Nootropics and alcohol compatibility. Alcohol and nootropic drugs: compatibility

In the modern world, more and more new medicines are constantly appearing, as science and medicine have recently stepped far forward. There are so-called nootropic drugs, or simply nootropics, that enhance brain activity and promote the organization of thought processes, memory, improved performance and increased concentration. One of these drugs is Nootropil, a latest generation drug whose main active ingredient is piracetam. Since treatment with such drugs is usually quite long-term, the question naturally arises: is it possible to drink Nootropil and alcohol, what is their compatibility and what consequences can such an interaction ultimately have?

The drug "Alcobarrier"

  • therapy in the treatment of chronic alcoholism;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • cortical myoclonus.
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • hyperkinetic disorders;
  • increased libido;
  • weight gain;

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.


Currently, nootropic drugs are gaining increasing popularity. Many people buy them at the pharmacy on their own in order to improve brain function and, of course, memory. There is an opinion that there is good compatibility between Piracetam and alcohol, and therefore this drug is suitable for treating hangovers. In what cases can nootropics really be useful? Is it true that they relieve the negative effects of alcohol on the brain? And is it possible to combine Piracetam with alcoholic drinks?

Nootropics: indications for use

Nootropics are medications that stimulate memory. One of the first drugs to appear was Piracetam. Despite the fact that it is a fairly old medicine, its effectiveness still remains one of the highest among nootropics. It is believed that the drug is able to stimulate intellectual activity, improve memory and restore brain abilities. In our country it is widely used in neurology and psychiatry. However, people abroad are skeptical about it: there have been no full-fledged studies that would meet international standards.

The mechanism of action of Piracetam is that it restores damaged neural connections in the brain. This occurs due to the improvement of plastic and energetic processes in nerve cells, normalization of the exchange of mediators in the nervous system, as well as cerebral circulation. In addition, the drug increases the brain’s resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxins.

There are the following indications for its use:

  • memory impairment,
  • ischemic stroke,
  • traumatic brain injuries,
  • Alzheimer's Disease,
  • toxic brain damage,
  • psychoorganic syndrome in chronic alcoholism, etc.

For the drug to have its positive effect, a long course of treatment is required. It should be emphasized that it is capable of restoring the functions of only the affected brain.
If there are no pathologies, it will be absolutely useless. That is, this drug cannot be recommended to students during a session or people who need to quickly remember a large amount of information: there will be no effect. There is no pill that would make us smarter or our memory better. Piracetam can only help return brain function to its original level in the event of any damage, but it cannot improve the capabilities of the brain.

Contraindications and side effects

Piracetam is not prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under one year of age. This is due to the fact that the effect of the drug on these categories of the population has been little studied. And since there is no full-fledged study, it is better not to risk the baby’s health and not to use the drug. In addition, it is contraindicated in persons with severe renal failure (this is due to the fact that the greatest burden for eliminating this substance falls on the kidneys). It is also not prescribed for hemorrhagic stroke due to its dilating effect on the blood vessels of the brain. A traditional contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug should be used with caution in people with blood clotting disorders.

The medicine has poor compatibility with thyroid hormone preparations (in this case it causes anxiety, tremors of the limbs, increased excitability, insomnia, etc.). In addition, Piracetam enhances the effect of psychostimulants, so caution is required when using them together. Its combination with antipsychotics is not recommended due to the possibility of extrapyramidal disorders.

Side effects of the drug sometimes include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Psycho-emotional agitation, headache, sleep disorders, increased irritability, etc. are also possible. Sometimes there is an increase or decrease in blood pressure. In addition, some patients noted an increase in body weight during long-term use of the drug. Allergic reactions, manifested in the form of skin rashes, are also possible.

Nootropics in the treatment of alcohol addiction

One of the most important areas of use of Piracetam is addiction treatment. The drug helps to quickly get rid of withdrawal symptoms in the treatment of chronic alcoholism. There is no evidence that it has a specific effect on the craving for alcohol, but practice shows that its inclusion in complex therapy allows you to get rid of withdrawal syndrome faster than in the absence of this drug.

Piracetam helps fight alcoholic psychosis. It helps fight intellectual disorders caused by alcohol and relieves acute symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. The drug helps normalize cerebral circulation and helps relieve vascular disorders that have developed due to prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages. It also significantly alleviates the patient’s condition: reduces headaches, eliminates dizziness and drowsiness, and reduces the feeling of apathy.

The purpose of this drug allows you to largely correct brain functions that have been reduced due to the toxic effects of ethanol. It has a positive effect on memory and attention. Of course, you shouldn’t expect miracles: complete recovery is impossible (nervous tissue has a poor ability to regenerate), but you can achieve some beneficial effects and positive dynamics. The drug helps the patient overcome addiction more easily, recover faster and return to normal life.

It is also believed to be good for hangovers: Piracetam helps to significantly alleviate the general condition - relieves weakness, headaches, and helps to quickly return to an active life. However, the effectiveness of the remedy for hangovers has not been proven - this is a controversial survey.

Some experts believe that it can really be a good help, while others believe that there is not enough strong evidence to support such conclusions. In any case, you should not use the drug yourself if you have a hangover: you may get the dose wrong and get side effects instead of improving your condition. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe it to relieve a hangover.

As a rule, experts still do not recommend treating a hangover with medications. They advise limiting yourself to fresh air, drinking plenty of water, taking a contrast shower and other similar safe activities. The thing is that it is not known exactly how the body, weakened by a hangover, will react to this or that drug. Taking medications in this case requires careful monitoring, which cannot be done at home.

The instructions for the drug do not say anything about its negative interaction with alcohol. This is not due to the fact that there are no side effects in this case, but because such studies simply have not been conducted. Purely theoretically, there is nothing to fear: there are no prerequisites for these substances to enhance each other’s side effects. There is also no reason to believe that ethyl alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

However, everything is not so simple. The body's reaction to alcoholic drinks is always unpredictable. It is impossible to accurately predict how a particular drug will behave in combination with alcohol. As a rule, during the period of intoxication, the body becomes more sensitive and “capricious”. This means that he is more susceptible to the side effects of medications. Theoretically, ethyl alcohol can disrupt the distribution of Piracetam in the body and interfere with its action.

Strictly speaking, a course of taking nootropic drugs is not a contraindication for drinking alcohol, but in this matter it is best to exercise some caution. It is believed that ten to twelve hours should pass between drinking alcohol and taking Piracetam. In this case, you definitely don’t have to worry about their negative interaction.

Nootropics are those drugs that help restore memory lost due to various types of brain damage, be it trauma or long-term alcohol intoxication. They are often used by narcologists. However, it should be remembered that in chronic alcoholism, no medicine can become a panacea, and complete restoration of the brain is no longer possible. Piracetam only slightly helps improve this process. It is possible to use the drug for a hangover, but for this, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required. Nootropics are generally compatible with alcoholic drinks, but it is best not to combine them directly, but to wait some time between taking the medicine and ethanol.

Compatibility of alcohol and Noopept

Human memory is an amazing phenomenon. Even in the womb, it begins to rapidly form, and after 50 years it becomes vulnerable to negative factors and also rapidly deteriorates. If you do not live on a “paradise island,” then every day you face stress, poor ecology, and various diseases. All these factors affect brain cells and gradually its higher cognitive functions are performed worse. Of course, alcohol is also a damaging factor, which, unfortunately, is an integral part of the lives of most people in our latitudes. Anyone who has tried alcoholic drinks has noticed how words begin to get confused, reaction and speech slow down, and memory lapses occur. All this happens due to the destructive effects of alcohol on brain cells.

Many nootropics are not compatible with alcohol. Taking an alcoholic drink and such a nootropic is dangerous: either the active substances of the nootropics enhance the effects of toxins in alcohol, or the alcohol negates the effectiveness of the nootropic.
By improving blood flow in the brain, alcohol has an even more destructive effect on the cells of the nervous system. But if we consider the unique formula of the drug Noopept and alcohol from the point of view of compatibility, then when mixing alcohol and this nootropic, there will be no negative consequences, because Noopept has the ability to protect brain cells from toxins contained in alcohol. Noopept is one of the few nootropics that is compatible with alcohol.

Drug interactions with other drugs

The high safety profile allows you to mix not only Noopept and alcohol, but also Noopept with other medications, including sedatives. But remember that if you decide to take several medications to improve cognitive function, you need to consult with your doctor about the advisability of such treatment. Noopept is an effective drug that does not need adjustment or addition.

Frequently asked questions about the drug

The most frequently asked questions about the drug Noopept are about the method of administration and side effects. There are nootropics with a psychostimulating effect. When such drugs are discontinued, serious consequences are observed, called “withdrawal syndrome” - nervousness, nausea, depression. Noopept does not cause addiction, inability or drowsiness, and does not interfere with driving. You can stop taking the drug without gradually reducing the dosage, and not be afraid of withdrawal symptoms. The drug is quickly and safely eliminated from the body. Noopept is a medicine that is well adapted to modern people with an active lifestyle.

There are contraindications to taking Noopept. The drug is not approved for pregnant and lactating women and persons under 18 years of age, as well as for those with hypersensitivity to the components of Noopept. Possible reactions from taking a nootropic include allergic reactions.

The drug Noopept is available in tablet form. The course of treatment is from 1.5 to 3 months, 2 tablets per day. It is recommended to take the drug in the first half of the day. If you decide to resume taking the drug after completing the course of treatment, you must maintain an interval of 1 month. The dosage of the drug can be increased only under the supervision of a doctor to 3 tablets per day.

Treatment of higher brain functions is a relatively new direction among the residents of our country. As a rule, just yesterday women cared more about their reflection in the mirror than about their brain functions.
Thanks to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, a lot has changed since then. A healthy lifestyle, the absence of bad habits, and moderate exercise contribute to good memory, but age-related deterioration of cognitive functions cannot be stopped only by adhering to recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. The drug Noopept is an achievement of science that has proven its effectiveness and in 90% of cases brain function improves in patients. Monitoring the health of your memory is easier than you think. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription; one package is enough for a month of treatment.

Take care of your memory with Noopept!


Piracetam is the active ingredient of the drug.

The tablets contain 800 or 1200 mg of this substance. Additional elements: macrogol 6000, silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate.

Capsules of 400 mg of active ingredient. Additional substances: macrogol 6000, silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate.

The oral solution contains 200 or 330 mg of active substance per 1 ml. Additional elements of the composition are: sodium saccharinate, pure water, glycerol , sodium acetate, acetic acid, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, flavorings, propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Nootropil solution IV and IM contains 200 mg of active substance per 1 ml. Auxiliary elements are: sodium acetate trihydrate, water for injection, glacial acetic acid.

Release form

In tablets, capsules, as well as solution for oral administration and solutions for intravenous and intramuscular use.

Pharmacological action

Nootropic drug.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active ingredient is piracetam. The use of the drug Nootropil enhances the utilization of glucose, enhances the synthesis of phospholipids and RNA, increases the level of ATP in brain tissue, stimulates glycolytic reactions . The drug has a positive effect on metabolic processes in brain tissue, facilitates the learning process, improves integrative work and brain activity, improves memory . Nootropil is able to suppress the aggregation of activated platelets, does not have a vasodilatory effect, but at the same time has a positive effect on microcirculation and the speed of propagation of the excitation wave in the brain tissue. In case of brain damage due to intoxication, hypoxia, or electric shock, the drug has a pronounced protective effect, reducing the severity of vestibular nystagmus, reduces delta activity and enhances alpha and beta activity on electroencephalogram . The medication improves cerebral blood flow, increases mental performance, improves conductivity between synapses in neocortical structures, and has a positive effect on interhemispheric connections. The therapeutic effect of treatment develops gradually. The drug does not have psychostimulating and sedative effects.

The drug is quickly absorbed, is not metabolized, and does not bind to blood proteins. It is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.

Instructions for use of the drug Nootropil recommend prescribing the drug in neurology, narcology and psychiatry.

IN neurological practice The medication is used for pathologies of the nervous system, accompanied by disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere (for example, Alzheimer's disease) and a decrease in intellectual and mnestic functions. The drug is prescribed after intoxication and traumatic brain damage, for chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (headaches, severe dizziness, speech impairment, attention, memory), with vascular pathology of brain tissue, with comatose and subcomatose states, during the period of convalescence in order to increase mental and motor activity, with residual effects of cerebral circulatory disorders according to the ischemic variant.

Indications for use of Nootropil in psychiatry: flaccid apathetic defective conditions (such as psychoorganic syndrome, schizophrenia), asthenodepressive syndrome (with a predominance of ideational inhibition, with senesto-hypochondriacal disorders, asthenic pathology, with adynamia), nephrotic syndrome . Piracetam is prescribed in the complex treatment of depressive conditions that are resistant to the effects of antidepressants, in the treatment of mental pathology that occurs on “organically defective soil.” The drug is recommended for use in cases of intolerance to neuroleptics and antipsychotic medications in order to eliminate mental, neurological and somatovegetative complications. The drug is prescribed for the cortical form of myoclonus.

Nootropil in drug treatment practice used for cupping alcohol withdrawal syndrome , in case of acute poisoning phenamine , barbiturates , morphine, ethanol, with morphine withdrawal syndrome, chronic alcoholism (in combination with intellectual-mnestic disorders, asthenia, persistent mental pathology). The drug can be used as part of combination therapy in the treatment of sickle cell anemia .

