Why do Jews have sexual perversions? The Unsavory Morals of the Ancient Jews

Among the ancient Jews, pederasty, bestiality and
other forms of sexual perversion. Homosexuality is present in one or
to a different degree among all peoples, whether they like it or not. But among all peoples
homosexuality is the lot of sexual minorities. Among the ancient Jews
homosexuality was not only widespread, but also captured entire
entire cities, such as the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
In Sodom, only one righteous man, Lot, did not engage in pederasty. However
The morality of this “righteous man” can only please immoral people. When to
Two angels came to Lot and the people of Sodom found out about this, then the WHOLE city
came running and demanded that Lot hand over these angels in order to KNOW them (the word
"to know" in the Bible means to know sexually) (Genesis 19:1-5). So what
Lot? And Lot said: “My brothers, do no harm; behold, I have two daughters,
who have not known a husband; I’d better bring them out to you, DO WITH THEM WHAT YOU WANT
PLEASE, but do not do anything to these people..." (Genesis 19: 7-8). Lot is good,
kind daddy, isn't he? Instead of protecting your daughters,
easily surrenders them to desecration.
Inbreeding among the ancient Jews was also very
common. The legendary Abraham, the founder of monotheism and the main
branches of the Jewish family, married Sarah, who was his half-brother
father's sister (Genesis 20:12), and then, like an experienced pimp, arranged for himself
living a good life by putting his sister-wife in Pharaoh's bed (Genesis
12:13-16) and to King Abimelech (Genesis 20:2).
Lot's two daughters from the city of Sodom not only had sexual intercourse with their
father, but also gave birth to him and gave birth to two entire Jewish subgens:
Moabites and Ammonites (Genesis 19:30-38). Joseph, who married the "immaculate"
"Virgin" Mary, - her own uncle. Etc.
Among the ancient Jews, both pederasty and closely related ties were often combined
together. The Bible (Genesis 9:20-25) describes how Ham once saw his father
Noah was drunk and naked and immediately did something to his own naked dad. And what
did? And why is this described in the Bible, because the Bible is not a textbook on
sexual perversions, this is a book of the history of the Jewish people. Apparently this
The story is typical for Jews of that time. Noah, who woke up from wine, learned
what Ham did to him, he cursed him with indignation...Who do you think? Hama?
No, his son Canaan, who had nothing to do with these matters. This is
Jewish justice. Some do, others respond.

The history of sexual perversion and the history of the Jews overlap greatly if
not to say that they are the same thing.
The Jewish God himself called the entire Jewish people the people of Sodom and
Gomorrah (Isaiah 1:10). Well, the Jewish God knows better what kind of people he is
Today, more than 70% of President Yeltsin’s cabinet are homosexuals. One of
the first acts of this cabinet was the abolition of criminal prosecution
pederasts. Even Korzhakov wrote about the dominance of homosexuals in Yeltsin’s apparatus -
Yeltsin's former right hand.
The outstanding Jewish scholar of our time, Grigory Klimov, proves that
homosexuality is the main sign of degeneration. Homosexuals are
degenerates, bionegative people (8, 67). And their sexual inclinations are far away
not harmless to normal people. Based on large factual material Klimov
shows how dangerous homosexuals are to society (8, 67). Klimov
generally proves that Jews are not a nation. Jews are a diagnosis.

Pederasty and sadomasochism of Christ

It is a well-known truth that all ideas primarily depend on the
carrier of ideas, from the characteristics of his personality. Sexual energy is
one of the most important forces in personality formation, so let’s look at
sexual characteristics of Jesus Christ.
The sexual commandments of Christ are unnatural for a normal person.
The fact that Christ was a pure homosexual, did not love women and loved only
men - this is obvious, this follows from all “sacred” texts. In these
the books always list who was married to whom, what kind of mistresses there were,
concubines, who gave birth to whom from whom. Christ has no wives, no mistresses, no children
there was no Christian version, and the point here is not his “divine” essence -
God, according to Christianity, had a child from Mary. Just Christ in
sexual relations with women were not observed. At the same time, he constantly demanded
from his beloved students (among whom there was not a single woman) with ardent
love and engaged in pederasty with them, acting as a groom (active
For example, it sounds like this (Gospel of Matthew 9:14-15, the same in Heb.
Mark 2:19-20): “Then John’s disciples came to him and said, “Why
We and the Pharisees fast a lot, but Your disciples do not fast? And Jesus said to them:
Can the sons of the BRIDAL HALL grieve while the GROOM is with them? But the days will come
when the GROOM is taken away from them, and then they will fast." What is the Bridegroom and what
the groom does with the brides on the marriage bed, there is no need to comment.
Well, Jesus was a worthy son of his Jewish homosexual
people. Jesus was not just a Jew, but a direct descendant of King David - the famous
Christ is trying to impose his homosexual principles on the whole world.
It is always necessary to study not only theories, but also their psychophysical features
From Freud's teachings it is known that homosexuality is often combined with
sadomasochism. Christ was not only a pederast, but also an ardent sadomasochist.
For example, Christ preaches: “...and whoever marries a divorced woman
commits adultery" (Matthew 5:32). Real life is complicated, and not always
a person manages to find a lifelong companion the first time. And if
a woman is divorced, then what: she no longer has the right to arrange her
personal life? Christ's is completely obscurantist, not vital,
misogynistic approach to women.
Christ says: “You have heard that it was said to the ancients: You shall not commit adultery.
I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman with lust has already
committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye seduces
you, pluck it out and throw it away from you" (Matthew 5: 27-30). "If your hand
or your foot causes you to stumble, cut them off and throw them away from you" (Matthew 18:8).
Christ’s “philanthropy” knows no bounds: pluck out an eye, cut off hands and feet and
throw it all away. Good Christ is just like grandfather Lenin, who managed
to realize this Christ's idea and force some people to prick out
eyes, cut off arms and legs. Only a misogynist could preach like that
homosexual and sadomasochist. In a normal heterosexual man
a beautiful woman always evokes sympathy and sexual attraction, and this
natural and normal. If all men, like Christ, loved
only men, then the entire human race would have died out long ago.
“His disciples said to Him: If this is the duty of a man to his wife, then
it is better not to marry" (Matthew 19:10). What about Christ? He could have said: "Well
that you guys need to get married, create a good family, have and raise
children." But Christ didn’t say that; he doesn’t need families and children. In response, he became
talk about castration (cutting off the genitals of people). "He said
to them: there are eunuchs who were born like this from the mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs,
who are emasculated from people; and there are eunuchs who made themselves
eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:12).
What can be said about these sermons of Christ? Christ is simple
monster. Instead of condemning this bestial anti-human rite -
emasculation, he not only does not condemn it, but also says that there is
different levels of this heroic action. And the highest level
Castration is when a person castrates himself. For what? For what?
It turns out that for Christ's kingdom of heaven.
It turns out that in Christ's kingdom of heaven with eyes, hands and feet
Only impotents, pederasts and eunuchs go. Pretty kingdom of heaven,
isn't it? Anyone want to go to Christian heaven? I can't hear something
It is impossible to find in any more or less well-known figure in the world
the statement that a castrato is closer to God than a family man. If Christ
considers self-castration to be the highest spiritual feat, then, consequently, Christ
- enemy of life. And who is the enemy of life? Devil. Here's the answer to that
who is Jesus Christ? And indeed one of the most obscurantist
Christian sects "eunuchs" cut out genitals thanks to the "great"
teacher in order to avoid sexual temptations.
Unlike pagan religions, which glorify everything natural in
man, Christ, with his commandments, tries to make man the same
a masochist, like himself. Tries to force a person to look inside himself
non-existent sins, where sins mean everything natural and
life in man. Christian sins are the fruit of the sick
paranoid masochist Jesus Christ.
Christ was crucified on the cross. In those days in Rome only people were crucified on the cross.
for pederasty. On a straight cross, facing forward - such active pederasts,
like Christ. On an oblique cross, backwards - passive ones, such as Andrey
First-Called. All Roman historians of that time testify to this. Here
What does the Christian idea of ​​“loving your neighbor” really mean?
In addition to the Christian version, there is a version that Christ, despite
his pederasty, there were still children. And homosexuals can have children
(especially those made with your finger). According to this version, the descendants of Christ are
Merovingians (which includes many still alive today)
representatives of the aristocratic families of Europe). This audience considers itself
people of blue blood. Who are the blue ones, what is blue blood?
Blues are homosexuals, and blue blood is the blood of homosexuals. Blueness
these descendants were drawn from both Christ and David.

