What to drink for a child with a severe cough. How to treat a child's cough at home

When a baby suffers from coughing attacks, parents worry because such symptoms may be caused by a serious illness. If the patient's condition is aggravated by fever and runny nose, he most likely develops a respiratory infection. Sometimes a child develops a severe cough for no apparent reason, does not go away for a long time and exhausts him and his parents. To help the baby, you need to find out the cause of the pathological phenomenon and choose the right treatment.

Causes of severe cough

Doctors warn that cough is a symptom of problems in the human body. It appears in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract by pathogenic microorganisms, dust, and dry air. This is a protective reaction that helps clear the bronchi of anything foreign and makes breathing easier.

Coughing is often caused by a normal physiological process. A healthy baby can cough involuntarily about 10 times a day. Reflex contractions of the respiratory tract free the bronchi from mucus and dust particles. Physiological cough manifests itself for a short time. There are no other symptoms of the disease.

The pathological process begins with the development of diseases associated with the respiratory organs. With influenza and other viral infections, the temperature rises, body aches and chills begin. If the child coughs heavily, painful painful attacks may be accompanied by sleep disturbances and vomiting. Mucus collects in the bronchi, which is difficult for the baby to push out. The main task of parents is to improve coughing in their child. This will make his condition easier during illness.

There are three types of cough, and each of them has its own characteristics.

Dry cough

When the baby does not produce sputum from the lungs, he develops a dry cough. It can be strong, suffocating and cause chest pain. The main cause is viral and bacterial infections.

  1. Bronchitis. It occurs as a result of an inflammatory process, accompanied by high fever, dry hacking cough and general weakness. It is treated by thinning the mucus and removing it from the bronchi.
  2. Pharyngitis and laryngitis. They are diagnosed by severe swelling of the larynx. The baby complains of a sore throat, gradually his voice becomes hoarse and often disappears completely. Shortness of breath and dry cough appear.
  3. Whooping cough. A rare disease from which children are protected by timely vaccination. If infection occurs, a dry, continuous cough appears.
  4. Measles. A serious illness begins with fever, runny nose, sore throat and dry cough.
  5. False croup. A very dangerous disease that occurs against a background of high fever and bouts of barking cough, from which the child suffocates.

When the baby lies in bed, mucus is poorly absorbed in the nasopharynx and bronchi. This worsens the blood supply to the lungs, and coughing attacks become more common at night. This indicates a viral infection or chronic sinusitis.

If the cough begins abruptly and is suffocating, it may be caused by a foreign object entering the respiratory tract. In this case, there is not a second to lose. Call an ambulance immediately.

A prolonged dry cough without fever is sometimes associated with the development of roundworm larvae in the child's body and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

There are many causes of the pathological phenomenon, so for a quick recovery it is important to make a correct diagnosis in time and begin treatment.

Wet cough

When a child coughs up mucus, his lungs are cleared. This cough is called wet. It occurs with acute respiratory diseases, runny nose, pneumonia or bronchitis. It needs to be treated quickly to avoid complications affecting the respiratory system. Parents should be wary if the following symptoms appear:

  • high temperature that is difficult to reduce;
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
  • wheezing during coughing attacks;
  • green color of mucus coming out of the bronchi;
  • droplets of blood in sputum;
  • nightly coughing attacks that continue for weeks.

These signs indicate the development of a serious respiratory tract disease. The baby should be shown to a doctor immediately. An experienced specialist will listen to the lungs and examine sputum. The disease can be identified by its color and consistency. Cloudy discharge indicates that inflammation has begun in the bronchi. A rusty tint appears with pneumonia, copious purulent mucus disappears with pneumonia and bronchitis.

In most cases, a wet cough indicates that the body is fighting an infection. Favorable conditions and proper treatment can quickly cure it.

Allergic cough

In a child, a severe cough can be triggered by an allergic reaction. It develops under the influence of dust, animal hair, products, chemical fragrances, shampoos and powders. Children who suffer from diathesis from infancy are more often susceptible to allergic cough. It differs from a common cold in that it goes away without fever or deterioration in general condition. Signs of the body's reaction to an allergen are:

  • sudden bouts of barking cough;
  • dry, severe cough that lasts for 2-3 weeks and is accompanied by a runny nose;
  • discharge from the bronchi of a small amount of clear mucus without any admixture of pus, sneezing, itching in the nose.

Before an allergic attack begins, many children complain that they have difficulty breathing. Shortness of breath appears due to swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and bronchi. The baby cannot clear his throat at night, sleeps poorly and cries.

In order to recognize the development of allergies in time, parents need to be attentive. If you suspect a disease, you need to identify the allergen and exclude the child from contact with it. Do this as quickly as possible. An allergic, severe cough in a child leads to the development of asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, which are difficult to treat and complicate life.

How to help your child with a severe cough

In order for the baby to recover faster, he needs to be provided with favorable conditions.

  1. Regularly ventilate the room in which the patient is located.
  2. Maintain good humidity in the room. To do this, it is recommended to purchase an air humidifier or place several cups of water near the heater.
  3. Wash floors and dust furniture once a day.
  4. Give your baby more warm liquids to drink. Milk, tea, and herbal infusions are suitable for this.
  5. Make sure your child does not sleep on his back. A coughing fit can cause vomiting, which is dangerous in this position.

Parents ask how to help their child with a severe cough. It is useful to do inhalations. They promote good mucus discharge and cleansing of the bronchi. They can be carried out using a nebulizer or in the usual way, by breathing over a bowl of warm water with the addition of salt and soda.

Children over 1 year of age are allowed to have mustard plasters installed. If your baby does not have a fever, lubricate his feet with cream and place moistened mustard plasters on them. Wrap your legs in a warm blanket and wait 10 minutes. Afterwards, put your child's socks on and put him to bed.

