Famous spy. Christina's blog

January 16, 2013, 20:07

Mata Hari (1876-1917) Perhaps one of the most famous spies of all time is Mata Hari, whose real name is Margarita Gertrude Celle. The girl received a good education and lived for 7 years in Java with her husband, who drank and cheated on her. When they returned to Europe, Mata Hari left her husband and began a career as a circus rider and then an oriental dancer to support her livelihood. Soon Mata Hari became a real star in Paris. Even before the war, she was recruited by the Germans, and already during the war, Mata Hari began to collaborate with the French. She needed money to cover her gambling debts. In 1917, the French military captured her and sentenced her to death. On October 15, Mata Hari was executed. Presumably, the spy was eliminated due to the fact that she communicated too much with various French politicians, which could affect their reputation, and her role as a secret agent in history was greatly exaggerated. Bell Boyd (1844-1900) Belle Boyd is also known by the nickname La Belle Rebelle (“The Beautiful Rebel.” During the American Civil War, she spied for the South, and passed on the information she received to General Stonewall Jackson. On May 23, 1862, in Virginia, it was Boyd who crossed the front line in front of the northerners to report that an attack was being prepared. They fired at her from guns and cannons, but Boyd, dressed in a blue dress and cap, did not show any fear. When she was first captured, the woman was only 18 years old. Thanks to the exchange of prisoners, Boyd was released. A year later, Boyd was arrested again and this time sent into exile. In her diaries, Belle Boyd wrote that she was guided by the motto “Serve my country until my last breath.” Pauline Cushman (1833-1893) The northern states also had their own spy. Pauline Cushman, an American actress, during the war between the North and South, just like Bell Boyd, could not remain indifferent. She was eventually caught and sentenced to death, but was later pardoned. When the war ended, Pauline Cushman went to travel around the country and talk about her work and exploits. Yoshiko Kawashima (1907-1948) Yoshiko Kawashima was a hereditary princess from the royal family of Japan. She became so accustomed to the role of another person that she dressed in men's clothing and even had a mistress. As a member of the imperial family, she had direct contact with the representative of the royal Chinese dynasty, Pu Yi. In the 1930s, Pu Yi was to become the ruler of the province of Manchuria, a new state under Japanese control. In fact, Pu Yi in this case would become a puppet in the hands of the cunning Kawashima. But at the last moment he refused this post. Kawashima still acted more cunningly: she placed poisonous snakes and bombs in the monarch’s bed to convince him of the danger. Pu Yi eventually succumbed to Yoshiko's persuasion and in 1934 became Emperor of Manchuria. Yoshiko was executed at Peiping Prison in China. She feared a public execution, but after her death her body was laid out for public display and desecration until her family claimed her remains. Amy Elizabeth Thorpe (1910-1963) Englishwoman Amy Elizabeth Thorpe was engaged in diplomatic activities in Washington, but not only that. Her intelligence career began when she married the second secretary of the American embassy. The intelligence officer's career began with her marriage to the second secretary of the American embassy. The husband was also an agent of British intelligence, and Amy had numerous love affairs that helped obtain information. She is also known in history as Agent Cynthia. With the help of love affairs, she obtained information about the French and Italians. She once opened the French ambassador's safe and copied the naval code to help Allied troops land in North Africa in 1942. Gabriela Gast (1943 -) Gabriela Gast was recruited by the GDR intelligence services in 1968. The fact is that she fell in love with a handsome blond Schneider, who turned out to be a Stasi agent. In 1973, Gabriela received a position in the German Federal Intelligence Service in Pullach. However, in reality, she spied for the GDR, transmitting classified information about West Germany for 20 years. All this time she had a relationship with Schneider. Her underground nickname is Leinfelder. During her service, Gabriele managed to climb the career ladder to the post of senior government official. The revelation of the superspy in a skirt only happened in 1990. A year later she was sentenced to 6 years and 9 months in prison, and when she was released in 1998, Gast began working in an ordinary engineering office in Munich. Ruth Werner (1907-2000) German communist Ursula Kuczynski took an active part in political activities from a young age. But after she married an architect, she had to move to Shanghai in 1930. It was then that Ruth Werner was recruited by the Soviet intelligence services, giving her the pseudonym Sonya. In China, Ruth collected information for the USSR, working closely with Richard Sorge. Her husband had no idea what Ruth was really doing. In 1933, Agent Sonya underwent special training at an intelligence school in Moscow, after which she returned to China, where she continued to collect valuable data. After that she worked in Poland, Switzerland, England, etc. Sonya had informants even in the USA and Europe. By the way, it was Ruth Werner who helped obtain information that the United States had created an atomic bomb directly from the project participants. Since 1950, Werner lived in the GDR, where she wrote several books, including the memoirs “Sonya Reports.” Interestingly, twice in her career Ruth went on a mission with agents who were listed as her husbands only according to documents, but over time became such out of love. Violetta Jabot (1921-1945) Frenchwoman Violette Jabot was widowed at the age of 23, and then she decided to join the ranks of British intelligence. In 1944, Violetta was sent to occupied France on a secret mission. The landing was carried out by parachute. Violetta was not only