Application for a discounted voucher. Additional vouchers to camps for children on benefits are available for booking

Are there discounted vouchers for low-income families in 2020? Basic concepts and terms. Categories of the population entitled to receive vouchers.

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Conditions and requirements for issuance. These and other aspects related to the topic under consideration are presented in this article.

Supporting low-income families is an important area of ​​national social policy. For this category of population, a fairly large number of both federal and regional benefits are provided.

Discounts, compensation payments and other preferences are all available to low-income families.

We should also pay attention to the provision of preferential vouchers to camps, sanatoriums and other recreational facilities for low-income families.

General information

Low-income families have the right to receive discounted vouchers to various health institutions.

You can visit them throughout the year, but preference is still given to the summer months, since during this period children are free from educational activities.

There are several ways to receive discounted vouchers to camps, sanatoriums, etc. In 2020, low-income families will also be able to receive them absolutely free.

Funds for obtaining discounted vouchers are allocated from the federal and regional budgets. Parents have a choice - receive a free trip or purchase it at their own expense and then return the money.


The main concepts appearing in the proposed article are presented in the table:

Categories of citizens entitled to assistance

Not every person has the right to receive discounted vouchers. According to the current legislation of our state, get a free opportunity to relax in any health institution.

  • children aged 6 to 15 years, brought up in single-parent or large families;
  • children left without parental care;
  • children living in families that have official low-income status;
  • children suffering from various serious diseases.

To receive preferential free travel vouchers for the above-described categories of citizens, it is necessary to collect a certain set of documents and certificates. There are several institutions that have the authority to issue free vouchers to preferential categories of citizens.

What the law says

Various legislative acts of our state contain provisions according to which certain categories of citizens, including low-income families, are provided with various benefits.

These include:

  • maternity capital;
  • various compensation payments;
  • cash benefits;
  • free trips to various health camps, sanatoriums, etc.

The order of the President of the Russian Federation, which was adopted on May 5, 1992, “On measures of social support for large and low-income families,” spells out all the benefits and preferences available to these categories of the population.

However, this document does not contain benefits on the basis of which a low-income family can qualify for free vouchers.

This measure of social support is regulated by regional legislative acts of the constituent entities of our state. The procedure for obtaining preferential vouchers is being developed at the regional and local levels.

In most cases, the availability of benefits for providing vouchers to low-income families is determined by the size of the budget of a particular subject of our country.

Therefore, if you want to receive a free trip, you need to refer to the legislative acts of your subject and find out about the availability of this kind of preference.

Key points for obtaining preferential vouchers for low-income families

To receive a free trip for a child from a low-income family, his parents or other legal representatives must submit an application to the institution that has the authority to consider it.

In this case, it is necessary to document the existence of family ties with the child or the right to his guardianship and representation of interests.

As a rule, the number of discounted vouchers is always limited, so parents need to take care of completing documents and submitting an application in advance. The benefit can be used once a year.

Receiving algorithm

You can apply for a preferential free trip to several institutions. The form used to fill it out depends on the authority to which the citizen applies.

In most situations, the submitted application along with an application in the form of a package of documents is considered within ten working days, but in some cases the period may be extended.

In the process of considering the submitted application, all claims for receiving the described benefit, the number of available vouchers, etc. are taken into account. It is worth noting that you cannot go to every health facility with a discounted voucher.

It is necessary to understand that issuing vouchers for low-income families is not practiced at the federal level.

In order to understand whether a citizen has the opportunity to receive it, it is necessary to refer to the legislative acts of the subject in which he lives.

The algorithm of actions for obtaining a free discounted voucher depends on the institution to which the application is submitted.

Through the clinic

If a child has a chronic disease, a pediatrician or other specialist can provide a child from a low-income family with free access to health treatments in sanatoriums throughout the country.

If a child cannot go to the countryside on his own due to his young age, his mother can go with him (Mother and Child tour). In this case, it will be necessary to submit additional documents for registration of the child’s mother.

All state clinics must provide the opportunity to visit a sanatorium; details of this right can be found at the reception desk.

