Boar totem animal. Totem Slavic horoscope by year: find out your totem animal! Relationships with loved ones

1935, 1967, 1999, 2031, 2063

Mostly positive, although it can symbolize both savagery and the power of demonic forces. The year is a time of intensifying contradictions and struggle. The boar always has a strong character, as well as courage and bravery. This is a tireless explorer, traveler and conqueror, who hesitates only when he is preparing for a new campaign. The boar cannot tolerate hidden, hidden enmity, but it will act openly only if it is firmly confident in its abilities and based on the conflict. Confrontation in itself does not bring him joy if it is not subordinated to a certain goal. The boar usually knows exactly what he wants, and the closer he wants it, the more effort he puts into achieving it. If at the last moment an obstacle arises in front of the Boar and the object of his aspirations, it will certainly be crushed, destroyed to the last brick. The boar is merciless towards enemies just as much as he is patient with his loved ones and attentive towards them.

The Boar allows absolutely everything to those he loves; they know neither barriers nor prohibitions. The boar senses when his favor is being abused and never lets it go too far. A person who is too arrogant and unscrupulous, taking advantage of the Boar’s trust, will certainly be among his enemies, and then it will be in vain to beg for mercy. Boar’s feelings are characterized by a special intensity, he does not do anything halfway, he takes a long time to choose who to trust, but if he trusts, then it is unlimited. With all the strength of their character, Boars quite easily obey a person in whom they feel the height of aspirations and thoughts, can listen to other people’s opinions, and evaluate the arguments and logic of a reasonable person. They know how to control anger if they feel it is necessary.

Boar Totem. It manifests itself in an athletic physique - a large upper body and a large head, and an indomitable disposition, although they can submit to the power of a higher idea. Boars are brave, courageous, fearless, decisive, they are always ready to repel the enemy, they strive to be the first everywhere. However, people born at this time know how to correctly assess their strengths. In a peaceful environment, the Boar listens to other people's opinions and is quite tolerant, especially towards loved ones. They forgive them a lot, even allow them to sit on their necks.
Boar Antitotem- Pig. It manifests itself in greed and malice, deceit and resourcefulness. Acts exclusively for evil purposes. The emerging antitotem deprives the Boar of his strength and nobility, rewarding him with greed, base cunning, and the desire to fight on the side of evil. They become ruthless assistants to criminals and do not recognize any prohibitions.

What does totem or totemic animal mean?

This is the spirit of an animal, due to certain circumstances: birth in a certain place and time or character traits, firmly connected with you. Influences life and actions, protects and patronizes certain activities, conveys its basic properties. The wild boar is one of these totemic animals. They establish a connection with him in order to understand what is happening in their lives and take advantage of his powers.

It is worth remembering that:

  1. A human totem is most often a wild animal (much less often - a mystical, elemental or natural phenomenon. There are almost no totems - inanimate objects).
  2. Each person determines the totem for himself. In many surviving tribes, young people do this during initiation rites. We have to look for the totem ourselves. You can't let other people interfere. The connection is individual and very intimate, available only to you.
  3. The totem is not given “immediately and forever.” Some of them disappear over time, others affect only a certain area of ​​​​life. Moreover, the totem itself can leave you if you radically change your lifestyle or as a result of magical influence.
  4. Identifying the totem is very useful when everything in life goes wrong, even when you make every effort to fix everything. Change yourself in accordance with this totem and everything will begin to improve.
  5. Totems have an antitotem - the “dark side”. She has similar characteristics to the totem, but she “pulls” its characteristics to the opposite pole. Thus, honesty becomes cunning calculation, courage becomes cowardice. If you do not fight its manifestations, then the patron animal will only harm the one with whom it is connected.

There are several ways to work with a totem. The totem is determined by date of birth (not the most accurate technique), with the help of special meditative practices that help establish a connection with it.

Determining a totem by calendar

The simplest, but not reliable method. The fact is that birth in the year of the Pig indicates a predisposition to this totem, but not its obligatory nature. In addition, a person can be associated with more than one animal (up to three inclusive, each in its own area of ​​life).

