Why does a patient begin to choke with laryngitis and what to do? Treatment of laryngitis in children: immediate action only stage. Slight narrowing of the larynx

Panic grips parents when a healthy-looking baby, who has been playing carefree all day, suddenly wakes up due to suffocation: he coughs, cries, and gasps for air. And no less suffering mom and dad either freeze in horror or are vainly looking for a “magic pill” in the medicine cabinet. But knowledgeable adults do not go to extremes, but methodically and consistently carry out the necessary manipulations - after all, they know exactly how to relieve an attack of laryngitis in a child.

Often laryngitis, an inflammation of the vocal cords provoked by viruses or bacteria, takes on an obstructive form in children. It is dangerous because it causes closure of the swollen vocal cords and terrible attacks of asphyxia and suffocation. To understand how to relieve an attack of laryngitis in a child, you need to know the causes that provoke the disease. These include:

  • viral pathogens - if a baby suffers from laryngitis more than 1-2 times a year, most often it is of viral origin. Children who regularly suffer from diseases of the oropharynx and nasopharynx are at “risk group” for laryngitis;
  • allergic effects - provocateurs are both products and external irritants (poplar fluff, ragweed, animal hair, house dust);
  • bacterial and fungal microorganisms;
  • constitutional features of the child’s body - the tendency of the mucous membranes to hyperemia in children is more pronounced than in adults, and the heterogeneity of the integuments themselves contributes to the rapid spread of the disease;
  • imperfection of the nervous system - stress, psychological pressure or fear cause a spasm that blocks breathing;
  • use of nasopharyngeal irrigation - when drugs get onto the back wall of the larynx, they cause a coughing attack during laryngitis;
  • cold drinks, deep breaths of cold air, hypothermia.

Inexperienced parents are frightened by the clinical picture they observe in a child during an attack of laryngitis. Firstly, one should not panic in the situation, and secondly, it is necessary to accurately understand what kind of disease they are faced with, because diseases of the ENT organs have identical symptoms. To decide what to do with an attack of laryngitis and shortness of breath, let’s determine what symptoms indicate the onset of the disease.

The first symptoms of laryngitis in children

A “barking” cough and an attack of suffocation during laryngitis occurs in a child at night and unexpectedly. These symptoms are considered to be the main manifestations of laryngitis. But if you analyze the previous 1-2 days, parents will notice atypical signs, which are the first symptoms of the disease:

  • weak wheezing in the voice when breathing;
  • uncharacteristic lethargy and fatigue at the end of the day;
  • restless sleep;

If these signs preceded an attack of night suffocation, children are diagnosed with the onset of laryngitis. At this point, swelling of the soft tissues of the larynx and inflammation of the vocal cords close the lumen - the baby begins to choke and cough with “barking” intonations. The need for oxygen increases due to an objective shortage, the baby’s breathing becomes frequent (accelerates 2 times), and the temperature rises to a low-grade fever. The intensity of the cough increases, the child cannot clear his throat, which makes him restless and tearful. The skin turns pale and acquires a bluish tint in the nose area. In children 2-5 years old, an attack of laryngitis can occur while sleeping, but more often the baby wakes up from a hysterical cough, which turns into asphyxia.

So, a patient has laryngitis if a complex of symptoms is observed:

  • wheezing in the voice and its change - indicate hyperemia of the tissues of the larynx, vocal cords and closure of the lumen of the larynx;
  • constant dry, unproductive cough, which gets worse in the evening and prevents you from falling asleep;
  • feeling of heat and sore throat, slight pain that becomes stronger when swallowing food;
  • temperature rise to 38-39.5 degrees; in the case of viral laryngitis - up to 40 degrees;
  • rapid breathing and shortness of breath;
  • lethargy, irritability, refusal to eat.

If parents have an idea of ​​what to do if a child is suffocating with laryngitis, they begin manipulations on time - the attack ends as quickly as it began. In the morning he will be irritable and hoarse, but his childhood activity will be at normal levels. A coughing attack during laryngitis may recur in the evening of the following days, but this does not mean that the child will experience painful suffocation every night. In some children, the pathology occurs several times in their lives, but if the baby has difficulty breathing from laryngitis of allergic origin, attacks will follow with each contact with the provocateur.

