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Calculate maternity benefits online using the Kontur.Accounting calculator. The online service will automatically calculate the amount of payments based on the employee’s data.

A pregnant employee of an organization (or an employee who has adopted a child under the age of 3 months) has the right to maternity leave and appropriate payment (Article 6 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, Articles 2, 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, clause 9, 14 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n).

Maternity benefits must be calculated correctly, and for this:

  1. Determine the billing period and the corresponding earnings;
  2. Calculate the employee's average daily earnings;
  3. Set a limit on average daily earnings;
  4. Calculate the total amount of maternity benefits.

Calculate maternity benefits in Kontur.Accounting. The online service will automatically calculate the amount of payments based on employee data. And Kontur.Accounting is a convenient calculation of salaries, taxes and contributions for employees, bookkeeping and quick submission of reports. The online service is suitable for accountants of small LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, OSNO and individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system, UTII without harmful and difficult working conditions.

Step 1. Determine the pay period and the corresponding earnings

The calculation period for calculating maternity benefits is two calendar years preceding the year of the start of maternity leave. Excluded:

  • periods of temporary disability;
  • maternity leave;
  • maternity leave;
  • all periods of release from work with retention of salary (full or partial).

The last exception applies provided that insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were not charged on the retained salary (part 3.1 of article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, clause 15.2 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2007 No. 375 ).

In practice, it happens that during two years of the billing period the employee was on maternity leave or child care leave. In this case, the calendar years in which the specified events occur can be replaced by the immediately preceding years if such replacement will increase the benefit. For example, an employee goes on maternity leave in 2016. She was on maternity leave in 2014 and 2015. These years can be replaced by 2012 and 2013.

Please note: years in the billing period can be replaced only on the basis of an employee’s application (Part 1, Article 14 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006, and Clause 11 of the regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2007 No. 375, letter of the FSS of Russia dated November 11, 2015 No. 02-09-14/15-19989).

As for the employee’s earnings for the billing period, it must include all payments in her favor for which insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were calculated (part 2 of article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, clause 2 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2007 No. 375).

If during the billing period a woman worked in another organization (for example, she recently got a job in a company), then she can confirm her income by submitting certificates in a special form approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n, taken from previous employers (Part. 2 Article 4.1, Part 5, 7.1 Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). Let us remind you that such certificates must be issued by the employing company upon dismissal on the day the employee ceases working (clause 2 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n). If the certificate is lost, the former employer will issue it within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the relevant application (clause 3. 4 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n).

There are situations when an employee has no earnings throughout the entire billing period. In this case, the benefit is determined based on the minimum wage.

Step 2. Calculate your average daily earnings

As a general rule, the average daily earnings are calculated as follows (Part 3.1 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ):

Average daily earnings = Earnings for the billing period: The number of calendar days in the billing period minus periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, child care leave and periods of release from work with full or partial retention of salary, if insurance premiums are charged on it in the FSS

Let us remind you that the number of calendar days in the billing period depends on the length of the year (365 or 366 days).

Step 3. Set your average daily earnings limit

The resulting average daily earnings must be compared with the maximum possible average daily earnings. It must be calculated using the formula (Part 3.3 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ):

Maximum average daily earnings = Limit value of the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave, child care leave: 730 days

Let us remind you that the maximum amount of the base for calculating insurance premiums is established every year. So, in 2015 the limit was 670 thousand rubles. (Clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2014 No. 1316). In 2014, the limit was 624 thousand rubles. (Clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2013 No. 1101). That is, in 2016, the maximum average daily earnings is 1,772.60 rubles. ((624,000 + 670,000): 730 days).

In 2017, the maximum average earnings are 1901.37 rubles. ((670,000 + 718,000): 730 days).

If the employee did not have earnings in the billing period or it is less than the minimum wage, then the average daily earnings should be calculated based on the minimum wage established on the start date of maternity leave. If a woman works in the Far North or equivalent areas, regional coefficients are also taken into account.