To obtain a ticket to a health camp, you must submit the following documents:

  • completed application;
  • child’s health resort card;
  • a certificate from a dermatologist confirming tests for enterobiasis.

Social Security Administration

Regardless of the place where documents are submitted, their set must necessarily contain the following:

  • application for a trip to a health camp;
  • birth certificate or passport of a citizen (child);
  • passport of one of the parents or legal representative;
  • registration documents from place of residence.

Separately, it is worth noting the documents confirming the child’s preferential status. These include:

  • birth certificates of all children in the family (for a child from a large family);
  • guardianship documents;
  • death certificate of parents (for orphans);
  • income certificates (for a child from a low-income family).

Legal grounds for refusal

A compelling legal reason for refusing to provide a free voucher is the lack of free preferential seats, since their availability is always limited.

Another reason for refusal to issue a preferential voucher may be late submission of the application and relevant documents.

Summer holidays are the most awaited time. Both children and parents are looking forward to it. But not everyone can afford to pay for their children’s stay on vacation. And here the state will come to their aid, providing discounted vouchers to children's camps. Because today the highest priority in our work is to protect the rights and interests of the child.

Various establishments are ready to accept children in the summer, for example, a sanatorium, tourist, sports and health camps. These establishments are happy to welcome children at different times of the year, but especially many children come in the summer. The programs at summer camps are very diverse. Depending on the program of stay they are divided into groups. For example, sports camps often organize hikes, recreational activities, and competitions.

Most often, shifts last 3 weeks, and camps are located within the city, within the region, and sometimes in another country. There are other equally interesting camps, for example, adventure, language, etc. But most often, discounted vouchers for children are provided to health institutions. Here children can undergo rehabilitation and preventive measures. The procedures are aimed at a specific profile of the disease or at improving the health of the child as a whole.

Who applies for discounted vouchers?

Typically, travel benefits are allocated to children from 6 to 15 years old from families:

  • incomplete;
  • large families;
  • low-income;
  • from any where the child suffers from a serious illness;
  • where one of the parents has a disability (group 1-2);
  • in which one of the parents became unable to work while performing official duties;
  • ordinary, where the parents are employees of a budget organization;
  • forced migrants.

In addition, children without parents or guardians (orphans).

But one should not assume that children from an ordinary family will not be able to get a discounted ticket. On the contrary, it is realistic to organize a free vacation for such a child with vouchers if he is the winner of competitions, sporting events, Olympiads or quizzes. In addition, talented children are often accepted for free in camps with thematic sessions.

You need to know that sending preschoolers or children requiring care is allowed with their mother. Unfortunately, this applies specifically to mothers, but the Mother and Child program does not cover fathers, grandparents and other relatives. But some camps (there are not many of them, but they exist) allow the presence of any other relative instead of the mother.

What is included in the services

What is included in the free holiday? First of all, this is accommodation and food. What kind of table there will be: dietary or regular - depends on the health establishment. In addition, the package includes cultural events (their availability, quantity, and specifics depend on the camp), health procedures, supervision of teachers and medical supervision. The child's mother is provided with accommodation and food, but, unfortunately, all medical services must be paid for themselves.

Don’t be afraid to take discounted vouchers to camp during school hours. After all, many institutions work with children according to the school curriculum during rehabilitation, treatment or recreation.

It should be noted that the state takes upon itself compensation for the children’s stay in the camp, but both the child and the mother will have to get to the vacation spot at their own expense. Only a few categories of citizens are reimbursed for travel costs. These include people with disabilities, low-income people and residents of the Far North.

Where can I get a discounted ticket?

Now it has become easier to apply for benefits for children's holidays. There is no need to collect a huge amount of paperwork, stand in line, overcome bureaucratic delays, or waste a lot of time. Here are several options for obtaining free travel vouchers.

In children's clinics

Each child must be assigned to the clinic at the place of registration. It is this institution that can help organize a discounted voucher, since it is doctors who issue most referrals to camps and health resorts.

To understand whether there is such a chance, and where they are sent at this time of year, you should carefully examine the stand near the registration desk. But if there is no information on the stand, then you need to contact the head of the clinic. If there is such an opportunity to go to a medical institution, the local doctor will write out the necessary document (certificate, referral), which will be the basis for issuing a voucher.