Complete information about what to do when a child coughs a lot can only be obtained from a doctor. Therefore, do not self-medicate. If your baby is suffering from suffocating attacks, call an ambulance. When he has cold symptoms, invite your pediatrician to your home. In other cases, visit the children's clinic yourself. To make a diagnosis and prescribe medication, you need to quickly get tested and undergo an in-depth examination.

Let's go to the doctor

Having figured out the cause of cough in children, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary medications. They are divided into three groups:

  • mucolytics (Bromhexine, Mucoltin, Ambroxol). The drugs dilute mucus and facilitate its removal from the bronchi;
  • bronchodilators (Glaucin, Saltos, Theophylline). They relieve bronchospasm and stop prolonged attacks;
  • herbal expectorants. Most often these are syrups or decoctions based on medicinal herbs. They help cure wet cough.

It is prohibited to treat a severe cough in a child unsupervised. An incorrect dosage can worsen the condition and cause suffocation in the patient.

If the cough is caused by an allergy, you need to go to an allergist. He will write out a referral for a test to identify the allergen, which is allowed for children after 3 years of age. When a dangerous substance is discovered, you need to completely protect your baby from it. To relieve severe coughing attacks, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines. Most often it is Diosalin, Suprastin or Loratadine. After taking them, relief does not come immediately. You need to wait half an hour before the cough calms down.

Traditional medicine

Traditional healers keep many simple and effective recipes in their treasury. Before using them to relieve a severe cough, consult your doctor. Pediatricians often recommend proven folk remedies for adjuvant therapy. In combination with medications, they significantly bring recovery closer.

  1. Badger fat is good for small children. In the evening they rub their back and chest and wrap them in a blanket. After a few hours, the body warms up and the baby begins to sweat. Then he is changed into dry pajamas and put to bed. In the morning, the cough becomes less pronounced, and the mucus clears better.
  2. For children over 3 years old, it is useful to dissolve a spoonful of fat in a glass of warm milk. Add honey to taste and drink in small sips before bed.

An infusion of pine buds has proven itself positively. To prepare it you will need 500 ml of milk. It must be brought to a boil, add 1 tbsp. l. kidneys, turn off and cover with a lid. Leave for an hour, strain and take 50 ml every 2 hours throughout the day.

If you need to know how to stop a child’s severe cough, you should use a proven folk remedy. This is onions with milk. To prepare it, you need to finely chop two peeled onions, combine them with 500 ml of homemade milk and boil. Simmer over low heat for an hour, then cool, pass through cheesecloth and drink 1 tsp. every hour.

Treatment of a severe cough in a child will be more effective if you use medicinal herbs. They should be used with caution and on the recommendation of a pediatrician. The herb is a potent drug that can cause allergies, so it is forbidden to increase the dose. After the first dose, you need to closely monitor the baby's reaction to the medicine.

To cure a dry cough, you should make a special collection. You will need to mix in equal proportions:

  • coltsfoot grass;
  • dried raspberry leaves and berries;
  • oregano flowers.

Measure out 1 tbsp. l, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. Take the healing infusion warm. For children from 1 to 3 years old, 1 tsp is recommended. three times a day. From 3 to 6 years, the dose is increased and 1 dessert spoon is drunk. Teenagers need to take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

When a child coughs heavily and produces sputum, it is useful to make a medicine based on plantain. You need to collect fresh leaves, wash them, chop them and take 3 large spoons. Place in a glass jar and mix with 3 tablespoons of flower honey. Close tightly and place in a warm place for a day. During this time, a syrup is formed, which quickly thins the mucus. It is taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

In winter 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves pour a glass of boiling water, infuse and drink 1 tsp. before eating.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of the disease in children, competent prevention is important. In order not to subsequently struggle with a strong cough in a child, it is advisable to prevent its occurrence. Good nutrition will help with this. You need to make sure that your baby’s diet has enough fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

You can improve immunity and increase resistance to infections with a vitamin and mineral complex. Ask your doctor which one is best for your child, and take it according to the instructions in the autumn-winter period.

It is very important to follow a daily routine and exercise regularly. Physical education greatly improves health and makes the baby strong and resilient.

Make sure your child dresses for the weather. Comfortable and practical clothes should be made from natural materials.

If the disease cannot be avoided, consult a doctor. Each disease requires its own treatment method, so you cannot do without the advice of an experienced specialist. Listen to them, follow all the instructions, and the baby will recover quickly.

Infants get sick most often with the onset of cold weather, in the off-season. It is at this time that bacteria and viruses are most active. The immune system, as a result, is subjected to severe stress. And since in children it is still too weak, there is nothing easier for the disease than to take advantage of the opportunity and penetrate the baby’s body. As a result, the infection is rebuffed, which is expressed in the form of a runny nose, fever and cough.

Colds and coughs in infants are very common.

Treatment of this symptom in infants is a very complex process, because medications familiar to adults are not suitable for them. Therapy should be as gentle as possible and at the same time effective, so that the sick baby does not develop complications. To get rid of cough, both traditional and home methods are used.

Types of children's cough

How to treat a cough in an infant so as not to harm him? What methods exist for this, and is it worth seeking help from specialists? To answer these questions, you first need to understand what a cough is and why it occurs in young children.

The symptom is caused by contractions of the tracheal muscles with the participation of the abdominal muscles - air is forcefully pushed through the respiratory tract, simultaneously freeing them from excess mucus and various foreign particles.

Often in infants, a cough is simply a protective reaction of the body and is not associated with a cold.

Cough can be of the following types:

  • dry (without mucus production);
  • wet (accompanied by copious sputum production).

