The winners of the "World of Equal Opportunities" festival have been announced. The World of Equal Opportunities festival is accepting applications

Organizing CommitteeVIIIFestival of social Internet resources “World of Equal Opportunities” announces the start of accepting applications.

The annual festival of social Internet resources “World of Equal Opportunities” was organized in 2010 to identify and encourage the most significant social, artistic and technological Internet resources aimed at solving various issues in the field of integration of people with disabilities into society. The festival helps to overcome information and communication barriers, creating a comfortable information environment, further revealing the creative potential of all event participants. The organizers of the festival are: the United Country Foundation for the Support of Disabled People and the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.

Main objectives of the festival:

involving people with disabilities in active public life and increasing the information culture of society;

attracting the attention of government and non-government organizations to the problems of people with disabilities;

popularization of the activities of organizations of disabled people;

formation of a favorable public opinion about the achievements of people with disabilities and their contribution to the development of society;

increasing the professionalism of specialists involved in web technologies.

“The World of Equal Opportunities festival is noticeably gaining momentum every year, both in the number of participants and in the quality and level of Internet resources. Festival participants are people from different cities and countries, all kinds of professions and specialties, but each of them makes a huge contribution to the integration and socialization of people with disabilities, helping to change society's attitude towards people with disabilities. I invite all creative, active and caring contestants to participate in our festival,” said Mikhail Terentyev, Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, Chairman of the festival organizing committee.

The festival is attended by authors, creators of websites, Internet resources published in Russian and dedicated to solving the problems of people with disabilities. Applications can be submitted by both individuals and legal entities. Registration of works for the festival is free of charge.

Acceptance of works is carried out from February 6 to April 7, 2017. in the following seven categories:

    “Children as Children” (online resources dedicated to education, social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities);

    “Together we can do more” (online resources of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People);

    “One world, one dream” (official websites of public organizations of disabled people);

    “Discovery of the Year” (online resources taking part in the festival for the first time);

    “Life goes on” (blogs, personal sites, home pages, pages on social networks);

    “Sport of Equal Opportunities” (Internet resources dedicated to sports for people with disabilities);

    “Kindness is the basis of peace” (online resources of charitable organizations)

The selection of winners will be carried out by voting by members of the Expert Council for the best sites that most meet the basic conditions and criteria of the festival.

In June 2017 An awards ceremony for the winners of the festival will take place in Moscow.

Detailed rules and conditions for submitting applications can be found in the Event Regulations on the official website of the festival:



The festival of social Internet resources “World of Equal Opportunities” has been held since 2010. The organizers of the festival are the United Country Foundation for the Support of Disabled People and the All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons (VOI). During the existence of the festival, more than 1,400 applications from 50 regions of the Russian Federation, near and far abroad countries were submitted for participation.

Among social Internet resources, a competent jury selected seven of the most interesting online projects.

On May 31, the Sokolniki Culture and Recreation Park hosted an award ceremony for the winners and laureates of the VIII Festival of Social Internet Resources “World of Equal Opportunities.” The festival was attended by authors and creators of websites published in Russian and dedicated to solving the problems of people with disabilities. In total, 442 applications were received this year from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova.

In May, the expert council, which included representatives of public organizations and honored masters of sports, evaluated 70 works. And among these works, the winners and laureates in each of the nominations were determined. First of all, the social and public significance of the resource was assessed. What was important was a creative approach to the presentation of material, the content and interactivity of the site (Internet resource), design and “usability” of the site. In addition, the jury assessed the frequency of updating information and the effectiveness of increasing tolerance towards people with disabilities. Such Internet resources, according to experts, should solve the most pressing issues in the field of integration of people with disabilities into society.

The competition was held in seven categories. Among the Internet resources of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, the Bashkir Republican Organization of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People won in the category “Together we can do more.” The website “My Mother is the Most Beautiful” (Belgorod Region) took the prize in the “Children as Children” category, dedicated to the education, social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities. In the “Life Goes On” category, the blog of audiovisual translator from the Stavropol Territory Ivan Borshchevsky “Describe the Invisible” was recognized as the best. The official website of VOS (Moscow) won recognition from the jury in the “One World, One Dream” nomination. In the nomination “Discovery of the Year” the site U Sova (Belarus) won, in the nomination “Kindness is the basis of peace” - the Union of Large and Families with Disabled Children (Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region), in the nomination “Sport of Equal Opportunities” - the Center for Adaptive Sports of Yugra (Tyumen region).

In addition to the winners, the jury noted the festival laureates. The full list is published on the website of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.

“Our festival is being held for the eighth time, but interest in the topic of people with disabilities does not fade, and what is especially pleasant is that every year new participants submit applications for the competition,” explained the chairman of the festival organizing committee, chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, State Duma deputy Mikhail Terentyev at the awards ceremony. - This year we received applications from 100 Internet resources participating in the festival for the first time. This fact is very pleasing, as well as the fact that sites that have existed for a long time are dynamically changing and developing - all this suggests that we are all together making this world a kinder place.”