In the same order, the average daily earnings are calculated for employees whose insurance experience is less than 6 months (Part 3 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, clause 20 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2007 No. 375):

Minimum average daily earnings = minimum wage (taking into account regional coefficients) x 24: 730

If a benefit from the minimum wage is calculated for a woman who is set to work part-time, then the average daily earnings are calculated in proportion to the working hours of this employee (Part 1.1, Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ):

Average daily earnings = minimum wage x 24: 730 x Number of working hours during part-time work: Total number of working hours during regular employment

Step 4. Calculate the amount of maternity benefits (“maternity benefits”)

Maternity benefits are calculated using the following formula (Part 5, Article 14 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006):

Maternity benefit = Average daily earnings x Number of calendar days during maternity leave

Let us remind you that the employee’s daily earnings cannot be more than the maximum average daily earnings (RUB 1,772.60 in 2016). If the benefit is calculated based on the minimum wage, then the amount of the benefit for a full calendar month should not exceed the minimum wage.

In general, the duration of maternity leave is 140 days. In case of complicated childbirth, a woman is entitled to additional leave - 16 calendar days (clause 48 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n).

If the pregnancy is multiple, then the total duration of maternity leave will be 194 days: 84 calendar days before childbirth and 110 calendar days after (Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

If an employee adopted a child under the age of 3 months, then she is entitled to maternity leave in the amount of 70 calendar days, starting from the day of adoption of the child. In the case of adoption of two or more children under the age of 3 months, the number of vacation days will be 110 days (Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

Maternity payments in 2018: how to do it right

calculate maternity payments yourself,

so as not to be afraid of deception and shortcomings

A baby in a family is not only joy and tenderness. The birth of a child is associated with significant material costs, which parents will have to bear for many years. Based on this, mothers and fathers are interested in how maternity leave is paid. Each case of payment of benefits is considered individually. To know which ones are installed how sick leave is paid for childbirth and pregnancy, how the accounting department calculates the amounts due, you need to navigate the innovations of the legislation.

What are maternity payments?

The economic crisis leads to a demographic crisis. A sharp decline in the birth rate forces the state to encourage women to have offspring, providing them with material support, making maternity benefits at different levels. Young mothers receive maternity money on an individual basis, depending on various factors. For legislation, maternity leave is a special leave granted to a woman for childbirth and full care of the baby for some time after it. The mother receives financial support and is paid maternity benefits.

Who can apply

Maternity payments in 2018 receive:

  • Officially working citizens. To receive the required money, you must notify the HR department and accounting department at your place of work about your pregnancy.
  • Unemployed women, if they are officially unemployed and registered with the employment service at their place of residence. Funds can be obtained by applying to your local social security fund.
  • Ladies registered with the Federal Tax Service as individual entrepreneurs. Benefits are issued by social security authorities, and their size correlates with previous contributions to the social insurance fund.
  • Pregnant students studying full-time. You must notify the dean's office of your condition. The amount of maternity payments in 2018 is calculated based on the amount of the scholarship.
  • Contract women serving in the army. They are used to calculate maternity benefits by the accounting department if there is a request approved by the HR department.
  • People who adopted a baby contacted social authorities with a statement.

Duration of maternity leave in 2018

For young mothers maternity benefits are paid, calculated prenatal and postnatal leave, taking into account the following circumstances:

  • Standard leave, in the normal course of childbirth, is given for 140 days - 70 days before the birth of the baby, and 70 days after.
  • Long-term leave, if doctors record complications during obstetrics, is provided for 156 days - 70 days before childbirth, and 86 after.
  • In case of multiple pregnancy, 84 days are given before the expected birth of babies, and 110 after the event.
  • The child's adoptive parents are given 70 days. If a woman or man has adopted two or more children at once, then 110 days are given.

