What percentage of a person's brain actually works? Percentage of brain functioning The human brain is working at 10 percent

A common myth states that we only use 10% of our brain - the remaining 90% of capacity is idle. Various charlatans in their books and methods promise to unlock the untapped potential of the brain with the help of neuroscience - in fact, it is all a hoax.

Two-thirds of all people and just over half of all teachers in the world believe this myth. In the 1890s, William James, the father of American psychology, said, “Most of us do not use our mental potential.” By these words he meant challenging our abilities, not limiting them, but the most popular misinterpretation of his words has become. It was reinforced by the fact that for a long time scientists could not understand the significance of the large, frontal and parietal lobes of the brain. Their injuries did not cause motor or sensory disturbances, so it was believed that they did nothing. For decades, these parts were called “quiet zones.” We now know that they are responsible for rational thinking, planning, decision making and adaptation.

“If most neurons were not used, evolution would have gotten rid of unnecessary brain volume long ago.”

The idea that 90% of the brain is idle all the time seems absurd when you consider how much energy it consumes. Rodents and mammals use 5% of their body energy to support the brain, monkeys use 10%, adults use 20%, with the brain occupying only 2% of their body, children use 50%, and infants use 60%.

The human brain weighs 1.5 kg, the elephant brain weighs 5 kg, and the whale brain weighs 9 kg. We surpass any other living creature in the number of neural connections. This requires a lot of energy, which we can obtain to great advantage thanks to the invention of cooking. Food comes to us already prepared for digestion, so we can afford to maintain a brain with 86 billion neurons - 40% more than that of monkeys.

If all the neurons in at least one part of the brain worked simultaneously, the overall energy load would be unbearable. Therefore, only small areas of neurons are simultaneously activated in the brain, which are constantly replaced - this is called the sparse coding method. It allows you to spend a minimum of energy while processing maximum information - from one to 16% of neurons are used at a time. A person does not cope well with multitasking - we simply do not have enough energy to keep everything under control - as a result, we do each task worse than individually. If most neurons were not used, evolution would have long ago gotten rid of unnecessary brain volume.

“The brain has hidden potential and only works at 10%” - this opinion is very common. It is possible that you have even heard about scientific research on this topic. Just imagine what abilities we could have if our brains worked at 100! But the truth is that it’s not difficult to imagine...

The brain is the most complex human organ, and scientists are constantly making discoveries related to its operation. For example, recently there was information has been refuted that brain cells do not regenerate. Recovering! Although very slowly.

The fact that the brain has considerable hidden reserves considered a myth in the scientific community. Although at one time scientists gave birth to it. Psychologist William James was one of the first to say that we use only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources. Physicist Albert Einstein also held similar views when explaining his high intelligence.

The brain is a complex organ and is constantly being studied

This idea aroused and continues to arouse public interest. Fantastic works, pseudoscientific publications and television programs only fuel thoughts about the hidden potential that nature has for some reason endowed us with “in reserve.”

TV series and films have made their contribution, the idea of ​​which is based on the fact that the brain only works at 10 percent. The most striking examples are movies:

  • "Lawnmower Man";
  • "Areas of Darkness";
  • "Lucy";
  • partly "Split".

In all cases, under the influence of certain factors, the main characters' brain reserves are fully revealed. This leads to a colossal increase in intelligence and even the discovery of superhuman abilities.

Main refutation

The development of all life on Earth is so arranged that no hidden reserves are laid aside for later. Evolution, on the contrary, rids organisms of excess, which includes 90% of the unused brain. And the emergence of new opportunities appears gradually and only as needed.

If we adhere to the theory of evolution, then such a brain simply could not appear!

How busy is our brain?

Today we know that each part of the brain performs its own tasks. At the same time, all areas of the brain are active, although not simultaneously. There are no inactive areas- Something is constantly happening everywhere.

Interesting fact: Up to 20% of the body’s total energy reserves are spent on the functioning of the human brain. For one organ, this is a fairly large indicator.