There are 4 degrees of severity of laryngitis:

  1. first: the narrowing of the lumen in the larynx is small, while the child is not active - breathing is stable and continuous; wheezing occurs with increased physical activity;
  2. second: increased breathing, shortness of breath, heart rate increases, when breathing there is a noticeable retraction of the intercostal spaces and the abdominal area;
  3. third: the gap closes significantly, breathing problems are observed both during exercise and at rest; with untimely assistance at this stage of laryngitis, the child may suffocate;
  4. fourth: the most severe and critical situation, in which breathing stops completely due to 100% closure of the lumen in the larynx; requires urgent hospitalization and intubation.

First aid for an attack of laryngitis in a child

Laryngitis is a common disease among children and primary schoolchildren, so parents should be prepared to quickly carry out the necessary manipulations in the event of an attack. If a child has an attack of laryngitis at night, the baby should be reassured, since excitement and stress themselves are provocateurs of asphyxia. Next, follow the instructions:

  • give the patient’s body a vertical position with the help of pillows and blankets, thereby facilitating breathing; It is recommended to remove from the baby things that limit the diaphragm; if he is able to stand on his feet, it is recommended to walk him around the room to restore breathing and calm him down;
  • if persistent choking is observed, insert a clean spoon into the mouth and press on the base of the tongue (as is done to induce a gag reflex); the meaning of the manipulation is that the vomiting center is located in the vicinity of the respiratory center and the excitation of one leads to the activation of the second;
  • ensure intensive humidification of the air in the room: for this purpose, factory-made humidifiers are used, but if there are none at home, it is recommended to transfer the baby to the bathtub, first opening the hot water tap to full power and closing the door. The humidification effect can be achieved by heating ordinary water on a gas stove to the state of steam; in winter, hanging wet towels on heating radiators, emergency wet cleaning, and placing bowls of water in the room near the radiators helps; required humidity - at least 60%;
  • at normal temperatures, foot baths and mustard applications on the calves help: the procedures provoke blood flow to the lower part of the body and make breathing easier;
  • if there is a nebulizer in the house, do an urgent inhalation using essential oils of medicinal plants, saline, Berodural or Naphthyzin;
  • at elevated temperatures, inhalations and hot baths are contraindicated; antipyretic drugs Nurofen and Paracetamol are used in a dosage acceptable for the patient’s age;
  • A cough attack with laryngitis is relieved both with absorbable tablets (Strepsils, Faringosept) and with aerosols and syrups (Alteyka, Gerbion, Bronchomunal). The first relieves a sore throat, the second is useful for a productive cough
  • provide plenty of alkaline drink - Borjomi, soda, chamomile decoction - warmed to room temperature. It is not permissible to use milk with honey, juice, or coffee during an attack of laryngitis, since the components of the drink are allergens and can provoke a worsening of the condition;
  • if the attack is allergic in nature, give the patient an antihistamine such as Zodak, Parlazin, Loratadine to relieve hyperemia of the mucous membrane and improve mouth breathing;

When the disease is mild, the first aid described for an attack of laryngitis in a child will be enough to calm him down, fall asleep, and feel kind and cheerful in the morning. But it is not always possible to stop an attack on your own, especially if we are talking about the 3rd and 4th degree of severity of laryngitis. Here you should call emergency services, which will determine the degree of threat and decide whether the patient needs hospitalization or not.


Today there is no specific drug that can stop all manifestations of the disease. For successful treatment, a complex of medication and therapeutic prescriptions is used depending on the patient’s condition. If stages 1 and 2 of laryngitis are diagnosed, treatment occurs at home; in stages 3 and 4, hospitalization is recommended.

