Inhalations for bronchial asthma using a nebulizer. Asthma inhaler: name

Bronchial asthma is a fairly common chronic disease of the respiratory organs. It is almost impossible to completely recover from this pathology, so patients have to use medications throughout their lives. Most medications for asthmatics are available in the form of inhalers, but inhalation for asthma through a nebulizer also has a good effect. The inhaler and nebulizer equally convert the medicinal solution into fine particles that easily reach problem areas of the bronchi. The difference between these devices is that the inhaler can be pocket-sized, but the nebulizer is a very bulky device that can be used at home.

Benefits of inhalation

Inhalations for bronchial asthma are the fastest and most effective treatment for the disease.. Medicines penetrate the respiratory system better if they are converted into a cloud of fine particles. The nebulizer sprays the liquid well, so that the bronchi are evenly coated with the medicinal composition. The main advantages of using a nebulizer can be highlighted as follows:

  • Inhalation therapy can be prescribed to patients of all age groups, from newborns to the elderly.
  • When using a nebulizer, there is no need to inhale forcefully, so this treatment will not cause any inconvenience.
  • Thanks to inhalations, an attack of suffocation is quickly relieved, since the medicinal solution almost instantly appears at the site of inflammation.
  • You can breathe medicine through a nebulizer even in some life-threatening conditions.
  • The device is very easy to use, even a child can use it.
  • For treatment, you can use any medications, including hormones. In this case, medications enter the body in a minimal volume, do not have a systemic effect on the body and do not provoke side effects.
  • Using an inhaler, you can inhale several medications at the same time, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.
  • If necessary, large doses of medications can be administered through the device.
  • The medicinal solution is supplied all the time as the compressor is running.

Nebulizers are used for treatment at home and in hospitals. After use, the container and mask are thoroughly washed with an antiseptic solution and dried.

Before using any type of nebulizer to treat bronchial asthma, you should consult a doctor. We must not forget that this treatment method has certain contraindications.

Using a nebulizer at home

Some people are afraid to use various medical devices at home, but sometimes it is impossible to do without them, so buying a nebulizer is sometimes necessary. A nebulizer helps in the treatment of colds and bronchitis. This device is indispensable in families where there are often sick children, especially if they are diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis several times a year. A nebulizer is also necessary for any pathologies of the respiratory tract, in which viscous sputum is difficult to separate, as well as to prevent stenosis.

A nebulizer is often purchased by people whose families have patients with chronic respiratory pathologies. This could be chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis and many others. The device must also include medications that are individually selected by the attending physician.

Workers in hazardous industries need to periodically breathe different compounds through a nebulizer., as well as residents of environmentally unfavorable areas. This procedure effectively clears the airways of irritants.

Nebulizers come in compressor and ultrasonic types. The former allow the use of more drugs. The best nebulizer for bronchial asthma is a compressor.

When is a nebulizer needed?

You can treat bronchial asthma with a nebulizer at home; the inhaler is also very effective for many other diseases of the respiratory system. This unique device will help you quickly cope with colds, pharyngitis, laryngitis and sore throat. Using the device you can quickly relieve an asthmatic attack of suffocation.

The main advantage of the device is that it allows drugs to be delivered directly to the site of inflammation, bypassing the digestive tract. Due to this, minimal doses of medications are used than when treating with capsules and tablets. If a patient takes medications orally, then in many cases a little of the medication penetrates the problem area, the rest is excreted without even having time to have a therapeutic effect.

  • If there is no alternative route for drug delivery into the respiratory tract.
  • If the patient is frail or children, when the use of pocket inhalers is very difficult.
  • Acute pathological conditions when the functioning of the lungs is severely impaired. Only thanks to the device can you quickly normalize the respiratory process.
  • In cases where the use of other types of inhalers causes discomfort.
  • If it is necessary for the patient to receive a large dose of the drug, but the systemic effect on the body is minimal.
  • If the patient has status asthmaticus.
  • For prolonged asthmatic attacks.
  • If there is a need to regularly moisturize the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

In any of these cases, the use of a nebulizer is necessary. Often asthmatics themselves prefer such a device to pocket inhalers, as they find it more convenient.