In other words, our brain is already 100% used! However, many people do not use all the available capabilities of this amazing organ.

What functions does the brain perform?

How to pump up your brain

Each of us has 100% brain potential. All that's left is simple

There is one very bearded and unkillable myth that Human brain is only 10% used. The myth gained incredible popularity after the release of the films “Areas of Darkness” and “Lucy”. According to many people, if you can somehow learn to use more of your brain, you can become smarter, more creative, or even gain superpowers. Is this true? AND What percentage does our brain work at?

The problem is 10% of the brain.

The main problem with this statement is its vagueness. Supporters of the myth continually talk about 10% (in some cases about 7% or 5%, or even less), but do not specify 10% of what. Let's try to consider all possible options and consistently refute them.

Only 10% of the total brain volume works.

This misconception is the easiest to refute. If a person did not use 90% of his brain, then damage to these parts in most cases would not lead to anything terrible. In reality, each part of the brain is responsible for its own functions, and even the simplest processes, such as squats or clenching a fist, involve several parts of the brain, which is already much more than 10%. Moreover, even very slight damage to any part of the brain can lead to very serious consequences. It’s not for nothing that brain surgery is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous in medicine.

Yes, there are cases when people remain fully functional even after very serious brain damage. But this fact only shows that some parts of the brain are capable of taking on some of the responsibilities of other parts. Moreover, we should not forget that evolution “does not like” anything superfluous; if we did not need any parts of the brain, we can confidently say that we would not have them.

The brain uses only 10% of all brain cells.

There are 2 types of cells in the human brain: neurons and glial cells. The former are responsible for receiving, processing and transmitting information, the latter are responsible for ensuring that neurons function normally.

On the one hand, the statement really makes sense. The fact is that glial cells, according to scientists, play a supporting role and their number is 10-50 times greater than the number of neurons (and this despite the fact that there are approximately 85 billion neurons in our body).
On the other hand, the statement loses all meaning if we take into account the fact that auxiliary cells play a vital role in the life of neurons. They not only help neurons develop, but are even directly involved in their recovery when damaged.

The brain uses only 10% of its neurons.

This statement is also not true. Scientists have proven that there are no inactive neurons. When idle, neurons atrophy and die.

The brain uses only 10% of neurons at a time.

This statement is difficult to prove or disprove, since you first have to count all active neurons, and then also prove that their number is equal to 10% of all neurons in the brain. One way or another, the brain doesn't really fire all the neurons at the same time, because it's simply not necessary. There are a huge number of nerve cells in the human body, and they are all responsible for something: vision, hearing, movements, thoughts, etc. If we assume that all the nerve cells are suddenly activated at once, then the person will experience something that cannot be described. Imagine a person who chaotically moves all parts of the body, experiences visual and auditory hallucinations, and at the same time feels all emotions at once.

Only 10% of neural connections are developed in the brain.

This is perhaps the most controversial and difficult to refute hypothesis. Neurons begin to communicate with each other immediately after we are born, and this happens as a result of mastering any skills.

For example, at birth, a child’s vision is very poorly developed, he is not able to distinguish colors and focus his gaze normally. All these skills come during the first months of life and develop precisely because the optic nerves increasingly develop their connection with the brain. The same process occurs with hearing, movements and our other abilities. Moreover, some particularly important skills may only develop in early childhood. It has been experimentally proven that if kittens are blindfolded for several months after birth, then after removing the blindfold they will remain blind. This happens precisely because during a certain period of time the connection between vision and the brain was not developed.

Have you ever wondered why children's toys are so bright and colorful? This is not done by chance, but precisely so that the child learns to distinguish as many colors as possible. Each of us has probably witnessed a situation in which one person thought he saw a dark blue color, and another said that the color was just black. From this we can conclude that a person who sees dark blue has more developed vision.

A person develops neural connections throughout his life. This happens when we learn to play the piano, speak a new language, or learn new karate techniques. But the ability to develop neural connections gradually weakens, which is why children grasp everything on the fly, and adults sometimes need months to master the microwave.