In the hospital

If during the last year a child has suffered a serious illness or surgery and needs to undergo rehabilitation, then he is also entitled to benefits. In this case, in order to apply for benefits to receive a voucher, you need to ask the attending physician to fill out the paperwork before discharge. He must write a conclusion with a recommendation to refer the patient to rehabilitation after treatment. Upon discharge, the nurse will explain where and when you need to go to receive a free voucher. Some medical institutions refer patients for free vacations on their own.

At the place of work of one of the parents

If at least one parent is an employee of a state enterprise, then the children can easily count on spending their holidays in a camp at the expense of the budget. To do this, you must submit an application. But, as in previous cases, you need to have a document from the clinic stating that the children really have a medical indication for a vacation in a health organization.

Remember! An employee who has worked at this enterprise for at least a year can receive a discounted voucher!

Department of Social Security Administration

Here, vouchers are issued to children without parents and to disabled people. To do this, it is important to provide papers and certificates from hospitals confirming your status, and other standard documentation.

In the Social Insurance Fund

This place offers benefits exclusively to disabled children. To do this, you must provide a certificate confirming your disability. In addition, do not forget to arrange vouchers for the person accompanying the children from the fund.

In schools, municipal administrations (youth department)

If the child is healthy, then he can receive preferential tickets to children's camps for achievements in sports, studies, etc. at school or at the district administration. To do this, you need to contact the director, head teacher of the educational institution and, if the school has such an opportunity, apply for a voucher. Or submit an application to the youth affairs department.

Design rules

You should start submitting documents in advance if you want to attend the summer season, as it is the most popular. Or 2-3 months before the trip.

The following papers are submitted:

  • statement;
  • certificate of health of the holidaymaker. Referrals from medical institutions, hospitals, etc. should be attached;
  • document confirming the child’s identity;
  • if there is an accompanying person, his identification card;
  • documents on registration at the place of residence.

This is a standard package of documents that is provided to receive preferential vouchers. But each authority may require additional paperwork, depending on which category of benefits the voucher will be received for. Here are some of them.

  • large families: birth certificates of all children, document confirming status;
  • guardians: a document confirming the right of guardianship;
  • orphans: death certificates of parents;
  • low-income families: certificate, documents on income for 3 months or a certificate from the Employment Center;
    disabled people: certificate confirming the disability group;
  • single-parent families: divorce certificate, death certificate of the spouse, document confirming that the mother is raising the child alone, etc.;
  • talented children: certificates, diplomas and certificates of competitions, competitions, etc.

When submitting documents, you should find out which camp has vouchers and how they are issued. Be sure to indicate which sanatoriums or camps are suitable for you. Remember that vouchers vary in price and therefore some of them are issued free of charge, and some with partial payment.

Usually documents are reviewed no more than 10 days. Once a decision is made to issue a voucher, a number of camps will be offered to choose from. If none of the offers suits you, you can refuse. The child's name will not be crossed out from the list, and as soon as new options arrive, it will be possible to choose again.

They may refuse to issue a voucher if there are no empty seats or documents were not submitted on time. Therefore, you need to worry about your trip in advance.

How to compensate for an already purchased ticket

If the trip was purchased through other organizations, there is an option to compensate in full or part of the vacation. To do this, you should contact the same place where documents for free travel are submitted, for example, social security authorities. An application and paper confirming payment (invoice, receipt) are submitted. In addition, a ticket stub and a certificate of family income are attached. If the family or child is a beneficiary, then it is necessary to attach papers confirming this status.

Families whose income does not exceed the level established by the regional governing body can count on compensation. In addition, the amount of compensation cannot exceed the average cost of the trip according to the tariffs of the region where the child lives.

Those who belong to preferential categories can count on a full refund of their vacation (100%). The rest will be offered compensation up to 90% of the trip, but most often they will reimburse no more than 50%. A prerequisite is the length of stay in the camp. It should not be more than 21 days (calendar).

