Shelf life of tests before surgery: norms, requirements and recommendations. What is the validity period of tests before surgery? List of mandatory tests for heart surgery

The standard list of medical examination procedures must include a visit to a cardiologist. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most common, and there are many possible diagnoses, which is why regularly performed electrocardiography is so important - it helps to identify pathological processes at the very beginning. It is also carried out before any surgical intervention. Read on to learn more about what an ECG is and how long its results are valid.

What is an ECG?

The procedure is a type of research in which changes in electrical potentials are recorded. The basis for this technique was the natural electrical impulses of the heart, which originate in the sinusoidal node and provoke contractions of myocardial cells. These impulses travel further throughout the body, so a comprehensive study helps to get a general idea of ​​the state of the heart muscle.

The procedure itself has a number of advantages:

  • short duration;
  • information content;
  • painlessness;
  • non-invasiveness.

This study is safe for humans, so even pregnant women can carry it out without fear.

Carrying out an ECG

Carrying out an ECG: indications and important points

In addition to the standard medical examination, which should be carried out every year, there are a number of other circumstances that require a cardiogram. This list includes:

  • serious infectious diseases;
  • heart pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • arrhythmia;
  • pregnancy;
  • overweight.

Certain occupational risks, advanced age or bad habits also become indications for regular ECG testing. Men over 40 should pay special attention to the heart.

– an integral procedure before surgery. In this case, it is important to consider the validity period of the study - for surgical intervention, the shelf life is up to several days.

How to prepare for research?

To ensure that the study result reflects the condition of the heart muscle as accurately as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Limit liquid intake the night before;
  • do not eat food two hours before taking an electrocardiogram;
  • exclude physical activity;
  • do not drink coffee or tea the day before;
  • Do not apply cream or oil to the skin.

It is best to come to the office in advance and sit for 20 minutes to bring your breathing back to normal. For your own comfort, you should wear simple, easily removable clothing.

Important! It is enough that a blouse or sweater can be easily removed; jeans (trousers) can simply be rolled up.

When discussing the ECG procedure with your doctor, specify the date you need the latest results. This will allow you to set a date for the study so that the expiration date of the new ECG meets the patient's needs. It is imperative to report any existing heart disease.

How is an ECG taken?

The procedure itself is simple, but there are rules, non-compliance with which can negatively affect the result and provide false information. To ensure that the data reflects the true state of affairs, it is recommended:

  • come to the procedure in a calm state;
  • do not use energy drinks and other stimulants;
  • Relax and don’t be nervous while recording.

Important! ECG is performed only in a calm state!

Before the procedure, the person lies down on a couch. The specialist places electrodes on certain points, having previously lubricated the area with a special conductive gel - it simplifies the detection of electrical impulses and makes the result more accurate.

The recording is kept for 10 minutes. It is stored electronically or in paper form. If the study is the patient’s initiative, then the result is delivered on the same day. Upon presentation of the referral, the sheet is sent directly to the attending physician.

This result is valid for two weeks - this period includes the day of the study itself.

Installation of sensors

How many ECGs are there really?

Like any analysis or study, an ECG has its own period during which the doctor’s conclusion is valid. In general, this is two weeks. It is recommended to do an ECG last, since its result can be obtained on the day of the test, while a clinical blood test may take more than one day.

A completely different picture with planned surgery. In this case, all tests are taken as close as possible to the date of conduct. In this situation, the ECG is accurate for a couple of days. The exact expiration date is determined by the doctor. For example, weekly studies are suitable for assessing the risks of anesthesia, while interventions directly on the heart may require the shortest possible time - one or two days.

ECG interpretation

The sheet with the electrocardiogram itself is not a conclusion. To receive it, you need to take the received sheet to a cardiologist.

Important! Only a specialized doctor can make a diagnosis.

If it is temporarily impossible to consult a doctor, then you can act independently. Knowing the norms regarding teeth, intervals and segments, one can make assumptions regarding diseases. But such self-diagnosis is only a calming psychological factor. Only a doctor can take into account all the nuances of the electrocardiogram and the patient’s personal characteristics.

Conclusions are drawn based on the number of non-compliances with standards, their criticality, previously suffered diseases and chronic diseases. The psycho-emotional state of the patient must be taken into account.

Only a doctor should do the decoding

ECG effectiveness

Despite the fact that the method itself is not so new, it makes it possible to notice pathological disorders in the early stages and accurately establish the general dynamics. With a competent approach to decoding, the attending physician can identify:

  • arrhythmias;
  • ischemic diseases;
  • myocardial hypertrophy;
  • heart and vascular defects;
  • other violations.

An electrocardiogram is mandatory for pregnant women, especially on the eve of childbirth - this allows you to develop a labor management plan and reduce the risks of complications.

Sometimes additional research is required to confirm the diagnosis. For example, an echocardiogram may be required to determine the size and shape of a heart defect. A karyogram is just another tool with which you can quickly and painlessly make a diagnosis.

The validity period of a particular analysis directly depends on the purpose of the analysis. In general, clinical blood tests, urine tests, and ECG results are considered valid for about 10 days, but in the preoperative period these figures are sharply reduced. Some tests are taken on the day of surgery. A cardiogram, depending on the type of operation, is done shortly before the scheduled intervention.

In any case, drawing up a plan for tests and examinations is the task of the attending physician. As the fastest test in terms of obtaining results, electrocardiography can be placed at the very end of the medical examination.


Interpretation of a child's ECG, diagnostic rules, preparation

Clinical tests of urine and blood are a mandatory measure that applies to all patients, without exception, who apply to a medical facility. The simplest tests will be ready after 1 hour. In government agencies, the patient will receive the forms in hand only the next day.

General laboratory tests help assess the condition of all vital internal organs and systems: blood vessels, heart, intestines and stomach, organs of the genitourinary and reproductive systems. The effect of general tests varies from 10 to 14 days and depends on the purpose for which the diagnosis was carried out.

Before surgical treatment, general laboratory tests are most often prescribed. In some cases, there is a need for individual diagnostics.

Please note that decoding should be done by an experienced specialist. You should not assume that the result obtained can be the basis for a therapeutic conclusion.

If any deviations from the norm are received, the patient is sent for re-diagnosis, in which additional techniques are used.

Sequence of preparation for surgery

Before planned surgical treatment, preparation is carried out. The patient must provide the clinic not only with a medical history and passport, but also with laboratory results.

The shelf life of tests is of great importance, since after some time the results become unusable, and there is a need to repeat the tests.

List of required tests:

  1. Clinical blood test - general. Allows you to determine the rate of blood clotting, the level of leukocytes and platelets. Shelf life – 10 days.
  2. Clinical urine analysis - general. It makes it possible to determine whether there is an inflammatory process in the body. Shelf life – 2 weeks.
  3. Biochemical blood test. It is carried out to determine the level of glucose, total protein, bilirubin, AST and ALT, urea and creatinine. Shelf life is 4 weeks.

Blood tests for hepatitis and HIV have a longer shelf life, which is up to 3 months. After taking an x-ray, the result will be significant for six months.

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It should be remembered that laboratory tests have an expiration date, and after a certain time they become insignificant. Only those results that are confirmed by stamps and a triangular seal of a medical institution are considered valid.

The results of laboratory and instrumental studies performed on the day of the operation are reviewed. This should be taken into account to eliminate the possibility that surgical treatment will be delayed.