involved in transmitting data to headquarters about the number and location of enemy forces, but also carrying out sabotage. After completing her assignments, Violetta returned to London, where her little daughter was waiting for her. In June, Jabot found herself in France again, but this time her mission ended in failure: her car was detained, and she ran out of ammunition for the shootout. Violetta was captured and sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, known for its brutal torture and medical experiments on prisoners. After torture and torture, Violetta was executed in February 1945. She did not live to see victory for only a few months. She became the second woman in history to be posthumously awarded the George Cross in 1946. Josephine Baker (1906-1975) The real name of this American dancer and part-time secret agent is Frida Josephine MacDonald. She was born into the family of a Jewish musician and a black washerwoman. Because of her origins, Josephine suffered a lot from childhood: at the age of 11 she witnessed a pogrom in the ghetto. In America, Baker was disliked because of the color of her skin, but in Europe she gained fame during the Revue Negre tour in Paris in 1925. An unusual woman walked around Paris with a panther on a leash. She was nicknamed "Black Venus". Josephine married an Italian adventurer, which helped her obtain the title of Countess. Baker's main performance venue was the Moulin Rouge. She also starred in erotic films. In 1937, Baker easily renounced her American identity, becoming a French citizen, but two years later World War II began. Josephine began to actively spy for the French resistance. She often visited the front and even learned to fly an airplane, receiving the rank of lieutenant. In addition, she helped the underground financially. After the end of the war, she continued to dance and sing, and also act in television films. Baker devoted the last 30 years of her life to raising children whom she adopted in different countries of the world. A whole rainbow family lived in her French castle. It was a kind of protest against racism in the United States. For her services to France, Baker was awarded the Legion of Honor and the Croix de Guerre. Nancy Wake (Grace Augusta Wake) (1912 -) Nancy was born in New Zealand. Having unexpectedly received a large inheritance, she moved first to New York and then to Europe. In the 1930s, she worked as a correspondent in Paris and denounced the spread of Nazism. When the Germans invaded German France, Nancy joined the Resistance with her husband. Nancy had several nicknames and pseudonyms: “White Mouse”, “Witch”, “Madame Andre”. Together with her husband, they helped evacuate Jewish refugees and Allied soldiers. To avoid being caught, Nancy left France in 1943 for London, where she was trained as a professional intelligence officer. She returned to France again in April 1944, where she organized arms supplies and recruited new members of the Resistance in the Auveragne region. After some time, Nancy learned that her husband had been shot by the Nazis. They demanded that he tell them the location of his wife. The Gestapo offered a reward of 5 million francs for her head. Nancy had to return to London. Post-war she was awarded the Order of Australia and the George Medal. In 1985, Nancy Wake released her autobiography, White Mouse. Christine Keeler (1943 -) Former British model Christine Keeler, by the will of fate, turned out to be a “call girl”. In the 1960s, she became the cause of a political scandal in England, which is known in history as the Profumo Affair. Christine herself began to be called the Mata Hari of the 1960s. She worked in a topless cabaret and simultaneously entered into a relationship with the British Minister of War John Profumo and the USSR naval attache Yevgeny Ivanov. But one of the beauty’s ardent fans pursued her so persistently that he attracted the attention of the police and later the press. It turned out that Christine extracted secrets from the minister and then sold them to her other lover. During the scandal, Profumo himself resigned, then the Prime Minister, after which the Conservatives lost the elections. The minister, left without work, was forced to get a job washing dishes in one of the catering establishments, and Christine earned even more money as she gained popularity among photographers and journalists. Anna Chapman (Kushchenko) (1982 -) Russians know and remember the story of Anna Chapman, since it happened quite recently. Anna moved to England in 2003, and since 2006 she has headed her own real estate search company in the USA. On June 27, 2010, the FBI arrested Anna Chapman, and on July 8, the girl admitted that she was engaged in reconnaissance, trying to obtain information about US nuclear weapons, politics in the Middle East and influential persons. The beauty with the appearance of a fashion model naturally attracted the attention of the press. During the espionage scandal, it turned out that Anna carried out reconnaissance back in London. There she was in touch with a peer from the House of Lords and even approached the princes. Her luxurious life was provided by income from business, which, however, was sponsored by no one knows who. As a result, Anna was deported to Russia, where she became a TV star. Ekaterina Zatuliveter (1985 -) Former KGB colonel and British intelligence agent6 Oleg Gordievsky called the Russian woman Ekaterina Zatuliveter “the most successful Russian spy in the last 30 years.” At the same time, the girl herself continues to claim that she has never worked and will never work for the Russian special services. Zatuliveter allegedly used her connection with Member of Parliament Michael Hancock, whose assistant she worked, to transmit secret information to the Kremlin. Ekaterina Zatuliveter was detained at Gatwick Airport in August 2010 and placed under arrest in December on allegations that she was involved in espionage. All this time, the girl continues to deny this, so it is not known for certain how thorough the accusations of the British authorities were.