When inhaling medicinal solutions through a nebulizer, the risk of side effects and overdose is significantly reduced.

When you can’t do inhalations

Treatment with a nebulizer for bronchial asthma is not indicated in all cases. There are a number of contraindications to this procedure that you need to know:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • Asthmatic attacks are very severe and occur several times a week;
  • there are malignant neoplasms in the respiratory organs;
  • there are benign or malignant tumors in the brain;
  • if a person suffers from chronic hypertension;
  • if there are chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • with a tendency to pulmonary and nasal bleeding.

To exclude all contraindications, in some cases it is necessary to undergo a full examination. Therefore, if you have bronchial asthma, you should not start using a nebulizer yourself.

Contraindications include any damage to the mucous membrane of the throat, nose and trachea.

What solutions are used for inhalation

There are many drugs that are used for inhalation for asthma. But a specialist should select medications for an asthmatic, taking into account many factors. This will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the procedure and avoid complications. The main medications prescribed for inhalation through a nebulizer are:

  • Bronchodilators that can quickly relieve an asthmatic attack of suffocation. These include Salbutamol and Berodual.
  • Expectorant drugs – Lazolvan and Ambrobene. Both medications contain ambroxol.
  • For bronchial asthma of an allergic nature, cromoglyceric acid can be prescribed.
  • Preparations Pulmicort or Budesonide. These medications are prescribed if other medications do not have an effect and the patient’s condition sharply worsens.
  • Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs.
  • Antitussives, most often prescribed Codeine.
  • Antifungal drugs, if it is determined that the cause of the disease is fungal spores.
  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs, you can take both individual herbs and collections. In the latter case, the effect of treatment is higher.
  • Alkaline mineral water.
  • Essential oils, if the patient is not allergic to them.

Saline solution is often used for inhalation
. This drug is used for diluting other medications, as well as in its pure form, to cleanse the respiratory tract of mucus.

If the prescribed medications do not have an effect after several days of use or severe side effects appear, you should immediately consult your doctor. It happens that a drug is completely unsuitable for treating a particular person and the therapy needs to be adjusted. But you cannot replace medications yourself.

If the medicine was selected correctly and inhalations are performed in compliance with all rules, then there should be no side effects. At the beginning of therapy, side effects may occur that are associated with hyperventilation of the lungs. This condition most often manifests itself as nausea and severe dizziness. In such a case, the procedures are interrupted, the window is opened and breathing through the nose. If the side effects quickly disappear, then inhalation is resumed.

When inhaled, patients often experience a severe cough. This is explained by the effect of the drug entering the respiratory organs. In this case, they also wait a few minutes until the condition normalizes and continue inhalation. But you need to understand that in some cases a cough is the first sign of an allergy to a particular medication. If coughing attacks occur frequently when inhaling the medicine, you should inform your doctor.

The doctor selects medications for inhalation with great care. In some cases, medications can trigger allergies, which will lead to a worsening of the asthmatic's condition.

Features of treatment

Inhalations with a nebulizer can be done no earlier than an hour after a meal or heavy physical activity. In addition, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations from doctors:

  • When treating with inhalations, you must completely stop smoking.. But if a person is unable to cope with a bad habit, then he should not smoke for about an hour before and after inhalation.
  • It is necessary to breathe medicinal solutions at complete rest. You should not read a book or talk during the procedure. It is acceptable to turn on calm music.
  • Clothes should be loose; nothing should interfere with normal breathing;
  • After inhalation, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water to remove any remaining medication from the mouth. This point is especially relevant when using hormonal drugs.

The duration of inhalations should not be more than 20 minutes. The procedure time varies significantly depending on which medication is used. The course of treatment can last from several days to a week. Several procedures may be prescribed per day using either one or several medications.

To carry out inhalations, you need to take a mask of a suitable size; it should fit snugly to your face.