Shelf life of tests before surgery

Characteristics and expiration dates of basic tests

Each laboratory test has its own expiration date. This criterion is the most important, since after its expiration significant changes in the body can be observed.

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If you do not take this indicator into account, you can achieve serious complications during the operation or during the rehabilitation period.


A standard laboratory procedure that is used to determine pathological processes in the patient's body.

Based on the results of this study, it is possible to determine the deficiency or excess of elements indicating various diseases.

The results of a general urine test are valid only for 10 days. Please note that the indicators will be correct only if the study was carried out within 2 hours after the fluid was taken.

A urine test according to Nechiporenko is prescribed only when there is a suspicion of a particular disease. Most often, the patient is given a referral when the results of the general analysis are distorted.

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Urine according to Nechiporenko helps to more accurately identify hidden hematuria and inflammation. Using the results obtained, you can determine the effectiveness of the prescribed drug therapy.

In this case, the received form will also be valid for 10 days from the date of delivery.

If we talk about urine diagnostics for surgery, the results will be valid for 14 days.

Blood test

A general blood test before surgery is prescribed to determine the inflammatory process in the body. This medical procedure can detect the presence of infection.

This test provides a standard for prescribing additional diagnostic measures. The result in this case is valid within 24 hours.

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Detailed characteristics of blood tests and expiration dates of the results:

  1. Test for syphilis. Blood is donated on an empty stomach, the patient receives results on the 3rd day. Results will be visible within 3 months.
  2. HIV diagnosis. This study is not standard and is performed only when indicated or anonymously at the request of the patient. The results are valid for 3-6 months, depending on whether the person is at risk.
  3. Diagnosis of hepatitis. Makes it possible to determine the presence of antibodies to the virus. It is mandatory before a planned surgical intervention. The received form is valid for only 21 days.
  4. Blood for sugar. This study is necessary to determine the amount of glucose in order to determine diabetes mellitus. Blood should be donated on an empty stomach, which allows you to get an accurate result. The results of the diagnostics performed are kept up to date throughout the day.
  5. Blood from a vein. When taking biological material for tumor markers, the results obtained are valid for 30 days, when determining cancer proteins - only 7 days.

Expiration dates depend on the type of medicine used and the technology already in use. The type of surgery to be performed is of great importance. Please note that each medical institution may have its own rules for determining the timing of the significance of laboratory tests.

In order for the obtained laboratory test results to be accurate, you should adhere to the rules for taking tests:

  • Blood is donated exclusively on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Blood is not donated after physiotherapy, massage and x-rays for 1-2 days.
  • Urine should be collected in a sterile container after careful hygiene procedures.
  • Urination should be primary after a night's sleep, which allows you to get a clearer picture of the state of the body.
  • It is not recommended to use the first portion of urine. First, you need to urinate a little into the toilet, and then into the prepared container.
  • The average portion of urine is 100 ml. This volume of biological material is sufficient to conduct a diagnostic study.
  • Before collecting biological material, you should not smoke or expose yourself to excessive physical activity for 2 hours.

If the patient is taking medications, the doctor must be notified about this. Some tablets change the composition of blood and urine, which can be regarded by a specialist as one or another pathological process in the body.

Before surgical intervention, a comprehensive diagnosis is mandatory. The doctor prescribes a series of laboratory tests for the patient, which allows the condition of the internal organs to be determined and the operation to be performed without the development of any complications.

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Each patient must follow the rules for taking tests and be aware of the shelf life of biological material. It should also be taken into account that hand-issued forms are also valid only for a certain period.

With this they read:

© 2018 Medical tests in one place. Descriptions and interpretation of analyses.

The information is provided for informational purposes only. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor. There are contraindications, a doctor's consultation is required. The site may contain content prohibited for viewing by persons under 18 years of age. Do not self-medicate.

Patient's memo for surgical treatment

Preparing for surgery. List of tests. Analysis period


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  1. Passport.
  2. Medical history.
  3. Medications regularly used by the patient.
  4. Extracts of previous eye surgeries.
  5. Results of preoperative examination.
  6. Personal hygiene items: slippers, underwear or pajamas (for the operating room).
  7. Patients with diabetes should carry with them: insulin and a glucometer with test strips.

List of tests for surgery

Conclusion about the absence of contraindications to eye surgery:

  • Endocrinologist (for patients with diabetes).
  • Nephrologist (in the presence of chronic renal failure).
  • Cardiologist (for patients registered for cardiovascular pathology).
  • Other specialists who regularly monitor the patient for concomitant pathologies.

Medical examination results:

  • General clinical blood test, duration of bleeding, clotting time, platelets (test period - 14 days).
  • General clinical urine analysis (test shelf life is 14 days).
  • Biochemical blood test (total protein, glucose, bilirubin, ALT, AST, creatinine, urea, prothrombin index (test period - 1 month)).
  • Blood test for HIV, RW, HBsAg, HCV (test shelf life is 3 months).
  • ECG with interpretation (validity period - 1 month). Conclusion of chest x-ray (validity period - 6 months).

Tests have a certain expiration date and are valid only if they have laboratory stamps or a triangular seal of a medical institution. On the day of surgery, patients with test results are consulted by a staff therapist at the Fedorov Clinic to ensure that there are no contraindications to the operation.

Preparing for surgery

  • The last meal is at least 2 hours before surgery.
  • All drug therapy prescribed for concomitant pathology should be continued on the day of surgery!
  • On the eve of the operation, it is necessary to remove all makeup from the face and nail polish.
  • Arrival time at the clinic: 1 hour before the scheduled time of surgery.
  • On the day of surgery, it is mandatory to have accompanying persons to transport patients to the clinic and back to their place of residence.

If a patient has an exacerbation of chronic diseases, or the occurrence of acute respiratory or other diseases, it is necessary to inform in advance by phone: or.

Table. Validity period for tests and examinations

Stages of treatment

Patient reviews

As promised, I am unsubscribing. Ultimately, I decided to have surgery at this clinic. Passed tests. By the way, the clinic doesn’t mind at all if you don’t get your tests done here. I rented it at Invitro near my house. I called the clinic to say that the tests were ready, and the girl from the reception desk informed me of the day and time of the operation. The operation took place in two steps. First the retina.

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I’ll also add my two cents. Yes, there are queues at the clinic. Yes, you have to sit in this line, even though you arrived on time, and wait for a call to the office. And I, as a “patient in line,” want to be seen on time. And as a “patient in the office,” I want the doctor to devote as much time to me as I need, and not limited minutes.

We came from Kyrgyzstan with a macular hole in the retina of the right eye, and were referred by our doctors for a consultation with Dr. Mironov. Immediately upon arrival, we had a consultation, and a day later the operation was scheduled. Fear knew no bounds. But Andrei Viktorovich reassured me and assured me that everything would be fine. I TRUSTED HIM. Now I see, I enjoy life. Although there were the next day.

  • carried out by telephone;
  • lasts minutes.
  • consultation on treatment methods;
  • complete information on the process and results of treatment;
  • date and time of your consultation at the Clinic, convenient for you.

Operation on credit.

Clinic named after Svyatoslav Fedorov

st. Sadovaya-Samotechnaya, 16

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from 09.00. until 21.00, closed on Sunday

Shelf life of tests for surgery. How long are tests valid?

The shelf life of the tests varies.

