The new hepatoprotector Laennec will help restore liver function. Laennec: droppers or injections? Indications and contraindications for the procedure, effects on the human body, treatment regimen Features of the technology for obtaining Laennec

According to many famous cosmetologists Laennec is one of the top products for improving the condition of the skin and the body as a whole..

This miracle drug was developed in Japan many years ago, but it appeared here relatively recently and has already been included in the register of medicines that have a beneficial effect on the normalization of many vital processes of the body.

Initially, this drug was aimed at treating the liver, but over time it was discovered that its effect was much broader.

Today the drug Laennec (Laennek, Linek) is widely used in cosmetology, where it has a very good lifting effect, because it has medicinal properties. In many respects, the results of the application are comparable to surgical facelift.

The mechanism of action of the Japanese drug, composition and active substance

The main substance from which this cosmetic product is made is the human placenta obtained during childbirth.

Laennec (Laennek, Laynek) is a hydrolyzate of human placenta, the action of which is determined by enzymes and other biologically active substances of the placental hydrolyzate.

The main feature of this drug is that it itself finds dysfunctional and damaged cells and restores their normal vital functions.

It contains the following substances:

  • Cell growth factors;
  • Combination of water-soluble cytokines;
  • Low molecular weight proteins and amino acids;
  • vitamins C, D, E, PP, B1, B2;
  • organic and nucleic acids, etc.

What is the drug used for - indications for use

Laennec (Laennek, Lainek) is a drug in cosmetology that accelerates tissue regeneration processes, activating the process of cell restoration. This drug is known in the treatment of more than 80 diseases.

In addition, its action has a very broad effect on the treatment and healing of the entire body:

  • improves the functioning of internal organs;
  • used in the treatment of herpes;
  • treats various types of dermatitis;
  • various liver diseases;
  • improvement of memory, vision, hearing;
  • infertility;
  • loss of strength and fatigue.

Application of Laennek (Lainek) in cosmetology - why

According to cosmetologists, when using this drug, the immune system is strengthened, the skin is refreshed and rejuvenated, a lifting effect appears, wrinkles are smoothed out, and it is also effective in the treatment of skin diseases, acne and skin pigmentation.

Laennec (Laennek, Linek) is a drug in cosmetology, which, thanks to its composition, has a rejuvenating, healing and restorative effect.

Doctors note that the use of such a drug after surgical operations affects a significant improvement in the general condition of the body in the postoperative period:

  • accelerates scar healing;
  • regeneration processes in tissue are accelerated;
  • the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • resistance to infections entering wounds appears.

The drug has a bactericidal effect leukocytes in the blood, which helps destroy pathogens of any infections in the blood.

Efficiency and results of use for skin rejuvenation

When using Laennec (Laennec, Linek), the aging process of cells noticeably slows down, the complexion improves, the skin becomes elastic, acquires a natural color, a lifting effect is felt on the face, pigmentation decreases, wrinkles and folds are smoothed out.

Recent studies have proven that - If you use the product in medium-peeling skin cosmetology, the effect of facial rejuvenation without surgical intervention improves.

Placental injections of the drug are not stimulants, they are a normalizer that brings the patient’s entire body into physiological balance.

Laennec - Instructions for use

Before starting the procedures, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and take tests for hormones, infections and blood sugar levels. Taking into account the state of the body, an individual course of drug use is selected for each patient.

In cosmetology, the drug Laennec (Laennek, Linek) is used intramuscularly, intravenously and subcutaneously. using the mesotherapy method, and pharmacopuncture injections are also used, but for the best effect, it is better to combine the administration methods. The dosage for each patient is selected individually.

A course of 5 droppers 2 times a year is considered optimal, and for deeper treatment 10-12 procedures are prescribed, 2-3 per week.

Pay attention! After administration of the drug, compactions may occur, which may disappear after 30-50 minutes, and bruising may also appear.

Drug safety

Experts pay special attention to obtaining Laennec. Placenta donors are observed throughout pregnancy and their health is regularly monitored and the pregnant woman’s body is checked for the presence of infections and viruses.

Laennec (Laennek, Linek) a new drug in modern cosmetology

After successful labor, the placenta undergoes multi-level testing and cleaning, which indicates the high safety of the drug.

