. But when ring-shaped erythema appears, treatment must begin immediately.


The main symptom of the development of erythema is the appearance of a spot, but, in addition to this sign, there are other manifestations of the pathology:

  • redness;
  • rapid enlargement of the lesion;
  • spots can merge into one formation;
  • slight itching;
  • malaise;
  • headache;

  • New ones appear next to existing outbreaks;
  • burning;
  • during childhood erythema, the skin inside the spot becomes pale;
  • paroxysmal spots that can quickly appear and also suddenly disappear.

The ring type of erythema is activated by increased body temperature, hot weather, exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin, and also by sudden cooling.

Anular erythema may also have symptoms that are similar to those of a concomitant disease:

  • if the disease occurs against the background of an infection, the patient may experience: weakness, pain in joints and muscles, loss of appetite;
  • with rheumatic manifestations of the disease, pain appears in the body, the patient’s mobility decreases, the condition of the skin changes, and cardiac activity is impaired;
  • with allergies, a bright spot with severe swelling appears, a rash similar to urticaria, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis may appear. Itching also occurs with varying degrees of intensity.

With a malignant tumor, erythema is manifested by weight loss, prolonged weakness, severe pain in the limbs, swollen lymph nodes, and high fever.

The appearance of erythema in children is in most cases associated with rheumatism, disruptions in the immune system and helminthic infestations. All this has several types of disease progression:

  • paroxysmal - spots appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly;
  • acute – manifestations on the skin disappear within two months;
  • chronic - rings do not disappear over a long period of time;
  • recurrent - erythema after a complete cure appears again after some time.


Making a diagnosis is quite simple since the spots give themselves away with a characteristic appearance. To conduct a differential diagnosis, a specialist takes a piece of altered skin tissue and sends a biopsy sample for histological examination.

The diagnostic result shows:

  • expansion of capillaries;
  • swelling of the skin and cells;
  • accumulation of lymphocytes around blood vessels.

Also held:

  • biochemical and general clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • Echocardiography;
  • X-ray;
  • oncology research;
  • hematological studies;
  • mycological studies.

The doctor decides what diagnostic methods to use after the initial examination of the patient.

Once the diagnosis is accurately made, the specialist prescribes adequate treatment. Most often, therapy takes place on an outpatient basis.

Local treatment

Antihistamine gels, creams, ointments that relieve swelling, as well as itching and redness. But most often used for allergic erythema: Fenistil.

Zinc ointments help relieve inflammation, peeling, and itching. The product is completely safe and does not cause complex side effects: Desitin, Skin-cap.

Glucocorticoid and hormonal creams reduce the division of T-lymphocytes, which makes it possible to stop the pathogenic process of changes in the skin: Sinaflan, Akriderm. Drugs of this type are used only as prescribed by a doctor, as side effects are possible.

System Tools

In combination with local therapy, systemic medications are prescribed:

  • desensitizing agents help remove allergens and toxins from the bloodstream, this helps reduce the permeability of vascular walls and normalize immune cells, which helps reduce the release of histamine;
  • glucocorticoids are used in tablet and injection form if the disease is severe and with rheumatism;
  • antibiotics are used for infections that provoke erythema, the course is carried out for at least 10 days;
  • The specialist prescribes antihelminthic drugs after analyzing the stool if worm eggs or immunoglobulins are found in it. Very often it is necessary to undergo several courses of therapy;
  • cytostatics allow you to inhibit immune cells, which leads to a decrease in their activity and, accordingly, reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.

Ring-shaped erythema mainly occurs against the background of an underlying disease and is most often a common symptom of some pathology. In this regard, treatment is developed not only by a dermatologist, but also by other specialists.

At the first signs, you should definitely go to the hospital and carry out the most extensive diagnosis. Only after this are therapeutic procedures carried out.


To prevent the disease or prevent its recurrence, you should follow simple rules:

  • do not neglect personal hygiene or strengthen it;
  • change bed linen and towels more often;
  • treat the skin of the body with special antibacterial drugs;
  • do not cause diseases of the endocrine system and monitor the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • prevent the skin from drying out by periodically moisturizing it;
  • visit a doctor at least once a year.

To prevent ring-shaped erythema from appearing in a child, you must carefully monitor his health, do not ignore routine visits to the doctor, and take complaints very seriously.

Erythema can signal difficult diagnoses. Therefore, you should not leave any skin rashes unattended. If your child experiences itching, you should prevent scratching the skin to avoid infection.

Since the causes of erythema are quite varied, treatment is carried out only after visiting a doctor.