The photofluorogram in our region is valid for 1 year.

Blood tests for HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis B and C are valid for 3 months.

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But a general blood and urine test, biochemical blood test, coagulogram, blood clotting parameters are valid for 7 days, these are short-term tests. The fact is that these indicators can change significantly in a month.

A week is a maximum of ten days. I ran into the same problem myself this year. Still not knowing about the operation, I took tests, and once in the hospital I had to take all the tests again, since all of them were taken two weeks before. And yes, here’s another thing - in all clinics, specialists prefer to trust only their results, so in any case they will ask you to test them, so don’t waste your money.

When I was preparing for the operation, I was told that the test results for HIV and hepatitis could be brought back no more than three months ago. But a clinical blood test, biochemistry and coagulogram are valid for 10 days.

Shelf life: 7 days. That is, 7 days before the operation you need to do tests.

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Tests before surgery, necessary list

If a patient is undergoing surgery, he undergoes a routine examination and tests before surgery. This will determine how ready the patient’s body is for the upcoming surgical treatment and reduce the risk of developing severe consequences and complications.

Standard list of preoperative tests

Preoperative examination involves the following tests:

  • Clinical blood test. To obtain reliable results, it is recommended to refrain from eating for 6-8 hours before the procedure. The study is carried out 2-3 days before surgical treatment so that the doctor can assess the presence and stage of inflammatory processes. With chronic inflammation, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases (more than 30 mmol per liter). During infectious diseases or in the presence of purulent wounds, the number of leukocytes is increased. With a reduced hemoglobin level, various complications can be expected in the postoperative period. Therefore, the patient needs a special diet and iron supplements. It is important to determine the number of platelets that are involved in blood clotting and wound healing;
  • Biochemical blood test. Allows you to determine the functionality of internal organs and systems and detect serious diseases. The analysis helps determine the level of total protein in the bloodstream, ALT and AST, creatinine, sugar, bilirubin and other vital compounds;
  • Clinical examination of urine. Allows you to assess the condition of the urinary system. For analysis you will need an average portion of morning urine. If proteins or a large number of red blood cells are detected in the urine, it is recommended to postpone surgery. If there is an urgent need, surgery is performed while using drugs to improve kidney function. If salts and sand are found in the urine, then additional preventive measures will need to be taken to prevent the movement of stones;
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor. This information allows you to prepare donor blood in advance in order to provide emergency assistance in the event of bleeding. The study is carried out once in a lifetime;
  • Analysis for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV infection. A blood test for the listed infections allows you to determine how dangerous the patient is to other patients and medical personnel;
  • Coagulogram. The test is a blood clotting test to determine the risk of bleeding during or after surgery. If a low prothrombin index (PTI) level is detected, the blood clot will take too long to form. In such a case, the patient is prescribed drugs that can increase the level of clotting. If the PTI is high, the risk of developing blood clots increases. In such cases, blood thinning drugs are prescribed;
  • ECG. The study allows you to assess the functionality of the heart, find out the presence of contraindications or restrictions to surgical procedures. ECG results help the surgeon determine the tactics of the operation, and the anesthesiologist - the optimal dose and nature of anesthesia;
  • Fluorography or x-ray of the chest organs. Allows you to exclude the development of tuberculosis and inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Important! The validity period of tests varies significantly. Clinical and biochemical blood tests, coagulogram, ECG are valid for 10 days. Fluorography is performed once a year. Tests for infections are valid for no more than 3 months.

Additional tests before surgery

Before some surgical procedures, a standard examination of the patient is not enough. If vein surgery is to be performed, duplex scanning (Doppler ultrasound) is additionally prescribed. Before laparoscopy, you will need to perform a fibrogastroscopy to exclude pathologies of the digestive organs, and a blood test for hormones to exclude diseases of the endocrine system.

Important! If abnormalities are found during the examination, the patient is referred for additional consultation to specialized specialists: endocrinologist, cardiologist, otolaryngologist.

Often, before surgery, a dental examination and sanitation of the oral cavity are prescribed. The absence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases after surgery. A dental examination is a mandatory stage of preoperative preparation before installing metal implants.

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For male patients over 50 years of age, it is recommended to determine the prostate-specific antigen PSA. The study allows us to establish the presence of inflammatory processes that can lead to the development of severe complications in the postoperative period. For patients with ischemic heart disease and heart rhythm disturbances, Holter monitoring with ECG recording is recommended. This is necessary to determine the presence of contraindications to surgery, the dosage and type of anesthesia.

Specialized tests before gynecological operations

Examination before surgery on the uterus or appendages involves standard tests and additional studies. The latter include the following manipulations:

  • Taking a smear of vaginal flora. The analysis allows us to identify some bacterial infections and inflammatory processes for which gynecological operations are not performed. The validity period of the smear is no more than 2 weeks;
  • Cytological analysis of the cervix and cervical canal. The study is carried out to determine malignant changes in tissues before any surgical procedures. The results of the study are valid for 6 months;
  • Taking an aspirate from the uterine cavity. The analysis is carried out to exclude cancer pathology in the uterus. Validity period – 6 months;
  • Blood test for tumor markers CA 125, CA 19.9. The analysis is prescribed if there are cysts or tumors in the uterine appendages. The results are valid for 3 months;
  • Carrying out magnetic resonance imaging with contrast in the presence of a tumor helps to determine the extent of damage to the uterus and appendages, and the involvement of healthy neighboring tissues in the pathological process. The study is valid for 3 months.

Preoperative examination is an important stage in preparation for surgical treatment. It allows you to minimize the risk of complications, determine treatment tactics, and select the optimal type of anesthesia.

Tests before surgery

Smetanin Sergey Mikhailovich

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traumatologist - orthopedist, candidate of medical sciences

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 6., bldg. 1, metro station Sportivnaya

In 2007 he graduated with honors from the Northern State Medical University in Arkhangelsk.

From 2007 to 2009, he completed clinical residency and correspondence postgraduate studies at the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Surgery of the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy on the basis of the Emergency Hospital named after. N.V. Solovyova.

In 2010, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Therapeutic immobilization of open fractures of the femur.” Scientific supervisor, professor V.V. Klyuchevsky.

From 2010 to 2011 he worked as a traumatologist-orthopedist at the Federal State Institution “2 Central Military Clinical Hospital named after. P.V. Mandryka."

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Since 2011, he has been working in the clinic of traumatology, orthopedics and joint pathology of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov.

2012 – training course on knee replacement, prof. Dr. Henrik Schroeder-Boersch (Germany), Kuropatkin G.V. (Samara), Yekaterinburg.

February 18, 2014 – workshop on orthopedic surgery “Knee and hip joint replacement”, Dr. Patrick Mouret, Klinikum Frankfurt Hoechst, Germany.

November 28-29, 2014 - training course on knee replacement. Professor Kornilov N.N. (RNIITO named after R.R. Vreden, St. Petersburg), Kuropatkin G.V., Sedova O.N. (Samara), Kaminsky A.V. (Kurgan). Topic: “Course on ligament balance during primary knee replacement,” Morphological Center, Yekaterinburg.

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Associate member of the International Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT - French Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatology gie; English - International Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology). The society was founded in 1929.

Scientific and practical interests: endoprosthetics of large joints, arthroscopy of large joints.

Tests to be taken before surgery

Before a planned operation, it is necessary to undergo examinations and tests.