Types of maternity payments in 2018

The legislation provides for various measures of maternity assistance for Russian women expecting their first or second child. These include:

  1. Money issued upon registration at the antenatal clinic before the 12th week of pregnancy.
  2. Payments for pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. One-time benefit for the birth of a baby.
  4. Money to care for the baby until he is 1.5 and 3 years old.

There are many types of financial support, mothers often do not know what to do to get maternity payments in 2018 , what documents to collect. Many people think that the amount of vacation pay is too low. In order to be aware of the amount due and to demand payment of the benefits due, a woman must know how the amounts of maternity assistance are calculated, their minimum and maximum amounts.

When registering in early pregnancy

The assistance is a small fixed incentive amounting to 613.14 rubles at the beginning of 2018. To receive money, you must register with an antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy, then provide your employer or the social insurance fund with a certificate of your status and the necessary documents confirming the normal course of pregnancy.

Maternity benefit

The amount of assistance varies dramatically for different groups of pregnant women.

The status of a Russian woman plays a big role when calculating the amount of the surcharge:

  • Working Russian women receive 100% of their official earnings and other income for the last 2 years for which contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were paid. If you combine two different jobs, you can claim benefits from both companies. The amount of vacation pay correlates with average earnings over the last 24 months. The legislation establishes minimum and maximum limits for the amounts received - the lower limit of vacation pay in 2018 is 34,521.14 rubles, and the upper limit is 266,191.80 rubles. If a young mother has less than six months of work experience, then the benefit will be calculated based on the minimum wage.
  • Unemployed women can only claim a minimum amount of 613.14 rubles.
  • Full-time female students are paid an allowance based on the amount of the scholarship, which is 1,340 rubles, with indexation in 2018 by 5.9%.
  • For contract workers, the amount of prenatal and postnatal vacation pay is tied to a specific amount of salary, amounting to approximately 30,000 rubles.

One-time payment upon birth or adoption of a child

The benefit is a fixed payment of 16,350.33 rubles, issued after the birth of a baby. You need to apply for it after giving birth, but do not delay the application - applications for a lump sum payment are accepted until the child reaches six months. Working Russian women turn to the enterprise, non-working women to the social security authorities, and female students to the dean’s office of the educational institution. The following documents are required:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • application for payment;
  • a certificate from the place of work of the child’s father that he did not apply for additional payment.

Adoptive parents are entitled to a smaller amount - 15,512.65 rubles. Wives of military personnel serving in the army are provided with an additional payment of 24,500 rubles, since the father of the child cannot provide for the needs of an enlarged family while in the ranks of the Russian army. To receive the money, military wives will have to submit a report to their husband’s place of service, attaching the baby’s birth certificate and information about the legal marriage with his father.

Child care allowance

State assistance extends to caring for the baby after childbirth - up to three years of the child’s life, you can count on certain monthly payments, depending on the level of earnings of the family member who is going to care for the newborn. A mother, father, grandmother or other family member who intends to devote their time to the upbringing, development and care of the baby can apply for such benefits. To stimulate childbearing, the state issues money under the maternity capital program.

Up to 1.5 years

Benefits for the mother until the baby is one and a half years old are paid monthly. The amounts are tied to the official income level of Russian women and are calculated as follows:

  • for employed women, the benefit amount is equal to 40% of average earnings for the last 24 months before going on maternity leave. You cannot pay less than 3,065.69 rubles for the first-born and 6,131.37 for subsequent children. The “ceiling” of the amount is 23,120.66 rubles.
  • If, while on maternity leave, the company where the mother worked ceased to exist, then the Social Insurance Fund will pay the money. It will not be possible to claim an amount higher than 12,262.76 rubles.
  • Unemployed citizens receive a minimum of 3,065.69 rubles for a first-born baby, and 6,131.37 rubles for subsequent ones.

After one and a half years of the child’s life, the amount of funds paid is sharply reduced to 50 rubles monthly payments. However, in the case of a multiple second pregnancy and the birth of twins, triplets, etc., monthly payments may be extended. Some regions provide additional payments for third and other children under three years of age, calculated according to the minimum wage established by the subject of the Federation. Wives of military personnel in conscript service are entitled to receive 10,528.24 rubles. The specific amount of compensation must be clarified with the Social Insurance Fund authorities at your place of residence.