Medicines prescribed by otolaryngologists for children with laryngitis are divided into 6 categories:

  • relieving hyperemia of the mucous membranes (antihistamines) in the form of tablets (Cetrin, Parlazin, Tavegil), if necessary, intramuscular injections of prednisolone or Eufillin;
  • eliminating discomfort in the larynx - absorbable tablets Linkas, Travesil, Faringosept, Septolete);
  • effectively fighting phlegm (mucolytics) - Alteyka, Bronchosan, Gerbion, and reducing cough syndrome - Libexin, Sinekod;
  • normalizing temperature (antipyretics), used when the temperature rises to subfebrile - Panadol, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan;
  • physiotherapeutic, carried out in a hospital for severe forms of the disease or as preventive measures - ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, microwave therapy;
  • gargling preparations - saline solution, Evcarom, Naphthyzin.

What to do if an attack of laryngitis in a child is caused by a bacterial pathogen? ENT specialists prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics Suprax, Amoxicillin, Azicin in order to protect the baby from complications. If the disease is caused by a virus, the use of antibiotics is unjustified.

Drugs for treatment of 1st degree of severity

The first degree of severity of laryngitis can be cured without hospitalization. The principles of therapy are as follows:

  • peace and absence of external stimuli for the patient;
  • inhalations using a nebulizer (effective solutions - mineral water, Eufillin solution) - 2-3 inhalations per day;
  • tablets that relieve throat irritation (Strepsils, Septolete) - no more than 4-6 pieces per day;
  • regular exposure to fresh air.

Prednisolone effectively relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. But otolaryngologists are wary of prescribing this hormonal drug in the 1st stage of laryngitis, since along with its rapid effectiveness, the drug has serious side effects.

Treatment 2 3 degrees of severity

Laryngitis of 2-3 degrees of severity cannot be treated at home due to the progressive transition to stage 4 and complications. Hospitalization and specialist observation are recommended. Therapy consists of:

  • inhalations with prednisolone and aminophylline, if necessary, drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously through a dropper;
  • antipyretics in case of pyretic temperature;
  • anti-inflammatory protocol with drugs Orasept, Hexoral, Grammicidin;
  • tablets for a sore throat - Septefril, Carmolis, Homeovox;

Children under 3 years of age are hospitalized with their mother.

Treatment of 4th degree of severity

The most severe form of laryngitis is the fourth, in which the glottis closes completely and breathing stops. Hospitalization is immediate, home methods of help are ineffective, because... A tracheotomy is necessary to restore breathing.

After resuscitation procedures in the hospital, which amount to an incision of the trachea and the introduction of a tracheosome into it, the following treatment protocol is prescribed:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin group (Augmentin, Bioparox, Cephalexin); with a correctly selected drug, positive dynamics are noticeable from 3-4 days of therapy;
  • inhalation with solutions of mucolytics (Mukolvan, Ambroxol), antihistamine hormonal drugs (Pulmicort, Prednisolone), alkaline solutions (soda, saline), antiseptics (Miramistin, Furacillin);
  • antipyretic drugs according to age;
  • physiotherapy (infrared lamp, wave therapy).

After completing the treatment protocol, the tracheosoma is removed and the child begins to breathe on his own.

Attacks of laryngitis plague a child until he is 5-6 years old, until the mucous membrane of the larynx and the respiratory system are finally formed. The older the baby gets, the faster the risk of a recurrence of the attack decreases.

Possible complications

Pathology not noticed in time or an incorrectly selected treatment protocol leads to serious complications of laryngitis in children:

  • transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • closure of the lumen of the larynx (stenosis) and the development of breathing defects;
  • pathology of the vocal cords up to complete aphonia;
  • inflammatory processes in the chest area;
  • sepsis and phlegmon;
  • polyps and other neoplasms of various types on the mucous membranes;
  • tumors of the larynx, with malignancy - laryngeal cancer.

Fortunately, the latter complication is rarely diagnosed in children.