The product is not addictive and can be combined with other anti-aging drugs and medications.

Important to know! The patient enters into an agreement to take the placenta long before the birth, and the donor can only be a Japanese woman who has not traveled outside the country over the past 15 years or during pregnancy.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of the drug Laennec (Laennek, Linek) in cosmetology is prohibited:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • if you are allergic or sensitive to one of the components of the drug;
  • patients with cancer.

In rare cases, side effects of the drug may occur. At the time of the study, side effects were found in no more than 4% of patients. After administration of the drug, compactions, redness of the skin, soreness, itching, breast enlargement in men, and hematomas may be observed, which disappear over time.

Important to know! To prevent side effects, an allergy test to the components of the drug is performed to avoid the occurrence of anaphylactic shock.

The use of Laennec is often recommended for people with poor health and fatigue, because in addition to its use in cosmetology and the treatment of various types of diseases, it perfectly treats chronic fatigue syndrome, after which health, memory, a surge of strength improves, mood improves and resistance to stressful situations appears.

Laennec (Laennek, Linek) drug in cosmetology

Thanks to its many regenerative properties, the drug has a calming effect on the body and can be used to treat stress and depression

The use of the drug for such purposes is useful for elderly people, as well as people tired from hard work, working in a stressful environment to improve the nervous system, etc.

Please note
! The use of the drug Laennec (Laennec, Linek) is possible only after consultation with a doctor, who will objectively assess the advisability of its use in cosmetology and calculate the dosage, as well as compare its interaction with other drugs (in the case of taking other medications).

Terms of sale, expiration date and storage method

Today there are many offers on the Internet for the sale of this medicine.

Laennec is quite expensive, and not the entire package may be used for a given course of treatment. In such cases, it is better to contact special medical institutions that are ready not only to administer the drug internally, but also to carry out the entire complex of treatment under the supervision of specialists.

It is necessary to store the drug in a place protected from the sun at a temperature of 18-25°C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

The average cost of the drug Laennec (Laennek, Linek) in cosmetology is 13,000 rubles.

If you contact cosmetic centers, the cost of administering one ampoule is about 3,000 – 6,000 rubles, and pharmacopuncture administration is even more expensive.

It's no secret that any woman wants to look irresistible at any age and spends a lot of time and money on self-care. But time mercilessly takes away the youth of the body, the beauty of the body and psychological stability.

Many specialists and doctors are confident that thanks to the Japanese development, it is possible to regain strength and youth without surgery.

Video about the benefits and properties in cosmetology of the drug Laennec (Laennec, Linek)

Action and features of using Linek (Laennek), in this video:

Famous TV presenter about the drug Laennec (Lainek):

Placental therapy with Laennec:

Pharmacopuncture with Laennec:

Registration number: P No. 013851/01

Trade name: Laennec

Dosage form: injection solution


2 ml of the drug contains -112 mg of human placenta hydrolyzate, water for injection, pH corrector (sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid).


Transparent liquid from light yellow to brown color with a characteristic odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective agent.

ATX code: L03, A05BA

Pharmacological properties

Laennec exhibits immunomodulatory properties due to the ability to stimulate humoral immunity and increase the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells; increases the bactericidal activity of peripheral blood leukocytes, manifested in their ability to destroy the captured pathogen. The cytokines included in the drug activate the metabolic and supervisory functions of skin cells.

Biologically active substances found in the hydrolyzate stimulate the regeneration (proliferation) of hepatocytes, exhibit detoxification properties, reduce the deposition of lipids and cholesterol in liver cells, increase the activity of tissue respiration, activate metabolism in the liver, and reduce the intensity of development of connective tissue in the liver.

Indications for use

The drug is used in complex therapy of the following diseases:
chronic recurrent herpes, moderate and severe atopic dermatitis (including complicated).

As monotherapy for chronic liver diseases: steatohepatitis (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology).


Hypersensitivity, childhood, pregnancy, lactation.

With caution

The drug should be used with caution in patients suffering from polyvalent allergies to drugs, as well as in the elderly.

