The child swallowed hydrogen peroxide, what should I do? Hydrogen peroxide poisoning: symptoms and methods of treating intoxication

Otherwise called peroxide. The liquid is transparent, has a “metallic” taste, and dissolves in ether, water and alcohol. If found in a concentrated aqueous solution, it is explosive.

What happens if you drink what happens to the body?

This is an excellent antiseptic that cauterizes well and stops bleeding. But this remedy can only be used for external wounds; it cannot be taken internally. This drug is a caustic substance and is included in the category of alkalis.

Once in the body, peroxide, even in small quantities, causes a burn to the mucous membranes, liver and esophagus. Even a few drops dissolved in water can lead to swelling of the larynx. As a result, suffocation may occur.

What happens if you drink hydrogen peroxide? If a person drinks it in its pure form (very strong concentration), this leads to severe internal bleeding. Nausea, pain in the stomach and throat, and vomiting begins. Peroxide contains lead salts. They cause severe intoxication of the body. However, they are almost impossible to remove.

Can peroxide be used to gargle and drop in the nose?

Under no circumstances should you do this. Because such rinsing will not bring any benefit, but will only cause mucous membranes. Causes intestinal injury. When instilled into the nose and ears, the same effect occurs. Therefore, it is unacceptable, otherwise you can partially or completely lose your vision.

What happens if a child swallows hydrogen peroxide

If peroxide is stored in an insecure place, it happens that children have time to taste it. It must be remembered that this is a very strong oxidizing agent. When it enters the body, it breaks down into water. After this, the walls of the stomach and esophagus begin to collapse. Oxygen, as there is a misconception, does not saturate the blood, but causes gas embolism of blood vessels.

What happens if you drink hydrogen peroxide? The bubbles that form easily clog the blood vessels of the kidneys, heart and lungs. Often they can reach the brain. As a result, tissue necrosis of the listed organs begins. And after this, death may occur.

Peroxide penetrates deeper than acetic acid, and peroxide burns are much worse. It does not have as great an effect on the stomach as on other organs. Gastric juice still slightly neutralizes the dangerous chemical. But for other organs it is very dangerous, and sometimes even several operations are necessary.

What actions to take if your baby drinks hydrogen peroxide?

You shouldn’t neglect calling an ambulance; it’s better to do it right away. Because the consequences of ingesting peroxide can be different. Swelling and pain from burns may begin in the stomach. Peroxide can even burn the skin. It all depends on its concentration.

When a child drinks hydrogen peroxide, what should you do in this case? First of all, you need to rinse your stomach. To do this you will need a thick probe. But at home it usually doesn’t happen, and you need to act without waiting for an ambulance. Therefore, you need to make your child drink as much water as possible. Even through force. And then induce vomiting.

How to properly rinse your stomach

If a child drinks hydrogen peroxide, then it is imperative to rid the body of the poison. To do this, use simple drinking water. And only cool. The amount can be calculated based on the age of the child. How old is he - that’s how many liters he should drink in several doses. But no more than eight. You need to know and remember that washing is done only if the baby is conscious.

After everything is done, you need to give activated carbon, which is sold at any pharmacy. It is better if it is always kept at home just in case. One tablet is calculated for each year of life. To make them easier to swallow, you can crush them and give them in powder form along with water. In a few steps. Charcoal helps remove a large number of poisons from the body.

But even after washing, an examination by a doctor is necessary. Tablets can get stuck in the mucous membrane, so rinsing is done more than once. Doctors will additionally give you medications that serve as an antidote. If a child drank peroxide in a hairdresser, then you should definitely call an ambulance, because the concentration there is quite high.

Use of peroxide in medicine

In medical activities, only diluted solutions are used. And only for small wounds on the skin. Studies have shown that peroxide cleans wounds well, and it is also a good antiseptic.

But the healing time is longer. Peroxide does not speed up this process, but vice versa. But with deep purulent wounds, it is most preferable for treating damaged tissue. Thanks to the foam that it produces, blood, pus and dead skin are easily separated.

What dangers does hydrogen peroxide pose?

Despite its non-toxicity, peroxide is still dangerous. Highly concentrated solutions, when they come into contact with the skin, respiratory tract and mucous membranes, cause severe burns. Therefore, taking hydrogen peroxide internally is harmful and dangerous. Especially in childhood. If its concentration is very high, then such a solution is explosive. If ingested, it causes serious damage to many organs.