The pediatrician’s main advice is to make every effort to ensure that the disease is cured completely and does not become chronic. To do this, you must follow a number of rules:

  • the air temperature in the patient’s room drops to 18 degrees, ventilation is carried out at least 2-3 times a day. In this case, the baby should be removed from the room to avoid hypothermia; optimally - use special air purifiers during illness;
  • indoor humidity is at least 60%; it is recommended to use factory-made humidifiers, as well as independently spraying water on window tulle, hanging wet laundry on radiators, placing aquariums and other water reservoirs in the room;
  • regular wet cleaning of the patient’s room, if necessary, using a washing vacuum cleaner;
  • exclusion of allergenic provocateurs: removal of fur toys from the baby’s room and crib; temporary transfer of living plants to other rooms (colonies of mold provocateurs settle in pots); treat favorite toys with chemical antiseptics, store textile ones in the freezer at night; to protect the patient as much as possible from contact with household chemicals;
  • during the illness of a younger family member, parents exclude perfumes, deodorants, eau de toilettes and other odorous products from use;
  • the treatment protocol is developed based on the pediatrician’s recommendations; self-medication and self-prescription are unacceptable, especially in children under 3 years of age;
  • frequent and plentiful intake of liquid is mandatory, preference is given to alkaline mineral water, soda, boiled, unsweetened teas;

How to avoid getting laryngitis

The main preventive measures include:

  • prevent hypothermia, dress the baby according to the season;
  • exclude communication and visiting the baby with a friend who has laryngitis;
  • harden the child in warm weather with outdoor activities, switching to contrast showers in cold weather;
  • strengthen the immune system with vitamin preparations along with annual visits to seaside resorts and consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Despite the fact that an attack of laryngitis in children is not common and looks scary, parents should always have experience with surgical manipulations. It will allow you to calm the baby, relieve spasms, restore breathing and wait for emergency help to arrive.

Among the most common diseases of the respiratory tract in children is laryngitis. Its severity depends on the cause, the age of the child and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Not in all cases it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the disease, so diagnosis should be carried out only by a doctor, which will allow the most effective medications to be prescribed. Treating laryngitis in children is not an easy task, so parents should not select medications on their own and tempt fate.

Laryngitis can be caused by infection or non-infectious factors. Among the pathogenic microorganisms often identified:

  • viral infection (measles, influenza, chickenpox, adenovirus);
  • bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci);
  • fungi (candida, mold).

Infection occurs against the background of reduced immunity. Infection is predisposed by poor nutrition, polluted air, frequent hypothermia, severe infections, diabetes, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, a tendency to allergies and communication with sick people.

Hoarseness in children especially often appears after a loud, prolonged scream or hysteria. Passive smoking also increases the risk of inflammation in the oropharynx and larynx.

Depending on the strength of the provoking factor and the strength of the immune defense, laryngitis manifests itself in varying degrees of severity. A dangerous condition is croup, which predisposes:

  • narrower lumen of the larynx;
  • loose fiber;
  • more sensitive nerve endings;
  • characteristics of the lymphatic system, tendency to allergies, diathesis;
  • frequent colds.

Clinical symptoms and diagnosis

To suspect laryngitis in a child, it is enough to pay attention to his behavior. Initially, moodiness, tearfulness, drowsiness, increased sweating, and decreased appetite appear. Then there is a soreness in the oropharynx, hoarseness, difficulty breathing and a “barking” cough. In addition, rhinitis and nasal congestion may occur, which makes nasal breathing difficult.

If you start treating the disease at the initial stage, the cough quickly turns into a productive form, the removal of sputum is facilitated and shortness of breath is reduced. In this case, the temperature may remain normal.

The progression of the pathology leads to aphonia, silent cough, febrile fever, increasing shortness of breath and the appearance of coughing attacks (usually at night).

Without treatment, laryngospasm may occur. It is caused by increasing swelling of the tissues and narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. As croup progresses, breathing becomes labored, noisy, the skin turns blue, and heart function is impaired.

Insufficient oxygen supply leads to the development of brain hypoxia, which is manifested by dizziness and confusion.


How to treat incipient laryngitis in children? If the cause of laryngitis is identified in time, its progression can be prevented and complications avoided. Treatment measures are aimed at:

