Dreams on the 26th lunar day. Interpretation of dreams by dates of the month

Energy of the day: passive day

Lucky number 26 lunar day: 8; element of the day: Earth.

Lucky color of the 26th lunar day: blue, sea wave and azure.

Meditations: lightning, silence.

Stones: orpiment, yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase.

Happy day of the week of the 26th lunar day: Friday.

Lucky direction of 26 lunar days: Northeast.

The predominant form of 26 lunar days: a square, a horizontally elongated rectangle.

Symbol of the 26th lunar day: Toad; Swamp, Traveling Frog, Pool, Mire.

Key words: smooth transition from apathy to new goals, renewal of the movement, exposing evil, understanding the essence of the life process, following natural rhythms, clearly defining one’s life positions.

Guardian Angel of the 26th lunar day: Fargas - Guardian of the Moon's moisture. Angel of healing. Genius of justice. The twenty-sixth guardian angel is called upon to heal all women's ailments. He has the power to melt ice and tame flames. Fargas eliminates unnecessary hassle and trouble. He protects from all enemies and enemies and protects from captivity and imprisonment. This Guardian Angel is created for such character traits and personal qualities as tenderness, ambition, sensitivity, patience and diligence.

Basic properties of the day

The toad, like the snake, is the personification of wisdom, but wisdom that does not bring any benefit to man, for he is lured by the false seduction of his own achievements.

A very difficult period when you need to gather all your physical and spiritual strength so as not to succumb to various kinds of provocations and temptations. It is necessary to remain calm and self-possessed, treat everything that happens with a certain amount of irony and, at all costs, not lose your sense of humor.

The twenty-sixth lunar day is difficult not so much because of its troubles as because of its emotional outbursts. People's moods jump like a frog - just a minute ago someone was laughing, and now they are already crying, before they have time to look back, a good-natured person has suddenly turned into a real tyrant and fanatic. These lunar days are fraught with such surprises.

The main danger of the twenty-sixth lunar day lies in its ability to “drag into a quagmire,” that is, the prevailing emotions now will pull you into themselves, like a swamp. It is not for nothing that the swamp is one of the symbols of these lunar days.

If your mood is sad and dreary, then by the end of the lunar day you will be, as they say, “up to your ears” in depression and no one will be able to get you out of there. And vice versa, if you laugh a lot and rejoice, you will soon discover that your laughter is nothing more than a nervous attack, you laugh not so much because you find it funny, but because you shudder from nervous spasms.

Today, observing the golden mean in emotional terms is very important, since the day is fraught with strong emotional instability, large, extremely opposite mood swings, leading to a huge number of conflicts, quarrels and scandals.

26th lunar day - On the twenty-sixth lunar day there is a high probability of robbery and theft. On the 26th lunar day, it is easy to fall under the negative influence of others; they will try to persuade you to take part in some adventurous event, which could end in prison for you. Therefore, be careful, if you even for a second have doubts about the righteousness of your action, it is better to stop it immediately, otherwise failures and big problems await you.

Motorists need to be especially careful: accidents, collisions, thefts - this is not a complete list of what awaits those who do not pay attention to today.

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is also important not to take yourself too seriously, do not fall into fatalism and, as they say, do not make a problem out of a problem. Keep it simple, make do with little and be content with what you have. It is extremely contraindicated during this period to envy or experience hatred.

Relax. As already mentioned, this time is like a swamp - the more you strain and fuss, the more it will drag you into the quagmire.

It is very undesirable to go on a road or business trip today. No matter how well the journey starts, it will still end unsuccessfully. You will lose more than you find.

The Tibetan school of astrology believes that this time is favorable for making various vows and oaths. And besides, according to Tibetan beliefs, the twenty-sixth lunar day is the day of acquiring everything desired, but first of all, spiritual benefits.

Social influence

Bad for any communication, good for lawyers.

Mystical influence

They are working on texts and books. It is better to avoid overexertion or working with untested material. Pride often comes, followed by melancholy. You can work on these properties. It is easy to overuse energy, so do all work carefully.

On the 26th lunar day there is a high probability of robbery.

If on this day, leaving home, you meet a person with full bags or buckets, then you can assume that you are going through life correctly; If you see lightning in a dream or in reality, this is a warning that pride and vanity are not tamed.

People born on this day are called upon to remain silent throughout their lives, to make vows, promises and fulfill them, to undertake any asceticism. It's a hard life, proud people.

Effect on conception

A child born on this day will be rich. Glory, great achievements, and honors await him. Perhaps dangerous pride. Dangerous, because you have to pay for everything.

Business sphere: 26 lunar day

For Business, the twenty-sixth lunar day is a dangerous period. If possible, it is better to postpone any financial transactions, refrain from concluding contracts, transactions and any trading operations. It is believed that all business-related matters are doomed to failure on the 26th lunar day, even if at first it seems that everything is going as well as possible.

Serious and serious scandals, quarrels and conflicts may arise in the work team at this time.

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, ambitions may rise, disputes about authority may arise, which have every chance of moving on to a showdown. Be careful, do not allow arrogance on your part, you can lose a lot from this.

Marriage and wedding: 26th lunar day

Not a very good day for marriage. Today you can be very cruelly deceived. If the second wedding day falls on the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is better to cancel it, otherwise you will not be able to avoid scandals, fights and other manifestations of the negative aspects of human character.

Health: 26 lunar day

On the 26th lunar day, massage and cosmetology procedures, working with acupuncture points are useful today.

Sex and erotica: 26 lunar day

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is better to abstain from sexual relations, since they still will not lead to the expected satisfaction. Today, more than ever, all “left” sexual relations and sex with strangers are contraindicated.

It is advisable for women not to go out on the streets in the evening - there is a high probability of being raped.

It is very harmful for women to drink alcohol on the twenty-sixth lunar day. Starting with a glass of wine, you have every chance of ending the evening in bed with an unfamiliar man, or even more than one.

Dreams: 26 lunar day

Dream images of this period reflect the “shadow” side of the human personality, in particular, the area of ​​the subconscious associated with addictions and addictions. Dreams show a person who he will become if he cannot transform his negative sides into positive ones.

Esoterics: 26 lunar day

The Tibetan astrological school considers the twenty-sixth lunar day favorable for visiting your spiritual mentor, teacher, guru, or for visiting churches and temples. A good period for making offerings, making sacrifices, performing guru pujas (worship of the teacher) and so on.

Lunar ritual on the 26th lunar day

Practice of the day: Critical analysis of your own successes

Take a few minutes this day to look impartially at your life, at your successes and problems, especially if you are heavily praised today. Make no mistake, this may be a provocation! It is better to smash your self-confidence to smithereens. This will make it possible to get rid of illusions and thus open up an overview of what will truly provide opportunities for future success and achievements.

The full moon dreams of success in love and good luck in business.

A huge moon portends an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and disappointment in business.

A lunar eclipse promises some kind of infectious disease.

The blood-red moon prophesies war and strife.

The young moon dreams of increasing prosperity and meeting your “half.”

If in a dream a young woman tries to determine her destiny by the Moon, she will marry a worthy chosen one.

If she sees two moons, she will lose love because of her commercialism.

The foggy moon warns: in order not to miss your happiness, you need to be tactful.

According to Nostradamus, the Moon is a symbol of secret power, silence, and surprises. This is how he interpreted dreams about the Moon.

If you see the full moon in a dream, know that the time will come when black forces will reign on Earth. For you personally, such a dream predicts a meeting with a sorcerer who will have a significant impact on your destiny.

If you rushed to the moon in a dream, it means that in real life you are striving for something new, hitherto unexplored.

A dream in which you see the Moon colored bright red or purple is a warning.

Dark spots on the Moon are a warning and can also mean a change in power.

If you see moonlight in a dream, then in reality you will encounter an unexpected obstacle, which will be quite difficult to eliminate.

If you saw the reflection of the Moon in water or in a mirror in a dream, there is an unexpected turn of events ahead.

The split Moon dreams of mental fatigue and difficulties in choosing a path in life.

If in a dream you perform a ritual of worshiping the Moon goddess, then in reality you will become a victim of your passion.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the Moon as follows.

Seeing the full moon in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream foretells that bad times await you soon.

If you dreamed of a bright red or crimson moon, then in the near future you will find yourself in some kind of disaster.

Seeing dark spots on the Moon in a dream is a prophecy of great danger.

Watching the reflection of the moon in water in a dream is a sign that your expectations will be disappointed. In your business, you rely on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity.

If you saw moonlight in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows an exciting journey to distant lands. The trip will be unexpected and very pleasant.

Seeing a split Moon in a dream is a bad omen.

If you dreamed that you were flying to the moon, then such a dream is a harbinger of a long journey.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: “26 lunar day dream book” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, you need to treat dreams carefully. Dreams of these days can lift the veil of secrecy for us, show what psychological problems we have. For example, often on this day in dreams we can see signs that indicate how great our narcissism is, how susceptible we are to pride and self-interest.

If you dream that you are omnipotent, that the whole world is at your feet, that your life is ideal, then, undoubtedly, you need to think about your behavior. Perhaps you have soared so high, are so ambitious and self-confident, that you are no longer able to adequately assess your abilities and position.

And vice versa, if in a dream you saw yourself oppressed, unhappy, morally depressed, then you need to work on increasing your self-esteem, begin to respect and love yourself more. Dreams on this day seem to lift the curtain on our possible future, showing us who we can become if we don’t change anything in our lives.

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Interpretation of dreams on the 26th lunar day

Dreams that you had on the 26th lunar day are completely straightforward and directly indicate your habits and addictions, which it would be good to get rid of.

Dream on the 26th lunar day

The twenty-sixth day of the lunar month is one of the periods when we can see things as they are. And if during the day the influence of various factors prevents us from soberly assessing what is happening, then in a dream the subconscious bypasses the focus of the mind and gives us pure information. By correctly interpreting the dream images of this lunar day, you will be able to understand your dark and light sides. What qualities you see in yourself in a dream are the ones you possess in real life. Dreams can come true, especially colored ones.

Dreams on the twenty-sixth lunar day are a direct reflection of your life

For example, if in your dreams your qualities are dominated by vanity, pride, omnipotence, power, then this is a sign that in real life you should reconsider your actions and actions and give an adequate assessment of yourself. It is possible that your selfishness has taken over. Conversely, if in a dream you give yourself low self-esteem, then in reality you probably underestimate yourself. In this case, it’s good to take a closer look at yourself and appreciate what you have.

Interpretation of dreams on the 26th twenty-sixth lunar day

Twenty-sixth lunar day in the lunar cycle it ends a series of difficult days, so it is especially negative and energetically unstable.

Characteristics of the twenty-sixth lunar day

Symbols of the twenty-sixth lunar day- swamp, toad.

Stones of the twenty-sixth lunar day- chrysoprase, jadeite, yellow jade.

