Dogs can be biters: the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. Appearances are deceiving: top most aggressive dog breeds The most biting dogs in the world top 10

Have you ever thought about what exists today? the most dangerous dog breeds in the world ? After all, on the streets every day we see a variety of domestic and stray dogs, whose intentions are impossible to predict. It would be unfair to blame dogs of individual breeds for potential threat or aggression towards humans. But it just so happens that some of man's four-legged friends have great potential to cause serious harm to life or health. The Big Rating magazine brings to your attention the most dangerous and aggressive dog breeds in the TOP 10 rating.

Chow chow

Country of origin: China

Height: 45-55 cm

Weight: 20-35 kg

Chow-chows look like fluffy “teddy bears”, they are cute and cute. But their character is quite complex and full of nuances. By nature, Chow Chows are melancholic and behave measuredly and aloofly. Dogs of this breed recognize exclusively family members and do not trust strangers or unfamiliar people. When a stranger tries to pet a funny dog ​​with a blue tongue that he likes, anger and aggression can replace the external serenity of the animal. Chow-chows are also ferocious in the role of protector of the owner. They often show hostility towards smaller animals. In rare cases, chow chows have been observed attacking owners, due to lack of regular exercise or out of boredom caused by lack of daily physical activity. Chow chows are also contraindicated for families with small children, as they do not tolerate children's pranks well and sometimes react very aggressively.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 63-72 cm

Weight: 32-45 kg

Dobermans are first-class guard dogs, so they can often be seen as service dogs. They are arrogant and have an elegant appearance. At the same time, Dobermans are powerful, strong and resilient. They are friendly towards their owners and love children. Dogs of this breed are prone to displays of anger and aggression due to their explosive temperament, and therefore pose a potential threat to humans. The danger lies in the strength and impressive size of the animal. Dobermans can be hostile towards other dogs and strangers. According to statistics of registered attacks on people by dogs of this breed, the cause is most often hostile actions directed at the owner of the Doberman. Unfortunately, Dobermans are overly loyal to their owner and distrustful of strangers, which sometimes leads to irreparable mistakes. A peculiar deviation of the breed is the birth of puppies with a greater tendency towards cowardice or aggression. These are peculiar echoes of initial selection, which are also dangerous for others.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 53-63 cm

Weight: 25-30 kg

The German Boxer is a strong, stocky dog ​​with a powerful, square head and a massive, strong jaw. Boxers are often used to guard livestock and property, and also as a guide for the blind. The dogs have an intimidating and aggressive appearance, although Boxers are energetic and playful in nature, they have a balanced temperament, good training abilities and excellent relationships with children. Boxers are smart, loyal and absolutely harmless to the owner, but extremely suspicious and distrustful of strangers. Although breeders managed to remove the initial aggression from German boxers, this did not rid the dog of the habit of chasing smaller animals and showing hostility towards strangers.

Country of origin: Russia

Height: 50-60 cm

Weight: 18-28 kg

An Eskimo sled dog with a lively and peaceful character. By nature, huskies are one of the most good-natured dog breeds in the world. And proper upbringing and early socialization make it completely incapable of harming a person. Huskies have a very quiet disposition; they even bark extremely rarely. Due to their excessive love and friendliness, these dogs greet even an intruder who enters the apartment like a best friend. But despite all their kindness, huskies can be dangerous. So, for example, their innate predatory instinct turns them into a threat to small animals. Lack of training and socialization is fraught with husky behavior showing aggression towards humans. The worst thing is that, according to statistics, 68% of all attacks by these dogs were committed on children.

Country of origin: UK

Height: 53-56 cm

Weight: 23-32 kg

The breed is a mixture of the classic English bulldog, terrier and Dalmatian. The result of such selection was an animal with a terrifying appearance that cannot be confused with any other dog breed. The dog is very active and needs long walks and active games. Conscientious and friendly upbringing makes the Bull Terrier a devoted companion dog, without the slightest hint of aggression towards humans. The bull terrier was included in the ranking of the most dangerous breeds due to its powerful muscles, incredibly strong jaw and the famous “death grip”. A muscular dog with strong legs, it recognizes only one owner. But she is able to protect him and herself, thanks to her powerful jaw and deadly bites. The Bull Terrier cannot be called friendly towards other animals.