What is the difference between 3% and 30% hydrogen peroxide

Three percent peroxide is freely available in every pharmacy. This is what is used for healing and disinfecting wounds. This solution is weak and if not taken care of, the child may drink hydrogen peroxide unknowingly. But, fortunately, he will not cause himself terrible burns. A three percent solution can be made at home. To do this, take hydropyrite containing 35 percent peroxide. One tablet of it dissolves in a tablespoon of plain water.

But the concentrated solution contains 30 percent peroxide. Therefore, if you need to drink hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes, you must first dilute it. The concentration should be 1/10. Peroxide contains one more than water. As a result, its solution is considered a strong oxidizing agent. Therefore, if it enters a child's stomach, it can have very serious consequences.

What happens if you drink hydrogen peroxide? The organs of the body are very delicate and peroxide can not only damage them, but also completely destroy them. Subsequently, the baby may require more than one recovery operation. But the organs will no longer be healthy. They may begin to break down or become painful much earlier than those that were never damaged by peroxide. That is why peroxide should be stored out of the reach of children. Be healthy!

Hydrogen peroxide is one of those substances that can be found in almost every home. This liquid, without a specific taste or smell, is extremely reminiscent of water, because it is not for nothing that their chemical formulas differ from each other only by an oxygen atom. But at the same time, it has a bunch of both useful and dangerous properties that water does not have.

Features of the use of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide - what is it for?

Despite such a wide distribution of hydrogen peroxide in the first-aid kits of our compatriots, not everyone understands the full breadth of its spectrum of action. However, all the benefits often remain as little known as the harm. So what can this liquid be used for and is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide?

The most popular use of peroxide is as a disinfectant.. Perhaps today this is the most common household antiseptic in our country, familiar to everyone since childhood. It is used both to disinfect wounds and bandages or medical instruments. Also, a 3% solution is used to treat throat diseases by gargling with it.

As has been shown by many famous doctors, the effect of a substance on the human body can be quite significant. And in general, the list of useful properties is impressive in its breadth:

  1. One of the best oxidants to date, allowing you to quickly and effectively destroy many types of dangerous infections and bacteria.
  2. May help improve metabolism.
  3. Helps in regulating the condition of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Makes it possible to quickly saturate the blood with oxygen.
  5. Helps accelerate the healing of damaged tissues.
  6. Helps to quickly clot blood and stop bleeding.
  7. It is eliminated from the body at a high speed, which eliminates accumulation.

But household and medical uses of peroxide are only part of the areas where it is used. This liquid is also valued in industry. It is one of the most important components of fabric bleaches: its benefit is that it does not damage the latter. Peroxide whitening products, known to almost every woman, are widely used in the cosmetic industry.

Metallurgy, pulp and paper and polymer industries cannot do without it. Even the food industry does not disdain it: you may have already taken hydrogen peroxide internally, because it is sometimes added to wine in very small quantities.

But the latter does not mean that hydrogen peroxide can be drunk. Consumption of a household solution of this substance, together with inhalation of concentrated vapors, is one of the most common causes of serious poisoning. If a person accidentally swallows liquid, he may face the need for urgent medical attention. But more on that below.

Hydrogen peroxide: Why is it dangerous?

Hydrogen peroxide belongs to the category of environmentally friendly substances, but this does not mean that it is completely safe for the body and has only benefits. She also has harm.

Concentrated solutions of the substance (30 percent or more) pose the greatest danger to humans, but it is usually encountered in industrial production. At this concentration it easily causes a chemical burn.

But it’s not for nothing that the packaging of the solution, which can be bought in pharmacies, warns that it is for external use only. You should not drink a 3-5% solution, since its regular use will lead to chemical burns to the most sensitive part of the internal organs - the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the use of the substance will deprive not only harmful, but also beneficial intestinal microflora.

Regular use of peroxide internally entails:

Don't drink hydrogen peroxide

  • poisoning;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • when it enters the blood - thrombosis.

Any use of peroxide other than as an antiseptic is possible only under the strict supervision of a physician.

Is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide during pregnancy?

Naturally, all of the above regarding the use of peroxide for drinking also applies to pregnant women. It’s true that many people are concerned about the question, what will happen if you drink hydrogen peroxide accidentally and in small quantities? Will this harm the baby? As a small single dose, ingesting peroxide is permitted and is not dangerous to either the expectant mother or the child.

My child drank hydrogen peroxide, what should I do?