  • preventing the spread of inflammation, which allows limiting the pathological focus;
  • reduction of swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • reduction of receptor irritation;
  • easier breathing;
  • reduction of cough;
  • prevention of laryngospasm.
  • bed rest. It is forbidden to run or walk on the street, which can aggravate the course of the disease;
  • limiting the load on the vocal cords. Of course, it is almost impossible to force a child to remain silent, but it is the parents’ task to control the volume of conversation and its duration;
  • maintaining optimal temperature and humidity in the children's room;
  • Regular cleaning of the room allows you to humidify the air, make breathing easier and reduce the number of allergens;
  • plenty of warm drinks. Alkaline liquids (milk with soda or still Borjomi mineral water 1:1), warm compotes, fruit drinks or tea are recommended. Sweet drinks are not recommended. Sufficient drinking regime makes it possible to accelerate the elimination of toxins and reduce the severity of intoxication;
  • food should be rich in vitamins. Hot, cold food, spicy, salty and fatty foods are prohibited;

Drug therapy

To cure laryngitis, you must strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions, especially the dosage and duration of medication. If you stop taking the medications on your own, there is a risk that symptoms will return with greater intensity, or the inflammatory process will become chronic.

The attending physician may prescribe antihistamines, which reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and also have a slight sedative effect:

  1. Fenistil is in the form of a solution, dosed in drops;
  2. Zyrtec - from six months;
  3. Zodak in the form of a solution is used from the age of one, tablets are allowed from the age of six;
  4. Cetrin - from one year (syrup), from six years - tablets;
  5. Claritin - from two years.

Antitussives or expectorants are prescribed to make breathing easier, reduce respiratory distress, and help the child sleep well. For this purpose, Gerbion (plantain), Sinecod, Libexin, Bronholitin, Stoptusin, Tusuprex or Codelac can be used.

If you suffer from a wet cough with difficult to separate sputum, it is advisable to use Erespal, Pertussin, Prospan, Gedelix, Alteyka, Herbion (primrose), Ambroxol or Acetylcysteine.

The following medications are used for local treatment:

  1. Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt, Givalex or Tantum Verde for rinsing the oropharynx;

Rinsing is prohibited before the age of 4 due to the risk of developing bronchospasm.

  1. irrigation of the throat mucosa with Bioparox, Orasept or Tantum Verde. The procedure is prohibited for young children, as there is a risk of laryngospasm;
  2. resorption of lozenges - Strepsils, Decatylene, Faringosept, Falimint or Lisobakt. If the child does not know how to dissolve a tablet, you can crush it into powder and sprinkle it little by little on the mucous membrane of the cheek.

Rinsing should be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • the solution should be warm to avoid irritation and burns of the mucous membrane;
  • the procedure is carried out an hour after eating;
  • after rinsing, you should not drink or eat for half an hour;
  • During the day it is necessary to alternate medicinal solutions;
  • herbal solutions are used carefully if the child has an increased tendency to allergies.

To combat fever, antipyretic medications without acetylsalicylic acid should be used. Doctors advise using Panadol, Efferalgan, Cefekon or Paracetamol syrup. All these medications consist of paracetamol and are therefore suitable for children. You can also prescribe Ibufen, which belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs.

Antibacterial and antiviral drugs are used only when the infectious nature of the disease is confirmed.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

How to treat laryngitis in children using inhalations? They have a good effect and can be used even by infants. You can make the procedure easier using a nebulizer. It has many advantages:

  1. temperature control, because hot steam can burn the mucous membrane and slow down the healing process;
  2. precise dosing of medications, which is especially important in the treatment of children;
  3. ease of inhalation;
  4. no need to synchronize breathing with the operation of the device.

The procedure has some features:

  • it is carried out an hour after eating;
  • after inhalation, you should not go out into the cold, eat or drink for half an hour;
  • it is not performed for fever above 37.5 degrees;
  • During inhalation it is forbidden to talk, you must breathe calmly;
  • You cannot inhale oil and herbal solutions using a nebulizer;
  • After the procedure, the device should be washed thoroughly to prevent contamination;
  • The device is only allowed to use saline solution, which should be used to dilute the medicine to obtain a certain concentration.

The medicine for inhalation is selected taking into account allergic predisposition and the severity of the disease.

Using a nebulizer, you can inhale Interferon (an antiviral agent), still Borjomi mineral water, saline solution, Lazolvan, Rotokan, Sinupret and Tonsilgon. Inhalation allows you to moisturize the mucous membrane, reduce its irritation, facilitate coughing up sputum by dissolving sputum, and also reduce the severity of inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane.