Country of origin: Spain

Height: 56-68 cm

Weight: 45-60 kg

The Dogo Canario initially acted as a shepherd and cattle guard, and today it has turned into an ordinary pet, capable of responsibly guarding the territory entrusted to it. With a strong build, powerful limbs, a menacing appearance and enormous strength, this dog is not particularly prone to aggression. Dogo Canarios love their owners and their family, but are extremely intolerant of strangers. The dog itself is phlegmatic and not prone to fights, but in the event of an immediate threat to the owner, it fiercely rushes to defense. It is the excessive affection and boundless love of dogs of this breed for their owner that turns them into a powerful weapon in the hands of a mentally unbalanced person.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 55-65 cm

Weight: 22-40 kg

German Shepherds are smart, strong, physically active and fearless. These dogs need an active lifestyle, walks and games. Due to their ability to get along with multiple owners, German Shepherds are ideal as service dogs. They are excellent companions and guards. Intelligence, aggressiveness, vigilance and fearlessness made the shepherd the best guard and police dog. Despite their high level of intelligence and balanced character, German shepherds also belong to the category of the most dangerous dogs, since when furious they are capable of causing serious injuries to a person. The most common reasons for inappropriate behavior in representatives of this breed are poor training and lack of socialization.

Country of origin: Russia

Height: 64-75 cm

Weight: 40-80 kg

“Caucasian” is a powerful, large dog, fearless and decisive. The breed is very popular in Russia due to its excellent watchdog qualities, endurance and intelligence. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is quite trainable, but, like many other guard dog breeds, it is wary and hostile towards strangers. In combination with the strong-willed character, size and strength of the dog, the shepherd’s desire to protect the owner or defend the territory can lead to injuring a person incompatible with life. For a Caucasian Shepherd dog rushing into a fight, there are no barriers and therefore 60% of attacks end in death. Proper preparation and timely socialization stop inappropriate behavior and turn “Caucasians” into ideal protectors of owners, animals or property.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 56-68 cm

Weight: 42-50 kg

The breed is very popular and distributed throughout the world. The Rottweiler is a large, superbly built, energetic, courageous and assertive animal with a strong jaw. Since Rottweilers are primarily protectors, they tend to establish contact and obey one person; the dog classifies everyone else as a stranger and treats them with great suspicion. Such a dog, in case of real or imaginary danger, becomes angry, aggressive and, when attacked, is capable of causing serious wounds and injuries. Rottweilers have an extremely powerful bite and without proper training and timely socialization, these dogs are a danger to society. According to statistics, most Rottweiler attacks occur due to the negligence of their owners. As for wild representatives of the breed, it is better not to come across them at all.

Country of origin: USA

Height: 40-49 cm

Weight: 14-36 kg

The most dangerous dog breed in the world, and for good reason, is the American Pit Bull Terrier. The history of the breed itself speaks volumes: pit bulls were bred to bait bulls and bears, and later they began to pit each other against each other in underground fights. The pit bull is prone to aggression at the genetic level, quickly becomes ferocious, and in a fight goes to the end. The breed is registered in the IKS, is prohibited in most countries of the European Union, and in the rest it is kept according to a specially created series of strict rules. This is far from the most successful dog for inexperienced dog lovers, but it is an ideal guardian of any private property, capable of protecting it from life-or-death attacks. The pit bull is a powerful, resilient, brave and aggressive dog, and without proper training, it is also the most evil. These dogs simply need extensive and regular training to curb their aggression. A pit bull is capable of attacking a child even without provocation. Dogs of this breed need a firm hand and persistent training, otherwise, even in relation to the owner, he will be inadequate and aggressive. With proper training, a pit bull turns into a calm, cheerful dog, loyal and playful.

Finally, I would like to add that the presence of a particular breed in this rating does not give each of its representatives the status of the most evil dog in the world. Very often, improper upbringing and cruelty can turn a small mongrel into an evil monster, and a patient owner, with the help of love and training, will nurture a reliable companion out of an evil pit bull. Therefore, when choosing a four-legged friend, remember the genetically inherent characteristics of the dog’s character and adequately assess your strengths and capabilities in raising it.