The charitable regional public organization “Special Petersburg” received a special prize from the Social Information Agency - a diploma and a ceramic plate made by the charitable foundation “Creative Association Circle” (TOK). The foundation is engaged in sociocultural rehabilitation and professional adaptation of deaf-blind people.

I drew a prize plate Gennady Alyapin, artist, actor, TOK employee and the only dancer in the studio with hearing and vision impairments. He hears music with the help of a cochlear implant.

The organizing committee of the ninth festival of social Internet resources “World of Equal Opportunities” announces the start of accepting applications, the organizers reported. The selection of winners will be carried out by voting by members of the expert council, including the chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, chairman of the festival organizing committee, State Duma deputy Mikhail Terentyev, as well as representatives of public organizations and business structures.

“I invite all active, caring and creative people to participate in our festival, who are not indifferent to the problems of people with disabilities, who make their feasible contribution to the integration of people with disabilities into modern society. The festival is a platform for the exchange of useful experience and information on rehabilitation, obtaining vocational education and advanced training, employment, and the creative and sporting achievements of people with disabilities. At this year’s festival, as promised, we added two new nominations. Of course, they will help evaluate works that previously could not be classified within the existing nominations,” he noted. Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, Chairman of the organizing committee of the ninth festival of social Internet resources “World of Equal Opportunities” Mikhail Terentyev.

The festival has been held annually since 2010 with the aim of supporting and encouraging the most significant social, artistic and technological Internet resources aimed at the integration and socialization of people with disabilities into society. The goals of the festival are to help overcome information and communication barriers, create a comfortable information environment, further revealing the creative potential of all event participants.

An expert jury will evaluate the social and public significance of the resource, a creative and original approach to presenting material, the content and interactivity of the site (Internet resource), design, usability and accessibility of the site, frequency of updating information, the effectiveness of increasing tolerance towards people with disabilities and a number of others criteria.

The festival is attended by authors, creators of websites, Internet resources in Russian, dedicated to solving the problems of people with disabilities. Applications can be submitted by both individuals and legal entities. Registration of works is free of charge. Over the years of the festival, the organizers have received about 2,000 applications from various regions of the Russian Federation, countries near and far abroad.

The organizers of the festival are the “United Country” support fund for disabled people and the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.

The Organizing Committee of the IX Festival of Social Internet Resources “World of Equal Opportunities” announces the start of accepting applications. The competition is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

The festival of social Internet resources “World of Equal Opportunities” has been held annually since 2010 with the aim of supporting and encouraging the most significant social, artistic and technological Internet resources aimed at the integration and socialization of people with disabilities into society. The goals of the festival are to help overcome information and communication barriers, create a comfortable information environment, further revealing the creative potential of all event participants.

The winners will be selected by voting by members of the Expert Council, including the Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, Chairman of the Festival Organizing Committee, State Duma Deputy Mikhail Terentyev, as well as representatives of public organizations and business structures.

“I invite all active, caring and creative people who are not indifferent to the problems of people with disabilities and who make their contribution to the integration of people with disabilities into modern society to participate in our Festival. The festival is a platform for the exchange of useful experience and information on rehabilitation, vocational education and advanced training, employment, and the creative and sporting achievements of people with disabilities. At this year's festival, as promised, we added two new nominations. Of course, they will help evaluate works that previously could not be classified within existing nominations,” said Mikhail Terentyev, Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the IX Festival of Social Internet Resources “World of Equal Opportunities.”

Applications are accepted in the following categories:
1. “Together we can do more” (Internet resources of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People and public organizations of disabled people);

2. “Road to Life” (online resources about career guidance, vocational training, advanced training, employment of people with disabilities);

3. “Sport of equal opportunities” (Internet resources dedicated to sports for people with disabilities);

4. “Kindness is the basis of peace” (online resources of charitable organizations helping people with disabilities);

5. “Discovery of the Year” (Internet resources taking part in the Festival for the first time);

6. “Children as Children” (Internet resources dedicated to the education, social and medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities);

7. “Life goes on” (blogs, video channels, personal sites, home pages, pages on social networks);

8. “Creative Workshop” (Internet resources telling about the creative successes of people with disabilities);

9. “There is such a profession” (online resources of specialists teaching people with disabilities).

An expert jury will evaluate the social and public significance of the resource, a creative and original approach to presenting material, the content and interactivity of the site (Internet resource), design, usability and accessibility of the site, the frequency of updating information, the effectiveness of increasing tolerance towards people with disabilities and a number of other criteria.

Stages of the Festival:

Awarding of the winners and laureates of the Festival: end of May 2018

The festival is attended by authors, creators of websites, Internet resources published in Russian and dedicated to solving the problems of people with disabilities. Applications can be submitted by both individuals and legal entities. Registration of works is free of charge. Over the years of the Festival, the organizers have received about 2,000 applications from various regions of the Russian Federation, countries near and far abroad.

The organizers of the festival are the United Country Foundation for the Support of Disabled People and the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.