The excess energy consumption on the twenty-sixth lunar day will be simply colossal. Even those who skillfully manage energy flows will feel that they are unable to control them today. Therefore, the most correct direction on this day is passivity, calmness and contemplation. Try to protect yourself from all kinds of initiative, aggression and activity: such movements today will not lead to anything good. Accordingly, today should be spent working on oneself, reflection and spiritual practices.

The symbols of the twenty-sixth lunar day (toad and swamp) are not the most positive: they signify spiritual decay and the darkest sides of the human soul. They pull a person in his aspirations and desires down to his animal nature. On the other hand, Capricorn, under whose sign these lunar days are flowing, means spiritual rebirth and a person’s aspiration to spiritual heights, knowledge of the highest truth, and self-improvement. As a result, this day turns out to be energetically unstable: people rush from side to side, like a pendulum: from bad to good and back. Doubts and hesitations will take hold of everyone today; every minute there will be a reassessment of one’s own values, and this can be very exhausting.

Accordingly, the emotional background of the twenty-sixth lunar day leaves much to be desired. Not only you, but everyone around you will be depressed, internally tense, and irritated. As a result, conflicts, quarrels, and misunderstandings may break out. To avoid them, you need to be able to control your emotions, and even better, seclude yourself so that no one can provoke you into a negative outburst of emotion, which as a result will empty you to the bottom of your soul.

When you are alone, you can reflect on what is happening around you. Engage in self-criticism (but not to the point of self-flagellation) to see your own weaknesses. This will help you begin to gradually free yourself from them, strive upward, moving away from your animal essence to the spiritual. Try, even when alone with yourself, not to judge anyone or think badly of anyone: this day will not allow you to make objective judgments about others.

The twenty-sixth lunar day is extremely filled with energy, which reveals secret knowledge to a person, so you need to pay special attention to the signs and dreams of this difficult day. If you met a person with a full bucket - a sure sign that you are doing everything right, don’t back down. A dream of lightning is a real revelation, which on this day warns you of an impending and very serious danger.

Interpretation of dreams on the twenty-sixth lunar day

During the day, all information appears to a person in a distorted form, so most of the conclusions that he makes on these lunar days are incorrect and deceptive. But dreams, on the contrary, will be cleared by the subconscious and will appear before you without any cover. Interpretations and decoding will not be needed: what you see will be a direct indication of what is happening in your life.

If in your dreams of the twenty-sixth lunar day you show such qualities as selfishness, greed, anger, vanity, careerism - no matter how unpleasant it may be for you, this is how you are in real life. If you were too critical of yourself in your dream, you should think about the objectivity of your own self-esteem so that this does not interfere with the discovery of your true abilities in real life.

Despite the severity of the twenty-sixth lunar day, it will help many to correctly assess their own strengths and understand what they are capable of. The main thing is to remain calm and not interfere in anything.

26th lunar day

Silence is golden.

Carry out normal work.

Listen to the advice of friends and do not reject their suggestions.

Solve simple questions.

Managers should not issue new decrees to their subordinates. If possible, leave them alone and let them do their job.

With colleagues, be more involved or remain neutral.

Succumb to self-deception and complacency.

Do not give in to provocations and temptations.

Show endurance and willpower, calmness to what is happening and a sense of humor.

Don't give in to mood swings.

Do not succumb to other people's influence and be attentive to what is happening.

Be especially careful on the roads.

Do not do anything that could negatively affect your work.

Make big decisions.

Do work and business.


You shouldn’t meet new people today, and if you are planning a first date, it’s better to reschedule it for another day. If the relationship with your partner has already developed, then on this day you can provide each other with support and help.

Stones and minerals:

The meaning of dreams on the 26th lunar day:

Meditations for the 26th lunar day:

Meditations : silence, conscious observation.

Today is best spent in silence and solitude. Do a Vipassana or “mindfulness in action” practice.

You can also practice observing your breathing. To do this, take a comfortable meditation position, sitting on your heels or in a half lotus position. Focus your gaze on the tip of your nose and begin to track your breathing for 30 minutes or 1 hour.

On the 26th lunar day we have access to the Teacher.

This day often coincides with the day of Ekadashi.

The Kundalini chakra is associated with this day.

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The twenty-sixth lunar day is full of temptations, and we endlessly make mistakes and lose the right path. Let's be philosophers and understand that there are no bad or good days, and everything depends on our attitude to the situation.

  • The element of day 26 is Earth. The earth is our common home, the elements give us confidence, it is reliable and unshakable. Earth is associated with routine, but it gives us peace of mind and helps us make important decisions.
  • The symbol of the day is Toad. Many people treat the toad with fear and disgust, but it is considered the keeper of treasures. But what jewels we entrust to Toad depends on us. The Toad is often credited with such qualities as greed and malice - let’s leave the characteristics for zoologists, and try to make the Toad turn into a princess (without a kiss). The swamp is also a symbol of the day - the quagmire beckons, draws in, and it is difficult to stay on the surface and go over to the side of good without getting involved with the swamp evil spirits.
  • Delicate and airy Blue will be the lucky color for 26 days - it symbolizes hope, purity and a beautiful dream. The azure color will give us a good mood, and the color of the sea wave will endow us with wisdom.
  • Today we ask for the number Eight as a guest - it is the Eight that will bring good luck on the 26th day. Let's put the number on the side and we'll get an infinity sign, and if we put it as expected, we'll find a reliable and permanent patron. The number Eight is influenced by Uranus, and this planet loves everything unusual - in general, today you won’t have to be discouraged and suffer from idleness.
  • Let's make a pendant with Orpiment, and on day 26 we will get out of any situation. Not a single sorcerer will approach us with this talisman - the magical properties of the stone have not been studied, and wizards are afraid of the unknown. Yellow Jade will help preserve youth, Jadeite will attract harmony into life, and Chrysoprase will remove damage.
  • A magical tangle leads us to the Northeast - this is the direction that will be happy for 26 days. If the path is in the opposite direction, or we will be carried south or north, don’t worry, but run to the fruit store. The northeastern talisman will be an ordinary banana, the main thing is to be patient and eat it only when we reach our destination.
  • The guardian of lunar moisture and the spirit of justice, Fargas will protect you from enemies and save you from troubles. In addition, this guardian angel heals women's diseases.

Characteristics of the 26th lunar day

The stars are nervously winking, and the Moon is hiding behind the clouds and doesn’t want to communicate with us - today is a difficult and strange day. But we don’t lose our sense of humor and learn to laugh, not paying attention to troubles.

And today there will be many problems - scandals and quarrels, intrigues and disagreements fly in from Space every now and then. Our mood is also incomprehensible - sometimes we smile, sometimes we cry, sometimes we fall into apathy, and we don’t notice anything around us.

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, it is not recommended to envy, because you can be happy, sitting in a cave without a penny of money, or you can be sad, looking at your personal mansion, full of luxurious furniture and obedient servants. And if Toad starts strangling someone, we’ll drive away the symbol of the day, or make friends with him - even amphibians can be tamed.

Any tension is dangerous - the more we twitch, the more we are drawn in by the symbol of the day, the Swamp, it envelops us and pulls us into the unknown, promising a sweet life without problems and hassle. That’s how it is, but in this emptiness there is nothing - no grief, no joy, no hatred, no love.

In general, we are looking for a stronger staff and getting out of our comfort zone - it’s the same swamp, only without the kikimoras and frogs.

Today it is advisable to limit communication; you should especially avoid relationships with unpleasant neighbors and harmful colleagues. Family life on the twenty-sixth day is like a battle - today you can quarrel to pieces and not even understand how it happened.

But it’s easy to pack your bags, but it will be difficult to return and make peace - we hold back with all our might, and you’ll see it blows over.

Energy vampires bloom and smell on the 26th day - there is enough food for them, and people themselves expose their necks to a bite. Of course, it is possible to protect yourself from these tricks, but only those of us who know how to control themselves and do not distribute nerve cells left and right will be saved. Let's hang ourselves with silver jewelry, build a silver dome around ourselves - so that all these draculates will forget about our existence.

However, today there is a simple and effective method - we smile, and even if crowds of black cats are scratching at our souls, we pretend that everything is wonderful.

It is better not to do anything on the twenty-sixth day. It’s a pity that we are not billionaires, and cannot afford to lie down on the couch at home, or go to a resort, turning off our phones. There is a way out - we look for advantages in our work, and creatively solve work problems (by the way, this lunar advice also applies to household chores).

If we suddenly suddenly feel like the center of the Universe, we shouldn’t stand on a pedestal, beat ourselves in the chest, and wait for worship - we need to urgently run into the forest and look for a magic tree. The oak tree will cope with the role of a magician, and even if learned cats and mermaids do not walk on it, we feel good enough - let’s hug the tree and become modest and good people.

You can also collect oak leaves, and if you’re lucky, even acorns - we’ll make acorn rosaries for ourselves, or we’ll gather a group of kids, buy plasticine, and organize a competition for the strangest acorn animal.

The Moon does not like braggarts, and on the twenty-sixth lunar day she is especially irritated by people who are arrogant and trumpet about their talents. Those who are worthy of fame and honor will not be lost anyway, the main thing is not to trust too much the people who praise us - hypocrites today only dream of how to deceive someone.

In general, we live calmly, we don’t howl at the moon, and we rejoice in what we already have, because it’s not at all necessary to grab the stars from the sky, on the 26th lunar day you can admire them just like that.

Haircut on the 26th lunar day

Hairdressing salons have huge barn locks, and sullen guards run around and break scissors and combs - it is not recommended to get your hair cut on the twenty-sixth lunar day. It is believed that hair cut on this day will bring illness, illness, and bad mood with depression and apathy.

So, let’s not tempt fate and get on Luna’s nerves - you can create beauty on your head without scissors, the main thing is to get into the hands of a good master.

It is advisable to leave the ends of your hair alone - let them split ends, one day won’t make a difference anyway. It’s also better not to touch the bangs, even if they try to get into your eyes - take a hairpin and pull your hair to the side or back.

Hair coloring needs to be sorted out. It seems that the Moon has prohibited the use of bright shades, but at the same time, it is allowed to use natural dyes. Tinted shampoos are also in price today, because the color is temporary, and if something goes wrong, you can dive into the bath and wait until the dye is washed off and the hair returns to its natural color.

If we are brave and not afraid of innovations, then we can arrange seven-color highlighting, the main thing is not to shine too brightly, so that someone in the Universe does not decide that we attract all the cosmic energy.

You can, and even need to, experiment with hairstyles on day 26 - but what else can you do if cutting your hair is not recommended, and don’t sit at home covered with a blanket.

So, curly hairstyles are all the rage these days and all curly-haired ladies can rejoice. And girls with smooth and straight hair will find a way to surprise the Moon, because no one has canceled curlers - let's establish a connection with the cosmos and recharge with energy for the whole day.