Are you looking for a reliable and smart friend? Take a closer look at the dogs on this list.

Behavioral biologist Frans de Waal argues that people tend to judge animals through the prism of their own ideas about intelligence and therefore often make mistakes. He is absolutely right - this is why there is no simple way to assess the intelligence level of a dog breed. This problem was solved in 1990 by psychologist Stanley Coren, who conducted a large-scale study of almost all breeds. In the first category, the researcher identified dogs with excellent learning abilities: they understand commands in less than 5 repetitions, and execution of a command the first time is possible in 95% of cases.

10. Australian Cattle Dog

The Australians specifically bred a dog that would be able to handle a large flock of sheep in different conditions. Such a load requires high intelligence: herding dogs are highly trainable and instantly understand the orders of the owner.

9. Rottweiler

It's hard to believe, but this massive dog with the appearance of a first-class fighter is very smart. The combination of intelligence and strength makes Rottweilers ideal working dogs.

8. Papillon

Small dogs are usually perceived as weak, cowardly and narrow-minded creatures. The Papillon is not like that at all: the dog is smarter, stronger and even tougher than it seems. The dog learns new commands very quickly and is able to rush to the defense of its owner without flinching its tail.

7. Labrador Retriever

An ideal dog for a family with children. Labradors are famous for their good nature, but in an unpleasant situation the dog will show himself to be a strong and merciless fighter. The high level of intelligence allows Labradors to be used in the police - they learn quickly and easily adapt to new conditions.

6. Sheltie

The Scottish Sheepdog is often confused with the Collie. The breeds are indeed similar, but the Sheltie is smarter and more organized than its relatives. Decorative appearance is not a hindrance to a fighting character: Shelties are considered strong and confident dogs.

5. Doberman

For some reason, the myth about the stupidity of Dobermans is still shared by many. This is not true - Dobermans just need training. Without it, a smart and strong dog will grow into an uncontrollable impudent person who uses his mind to come up with new pranks.

4. Golden Retriever

The dream of every child on the planet. Good-natured handsome dogs learn very quickly and therefore are often used by rescuers and police officers. This breed is also an excellent guide: the golden retriever understands responsibilities in a matter of days and closely monitors the helpless owner.

3. German Shepherd

Another victim of unfounded rumors. German Shepherds have been used so often as working dogs that people have come to perceive the breed as dull but efficient. In reality, the German Shepherd is one of the three smartest dog breeds in the whole world.

2. Poodle

In France, this breed is still called caniche (cane - duck), since it descends from hunting, French water dogs, so you should not underestimate the fluffy handsome guy. The poodle ranks second on Dr. Stanley Coren's list of the smartest breeds.

1. Border Collie

Recently, scientists at the University of British Columbia confirmed the results of a study by Stanley Coren: the border collie is unanimously recognized as the smartest dog of all breeds. Graceful dogs are indeed distinguished by very high intelligence, but require constant physical and mental stress. Leaving your Border Collie up to chance would be a huge mistake.

The appearance of a dog in the house is a great joy and an equally great responsibility for the owner. A puppy requires care and attention just like a child. But, unlike a person, a dog has its own habits, instincts, and skills inherent in nature.

Depending on the age of the dog, the reasons for the unwanted behavior may be different. A dog is a predator, with teeth and claws, and expresses its emotions and feelings with the help of its mouth and teeth.

A puppy appears in a home on average between the ages of 1.5 and 3.5 months, at which time the dog’s teeth begin to change. Changing teeth is a slow process and very painful for the puppy. The puppy tries to relieve itching and pain in the gums by tasting all surrounding objects, including the owner’s hands and clothes. At a later age, from about 6 months, when the period of puberty begins, the young dog tries to establish its place in the owner’s family, tests its strength, its position in the pack.