The minimum list of analyzes and studies includes:

  • General blood test - the statute of limitations is 10 days.
  • General urine test - the statute of limitations is 10 days.
  • Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, total protein, AST, ALT, creatinine, urea, C-reactive protein) - the statute of limitations is 4 weeks.
  • Blood sugar.
  • Coagulogram (blood clotting time, bleeding time, INR, prothrombin index, fibrinogen, APTT)
  • Blood type and Rh factor.
  • Tests for infectious diseases (hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis) - the statute of limitations is 3 months.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG).
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS).
  • Ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities (USDG) - during operations on the lower extremities.
  • Consultation with a therapist (after 60 years).

The shelf life of other tests before surgery is up to 2-3 weeks.

Check with your attending physician for a list of tests and examinations before surgery, since in some cases, with concomitant pathology, consultation with a cardiologist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon, or neurologist is additionally necessary; An echocardiographic examination (ultrasound of the heart) is often required.

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In addition, before any operation, it is advisable to sanitize foci of chronic infection, that is, visit a dentist, gynecologist, or otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). All this reduces the risk of postoperative infectious complications.

How long is the answer from a general blood test and biochemical study valid?

To understand how valid clinical blood tests are, it is worth knowing why they are given and what information needs to be revealed. In medicine, many different diagnostic methods are used, and each of them has its own limitation in terms of validity.

Complete blood test: what does it determine and how many days is it valid?

General analysis (CCA) is an informative research method, prescribed to almost all patients: adults and children, when undergoing a medical examination, in case of hospitalization of the patient or upon request to submit it to the military registration and enlistment office. An extensive study reveals:

  • levels of iron, red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets;
  • possible inflammation or infectious process;
  • many internal pathologies, even the stage, form of the disease.

The shelf life of the general analysis is 2 weeks. How long does a general blood test for RV or the Wasserman microreaction last? Its shelf life varies greatly - days.

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How long are biochemistry tests good for?

Biochemistry characterizes a broad picture of different elements in the serum and reveals the level of vital substances.

The result takes 5 days to prepare. Patients should know how long a biochemical blood serum test lasts, since it is often prescribed in childhood, when undergoing a medical examination, before receiving vaccinations or undergoing a medical examination for a trip to a sanatorium. Replies are valid for up to two weeks.

How long is a general blood test from a vein valid?

Venous serum samples help determine:

  • degree of damage to t-lymphocytes, state of immunity;
  • cancer;
  • infectious processes;
  • Rh factor,
  • glucose level;
  • quantitative ratio of leukocytes;
  • hemoglobin indicator;
  • hematocrit

The collection of biomaterial is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, the laboratory assistant pierces a vein to obtain the material. The validity period for responses is one day.

When taking venous material for tumor markers, the validity period is one month. The test for syphilis takes 3 days to prepare, and its validity period is up to six months.

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How long are hepatitis test results valid?

Diagnosis of hepatitis is prescribed for liver damage by taking a fasting sample. Often prescribed to patients based on unpleasant symptoms:

  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • discoloration or pallor of stool;
  • severe pain under the ribs on the right.

The answer is valid for 3 months. The result will be more plausible after 7 weeks from the date of initial infection, so a negative verdict does not mean that the disease is absent; it is possible to retake the test after some time as prescribed by the attending physician.

How long is a finger prick blood test valid?

A general fasting test is taken from the fingertips; its validity period is up to two weeks. The need to take a test for blood glucose levels arises if you suspect the development of diabetes or other pathologies of the endocrine system. Additionally, an examination is carried out in the form of an oral test to determine glucose tolerance or an analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin. Blood is taken directly from the finger. The shelf life of the study does not exceed two weeks.

How long are the results of tests for HIV and syphilis valid?

The shelf life of a blood test for HIV and AIDS is 6 months, for syphilis – 3 months. Blood is prepared for hidden infections for 4-10 days.

To understand how valid clinical blood tests are, you need to take into account the level of equipment of the laboratory, the specifics of the study being conducted, the requirements and capabilities of the clinic.

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The degree of equipment of modern clinics and the availability of new equipment play an important role in the timing. In emergency cases in surgery, oncologists, for example, to conduct an urgent course of chemotherapy for a fee, can provide answers within 1 day or even after 2-3 hours. In public clinics, the study takes an average of 5-6 days.

Blood has a unique composition, and it is one of the suitable materials for identifying the condition of any organ or system in the body. The analysis allows you to identify abnormalities during pregnancy in women or infants when carried out immediately after birth. The reliability of the information received about the functioning of a particular organ, the state of hormones and tissues in the body depends on the expiration date, which is important, for example, for women before undergoing IVF. Failure to meet deadlines can lead to distortion of information, incorrect diagnosis, and exclusion of the child from receiving vaccinations.

The validity period of the tests is limited, so you need to contact your doctors in time to get a transcript and advice, otherwise the tests will have to be retaken when the expiration date expires.

How long are the results of stool tests and other studies valid?

Taking into account the indications and purposes of the stool test, the shelf life of the result depends. It is influenced by the amount of material collected, the reason why you need to examine the contents:

  • feces for helminth eggs are good for 10 days;
  • for intestinal flora – 7 days;
  • for dysbacteriosis – 2 weeks;
  • for enterobiasis – 10 days.

For children, the scraping period should not exceed 2 hours, otherwise the result may be false. To obtain a certificate for a kindergarten, swimming pool, or sanatorium, the validity period is no more than 10 days.

For upcoming surgery, patients also undergo a blood test. Doctors need to know the blood type, Rh factor, and degree of blood clotting, since any operation is fraught with complications and serious bleeding.

Taking into account the generally accepted requirements, the shelf life of laboratory test results during hospitalization is:

  • clinical analysis – 10 days;
  • biochemical blood test for bilirubin, creatinine, fibrinogen, glucose, ALT, AST – 10 days;
  • for hepatitis B – 3 months;
  • for HIV when taken before surgery – 3 months;
  • for tumor markers (glaucoma, cataracts) – 90 days.

When undergoing gynecological surgery in women, the expiration dates for blood tests are standard. The flora smear is valid for 3 months.

The shelf life of blood in the preoperative period for the Rh factor is not limited.

How long do urine test results last?

Each biomaterial has its own expiration date and, of course, it is better to submit fresh urine to the laboratory immediately after collection. The shelf life is 14 days, although the collected protein analysis must be examined urgently.

Blood serum is stored the shortest - no more than 4 hours. A general blood test has the shortest validity period, so it is prepared quickly. Results can be obtained on the same day. A blood test for microelements takes 4 days to prepare, for hormones and hidden infections – 4-10 days.

You can learn about what can affect the result of the study from the video.

ECG before surgery carried out to determine the strategy of surgical intervention and the choice of anesthesia. There is no consensus on whether screening is necessary for all patients of any age. As the study results show, the need to assess the condition of the heart before surgery arises after 40 years of age. The following point is important: if there are symptoms of disease, then an ECG is required. With a normal medical history and the absence of pathologies during physical examination, patients under 40 years of age undergo laboratory tests (without an ECG). You need to determine:

  • hemoglobin level, or hematocrit, is the ratio of the number of red blood cells to the total volume of blood,
  • blood sugar concentration.

If the patient is over 60 years old, a chest x-ray is performed before treatment.