In order to eliminate the consequences of perinatal damage to brain structures, to improve the learning process, with cerebral palsy , mental retardation Nootropil can be used in pediatrics.


The medication is not used for hemorrhagic stroke , with severe pathology of the renal system, with intolerance to the main substance piracetam. When pregnant, heavy bleeding , after extensive surgical interventions, with pathology hemostasis and during breastfeeding, Nootropil is prescribed with caution, assessing the possible risks.

Side effects

There are the following side effects during treatment: vomiting, nausea, impaired concentration, imbalance, motor disinhibition, mental excitement , gastralgia, sleep disorders, anxiety, appetite disorders, stool disorders, increased sexual activity, convulsive syndrome , extrapyramidal disorders, headache, dizziness, tremors of extremities. When angina is diagnosed, the course of the disease worsens. Most often, side effects are recorded when the recommended dose of 5 g per day is exceeded.

Instructions for use of Nootropil (Method and dosage)

The drug is prescribed intravenously, intramuscularly and orally.

Instructions for the solution

The initial dosage of the drug for parenteral intravenous administration is 10 g. In severe pathology, the medication is administered intravenously by drip up to 12 g per day, the duration of the infusion is 20-30 minutes. Once the therapeutic effect is achieved, the amount of the drug is reduced with a gradual transition to oral administration.

Nootropil tablets, instructions for use

The drug is taken twice a day, the daily dosage is 30-160 mg per 1 kg. It is possible to increase the frequency of administration to 3-4 times a day if necessary. The course of treatment under this regimen is up to 2-6 months.

At treatment of memory disorders, cognitive disorders the medication is prescribed orally at the initial stages of therapy, three times a day, 1600 mg, subsequently the amount of the drug is reduced to 800 mg.

Treatment cerebrovascular diseases in the acute stage, it is necessary to start as soon as possible with a dose of 12 g per day for two weeks, then switch to a dosage of 6 g per day.

Therapy cortical myoclonus start with 7.2 g per day with a gradual increase in the amount of active substance by 4.8 g per day every 3-4 days. The maximum dose is 24 grams in 24 hours.

Daily dosage for sickle cell anemia is 160 mg per 1 kg (4 doses). During a crisis period, the dose is increased to 300 mg per 1 kg.

In case of renal dysfunction, the drug is used with caution. The dose is prescribed by the doctor.

How to take a drug to improve memory?

You need to take the medicine 2 times a day. The following dosage is recommended to improve memory - 8 ml of a 20% solution for oral administration.


Bloody diarrhea or abdominal pain may occur at doses greater than 75 g per 24 hours. Treatment is as follows: gastric lavage or induce vomiting, hemodialysis can be used.


Nootropil reduces the risk of developing extrapyramidal disorders with simultaneous therapy with neuroleptics. Description of the drug Nootropil indicates its ability to increase efficiency indirect anticoagulants , antipsychotic drugs, psychostimulant medications and hormones thyroid gland .

Terms of sale

A doctor's prescription form is required.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius.

Special instructions

Treatment with Nootropil requires regular monitoring of the functioning of the renal and hepatic systems, the condition peripheral blood , creatinine and residual nitrogen levels. Drug therapy can be combined with psychoactive drugs and medications for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Treatment of acute lesions of tissues and structures of the brain is recommended to be carried out in combination with methods of restorative medicine, detoxification therapy . For psychiatric diseases, psychoactive drugs are simultaneously prescribed. Abrupt withdrawal of medication is unacceptable, especially when treating patients suffering from the cortical form. myoclonus (due to high risk of recurrence of seizures and seizures). If side effects such as insomnia or excessive drowsiness, it is recommended to stop taking the medication in the evening. During hemodialysis, Nootropil penetrates through special filter membranes in the device. Piracetam affects the ability to drive a vehicle.

The drug is not described in Wikipedia.

Alcohol compatibility

Alcohol does not affect the level of piracetam in the serum, in turn, when taking 1.6 g of the active substance, the level of alcohol in the blood also did not change.

Analogues of Nootropil

Analogues are the following drugs: Biotropil , Lutsetam , Piracetam .

The price of Nootropil analogues is lower and higher. For example, Piracetam costs less.

Which is better: Nootropil or Piracetam?

The medicines are generics, that is, they contain one active substance, piracetam, and have a similar effect on the body. The drug Piracetam is domestically produced and therefore costs less, however, it is also considered less purified.

Reviews about Nootropil

According to reviews of Nootropil on the forums, memory pills are very useful. They improve brain activity, help memorize large amounts of information, add energy and invigorate.

The drug also helps for its intended purpose, but does not act immediately. Based on reviews for children who used this medication, Nootropil is also useful for delayed speech development in a child.

The disadvantages include a bitter taste, individual intolerance to the drug, as well as side effects, for example, headaches.

Nootropil price, where to buy

The price of Nootropil tablets is 275 rubles for 30 pieces of 800 mg each. You can buy Nootropil in the same release form in Ukraine for 80-100 hryvnia.

The price of Nootropil 20% solution ampoules of 5 ml is 315 rubles for 12 pieces. In Ukraine - 170 hryvnia.

Characteristics of the drug

Nootropil is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • alcohol addiction;
  • coma;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • dizziness;
  • anemia, circulatory problems.

The drug eliminates the consequences of stroke and brain pathology, improves blood supply to the brain, increases the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, thereby restoring memory and increasing intelligence. It is used for alcohol poisoning and hangovers, as well as for the rehabilitation of patients after head injuries and coma.

Nootropil has a number of side effects and contraindications. It is prohibited to take it in case of certain kidney diseases, individual intolerance to components and hemorrhagic form of stroke. It can cause:

  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea;
  • cramps and abdominal pain;
  • allergies;
  • dizziness.

Reviews from patients who drank Nootropil are in most cases positive. However, some say that the drug has pronounced side effects. After taking the medicine, the patient may feel tired and have decreased concentration.

The medicine is sold in the form of granules, tablets, capsules, syrup and solutions. It can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The instructions do not say about the compatibility of the drug with alcohol, but doctors advise drinking alcohol only after stopping the therapeutic course.

Interaction between Nootropil and ethanol

After drinking alcohol, the nerve cells are the first to suffer. At this time, Nootropil tries to restore the functioning of the cells of the nervous system, the effect of the active components is reduced. Alcohol and its breakdown products, which are in the blood, begin to penetrate much more efficiently and have a destructive effect on brain cells due to the increased blood supply caused by taking the medication.

Ethyl alcohol is excreted by the body through the kidneys, which work more intensively during the course of treatment, because the drug substance is also excreted through them. Thus, the load on the kidneys increases greatly; they cannot function normally in this condition.

Under the influence of alcohol, the side effects of the drug may worsen. The compatibility of alcohol and Nootropil poses a considerable danger for people whose work involves risk or mechanized labor. If the patient still decides to drink a little, some recommendations should be taken into account:

  • You cannot drink Nootropil and alcohol at the same time. This is strictly prohibited.
  • It is better to take the drug 1–2 days before drinking alcohol.
  • At least 20 hours must pass after taking the medicine.
  • After a course of treatment, there is no need to rush to drink immediately; it is better to wait 3-4 weeks.
  • The drug is effective on absolutely any alcoholic drink.
  • Even a small dose can harm the treatment.

It is important to understand that the nootropic effect will be reduced to zero, and the body’s reaction may be unpredictable.


If you combine alcohol and Nootropil, the consequences can be very sad, including:

  • exacerbation of liver and kidney diseases;
  • stroke;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • depression;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, tiredness;
  • allergy;
  • memory problems;
  • dementia.

Taking the medicine and alcohol at the same time also causes fever, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and the skin of the neck, chest and face may turn red. If the patient feels unwell after drinking alcohol, the following measures must be taken:

  • Don't drink alcohol anymore.
  • You need to drink a lot of water over the next few hours.
  • You should consult a doctor if there is no improvement.

Before drinking alcohol together with Nootropil, you should consult your doctor and find out whether you can drink alcohol in a particular case. It is best to completely abandon it while taking the medication, because possible consequences can negatively affect the treatment itself and the entire body as a whole. Drinking alcohol will negate the therapeutic course, since ethanol causes a painful condition that the patient is trying to get rid of.

  1. psychoorganic syndrome;
  2. Alzheimer's disease;
  3. balance disorder;
  4. chronic alcoholism;
  5. coma;
  6. dizziness.

  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness);
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • headaches;
  • depression;
  • severe fatigue;
  • allergic reactions.

Brief characteristics of the drug

Nootropil is a medical drug that belongs to the group of nootropic drugs. This group also includes such widely used and well-known drugs as Noopept and Noofen. They differ in their chemical composition, namely the main active ingredient, although their functions are almost identical.

What are nootropics? These are medications that have a positive and beneficial, although slightly specific, effect on the higher systemic functions of the brain.

The active ingredient of the drug Nootropil is piracetam, which significantly improves cognitive and cognitive processes in the brain, namely: increases attention, learning ability, improves memory and increases performance. This happens due to active interference in the metabolism of neurons and influence on the speed of propagation of excitability processes.

Nootropil promotes the effective course of cerebral circulation, has a restorative and protective effect in case of damage to brain cells due to severe intoxication or oxygen starvation, without revealing a vasodilating effect.

This medication is prescribed for various diseases and pathologies of the brain. It is effectively used both as an independent remedy and in complex therapy of various diseases.

Such pathological conditions include:

  • coma or recovery period after a coma;
  • the presence of psychoorganic syndrome in children, adults and the elderly;
  • recovery period after a stroke, for the treatment of dysfunctions of speech and emotional processes, as well as restoration of mental and motor activity;
  • therapy of withdrawal syndrome in the treatment of chronic alcoholism;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • cortical myoclonus.

This medicine should be used only after consultation with a specialist and under his strict guidance, since jokes with the central nervous system are bad. Only a doctor can accurately determine the required dosage of the drug and the duration of therapy, based on the individual characteristics of each patient, the severity and type of the disease and possible contraindications to the use of this drug.

Contraindications to the use of this medication are the following diseases:

  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the drug;
  • children under one year of age;
  • renal failure with creatinine clearance less than twenty ml per minute.

Sometimes this medicine can cause some adverse reactions in the body, which include:

  • nervousness, depression, drowsiness, asthenia;
  • hyperkinetic disorders;
  • ataxia, headaches and dizziness;
  • increased arousal and anxiety, insomnia, hallucinations;
  • increased libido;
  • convulsive epileptic seizures;
  • confusion and imbalance;
  • allergic reactions: dermatitis, itching, skin rash, swelling;
  • weight gain;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Drug interaction with alcohol

Drinking alcoholic beverages, especially in large quantities, negatively affects the entire body. One of the first to suffer in such cases is the central nervous system - ethanol destroys brain cells. And the action of Nootropil is aimed at restoring them and improving the functioning of neurons. As a result, it turns out that the simultaneous use of alcohol and a medication will significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug, and in some cases, it may negate all previous treatment.

On the other hand, Nootropil is used to normalize cerebral circulation, which will undoubtedly improve and accelerate the penetration of ethyl alcohol into the body. As a result, you can get an enhanced effect of alcohol on the central nervous system.

Alcohol puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver. Nootropil is not recommended for use in cases of kidney dysfunction. The result of simultaneous use may be a toxic effect on the kidneys and disruption of their function.

Both Nootropil and ethanol contribute to depression of the nervous system and can cause drowsiness. In addition, alcohol can greatly increase the side effects of using the drug. Therefore, their simultaneous use is strictly contraindicated for people whose work involves increased concentration of attention, as well as for drivers of vehicles.


Nootropil is a modern medical drug that has a special positive effect on the brain. Its use helps improve memory, increase performance, increase attention and learning ability. Its interaction with strong drinks is strictly prohibited, as it can lead to unforeseen and negative consequences. Such compatibility can cause increased adverse reactions, reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug, and also have a destructive effect on the kidneys. Despite the fact that the instructions do not mention this point, it is better not to use such substances at the same time.

Effect of the drug

The healing substance of the drug, piracetam, has been used in medicine for more than 50 years. It is used to restore some functions of the central nervous system.

Medicines based on it are used as a stimulant in the course of complex therapy for the following conditions:

  • dementia;
  • organic personality lesions;
  • mental disorders;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • depression;
  • decreased mental activity.

Moreover, with the help of Nootropil, diseases caused by damage to the central nervous system by alcohol, drugs, injuries, and poisoning are treated. The product helps restore the intracellular balance of brain cells, improves blood circulation and protein synthesis.

It is also used to stimulate one’s own strength in patients with intrauterine or intrauterine injuries - cerebral palsy, epilepsy (due to brain hypoxia), toxic brain damage (in children born after maternal abstinence), unspecified head injuries during childbirth.

Nootropics are often included in a course of maintenance therapy in gerontology. By influencing metabolic processes, they help avoid many senile brain lesions:

  • loss of sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased emotional response;
  • lethargy, slow reaction speed;
  • intellectual-mnestic disorders.

Piracetam is actively used in psychiatry for the treatment of psychosis, delirium, and schizophrenia. It is also prescribed to those who are taking a course against alcohol, drug addiction or smoking.

Interaction with alcohol

Any form of the drug Nootropil does not show any activity with alcohol. However, this does not mean that you can drink. Having similar effects on the central nervous system, piracetam and ethanol will be equally strong stimulants. Only their action occurs at different levels. The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to:

  • acceleration of metabolic transformations in the cells of the nervous system;
  • regulation of the speed of recall of brain excitation;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation, but not due to expansion

In turn, alcohol has a depressing effect on all these processes and the body, trying to protect itself from toxic effects, releases many stimulating enzymes into the blood. Alcohol also leads to uncontrolled vasodilation. This causes the oxidation of all tissues to occur at maximum speed.