An adult dog may bite for a variety of reasons.:

  • Fear. When a dog is afraid, the normal behavior is to try to defend itself by using its teeth. Animals, like people, have different personalities and different temperaments. In fear, for example, when receiving excessive punishment, a dog may bite, experiencing extreme stress. The survival mechanism comes into play, and the dog can seriously injure a person.
  • Aggressiveness. As has already been said, all developed animals are different in character, even puppies from the same litter have very different types of temperament. Stronger individuals can show aggression, with such an animal it is necessary to start training and obedience courses earlier - if time is lost, only an experienced dog handler can help extinguish the dog’s aggressiveness.
  • Pain. During illness or after an injury, when there is physical impact on a sore spot or organ, the dog instinctively tries to remove the source of pain and the only way it can achieve this is with its teeth. The stronger the pain, the stronger the bite will be. The slightest pressure and increased pain will cause the dog’s jaws to close more strongly on the limbs of the doctor or even the owner.
  • Nervous disorder or overexcitement. A nervous disorder is a painful condition that can be treated with medication after consultation with a veterinarian. Overexcitement can appear after a prolonged, very active game and, having played too much, the pet does not notice that it is causing pain.
  • Jealousy, desire for attention. A dog is a social animal and is very emotionally dependent on humans. Often, when the owner's attention is completely focused on another animal or activity, the dog tries to redirect the owner's attention to itself using its teeth.
  • Desire to take possession of food. Food aggression is probably one of the most common types of aggression that many owners experience. This behavior is absolutely natural for the animal, because nutrition is a dog’s basic instinct necessary for survival.
  • Lack of education. If a dog lives in human society, it is necessary to accustom it to certain rules that apply in the community. Dog training can begin as early as 3 weeks of age. This is an ideal option, but in any case, the sooner you start teaching your puppy the rules of behavior in society, the faster he will learn and feel more confident in different situations.

Rules of behavior need to be taught to any dog, regardless of breed or size. The sooner the dog's training begins, the faster and better the dog will learn to live in human society without causing inconvenience to others.

Wrong upbringing. An incorrectly selected method of raising a dog can only worsen the situation and lead to aggression in the pet, and aggressiveness will require serious adjustments with a dog handler.

Under no circumstances should you hit a dog. Loud screams and physical violence in almost 100% of cases will lead to aggression in the pet.

Prevention of unacceptable behavior

The sooner you start training your puppy, the fewer problems you will have with an adult dog. The puppy absorbs all commands like a sponge, and everything that the pet learned at an early age will remain with him for the rest of his life - this applies to commands and the rules of living with a person.

You cannot treat a dog like a child or an equal. A dog, no matter how much the owner loves it, is a predator and the pet must be treated exactly like an animal. Excessive care can turn a small dog into a big monster, and a large dog into a real threat to humans and even the owner.

If a puppy bites

The puppy does not yet realize how much power he has, and he may unknowingly bite harder than he should according to the situation. And changing teeth brings a lot of unpleasant moments, and the dog, in an attempt to relieve the itching, can bite hard and often.

How to stop biting from childhood

It is during the dairy age that it is easiest to stop a dog’s unwanted behavior.

  • You can't play with your dog with your hand. Only with toys or using treats, but in no case should you encourage playing with hands, feet or clothes - this behavior is reinforced quickly and for a long time.
  • If the puppy grabs arms or legs, hangs on clothes, you need to strictly and loudly give the prohibiting command “fu!” or “you can’t!” (if the dog already knows these commands) or simply scream, make an unpleasant sound and stop playing. Any attempts by the baby to resume play or gain attention should be ignored.

Very soon the puppy will understand that stopping the game and the unpleasant sound is associated with the bite and will stop this behavior in order to continue playing.

  • Another effective method of conflict-free dog training is switching attention. As soon as undesirable behavior begins, the puppy’s attention needs to be switched with a toy. If the dog already knows some commands (even just a nickname or the command “come to me!”), you can replace the toy with a treat, which is given immediately after the puppy has responded to the nickname or completed the command.

How to stop biting strangers

Causing injury or mutilation to a person may result in administrative liability for the dog owner, as well as compensation for material or moral damage. Therefore, it is very important not to miss such a moment in raising a puppy as socialization.