We can walk with foam rollers even until the evening, but plastic curlers are not our friends today - we are not happy with the kinks in our hair. Bobbins will turn us into beauties with small curls, and with the help of velvet curlers we will get beautiful and uniform curls.

Curling irons and flat irons will also come in handy on the twenty-sixth day, but why burn your hair if you can do without extreme heat?

We braid our wet hair and walk around the house for a couple of hours - and after we undo our braids, all the stars and planets will come to admire our hairstyles.

So, we created magnificent hairstyles, and it’s even a pity to cover your head with a scarf. But scarves are different from scarves - you can wrap yourself in a shawl, like Baba Gutya from the next door, or you can build a careless bandana or an elegant and exotic turban. A scarf tied in a pirate style will be appreciated by the Moon on young heads, and a scarf twisted in a retro style will suit Balzac's ladies.

Let's decide on the color of the scarves - you can take blue fabric, or you can buy a bright red or juicy orange scarf with unusual patterns; today there are no restrictions on the choice. Hair clips and jewelry on day 26 can be anything - we run to the store and buy shiny crabs, gold bobby pins, and silver tiaras.

It is not recommended to comb your hair frequently on the twenty-sixth day, but morning and evening are suitable for this procedure. In the morning we will stand in front of the mirror, let down our hair, and run the brush eight times: “Grow my hair strong, this morning. I touch you with a comb and give you shine. Don’t cut yourself, don’t fall out, absorb the moonlight into yourself.”

And for evening combing, the phrase is even simpler: “Hair, rest, collect lunar energy.”

Let's not forget about water treatments - the magic works on day 26, and the magical Plantain will help us. Wash the seeds and leaves of the plantain eight times, then pour boiling water over it and wait until it cools. We strain and rinse the curls: “Moon knight plantain, you are my assistant today.”

You don’t have to rinse it off - we’ll save water, and your hair will thank you, it will stop splitting and falling out, and we’ll soon forget about dandruff.

Beauty on the 26th lunar day

Beauty can both save and destroy the world, but on the twenty-sixth lunar day everything is in our hands. We can become ugly, because on this day it is not recommended to communicate and make acquaintances. Or we can turn into fairy-tale princesses, and those around us will simply be afraid to approach us.

Let's not argue, but let's start working on our appearance. Today it is better not to touch, pluck or comb your eyebrows. And let them hang over our eyes - thick eyebrows will give us a serious look, and no one will even think of making fun of us.

On day 26, the eyes need care more than ever - we wash them with a weak chamomile decoction, and lubricate the eyelids with a healthy cream with wheat germ oil.

Just lightly pinch your lips – it’s both a massage and lipstick in one bottle.

On the twenty-sixth day, the neck is sensitive to any procedures, so we will do without extreme measures and just apply baby cream to it. We will do the same with the neckline area, but we will have to work on the chest. Mix mashed potatoes (without salt, of course) with cream and apply to the chest, after fifteen minutes you can wash off.

It's time to put on makeup. It is advisable to do without foundation and powder, but today you are allowed to line your eyes - we take out pencils from our cosmetic bag and experiment with multi-colored arrows. The lips have already received a portion of the massage, so we’ll leave the glosses and lipsticks alone.

Let's go for a manicure, because on the 26th day you won't be able to squeeze in a lot of people. We remember that long and extravagant nails are not in fashion today - we choose a shape, decide on the color and pattern, and ask to file the nails.

Square nails are forbidden, but oval nails are popular - take them to the feast and, as they say, to the world. Today, almond-shaped nails are ideal, but triangular cat nails are best left for fashionistas who don’t read lunar advice.

Aquarium painting on nails will look both gentle and festive; a red manicure decorated with stones and thin lilac lines is also good - let everyone think that a golden carriage is waiting for us, and a prince instead of a coachman (with such a chic manicure we can only go to the ball).

If there is still money left, let's go for a Fish Pedicure. The thing is new, but extremely interesting, and on the twenty-sixth day we will definitely like this procedure. First, our legs will be disinfected, and then we will immerse them in an aquarium with wonderful fish called Garra Rufa. The fish will do all the work for the master, and besides, they will eat, because they love to feast on dead pieces of skin. If we're afraid of infections, we'll ask for a classic manicure - Luna doesn't mind.

It is better not to meet with piercers on the 26th day. Holes in the ears are all right, but punctures in the nose, cheeks and eyebrows will not bring anything good. But those who decided to undergo this procedure a long time ago will be lucky, and the holes have already healed and dried out - you can use any jewelry. The main thing is that the jewelry is real, of course, Luna does not force her to wear a diamond on her tongue, but she is not delighted with an iron pin in her nose either.

To shave your legs or not to shave - this is the question that ladies of all ages ask themselves, and on the twenty-sixth day there is real panic among women. But those who have read the lunar recommendations have nothing to worry about: if your hair is not yet tearing your tights, then it is better to refrain from the procedure. And if your legs are hot from the thickets, then, as they say, there are no options - we shave, or use a more harsh method, just to quickly achieve smooth and silky legs.

On day 26 you cannot do without water procedures. The moon prepared an amazing bath - with foam, salt, and delicate rosehip petals. We collect water, throw in the petals and whisper: Petals of beauty, youth and freshness. Get into the water, give us energy.” Everything ingenious, as we know, is simple - we dive in and come out of the bath young and beautiful creatures.

Wedding on the 26th lunar day

A serious and respectable elderly groom, a beautiful but no longer young bride, and there is nothing to say about the guests - even the witnesses cannot stand in one place, and every now and then they wearily sink down onto the sofa to rest. On the twenty-sixth lunar day, those who are already in their fifties are allowed to perform ceremonies.

This is the whim of the Moon, but there are no surprises in the form of fights or showdowns with broken noses and bottles. And no one drinks alcohol today - all people are adults and do not need additional doping, besides, the pressure will jump, the joints will crack, in general, it’s not fun.

For couples who have a lot of skeletons in their closet, it is advisable not to go to the registry office on the 26th day; neither advanced age nor acquaintance with the registrar and toastmaster will save you - a scandal will happen after the first kiss, and it will never come to the wedding cake.

If the bride is carefree, young and innocent, and the groom has just taken a break from his mother’s skirt, and doesn’t even know that women are different from men, you can try it - such a union will become quite harmonious. This couple does not know how to quarrel, the young people are not familiar with jealousy and envy - perhaps their life together will be difficult, but interesting.

On the twenty-sixth day, it is undesirable to go on a honeymoon - either the flight will be cancelled, or passports will be lost, or even your luggage will be stolen along with bank cards and tickets; in general, it is better not to risk it.

If a guy and a girl started dating and are still thinking about marriage, on the 26th lunar day they can arrange to meet future relatives. But the meeting should take place on neutral territory, and without familiarity - they said hello, drank, had a snack, and went to their apartments.

The Moon does not recommend choosing wedding dresses on the twenty-sixth day, because everything will go wrong - the future bride will accidentally tear her dress, and the groom's trousers will come apart at the seams. You will have to spend the money set aside for the celebration and pay a fine for damage to the goods.

It is better to postpone the wedding ceremony scheduled for today. Nothing terrible will happen in the church, and the devil will not penetrate there, but it will be difficult for lovers to establish relationships, and heaven is powerless here. Good angels will try to help the newlyweds, and storks will certainly stop by to visit, but why take the risk if you can be patient and schedule the wedding for another day.

Birthday on the 26th lunar day

“Twenty-sixth” are quite interesting creatures, they are not prone to idle chatter, and are even born without screams and exclamations. Silent babies do not require food, but their expressive gaze will say more than the hysterical crying of other children.

Many people have the impression that the “twenty-sixth guys” know Morse code and sign language from the moment they were born - really, why waste time talking if you can explain the situation without words?

The “twenty-sixths” know how to control their emotions, they are cold-blooded and unperturbed, and even in preschool age little philosophers are not interested in ordinary children’s amusements, but sit in the sandbox and draw incomprehensible diagrams and strange signs.

These guys have their flaws, they are arrogant and vain, and always try to seem better than other people. But they constantly work on themselves, and strive for the ideal that they themselves invented.

It is important not to miss the development of character, and to instill altruism in the “twenty-sixth”, otherwise they will grow up to be selfish and will think only about themselves, taking advantage of any situation.

If the “twenty-sixth creatures” were lucky enough to be born into a family of priests, teachers, or doctors, there is no doubt that the children’s path will be thorny, but they will certainly become great people and will help others, even to the detriment of their own interests.

“Twenty-sixths” love to delve into themselves, but they also do not refrain from critical remarks addressed to friends and relatives - hence the constant conflict with the world and the people around them.

During their school years, these guys strive to be leaders, and one can only envy their determination; they are real fighters for truth and justice. But the “twenty-sixth” do not like long thoughts, and rarely change their point of view - if they have already blacklisted a person, then he can justify himself all his life, but he will not deserve forgiveness.

“Twenty-sixths” make excellent bosses, but their subordinates do not like them, considering them too strict and uncompromising. “Twenty-sixths” are born businessmen, they can earn capital from anything - be it recycling paper, collecting bottles, or sewing pillowcases.

The personal life of the “twenty-sixth lunar people” can be like a good fairy tale, or like a horror movie - it all depends on what kind of person they come across on the way. They are amorous, and can lose their heads from some charlatan. The intuition of the “twenty-sixths” works as it should, but love can take away the intelligence of even a genius, sorcerer, or wizard.

“Twenty-sixths” should remember about loved ones, and communicate more often with spiritual teachers - in this case, life will turn out well, and these lunar creatures will not be ashamed of their stupid and aimless existence.

The “twenty-sixth” love to travel, they even carry a backpack and food supplies to work - what if someone calls you to the mountains? But the “twenty-sixth” prepare for any risky adventure thoroughly, calculating every step and all possible consequences.

The health of the “twenty-sixths” is not bad, but the lunar children are too suspicious, and often find non-existent sores - it is better to keep the medical reference book away from these creatures, otherwise they will even find Porphyria (a disease of vampires), sit at home, and hide from the sun.

Since the “twenty-sixth” speak little, they know how to convince the crowd that they are right, because if a person is a man of few words, it means he thinks through every phrase and will not talk nonsense - these creatures can become great people of our time, and perhaps earn honor and respect all over the world.

Dreams on the 26th lunar day

The moon carefully looks into the windows and decides who to send a good and affectionate dream, and who needs a good shake-up and a nightmare. The subconscious has enough work on the twenty-sixth day, and every now and then it rushes through the brain with a cleaning agent to free us from the trash that has accumulated during the day.

There is no point in pretending in a dream - today we can face such an undisguised reality that we will be horrified: is it really us? Someone will see their shortcomings in a distorted form, and for some a totem animal or plant will appear - these guys know how to express the truth without any embellishment.

But the good thing about the lunar labyrinth is that you can always replay the situation - even in a dream there is a chance to turn on the other side and demand a change in the scenario.