The Year of the Boar, according to Zoroastrian astrology (based on which the pagan Slavs wrote theirs), comes every 32 years, so those born in 1903, 1935, 1967 and 1999 under the symbol of the zodiac sign of the Boar will most likely have a boar as their totem.

Meditation techniques

If you're lucky, the totem itself will “find you.” Usually he appears in a dream and is actively present in your life. At the same time, you don’t have to like your patron animal, and his mentoring manners can be extremely harsh. The sooner you make contact with the totem and resolve all discrepancies with it, the better.

You will need to call upon your patron spirit more than once. It will be especially difficult for those who have weak intuition (intuition is almost identical to communication with the subtle world). A weak connection will cause discrepancies, and it is quite possible that a different totem will be called up each time. Repeat attempts until you get a stable result.

Step-by-step description of the technique:

  1. Go to nature, where no one will disturb you.
  2. Find a clearing and light a fire in it. Sit in front of him in the lotus position, close your eyes, try to completely relax.
  3. Clear your head of extraneous thoughts.
  4. Create a clear attitude - “I am going to my totem animal.”
  5. With your inner gaze, find a dark green dot and go to it.
  6. Enter this point with your consciousness. Soon you will find yourself in an independent space in which your totem lives. At this step, it is important not to draw the appearance of your future totem in advance. So you will see your idea of ​​it!
  7. Wait. Soon you will recognize your totem and communicate. The act of communication directly depends on you and the totem.
  8. After contact with him, open your eyes.

This method is more accurate than the previous one, but much more complicated. It is not so easy for a neophyte to get comfortable in the world of subtle matters, so it may not work out the first time.

Boar in mythology and religion

In the mythology of the peoples of the world, the Boar demonstrates the amazing compatibility of opposites: at the same time, the boar clearly belongs to the dark pantheon, but at the same time it also has a place among the light gods. So in Ancient Egypt, the pig is a sacred symbol of Osiris, but at the same time it is a symbol of the evil god Set, who dismembered Osiris and ate the eye of Horus. For this crime, Seth was burned in the form of a black pig, and by the will of Ra, pigs were declared unclean animals. At the same time, at the annual sacrifice, the pig is honored as the bearer of the light of Horus.

Many myths prescribe that boars are related to the Sun and, as a result, to fertility. The mount of the Scandinavian sun god Frey was a wild boar. He is the incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu, in which he disperses the demons of the night. Even in Slavic mythology there is a riddle that refers to the identification of a pig and the sun: the pig is shaking, the sharp bristles are shaking (the correct answer is fire).

In Christianity, there is no clear attitude towards pigs. On the one hand, in the Orthodox tradition, Saint Blaise lived among animals, which included pigs. On the other hand, Catholicism and Protestantism like to refer to the casting out of demons by Jesus from the possessed, which then turned into pigs. In addition, man's grunting friends were unlucky to fall into the millstone of religious friction - one of the cartoons from the time of the religious wars depicts Protestants on black pigs, heading straight into the monster's mouth.

Therefore, pigs in Europe were often considered conductors for dark forces, sometimes they were tried for relations with the Devil and the enemies of the human race, and several were even executed after a serious (by medieval standards) process and investigation, having previously been dressed in clothes like a person.

The interesting symbolism of the Boar sign is the devourer of gods, the source of light, the guarantee of fertility and the offspring of the Devil - the attitude towards the Boar is contradictory. However, in all cultures they pay enough attention to it, hoping either to appease the gods or to avoid unnecessary attention from dark forces.

Characteristics of the totem

Wild boar (boar) is one of the most dangerous forest animals. Indistinguishable from an ordinary pig when calm, it turns into a ferocious enemy when it or its brood is threatened.

Impact on personality

Characteristics of Boars - gallant, helpful and scrupulous, knights without fear or reproach. You can completely trust them, they will never betray you. This is where their weakness lies - they are naive and gullible, they never expect their neighbors to trick them. If they are let down by those whom they trusted, Pig people take such deception very hard.

Such people do not have any preferences in the professional sphere. Their hard work and conscientiousness help them cope with any job. A subtle sense of beauty allows you to achieve success in literature or poetry. But this is a dangerous undertaking: it is the Creator Boars who most often display the traits of antitotems.