This symptom, familiar to everyone, is the body’s protective reaction to irritation of the tissues of the throat and bronchi. When the epithelium is subjected to sedimentation by bacteria, special receptors are triggered, which is why a cough begins. In young children, the throat is much more sensitive because the respiratory system has not yet developed. Therefore, they cough much more often.

Causes of cough

Coughing in babies is quite common. Small children can choke while eating or inhale dusty air. The respiratory tract of a newborn contains quite a lot of mucus, which is very difficult to remove. However, it is not difficult to distinguish a painful cough from a normal one - it is often accompanied by wheezing, fever, and is systematic.

Dry air and dust in the apartment can cause coughing

The most common causes of cough in infants:

  • infectious diseases (colds and flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • dry air;
  • foreign bodies in the throat;
  • burns and wounds.

Allergies are also a common cause of cough. For a newly born child, all surrounding substances seem foreign, because the immune system has not yet fully developed. The result is a cough, snot and skin rashes in response to quite familiar factors (dust, small hairs, pollen, etc.).

Attention! A constant painful cough in an infant is a very alarming sign. At the first suspicion of any illness, it is better to call a therapist. Otherwise, parents expose their child to great danger - any illness is extremely difficult for him to bear and must be treated correctly.

If the cough does not go away for a long time, then you should show the child to the doctor.

Treatment of non-infectious cough

Sometimes it happens that the baby coughs, but does not get sick. This can be understood by his general health, the absence of high fever and high activity. In this case, the symptom cannot be ignored, because its presence indicates hidden pathologies.

Most often, such a cough develops from dried air in a house or apartment, especially if the heating season has begun - the radiators evaporate all the moisture during operation. In this case, it is better to purchase a special device - an air humidifier - and place it in the room where the small child is kept. Regular spraying with spray bottles also helps. The easiest way is to leave a well-moistened rag on the battery (but you will have to do this quite often).

When a child has an obvious allergy (this can be understood by severe coughing attacks that suddenly stop, tearing, rash, swelling of the face and limbs), antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavigil, Fenistil) will help. However, you can completely get rid of a cough only after a visit to a specialist.

Suprastin will help cope with allergic cough

Sometimes foreign objects get into babies' throats - accidentally or due to parental oversight. In this case, a foreign object stuck in the respiratory tract causes a persistent cough. You cannot remove it yourself - you need to call a therapist or go to the clinic to see an otolaryngologist, who will safely perform an operation to remove the foreign body.

When your child begins to cough heavily, but the reasons for the development of this symptom have not yet been fully elucidated, parents should adhere to a number of rules to alleviate the baby’s condition and improve coughing. Then the consequences of the disease will be minimal.

When a small child has a cough, you should:

  • Provide plenty of fluids for the baby (after 3 months);
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • sometimes pick up the child and turn him around.

Let your child drink more

If the weather permits (it’s not cold outside, there’s no wind or precipitation), you can go for a walk with your baby. Fresh air is good for the throat, improves expectoration and helps the immune system.

Cough preparations

How to treat a cough if it is caused by an infectious disease? Traditional methods involve the use of drugs. But not tablets, but special solutions or drops - they are harmless to babies.

A baby’s cough can be relieved with the following medications:

  • mucolytics (Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol);
  • expectorants (Stoptussin, Prospan, Gedelix);
  • antitussives (Sinekod, Panatus, Linkas).

Children aged 2, 4 months and older can take the above medications. For wet coughs, expectorants are given to help remove mucus from the respiratory tract. For dry skin with severe inflammation, mucolytics are suitable (they make sputum less viscous) in combination with antitussives.

Panatus is an effective antitussive remedy

Important: if you have a wet cough, you should not give antitussives - it causes stagnation of mucus. Also, do not give symptom suppressants and expectorants at the same time.

This remedy is perfect for treating a small child. Onion is a very strong antiseptic, and therefore, when it comes into contact with the surface of an inflamed throat, it produces a powerful healing effect. It not only kills the infection, but also slows down its spread. Among other things, the oils contained in onions have an enveloping effect, protecting tissues from irritation.

Preparing this product does not take much time - you just need to finely chop (or grate) 1-2 onions, mix with natural honey and leave for a couple of hours to infuse. If you don't have honey at home, you can use regular sugar. The resulting product is given to the patient 1 tsp. in the morning, at lunch and before bed.

You can prepare a cough remedy for your baby using onion juice.

Rubbing with badger fat

This home treatment method is suitable even for a month-old baby. Animal fat helps improve blood flow in the area where inflammation occurs (chest, throat) and relieve excessive swelling - this helps cough up phlegm.

Rubbing should be done like this - apply a sufficient amount of badger fat to the skin of the child’s chest and very carefully spread it in a circular motion throughout the lung area to the neck. When the product is absorbed, the patient should be wrapped for a while. The procedure can be carried out daily, but no more than once a day. At a temperature of 38 and above, rubbing should not be done.

More than one child has been cured using this method. If a child feels unwell and coughs a lot, you can use useful herbal remedies - they are natural and do not cause allergies or side effects.

Herbal decoctions are a very popular remedy; they can also be given to children.

If your baby is sick, the following decoctions and infusions are suitable for him:

  • coltsfoot;
  • licorice;
  • chamomile;
  • mint.

The dosage of any of the indicated herbal decoctions for babies is 1 tsp. three times a day. However, preferring home therapy to calling a therapist, it is worth remembering that no one is immune from complications - self-medication rarely leads to positive results. When an infant coughs, the best option is to trust the specialists.

In this video they will tell you how to properly treat a child’s cough:

It is extremely difficult for modern parents to accept on faith the fact that fresh, clean and moist air can be no less effective in treating coughs in children (including infants) than numerous pharmacy “delicacies”: syrups and lozenges, lozenges, tablets and other cough medicines. What does civilized medicine “say” about this? And how should parents behave if their child has been coughing for more than the first day in a row?