In addition, the state does not reimburse the payment for the voucher if the camp or sanatorium is not included in the list of those who are allowed to provide services to the population. And also having quality and living conditions that are insufficient for their profile. That is, the camp or sanatorium must be accredited and have a license.

Recreation for children in a camp or in a sanatorium is not only beneficial for their health, but also communication with peers, and in the case of disabled people this is important. This is gaining new knowledge and impressions. Therefore, every parent wants their child to receive a ticket. But, if you still manage to save the family budget, then this can be of great help, especially for families in dire need of it.

Starting November 2, Muscovites can apply for discounted vouchers to health camps. About 50 thousand children will relax outside the city and on the sea coast next summer. Who is entitled to a free holiday and what has changed in the conditions for issuing vouchers, the RG correspondent found out.

Five weeks instead of two

Children of 13 preferential categories can count on vouchers. Among them are disabled people, orphans and children from low-income families. You can book a free trip this year, as last time, in two stages. On the first one - from November 2 to December 10 - you need to decide on the time of rest and indicate the regions where you would like to send your child. Thus, the time to submit an application through the portal is now given not two weeks, but five. The parents asked for an extension. Like, there will be more time to think about everything and plan a vacation. At the second stage - from February 7 to 21, 2018 - parents will choose a specific recreation center or camp, as well as the exact dates of arrival. If the proposals of Mosgortur do not suit the fathers and mothers of the beneficiaries, they can refuse the voucher and receive 30 thousand rubles in return. In this case, parents take the children's holiday entirely on their own shoulders. The money must be transferred to them by March 18. In this case, you will not have to report for your vacation.

Principle of justice

For the first time, Mosgortur intends to select recreation centers with an accessible environment for children with musculoskeletal disorders who use wheelchairs. To do this, parents need to check the appropriate box. Another innovation is that fathers and mothers of disabled children can refuse an already allocated free trip, explained the general director of Mosgortur, Vasily Ovchinnikov. However, there must be a good reason for this - sanatorium treatment or rehabilitation.

In the case of a joint holiday this year, you will also have to indicate the SNILS for the person accompanying the child. This may be not only a parent or legal representative, but also another adult family member. He needs to draw up a power of attorney and have it certified by a notary.

In this application campaign, as last time, the “principle of fairness” will apply. If there are more requests for the vouchers themselves, children who have rarely gone on vacation over the past three years or have not gone at all will go on vacation first, Mosgortur explained.

Top three

Last summer, young Muscovites gained strength in 16 health camps and 18 recreation centers. Most people went to the coast of Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. Next in popularity is central Russia. Mainly Tula, Lipetsk and Tver regions. In third position is the Moscow region. For the first time, children were accepted by children's camps in the Rostov region. It was not possible to send anyone to the Leningrad region, since only a few people wanted to go there.

In general, the summer health campaign went smoothly. However, there were some hiccups - due to the Confederations Cup matches in Moscow, buses designed to transport children were occupied. They found a way out - the children were taken to the airport on Aeroexpress trains.

More information about the rules for issuing preferential vouchers can be found on the website of the company that organizes children's recreation "Mosgortur": Here, fathers and mothers of children who do not fall under any of the preferential categories can buy a paid tour to a recreation center or health camp. Prices vary and depend on the duration of the stay, program and vacation spot.

Beneficiary children entitled to free trips in 2018

To children's health camps (individual recreation)

Orphans and those without parental care aged 7 to 17 years inclusive.

Disabled and disabled people aged 7 to 15 years inclusive.

From low-income families aged 7 to 15 years inclusive.

Victims of armed and ethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters aged 7 to 15 years inclusive.

From families of refugees and internally displaced persons aged 7 to 15 years inclusive.

Children who find themselves in extreme conditions, aged 7 to 15 years inclusive.

Victims of violence aged from 7 to 15 years inclusive.

Children from 7 to 15 years old inclusive, whose life activity is disrupted as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome them on their own or with the help of their family.

Victims of terrorist attacks aged from 7 to 15 years inclusive.

Children from families of military personnel and persons equivalent to them who died or were injured (wounded, injured, concussed) while performing military service or official duties, aged 7 to 15 years inclusive.