Boars are better off financially than many totems. The work is usually quite profitable, guaranteeing prosperity and allowing for pleasant excesses. The totem promotes the achievement of high financial spheres.

Boars often remain calm and impartial in difficult situations. True, they are often tormented by the question of whether they are honest and loyal enough. Taking advantage of this, unscrupulous people can regularly deceive Boars.

The first period of life is a period of activity, proceeding as usual calmly and serenely. Then serious personal problems begin (breakdowns, quarrels with friends). As a modest and delicate nature, the Pig will not seek help or advice. He will try to figure everything out on his own, so that none of his acquaintances will even guess about serious emotional experiences.


The boar is quite sociable and sociable in nature, but at times he is somewhat frivolous and is not constrained in his expressions. He speaks little, but if the topic touches a person, he will speak out to the last word. Such people have a strong craving for adventure and travel.

Boars have few friends. But those who exist remain friends for life, and for their sake the Boar is able to move mountains and get a star from the sky. They choose friends meticulously, but once they choose, they trust them in everything. He is attentive and courteous with his loved ones. He is ready to give up his opinion (even if he knows that he is right) in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels and discord. Although you should not provoke or enrage the Pig - he is terrible in anger.

The boar is a materialist. He strives for knowledge, but reads without a system and a lot of unnecessary literature. So he looks like a knowledgeable person, but his knowledge is superficial.

Decision making is another challenge. Driven by a sense of duty, Pigs often make unfavorable decisions for themselves. To make matters worse, they seek to delay the painful resolution of the issue by continuing to aggravate the situation. But when they are determined, nothing can turn a person with such a totem away from him.

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Hello friends!

In some previous articles we have already talked about the Old Slavic horoscope, albeit in passing. And about one of his totems, the symbol of 2018, the Curled Hedgehog. But this is very, very little: the Slavic totem horoscope of animals consists of a cycle of as much as 16 years, and there are very interesting totems there. This is the minimum.

To be honest, the boring Western and Eastern horoscopes are boring. But it’s interesting to find out your totem animal in accordance with the Slavic horoscope. Believe it or not, it's a personal matter.

In general, it is more correct to call the totemic horoscope of animals not a horoscope, but a yearbook. Even more correctly - a chronicler. But this will not change the general meaning, and the component will remain the same: a sixteen-year cycle, each year is patronized by its own animal, its own totem, which, as in any horoscope, influences the character of people born in that year. And not only.

Slavic horoscope by year

There is an opinion that in ancient times Rus' had its own horoscope (totemic yearbook). It clearly reflected, and still reflects, our unity with nature. A distinctive feature of the Old Slavonic horoscope is a cycle of 16 years, and the fact that the year, if you follow this chronicle, begins not in winter, but in March, on the Vernal Equinox.

Each year, and the person born in this year, has its own totem (patron). A total of 16 totems: Dark Plow, Stinging Hornet, Hidden Lut, Fiery Veksha, Pearl Pike, Bearded Toad, Wild Boar, White Eagle Owl, Hissing Snake, Crouching Fox, Curled Hedgehog, Soaring Eagle, Spinning Mizgir, Crowing Rooster, Golden-horned Aurochs, Firemane horse.

Beautiful and poetic, isn't it?

Below will be described the highest qualities of each totem that a person can have. The totem will help you find out who you really are, your inner qualities, can guide you on the right path, and tell you what to be wary of. Or maybe they won’t guide you or give you any advice. Horoscopes are like that.

So, let's find out your year and your totem.

The moose totem represents fortitude, character, strength, charisma, swiftness and pride. People born under the auspices of this totem are bright and active personalities. They can be leaders, and they are great at it. These people literally infect others with their confidence.

The elk is characterized by some dissatisfaction with what has already been achieved; he wants to create more and more, something new, something unusual. And he does this thanks to his high performance and endurance.

Elk people are busy learning and updating, they want and can bring knowledge to the world. Thanks to their totem, they easily realize themselves, climb the career ladder and, in general, achieve any goals they set.

The advice of this totem is to doubt yourself less and act more.