Such multidirectional but similar effects of the drug and alcohol cause active euphoria. Symptoms comparable to opiate effects.

Possible reactions

The compatibility of nootropics and alcohol has been a long-standing topic of discussion in the scientific community. Quite a few experiments have been carried out in this area. Through active practice, the possible consequences of such harmful effects with a single dose have been established:

  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • spasms of small muscles.

Clinical practice shows that with the regular combination of Nootropil and intoxicating drinks, persistent damage to the central nervous system develops:

  • stroke;
  • ischemic heart damage;
  • dementia;
  • loss of cognitive abilities;
  • attacks of unmotivated aggression (with complete loss of memories).

Also, this combination causes increased symptoms of chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, and lungs. It disrupts the electrical conductivity of the brain, which can cause the development of persistent epilepsy.

When can you drink

The ban on alcohol during short-term or one-time use of Nootropil lasts for at least a day. During a course of treatment, you should not drink for at least a month after stopping the drug. Most often, an additional instrumental blood test is required to decide when you can drink.

You can start taking the medicine no earlier than 72 hours after drinking. In a hospital setting, during a course of rehabilitation therapy after severe forms of drug intoxication or alcohol intoxication, the prescription of nootropics is possible only after the body has been completely cleansed of derivative opiates.

Special instructions

Since you can buy Nootropil without a prescription, people often start taking it without a doctor’s recommendation. Sales of such drugs especially increase during student exam periods. Often young people combine piracetam with alcohol, considering the healing effect to stimulate mental activity.

Experts strictly warn that the consequences of such experiments are a decrease in emotional and physical tone and systemic depression. Against the background of uncontrolled use of psychostimulants, hidden side effects develop, the detection of which is possible only after many years.

Narcologists also say that against the background of the active phase under the influence of Nootropil, any portion of alcohol can give rise to severe intoxication, both drug and alcohol. In this case, it will be impossible to use the vast majority of common drugs in treatment.

Mixing nootropics and so-called energy drinks is especially dangerous. The latter may contain derivatives of synthetic opioids, plant alkaloids and adaptogens. When mixed with racetams, they can cause hyperglycemia, hypothrombin coma, and hypervitaminosis.


A sure sign of an overdose of nootropics and alcohol is uncontrolled psychogenic behavior, failure of the instinct of conservation and attacks of severe suffocation.

The victim needs qualified medical care. First aid includes inducing vomiting, drinking plenty of fluids between attacks, and controlling behavior.

The visiting doctors need to show what the person took, so the specialists will react faster to the consequences that have occurred and will be able to apply the correct antidote.

Quite often, nootropics are prescribed by doctors to increase intelligence and improve memory. The course of taking nootropics can sometimes coincide on the calendar with feasts and holidays. Many patients are interested in: is it allowed to combine drugs that correct brain activity and alcohol? It is no secret that alcoholic drinks have a negative effect specifically on the human nervous system.

Why alcohol and nootropics cannot be combined

Drinking alcohol can have a very negative impact on the condition of the human body. The destructive effects of intoxication greatly increase the risk of pathologies of any system and organ, and the brain is no exception. Alcohol-containing drinks actively destroy its structure, and the effect of nootropics, on the contrary, promotes their restoration and accelerates the productivity of neurons. The use of nootropics and alcohol can not only suspend the therapeutic effect, but also generally nullify all the achieved results of a long course of treatment. We should not forget about the accelerating effect of nootropics on blood circulation in the body, from which a very unpleasant thing follows: nootropics that were taken during treatment will instantly spread even small doses of alcohol throughout the body, causing a lot of harm. The harmful effects of ethanol on the nervous system will increase to the maximum and almost all signs of alcohol poisoning will become much more pronounced.

Side effects from drinking alcohol may include:

  • decreased concentration;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting;
  • fatigue;
  • depression;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • dizziness;
  • headache
  • sleep disorders

The harmful effects of alcohol on the liver and urinary system have long been proven. The simultaneous use of nootropics and alcohol can have a significant toxic effect, leading to necrosis and pathological disturbances in the functioning of the renal system. In very severe cases, the simultaneous use of nootropics and alcohol may cause long-term or short-term dementia, memory loss or stroke.


Despite the fact that nootropics are often prescribed for the complex treatment of alcohol addiction, they cannot be taken simultaneously with ethanol. A course of treatment can be prescribed only after completely stopping the use of alcohol-containing drinks, in order to avoid the occurrence of unpredictable pathological effects.

Nootropil is used to treat brain diseases; it is used to eliminate the consequences of a stroke, circulatory disorders and anemia. The drug is taken to normalize brain activity, and alcohol primarily affects the cells of the nervous system. For this reason, many are interested in the question of whether there will be a therapeutic effect if Nootropil and alcohol are consumed at the same time.

Effect of the drug on the body

The drug belongs to the group of nootropics; these drugs improve brain activity, increase blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes. Nootropil is prescribed for the following diseases and pathologies:

  1. psychoorganic syndrome;
  2. Alzheimer's disease;
  3. balance disorder;
  4. chronic alcoholism;
  5. coma;
  6. dizziness.

The drug is available in the form of capsules, injection solutions, tablets, and also in the form of syrup. Nootropil improves mental and motor activity, increases blood flow to the brain. At the same time, it promotes the rapid penetration of alcohol into the tissues of the body and cells of the nervous system, which enhances the destructive effect of alcohol.

Despite the fact that nootropil has received a lot of positive reviews, it should not be taken without consulting a doctor. You should know that this drug has a number of side effects and contraindications; it should not be taken if kidney function is impaired, intolerance to certain components of the drug and some forms of stroke. The most well-known side effects when taking this drug:

  • decreased concentration;
  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness);
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • headaches;
  • exacerbation of chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • depression;
  • severe fatigue;
  • diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain;
  • allergic reactions.

Nootropil reduces concentration and causes drowsiness, while alcohol has a similar effect. Combining the drug with alcohol-containing drinks can be very dangerous if human activity involves risk or mechanized labor. This is unsafe not only for the patient himself, but also for those around him.

The removal of ethanol from the body is associated with the function of the kidneys, while they work intensively, actively removing toxic substances. Nootropil is contraindicated in case of disturbances in the functioning of these organs, and the use of the drug by older people should be constantly monitored by the attending physician. Alcohol has a toxic effect on the kidneys, which can be enhanced by introducing the drug into the body.

Interaction of Nootropil with alcohol

The instructions for use do not provide data on the compatibility of nootropil with alcohol. Although the drug is used to treat withdrawal symptoms in those suffering from chronic alcoholism, it cannot be considered a cure for intoxication. Nootropil should not be combined with alcohol-containing drinks. It is advisable to begin a course of treatment only after completely abandoning them. Alcohol causes a painful condition that a person seeks to get rid of. Continuing to consume alcohol-containing products is a mistake that will negate the therapeutic effect of nootropil. Trying to eliminate the consequences of poisoning with the help of a drug, while creating all the reasons for it, you will not only not improve your well-being, but will significantly worsen it.

Despite the fact that nootropil is used for severe alcohol poisoning, as well as for hangover syndrome, it has poor compatibility with alcohol. Drinking alcoholic beverages along with the drug is not at all safe, as some believe. In particularly severe cases, the patient may have a stroke. Due to increased blood circulation, alcohol and its breakdown products have a stronger effect on the brain, which can lead to memory loss and even the development of dementia.

The drug nootropil is used to treat many brain diseases. First of all, it is recommended to be taken by patients who have suffered an acute disorder. In old age to prevent the progression of dementia, improve memory and attention. Nootropil has shown its effectiveness in treating the consequences of trauma or surgery on the brain. With the increasing popularity of the drug, many questions arise, the answers to which cannot be found in the instructions. The main one: are nootropil and alcohol compatible?

In order to fully understand this issue, it is necessary to separately consider the effect of the drug on the body and how alcohol affects it.

Cell condition

First of all nootropil stimulates restoration processes in nervous tissue. It promotes the formation of new neurons and their connections. This drug stimulates myelin sheath formation, which significantly improves the conductivity of impulses.

Alcohol, in turn, destroys the nerve cells themselves, as well as their connections. Therefore, simultaneous use of alcohol and nootropil will lead to neutralization of the latter's effect.

You need to know that taking nootropil during or after alcohol intoxication will not improve a person’s condition in any way.

Nootropil, like any other capable of increasing blood flow in the vessels of the brain, improve trophism and oxygenation of neurons. This is achieved by dilating arterial vessels, increasing the tone of veins, and improving the permeability of the vascular wall.

Thus, this nootropic drug creates all the conditions for increasing the penetration of alcohol into the brain structures, which only enhances its negative impact.

Effect on the body

As you know, any alcohol is removed from the body with the help of the kidneys, after partial utilization in the liver. This contributes progression of kidney disease, which manifests itself in the form of renal failure.

The kidneys play an important role in the elimination of nootropil. The instructions for the drug indicate that it contraindicated for patients with kidney disease, manifested with any degree of failure.

Simultaneous use of this nootropic drug and alcohol will lead to progression renal failure, which will significantly worsen the patient’s condition.

Nootropil has a calming effect on the central nervous system and can cause drowsiness. A similar effect is inherent in alcohol, so highly not recommended use nootropil and alcohol at the same time.

Consequences for the body

It is known that this nootropic is used as treatment of withdrawal symptoms with alcoholism, which is possible only after a complete cessation of alcoholic beverages.

Long-term simultaneous use of the presented drug with alcohol contributes to the following consequences:

  • memory impairment;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of signs of chronic fatigue;
  • frequent headache;
  • the appearance of signs of depression;
  • deterioration of kidney and liver performance;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • epilepsy.

Analyzing the above information, we can conclude that nootropil and alcohol absolutely incompatible. The use of this drug is permitted only after a doctor’s prescription and under his close supervision.

Nootropics are a group of drugs that control cerebral circulation and brain activity. They increase its resistance to negative factors of the internal and external environment: stress, mental and mental stress, insufficient blood supply due to vascular pathologies, age.

Table of contents: The effects of nootropics on the body Indications and contraindications for the use of nootropics Why nootropics and alcohol are incompatible How to use nootropics and alcohol

Most often, medical specialists prescribe this group of medications to improve memory, increase the level of intelligence, and stimulate the acquisition of new knowledge.

The course of taking nootropics may well coincide with holidays and feasts according to the calendar. Many patients are concerned about the question: is it possible to combine alcohol and drugs that correct brain activity? Everyone knows that alcoholic drinks primarily have a negative effect on nervous activity.

The effects of nootropics on the body

Despite the different costs, degrees of effectiveness and speed of action, the mechanism of influence on the body of nootropics is very similar. These medications have a rather specific, albeit beneficial, effect on the functional activity of the brain. This is achieved through their ability to easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB).

Drugs from the nootropics group have a positive effect on metabolic processes and cerebral circulation. They directly affect glucose metabolism, accelerate metabolic processes, improve blood flow in ischemic areas, and also have a significant effect on the aggregation of activated platelets.

Medicines that affect cerebral circulation are often used for various damage to brain cells after trauma, surgery, hypoxia, and intoxication. Nootropics are used in complex therapy of alcoholism to eliminate the harmful effects caused by ethyl alcohol.

Under the influence of nootropics, the integrative activity of the brain improves.

Indications and contraindications for the use of nootropics

Medicines affecting cerebral circulation are used in the following cases:

  • memory and attention disorders;
  • regular dizziness;
  • dementia;
  • coma and recovery after it;
  • psychoorganic syndrome;
  • recovery after stroke;
  • therapy of withdrawal syndrome in the treatment of alcoholism;
  • cortical myoclonus;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • brain injuries;
  • learning disabilities in children.

This group of pharmacological agents is completely contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance to active substances;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • kidney pathologies of any degree and some others.

Why nootropics and alcohol are incompatible

Drinking alcoholic beverages has a rather negative effect on the body as a whole. The negative impact of intoxication with ethanol metabolic products increases the risk of pathologies of any organs and systems.

The brain is no exception. Alcohol destroys its cells, while the action of nootropics is aimed at restoring them and accelerating the productivity of neurons. The simultaneous use of alcohol and nootropics can not only slow down the therapeutic effect, but also completely nullify all the results of a long course of treatment.

It is important to remember about the accelerating effect of nootropics on blood circulation, which means a rather unpleasant thing: even small doses of alcohol taken during the course of treatment with these drugs will spread throughout the body almost instantly, causing much more harm than they could. The effect of ethanol on the central nervous system will significantly increase and all signs of alcohol poisoning will become much more pronounced. The following side effects may occur and become significantly worse from alcohol:

  • drowsiness;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • depression;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • abdominal pain;
  • manifestations of an allergic reaction.

The negative effect of alcoholic beverages on the urinary system and liver has long been proven. The simultaneous use of alcohol and nootropics, which are contraindicated for any kidney pathologies, can have a significant toxic effect and provoke pathological disorders of the kidneys and necrosis.

In especially severe cases, the simultaneous use of alcohol and nootropics provoked short-term and long-term dementia, strokes, and memory loss.