On October 15, 1917, the most famous female spy in history, Mata Hari, was executed. She was a courtesan and exotic dancer. Today we remember Mata Hari and several other women who were involved in espionage.

Mata Hari (1876-1917). Mata Hari is the dancer's pseudonym; in fact, her name was Margarita Gertrude Celle. Mata was from a wealthy family and received a good education. In her youth, she married a man with a bad reputation: he drank and cheated on her. After living on the island of Java for almost seven years, Hari returns to Europe, and in order to survive on something, she gets a job as a rider in a circus, and later begins working as a dancer. Hari was one of the most famous women in Paris and became famous for the fact that she did not hesitate to pose for artists, as well as dance almost naked. German intelligence recruited Mata, and during the war the woman began collaborating with the French. Historians have never been able to find out what Mata conveyed to high-ranking officials. In the fall of 1917, the woman was captured by the French military and sentenced to death. They say that Mata was shot only because she was in contact with many politicians and military men, which could have a negative impact on their reputation. Historians are confident that the dancer's role as a spy was too exaggerated.

Christine Keeler (born 1942). A model from Britain worked part-time as a call girl, and in the sixties provoked a huge scandal, which was even given the name “The Profumo Affair.” Keeler was called the new Mata Hari. She danced half-naked in bars, met with the Minister of War Affairs, John Profumo, and also with Sergei Ivanov, the naval attache of the Soviet Union. Soon Scotland Yard became interested in the girl, and the police established that Christine was passing on all the information about Profumo to one of her lovers. The minister had to resign and then work as a dishwasher. As for Keeler, she earned not only a lot of money, but also a scandalous reputation and fame - her photographs regularly appeared in newspapers and magazines.

Nancy Wake (1912). Nancy was not born into a wealthy family, but unexpectedly received a huge inheritance, and soon moved from New Zealand, first to the USA, then to Paris. She worked as a correspondent and wrote articles against Nazism. When German troops invaded France, Nancy and her husband joined the Resistance. The woman had many nicknames, including “Witch.” She provided assistance to the Allies and Jewish refugees. In 1943, Nancy fled to London, completed a special program and became an intelligence officer. For a long time she was engaged in the supply of weapons and the recruitment of new people into the ranks of the Resistance. Nancy's husband was captured by the Nazis and shot because the man did not say where his wife was. The Gestapo promised to pay five million to anyone who could tell where Nancy was. The woman managed to escape, and in the mid-eighties she even wrote an autobiography.

Violetta Jabot (1921-1945). This girl lived a very short life, but left a huge mark on history. When Violetta was 23 years old, her husband died, and the Frenchwoman became a British intelligence officer. She was sent to France on a secret mission: Jabot transmitted data on the forces and numbers of the enemy, after which she returned to London to her daughter. The next trip to France turned out to be a failure - Violetta was captured and placed in one of the concentration camps. Jabot was tortured for several months, and shortly before the Victory the girl was executed. In 1946, she was posthumously awarded the St. George Cross.