Directions for use and doses

For chronic recurrent herpes and atopic dermatitis:

intravenous drip administration: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the drug (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of 5% dextrose solution or saline and administered through the cubital vein over 1.5 - 2 hours. Injections are carried out 3 times a week with an interval of 2 days. The course of treatment is 10 injections.

For chronic liver diseases: steatohepatitis (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology):

  • intramuscularly: 2 ml per day (112 mg of placenta hydrolyzate). Depending on the severity of the disease, the frequency of injections can be increased to 2-3 times (up to 6 ml) per day;
  • intravenous drip: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the drug (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of 5% dextrose solution or saline and administered through the cubital vein over 1.5 - 2 hours.

Injections are carried out daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Side effect

It is observed in 3.7% of patients.
Clinically significant adverse reactions.
Allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, are possible.

Other adverse events

Overdose: There are currently no cases of overdose of Laennec reported.

Interaction with other drugs

When Laennec is mixed with other drugs that are strong bases (pH above 8.5), its activity is reduced as a result of pharmaceutical interaction.

There is no information on any other clinically significant interactions with Laennec to date.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Use of the drug in children

Studies on the safety of Laennec in premature babies, newborn infants and minors have not been conducted. Use in children is not recommended.

Use of the drug in the elderly

According to currently available data, advanced age is not a contraindication for the use of Laennec. However, since physiological functions deteriorate in the elderly, the use of the drug should be carefully monitored.

Information about the possible impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery has not been established.

Release form

Solution for injection. 2 ml in dark glass ampoules of hydrolytic class 2. Each ampoule has a white spot indicating the place where the ampoule is broken. 10 or 50 ampoules in a cardboard box with cardboard partitions with instructions for use.

Packaging for hospital: 200 ampoules in a cardboard box with cardboard partitions with instructions for use.

Best before date

3 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Laennec (form - solution) belongs to the pharmacological group of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. The instructions for use highlight the following features of the medicine:

  • Sold only with a doctor's prescription
  • During pregnancy: contraindicated
  • When breastfeeding: contraindicated
  • In childhood: contraindicated
  • For liver dysfunction: you can
  • In old age: with caution



One ampoule of Laennec contains 112 mg of human placenta hydrolyzate (cellular growth factors HGF, EGF, FGF, IGF-1, TGF-β, NGF, 18 amino acids, interleukins, low molecular weight peptides, vitamins E, C, D, B2, B1, PP , about 100 enzymes and over 40 minerals).

Additional substances: sodium hydroxide, water.

Release form

Laennec is available in 2 ml darkened glass ampoules, 10 of these ampoules per paper pack.

Pharmacological action

Immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug has an immunomodulatory effect due to its ability to activate humoral immunity and increase the activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells. Increases the bactericidal activity of leukocytes, manifested in their ability to eliminate the captured pathogen. The cytokines included in the drug stimulate the metabolic and barrier functions of the skin.

Substances present in the hydrolyzate stimulate the restoration of liver cells, exhibit antitoxic properties, reduce the accumulation of lipids and cholesterol in hepatocytes, activate tissue respiration and metabolism, and inhibit the development of connective tissue in the liver parenchyma.

Indications for use

  • recurrent chronic herpes (as part of multicomponent therapy);
  • severe atopic dermatitis, including complicated (as part of multicomponent therapy);
  • chronic liver damage: steatohepatitis (metabolic, alcoholic and mixed nature);
  • use of Laennec in cosmetology: improving skin quality, reducing pigmentation and wrinkles, normalizing pH balance, creating a lifting effect.


Contraindications to taking the drug:

  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • childhood;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Use with caution in elderly people and people with polyvalent allergies to pharmaceuticals.

Side effects

Clinically significant reactions: allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock is possible).

Other phenomena: pain at the injection site, anesthesia at the injection site, gynecomastia (relationship with the drug has not been proven).

Instructions for Laennec

For atopic dermatitis and recurrent chronic herpes, the drug is administered intravenously by drip: 10 ml (five ampoules) are dissolved in 260-500 ml of saline solution or 5% dextrose solution. Injections are made at intervals of 2 days. The course of therapy includes 10 such administrations.

For chronic liver damage, it is recommended to administer the drug intramuscularly, 2 ml per day. The frequency of injections, if necessary, can be increased to 3 times a day. The drug is also allowed to be administered intravenously as described above. The course of therapy is up to 3 weeks.