Regimen during treatment

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, the patient’s daily routine plays an important role. In order for the remission stage to be long-lasting, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • When treating with a nebulizer, you should drink more. Due to the fluid entering the body, metabolic processes improve, and sputum comes out easier.
  • Walk a lot outside, but only if you are not allergic to pollen. In this case, you can only go out in the evening or after rain.
  • Nutrition should be rational, with a large content of vegetables and fruits.
  • You need to give up smoked and fried foods.

Rehabilitation treatment for bronchial asthma necessarily includes various inhalations. Thanks to regular inhalation of medications, it is possible to make remission stable. If a medicine does not have an effect for several days, the doctor replaces it.

A nebulizer is a device that transfers liquid into an aerosol cloud. Bronchial asthma is one of the most common indications for the use of this device.

In order for inhalations with a nebulizer for bronchial asthma to bring maximum benefit, you need to choose it correctly and be able to use such a device.

Design and use of a nebulizer

A nebulizer consists of a functioning part (usually a compressor) that converts the medicinal solution into an aerosol. An air tube extends from the compressor, which ends in a nebulizer chamber. It has a special reservoir for medicines. A mouthpiece or mask is attached to the nebulizer chamber. The use of such a device makes it possible to deliver active substances directly to the bronchi. This local treatment has several important advantages:

  • achieving the desired effect after a short period of time;
  • the ability to significantly reduce the dosage of systemic drugs or abandon their use;
  • absence or reduction of side effects.

When using this device, you need to follow a few simple rules. One of these is to thoroughly rinse and dry the solution reservoir, tube, mouthpiece or tip after the procedure. After inhaling corticosteroids, you must wash and rinse your mouth.

Types of nebulizers

A compression or jet nebulizer is the most common and affordable device. In it, the transformation of a medicinal solution into a fine aerosol occurs due to the operation of a compressor, which generates a powerful air flow. Devices of this type have the following advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to spray any medicinal solutions while maintaining their structure;
  • the presence of an economizer, which ensures the supply of aerosol only at the moment of inhalation;
  • low price.

An electronic mesh nebulizer creates an aerosol cloud by delivering a solution onto a vibrating membrane. In addition to the advantages inherent in a jet nebulizer, this device is characterized by compactness and almost silent operation. However, the high cost of such a device is a big disadvantage for many.

An ultrasonic type nebulizer has an ultrasound generator. By influencing the medicinal solution, the ultrasonic wave creates an aerosol. Like the electronic mesh device, it is small in size and operates very quietly. The cost of an ultrasonic nebulizer is quite reasonable, but the big drawback of this device is the limited list of sprayed agents due to the ability of ultrasound to disrupt the structure of some dosage forms and large molecules.

How to choose a nebulizer?

It is highly advisable for those wishing to perform inhalations for bronchial asthma through this device to consult a doctor. It is recommended to choose a nebulizer depending on the characteristics of the disease and the prescribed medications. Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • size of particles produced;
  • “compatibility” with various drugs;
  • equipment;
  • possibility of autonomous operation.

The size of the particles that the device creates is the first thing to evaluate. This is especially true for ultrasonic nebulizers, since they often do not have the function of adjusting the size of the sprayed particles.

A device that creates aerosol particles ranging in size from 2 to 5 microns is suitable for therapy for bronchial asthma. They easily pass into the upper respiratory tract, settling in the target organs - the bronchi of medium and small caliber. Larger particles will remain in the oropharynx, larynx and trachea, while smaller particles bypass the bronchi and remain in the alveoli. The characteristics of many nebulizers indicate the percentage of aerosol particles produced. People with asthma are advised to give preference to models that generate the largest number of particles with a diameter of 2 - 5 microns (optimally 3 microns).

Most people with asthma are prescribed topical corticosteroids such as Pulmicort or Budesonide. Ultrasonic nebulizers are not suitable for the use of these suspensions. It is worth noting that in some patients the course of asthma is aggravated due to the presence of infection. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe a special antibiotic solution intended for inhalation. An ultrasonic device cannot be used for them.