Treatment of cough in children - useless?

All children cough from time to time. As a rule, because they are sick, but sometimes because they breathe the “wrong” air. It is important for parents to understand that a child’s cough itself is not an independent illness; it is not a disease. A cough is always one of the symptoms of some disease that either has a negative effect on the respiratory tract or simply irritates it. Therefore, treating cough (and only it) in a child is quite pointless.

First of all, it is necessary to treat the disease that accompanies this cough. As for the coughing process itself, strictly speaking, it should not be treated, but alleviated. And these, as it turns out, are radically different actions.

Coughing is a defensive reaction!

In most cases, children's cough (including very painful ones) is a protective reaction of the body from harmful external influences. In response to an attack by viruses or bacteria, or as a reaction to an allergen, an increased amount of mucus begins to form on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which the body eventually tries to get rid of by coughing.

Why does a child need to cough at all? Then, so that viruses or bacteria that enter the lungs with air do not settle on their walls and cause a severe inflammatory process - for example, or.

Often a cough comes hand in hand, especially in infants. Because liquid snot (due to the fact that the child is often in a lying position) flows not only through the nose, but also flows in the opposite direction - into the pharynx and larynx. Which provokes the cough reflex.

What do our children get sick with when they cough?

So, cough is not an independent disease, but only a symptom. Either some kind of disease, or an air environment that is “not friendly” to the body. More specifically, the causes of cough in children are usually:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • allergens;
  • unsatisfactory air properties;

The most common “causative agents” of cough in children are infectious diseases and allergies (about 92% of all cases of cough in children occur precisely for these two reasons). Of this number, approximately 90% are due to infections, and only 10% are due to an allergic reaction. The undisputed champion among infectious diseases that make children cough is (acute respiratory viral infection).

However, cough is never the only symptom of the disease, whatever it may be. And just by the nature of a child’s cough (especially an infant’s) it is extremely difficult to determine what exactly triggered it: an infectious disease or an allergy, or maybe the dry and stale air in the apartment. It is necessary that the situation be assessed by an experienced physician, who in such situations tends to analyze a whole host of factors and symptoms, and not just the cough.

In addition to true diseases (allergies or infections), cough can also be triggered by external factors - namely, “poor quality” air. And it doesn’t have to be filled with toxins or smoke. Sometimes, in order for the baby to cough uncontrollably all night until the morning, it is enough to simply not ventilate the children's room for a couple of days and place a radiator near the child's crib for heating... Dry air will “force” the lungs to produce additional mucus, which the body will reflexively try to get rid of - using a coughing mechanism. However, in a dry climate, the mucus on the membranes will dry out quickly (doctors call this a dry cough), which means that the child’s cough will get worse and worse, without bringing him relief.

Why is cough worse in children than in adults?

The fact is that when we cough, our respiratory muscles work. It is the reflex contraction of a certain muscle group that leads to coughing up sputum. But in children under 3-5 years of age, the respiratory muscles are still too poorly developed. Therefore, it is many times more difficult for children to cough up phlegm than for an adult.

And if a child cannot cough up all the mucus accumulated in the lungs, then viruses can also settle there. And therefore, there is a high risk of a serious complication (a common cold can turn into prolonged bronchitis or pneumonia)... If the climate in the nursery is dry, and the baby, for example, has a clogged nose and constantly breathes only through his mouth, then the mucus in the lungs dries up .

A dry cough is difficult to cope with even for an adult. When phlegm (that is, mucus, which is produced in excess by the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract during a cold, allergic attack, etc.) dries, it becomes smaller in volume, but denser in texture - like small raisins. To cough up such a lump, the respiratory muscles need to make a fair amount of effort. But the child’s respiratory muscles are not yet developed enough to cope with such a maneuver.

To facilitate this process, it is necessary to “make” the sputum more liquid.

This can be achieved in two ways:

  • Using non-medicinal measures, which help relieve cough and support the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • Using two types of medications: some suppress the cough mechanism itself, others dilute the mucus so that it is easier for the baby to cough it up. In addition, in the case of an allergic cough, the child must naturally be given an antihistamine as a medicine.

Let's look at both methods in detail.

Method No. 1: No medications are needed to relieve a child’s cough!

There are simple “household” measures that nevertheless effectively help get rid of excess mucus in the child’s respiratory tract and relieve his cough. Among them:

  • 1 The first and most important measure is create a humid and cool climate in the room where the child lives. To moisten the airways, it is necessary for the baby to simply breathe moist air. You can increase the humidity in the room using a household steam humidifier. There is no steam humidifier - you can use an inhaler-nebulizer.

It is not for nothing that healers in past centuries strongly recommended that consumptive sufferers (that is, patients with tuberculosis) spend as much time as possible “on the waters” - namely, in a humid maritime climate. Increased air humidity significantly eases coughing and improves lung condition. On its own, without any medications.

  • 2 Sputum is formed with the help of special glands that are located on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The viscosity of the mucus that these glands produce is directly related to the viscosity of the blood. Thus, in order to relieve a child’s cough (that is, to make the sputum more liquid), it is necessary to reduce the viscosity of the blood. The easiest way to do this is to give your baby plenty to drink. Plain water, fruit compote, fruit juice, and tea are suitable for this.

Moreover, what is interesting: the effectiveness of any expectorant medications in comparison with the effectiveness of drinking plenty of fluids and staying in a damp, cool climate has not been recognized by science as higher! Simply put: if you adjust the climate in the nursery and give the child plenty of water, this will “work” against the child’s cough with a greater degree of effectiveness than if you start giving the baby expectorant medications.