Original taken from servicefree in post

Among the ancient Jews, pederasty, bestiality, incest and other forms of sexual perversion were very common.

Among the ancient Jews, homosexuality was not only widespread, but also completely captured entire cities, such as the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

In Sodom, only one righteous man, Lot, did not engage in pederasty. However, the morality of this “righteous man” can only please immoral people.
When two angels came to Lot and the inhabitants of Sodom found out about this, the ENTIRE city came running and demanded that Lot hand over these angels in order to KNOW them (the word to know in the Bible means to know sexually) (Genesis 19: 1-5).

Incest among the ancient Jews was also very common.
The legendary Abraham, the founder of monotheism and the main branch of the Jewish family, married Sarah, who was his paternal half-sister (Genesis 20:12) and then, as an experienced pimp, arranged a good life for himself, putting his sister-wife in Pharaoh’s bed (Genesis 12:13-16) and King Abimelech (Genesis 20:2).

Lot's two daughters from the city of Sodom not only lived sexually with their father, but also gave birth to and gave birth to two entire Jewish sub-gens: the Moabites and the Ammonites (Genesis 19: 30-38).

Joseph, who married the “immaculate virgin” Mary, is her uncle. Etc. And this is all - righteous people, according to Christians.

Among the ancient Jews, both pederasty and incest were often combined. The Bible (Genesis 9:20-25) describes how Ham once saw his father Noah drunk and naked and immediately, unable to withstand lust, “knew” his own daddy.

Why is this described in the Bible, because the Bible is not a textbook on sexual perversion, it is a book of the history of the Jewish people. Apparently, this story is typical for Jews of that time.

Noah, who woke up from the wine, learned what Ham had done to him, and indignantly cursed...Who do you think? Hama? No, his son Canaan, who had nothing to do with these matters.
This is Jewish justice. Some do, others respond.

In addition to sadomasochism and necrophilia, the biblical (Jewish) god is very popular with cannibalism.
Christ urged his disciples: “Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life” (John 6:53-54, also Mark 14:22-24).

In the Christian church, the main mystical act on which ritual worship is built is the same vile cannibalistic tradition called communion - through the transformation of bread and wine into the blood and body of Christ, mentally drinking this blood and eating his body.
Without this mental cannibalism there will be no salvation - this is what Christianity says.

What is this? What monstrous savagery. What barbarism and abomination. Where does this obscurantist ritual come from?
Every ritual has its own pedigree. This ritual stems from the ancient barbaric Jewish ritual of eating the blood of a murdered foreign child. Christianity simply replaced physical cannibalism with mental one.

The attitude of Jews towards Aryan blood is of a mystical nature.
Aryan blood is used not only by the highest Jewish masons, but also by ordinary members of the Hasidic sect - the most orthodox followers of the Talmud.

A brochure was written about the endless facts of Jewish crimes related to torture, ritual murder of Aryan children and the use of their blood by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl himself, an outstanding scientist whose scientific thoroughness and scrupulousness cannot raise the slightest doubt.

All these monstrous crimes of the Jews are committed on the satanic holiday of Easter. Children are captured, brutally tortured and tortured, enjoying their torment.

Next, they pierce the child’s entire body with special ritual screwdrivers, often tear off the skin and drain his blood. Afterwards, this blood is used for ritual purposes and, in particular, added to Passover matzah (unleavened bread). The mutilated and mutilated bodies of the murdered children are then thrown away.

It was because of these endless facts that the “poor and unfortunate” Jews were slaughtered and crushed throughout human history. It is because of these crimes that anti-Semites and “damned fascists” hate the Jews.
For Christians, this satanic Jewish holiday of Easter is considered “holy.”

Modern science answers unequivocally - the principle of equality of people is not true.
All people are not equal from birth. This is not a slogan, it is a scientific fact.

Any serious analysis of Christianity automatically rests on the same roots - in world Jewry. Everything goes from there. And then, it reaches out to the owners of the Jews, and even further - to Satan.

Let us now look at Judaism and what it is.
Many peoples have a tendency towards chauvinism. The chauvinism and racism of Jews is unique.
Jews are the only people in the world who have such a religion, where they are the highest chosen people by God, and all other peoples are lower animals who can be treated as you please and cannot be treated as equals.

Judaism is defined by the sacred book for the Jews - the Talmud. The Talmud consists of 52 volumes, of which only 6 volumes were translated into goyish languages, and then with abbreviations and eliminating the most undesirable places.
The remaining 46 volumes are known only to the top of the Levites at high levels of initiation, and even then not all at once.


The upbringing of the majority of Jews does not at all contribute to the development of a penchant for sexual perversion in them. Already at school, a twelve-year-old boy read a volume of the Talmud dedicated to marital relations, where nothing was hidden. Natural teenage curiosity was satisfied in the most correct way, and one could be sure that this boy would not indulge in perverted fantasies and obscene entertainment in the future. On the solemn Day of Forgiveness, biblical verses were read about the holiness of carnal love and the abomination of unnatural pleasures. However, despite this, there were sexual deviants among the Jews, although in relatively smaller numbers than among other peoples.

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The upbringing of the majority of Jews does not at all contribute to the development of a penchant for sexual perversion in them. Already at school, a twelve-year-old boy read a volume of the Talmud dedicated to marital relations, where nothing was hidden. Natural teenage curiosity was satisfied in the most correct way, and one could be sure that this boy would not indulge in perverted fantasies and obscene entertainment in the future. On the solemn Day of Forgiveness, biblical verses were read about the holiness of carnal love and the abomination of unnatural pleasures. However, despite this, there were sexual deviants among the Jews, although in relatively smaller numbers than among other peoples.


Not a single Jew can be found in the list of great sexual sadists, such as Gilles de Rais, Landru, Petiot, Countess Bartani and many others. The very verbose Marquis de Sade mentions Jews only once, in Aline and Valcourt. Jews, accustomed to curbing their sexual instincts, staunch opponents of all violence, and also very vulnerable by nature, rarely allowed violence against a woman, despite many slanderous fabrications against them. Having desired a woman, the Jew preferred to take possession of her “peacefully”; especially since, as already mentioned, in the old days, if the raped girl was a Jew, the perpetrator was obliged to marry her without the right to ever divorce. If we were talking about a Christian, the consequences could be much more serious. Back in 1921, in Frankfurt, a rabbi advised girls from the community to wear crosses so that their young compatriots would have fewer temptations. Often these days, rape cases involving Jews are blown out of proportion by the press, and the sentences are particularly harsh, despite the fact that the law seems to be the same for everyone. In 1976, the Palais de Justice in Paris handed down an exceptionally harsh sentence for a gang rape to which several young Sephardic North Africans confessed. As the press wrote, the victim stood in front of the court, smiling, calm and confident, while the audience chanted anti-Semitic slogans.

Hunting can be a unique form of sadism that calms sexual desires. Jews never had a penchant for this entertainment: perhaps, having become accustomed to moderating sexual needs, they calmly managed without such “release” with a touch of sadism. However, in Palestine, where there were almost no large and predatory animals, hunting could not become a custom among the ancestors of the Jews. It has been noted, however, that Jews, even in childhood, do not have a penchant for games related to hunting: they do not destroy bird nests, do not set snares, and do not like to fish; It is also known that many famous Jews had an aversion to hunting. Henri En said that he felt unity not with the hunter, but with the game. Walter Rathenau, a German minister who was a Jew by birth, put it succinctly and unambiguously: “When a Jew says he hunts for his own pleasure, he is lying.” The famous writer - and a Jew not only on his mother's side, but also on his father's - R. Gary in “The Roots of Heaven” stood up for animals and spoke about his disgust for people who cruelly persecute them. Only one Jew was a matador - Sidney Franklin, a Brooklyn native who killed 3,000 bulls.

The biblical commandment “Thou shalt not kill” was deeply imprinted in the minds of the ancient Jews and inspired an aversion to bloodshed in their descendants. When slaughtering livestock, Jews cut the animal's throat so that all the blood flows out, which often served as a reason for the Nazis to accuse them of “Asian sadism”; in fact, this bloodshed is caused by nothing more than a disgust for blood: with a different method of slaughter, blood would inevitably have to be eaten, in violation of the prohibition of Leviticus. Nevertheless, the convinced Nazi Australian Eric Butler, in an open letter that sold 100,000 copies, called on readers to go to the Jewish slaughterhouses and drive out the rabbis and murderers.