Most often, children drink hydrogen peroxide - they are pushed both by natural curiosity and by the fact that the liquid has no odor and is generally similar to ordinary water. Sip or lick, and no one seems to notice.

Call a doctor if your child drinks hydrogen peroxide

If a child drinks an ordinary household solution of peroxide (up to 9%), then most likely he will experience ordinary poisoning, the symptoms of which occur almost immediately. Having discovered what happened, you need to immediately call a doctor and rinse your stomach.

The algorithm of action is generally the same as for poisoning an adult, except that children are weaker and need to be acted more quickly.

Hydrogen peroxide: Poisoning

The list of symptoms of poisoning due to ingestion of this substance is quite typical and many of them are found in other poisonings:

Cough is a symptom of hydrogen peroxide poisoning

  • vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain;
  • pain in the mouth;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • skin redness;
  • difficulty breathing, cough

But others can be added to them:

  • chest pain;
  • increased cough;
  • blue skin;
  • rapid pulse and heart pain;
  • loss of consciousness.

Severe hydrogen peroxide poisoning

The latter indicate that a gas embolism has occurred. It happens due to the fact that once hydrogen peroxide enters the body, it quickly breaks down into its components - water and air. As a result, gas bubbles traveling throughout the body can clog blood vessels.

In addition, when consuming peroxide, various side effects may occur due to the individual characteristics of the body.

  • The most common are:
  • skin rashes;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness and feeling tired;
  • rare cough and mild inflammation of the nasal mucosa;


These symptoms do not necessarily mean solution poisoning, but may require medical attention. Therefore, if you have them, think carefully: is it right that I drink peroxide, and do I have indications for use?

Help with poisoning

As noted above, first aid for peroxide poisoning differs little from that for most other poisonings, which can be provided before the doctor arrives (whose call is required!). The list of actions that need to be performed when characteristic symptoms are detected is as follows:

  1. Rinse your stomach if you are poisoned with hydrogen peroxide
  2. To neutralize the dose taken, rinse the stomach with as much clean water as possible.
  3. Induce vomiting and give a large amount of activated carbon to drink to further reduce harm.
  4. A laxative is also a good aid.
  5. Rinse any burns found on the surface of the skin thoroughly with water.

Provide the patient with access to fresh air and, if necessary, loosen tight clothing.

Complete treatment is only possible with the use of medications in a hospital.

It is worth noting that hydrogen peroxide can be neutralized using light, since it decomposes under its influence. Plain water is also used. Since it is considered a rapidly decomposing substance with rather weak acidic properties, special neutralizing preparations are not used.

Consequences of poisoning for the body

The most dangerous effect of peroxide poisoning on the human body is the possible development of gas embolism. It can even cause death. In addition, problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can also be quite long-lasting. Violation of the nasal mucosa can lead to unwanted pathologies.

Household peroxide poisoning is not a very common occurrence. But the widespread availability of the substance means that everyone should know what to do if it does happen.

Video about the benefits of hydrogen peroxide

The beneficial side of this drug attracts many fans of traditional medicine. The uses of hydrogen peroxide go far beyond conventional wound care. Below is a video about some of the features of the solution when ingested:

Hydrogen peroxide is one of those medications that is found in almost all first aid kits both at home and at work. Hydrogen peroxide, or otherwise peroxide, is a cheap, effective, easy-to-make and non-toxic drug. Sometimes in families with children the question often arises, what will happen if you drink hydrogen peroxide?

The main purpose of this product is external use for the treatment of open wounds.. Hydrogen peroxide is indicated in the following cases:

  • To stop blood clotting in small wounds or scratches.
  • To remove caked blood and soften the wound.
  • As a good antiseptic for disinfecting the surface of wounded skin from harmful microorganisms.
  • For treating wounds and scratches in children.

This medicine is also used internally for medicinal purposes. But at the same time it must be diluted. If you drink hydrogen peroxide, then the dosage of the drug should be measured in drops, and the concentration of the solution should be 1/10. The use of peroxide internally must be coordinated with your doctor.

Concentrated peroxide is widely used in the paper, military, textile and chemical industries. It is used by the missile forces as rocket fuel. Diluted peroxide is used in household chemicals and in medicine to combat germs, shallow wounds and abrasions.

Hydrogen peroxide of different concentrations

Peroxide is used in different concentrations in different areas of human activity. Home medicine cabinets contain non-concentrated 3% peroxide.. The impact of such a drug, both for external and internal use, will not cause any harm to the human body, be it an adult or a child. If homemade hydrogen peroxide gets into your mouth, then you don’t have to worry too much, but immediately take preventive measures.