How to use nootropics and alcohol

Despite the fact that this group of drugs is prescribed in the complex treatment of alcoholism, combining them with ethanol is strictly prohibited. A course of treatment is prescribed only after a complete cessation of alcohol and, in order to avoid the occurrence of negative pathological effects, it is best not to drink even the smallest doses of alcohol during treatment and for 3-4 weeks after completion of the course.

Kuznetsova Irina, medical observer

  1. psychoorganic syndrome;
  2. Alzheimer's disease;
  3. balance disorder;
  4. chronic alcoholism;
  5. coma;
  6. dizziness.

  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness);
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • headaches;
  • depression;
  • severe fatigue;
  • allergic reactions.

Characteristics of the drug

Nootropil is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • alcohol addiction;
  • coma;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • dizziness;
  • anemia, circulatory problems.

The drug eliminates the consequences of stroke and brain pathology, improves blood supply to the brain, increases the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, thereby restoring memory and increasing intelligence. It is used for alcohol poisoning and hangovers, as well as for the rehabilitation of patients after head injuries and coma.

Nootropil has a number of side effects and contraindications. It is prohibited to take it in case of certain kidney diseases, individual intolerance to components and hemorrhagic form of stroke. It can cause:

  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea;
  • cramps and abdominal pain;
  • allergies;
  • dizziness.

Reviews from patients who drank Nootropil are in most cases positive. However, some say that the drug has pronounced side effects. After taking the medicine, the patient may feel tired and have decreased concentration.

The medicine is sold in the form of granules, tablets, capsules, syrup and solutions. It can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The instructions do not say about the compatibility of the drug with alcohol, but doctors advise drinking alcohol only after stopping the therapeutic course.

Interaction between Nootropil and ethanol

After drinking alcohol, the nerve cells are the first to suffer. At this time, Nootropil tries to restore the functioning of the cells of the nervous system, the effect of the active components is reduced. Alcohol and its breakdown products, which are in the blood, begin to penetrate much more efficiently and have a destructive effect on brain cells due to the increased blood supply caused by taking the medication.

Ethyl alcohol is excreted by the body through the kidneys, which work more intensively during the course of treatment, because the drug substance is also excreted through them. Thus, the load on the kidneys increases greatly; they cannot function normally in this condition.

Under the influence of alcohol, the side effects of the drug may worsen. The compatibility of alcohol and Nootropil poses a considerable danger for people whose work involves risk or mechanized labor. If the patient still decides to drink a little, some recommendations should be taken into account:

  • You cannot drink Nootropil and alcohol at the same time. This is strictly prohibited.
  • It is better to take the drug 1–2 days before drinking alcohol.
  • At least 20 hours must pass after taking the medicine.
  • After a course of treatment, there is no need to rush to drink immediately; it is better to wait 3-4 weeks.
  • The drug is effective on absolutely any alcoholic drink.
  • Even a small dose can harm the treatment.

It is important to understand that the nootropic effect will be reduced to zero, and the body’s reaction may be unpredictable.


If you combine alcohol and Nootropil, the consequences can be very sad, including:

  • exacerbation of liver and kidney diseases;
  • stroke;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • depression;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, tiredness;
  • allergy;
  • memory problems;
  • dementia.

Taking the medicine and alcohol at the same time also causes fever, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and the skin of the neck, chest and face may turn red. If the patient feels unwell after drinking alcohol, the following measures must be taken:

  • Don't drink alcohol anymore.
  • You need to drink a lot of water over the next few hours.
  • You should consult a doctor if there is no improvement.

Before drinking alcohol together with Nootropil, you should consult your doctor and find out whether you can drink alcohol in a particular case. It is best to completely abandon it while taking the medication, because possible consequences can negatively affect the treatment itself and the entire body as a whole. Drinking alcohol will negate the therapeutic course, since ethanol causes a painful condition that the patient is trying to get rid of.

Piracetam is the active ingredient of the drug.
The tablets contain 800 or 1200 mg of this substance. Additional elements: macrogol 6000, silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate.
Capsules of 400 mg of active ingredient. Additional substances: macrogol 6000, silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate.
The oral solution contains 200 or 330 mg of active substance per 1 ml. Additional elements of the composition are: sodium saccharinate, pure water, glycerol , sodium acetate, acetic acid, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, flavorings, propyl parahydroxybenzoate.
Nootropil solution IV and IM contains 200 mg of active substance per 1 ml. Auxiliary elements are: sodium acetate trihydrate, water for injection, glacial acetic acid.

In tablets, capsules, as well as solution for oral administration and solutions for intravenous and intramuscular use.

Nootropic drug.
The active ingredient is piracetam. The use of the drug Nootropil enhances the utilization of glucose, enhances the synthesis of phospholipids and RNA, increases the level of ATP in brain tissue, stimulates glycolytic reactions . The drug has a positive effect on metabolic processes in brain tissue, facilitates the learning process, improves integrative work and brain activity, improves memory . Nootropil is able to suppress the aggregation of activated platelets, does not have a vasodilatory effect, but at the same time has a positive effect on microcirculation and the speed of propagation of the excitation wave in the brain tissue. In case of brain damage due to intoxication, hypoxia, or electric shock, the drug has a pronounced protective effect, reducing the severity of vestibular nystagmus, reduces delta activity and enhances alpha and beta activity on electroencephalogram . The medication improves cerebral blood flow, increases mental performance, improves conductivity between synapses in neocortical structures, and has a positive effect on interhemispheric connections. The therapeutic effect of treatment develops gradually. The drug does not have psychostimulating and sedative effects.
The drug is quickly absorbed, is not metabolized, and does not bind to blood proteins. It is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.

Instructions for use of the drug Nootropil recommend prescribing the drug in neurology, narcology and psychiatry.
In neurological practice, the medication is used for pathology of the nervous system, accompanied by disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere (for example, Alzheimer's disease) and a decrease in intellectual and mental functions. The drug is prescribed after intoxication and traumatic brain damage, for chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (headaches, severe dizziness, speech impairment, attention, memory), with vascular pathology of brain tissue, with comatose and subcomatose states, during the period of convalescence in order to increase mental and motor activity, with residual effects of cerebral circulatory disorders according to the ischemic variant.
in psychiatry: flaccid apathetic defective conditions (such as psychoorganic syndrome, schizophrenia), asthenodepressive syndrome (with a predominance of ideational inhibition, with senesto-hypochondriacal disorders, asthenic pathology, with adynamia), nephrotic syndrome . Piracetam is prescribed in the complex treatment of depressive conditions that are resistant to the effects of antidepressants, in the treatment of mental pathology that occurs on “organically defective soil.” The drug is recommended for use in cases of intolerance to neuroleptics and antipsychotic medications in order to eliminate mental, neurological and somatovegetative complications. The drug is prescribed for the cortical form of myoclonus.
Nootropil in drug treatment practice is used to relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome, in case of acute poisoning phenamine, barbiturates, morphine, ethanol, with morphine withdrawal syndrome, chronic alcoholism(in combination with intellectual-mnestic disorders, asthenia, persistent mental pathology). The drug can be used as part of combination therapy in the treatment of sickle cell anemia .
In order to eliminate the consequences of perinatal damage to brain structures, to improve the learning process, with cerebral palsy , mental retardation Nootropil can be used in pediatrics.

The medication is not used for hemorrhagic stroke , with severe pathology of the renal system, with intolerance to the main substance piracetam. When pregnant, heavy bleeding , after extensive surgical interventions, with pathology hemostasis and during breastfeeding, Nootropil is prescribed with caution, assessing the possible risks.

There are the following side effects during treatment: vomiting, nausea, impaired concentration, imbalance, motor disinhibition, mental excitement , gastralgia, sleep disorders, anxiety, appetite disorders, stool disorders, increased sexual activity, convulsive syndrome , extrapyramidal disorders, headache, dizziness, tremors of extremities. When angina is diagnosed, the course of the disease worsens. Most often, side effects are recorded when the recommended dose of 5 g per day is exceeded.

The drug is prescribed intravenously, intramuscularly and orally.

The initial dosage of the drug for parenteral intravenous administration is 10 g. In severe pathology, the medication is administered intravenously by drip up to 12 g per day, the duration of the infusion is 20-30 minutes. Once the therapeutic effect is achieved, the amount of the drug is reduced with a gradual transition to oral administration.

The drug is taken twice a day, the daily dosage is 30-160 mg per 1 kg. It is possible to increase the frequency of administration to 3-4 times a day if necessary. The course of treatment under this regimen is up to 2-6 months.
At treatment of memory disorders, cognitive disorders the medication is prescribed orally at the initial stages of therapy, three times a day, 1600 mg, subsequently the amount of the drug is reduced to 800 mg.
Treatment cerebrovascular diseases in the acute stage, it is necessary to start as soon as possible with a dose of 12 g per day for two weeks, then switch to a dosage of 6 g per day.
Therapy cortical myoclonus start with 7.2 g per day with a gradual increase in the amount of active substance by 4.8 g per day every 3-4 days. The maximum dose is 24 grams in 24 hours.
Daily dosage for sickle cell anemia is 160 mg per 1 kg (4 doses). During a crisis period, the dose is increased to 300 mg per 1 kg.
In case of renal dysfunction, the drug is used with caution. The dose is prescribed by the doctor.

You need to take the medicine 2 times a day. The following dosage is recommended to improve memory - 8 ml of a 20% solution for oral administration.

Bloody diarrhea or abdominal pain may occur at doses greater than 75 g per 24 hours. Treatment is as follows: gastric lavage or induce vomiting, hemodialysis can be used.
Nootropil reduces the risk of developing extrapyramidal disorders with simultaneous therapy with neuroleptics. Description of the drug Nootropil indicates its ability to increase efficiency indirect anticoagulants , antipsychotic drugs, psychostimulant medications and hormones thyroid gland .
In a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius.
No more than 4 years.

Treatment with Nootropil requires regular monitoring of the functioning of the renal and hepatic systems, the condition peripheral blood , creatinine and residual nitrogen levels. Drug therapy can be combined with psychoactive drugs and medications for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Treatment of acute lesions of tissues and structures of the brain is recommended to be carried out in combination with methods of restorative medicine, detoxification therapy . For psychiatric diseases, psychoactive drugs are simultaneously prescribed. Abrupt withdrawal of medication is unacceptable, especially when treating patients suffering from the cortical form. myoclonus (due to high risk of recurrence of seizures and seizures). If side effects such as insomnia or excessive drowsiness, it is recommended to stop taking the medication in the evening. During hemodialysis, Nootropil penetrates through special filter membranes in the device. Piracetam affects the ability to drive a vehicle.
The drug is not described in Wikipedia.

Alcohol does not affect the level of piracetam in the serum, in turn, when taking 1.6 g of the active substance, the level of alcohol in the blood also did not change.

  • Fezam
  • Piracetam
  • Aminalon
  • Vinpocetine
  • Cavinton Forte
  • Glycine Ozone

Analogues are the following drugs: Biotropil , Lutsetam , Piracetam .
The price of Nootropil analogues is lower and higher. For example, Piracetam costs less.

The medicines are generics, that is, they contain one active substance, piracetam, and have a similar effect on the body. The drug Piracetam is domestically produced and therefore costs less, however, it is also considered less purified.

According to reviews of Nootropil on the forums, memory pills are very useful. They improve brain activity, help memorize large amounts of information, add energy and invigorate.
The drug also helps for its intended purpose, but does not act immediately. Based on reviews for children who used this medication, Nootropil is also useful for delayed speech development in a child.
The disadvantages include a bitter taste, individual intolerance to the drug, as well as side effects, for example, headaches.

The price of Nootropil tablets is 275 rubles for 30 pieces of 800 mg each. You can buy Nootropil in the same release form in Ukraine for 80-100 hryvnia.
The price of Nootropil 20% solution ampoules of 5 ml is 315 rubles for 12 pieces. In Ukraine - 170 hryvnia.
Find the nearest pharmacies

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

Nootropil tablets 800 mg 30 pcs. UCB Pharma S.A. [USB Pharma S.A.]
Nootropil solution 200 mg/ml 5 ml 12 pcs.
Nootropil tablets 1200 mg 20 pcs. Nootropil solution 200 mg/ml 125 mlNextPharma S.a. WITH.
Nootropil 20% solution for injection 5ml No. 12 ampoulesAesica Pharmaceuticals GmbH
Nootropil 20% solution for internal use. application 125mlUCB Farma

Characteristics of the drug

Interaction with alcohol

Compatibility of alcohol and Noopept

Human memory is an amazing phenomenon. Even in the womb, it begins to rapidly form, and after 50 years it becomes vulnerable to negative factors and also rapidly deteriorates. If you do not live on a “paradise island,” then every day you face stress, poor ecology, and various diseases. All these factors affect brain cells and gradually its higher cognitive functions are performed worse. Of course, alcohol is also a damaging factor, which, unfortunately, is an integral part of the lives of most people in our latitudes. Anyone who has tried alcoholic drinks has noticed how words begin to get confused, reaction and speech slow down, and memory lapses occur. All this happens due to the destructive effects of alcohol on brain cells.

Many nootropics are not compatible with alcohol. Taking an alcoholic drink and such a nootropic is dangerous: either the active substances of the nootropics enhance the effects of toxins in alcohol, or the alcohol negates the effectiveness of the nootropic. By improving blood flow in the brain, alcohol has an even more destructive effect on the cells of the nervous system. But if we consider the unique formula of the drug Noopept and alcohol from the point of view of compatibility, then when mixing alcohol and this nootropic, there will be no negative consequences, because Noopept has the ability to protect brain cells from toxins contained in alcohol. Noopept is one of the few nootropics that is compatible with alcohol.