The Jews' aversion to blood may explain the fact that they rarely commit crimes, although it has often been explained by their lack of truly masculine qualities. In March 1942, demographer G. Moko wrote in the pro-Nazi magazine Etny Française that crime among Jews was lower than even among Aryan women. The head of a police station in New York argued that the insignificant number of bloody crimes among Ashkenazi immigrants is compensated by numerous quarrels and scandals: only in curses and curses do their sadistic tendencies, if any, find an outlet. However, this eternal aversion to blood did not prevent the Jews from ancient times from being accused of committing ritual murders; Even today, historians consider it quite possible that at one time some Jew, driven to extremes by these unfounded but persistent accusations, could have committed such a murder. In 1913, in Kyiv, the Jewish leader Beilis, nicknamed Tzadik, was accused of ritual murder; the French press transcribed this word as “sadist”, and readers were finally strengthened in the belief that all Jews are sadists.

A sadist can get satisfaction from watching a bloody murder or conjuring it in his imagination, but we do not know a single Jew who likes to stare at the death penalty, like, for example, the poets Swinburne and Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, who never missed a single guillotine. Nevertheless, in the chronicle of the newspaper "Action Française" dated June 19, 1939, it was reported that the senator of the Alpine Department, J.L. Dreyfus, came to prison to see the murderer Weidman on the morning before his execution. He was not present at the execution, but the newspaper positively relished this “evidence of the sadism inherent in his people.”

Bloody fantasies can also satisfy a sadist. But, judging by numerous literary accounts, they do not often visit Jews. An exception is Daniel Barros from New York, who imagined himself as the executioner of his fellow believers: he saw himself torturing them with the help of a piano, the strings of which were connected to their exposed nerves. He always carried with him a piece of toilet soap labeled “pure Jewish fat” and, hiding his origin, joined the Nazi Party, but was exposed and shot himself.


The famous English sociologist and polymath R. Eisler asserts (although not a single Jewish source has yet boasted of this fact) that the Viennese writer Sacher-Masoch, whose name during his lifetime served to designate the phenomenon of masochism, was very likely Jewish on his father’s side, and perhaps , and by mother. His father's surname - Sacher - Eisler derives from the Hebrew "sugar", falcon, and the surname Masoch (this is his mother's surname) was often appropriated by Polish Jews. In his first novel, written at the age of 30, Sacher-Masoch described life and everyday life in the Jewish towns of Galicia. He also wrote an essay on Shabbatai Zevi, the Jewish False Messiah, and was friends with many Jews, particularly the Ries family of Hungary. When he arrived in Paris, where he was awarded the Legion of Honor for his literary activities, the Chief Rabbi of France sent him congratulations - he was hardly mistaken about him. Indeed, even if Sacher-Masoch was not a Jew, he might well have been, both in appearance and intellect, suggestive of the ghetto, not to mention masochism, a very common character trait of Jews.

One of the forms of sexual masochism was inherent in King Solomon, who in his old age was aroused by numerous wives with pinches and injections. Xaviera Hollander, New York's most famous "madam," whose clients included many Jews, noted that most of them were "touched." “They wanted to be slaves,” she wrote. Thus, one businessman, a former prisoner of a concentration camp, received pleasure only when a woman beat and insulted him. Another man, who miraculously survived the death camps, could only copulate if a swastika was drawn on his body. I told in one of my books how a famous lawyer, Sephardic by birth, who argued in the most high-profile cases concerning Jews, eloquent, with a brilliantly trained voice, experienced unspeakable pleasure under the streams of girls from the Sphinx urinating on him. It is also said that some Jews find satisfaction in early sexual impotence, regarding it as a severe and painful punishment; a female sexologist from Paris writes about a Jew who enjoyed feeling impotent.

Humiliated for centuries, Jews knew how to find the bright side in every humiliation and make it a reason for celebration. Thus, during Holy Week they were forbidden to go out; but, sitting at home, they sang hymns of thanksgiving, in which they compared themselves to a beautiful princess hiding in her castle. In addition, the Jews, inspired by the example of the holy martyrs, could themselves seek pleasure in suffering. Psychoanalyst Levenshtein writes: “More than once, when talking with Jews, I learned that they identify themselves with Christ and dream of sharing his fate.”

In the shtetls of Eastern Europe, those guilty of violating ritual purity, adultery or masturbation often asked the rabbi for severe punishment, and the rabbi, taking his wishes into account, sometimes actually punished more severely than he should have. Punishment was a reminder of the sin committed, which further enhanced the pleasure derived from it. After repentance, flogging with a belt was accepted, the maximum number of blows being the sacred number of 39. Corporal punishment existed until recently. On the day of Yom Kippur, devout Jews from Marrakech gave themselves the same 39 blows to the back or head, although not with a belt, but with a stick. This scourging might predispose penitent sinners to enjoy the blows of marital intimacy, as what was called "English education" predisposed many English husbands to it from their school days; however, we must not forget that Holy Scripture teaches a wife never to humiliate her husband.

The masochistic tendencies of some Jews made it onto the silver screen. They were shown in 1973 by Woody Allen in the film “Everything You Should Know About Sex,” where the rabbi, lying at the feet of his wife, who is eating a pork chop at the time, begs her to tie his hands and feet with silk stockings and give him a good spanking. .


The Levite instructed the Jews: “Do not lie with a man as with a woman.” Homosexuality was attributed to other peoples; it was believed that in many countries it was customary. However, the Book of Judges tells how the Israelites attacked the tribe of the Benjamites because they violated a believer; and Potiphar bought Joseph not for his wife, but for his own pleasures. One Hebrew source even says that the battle between David and Goliath broke out because the latter unsuccessfully sought the favor of young David. After the conquest of Palestine by Alexander the Great, Jewish youths adopted the morals and customs of the Greeks and began to attend gymnasiums, where nudity and pederasty were the order of the day. Orthodox Jews watched with pain as young people acquired new habits that were so far from Judaism. Revolt of the Maccabees in 168 BC. was partly directed against the gymnasiums - a concentrated image of Hellenism with all its depravity. To this day, Jews celebrate Hanukkah - the day of the Maccabees' victory over the Hellenes, but the antipederastic motives of the uprising are now bashfully hushed up. Protesting the construction of a stadium in Jerusalem in 1979, devout Israelis said it would symbolize a return to Hellenism - after all, the Greeks loved sports; - weren’t the Jews also afraid of a return to shameful “Greek love”?

After the victory over the Israelites, Titus took to Rome, among other trophies, many boys 15–17 years old, who were to become the “favorites” of the rich Romans. The Egyptians in those days forced travelers, most often Jews, to give them blowjobs; It was believed, however, that this activity caused people to lose their voice (this was reported by the 2nd century Greek writer Lucian).

The Talmud was uncompromising towards homosexuality: for example, if a man and a woman were simultaneously threatened with rape, then the man should first be rescued in order to save him from the greatest infamy. A man had to resist the rapist even at the risk of his life, while a woman was not obliged to pay such a high price for her honor. To avoid temptation, Rabbi Yudach forbade two single men to sleep under the same blanket. Maimonides, on the contrary, believed that it was not shameful for two Jews to remain alone, but the prohibition would give rise to sinful thoughts in them. The desire of a man to resemble a woman, and vice versa, has always seemed suspicious; a woman should not dress in men's clothes, and a man should not shave his pubic hair, as women do. Such people seemed to be deprived of their gender; Meanwhile, even animals should not be desexed: castration could only be carried out by the hand of an atheist.

Jewish law was so intolerant of homosexuality for a variety of reasons. The country, located on a plain, not protected by natural barriers from invasion, needed a large population, and therefore a high birth rate, which is incompatible with homosexuality. The peoples around whom the ancient Jews lived were famous for their debauchery; the severity and purity of morals allowed the Jews to compare favorably with all others. An ancient military custom was to abuse a defeated enemy; being like the vanquished caused even greater contempt for passive homosexuals. During the Six-Day War, the Israelis, as if recalling the custom of their ancestors, took off the pants of prisoners and laid them face down on the sand.

In the Middle Ages, homosexuality, at first glance, was not common among Jews. However, in the 17th century. the Portuguese anti-Semite Costa claimed that all Jews were “sodomites from the Berber countries.” Indeed, Muslim morals may have influenced North African Jews. In the last century, there were Jewish establishments for men's pleasures in Morocco; men from these establishments often dressed in women's clothing; access there was allowed only to the circumcised, the houses were called “kosher”. It seems that such customs are rooted in ancient times: men who traded in forbidden love lived in ancient Jewish temples.