If several types of inhalations are prescribed, you must follow the order of use of medications depending on their effect:

  • The first to be inhaled is a bronchodilator drug, for example, Ventolin or Berodual. It eliminates bronchospasm and facilitates the removal of sputum;
  • then an expectorant is used, for example, Lazolvan or Fluimucil;
  • the latter can be used anti-inflammatory (Rotocan, Sinupret) or antiseptic agents (Fluimucil antibiotic, Decasan).

Inhalations in the usual way (over a saucepan) can be carried out with a decoction of calendula, coltsfoot, pine buds, chamomile and sage. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil (tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar). Alkaline inhalation can be prepared by adding 5 g of soda to boiled potatoes.

Inhalation with Pulmicort is carried out when there is a threat of laryngospasm, as well as when it develops. This hormonal medicine can quickly reduce tissue swelling and make breathing easier.

In the absence of fever, warm foot baths can be used to increase blood flow to the legs and reduce swelling of the vocal cords and laryngeal mucosa. Rubbing the chest with animal fat or the medicine Doctor Mom. The procedure is performed for bronchitis, which develops as a complication of laryngitis. If there is a risk of croup, rubbing is prohibited.

Having overcome the disease, you should start strengthening your immune system. To do this, you can use homeopathic medicines, Multitabs vitamins, Supradin and non-drug remedies. Water procedures, proper nutrition and climate change are especially beneficial for children.

The article describes the principles of treatment of different types of laryngitis. Measures taken at different stages of obstructive laryngitis are indicated. It is explained in what cases hospitalization is required.

In children, there are diseases that are quite mild in themselves, but are dangerous due to severe complications. One of these diseases is laryngitis, which can be complicated by false croup. What should first aid be for laryngitis in a child, including the development of false croup?

Laryngitis causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. It can be caused by various reasons, but most often it is a viral infection. It is more typical for children, which is more severe in them than in adults.

Due to the structure of the throat, laryngitis in children often becomes obstructive. This is what is complicated by false croup.

With ordinary laryngitis, hoarseness is observed. The obstructive variant of the disease is characterized by respiratory failure due to the gradual blocking of the glottis. The final stage of this condition is asphyxia - complete cessation of spontaneous breathing. You can see how this process works in the video in this article.

How to help your baby before the doctor arrives

First aid for a child with laryngitis should be provided immediately after the first signs of difficulty breathing appear.

How does this manifest itself in children:

  1. The child becomes restless, cannot find a place for himself, and is distracted from any games.
  2. He may complain that it has become difficult to breathe. If the child is small, he is frightened by the inability to take a breath, he begins to cry. This makes the situation even worse.
  3. Auxiliary muscles begin to take part in the act of breathing - retraction of the intercostal spaces and epigastric region of the abdomen is noticeable.
  4. A characteristic “cock” cough appears (see).

If such laryngitis appears in children, and first aid should be provided immediately, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you can carry out the activities yourself, with your own hands.

Table 1. First aid scheme for a child during an attack of laryngitis:

Event Effect
Distracting the baby with toys and cartoons. This helps calm the child and reduce shortness of breath.
Ensuring an influx of fresh air in the room is to open the window, place a bowl of water in the room, or place a wet towel on the radiator. Cool, moist air helps relieve spasm of the glottis and make breathing easier.
Give the baby the correct position - half sitting, place pillows under his back. This position promotes maximum opening of the glottis and easier breathing.
If there is no elevated temperature, you can give your child a warm foot bath (photo). Warming your feet improves blood flow to them. At the same time, blood flows out of the larynx, which helps reduce its swelling.
If you have an inhaler at home, it will be useful to do steam inhalation with a sodium chloride solution and the addition of naphthyzine (see).

If you don’t have an inhaler, you can make do with a pan of boiling water and let the child breathe in the steam.

Humid air expands the glottis, and naphthyzin helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling.
Drink plenty of water with the addition of alkaline mineral water - warm milk and Borjomi are best. Helps remove thick mucus from the respiratory tract.

Independent methods of assistance are allowed only in the first stage of obstructive laryngitis, when there are still no signs of respiratory failure. Subsequent stages must be treated with medication.