On the 26th lunar night, shadows from the past often appear. The souls of deceased friends and relatives arrive for a reason - they want to warn against mistakes, protect against dangers, and show the right path. Let's try to talk to them - perhaps we will receive detailed instructions.

If in a dream we doubt that we are communicating with a good spirit, there is no need to turn around and run headlong, there is a more interesting option. You need to put your hands on your hips and shout to the lunar guest: “I’m in a dream, you’re in reality, I’ll understand everything about you. If you are a demon, transform yourself and rush away with black smoke. If you are a good angel, then make all your dreams come true.” Sleepy desires are easy to fulfill, and if the spirit has good intentions, it will certainly help us.

The dream in which we see a ladybug is wonderful - this cute creature brings wonderful news. Let's stroke her wings and release her into the moonlit sky - let her fly and please the rest of the sleeping people.

The toad will appear to envious people, and this feeling, alas, is known to many - today the symbol of the day will jump into almost every bed. But there is no need to worry, because Toad also has positive sides - she is not greedy, but economical, not gloomy, but shy, not harmful, but persistent. Let's make friends with Toad in a dream, and she will help us in reality.

If in the 26th lunar dream we are trying to get out of the swamp, we should understand that this plot promises troubles in the financial sphere and personal life. We will have money, perhaps tomorrow, but we won’t be able to manage it, some will quarrel with relatives, some will feel sorry for the bills for a beggar, and some will even waste all the money in the casino - we draw conclusions.

Cute cats often look into the twenty-sixth lunar labyrinth - let’s pay attention to the breed and color of the animal. Bald silver cats will come to creative people, and perhaps they will come up with some new ideas. But fluffy tricolor cats come with one purpose - they report that a cute and unusual suitor will soon appear on the horizon, and a wedding is also just around the corner.

Animals from the zoo can also visit us on the 26th night - an elephant will come to those who lead a correct, but boring life, but a lion will gallop to extraordinary, but frivolous people. Let's ask the night aliens for advice, and they will certainly suggest the right solution.

In the twenty-sixth lunar kingdom there is a lot that is incomprehensible, and if we pick bright and fabulous plants, we should think about it, because nothing happens for nothing. Willow branches dream of good news from afar, birch leaves will be seen by future oligarchs, but acacia branches will be plucked by those of us to whom the good Cupid is flying with sharpened arrows - new love is already nearby.

But all dreams will be kind and pleasant if we fall into bed early, cover ourselves with a warm blanket, and whisper, looking at the lunar path: “Good lunar angel of sleep, and the beautiful Moon. Give me a good dream, and you’ll fly across the sky.” After such a conspiracy, even the capricious Ole Lukoje will take out a bright umbrella and create funny and good pictures.

Business sphere of the 26th lunar day: business, work, finance

Today is a day off in the world - and what else is left if on the twenty-sixth lunar day you cannot make deals, sign contracts, and generally solve complex financial problems?! Poor millionaires are calculating their daily losses in advance, the oligarchs have locked themselves in their offices, dispersed the technicians and are trying to clean the premises on their own. Factories stand still, enterprises gather dust, and the moon shines, looking indifferently at alarmed people.

But free artists today are in a daze - create, I don’t want to, because laws are not written for geniuses. If we have already planned the day down to the minute, there is no need to change direction - we are solving issues, the main thing is not to overwork and not expect immediate results.

Collective activities on the 26th lunar day are not welcome - relationships with people will be strained, we will all become nervous and susceptible to criticism. And if you’re going to do things, do it alone.

What about those who have already scheduled important negotiations, and business partners are excitedly crowding into the reception area and handing out papers? The moon worried about such situations and prepared a magical spell for successful work.

We take a piece of paper and draw eight eights on it: “Infinity sign, do this for me today - there will be money and honor, and good luck will come.” We fold the leaf into a triangle and carry it in our left pocket until the evening.

On the twenty-sixth day, all sorts of scammers are active, and thieves are generally on a roll - they are ready to brazenly go into the bank and ask for money for bread. We hide our wallets under barn locks - this motto suits both rich and poor. But in order to have more money in our wallets, let’s use the magic words: “Money, money, honest guys. You are not afraid to work, do not skimp on luck.” The main thing is to make sure that there are no unnecessary and envious ears nearby.

Students and students fall from exhaustion on the 26th day - they seem to have been teaching and studying, but their heads are empty, and all thoughts have disappeared somewhere. Teachers wander around like sleepy flies and forget their names. Even the Minister of Education is not enough today - he rushes along the street and asks who took the Bastille? Calm - The Moon knows the way out, because it is usually in the same place as the entrance.

We hurry to the nearest library, take some weighty volume, and sit down at the table with a smart look. A pen and piece of paper must be prepared in advance. We open the book on page 26, and point our finger - the chosen word will be our talisman (let's write it down on paper). Let it be complete nonsense and nonsense - we don’t pay attention. Next to “our” word we write the phrase: “I’ll get knowledge, I want to be smart. Laziness and ignorance will go away and they won’t come near me. I’ll pass the exam and test, and an A is waiting for me.” That's it - the job is done, and Freebie is already lurking around the corner.

For those who are planning to move to another job, the Moon is no help today - colleagues will turn out to be harmful, the boss will be grumpy, and the office will be uncomfortable, gloomy and stuffy. In addition, they may not be hired back into the service, so it’s better to endure it and hide the resignation letter in some dark closet.

We won’t go on business trips on the twenty-sixth lunar day - why tempt fate if the Moon immediately said that we need to sit still? But non-believing Thomases do the opposite on any lunar day - they do not listen to anyone’s advice, and today surprises await them. First, documents will be lost, then the weather will turn bad and rain will wet your chic business suit, and in another city all the hotels will certainly be occupied. Partners will also disappear somewhere, or show up drunk for the deal.

In order for the 26th day to go perfectly, we don’t take out loans, don’t communicate with colleagues, don’t pay back debts - all “No”, but we will have a lot of free time, during which we can relax and carry out the next “golden” cleaning of the room. Today the Toad will help us, of course, not a living symbol of the day, but a bronze figurine. We lower the toad into warm, clean water for eight minutes and whisper: “Toad, toad, symbol of the day, you are my protector. Save from damage, invite wealth into your home.” If we wash the floor with this water, we will certainly improve our financial situation, the main thing is to do the cleaning alone.

Health on the 26th lunar day

You should never abuse your body, and on the twenty-sixth lunar day our body is especially susceptible to any stress. The stomach refuses fatty and salty foods in advance, and growls grumpily if we try to throw in potatoes with dumplings, herring and mayonnaise. Everyone’s favorite salad under a fur coat is strictly prohibited, and you should say goodbye to meat - it’s better to give the cutlets and whites to your hungry neighbors.

But the Moon does not make us starve - we will not exhaust ourselves with fashionable diets, but will simply give up some goodies. On the 26th lunar day, scarlet apples and orange peaches, yellow bananas and bright green or purple grapes may appear on the table - with these products we will both deceive hunger and please ourselves. In addition, today's food will not cause excess weight - calories behave with restraint and do not try to ruin our lives.

On the twenty-sixth lunar day, smokers locked themselves in their closets and are trying to make rolled-up cigarettes from the remains of tobacco, because their cigarettes were taken away, citing the fact that smoking is prohibited today. Luna advises rolling up tobacco leaves soaked in brine or sour milk in a newspaper - after two puffs, the craving for tobacco will disappear, and addicted children will be free from nicotine slavery.

If that doesn’t help, there is a tougher method - sprinkle the tip of a cigarette or a rolled-up cigarette with ground pepper, and even say the following phrase: “I hate smoking, and I want to be cheerful. I don’t want to choke and mock myself. I’ll quit, I’ll quit smoking, because you can’t buy health!”

If we can quit smoking or go on a diet on our own, we are not able to change the shape of our nose or pull out a tooth - we will have to make an appointment with the doctors. Beauty doctors are on the topic today - they easily turn us into princesses and kings, and change our appearance beyond recognition. You don’t have to work hard and just rejuvenate a little – a couple of injections or masks and we’re already in the top ten most attractive people on the planet.

It’s better not to meet with dentists, even if your teeth are creaking in pain, hinting that it’s time for them to go free - we’ll tolerate it, since dentists today are angry and clumsy, they’ll even pull out the wrong tooth, and the patient will be to blame.

Massage therapists do not straighten up on the twenty-sixth lunar day, and after a crowd of clients they themselves will need a massage - of course, because today this is the most useful procedure, and the body will be very pleased.

Luna advises making an appointment with a psychologist, however, the doctor will have to guess our thoughts, because talking a lot on day 26 is undesirable. We stock up on leaflets and delight the doctor with drawings and symbols - doctors of the soul love to decipher such things and will be able to make the necessary diagnosis.

However, chatter is different from chatter - if you can’t have meaningless conversations, then muttering tongue twisters and singing songs is allowed. Of course, we won’t irritate those around us and shout: “Oh, it’s freezing” while sitting in the hospital corridor. Let's lock ourselves in some treatment room and have karaoke with the nurse - they say it brings us closer together, and besides, on the twenty-sixth day we really need new friends.

We have recovered, become healthier, and now all we have to do is think about our peace of mind. On the 26th lunar day, a magical and healthy herb called Melissa rushes to us. Pour boiling water over eight teaspoons and cool. This calming tea will help the most nervous person, and after taking the decoction, even the most notorious brawler will sit peacefully in the corner and smile.

We didn’t stomp our feet today, we didn’t hit our heads against the wall, but there’s still a bad feeling in our souls—the Moon is hinting that we forgot about something important. We’ll have to delve into ourselves and understand: maybe we offended a neighbor, maybe we upset older relatives, or maybe we criticized ourselves for no reason.

We learn to compromise and be patient with the people around us - any current situation is a lesson, and we just need to become good students, because fair assessments of Fortune and the Moon are about to appear in our diaries.

You can’t go shopping on the twenty-sixth lunar day, having fun at parties is not recommended, visiting cinemas is undesirable - is it really necessary to sit down at the computer and wait until the clock strikes midnight?

Extremes are also not appropriate today, and the expression about the golden mean is more relevant than ever - we turn on our intuition and listen to its prompts more often.

We can turn to the element of the day, Earth, for help, and, in the literal sense of the word, we will go to nature, walk barefoot on the green grass, and collect earth in a small bag. You can plant a tree, the main thing is to remember the place - after all, no one will take care of an oak or aspen tree, and the tree relies on us. And the earth will give him strength, all that remains is to water it and protect it from frost.

It is not necessary to dive into the Swamp and look for the magical Toad - the symbols of the day will find us themselves, if necessary, and it is better to avoid communication with them. Swamps and swamps are everywhere today, and temptations are found even in banal everyday situations - let's be on the alert, and we will be able to bypass the swamps.