They get along well with people, build relationships well, and are sociable if the situation requires it. But, meanwhile, they can feel great alone.

It often happens that people who are patronized by Elk remain misunderstood in this world. But, what can you do, society is not always ready for new revolutionary ideas.

People born under the Hornet totem are active and purposeful, thrifty, they have developed intuition and good memory from birth, they know how to set goals and achieve them. At any cost, sometimes even bypassing some moral principles. They are terrible owners and jealous people: they won’t give up what they have, and they can put their eyes on someone else’s.

The patron totem gives the gift of eloquence, the skill of effective management and communication with people. Constantly reminds you to respect others and improve yourself. Helps to develop the best qualities in yourself.

From the outside, hornet people may look fussy; they can be very noisy, just like their totem. But this is an appearance; behind such an appearance, punctuality, diligence and enormous organizational talents are hidden. All this helps them to be good owners and manage their finances wisely.

By nature, they are leaders, but sometimes with a very complex character: they often put others in the place, sometimes in a very rude, sharp and caustic form.

The Slavic horoscope states that people born in the year of the Wolf are people of enormous strength and at the same time grace: outwardly soft and relaxed, at the right moment they can easily and quickly gather and concentrate. This is a dramatic change in a short time.

Wolves have some kind of magnetism and attract others to them. They are very generous and kind, patient. But no one will be allowed to restrict their freedom! Meanwhile, they are very devoted to their family.

For them, there are only those frameworks, obligations and restrictions that they have set for themselves. Don't stand in the Wolf's way, he knows how to fight back everyone and everything that encroaches on his territory.

They love order, both in business and in the house, but do not like to restore it, however, they can do it. They can also communicate competently and manage others.

The patron totem points out dangerous moments in life, helping to avoid them. Teaches you to make informed and informed decisions and act with confidence. Teaches you to analyze events and highlight the main thing for maximum efficiency.

According to the Slavic horoscope, people born in the year of the Squirrel have the protection of Higher powers. Plus, they are dexterous and agile, they grasp everything on the fly, and can find a way out of any situation. A little crafty, sometimes extremely nervous and prone to depression. The squirrel is an extremely contradictory sign.

People born under the auspices of Vekshi are accustomed to relying only on themselves; they start families and start working very early. Thanks to their thriftiness, ability to save, constant development and training, they achieve a lot.

The totem animal gives its charges a little more positivity, creativity, energizes them, helps them be prudent and organized. Teaches you to complete everything and warns against fussiness.

To achieve more in life, squirrel people need to be able to control their emotions.

This totem is one of the few deceased ancestors strongly connected with the world; people born in the year of the Pike are under their supervision. Maybe that’s why they are such calm and self-confident conservatives, whose inner peace and balance is visible to the naked eye.

The highest charisma of this year is the Embodiment of the Creative, Transformative life principle - its goal is the destruction of everything that is unworthy of existence.

In communication, people born under the protection of Pike are extremely straightforward and honest. They have excellent self-control, are very responsible, and know how to cope with boring and monotonous work.

They respect family and traditions, and know how to create comfort in the home.

This totem animal imparts wisdom that helps to live in harmony with the world, teaches modesty, accuracy, and the ability to appreciate what you have.

People of this symbol are wonderful family men and excellent hosts. They are very hospitable and pleasant to be around, even despite their excessive conservatism and fear of change. They know what they want from life and know how to achieve it, they love comfort.

Those born in the year of Toad often choose intellectual work as their field of activity; they are good psychologists from birth, understand others well, and easily find a common language. They will convince anyone and anything, they can be very eloquent, if necessary, of course.

This Slavic totem gives people fearlessness, endurance and determination. Do not get involved with those whom he patronizes, they will fight back, and how!

Pigs are stubborn and always strive to be the first in what they like. They sway and think for a very long time, but having made a decision and defined a goal, they will never back down. After the desired is achieved, they need rest and solitude. They may even fall into apathy.

Despite their stunning character, these people do not act recklessly: they make all decisions carefully and wisely. People born in the year of the Boar make good researchers, travelers and financiers.