Drug interactions with other drugs

The high safety profile allows you to mix not only Noopept and alcohol, but also Noopept with other medications, including sedatives. But remember that if you decide to take several medications to improve cognitive function, you need to consult with your doctor about the advisability of such treatment. Noopept is an effective drug that does not need adjustment or addition.

Frequently asked questions about the drug

The most frequently asked questions about the drug Noopept are about the method of administration and side effects. There are nootropics with a psychostimulating effect. When such drugs are discontinued, serious consequences are observed, called “withdrawal syndrome” - nervousness, nausea, depression. Noopept does not cause addiction, inability or drowsiness, and does not interfere with driving. You can stop taking the drug without gradually reducing the dosage, and not be afraid of withdrawal symptoms. The drug is quickly and safely eliminated from the body. Noopept is a medicine that is well adapted to modern people with an active lifestyle.

There are contraindications to taking Noopept. The drug is not approved for pregnant and lactating women and persons under 18 years of age, as well as for those with hypersensitivity to the components of Noopept. Possible reactions from taking a nootropic include allergic reactions.

The drug Noopept is available in tablet form. The course of treatment is from 1.5 to 3 months, 2 tablets per day. It is recommended to take the drug in the first half of the day. If you decide to resume taking the drug after completing the course of treatment, you must maintain an interval of 1 month. The dosage of the drug can be increased only under the supervision of a doctor to 3 tablets per day.

Treatment of higher brain functions is a relatively new direction among the residents of our country. As a rule, just yesterday women cared more about their reflection in the mirror than about their brain functions. But thanks to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, a lot has changed since then. A healthy lifestyle, the absence of bad habits, and moderate exercise contribute to good memory, but age-related deterioration of cognitive functions cannot be stopped only by adhering to recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. The drug Noopept is an achievement of science that has proven its effectiveness and in 90% of cases brain function improves in patients. Monitoring the health of your memory is easier than you think. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription; one package is enough for a month of treatment.

Take care of your memory with Noopept!

Is it possible to combine nootropil and alcohol?

Today, the pharmaceutical industry is at the peak of its production. Almost every year, more and more new drugs appear in pharmacies, which are widely used in the treatment of various diseases. A special place in the total volume of drugs is occupied by the group of nootropics. These are medications that help improve brain activity due to intensified blood circulation in the brain and normalization of metabolic processes. This group includes the drug “Nootropil”. Despite all its positive aspects, this remedy should be used only after consultation with a doctor.

Like many other drugs, it has certain contraindications and side effects. Of great interest is the compatibility of Nootropil with alcohol. It is known that the latter is not recommended for use while taking antibiotics. Let us consider in detail whether it is possible to combine Nootropil and alcohol and the possible consequences for the body.

Characteristics of the drug

"Nootropil" refers to nootropics. It is used to treat various diseases and pathological conditions of the brain. These include poor circulation in the brain, the consequences of a stroke, the well-known Alzheimer's disease, anemia and some others. Of great interest is that Nootropil is indicated for withdrawal symptoms in patients with chronic alcoholism. Every doctor must know not only the scope of application of Nootropil, but also contraindications to its use.

You should not take this drug if you have severe renal impairment, hemorrhagic stroke, or are intolerant to this medication.

As for side effects, they include a wide group. The most important of them are the following: decreased concentration, dizziness, seizures, dyspepsia, sleep disorders, drowsiness. Based on these side effects, we can conclude that the drug and alcohol are not recommended to be consumed at the same time.

Interaction with alcohol

Everyone is interested in the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol and Nootropil together during treatment. As you know, alcohol abuse has a negative effect on the entire body. Alcohol primarily affects the cells of the nervous system, and Nootropil is used to normalize brain activity. Therefore, when taken together, alcohol will reduce or negate the therapeutic effect of the drug.

It is advisable to be treated with this drug only after quitting alcohol.

Of great importance is the fact that the drug improves blood flow in the brain, and this, in turn, promotes better penetration of alcohol into the tissues and cells of the nervous system. The result is a stronger destructive effect of alcohol.

It is important that ethanol is excreted from the body by the kidneys. At the same time, the kidneys work more intensively. This nootropic is contraindicated in renal failure. In addition, treatment of elderly people with it requires constant monitoring of renal function. Therefore, Nootropil and alcohol can have a toxic effect on the kidneys when taken together. This medicine reduces attention and can cause drowsiness. This effect is also inherent in ethyl alcohol. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and Nootropil for vehicle drivers, as well as workers engaged in mechanized labor. This poses a danger to yourself and others. Thus, the simultaneous use of alcohol and the drug in question is inappropriate, despite the lack of information about this in the instructions for use of the drug.

Nootropil and alcohol: what is their compatibility?

  1. psychoorganic syndrome;
  2. Alzheimer's disease;
  3. balance disorder;
  4. chronic alcoholism;
  5. coma;
  6. dizziness.

  • decreased concentration;
  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness);
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • headaches;
  • depression;
  • severe fatigue;
  • allergic reactions.

This natural remedy will curb your cravings for alcohol in 10 days,
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In the modern world, more and more new medicines are constantly appearing, as science and medicine have recently stepped far forward. There are so-called nootropic drugs, or simply nootropics, that enhance brain activity and promote the organization of thought processes, memory, improved performance and increased concentration. One of these drugs is Nootropil, a latest generation drug whose main active ingredient is piracetam. Since treatment with such drugs is usually quite long-term, the question naturally arises: is it possible to drink Nootropil and alcohol, what is their compatibility and what consequences can such an interaction ultimately have?

Brief characteristics of the drug

Nootropil is a medical drug that belongs to the group of nootropic drugs. This group also includes such widely used and well-known drugs as Noopept and Noofen. They differ in their chemical composition, namely the main active ingredient, although their functions are almost identical.

What are nootropics? These are medications that have a positive and beneficial, although slightly specific, effect on the higher systemic functions of the brain.

The active ingredient of the drug Nootropil is piracetam, which significantly improves cognitive and cognitive processes in the brain, namely: increases attention, learning ability, improves memory and increases performance. This happens due to active interference in the metabolism of neurons and influence on the speed of propagation of excitability processes.

Nootropil promotes the effective course of cerebral circulation, has a restorative and protective effect in case of damage to brain cells due to severe intoxication or oxygen starvation, without revealing a vasodilating effect.

This medication is prescribed for various diseases and pathologies of the brain. It is effectively used both as an independent remedy and in complex therapy of various diseases.

Such pathological conditions include:

  • coma or recovery period after a coma;
  • the presence of psychoorganic syndrome in children, adults and the elderly;
  • recovery period after a stroke, for the treatment of dysfunctions of speech and emotional processes, as well as restoration of mental and motor activity;
  • therapy of withdrawal syndrome in the treatment of chronic alcoholism;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • cortical myoclonus.

This medicine should be used only after consultation with a specialist and under his strict guidance, since jokes with the central nervous system are bad. Only a doctor can accurately determine the required dosage of the drug and the duration of therapy, based on the individual characteristics of each patient, the severity and type of the disease and possible contraindications to the use of this drug.

Contraindications to the use of this medication are the following diseases:

  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the drug;
  • children under one year of age;
  • renal failure with creatinine clearance less than twenty ml per minute.

Sometimes this medicine can cause some adverse reactions in the body, which include:

  • nervousness, depression, drowsiness, asthenia;
  • hyperkinetic disorders;
  • ataxia, headaches and dizziness;
  • increased arousal and anxiety, insomnia, hallucinations;
  • increased libido;
  • convulsive epileptic seizures;
  • confusion and imbalance;
  • allergic reactions: dermatitis, itching, skin rash, swelling;
  • weight gain;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Drug interaction with alcohol

Drinking alcoholic beverages, especially in large quantities, negatively affects the entire body. One of the first to suffer in such cases is the central nervous system - ethanol destroys brain cells. And the action of Nootropil is aimed at restoring them and improving the functioning of neurons. As a result, it turns out that the simultaneous use of alcohol and a medication will significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug, and in some cases, it may negate all previous treatment.

On the other hand, Nootropil is used to normalize cerebral circulation, which will undoubtedly improve and accelerate the penetration of ethyl alcohol into the body. As a result, you can get an enhanced effect of alcohol on the central nervous system.

Alcohol puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver. Nootropil is not recommended for use in cases of kidney dysfunction. The result of simultaneous use may be a toxic effect on the kidneys and disruption of their function.

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the Alcobarrier drug. This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology. Find out more. »

Both Nootropil and ethanol contribute to depression of the nervous system and can cause drowsiness. In addition, alcohol can greatly increase the side effects of using the drug. Therefore, their simultaneous use is strictly contraindicated for people whose work involves increased concentration of attention, as well as for drivers of vehicles.

Nootropil is a modern medical drug that has a special positive effect on the brain. Its use helps improve memory, increase performance, increase attention and learning ability. Its interaction with strong drinks is strictly prohibited, as it can lead to unforeseen and negative consequences. Such compatibility can cause increased adverse reactions, reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug, and also have a destructive effect on the kidneys. Despite the fact that the instructions do not mention this point, it is better not to use such substances at the same time.

Nootropil is used to treat brain diseases; it is used to eliminate the consequences of a stroke, circulatory disorders and anemia. The drug is taken to normalize brain activity, and alcohol primarily affects the cells of the nervous system. For this reason, many are interested in the question of whether there will be a therapeutic effect if Nootropil and alcohol are consumed at the same time.

Effect of the drug on the body

The drug belongs to the group of nootropics; these drugs improve brain activity, increase blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes. Nootropil is prescribed for the following diseases and pathologies:

  1. psychoorganic syndrome;
  2. Alzheimer's disease;
  3. balance disorder;
  4. chronic alcoholism;
  5. coma;
  6. dizziness.

The drug is available in the form of capsules, injection solutions, tablets, and also in the form of syrup. Nootropil improves mental and motor activity, increases blood flow to the brain. At the same time, it promotes the rapid penetration of alcohol into the tissues of the body and cells of the nervous system, which enhances the destructive effect of alcohol.

Despite the fact that nootropil has received a lot of positive reviews, it should not be taken without consulting a doctor. You should know that this drug has a number of side effects and contraindications; it should not be taken if kidney function is impaired, intolerance to certain components of the drug and some forms of stroke. The most well-known side effects when taking this drug:

  • decreased concentration;
  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness);
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • headaches;
  • exacerbation of chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • depression;
  • severe fatigue;
  • diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain;
  • allergic reactions.

Nootropil reduces concentration and causes drowsiness, while alcohol has a similar effect. Combining the drug with alcohol-containing drinks can be very dangerous if human activity involves risk or mechanized labor. This is unsafe not only for the patient himself, but also for those around him.

The removal of ethanol from the body is associated with the function of the kidneys, while they work intensively, actively removing toxic substances. Nootropil is contraindicated in case of disturbances in the functioning of these organs, and the use of the drug by older people should be constantly monitored by the attending physician. Alcohol has a toxic effect on the kidneys, which can be enhanced by introducing the drug into the body.

Interaction of Nootropil with alcohol

The instructions for use do not provide data on the compatibility of nootropil with alcohol. Although the drug is used to treat withdrawal symptoms in those suffering from chronic alcoholism, it cannot be considered a cure for intoxication. Nootropil should not be combined with alcohol-containing drinks. It is advisable to begin a course of treatment only after completely abandoning them. Alcohol causes a painful condition that a person seeks to get rid of. Continuing to consume alcohol-containing products is a mistake that will negate the therapeutic effect of nootropil. Trying to eliminate the consequences of poisoning with the help of a drug, while creating all the reasons for it, you will not only not improve your well-being, but will significantly worsen it.

Despite the fact that nootropil is used for severe alcohol poisoning, as well as for hangover syndrome, it has poor compatibility with alcohol. Drinking alcoholic beverages along with the drug is not at all safe, as some believe. In particularly severe cases, the patient may have a stroke. Due to increased blood circulation, alcohol and its breakdown products have a stronger effect on the brain, which can lead to memory loss and even the development of dementia.

The drug nootropil is used to treat many brain diseases. First of all, it is recommended to be taken by patients who have suffered an acute disorder. In old age to prevent the progression of dementia, improve memory and attention. Nootropil has shown its effectiveness in treating the consequences of trauma or surgery on the brain. With the increasing popularity of the drug, many questions arise, the answers to which cannot be found in the instructions. The main one: are nootropil and alcohol compatible?

In order to fully understand this issue, it is necessary to separately consider the effect of the drug on the body and how alcohol affects it.

Cell condition

First of all nootropil stimulates restoration processes in nervous tissue. It promotes the formation of new neurons and their connections. This drug stimulates myelin sheath formation, which significantly improves the conductivity of impulses.

Alcohol, in turn, destroys the nerve cells themselves, as well as their connections. Therefore, simultaneous use of alcohol and nootropil will lead to neutralization of the latter's effect.

You need to know that taking nootropil during or after alcohol intoxication will not improve a person’s condition in any way.

Nootropil, like any other capable of increasing blood flow in the vessels of the brain, improve trophism and oxygenation of neurons. This is achieved by dilating arterial vessels, increasing the tone of veins, and improving the permeability of the vascular wall.

Thus, this nootropic drug creates all the conditions for increasing the penetration of alcohol into the brain structures, which only enhances its negative impact.

Effect on the body

As you know, any alcohol is removed from the body with the help of the kidneys, after partial utilization in the liver. This contributes progression of kidney disease, which manifests itself in the form of renal failure.