The famous children's doctor, Dr. E. O. Komarovsky on the effective treatment of cough in children: “Even the most expensive and modern expectorant medicine is no more effective in treating cough than an ordinary saucepan with compote and a room that is well ventilated.”

  • 3 With a coughing child need to go for a walk! This is a very common myth - they say that if a baby is coughing and snotty, then he should not go for a walk. In fact, it's exactly the opposite! If the child does not have a high temperature (above 38 °C), it is not only possible, but also necessary to take him for a walk every day. To literally ventilate the airways.

Method No. 2: Cough preparations and medicines for children

Indeed, experienced doctors recommend “fighting” children’s cough primarily with “household” methods, which we listed above. However, there is also a medicinal method for treating cough. In the case of children under 6 years of age, two types of drugs are used against cough:

  • 1 Medicines that suppress the cough reflex.

When are drugs of the first category - cough suppressants - used? And why suppress it at all, when the cough mechanism itself is designed by nature in order to save our lungs from the risk of inflammation?

Cough suppressants are used in cases where the coughing process itself is not related to the condition of the lungs. For example, with whooping cough, a severe cough, as a rule, is not associated with damage to the lungs, but with the fact that the brain center “responsible” for coughing is affected (the so-called cough receptors are irritated). In addition, cough often occurs from external factors - a lot of dust in the air, or fumes, or smoke. That is, in cases where the cough does not depend on the amount of mucus in the lungs, but works only as a protective mechanism against “foreign and harmful” particles rushing into the lungs along with the air.

The cough receptor is irritated, but this is not associated with sputum, it is not formed and there is no need to act on it. But the cough itself needs to be calmed down - then cough suppressants are used.

Remember, only doctors can prescribe medications that “turn off” the cough (that is, suppress the cough reflex itself)!

  • 2 Cough expectorants(these are drugs that increase the amount of phlegm by thinning the mucus).

By acting on sputum, expectorants make it more liquid and thereby facilitate coughing.

Don’t be surprised if, after using expectorant medications (for children, they are usually available in the form of syrups), your baby begins to cough more than before. This is the effect of the medicine - it thins the mucus, turning a dry cough into a so-called wet one. The volume of mucus increases, and the body will try to clear it from the airways through coughing. For some time, the cough will become more intense, but the lungs and bronchi will finally get rid of mucus clots. Accordingly, the risk of complications will be significantly reduced.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of expectorant medications in any pharmacy. Starting from herbal mixtures and ending with sweet “tasty” syrups, for which children are willing to cough for the rest of their lives. These drugs, with varying degrees of effectiveness, act on sputum, diluting it. As a rule, after taking such drugs, the cough first intensifies (this is how the phlegm finally leaves the lungs), and then, on the contrary, it becomes quieter.

However, we repeat: a damp and cool climate in the house, as well as drinking plenty of fluids, affect phlegm in the lungs no less effectively (and in many cases, even more successfully) than any expectorant.

How and with what to treat a child’s cough: mistakes and prohibitions

There are two main, and at the same time very serious, mistakes that parents often make when treating coughs in their children. And every parent should know these two categorical “don’ts” as firmly as their name:

  • 1 You should not give your child medicine that suppresses the cough reflex. Let's imagine a situation: for certain reasons (due to a cold, or during an allergy attack, for example), an excessive amount of mucus is produced in the lungs. Accordingly, the child develops a cough, with the help of which the body tries to get rid of excess mucus in the lungs. If at this moment you “feed” the body with cough medicine (that is, a drug that suppresses the cough reflex), then mucus in the lungs will accumulate and will not be removed at all. At some point, this mucus will begin to obstruct air circulation in the lungs. In addition, viruses or bacteria present in the mucus and not expelled from the lungs (because the cough is “turned off”) will settle on the walls of the lungs, causing an inflammatory process - a complication will inevitably arise (such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.)
  • 2 You cannot give a child (or anyone at all!) two types of medications at the same time. This is the most difficult situation imaginable: give your child both a cough medicine (which suppresses the cough reflex) and an expectorant (that is, a drug that thins sputum and sharply increases the amount of mucus in the respiratory tract). In this case, the fluid in the lungs will constantly increase, and the baby will not be able to cough it up in principle. After a while you will hear wheezing and gurgling - the child must be urgently taken to the hospital.

How to treat a child’s cough: the great paradox

So, when treating a child’s cough, we have the following arsenal:

  • Everyday practice: establishing a cool and humid climate, drinking plenty of water, walking.
  • Two types of medications: cough suppressants and expectorants.

According to all the arguments listed above: we do not have the right to use cough suppressants on our own (of course, if we value the health of our children). Using expectorants is also difficult. Since they affect the mucus in the lungs and bronchi, which means they are not suitable for every cough.

More about this:

The fact is that, as you know, there are diseases of the lower respiratory tract (in other words, diseases that affect the bronchi and lungs), as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract (that is, diseases that affect the areas of the nose, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, larynx).

The fact is that it makes no sense to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract with expectorants (after all, they affect the mucus in the lungs and bronchi). It is strictly not recommended to treat diseases of the lower respiratory tract on your own. In this case, medications must be prescribed by a medical professional.

Judge for yourself: if you decide to give your baby a cough expectorant for a slight cough (let’s say, a tickle in his larynx) or, say, for a severe runny nose, you will get a child who coughs furiously all night long. Because in addition to the phlegm in the upper respiratory tract, he will also have an abundance of mucus in the area of ​​the lungs and bronchi.

What remains for parents?

So it turns out that the use of any medicine for a child’s cough must be strictly approved by an experienced doctor. However, parents still have effective means of combating cough: create a moist and cool microclimate in the baby’s room (ventilate, humidify the air, reduce heating), give the child plenty of water and regularly take him to fresh air.