How are maternity payments calculated?

The successful development, health, and upbringing of a child are accompanied by large injections of money, so mothers watch with passion how maternity money is accrued, fearing deception and shortcomings. Compensation calculations are not difficult. You need to operate with accounting data on income received for the billing period, and it will be easy to calculate maternity payments in 2018.

Calculation of maternity benefits in 2018

  • Duration of maternity and pregnancy leave;
  • Income for the previous two years;
  • Calendar number of days for a given period without taking into account sick leave or vacation at your own expense.

Let's do some simple calculations. If you are expected to receive benefits in 2018, then the calculation periods will be 2018 (365 days) and 2016 (366 days). The total number of calendar days is 731. The average salary is calculated by dividing the total number of required earnings by the number of days. After this, the resulting amount must be multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave, and the desired value is obtained.

Let's look at specific numbers. If the total “white” salary of a woman in 2016 was 360,000 rubles, and in 2017. – 300,000 rubles, maternity leave was 140 days, then the calculation is made using the following formula: 360,000 + 300,000 / 731 x 140 = 126,575.34 rubles. These maternity benefits are not subject to taxation and are paid “net” into the hands of the mother.

Calculation of maternity payments for child care up to 1.5 years of age

The calculations for employed Russian women are of interest, since other categories of young mothers receive fixed payments, the amount of which is known.

Algorithm for calculating dues maternity payments in 2018 for caring for a newborn baby until he is one and a half years old is as follows:

  1. Take the number of calendar days for the previous 24 months (365 for 2018, 366 for 2016).
  2. Remove periods of sick leave and vacation at your own expense.
  3. Calculate your average monthly earnings.
  4. Multiply it by 0.4 (40% of average monthly income).

An example calculation looks like this: let the official income amount to 360 thousand rubles in 2016, and 300 thousand rubles in 2018. Average earnings are calculated using the formula 360,000 + 300,000 / 24 = 27,500. We multiply the resulting figure by the coefficient: 27,500 x 0.4 = 11,000 rubles. A young mother will receive this kind of money for up to one and a half years of her child’s life. This amount is issued “net”, personal income tax, other tax payments are not charged on the benefit.

Minimum and maximum amounts

The lower limit of maternity compensation is calculated from the minimum wage and depends on the duration of pre- and postnatal leave. The benefit amount is as follows:

  • with 140 days of maternity period – 34,530.65 rubles;
  • 156 days of maternity leave are paid in the amount of 38,465.75 rubles;
  • for multiple pregnancies and the birth of several babies, you can claim 47,835.62 rubles.

The upper “ceiling” of maternity benefits is fixed, depends on the duration of maternity leave and is:

  • for ordinary obstetric care – 266,191.80 rubles;
  • for complicated births – 296,207.93 rubles;
  • if several children were born - 368,361.15 rubles.

Maternity payments are a one-time benefit that an expectant mother receives when she takes sick leave during pregnancy and childbirth. To calculate them, you need to know the employee’s average earnings for the 24 months that preceded the calendar year of going on maternity leave. It is also important to take into account periods of temporary disability, previous maternity leave and other nuances.

The maternity calculator from Kontur.Accounting will help you calculate the amount of maternity payments, as well as the monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years. The calculations take into account all current rules and provide explanations. The calculator is free to use.

Select the allowance for calculation, enter your data. The calculator will automatically determine the amount taking into account all restrictions and adjust it if the benefit amount is less than or more than the established minimum/maximum. If necessary, use tips and links to legislative acts.

How the calculator works

The calculator will calculate maternity benefits and monthly child care benefits up to 1.5 years old in three steps.