The kidneys play an important role in the elimination of nootropil. The instructions for the drug indicate that it contraindicated for patients with kidney disease, manifested with any degree of failure.

Simultaneous use of this nootropic drug and alcohol will lead to progression renal failure, which will significantly worsen the patient’s condition.

Nootropil has a calming effect on the central nervous system and can cause drowsiness. A similar effect is inherent in alcohol, so highly not recommended use nootropil and alcohol at the same time.

Consequences for the body

It is known that this nootropic is used as treatment of withdrawal symptoms with alcoholism, which is possible only after a complete cessation of alcoholic beverages.

Long-term simultaneous use of the presented drug with alcohol contributes to the following consequences:

  • memory impairment;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of signs of chronic fatigue;
  • frequent headache;
  • the appearance of signs of depression;
  • deterioration of kidney and liver performance;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • epilepsy.

Analyzing the above information, we can conclude that nootropil and alcohol absolutely incompatible. The use of this drug is permitted only after a doctor’s prescription and under his close supervision.

Currently, nootropic drugs are gaining increasing popularity. Many people buy them at the pharmacy on their own in order to improve brain function and, of course, memory. There is an opinion that there is good compatibility between Piracetam and alcohol, and therefore this drug is suitable for treating hangovers. In what cases can nootropics really be useful? Is it true that they remove the negative consequences from? And is it possible to combine Piracetam with alcoholic drinks?

Nootropics are medications that stimulate memory. One of the first drugs to appear was Piracetam. Despite the fact that it is a fairly old medicine, its effectiveness still remains one of the highest among nootropics. It is believed that the drug is able to stimulate intellectual activity, improve memory and restore brain abilities. In our country it is widely used in neurology and psychiatry. However, people abroad are skeptical about it: there have been no full-fledged studies that would meet international standards.

The mechanism of action of Piracetam is that it restores damaged neural connections in the brain. This occurs due to the improvement of plastic and energetic processes in nerve cells, normalization of the exchange of mediators in the nervous system, as well as cerebral circulation. In addition, the drug increases the brain’s resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxins.

There are the following indications for its use:

  • memory impairment,
  • ischemic stroke,
  • traumatic brain injuries,
  • Alzheimer's Disease,
  • toxic brain damage,
  • psychoorganic syndrome in chronic alcoholism, etc.

For the drug to have its positive effect, a long course of treatment is required. It should be emphasized that it is capable of restoring the functions of only the affected brain. If there are no pathologies, it will be absolutely useless. That is, this drug cannot be recommended to students during a session or people who need to quickly remember a large amount of information: there will be no effect. There is no pill that would make us smarter or our memory better. Piracetam can only help return brain function to its original level in the event of any damage, but it cannot improve the capabilities of the brain.

Contraindications and side effects

Piracetam is not prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under one year of age. This is due to the fact that the effect of the drug on these categories of the population has been little studied. And since there is no full-fledged study, it is better not to risk the baby’s health and not to use the drug. In addition, it is contraindicated in persons with severe renal failure (this is due to the fact that the greatest burden for eliminating this substance falls on the kidneys). It is also not prescribed for hemorrhagic stroke due to its dilating effect on the blood vessels of the brain. A traditional contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug should be used with caution in people with blood clotting disorders.

The medicine has poor compatibility with thyroid hormone preparations (in this case it causes anxiety, tremors of the limbs, increased excitability, insomnia, etc.). In addition, Piracetam enhances the effect of psychostimulants, so caution is required when using them together. Its combination with antipsychotics is not recommended due to the possibility of extrapyramidal disorders.

Side effects of the drug sometimes include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Psycho-emotional agitation, headache, sleep disorders, increased irritability, etc. are also possible. Sometimes there is an increase or decrease in blood pressure. In addition, some patients noted an increase in body weight during long-term use of the drug. Allergic reactions, manifested in the form of skin rashes, are also possible.

Nootropics in the treatment of alcohol addiction

One of the most important areas of use of Piracetam is addiction treatment. The drug helps to quickly get rid of withdrawal symptoms in the treatment of chronic alcoholism. There is no evidence that it has a specific effect on the craving for alcohol, but practice shows that its inclusion in complex therapy allows you to get rid of withdrawal syndrome faster than in the absence of this drug.

Piracetam allows you to fight. It helps fight intellectual disorders caused by alcohol and relieves acute symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. The drug helps normalize cerebral circulation and helps relieve vascular disorders that have developed due to prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages. It also significantly alleviates the patient’s condition: reduces headaches, eliminates dizziness and drowsiness, and reduces the feeling of apathy.

The purpose of this drug allows you to largely correct brain functions that have been reduced due to the toxic effects of ethanol. It has a positive effect on memory and attention. Of course, you shouldn’t expect miracles: complete recovery is impossible (nervous tissue has a poor ability to regenerate), but you can achieve some beneficial effects and positive dynamics. The drug helps the patient overcome addiction more easily, recover faster and return to normal life.

It is also believed to be good for hangovers: Piracetam helps to significantly alleviate the general condition - relieves weakness, headaches, and helps to quickly return to an active life. However, the effectiveness of the remedy for hangovers has not been proven - this is a controversial survey.

Some experts believe that it can really be a good help, while others believe that there is not enough strong evidence to support such conclusions. In any case, you should not use the drug yourself if you have a hangover: you may get the dose wrong and get side effects instead of improving your condition. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe it to relieve a hangover.

As a rule, experts still do not recommend using medications. They advise limiting yourself to fresh air, drinking plenty of water, taking a contrast shower and other similar safe activities. The thing is that it is not known exactly how the body, weakened by a hangover, will react to this or that drug. Taking medications in this case requires careful monitoring, which cannot be done at home.

The instructions for the drug do not say anything about its negative interaction with alcohol. This is not due to the fact that there are no side effects in this case, but because such studies simply have not been conducted. Purely theoretically, there is nothing to fear: there are no prerequisites for these substances to enhance each other’s side effects. There is also no reason to believe that ethyl alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

However, everything is not so simple. The body's reaction to alcoholic drinks is always unpredictable. It is impossible to accurately predict how a particular drug will behave in combination with alcohol. As a rule, during the period of intoxication, the body becomes more sensitive and “capricious”. This means that he is more susceptible to the side effects of medications. Theoretically, ethyl alcohol can disrupt the distribution of Piracetam in the body and interfere with its action.

Strictly speaking, a course of taking nootropic drugs is not a contraindication for drinking alcohol, but in this matter it is best to exercise some caution. It is believed that ten to twelve hours should pass between drinking alcohol and taking Piracetam. In this case, you definitely don’t have to worry about their negative interaction.

Nootropics are those drugs that help restore memory lost due to various types of brain damage, be it trauma or long-term alcohol intoxication. They are often used by narcologists. However, it should be remembered that in chronic alcoholism, no medicine can become a panacea, and complete restoration of the brain is no longer possible. Piracetam only slightly helps improve this process. It is possible to use the drug for a hangover, but for this, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required. Nootropics are generally compatible with alcoholic drinks, but it is best not to combine them directly, but to wait some time between taking the medicine and ethanol.

Alcohol and drugs usually do not mix well with each other. Some drugs are completely prohibited from being used in combination with alcohol; such a combination can even lead to death. However, pharmacists are not always so categorical when it comes to combining alcohol and medications. One of the drugs that can be easily used in combination with alcohol is phenotropil.

Description of the drug Phenotropil

Phenotropil is a drug belonging to the class of nootropics, that is, drugs that improve brain activity.

Phenotropil has excellent characteristics:

  • helps improve memory and learning;
  • helps to concentrate and remember information;
  • supports the body during periods of severe stress;
  • improves mood;
  • increases the resistance of brain cells to the toxic effects of various substances;
  • maintains high performance.

Phenotropil has virtually no contraindications and serious restrictions for use. It is not prescribed only to children; it is used very carefully in persons with arterial hypertension, severe kidney and liver diseases, coronary disease, and in patients with serious psychiatric diagnoses.

The scope of application of phenotropil is very wide:

  • depressive states;
  • alcoholism, including;
  • any cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • vascular pathologies in the brain;
  • convulsions;
  • obesity;
  • stressful conditions;
  • memory impairment.

The drug is taken after meals, it is better if the time of administration is in the morning, since one of the negative effects of phenotropil is insomnia. A daily dose of more than 100 mg per day is divided into two doses. Exactly how many tablets to take and how long to treat - this can only be said by the doctor who prescribed this medicine. On average, the course of treatment with phenotropil takes from one to three months. But is it possible to drink alcohol during this period?
In the video about the drug Phenotropil:

Alcohol compatibility

Phenotropil is one of the drugs used to treat. Its unique effect is that the active substance of the drug reduces the effect of alcohol on the brain, thereby blocking alcohol intoxication. Having taken a phenotropil tablet before drinking, a person will remain sober throughout the evening, and the next morning he will not be tormented by a hangover. A course of taking phenotropil relieves cravings for drinking alcohol, helps restore impaired brain function damaged by long-term use of alcoholic beverages, and treats post-alcohol depression.

However, no matter what is said about the absence of harm when using alcohol and phenotropil together, it is not recommended to systematically combine these two substances. A single dose of alcohol after a morning tablet of medication is quite possible and most likely will not cause serious damage to the organs, but as for systematic binges during a course of treatment with the drug, the situation here is much sadder.

A long course of treatment with phenotropil significantly activates metabolic processes in the brain. After prolonged poisoning of the body with the breakdown products of ethanol, brain cells, previously stimulated by treatment, begin to actively absorb alcohol toxins, and their mass death begins.

In addition, phenotropil is known to enhance the depression of the central nervous system when it is initially depressed. But it is ethanol that is the precursor to such depression of the nervous system.

Possible consequences

As already mentioned, chronic alcohol consumption during treatment with phenotropil promotes massive death of brain neurons, called apoptosis. This process is irreversible and fleeting. The consequences of apoptosis are simply terrible - a person loses memory and the ability to abstract thinking, his speech becomes poor, visual and auditory activity decreases.

Even a single consumption of alcohol during a course of treatment with phenotropil may not lead to the desired effect of reducing intoxication, but to other consequences altogether. The inhibitory effect of ethanol on the nervous system in combination with medication can cause severe drowsiness, lethargy, and worsening mood.

It is worth noting that, in addition to the brain, there are other organs in our body that are in no way protected from the negative effects of ethanol toxins on them. Therefore, you should not rely on the magical effect of phenotropil as a protector of our body from the harm caused by alcoholic beverages.

Combination rules

Despite the good compatibility, doctors recommend spacing out phenotropil tablets and drinking alcohol. This means that after taking a phenotropil tablet in the morning, a person can drink alcohol only after 8-10 hours, and it is better if it is a small amount of wine rather than a bottle of vodka.


In general, expert reviews indicate that there should be no harm from the combined use of phenotropil and alcohol; these drugs get along well in the body, which does not lead to an immediate increase in the toxic effect of alcohol. However, one should always remember that a person is not a robot, but a complex organism, and it is almost impossible to predict in advance how a particular organ will react to such a combination. Therefore, a prudent person will take any medicine only as prescribed by a doctor and will never mix it with such a toxic substance as ethanol.

And brain activity. They increase its resistance to negative factors of the internal and external environment: stress, mental and mental stress, due to vascular pathologies, age.

Most often, medical specialists prescribe this group of medications to increase the level of intelligence and stimulate the acquisition of new knowledge.

The course of taking nootropics may well coincide with holidays and feasts according to the calendar. Many patients are concerned about the question: is it possible to combine alcohol and drugs that correct brain activity? Everyone knows that alcoholic drinks primarily have a negative effect on nervous activity.

The effects of nootropics on the body

Despite the different costs, degrees of effectiveness and speed of action, the mechanism of influence on the body of nootropics is very similar. These medications have a rather specific, albeit beneficial, effect on the functional activity of the brain. This is achieved through their ability to easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB).

Drugs from the nootropics group have a positive effect on metabolic processes and cerebral circulation. They directly affect glucose metabolism, accelerate metabolic processes, improve blood flow in ischemic areas, and also have a significant effect on the aggregation of activated platelets.

Medicines that affect cerebral circulation are often used for various damage to brain cells after trauma, surgery, hypoxia, and intoxication. Nootropics are used in complex therapy of alcoholism to eliminate the harmful effects caused by ethyl alcohol.

Under the influence of nootropics, the integrative activity of the brain improves.

Despite all the positive effects of nootropics, it is not recommended to take them without a doctor’s prescription, since they have a number of side effects that can significantly worsen the condition, as well as contraindications in which the effect of these medications can even be fatal.

Indications and contraindications for the use of nootropics

Medicines affecting cerebral circulation are used in the following cases:

  • , attention;
  • regular ;
  • coma and recovery after it;
  • psychoorganic syndrome;
  • recovery after ;
  • treatment therapy;
  • cortical myoclonus;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • brain injuries;
  • learning disabilities in children.

This group of pharmacological agents is completely contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance to active substances;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • kidney pathologies of any degree and some others.

Why nootropics and alcohol are incompatible

Drinking alcoholic beverages has a rather negative effect on the body as a whole. The negative impact of intoxication with ethanol metabolic products increases the risk of pathologies of any organs and systems.

The brain is no exception. Alcohol destroys its cells, while the action of nootropics is aimed at restoring them and accelerating the productivity of neurons. The simultaneous use of alcohol and nootropics can not only slow down the therapeutic effect, but also completely nullify all the results of a long course of treatment.