There are no data on cases of overdose.


When mixing Laennec with other drugs - strong bases (alkalinity above 8.5), the effect of the drug is reduced.

Terms of sale

Can only be purchased with a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep away from children. Store out of reach of light at a temperature of 18°-25°C.

Best before date

Three years.

Special instructions

Does not affect the ability to drive a car or other vehicles.


At the moment, analogues of this drug are not available.

"Laennec" is a multifunctional universal drug, the action of which is aimed at treating various health problems, in particular with the liver. In order for the effectiveness of the medication to be fully demonstrated, it is necessary to follow the instructions for use and become familiar with the composition and properties.

A unique drug based on human placenta (its hydrolyzate) was developed by Japanese scientist Hieda Kentaro, whose goal was to create a drug that could restore the cells and functions of a damaged liver.

Numerous studies have shown that the use of this remedy can not only achieve the initial goal (cure the liver), but also stop the aging process, as well as significantly improve the general condition and functioning of all internal organs.

This effect is due to the composition of the drug, which includes about 100 components, the main ones being:

  • Peptide substances (help enhance the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin;
  • Growth factors;
  • Antioxidants (prevent the aging process);
  • Cytokines (have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects);
  • Proteins and acids necessary for the functioning of normal metabolism;
  • Vitamins are vital microelements.

When the drug enters the body, blood circulation increases, metabolic processes and the functioning of all internal organs are improved, so the skin receives intensive nutrition and takes on a fresh and toned appearance.

In Japan, Laennec is used to treat more than 80 ailments; in Russia it is widely used in dermatology, immunology, gynecology, and cosmetology.

"Laennec" is available in the form of injection ampoules, produced exclusively in Japan under strict government control. In Russia, the drug underwent clinical trials at several of the country's largest universities and received approval and permission for use for therapeutic purposes.

The price of the drug in Russia is from 12,000 rubles per package.

How to use a course of injections (droppers) - treatment regimen

Depending on the diagnosis or the nature of the cosmetic problem, the attending physician individually selects the dosage and injection schedule of the Laennec drug.

The classic course of placental therapy is 3 weeks. There are 2 main regimens for administering the drug:

  • Injections "Laennec". What is it - the drug is injected into the cubital vein or into the problem area intramuscularly every other day, 4 ml;
  • Droppers "Laennec". A course of 10 injections (10 ml, 2 per week).

At home, administering the drug yourself is only possible if you have the appropriate medical skills.

"Laennec" for psoriasis

In Russia, Laennec is officially used in immunology and dermatology. To treat psoriasis, patients are prescribed a course of 10 intravenous drips (2 per week).

When administering the drug for the first time, it is recommended to administer 2 ml of the drug, during the second and subsequent administrations – 10 ml. With such a skin disease, “Laennec” allows you to get rid of discomfort (itching, flaking of the skin), and also helps restore normal skin and strengthen the immune system in general.

"Laennec" for infertility

Clinical trials have proven that "Laennec" is a drug that can eliminate most of the problems with the inability to conceive a child:

  • it normalizes hormonal levels in women,
  • stimulates the restoration of damaged organs of the reproductive system,
  • prevents the development of viral infections and inflammatory processes.

The drug is also used as part of complex therapy in preparation for IVF; it helps strengthen the immune system and increase the chances of an easy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

The drug is administered through droppers or pharmacopuncture. The administration regimen and dosage are selected by a fertility specialist individually based on tests and ultrasound.

"Laennec" for the endometrium

Insufficient endometrial function is one of the most common causes of female infertility. In case of chronic endometritis, reproductologists prescribe Laennec to treat inflammatory processes on the uterine mucosa and restore its functionality.

Application in gynecology

In Russia, the medicine is widely used in gynecology. According to doctors, in this area of ​​medicine it has established itself as an effective remedy in the following cases:

  • with hormonal dysfunction;
  • with inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages, ovaries;
  • when adhesions form;
  • with endometritis, etc.

The type and method of treatment are determined by the doctor depending on the disease, the degree of its development and the individual health characteristics of the patient.