In addition, when choosing, you should pay attention to the equipment included in the device. If it is purchased for a child, then a respiratory mask must be available. Otherwise, most of the aerosol will be sprayed into the environment. In severe cases of the disease, inhalations may be required at any time and anywhere, so it makes sense to give preference to a portable device that works autonomously.

Preparations for inhalation with a nebulizer

Using this device, you can provide both emergency assistance during the development of an attack, and basic therapy, which helps control the disease and avoid severe bronchospasm in the future. First aid medications that eliminate bronchospasm include the following solutions for inhalation:

  • salbutamol (“Ventolin Nebula”, “Salbutamol-native”, “Salgim”);
  • fenoterol (Berotec);
  • ipratropium bromide (Atrovent);
  • combined bronchodilator drug "Berodual".

As maintenance therapy for inhalation through a nebulizer, topical corticosteroids are prescribed:

  • "Budesonide-native" ("Pulmicort");
  • "Beklazon";
  • "Cromohexal".

In some cases, doctors prescribe inhalations for asthmatics with mucus thinners. However, they should be used with caution, since the presence of a large amount of sputum in the bronchi can cause spasm and the development of an attack. To facilitate the removal of sputum, you can use saline sodium chloride solution for inhalation. Please note that bronchodilators should be inhaled first, and only then corticosteroid and mucolytic drugs.

The choice of medications and determination of their dosages is carried out individually, depending on the age, course and type of bronchial asthma. The use of other drugs plays an important role; for example, the use of systemic corticosteroids leads to the choice of the minimum dosage of topical hormonal drugs.

What products cannot be used with a nebulizer?

Not all medications are suitable for inhalation through a nebulizer. An unsuitable solution, at best, can lead to damage to the device, and at worst, to a deterioration in the condition, even death. The following products cannot be used for inhalation via a nebulizer.

  1. A solution from an opened ampoule that has been stored for more than 24 hours will do more harm than good, since pathogenic microorganisms have already entered it. It is recommended to close the ampoule with the solution during storage with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol.
  2. Boiled or distilled water (it is also not suitable for diluting medicinal solutions), entering the bronchi, can cause severe swelling of the mucous membrane and provoke the development of an attack.

  1. Mineral water can also cause the development of edema; in addition, the true composition of bottled mineral water from unscrupulous manufacturers may be quite unexpected.
  2. A solution with soda “dries out” the airways, and if it is not concentrated enough, it will cause the development of edema in the bronchi. It is not advisable to inhale with soda without a doctor's permission. In addition, this solution is not recommended for use with some models of nebulizers.
  3. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs contain large particles. In addition, if such a solution enters the bronchi, it is highly likely to cause a severe allergic reaction in an asthmatic.
  4. It is not advisable to inhale suspensions with essential oils into the middle respiratory tract. Once in the bronchi, they form a film that closes the lumen, making it difficult to breathe and remove mucus.
  5. Corticosteroid solution intended for systemic use causes the same side effects when inhaled. It is advisable to replace it with topical corticosteroids, which are less likely to provoke the development of unwanted reactions.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that can lead to tragic consequences, including death. This disease is a consequence of bronchitis, the treatment of which was carried out improperly. The cause of the disease is the presence of an inflammatory process in the bronchi. Bronchial asthma is a disease that cannot be completely cured. Therapeutic measures only reduce the frequency of attacks, their intensity and do not allow the disease to progress.

The most effective way to alleviate the condition of a patient with asthma is inhalation therapy. Inhalations can be done using a special device - a nebulizer. It, its varieties and use for the treatment of bronchial asthma will be discussed in this article.