It is important to remember about the accelerating effect of nootropics on blood circulation, which means a rather unpleasant thing: even small doses of alcohol taken during the course of treatment with these drugs will spread throughout the body almost instantly, causing much more harm than they could. The effect of ethanol on the central nervous system will significantly increase and all symptoms will become much more pronounced. The following side effects may occur and become significantly worse from alcohol:

  • decreased concentration;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • fatigue;
  • manifestations of an allergic reaction.

The negative effect of alcoholic beverages on the urinary system and liver has long been proven. The simultaneous use of alcohol and nootropics, which are contraindicated for any kidney pathologies, can have a significant toxic effect and provoke pathological disorders of the kidneys and necrosis.

In especially severe cases, the simultaneous use of alcohol and nootropics provoked short-term and long-term dementia, strokes, and memory loss.

How to use nootropics and alcohol

Despite the fact that this group of drugs is prescribed in the complex treatment of alcoholism, combining them with ethanol is strictly prohibited. A course of treatment is prescribed only after a complete cessation of alcohol and, in order to avoid the occurrence of negative pathological effects, it is best not to drink even the smallest doses of alcohol during treatment and for 3-4 weeks after completion of the course.

Kuznetsova Irina, medical observer

  • dementia;
  • mental disorders;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • depression;
  • loss of sleep;
  • fatigue;

Interaction with alcohol

  • vessels.

Possible reactions

  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • spasms of small muscles.

  • stroke;
  • ischemic heart damage;
  • dementia;

When can you drink

Special instructions


Currently, nootropic drugs are gaining increasing popularity. Many people buy them at the pharmacy on their own in order to improve brain function and, of course, memory. There is an opinion that there is good compatibility between Piracetam and alcohol, and therefore this drug is suitable for treating hangovers. In what cases can nootropics really be useful? Is it true that they remove the negative consequences from? And is it possible to combine Piracetam with alcoholic drinks?

Nootropics are medications that stimulate memory. One of the first drugs to appear was Piracetam. Despite the fact that it is a fairly old medicine, its effectiveness still remains one of the highest among nootropics. It is believed that the drug is able to stimulate intellectual activity, improve memory and restore brain abilities. In our country it is widely used in neurology and psychiatry. However, people abroad are skeptical about it: there have been no full-fledged studies that would meet international standards.

The mechanism of action of Piracetam is that it restores damaged neural connections in the brain. This occurs due to the improvement of plastic and energetic processes in nerve cells, normalization of the exchange of mediators in the nervous system, as well as cerebral circulation. In addition, the drug increases the brain’s resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxins.

There are the following indications for its use:

  • memory impairment,
  • ischemic stroke,
  • traumatic brain injuries,
  • Alzheimer's Disease,
  • toxic brain damage,
  • psychoorganic syndrome in chronic alcoholism, etc.

For the drug to have its positive effect, a long course of treatment is required. It should be emphasized that it is capable of restoring the functions of only the affected brain. If there are no pathologies, it will be absolutely useless. That is, this drug cannot be recommended to students during a session or people who need to quickly remember a large amount of information: there will be no effect. There is no pill that would make us smarter or our memory better. Piracetam can only help return brain function to its original level in the event of any damage, but it cannot improve the capabilities of the brain.

Contraindications and side effects

Piracetam is not prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under one year of age. This is due to the fact that the effect of the drug on these categories of the population has been little studied. And since there is no full-fledged study, it is better not to risk the baby’s health and not to use the drug. In addition, it is contraindicated in persons with severe renal failure (this is due to the fact that the greatest burden for eliminating this substance falls on the kidneys). It is also not prescribed for hemorrhagic stroke due to its dilating effect on the blood vessels of the brain. A traditional contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug should be used with caution in people with blood clotting disorders.

The medicine has poor compatibility with thyroid hormone preparations (in this case it causes anxiety, tremors of the limbs, increased excitability, insomnia, etc.). In addition, Piracetam enhances the effect of psychostimulants, so caution is required when using them together. Its combination with antipsychotics is not recommended due to the possibility of extrapyramidal disorders.

Side effects of the drug sometimes include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Psycho-emotional agitation, headache, sleep disorders, increased irritability, etc. are also possible. Sometimes there is an increase or decrease in blood pressure. In addition, some patients noted an increase in body weight during long-term use of the drug. Allergic reactions, manifested in the form of skin rashes, are also possible.

Nootropics in the treatment of alcohol addiction

One of the most important areas of use of Piracetam is addiction treatment. The drug helps to quickly get rid of withdrawal symptoms in the treatment of chronic alcoholism. There is no evidence that it has a specific effect on the craving for alcohol, but practice shows that its inclusion in complex therapy allows you to get rid of withdrawal syndrome faster than in the absence of this drug.

Piracetam allows you to fight. It helps fight intellectual disorders caused by alcohol and relieves acute symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. The drug helps normalize cerebral circulation and helps relieve vascular disorders that have developed due to prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages. It also significantly alleviates the patient’s condition: reduces headaches, eliminates dizziness and drowsiness, and reduces the feeling of apathy.

The purpose of this drug allows you to largely correct brain functions that have been reduced due to the toxic effects of ethanol. It has a positive effect on memory and attention. Of course, you shouldn’t expect miracles: complete recovery is impossible (nervous tissue has a poor ability to regenerate), but you can achieve some beneficial effects and positive dynamics. The drug helps the patient overcome addiction more easily, recover faster and return to normal life.

It is also believed to be good for hangovers: Piracetam helps to significantly alleviate the general condition - relieves weakness, headaches, and helps to quickly return to an active life. However, the effectiveness of the remedy for hangovers has not been proven - this is a controversial survey.

Some experts believe that it can really be a good help, while others believe that there is not enough strong evidence to support such conclusions. In any case, you should not use the drug yourself if you have a hangover: you may get the dose wrong and get side effects instead of improving your condition. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe it to relieve a hangover.

As a rule, experts still do not recommend using medications. They advise limiting yourself to fresh air, drinking plenty of water, taking a contrast shower and other similar safe activities. The thing is that it is not known exactly how the body, weakened by a hangover, will react to this or that drug. Taking medications in this case requires careful monitoring, which cannot be done at home.

The instructions for the drug do not say anything about its negative interaction with alcohol. This is not due to the fact that there are no side effects in this case, but because such studies simply have not been conducted. Purely theoretically, there is nothing to fear: there are no prerequisites for these substances to enhance each other’s side effects. There is also no reason to believe that ethyl alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

However, everything is not so simple. The body's reaction to alcoholic drinks is always unpredictable. It is impossible to accurately predict how a particular drug will behave in combination with alcohol. As a rule, during the period of intoxication, the body becomes more sensitive and “capricious”. This means that he is more susceptible to the side effects of medications. Theoretically, ethyl alcohol can disrupt the distribution of Piracetam in the body and interfere with its action.

Strictly speaking, a course of taking nootropic drugs is not a contraindication for drinking alcohol, but in this matter it is best to exercise some caution. It is believed that ten to twelve hours should pass between drinking alcohol and taking Piracetam. In this case, you definitely don’t have to worry about their negative interaction.

Nootropics are those drugs that help restore memory lost due to various types of brain damage, be it trauma or long-term alcohol intoxication. They are often used by narcologists. However, it should be remembered that in chronic alcoholism, no medicine can become a panacea, and complete restoration of the brain is no longer possible. Piracetam only slightly helps improve this process. It is possible to use the drug for a hangover, but for this, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required. Nootropics are generally compatible with alcoholic drinks, but it is best not to combine them directly, but to wait some time between taking the medicine and ethanol.

Since Nootropil and alcohol have the same effect on the higher nervous activity of the human brain, their simultaneous use can lead to severe intoxication.

The healing substance of the drug, piracetam, has been used in medicine for more than 50 years. It is used to restore some functions of the central nervous system.

Medicines based on it are used as a stimulant in the course of complex therapy for the following conditions:

  • dementia;
  • organic personality lesions;
  • mental disorders;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • depression;
  • decreased mental activity.

Moreover, with the help of Nootropil, diseases caused by damage to the central nervous system by alcohol, drugs, injuries, and poisoning are treated. The product helps restore the intracellular balance of brain cells, improves blood circulation and protein synthesis.

It is also used to stimulate one’s own strength in patients with intrauterine or intrauterine injuries - cerebral palsy, epilepsy (due to brain hypoxia), toxic brain damage (in children born after maternal abstinence), unspecified head injuries during childbirth.

Nootropics are often included in a course of maintenance therapy in gerontology. By influencing metabolic processes, they help avoid many senile brain lesions:

  • loss of sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased emotional response;
  • lethargy\slow reaction speed;
  • intellectual-mnestic disorders.

Piracetam is actively used in psychiatry for the treatment of psychosis, delirium, and schizophrenia. It is also prescribed to those who are taking a course against alcohol, drug addiction or smoking.

Interaction with alcohol

Any form of the drug Nootropil does not show any activity with alcohol. However, this does not mean that you can drink. Having similar effects on the central nervous system, piracetam and ethanol will be equally strong stimulants. Only their action occurs at different levels. The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to:

  • acceleration of metabolic transformations in the cells of the nervous system;
  • regulation of the speed of recall of brain excitation;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation, but not due to expansion

In turn, alcohol has a depressing effect on all these processes and the body, trying to protect itself from toxic effects, releases many stimulating enzymes into the blood. Alcohol also leads to uncontrolled vasodilation. This causes the oxidation of all tissues to occur at maximum speed.

Such multidirectional but similar effects of the drug and alcohol cause active euphoria. Symptoms comparable to opiate effects.

Possible reactions

The compatibility of nootropics and alcohol has been a long-standing topic of discussion in the scientific community. Quite a few experiments have been carried out in this area. Through active practice, the possible consequences of such harmful effects with a single dose have been established:

  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • spasms of small muscles.

Clinical practice shows that with the regular combination of Nootropil and intoxicating drinks, persistent damage to the central nervous system develops:

  • stroke;
  • ischemic heart damage;
  • dementia;
  • loss of cognitive abilities;
  • attacks of unmotivated aggression (with complete loss of memories).

Also, this combination causes increased symptoms of chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, and lungs. It disrupts the electrical conductivity of the brain, which can cause the development of persistent epilepsy.

When can you drink

The ban on alcohol during short-term or one-time use of Nootropil lasts for at least a day. During a course of treatment, you should not drink for at least a month after stopping the drug. Most often, an additional instrumental blood test is required to decide when you can drink.

You can start taking the medicine no earlier than 72 hours after drinking. In a hospital setting, during a course of rehabilitation therapy after severe forms of drug intoxication or alcohol intoxication, the prescription of nootropics is possible only after the body has been completely cleansed of derivative opiates.

Special instructions

Since you can buy Nootropil without a prescription, people often start taking it without a doctor’s recommendation. Sales of such drugs especially increase during student exam periods. Often young people combine piracetam with alcohol, considering the healing effect to stimulate mental activity.

Experts strictly warn that the consequences of such experiments are a decrease in emotional and physical tone and systemic depression. Against the background of uncontrolled use of psychostimulants, hidden side effects develop, the detection of which is possible only after many years.

Narcologists also say that against the background of the active phase under the influence of Nootropil, any portion of alcohol can give rise to severe intoxication, both drug and alcohol. In this case, it will be impossible to use the vast majority of common drugs in treatment.

Mixing nootropics and so-called energy drinks is especially dangerous. The latter may contain derivatives of synthetic opioids, plant alkaloids and adaptogens. When mixed with racetams, they can cause hyperglycemia, hypothrombin coma, and hypervitaminosis.


A sure sign of an overdose of nootropics and alcohol is uncontrolled psychogenic behavior, failure of the instinct of conservation and attacks of severe suffocation.

The victim needs qualified medical care. First aid includes inducing vomiting, drinking plenty of fluids between attacks, and controlling behavior.

The visiting doctors need to show what the person took, so the specialists will react faster to the consequences that have occurred and will be able to apply the correct antidote.

Alcohol and drugs usually do not mix well with each other. Some drugs are completely prohibited from being used in combination with alcohol; such a combination can even lead to death. However, pharmacists are not always so categorical when it comes to combining alcohol and medications. One of the drugs that can be easily used in combination with alcohol is phenotropil.

Description of the drug Phenotropil

Phenotropil is a drug belonging to the class of nootropics, that is, drugs that improve brain activity.

Phenotropil has excellent characteristics:

  • helps improve memory and learning;
  • helps to concentrate and remember information;
  • supports the body during periods of severe stress;
  • improves mood;
  • increases the resistance of brain cells to the toxic effects of various substances;
  • maintains high performance.

Phenotropil has virtually no contraindications and serious restrictions for use. It is not prescribed only to children; it is used very carefully in persons with arterial hypertension, severe kidney and liver diseases, coronary disease, and in patients with serious psychiatric diagnoses.

The scope of application of phenotropil is very wide:

  • depressive states;
  • alcoholism, including;
  • any cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • vascular pathologies in the brain;
  • convulsions;
  • obesity;
  • stressful conditions;
  • memory impairment.