Ruth Werner (1907-2000). In her youth, the girl became interested in politics, but was forced to move with her husband from Germany to Shanghai. She was recruited by the Soviet intelligence services, and Ruth collected information for the USSR in China. Her husband did not know that Werner was collaborating with Richard Sorge. In 1933, Ruth took special courses at an intelligence school in Moscow, after which she engaged in espionage not only in China, but also in England, Switzerland, Poland and the USA. With Werner's help, the USSR received information about the atomic bomb created in the USA. Werner was never arrested. After the end of the war in 1950, women moved to the GDR. Ruth had two fellow intelligence officers who, according to the documents, were “listed” as her husbands. In real life, later they actually became the spouses of the intelligence officer.

Anna Chapman (born 1982). The most famous spy of our time. Anna lived in the UK since 2003, and in 2006 she moved to the USA, where she ran a real estate search company. In the summer of 2010, she was arrested by the FBI, and a few days later, Chapman admitted to being an espionage. She collected information about influential people, politics in the Middle East, and US nuclear weapons. Journalists became interested in Anna, and soon information leaked that Chapman began espionage when she lived in London. It was proven that the girl was dating one of the peers from the House of Lords. Some time later, Chapman was deported to Russia.

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On October 5, 1917, the most famous female spy in history, Mata Hari, was shot. She was a courtesan and exotic dancer. Today we remember Mata Hari and several other women who were involved in espionage.

Mata Hari (1876-1917)

Mata Hari is the dancer's pseudonym; in fact, her name was Margarita Gertrude Celle. Mata was from a wealthy family and received a good education. In her youth, she married a man with a bad reputation: he drank and cheated on her. After living on the island of Java for almost seven years, Hari returns to Europe, and in order to survive on something, she gets a job as a rider in a circus, and later begins working as a dancer. Hari was one of the most famous women in Paris and became famous for the fact that she did not hesitate to pose for artists, as well as dance almost naked. German intelligence recruited Mata, and during the war the woman began collaborating with the French. Historians have never been able to find out what Mata conveyed to high-ranking officials. In the fall of 1917, the woman was captured by the French military and sentenced to death. They say that Mata was shot only because she was in contact with many politicians and military men, which could have a negative impact on their reputation. Historians are confident that the dancer's role as a spy was too exaggerated.

Christine Keeler (born 1942)

A model from Britain worked part-time as a call girl, and in the sixties she provoked a huge scandal, which was even given the name “The Profumo Affair”. Keeler was called the new Mata Hari. She danced half-naked in bars, met with the Minister of War Affairs, John Profumo, and also with Sergei Ivanov, the naval attaché of the Soviet Union. Soon Scotland Yard became interested in the girl, and the police established that Christine was passing on all the information about Profumo to one of her lovers. The minister had to resign and then work as a dishwasher. As for Keeler, she earned not only a lot of money, but also a scandalous reputation and fame - her photographs regularly appeared in newspapers and magazines.

Nancy Wake (1912)

Nancy was not born into a wealthy family, but unexpectedly received a huge inheritance, and soon moved from New Zealand, first to the USA, then to Paris. She worked as a correspondent and wrote articles against Nazism. When German troops invaded France, Nancy and her husband enlisted in the Resistance. The woman had many nicknames, including “Witch”. She provided assistance to the Allies and Jewish refugees. In 1943, Nancy fled to London, completed a special program and became an intelligence officer. For a long time she was engaged in the supply of weapons and the recruitment of new people into the ranks of the Resistance. Nancy's husband was captured by the Nazis and shot because the man did not say where his wife was. The Gestapo promised to pay five million to anyone who could tell where Nancy was. The woman managed to escape, and in the mid-eighties she even wrote an autobiography.

Violetta Jabot (1921-1945)

This girl lived a very short life, but left a huge mark on history. When Violetta was 23 years old, her husband died, and the Frenchwoman became a British intelligence officer. She was sent to France on a secret mission: Jabot transmitted data on the forces and numbers of the enemy, after which she returned to London to her daughter. The next trip to France turned out to be a failure - Violetta was captured and placed in one of the concentration camps. Jabot was tortured for several months, and shortly before the Victory the girl was executed. In 1946, she was posthumously awarded the St. George Cross.