  1. To calculate maternity benefits, provide data from the sick leave certificate that the employee received at the place of observation of pregnancy at 30 or 28 weeks. To calculate child care benefits for children up to 1.5 years old, enter information about the child. The payment procedure established in 2013 obliges us to exclude periods of temporary disability from two calculation years: they must be indicated in the calculator, if any.
  2. Indicate your earnings for 24 billing months, the regional coefficient (if any) and other parameters that the calculator will request. If the employee’s work experience is less than six months, the system itself will make adjustments to the calculations.
  3. In the third step, the calculator will offer the final calculation of the benefit with explanations.

The maternity leave calculator is part of the accounting service

The procedure for assigning and calculating the amount of maternity benefits, which came into force on January 1, 2011, involves the use of the rule approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for determining the amount based on the average salary based on the results of the two-year period preceding the year of maternity leave, or taking into account the established minimum amount wages (minimum wage, set at 11,280 rubles from January 1, 2019).

Payments are due to all working women who take maternity leave, in the form of social insurance for temporary disability and in connection with maternity. Maternity paid in one lump sum and in total for the entire vacation period provided for by law.

The usual duration of leave is 70 calendar days before childbirth (in case of multiple pregnancy - 84 days) and 70 days after birth, with the exception of possible complications during childbirth - 86 days, or for the birth of two or more children - 110 days (respectively, a total of 140, 156 or 194 days).

Accruals are made on the basis of a sick leave certificate presented at the place of work, which must be issued to a pregnant woman in a clinic (antenatal clinic) at the obstetric stage of 30 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to the certificate of incapacity for work, you must submit an application for leave to the accounting department at the place of work. Maternity benefits are assigned within 10 days from the date of application for its receipt, and payment is made on the nearest date of payment of wages at the enterprise.


How are maternity benefits calculated?

According to the amendments made to the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”, from January 1, 2011, the procedure for calculating average earnings, the value of which is used for calculating maternity benefits in 2019.

The amount of maternity benefits when going on appropriate leave from work is obtained by multiplying the received average daily earnings:

  • when calculating maternity benefits - for the number of days attributable to parental leave (140, 156 or 194 days),
  • when calculating monthly child care benefit - by 30.4 (average number of days per month for the year), multiplied by a coefficient of 0.4.


According to the current rules, the average daily earnings are used to calculate maternity payments, which itself calculated by formula: earnings accrued for the previous 2 full calendar years must be divided by 730 (or by 731 if one year in the period under review falls on a leap year). The average daily earnings received should not be less than the minimum daily earnings established from the minimum wage ( 11280 rub. from January 1, 2019.

Taking into account the changes under the new law, amount of maternity payments in 2019 is calculated based on the amount of earnings accrued for 2 full calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave (2017 and 2018, respectively), divided by the number of calendar days for this period, excluding:

  • periods of temporary incapacity for work, paid sick leave (general illness, injury);
  • paid days off from work to care for a disabled child;
  • release from work of the employee, while maintaining full or partial salary;

If a woman worked in several organizations before pregnancy, she has the right to apply for benefits in all places of work. However, in the future, monthly payments for a child under 1.5 years old will be made by only one organization. The amount of payments is calculated based on the average salary.

Minimum amount of maternity payments in 2019 and maximum

In accordance with this minimum size maternity benefits in 2018, taking into account the average daily earnings calculated according to the minimum wage, are:

  • RUR 43,615.65 - during normal childbirth (140 days);
  • RUB 48,600.30 - during complicated childbirth (156 days);
  • RUR 60,438.83 - in case of multiple pregnancy (194 days).

These minimums will increase from May 1, 2018- By instructions Vladimir Putin, by this date, the minimum wage must be brought to the level of the subsistence level approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of 2017 (11,163 rubles according to Decree No. 1119 of September 19, 2017). In proportion to this (that is, by 17.6%), the minimum maternity leave will increase from May 1.


Maximum benefit amount is limited to the average earnings from which contributions to social insurance are made in the event of temporary disability and in connection with maternity (the so-called “insurance base”).