On the twenty-sixth day, the universe tests the strength of everyone - ordinary people, magicians, and clairvoyants are included in the lunar list. But the kind, honest and sincere guys will not be lost today - the Cosmos itself helps them, so we try to change for the better, and do not hesitate to do noble deeds.

Any information received on the 26th lunar day must be double-checked, and even if we find out that we were deceived, we should not run and sort things out - we will laugh and forget. The Moon has much more problems than we do - but she shines, and even manages to help us, so let’s say thank you to her today. Let's go thank the moon in the evening, raise our hands to the sky and whisper kind words.

You can also lead a round dance around the house - an angel will certainly descend along the lunar path and stand in the center.

    Dream book "dom-sonnik"

    Not everyone dream is prophetic. Quality sleep depends on the day of the month when it dreamed about it.26 number. Nice and funny dreams. 27 number. Empty, faded dreams, without deep meaning.

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  • Dream book "dnevnik"

    If dream dreamed about it You are 3, 10, 13, 17, 19, 26 , 27 dreams usually false, they mean nothing. When dream falls on the 4th, 7th, 11th, 12th and 23rd, then it can portend happiness, but it will not come true soon. If bright and colorful dream dreamed about it On the 16th or 21st, it will definitely come true within a month. Usually like this dreams portend something new, but pleasant.

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  • Dream Interpretation "MyHeavenGate"

    If dream dreamed about it You are 3, 10, 13, 17, 19, 26 , 27 or the 28th of the month, then such dreams usually false, they mean nothing. They can be very unusual, but you shouldn't pay attention to them. On the 14th, 25th and 29th dreams portend failures and financial losses.

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  • Dream Interpretation "oracle-today"

    So, to one French lady on the night of February 12 dreamed that she would die on the 17th of that month. The lady was aged, but completely healthy, and everyone around her to whom she told her dream, reduced her vision to an empty joke.24. Come true within 11 days and lead to joy. 25. Fulfilled quickly and safely. 26 . Lead to trouble. 27 . They will come true soon and favorably. 28. They don’t come true and have no meaning. 29. Dreams empty.

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  • Dream Interpretation "cherniykot.forum2x2"

    Topic: If dream dreamed about it on such and such a day..=) Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:50 am. 26 day of the month. Dream27 -th lunar day. Dreams twenty the seventh lunar day speaks of how capable a person is of existing in a harmonious relationship with...

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  • Dream interpretation "hariola"

    Dream Interpretation- interpretation dreams. Man has been trying to understand his dreams since ancient times. 26 day of the month. Dream, seen this night, will come true. 27 lunar day. Dream will not come true, but there is some truth in it.

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  • Dream Interpretation "dreamcorder.livejournal"

    In short, nothing came of this acquaintance in the end; I did not correspond to her. It was possible to dream, but not to live up to it. Edited at 2015-12- 27 10:34 pm (UTC). They shoot from a long distance. But that's okay. Already sleep does not apply. It’s clear that you don’t like the situation, I wouldn’t like it either.

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  • Dream Interpretation "babyblog"

    I have dream like only once dreamed about it. I hug my dad and say how much I miss him. It’s just that before my dad passed away, I didn’t even think that they, from the other world, could help us, pass on important information. Grandfather died in 2002, and he never told me dreamed about!Dasha I was on the site 27 January, 07:51 November 28, 2013, 12: 26 . Russia, Saratov.

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Real prophetic dreams dream not all people - as a rule, the ability to see talk about dreamed 8th day of the month: dream, promising fulfillment of desires on the 9th dreams 26 day of the month: good dreams that may come true in the distant future 27 ...

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  • Dream Interpretation "teploheadreams.livejournal"

    DREAM №14 (With 26 By 27 /11/07). Nov. 27 th, 2007 at 3:08 PM. warmheadreams. WHAT DREAMED: Dreamed about it an old childhood friend whom I haven’t seen since I was probably 10 years old... and then bam - I meet him in Kyiv. And he is so huge, pumped up, in some unimaginably transvestite clothes, with the stupidest hairstyle, earrings in his ears, etc. (an analogue of his appearance is a character from THE FIFTH ELEMENT - a deaf young man in the opera, whom Bruce Willis asked with signs to throw him a weapon, but he threw him some kind of garbage).

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  • Dream Interpretation "joane.beon"

    Dream With 26 on 27 November. joane December 1, 2014 3:50:25 pm. And why are you telling me again dreamed about it? It is you, not someone else. I just had to doze off for ten minutes, although I didn’t plan to sleep all night, you showed up. Probably this one dream made me a good day today. I got up easily, didn’t sleep all night, but got enough sleep thanks to you. Your eyes looked at me like never before when we met.

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  • Dream Interpretation "rivendel"

    Moon and dream. Recommendations for working with dreams. For a week With 26 .10.2015.Value dreams on the 15th lunar day. Dreams these days can be of a different nature, everything will depend on your internal state. If you dreamed about it bright good dream, then it can come true, however, if you don’t talk about it. If something is difficult, then your internal state is imbalanced, take care of yourself.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation Felomena. Why dreaming Number 26 in dream By dream book? If you dreamed number 26 or any other of these numbers - dream indicates that you do not know how to correctly and soberly assess the situation; you should take a more rational approach, otherwise the harsh reality will hurt you painfully. number 27 .

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  • Dream book "sonnik.mpv"

    Interpretation dreams according to the dates of the month. 1st number - dreams the first of the prophetic. These dreams are mostly favorable. If you dreamed about it unpleasant dream, this means that you may have problems in your family circle. You need to be prepared to solve these problems. 26 number - dream carries goodness and joy. Performed dream this day quickly. Meaning sleep- you will achieve success, get bright emotions from entertainment. 27 number - dreams on this day dream in the context of small events, these come true dreams fast, but no special events and...

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation Felomena. Why dreaming Number 27 in dream By dream book? If you dreamed number 27 - this is a warning that generational conflict can lead to serious disagreements in your home, be tolerant of each other. number 26 .

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  • Dream interpretation "tolkovanie-sna"

    Today 27 July 2015, Monday. Particularly prophetic are dreams, dreamed dream Seeing yourself naked dream- a sign of cleansing, liberation from illness. Dream, in which you fail somewhere - to failure.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream InterpretationDreams according to the dates of the month. Hello. I divorced my husband 3 months ago. Lately, almost every day I dream that he came back to me today With 26 on 27 October he told me again dreamed about it.as if he had returned to us with his daughter. He sat, and stood next to him and listened to what he was saying. He sat all so lonely and unhappy. Then I started stroking his head. Then I bent down.

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  • Dream Interpretation "rivendel"

    Meaning dreams V 26 th lunar day. Dreams these lunar days can show your habits and addictions, which it would be good to get rid of. If you saw yourself in the role of a dictator, then curb your pride; if, on the contrary, your role is small, you see yourself, for example, as a beggar, then your self-esteem is too low. Meaning dreams V 27 th lunar day. The day when not only dreams come true dreams, but also signs.

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  • Dream interpretation "tolkovanie-sna"

    Dream from Tuesday to Wednesday Prophetic dream. Dream With 26 th on 27 January Dreams Dreams dreams, dreamed on a moonlit night. They come true quickly, within a week. It's good to see on this day dream sky, stars, rainbow - this is good luck.

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  • Dream Interpretation "rivendel"

    Moon and dream. Recommendations for working with dreams. For a week With 26 .11.2015.Value dreams on the 16th lunar day. Dreaming, as a rule, dreams, which help relieve internal tension, or indicate that you are very tense if you were able to determine the degree of your tension using sleep, then look for ways to relax more in life.

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  • Dream interpretation "tolkovanie-sna"

    Dream With Thursday to Friday Prophetic dream. Dream With 26 th on 27 November Dreams favorable and will soon come true. Dreams are considered prophetic if a person slept in the open air, with an open window or vent. They are especially prophetic dreams, dreamed on a moonlit night. They come true quickly, within a week. It's good to see on this day dream sky, stars, rainbow - this is good luck.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it A duel, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book Hello, Tanya. If you really answer, I will be very grateful to you. My name is Sergei Aleksandrovich, I am 53 years old. But the main thing is that I live in the city of Gorlovka in the Donetsk region, a war zone, a zone of chaos, lawlessness, anarchy. Dream dreamed about it from Friday to Saturday With 26 on 27 September. I dreamed about it such an episode: supposedly I am watching a sports duel where a stranger, handsome, young, well-built takes part.

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    • I'm in a cafe with my friend, I'm talking. that I only have a thousand. but you need two for an abortion. She takes a wad of money out of her bag and gives it to me. (what kind of money, that is, which country I don’t know, some kind of unfamiliar money) I promise her that now after the doctor’s appointment we’ll go to me, you know that I have money, I’ll return it to you right away.

      The gynecologist explains to me that I should not feel guilty about having an abortion, since it is a bad, black grain. He shows me, like a movie, enlarged cells through a microscope, but I don’t see black, only gray-white.

      And again another picture, I’m sitting at the table at home, next to me is a black man. I tell him that I need to see a doctor and a Polish woman. He promises to take me there, I ask him to wait outside, he just left and my husband and my lover come in. (I would like to note that neither the apartment nor the people in my dream are familiar to me. I don’t recognize anyone in the dream, no one except my friend from the cafe) The three of us are sitting, the husband on the left, the lover on the right. We sit and listen via wiretap to what I say at the gynecologist’s appointment. Nobody knew about my pregnancy, I’m worried that I wouldn’t say anything unnecessary. And then I hear myself telling the gynecologist that the child is not my husband’s.

      I don’t know how this happens, it’s a dream. It turns out that two actions occur simultaneously. I am in the room as both a husband and a lover, and at the same time I am at an appointment with a gynecologist, but I don’t see myself at the doctor, I only hear through the wiretap what they are talking about.

      My husband reacted very calmly to what he heard, and my lover began to persuade me to leave the child. I am indignant, I say that he did not want to live with me with two children. he was comfortable with a married woman, and now he wants to take me with three. What will you sing when you won’t sleep for a week because of your baby? it's very difficult. When I gave birth to my first, I was 18 years old (in fact, I was older), then I could cope with sleepless nights more easily, but what will happen now?

      The lover is very young, handsome, thin (my type).

      He didn't let me see the doctor.

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      Please help me interpret the dream!

      Today (on the night of February 10-11) I dreamed that it was summer. My mother, sister, and I were getting ready to go somewhere, and we already had to get dressed. Then I put on a beautiful sky-blue dress (which I didn’t have in my wardrobe), but it was short for me (just above the knee, which is short for me). I said that I would go in it. But my mother told me to wear shorts. I didn’t agree, my mother and I argued, but I won the argument. Then my sister and I started looking for other dresses. They found a green dress with some kind of pattern (the pattern reminded me of my red dress for ballroom dance performances, this is my favorite dress), I looked at it and said that I wouldn’t wear it. But my sister forced me. I put it on and I liked it. True, the dress was knee-length (which by my standards is quite short). Then I nevertheless climbed into another closet, where there was a green dress with polka dots (I also wore it to the performance). I didn’t have time to put it on; I woke up.