Use in menopause

The classic treatment for menopausal disorders is hormone therapy, but in some cases its use may not be possible (due to individual contraindications or the woman’s reluctance).

In this case, placental preparations, which include Laennec, can significantly improve your well-being.

Laennec helps to significantly improve the condition of the patient during menopause, as well as prevent the occurrence of hormone deficiency in women of Balzac age

The World Health Organization recommends that women aged 35-45 years undergo a course of Laennec injections once every six months. It has been scientifically proven that this preventative measure will help avoid early symptoms of menopause and hormonal deficiency.

For prevention

The pattern of action of the drug on the body allows it to be used not only for the treatment of certain diseases, but also for prevention purposes:

  • development of heart attacks and strokes, because regulates blood viscosity;
  • colds and flu;
  • skin aging processes;
  • menopausal syndrome.

The prophylactic regimen for taking the drug is 2 times a year (in autumn and spring), 5 injections are administered over 3 weeks.

For liver with cirrhosis

This remedy was originally developed for the treatment of liver diseases, so diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis are direct indications for its use.

The complex effect of the drug on the body allows you to preserve healthy liver cells and regenerate damaged tissue, and therefore effectively restore the functions of the organ as a whole.

The dosage regimen depends on the severity of the disease and is prescribed individually by the attending physician. The classic option is intramuscular injections of 2 ml 2 times a week, course duration is 3 weeks.

Use in oncology

Numerous studies of the effect of Laennec on the human body have shown that this drug inhibits the growth of cancer cells. In addition, it is a powerful immunomodulator, which significantly increases the body's resistance.

In Japan, Laennec is officially used to treat cancer. In other countries he can be used as part of complex therapy for cancer, and such a prescription must be made by the attending physician after a detailed examination.

For herpes

In all cases and for all symptoms of herpes disease, therapy has 2 main directions: suppressing the virus and increasing immunity. Since the drug "Laennec" has a strong immunotropic effect, it is prescribed to patients with acute and recurrent types of herpes.

Studies have shown that the use of Laennec as part of a complex treatment for herpes allows:

  • get rid of peeling skin and itching;
  • quickly remove toxins from the body;
  • boost immunity.

The drug is administered in standard ways - using droppers or intramuscular injections, the amount of which is selected individually by the attending physician based on the patient’s tests.

Application in cosmetology – placental therapy

Cosmetologists agree that Laennec is an effective anti-aging product, which is why in recent years it has been actively used in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine.

The drug allows you to achieve a noticeable anti-aging effect by stimulating the following processes in the body:

Thus, as a result of placental therapy, the elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes more hydrated, acquires a healthy color, and wrinkles are smoothed out. For cosmetic purposes, the drug is administered using standard methods - in the form of injections, droppers, and also pharmacopuncture.

Patients of cosmetology clinics who have undergone placental therapy note in their reviews that:

  • puffiness goes away, wrinkles smooth out, the skin acquires a healthy color;
  • sleep improves;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • general well-being improves, “lightness” appears in the body.

In addition, the drug causes virtually no side effects and can be combined with other medications.

To stimulate hair growth

For people who are dissatisfied with the condition of their hair (usually due to hair loss, dryness, fragility, etc.), Laennec may seem like a real magic elixir due to the fact that the drug contains vitamins and antioxidants that can affect the body at the cellular level. level.

Its drip administration to biologically active points of the head and neck can revive hair that is even in the most deplorable condition.

For dry and hair loss-prone hair, Laennec is a real magic elixir

Patients who have completed a course of Laennec injections and droppers note, among other effects, increased hair growth and an improvement in their condition and appearance.

Pharmacopuncture (acupuncture points)

Pharmacopuncture is a modern cosmetological method of administering drugs to biologically active points on the face and body. Depending on the goals of therapy, this method of injection allows you to achieve rejuvenating and healing effects.

Pharmacopuncture with Laennec is effective in the following cases:

  • with nervous overstrain, constant stress, sleep disorders, depressive states;
  • when signs of skin aging appear;
  • for pathologies of the reproductive system in women and men;
  • with reduced immunity;
  • with deterioration of vision, hearing, cerebral circulation, etc.