Today, homosexuality among Jews is best studied in the United States. Two sociologists conducted a survey of 1,000 homosexuals. Parents of Jewish homosexuals were more likely to be aware of the affections of their sons than parents of young men of other religions, and it is no coincidence: the Jewish family has always been distinguished by closer ties, greater intimacy between parents and children. Another distinctive feature of Jewish homosexuals is that they more often turn to a psychiatrist, perhaps due to the anxiety and tendency to self-examination characteristic of the sons of Israel. If these homosexuals are devout, they tend to avoid elaborate lovemaking, as if thereby reducing their sin. In addition, they often seek justification for themselves in the Holy Scriptures.

In the 40s our century, according to Kinsey, the number of Jewish homosexuals in the United States was small, and among the especially devout the percentage was completely insignificant. Even among non-believing Jews, this percentage was lower than among adherents of other religions. More than 20 years later, experts from the Kinsey Institute, based on surveys in American prisons, concluded that among those convicted of sex crimes, only 1% were Jews, and very few of them were homosexuals. Scholars believe these numbers can be explained by exposure to traditional Jewish upbringing.

Sodomy with wives also helps some husbands avoid the temptation to turn to the services of a passive homosexual. The Talmud says that the husband is free to do whatever he wants with his wife - this opens up a “green street” for anal coitus. In many erotic novels by Jewish writers in the United States, anal coitus is repeatedly mentioned, and for some it even turns into an obsession, despite the advent and widespread use of birth control pills, which deprive this method of intercourse of its original purpose - not to conceive a child. One famous French sexologist (himself half-Jewish) said that with enviable persistence he persuaded his wife for ten years until she agreed to anal coitus. Jewish film director Gainsburg in the film “I Love You, Neither Do I” actually admires the actress Jane Birkin, his wife, who indulges in sodomy love with a truck driver on screen. One of Charlie Chaplin's wives once accused her husband of sodomy; on this basis, she obtained a divorce, and the American press, greedy for sensations, savored its reason in every possible way. As already mentioned, Jewish women get fat early, the most comfortable position with an obese woman is a man from behind; husbands thus satisfy their inclination to sodomy without much sin.

However, American Jewish women find that among their fellow believers there are still too many homosexual perverts. One of them, writer Gail Parent, believes that Jews acquired a taste for homosexuality during World War II; drafted into the army, they were separated from their families for a long time and lived in a male environment; Homosexuality in this war, writes Gail Parent, put more men out of action than all the battles.

In recent years, as Judaism is losing ground and tolerance for sexual perversion is growing, more and more homosexuals are appearing among American Jews, and most importantly, they are becoming less and less ashamed of their inclinations. In San Francisco, Jews already make up 3% of all homosexuals. The most famous of them, city councilor Harvey Milk, was killed in 1978. Homosexuals form unions, often have their own synagogues, and some even hope to get married according to Jewish law. American homosexuals first gathered together in 1968 in Los Angeles, and two years later an international congress of Jewish homosexuals took place in the same city. They also organize street processions: most recently, 60 homosexuals, as well as 10 lesbians and about 300 sympathizers walked through the streets singing; at the head of the column they carried a banner; Sympathizers included parents, relatives and ex-spouses. Another international congress of Jewish homosexuals, where I was admitted to gather information, took place July 18–20, 1979 in Tel Aviv. More than a hundred delegates from nine countries took part in its work. In Paris, with the active assistance of Pastor Doucet, a society of Jewish homosexuals was created at the Center of Christ the Liberator. The society meets once a month, and I was admitted to its meeting in May 1978. Members of this society took an active part in the homosexual demonstration on October 23, 1960 in Paris. Similar unions were created in many countries, even in Iceland, where, despite the small population, 200 Jewish homosexuals united.

Jewish writers in the United States have always been interested in the roots of the homosexuality of their compatriots, which they now so openly flaunt. Saul Bellow believes that Jewish parents, with their moral principles and endless instructions, teach their sons to be obedient and passive; A young man brought up in this spirit will find himself defenseless against an active pederast if he shows enough authority. Parents can also instill in their son a horror of the Aryan vamp, greatly exaggerating her atrocities; He also experiences fear of the young Jewish woman: after all, she promises over time to turn into the likeness of his overly domineering mother. Homosexual love allows him to avoid both dangers.

Many famous Jews in different eras had homosexual tendencies. Some of the most advanced interpreters of the New Testament, without fear of being branded as blasphemers, argue that the greatest of homosexuals was none other than Christ. Even Diderot, in his correspondence, found it difficult to determine his sexual preferences: these thoughts were brought to the philosopher by the scenes in Cana of Galilee, where Christ looked first at the girl’s breasts, then at the thighs of St. John. At the beginning of the 20th century. Italian writer Giovanni saw homosexual features in the face of the Savior. F. Roth imagines him in a nightgown, turning first one cheek, then the other, and in general with all the habits of a “faggot.” The iconography of Christ is characteristic: in not a single image does the genital organ stand out under the clothing. In addition, long straight hair, a beardless, femininely gentle face, small and seemingly filed teeth could excite the imagination of homosexuals and lead them to think that Christ is “one of their own” for them and came to earth for their salvation, and not just for saving heterosexuals. To complete the picture, we must also mention the Savior’s constant restraint in communicating with the opposite sex; this also confused many minds. For example, one elderly Englishwoman was so amazed by this fact that, as sexologist N. Hare writes, at a lecture at Conway Hall in London, she asked whether Christ was impotent.

Artists also tend to attribute homosexuality to Christ. Dane Jens Jürgen Thorson wanted to make a film about Cana: Christ washes the feet of his disciples and then indulges in sinful fun with St. John, Mary Magdalene and Martha at the same time. On July 12, 1977, a London court handed down an extremely harsh sentence (not overturned even after an appeal) to the Gay News magazine, published by homosexuals: it published a poem by the poet J. Kirkup, hinting at the sinful connections of Christ not only with his disciples, but also with Roman centurions.

With such a divine - albeit problematic - predecessor, it is not surprising that homosexuality among Jews sometimes takes on a mystical connotation. Sexologist Dr. Cighetti asked the question: “What drives a significant number of homosexuals to a certain religious mysticism?” In addition to the instructive example of God, whose bisexuality, according to the Zohar, is obvious, his feminine traits could cause not only the submission of man to the Almighty, but also the submission of a passive homosexual to an active one.

At the Jewish Homosexual Congress in Tel Aviv, I was simply amazed by the religious fervor of its participants. At the end of one of the banquets, the texts of prayers and hymns were distributed, and all those present performed them with great feeling. Before the congress closed, all the delegates gathered on the lawn and again read prayers and sang hymns. They thanked the Almighty for creating them homosexuals and prayed to bless their union. Many of them were truly angelically tender and beautiful. As already mentioned, young Jews, in order to reconcile homosexual inclinations with religious feelings, founded synagogues for homosexuals; the first was opened in 1972 in Los Angeles; There were also homosexual rabbis. True, devout Jews look askance at these “gay synagogues” and see in them something like a dating club for homosexuals.

In the 17th century Shabbatai Zevi, a Sephardic from Smyrna who declared himself the Messiah, was accused of pederasty; two of his marriages were dissolved because he did not live with his wives; He did not live with a third wife either; this marriage did not suffer the fate of the previous two only because Shabbatai was very lenient about the adventures of his wife (a former prostitute) and long before Rasputin taught that one must wallow in sin in order to know the ecstasy of repentance.

Around the same time, another great mystic - albeit with more elevated views and a less distracted lifestyle - Spinoza, who does not have a single adventure with a woman, argued that heterosexual relationships were disgusting to him, because “one has to associate the idea of ​​​​the beloved with secret places of her body and natural functions.” However, his favorite student constantly lived under his roof, which aroused jealousy and suspicions of homosexuality. And the famous homosexual Max Jacob, who came from a Jewish family, among other visions that visited him, mentions Christ, who came to his bed. This vision deeply shocked him for the rest of his life; he stopped associating with homosexuals, was baptized and became famous for his piety. Believers saw him in the cathedral: he was on his knees, beating his chest with his fists and moaning loudly. “This is a converted Jew,” the priest explained. During the occupation, Max Jacob was arrested and died soon after. A marble slab from the Reich Chancellery was placed on his grave in Saint-Benoit on the Loire as an expiatory gift.