The time between diagnosis and surgery should be minimal. The optimal period for laboratory tests before surgery is two weeks, an ECG is a month, and a chest x-ray is three months. We offer. Our clinic is equipped with modern test systems for a wide range of studies.

In an ECG, sensors record an electrical impulse that travels through the heart and stimulates the chambers to contract. The examination is especially indicated for diagnosing rhythm and heart rate disorders. An ECG makes it possible to assess muscle enlargement, damage, and overload.

The study is necessary to identify changes that require medical attention and determine tactics for further examination. For example, experts prescribe:

  • EchoCG is a highly informative, painless method for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases; it is used to study the structure of the muscle and tissues around it, the aorta and pulmonary artery, assess the function of the valves, blood flow inside the heart,
  • — daily blood pressure monitoring for diagnosing hypertension, determining the “white coat” phenomenon, examining patients with myocardial hypertrophy, etc.

The following ECG symptoms are important for the anesthesiologist:

  • ST segment deviation,
  • symptoms of myocardial infarction,
  • atrial fibrillation or flutter,
  • atrioventricular block,
  • bundle branch block,
  • supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias,
  • premature ventricular excitation syndrome,
  • hypertrophy of the heart,
  • change in rhythm due to pacemakers.

The sensor readings are affected by the patient’s condition, for example, an accelerated pulse due to increased physical activity or anxiety. We recommend making an appointment for an electrocardiogram and arriving early. You will get rid of anxiety, and the doctor will receive accurate data.

After a diagnostic examination has been carried out, the diagnosis has been verified and a decision has been made on the need for surgical treatment, you are assigned a day for surgery, but you need to check how ready your body is for surgery. To do this, you need to undergo an examination and pass a list of tests. The validity of the examination results and the timing of the tests vary depending on the type of examination. A list of tests and examinations recommended to be taken before surgery is presented below.

List of tests for surgery at the Eye Diagnostics and Surgery Center:

  1. General clinical blood test, duration of bleeding, clotting time, platelets (test period - 14 days).
  2. General clinical urine analysis (test shelf life is 14 days).
  3. Blood test for blood group, Rh factor (validity of tests - 14 days).
  4. Blood test for RW, blood test for HIV, hepatitis markers (HCV, HbsAg) (tests are valid for 90 days).
  5. Biochemical blood test: total protein, total bilirubin, cholesterol, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, blood electrolytes, glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (for patients with diabetes), prothrombin index (test period - 1 month).
  6. Electrocardiogram with interpretation (valid for 14 days).
  7. Conclusion of a chest x-ray (valid for 6 months).
  8. Conclusion about the absence of contraindications to eye surgery:
  • Therapist;
  • Endocrinologist - for patients with diabetes;
  • Nephrologist - for patients with chronic renal failure;
  • Cardiologist - for patients with cardiovascular pathology;
  • Other specialists who regularly monitor the patient for concomitant diseases.

You can perform these studies at any public or commercial clinic.

The modern level of ophthalmic surgery allows eye surgeries to be performed on an outpatient basis, in a “one-day hospital” mode. For example, in many European countries and the United States, patients scheduled for surgery arrive at the clinic the morning before surgery, are given a little preparation for the operation in the preoperative ward, and are escorted to the operating room by medical staff. Keeping the patient at home with people close to him before surgery can reduce the stress associated with the need for surgery.

Preoperative preparation for surgery (preparing the patient for surgery):

  • The morning before surgery, a light breakfast is allowed, but not less than 4 hours before surgical treatment (except for patients with diabetes).
  • Medications regularly taken by the patient for concomitant pathology should be continued on the day of surgery.
  • On the day of surgery, thoroughly wash your face, wash your hair and do not use cosmetics.
  • Before the operation, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited, and it is advisable to refrain from smoking.
  • On the day of the operation, you must come to the Clinic at the appointed time; you must have accompanying persons. You need to have with you: an identification document, medical history, test results, a set of cotton underwear, replacement shoes (slippers).
  • After completing the documents for hospitalization, the attending physician will inform you in detail before the operation about the progress and scope of the upcoming operation, the possible risks of the operation and complications if you refuse it.

Table. Validity period for tests and examinations.

Examinations and list of tests

Validity period

General clinical blood test

General clinical urine analysis

Blood test for clotting time, duration of bleeding

Biochemical blood test: total protein, total bilirubin, cholesterol, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, blood electrolytes, glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, prothrombin index


Conclusion of specialists (therapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc.)

Blood test for RW, HIV, hepatitis markers (HCV, HbsAg)

X-ray (fluorography) of the chest organs, paranasal sinuses, Holter monitoring, echocardiography

Rh factor, blood group


Preoperative examination involves the following tests:

  • Clinical blood test. To obtain reliable results, it is recommended to refrain from eating for 6-8 hours before the procedure. The study is carried out 2-3 days before surgical treatment so that the doctor can assess the presence and stage of inflammatory processes. With chronic inflammation, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases (more than 30 mmol per liter). During infectious diseases or in the presence of purulent wounds, the number of leukocytes is increased. With a reduced hemoglobin level, various complications can be expected in the postoperative period. Therefore, the patient needs a special diet and iron supplements. It is important to determine the number of platelets that are involved in blood clotting and wound healing;
  • Biochemical blood test. Allows you to determine the functionality of internal organs and systems and detect serious diseases. The analysis helps determine the level of total protein in the bloodstream, ALT and AST, creatinine, sugar, bilirubin and other vital compounds;
  • Clinical examination of urine. Allows you to assess the condition of the urinary system. For analysis you will need an average portion of morning urine. If proteins or a large number of red blood cells are detected in the urine, it is recommended to postpone surgery. If there is an urgent need, surgery is performed while using drugs to improve kidney function. If salts and sand are found in the urine, then additional preventive measures will need to be taken to prevent the movement of stones;
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor. This information allows you to prepare donor blood in advance in order to provide emergency assistance in the event of bleeding. The study is carried out once in a lifetime;
  • Analysis for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV infection. A blood test for the listed infections allows you to determine how dangerous the patient is to other patients and medical personnel;
  • Coagulogram. The test is a blood clotting test to determine the risk of bleeding during or after surgery. If a low prothrombin index (PTI) level is detected, the blood clot will take too long to form. In such a case, the patient is prescribed drugs that can increase the level of clotting. If the PTI is high, the risk of developing blood clots increases. In such cases, blood thinning drugs are prescribed;
  • ECG. The study allows you to assess the functionality of the heart, find out the presence of contraindications or restrictions to surgical procedures. ECG results help the surgeon determine the tactics of the operation, and the anesthesiologist - the optimal dose and nature of anesthesia;
  • Fluorography or x-ray of the chest organs. Allows you to exclude the development of tuberculosis and inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Important! The validity period of tests varies significantly. Clinical and biochemical blood tests, coagulogram, ECG are valid for 10 days. Fluorography is performed once a year. Tests for infections are valid for no more than 3 months.

Additional tests before surgery

Before some surgical procedures, a standard examination of the patient is not enough. If vein surgery is to be performed, duplex scanning (Doppler ultrasound) is additionally prescribed. Before laparoscopy, you will need to perform a fibrogastroscopy to exclude pathologies of the digestive organs, and a blood test for hormones to exclude diseases of the endocrine system.