The boar is a totem of success, material well-being, justice and excellent health. He teaches you to find your purpose in life and follow your dreams.

The eagle owl is the most mysterious and enigmatic totem of the Slavic horoscope; people born this year become mediums and seers. They are closed, they have their own rhythm of life, often the same as that of their totem animal. Often their activities are related to the spiritual spheres of life or the protection of Higher values.

Eagle owls are superstitious and suspicious, they have excellent intuition, and from birth. Independent and strong, they can however work well in a team. But, be that as it may, in order to reveal their full potential, these people really need the support of loved ones, and having it, they will move mountains.

Snakes are philosophers, capable of harmonizing the world around them. The other side of things is important to them, everything secret. Perhaps this is what helps them understand people so well, to see them almost right through.

People who are patronized are slightly secretive in communication, but they love to talk. They are practical and thrifty, very efficient. They achieve their goals, pursue them stubbornly, and carefully avoid all obstacles that arise.

This totem animal teaches its charges flexibility, bestows will, prudence, calmness and the ability to adapt to different life situations.

You can turn to Uzha for restoration of strength and health, wisdom and new opportunities for development.

The fox protects dexterous and inventive people, whose life is a continuous adventure, which, by the way, is not always fun. But you won’t get bored with them! For all their eventful lives, Foxes are very careful, prudent, and will achieve their goals. If necessary, they will go over your heads, but they will do it quietly, on the sly. They are skilled intriguers and you need to be careful with them.

This totem gives the ability to sense danger and guess the right moment for action. Teaches concentration, prudence, and prudence.

Hedgehogs are energetic, very energetic, active, slightly fussy and very responsible. They are outwardly reserved, sometimes prickly, but in reality they are kind, hard-working and reliable people. They are very loyal friends and spouses.

They emerge victorious from almost all situations, have a good understanding of people, are sometimes noisy and restless, and have an excellent memory.

The Curled Hedgehog totem helps to cope with difficulties in character, teaches you to smooth out corners and get rid of excessive irritability. Brings gentleness to life.

The eagle is a symbol of greatness, courage and leadership in many cultures. The Slavic totem horoscope is no exception; the people whom it patronizes also have these qualities.

Eagles are reformers, missionaries, obsessed with ideals and ideas. They are proud and brave, they live by their own rules, and will not tolerate being manipulated. These people are aristocrats, and they are also very loyal, reliable and incredibly charming. Well organized, do not like disorder. They make good leaders.

The Eagle totem teaches you to anticipate troubles, take care of the weak, and act decisively.

People who are protected by the Spider totem cannot exist alone. The support of loved ones is important to them; they need their own clan. They love to unite large groups of people around themselves and they are great at it.

Spiders love power, they are goal-oriented, sociable and have great creativity.

Their special gift is maintaining balance and internal stability. They are able to plan their time perfectly, accomplishing a huge number of things in a short time.

Thanks to their totemic qualities, they make excellent leaders, scientists, project managers, researchers, and so on.

People whose totem animal is the spider are happy people. And they find their happiness in love. The family honors traditions and takes care of the hearth. In short, a reliable support not only for the family, but also for society.

The Rooster totem awakens sharpness, fearlessness and ambition in people. But along with these qualities, there is also haste in actions and judgments. These people are emotional, and sometimes very strong, hence the impulsiveness in their actions. They are active and fearless, they love to be in sight, they are distinguished by originality of thoughts, therefore the professions characteristic of them are creative.

The source of strength for people of this sign is family. They love their home and children. Cheerful and open. But they lack perseverance; they don’t like to work hard.

Bulls combine good nature and rage; they are very energetic, patient, and sometimes extremely stubborn people. If necessary, they will stand for their beliefs, for their loved ones, and especially for their children to the last. They like to protect the weak, they are generous, slightly romantic, but at the same time they know how to be harsh and even aggressive.

Tour is a symbol of fertility, a well-fed life and hard work. People born this year value family and know how to manage a household. They know how to maintain childlike spontaneity at any age. They are cheerful and kind, they are loved very much, they have many friends.

Without the support of loved ones, it can be extremely difficult for the Bulls, but if their loved ones are nearby, then the Bulls can move mountains. They are successful in their careers and are almost always financially independent.