Children from families in which both or one parent is disabled, aged 7 to 15 years inclusive.

Children with behavioral problems aged 7 to 15 years inclusive.

In organizing family-type recreation and recreation (joint recreation)

Orphans and children left without parental care aged 3 to 17 years inclusive.

Disabled and disabled people aged 4 to 17 years inclusive.

From low-income families aged 3 to 7 years inclusive.

To country camps for youth (age: 18-23)

Persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, who, according to federal law, are entitled to additional guarantees for social support - when receiving vocational education or undergoing vocational training, and living in Moscow.

They are guaranteed by Federal Law No. 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.”

According to this law, any Russian child can go on vacation. But parents must queue up in advance and collect the necessary documents. The number of tickets is limited.

It should be taken into account that the law is uniform, but each region of the Russian Federation implements it in its own way. Of course, there are also general requirements. We will talk about them.

Who gets free passes?

First of all, those children who have health problems and have fewer opportunities to relax for money. That is:
  • disabled people;
  • orphans;
  • sick children and children after surgery;
  • children from large, low-income and single-parent families.

A preschooler or a child who needs to be looked after can be accompanied by an accompanying person under the Mother and Child program. As the name suggests, Mom can always go. Regarding fathers, grandmothers, aunts and other adults, you need to check with a specific sanatorium or camp.

What can you get for free?

For the child, free stay, accommodation, meals with or without a diet, cultural events, supervision by a teacher and health workers.

The accompanying person will be accommodated and fed free of charge. But for him, health procedures are already paid.

But both the parent and the child will have to travel to the vacation spot at their own expense. Exceptions for disabled people, low-income citizens and residents of the Far North.

Are there huge queues for free tickets?

Not really. Enrolling a child in a camp or sanatorium is a bureaucratic procedure. Some parents don’t know about it, others don’t want to understand it.

Therefore, you may well get a free trip that others were too lazy to apply for. But, of course, in the summer the competition is much higher. It is better to agree to a spring, autumn or even winter vacation if you like the institution, its location and other conditions.

Even if they tell you “There is nothing,” still stand in line. Several tours may become available in your region. People change their plans or complete paperwork incorrectly. Then the place is passed on to the next.

Where should I go to get a ticket?

Each region is allocated a certain number of vouchers, which are then distributed among clinics, schools, social insurance funds and other social agencies. That is, one child can get to the same sanatorium or camp with a voucher from the clinic, another - from the school.

The most common option is to apply for a trip through a clinic. If your child is sick with something, consult a specialized doctor. He knows what documents are needed from him to register for a sanatorium or children's camp. He will give directions for tests and tell you which institutions you can go to.

But there are also health and preventive programs in which a healthy child can participate. Ask your pediatrician about them.

If for some reason you do not take a medical course, you can try to take a school voucher. Such vouchers are given to children who study well, show success in sports, or participate in competitions (so keep different diplomas and certificates). You can ask the head teacher or director about vouchers.

You can also ask around:

  • Department of Social Protection;
  • trade union;
  • Department of Family Affairs.

When to submit documents?

Preferably now. Then there is a chance to get into the camp in the summer or early autumn.

What documents are needed?

To queue for a ticket, you will need:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the parent's passport;
  • information about the child’s registration at the place of residence;
  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming the absence of contraindications for relaxation in a sanatorium-resort center (if accompanied by an adult, the same for him);
  • referral for treatment for certain indications.

To register for a sanatorium or health camp when the voucher is already in hand:

  • sanatorium-resort card (taken from the pediatrician at the clinic after the child’s test results arrive);
  • certificate of no contact with infectious patients at the place of residence and in a child care facility (from a pediatrician);
  • extract from the medical history;
  • certificate of the epidemiological environment and vaccination calendar (from school);
  • copies of birth certificate and medical policy.

Some institutions may require some additional information. Check this on the website or by phone.

It is better to take tests when they have already called you and said that they are giving you a ticket. Results have a limited shelf life. Therefore, a situation may arise when a urine test, for example, is no longer valid, and you have not even been invited anywhere yet. Then you will have to take everything again.