Important! If abnormalities are found during the examination, the patient is referred for additional consultation to specialized specialists: endocrinologist, cardiologist, otolaryngologist.

Often, before surgery, a dental examination and sanitation of the oral cavity are prescribed. The absence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases after surgery. A dental examination is a mandatory stage of preoperative preparation before installing metal implants.

For male patients over 50 years of age, it is recommended to determine the prostate-specific antigen PSA. The study allows us to establish the presence of inflammatory processes that can lead to the development of severe complications in the postoperative period. For patients with ischemic heart disease and heart rhythm disturbances, Holter monitoring with ECG recording is recommended. This is necessary to determine the presence of contraindications to surgery, the dosage and type of anesthesia.

Specialized tests before gynecological operations

Examination before surgery on the uterus or appendages involves standard tests and additional studies. The latter include the following manipulations:

  • Taking a smear of vaginal flora. The analysis allows us to identify some bacterial infections and inflammatory processes for which gynecological operations are not performed. The validity period of the smear is no more than 2 weeks;
  • Cytological analysis of the cervix and cervical canal. The study is carried out to determine malignant changes in tissues before any surgical procedures. The results of the study are valid for 6 months;
  • Taking an aspirate from the uterine cavity. The analysis is carried out to exclude cancer pathology in the uterus. Validity period – 6 months;
  • Blood test for tumor markers CA 125, CA 19.9. The analysis is prescribed if there are cysts or tumors in the uterine appendages. The results are valid for 3 months;
  • Carrying out magnetic resonance imaging with contrast in the presence of a tumor helps to determine the extent of damage to the uterus and appendages, and the involvement of healthy neighboring tissues in the pathological process. The study is valid for 3 months.

Preoperative examination is an important stage in preparation for surgical treatment. It allows you to minimize the risk of complications, determine treatment tactics, and select the optimal type of anesthesia.

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Shelf life of gastroscopy before surgery

The examination before surgery always raises as many questions as the operation itself. Despite the same laws and requirements, we still have different requirements for tests in different clinics.

Quite often I am asked the following questions regarding the examination before surgery:

  • What examinations need to be completed before surgery? (download list)
  • Why do different clinics have different lists of examinations before surgery?
  • Why do tests have different expiration dates?
  • Why don’t I demand that everyone undergo gastroscopy and colonoscopy?

In order to answer them, it is necessary to refer to the regulatory documents. Today, the activities of any medical institution in the Russian Federation should not contradict the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 12, 2012 No. 572n (“On approval of the Procedure for providing medical care in the field of obstetrics and gynecology”).

This order contains a complete list of examinations, treatment and rehabilitation measures necessary in the treatment of a particular gynecological pathology.

The examination for the operation in this order is divided into 3 sections:

  • mandatory minimum examinations of gynecological patients
  • preoperative preparation of patients with gynecological diseases
  • examination related to the presence of a specific pathology - in our case, these are benign ovarian tumors

I. Mandatory minimum examinations of gynecological patients.

These are the examinations that should be carried out for every woman who consults a gynecologist, regardless of the presence of gynecological diseases. In addition to medical history and examination, such examinations include:

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  1. Colposcopy (examination of the cervix)
  2. Microscopic examination of the discharge of the female genital organs for aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (this is a common vaginal smear for the Sami)
  3. Smear cytology (PAP test)
  4. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the genitals (once a year, then as indicated)
  5. Examination of the mammary glands: Ultrasound of the mammary glands (once a year, then as indicated). Mammography (first mammography, first screening - once every 2 years, over 50 years old - once a year).

II. Preoperative preparation of patients with gynecological diseases

When the question of surgical treatment arises, additional examination is necessary to perform surgical intervention. Today this list includes:

  1. Clinical blood test.
  2. Biochemical blood test: study of the level of total blood protein, creatinine, ALT, AST, urea, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, blood glucose, cholesterol, sodium, blood potassium.
  3. Coagulogram.
  4. Clinical urine analysis
  5. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
  6. Determination of antibodies to Treponema pallidum in the blood, HIV, HBsAg, HCV.
  7. X-ray examination of the chest organs (fluorography) - once a year

III. And finally, examinations that need to be carried out in connection with the presence of a cyst or other benign ovarian tumors.

  1. Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract (for symptomatic tumors, i.e. if there are signs of dysfunction of these organs)
  2. If the tumor grows rapidly and it is impossible to exclude an oncological process:
    • Ultrasound+CDC;
    • study of the level of CA19-9, Ca 125 in the blood
    • rheoencephalography (according to indications)
    • colonoscopy/irrigoscopy (according to indications)
    • Esophagogastro-duodenoscopy (according to indications)
  3. Ultrasound of the retroperitoneal space (with intraligamentous tumor location).

As you can see, all additional examinations are marked “according to indications” or taking into account clinical manifestations. That is, they do not need to be done to absolutely all patients with ovarian cysts.

In my opinion, there is only one indication for gastroscopy and colonoscopy. This is a suspicion that the formation on the ovary is a metastasis of a malignant tumor from the stomach or intestines (the so-called Krukenberg metastasis). Fortunately, they don't happen that often. And before carrying out these unpleasant examinations, the doctor should think about whether there really are indications for them?

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This is the minimum indicated by the order of the Ministry of Health. But some important studies were not included in the list. In some unclear situations, it is important to conduct examinations such as MRI and HE4 level testing (tumor marker). They allow you to make a more accurate diagnosis before surgery and, accordingly, carry it out properly.

Shelf life of tests

Order 572n does not indicate the expiration date of most examinations. The implication is that they must be current.

Often patients come with tests that she took 1-2 months ago (and sometimes more). In these cases, I proceed from the following principle: if I have no reason to believe that the tests have changed during this time, I do not repeat them.

But most medical institutions have adopted artificial deadlines, after which tests are considered invalid and they are forced to be retaken. To avoid troubles, always check these dates exactly where you are going to have the operation.

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How often can a gastroscopy procedure be performed?

Gastroscopy is one of the most informative methods for studying the state of the gastrointestinal tract (its upper section), since this procedure allows you to visually assess the presence of damage to the gastric mucosa, the presence of polyps, erosions, ulcers, bleeding and other pathologies of the walls of the stomach and duodenum. Many patients are interested in the question of how safe this generally unpleasant procedure is, and how often gastroscopy can be done in the presence of various pathologies of the digestive tract.

The frequency of gastroscopy is determined by the attending physician.

However, this study is also prescribed for many other diseases. For example, cardiovascular: before performing a coronography, an endovascular cardiologist must ensure that there are no gastric erosions or ulcers. Otherwise, the operation will be postponed, since the patient on the eve of surgery must take strong antithrombotic drugs that thin the blood and promote bleeding.

Indications for gastroscopy

General symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting do not always indicate the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, but if the patient complains, he will most likely be prescribed a series of tests that should confirm or refute suspicions of gastritis, duodenitis or other gastric pathologies.

Other indications for prescribing gastroscopy include the following:

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  • suspicion of the presence of malignant neoplasms in the stomach/esophagus;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the condition of the gastric epithelium in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • symptoms of gastric bleeding;
  • if a foreign object enters the stomach;
  • if the patient often experiences pain in the epigastric region;
  • difficulties experienced by the patient when eating;
  • to clarify the diagnosis for a number of diseases not related to gastrointestinal pathologies.