Efficiency of inhalations

Many asthmatics who use inhalation therapy for an asthmatic attack note their effectiveness. This is due to the peculiarity of the penetration of the healing drug into the body and the unique healing effect on the respiratory system during the procedure. The advantages of inhalation procedures using a nebulizer are:

  • The drug substance reaches the bronchi directly in the shortest possible time. This protects internal organs from side effects.
  • A larger amount of medicine reaches the affected area. When taking a drug in other ways, it initially enters the blood, and only then onto the affected area. This significantly reduces the concentration of the drug on the inflamed area, which leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect.
  • The effect of the aerosol on the inflamed bronchi lasts longer, since the drug remains in them for a longer time.
  • When using a nebulizer for inhalation procedures, you can stop an attack, both at home and while on the road.
  • Due to the design features of the nebulizer, you can not control the inhalations and exhalations. You need to breathe, adhering to your normal rhythm. Therefore, a nebulizer is an ideal option for treating children.

If you do inhalations correctly, the positive effect will be noticeable almost immediately. It is enough to do the procedure 1 or 2 times for a person suffering from bronchial asthma to feel much better.

Types of inhalers for asthma

Today, three types of nebulizers are produced:

  • Compressor (jet);
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Electronic mesh.

One of the most popular and budget options is a compressor nebulizer. The drug in it is converted into an aerosol form using a compressor that creates a powerful air flow. This device has the following advantages:

  • It is easy to use;
  • During spraying of the drug, its structure does not change;
  • Thanks to the built-in economizer, the drug is delivered only when it is inhaled;
  • Reasonable price.

An ultrasonic nebulizer is equipped with an ultrasound generator, which converts the healing solution into an aerosol form by exposing it to an ultrasonic wave. This is a fairly compact device that operates almost silently. Since the structure of large molecules in drugs changes under the influence of ultrasound, not all sprayed solutions can be used for treatment with a nebulizer for bronchial asthma. This is one of the significant disadvantages of the device.

In an electronic mesh device, the healing solution takes the form of an aerosol by applying it to a vibrating membrane. This device combines all the advantages that previous types of nebulizer have. However, it also has one significant drawback - high cost.

Inhalation using a nebulizer

Inhalation therapy using a nebulizer is a common way to treat asthma. Its undeniable advantages are:

  • You can use the device when the attack is just beginning;
  • The procedure can be performed even on patients connected to a ventilator;
  • It is possible to use the device while in a vehicle;
  • You can breathe during the procedure either through your nose or through your mouth;
  • Large doses of medications can be administered at once in one procedure.

The ease of use of the device means that even children aged 7 years and older can easily use it.

Nebulizer preparations

When treating asthma, inhalations are performed using an ultrasonic or compressor nebulizer. Therapeutic procedures can last for many years, so you need to be as careful as possible in selecting medications. The following list of medications is recommended to treat an asthma attack:

  • Bronchodilators are medications that help dilate the bronchi. They provide rapid relief of an asthma attack. These include Berodual, Atrovent, Berotek and Lugol's solution
  • Medicines that thin mucus and make it easier to clear. Mucolytics include saline, fluimucil and lazolvan. Their use is necessary because with bronchial asthma, viscous sputum accumulates, which is difficult to remove. As a result, the lumen of the bronchi narrows and an asthmatic attack begins. Lazolvan is also a good prophylactic drug.
  • Sodium cromoglycate is a drug that stabilizes mast cell membranes. With its help, an incipient attack of suffocation is stopped.
  • Glucocorticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs. Normalize lung function and help reduce bronchial activity.
  • If there is an infection, drugs with an antibacterial effect are prescribed.

Attention! Do not dilute the medicine with mineral or distilled water! This can cause an asthma attack. Only saline solution can be used to prepare the medicine.

Which nebulizer to choose for asthmatics

If a person with bronchial asthma prefers to use a nebulizer for inhalation therapy, he should first seek advice from his doctor. You should choose a suitable nebulizer model taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the list of prescribed medications. When buying a device, you need to carefully study its following characteristics:

  • The size of the drug particles in the aerosol;
  • Compatibility with other drugs;
  • Complete set of the device;
  • The ability of the device to work offline.