After consuming peroxide from a home medicine cabinet, the following consequences may occur:

  • A person who is sensitive to various medications may experience a slight tingling sensation in the esophagus.
  • An unpleasant metallic taste will appear due to lead oxide.
  • There will be no consequences, but an adult or child will understand that it was clearly not water.

A concentrated 98% substance is used in various industries. This remedy will bring a lot of trouble when used at home:

  • When used externally, it will cause chemical burns on the skin surface.
  • If used internally, severe chemical burns of the digestive tract and organs of the digestive system will result.
  • For death, it is enough to ingest 50-100 ml of peroxide of this concentration.

If a person has dealt with concentrated peroxide and received external or internal burns, then he urgently needs to provide first aid and call a team of doctors.

The faster you help a victim of concentrated peroxide, the less likely there is to undergo further surgical intervention to eliminate the consequences of burns.

The principle of action of hydrogen peroxide on the human body

Hydrogen peroxide is a caustic chemical from the alkali group. This medical product is almost no different in appearance from ordinary water, does not have any odor or characteristic taste. Since peroxide is a chemical, it must be handled very carefully and stored in a dark place away from children, in a medicine cabinet or medicine cabinet.

Peroxide differs from ordinary water by one extra hydrogen atom, therefore it is considered, although a non-toxic substance, but a strong oxidizing agent. When this drug enters the body, it breaks down into atomic oxygen and also water. At high concentrations of the drug, that is, from 30 to 98 percent, internal use is prohibited. This can lead, even in small quantities, to chemical burns of the mucous membranes, esophagus and further internal organs along the gastrointestinal tract.

A few drops of concentrated peroxide lead to quite dangerous and painful consequences:

  1. To swelling of the larynx, and then to suffocation.
  2. Extensive internal bleeding.
  3. Vomiting, nausea and noticeable pain in the throat, and then in the stomach.
  4. Intoxication of the whole body due to the content of lead salts in the substance.

Oxygen bubbles that form during the breakdown of the drug can lead to blockage of blood vessels in the lungs, kidneys and heart, and sometimes the brain. All this leads to necrosis of organ tissue and, as a result, death.

The stomach is one of the organs that can reduce the negative effects of such a strong substance. Gastric juice slightly neutralizes this dangerous oxidizing agent..

At high concentrations, peroxide has very serious and dangerous effects. Since the internal organs are quite delicate, such a concentrate can not only harm them, but also completely destroy some. Urgent heavy operations will be needed to restore the functions of the organs, but it will not be possible to return to the original state of health.

The child swallowed hydrogen peroxide

If a child drank low concentration hydrogen peroxide, which was left at home in an accessible place, then you don’t have to worry too much - it will not harm the baby.

However, it is a bad signal for parents that the child has access to illicit drugs from the home medicine cabinet.

Next time, therefore, the child may take a more dangerous drug into his mouth, which will lead to injury, poisoning, or even, at a certain concentration, death.

When a child swallows hydrogen peroxide from a home medicine cabinet due to the carelessness of his parents, the child needs to be told that this product is intended only for external use and is used only to make wounds and scratches hiss when he falls.

If suddenly the baby has consumed concentrated peroxide, then he needs to urgently provide first aid in the form of gastric lavage, and also immediately call a doctor. The consequences of a concentrated oxidizing agent entering the body can be very complex and painful. This most often leads to disability.

First aid for a child when drinking peroxide

Parents, when introducing their children to medications, tell them whether children can or cannot drink hydrogen peroxide. If it does happen that the child has swallowed a caustic concentrated medicine, then he needs to urgently rinse his stomach and call an ambulance.

In a hospital setting, healthcare workers lavage the stomach using a large tube. At home, you have to save babies without this device, with the help of plenty of drinking. The child needs to be asked, and sometimes forced, to drink a lot of plain drinking water. Moreover, drinking water should be at room temperature.

The dosage of drinking is calculated according to the age of the baby. The number of liters of water drunk should correspond to the number of full years, but not more than eight liters.

After drinking heavily, you need to induce vomiting. After the child vomits, he is given activated carbon or any other adsorbent that is in the home medicine cabinet to drink. The dosage of charcoal intake is calculated based on one black tablet per year of life. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to overdose and poison the baby with activated carbon. Charcoal helps remove a huge amount of harmful substances from the body, including helping to remove residual hydrogen peroxide.