      The strangest thing is that this dream was not like the others... I seemed to understand that I was dreaming, and during this dream I commented on it, for example: “Hmm, it’s strange why I can’t remember that my mother has a floor-length dress that I can wear , since it’s short?” Or something like this: “why did I want to wear a dress and not shorts, I hate dresses???” and so on throughout the entire dream...

      Also, the dream seemed to be “clarified” at the end. This is comparable to when light shines into your closed eyes, only the windows in my room were curtained...

      Well, the last strange thing is that if I have dresses, they are very short (20 centimeters above the knee). I only have the time to wear a school dress.

      Thanks in advance!

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      Please answer, I had a dream as if I had made peace with my ex and we were walking after school on a bomb, this is a yard, and that means I’m going down the mountain and I see an old car, broken down as if it had been in an accident, so I went down and passed this car and then I turned around half sideways and looked and there was a family standing there, mom, dad, and I don’t remember my son, so I screamed and ran along with my ex-exchange, we almost reached my house, there was only one road left and we went out onto the road and there are spirits of dead people walking everywhere and everyone is looking at us, well, I didn’t start screaming, I just walked past and that’s it! And then I come the next day to this yard and this car is still standing there, I walk up to it and this family appears. I look at them and I’m afraid, then they told me “don’t be afraid” and called me to them, I went up to them and an old house, very old, formed around us and I saw rooms and ordinary people, and also the ghosts of dead people, but I saw these alone ghosts and I met that family and constantly went to see them, and then I somehow entered some hall and saw a small cave and my grandmother was sitting there, but she was dead (and my grandmother had died before this dream from cancer) and something bor mata la, I persistently approached her and asked “where is my card” and I had no idea what kind of card it was and we started arguing (my grandmother and I always argued) and I still took some card from her and then went home the next day I came to this yard and this car was not there and I was very scared, I woke up from this dream three times! I’m all... please tell me what this could mean!?

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      Hello. Help me solve the dream. I had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday in the morning.

      I dreamed: my ex-husband came to visit, we walked around the store and bought something. My parents appear in a dream, I give them some kind of item so that they buy it, I go and choose seeds for planting, I collected some seeds, I go and take candies, I pick up some candies and I understand that my ex-husband doesn’t eat those, I take a bag and put it on also other sweets that he eats. (this whole part of the dream is over, I didn’t see that I bought it all) the next part: I leave my house, and my ex-husband is standing with the woman with whom he now lives, as if they were signing, her friend is looking at me and says, “I can’t do this” and gives me a wedding ring and a gold earring, my ex tells his chosen one I can’t live with you, when she’s next to him she leaves him and wants to come into our house, I say, and I I won’t let you live, I go up to her, extend my hand and seem to take away her engagement ring and second earring.

      She and I go into the house, I put the gold on the table, and she starts to undress and tells me, “I thought you could help me with him,” I say, “I have nothing to do,” she says, when we were sleeping, we didn’t kiss on the lips, “I I say “he won’t kiss someone he doesn’t love.” And so we lie with him and I tell her “look” and we start kissing.

      And I woke up.

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      I often have a recurring dream. Not quite repetitive, but with variations, in the same, in reality, unfamiliar place, everything happens. I am riding on a beautiful horse (bay). The horse is large, well-fed, clean. Obedient. I even know his nickname: “Genius” (I’ve never met a horse with such a nickname). I drive up to the train platform and try to get into the vestibule with my horse. But there are a lot of people there. I get off the horse and try to get back in with him. But it doesn't work. Then I lead the horse along the nearby lawn. The horse shook its head, the bridle was torn and remained in my hands. The horse ran away and is grazing in the distance. I try to catch him, but he runs away. I know that the horse is tame and I’ll catch it anyway, it’s just a matter of time. But he is already far away, he is not visible. then a group of riders arrived - like a training group - girls, teenagers, I asked if they had seen my horse. They answer that no. I walk with this bridle. I went into a private house, knocked, and asked if they had seen the horse. It turns out my former classmate - I haven’t seen him for many years. There was no special friendship with him. He answers that he hasn’t seen it. He didn’t invite me into the house, and I didn’t want to go in. It’s evening, we need to spend the night somewhere. I'm looking for a hotel. I found it, seemingly inexpensive, near the station. But before she had time to go in there, she woke up. So what can all this mean? I’ve dreamed about something like this before, with variations.

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      introduction. My lover works at school as a laboratory assistant. He is 24 years old, dating a girl in 11th grade, and I love him, I’m in 9th grade. At first we talked, then we stopped. But we see each other every day and lock eyes.

      My dream began with how our history lesson was going on at school. But somehow my lover taught the lesson. I sat in front of him. And he said that we were writing a test. I took out a piece of paper and a gadget to look up answers to questions from the Internet. He saw and came up to me, but I didn’t notice him. He stood behind me, leaned over, and quietly whispered for me to put the gadget away. I removed it. Then he gently took my hands and said, “Let’s go.” He took me in the other direction so that he could see if I was cheating. I looked at him with cunning, and he smiled. I sat down next to my friend and discussed him, and he looked at me affectionately. He walked around me. to see if I was copying. Then I found the answers to the questions in my notebook and copied them. And so my dream ended. I can’t describe my feelings, they were divine, but unfortunately the dream ended. Then I found the answers to the questions in my notebook and copied them. And so my dream ended. I can’t describe my feelings, they were divine, but unfortunately the dream ended.

      Help me interpret the dream. I had a dream on 11/04/16.

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      I see a dream. I am in the house (as if it were mine) and suddenly a fire starts on the first floor of the house. The first floor is a fireplace and other utility rooms. The fire began to come from below and therefore, under me, the floorboards of the second floor began to ignite. Tongues of flame began to break through the floor cracks and engulf them from both sides. Before my eyes, the floorboards began to smolder from the fire. I was afraid that I would now fall into the fire on the 1st floor, but however, I see that men are walking there, whom I know very well in life - this is my sister-in-law’s husband and my husband. I shouted to them to turn on the water in the hose for me to extinguish the fire. The water from the hose came out in a very thin stream, but on the 1st floor these men put out the fire and thus it was easier for me to extinguish the flame next to me. Then for some reason I decided to go outside and see a lot of water at the exit... What should I do? Suddenly I see my first husband, who, at my request, extended his hand to me and helped me get out of the water. The water was clean. After that, I find myself in my house, and I see myself sleeping, when suddenly strong peals of explosions thundered (in my dream it seemed like New Year’s fireworks), that I even woke up for a moment because I was covering my ears from the roar in my sleep! I had a dream on New Year’s Eve, I went to bed absolutely sober. Why such a dream?


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      I somehow dreamed the main part of the dream (the second time I dreamed); In general, I dreamed of a pink and green baguette, the blue guy gave me a dress and a laptop; then dad was lying on the bed (under the blanket) on the computer; I went to the house of a girl who was doing a ritual and wanted to bring evil into the world (I was not alone); when she left, I took important things for the ritual (which I wanted to leave and then changed my mind), while I was going down, I picked up the coins (5 ruble coins, there were 3-4 of them), I came out of the entrance and saw the guy who was dead with me ( a blonde girl with a short haircut who performed the ritual and killed him) and at the same time bewitched a 3-year-old girl; I walked carefully so that they wouldn’t feel the things for the ritual in my bag; I ended up at the market and started explaining the situation to my friends and this girl came, she gave them a lot of sausage sticks (I know that they are poisoned) and I tell them not to eat them (in general, I explain everything and we run from her to the toilet (we hide in the stalls to she didn’t find out what we were going to do); then suddenly there was a bed in the toilet room, so we lay down, plugged in the headphones and the girl to whom I explained the situation listened to the story (and meanwhile the enchanted girl tried to see what we were doing (it didn’t work))

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      On January 6-7, Monday, I dreamed that we were celebrating the New Year at school. They assigned the case. I went downstairs and saw the inscription, I didn’t read it myself, I just heard from others that it was written about suicide. I didn’t pay attention to this and talked with my classmates. I had two New Year's bags in my hands. One is mine, and the other is Nastya. Then, I went up to the third floor and saw more of my friends. Without understanding what they were talking about, I left. And suddenly the news reaches me that my classmate was taken to the hospital. The atmosphere became a little tense. It was as if I had entered a world of thoughts about murder. When it became a little easier, about 10 minutes later, I was standing at the second floor window. A seventh grade student walked past me and, speaking about our class, one girl said: “Damn, I feel so sorry for their class.” I asked them questions, but they ignored me. I dodged our class going downstairs. After following them, I ended up in the gym. I saw my mother there and was perplexed. I stood up and listened. This flashed through my ears: “Let’s sympathize with the 6b class whose classmate Danel died of a stroke.” Deathly silence, sad faces, this was the end of my dream. Tell me, what is this for?? I don't communicate with this classmate.

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      Good morning. Help me please. On Sunday morning, May 13, I had a dream. Look: It was a sunny day. I was with my sisters. (But I don’t know them in real life). One sister is about 25, and the other is about 11. We left the entrance. And they sat down on a bench. My two sisters were wearing white T-shirts and I had a black one. There was a woman walking on the other side of the road. She was blonde. My sister, who is 25, asked her to hide from this woman. The thing is, she had a white T-shirt and she didn't want this woman to see it. She didn’t seem to convey mourning, it seems to me. After that the woman left. My sister did not sleep. We were also sitting. But suddenly this woman comes up to my sister (it was on the other side of the road) and she hit her in the face. My sister was in a panic. And then this woman pointed to another woman. Her hair was brown, tied in a ponytail. She started to run away. My sister wanted to catch up with her, but it turned out that this woman (who has brown hair) suddenly fell and tripped herself. And I stood there and started laughing. And I turn around, and my uncle is sitting on the bench (he’s alive in real life) and he also started laughing. That's it. I don’t understand anything that this dream could mean.

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      I had a dream: I’m in a huge house, with large glass windows, like shop windows, I enter the house from the back entrance and on the threshold I see two men of African appearance, one of them comes up to me and starts holding me, wringing my hands, and the second is standing near the door, I start screaming, and he asks me for forgiveness and lets me go... and they leave, after a while I find myself in the garden, in which vampires begin to attack me, but they cannot bite me, I fight them, run away, they are watching me , there are many of them. I run after my son to my husband’s sister, and while I’m going there they are all nearby, watching me... they came into the house with me, I start climbing the stairs to the second floor and they... I start yelling at them not to go and My sister-in-law (my husband’s sister) comes out to my cry and says that I need to give them blood from my finger... and as soon as she pierces my finger, I feel injections from the syringe all over my body... and they are all so happy, some just drank the blood, some I poured the glass like some kind of cocktail... after that I barely made it to the room with my boy, took him and wanted to run away, but there was one vampire guy on the way, and I offered him a deal so that he would take me away from them and I would be with him until I'll die...