Is it prolonged and first aid does not have the desired effect? In this case, the help of specialists and the use of medications is necessary. As a rule, this is done by the Ambulance Service. For obstructive laryngitis, first aid instructions are available.

  • Eufillin intramuscularly;
  • Berodual for inhalation and aerosol form;
  • Prednisolone intramuscularly.

At the same time, non-pharmacological measures continue to be carried out.

When is hospitalization required?

How to help a child with laryngitis if independent methods are ineffective? In this case, hospitalization in a hospital will be required, and immediately. The price of the time factor here is very high.

The process of airway obstruction in a child occurs very quickly. From the appearance of signs of respiratory failure to complete asphyxia, only a few hours can pass.

First aid for laryngitis should be provided to a child immediately, even if the initial signs of difficulty breathing are minor. The earlier treatment is started, the lower the risk of asphyxia.

Despite the fact that inflammation during laryngitis may not be very pronounced, this disease poses a danger to humans. It can cause sudden suffocation and then death.

Often this complication occurs in children, so parents should know how first aid is provided for children.

At the first signs of a “barking cough,” and even more so if the child begins to choke, you must immediately call an ambulance!

While doctors are on their way to a call, you need to:

  1. Place the child so that his position is “half-sitting”.
  2. Open the window to allow fresh air into the room.
  3. Free the baby's chest from tight clothing.
  4. Carry out alkaline inhalation. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of soda in one liter of boiling water and let the child breathe over the resulting steam.
  5. Pour hot water into a basin (as much as the child can tolerate) and place the baby’s feet there. This procedure will help the blood move away from the inflamed area of ​​the larynx and vocal cords and flow to the legs, thereby relieving the swelling.

Quickly completing the above steps will help save the baby.

Causes and types of laryngitis

Fever is the main symptom of the disease

Laryngitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the vocal cords and larynx. It can be both chronic and acute.

Acute laryngitis appears in children after severe hypothermia, as a result of which it weakens. Plus, a viral infection is added to everything. In addition, often the causes of laryngitis are recent burns or injuries.

The chronic form of laryngitis occurs due to untreated diseases, allergic reactions to external irritants and various harmful substances in the enterprise (dust, chemical components of the air, voice strain).

As a rule, the occurrence of an acute form of laryngitis begins with the appearance of a viral infection. First, the child begins to be bothered by a sore throat, severe dryness in the throat, etc. After this, his voice gradually becomes rougher, hoarse, and in some cases disappears completely. As for the vocal cords, at this time they begin to resemble red ridges.

In young children, this disease is usually very severe. This is due to the fact that the lumen of the respiratory tract in such children is still very narrow.

This may develop into a narrowing of the larynx (acute stenosis) or false croup. In addition, the child may develop symptoms of a respiratory disorder; in other words, the baby begins to choke. Some of the children have a genetic predisposition to this disease. Also, in most of them, laryngitis may recur.

How the disease progresses: symptoms

The disease appears from acute tissue (most often in children from 2 to 5 years old) in the area of ​​the glottis. It begins to narrow and at the same time does not allow air to pass further. At this time, the baby develops a specific cough that looks like barking. Also, shortness of breath occurs, which makes it difficult to breathe. The baby's nose wings begin to swell. At this time, the child prefers to stand or sit.

After this, the baby begins to wake up at night screaming, and then he develops severe weakness, which can lead to death. Such awakenings at night can be repeated again and again.

The chronic form of laryngitis is divided into atrophic, hypertrophic and catarrhal. This type of disease develops very slowly. In some cases, one of the forms can smoothly transition into another.

Catarrhal is characterized by thickening and redness of the mucous membrane on the vocal cords and larynx. There is soreness, dryness, cough and a sensation of a foreign body in the larynx. Also, the baby's voice becomes hoarse.

The hypertrophic type of laryngitis appears independently, but can also form from catarrhal. It is characterized by the proliferation of the mucous membrane, most pronounced in the area where the vocal cords are located. In the larynx itself, mucus of a viscous consistency appears, since laryngitis disrupts the functions of its glands.