FGDS should be prescribed with caution to children under six years of age, if there is a history of severe mental disorders, if the patient is diagnosed with exacerbation of chronic gastritis or gastric ulcer, or if there is a respiratory tract infection. In any case, the appointment of this procedure can occur repeatedly, and not knowing in what cases and how often gastroscopy of the stomach can be done is very worrying for many patients.

As for contraindications to the appointment of esophagogastroduodenoscopy (the official medical name for gastroscopy), there are few of them:

  • some heart diseases;
  • narrow compared to the standard entrance to the stomach;
  • obesity 2 – 3 degrees;
  • hypertension;
  • kyphosis/scoliosis;
  • a history of stroke/heart attack;
  • congenital/acquired blood diseases.

How is gastroscopy performed?

An instrument that allows you to examine the condition of the inner walls of the stomach (and, if necessary, the duodenum) is a type of endoscope. A gastroscope consists of a hollow elastic tube containing a fiber-optic cable with an optical and illuminating device at the end. Through the mouth and esophagus, the hose is inserted into the stomach cavity for a thorough examination. Through the cable, the image is transmitted to the eyepiece or monitor screen, and the doctor conducting the study has the opportunity to study the condition of the epithelium in different parts of the stomach by turning and moving the tube in the desired direction.

Is gastroscopy harmful from the point of view of the condition of the esophagus and stomach walls in contact with a solid foreign object? Before the procedure, the gastroscope is thoroughly disinfected, so the likelihood of external infection is extremely low (no more than when eating fruits, bread or vegetables). The possibility of damaging the walls of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum is also close to zero, since the device in its basic form does not have sharp protrusions.

But the procedure itself requires compliance with certain restrictions on the part of the patient. First of all, it should be done on an empty stomach: the presence of food mass makes it very difficult to examine the mucous membrane, so it is very important not to eat 10 - 12 hours before gastroscopy. Approximately 100 - 120 minutes before the procedure, you should drink about 200 grams of liquid (weak tea or boiled water), which will clear the stomach walls of food debris and mucus. It is highly recommended to refrain from smoking the day before, as this provokes the secretion of gastric juice.

Immediately before insertion of the probe, the pharynx and upper part of the esophagus are anesthetized with a spray, and excessive anxiety is relieved with a subcutaneous injection of a mild sedative - the patient’s calm during the manipulation is very important, since fear can lead to involuntary sudden movements, which will make it difficult to examine the walls of the stomach.

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Important: the shelf life of gastroscopy before surgery is one month, after which you will have to do a second examination (in a month, significant changes can occur in the stomach cavity, which can affect the result of the operation or be a direct contraindication to its implementation).

The gastroscopy itself is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the patient undresses to the waist; if he has glasses or removable dentures that do not adhere well, they must also be removed;
  • manipulation is carried out only in a lying position with a straight back, usually on the right side;
  • a special mouthpiece is inserted into the mouth, which must be held firmly in order to prevent reflex clenching of the teeth;
  • after instructions to take a few sips and completely relax the larynx, the endoscope is inserted and lowered until it reaches the entrance to the stomach (the most unpleasant moment is the transition from the oral cavity to the esophagus, during which a natural urge to vomit occurs);
  • then the doctor begins to turn the gastroscope, which allows you to examine the condition of the gastric cavities from all sides (the viewing angle of the device, as a rule, does not exceed 150 degrees).

Duration of the procedure

When performing a gastroscopy for diagnostic purposes, an experienced doctor only needs 12 to 15 minutes to examine the entire inner surface of the stomach; however, in some cases, it may be necessary to perform a biopsy (taking a sample of epithelial tissue for laboratory testing) or other therapeutic manipulations (for example, administering medications). Such a comprehensive study can last up to 25–40 minutes.

For some time after the manipulation, the patient should be in a supine position; eating during gastroscopy without a biopsy is allowed after 60 minutes. If the procedure was carried out with a biopsy taken, the first meal of non-hot food is allowed after 180 - 240 minutes. If the procedure is performed on a child under 6 years of age or a patient with a history of mental disorders, gastroscopy can be performed under general anesthesia.

Decoding the results

The uninitiated will probably not be able to interpret the resulting images, since the resulting picture will more likely resemble some kind of fantastic landscape. But an experienced doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis, guided by the method of comparison with mucous membranes without pathologies.

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It looks like this:

  • the color of the mucous membrane ranges from red to pale pink;
  • even with an empty stomach, there is always a little mucus on the surface of the walls;
  • the front wall looks smooth and shiny, and the back wall is covered with folds.

With gastritis, ulcers, and stomach cancer, deviations from the norm appear that neither x-rays nor ultrasound can detect. But gastroscopy will definitely reveal them: with gastritis, the disease will be indicated by an increased amount of mucus, swelling and redness of the epithelium, and local minor hemorrhages are possible. With an ulcer, the surface of the walls is covered with red spots, the edges of which have a whitish coating, indicating the presence of pus. With stomach cancer, the back wall of the stomach smoothes out, and the color of the mucous membrane changes to light gray.

How often can a gastroscopy be done?

In life, there are often situations when we do not attach importance to certain symptoms that indicate the presence of pathology, and when a diagnosis is made, we begin to intensively look for ways to get rid of it, undergoing consultations and examinations with different specialists. In the case of gastritis, no doctor will undertake treatment without receiving accurate information about the condition of the mucous membrane. And there are often cases when, after undergoing a gastroscopy, a new specialist may refer the patient for a re-examination to make sure that no significant changes have occurred over time. Therefore, many patients are interested in how long it will take to repeat gastroscopy.

In principle, in the absence of contraindications, the number of such manipulations is not limited, but in practice they try not to prescribe a test more than once a month - this is the shelf life of the results of the previous study. In the chronic course of the disease, in order to prevent complications (peptic ulcer, oncology), this study is prescribed 2–3 times a year. In the process of treating gastritis, if the actual effect of drug therapy does not coincide with the expected one, gastroscopy can be performed more often.


FGDS is a generally safe procedure, although quite unpleasant. Complications are extremely rare: minor damage to the walls of the esophagus/stomach, infection, allergic reaction to medications. Sometimes after the procedure there are painful sensations in the throat, which go away after 2–3 days. How many times gastroscopy can be done over a certain period of time is decided by the attending physician. If necessary, the procedure is performed with the frequency necessary for successful treatment of the pathology.

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Laparoscopy. Tests and examinations before surgery.

Question about laparoscopy

Half a year is not a long time after lapara!?


Katyusha! I’m reading it.. It’s scary.. But I probably need to prepare mentally. Who did you do it for? Can I take all the tests at a paid clinic and bring them? How much did the operation cost? And how did you negotiate? Money in the doctor's hands? Or a contract? I just know that you got the result.. We’ll take the SG in July. I’ll go on vacation in September and then I’ll probably do it. There's a lump stuck in my throat :(

I’m thinking of coming to a paid family clinic for two days to collect tests there... And then to 31 GB. Although in the family the girl also wrote that she did everything in the world for her. There are some types of operations, but the amount is this... I haven’t read anything more about the SM Clinic yet.

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And in the hospital there, it’s a hell of a Soviet Union hospital? Or a normal attitude? Conditions?