The totem protects its charges from unnecessary stubbornness and reminds them of the need to establish contacts with people.

The Year of the Horse is the year of talented, brave, even, courageous and purposeful people. Almost everyone born in this year loves travel and sports, often extreme ones. These people are very active, they are not homebodies at all. Horse's motto:

Movement is life!

There is never a dull moment with them, such people have a lot of ideas, they surprise loved ones with their constantly revealing new features and talents. But at the same time, they are very efficient. They will not sit idle.

The horse totem has long been associated with strength, power, greatness and achievement. It helps you move on, free yourself from internal and external restrictions, develop energy, the gift of persuasion and the ability to work in a team.

Here, in brief, we talk about all 16 totems of the Slavic horoscope. Yes, the article turned out to be very long, but what can you do? We will definitely reveal each totem, but in the following articles, so you can subscribe to the site’s newsletter.

Animal totem – Boar

The best manifestation of people born during these years is a chivalrous character, plus gallantry, helpfulness and scrupulousness to the extreme. You can trust them, and they will not betray you, just as they will never try to deceive anyone at all. In some ways they are even naive, trusting and defenseless - they are so full of peace and serenity.

Pig has few friends, but he keeps them for the rest of his life and is capable of making great sacrifices for their sake. Extremely attentive, especially to those he likes. Pig has a lively character, but he will never object or debate with those for whom he has sincere sympathy. He is not inclined to litigiousness and is ready to make all concessions in order to avoid controversial processes, even if he is confident that he is right. Impulsive and honest, he always loses in favor of someone who is less scrupulous.

The Pig can devote himself to any profession, demonstrating the qualities of a conscientious and hardworking worker. Thanks to his sensitivity, he is able to achieve success in certain types of art or literature. But his affairs can also take a bad turn, because, after all, the Pig by nature has a weakness for dirt.

In material terms, he will always find what he needs for a living wage. He will have a good job and enough money, and for this he will not have to make much effort. Throughout his life he will receive assistance that will allow him to reach the highest financial spheres.

In some cases, the Pig can be abused by other signs, and he will easily allow himself to be fooled, accepting his own failures indifferently, and the shortcomings of others tolerantly. Being a good player, he remains cool and dispassionate where others would immediately lose their heads. He is so objective and impartial in everything that, in order to confirm that he is right, he will endlessly wonder whether he acts honestly and loyally in this or that case.

He is sincere to such an extent that he simply disarms his opponents, leaving no doubt about his intentions. If he lies, it is only in extreme cases and only for the purpose of self-preservation. For all his intelligence, he is completely devoid of even a modicum of purely everyday cunning, which is why he is often bypassed by more dexterous and tenacious competitors. Helpless in the face of hypocrisy, he believes what he is told, and if he himself claims something, he considers it necessary to back it up with irrefutable evidence.

The boar is a cheerful, sociable, sociable nature, sometimes even somewhat frivolous. Usually not eloquent, but when he gets excited, he is ready to speak out to the last word. In principle, the Pig is an intellectual, thirsts for knowledge, but reads everything in a row and haphazardly. He has the appearance of a well-informed person, although in fact the completeness of his knowledge is clearly doubtful. A materialist in spirit, he stands firmly on the ground. Beneath his complacent appearance he hides willpower and even authority.

Whatever his ambition, intended goals and objectives, the Pig fulfills his duty with all the strength of which he is capable. This inner strength is so great that no one can resist it. If he has made a certain decision, then nothing and no one can stop him, however, before making such a decision, the Pig will weigh the pros and cons for a long time, so it may seem as if he is hesitating and does not know what wants. Realizing this, he would like to do otherwise, but he cannot and, trying in every possible way to avoid complications, he delays his choice so much that sometimes he only harms the whole matter.

The first phase of the Pig's life is relatively calm. During the second, problems may arise regarding marital relations. Modest and delicate in this regard, he will not seek help or advice, trying to find a way out of a difficult situation on his own, so that no one will even guess about his emotional experiences.