The atrophic form is characterized by symptoms such as cough, in which it is very difficult to pass. In addition, there is a feeling of a foreign body in the throat, soreness and dryness.

Any of the above forms of laryngitis requires mandatory treatment.

Correct treatment

It is best to treat acute laryngitis with alkaline drinks, which should be supplied to the child’s body in large quantities.

You can take foot baths and take a course of drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, but only if they are prescribed by a doctor. A medical facility may prescribe antihistamines that will effectively relieve tissue swelling, for example, Suprastin or Diphenhydramine.

In some cases, it is advisable to prescribe inhalations and other physiotherapeutic procedures. Patients must strictly follow the vocal regime; they should not strain their vocal cords.

Chronic laryngitis has more complex treatment. For this disease, local and restorative treatment is prescribed, as well as physiotherapy that has a beneficial effect on the ligaments and larynx.

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19 Feb 2017 408

) most often occurs against the background of colds. Infectious diseases are also often prerequisites for the disease. These include whooping cough, measles and scarlet fever.

Laryngitis: etiology of the disease

Provocative factors for the development of laryngitis are also hypothermia and overheating, breathing through the mouth and breathing dirty, dusty air, overstrain of the vocal cords. As for, this is most often an occupational disease. Teachers, singers and many others suffer from it.

  • Dysphonia (voice changes its characteristics significantly or disappears completely)
  • , discomfort, scratching, sensation of a foreign object in the throat
  • , changing its characteristics during the course of the disease
  • Difficulty breathing (possibly even activation of accessory muscles)
  • Change in skin tone (during hypoxia, the skin turns pale and becomes bluish, this is especially visible on the lips)
  • and swollen
  • Droplets of blood may leak from dilated inflamed vessels
  • The general condition deteriorates significantly, and
  • The patient experiences

For children, you need to know the following:

The most dangerous thing is false croup. Very similar to true croup (diphtheria of the larynx). The inflammatory process, swelling leads to a sharp narrowing of the larynx, at the same time a spasm of the glottis occurs. In the absence of timely professional medical care, the child may suffocate. To avoid death, carefully monitor the child's condition.

False croup during acute laryngitis is typical for children with exudative diathesis.

False croup is characterized by seizures. They look like this:

  • More often happens unexpectedly at night when the child is sleeping
  • The child wakes up very restless
  • Profuse sweating
  • Difficult and noisy breathing
  • Lips turn blue
  • Barking cough
  • After 20-30 minutes the child calms down and falls asleep again
  • During an attack, the temperature may rise slightly, but more often remains normal.
  • Seizures may recur

In addition, false croup is dangerous because it is often confused with other diseases.

Danger signs

The danger of laryngitis is difficulty breathing. In addition, a spasm or even a spasm may develop. In some cases, the patient not only finds it difficult to breathe, he begins to choke. For this reason, loss of consciousness or coma, brain hypoxia is possible.

Pathological changes in the larynx are possible. It is possible that additional third-party ENT infections may be associated.

It is necessary to closely monitor the patient’s condition; if the disease goes beyond its classic time frame, the patient becomes worse, which means that an additional examination and consultation with the attending physician should be obtained. It is impossible to independently determine what exactly went wrong and how to treat it.

How to treat acute laryngitis:

First aid at home

The patient needs bed rest and a complete ban on using the voice. You can't even talk in a whisper. It is necessary to prevent the consumption of hot, cold, spicy, salty or spicy foods, and completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Drinking plenty of warm drinks (still mineral water) relieves symptoms. Simultaneous treatment of the underlying disease.

If a person is sick not for the first time and knows exactly how he needs to be treated, it is permissible to limit himself to simply consulting with the attending physician.

In other cases, a full consultation, examination, and passing the necessary tests are required to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

After communication with the doctor, a drug is prescribed corresponding to the cause of the specific disease (and. Specific medications may be required:

  • Anti-diphtheria serum, anti-syphilis drugs or anti-tuberculosis treatment.
  • Also prescribed as local therapy are mucolytics, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory sprays, expectorant syrups, and anti-inflammatory lozenges.
  • Antihistamines are often prescribed.
  • They also prescribe various medications and drink them.

In special cases, surgical intervention is performed.