Ruth Werner (1907-2000)

In her youth, the girl became interested in politics, but was forced to move with her husband from Germany to Shanghai. She was recruited by the Soviet intelligence services, and Ruth collected information for the USSR in China. Her husband did not know that Werner was collaborating with Richard Sorge. In 1933, Ruth took special courses at an intelligence school in Moscow, after which she engaged in espionage not only in China, but also in England, Switzerland, Poland and the USA. With Werner's help, the USSR received information about the atomic bomb created in the USA. Werner was never arrested. After the end of the war in 1950, the woman moved to the GDR. Ruth had two intelligence colleagues who, according to documents, were “listed” as her husbands. In real life, later they actually became the spouses of the intelligence officer.

Anna Chapman (born 1982)

The most famous spy of our time. Anna lived in the UK since 2003, and in 2006 she moved to the USA, where she ran a real estate search company. In the summer of 2010, she was arrested by the FBI, and a few days later, Chapman admitted to being an espionage. She collected information about influential people, politics in the Middle East, and US nuclear weapons. Journalists became interested in Anna, and soon information leaked that Chapman began espionage when she lived in London. It was proven that the girl was dating one of the peers from the House of Lords. Some time later, Chapman was deported to Russia.

In March 1862, the trial of the famous intelligence officer Rose O'Neill Greenhow took place. She was accused (deservedly) of passing information during the American Civil War in favor of the Confederacy: it informed the southerners about the deployment of northern troops. But there was no evidence against Rose O'Neill. Before her arrest, she ate all the documents incriminating her. After the trial, she went to Richmond, where Southern President Davis Jefferson awarded her a $2,500 bonus.

Two years later, Rose O'Neill drowned. They said about her that she was an amazing spy, because she knew the plans of her enemies better than President Lincoln. What would the allies do if not for her natural charm and modest feminine beauty?

Success is in many ways easier for the fair sex - and all thanks to their appearance. In this selection you will find the most beautiful spies in the world, who have also achieved a lot in their field.

1. (1942-2017). "Mata Hari of the 60s." The former British model also worked as a prostitute, but she brought more benefit to intelligence. While working in a topless cabaret, she had an affair with the British Minister of War John Profumo and the USSR naval attache Yevgeny Ivanov.

But Christine did not need lovers for personal purposes: she extracted secrets from the minister, then selling them to her other lover. During the scandal that broke out, Profumo himself resigned, soon the Prime Minister resigned, and then the Conservatives lost the elections.

After the scandal, Christine became even richer than before: the beautiful spy was incredibly popular with journalists and photographers.

2. Cohen Leontine Teresa (Kroger Helen)(1913-1993). She was a member of the US Communist Party and a labor activist. In New York, at an anti-fascist rally in 1939, she met Morris Cohen, who later became her husband. Cohen collaborated with Soviet foreign intelligence.

It was on his tip that she was recruited. At the same time, Leontina guessed about her husband’s connections with the USSR. Without hesitation, she agreed to help state security agencies in the fight against the Nazi threat.

During the war, she was a liaison agent for the foreign intelligence station in New York. Until the last days of her life, she continued to work in the illegal intelligence department. She was buried at the Novo-Kuntsevo cemetery.

3. Irina (Bibiiran) Alimova(1920-2011). A veterinarian by profession, Alimova became an actress because of her beautiful appearance. After the role of Umbar's lover in the film of the same name, the girl became famous. She continued to study acting.

With the beginning of the war, Bibiiran wanted to go to the front and fell into military censorship. After the war, she received an offer to work in local counterintelligence. In 1952, under the pseudonym Beer, she went to Japan to work illegally in the Soviet station, which was being revived after the death of Richard Sorge.

Its chief was our intelligence officer, Colonel Shamil Abdullazyanovich Khamzin (pseudonym - Khalef). They entered into a fictitious marriage, Alimova became Mrs. Khatycha Sadyk. But after a few years, their relationship moved from the category of legends to true romantic love.

4. Nadezhda Troyan(1921-2011). During the war, finding herself in the occupied territory of Belarus, Nadezhda Troyan joined the ranks of the anti-fascist underground. She was a messenger, scout and nurse in partisan detachments. Participated in operations to blow up bridges and attack enemy convoys.

Her most significant feat was the destruction, together with Elena Mazanik and Maria Osipova, of the fascist Gauleiter of Belarus, Wilhelm von Kube. The women placed a mine under his bed.

After the incident, Hitler declared women his personal enemies.

5. Anna Morozova(1921-1944). In the 1930s, the largest military airfield was built in Seshche, where Morozova grew up. Anna Morozova worked there as an accountant. When the airfield was captured by Hitler, she left with the Soviet troops, and then returned, supposedly to her mother. She remained to work for the Nazis as a laundress.