The size of the particles created is especially important when purchasing an ultrasonic nebulizer, since most of them do not have the ability to control the size of the particles produced.

It is recommended to treat bronchial asthma using a nebulizer, which can create aerosol particles 2–5 microns in size. Such molecules have better penetration into the upper respiratory tract. Larger particles do not reach the target, but settle in the oropharynx, larynx and trachea. Too small particles settle in the alveoli, bypassing the bronchi.

Many asthmatics are recommended inhalation procedures with the addition of topical corticosteroid medications, which are not intended for use in ultrasonic nebulizers. Devices of this type cannot be used if there is an infection in the respiratory tract, which is treated with inhalation with the addition of antibiotics.

When purchasing a nebulizer for a child, the device must be equipped with a respiratory mask; it prevents the aerosol from being sprayed around.

In severe asthma, inhalations may be needed at any second and in any place, which means you should choose a device that can work autonomously.

The service life of any nebulizer is approximately 100 inhalations, then the nebulizer needs to be replaced. The longer the operating period, the higher the price of the device.


When starting to treat bronchial asthma using inhalation procedures, you need to remember that they have a number of contraindications. You need to avoid inhalations:

  • At high body temperature;
  • With existing tumors in the respiratory organs;
  • During the period of exacerbation of the disease, when there are more than two attacks per week;
  • If there are tumors in the brain;
  • With frequent attacks of hypertension;
  • If there are problems in the functioning of the heart;
  • In the presence of purulent inflammation in the respiratory system;
  • If nosebleeds and pulmonary bleeding occur periodically.

If an asthmatic does not have these symptoms, then he can safely be treated with inhalations to get rid of his disease.

Attention! For bronchial asthma, inhalation through a nebulizer should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

Summing up

When performing inhalations during an attack of bronchial asthma, you cannot self-medicate; it is better to entrust this to an experienced doctor. Only he will be able to calculate the frequency of procedures and their time. A competent approach to the treatment of asthma makes it possible to gradually minimize the number of attacks. Carrying out inhalation procedures lengthens the period of remission and makes breathing easier, which allows asthmatics to live a full life.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease caused by an increased reaction of the bronchi to physical, chemical or other pharmacological stimuli. In patients with asthma, the bronchial mucosa is inflamed and the patency of the bronchial tree is impaired. An attack of suffocation may occur in response to exposure to cold air, allergens or nervous strain. Inhalations for asthma are the best option for treating the disease. This method will deliver the medicine to the bronchi and lungs. The choice of inhaler for therapeutic therapy depends on many factors.

An inhaler is a device that allows medications to enter the airways of a patient with bronchial asthma. There are several types of inhalers.
Types of inhalers used in the treatment of bronchial asthma:

Device typesOperating principleFlaws
Metered powder inhalerA dry dose of the drug in powder form enters the body. Easy to use, effective in treatmentHigh price
SpacerAssistive device for aerosol inhalation. Effective in the treatment of asthma in children, since the medicine enters the body only when inhaledIt is inconvenient to carry a medicine bottle and a spacer at the same time
Dosed liquid apparatusProvides release of the drug in the form of an aerosol.Inhalation must be done simultaneously with the release of the medicine, which is not entirely convenient for the child.
Steam inhalerRelease of the drug in the form of vapor at a temperature of 100 ⁰C. This method allows small particles of the substance to penetrate the pulmonary tract and bronchi.Do not use at body temperature above 37.5 ⁰C. It is inconvenient to inhale hot steam. The use of medications is limited Low concentration of the substance in the vapor, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment
NebuylaserThe drug is broken into small dispersed particles, which makes it possible for it to penetrate deep into the bronchi. The steam in the nebulizer is not hotEach type of device has its own advantages and disadvantages


Nebulizer is a device capable of breaking a medicinal substance into small particles that penetrate the bronchi and lungs in the form of a cloud. The steam from the drug is not hot, which expands the range of use of medications for treatment. This method of delivering particles of the substance promotes maximum effect and speedy recovery. The main condition when using a nebulizer at home is that after the procedure you must thoroughly rinse the solution chamber, tube, mouthpiece and mask.