Having determined the symbol of your year of birth by the animal totem, you have the opportunity to predict the nature of the main events and fateful changes that you are destined to go through in a particular year of interest to you (until 2008). To do this, also determine its symbol and in the table below find the corresponding vertical row. Then find the horizontal row of the year of your birth and at the intersection of these two rows, determine the digital value, the interpretation of which (from 1 to 12) follows immediately after the table.

For example, you were born in 1953. From the previous material you will learn that this is the year of the Snake. Now you are specifically interested in 1997. Again, determine its symbol. This is the year of the Ox. In the table, look for the vertical row under the Ox and the horizontal row opposite the Snake. Their intersection gives the number 9. In the interpretations following the table, you read the one that stands under that number, namely: “Patronage, religious faith, spiritual and intellectual life, scientific work, long and distant travel, court cases, convictions and inspiration.” In this way, you can get an idea of ​​what kind of events await you in the future, or check how well the obtained values ​​​​of past years correspond to the events that took place then.

1. It means how the year of birth affects a person’s appearance, mainly the face and head, shapes character and temperament, reflects personality, and in other cases – financial situation.

2. Means either success or wealth in terms of profit, income, money, acquisitions, trade and movable property.

3. Means either travel and business trips, mainly short ones. Or knowledge of the life of parents and close relatives (sister, brother). Or relationships with neighbors, letters and other means of communication.

4. Means either worries about family, mother, place of residence, real estate. Or the end of life.

5. Represents matters of the heart, love, friendship, children, family and social relationships.

6. It means either worries about official affairs and relationships with employees. Or concern for personal comfort, physical needs, sanitary and hygienic conditions, health and illness.

7. It means either concerns about love and marital relationships, stress and conflicts on this basis, or relationships with the judiciary, concerns about contracts and agreements with employees, companions, and objects of exchange.

8. Means either concerns about the distribution and assignment of inheritance, dowry. Or crises, stress (not for intimate reasons), grief, disaster, misfortune, natural or violent death.

9. Means the presence of either patronage, or religious faith, or spiritual and intellectual life, or scientific work, or long and distant travel, or legal affairs.

10. Means concerns about either a career, or social status, or honors, fame, or concerns about the life of the father, relationships with superiors.

11. It means either caring about friends, acquaintances, about the company, communicating with them and business connections.

12. Means either trials, persecution, oppression, slander, gossip, secret enemies. Or isolation from friends and society (hospital, prison).

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Totem animal - Snake Wisdom, insight and will are the distinctive features of people born in these years. Intellectuals and philosophers by nature, they are not talkative, they think a lot and deeply. With all its wisdom, the Snake could do without this quality,

From the author's book

Totem animal - Horse People born in the year of the Horse love shows, theater, concerts, meetings, sports - in short, everything that has to do with crowds. They themselves often and quite successfully engage in some kind of sport. They know how to present themselves with a good choice of clothes, to the place

From the author's book

Totem animal - Goat Elegant, artistic, in love with nature, people of these years and this sign could become the most charming if they were not at the same time pessimists, restless and annoying in their eternal doubts. The goat is never satisfied

From the author's book

Totem animal - Monkey There are no more eccentric people than those born in these years. They may be the life of the party and are not without a sense of humor, but cunning and malice are in their blood. They are so sociable that they give the impression that they get along with everyone and supposedly have no enemies. On

From the author's book

Animal totem - Rooster Those born under the sign of the Rooster are dreamers who take themselves seriously and love flattery. They do not mince words and sometimes express themselves sharply aggressively. This would not have happened without clashes if the victims had not treated this

From the author's book

Animal totem - Dog Anyone who happens to be born in one of these years can only dream of peace, or rather the opposite - his sleep will be devoid of peace, for the Dog is always restless, always on guard, listening sensitively and being ready at any moment to poison any

From the author Every time, opening a book, the reader hopes to find in it something in tune with his thoughts, his spiritual structure, but is it always possible to find lines in someone else’s text that are addressed directly to you? I think not. The structure of this book is such that everyone here

From the author's book

Boar Years of the Boar: February 4, 1935 – January 23, 1936; January 22, 1947 – February 9, 1948; February 8, 1959 – January 27, 1960; January 27, 1971 – February 15, 1972; February 13, 1983 – February 1, 1984; January 31, 1995 – February 18, 1996; February 18, 2007 – February 6, 2008; February 5, 2019 – January 24, 2020; January 23, 2031 – February 10, 2032.