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      In the not-too-distant past, there was a lover with whom we parted on bad terms. I dreamed that he gave birth to a girl, emotions were such that I had never experienced in the present... the feeling of endless love and joy, neediness and some kind of personal completion were very real. In real life, I haven’t given birth yet, so the happiness of motherhood came out of nowhere in my dream. In the dream, the girls were still separated from their father, but this did not interfere with the joy, it was so good that he had a child... When I took my daughter in my arms, I saw that she had only one eye - the girl was born a “Cyclops”. Immediately comes the understanding of her doom, her helplessness, and how happy she was, to the extent, even much more, she became the most unhappy. In my sleep I sobbed avidly. I woke up from my own moans, almost screams... Maybe, from the outside it’s clearer, emotions don’t make this dream very clear. Maybe the fact that our paths diverged is for the best, is this what the dream says? That our relationship is “fruitless” in terms of the future... Please tell me.

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      But from October 25th to October 26th I had a dream, please wash it, I can take it apart, I had a dream about a zombie apocalypse.

      In short, it all started with the fact that I was at school, then the teachers, we all said that we went out quietly into the street, after that they all went out, all the teachers. They told everyone to return home and as soon as they got home they called the teachers, well, I came home, called the teachers and it turns out the teacher answered, but there was a different voice, like a zombie, and then I realized that something was wrong here and And I went to the school to check what happened there, the teachers evacuated us. I asked why we were still here, I said that something was wrong with the teacher to whom I I called, he had some kind of hair and an incomprehensible speech and manner. And then I heard something that looked like a zombie, I saw it and it turns out that zombies were approaching us at school, there were my friends, one two boys, three girls, two teachers, one man and another another guy, I don’t know where he came from, I don’t even know him in reality, there’s no such thing at school. What does this mean?

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      Please help me, I’m very interested in the dream. I get out of bed at night, I calmly approach a passerby, open the door, I see a ghost, a girl in white clothes, and she was constantly screaming. I close the door and lie down and think to check if I’m the only one who sees her, so I send my mother, she opens the door and closes it. And she said that it was the neighboring apartment that was cursed. Then she sits down at the computer; from a passerby, a ghost turns into a demon and a demon/devil with horns and a tail jumps out in the form of a boy in modern clothes, arrogantly measures me with his eyes, I don’t feel anything hostile, it feels like he’s taking me for his own. The next picture is “this impudent creature “lives in my apartment in the guise of a baby, so to speak “temporarily”. The demon seems very familiar to me and I even feel melancholy (I don’t know why) and is not at all suitable for the role of a demon. He is silent almost all the time and is very sad, although sometimes he jokes very cruelly and at the same time funny.

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      • Not clean. Go to church

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        I recently had a dream (December 7, Thursday) But... in my opinion, it was a strange nap (I rarely sleep at lunchtime... and then suddenly I plopped down on the bed)

        I dreamed that I was walking in some building... I still can’t understand whether it was a school or not. And I met students from the 11th grade from our school in casual clothes.

        The strange thing is that I don’t even know them in real life (we just crossed paths at school), but in the dream we talked quite calmly, which is not typical for me, because I always feel tension when I talk with people I don’t know well.

        I don’t remember what we talked about, but for some reason a phrase stood out from the conversation that was ingrained in my brain: “Your face is not very good.”

        Why did they highlight this phrase?

        What did they mean by this?

        What's "not very"? And why did they have serious faces?

        I also remember that the walls in the building were green.

        It seems... that's all I remember.

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        I have a very strange dream... could you decipher it? Thanks in advance.

        So... I didn’t see the dream from the beginning. I'm sitting at home, watching TV... there is no one but me. After some time, I look out the window... and there, next to the car, lies my mother... no longer alive. I couldn’t leave the apartment, even though I tried. When I approached the door for the last time and tried to open it... I succeeded, I went out into the corridor. My friends were there, and another friend stood behind me (I don’t know how he got there). He sat down on the windowsill... I hugged him and began to cry, everyone left... only he remained. We went home, I started dialing the police... but as soon as they answered the call, my mother was taken away by such an old green car... like a Volga... and the numbers are strange.. 4 big numbers and 3 small ones. I tell them what happened... and when I saw the car driving away... and my mother wasn’t there, I started screaming hysterically that someone was taking her away... and I woke up covered in sweat

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        I dreamed that I came to the house (we have 2 houses in the same yard) (I came during the day, it was light) of my late grandfather to buy groceries, I went into the house, and there my grandfather was sitting in a chair, and in the dream I knew that he had died, I was very scared, and my grandfather said to me, “Hello, what took you so long?” I screamed in fear, “Ahhh,” and ran to my house, and he followed me... I ran out into the street, and it was night! The grandfather shouts after him, “Where are you going?!” then my mother came out and stopped my grandfather in the yard, gave him porridge and told him “go eat, it will be good” and he turned around and went home...


        But he died of lung cancer, and we went to see him until the last day, and when we were delayed he said, “What took you so long?”


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        Please help, I had a dream from May 27 to 28, that is, from Friday to Saturday, I dreamed that I was meeting a guy who is older than me, and at the same time I understand that I have my favorite person in real life, then I have to save him from somewhere, in the end I find myself in the ocean, precisely in the ocean, I see at the bottom all kinds of gold, chests, golden statues, and suddenly I begin to choke, as I begin to realize that this is a dream and that I cannot not breathe for so long, I begin to rise to the surface, but it doesn’t work out for me, then I understand that I need to wake up, if I don’t wake up, then I won’t survive, in the end I woke up, and it was very difficult for me to breathe!

        I understand that it seems like some kind of nonsense, but if someone had something similar or knows that this happened to me, please answer, I will be very grateful!

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        I had a dream: some man takes me with him to heaven, I understand that he is a saint, but at the same time he looks completely ordinary, he asks me to raise my hands up, but I can’t immediately raise both hands, we fly quickly and in the end I was able to raise my second hand, we arrived, I look at everything that’s happening from above, I’m not scared at all, I’m having a calm dialogue with the man. Then I got worried and started asking the man: how can I get back? to which he answered me: that I died... I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I didn’t have time to do so much... it was very creepy, and then I remembered that I have a daughter... and how will the child live without me now, I tried to ask my mother about it for her to take care of my baby... that's when I woke up. Tell me why you have such a dream?


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        I just dreamed that my sister (one mother, different fathers) writes to me, supposedly she feels very bad and wants to come to me, I don’t refuse her, I’m interested in what happened, she answers in the chat that she no longer has the strength to be at home, her father constantly pulls her to bed. I panic, I suddenly see her sitting in my apartment and admitting that how I left home (due to the fact that my stepfather molested me, and my mother pretended not to notice anything, when I complained to her, she promised to figure it out, but didn’t even raise this kind of question), he began to touch her more often, go into the room at night and look and touch while she was sleeping (this happened to me all the time), and then completely, when my mother was not at home, something happened incest Why did I dream about this? (my heart is still pounding)


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        Hello. I had a dream from October 25-26. From Thursday to Friday. That my husband left me. And his relative began to look after me. Call for marriage. He came and helped. And I’m pregnant, and when my child’s 1st birthday came, my husband’s relatives came and my husband came. It's like he's back. And that boyfriend was. He was very upset, he pierced his palm and I saw the lines of fate and that there was a little blood on them. I reassured him that everything would be fine. And he was happy. Then I went out to all the guests and they advised me to be with that boyfriend. But don't talk about pregnancy. I said that it is not good to lie. And I woke up. (In fact, the child will have a birthday this weekend and I’m pregnant) so it’s all true. But what suitor? What is this dream for? It seems that I thought that everything was fine in our marriage.

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        I had a dream on the 28th (Sunday)

        I dreamed that I was arguing with my loved ones, and then going to bed. I understand that there is no cat nearby and I go to look for it. I go out into the corridor, and there the door is wide open. And sitting right next to the door was my cat, someone else’s white kitten, a cat and another cat (I don’t remember the color). I stand next to them and try to scream to my mother, but I can’t scream. I just can't. Feeling as if hoarse. And I felt great fear. I looked back, and there was a woman standing outside the door. But I went to my parents’ room and told my mother, a voice, strangely enough, appeared. Then she went to the cat herself. I stamped my foot and all the cats ran away, even my cat. But I still found him, he was scared, which is why as soon as I picked him up, he clung to me. Here. Please explain why

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        I saw in a dream a new large (multi-story) house in which they allegedly gave my daughter apartment No. 14! and I can’t find this room for a long time, and when I found it, a terrible renovation was done there - the wallpaper was pasted in places and there were tiles on the ceiling (ceiling), but it was as if glue had spilled on it and debris had stuck to it! I was indignant that they did this - that it would be better not to do it at all, we would have covered everything ourselves)) and then I see in this house there are many beds - and the place where our beds should be is the ground - and in the middle there is water - there is a big hole - and I need To cover it with something, I came across potato tops, I lift it and there are potatoes - big, clean, clean! I harvest the potatoes - it’s a pity to throw them away so beautiful and big, and I throw the tops into this hole, and then I don’t remember ((

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        Hello! I dreamed that there was a glass of water on the table and two women at the table. There was some kind of summer house. I don’t remember exactly, but I think I drank water from a glass and felt the healing power. Whatever I touched, be it earth or a flower, everything blossomed. I was so happy. When I felt that the energy was running out, I again went to the glass and charged myself with the energy of this water. I seem to have cured one of the women who were in that house. I specifically approached withered flowers and revived them, touched the dry earth and after that the earth blossomed. After my actions, everything around me became bright, sunny and warm.

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        Good afternoon. I dreamed that there was a large, one-year-old, already so old (15-17 years old), red and white cow standing. She stands with her back to me, her muzzle is not visible, but her huge udder is visible, she just needs to be milked, and her ass is so dirty, completely covered in poop. My father sits nearby on a small stool and waits while I milk her. I didn’t see how the cow was milked, but then two or three buckets of milk appeared from somewhere. I pour milk from one bucket into another (one bucket stands on the ground, and I raised the other high and pour it).

        The dream occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday. I can’t understand it at all, please help. I rarely remember dreams in such detail, but this one I woke up at 4 and until the morning - I remember everything.