It is absolutely clear that the human brain does not develop all possible neural connections, but there is no need to talk about any percentages here; it is stupid to even try to evaluate the work of the brain using numbers. After all, it is unlikely that there is a way to count all the possible skills and knowledge of a person, and it is even less likely that anyone is able to develop all of them in himself (imagine someone who knows and can do absolutely everything).

Some associate 100% development of neural connections with extrasensory abilities, but this is also very difficult to prove, primarily due to the fact that the very existence of such abilities has not been proven.

At what percentage does the human brain work?

To say that a person uses only a few percent of his brain is extremely incorrect. At the same time, it would be completely logical to assume that there is no limit to the development and acquisition of new knowledge. Despite the fact that the brain remains the most unexplored human organ, we know one thing for sure: in order for the brain to work better, it needs to be trained, and this needs to be done from early childhood. Do not believe in “fairy tales” that the brain of some scientist was developed a few percent more than the brain of ordinary people. The degree of brain development depends only on you and how you train it.

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

There are many legends and pseudoscientific theories about how the most important organ of the human body, the brain, works. The most common statement is that according to research, it wastes no more than ten percent of its potential. Is this true? What percentage of the human brain actually works?

How does the human brain work?

The brain is the most complex organ of all living beings. Every moment he needs to process a huge amount of information and transmit signals to other systems of the body. Scientists have not yet been able to fully study its structure and functional features. In humans, the organ is responsible for such processes as: consciousness, speech functions, coordination, emotions, reflex functions.

The central nervous system of a normal person consists of the spinal cord and the brain. These organs include 2 types of cells: neurons (information carriers) and gliocytes (cells that act as a framework).

The entire human body is penetrated by a network of nerves that are a continuation of the central nervous system. Through neurons, information from the brain disperses throughout the body and comes back for processing. All nerve cells create a single information network with it.

The Myth of Using 10% of the Brain

There is no reliable data on where the “Ten Percent” theory came from; presumably it all happened like this:

  1. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, two researchers, Sidis and James, studied the abilities of children, testing the theory of accelerated human development, and came to the conclusion that the human brain has enormous potential that is not fully used. Later, Thomas, another famous scientist, when writing the preface to Carnegie's work, recalled this theory and suggested that the human brain actually works at only ten percent of its potential.
  2. A group of scientists, conducting research in neurobiology, studying the cortex of its hemispheres, concluded that at every second it is activated by ten percent. Later, to the question of what percentage of a person’s brain works, books and television programs began to give a truncated answer.

Thus, a common myth turned into reality. The legend that the average person uses only a tenth of their potential has gained great popularity. It is constantly discussed in fiction and cinema; many books and films have been created on its basis.

Unscrupulous psychotherapists and various kinds of psychics profit well from the existing myth, offering training programs, conducting expensive courses, where a person:

  • they promise to train the brain until it achieves one hundred percent of its potential;
  • guarantee that every smart child will become a genius using the proposed methods;
  • offer to find and reveal hidden paranormal abilities that supposedly lie dormant in every person.

What really

But in reality, how much does the brain work and how can you check whether a person is using his full potential?

Reasoning for full use of the brain:

  • You should not rely on the conclusions of scientists made at the end of the nineteenth century. In those days, there was simply no technical ability to calculate the percentage of neurons involved in the work.
  • Many years of experiments, tests and studies have shown that when performing a simple action (communication, reading, etc.) all parts of the organ are activated. Therefore, it works not at 10, but at 100 percent.
  • Severe often leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of the body, loss of many functions. Using a tenth of brain activity, a person would not notice a difference; the organ could compensate for the injury and use the rest of its potential.
  • Nature is economical, because about twenty percent of energy is spent on brain processes occurring in the human body. It is unlikely that so much energy would be spent on an organ that is partially used.
  • The size of the brain also indicates that it uses a much larger percentage of the substance. All organs of the human body are directly proportional to their functions. A brain that used only a tenth of its potential would weigh as much as a sheep's.
  • Acceleration of thought processes in the brain occurs if the correct training methods and hard work are used, and if non-working areas are activated with the help of expensive courses.