Types of nebulizers

For inhalation for bronchial asthma, the following types of nebulizer are used:

  1. Compressor- this is a device in which the drug is sprayed using a compressor. A tube with a chamber for a therapeutic agent is connected to the compressor. An inhalation mask is attached to the chamber. This type of device is easy to use; the medication is inhaled only during inhalation, which saves it. When generating air masses, the compressor does not destroy the structure of the substance, which makes it possible to use almost any medicine for the treatment of bronchitis. Disadvantages include large size and noise during compressor operation.
  2. Ultrasonic- this device is equipped with an ultrasonic generator, with the help of which the solution is converted into an aerosol and enters the bronchi of the asthmatic. The ultrasonic nebulizer is compact in size, lightweight and virtually silent. A significant disadvantage of this device is that ultrasound destroys the structure of some substances, so hormonal drugs and antibiotics cannot be used in it
  3. Mesh nebulizer- this device is compact in size and easily fits in a handbag. Which is its undeniable advantage over other types of nebulizer. The principle of action is that the medicine is broken into particles using a membrane. There are no restrictions on the choice of drug. The device can be used even in an inclined position, which is important if a person is very sick and has to lie down. A relative disadvantage is the price of the device - it is higher than other types.

Which device should you choose?

Before purchasing a nebulizer for inhalation for asthma, consultation with a specialist is necessary. The choice of device depends on several factors:

  • size of the substance in the aerosol state;
  • compatibility of the device with prescribed medications;
  • equipment;
  • ability to work without a network;
  • sprayer operating life.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the particle size in the aerosol for inhalation with a nebulizer for asthma. Especially when it comes to an ultrasonic device. The particle size for inhalation for asthma at home should be no more than 2 - 6 microns. This size of molecules produced by the nebulizer will allow the drug to penetrate deeply to the intended target. If a person is seriously ill, then he may need a nebulizer for asthma in any conditions, so it is worth choosing a model with autonomous operation. In addition, the drug nebulizer has a certain service life. Usually it is enough for 100 procedures. A device with a longer service life is more expensive than its analogues.

Medicines for therapy

Inhalations for bronchial asthma allow you to block attacks of suffocation and carry out therapeutic therapy. Drugs prescribed for use in a nebulizer can be divided into groups:

  • drugs that relieve spasms (so-called bronchodilators);
  • anti-inflammatory substances (relieve swelling well, make breathing easier);
  • medications that dilute sputum (moisturize the mucous membrane, softening inflammation);
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • antitussives (for severe dry cough).

Not all prescribed drugs can be used during inhalation for asthma using a nebulizer. It is not recommended for use in the device, as they have no advantages when used in a nebulizer:

  • oil solutions, decoctions and herbal infusions;
  • Eufillin, Papaverine, Diphenhydramine (do not affect the mucous membrane);
  • Systemic hormones (Hydrocortisone, Prednisone and other systemic hormones)

The table below shows the drugs approved for use in the device.

Types of medications for treatment with a nebulizer:
Group of drugsNamePossibility of use in a compressor inhaler (yes +, no -)Possibility of use in an ultrasonic device (yes +, no -)
BronchodilatorsBerotek, Berodual, Magnesium Sulfate+ +
Mucus thinners (mucolytics)Lazolvan, Sodium Chloride, Ambrohexal, Fluimucil+ +
Antibacterial agentsFluimucil - antibiotic, Dioxidin, Gentamicin+ -
Membrane stabilizersCromoglycic acid, Poractant alpha, Surfacant+ -
Anti-inflammatory drugsBudesonide, Dexamethasone, Pulmicort (Rotocan - plant substance)+ Can only be plant-based
AntitussivesLidacoin+ +

Thanks to the use of a nebulizer, you can achieve stable remission at home, block asthma attacks and even return to your normal lifestyle. To do this, you must follow the recommendations for the use of medications and their dosages.