Another famous homosexual, also a convert to Christianity, the writer Maurice Sachs, about whom Violette Leduc spoke in detail, entered the theological seminary at the age of 18 after baptism. His godfather was Jean Cocteau. He felt great in the cassock, probably seeing in it a resemblance to a woman’s dress (who knows, maybe all priests are subconscious homosexuals?). During the war, he concealed his origins and joined the Gestapo in Hamburg; the young Nazis generously gave him love. After the defeat of Nazism, Sachs was arrested and tortured, the bloody mess into which his body turned was thrown to the dogs. The story of his death was published in the newspapers just as the film "Victims" was released. The anti-Semitic press seized on the story with delight, savoring the details of the horrific end of an inexcusable Jewish traitor.

Freud, too, did not escape suspicion of homosexuality. He never agreed to undergo psychoanalysis, refusing, perhaps even to himself, to reveal the whole truth about himself. His affection for his favorite student Ferenczi may seem suspicious; one letter is known to contain ambiguous hints. And in a letter to his friend Fliess, Freud wrote that he experienced “an ineradicable homosexual feeling.”

Leon Blum's political opponents spread rumors that he was a homosexual and depicted him in cartoons wearing a skirt and making cutesy gestures.

Marcel Proust, the “first tenor” of active Jewish homosexuality, was only half Jewish on his mother’s side; but it was his mother who played a decisive role not only in the development of his receptivity, but also in the development of his homosexual inclinations: her fanatical attachment to her son made him practically inaccessible to other women. Proust hid his vice from her, but, never fully becoming an adult, he visited hot spots and even financed a “male” dating house.

One of Proust's lovers was the graceful and sophisticated composer Reynaldo Hahn; the lovers remained inseparable until death and were buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery a few meters from each other. In 1914, Khan enlisted in the active army so as not to be separated from one young soldier, for whom he had a tender affection.

Khan, like Proust, was raised by an overbearing Jewish mother, from whom he also hid his “friendships” with men; however, he happened to “deviate from the path”: he had episodic affairs with women, which Proust was absolutely incapable of.

Actor De Max, a Jew of Romanian origin, is another brilliant figure in the chain of great pederasts of the Silver Age. Andre Gide gave him the first copy of his play about homosexuals with a dedicatory inscription. Strewn with flowers, fragrant with the best perfume, De Max was always surrounded by a crowd of fans, literally snatching from each other his lost hairs, which they kept as treasured talismans.

In the same building of the German Embassy in Paris where a detailed description of the Dreyfus affair was discovered, a young Jew, Herschel Grintzpan, shot and killed Councilor von Rath with a revolver. Nazi historians R. Tulman and E. Feinermann write that Grintzpan admitted to investigator Tenier that the motive for the murder was a “family quarrel” between two homosexuals. Rumors of this case reached Berlin through the journalist Andreas Friedrich who lived there. When Grinzpan was handed over to the Nazis by the Vichy government, Goebbels wrote in his notebook that the murderer should not be brought to justice, lest a scandal arise "over the absurd, typically Jewish allegation that there could have been any sexual relationship between a miserable Jew and a brilliant German diplomat ", which "would become the main argument of the lawyers." The latest entry suggests that the statement was not so absurd. The trial was postponed indefinitely, and what happened to Grintzpan afterwards is unknown. As for the investigator Tenier, who probably knew too much, he enjoyed certain benefits from the Germans and was quickly returned to his homeland from a prisoner of war camp. Grintzpan's homosexuality did not become an argument in the hands of lawyers, but served as one of the reasons for Kristallnacht and its terrible consequences.

Nowadays, Jews seem to have forgotten the covenants of their ancestors and their aversion to same-sex love. There are no fewer homosexual Jews than Aryans, especially in artistic, literary, and avant-garde circles. It seems that New York Mayor Edward Koch, who defended homosexual love in his heartfelt speeches, became a valuable acquisition in their ranks, although he claims that he himself had no connections with men. In a similar way, many Jews at the homosexual congress in Tel Aviv denied this: they supposedly have a tender and sublime friendship for men, and not carnal love, and they are not united on the basis of physiology, they are simply all indifferent to women. In addition, for some sons of Israel, to advertise their homosexual inclinations means to distract attention from their origin: perversion sometimes evokes more sympathy than belonging to the Jewish people. Thus, in 1979, Jewish journalist Roger Stephen told how homosexuality saved his life during the occupation.


"Leviticus", while anathematizing homosexual love, passes over lesbian love in silence. The Talmud is not so lenient towards women: it prescribes caning for a lesbian and grants her husband a divorce with a subsequent ban on her approaching women; besides, she cannot become the wife of a rabbi.

However, several Jewish women appear on the list of famous lesbians. Thus, Rosa Bonheur, a famous animal artist, wore only trousers and had all the habits of a boy, never painted naked men and did not hide her inclination towards the female sex. Empress Eugenie (who herself was somewhat masculine) patronized the artist and even awarded her from her own hands.

During the Silver Age, we are presented with a whole string of brilliant Jewish lesbians, none of whom hid their affections: Gertrude Stein, Wanda Landowska, Winnaretta Singer. The latter, the daughter of the “king of sewing machines” Isaac Singer, a woman of typically Jewish appearance, became Princess de Polignac; she had such an aversion to men that she had no marital relations with either her first or second husband. (It is worth mentioning that her mother, a Protestant who married a Jew, served as a model for the Statue of Liberty; this statue at the gates of New York symbolizes the union of Christians and Jews, illuminating the whole world with its light). Gertrude Stein was so masculine in appearance and mannerisms that it might have alienated less determined lesbians who were concerned about keeping up appearances. Wanda Landowska became famous for stealing girlfriends from other lesbians. This trio of intellectuals and "priestesses of Lesbos", as they were called, made significant contributions to the painting, literature and music of their time.

Colette more than once mentions the Jewish baroness, nicknamed Brioche. In all likelihood, we are talking about Baroness van Zuplen. She had a passionate and long-lasting relationship with the poetess Renee Vivienne, whom she helped with both advice and money. Another lesbian, Martha Hanau, was married, but her marriage was, of course, fictitious; she never had relationships with men, was masculine and kept mistresses. Like a true Jew, she was crazy about music and did not lose this pleasure even in solitary confinement in the Saint-Lazare prison: her maid rented a room opposite and, opening all the windows, turned on the gramophone at full volume.

In the United States, there are many Jewish lesbians among activists in the struggle for women's emancipation. They can be real furies, especially if they have an obedient puppet husband at hand. In 1979, Shepn Koech, an association of Jewish lesbians in Boston, conducted extensive research to find out how others like them felt about being both Jewish and lesbian. It seems that they tolerate their situation more easily, because the religious framework for raising girls is less restrictive than for men, and husbands are accustomed to constant restraint in married life.


Masturbation, an imitation of Onan's gesture, "useless ejaculation," has always been considered by the Jews a crime as terrible as murder or the shedding of one's own blood. Talmudists, who were quite lenient towards unfaithful spouses, believed that a man who indulges in “handjob” should be cursed and expelled from the community. In the Middle Ages, masturbation was also considered by Jews to be the greatest sin. The rabbis taught many precautions to avoid temptation. A man should not sleep on his stomach or back, but only on his side. To prevent the penis from rising from friction against the pants, they had to be very wide. When urinating, it was not recommended to grasp the penis with your hand (unless there was a spouse nearby and it was possible to immediately have intercourse). A. Edwards and R. Masters write that until quite recently in North Africa, Jews - descendants of Jews once expelled from Spain - in the most devout families retained the habit of urinating without helping themselves with their hands; the rabbis taught this to boys in schools. If it was impossible to do without a hand, it was recommended to hold the penis either at the head itself, or, conversely, at the base and preferably through thick fabric, in order to avoid exciting touches. You should also not look at your own or someone else’s genitals in order to avoid sinful thoughts.

In 1847, Dr. Vannier, a physician from Le Havre, came to the conclusion that Jewish children were less prone to masturbation than other children. He saw the reason for this in early circumcision and called for the introduction of this practice among Christians in order to save children from the painful vice that threatened them in the future (especially since it was at this time that Jackson discovered anesthesia).

A century later, A. Kinsey found that the children of American Jews masturbate much less often than the children of all other US citizens, and the lowest rates were among religious families; among non-believers the percentage was slightly higher. Nowadays, when the Protestant clergy has recognized the harmlessness of masturbation, devout Jews still adhere to the precepts of their ancestors and categorically prohibit it. This prohibition is also easier to implement because believing Jews get their sons out of bed very early to read the first morning prayer at sunrise, thus the boys are spared the morning erection: this is the lot of those who spend a long time basking in a warm bed in the morning. In the religious quarter of Tel Aviv, I woke up at dawn to the hum of men's voices, senile and completely childish, muttering prayers.