There are cases when the child has already arrived at the holiday destination, and the parents send some certificate or updated analysis result that was lost in a hurry by email or fax. But it is better to have a complete set of documents on hand.

Does going to a sanatorium or children's camp mean skipping school?

Not necessarily. In some institutions, children are taught according to the school curriculum. The list of items can be clarified in a specific camp or sanatorium.

If there are no lessons, the child will in any case be given a certificate for school. But he won’t be allowed to get bored or stand on his own: the teachers monitor the regime and conduct various activities.

How to get a ticket faster?

You can buy a ticket and then receive partial or full compensation for it. This way you will have more chances to choose your holiday destination and check-in time. The same documents will be needed for registration.

Compensation is guaranteed to everyone. But its size depends on the place of work of the parents, type, category of benefits. For example, low-income and large families and families where parents do not work for health reasons can return the full cost.

They receive compensation after check-in from the Social Insurance Fund. You can check this in advance with the authorities where the voucher was issued. To receive you need to provide:

  • statement;
  • original and copy of the parent’s passport;
  • birth certificate or passport of the child;
  • documents confirming the benefit (if you have one);
  • return ticket from the camp;
  • bank account number.

One parent can receive compensation once a year.

What helps you most to get a ticket?

Just in case, once again: the parent’s persistence helps.

Ask, clarify, call. And everything will work out.

Not so long ago, the parents of a child in need of sanatorium treatment or a vacation in a health camp were knocked off their feet, getting the coveted voucher.

Today, the procedure for referring a child for rehabilitation has become more understandable and accessible to the average Russian family. Thanks to the functioning unified portal of public services The procedure for applying for a voucher has been simplified.

However, many Russians still do not know about their child’s right to free treatment in health institutions.

Legislative framework

Let's consider the main legislative acts regulating the allocation of vouchers for free health care for children.

Federal law dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ“On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation.” Article 10 of the Law establishes that state and municipal medical institutions should provide free medical care aimed at maintaining the health of the child, restoring children with or serious illnesses through sanatorium-resort holidays.

Federal Law “On State Social Assistance” dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ fixed the rights of preferential groups of Russians (including children) to receive free sanatorium and resort services in special medical institutions.

Also, according to Article 8 of the Law, it is possible for government agencies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to develop their own support documents, as well as regional programs that provide social services to the population of the subject (including sanatorium and resort recreation for children).

Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Ministry of Health, the main ones of which are:

  • from 5.05. 2016 No. 281-establishes lists of medical indications for sanatorium and resort treatment of children;
  • dated December 20, 2004 No. 319 – contains a list of health resorts that provide health improvement for Russians, including the children’s population;
  • dated December 29, 2004 No. 328 - contains an algorithm for organizing sanatorium and resort health improvement for children on benefits.
  • dated November 22, 2004 No. 256 - regulates the procedure for medical selection and referral of sick children to sanatorium-resort treatment.

Information letter from the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated May 29, 2009 No. 14-5/10/2-4265/p. In addition to federal acts, each region of Russia is developing its own documents on the treatment and recreation of certain categories of children at the expense of the local budget (within "Mother and Child" programs ). The region has the right to determine a wider list of groups of the child population who are provided with free treatment and recreation in sanatoriums and camps.

Who is eligible for this government assistance?

According to federal law(at the expense of the state budget):

Children whose parents are in trade union organizations, can also count on vouchers to health facilities, but most often not for free, but on a preferential basis. Children whose parents are in the state civil service can apply for a sanatorium-resort holiday free of charge or at a reduced price, if the government agency has the appropriate departmental organizations. For example, children of tax service employees have the right to rest in the sanatoriums “Raduga”, “Hellas”, “Podmoskovye”.

According to regional programs(at the expense of the local budget) a child can count on free trips to sanatorium-resort organizations and health camps:

  • from a family with little income;
  • from ;
  • lost parents;
  • whose family suffered due to robbery, violence and other unforeseen events, for example, lost their home (list of categories is open).

Information about which categories of children may qualify for free treatment and recreation in a particular region can be obtained at the regional social security office. Also, the specified information should be available to the territorial government agency (for example, in Moscow you can contact the District Administration).