As soon as the puppy’s quarantine after vaccinations ends and he can be taken outside, be sure to introduce the pet to all the diversity of the world around him. An adult dog must walk normally on the street, not be afraid of the sounds of cars, be able to ride in public transport, and not be afraid of people. First of all, aggression towards strangers means fear or stress from unknown, and therefore frightening, odors.

Even an adult dog can be taught to calmly perceive passers-by. Under no circumstances should you hit or yell at a frightened animal, this only increases stress and perpetuates destructive behavior. If the dog reacts negatively to a stranger, you need to give a prohibiting command. After the aggressive behavior stops, you need to praise her and reward her with a treat or game. If the pet has not responded to the order, you can give it any command (for example, “sit”), this should distract the dog from the irritant and switch it to the owner.

If the dog does not respond to commands, you need to distract the dog’s attention with a treat; as soon as the dog is distracted, immediately praise and give the food.

The next time your pet calmly reacts to a stranger without prohibiting orders, he needs to be praised and can be rewarded with a treat.

Learn to bite correctly

  • To unlock the potential of service dog breeds, the owner of a “service dog” can take a course in protective guard service. During the training process, the dog handler will teach you how to properly grab and give the dog a bite.
  • Only a dog trainer can teach you how to bite correctly. A dog can cause significant damage to human health, so all actions related to capturing and holding must be carried out under the guidance of an experienced instructor!
  • Protective guard service begins only after completing an obedience course or a general training course - the dog must quickly respond to the owner’s command.
  • The protective guard service helps dogs that are insecure, cowardly or, conversely, too aggressive. The dog learns to bite on command and release on the orders of the owner or if the detainee does not resist.

An adult dog bites, what to do?

Often, if the problem of aggression is already in an adult dog, the help of an experienced instructor is required. The dog handler will observe the dog’s behavior, find out the conditions of keeping and education, based on existing experience, data received from the owner, and select a behavior correction method individually for a specific case.

Methods of influencing a dog

There are only two methods of influencing a dog::

  1. Method of physical influence. This is a variant of negative training and includes wearing strict collars, parfos, nooses, and electric shock collars. Negative training can be effective for an aggressive dog with a strong character and temperament, but this method of training must be only under the guidance of a dog handler– starting from correctly dressed corrective equipment, ending with the frequency and strength of the impact on the dog. Improper use of this method can lead to increased aggression in the animal.
  2. Positive reinforcement method. Training is based on encouraging the correct execution of a command with gentle correction of unwanted behavior. Using this option, various treats, toys, active praise are used to encourage behavior and ignoring or exposure to a simple collar to correct behavior.

If a dog bites in play

As with a puppy, the same rules apply with an adult dog. As soon as the predator begins to bite hands, the game should end abruptly with a loud exclamation or a forbidden command. The owner should ignore subsequent attempts by the animal to resume play until the dog understands the cause-and-effect relationship between the bite and the cessation of play.

Interesting video: how to stop a dog from biting

How to show the authority of the owner

A dog is a pack animal and obeys a certain hierarchy. Living next to a person, the pet enters the family and builds its “levels of significance.”

  • The dog obeys by using certain postures, expressing certain behaviors. Showing the belly is the main trigger for submission; the dog seems to be saying, “You’re in charge, I trust you.”
  • If the pet is trying to demonstrate dominance, you need to press the dog to the ground, lightly and briefly, or turn the dog on its back while scratching its belly. In this way, the owner demonstrates that he is stronger, restoring his authority.
  • You can, on the contrary, not press the dog to the ground or floor, but lift it a little so that the pet loses its balance. Of course, this method is only suitable for not very large animals.
  • To consolidate the hierarchy, you need to train the dog as often as possible to carry out commands for restraint and distraction, then problems with the hierarchy will not arise.

Docile breeds

The division into obedient and disobedient breeds is very arbitrary - representatives of different breeds differ greatly in character and mental development within the species. However, there are certain breeds of dogs that are more prone to learning than others, and therefore are distinguished by obedience.

These are mainly working breeds:

  • German and Belgian Shepherds;
  • Collie;
  • Rottweilers;
  • Sheltie;
  • Sennenhunds;
  • Giant Schnauzers;
  • Healer;
  • Dobermans;
  • Border collie.