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        • I dreamed that I had lost my car keys, I don’t know where they came from, but other keys appeared in my hands, better quality and of a new type, I even pressed the remote control to open the car, I saw a lot of cars, but I didn’t expect to wake up without seeing

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          I dreamed that my parents and I got snakes, for some reason we kept them in ordinary bags. And I liked them, but I was afraid of them at the same time. As you understand, the snake was at home. And I asked dad to drag the snake into the hall, mom said that I should learn to drag them myself. Afterwards, I forgot about the snakes’ reaction and hit the snake. She was leopard-skin color and with big cats, poisonous. (this was evident from the fact that poison was flowing from her fangs) and she carefully climbed out of the bag and immediately rushed at me. I ran to my parents’ bedroom and hid on the bed from the snake, but it climbed in, I ran outside without slippers. And the parents just watched what was happening. What is this for? Tell. (I'm 11)

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          Today in a dream I saw that I and people I don’t know (but they know me) are leaving some event, after that two guys are arguing, and the one who is guilty does something and runs away and at that moment I help the other guy catch him( but I feel a connection to the runaway relative), but he runs away, even though his shirt and jacket or jacket (I don’t remember) remain in my hands, he looked at me with a bad look. And I think to myself, at least we’ll prove that it’s his, we’ll give it back police. And suddenly I feel that someone is sticking a knife from behind several times, I understand who it is. And I die (but his clothes are in my hands). And my other friends begin to look for him... Then the dream ends...

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          Today I had a strange dream. I drove into an old house (but in the dream I was surrounded by many close people), and it was as if an evil spirit lived there, but almost no one believed me and they were preparing for a housewarming party. I remember I didn’t let the raven into the house; he tried to climb through the window, sticking his beak through. I managed to push him out. But then strange spiders (or some other insects, they did not have 8 legs) appeared, large in size and green in color. I frantically ran away from them. There were also scenes of evil spirits trying to flood our house. If it’s important from the dream, I still remember very well a very strange and old TV, it looked like it had a ball inside, it worked. Explain the dream please.

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          • I had a dream during the day

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            Hello, an unpleasant impression from a dream, I would like to understand it correctly

            I fell asleep during the day on Monday and woke up at night, it was already closer to Tuesday. I dream that I live in the catacombs, there are whole shelves of cupcakes, I walk through them with my child (in reality there are no children), eat these cupcakes, then while for some reason I was changing into a black baggy swimsuit, my child was stolen from me, and I see When he feels bad, he burps. Then in these catacombs some kind of pipe burst and everything began to flood, I started running to find the child and save both of them, but it was not crowned with success, I woke up wondering where I was, the dream was quite realistic

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            Help, on the 4th, from Saturday to Sunday, I dreamed of a boy whom I really, really like, but he hasn’t wanted to talk to me or even get to know me for a year now. In the dream, he still looked at me intently with an offended look, somehow with contempt. We were under water (seemingly transparent) and he was running out of air, he was almost suffocating, and with the help of some magic bullshit (I’m 15) I gave him air, despite his denials. Literally by force, without asking... He was silent for a long time, but then he still quietly said “thank you” and still looked touchingly and intently into my eyes

            What does it mean?

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            Today I had a dream about spiders. I thought this was reality.

            I was standing near the refrigerator and there were two spiders on it. One is small, black, and the other is the size of a children's slipper. but he was not furry, but ordinary. The legs were thin, and the butt was big (Well... I don’t know how to describe it, to be honest). So, then I took a wet wipe and somehow killed the little spider. After which, I threw this napkin on a large spider, which is why it fell and ran under the table, and I crushed it with my foot. And I woke up after I lifted my leg.

            I can’t understand what this dream is about. Help please(

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            Hello. I just had a dream. January 31, 2016 on Sunday. I came to a jewelry workshop to melt down my wedding ring. I take it off my finger and give it to the master. The master applied a little reagent to the ring, causing the one-spot on it to become bright and shiny. But the master began to say something incomprehensible, from which I understand that he does not want to do this work. So, the work was not done and the dream ended. Please, could you help me understand the meaning of this dream. Thank you very much in advance. Best regards, Tatyana. (If it matters, I'm married)

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            I dreamed that in a dream I understood that the house was about to collapse. I grab my son and we run away. I push him in front of me so that he can run away. Something hit me on the head from this falling house. But it doesn't hurt me. We managed to escape. And then we look like our house has collapsed. But I tell my son, no son, there is our house and point to another house. And there the light is on in the window and I point there. Everything is fine and calm. Then I woke up. What could this dream mean? He dreamed from Thursday to Friday from February 25 to 26


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            I dreamed that the fascists had captured Kuban since the Second World War. In a dream, I was in the village of Vostochny (not far from the city of Yeisk). I took out the grass. Afterwards, I decided to throw this grass and follow the Germans, but they noticed me and wanted to kill me, but in a strange way, not by shooting, but by running over me in a truck. Here I moved to the village of Novoshcherbinovskaya. To my home in the garden. And there were fascists there, but they didn’t touch me. I wanted to communicate with them, but something was stopping me. The Nazis stood in the place that I had dreamed about more than 3 times before. What does this dream mean?

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            Today I had a dream that made me very worried. It was as if my young man had a son from another woman. That the child in the dream was beautiful, cheerful, about a year old, and my young man held him in his arms all the time and played with him. I don’t remember his mother in the dream, but I understood that my man would live with the child’s mother and son. I was very worried. Because in reality, I love my man, but now we are on the verge of losing money, he went to live with his parents, who hate me and are against our life together.

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            Lately, I often have dreams about dead people and I begin to help them so that they turn and leave the place to which they are attached. I don’t know these people and the places I go to. Today, July 17, Tuesday, I had a dream about a little girl about 10 years old who was a ghost, I saw her dark essence and tried to cheer and console her. It didn’t seem to work out very well, but she smiled. And after that I woke up. Tell me, is it normal to have such dreams very often, where do I help them?

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            I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, from the 24th to the 25th, but since I went to bed late at 4 am, is this considered morning? I dreamed of a guy who is now caring for me, we agreed to meet, and we both live in Bogoroditsk, but we meet in St. Petersburg, my friend is taking me in her car to the shopping center, there we crossed eyes by chance, and then we I’m at Bogoroditsk’s house, I’m with my friend in the house, and he and his friend are helping my parents and saying that he likes me. What does this dream mean?

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            I had a dream. I'm sitting in the physics room during a chemistry lesson with the whole class. They gave us a task based on the video they showed us (I don’t remember the small dialect). The teacher called one of the best students to check and everything was correct. Having written a little, the chemist took the pieces of paper from me and dug up half of what I had written. The realization came to me that I had missed this video lesson in computer science and I felt so sad that I started crying in front of everyone without paying any attention to them.


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            I had a dream from Thursday to Friday (November 16-17). I dreamed of a guy whom I saw once a year ago, around the same period as the dream. I didn’t think about this guy, I didn’t even come across him anywhere, but I suddenly dreamed about him unexpectedly. I dreamed that we were meeting and in the dream he said that he loved me and that he would choose the name for our son. all the action took place on the bank of the river, where the water was clear and the bottom was visible. Why would you dream of such a thing if you don’t even know the guy personally?

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            From 24.03. to 25.03 (from Thursday to Friday) I dreamed that I came to visit an old classmate with whom we do not communicate. I came to her house. Her father sat me down at the table and began to treat me to either rolls or sushi, I don’t know. It’s as if I just don’t eat them and don’t like them, her father tells me eat it, it’s delicious, I started to take a bite and how the fish moved in such long rings, I quickly took a bite and chewed, chewed and watched as it moved in my hands, it’s a living thing speaking fish, delicious?? And I woke up))) what is this? Why?))


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            Hello. Please help me interpret the dream (I feel that this is important). In the dream, I was helping a friend choose a wedding dress. For some reason, she bought a bright red dress just for a child of about 4 years old. I tried to persuade her not to take it, she said that this was what she meant I dreamed and bought it. For some reason I got angry. She told me to pick something for myself so as not to get angry. For some reason I chose a white dress embroidered with silver thread and even bought it without trying it on. Sleeping from Tuesday to Wednesday with the waxing moon .

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            Hello, help me interpret the dream, I had a dream about Julia Wang who predicted to me that everything would be fine in love, that changes would happen, that I would find a good job and there were problems, they would be resolved in the best way about my daughter, she said that she would always be with me and everything would be fine, she was guessing and asking something on the water but I don’t know what exactly the candles were with wax and she asked something and they showed her the word YES but I don’t remember what and what question was she told me about her life


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            I dreamed that somewhere high in the mountains (in fact, the landscape was incredibly beautiful), I and someone... (I didn’t see who it was in the dream) carried out the crucifixion of some small creature that looked like a person (but it wasn’t Human!). At the same time, I watched this action more than took part in it, however, I gave advice on how to do it correctly... I had a dream on the night of February 28, 2017. Help me interpret the dream, because somehow I don’t feel at ease...

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            From Mon. on Tue. (from 2 to 3) of February I dreamed of my grandfather, 29 was 40 days. It happened in the house where he lived in the kitchen! White light came through the windows, but the kitchen was gloomy and empty. There were more people present, when grandfather appeared, everything in the circle stopped, people became dark, motionless silhouettes. Grandfather came up to me, took my pectoral cross in his right hand, looked at it, looked up at me and said, “We’ll meet you soon, Lyosha!” He didn't say my name.

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            I dreamed on October 4, from Tuesday to Wednesday, that my daughter-in-law, who has four children (girls from 2 to 7 years old), went to have an abortion, but when I came to the hospital to visit her, it turned out that she had given birth to a child, a girl, and was lying with her together and breastfeeds her, says: she changed her mind about having an abortion, decided to give birth. She called her the second one, because... she already has a daughter named Ekaterina. What is this dream for, does it have any meaning and what does it possibly warn about?

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            Hello! Help interpret the dream! I dreamed about it at lunchtime. I went out into the yard, a dog was walking, I told her to go away, she seemed to run away, but she attacked, and so on several times. She ended up biting my hand and holding me. I grabbed her by the mouth with my other hand and, as if tearing her in half, I pulled her out into the street outside the yard, where her owners were. I told them, throwing the dog away from me, that if I saw it again, I would tear it apart and they wouldn’t have a dog. And the dog ran away from me whining!

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            Today I dreamed that my ex, with whom we still sleep, and I want our relationship back. The fact that in a dream he proposed to me in the rain, I was very happy, then we went forward, I dropped my white T-shirt and it was covered in dirt, then his Friends came to meet us with one of them in real life, we are not very good friends to a friend. And they came to meet us and I told that friend, now you will officially tolerate me.

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            The second time I had a dream about my husband’s socks, they were wet and dirty and I don’t know why in both dreams I threw them into the sink, but the second time my daughter’s socks were also present with his socks. In the first dream, I ran away in the crowd and, going up the stairs, bumped into my toes, and in today’s dream I was already going down the clean steps and again ran into my toes, and there were more of them. A very strange dream, what could he have had on the night of January 6, 2017?

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            hi) I dreamed that I was sitting in an apartment and heard some conversations from the street, looked out the window and saw 2 policemen (a woman and a man) approaching a crowd of ordinary people. and then suddenly a woman from the police is hit with a bottle, which breaks, he falls, after which she is finished off with two more bottles. male police officer tries to escape. I'm trying to call an ambulance and the police but for some reason I can't do it. help interpret the dream

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