Mystical abilities

A person in a critical situation may simply feel that he has mystical abilities to solve the problem. There are cases when people, in moments of danger, lifted enormous weights, made the necessary decisions in short fractions of a second, and increased the speed of perception of information.

What happens in such cases: mobilization of the body and the release of adrenaline into the blood or awakening of the rest of the organ? It is reliably known that after experiencing an extreme situation, a person feels extremely tired, because the body has expended a large amount of energy on actions. Consequently, the point is not in the mystical abilities that lie dormant in the brain, but in the mobilization of the organ to solve an important task.

The human brain is an organ that is still not fully understood by scientists, and raises many questions, disputes and disagreements. Our human nature is such that any little-studied object that raises doubts gives rise to various interesting theories. Some of them are true, some are outright nonsense.

One such theory is that a person uses 10 percent of his brain. 10% is quite small, so at first glance the theory looks more like a myth than the truth. You've probably already heard something like this; today the Internet is literally full of headlines about how a person uses only 10 percent of his brain. Scientists zealously deny this theory, citing arguments and facts confirming its clearly mythical origin.

With the help of this article, you can finally clear your doubts. Understand how many percent of the brain a person actually uses. And don’t forget to tell your friends so that they, too, can dispel (or not?) this myth for themselves.

First, let's figure it out:

Myth or true?

Let’s not drag our feet in vain: the theory that the human brain works at only 10 percent is a real myth. Its distribution is beneficial to people who are having discussions about the incredible potential of the human brain, and the enormous possibilities that a person would have if he used the brain at 100 percent.

Just imagine what endless possibilities will open up for a person if the brain suddenly begins to work 10 times more productively than it does now. We are likely to see a complete cure for humanity from all diseases, contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, and other miracles. What an evolutionary advantage we would have! It is undoubtedly pleasant to think so, but it is all just a fantasy.

In fact, a person already uses the brain 100 percent. We use every part of our gray matter; there are simply no additional hidden reserves. The human brain does not use 100 percent of its capacity only in one case: there is a brain injury.

How did the myth of 10 percent begin?

Scientists have been studying the natural processes that occur in the human brain for quite some time. It is known that the brain consists of neurons that generate electrical signals. The total number of neurons in the brain exceeds several billion, so it is quite difficult to analyze their overall functioning. In the early stages of the study, scientists selected a small area of ​​the brain and tracked how many neutrons were firing and how many were sitting idle. As a result, it turned out that there are many more “idlers” than active neurons, hence the theory that only a small part of our brain works, while the rest is inactive.

Unfortunately, this myth has become so firmly entrenched in the minds of mankind that it can no longer be eradicated either by scientific evidence or refutations by scientists.

How does the human brain really work?

The human brain is a complex organ, and contains billions of neurons for a reason. The fact is that neurons from different parts of the brain have completely different tasks and functions. For example, when you listen to music, neutrons responsible for hearing are activated. When you are happy or sad, the neurons responsible for emotions come into play. And even when you just put your hand on the table, feeling the wooden surface under your fingers, the brain works: information comes from the senses, the neurons that are responsible for their work are activated.

How much a person’s brain works is determined only by the number of actions it performs at a time, that is, the load on neurons. Perhaps at some moments a person actually uses only 10 percent of his brain, but simply because more is not needed: he is resting or doing nothing.

And yet, is it possible to improve brain function?

Of course you can! Just don’t try to use your brain 100%, it’s ineffective and impossible. Improved brain function means good memory, increased productivity, more effective learning and mastering new information. Neurons are responsible for all these functions, or more precisely, neural connections necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. They are formed throughout life, and right now you can contribute to their more active formation. To be an intelligent and well-rounded person, you don't have to worry about how much the human brain is used. You just need to train it regularly. It's almost like exercising your body. You can find various courses and workouts that can improve brain function on BrainApps.