I’ll write to you in a personal message about the doctor and the details) It turned out much cheaper for me than 65 thousand) I don’t recommend doing it commercially, but this is my point of view) And the conditions and attitude were excellent, I was in a double room with a TV and a separate shower and toilet )

Hi! So 8 months have passed and now I’m going to the lapara. I started my communication here completely green. I didn’t know what the phases of the menstrual cycle and ovulation were)))))

Ahahha)) hi, hi, my dear)) Well. We all go through ignorance to one degree or another) The main thing is that we are moving towards the goal)) Everything will be fine, don’t worry (TTT)

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Did you swallow a light bulb and have your colon checked?

Crap. That’s a lot of time off work you’ll have to take: first for tests, then sick leave for surgery.

Thank you! Will wait!

(11) Consultation with a mammologist

(12) Consultation with a therapist

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(13) Blood for oncology markets CA-125, SA – 19.9

(16) Doppler ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities

And if there is a cyst, then the tumor marker c-125 should be increased?

So we made do with a shortened version. For you, in principle, this is not bad at all. There is less unnecessary running around.) These are tests for City Clinical Hospital No. 31 of Moscow.

Smear for tumor markers? o_O And what should he show?))) It seems to me that you need to clarify - I definitely donated blood. And it’s a good idea to go to the mammologist on your own initiative to know for sure that everything is fine. As a rule, when all sorts of problems with the female apparatus begin, it all creeps up.

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Why is the lapara repeated? And the first was for what reason, if it’s not a secret, of course?

Oh, lapara, of course the operation is not the most difficult, but still, going to the operating table is like going to work, it’s a little sad. Isn’t it possible to check the pipes during the pipe lapar? In my report it is written that they checked.

About tumor markers - better donate blood. Will the tests be overdue if you haven’t made an appointment yet? They have an expiration date, as the doctor explained to me.

Calm, just calm, as Carlson said))

Blood for oncology markets CA-125, SA – 19.9

What kind of emergency happened to you, if it’s not a secret?

It's true. I recovered from the anesthesia normally and soon recovered))

Tests required for hospitalization of patients

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All tests must be on separate official forms with clearly visible hospital stamps.

1. Results of blood tests for syphilis using the ELISA method, HRsAg and Antn - HCV using the ELISA method (shelf life - 30 days);

2. Chest X-ray (image and description, shelf life - 12 months).

Tests required during hospitalization in surgical departments:

If necessary, as prescribed by the attending physician, additionally:

1. Gastroscopy (expiration date - 1 month);

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3. Hormonal blood test: free T3, free T4 (shelf life - 10 days).

A. Upon receiving positive results for hepatitis, the patient is required to provide data from a biochemical blood test for ALT and AST and a conclusion from an infectious disease specialist.

B. For women of the reproductive period (with a menstrual cycle of 28 days), hospitalization in the surgical department is carried out from the 5th to the 20th day of the menstrual cycle.

B. You also need to have 2 elastic bandages with you (length 3.5 - 5 meters).

When planning a surgical operation, the patient may receive the following document from the attending physician:

To the clinic at your place of residence (work)

In connection with the upcoming surgical operation, I request that the patient be examined

and attach the results of the following studies (analyses):

4. General blood test (expiration date - 10 days);

6. Coagulogram (shelf life - 10 days);

7. Biochemical blood test: total protein, total bilirubin, amylase, creatinine, urea, potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, ALT, AST, iron, glucose (shelf life - 10 days);

8. ECG (expiration date - 1 month);

9. Consultation with a cardiologist.

If necessary, as prescribed by the attending physician, additionally:

10. Gastroscopy (shelf life - 1 month);

12. Hormonal blood test: free T3, free T4 (shelf life - 10 days).

13. Upon receiving positive results for hepatitis, the patient is required to provide data from a biochemical blood test for ALT and AST and a conclusion from an infectious disease specialist.

Tests required for eye surgeries:

1. Results of blood tests for HIV, syphilis by ELISA, HRsAg and Antn - HCV by ELISA (expiration date - 30 days);

2. Chest X-ray (image and description, shelf life - 12 months);

3. Blood type, Rh factor;

4. General blood test - blood formula (expiration date - 10 days);

5. General urine test (expiration date - 10 days);

6. Biochemical blood test: K+, Na+, CI, ALT, AST, bilirubin, urea, amylase, creatinine, glucose (expiration date - 10 days);

7. Prothrombin index, blood clotting (shelf life - 10 days);

8. ECG with interpretation (expiration date - 1 month);

9. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses (description);

10. Dentist’s conclusion on oral sanitation;

11. An otolaryngologist’s conclusion about the absence of contraindications to eye surgery;

12. Therapist’s conclusion about the absence of contraindications to eye surgery;

13. Opinion of other specialists on the absence of contraindications to eye surgery (if necessary; agreed with the attending physician).

When planning an eye operation, the patient can receive the following document from the attending physician at the clinic at his place of residence (work):


Moscow, st. Dm. Ulyanova, 11 Contact center: (4

To the clinic at your place of residence (work)

In connection with the upcoming eye surgery, I request that the patient be examined

1. General blood test (formula), blood sugar;

2. Biochemical blood test (K+, Na+, CI, ALT, AST, bilirubin, urea, amylase, creatinine);

3. General urine analysis;

4. Result of the Wasserman reaction, HIV, HBS antibodies, ACV antibodies, blood group;

5. Prothrombin index, blood clotting;

6. Dentist’s conclusion on oral sanitation;

7. An otolaryngologist’s conclusion about the absence of contraindications to eye surgery;

8. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses (description);

9. X-ray (fluorography) of the chest organs (description);

10 Electrocardiogram with interpretation;

11 Therapist’s conclusion about the absence of contraindications to eye surgery;

12 Opinion of other specialists on the absence of contraindications to eye surgery (if necessary) _______________________________

Tests required during hospitalization female patients

for IVF treatment:

for both partners;

for both partners;

Blood test for TORCH infection (for women) - indefinitely.

Photocopies of both spouses' passports.

Expert opinion if you have chronic diseases.

When receiving positive results for hepatitis, the patient is required to provide data from a biochemical blood test for ALT and AST and a report from an infectious disease specialist.

When planning IVF treatment, the patient can receive the following document from the attending physician at the clinic at her place of residence (work):


Moscow, st. Dm. Ulyanova, 11 Contact center: (4

To the clinic at your place of residence (work)

In connection with the upcoming IVF treatment, I request that the patient be examined

and attach the results of the following studies (analyses):

1. Results of blood tests for AIDS, syphilis by ELISA, HRsAg and anti-HCV by ELISA (expiration date - 30 days) for both partners;

2. X-ray (x-ray) of the chest organs (image and description, shelf life - 12 months);

3. Blood test for group and Rh factor (indefinitely) for both partners;

4. Clinical blood test (valid for 14 days);

5. Blood biochemistry + electrolytes (valid for 14 days);

6. Coagulogram (valid for 14 days);

7. General urine test (valid for 14 days);

8. Smears on flora and art. purity (valid for 21 days);

9. Smears for cytology (valid for 1 year);

10. STI smears (PCR) (valid for 6 months);

11. ECG (valid for 3 months);

12. Physician's report (valid for 1 year).

13. Blood test for TORCH infection (for women) - indefinitely.

14. Expert opinion if there are chronic diseases.

15. Upon receiving positive results for hepatitis, the patient is required to provide data from a biochemical blood test for ALT and AST and a conclusion from an infectious disease specialist.

Reviews of services