Thanks to the data she transmitted, two German ammunition depots, 20 aircraft and 6 railway trains were blown up.

In 1944, the girl was seriously wounded, and in order to avoid being captured, she blew herself up with a grenade along with several Germans.

6. (1876-1917). From a rich family. She lived for seven years in an unhappy marriage on the island of Java with a drinking and dissolute husband. Returning to Europe, she got divorced.

She was recruited by German intelligence before the war, and during it Mata Hari began collaborating with the French. She used the money she received to cover her gambling debts.

The girl had many connections with high-ranking French politicians who were afraid of a damaged reputation. Some historians believe that Mata Hari did not prove herself very strong as a spy.

In 1917, she was declassified by the French military and sentenced to death. On October 15, the sentence was carried out. Perhaps this was not even done because of her work as a scout.

7. Violetta Jabot(1921-1945). At 23, she became a widow and joined the ranks of British intelligence. In 1944, she went to occupied France on a secret mission to transmit data on the strength and location of enemy forces to headquarters, as well as to carry out a number of sabotage actions.

After completing the assignments, she returned to London to her little daughter. After some time, she flew to France again, but now the mission ended in failure - her car was detained, she fired back for a long time, but the enemy turned out to be stronger.

She was sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, famous for its brutal torture and medical experiments on prisoners. The tortured Jabot was executed in February 1945. She became the second woman in history to be posthumously awarded the St. George Cross. Later, the intelligence officer was awarded the Military Cross and the Medal “For Resistance.”

8. Amy Elizabeth Thorpe(1910-1963). Her intelligence career began when she married the second secretary of the US Embassy. The man was 20 years older than Amy, and she cheated on him left and right. The husband did not mind: he was an agent of British intelligence, and Amy’s lovers helped to obtain information.

But her husband died, and agent Cynthia went to Washington, where she continued her activities as an intelligence officer: through her bed she obtained information from French and Italian employees and officers.

Her most famous spy trick was opening the French ambassador's safe. Through skillful actions, she was able to do this and copy the naval code, which later helped the Allied troops to land in North Africa in 1942.

9. Nancy Wake (Grace Augusta Wake)(1912-2011). A girl born in New Zealand suddenly received a rich inheritance and moved to New York and then to Europe. In the 1930s she worked as a correspondent in Paris, criticizing Nazism.

Together with her husband, she joined the ranks of the Resistance when the Germans broke into France. During its activities, the White Mouse helped Jewish refugees and military personnel cross the country.

Afterwards she was involved in organizing arms supplies and recruiting new members of the Resistance. Soon Nancy learned that her husband was shot by the Nazis because he did not tell about Nancy’s whereabouts. The Gestapo promised 5 million francs for her head.

10. Anna Chapman (Kushchenko)(b. 1982). She moved to England in 2003, and since 2006 has headed her own real estate search company in the USA.

While married to artist Alex Chapman, she tried to obtain information about US nuclear weapons, politics in the East, and influential people. On June 27, 2010, she was arrested by the FBI, and on July 8, she admitted to espionage activities.

Moreover, as it turned out, Chapman was in a relationship with a certain peer from the House of Lords and even saw some princes. Funds for her luxurious life came from a business sponsored by some unknown person. As a result, Anna was deported to Russia under the spy exchange program.

11. Josephine Baker (Frida Josephine MacDonald)(1906-1975). The daughter of a Jewish musician and a black washerwoman. Became popular during the Revue Negre tour in Paris in 1925. Baker walked around Paris with a panther on a leash, for which she was nicknamed Black Venus.

She married an Italian adventurer and became a countess. She worked at the Moulin Rouge, but also starred in erotic films. In 1937, she renounced her US citizenship in favor of France, and then a war began, in which Black Venus actively became involved, becoming a spy.

Baker trained to be a pilot and received the rank of lieutenant. Transferred money to members of the underground. After the end of the war, she continued to dance and sing, and also acted in television series. For services to France, she was awarded the Legion of Honor and the Military Cross. Goebbels hated the actress because she rejected him. But at the same time, the Fuhrer himself sympathized with her. In April 1945, Olga was arrested by Soviet intelligence of the USSR, and the spy was taken to Moscow. After that, she visited West Berlin and then moved to Germany. This visit was shrouded in secrecy.