It is important to remember that gastric lavage can be performed on a child only if he is in a conscious state and is over 3 years old; otherwise, gastric lavage at home is prohibited.

The main property of activated carbon is excellent adsorption of toxins from the digestive system, followed by a gentle removal of harmful substances naturally from the body.

To increase the effectiveness of activated carbon, as well as to make it easier for a child to swallow tablets, you can crush the carbon tablets into powder, dilute them in a small amount of drinking water and only then give them to the baby. The adsorbing solution must be given in several doses. Small doses, but very often.

After providing first aid to the child, he must be shown to a doctor. At the same time, the doctor is shown the packaging of the medicine and told the volume of the medicine that was inside.

Taking hydrogen peroxide orally

If a person decides to drink non-concentrated hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes, then this should be done only after consultation with the attending physician. Before using this medicine internally, you need to clearly calculate the therapeutic dose of the active substance. Otherwise, you can end up with a lot of health problems.

You can take either ready-made peroxide solutions, which are sold through pharmacies, or prepared solutions at home. Moreover, you need to accurately check the concentration of the substance on the label of the jar with the concentration recommended for treatment by the doctor.

To prepare solutions at home, you need clean drinking water at room temperature and a glass container. The amount of the drug is measured in drops, and the concentration of the solution should be 1/10. In order to accurately measure the required volume of peroxide, use a pipette.

It must be remembered that peroxide for internal use for medicinal purposes cannot be mixed with any other substances except drinking water.

If these rules are not followed, a person who takes hydrogen peroxide orally may experience thermal and chemical burns to internal organs. This usually occurs due to inattention or haste.

Medical professionals specializing in the treatment of hydrogen peroxide state that this drug does not have any contraindications for use other than intolerance by a particular person. But this does not mean that you can start taking peroxide on the advice of your neighbor. Self-medication will not lead to anything good.

Experts also say that, based on scientific research and clinical practice, peroxide treatment can be used for most known pathologies. The justification is the fact that peroxide takes part in the regulation of almost all metabolic processes– from respiratory to immune and even hormonal.

Hydrogen peroxide has long been used for disinfection and bleaching. It is often purchased for a home first aid kit, because it is an affordable antiseptic that has a very wide range of applications. But is peroxide allowed in the treatment of children and what precautions should be taken so that it does not harm the child?

Release form and composition

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless, transparent liquid without any odor, soluble in water and alcohol. It is produced by many pharmaceutical companies in the form of a 3% solution placed in glass or polyethylene bottles in different volumes.

The main component of such a solution is hydrogen peroxide (its chemical formula is H2O2). Its amount per 100 ml of liquid is 7.5-11 grams. As auxiliary ingredients, the drug contains sodium benzoate and purified water.

Operating principle

When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with the skin or mucous membrane, reactive oxygen species begin to be released, and the surface is simultaneously mechanically cleaned. Treatment with such a solution removes exudate, blood, protein molecules and other organic compounds, as well as microorganisms, from damaged mucous membranes or skin.

The foam that forms when applying peroxide helps the formation of blood clots in the capillaries, which stops or prevents bleeding from small vessels.

Professor Neumyvakin has been studying the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the human body in various diseases for a long time. He confirmed not only the antiseptic effect of this medication, but also its properties destroy bacteria, viruses and some fungi. According to his method, today such a drug is used to treat runny nose, sinusitis, and ear inflammation.


Hydrogen peroxide is used:

  • for treating minor superficial skin damage (scratches, cuts, abrasions);
  • to stop capillary bleeding from damaged skin, as well as nosebleeds;
  • for cleaning the ear canals from accumulated wax and plugs, as well as for the treatment of otitis externa;
  • for treating chickenpox blisters to prevent them from becoming infected;
  • for treating the oral mucosa in case of stomatitis or other damage;
  • for gargling with pharyngitis, sore throat or laryngitis.

At what age is it prescribed?

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is allowed at any age, but for children under 3 years old it is not advisable to drip such a solution into the ear or nose. If it is necessary to introduce medication into the auricle of such small patients, turundas are used.


The medication is prohibited only if there is an individual intolerance to it. However, mucous membranes should not be treated with an undiluted solution. Besides, It is unacceptable to drip peroxide into the ear if there is a puncture of the eardrum, as well as with internal otitis.

If a child has pathologies of the kidneys, thyroid gland or liver, you should consult a doctor about using peroxide.