Meanwhile, American Jewish writers depict masturbation without complexes, and sometimes even picturesquely: with a piece of liver, for example, or on the roof of a bus, or on the toilet in a public toilet (F. Roth's Portnoy). It is curious that it was Jewish sexologists on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean who unconditionally spoke out in defense of masturbation. Dr. Sussmann, director of sex therapy at Long Island Hospital in New York City, which treats hundreds of couples every year, said masturbation is normal. At the American University of Stony Brook, where sexual disorders are also treated, visiting rabbis explain to patients that “if masturbation helps save the family, then masturbation is necessary.”

Cases of masturbation among Jews are recorded in biblical texts. Tamar, the wife of Onan, who did not receive satisfaction from her unworthy husband, and then became a widow, indulged in this activity even with excessive zeal; therefore, the ancient Jews began to call a masturbating man by the name Onan, and a woman by the name Tamar. According to Kinsey's 1950 data, non-religious Jews masturbate two to three times more often than believers. This hostility of Jewish believers to masturbation may explain the fact that their sensuality, as a rule, “wakes up” only with marriage: it cannot be otherwise in the absence of clitoral stimulation. Freud, who lived among Jews who were zealots of tradition, extended to all women what is most likely characteristic only of Jewish women. He was supported by his “sister in faith” and beloved student Helen Deitch; For them, the organ that gave impetus to the flowering of female sexuality was the vagina. However, times are changing, and today a Jew from California, L. Barbash, is the greatest advocate for female group masturbation with mentors.


Involuntary ejaculation, called wet dreams, was a major concern for the ancient Jews. A man who ejaculated semen became “unclean,” which is why the Talmud contains a whole list of precautions to help avoid emission during sleep. It was recommended to read aloud several psalms before going to bed and ask for God's help against nighttime defilement. The man shouldn't have slept alone. Waking up at night, he also had to read prayers. If a sin did occur and ejaculation occurred, you should immediately wash yourself or even take a bath and pray to the Lord for mercy. It was also customary for the Samaritans to stay away from the synagogue the next day, not to raise their voices and not to touch sacred objects until nightfall. It seems that these customs were adopted by Catholic theologians: it was customary for Catholics to ask for forgiveness from God after a wet dream by making the sign of the cross.

Jewish believers, while reading a prayer, constantly sway back and forth and left and right; from such rotational movements, some of the faithful, like the ancient dervishes, fall into a state close to a trance. There is a suspicion that these movements cause wet dreams. Havelock Ellis mentions temples in Central India, where something like a swing was installed to cause an orgasm in the believer with measured rocking. Magnus Hirschfeld, the founder of German sexology, observed Palestinian Jews at prayer and came to the conclusion that due to the rotational movements of the torso, “one desire is subconsciously replaced by another”; The aspiration to heaven is replaced by a completely earthly aspiration. On the benches of the synagogue and at the walls of the temple, the faithful rotate their torsos “crescendo”, faster and faster, then suddenly freeze with a dull groan and after a while they resume movement, but much more slowly, and continue to read the prayer in a hoarse, as if cracked voice, which is usually the case with man after orgasm.


Bestiality, repeatedly stigmatized in both the Bible and the Talmud, is human sexual intercourse with animals. Voltaire wrote in his Philosophical Dictionary, addressing the Jews: “You claim that your mothers did not sin with goats, but tell me, why are you the only people on earth for whom this has never been prohibited by law? Would it have occurred to legislators to pass such a strange law if this offense were not common?” The books of Exodus and Leviticus order that both the beast-eater and his victim be put to death. In the Middle Ages, Christians followed the example of the Jews: the guilty person was burned at the stake along with a cow or donkey - his guiltless accomplice.

One English pastor, a great expert in preaching on sexual topics, assured that, according to many historians, the Jews indulged in bestiality most often with pigs, perhaps it was this sin that pushed Moses to mortify his flesh. The ancient Hebrews were mostly a pastoral people, and Kinsey showed how widespread bestiality was among shepherds, cattlemen and other people who dealt with animals by occupation. The Talmud forbade widows from keeping dogs in the house, so as not to be suspected of perverted relations. Talmudists believed that a woman should not look at a donkey passing along the street, and a bachelor should not be a shepherd. One of the interpreters of the Talmud believed that Adam, before the appearance of Eve, copulated with animals, and the only point is that he received greater satisfaction with a woman. Even today, many Jewish communities keep surprisingly few animals, especially dogs, in their homes: as if the collective subconscious retains the memory of ancient prohibitions and fears temptation.


Among the ancient Jews, a mother who sinned with her son was stoned to death, and a father who seduced his daughter was burned alive at the stake. But these measures seem to be nothing more than a threat in order to instill fear in parents who have sinful thoughts. And today, on the Yom Kippur holiday, they read the 18th chapter of Leviticus, which talks about forbidden relationships and, in particular, incest. However, the Romans considered the Jews to be incestuous, perhaps because they often had marriages between blood relatives. Christians, who were initially confused with Jews, were forced to “wash themselves” of this shameful reputation.

Modern Rabbi A. Weil gives an excuse for Lot's incest with his daughters: after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, it was necessary to repopulate the country. Even in ancient times, Jews also found a worthy explanation for the act of Jeremiah, who made his daughter a mother: from this union Rabbi Ben Sirach was born. Ben Sirach's mother bathed for a long time in the pond, where Jeremiah also plunged: the father's seed was brought by water into the mother's womb, thus, incest itself did not occur. In the 16th century the famous Marrano physician Ammatus Lusitanus referred to this precedent to justify a nun accused of debauchery who suffered a miscarriage.

During the times of ghettos and closed communities, Jews lived in very crowded conditions. The teenage boy was forbidden to get close to both Jewish and non-Jewish women; the sisters growing up nearby could become a temptation for him. To avoid temptations, parents, as already mentioned, married their children very early. Until recently, in Jewish families in Central Europe, boys and girls were raised separately and could communicate only through their overly cautious parents.

Rabbi Drach, who later converted to Christianity, believed that marriage between an uncle and a niece was permissible, but between an aunt and a nephew - not: respect for an older relative would not allow a husband to beat his wife. At the beginning of this century, incest between father and daughter was not uncommon among the lapidaries of the Antwerp jewelry workshops, most of whom were Jews. Dr. E. Svenn, who devoted himself to the prevention of tuberculosis among these workers, believed that it would be better for them to cohabit with their daughters, like Lot, than to squander their earnings in disreputable establishments. Nowadays, in an atmosphere of freedom of morals, the laws of Israel do not punish a father who sins with his daughter, leaving him to the wrath of the Lord; only if the victim is under 21 years of age, the perpetrator is punished with five years in prison.

As already mentioned, a Jewish mother often takes care of her son almost into old age; this can cause both thoughts of incest, but, as a rule, everything is limited to thoughts. American writer J. Friedman, in his novel “Mother’s Kiss,” describes the torment of an elderly Jewish woman whose husband is impotent; She is haunted by the desire to deprive her son of his innocence, but she still does not dare to take the first step towards rapprochement. And Marcel Proust’s mother, in one of the tender letters that she and her son exchanged while living under the same roof, wrote about the glass he broke in the door: “You know that in our Temple, broken glass is a symbol of an indestructible union” (a hint of that , that at a Jewish wedding a glass is broken at the feet of the newlyweds and the fragments are trampled on).


Although the ancestors of the Jews did not consider sexual intercourse shameful or unclean, they never indulged in sex too zealously. King Solomon, the greatest polygamist in history, rather maintained his prestige: countless wives and concubines served as proof of wealth, in addition, marriages helped to establish the necessary connections.

In the ghettos and Jewish quarters, carnal desires were always in the background for men; he was overcome by other concerns: how to get an education, gain a position in society, and force himself to be respected. Excessive sensuality would only be a hindrance to him, and the revelry of carnal love in the Christian world aroused among Jews only surprise mixed with contempt. Boccaccio in the 14th century. sympathized with Jews and communicated with many of them. In one of the first short stories of the Decameron, he tells how the Jew Abraham went to Rome and was struck by the debauchery that reigned in the city of the Pope. Returning home, Abraham decided to be baptized, because, in his opinion, God could show such condescension only to adherents of the true faith, that is, to Christians.