Although in 2018 its amount is 815 thousand rubles, when calculating the benefit, the insurance base for the two previous years is taken - 2016 and 2017 (718 and 755 thousand rubles, respectively), based on which the maximum amounts of maternity payments now make up:

  • RUB 282,106.70 - during normal childbirth;
  • RUB 314,347.47 - during complicated childbirth;
  • RUB 390,919.29 - during multiple pregnancy.

How much more do they pay on maternity leave and up to 1.5 years monthly?

  1. Women who register with a clinic or antenatal clinic before the 12th week of pregnancy have the right to receive one-time assistance in the amount of 628.47 rubles. - subject to presentation of an appropriate certificate from a medical organization about the early registration of the expectant mother.
  2. In addition to this, one of the parents (mother or father) at the place of work is also paid a lump sum benefit for the birth of a child, amounting to 16,759.09 rubles from February 1, 2018.
  3. Upon completion of maternity leave, child care leave is calculated with the right to receive a monthly benefit for up to 1.5 years - in the amount of 40% of the average salary, but not lower than the minimum amount established by law:
    • RUB 3,788.33 for the first child (40% of average monthly earnings when calculated according to the minimum wage = 9,489 rubles);
    • 6284.65 rub. - on the second and subsequent ones.


You should know that when several children are born at the same time, the above are carried out for each child (first, second and subsequent ones). The condition for receipt is the presentation to the accounting department at the place of work of a birth certificate (original) received at the registry office, as well as certificates from the place of work the second parent about non-receipt of one-time and monthly benefits.

How to calculate maternity benefits in 2019 (example and online calculator)

Let's consider a situation where a woman goes on maternity leave in January 2018 for a period of 140 days (normal pregnancy and childbirth without complications).

In this case, when establishing maternity benefits (maternity benefits, child care benefits), taking into account the approved calculation rules, income for the full years 2016 and 2017 will be taken into account:

  1. Income for 2016 was:
    • salary - 150,000 rubles;
    • vacation pay - 14,000 rubles;
    • sick leave - 6,000 rubles. (14 days).
  2. Income for 2017:
    • salary - 200,000 rubles;
    • vacation pay - 17,000 rubles;
    • sick leave - 3000 rubles. (5 days).


Having the above data, you can calculate the size of the established maternity payments, using the formula:

  • maternity benefit:
    (150000 + 14000 + 200000 + 17000) / (366 + 365 – 14 – 5) × 140 = RUB 74,915.73
  • child care allowance up to 1.5 years:
    (150000 + 14000 + 200000 + 17000) / (366 + 365 – 14 – 5) × 30.4 × 0.4 = 6506.97 rub.

Since the benefits received are higher than them and do not exceed the maximum payment amounts for 2018, they will be accepted for accrual at the place of work or directly to the Social Insurance Fund. And parents will only have to wait for the funds to be transferred.

Maternity payments in 2019 for a non-working mother

The current legislation provides for the payment of maternity benefits and benefits when registering in the early stages of pregnancy the following categories of unemployed:

  1. Women laid off within twelve months preceding the day of their recognition as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure, due to:
    • liquidation of organizations;
    • termination by individuals of activities as individual entrepreneurs (IP);
    • termination of powers by private notaries or termination of the status of a lawyer;
    • termination of activities by other individuals whose professional activities in accordance with federal laws are subject to state registration and (or) licensing.


    Maternity benefits for these categories of citizens are set at a minimum fixed size(from February 1, 2018 - RUB 628.47 per month or 2888.73 rub. for 140 days of maternity leave).

  2. Women studying full-time in educational organizations of various types (organizations of higher and additional professional education, scientific institutions, educational and production plants, etc.). Maternity benefits are established for them at the place of study and paid in the amount of scholarship.

In addition to the above, these categories of unemployed (as well as all unemployed persons in general, not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity) the Social Security authorities rely on:



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