Side effects

The solution may occasionally cause an allergic reaction. When the drug comes into contact with the mucous membranes, a tingling and burning sensation appears, and swelling may also develop. If peroxide gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water and then show your child to a doctor.

Instructions for use

For external treatment, hydrogen peroxide can be used undiluted (3% solution) or after dilution with clean water to a 1-2% solution. A gauze or cotton swab is moistened with the medication and then wiped over the skin. You can also irrigate the wound surface directly from the bottle.

If a child is prescribed gargling, the peroxide is first diluted with boiled water, which should be warm. The recommended concentration of the solution to treat any mucous membrane is 0.25% (add 11 parts of water to 1 part of a 3% solution).

You can gargle with diluted hydrogen peroxide up to 4 times a day with an interval of at least three hours.

If you are going to clean your ears with peroxide, then the solution is applied to a cotton swab (often the drug is diluted 1 to 1 with boiled water), which is inserted into the ear canal. After 5 minutes, the swab is removed and the ear is wiped with a cotton swab or dry cotton wool.

If there are plugs, heated peroxide should be dripped into the ear in the amount prescribed by the doctor and left for 10 minutes. Then the head is turned and the excess liquid is wiped away. The procedure is carried out up to 6 times a day for several days, after which you need to go to an ENT doctor to remove the softened plug.

Rinsing the nose with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin involves instilling a few drops of diluted medicine into each nasal passage and blowing your nose after 5 minutes.

Additionally, the professor recommends rubbing peroxide on the chest area, armpits and folds of the arms. For this treatment, the solution is diluted by half with warm water. After the manipulation, you need to put on clean cotton clothes on the child and ask him to lie quietly for a while.


External use of peroxide cannot lead to an overdose. A negative effect can only occur if the solution gets inside.

Terms of sale and storage

Hydrogen peroxide is an over-the-counter medicine and is sold in all pharmacies. Its price depends on the volume of solution in the bottle and the manufacturer, but it is not high.

The shelf life of peroxide is usually 2 years from the date of production. The optimal storage temperature for the medicine is no higher than +25 degrees.

Because the solution is clear and without a strong odor, making it similar to water, it is very important to store the peroxide where it will not be accessible to children.

What to do if your child takes the drug:

  • seek medical help immediately;
  • give the child plenty to drink;
  • induce vomiting so that the swallowed medicine leaves the stomach;
  • Give the baby a sorbent, for example, several tablets of activated carbon.

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that needs to be handled very carefully, and today the portal will tell its readers about some of the features of this drug. Despite the fact that it should be “at hand”, it is better to store it out of the reach of children.

If peroxide gets on the face or in the eyes, it causes a strong burning sensation, tingling, and swelling may subsequently occur. After contact, rinse your eyes with water and seek qualified medical help.

Hydrogen peroxide has a very wide range of uses. Because it has not only good antiseptic properties, but also whitening properties. It is used in the production of fabrics and paper, as well as in the production of household chemicals in the form of bleaches and other disinfectants.

Perhaps every home has a certain amount of medications (tablets, ointments, syrups, etc.), but not everyone knows how to properly store certain medications. It is very good when there is a first aid kit in the house, and every family member knows its location. It is also advisable to store some types of medications in the refrigerator, but this should not be a permanent place for their location. Because the refrigerator is freely accessible, which is primarily dangerous for children.

What to do if a child drinks hydrogen peroxide?

If a child has swallowed a certain amount of hydrogen peroxide, do not neglect to call an ambulance, since the consequences of its contact with the mucous membrane and passage through the gastrointestinal tract can be very different. If it gets into the oral cavity, you may feel a tingling sensation, then a small amount of foam will form, but if it gets into the esophagus, burns, swelling, and pain may occur. After all, even if a small amount of peroxide gets on the skin, despite its non-toxicity, burns of varying degrees occur, which depends on the concentration of the solution. 50-100 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution containing 30% perhydrol is enough for this dose to become lethal for a person if it enters the stomach.

To prevent all of the above cases, you need to follow a few simple rules, which can subsequently save the lives of both you and your children. First of all, there is no need to store a solution of hydrogen peroxide above 3% at home. If you have a jar of peroxide at home, make sure there is a sticker or inscription on it, and do not store it in transparent bottles. And under no circumstances should you mix the peroxide solution with any other solutions other than water.

In appearance, hydrogen peroxide is similar to water; the danger is also the absence of any smell or taste. Despite its antiseptic properties, it is still a chemical and should be handled as such.