At the beginning of the 18th century there lived the famous Jew Suess Oppenheimer, whose story was transferred to the screen two centuries later. He was in the service of the Duke of Württemberg and seduced many German women, including the wife of Councilor Gotz and, possibly, her daughter. However, the list of his victories is quite banal for a titled man, a close friend of the Duke himself. In the same century, another Jew, this time the priest Da Ponte, left memories of numerous love affairs, but they cannot be compared with the victories of his friend Casanova, who helped him write the libretto for Mozart’s Don Giovanni. After the Great French Revolution, the Jew de Carpentras, after being kidnapped and forcibly baptized, and then returned to his family, became famous for his adventures, and also began to write frivolous poetry and created “Essay on Tender Feelings,” but he, apparently, was not at ease in the skin of a libertine, and he committed suicide.

The trade of a peddler was one of the most familiar to Jews; it gave them easy access to any home, and many did not neglect the opportunities that this offered. Jacob Frank, a follower of Shabbatai Zevi, who, like him, cared for atonement for sin, boasted of his connections with Turkish women. Moroccan Jews also took advantage of the opportunity to enter Muslim homes for brief meetings with their women.

Freud, with his idea of ​​pansexuality and his large clientele among his compatriots, almost made people believe in the sexual preoccupation of the Jews. Indeed, some of them gained fame as seducers: Lassalle, Disraeli, even Leon Blum in his youth. Victor Noir (real name Ivan Salmon), killed at the age of 22 by Prince Pierre Bonaparte, became famous as a seducer posthumously: the bronze of his reclining sculpture in the Père Lachaise cemetery glistens at the junction of his thighs, polished by the passionate touches of numerous admirers who want to be cured of infertility; they say that some even managed to carry. Gambetta, a Jew of Italian descent, according to Dr. Lombroso, led a wild bachelor life. Henri Bernstein spent a very turbulent youth, according to his anti-Semitic doctors; one of them published his letter admitting that his entire youth was spent “in the deepest abysses of depravity.” Nowadays, many Jews keep up with the times: freed from religious and family shackles, carried away by the wave of eroticism sweeping the world, some of them turned out to be downright giants of sex. During the May events of 1968, Cohn-Bendit admitted in one interview that he managed to “acquire” 15 girls in one morning. Charlie Chaplin became famous for his numerous marriages, as did many other movie stars, directors and writers, many of whom were Jewish.

For many famous Jews, relationships with Aryan women and receiving the most perverted pleasures from them were to some extent revenge for the discrimination and contempt of others; these adventures gave them self-confidence. Therefore, even not being capable of much in bed, they sought to increase the number of connections. Georges Mandel, a member of the Rothschild family, however, “from a poor branch,” with a face completely devoid of hair, and the thin voice of a eunuch, as the gossip column reported, showed off his mistress to everyone so that there would be no doubt about his masculine abilities; She, naturally, well paid, admitted that her “place” was just a sinecure. Solal, the hero of Albert Cohen, who witnessed a Jewish pogrom at the age of 10, vowed throughout his life to rob the Aryans of wealth and women, since bloodier methods of revenge are not at all in the habits of the Jews.

Collective orgies also seem to be uncharacteristic of the Jews; however, the Book of Exodus contains a hint of at least one such orgy: around 1230 BC. The Jewish people, having gathered in anticipation of the return of Moses from Mount Sinai, for the first time in history indulged in sin. Moses asked the Jews to abstain until he returned, but the wait was too difficult and an “explosion” of long-pent-up sexuality ensued. Much later, the disciples of Shabbatai Zevi on the outskirts of Thessaloniki organized group orgies that replaced their prayers; This custom spread to other communities; it took the rabbis two centuries to put an end to it.

American sociologists J. and L. Smith conducted a survey of couples changing partners in the San Francisco area. These were mostly middle-income intellectuals, which means one could expect that among them there would be a significant percentage of Jews, especially since there are a lot of Jews in California. However, of the 500 couples surveyed in 1960, only 7% were Jewish. Twenty years later, a teacher at Brooklyn College in New York, Arlene Rubin, published the data of her similar study: of the hundred couples surveyed, Jews made up a third. It appears that restraint and chastity are giving way to "open marriage."

In France a few years ago it was extremely rare to find Jews participating in partner exchanges. From time to time, Jewish husbands attended such clubs and parties, but, as a rule, they were allowed there reluctantly, and not with their legal spouses, but with temporary girlfriends.

However, there were cases when it was the Jew who distinguished himself at such parties. In the early 50s. in Paris, a sixty-year-old Ashkenazi from Vienna, the father of a famous film actress, surprised much younger men, decisively surpassing them with his truly youthful ardor and tirelessness. Today, the same changes are emerging here as in the United States, and the French, accustomed to group love, are increasingly welcoming Jewish couples to their parties. Despite the not very pronounced tendency of Jews to group orgies, the Polish director A. Wajda, not completely free from the anti-Semitism inherent in the Poles, in the film “The Promised Land” showed how Jews - men and women - indulge in the sin of sin.

So that a young Jew avoids temptations and does not develop a tendency towards perversion, Judaism from ancient times did not allow a young man to remain single for a long time. This was allowed only to rabbis; all others, even the feeble-minded and deaf-mute, were obliged to marry. If a man remained single for a long time, suspicions might arise about his sexual usefulness; such a person could not run a school. True, Saint Paul never married, but, in all likelihood, he suffered from impotence and remained a virgin throughout his life. The English Cardinal Newman, the initiator of the revival of Christianity in England, believed that it was the prolonged celibacy of St. Paul that pushed him towards Catholicism - he was not at ease in the Jewish religion; It seems that, ultimately, Catholicism owes much of its birth to the lack of sexual impulses in the apostle. In the Middle Ages, rabbinical courts used all means to force a bachelor to marry: corporal punishment, fines, even excommunication. After the 16th century such harsh measures were abandoned. However, even today, devout Jews rarely remain single, and even with non-believers this happens less often than with all other men.

Idit Klein, director of Keshet (a Jewish racial organization active in the defense of Jewish homosexuals and transsexuals), points out that among Jews the proportion of homosexuals is about ten percent (2006) or even 12-14% (2009) - this is noticeably higher than among non-Jewish nationalities. Grigory Petrovich Klimov argued in his books that the number of homosexuals among Jews is even greater.

Since 2010, supporters of Jewish homosexuality (and persons equated with them) in the Russian blogosphere have sometimes begun to be called Jews. Even earlier, the more politically correct name became widespread - evge?i; however, to a certain extent it is a simple imitation of the Jewish racial burr in the word “Jews” (without taking into account the politically correct term “gays”), so it is difficult to establish from what time and to what extent it began to be understood in the meaning of Jewish homosexuality.

Jewish homosexuality in Judaism.

In the Torah (the sacred scripture of the Jews), the topic of homosexuality appears repeatedly (for example, in the legend of Sodom and Gomorrah). Also, along with homosexuality, other sexual perversions are presented there (for example, incest and bestiality). It is worth noting that all these phenomena are mentioned in a negative light (that is, condemningly), and their participants often suffer severe punishment from above (for example, in the same legend of Sodom).Nevertheless, the fact of repeated mention of Jewish sexual perversions in the Torah allows us to judge that they, especially homosexuality, were widespread among Jews back in Old Testament times.

In modern Israel, some Orthodox Jews are sharply opposed to gay pride parades and other propaganda of homosexuality. They repeatedly held rallies and demonstrations before gay pride parades, calling for their cancellation, and staged riots. However, the highest religious legislature of Conservative Judaism, the central movement in world Judaism, voted in December 2006 to allow homosexuals to be ordained as rabbis and the conclusion of same-sex unions - with the only indispensable condition that Jewish homosexuals didn't use each other in the ass. This restriction is unlikely to be burdensome for Jewish homosexuals, since most they eat each other in the mouth.

And in another (Reform) branch of Judaism, widespread in the United States, the decision to legalize same-sex marriage and ordain representatives of sexual minorities as rabbis was made on March 29, 2000 at the Central Conference of American Rabbis.

Thus, in modern Israel, only Orthodox Jews strongly oppose gay pride parades and other propaganda of homosexuality. However, cases of homosexuality are also observed among them. Thus, in Jerusalem, on July 31, 2011, three men from an ultra-religious neighborhood, aged 42, 45 and 67, were arrested and accused of committing indecent acts, acts of sodomy and sexual abuse of dozens of neighborhood children aged 5 to 10 years; the police announced suspicions that the men were cunningly luring children to their home after Torah and Talmud lessons, where they committed illegal acts.


Among Jewish believers for many centuries there was almost not a single man whose penis was not touched by the sucking lips of another man, also a Jew, since the Jewish rite of circumcision provides not only for cutting off the foreskin of the penis, but also for the mohel to necessarily suck the blood coming from cutting sites. This part of the circumcision rite has a special name - “metzitzah”.