The best conditions for a child to live indoors are an air temperature of about 21-22 ° C, air humidity of about 65-70%.

No matter how banal and “too simple” such treatment methods may seem to you, they are really effective, although they require a minimum of material costs. After all, isn’t this what every prudent parent wants for their baby: to be able to maintain their health without the participation of pharmaceutical assortment: without tablets, without syrups, without aerosols and drops?

A “normal”, non-allergic cough in a child is a great opportunity to trust the opinion of experienced doctors and try to support the baby’s health in a simple way - a cool climate in the house, an active lifestyle for the whole family and plenty of drinking for the child for several days...

The appearance of a cough in children is always unpleasant news not only for them, but also for their parents. If treatment is not started on time, this situation can lead to unpleasant health consequences. A severe cough in a baby is especially dangerous. How to help a child with this condition? You can get rid of this symptom at home using simple but effective methods.

If a child is suffering from a severe cough, then you need to help him get rid of it as quickly as possible.

What to do first

There are two types of cough: non-productive dry and wet, in which mucus is released. The first type occurs earlier and can become wet. It should be remembered that both wet and dry coughs are dangerous for the child’s body, so they must be treated in a timely manner. What to do to stop this condition? To do this, you should use the advice of experts:

  • Give your child plenty of fluids throughout the day. It is recommended to drink not only water, but also berry fruit drinks, compotes or decoctions.
  • Humidify the air in the room where the baby is. This procedure will have a beneficial effect on the baby’s health. The ideal device in this situation would be a humidifier. If it is not available, you can hang wet towels over the radiators or place containers of water near them.

Try to give your sick child more fluids to drink

  • If the coughing attacks are very severe, it is recommended to change the position of the baby's body when he sleeps. It needs to be turned from side to side so that the thick mucus in the bronchi drains better. It should be remembered that a situation where the child lies on his back should not be allowed. Vomiting may begin at any moment and may enter the respiratory tract.

Following these recommendations will help you quickly cope with a protracted illness. But home treatment for a severe cough in a sick child will not be effective without first examining the baby with a pediatrician. Only he will give the necessary recommendations and be able to prescribe the correct therapy.

Principles of treatment

How to cure a severe cough in simple ways? First of all, you should pay attention to the baby’s daily menu during illness. Mineral water with an alkaline composition will help cope with a severe cough. It will help not only fill the baby’s body with microminerals, but also restore water balance. No less useful are cereal porridges, which are good for clearing a sore throat.

You can give your child liquid oatmeal, it is a tasty and healthy dish.

It is better to give slimy porridges, for example, liquid oatmeal. In addition, during illness it is very important to take vitamin complexes, which will be prescribed by your pediatrician. They will strengthen the child's immune system. It is also recommended to feed your child salads made from seasonal vegetables.

It should be remembered that strong tea and other tonic drinks (for example, cola) are contraindicated during this period. Drinking in large quantities, they will prevent the separation of thick mucus from the bronchi. It is better to give your baby cocoa with added milk and herbal infusions for coughing. They should all be warm so that the secretion can drain away better.

If a child has a severe cough, then the sick person should be given freshly squeezed juices with the addition of honey. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add ginger root juice. This remedy will strengthen the baby’s immune system and help cope with cough faster.

A drink with honey and ginger strengthens the immune system and speeds up recovery

Excessively salty, dry, sweet or spicy foods will irritate the mucous membrane of the sore throat, so giving them during this period is not recommended. It is better to give preference to lightly salted food, in a liquid state, so as not to injure the throat. If the cough appears due to exposure to pathogenic microorganisms, the pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics.

Natural remedies

If a child has a severe cough, how else can this condition be treated? Banana mixture will help in the fight against severe coughing attacks. To do this, you need to bring half a ripe banana to a puree state and stir it in a glass of warm milk. Add ginger root juice (1 tsp) and let your baby drink in small sips. You need to be treated with this mixture until the cough goes away. You are allowed to drink any amount of banana-ginger milk per day.

A mixture with figs is no less effective in treating this condition. This fruit has a strong expectorant effect. To prepare a homemade medicine, you need to take 50 g of figs and chop them finely, add hot water or milk (150 ml) and leave to steep for half an hour. Give the baby one serving for three days, which must be divided into several doses. In addition, the baby can eat figs in their natural form. For a therapeutic effect, give him a few slices of fruit.

Inhalation with sea salt will help relieve an attack and ease expectoration

To relieve coughing attacks and clear the bronchi of thick secretions, inhalation with sea salt will help. To do this, you need to bring a liter of water to a boil and dissolve the product in it. The child should breathe over such vapors for 5-7 minutes. You should be careful when doing this. It is advisable to wait until the mixture cools down a little and the steam is no longer so scalding.

Not everyone knows, but ordinary beets cope well with even the most chronic cough. To remove or mitigate this condition, a child with a strong cough needs to eat several slices of root vegetables. It should be remembered that a large amount of raw beets can cause vomiting, so do not exceed the dosage. In addition to its antitussive effect, this root vegetable is good at relieving sore throats and softening it.

Anti-cough rubs

Rubbing can help in the fight against this condition. This method can be used even in very young children (but not younger than six months of age). In this case, you should pay attention to the following recommendations from doctors:

  • during rubbing, you cannot use the area where the nipples and heart are located;
  • all movements should be light and should be performed in a clockwise direction;

For small children, rubbing should only be done after consulting a doctor.

  • when treating children under 3 years of age with rubbing with a strong cough, you should consult a pediatrician;
  • the most powerful therapeutic effect will be obtained if you use this procedure before bedtime;
  • the skin should not be rubbed if the baby has a fever;
  • After the procedure is completed, the child needs to be wrapped in a warm blanket.