The introduction of the medicine into biologically active points significantly improves blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs. This method of therapy allows you to feel an improvement in your well-being after the first session.

After completing a full course of therapy, patients note resistance to colds and viral diseases, increased hearing and vision, as well as a noticeable anti-aging effect.


Another effective cosmetic method for localized treatment of problem areas of the face and neck is mesotherapy with the drug “Laennec”. What this means is the administration of the drug in small quantities (up to 0.5 ml) under the facial muscles to biologically active points.

This procedure is carried out by specialists in cosmetology clinics who have undergone special training. Mesotherapy with a placental preparation activates the regeneration of the skin and the production of substances necessary for its elasticity.


Biorevitalization is one of the most popular anti-aging procedures in modern cosmetology.

Many people know what it is - biorevitalization of the face. The use of placental preparations such as Laennec allows you to achieve maximum effect in this technique.

The use of placental preparations (Laennec is one of them) in this technique allows you to achieve the maximum lifting effect by triggering skin renewal at the cellular level and restoring its hydro-lipid balance.

Already after the first 2 biorevitalization procedures with Laennec, a visible rejuvenating effect is observed

A full course usually consists of 4-8 sessions, the number of which is selected individually depending on the nature of the problems and the condition of the patient’s skin.

Indications and contraindications for use

The unique composition of Laennec and the peculiarities of its effect on the body explain its wide range of applications.

Indications for placental therapy are:

  • skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, herpes);
  • allergic reactions;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • liver pathologies (hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.);
  • infertility, preparation for IVF;
  • sleep disorders, nervous tension, stress, depression;
  • decreased immunity.

In cosmetology, “Laennec” is indicated in the following cases:

  • wrinkles;
  • dryness, sagging skin;
  • acne;
  • age spots;
  • hair loss.

Despite the obvious benefits of the drug, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Numerous clinical studies of the drug have shown that in extremely rare cases During therapy, the following side effects may occur:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pain, short-term numbness at the injection site.

Patients who have completed a course of injections or droppers “Laennec” note that not only the main ailment goes away, but also an improvement in the functioning of all body systems is felt, from improving general well-being to normalizing the condition of the skin and hair.

Compatibility with alcohol

To avoid toxic effects, experts recommend completely abstaining from alcohol during treatment with Laennec.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

Studies have proven that the substances included in the drug are able to penetrate the placenta and have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. Gynecologists recommend stopping taking the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Analogues. "Malsmon" or "Laennec" - which is better?

"Melsmon" is another Japanese drug obtained from the placenta. Unlike Laennec, only terminal chorionic villi are used for its production, and not the entire placenta.

Thus, the drug contains about 100 substances, the complex combination of which has a strong rejuvenating effect on all systems of the body.

When developing Melsmon, scientists focused on creating a drug capable of regulating female hormonal levels, but clinical studies have shown its effective effect on other body systems, in particular on the nervous system and cell regeneration.

According to doctors, the main difference between these 2 drugs is that Melsmon begins to be absorbed by the body and acts on it faster, and also gives a more noticeable rejuvenating effect. Otherwise, there are no significant differences.

The final choice of drug should be made by the attending physician, depending on the main diagnosis and the individual characteristics of each patient.

Application results, positive and negative reviews

Despite its proven effectiveness, reviews of the drug are both positive and negative. Negative experiences are usually associated with the high price of the drug, as well as the use of counterfeits that do not give the desired effect.

To avoid such incidents experts recommend purchasing Laennec only in trusted pharmacies and clinics, and also study in advance on the manufacturer’s website the distinctive signs of the genuine drug.

"Laennec" is a quality product, as confirmed by patient reviews. In the vast majority of cases of its use, extremely positive effects from taking the drug are observed.

The result is noticeable after the first procedures: the condition of the skin improves, strength appears, hearing and vision become sharper, and the performance of internal organs improves.

Useful videos about Laennec, placental therapy:

Laennec therapy: what is it?

What is the placenta - the basis of the drug Laennec:

Mesotherapy. What is it:

Half a century ago, Japan Bioproducts Industry, a well-known Japanese company, launched a new product for intravenous injection, Laennec. Subsequently, it was included in the Vidal pharmacological reference book of medicines. At its core, the drug is a product obtained by processing human placenta. Its influence on people is still being studied.