List of health resorts and camps

Taking into account the diagnosis, the child can be sent to one of the sanatorium-resort organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Health. A list with addresses and specialization of medical organizations can be found in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 20, 2004 319, as well as on the official website of the Ministry of Health in the “Subordinate organizations” section.

Also, a subject of the Russian Federation may have its own subordinate sanatoriums or commercial medical organizations, with which relevant government contracts have been concluded through the placement of a state order. Many of these organizations work under the “Mother and Child” program– provide sanatorium and resort services to children in need of treatment and provide the opportunity to be accompanied by their parents.

For example, Moscow has about 130 sanatoriums and health camps for children and teenagers. In addition to selling tours on a commercial basis, the city Department of Culture for certain periods of the year offers free trips to these institutions to children on benefits based on Moscow and federal documents.

Registration procedure

The first step is to submit an application to the state medical organization where the child is registered.

Also, the question of special treatment can be raised by the baby’s attending physician himself.

If a child has undergone surgery in a clinic and needs rehabilitation, you can express your desire to undergo additional rehabilitation in the hospital (before leaving the hospital and in the next six months).

Based on the results of the examination, a certificate for obtaining a voucher (official form 076/у-04).

Next, the child’s parent must write a statement stating that the child is applying for a voucher, and also submit following documents:

  • compulsory medical insurance policy (original/copy);
  • the child’s birth certificate or passport if the child is over 14 years old (original/copy);
  • personal document of the parent, in case he will be with the baby in the sanatorium.

Next, the clinic sends petition and collected papers for the child to the Ministry of Health, and the baby is included in a special register (vouchers are provided in accordance with the date of registration). Disabled children and their accompanying persons have a priority right to be sent for treatment.

The clinic or hospital monitors the availability of vouchers and the priority of children and informs the citizen-applicant about the available options for sanatorium-resort treatment. The dates of the sanatorium-resort holiday may be shifted from those indicated by the applicant.

If the applicant agrees with the option of a sanatorium-resort holiday, a clinic or hospital issues a health resort card(upon arrival at the health resort, it is handed over to the specialist appointed for the child.

Alternative methods of obtaining vouchers

There are also additional ways to obtain free health care for your child:

  • disabled children can receive free vouchers to health-improving organizations by contacting directly the Social Insurance Fund (or the social protection body, if it is the successor to such a function of the fund);
  • through social protection authorities (if in the region sanatorium services are provided as a measure of support for children on benefits);
  • through the trade union organization at the place of work.

It is necessary to take into account that, regardless of the method of organizing a sanatorium-resort holiday, the child will have to undergo a medical examination and based on the diagnostic results, his parents will be offered a treatment option.

Possibility of refunding the cost of the trip

Federal regulations do not provide for payments for self-selected resort treatment or recreation for children on benefits.

However, children with disabilities can replace the treatment they are entitled to at a health resort with the monetary equivalent established by Federal Law No. 178-FZ (this year it is 58 rubles per month). To do this, the child’s parents must submit an application to the social protection organization or through the multifunctional center for the provision of public services by October 1.

Regional laws may establish their own rules for monetary compensation for treatment and recreation of children.

For example, the Decree of the Moscow Government (No. 29-PP dated February 15, 2011) determined the possibility of compensating part of the money spent by parents on organizing the child’s health - up to 50 percent of the costs, no more than 5 thousand rubles.

In the Tomsk region, an annual return of funds spent on treatment in a sanatorium is provided for a schoolchild under 15 years old and a child in a difficult life situation under 17 years old, a preschool child over 4 years old if such treatment was organized in Russia.

In addition, full or partial compensation for amounts allocated for the treatment and rest of the child may be provided by the organization with which the parent’s employment contract was concluded.

As a rule, in order to return the amount spent on health improvement, you need to provide several documents: a voucher, a financial document confirming its payment and an account to which compensation will be calculated, as well as personal documents of the parents and the child. You may also need a certificate indicating the financial condition of the family and income for a certain time.

The “Mother and Child” children’s health program is described in the following video: