The stool is normal but frequent. What to do if loose stools do not go away for a long time? What is loose stool

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How often should you have bowel movements?

Regarding the answer to the question? how often should you have stool? The opinions of professional gastroenterologists differ. And this is not surprising, since the frequency of stool depends on many factors. Some of them, for example age, diet, are easy to take into account. Others (individual characteristics of the body) are quite difficult to determine.

The normal frequency of stool varies over a fairly wide range. First of all, stool frequency depends on age. In newborns, stool 6-7 times a day is the norm, while in adults this frequency of stool clearly indicates pathology.

However, already in infancy, the frequency of stool strongly depends on the nature of the child’s nutrition. If the baby is breastfed, then the frequency of stool should normally coincide with the number of feedings. In infants who are bottle-fed, stool, as a rule, occurs 1-2 times a day, and there is some tendency to constipation.

The frequency of stool in children over one year old is 1-4 times a day, and in children over three years old and in adults this figure varies within a very wide range: from 3-4 times a week to 3-4 times a day. Here, a lot depends on the nature of the diet (what is the table, so is the chair) and the individual characteristics of the body.

It is generally accepted that the ideal frequency of stool in children from three years of age and in adults is 1-2 times a day.

Having bowel movements 3-4 times a week in itself is not a pathology, but it requires a review of your diet (in such cases, doctors advise increasing the amount of plant-based foods containing dietary fiber in your diet).

The frequency of stool 3-4 times a day in adults and in children over three years of age is the norm if it is not associated with pathological changes in its consistency, color, etc., and is not accompanied by pain during defecation and/or other discomfort. .

A stool frequency of more than 3-4 times a day indicates pathology. Reason frequent bowel movements There may be various acute and chronic diseases that require adequate treatment.

Meanwhile, very often, instead of seeking qualified medical help and looking for the cause of the increase in stool frequency, patients independently prescribe a variety of antidiarrheal drugs, or are treated with folk remedies. In this way, time is lost, and, consequently, the chances of getting rid of the underlying disease.

Frequent bowel movements due to diarrhea (diarrhea). Symptoms and causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea is stool with a frequency of more than 2-3 times a day, with a pasty or liquid consistency. With diarrhea, stool contains an increased amount of fluid. If during normal stool the stool contains about 60% water, then with diarrhea its amount increases to 85-95%.

Often, in addition to increased frequency and liquid consistency, such symptoms diarrhea, such as a change in the color of stool and the presence of pathological inclusions (blood, mucus, undigested food debris).

Severe diarrhea also increases the volume of stool. Often the human body becomes dehydrated, which can lead to serious complications including death.

Acute infectious diarrhea is characterized by a sudden onset, the presence of general (fever, general malaise) and local (abdominal pain) symptoms, changes in the general blood test (leukocytosis in bacterial, and leukopenia in viral infection).

Infectious diarrhea is a highly contagious disease acquired through contaminated water and food. The “fly” factor is of great importance, so outbreaks of infection are typical for the warm season.

In many regions with hot climates - countries of Africa, Asia (excluding China), Latin America - infectious diarrhea ranks first in the structure of mortality. Children especially often get sick and die.

The period from infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease depends on the pathogen and ranges from several hours (salmonellosis, staphylococcus) to 10 days (yersiniosis).

Some pathogens have their own “favorite” transmission routes. Thus, cholera spreads mainly through water, salmonellosis through eggs and poultry, and staphylococcal infection through milk and dairy products.

The clinical picture of many infectious diarrheas is quite characteristic; the diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory testing.

Attending physician: infectious disease specialist

Frequent bowel movements due to bacterial diarrhea

Frequent, painful stools are the main symptom of dysentery.
The reason for frequent bowel movements during dysentery is damage to the large intestine. In some cases, the frequency of stools reaches 30 or more per day, so that the patient cannot count it.

Another characteristic sign of dysentery is changes in the nature of stool. Since the terminal sections of the intestinal wall are affected, the feces contain a large number of pathological inclusions visible to the naked eye (mucus, blood, pus).

In severe cases of dysentery, the symptom of “rectal spitting” occurs - extremely frequent stools with the release of a small amount of mucus mixed with pus and blood smears.

Damage to the large intestine is manifested by another characteristic sign of dysentery - tenesmus (frequent painful urge to empty the bowel).

The frequency of stool and the severity of other symptoms of diarrhea in acute dysentery correlate with the degree of general intoxication of the body (fever, weakness, headache, in some cases, confusion).

In the absence of adequate treatment, acute dysentery often becomes chronic, and bacterial carriage is common. The disease requires hospital treatment and long-term observation.

Cholera. Frequent bowel movements with secretory small intestinal diarrhea
If dysentery is a striking example of exudative type diarrhea, then cholera is a typical example of secretory diarrhea.

The frequency of stool in cholera varies and can be relatively small (3-10 times a day), however, a large volume of stool (in some cases up to 20 liters per day) quickly leads to dehydration of the body.

The onset of the disease is unusually acute, so that without emergency medical care, death can occur within the first hours or even minutes of the disease.

Sometimes the so-called “dry” or “fulminant” cholera occurs, when, due to the massive entry of water into the intestinal lumen, an increase in the concentration of potassium in the blood plasma occurs, leading to cardiac arrest. In such cases, diarrhea does not have time to develop.

In the initial stages of the disease, stools are fecal in nature, then become watery. A characteristic symptom of cholera is diarrhea in the form of rice water. In the absence of adequate therapy, the frequency of stool increases, and vomiting of watery contents may occur.

Meanwhile, there are no inflammatory changes in the intestines, so the general symptoms of cholera are symptoms of dehydration: thirst, dry skin and visible mucous membranes (in severe cases, wrinkling of the skin of the hands - “washerwoman’s hands”), hoarseness (up to complete aphonia), decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased muscle tone (with severe dehydration - cramps).

Often a symptom of cholera is a decrease in body temperature (34.5 – 36.0).
Today, thanks to advances in medicine, cholera has been excluded from the list of especially dangerous infections, and is extremely rare in our region.

Diarrhea of ​​mixed origin. Symptoms of salmonellosis
Frequent stools are a constant sign of salmonellosis, and the frequency ranges from 3-5 times a day in mild forms affecting the upper gastrointestinal tract, to 10 or more times in cases of infection spreading to the terminal parts of the intestine.

Diarrhea due to salmonellosis has a mixed genesis (secretory and exudative). The predominance of one or another mechanism depends both on the strain of the pathogen and on the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Sometimes the disease has a cholera-like course and is complicated by severe dehydration.

A diagnostically significant sign of salmonellosis is the green tint of stool (from dirty green to emerald). The stool is usually foamy, with lumps of mucus. However, with cholera-like diarrhea, stool in the form of rice water is possible. In cases where the infectious process covers all parts of the intestine, including the large intestine, streaks of blood appear in typically “salmonella” feces.

Another distinctive symptom of salmonellosis is pain in the so-called salmonellosis triangle: in the epigastrium (under the stomach), in the navel, right iliac region (to the right of the navel from below).

Acute salmonellosis is characterized by pronounced signs of intoxication: severe fever (up to 39-40 degrees), repeated vomiting, coated tongue, headache, adynamia. In severe cases, generalization of the process is possible (sepsis, typhoid-like forms).

Just like dysentery, acute salmonellosis is prone to becoming chronic, so careful treatment and long-term observation are required.

Frequent bowel movements due to food poisoning
Food poisoning (toxicoinfections) is a group of acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by consumption of foods containing bacterial toxins.

The cause of the disease in this case is not the bacteria themselves, but their toxins produced outside the human body. Most of these toxins are heat labile and are inactivated by heating. However, the toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus can survive boiling for 20 minutes to 2 hours.

Most often, foodborne illnesses occur when eating low-quality foods containing high amounts of protein. Staphylococcus most often multiplies in dairy products and creams, clostridia and proteus - in meat and fish products.

Foodborne toxic infections have a group explosive nature, when in a short period (about two hours) all participants in the outbreak (sometimes dozens of people) fall ill.

Diarrhea of ​​secretory origin is an integral symptom of food poisoning, which usually occurs as acute gastroenteritis (damage to the stomach and small intestine). Stool with toxic infections is watery, foamy, without pathological inclusions. With severe diarrhea, dehydration may occur, leading to the development of hypovolemic shock.

Frequent bowel movements (up to 10 times a day) are accompanied by symptoms characteristic of food poisoning, such as nausea and vomiting (most often repeated, sometimes uncontrollable). Signs of general intoxication of the body are often observed: fever, headache, weakness.

The duration of the disease is 1-3 days. However, in some cases, the lack of timely assistance leads to death.

Diarrhea in children. Frequent bowel movements due to exposure to pathogenic E. coli
Escherichia coli is a bacterium that normally inhabits the human intestine. However, some varieties of this microorganism can cause severe intestinal damage in children - the so-called escherichiosis.

The disease most often affects infants under one year of age. Escherichia coli in children causes diarrhea of ​​mixed origin (secretory and exudative), but the leading symptom is dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for the child’s body.

Frequent stools with escherchiosis in children, as a rule, have a bright yellow color and splashing stool. In the case of a cholera-like course, the stool becomes watery and takes on the character of rice water. Diarrhea is often accompanied by repeated vomiting or regurgitation.

Symptoms of diarrhea caused by E. coli depend on the type of pathogen. In addition to cholera-like esherchiosis, there are forms similar to dysentery and salmonellosis. In such cases, signs of general intoxication of the body are more pronounced; there may be pathological inclusions in the form of mucus and blood in the stool.

Pathogenic E. coli can cause serious complications in children of the first year of life, especially newborns, in the form of generalization of the process (blood poisoning). Then the symptoms of diarrhea are joined by signs of infectious-toxic shock (drop in pressure, tachycardia, oliguria) and symptoms of damage to internal organs (kidneys, brain, liver), caused by the formation of metastatic purulent foci.

Therefore, Escherchiosis in children, as a rule, is treated in a hospital under the constant supervision of specialists.

Frequent bowel movements due to viral diarrhea. Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children and adults

Today, several groups of viruses are known that can cause diarrhea in children and adults (rotaviruses, adenoviruses, astroviruses, Norfolk virus, etc.).

In the Russian Federation, the most common rotavirus infection has a pronounced winter-autumn seasonality. Sometimes the disease begins as an acute respiratory viral infection, and then symptoms of diarrhea are added with a stool frequency of 4-15 times a day. The stool is light-colored and watery in consistency.

Like other viral diarrheas, rotavirus infection in children and adults is accompanied by severe fever and severe vomiting. The course of the disease is severe or moderate, but complications are rare (the disease goes away in 4-5 days). In young children, diarrhea can lead to dehydration.

Rotavirus infection in adults can cause unusually severe pain, so patients are often admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of “acute abdomen.”

There are primary and secondary malabsorption. Unlike secondary malabsorption, which arose as a complication of a disease, primary malabsorption is characterized by a congenital malabsorption of certain substances. Therefore, primary malabsorption manifests itself and is diagnosed in childhood.

Malabsorption syndrome in children is manifested by a pronounced lag in development (physical and mental), and requires urgent compensatory measures.

The attending physician for malabsorption syndrome: therapist (pediatrician), gastroenterologist.

Frequent bowel movements due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

Frequent bowel movements (3-4 times a day) with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency are caused by a lack of production of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The reserve capacity of the pancreas is quite large (10% of healthy acini can provide normal enzyme production), however, malabsorption syndrome occurs in 30% of patients with chronic pancreatitis. This is the main cause of malabsorption syndrome in pancreatic diseases.

Much less common is malabsorption syndrome caused by pancreatic cancer. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in this case indicates the terminal stage of the disease.

Sometimes malabsorption syndrome is caused by damage to the pancreas due to cystic fibrosis (severe hereditary genetic pathology accompanied by gross disturbances in the activity of the exocrine glands).

Frequent bowel movements in diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Frequent bowel movements in diseases of the liver and biliary tract can be caused by a lack of production of bile acids necessary for the breakdown of fats, or a violation of the flow of bile into the duodenum (cholestasis). The stool becomes acholic (pale) and acquires an oily sheen.

With cholestasis, the normal metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins A, K, E and D is disrupted, which is manifested by the clinical manifestations of corresponding vitamin deficiencies (impaired twilight vision, bleeding, pathological fragility of bones).

In addition, cholestasis syndrome is characterized by symptoms of obstructive jaundice (yellowness of the skin and sclera, itching, dark urine).

Among diseases of the liver and biliary tract leading to malabsorption syndrome, the most common are viral and alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, compression of the common bile duct by a pancreatic tumor, and cholelithiasis.

Often, frequent bowel movements are observed after removal of the gallbladder. In this case, the metabolism of bile acids is disrupted due to the lack of a reservoir for their storage.

Frequent bowel movements with celiac disease

Celiac disease is a hereditary disease characterized by congenital deficiency of enzymes that break down gliadin (a fraction of the gluten protein contained in cereals). Uncleaved gliadin triggers an autoimmune reaction, ultimately leading to disruption of parietal digestion and absorption of various substances in the small intestine.

Clinical symptoms of celiac disease in children appear during the period when the child begins to be fed cereal products (porridge, bread, cookies), that is, at the end of the first – beginning of the second half of life.

Diarrhea in celiac disease is characterized by an increased volume of feces, and other symptoms of malabsorption (anemia, edema) quickly appear. The child loses weight and lags behind in development.

When symptoms of celiac disease appear in children, a strict diet is necessary with the exclusion of grains containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc.), additional examination and treatment.

Frequent bowel movements in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are chronic inflammatory bowel diseases that occur with exacerbations and remissions. The origin of these pathologies still remains unclear; a hereditary predisposition and a connection with the nature of nutrition have been proven (rough plant foods with a large amount of dietary fiber have a preventive effect).

Stool frequency in nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease is an indicator of the activity of the process. In mild and moderate cases, stool occurs 4-6 times a day, and in severe cases it reaches 10-20 times a day or more.

Symptoms of diarrhea in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease include a significant increase in the daily weight of feces, a large number of pathological inclusions in the stool (blood, mucus, pus). In the case of ulcerative colitis, there may be profuse intestinal bleeding.

Pain in the abdomen is more typical of Crohn's disease, but also occurs with ulcerative colitis. A characteristic symptom of Crohn's disease is also dense infiltrates palpated in the right iliac region.

These chronic intestinal diseases often occur with fever and weight loss, and anemia often develops.

Approximately 60% of patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease experience extraintestinal manifestations, such as arthritis, lesions of the uvea of ​​the eyes, skin (erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum), and liver (sclerosing cholangitis). It is characteristic that sometimes extraintestinal lesions precede the development of chronic intestinal inflammation.

These diseases in the acute stage require inpatient treatment in a specialized gastroenterology department.

Frequent bowel movements due to colon and rectal cancer

Today, colon and rectal cancer is the second most common cancer among men (after bronchial cancer) and the third most common among women (after cervical cancer and breast cancer).

Frequent bowel movements may be the first and only symptom of colon and rectal cancer. It appears even when there are no signs characteristic of cancer, such as weight loss, anemia, or increased ESR.

Diarrhea in patients with colorectal cancer is paradoxical (persistent constipation followed by diarrhea), since it is caused by a narrowing of the segment of the intestine affected by the tumor.

Another characteristic symptom of diarrhea in case of colon and rectal cancer is that in the stool, as a rule, pathological inclusions are visible to the naked eye - blood, mucus, pus. However, there are cases when blood in the stool can only be determined by laboratory methods.

Particular oncological vigilance should be shown in relation to patients in whom the described symptoms first appeared in old age. The risk group also includes patients with a family history of colorectal cancer: patients who were previously treated for ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. It should be noted that colon polyposis is a precancerous condition, and the development of chronic paradoxical diarrhea in such patients can be a serious symptom of oncological pathology.

In such cases, a thorough examination should be carried out, including digital examination, quantitative determination of carcinoembryonic antigen, endoscopic diagnosis with mandatory targeted biopsy, and, if necessary, irrigoscopy.

Such an examination will make it possible to detect the disease at earlier stages and save the patient’s life.

Attending physician: oncologist.

Frequent bowel movements with diarrhea of ​​hyperkinetic origin

Frequent bowel movements with hyperthyroidism

Frequent bowel movements can be an early sign of hyperthyroidism (occurs in 25% of patients in the early stages of the disease). At one time, doctors excluded the diagnosis of diffuse toxic goiter if the patient did not have daily bowel movements.

Diarrhea, together with such a constant symptom of early hyperthyroidism as severe emotional lability, often becomes the basis for a diagnosis of a functional bowel disorder (irritable bowel syndrome).

The mechanism for the occurrence of frequent bowel movements with increased thyroid function is due to the stimulating effect of thyroid hormones on intestinal motility. The time it takes for chyme to pass through the gastrointestinal tract in patients with symptoms of hyperthyroidism is reduced by two and a half times.

In the case of a detailed clinical picture of the disease with such specific symptoms as exophthalmos, enlargement of the thyroid gland, severe tachycardia, etc., making a diagnosis does not cause difficulties.

In the initial stages of hyperthyroidism, in controversial cases, additional laboratory tests are required to determine the level of thyroid hormones.

Attending physician: endocrinologist

Frequent bowel movements due to functional diarrhea (irritable bowel syndrome)

Functional diarrhea is the most common cause of frequent bowel movements. According to some data, every 6 out of 10 cases of chronic diarrhea are functionally determined.

Very often, such patients are given a vague diagnosis of “chronic spastic colitis.” Often, people are treated for years for non-existent chronic pancreatitis or dysbiosis, prescribing unjustified treatment with enzyme preparations or antibiotics.

Functional diarrhea is one of the variants of the course of irritable bowel syndrome. This syndrome is defined as a functional disease (that is, a disease that is not based on general or local organic pathology), characterized by severe pain, usually decreasing after defecation, flatulence, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement or an imperative urge to defecate.

Different types of irritable bowel syndrome are characterized by different symptoms of stool frequency disturbance: constipation, frequent bowel movements, or alternating constipation with diarrhea.

Functional diarrhea, as well as other variants of irritable bowel syndrome, is characterized by the absence of so-called anxiety symptoms - fever, unmotivated weight loss, increased ESR, anemia - indicating the presence of severe organic pathology.

In the complete absence of objective indicators indicating a serious organic lesion, attention is drawn to the abundance of various subjective complaints. Patients feel pain in the joints, sacrum and spine, and are tormented by paroxysmal migraine-type headaches. In addition, patients with functional diarrhea complain of a feeling of a lump in the throat, the inability to sleep on the left side, a feeling of lack of air, etc.

With functional diarrhea, there is a slight increase in stool frequency (up to 2-4 times a day); there are no pathological impurities (blood, mucus, pus) in the stool. A characteristic sign of this type of diarrhea is the urge to defecate most often appear in the morning and in the first half of the day.

Among patients with irritable bowel syndrome, the vast majority are women in the age category of 30-40 years. The disease can last for years without significant dynamics towards improvement or deterioration. The long course of the disease affects the neuropsychic status of patients (phobias and depression may occur), which increases the symptoms of irritable bowel disease - a so-called vicious circle is formed.

Attending physician: gastroenterologist, neurologist.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The appearance of stool, its consistency, smell - all these are the most important indicators of the primary diagnosis of pathologies of the digestive system. In addition to the consistency of feces, stool frequency is also of great importance in assessing the child’s health. Normally, a child over three years old should have a bowel movement once a day. For infants, this norm is several times higher and can range from 3-4 to 8 times a day (depending on the age of the baby). If the stool has a thin or watery consistency, accompanied by intestinal spasms, tenesmus (false urge to defecate), the child is diagnosed with diarrhea, which is most often of an infectious nature.

In some cases it happens that the child goes to the toilet several times a day, and there are no signs of intestinal infections. Sometimes such changes are associated with the characteristics of the children's diet and the abundant consumption of certain foods, but in half of the cases the cause of frequent bowel movements is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. To understand whether frequent bowel movements in childhood are dangerous, it is important to understand the causes of this condition and know their characteristics.

If a child has bowel movements more than 2 times a day, this condition is considered a deviation from the norm, although it can be considered as an individual characteristic of the body. In newborns and children of the first year of life, the number of bowel movements can reach up to 6-8 times a day (if the child is breastfed) and up to 4-5 times a day if the child receives an adapted milk formula as the main diet. The frequency of bowel movements in infants decreases slightly after the introduction of complementary foods: this usually occurs at 7-8 months. After a year, the child can defecate from 4 to 3-4 times a day.

The relative norm for children three years of age and older is 1-2 bowel movements per day. If bowel movements occur more often, it is necessary to analyze the child's diet - perhaps the child consumes a lot of foods with a laxative effect, containing fiber or stimulating intestinal motility. All these products must be present in the child’s daily menu, but in limited quantities that correspond to age norms and physiological needs. Foods containing a lot of mucus, which envelops feces and stimulates their evacuation into the rectum, can also cause increased bowel movements.

Products that can affect stool frequency in children of middle and older age groups include:

  • some types of fruits and vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, prunes);
  • cereals with a high gluten content (oatmeal, wheat, barley);
  • fermented milk drinks (bifidoc, acidophylline, kefir, yogurt, whey).

Bananas, rice, brown bread, pears, rice water, and various types of meat have a fixing effect.

Frequent bowel movements due to fermentopathy

This is one of the most common causes of bowel dysfunction in children aged 1 to 7 years. Enzymopathy is a pathological condition in which a sufficient amount of necessary enzymes is not produced in the child’s digestive tract (or they are completely absent). Enzymopathy also includes insufficient enzymatic activity, which leads to impaired breakdown and absorption of nutrients and slower absorption.

Signs of enzyme deficiency in children include:

  • frequent stools, the consistency of which can vary throughout the day from watery liquid to a thick sausage-shaped stool;
  • pungent odor of feces (explained by rotting products of incomplete breakdown of proteins, fats and other elements);
  • an increase in the volume of detritus in the feces (determined in the laboratory; it may appear externally as a glossy sheen on the surface of the excrement);
  • anemia due to incomplete absorption of iron (pallor of the skin, gray skin tone, dryness and peeling of the mucous membranes);
  • headaches, weakness, fatigue, decreased performance in children who attend educational institutions.

What to do?

If a child is diagnosed with fermentopathy, it is necessary to determine its type: drug therapy for the pathology and subsequent correction of the child’s lifestyle depend on this.

Table. Types of enzymopathy in children.

For any form of enzyme deficiency, the use of digestive enzymes (Festal, Creon, Mezim) is indicated, but only a doctor should prescribe these drugs, since not all of them are suitable for use in childhood. In case of nutritional disorders, it is recommended to increase the proportion of protein products in the children's diet by approximately 10-15%. This can be meat, cottage cheese, eggs (white), fish, as well as legumes (chickpeas, peas, lentils, beans).

Important! An increase in the volume fraction of protein products in a child’s daily menu is not allowed in case of kidney disease, as this can lead to the appearance of protein in the urine (proteinuria).

Hyperkinetic diarrhea - what is it?

Hyperkinetic diarrhea is a condition in which intestinal motility increases and accelerated movement of chyme into the rectum occurs. The pathology is often observed in children with diseases of the nervous system, neurological disorders, psychoses (especially in the acute stage). The frequency of stool in this category of children can reach 4-5 times a day, while the excrement has a normal consistency, and its movement through the intestines does not cause pain or discomfort to the child.

In adolescents, frequent bowel movements can occur with initial and moderate forms of depressive disorders - psycho-emotional disorders manifested by bad mood, impaired thinking, and loss of the ability to experience positive emotions. Parents should monitor their child’s condition very carefully, since prolonged depression is the main cause of teenage suicide.

You can recognize the onset of depression by the following signs:

  • the child experiences changes in the functioning of the body (stool becomes more frequent, the urge to urinate at night appears, sleep is disturbed);
  • the child tries to spend more time alone, avoids communicating with friends and relatives, loses interest in surrounding events;
  • increased absent-mindedness appears (the teenager does not immediately answer the question asked, concentrates his gaze on one point, suddenly changes the topic of conversation).

To correct the child’s emotional state when the first symptoms of possible abnormalities appear, it is possible to use plant-based sedatives (“Valerian officinalis extract”, “Motherwort”, “Corvalol”). Young children can be given sedatives in the form of dragees and syrups: “Hare”, “Bay-bye”, “Sibiryachok”, “Pomogusha”.

Pay attention! Hyperkinetic diarrhea, accompanied by accelerated motility of the intestinal walls, may be a manifestation of insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) or irritable bowel syndrome. In some cases, frequent bowel movements may occur while taking certain medications, for example, Magnesium Sulfate, antacid medications (Gaviscon, Rennie), or drugs used for chemotherapy protocols (5-fluorouracil).

Frequent bowel movements due to diseases of the digestive tract

If a child has frequent bowel movements, but there are no signs of diarrhea, the cause may be disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To diagnose them, laboratory, ultrasound, hardware and instrumental diagnostics are used to assess the appearance and condition of the mucous membranes, measure the acidity of the stomach and duodenum, identify ulcerative and erosive defects of the epithelial membrane and signs of tumor processes.

This is a severe systemic lesion of all parts of the digestive tract (granulomatous type), which is of an autoimmune nature. In children, the prevalence of the disease ranges from 1.9% to 7.1%. Symptoms of the inflammatory process depend on its location and can manifest as painful spasms of the intestines and stomach, frequent bowel movements or, conversely, prolonged constipation, bloating, and flatulence syndrome. If the larynx is involved in the pathological process, the child will complain of sore throat when talking and swallowing.

Crohn's disease has a high risk of mortality and almost always leads to disability, so an important stage of primary prevention is regular examinations by a pediatric gastroenterologist, especially if the child is registered with chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Pay attention! Treatment of the disease is always surgical. In advanced forms of the disease, one of the manifestations may be complete fecal incontinence, that is, the frequency of bowel movements can reach up to 6-8 times a day.

Video: Belousova O Yu Crohn's disease in children

Intestinal inflammation

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the colon is called colitis. Non-infectious colitis can be the result of atherosclerosis of the vessels through which blood flows to various parts of the intestine, autoimmune disorders, blockage of the branches of the abdominal aorta - one of the largest blood vessels in the human body. If poisoned by toxic substances or taking medications for a long time, a child may develop toxic colitis.

Manifestations of colitis in childhood may include:

  • frequent bowel movements (stool may occur after every meal);
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • painful contractions of the intestinal walls (spasms);
  • tension in the abdominal muscles caused by bloating and gas movement;
  • putrid smell of feces;
  • foul breath.

For treatment, medications, nutritional therapy, detoxification therapy, vitamin therapy and physiotherapeutic treatment (after stopping the acute process) are used.

Important! If a child does not receive the necessary treatment for a long time, the mucous membranes may become covered with ulcers. In this case, surgical therapy using partial intestinal resection methods may be required. Indications for surgery are also thrombosis and progressive ischemia (oxygen starvation) of the vessels of the colon.

Frequent bowel movements in a child are one of the “alarm bells” that may be the first symptoms that the digestive system is not working properly. Ignoring this condition can lead not only to progression of the underlying disease, but also to retarded growth and development, as well as decreased immunity. If the child’s diet is balanced and contains age-appropriate amounts of essential nutrients and nutrients, but stools still remain frequent, it is necessary to contact a pediatric gastroenterologist.

Timely bowel movements of normal color and consistency indicate the healthy condition of young children. The same signs can be used to determine the pathology of an adult, especially if he has frequent bowel movements. Everyone tries to observe the act of defecation, and from this material you will learn how often you need to go to the toilet and when to start sounding the alarm.

Features of the gastrointestinal tract

Young parents are very pleased with the fact that their baby’s intestines empty after every meal. But this is not acceptable for adults. Frequent bowel movements in an adult indicate symptoms of a certain gastrointestinal disease. If hyperperistalsis is observed several times a day, but there is no discomfort in the abdomen or inconvenience during bowel movements, this may well be considered normal.

One big trip to the toilet is also considered a normal bowel movement. It is also allowed to have 2 bowel movements at a certain weight, when consuming laxative food products in large quantities or containing coarse fiber. There is no discussion about diarrhea in this particular case.

If the production of enzymes is insufficient, stool may be several hours after each meal. This suggests that the intestines are not able to carry out their work of breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates fully. If your metabolism is good, you can go to the toilet several times, but the consistency, color and specific smell do not change. If there are deviations from the normal values, contact a gastroenterologist. He, in turn, will order tests, and based on them he will draw conclusions and build a treatment plan.

Causes of frequent bowel movements (diarrhea)

Diarrhea - pasty or liquid stools. It can be from five to twenty times a day. In this case, the body can lose up to 95% of fluid - this can lead to dehydration.

So, the possible reasons are:

  • incorrect dietary intake;
  • starvation;
  • use of untested folk remedies;
  • eating foods that contain fiber;
  • overeating. In particular, this includes fatty foods, various carbonated and intoxicating drinks. In order to stop diarrhea, you just need to give up everything previously listed;
  • uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics. For those who do not know, their long-term use, and especially not coordinated with a specialist, can cause frequent bowel movements in an adult;
  • toxic infection. Food poisoning is caused by toxins. They are produced by bacteria that are outside the body. A certain group of pathogenic microorganisms are killed by boiling, but, unfortunately, not all. They are most often found in creams, meat, milk and other protein products. Diarrhea is accompanied by nausea, chills, vomiting, feces are foamy and watery.

Diarrhea can be osmotic or exudative. The first property is characterized by impaired absorption of fluid, and the second by the content of mucus, pus, and blood in the stool.

When frequent bowel movements are a symptom of pathology

It is important to keep in mind that if a person goes to the toilet more than five times a day, immediately seek advice from a medical professional, this is not considered normal and indicates the presence of diseases. Most of them who think that it will go away on its own, frequent trips to the toilet may occur due to insufficient production of bile acids. The stool becomes greasy, pale and has a shiny consistency. At the same time, vision decreases, and blood flows from the rectum. Such signs indicate pathology of the duodenum, liver or biliary tract. Therefore, it is so important to immediately contact specialists when deviations from the norm are observed.

5 most dangerous diseases:

  1. Crohn's disease. They cause complications on the joints, eyes, and liver. Can lead to anemia and sudden weight loss.
  2. Different types of colitis.
  3. Salmonellosis, giardiasis, amoebiasis. These bacteria can enter the human body through dirty water or poorly processed food. You need to buy products only from specialized retail outlets that have permission. Under no circumstances is it recommended to purchase food products at markets.
  4. Tuberculosis, dysentery, hyperthyroidism of the intestinal tract.
  5. Rectal or colon cancer and other oncological pathologies. Constipation abruptly gives way to diarrhea. The reason for this is the narrowing of the intestinal lumen due to the formation of a tumor. If you treat it in a timely manner, you can get rid of it as quickly as it appeared.

Rotavirus infections and hyporkinetic diarrhea = frequent bowel movements. When a person takes care of his body, that is, takes multivitamin complexes, gets vaccinated in a timely manner, undergoes examination and takes other preventive measures, such problems bother him the least.

Frequent bowel movements, how to treat?

As a rule, if you “eat something wrong,” you will only have loose stools without symptoms. To stop diarrhea, it is recommended to take any adsorbent (activated carbon, for example) or drink strong tea. You should avoid consuming these foods in the future. Some citizens may experience diarrhea from unboiled tea. For this reason, doctors recommend drinking exclusively distilled water.

ATTENTION! If there are signs of exudative loose stools, do not hesitate, contact an infectious disease specialist or gastroenterologist.

Frequent bowel movements in an adult are not a simple phenomenon. Therefore, you need to pay great attention to the signals of the body. But you should not eliminate the causes by self-medication. Only a properly conducted diagnostic examination and complex therapy can relieve dangerous diseases. To do this, you just need to go to a medical institution to undergo an ultrasound examination of the internal organs and do a colonoscopy.

Treatment of loose stools with folk remedies

Oak bark infusion:

  1. Buy oak bark at any pharmacy.
  2. Take 2 teaspoons of the medicine for a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour, strain.

Take a tablespoon throughout the day. The entire prepared broth should be finished within this day; there is no need to prepare it additionally.

Rice water:

  1. Boil 4 cups of water and add tbsp. l. regular rice.
  2. Cook the decoction over moderate heat for 40 minutes.
  3. Cool and strain.

Take part of a glass every 2-3 hours.

Pomegranate peels:

  1. Grind the pre-dried pomegranate peels using a coffee grinder and add boiled water.
  2. For 200 ml of boiling water you will need 1 dessert spoon of dry vegetable raw materials.
  3. Place the container in a water bath and cook for twenty minutes. After this, leave for another 35 minutes.

Take one large spoon 4-5 times/day.

Dill seeds:

  1. Take 2 dessert spoons of the previously indicated raw material and brew it in 400 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for an hour, strain.

Take 100 ml three times a day. It is advisable to do this before starting a meal.

Potato starch:

  1. Brew tsp. semicircular cooled water (it must first be boiled).
  2. Mix the composition thoroughly. Drink in one go.

This solution works great for diarrhea.

Diet for diarrhea

The first day you are allowed to drink tea with milk, chamomile infusion, and eat white bread crackers. Then you can gradually switch to lean meats, cereals, baked vegetables and fish. Throughout the day, sit down at the table 5-6 times. But eat food exclusively in small portions, this will avoid overloading the stomach.

Exclude foods - confectionery, smoked meats, coffee, fatty meat and fish. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are prohibited.

Stick to this diet for at least one week. The remaining recommendations will be made by the attending physician.

Preventive measures

They consist of the most basic things - carefully handle food before consuming it, constantly wash your hands with soap, check the expiration date when purchasing food products, and drink strictly boiled water.

Before you go somewhere on vacation, get vaccinated, find out about the climate in advance and take other measures to avoid the risk of infection. If you are prone to intestinal disorders, consult a specialist.

Most adults are accustomed to the fact that human stool should be hard, densely formed, and brownish in color.

And when the stool becomes liquid, panic arises, what to do?

First you need to find out why loose stools appeared, and only then sound the alarm if necessary.

Loose stools or diarrhea

Loose stools are a normal state of the body, which is accompanied by the excretion of large amounts of liquid feces due to the physiological needs of the body. A person should have stool every day or twice a day, but not more often. Normally, stool has a dense consistency, but sometimes it is slightly runny, but not watery. If a person has bowel movements more often than 3-4 times a day, then we can already talk about diarrhea or diarrhea.

Diarrhea is a symptom of improper bowel function or body disease.

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between these two concepts, but it is possible. To do this, it is necessary to take into account such criteria as:

  • stool frequency;
  • consistency;
  • color and smell;
  • side symptoms (stomach cramps, flatulence, pain during bowel movements, weakness, nausea);
  • the presence of inclusions in the stool (pus, blood, undigested food debris).

Depending on what indicators are missing or do not correspond to the norm, we can say that this is loose stool, but not diarrhea, or vice versa.

To distinguish loose stools from diarrhea, you can use the table below.

CriterionLoose stoolDiarrhea (diarrhea)
Frequency of bowel movements1-2 times a day3-4 times a day or more often
ColorDark yellow to brownYellow, red (with blood), white, black, brown
PeculiaritiesUniformityHeterogeneity, presence of foam
Presence of inclusionsPossible clear mucusClear or green mucus, undigested food
SmellCharacteristicHarsh, fetid, sour

If all parameters show that this is loose stool, then the adult has no reason to worry. But if diarrhea is diagnosed, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid the undesirable consequences of this phenomenon. He will tell you what to do in this case and how to treat diarrhea.

What causes loose stools?

The reasons for the appearance of daily loose stools can be completely different. Namely:

Diarrhea differs from loose stools in that there is a lot of watery discharge, trips to the toilet occur more than five times a day, the stomach constantly hurts and weakness is felt, and symptoms of intoxication are noted, namely:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pale skin;
  • darkening of urine;
  • increase in temperature;
  • stool mixes with mucus, pus, or even blood.

Diarrhea is already a sign of a serious illness or pathological condition of the digestive tract. Diarrhea can be caused by:

  1. Infectious diseases such as cholera, salmonellosis, shigelosis, typhoid fever. Each of these diseases will differ in the nature of the stool, its consistency, color, smell; tenesmus and characteristic symptoms of the disease may be present.
  2. Viral hepatitis.
  3. Gastrointestinal bleeding. They are extremely dangerous for the body and are characterized by characteristic diarrhea.
  4. Operations on the digestive organs: pancreas, stomach, intestines, liver.
  5. Crohn's disease.
  6. Diverticulosis.
  7. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
  8. Bowel cancer.

If the cause of frequent loose stools is one of these diseases, then you should immediately consult a doctor to stop the disease at an early stage.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various medications. To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

Children's chair

Young mothers always panic when they see something in their baby that they are not used to noticing in themselves. And in vain.

A child's chair has different characteristics than an adult's. The baby may have bowel movements up to 15 times after each meal, and this is normal.

Frequent loose stools in infants are due to the immaturity of the food system. When the baby begins to eat like adults, then his stool will be similar to theirs. It is important to say that the consistency and color of feces in babies is unstable. It may be yellow, light yellow, with white specks, but absolutely odorless. Moreover, it should not normally be smelly. If, despite frequent bowel movements, the baby remains cheerful and continues to eat well and gain weight, then there is no reason to worry. It's just loose stools, not diarrhea.


If your stool becomes profuse, there are various types of impurities and the general condition of the body leaves much to be desired, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

The specialist will prescribe tests and examinations that will help determine the cause of this phenomenon. A coprogram, test for eggworms, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, colonoscopy, endoscopy will help you find out what could be causing the liquid stool.

Further treatment will be aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also at eliminating the cause of this failure.


Having identified a disease that has caused the appearance of liquid or semi-liquid feces, the doctor will prescribe drug treatment with antibiotics, anthelmintic drugs, enzymes, hormones, or whatever the circumstances require. But the most important thing and the first thing the doctor will prescribe is diet. The diet for loose stools and diarrhea should be as follows:

CanProduct groupIt is forbidden
Wheat bread crackers, day-old white bread, dry biscuitsBread and flour productsOther bakery products
In low-fat, weak meat or fish broth with the addition of mucous decoctions of cereals, steamed quenelles and meatballsSoupsSoups with cereals, vegetables, pasta, dairy, strong and fatty broths
Lean meats, skinless poultry, steamed or boiled cutlets, quenelles, meatballs. Minced meat with boiled rice. Boiled meat souffléMeat and poultryFatty meats, pieces of meat, sausages, smoked meats and other meat products
Low-fat types of fresh fish, pieced or chopped (quenelles, meatballs, cutlets), steamed or boiled in waterfishFatty species, salted fish, caviar, canned food
Freshly prepared calcined or unleavened mashed cottage cheese, steam souffléDairy productsWhole milk and other dairy products
Boiled and steam pureedVegetables
Puree porridges in water or low-fat broth - rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, cereal flourCerealsMillet, pearl barley, barley, pasta, legumes
Up to 1-2 per day, soft-boiled, steam omelet and in dishesEggsHard-boiled, raw, fried eggs
Jelly and jelly from blueberries, dogwoods, bird cherry, quince, pears. Mashed raw apples. Sugar – limitedFruits, sweet dishes, sweetsNatural fruits and berries, honey, jam and other sweets
Tea, especially green tea. Decoctions of rose hips, dried blueberries, black currants, bird cherry, quince. If tolerated, diluted fresh juices, except grapes, plums and apricotsDrinksCoffee and cocoa with milk, carbonated and cold drinks

In addition to diet, it is important to lead an active lifestyle and stick to a daily routine. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, loose stools will soon acquire a normal consistency and will no longer bother you.

Video: How to stop diarrhea?

Published: January 11, 2016 at 11:02 am

When a person needs to cleanse his intestines, he has the urge to defecate. Sometimes cases arise when such urges are false. This happens because the intestines contract, causing pain. Frequent bowel movements without diarrhea occur with infectious diseases.

In medicine, frequent urge to defecate is usually called tenesmus. They can be either false or real. With tenesmus, the patient feels exhausted, and the skin appears cracked and eroded. With severe exposure to infection, frequent bowel movements without diarrhea appear. In addition to an infectious disease, frequent bowel movements, but not diarrhea, can cause.

Reasons for frequent bowel movements

There are several reasons why a person experiences frequent bowel movements, but not diarrhea. You should know these reasons:

  • Inflammation of the rectum. At first, the patient experiences severe pain and the urge to urinate. Most often, stool is not diarrhea. A little later, the person cannot control his intestines, and stool comes out involuntarily. In most cases, feces contain blood and pus. Inflammation can be caused by various injuries;
  • Frequent trips to the toilet can be caused by excessive use of laxatives or a single use of a strong laxative. If there are no other diseases, the stool is not diarrhea;
  • Dysentery. Most often in our country, mild forms of this disease occur, so people do not experience diarrhea. You can get sick by communicating with sick people or contact with bacteria carriers;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. With this disease, the character of the stool constantly changes its state from constipation to a more liquid state. Diarrhea occurs extremely rarely, only in advanced cases. After emptying, the person feels relief and the pain stops.

First of all, you need to understand why stool is frequent, but not diarrhea. To do this, it is better to go to a specialist who will conduct a diagnosis and determine the cause. Only after this can you begin treatment.

Treatment should begin taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s daily life. Changes in stool may directly depend on stressful situations. The patient must understand the essence of his disease. You should also convince the person seeking help that visiting the toilet twice a day is normal. Treatment will be more effective if lifestyle changes are made.

First of all, you should take care of your daily diet, which can fully influence the frequency of stool. It is better to avoid products that contribute to this:

  • Fructose;
  • Milk. It all depends on the amount of product consumed and its fat content;
  • Artificial sugar substitutes. This product may be found in a variety of beverages and some prepared foods. To avoid consuming artificial sugar, it is recommended to read the ingredients of products.

It is best to prepare dietary nutrition together with your attending physician, who will take into account the prescribed treatment and the characteristics of the patient’s body. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, you can get rid of increased bowel movements without diarrhea in a few days. The exception is a serious illness that requires long-term treatment and hospitalization.

For IBS, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Probiotics;
  • Antibiotics. These include Rifaximin;
  • Pancreatic enzymes. The main drug is Pancreatin.

Frequent bowel movements: causes, symptoms, treatment features

The nervous system affects the functioning of various organs. Psychological difficulties can lead to disruption of the digestion process. Frequent bowel movements in an adult are not always a sign of diarrhea. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke pathology.

Causes of frequent bowel movements

What determines the frequency of bowel movements? There are several factors that force a person to visit the toilet more than 2 times a day:

How to eliminate psychological problems of the disease

Psychological problems

The state of the nervous system affects the functioning of the digestive organs. People prone to increased anxiety suffer from frequent bowel movements. They adapt poorly to new conditions and get irritated over trifles.

Frequent bowel movements indicate that a person is experiencing the following emotions:

  1. The patient is very irritated and constantly nervous.
  2. The patient experiences emotional instability and a feeling of fear.
  3. The patient suffers from symptoms of schizophrenia.
  4. If a person cannot solve the difficulties that have befallen him, then the process of digesting food is disrupted.
  5. People with an unstable nervous system perceive personal failures quite painfully. Suspicious people begin to suspect that their health is not all right. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist who will help you find a way out of this situation.

To calm an overexcited nervous system and diarrhea due to nervousness, you can use antidepressants. In combination with psychotherapy, treatment can achieve stable results. The functioning of the digestive organs should gradually normalize.

Too frequent bowel movements deprive the patient of essential vitamins and microelements. A lack of digestive enzymes leads to incompletely digested food entering the large intestine. The patient may develop vitamin deficiency and anemia.

The cause of frequent bowel movements may be poor nutrition. In this case, treatment must begin with an analysis of the patient’s daily diet.

Products that stimulate bowel function include:

  1. Frequent bowel movements are provoked by dishes that contain a lot of fructose.
  2. Drinking milk causes frequent bowel movements.
  3. Artificial sugar substitutes are the most common food additive. Many people don’t even think about the harm that they can cause if consumed regularly.

To get rid of the symptoms of indigestion, you need to completely review your menu. During illness, exclude fried foods from your diet.

Smoked meats are prohibited, as they irritate the intestinal walls.

Eating too hot food does not have the best effect on the functioning of the digestive system. The daily amount of food must be reduced.

Foods that can help relieve indigestion

Are you tormented by the desire to go to the toilet at the most inopportune moment? You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms with diet. Be sure to include the following types of foods in your diet:

  1. Rusks will help you reduce the frequency of bowel movements.
  2. Healthy dishes include meat or vegetable broth.
  3. It is allowed to eat lean meat. It must be boiled or steamed.
  4. Visits to the restroom will become less frequent if you include boiled eggs in your diet.
  5. You can improve the functioning of your digestive organs using natural jelly. You should not use purchased briquettes, to which manufacturers generously add flavorings and dyes.
  6. Black tea has a healing effect for frequent bowel movements.
  7. Healthy foods include low-fat cottage cheese and fish.

How to eliminate digestive enzyme deficiency

Lack of enzymes is one of the reasons for frequent bowel movements. To treat patients with pancreatitis, drugs such as Festal and Mezim Forte are used.

Follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition. Typically, the course of taking medications takes from 4 to 12 days.

How to restore the functioning of the digestive organs with colitis

Frequent bowel movements can be caused by colitis. Doctors prescribe antibacterial agents (Polymyxin, Terramycin). They suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that actively multiply in the intestines. The dosage depends on the patient's condition.

Treatment of dysbiosis

Taking antibiotics leads to disruption of intestinal microflora. Not having enough beneficial bacteria causes frequent bowel movements.

To restore microflora, doctors prescribe probiotics to patients (Lactofiltrum, Bifidumbacterin). With regular use of the drugs, the patient's stool normalizes and gas formation decreases.

Treatment of frequent bowel movements due to gastritis

In the body of a patient with gastritis, the production of gastric juice is disrupted. Patients complain of pain in the stomach area. Gastritis complicates the process of digesting food. A deficiency of gastric juice leads to stagnation of food.

As a result, fermentation begins and belching occurs. Chronic gastritis often causes intestinal dysfunction. The patient suffers from flatulence, as food enters the intestines in an insufficiently digested form.

The factor that provokes the occurrence of gastritis is considered to be Helicobacter pylori infection. To destroy the bacteria, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. However, this is not the only cause of this disease. Ulcers and erosions in the stomach can provoke the development of gastritis.

How to eliminate irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome

The choice of means depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Often this condition develops against the background of nervous tension. Such patients are recommended to take antidepressants. Exercise helps relieve stress. Be sure to make an appointment with a psychologist.

To reduce intestinal spasms, you can use antispasmodics (Papaverine, Drotaverine). To regulate intestinal motility, doctors prescribe prokinetics (Trimedat, Alosetron).

What is the cause of frequent bowel movements without diarrhea in adults and how to treat it?

A person may suddenly experience frequent bowel movements without diarrhea, in which case the cause of its occurrence becomes unclear. Often the urge to go to the toilet may be false and accompanied by severe painful sensations.

When diarrhea occurs, it is not difficult to find out why it happened. But in the case of frequent urge without diarrhea, determining the cause is quite difficult.

Reasons for frequent bowel movements

There are some reasons why an adult may experience frequent bowel movements, but not diarrhea. Every person should know these reasons so that an unpleasant situation does not arise.

The cause may be inflammatory processes in the rectum, the patient begins to experience quite strong pain and frequent bowel movements. At first, the urge is controllable, but a little later, bowel movements begin to occur involuntarily.

Lack of digestive enzymes

In a large number of people, there is a small production of enzymes (digestive), this deviation is directly related to the disturbances that have occurred in the functioning of the pancreas.

For proper digestion, the body needs a sufficient amount of enzymes. Due to a lack of enzymes, some of the foods consumed are not digested and this provokes frequent visits to the toilet.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

If a person has frequent bowel movements, the reasons may lie in the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis.

A person is tormented by feelings of heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, and this contributes to a frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This disease is quite difficult to identify; often with irritable bowels, a person often feels the urge to go to the toilet immediately after eating. There are times when the patient does not have time to finish the meal when he feels the urge.

With this disease, stool may change its consistency, but diarrhea occurs infrequently.

Significant fiber intake

When consuming fiber in large quantities, the problem of frequent bowel movements may arise. When you change your diet, the number of daily urges to bowel movement will change.

Raw food diet and vegetarianism

Poor nutrition also causes this unpleasant phenomenon.

If a person consumes a large amount of raw fruits and vegetables, the intestines begin to work much faster and this provokes frequent bowel movements. This problem most often occurs among vegetarians.

For any reason, there is an increase in not only frequent bowel movements and a change in the color, consistency and smell of feces.

Psychological problems

Frequent bowel movements in an adult can occur due to frequent nervous shocks. The nervous system greatly affects the digestive system and people exposed to frequent stress suffer from frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Constant bowel movements may indicate the following abnormalities:

  • feeling of fear and being in an unstable emotional state;
  • schizophrenia;
  • constant stress and irritation;
  • a large number of difficulties arising at one time.
If the nervous shocks that have occurred are not resolved in time, the body begins to react inadequately, and the person experiences frequent bowel movements. Often people who take everything to heart in this situation begin to think that they have various diseases and this further aggravates the current situation.

To eliminate this situation, you need to:

  • consult a doctor (psychologist) to help get rid of stressful situations;
  • Some citizens can take anti-depression pills for a while.

As soon as the problem can be identified and solved, the person ceases to be tormented by constant bowel movements.

What is the danger of frequent bowel movements?

When a person suffers from frequent bowel movements:

  • Microelements and vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body begin to be released along with feces.
  • Anemia or vitamin deficiency develops if the cause is poor enzyme production and the food entering the intestines is not processed.
  • If the body does not produce enough bile acid, the number of trips to the toilet begins to increase within 24 hours. The consistency of the feces becomes oily and the color pale.
  • If this pathology is not cured as soon as possible, vision may deteriorate significantly, bones will become fragile, and the anus will begin to bleed.

What should you not eat if you have frequent bowel movements?

One of the reasons for frequent bowel movements is poor nutrition. In this case, treatment begins with a detailed analysis of the products consumed.

Products that cause frequent bowel movements include:

  • sugar substitutes (artificial), one of the most common additives, the use of which can lead to some problems;
  • excessive consumption of dairy products;
  • use of foods containing large amounts of fructose in the daily diet.

To get rid of frequent bowel movements, you need to carefully analyze your daily diet.

Until the illness stops, it is advisable to completely exclude from the menu:

  • Fried and smoked food.
  • Eating food that is too hot can irritate the intestinal walls and cause frequent bowel movements.

This can indicate many diseases.

How to normalize frequent bowel movements?

Before starting treatment, a person needs to identify the reason why this is happening, for this he will need to contact a specialist and conduct an examination. Only after diagnosis can you begin to treat the disease that caused frequent bowel movements.

Treatment is initiated based on the person's daily habits and lifestyle.

To normalize toilet visits you need:

  • First of all, try to review the daily menu;
  • analyze the foods consumed three days before the start of frequent visits to the toilet.

You can also try introducing the following products into your daily consumption:

  • if you eat crackers, you can reduce the number of visits to the toilet;
  • you can eat boiled or steamed meat (low-fat varieties);
  • broths based on meat or vegetables;
  • It is useful for this disease to drink black tea and boiled chicken eggs;
  • It is advisable to include low-fat cottage cheese and fish in the daily menu;
  • To normalize emptying, it is good to use jelly, but only cooked from natural ingredients.
To normalize the amount of enzymes produced, it is necessary to cure pancreatitis; Mezim and Festal are widely used for this. For treatment, you must strictly adhere to the indicated dosage and follow all doctor’s recommendations. Often, a course of medication is no more than two weeks, but before prescribing the course duration, the doctor looks at the patient’s condition.

If the cause of frequent bowel movements is colitis, then you must:

  • Take antibacterial medications.
  • With their help, you can suppress pathogenic microorganisms that develop in the intestines.
  • The doctor prescribes the required dosage based on the patient’s well-being.

In the case of chronic gastritis:

  • Gastritis develops due to infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  • It can also occur as a result of other stomach-related diseases.
  • To treat gastritis, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the patient.
When taking antibiotics, the intestinal microflora may be disrupted and, as a result, dysbiosis occurs. Due to a lack of beneficial bacteria, a person begins to have frequent bowel movements. To restore the microflora, the patient needs to take probiotics and after some time the stool will normalize and the formation of gases will decrease.

To treat bowel irritation:

  • It is necessary to select drugs based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.
  • If the cause is nervous tension, then the person needs to take medications for depression.
  • It is also advisable to visit a psychologist and use physical exercises.

If a person begins to have problems with stool, he goes to the toilet very often, then he needs to:

  • Consult a doctor to identify the true cause of this phenomenon.
  • First, you need to review your diet and eliminate foods that can cause frequent bowel movements.
  • In addition, it is necessary to try to eliminate all the reasons why a person experiences nervous tension, visit a psychologist and take medications for depression.


Frequent bowel movements can also be associated with diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract; they must be identified and eliminated.

  • Do not forget that constant consumption of raw vegetables and fruits can negatively affect the frequency of stool.
  • If the cause is excessive use of antibiotics, then it is necessary to restore the microflora in the intestines.
  • If you have frequent bowel movements, you should never engage in self-treatment; this can only aggravate an already difficult situation.

Causes of frequent bowel movements in adults

When a private stool occurs, the reason becomes unclear. If with diarrhea everything is very clear and diagnosing the provoking factor is not difficult, then in this case the determination may be difficult. Let's consider the main reasons for this condition.


Frequent urges and subsequent bowel movements do not always conceal hidden intestinal pathology. The norm is 1-2 stools every 1-2 days. Deviations in one direction or another occur under certain conditions that arise in the human body. There are several factors for the manifestation of this condition:

  1. Lack of digestive enzymes. Bowel movements may be frequent for this very reason. When there are not enough enzymes to break down certain food components, food fragments are partially not digested, and frequent urge to go to the toilet occurs.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract often provoke this phenomenon in both adults and children. In this case, pain and other related problems may occur: flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. A similar condition occurs in the following diseases: pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome. Often with such a diagnosis, which is very difficult to define and detect even for an experienced specialist, various dyspeptic phenomena occur, which constitute IBS. The stool may be of normal consistency, but quite frequent. Irritable bowel syndrome usually manifests itself immediately after eating. Sometimes a person does not have time to eat before he is immediately drawn to the toilet.
  4. Significant fiber intake. Sometimes the number of bowel movements increases with changes in diet. In particular, this is the consumption of large amounts of fiber.
  5. Raw food diet and vegetarianism. People who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables may have bowel movements about 3 or more times a day. And in this case this is the norm.

Psychological problems

When a person is bothered by frequent bowel movements, but there is no diarrhea, this may be a sign of dysfunction of the central nervous system and psychological difficulties.

People suffering from increased anxiety, poor adaptation, suspiciousness and irritability often find themselves in a similar situation.

The occurrence of frequent acts of defecation occurs under the following conditions:

  • increased irritability;
  • nervousness;
  • emotional instability;
  • fears;
  • anxiety and panic disorders;
  • schizophrenia.

When a person does not solve psychological difficulties arising as a result of various negative situations in time, the nervous system reacts in a similar way. Often people with an unstable nervous system take this situation to heart and begin to suspect a number of diseases. To get rid of the frequent urge to go to the toilet, you should contact a psychologist and solve the psychological problem that has arisen, possibly a serious internal conflict.

Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications in combination with traditional psychotherapy help people who are suspicious to get rid of this phenomenon. When the problem is resolved and a person understands the cause, as a rule, this phenomenon quickly recedes.

However, diagnosing psychological pathology is not always possible, since people are often embarrassed to come to see a doctor with a similar problem, and in vain.