In the Russian Federation, Laennec passed a number of serious tests in several large universities in our country. Based on the results of research and experiments, Laennec was officially approved in Russia as an injection in 2003. Initially, the drug was recognized as a hepatoprotector, and in 2009 - an immunomodulator.

Area of ​​use Laennec

Laennec improves the physiological abilities of the body, improves the functioning of certain functions, provides protection against antioxidants, accelerates metabolism in tissues, promotes the restoration of liver cells, strengthens the immune system through its immunomodulatory effect and promotes health without medications.

All these amazing properties have allowed Laennec to show itself excellently both in the complex treatment of many ailments, in which it allows one to achieve long-term remission, and sometimes even cure, and as a preventive and anti-aging drug. Now it is actively used for the treatment of various types of hepatitis, psoriasis, inflammatory skin diseases, various allergies, dermatitis, herpes, and anemia.

The systemic effect of placenta hydrolyzate makes it possible to reduce immunity to other drugs and significantly reduce or eliminate the use of antihistamines, which are used for the above pathologies. Laennec has also demonstrated positive results in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition, this remedy increases male potency and enhances female libido.

Laennec is a universal drug that is well tolerated by patients and can be easily combined with other medications, doubling their therapeutic effect and eliminating side effects. The product is strictly contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women. When treating older people, extreme caution must be exercised.

Being an anti-aging drug, Laennec is actively used by cosmetologists for both systemic and local effects. It is used for the treatment of alopecia, acne, cellulite, in preparation for soft peeling, for skin tightening and removal of age spots, during recovery after laser resurfacing, mechanical and acid peeling, in plastic surgery during preoperative preparation of patients, as well as after complex operations.

Efficiency of Laennec

By supplying tissues with useful substances, the drug Laennec has a beneficial effect on the body, namely:

  • Laennec softens the skin;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • strengthens and tones the body;
  • Laennec doubles the rate of tissue regeneration;
  • restores acid-base balance;
  • stimulates the resorption of fibrous tissue.

As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and acquires an attractive appearance, and wrinkles in the corners of the eyes disappear. This is what makes it possible to achieve a bright anti-aging effect when using Laennec by plastic surgeons and cosmetologists.

Canalization of the regenerative processes occurring in tissues, increasing the body's resistance to infection, as well as the anti-inflammatory effect of this drug reduce the risk of complications, catalyze healing, shorten the recovery time after complex operations and some aggressive procedures that are real stress for the skin.

Laennec is not capable of leading to biological and psychological dependence, since it is not a drug. This remedy is used not only for treatment purposes, but also as a preventive measure. Laennec therapy can be effectively combined with the use of pharmacological drugs, which leads to an increase in their effect and neutralization of their negative aspects. Also, the use of Laennec can be combined with any cosmetic procedures. However, mixing Laennec with other drugs that are strong bases with a pH of more than 8.5 leads to a decrease in its activity.

Laennec activates hidden possibilities for restoring and healing the body, rejuvenating and increasing the attractiveness of appearance.

Method of administration of Laennec

For a full cosmetic effect, Laennec is used by intramuscular injections for 21 days (injections are made every other day) or drip intravenous injections twice a week (10 injections in total), or by administration using an innovative technique, designated by the term “pharmacoacupuncture” and consisting in the introduction microdoses of the drug at certain points according to the acupuncture regimen, which allows you to achieve a comprehensive effect and leads to overall health. In addition, the patient's pain threshold increases, and the organs begin to work more harmoniously.

Pharmacoacupuncture with Laennec was developed and remains very popular in the land of the rising sun. It was repeatedly tested by scientists from the clinic at the Institute. Anokhin, studying it from the standpoint of reflexology. This technique is scientifically proven; it is included in the list of medical technologies that have been approved by Russian healthcare organizations. The best option is 10-15 sessions several times a week. They cause a noticeable effect that lasts for three to four months.

Laennec is administered locally by transdermal and mesotherapeutic methods using physiotherapeutic devices. When lifting the face, this drug is administered intramuscularly in small doses (separately to each point) at eight acupuncture points, which are called “points of youth.” Each case is individual, so the number of procedures is not fixed and depends on the specific situation.