The media wrote that Chekhova was a Soviet spy who received the Order of Lenin for services to the USSR from the hands of Stalin himself. Persons close to the Soviet leadership claimed that Chekhova was preparing an assassination attempt on Hitler.

In the summer of 1953, according to available data, she completed her last task: connecting Beria with Konrad Adenauer.

13. Nadezhda Plevitskaya(1884-1949). An incredibly popular singer and actress of those years. Together with her husband Nikolai Skoblin, she was recruited by the OGPU under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

Nikolai Skoblin, by the way, was the youngest general of the White Army. He was then only 27 years old.

Plevitskaya’s most successful operation is considered to be the kidnapping of Evgeny Miller, the head of the Russian All-Military Union. The result was to be the appointment of Plevitskaya’s husband to the position of Miller.

14.Margarita Konenkova(1895-1980). The girl, nicknamed Lucas, spent half her life in the United States as a spy. Possessing a bright appearance and a sharp mind, she managed to win over Albert Einstein.

What kind of connection Konenkova and Einstein had is not known for certain. But in their personal belongings they found messages from personal correspondence filled with tender words.

What do we know about these mysterious people living among us? It’s not for nothing that films are made about them, books are written...

These cloak-and-dagger warriors are known to wage their war in peacetime. But for whom and in the name of what are they acting? Let's say one thing: don't underestimate these people. Yes, they don’t win wars, but they significantly change the balance of power on the military, political and economic map.

Information rules the world, so secret special agents are still needed by every state.

(October 4, 1895 - November 7, 1944)

Perhaps one of the most famous spies can be safely called Richard Sorge. This is a Soviet intelligence officer from World War II. Moreover, he is considered one of the outstanding scouts of the century.

Since he worked in Japan for many years, the Soviet Union did not recognize Sorge as its agent for 20 years. Only on November 5, 1964, Sorge was declassified and awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. True, posthumously.

They say that it was only thanks to Nikita Khrushchev that the name of Richard Sorge was immortalized in the USSR, posthumously awarding him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It is also widely believed that the silence about Richard Sorge and his associates is a consequence of Stalin's personality cult.

On October 18, 1941, Sorge was arrested by Japanese police and in September 1943 sentenced to death by hanging from a piano wire.

April 18, 1944

Robert Hanssen was an FBI employee. He was convicted of spying for the USSR and Russia.

He began collaborating with the Soviet Union in 1979, but even after its collapse he continued to transmit a lot of secret information.

People who knew the superspy closely speak of him as an extremely bright and extraordinary person. This is how a woman who lived next door to the Hanssen family in Chicago and knew Robert as a child remembers him: “When he played with my son, I was sure that nothing would happen to my child.”

Hanssen collaborated with Soviet and Russian intelligence from 1979 until his arrest in 2001. The investigation managed to prove 13 episodes of espionage.

As a result, he was arrested only in 2001 in Virginia. When he was being taken to prison, he asked: “Why did it take you so long to catch me?”

Hanssen was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole and is currently serving it in a maximum security prison. ADX Florence, in Colorado.

*(ADX FlorenceAdministrative Maximum Facility - supermaximum security prison)

(January 1, 1912 - May 11, 1988)

Kim Philby is one of the leaders of British intelligence, a communist, an agent of Soviet intelligence since 1933.

However, the British managed to understand that he was leading a double life only in 1963.

After the end of World War II, Philby was sent east. He becomes the head of the British intelligence headquarters in Istanbul. At the end of the 1940s, he began close cooperation with the United States, the main goal of which was the destruction of communist power. Largely thanks to the actions of this intelligence officer, many British and American operations directed against Soviet power were unsuccessful.

Philby died in 1988, held in high esteem, Hero of the Soviet Union.

(September 26, 1907 - March 26, 1983)

Anthony Blunt is an English art historian and double agent of the English MI5 and the Soviet NKVD, a member of the famous Cambridge Five, in which he was a member together with Kim Philby.

Through Blunt, the Soviet embassy received information in advance about all actions directed against embassy workers. Blunt was very successful in opening the diplomatic correspondence of foreign governments in exile. Several times Blunt provided valuable information about the Wehrmacht's strategy towards Russia.

After the war, Blunt's connection with the KGB was practically severed. He left MI5 and became Keeper of the Royal Art Gallery in 1946, and in 1947 was appointed Director of the Coultord Institute.

However, in 1979, he secretly confessed who he was all along and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher publicly fired him. And Queen Elizabeth II stripped Blunt of his knighthood.

February 16, 1953

Christopher Boyce is an informant for the Soviet intelligence services. For two years he collaborated with Soviet intelligence services - he photographed secret documentation about satellites and handed them over for further transportation to Soviet intelligence agencies.

He worked for Soviet intelligence because of his protest against the US war with Vietnam. After his arrest in 1977, he was convicted of spying for the USSR and sentenced to forty years in prison.

Meanwhile, in February 1980, he escaped from a federal prison and was already preparing to be transported to the USSR, but was detained by FBI agents.

On January 21, 1980, Boyce escaped from prison and subsequently participated in 17 bank robberies in Idaho and Washington. Hiding from the law under the name Anthony Edward Lester, Boyce developed a plan to fly to the Soviet Union, where, in his opinion, he could receive the rank of officer in the USSR Armed Forces.

Christopher Boyce was paroled from prison on September 16, 2002, after serving just over 24 years. In October 2002, Boyce married Kathleen Mills. In July 2008, Boyce was released from parole and found himself completely free.

May 26, 1941

Aldrich Ames is a former chief of the CIA's counterintelligence division and head of the Soviet section of the CIA's Foreign Counterintelligence Directorate.

He worked for the USSR for almost 10 years. Thanks to his information, a whole galaxy of CIA agents in the ranks of the KGB and GRU were arrested.

The US Senate Intelligence Committee later stated in its report that Ames' activities "resulted in the loss of virtually all valuable sources of information within the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War."

On February 21, 1994, Aldrich Ames was arrested by the FBI in Arlington. The Ames case caused a huge political scandal in the United States. After numerous accusations against the CIA, its director, James Woolsey, was forced to resign.

In 1994, he was sentenced to life imprisonment with confiscation of property, which he is currently serving in the Allenwood maximum security prison in Pennsylvania.

By the way, Ames came to intelligence because he lacked financial resources. Ames even once tried to rob a bank to pay off his debts. However, he decided that it would be much safer and more interesting to sell secret information to other countries. And so it began.

May 12, 1918 - June 19, 1953 (Julius)
September 28, 1915 – June 19, 1953 (Ethel)

One cannot help but recall the famous married couple Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. These are American communists accused of spying for the Soviet Union and executed for this in 1953.

Rosenberg worked for Soviet intelligence since the early 1940s. He then recruited his wife Ethel, her brother David Greenglass and his wife Ruth. Rosenberg and his “entourage” constantly transmitted data to Moscow about the latest secret technologies in the American military industry.

The full list of information he transmitted continues to remain secret. Although it is known that in December 1944 he obtained and handed over to Feklisov detailed documentation and a sample of a finished radio fuse. This product was highly appreciated by our experts.

Even after half a century, many details of the Rosenberg group's work continue to be kept secret. The point is not only the traditional “closedness” of the intelligence services. After all, if we officially admit that the group under the leadership of Antenna not only existed, but was also actively working, then we will have to take a fresh look at the history of the origin and development of domestic radio electronics.

(January 1, 1908 - December 3, 1963)

began her espionage career in a fascist organization, but soon found herself in the communist camp. Then she left him, this time swearing allegiance to the FBI.

In November 1945, Bentley, better known as "The Fox" and "Myrna," became disillusioned with communist ideals and secured a high-profile meeting with FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover.

After a conflict with her Moscow leadership, she herself went to the FBI and “surrendered” more than 100 agents.

February 23, 1982

probably the sexiest Russian spy.

Chapman is a former intelligence officer exiled from the United States. She was accused of not informing American authorities about her cooperation with a foreign government.

The reason for the arrest was that she was seen several times in the company of a Russian official. According to intelligence agencies, Chapman transmitted information to this official via wireless communication.

Chapman pleaded guilty to illegal cooperation with Russia and went home with nine other defendants in the case in exchange for four Russian citizens previously accused of spying for the United States and Great Britain.

By the way, while living in Great Britain, Anna made acquaintance with one of the members of the House of Lords. Now the lords are trying to find out which of them was with her. However, none of them themselves admitted to having connections with Chapman.

Today Anna is actively involved in entrepreneurship, works on television, participates in fashion shows... The program “The Secrets of Anna Chapman” has been one of the highest rated on the REN TV channel for several years.