Jewish homosexuality and homosexual artists
The widespread slander about Tchaikovsky's homosexuality has a Jewish racial origin.
The first Western musician to give a concert in the State of Israel was Elton John, known as a homosexual.

One of the most famous pop homosexuals in Russia is the Jewish singer Boris (Borukh) Moiseev, who is encouraged in his homosexual creativity by the Israeli parliament (Knesset), which presented Moiseev with a silver ritual Jewish object - a mezuzah. “I am very glad that I was brought here, my mother could be proud of her son: I, a simple Jewish boy from Mogilev, was invited to the Israeli Knesset!” - the Jewish homosexual singer told them in delight.

Apparently, there are such forms of Jewish art that there is almost universal homosexuality among the Jews who engage in them. Thus, blogger imenno (Jewish rabbi) shared his memories of how 14 years ago a company of young Hebrew poets decided to create a new literary magazine. This blogger also recalls that in their company he was the only heterosexual poet: everyone else was homosexual.

Jewish homosexuality in the State of Israel

Same-sex homosexual couples in the State of Israel have the right to adopt children - including (since 2008) those children who are not biological relatives of either homosexual.
The most massive and magnificent gay pride parades are held in Israel.

The mayor of Tel Aviv (Ron Huldai) allocated 100 thousand shekels from the Tel Aviv city budget in 2009 for the filming of a special film about the “heavenly life” of gays and lesbians in Israel. On August 29, 2010, the Education Commission of the Tel Aviv Municipality unanimously approved a proposal to include a mandatory course on familiarization with the gay community in the school curriculum of all city schools, this decision should come into force in January 2011.

On August 4, 2009, the Israeli Minister of Social Welfare (Yitzhak Herzog) announced that he would seek budgetary allocations to finance gay clubs in order to “enable young gays and lesbians to better integrate into society.”

The former prime minister and current leader of the largest faction in the Knesset (Tzipi Livni, who made her initial career in the Mossad) shouted into the microphone during a recent speech in Tel Aviv:
“I urge everyone who is still shy and afraid to admit to their parents and loved ones that they are gay or lesbian - admit it today!

By the end of 2009, no fewer than four ambassadors representing the foreign policy of the State of Israel abroad were gay; one of them (the ambassador to Angola) arrived at his diplomatic assignment (Luanda) with his forty-four-year-old Jewish homosexual partner.

Bolshevism and Jewish homosexuality

The initiative to abolish anti-homosexual legislation after the February Revolution belonged not to the Bolsheviks, but to cadets and anarchists. However, after October, with the abolition of the old Penal Code, its corresponding articles also lost force. In the criminal codes of the RSFSR of 1922 and 1926, homosexuality is not mentioned at all, although where it was most widespread (in the Islamic republics: Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - as well as in Christian Georgia) the corresponding laws were preserved.

Soviet doctors and lawyers were very proud of the progressiveness of their legislation. At the Copenhagen Congress of the World League for Sexual Reform (1928), it was even set as an example for other countries. In 1930, Mark Sereysky (most likely a Jew) wrote in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: “Soviet legislation does not know so-called crimes against morality. Our legislation, based on the principle of protecting society, provides for punishment only in cases where the object minors and minors become of interest to homosexuals..."

With the advent of Stalin, purges begin, society and the party get rid of Jews, homosexuals and other degenerates. On December 17, 1933, the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was published, which became law on March 7, 1934, according to which Sodomy has become a criminal offense again; This norm was included in the criminal codes of all Soviet republics. According to Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, sodomy was punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years, and in the case of the use of physical violence or its threats, or against a minor, or taking advantage of the dependent position of the victim - for up to 8 years. In January 1936, People's Commissar of Justice Nikolai Vasilyevich Krylenko stated that homosexuality is “a product of the decomposition of the exploiting classes who do not know what to do. In our midst, among workers who stand for the point of view of normal relations between the sexes, who build their society on healthy principles, we don’t need gentlemen of this kind.”

During the Stalinist purges on April 24, 1939, during the interrogation of People's Commissar Yezhov, it turned out that the person who played the most important role in organizing the murder of Emperor Nicholas II and his family and in the subsequent destruction of the corpses was a Jewish homosexual, who in Kzyl-Orda later became Yezhov's homosexual lover; their connection was mutually active. This was Philip Isaevich Goloshchekin, about whom even earlier Prince Georgy Evgenievich Lvov, during interrogation in July 1920 in Paris, showed that this man was an unconditional Jew; It is also known that the name “Philip” was only Goloshchekin’s party nickname, but in reality his name was Isai Isaekovich or, as Jews usually pronounce it, Shaya Itsovich-Isakovich. In October of the same 1939, this Jewish homosexual was arrested on the orders of Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, and two years later he was shot.
There is reason to believe that Goloshchekin was not the only Jewish homosexual among those murderers: it is clear that Jews do not engage in homosexuality alone.

Nazism's fight against Jews and homosexuals

In Berlin, opposite the monument to Jews physically exterminated during the so-called Holocaust, on the other side of Ebertstrasse, a monument was erected to homosexuals exterminated by the same Nazi government in the same years. It should be noted that in a number of cases we are talking about the same people - Jewish homosexuals; here are some examples:

From left to right: Gerhard Beck. Half Jewish. Homosexual. Arrested by the Nazis in 1945. Survived. Author of the book "Memoirs of a Gay Jew about Nazi Berlin." Henny Shermann. Saleswoman. Jewish. Lesbian. Arrested by the Nazis in 1940. She died in 1942. Mannfred Lewin. Jew. Homosexual. Died in 1943.

In general, no Jewish protests have been heard about this proximity of the monuments, although Jews quite loudly protested against the installation of memorial crosses in those concentration camps and other places of Nazi repression where Christians died, and even subjected the cross in Auschwitz to ritual Jewish spitting, mocking the memory of the Christians killed there . From this it is clear that homosexuals are spiritually much closer to Jews than Christians.

Another (more modern) evidence of such spiritual and cultural closeness is the holding of a gay pride parade in the Jewish quarter of Budapest simultaneously with the Festival of Jewish Culture - an event that caused active protest among the ideological heirs of the Nazi spirit (the skinheads and neo-Nazis of Hungary) in September 2009.

Jewish pro-homosexuality and the blogosphere

The Board of Trustees of blog hosting LJR (in 2007, one of the top twenty most popular blog hosting sites in Russia) is headed by Mikhail Sergeevich Verbitsky, a racial Jew who openly admitted that he was not ashamed to say that he fucked himself in the ass with a rubber penis (“Interesting sensations”), sat in a mental hospital, tortured animals, etc. - an obvious degenerate. The name of his blog is tiphareth, a Jewish religious term signifying the splendor of God's design.

The popular blog hosting Blogger - the sixteenth most popular among all sites in the world, and not just blog hosting sites - belongs to Google, a company founded by Jews. This company is known for having more gay and lesbian employees than any other company in the United States, all of whom are paid. specially increased in comparison with the salaries of their non-homosexual colleagues.

Google also donated just under fifteen hundred thousand dollars to fight the ban on same-sex marriage in the state of California, and Sergei Mikhailovich Brin (one of the Jewish founders of Google, who himself once dressed as a woman) spoke out in defense of “the right of people to marry.” with your loved ones, regardless of their sexual orientation."

However, this fight for gay rights failed: in a referendum held on November 4, 2008, the so-called Eighth Amendment was adopted, although by a small margin, so that in the state of California, marriage is now considered a conjugal union between a man and a woman. And on July 8, 2012, Google began the fight for the rights of homosexuals on a global scale: on the Google website a special section “Legalise Love” appeared, aimed at supporting homosexuals in those countries where their relationships are prohibited by law.

Parade of gay Google employees

Sergey Mikhailovich Brin (one of the founders of Google) in ladies' clothes

The most popular blog hosting in Russia is LiveJournal. The Jew Anton Borisovich Nosik, who was a high-ranking employee there from the fall of 2006 to September 2008, kept a blog under the obscene pseudonym dolboeb and published disgusting homoerotic fantasies there.

The editors of the Snob.Ru website are headed by Masha Gessen, who is clearly described in the English-language Wikipedia as a lesbian activist from among Ashkenazi Jews. Its editorial policy is such that 24 bloggers from the social network “Snob” announced their readiness to leave the project in protest, outlining their impressions in an open letter as follows:

“The ideology of the site is fundamentally anti-Russian, the style of presenting materials is such that Russia is criticized in everything, even something that has nothing to do with Russia. We consider propaganda of the advantages of a homosexual lifestyle over the traditional one unacceptable...”