The drug is taken after meals, it is better if the time of administration is in the morning, since one of the negative effects of phenotropil is insomnia. A daily dose of more than 100 mg per day is divided into two doses. Exactly how many tablets to take and how long to treat - this can only be said by the doctor who prescribed this medicine. On average, the course of treatment with phenotropil takes from one to three months. But is it possible to drink alcohol during this period?
In the video about the drug Phenotropil:

Alcohol compatibility

Phenotropil is one of the drugs used to treat. Its unique effect is that the active substance of the drug reduces the effect of alcohol on the brain, thereby blocking alcohol intoxication. Having taken a phenotropil tablet before drinking, a person will remain sober throughout the evening, and the next morning he will not be tormented by a hangover. A course of taking phenotropil relieves cravings for drinking alcohol, helps restore impaired brain function damaged by long-term use of alcoholic beverages, and treats post-alcohol depression.

However, no matter what is said about the absence of harm when using alcohol and phenotropil together, it is not recommended to systematically combine these two substances. A single dose of alcohol after a morning tablet of medication is quite possible and most likely will not cause serious damage to the organs, but as for systematic binges during a course of treatment with the drug, the situation here is much sadder.

A long course of treatment with phenotropil significantly activates metabolic processes in the brain. After prolonged poisoning of the body with the breakdown products of ethanol, brain cells, previously stimulated by treatment, begin to actively absorb alcohol toxins, and their mass death begins.

In addition, phenotropil is known to enhance the depression of the central nervous system when it is initially depressed. But it is ethanol that is the precursor to such depression of the nervous system.

Possible consequences

As already mentioned, chronic alcohol consumption during treatment with phenotropil promotes massive death of brain neurons, called apoptosis. This process is irreversible and fleeting. The consequences of apoptosis are simply terrible - a person loses memory and the ability to abstract thinking, his speech becomes poor, visual and auditory activity decreases.

Even a single consumption of alcohol during a course of treatment with phenotropil may not lead to the desired effect of reducing intoxication, but to other consequences altogether. The inhibitory effect of ethanol on the nervous system in combination with medication can cause severe drowsiness, lethargy, and worsening mood.

It is worth noting that, in addition to the brain, there are other organs in our body that are in no way protected from the negative effects of ethanol toxins on them. Therefore, you should not rely on the magical effect of phenotropil as a protector of our body from the harm caused by alcoholic beverages.

Combination rules

Despite the good compatibility, doctors recommend spacing out phenotropil tablets and drinking alcohol. This means that after taking a phenotropil tablet in the morning, a person can drink alcohol only after 8-10 hours, and it is better if it is a small amount of wine rather than a bottle of vodka.


In general, expert reviews indicate that there should be no harm from the combined use of phenotropil and alcohol; these drugs get along well in the body, which does not lead to an immediate increase in the toxic effect of alcohol. However, one should always remember that a person is not a robot, but a complex organism, and it is almost impossible to predict in advance how a particular organ will react to such a combination. Therefore, a prudent person will take any medicine only as prescribed by a doctor and will never mix it with such a toxic substance as ethanol.

Stormy holidays often end in general poisoning of the body with ethanol. Hangover syndrome with terrible headaches, general weakness and intolerance to smells is found everywhere. The need for a “quick recovery” forces us to look for any way to get rid of the problem, including taking medications. How compatible are piracetam and alcohol? Will taking it cause side effects? Before being treated with medications, you need to learn about their basic properties.

Most medications actively interact with alcohol, with subsequent negative reactions and side effects. Ethanol can both enhance and reduce the effectiveness of drugs. Piracetam for alcohol intoxication is often prescribed to patients during a hangover period.

This feature does not allow the simultaneous use of low-alcohol or alcoholic products with the medicine; at least 12 hours must pass after the last glass of wine. The drug is widely used for alcohol withdrawal, but requires compliance with certain conditions of administration, including restoration of lost fluid.

Severe headaches are well suppressed by piracetam, in addition to them, it allows you to solve the problem:

  • arrhythmic abnormalities - a feeling of pronounced palpitations, “fluttering” and “fading” of the heart;
  • refusal to eat - without the supply of nutrients, cell restoration slows down;
  • excessive nervousness and involuntary trembling of the body, upper and lower extremities;
  • muscle pain syndrome.

Experts do not recommend using the medication uncontrollably; to properly recover from a hangover, you need to select the dosage. This should be done by the attending physician, focusing on the patient’s body weight, age and general condition of the body.

A positive quality of the product is considered to be the ability to take it in a short period of time. It is believed that piracetam has a minimal number of side effects, which allows it to be used for serious alcohol poisoning. Patients should remember that the drug is prohibited for use in the first 12 hours from the last dose of alcohol.

Piracetam and alcohol, their interaction

Alcoholic drinks are deservedly considered harmful to the body, especially to the liver. In case of illness, the use of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited, especially when undergoing drug therapy.

Piracetam and alcohol are not compatible - nootropic drugs do not solve the problem of intoxication and do not force the body to sober up faster. They are designed to treat the consequences of alcohol intoxication. Doctors strongly recommend not using piracetam during feasts.

Piracetam for hangover treatment

Alcohol withdrawal or hangover syndrome is a period when a person comes out of a binge state by completely stopping drinking alcohol. Subsequent physical and mental disorders are associated with a sharp abolition of already habitual daily doses of alcohol. Such deviations can become a source of pain and life-threatening conditions.

The solution to the problem of alcoholism lies not only in the help of qualified medical personnel, medications, but also in the desire of the patient himself. Stable intoxication with ethyl alcohol has serious consequences, the relief of which in some cases requires placing the patient in a clinic.

Symptomatic signs of a hangover are characterized by:

  • severe headache;
  • involuntary trembling of the upper and lower extremities, the whole body;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • increased dryness of the oral mucosa, severe thirst;
  • accelerated heartbeat, arrhythmic abnormalities;
  • refusal to eat, intolerance to the smell of prepared food;
  • sleep disturbance with nightmares, hallucinations and insomnia;
  • digestive disorders with loose stools;
  • increased nervousness with periodic panic attacks;
  • pain in the muscles, upper and lower extremities;
  • state of lethargy, weakness and apathy;
  • sudden outbursts of aggression and irritability.

With a short binge, with small doses of alcoholic beverages, therapy can take place at home. Doctors advise starting the restoration of the body by normalizing the water-salt balance, relieving painful sensations, and accelerating the elimination of accumulated toxins. Restoration of brain function depends on the speed of removal of accumulated harmful substances from the body.

The pain syndrome is easily suppressed by painkillers - benalgin, citramon, aspirin. To improve the functioning of the circulatory system, you should take a contrast shower, you are allowed to apply ice to your head - the narrowing of blood vessels will make the headache disappear.

If all primary measures do not give the desired result, you will need to consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the required dosage and duration of treatment with piracetam. The drug will help get rid of the above symptoms of intoxication and improve brain activity.

Taking piracetam and alcohol: compatibility and side effects

Piracetam for alcoholism allows you to get rid of the main clinical signs of stable ethanol intoxication and improve the general condition of the body. In addition to its positive qualities, the drug has side effects, the appearance of which provokes a stop in treatment and the need to replace the drug with an analogue.

Use of piracetam

The drug, like all nootropics, has a positive effect on metabolic processes and stabilizes blood circulation in the brain. With its help, glucose utilization is increased, metabolic processes are improved, and platelet aggregation is inhibited. The drug protects the body in case of brain damage due to poisoning, hypoxia or electric shock. The medicine does not have a sedative or psychostimulating spectrum of effects.

  • for memory problems, periodic dizziness;
  • reduced levels of concentration, emotional lability;
  • dementia formed due to impaired blood circulation in the brain, including the consequences of ischemic stroke;
  • TBI, Alzheimer's disease, for elderly patients;
  • for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal and psychoorganic syndrome provoked by chronic alcoholism.

Interaction with alcohol

  • in the occurrence of side effects that may occur when taking piracetam;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases recorded in the patient’s history;
  • unstable functioning of the kidney or liver with the formation of pathologies or organ failure - increased work on the breakdown of ethanol and the drug often leads to unpleasant consequences.

To avoid the occurrence of negative reactions, you should avoid taking alcohol and piracetam together.

Possible side effects and consequences

The main non-standard reactions of the body are observed with an unauthorized increase in dosages recommended by the doctor. The main side effects are:

  • unreasonable irritability, agitation, anxiety;
  • unstable state, with sharp transitions from positive emotions to attacks of aggression;
  • disturbance of night sleep with prolonged insomnia;
  • attacks of nausea with vomiting;
  • problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • spontaneous dizziness, convulsive syndrome;
  • deviations in the functionality of the heart.

In some patients, signs of allergic reactions to the drug were recorded - dermatological itching, skin hyperemia, rashes, and nettle fever.

Piracetam is not recommended for use in patients with kidney or liver diseases - in case of emergency, the selection and adjustment of dosages is carried out by the attending physician. The use of piracetam for pregnant and nursing mothers is prohibited - the active components of the drug easily pass into breast milk.

There is a theory that the drug may become the primary source of the development of acute coronary insufficiency. There have been no specialized studies on the problem of adverse reactions during piracetam therapy, and there is no information about the possible consequences.


The nootropic drug has a positive effect on the body weakened by alcohol, suppressing the main clinical picture of ethanol poisoning. To obtain the maximum effect when carrying out therapeutic measures, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  • therapy should be carried out in courses; a one-time use of piracetam will not give the desired result;
  • treatment is not stopped on one day - a gradual reduction in dosage is carried out in order to exclude the development of drug withdrawal syndrome;
  • during treatment, it is not advisable to drive a car or perform dangerous work that requires maximum concentration;
  • the patient should not forget about the need to maintain a time interval between alcoholic beverages and taking the pill - the standard interval is 12 hours.

If the recommendations are followed correctly and accurately, piracetam will improve the functionality of the brain and protect the body from the negative effects of ethanol breakdown products. The drug should not be considered an ideal remedy - piracetam has a positive effect on hangovers, but its interaction with alcohol can lead to dire consequences.

The medicine has not undergone sufficient clinical trials, its absolute harmlessness is in doubt. Self-treatment with piracetam is prohibited - therapy should be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor.

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The proper functioning of the human brain can be disrupted for various reasons:

  1. aging;
  2. injuries;
  3. various diseases, including coma and ischemic stroke.

In all these cases, nootropic drugs are effective in restoring brain function. The first medicine from this group was synthesized in 1964. It is still used in medical practice and is also known as Nootropil. For some diseases it is taken for several months.

The instructions for use of Nootropil do not contain precise data on the prohibition of alcohol during treatment. This gives some patients a reason not to limit themselves to drinking strong drinks. What are the consequences? Nootropil and alcohol - what could this combination be fraught with? Familiarity with the properties and effects of the medicine will help you figure this out.

Features of Nootropil

Nootropics, and Nootropil belongs to this group of drugs, are sometimes called neurometabolic stimulants.

They increase mental abilities:

  • activate cognitive functions;
  • help improve memory;
  • help you study more successfully;
  • make the brain more resistant to heavy stress and lack of oxygen.

All this is possible thanks to the following mechanism of action of Nootropil:

  1. ATP synthesis is enhanced, the antihypotoxic and antioxidant effect is felt, and all together improves the energy state of neurons;
  2. the amount of synthesized proteins and RNA increases, which activates plastic processes in the central nervous system;
  3. glucose absorption improves;
  4. processes of synaptic transmission in the central nervous system are accelerated;
  5. cell membranes are stabilized.

Nootropil is quickly absorbed and can penetrate almost all organs. In any dosage form, its bioavailability is very high - up to 95%.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the body is observed within an hour, and sometimes faster. Nootropil is not metabolized in the body. The elimination process is carried out by the kidneys in 30 hours.

Active ingredients of Nootropil

Nootropil is available both in the form of capsules for oral administration and in the form of a solution that can be injected into a vein or muscle. One capsule contains 400 mg of piracetam, the active ingredient of the drug. The ampoule may contain 5 ml of a colorless solution containing 1 g of piracetam, or 15 ml - 3 g of the active substance.

Piracetam is the structural formula of the active substance of the drug Nootropil

The dosage depends on the disease. Capsules are taken during or immediately before meals. The medicine should be washed down with water. The drug is administered intravenously or into the muscles if oral administration is not possible.

When is Nootropil prescribed?

The drug is effective in the following cases:

  • with a decrease in mental abilities in older people;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • to relieve withdrawal symptoms in chronic alcoholics;
  • elimination of the consequences of ischemic stroke;
  • after recovery from coma;
  • for the treatment of dizziness not associated with vascular pathology;
  • with cortical myoclonus;
  • together with other drugs for sickle cell anemia;
  • if speech in children over 3 years of age lags behind in development.

The list is impressive. Considering that the drug is taken over long courses, the question of whether Nootropil can be taken with alcohol arises in many patients.

Is it possible to combine Nootropil and alcohol?

The kidneys have to work double duty, removing the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol and piracetam, which is not conducive to their health. If you drink Nootropil and alcohol at the same time, reviews from those who did not pay attention to doctors’ recommendations indicate a deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Consequences of taking alcohol and medicine together

In patients taking Nootropil and not giving up drinking, the effect of treatment is often the opposite of what is expected:

  1. memory deteriorates;
  2. attention and ability to concentrate decrease;
  3. dizziness appears, and along with it comes a headache;
  4. depression develops;
  5. Convulsions and even epileptic attacks may begin.

All this makes the compatibility of Nootropil and alcohol simply impossible.

Someone may object: the medicine is prescribed to alcoholics for relief. But this only happens when ethanol has already been eliminated from the body. There is no contradiction here.


Those patients who drink nootropic drugs and alcohol at the same time risk their health. Such “treatment” will only bring harm.

Video: Nootropil capsules - official instructions for use