In addition, retrievers and poodles are distinguished by enviable obedience and a desire to please their owner.

To prevent the dog from bringing disappointment to its owner, it is necessary to begin training and socialization as soon as the four-legged friend appears in the house e. The more advanced the behavior, the longer training is postponed, the more difficult and longer the correction of destructive behavior will be. Raising a dog is a complex and long process, the result of which will be joy and pleasure for the entire dog’s life.

The statement that “a dog only bites because of the dog’s life” is not always true. There are breeds of dogs that you don’t feed meat, but let someone bite someone’s heel or tear out a substantial piece of fabric from their trousers. These dogs are not particularly aggressive, but they are particularly biting.

And the pug barks at the elephant

Forget about bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers and Rottweilers. Researchers have compiled a ranking of the most biting dogs, and who do you think tops it? American Cocker Spaniel and Dachshund! These small dogs, according to a study by American and Spanish scientists, were more likely than other dogs to attack or try to attack passers-by or other dogs, and every twelfth showed aggression towards their owners. Until recently, these dog breeds did not have a “fearsome” reputation. However, they were originally bred specifically for hunting, as assistants. And yet, these are the breeds that top the list of the most aggressive dogs. In second place in the “ranking for viciousness” are representatives of the Chihuahua breed. This is an even tinier dog, and these little ones also regularly bark and try to bite strangers, members of their family, and other dogs. In third place is also a small dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed - the actor from the film "The Mask".

Why do they bite?

Small breeds are genetically more predisposed to aggressive behavior than large breeds. Until now, research into canine aggression has almost exclusively analyzed bite statistics. But experts say the statistics are misleading because most bites simply go unreported. Large dogs may have gained a reputation for being aggressive because their bites are more likely to require medical attention. The breeds recognized by experts as the least aggressive are basset hounds, golden retrievers, labradors, huskies and greyhounds. Rottweilers, pit bull terriers and Rhodesian Ridgebacks rank in the middle or lower range of aggression, including hostility towards strangers.

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Any dog ​​can bite - that's a fact. However, some dogs are more likely to do this than others.

10. Doberman Pinscher
Dobermans have long been used as guard dogs - and for good reason: these dogs are good protectors, and instinctively understand when their owner is in danger. But even when the owner is not in danger, Dobermans can be aggressive - towards other dogs and strangers.

9. Cocker Spaniel
When getting a spaniel, it is worth remembering that some of them are susceptible to a genetic disease, which manifests itself in “rage syndrome” and is characterized by sudden attacks by dogs on their owners. If a cocker develops this disease, the only option, unfortunately, is to euthanize the animal.

8. Papillon
Despite its miniature size and cute appearance, this stylish decorative dog bites hard and often. Papillons are especially aggressive towards children, because they get irritated very quickly and do not tolerate bullying. In addition, they are ardent owners and jealously protect their owners, which can lead to attacks on strangers.

7. Pitbull
At home, a pit bull can be a trusting dog and a good-natured family pet, but outside of its personal territory, in relation to other dogs and strangers, it shows strong aggression. It is believed that this dog can distinguish friends from enemies, but, nevertheless, small animals (cats and rabbits) are prey for them, and this should not be forgotten.

6. Chow-chow
Adult Chow Chows are not dogs that can be trusted, especially when it comes to children and strangers: they are very irritable and prove their right to food and territory with aggression. In addition, they are naturally good protectors and will not allow anyone to come close to their owners.

5. Rottweiler
The Rottweiler can be aggressive towards other dogs; Given its strength, this can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Moreover, the Rottweiler always desperately protects its owner - as soon as the dog senses that he is in danger.

4. Giant Schnauzer
Not only are Giant Schnauzers aggressive (towards strangers and especially other dogs), they are also quite large, which makes them twice as dangerous as any of the breeds mentioned above. Moreover, this service breed requires special training, and, accordingly, it needs special control.

3. Jack Russell Terrier
Terriers do not tolerate rough treatment in any form and will fiercely resist anything that goes against their personal desires. They are especially dangerous for young children, who can show a certain willfulness when playing with four-legged pets.