Pharmacy kiosks sell a large number of cough rubs. The purpose of this process is to warm up the bronchi, which will allow thick secretions to drain faster. At home, you can use vodka, propolis and animal fats (badger or bear). Before using any of these remedies, you should consult your pediatrician.

Animal fats, such as bear fat, are often used for grinding.

Bear fat has a warming effect. You should rub your baby's body with vigorous movements. For such a procedure, you can also use a fat tail. It, like bear fat, has a similar effect. After rubbing, the baby should be covered with a warm blanket. It should be remembered that sick children need to carry out such procedures only with barely warmed fat, otherwise it is very easy to burn the delicate skin. In addition, mother can warm up such a natural remedy in her hands.

In addition to the listed compositions, it is recommended to use goose fat. To carry out the procedure, you will need 120 g of the product, which must be mixed with 1 tsp. vodka. The mixture should be quickly applied to the child's body, paying special attention to the back. After this, you need to cover the baby with a warm blanket. In addition to the listed fats, pork and interior fats are also used in the treatment of cough. Such treatment methods are normally accepted by children and they usually do not become capricious during the procedure.

Whatever fat is chosen to combat this condition, you should remember that it must be stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it will lose its beneficial properties and acquire a rancid odor.

Goose fat is also often used to rub children

Therapeutic baths and massage

Massage is considered an effective procedure for combating cough. With its help, it is not only easy to relieve stress, but also to remove thick mucus from the bronchi. To do this, you need to place the baby on his stomach and tap the entire back with light movements from bottom to top. The child's head should be below the level of the buttocks. It is considered normal if the baby clears his throat during the procedure. This suggests that mom is doing everything right. Your attending physician can show you a more precise technique.

The method using medicinal baths will help to quickly relax the child’s body, warm the bronchi and dissolve phlegm, and also strengthen the immune system. Various medicinal herbs should be used as a basis. For example, chamomile, coltsfoot or eucalyptus. They have good sedative and expectorant properties.

It must be remembered that such a bath is contraindicated for children with elevated body temperature. This ban also applies to children with a runny nose. The procedure should take no more than 30 minutes. At the same time, parents should ensure that the water always remains warm. Otherwise, hypothermia and complications are likely to occur.

You can relieve a cough with herbal baths, just be careful

To prepare a bath for a child’s cough, you need to pour several handfuls of the selected dried flower with hot water. The liquid should cool to the optimal temperature for the baby’s skin. While the water cools, all the useful herbal extracts will have time to give it their valuable components. In addition, it is recommended to use one more method. To do this, you need to brew the herbs in a thermos and leave for 3-4 hours, and then pour them into bathing water.

Aroma oil therapy

Aromatherapy can help cope with cough symptoms. It not only has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the upper respiratory tract, but also helps strengthen the body's immune forces. In addition to the above, aromatic oils have a strong antibacterial effect. Such products can be used to warm the bronchi during inhalation procedures.

In addition, aromatic oils are widely used for rubbing against coughs, and are also sprayed around the apartment. There is only one contraindication to the use of this home treatment method - an allergy to the components that make up the oils.

Inhaling aromatic oils makes breathing easier and has an anti-inflammatory effect

To disinfect a room where a sick child is constantly present, you need to place a container of boiling water on the floor and drop a small amount of eucalyptus oil into it. All doors and windows in the room must be tightly closed. The room must be tightly closed and left in this state for 40 minutes. After this, the room should be well ventilated. This composition will help remove all pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria in the air. This means that the child will recover from cough much faster.

In addition to eucalyptus oil, lavender or chamomile oil is suitable. You should do the same as in the previous method or give the baby inhalation. You need to add 4 drops of the product per liter of boiling water. You don’t need to pour a lot to avoid an allergic reaction. The liquid should cool slightly, only after this it is necessary to carry out the procedure. Mixtures of medicinal oils are very effective. For example, eucalyptus in combination with chamomile. This will help not only remove the disease, but also kill all germs.

Eucalyptus oil is considered one of the most popular in the treatment of coughs.

If a very strong cough is productive, then inhalation with the addition of Zvezdochka balm will help increase the rate of mucus discharge. This pharmaceutical product contains essential oils of peppermint and eucalyptus and will remove the manifestations of a dry cough.

From this video you will learn how to relieve a child from a severe coughing attack:

When a child starts to cough, many parents wonder how to quickly cure it. Bronchospasm can occur for a variety of reasons. To select, you need to understand the nature of its occurrence and type. Pediatricians advise not to rush into taking pharmaceutical medications; in 25% of cases, attacks do not occur due to a virus or bacteria.

If the child is 3 years old or younger, you should immediately make sure that no foreign body has entered the respiratory tract. This will be indicated by attacks of suffocation and blue discoloration of the skin. The foreign object must be removed immediately, otherwise the baby may suffocate.

A simple cough in a child: what is it?

How to cure a cough - this question is asked by many parents who do not have time to consult a pediatrician. Most often, simple attacks of bronchospasm are associated with viral infections. For coughs, children over 4 years old are given special medications that are prescribed depending on the type of attack:

  • a dry cough will not go away quickly, as it needs to be made productive. Most often, such attacks occur in the initial stages of the disease;
  • A wet cough at home is easily recognized by an attentive parent. The attacks are accompanied by the release of mucus.

A cough medicine for children is prescribed after an accurate diagnosis is announced. Pediatricians identify several factors that contribute to the appearance of cough:

  • penetration of infection into the body is bacteria or viruses. A cough of this nature can be quickly treated using complex therapy. The doctor will prescribe tablets, syrups and home treatments;
  • allergies - in this case, children are prescribed special medications; if no measures are taken, the attacks will become chronic or swelling of the larynx may develop, which will lead to suffocation.