From the author's book

Boar Years of Boar February 4, 1935 – January 23, 1936; January 22, 1947 – February 9, 1948; February 8, 1959 – January 27, 1960; January 27, 1971 – February 15, 1972; February 13, 1983 – February 1, 1984; January 31, 1995 – February 18, 1996; February 18, 2007 – February 6, 2008; February 5, 2019 – January 24, 2020; January 23, 2031 – February 10

Years: 1935, 1967, 1999, 2031
Ized (Patron): Vertragna - victory
Symbolism of the sign: Mostly positive, although it can symbolize both savagery and the power of demonic forces

In contrast to the pig as the female domestic animal, the wild forest boar is the male wild form of the species and has a predominantly positive symbolic meaning. Basically, the boar symbolizes the unbridled savagery and power of demonic forces, for example, cruel tyrants.

Boar always has a strong character, as well as courage and bravery. This is a tireless explorer, traveler and conqueror, who hesitates only when he is preparing for a new campaign. The boar cannot tolerate hidden, hidden enmity, but it will act openly only if it is firmly confident in its abilities and based on the conflict. Confrontation in itself does not bring him joy if it is not subordinated to a certain goal.

Boar usually knows exactly what he wants, and the closer he wants it, the more effort he puts into achieving it. If at the last moment an obstacle arises in front of the Boar and the object of his aspirations, it will certainly be crushed, destroyed to the last brick.

Boar merciless towards enemies just as much as he is patient with his loved ones and attentive towards them. The Boar allows absolutely everything to those he loves; they know neither barriers nor prohibitions. The boar senses when his favor is being abused and never lets it go too far. A person who is too arrogant and unscrupulous, taking advantage of the Boar’s trust, will certainly be among his enemies, and then it will be in vain to beg for mercy. Boar’s feelings are characterized by a special intensity, he does not do anything halfway, he takes a long time to choose who to trust, but if he trusts, then it is unlimited.

With all the strength of their character, Boars quite easily obey a person in whom they feel the height of aspirations and thoughts, can listen to other people’s opinions, and evaluate the arguments and logic of a reasonable person. They know how to control anger if they feel it is necessary.


Manifests itself in an athletic physique (large upper body and large head) and an indomitable disposition, although they can submit to the power of a higher idea. Boars are brave, courageous, fearless, decisive, they are always ready to repel the enemy, they strive to be the first everywhere. However, people born at this time know how to correctly assess their strengths. In a peaceful environment, the Boar listens to other people's opinions and is quite tolerant, especially towards loved ones. They forgive them a lot, even allow them to sit on their necks.


Pig. It manifests itself in greed and malice, deceit and resourcefulness. Acts exclusively for evil purposes.

Manifestation of Antitotem

The emerging antitotem deprives the Boar of his strength and nobility, rewarding him with greed, base cunning, and the desire to fight on the side of evil. They become ruthless assistants to criminals and do not recognize any prohibitions.


A time of intensifying contradictions and struggle.

1906, 1938, 1970, 2002

1907, 1939, 1971, 2003

1908, 1940, 1972, 2004

1909, 1941, 1973, 2005

1910, 1942, 1974, 2006

1911, 1943, 1975, 2007

1912, 1944, 1976, 2008

1913, 1945, 1977, 2009

1914, 1946, 1978, 2010

1916, 1948, 1980, 2012

1917, 1949, 1981, 2013

1918, 1950, 1982, 2014

1919, 1951, 1983, 2015

1920, 1952, 1984, 2016

1921, 1953, 1985, 2017

1922, 1954, 1986, 2018

1923, 1955, 1987, 2019

1924, 1956, 1988, 2020

1925, 1957, 1989, 2021

1926, 1958, 1990, 2022

1927, 1959, 1991, 2023

1928, 1960, 1992, 2024

Lynx (Nightingale)
1929, 1961, 1993, 2025