Side effects of Laennec

In some cases, the following side effects are likely to occur:

  1. allergies (changes in skin pigment, itching in the red area, anaphylactic shock);
  2. mild pain or numbness in the injection area;
  3. gynecomastia (the connection with this drug has not been definitively established).

Composition of Laennec

The placenta contains the entire set of elements that are necessary for the human body. Laennec is a product obtained from the human placenta by hydrolysis, which contains:

  • water-soluble cytokines (signaling growth factors involved in inflammatory reactions);
  • amino acids;
  • protein molecules;
  • low molecular weight proteins;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, D;
  • nucleosides and natural acids that enhance the synthesis of protein molecules.

Thanks to such a rich composition, Laennec has unique healing properties.

The key to healing is growth factors (protein molecules) that can effectively interact with certain target cells. After reaching the age of 18, the body's ability to synthesize growth factors decreases significantly. Due to their lack, cell renewal slows down, which leads to their aging and accelerated death. Protein molecules also provide cells with protection from the negative effects of bacteria and viruses. There are several growth factors, including:

EFG - promotes the regeneration and reproduction of epithelial cells and ensures the normal functioning of melanocyte function;
FGF - accelerates the growth of fibroblasts;
HGF is a hepatocyte growth factor that causes their regeneration;
NGF - promotes the restoration of cells of the nervous system;
JGF increases the sensitivity of receptors to insulin and normalizes somatotropin levels.

In general, the drug contains about 100 different enzymes, low molecular weight peptides, interleukins, 18 amino acids and over 40 minerals (including sulfur, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc).

Features of the technology for obtaining Laennec

The placental health program in Japan is supervised by the Department of Medicine. The state subsidizes and fully regulates this program.

Removing the placenta to obtain Laennec

The manufacturer guarantees the complete safety of the produced drug:
Placenta collection is carried out exclusively after a normal birth in completely healthy Japanese women;

  1. first, a primary contract is concluded with the female donor, while a questionnaire is filled out about past illnesses and trips (even one-day ones) that have been made over the past fifteen years from Japan to other countries, special attention is paid to states in which outbreaks of infectious diseases of major cattle (if there is a history of such trips, a woman will not be allowed to become a placenta donor);
  2. female donors are prohibited from leaving Japan until the placenta is collected;
  3. every female donor has the right to terminate the concluded contract at any time and refuse to participate in the program;
  4. tests are taken to determine the presence in the body of a female donor candidate of hepatitis viruses of various types, HIV, papillomaviruses, syphilis and prion proteins that affect the central nervous system;
    preventing infection of material provided by the donor is achieved by complying with all standards and storage requirements.

Laennec production

Laennec's manufacturing technology is patented by the manufacturer and is based on the latest technologies. It guarantees the maximum receipt of a full range of useful substances from the placenta, their integrity, purification of unnecessary elements, and guarantees the safe use of Laennec.

Stages of preparation:

  • checking raw materials for the absence of infection carriers and compliance of raw materials
  • physiological standards for color, smell, weight;
  • removing blood by rinsing with saline and filtered water;
  • grinding the raw material in a homogenizer to subsequently obtain a powder by degreasing the sample during vacuum drying;
  • enzymatic hydrolysis of the resulting powder with pepsin - a special gastric enzyme - in order to separate hormones and achieve the required acid-base environment through
  • application of ion exchange resins;
  • molecular distillation of hormones and their complete removal, extraction of nucleic bases through membrane dialysis;
  • disinfection using ultraviolet membrane filtration technology.

In this way, the high content and structure of the components are maintained, ensuring absolute safety, benefit and quality of the product.

Laennec release form

Laennec is available as a clear liquid for injection with a mild aroma. The color of the solution varies from sandy to light brown. The active substance in this case is placenta hydrolyzate, usually weighing 112 mg. As excipients, the drug contains water for injection and sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid. Laennec is supplied in darkened glass ampoules, sealed in cardboard packaging, inside each of which Laennec instructions for use are inserted.

About the author: Ekaterina Nosova

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, leading Moscow specialist in thread lifting, blepharoplasty and breast replacement, performed more than 11,000 operations. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.