All harmful agents enter the baby’s body through the air. Allergies often occur to pollen, dust or pet dander. Pediatricians will tell you how to quickly cure such a disease after studying the appropriate tests for allergens.

Simple cough due to respiratory diseases

How to get rid of a cough that prevents a child aged 3 years and older from leading a normal lifestyle. When the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed, a cold occurs, one of the symptoms of which is a child’s cough. Many parents try to carry out therapy at home, forgetting about the complications that arise due to illiterate therapy:

  1. Inflammation spreads to the lower respiratory tract - lungs and bronchi.
  2. The appearance of otitis media and tonsillitis, the infection actively enters the hearing organs and nasal sinuses. In this case, children cannot do without special procedures and antibiotics.
  3. The progression of the disease into chronic sinusitis.

Why does a child develop a cough and fever?

Therefore, it is important to prescribe the correct medications for a child’s cough. A pediatrician will make an accurate diagnosis for a simple cold. Most often, therapy includes the following manipulations:

  • Drink plenty of fluids to help your cough become productive. In this case, folk remedies are allowed; these can be herbal tinctures and decoctions. For these purposes, expectorants are prescribed;
  • compresses - are prescribed only if the child does not have a fever; bronchodilators are prescribed - these medications dilate the bronchi, which helps remove accumulated mucus;
  • healthy eating and rest;
  • inhalations with extracts of medicinal herbs.

Special medications have been developed for children over 2 years of age. It is better to avoid inhalations, as a spasm of the respiratory tract may occur. This leads to a disruption in the breathing rhythm, and the baby will suffer from lack of air.

A good remedy for colds is hardening and choosing clothes according to the season. Parents are terrified that their child is freezing and put on a lot of clothes. This leads to disruption of natural heat exchange. A bundled up baby sweats and gets sick.

How to cure cough in babies under one year old

Newborns with any symptoms of a cold should be shown to a pediatrician. Many fathers and mothers prefer folk remedies, which grandmothers actively talk about. This treatment helps only in 10% of cases. Most often, a simple bronchospasm develops into serious illness. That is why, for a child under one year of age, all medications for cough should be prescribed by specialists, taking into account age and health characteristics.

Physiological cough is a common condition in young children. Many mothers are interested in how to eliminate such an attack. Doctors believe that this type of cough can be overcome by simply turning your son or daughter onto his stomach. Due to the fact that the baby is always on his back, mucus accumulates in his upper respiratory tract. This causes an attack, as the body tries to “clear” the path for easy breathing.

But kids also get colds. Therefore, it is important to understand how to quickly cure a child’s cough so that complications do not arise. If a 5-year-old child easily takes pills, then it is difficult to give a one-year-old child the necessary drug.

“False croup” is a term that doctors use when the vocal cords and larynx are swollen in a young patient. If a child has such an attack, then it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital. This condition is life threatening.

How to quickly relieve cough in a newborn patient? In this case, a decoction of medicinal herbs helps if the cold is not severe. An effective way to treat cough in a child with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is with plant-based syrups:

  • Doctor Mom - the drug allows you to remove phlegm. The dosage is calculated based on the weight and age of the child;
  • Gelisal – has virtually no side effects, the period of therapy should not exceed 10 days;
  • Linkas is a cough medicine that is chosen by many leading pediatricians in the country.

Many parents quickly treat cough in children with medications that contain acetylcysteine ​​and ambroxol. In many countries, these drugs have been banned since 2010, as there is a large list of side effects. In Russia there are no such restrictions, but parents should not be negligent when purchasing medications for the treatment of a one-year-old family member.

List of medications for babies over one year old

It is important to cure a dry cough, as it greatly weakens the immune system and brings discomfort around the clock. What helps babies from 1 to 2 years old? Syrups that effectively fight coughs:

  1. Bromhexine is an expectorant. The standard dosage at this age is 2 mg 3 times a day.
  2. Sinekod (drops) - facilitates breathing due to a direct effect on the cough center. Dosage – 10 drops 4 times a day.
  3. Bronchicum - prescribed for infectious inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. The doctor will prescribe the following dosage - 2.5 ml 2-3 times a day.

How to treat a child’s cough with folk remedies

“Dry mixture” deserves special attention. With its help you can get rid of cough at home. A 2-year-old child should be treated with medications carefully. An incorrectly calculated dosage can cause swelling of internal organs, poisoning, and gastrointestinal upset.

What to give for cough at 2 years old

Only a small number of parents are able to quickly get rid of a cold at home. It is easy to give your child a pharmaceutical drug. The main thing is not to make mistakes in self-diagnosis. Expectorant medications can help quickly cure a dry cough. But if the remedy does not help, then you should go to the hospital. If pneumonia or pneumonia is suspected, the young patient will be sent to hospital treatment.

Cough at home in two-year-old children is treated with the following medications:

  • Linkas – syrup with plant extracts. Children of two years old take the drug with pleasure, since it is deliberately sweetened. But not everyone likes the over-sweetness of a pharmaceutical product;
  • Erespal - dilates the bronchi and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body as a whole;
  • Anise drops - simple dosage, 1 drop for every year of life. The drug must be diluted in water.

Only a pediatrician can tell you how to cure a cough without harming a young patient. The doctor will select the best remedy and calculate the dosage. When getting rid of painful attacks, the baby will immediately feel better.

Medicines from three years and above

The symptom of a cold is often a simple cough. Doctors know how to cure this condition. A child 3-4 years old should be shown to a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary medications.

Many medications for this age are available in tablets. A 4-year-old child can be offered the drug, previously crushed into powder. Ambroxol is the most popular medicine that will help get rid of a child’s cough. Your pediatrician will tell you how to take the pills.